«) h lav l„t ■ " j^'^cha - -! ;K p •>• nuin. . - , “I »«rii, of b^at '"f "■ ‘'»!v on ' r:i S',■“ tWij . ' '■- '.t .U,ff,renr;".' i 1 Ii^{Q p * ' ’ “V \ ■- v ^ ?';'■"* ««i ■'^ners .!;*,!»kx. r " than'> , in thl . *:?.vnvthii T ^ It is gjjj We have of IV I-'T. o r t ' March.. ^ had,;' • t is now bt. ‘‘ = t-jretssjj ^hat, • ' f''*"''me nn. q«»e a, vi-.p =^ver aVjut that old ■^er. f*... K, 23.- ■■■' Jw&nerai ; TwHQty^ij and tc. ;‘»omethirtv J h ire. li I: ' - bean parttnent. > ovideutlj If i' imminc-nt t p,r •' -Jfd frOE, - ^ f' M ‘he Mea. n> w.-re afloat u ' -rTiian h»d ■ :..i "-pimen! t-dt Hsf. • H .T. -. ;hor._- Whjic. ■rsan wa;» report- •j—-V yaiiLoe forcc;.;' ■' - ^.- ■'U. The id- nv jr, 12 miie* J' ’ i! ■ an iuipnrtani •■. ; r,' st‘ ps will be -'?■ '^egiciii, - I-.tiUii?’ 6at- t ,pe Jhe f .,• f' - arr^arsDce ! • ‘.wfiv Roaze . ■ tc- ’ ■ 1 :he rne- - ur >r^rkr utV'src? an (■i'v B?- .thp ' nemv . ? ; .other \Ttl-: iiju't with tic .V -. that the * .| h, ot thr fie ciry is - project is 1 ' M III' (' U y> in ^ tl rti III > h- t 1' lit t !D \ ^ /i. ■■ —?A- . in ■:‘omin2 , i MU the Ji^rovered .u ironclad - t.Lville at -II an io- ■ ■:tini: her oo . ’ -ri tired upon ^ti«‘i tUD'AlSy ^ _ ,i” j: ,n arrived firingi'ig io K.an inter- - ^ uri-r The Tri- a:. t->0k ► ,.r .Terfc niie . i iiP bsrbor ■ ^ r/ul fr^^' ,3, four roiif'' . ^■lorlda r»D .=■. - ,1 a ne« 'i.l> 'X' . ^iwA* '.^rh'->u^ ■h ler - ;. arij, 0". : ,a( '.'I iirig' ^^fhi^com- U , ' - i j; :Otl®' in com- H n.rt ■ie'it': , • ,. d and , strong- -f Miiroy. - rarrvinu-^“_ P>. . ■ ;".v:rh-"rf 1 , ktel^ ,. he • j ,.-.1, seifinp »" rp far Vhavethuj . J.e "reatl? ■ . x-pn'i cff'f ‘j ■1? . co»o«irt'“ ?*5 H V K K ? S'.. U KVr MV , mT cH 5. lw-,3. ti-ii .r • ontid iirl-. hor.^>l *h» t > fi>n in ih*» •h- i - -r * P>irfJv Troni a mi,- If! itn un'i I'f- WHr it ; 1 .. .i. •I r^.in. !*• I'f sinl iit'ipr ■ - ,• \V »>VU- iif rfnr \v f ; •rff'r : V K •••' •J! ii:' 'iz.-. Hi»«l part •• -i> I : wliirh o -1 V 1‘iimi VP 111.*.' iti ■ h** Jit (•« W -.. • in ; i; ro M 'I 111 ph V Hiiil V. • - . -(K WP il^i *ii#» ;>r;.’0 of '* 1)'' Tiirkk l)i i.t,Ml;-' per In ' l*>8:Tip »i, ,- .---*tioif* i f. :>■ 'f ' "n iiT-’ I nil ■r J ft- -!pif ('f -tjfv Tr p -I SV r- ; ii-v.it’ Me' 'i( M l, M Kh\ ■i.rl.'iii .t ihc Hfpriwojii-, ■t '. hf VV t ■ “■•ini'I p|.r,. t'oNorv.ii** —The Sena.e ilid n*'! rti«*et on S&tnrday Id the Houpo. the l^resideijt communicated from the War Pepartinent «i !isi cf oiviliaQ prifioners now in ou«'odj « .‘5'itiobiiry. N , with cenain r«ooD)inen1a- rHit » ?tt er.>!o I., i up.n-he i able and ordered f ■ » p prini^'ii A resoluti. to adjoutn on the ICih inst W1S laM on the table. 87 to 36. Mr. Barkadal* of Miae nfferf.i a hill fo confer on ih«» Pre«id«»nt the right lo Hm|>eud the writ of huLras corpun wherever and when ever Iht* pulilio inierest jti his opinion may reijuire it. 1*11 Monday .Mr (Hdh >m of 1Vx»;»; from the Comrait- nr ('iiiiinierre, i-tji'irie.l luck the joint reNoliitioD re- i i'ive III I tie free navigation ot the Mi>aif«!«ippi river, with H piitwuniie, the preflmt le to which deolarefl that :f : ifii- HP i ivj'oitrn/.i*'! Mill* of* iniernHlinnal law ihai ill** rijfh’ i( nnvijtrtiin? tor commercial purpop^H a fivei whji'h tlow^ 1'roin f'n*' Sl;ifr ihrnngh ihp territory •)t Hiioitior Si iiH I.. i« coninnni lo all natione on liie 'lit*'let'; ;-,ri« .>1 it« hKiikr, .v.-*. The renolution of tlif I'oiiiiir- • ihi- j r»*Htn>ilc. and declares the fic** iiiiv;srHtioii 01 the Mipciii'iippi river to be a natural nrh At'the people of all the 8iates> upon its hanks and wj>. II :|-i> hHitkr of i!t> HHwiTHhip (rir'iit-irif*'' The repiTTt >.it^ tiTdered lo I'e printed Mr t)ldh;»iu, from the Postal t^mmittee, reported i'Hck, nritli ;ii> -tDiFudnu-ut, I hr bill providing for free | oK>uge for ii€w-*pnpern to soldi?r' in the army. The Senate then went into FjxecniiTe sespion. I 111 ihf Hiiiiie. the bill rr MiUhorize the accepfaiice f iiiTrire* ■ni. ih»* j ircr-t s -i .ni Mipsotiri and Kentucky for a less time than I three \ (»arf, w-\s ■abh'd, when the House went, into se- ore' ■»»-8iiion '•n TupKiUv. iioihtn? of inierost in open nesaion in eirhe' Hnu«e In sfrrei «e‘«ir.n 'hi» Moniie pned Ihe ''iirr»yirv l-ill wiiich laietv the Senate. We ADDRESS OF GEN. D. n. HILL. ON A'^SUMINQ I LATEST W^R NEWS COMMAND IN NORTH CAKOLINA Pi ,, ,, j . c i . rtght Vommmeed at Sai'UTi!tt>i —Sa\ annah. .March nKaDQUARTKns, OoLDSBimo’, N. (’., ) •‘^.—The enemv attacked Fort McAlister. The iction f ♦•bniary 2/)th, 18G3 j i comrienced at B ;{U ibi» moniitie. Ttire** irun olnds The und^igned ha>« een placed in charge of the are olaying 'ii ihe Fort, tjne eight inch cohiinbiHd has Troo^ in NortJi i i"H In ‘t-^siiming i->niniaod. tie been di^^moiinted Two of our men -ihifrtilv «r«timle'i would addresi a few word« of eTh,.nai„.n i. -.m force.-. The ftriug caiitimieH very heavy SoLUiBBs! Tour btu«al nnd malit/tiMm er.(>mv i« *ini ting forth efforts nr.e»«ni'^'e;' :m hp ^f li'*- Wi!rVi . Having failed fo onbjusrn e n h.* i i.tme.i wiiii | • he thirst for vengoanc--. h" ^ j j.n-i.in'- (‘(.rwHr-l ! •>> I foreign mereennriea to pbin )»T v.i'm- ♦'^^'renv ftiM? )>iv watite your home* Biu hi- tn.ni'fliuiin^ h.i>5: . t.r*-ti j Jtee F .- irov t ( ■ 1 -P'Te I he ( oiiu :-'ii l.'i :|'(-ort > ■ 1.1 r , -,l K- ' «p.| I . ilirr i II - ■.( 11- .'f «i\»i \ !!-- I 1 . ku. w ii.'ihiiitr ,'V it ■»« yet ■ I ■■ -.'^iirli 10 the litie given bj' the New \ iirk tierslit t.i VtirHiiudi Ijineoln. l ife l^eudrnt of the i' I V led S'n'eu n‘.w ■'Trrnpnroi~i/ Ihctaior' thereof. Wt^i'nin il'f Mificle in the oopioiis details of 'orihern new*; vv i Np r>i-> . .. in A' H .v* ' .'i-i!ric*= -j 1‘^t-ph .- ? L'l:- rl. ‘ reok—G'/’rge » = -■ F7sn. -K M t 'i\'il!:j*ni Bi- linnr' .1 i . P. ^ vi*r Run—D-.vi.l .McNo-ij, ■; boM.v^ k U'ver—J W G-- win. N i rth ' .-r’l' r>‘pl; - H "n B H- v ,T ■micfe - 'Tenty - F —SI—\V ■ i« ,1 f>ha -s id John Mcl.Hiicriin ■- V \ R -’kf. h —^’if'iam ^ii->Iiiian, Hohh,. ■ ;,>eek-F .in, i-, H Kv«i; ' arvej- .r Creek - V aieii! .i Di>w> - t' ' ir ^^^•l ■.: -1 t'.jh '-S'. ^ - u- - s-se i Sliepher-i f. r I'orrectH i ' JiT' .i. ri’ucv 'i'-'. Mr Snep'- ^ i. aw«- Mtrover \lfx'r Max in- -.M. a MrC'lelian, n t‘ ' : : ,n l> " :e! NtoUia; ^ r\- v> ni ept« .aiy may Liu- >i(i I't- lernie.i L'HTntor: tor the «ii8j>en .111 III (fic wi ll ii! iiFit-en%. .•orpii.J. the penalties (..fiaoted /•iit.ii inv ri iii(.*’V'r( ,>vpn ni bin o.iniluct. Ihe authori- V to ,m1I i?'.v 'Vp nii!i»f-.rv .■•.•Tvic*' evcrybotly in his do- !fMn'.n*- 4ii‘l iht* now*~-i ; ■ n«'' -he crp lit of the country nt hi“ di(»creiiott. with -\ii fxpreim di«»rei{ard of aoj oon- fititu'r-.nsi Hni’t make hitr >*a thor.'.Uih u Dicis'or as iht' KiDi*er"ii of Kii^oi'i .‘.r ' p of Coii.h AIwmvs pro- videl hr I'lt^opir .'t itu-' -I'niit-d ure no humiliated ' I. » thp^r ri-fkHi' «,.k. W .11 they do it* J P. t'finiei Bain. Sen'r, They may iiibmif ' ' everything else but an indiscrimi nate .->■;■' :iiihe field of battle, but we cannot believe »*iejr vrilj -ahmii • . 'h »i Tti^ir rights of personal lib erty .. . ‘ h» - ;.i-ii!i» 7 >!w ,v ulpeady with scarcely i"; r, . viiioe Bin !(,.• t.ait'f ij;-).i ii tippD suppliel ^ iih vlciun 'r.vii the trutterh htiu fn.m ih-> claita, al ready ei’ »U''aj, ■ f lEon who n;^.; h :»»ie for that sort hfi I'h V vii.» nri- now h- me manifestlr hav-> ni.> oii ], -fisi-, an ' we f>i*l unfiJent will not be forced If. its aioptioii Nor iln we believe tti'\i the soldier^ now in Lincoln's nrmy, ^n.t whose terms will expirr it! .April and May, will iiniiniii i.> he .'(>t>sori]>ie.l Ii i- well known that liiey h>ive ha.J enough nf .sickness -ai'i >iutt'ering, and of Jriibhings Hy the Confederal*--; rh%t they have “no jiom i^'h tor the fieht," and that they have been looking . w I . wiiii Mti.Mnii-i longings lor (he expiration of ihetr term of servicf. They will either resist detention ir quietly de-»en Such is our hrm belief, and so we f g.iod cherr. the war canno* Ih'I much long .-\ F.\lsk hkrok Kxpwmvu —Ttie generally renpecta- ble, and certainly able and ^luere^tlng. correspondent of the CI.;ivle“toti t nurii’r. ‘-PiTsotntf,” produced a very (e. - ng of dislike of himself in the Eastern part of the Si>4te by some If iters written by him from Kin- ion shortly afier ttie h-ittli- at tha' pUoe. lie ridi culed the style ot living itjert-. sei ioing to forget thnt the pli»ce had been bLgiit. d l>y -i yiulcee visit, and ev.*ryttiing contu>.« i by the pi i ► n-v of a large urn.y. liut worre than tLa. hea».*eri.'d tuai ‘Mien. Evans' chief iifficuiiv’’ in tiis iniliiHry op.-ra:j(in- there, was “the tial-.ijalty ..f ttie people.’ Walter Imnii. Jr Provowi Ntarihiil tn Kinm.m. (for- tuei ly l.diinr "I me KiL'! n .\ i vi>cHie. j has most etfec- jaily uiei thih cnnrge. lie p;onoiincen it ••grossljr SiHlliier.iilH, pi jv , He .-liVi: •Ti.ert- iiiii iiiiw. uiir n. re *.e.-o in a uionih. a -iajiic II. lii uitpnsMtiea or r," iij;tii t iiie on ilie cnarge it . ,“i I- IS uiiiv^i-«iiy conceded inai ; 1- ,Mfi .-'tew iiiouiti a e h‘\v.'ii ul V ij^ilnt.t and prompt n comman i n ,his j. ,>. N w. if --the peuplt lion" Mre -II •Mi.sloyiii ' H*. to reii-ier n.iittary : V : : McD. , J P, \ltr.' i J a*'i»80v, K. ■ P. ri ( hloct -■ V\ .■ art- in.li-b'ed ’ >e f-.lli-wiDgr-iHte -■‘I'.n 11> -I hfi-i t ?. t'ublio h .g rr ‘.or: hsirmnti 'f rhe Ki- : -ee t'.ir ihe tn.-iiigiir.-ii ■■■>n if nr. fair k •f lUf vtbirh. having been without dircct reiiderti. h !: - I h -n nhiised: - • m II. 'h- n in-l'- -'f -ieve- 'nni I", 'reneral ^'i-*«tnMv civt-n to the i-i iiu;; : ’"p 1 power- of t'txatiuti ! >r e ’Unty n ’ - tiie i !;;h; i ^ di^ rimir -te b- tweeii .'ion > y la\ ine :io«vy ■iirden.'- •• ’ »T . (or-.. Tueri-are a ich the tax will be he-sTirr nron particu- ■ t: ' ‘ .1 ii!lier». harf-- - .• S:-itp ihx '■ -I, tfi -• ‘ iri'culsr hrni- . 1- ■; ;hx p» - - " ’e' ' a ~ir;i'.r -iiii; .riniiy to he ob- - • ^ : 'iii! - i-I , iiir : f ni:;;. - . • '. ri- I ; ; iou 1 *ii f 'pv,»ry hundred dol^i.i3 ii. !an'b>, ‘=i‘-;t rn tie- ' 1 ,-i tr>‘.t- . .1 - .1 . . I- .--.Ithe every hundred '‘•nl-:;7 |.. va; ,!.i : ’ .1^ .11 tine i rt-1: 1 iOll ii'-ideti I- nr it . rr -it { 1 eu-iice ttia. Ihe I'-'H u ' - .i: :ti- !'■ ' - -i I'igM; t t, 111 '• - V 'i.-r'^ '^.'si:" I,'- -i''- " . ihert-hy i«ix i •- ' .-t 1- me rule an-i ill-* ■ re ;■ 'i*-i:r II woi‘- -i :;-tr u- to Ji'-'ur.ne sh •( ■ - XP“ hy .uijii-i discr.ii.’.ii-i' ■f- r a psrticMlar pacrifi ill-*'lUiiiry 'I'tipjp t^x^"'! Were .■lu i -.HVe-, ..II • he uei .V rei-i'eiiT. Ii. tiii II -III i 1 . :n>- Miiii'l e n.il nrny nijr;'!i- .i:pay , I V fi>-i -I Ir c'ed w t'Hce n.,1 ' anU III..-it HC ■ .n fr J I tie td ' lUCi'ili In - ■ y, hi ie taxed L Ii L I. . -I ^;. ■ = till! el I I'up iriljii \\ - 1. Ii! II r-.' ■> ' '■ 1-1-- ; -.^i-l [-11’ • i ! 1- lit ‘r I'n* tax ■ .>•1 W-t-.-Il til 1 H Jt.'ll 1 ..1 \:- Ku-Ii iell,til wh. I lt..)l ii.i^ti ' 1 J-ei'ji.e gHliel «ee|- (he ■■ bre': 5 •. j.: V are btUt'i the»e pai to UM, a*^ .l.ey k -i' ■ ai iti.) j. 1 - ■ pe tiit.i .I’v ot t'.i sei’t '.;er*' (amii'.e- I- ’• III >i ■' .3 rein b i e h I \ .1.1 •I !a- V iHl; uppl.i* Wt'h S f- H..I :.d- « -.>1 h"d -ge Ul 1 Li.'ii 1 '-.ipy n'-'V‘ PitC.^IOTION.--U'-' .■ ir ' -r’e Light Arii n-rv t V m-i, 1 . , , '•>1 antcj’ A ir»en I at lii.l ioiiof.u^ ■ h- • ■ ! li, ■ ■ . N- W V • rk Ht;i nld of 1 lie •' ti J-illil-I1- -■* ill .-.ur:‘e tieea auIi. .j ■ f-li. «iitve ■ will! K 1 111, iiCCiUi.t ir.im a ,r!*-ip-'_;i lent fn ' , .(*1:' t a aiccecaftjl r.ivalry raid fron: that place iii : i)n«!'^w c”'intip« The r.fiooimt is c. n- - Ii . u ’■ jr r ttian b'.rd VV>Min}:s tt'« -'flloial report ■ of Waierlo", th'ir-ii e reoulis were not . • - .1 I r: .n’ - tl.e vti.kees losing one omn kiile I »!i w. nil led. ’tii'i Cl |)iuritig tfirec prisdners and -' ■ ».■ . ; U ind d'go Tl-^-y also prof«J«« to 1- ; : 1 . .-i vi r.tr l.i"! but givi no Mc- ,(11 .!.• il.rtt h>id fill-d th.-m. I’he lleinid >■ ; nil.I .:l _v ■ II, - ‘ 1' III'V . :i N .fth I’-i.rol III is inier.'9'uig The ■ ' -v, 4 tvH ly h;i* iiiitJe HU exten-'ive tour " "i-'i rri I' Trc:it in, .w n; d other ji'.aces in rri'tidii ..{ Wiliiiirn£!-n tir, aking uji rebel Cnnips. ir.i; ir w rUr 1 ri lfr. . . unJ cij-uiriug "■‘•IS. hoT-'i-“ and c ilors The rxfieditioii, which • inii ii'^iii-* with the d i-h w:i« suc- iii'i ■..-(.-Ul ■■ i>-ly H » ek lu its I. line liui itxHOHii'. N Feb. 10;h, 18b‘2. lir-Mtie-ijcfi: i our''/(Kipliiiieni-it-y letter was received hy iiK‘ vest'*rday I feel a sohlier’-i pride in having ih'- ir^ti'*,e of yoiir eontideiice, and it gives me ' 1-lr i-tir- ’ ■ “TV iliit f/it Jutis I'f 'ny command toere great- I ill ii.ijiileni il I'll iUf h‘‘ortf/ rn-ojifrfiiioti o f the cifizfnf of 1 licifufy, iiml my ‘•fiiy among you ai:i'le agreeable ; Sy ihp Uin in» nl'Mio^e wn lui you r»prejeiii, your wives, , iln'i>; u*v-i. -iv.o)- 411,* ii)i>ibf-i-. 10 niV'ieli lind luy coin- mand If the enemy thiili -ignin ihr, ileii yf n. I will gladlv ■ ibey the ,,r'ler 10 nasieii to your protection. 1 a':i, getillemen. very rpnpppif„Hy_ Your ob’i servHiii n. q iiVAN.S. To .Me*.srK K J Powe'!!. .\lex Nichol \V 0. Br-an in.l others. Wp think our readers will conenr with us that “Ppr- sonne’’ i« a thoroughly Dunn up per.;oti. ' ' jsoiig ’ tr; T. i ,i!;-io -"III '.irt .t coj y of Uen. Ariilr.'as on assuming command in thia State, *ttiOa we publish in another column Hii *0 often beiten and bsffl.’il, ihai ih?y »n- n.iw in aged and ilemoralized. ShnuM y>'i he qlilo 10 che k them everywhere for iben«xi -ny .Uvh, the it rep hiiii dred thousand who«e time expri*s in Mnv, w 1 n it r - enlist, and the w«r will end hpfore .Inly Should the scoundrels however gniu n single suli^tantiitl «ticcees ,^l any one point, the war will he pvoloneed during the entire administraMon r,^ I.incnln n becomes a solemn duty then, to labor «nd fi-jh .luring the next 'w. months, as we hnve rover !r.a . hpfopp >Ve niiiat make the w^r iinpoyrnltii -b North, by ;i.arrr^--i:itr cut down !(■ f;i.s t'. • ■ * which thei-e plui'i' will have to en'si”'- 'n desperate • )*■ ranks properly f.l' : are full of yotiiit: huo »lii semblance i-f meu, a.ho - '.1C oifrceniiry v.niliil^ ot !he -■'•M’ing thctti iVe iiiii“t • 'iTii;'>.v-ion“ t'f (he f-irm» ' ■ - :n ' rop"' ill- V .m ' f i; hijis. -ind 'o !i»n- .n-v ■ y ^'u f.- .iilj have done, w-cr»‘yon • ' ' 't •1> I ■ V. 1- n V il;-r » 'bU kei.- w Miing ihe Iged Ji Mii tile !)niiit field under the nrovisiiiti-of th - ii.>-!n :• i •• ;-i: T^'•. scorn of the fair aex. Hnd th couteinpt'of-.11 n ra’ le men, have not been able to drive the.^e cowsnllv mi? creants into the rant-a. So thev fntieFi upon ’he miseries of :he cotint.ry nnd sheiiev tiieir wor' h less caroass''s from ^ ank«e bullets. the> are 'n(^en^i^'!e to shame. But a day of ret** t>':iion a» liis liipse ulm- tiona of humanity. Their I'wn deHcend.iuis will exe crate their memory when thefinee*' of soo'*n i® pointed and she taunt is titierpd "hf> 5 M»- fon. nr ijnvi'i fon nr ^reat grand .♦on, oj an er^mpr nnd >rtor,':')Vf- " Do your full duty. .SoldipT' 'd 'eave ih«-.»e poliroou« and villains to the .•xe'Tano.i .1 i. . ■'■’ \li i-.m. manding .'f^ioer-» a^-e iip-,.t.- - , i-i. > li’i itisti lito names of oHicers anl men wl- i • j.. . . - v« in pitched baii’es and «kirr;i.*(- T.i »■ o .iii^tl guishiiig theni'.'eUt't will •- r. 'on iicr ie'l t'i.r pi in. ., tion, and their names pub!'*-‘..> I ui it of their respect ivp The Infantry have to (.pur ii. tm . . ■ t.ii-;.. •nd toep.tuie special i(Br.1-..-,ip* m i>vi r%- i-MUij>vti| ij i n. po^‘ of danger an.f of sj'fVrine i' the po^^t ni>- i' ouf liberty be eV'*i w n jt w 'I ’.e iini' 'i.ntih i ■ ii‘e Indomitable pluek an I eiMr.lv reiurnn.'** »ur tiei-.uo Infantry The ConfederH. \r!-l;ei, and the wonder ts th-. vui ’. nition, ir has b»-.-n Ht. i- ; splendid armameni of !p tfcke, how^fver, t • ’on et.«i v Reserve your Are. u« »i I'r.’ - i. of Infantry, and da not w. }i ir'iv. ; ■ >■ g they are becoming etJec-tive I: is glor' \ by fighting them to the Usi It i- ii r:n them by retiring e^rh from iKe fight The Cavalrj cou«tii’ « thr e -e* ‘in 1 i->«r.: ,i tr>i s; -... The safety of the eTit>r.» o.uniii *r: 1 i«*|.en ' '.r>. ii ttiei vigilance, and the fait*>fu^r:- r, f the’r ■‘p. i e ! c-flReers and ina?*, whnrprnil’ eNe-. : e iiri rj;-d, ( deserve to die, and the Canimoo-iijji' f)er« > U .fid }.-,rr no efforts to spe;ir- thntn their do®, r, \:mi -t e.iually | . > . i, II . - >lill.._) feii-^r /iiti; at’‘?TiU •-i.r-.i'rc j;!Ky w -.h It. !■ -;1; e. ?, fl m . •; \ ■ ' I** \ I; iUerv II' WI .. io e gUltj Prom Sitvannah — The Bovibardrnt^ut fit h\,rt MeAhnt^r »t>11 ffoiTtg on —Savan.*»^h, March ^ - H il. piit fiv I* M. ' dispatch froiu Fort Mi-.Alisipi-.;tt«-.l 5? Hi, hhvs one iriiti-cbil |ih I withdrawn, and i.-.-n tv. ir.iu-claiN an ! i>ne mortar bnai are stilt playing .'H 'he F.nt The I- ■’•I is nninjiire-i nobmly hurt on our *id - •■^.■“pt the l*Vo s.ighily wounde-] earlj’ thi.'J moriiing. 'J'hu (rtrrisoo is 11) goo'l -jpirits The firing sfill continues. H^veut Frploits >j Muty,iii'% Bnvndf —MoiutMarch •' di'i'atch to tbe New». ilaled McMiiil.villp. I'eiin.. 21. ^*My^; M.-ij Aititin. of Gen Morgnn's Bri^.iile, wiih 1/iOO men, pns.'e.l sroun I >he .'lurfree-*boro' ^ind \s«;h- ville ratl-im*!, leiring up ihe track nnd running tr:\in of .sol iiei-K over ;,!i embaokoient. i’he Louisville lournHl repor's thit Gens. Longstrect Mjirshtill Hud Forrest ,ire Hpproaching Lexingio.i? •\ dispatch to the S.Tvannah Republicati, trom * o- lui'Itia. Teiinesspp. as.serts th-ii positive ififonnui-rva h»* 'let !i received that Seigel'> .irrii'" corp-. 'v. .!y 1-.'n‘^-»ti-i »(.-..?ie fr>im Virgini.-i, recently oji.ti. \ij. ibe •^liDibiTl.itid in tirrfyfive (•viu-p'ift.s, ;-t'd Hvv t -'w I, - I »een N-isbvt!le and that poitii. m roiit t-> join I’os... Ul HU7. ’/'hi N/Vi/u/if)//.--The I'haiianoogi Kebei of ilicll^ili “iheit :it ! rumors fi-om iiu- fmut to tlie efl'eci th; : r - • "lan.- ha^ b- eti niu.-^-ing birge reinforcemenl^, jr.t^l • hrou^di ft oni Kcntiicky, in the counties of ?umiier and I Wilson If i)uK he iriie tii“ intention is 10 .Tdvnuco. whPD th»# i-onds permit, not direeiiy upon our forces at •■*aelbyville, but upon T-. lihonia by way of'lftnclies:pt ^.id MoMinnville Ttio troops ••1 tioued at Nashville wiM jiro'iaMy ni:ike a feint upon Shelbyville. but no .»b ol.ite ;»“snuit i« expected from tlrn sile of the ene my line.■' j The entire sirength of the Rriny of I'ne enemy in I \Iiirftee«bor..ugh'is estimated at .jO.iiOii. Keliable re- . I'oriv Ifiiiii ihe Northern portion ot the Stale, repre-^enl : ihe reiiitr.rcpTiipiirh tii '>n‘^isl i>f ihiee il'V-ionr.. p;ii'h j '.01 Ifs.- than lO.tNxi strong Th;» .livisi.tti nf .letf ' ' I* i\ . wiih .l-,>hnaon's envalry. «iation'’d in Willianisfin ■'oiini\ are put down at r_.«»0 The forcex hi Na-iliville ! 1.1 not ♦•iti-eeii lu.iXrtI I'iius ihe eiiiire limly of trfops. ■fiiiipi>..iiig ilip lieparinieiii of KosPcrni' re'ich nearlv I ht- tigiires of 1(i!HKi(t 111 ihes‘ u, le-jx| n tuiirlh are iiuftlilp till-di'ilj, . Selling apart ^0,(Mmi iniire for nar riH.'.ii July, «n I the availalde aituy to b»* brought St:i'u-i' iiK a 111 not come tsr wi-ofig of bii,iMiii, l,«s than »er«- fujjiijfe.t tind in reHeti .if tne billlle beff.re Mur- I i'reeiboro' ; ..\v - Hi e III,I Ht libert j. 111.I- i« ii iiivbo ly 's husine.— bui our UeiieraK, to know ih** pi-e-i>.p coiidilion of >ui ariiiy; bin itiis >*,• i(i ibst 11 i-* far gresier in strengtii, ijumer'cal an’ oihi-iwi*e, ilian it w iv on ib«' ruoriiiiijf ,ij Decenitiei Jilsi, wh*-n it w.-nt iiiio action ” l.ifh .If r'lc I^rnaUii /irittltufion.—('harlkston, March ;{ —.N*i,s,aaii advices re|i-iri ihe nrrival there of the rontederaie privat«er Ur-iribuiion .She ha-l taken •»n1 burix-d the t.ark Muj VNright. of Portland, and briK Kne. .-t «'.»iii-|eii, M'tin*-; c-ipture.l .-itpt sen! toi’ou- fe leri»te imrta the lu ig Kllinii ••'f Uiicksport, Maine an.I Mch'*oii I- Hauiiver, ot .Vls'-aohii-i'ii-^; c.ipiiireil nnd run HPii'ir ,>ii the BiihiiftTTt-., the Krig Kmily Fislier, liking :he cri vf {.riHoners to Nas-iau The Klliotl wh.s sub;e- ijiieniiy r»-c>»p;ured by (he Vnnkees hi Si Thonia.^ The ii'etril'uiiiiu encouiilerej sn unknown whaler in criminal are the scouts ■ >'.inug!i fn,^*-. b.-iric m 1 he i'ifitihe.in .*ea, wlijch showed light, killing one t>f wild and sensational renori- T will li^ ■•. ;r. : ttie HelMbuiion's crew, when the whaler wa“ sunk, with martialed for cowHr.^iee- al- oti !i. »i.l, by the fire of the rietriliiiiioii Ma^y opportunities u.^! 1.1 1 * , 1-. i!r '"he orew of the IJetnbmion are ail .vel!, nnd w.iuld to harrasH the er''*»ny. en: off *ii. m.pp;n - inv. in f-i- |-Ot.ti tin.sh repairs and resume her cruise pickets. Ac Those, who hr.ve nev»f beet; la itniile. will lb It-I be enaiilfe.l ti. enjoy the n-v^*; “en‘s:..'u of listening te the .s..nnd of ii.«’'V ah .1 nn.t -.hell, auil those who have listened a grptu m n utl, w ■! !>e sdoweii 10 come some miles nearer, an.l c.ioipHr. the j-er-saiu' . L\Ti;sr NEWS FROM THE UNlTEh STATES. FuEUKaKliSBfRG. March ;5. 1 have receive.I the Washiugtoii ^hroniole of the ‘iu iosi., litim which 1 seu.J you the following interestinx caused by the di>itani cannonade with thiit produced by ; aummary of I'nited States news the rattle of m isketry I). 1i MILL, Miijor General. iit-nera .1 ihw ..peralii'ii --.l-fiii'iiit. wtiy are Jioi aire.sts coniiuually ' i.t'ing iii k le. 1 1-* true, ih>ii -ince 1 took charge of III. office, on ihe T,ith day of October li\«i. there , h ive been arrestpj and place! iu ctiarge of tlie guar-1, I .tbviii ,s -l.’/en I ersoiij* from this 'ind adjacent counties, Mti.i ei-e»iiere. (-n»rge'l wit h disloy ally in various forms, vi7: Bearing u.iellfgeni-e to ili« enemy—taking the oath j ; of allegiance 10 the Knleral govejnmeni—buying «all , from .Newbern .»n.t Wa.^hington, He., He Ihree fourths ot ihe>e, alter having U*en siibjecied to a moat rigid 'xaniiualion. either by the Oeneral commanding or by myseif. the result land detail il retpiiredj of my ex- ' aminatiiiu being al«ay.-i submitted to the (Jeu«ral com- : mfi.ndtng. have been discharged withuut iscertaioing iiflicien: Jirloyabj t.. send the .iccii-ie.l to Salisbuiy. In :aci, oult/ imve been setit up. und the author- 11 ie® nave not ittrol to allow them a ‘-speedy (or even HU’. , ,ri.‘ ." as expre-aly re^juire't bj- high aiiihor- , i.} and me icinaii.l-. of justice u-*cU. One «>f these pn«..ner-'- iias «o far, 1 ifroiigti coun.-el, a.s to ns»e ri wrii of hahrn." •nrjiuf sued out., m an en.Jeavor lo ' pres- triai. Vet that writ wa-- ie«iai=^d by'the Con t'eder .ie aiithorit)’, with a thre-il of'icc hundred bayon- rf. it ppi-sime.l ill to an issue, .-^nd why? If found ’ 1 K‘^*by. the prisoners could lie punished ijuite as cer- ' tainly, ati-l witti f«r more evidence of justice. If not ■ guilty, their puaishment is iiiitiueslionably unjust. I oij.r.-S’, uo opinion a. to ilie guilt or innocence ol (tie ^ \ tociised, -istheie is a .uilereiicp of opinion on that mies- j li-.in. l*ui, suppose buth the-e men seu! up be guilty— j would lhai. PTeii witli the alleged iraitoiship of Watson, :iiul two or three otheis, su.iain the charge iif “dialpy- i.f the ptujdt of tins section"' So much for the evi- .tei re C'.ntHinp.l “iu Uie Prorosi jail " Mi. I'unn niHke“ niMet stheuieut« in contirmation of ms (msiiii.n, and c-ii.sps with a letter of Gen. Evans him--. ii iu K’j'iy to* (i.rii| !iiu«mury letter from a ii’i;** number of citizens in the occasion ol his leav ing iiitit cutiimai 1 U b copy it. ital'(’|.«ing ft sentence vilm-ii 1- i .iiiec; lurii.-i witii . ti» -l-.uder of “Por- Dsatbs of Soldiers —In the .'iof.pital. at Ljuchiiiirg Va., Dec 19, of ilisesse con»r«cteii in camp. .Mr. S. B Oray. of Co o7tti Reg t. ui the ,ioO year of his age. In Richmond, Fr>b. 9th, from the effects of a wound received in the battle if Fre ierickst.urg, Mr. Tiioiii'^f H White, in the .-5lh year ot nis age, a pt ivate 'n t'o F, 67th Reg’f. The “t^arolica Boys,” Co K. 3>»th Rfg't. have a iopte : a tribute of respect to the foll-.iwing decea-'".! members, viz: James A Snead, who di.*d near the first of July, 1B6U, from wounds received in battle belor Hiihmond, June 26th; Lt D A Ulav-; . Si-}''emb«r I'iih, from w.junds received .-Vu.: 30th. l*' iJ. .^1 ,iis>^sas; s'rg t .Viex r ■McLeod. Sept It^. .1 ’:n L f inipbell. Se^!. f^iu, Ibiu'I Ray, Nov 4tb, H M . >''be'l, Nftv l_"h. L. Ray. Nov. 18th, D. M PfiHil I'pr ii'tli, 1''02. Capt. ,\1 Smith, Feb. ll)th, F. B. .Ion-?s, Feb. ITrli. and (lilhert Hay, Feb . 1 of disease. FOR TDi; OI'.-,tRVKIt On the 12th inst , at his father s resideuoe near liock- inghani, Richmond couuiy. Snrg't .lames W Lmig ageii ‘J8 years and 6 months, .^t ( ... l>. i api i .ir->. ’J.lJ Keg'I N C. Troops The joys ef earlL are tleeimg, n.. *l,.wri .-r- ' rn;tiL ; iha*. it cannot fade, no tie si -ttrong mat it cittinc.t be - t.roken We Aoe the irirh ■ itit-s*- av- i . ji.* \.-riiie.l daily, in ihc lo«s of rur friends anJ leiativi -. ^'erg 1 ■ Long was a brave young mai, >tn-i has given tii^ all lo | his oountry’s cause Hr r-M:+i:i;>d u.' hl^ p.si ii lufy, until the latter part 01 la'*! ^ea-. wtieu i.i- i.ealih aiU>.J , nn.vmg lowar.ls CQ.-itiaiiooga. The rebels at McMinn- and he was compelled t.- r.- .irn iiin home vi le *re believe I to lie a recontioitei inu party attempt- Ile was aa afiecti ,nnte "on nnd brothvr. sti'l trim but ; ,ug feiiii on Kosecrunz's re ir Rosecrau? is repre- be sadly tnissed trom the -•home circle V\ c-p nm. j «euied 10 beinoviug forward cautiously, prutecting and father, tho thy son be dea.i; *^eep n -t. moiher, !or lie gu j ,ting nis rear as he goe-^ forwaril. loved thee and has irone to rest: ^ontm not, frietr.., fi.r i .. , . . . 1 I i OrtiT tor thr Seiznrt nr all /'rtriite Arm' tn .\eir \ ork he IS gone to reap ihe reward o; the latiiilul. • ,■ , ■ . . . ® II H 0 ‘ — itizena tn he Ui^armed.—Uen. W 001 had ••iTiler- , ed a patrol force to ascertain the number and -lescrip- In Chamber s Hospital, L,; n.'hbni-g, \ a . on the ’.imh - (jf,,, jf arms iu the city of New York, nnd also the uli., Serg t Charles C. .vlcKenjie. 1 o !■, Juth Keg t N i quatiii.y ..| :kmmiinition now in the stores of thti city. ij. T. He was kind and peuBritui- an.I helove.l tn.tU '.n j I'hi-- was charged by the New York Expre-^s to be a private and miliiary ii.e. He a mejiibei -t the prec^uiionary uidvement of tfp Lincoln t.tovcrnrai’iit Baptist Church, and leaves a l^iher. ni.ith.^r .111 I ay.iiiug , ng.Tinst h pofmlar outbreak. The Washington hronicle From \'irk.tburff.—Despatches Irom New York say that me telegrams received from Cairo announce that the famous at Vicksburg was completed on ihit ‘Jlith ult. It is asserted that all the gunboats had {.assed through, and that the tranaporis were preparing to follow, and that after the batteries at Warrenton are reduced, the whole force will be sent against Port Hud son It is also stated that the small guuboat tieet ha*^ roach-d Yazoo river by Union lake, and are “piaying the mischief” in the rear of Vicksburg. It is also re ported that Federal boats have reached Red river by way ot Lake Providence. There are also reports that serious disasters have happeneJ to the Union troops, and that gunb->ais have been captured, but these ru mors, It -ays, are not credited. from Indtanapoli'!.—Despatches from this point say that tour persons, charged with resisting the military in arrestiug deserters, have been convicted of treason. The niiiiOri.y of the Legislature of lu 'iaua is still ab-ent, and, unless a compromise wiih tlie majority can be effected, there will be no liirther legislation thi^ session. Th' .C'/'it/ ot the I’otomnc. — correspondent writing fri tii this army denies that there is any deiiinraliz ition, s.ay s me nine mimths men are d\scossiug the propriety of re-enl 'ting, and adds thai the fe.-*ling for begiuning tsnowii-ily growing stronger. .A forward movemeut is promised as soon ax iti* loa'Is will permit. Vii.ithei correxponden* say*, though n.>t ai I'trge iu numbers -»x in .'-September l.isi, the ’-irnty 1-1 in better plight (hull ever before. Thr Ar'i>i oJ th' Ct^mberlinid — Ko'«eorHnz's army is Fnnn Nf>ichern.—We saw and conversed yes terday with a military friend who is better posted in nuitfers .’tbouf Newbern than perhaps anybody else, an ! from him we learn that Stanly's resigna tion was certainly tendered, but not accepted, and that h(> i..; still in Newbern and acting as military (iovernor. Ativices from the town a few days fttji' represented “(Jovernor’' 8tanly as quite sick. Oiir itiloimanr i.> well po.«ited an to the number and (lisjio.sition of rhe forces al>out Newbern. He sets it dnwn at eis»ht to ten regiment*, and not more than l'n:>in four to .^ix thousand men. One reuinient confinnes on duty at Barrington's ferry hut (’apt. Whitford’scompany keep them confined there and will not let them depredate upon the conntry. ()ne thousand picked negroes are being drilled at Newbern.—Raleigh Progress. Reports from Memphis.—A gentleman just out from Memphis gives us some information of the situation at Memphis. The city was filled with negroes in the most deplorable condition- All the cotton sheds, stables and out houses are filled wi»4i the contrabands, who continue to be fcubject to the ravages of the small pox, and it is estimated that over one thoustiud have died with in the last thirty days. To add to the horrors thej' arc experiencing, the weather has been un usually severe, and their clothing has been scant. Desertions continue as numerous as ever. The number of sick in the various hospitals is estimat ed at eight thousand, and preparations are being made for a much larger*number. During last week Confederate notes were sold at sixty cent.son the dollar for greenbacks. Ten nessee money wa.s above par, and other Southern bank money used at par in ail commercial circles. (Ireenbaeks were depreciating, and not held with any feeling of security.—Appeal, iJ-lsf nit. T/,f Shtin«fnt Manmr in ichich iSoldtens are Trtiiteil.—One ol the soliliers from the army at Fi eiJeriek.'^biiri' infornt.s tis that iu passing through Itichjuuiid on hi.^ way to thi.s city, he stopped a diiy wr (wo siitf»>, .it one of the hotels in that city on tlie evening of his arrival, until the train for Petersburg started the next morning. He tooTc f»U|ii>or and lodging, and at 3J o’clock rode in the omnibtis up to tho depot. His bill for this single meal, the use of the bed and the ride in the omni- bu . was fire ill Jim si Nearly half of a month’s pay, just for a few liours of ordinary accommodation in a hotel This cliarge was at the rate of ten dol lars a tlay. or three hundred dollars a month, r/r thn»' thimsuml tn.r lutndrcil ciollurs a j/ear fur a sinyl, p> r.sun.' We mention the fact not because the soldier made any complaint abnnt the matter, fo'' he ditl nothing of the kind, hut merely, to show what a lirely business the hotels in Rich mond are doing in the grabbing line. Petersburg Kxpre»s. .Mr. ('unrts nil a Dihmnin liorit.—Granting everything Mr (Courts claims in his defence, he eannor est'aju: this dilemma; fie either knew the State was injured by his policy, or he did not. If he did not know it, he was not fit to be Treasurer. If he did know it, why did he not report the fact to the (Convention, which was in se.ssion in May, and get the law so altered as to satisfy his scruplesy The loss to the State during the month of May alone, was 861,800, But still Mr. Courts continued his policy, with the Con vention in session, which could easily have been appealed to. The horns of this dilemma gore and bore you, Mr. Courts, You got the Convention, in May, to give you authority to issue more Trea sury notes, which you never issued; but not a word did you say of broker’s pockets bursting with money which ought to have been saved to the State, or gone to the soldier or public creditor. One law actually “required” you to issue the notes, but you did not obey the law, except in part.—Rnl. Stmuldnl. PractSrul ReHfrtinn.—The Conservatives are charged with having injured the State, by ousting -Mr. (’ourts and putting Mr. Worth in his place. Mr. Worth is selling si.c per cent, bonds at 105, while Mr. Courts managed to sell eight per cent, boriila at lOO. Are the Conservatives guilty or fiot irnilry of the charge*''—Rnl. Standard. 'I he Vadkin Factory near Gold Hill, N. C., owi.ed by ^^e.ssrs. Holmes & Co., was destroyed by tire on the 27th ult.—Raleigh Standard. Valuable* Properly lor Male. The subscribers will expo.se to 'public sale, on lh» premises, on WednesiJay the 8th day of April 1868 that valuable property in the town of Louisburg, Nortl Carolina, known as the LOUISBURQ FEMALE COL LEGE The biiihling ia of brick, (four stories,) and oovered with tin It contains rooms enough to aocotn- modate about one hundred boanlers. exclusive of the principal s rcnms, the parlors, chapel, dining room, &o There is also on tlie premises a tirick kitchen with four large rooms, besides other outbuildings It ia aur rounded by a laige grove ot (Several a«!ren. all enclosed IniBiedialely after the sale of the above Real Estate, the Furniture of the Coiiege. consisting of bedding, washstands. tables, chairs, table ware, sofas, centre and pier tables, carpeting, pianos, i&c,, wl 1 also be exposed to public sale This property is situated in a healthy region, and in the midst of excellent society, A belter opportunity for a good iuvestmeni in valuable property has noi often been presented. Possession will be given early in .Itine. Terms made known at the sale, but the payments will be arranged to suit the purchaser .1. B. LITTLEJOHN, i K F YAlUiKOUOH. P^.rtner Lotii*buvg, N r March 1 s-t4A wife to mourn hiK i.tss; bui in th»ir grief they h consolation in the hop» tnai he ha^ oxeh-tu^ed this world for one where war is iiukn.iw.i su.i pf>s,ee au-i con tentment reign forever • Com ANnRKW Wiiiii, a U4.livp nf lan.l, wt. >>ill'.il ai Neuse Bridge in December IsHt He -icrvP'l in the liri- doe-, tio' deny this, bui says ‘’it is well known that there ix » large number ot disloyal people there, uud the Kxprp«'i ix on- of the organs of the iietHriou.x crew.' 7'/..- 1//1 C’hiirle.tton—,1// lirady. — liaies from Port lliiyal. Feb. ‘J-'uh. report ihat preparations for a firvnvrd movement againxt Char1etou .in.I .'Savannah are tish Army during the t rm-nn wsr *in.l part in the i .'on.xiimmated seige of Sevastopol .le wK' » mi'iai,.-i ,ii • oiin‘»i:y !•. f;.i!.l wn'i .jiioted al ,'jl T-, with uu iipwaid leiniency. 1st N, C Reg t, dur.iig the Peninsula » ,ini>imu under ' State st.ickx had xltghtly advanced on foraie' qiioianons Magruder, was tak^n prisoTier at K >aiioke l^iallli. ai-.d , . , , . ’ J u J . .. lu the yflukee l^enate on the JHth, Sumner reported when exchanged obtame , H Man^.er tr->ni apt Mur- i . . . i - l- . . . o. "III). ». u 1 several resolutions touching roreigu atfairs. one ot chison s Company to Starr >■ Liifh' BaitT\- .Vt B.iitiel. ... .u ^ . j ,, , Til 1' 1 /7 1 I 1 . i--> - I I winch xays that toiii£iess cauuot hesitate lo recarn any Hoauoke Island, hirtsiotj iund (iof.Uborn , lit. exhibiie.l I ^ ... , _ u u I . . . o . . 1 propi.sition tor toreigu intervention as so far iinreason- that heroism which is ever charHcierixtic ol iu« .Scotch i FOR THE OBsKltVKK. WiLMiNQTii.'v. N, C ■ F b y 'J8. 18t>3. Messrs. Editors:—Allow me lo «sk i iiuesr.on through the columns of your psppr. Wh.y is it that the proprie tors of the Factories ia and around Fayetteville will not sell any more of their cloth to Indies whose husbands, sons and brothers are in service, and they are compelled to supfiori themselves and they have no other means ihan their needles to make that support. A Husbanu A»n So» in Skbticb. [The writer is doubtless mistaken if he supposes that the foc'ories fail to do their luty in thi- rfspect.j Pkaths of SoLUttES. — In the Ho^pi al at Goldsboro,’ on the 22d Pelfy, of Pneumonia, William A, Ray, aged about 22, of Moor* oounty, of Co. I), 49th Reg’t. soldier. In that terrific fight at Neiue Bridge, while in the act of firing one of the ^uns, he was struck in the head by a Cannister shot sn.l kille.) itistrinily. Thr Confederacy has losl iio i'r'aver soi.her iti.an this gen erous stranger who died hghiing tor Souiheru iitieri} •‘W’arrior rest; thy warfare o’er. Sleep the sleep that know- no bi.-aWui^, Dream of battlefields no more. Days of toil and tiigntx .if wakitu; ' — Ji u\. In the hospital at H’jlniit;i''i i!. .i-ui'y Piivate l*un can C Evans, a meuifeer •>.■ i O ft. .j|.( ,cpg i, aged years, 1 month and 28 davs, iersving a wulowe.l mother, a twin-brother and two ^is:aI■h to iiionrn ineir irretriev able loss The euhjpct of th.s initiee wn- a lonug iu;»n of no ordinary worth. In all his social relations I.e so oondiicied himsolf as to win the e.ttet-ni i>nd irieii-bbip of all his acquainliince. ll>* w.is always leadv ti. ]ier form Ihe duties that were required nr him He wa« modest. iinaHsiiming an.l j- .fses ."d all thos® .pmUSci tions that are requisite frr a true -. Idu*!- 'in-i a citizen He will be niisxe.l .y if,,. » ompany in vrl.ien he was so long and a'dfMi'I}' at'Hf 'iPi;, iii.S in the 1 vi;ii- ly circle, where his tru“ charac*-t(-r .in 1 ni.-ra' nere . exi know.* and i.ppreciate.l. Ho wli. I >.'s »’! ih-i.^s rtKlu pout the oil of cotisoUtion iu in- b i.-i ir.'; oi las bereaved friends J R McU ('amp Whiting, Feb’y 12. 180:-t. Presbyterian please copy. FOB THE OB.SF.tlVl.K Hbaixjuartkrs (\) F. 4'.: ii N (' Un. v i '■fnicli .j. ( Messrs. Hale;—Permit ni- to .tcknow',- .lg« t - e re- pt of 62 prs woolen socks from Mi-.s. Jori'ith in Wortn. for the memberg of my comp.»ny. I !aue pleasure in ri' turning for them their gratef.r hoKtowj .dgroeiits Respectfully, (’ Mo AMSTf.tr. ~lnpi FOR THK OUSF.riVKR The High School Routing Soeipiv murn th inks to Mrs McArthur tor Iwisiini? a bun.ite ot cotton also for a donation of yarn Weal.- are ind bted to ihe 1 j1 lowing ladies for knitting sockr: Friend, H pr« .jo.ks S prs gloves; Miss Annie Sh iw. ! p-sock.- .Mrs Pearce’ 1 pr; Miss E Grant, 1 pr; Mis'* S A Til.inghasi, 2 pairs’ Mrs Rose, 1 pr; Mrs Geo Mc.Veiil . i r: A t'nen i to me Cause, 1 },r; .Miss H P-.-arce, i j.nir; .Mrs A P liuske, 2 prs; Miss Eliza Muvfley. 1 p.; .Mi.-s J..ue Murchison’ 4 prs; Mias E A llardie, 1 pi; Mi.'.s .lar^.-ii-et Kay, 2 p b; Misa B A Tillingh ist. 1 pr Otner contributions thank fully received. The next meeting of the Society will b« iHld Ui« C«p« fear Baak. abl.-' nn-i imtdmissible. that its only explati.atioii wii! bp fi>uud iu a misunderstanding of I he true stale of the quesiimi ami ol ihe real character of the war t'ongtess hax passed a bill lo tax the B-iuk«. riif yatikee papers denounce thecundiict of i heir cav alry in iheatl'air at Edinburg as “disgraceful." they outnumberitp the rebels, j-et suffering ihem-el>i-x to be chased and captured. Some sixiy otlicers, including Majors, •''aptaiiis. and l.iei’.t's, are disniissed by Liftcolu. f"r v irioiis reasous. The'N ^ . Hetald advocates an adjustmeiit wl-ich will ailow the South lo send delegates to the I'ongress al Washiugtoii. The I'hrouicle opposes it .\'itiiir;il Porter has given orders to have :ill f'resideut Davis's and nix t»roilier. .loe Davis's, cotton sei/.ed, -tud all Iheir able-bclied negroes taken off >1 A KKI KU, A. >he fi-'ideiice of flu- bride's fat iier, in ,Anson (votin- ly. Feh'i l^;ih. t>y Ksv. ,1. K. Moirisoii, ( npi. .1 ’ Mc- 1,I I' H Ll.’'^. "f 'he 'Jlith Reg't. 'o. K. lO Miss M \I'.Y E. CAR.\W.^i A: the rc-»;derii’e of the briile'x father in SainjiHon '!•).. 01' liii; 2’,ili Keby. by ihv K**v .1 N .St .Uinfcr-, .1 i:E > ; t”h.- ,'UI-Ii lleg’t \. C T . t-1 .M sx M A|{\ * , d.iUu'Iiter o! ,J .hns;*n, Es,j. In Hafoeti -v. at ilie rexidonce of Mrx C .-m»ll. on (he id ni:''-i.^. by H -v 1». hnirly. Lt D -V P.\TTKK- .stiN. of St:. Heg't N (’ T , to \iiss .W.N’IK SM VLl, In t:(.iuii (i'll coii'itv. on ihe2i; I uli.. by Z .\ tioroughs, , ,! \M'.:s Ms^iiBUKN, .11 0 i;, mh Ueg'i, lo M;s^ N VNt’Y TALLY. iS;>ir;t of th» Aie and Biblical Recor frr pl- ase copy. FAYKTTKVIIiLK MARKET.—March 5. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. Bacon To. Lard 70. Beef ,’>o to '.io by ihe side Butter 1 '2,() lo 1 5tV Beeswax 70 to 75, Chickens to ,">0 Copperas 1 25 to 1 •>) at retail. (yotton IS to 20 cix Colton Yarn $4 to per bunch. Dried Fruit—.\pples 12^. peaches 15 to 20. Ezgs -40 to 5i per dozen Flour—Family super $40 to $48 F.iMge — Fod-ler •'? ’J5 to :'5 .SO per hundred; Hay #2: Shiu-kx J2 Flaxseed ,'>o per bn. Green .\pi>les lo ji*> per bushel Grain—t’cru I 2.‘> Wheat $r>to $>s. Rye $6 Oats 2 2,‘». Peas ?,> to ,?>. Hides—Green 5U, dry ,$1. Iron—Swedes fiO. Lpaiher—Sole S," oO per lb.. Upper $4 to 4 60. Liquorx—t^oru Whiskey $20 per gallon; Ajpple Bran dy #in to $IS; Peach Brandy $IH to $18. Molasses—N to per gallon. N-iils—$l per lb, at retail Pork 40. Onions 5'> to $7 per bushel. Pmaloes—Irish $li to $7 per bu. Bice, 17^ to 20 by the cask. Sugar retailing al to #1 Sail—Sound 12* to I7J cents per lb Fftyetieville Sheetings, Hti to Wl ci». OanaburgA 40 to tiO CIS. Spirits Turpentiue 40 to ftO ets per gallon Tallow (i-"> to to Wool 2 00. Corrected by Pbmbirtoh & Sloah. iVll LR AT AUCTIOiir. 'PO-M'iRiVOW ai ll%.-\. M.. I shall sell at auction, 1 tbie MILCH CttW and YOUNG CALF. One llEWY DHAFT .MULE. JOHN Jl. COOK. Auct’r. .March •>, IHti,‘{. -It ~ FOR HIRE, 1 NK(iR() Wt.KMA.N (with two children) a good cook and w.isher. for her fund und clothing. Apply at Dobniii House. March 18b ’.. 8-2ti a; Wauled to Piirclia^e, tjiitiD t'OVV with fi young calf. Any person hav- ng fiicii a one ciii find a puichaser by calling on Msrch 2. IKfi E. GLOVER. 8- i) I K 1). In i’'Jiul>srlatid county 27th Feby, RODERK’ Me- (TRUMMEN, in the »i;3d year of his age He was an 311'ectionate husband, iin induleent parent, a kind mas ter, .'ind !> goo.i and obliging tirijrhbor; completely free from censuring or slnndet ing his fellow-being, ani even charitable to a fault. Com. Suddenly. Feb'y I'lth, 18tiS, in Troy, Moiitgomery county, N, C.. .MARTHA FLORENCE, youngest child of Jexse S. and Henrietta L, Spencer, nged 2 years and fi mt’ilbs. 'Veep ' .it, foml parents, though you miss toe ►unny imiles and fond embrace of your precious i It tic Pattie, yet think Itow happy she is on tho bosom of Jesus. • Thia lovely bud, so young, so fair. Called hence by early doom, To show to us bow sweet a flower Iq Par»clU« could bloom. A Fbibmd. I'OurvD, 4 .'M \LL qiiamity of Ct)TTON THREAD, which the ijL owner can have by calling on me at the ArsenaL W. T. BATTLEY.. Murch 8. Itpd IHAVE for sale about 80 pairs Shoes, Nos 6 I o 11, which I will sell at a small advance on cost. G W. I GOLDSTDN. M’lrch 4, 8 3U) id A FOR !§iAI>e. NEGRO GIRL about fourteen years of ag®'^ quire at the store of Jas. Kyle. _ „ , March a. In- Wftnted to Purchase Iininedl^Atcly» O LIKELY YOUNG NKGROES, from 8 to 10 years 0 of age, one boy the a* Ftb’y 16. laliiablf La'd and Stock for Sale* AND NI:GR0P]S TO HIRK ItH" FER f^ir sale my PL.^NTAfldN on tiit West side of the Cape Rfver 11 miles from Fayetteville, con taining about live hundred acres more or less, upon which is a very valuable Grist and Saw .Mill The Grisi Mill has two sets of Rock and is the principal Mill in the neighborhood .\lso a .«ummer place 2 miles distant containing one hunilred and fifteen afres. Both places have rhe necessary Buildings. Also 1 will hire out sotpe twelve or fifteen NEGRt'ES, inclndinir7 men And will sell my stock of Cattle, Horses. Mulee, liogti, Househoid nnd Kitchen Kurniture, Farming Ttensils, (Jorti, Fodder. Baeoii, Pens. Itye, \c . Jcc ,*ikc If not sold at private sale before Thiirs.iay the 12th inst.. I will on that day. pr ceed to uell ai Auoiion The sale will be positive, and will be cotuinued uniil all i> sold. Term-i ina’fe uiiowii on day of sale JOnS F LVRSE Gray s Creek. i’iin!t erlatid Co . .March I S 2tpd %%'atiled to Fiircliat^e., * ([♦JfiUi/i GOLD itii t .'11 VEH, Norm Carollnu Bans Notes. I S I.UTTEKLOH Feb’y .'>. . 9-2t WAlfTKD. A SITUATION as MUSK’ TEA«'HEH. or a School of Snmll t’hildren, by the Widow of a .Soldier, whoha* had several J ears’ejperieiice hh .Music Teacher For references, terms, A.r address Mrs £ D .McN , Care Dr Nt-ill McNair. Gilopolis P O .March i>. 8 3t Pre“byterian copy S limes and forward bill FOR 5iiALK, 1 HWl PIN ELAND in Moore J. H'U Couuly. iienr the Oeiiire Plank Road, an.l near Blue’s Bridge, Apply to ,/ A ,McK.AY. Gilopolis March S-titpd Kxeculive LVparlmenf iNorIh Carolina,) /IWrnV’T (I'RVt’KAL'S (iFFR’K, (.)lilitia. i ; Rali'.iuh. March ^id, 18C3 ) Genkeal Oroers. ) No, 1. )■ All MILITIA officers of this Stale are hereby re quired to prevent any distillation of spiritous liquors from any grain whatever wit k»in the bounds of their com Diands, and if persons are found distilling in violation of the law th*y are lo seize the uteiiails, arrest the par ties offending, and carry them to a magistrate to be bound over. It is further made their duty to search for any suol> stills wherever they have reasonable grounds for sm- pecting such distill,itiou, or where information is given them of it. For the purpose ol carrying into etfect this order, any officer is hereby authorized to use all the Militia force subject to his order By order of Governor V.\ncb; J. G. MARTIN. Adjutant Gen. March 4. 8 3t PFxlfl>E:R’$$ brigadeT T^OTICE is piven that a Depot for ihe benefit ezelu- XI ?«'»«/«/ of Pender’s Brigade, copgisting of the 13th, liith, 22d. ,‘14.'h, !ii»d 38th Regiments of North Carolina Volunteers, has been established in the city of Rich mond, undercharge of Sergeant A D. Montgomery. Boxes, packages, ■tc.. properly marked and sent to his care, can t.e stored, or t’lrwarded immediately to their destination Persons sending articles through this Depot, should notify Serg't Montgomery, so that they may be promptly taken charge of upon their arrival at Richmond. The Depoi situated on Wall street, under the old St. Charles Hotel N E SCALES. Major and Trs M March 2. 8-Sw 1^0TI€’K. Lost, TVSo notes on G. B Guthri«’;. (layable to W H. Guthrie: one u,.ie for TWKf.VE IlUi'V* DOLLAR.S, the other for FIFTY DOL LAR!^, both given the s-ime date. November 14, 1862. I hereby forewarn all persons from trading fo/ either of the said notes. I also forbid said G, B. Guthrie to pay to any one except myself for either one of the above nofes. nx 1 have not received value for the «aid notes. W H GUTHRIE, ’o. I, o2-l N (’ Troops, Kinston, N. C Feb 28, 18*;;:. 8-41 Ral. Stan.lnrd please copy TAKEi\ I P aiid coiiiriillled to the Jail of t^unit>erln:i.l i'oiinty a Negro Boy who says his name is Dl'Rll.A.M, >ind the property of Henry 8 Cl.”»rk of Pill c.'.iiniy He is about ,'i feet 0 nr 8 inches high and weighs about 150 lbs. The owner is request ed to come forward, prove pro|»eriy, psy charges and take him away,-or he will be dealt with as the law dl rects P F ALDERMAN, Jailer March 2, 1868. S-tf .^OTI€-K. IHAVE a NEUKO WO.M VN and CHILD 1 would sell Any person wishing lo buy would do well to call on me near f^pringfield. Piichmond County. N (V JAMES H. PATE Feb, 27, 8-Itpd Eatfie l'oiiiidr.% C'aNliii^iit. Ft’tiL xupp'V ronxiantly on han-i •i.iid f*>r sale by I'F.MBERToN & SLOAN March 2. 7itf FOR HALE. A FINE I'.LA K Mi)RG\N HoRSE, o ye'tra old, a line Saddle or Harness H.irse, perfectly kind; sold for want of iixp Pn.;e -\pply to H. Me MILL AN, Feb. 25. * 6-4tipd llriel Fruit Wanted. -|/V iUiCi LBS BRIGHT DRIED PEACHES; Xv.UuU lOiMHiibs bright dried .APPLES For which the very hijthest mhrket prices will b« pa.d ^ H McMILLAN Fayet'eville, Feb'v 25. 18tio t>-i4tpd EAGLt: FOUM'HV, The undersigned is now prepared t.-. tm-’ ’3 of Casting. DRV SANt*, GREEN SAND, . ; ,X)OM WOKi. BLOW.ING CYLINDERS, CAULDlu»i>H. KET TLES, Ac . of all si?.-*'!* ond xhafie*' partite.a->y HAIL ROAl> WnEFLS. Having experienced >/orkraen in the manufacture of Wtieels. and l)**iiig convenient to the Coal and Iron Mines. I am prepai’e*^ •" manufacture Wheels which 1 will W i.rnnt not to crack and equal to the Whitney wheel, or nny in 'he .‘^o.rihern f.onfederacy. I am also prepare.! lo ...ake Ch Ued Tires for driving wheels, either solid or holb'W • Kail Roal Comp«uie- trom any part oi the Southern Confederacy ca-'^e s«‘nuing their orders. Th whetds cjiu be shipped to Wilmington, from thence D«n of the ('onfederacy. ^ P DAVID A?ft)ERSON & CO. J*n 19 A ■ ^ ■ f —PERSONS wishing the direction f their papeis changed will p^aee l)« particular to say from '^hrvi Post Office, as well as {o what Post Office ~ AVO]\' E. HAL.1^. Forwarding & f^miiiisHion Merchant. WILL give qmck despatch te goods cot signed to him Parti*olar attentio'i given t- .all produce seat him for tala. Consigiunents of Navvl Stores, for mIo oi ■kipment, aoUcited. WujraiOTtMl, J»»’7 i8«a