1^- If f ¥ ■ •! £*» i. * W., mt \o\ \ni.i V\\YF.TTi:V5LLE, \. JlJl,\ 9. 1863. [NO. 1241] J t >* -X; n i ' t PRINTKl) M()NM)AVS ANO THURSDAYS EbWAUl) J. HALE & SONS. EPlTOnS ANl> I’ROT’RIF.TOUS. il Priflc for tlie Semi-Weekly (>rskrvkr S> 00. pai aJvanc;:. For the Weekly Obskrvkr 00 per iiiinnni, paiJ in tt-lvaiice. li^ADVERliSF.MfiNTS in^erie.l for SI per of Ifi lines for (lie fi»;. an'l ■'»** t''r (.■‘•icli ^I’O- cttcding; publication. A'Wertisetnontri not ex'ee'line: a half S(iuaie (8 linos) iO o.-nfs for the first ftii 1 ci-nis foreajh succeeding piiWication. Ailvertisers uro re- quested to state the niinj^er of insertions lU'sirel, or they will he cotUlmn'l till forMvl, and char^- d accord ingly. Adveruseiutnts continued pia/Jc, charged ni-w a 1 verliserneai'. SFi;C'w-I. N'OTirK. ani • ter ihij* date, no name of a now -;iihscrih will be entered wiihoiit pftyin^nt in aJvanco, nor will the paper be s>»nt lo such sut'scribers for % longer p.iae ttian is paid for. Such of our old subscriViors as desire to take the p v- per on this system -will please notify u? when making remillances. Jan’y 1, 18;>8. ^firWj. .WrAVf I’, Attornoy at Law, Favkttevit.t.e. X. C. \lfILL attend the County and Superior Court« f ' T Cumberland, Haruett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attenjion given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 1859. ■ GEO. W. W1LUA.MS\!e CO., Wholesale Dealer* in groceries, AND IMPORTKRS AND DEALERS IN hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c., H\\ STRRKT, F.iYKTTKVILLE, X. July 2, 1801. JO!^. I TI. KY, arocer anti Commission ^yierchant, FAYKTTHVILLH. N. C. Jan’y 10, 18(33. t7cTa: B. a. U ORTH, Commission and Forwarding 31erchaut$, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1861 , 84tf CAKU! A FEW LADIES can be accommodated with board at the Seminary. T. r. HO'PER Sept. 12. 1861. 5t>- JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & CO., \IfE have thirty (30) pan.« now in operation nine miles V\ east of Wilmington. Parties wishing t.) supply themselve*! with aili. can be furnishp 1 by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., Agent at tayetieviUe, to E. Page, manager at the works, or to J, M. WILLIAMS. General Superintendent. Fayetteville, Nov 20, IHtil!. Hltf \OTIt'E. AS T expect to be absent from home a few months in the West, Archibald McLean is my authorized Ajtent to transact my business until I return. N.*j. Jt»NES. Dec’r 28. 1860. ‘'Stf Alter date I will pay 8 Cents per pound for rags de livered in Fayetteville, or at my mills D MURPHV i\. V. VVIF.lL opon the FAlJf.K HOTF.L for th' re CL'piion (>f (iiicst'* the tirst of June, anl I hop.' h" aVi!e to eutHrtaui from seventy-tivo o a ' hnn'l-e.l per-’ons during the Sun\nier. In connection with this large Hotel, I have a number of Hafik-^, Carriap-es. l?ug>»ie‘j and Saddle Horses ttiat my guests can get at a miiaite’s notice. J. M. RLAIR. Propr;etor I’>.gle Hotel, .A“!irvilie C. May 1-'-;. IHiiJfc ' ‘ 81-y}, i HrUKK C’OrXTY, N. (’. ^PUESE Srriii^s are situated in Western Nor:h (Jaro- 1 lii.ii, ahout Fif(eet\ mil»-s from Morganion, in a mountainous, beautiful and mui'ntic country. Tho SUi.l’Hini an I (’H.XLVBEATE, are sai l to he j !^i any iit nie cMinlry. Ue^'r, liearand Phea'^ani : uboun ] in tlic Mounr.vins. The •'■■'mi'fiTiy hts su'‘Of-.*ded in oluainlng iiie services Ilf at. fxpe'-irnct-d irt nlK- -lan a-id lady lo t.akc ch.-irge of the H ”5 e, an i wiil he rvady for th > n>eeption of Vi.-iit- ers hw tb» ipsJL'tiY On. -l' ourih of this pron«rty with Three Hun- Ircd ni-res of Land itta-^hed wi.uld >*e sold lo a pers .n c''inp.«ent to fake cliarg« of the properiy. PIEDMONT SPRINGS CO. M>.v 24. 33-3mrid i f A.VIES C •I raisi' 'I 0' J^oinnirers KxFCrTIVK l)F.fAUTMi:vT NoKTII t!>.Ul)LIN v.\ .A D.iuT.ANT ti i-:v KB» i,’h t >kki(;e. R \i..k 1(111 ./une 20 ) SMITH c.f f'uM'ber1';v,) authoriiel t'l ooninii.y ♦f' starve f-ir Six .Mon h-, uodvr th‘ r«*qiiiHitinn of the President. Eioli coiiipany will'■■>''- si9t of sevciity-fivn int*n Th« priv.iteo t- . ir comp'vny ofHsers, who will h.'» c >mmIssione ? "t an ! ficai the time tho !nusti»r ro'l tilo 1 in this otticf’ L)\NL. O. F()WLE. Adjud’t tJer.’). T am aiixi('ns to r-iiue .a ootnivmy un K r ihe I'v - lu thiri’y s loa as itdi"* ,\ny persin-! wi-' iica lo vciliMitr*er, may a idress m** at F.iye'tt^vilb' J.VS. SMITH. June 21. }('-7i>'d seer At the surefstion "f sevt-nl fiien l“, (he untK*r- 'ienod proposes to he on"? «f 'i Volun'eer t/ompan'^, in response to f!ie rec'nt p^oclania*'^n of the GowTno# of the State. II? will be clad to comraunio'ifo pprsonaHy o»- by b'tter. with any who may be willing to tender hij* l%4l$;'ewortlft Feitiaie ^ieiuiiiary, s.-rvices lo-the Sta-o. iin^( r the cc'iarsniie-* of t'-i- Act ; OREEN3BOHO’ N C '.vSieh the prool irna;i.-n i*. ^ rpjiK Pall SesMon of this Institution 'will commence on o inded. Whatevr is done. «h^uld h» .ion- ;>-omrflv. [ 4^, igust next. tOMI5!)E8lTI5 n\ LISTS. 'pflE Assessors for the County ’if (’utnberhmd will 1. meet at th'^ORiceof A. M Gatupbell on THUIISD.VY, .JULT 2, I'^t;.'?, to receivf the Confederate Tax Lists for this County, on thp following auHjecta of taxation, vix; , Naval Stores, Salt. Wires a id Sj)lri(ous Liijuors, Tohxf^- C'—manufacsturad or uiiiuinufactured, Colton, Wdol, ! Fioiir, Sugar, Molaa-^es :in I .‘^yrup. Rice, and other i ig'-icuUura! products, the g:rowlh r prodiiction of uny ^ year preceding the ytiar 18(i3 ; Also, all l$*.ik Notes or other Currency on , hand or otj deposite osi :he Si'sf day of July, and the ^ v.itue of all credits on which the interest has not been : paid, and not employed In a tnisiness the iuoome from i which is t.axfd niitler tli'j provisions of this Act. i R W. HARDIE, ! Confed. Taz Col. for Cumberland county. \ June 26 40-tf 1 R'>ekineh-i.m. .Inne 20. WALTER L STEELE 40-61 *:?tpd LIST OF ClIAIKiES FOR PASSED ;ers. i>o\v.\. From F;iyett»>ville to Wiltuingioi), :flO (K3 “ “ “ Elizabeth, .5 (in •• White H.al!, f. .'■>0 “ “ “ Kelly's fove. 7 00 “ “ “ .Vll points below, H) t'o .sKCd.M) cm,ASS, oa DKCK. From Fiiyetteville to Wilmiuiitnii, S';') 00 “ “ “ Eliz.ibeth, •J 50 “ “ ** \Vhite.ball. 50 “ *• “ Kelly'o Cov«, 4 tiu “ “ “ AH point- below. 5 00 11*. From Wilmington to FayettPviUe, SIO 00 “ “ “ Kelly’.; Cove, 4 50 “ “ “ White Hal', 0 50 “ “ Eliz'ibeih, c. 50 " “ Prospect Hall, 8 00 “ “ “ All points above, 10 00 SF,CO.N'l> CLASS, OR DECK. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, ?5 00 “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 3 00 “ White Hall. 4 O') “ “ “ .\’l points above. 5 00 JJWU. Second Cla«s or Deck P'i*sengerj must stay on on Rockfieh. Oct. 2. 1862. WAATKW. 2XAA bushels wheat ,OUU 1,500 “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. .M Thoina«on, at the Merchani Mills, Fayetteville, ur on the su'r’cri- ber ai his oli stand on Market Square. ALEX. JtiHNSON, Jr. Nov. .5. 1862. Totf AR.TIV HARAKJ^«. I.\M prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wnpon Harness for Army use. I tan tay leather ani can give good bargains. Agents will do we'l to send their orders lo me as they shall have prompt attention, and Bent o3 in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTFFi,. GoldstoH P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., > June 13, 1862. f 31tf ll>H. Hiim Arabic tor t^alc^ by J. R. LEE Oct. irj. GStf P. TAYI.OR ~ 0 F F K R S F «> R S A L E / 10FFEE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Tobacco and Soap, I’ow- \J dcr, Cooking Soda, white and col'd Spool Turead, Combs, Pins and Need.es, Hats and Shoes. One box of sundry Goods just received from Charl»s- ton. 2 fine cloth (’loaks for Ladies; Genilemeu s tine Gailetb; Green and iilaok Tea. P. TAVLOR. JTune 1, 1863. 33-3ni3ti AOTI€;«. All my Notes and Accounta are al R. !>• Davis’s tor collection. He is auitionzed to receipt t>y me for the same. Now is the time to piy your d.ibts while money is plenty. JAMES URELOE. May 7, 1803. 26tf lower dock or pay full price, or same as First (’lass SkxT’ An extra charge wiil b“ ma.le for \Vay Passen gers g-M'ing into Berths during day time, and for occu pying a Rrrth with their boots or shoes on, at tha discretion of the ('aptain J. A. WORTH, for C F. St’m R’t Co. R. M. ORRELL, for St’rs Kate and Sun. T. S. LUTTEUH)H. May 1, :>G-tf From and attc'r tlii^ diite the Steamer A. P. HURT will le.ive at 8 o'clock, M , on Monday and Thursday. Jt)S A WORTH. April 6—17tf ] .\p’t C. F. Steam Boat t’o. WKJ«iTKR.\' RAIL ROAIK ^pHE Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, 1 (Sun lays excepted) at 8 o’-jlook, M., aul re turning leave Mclvpr’s at 1 o’ctocK. P. M. Freight Train MoND.W, WKi)NE.SD.A.Y and FRID.AV. Dy order of the President. JNO. .M. Rose, Treas’r anJ’.\ct’g Trans. .\e’t. Jan. 22, 186o. ‘*7tf 3700 Boxes of (he Soiitlieru Hepatic i’ilis Have been ordortMl in one day. This combination of medicines wa^ first prepared by the pri.prietor in l52o, when he was pronounced by ' three erwinent pbysicisns in a Southorn city, a« in an j advanced snce of Consuinpti jn. I\IU cured him I He is n'lW over seventy years of age and in discharge of j ictive prof.'ssionil duties. Their goo 1 effects upon i other?- cr. a’e l such .a df man 1 for them Lli it h^ wascotn- ! pelted 10 .ii»“ist from ■^upplyine them gri.tuitously. They are not recomm‘n i* I by th“ proprietor as zood fur all dia"'wet. hut on’y for «ifch ax ari«e from DIS- OHDEllS (JF THE I..1VER. Many persons have testi- fi^ l to their g'jod eti'ects in Chili' and Feverx, Btlioux Fevi'r, I'neumoni'i, Di/rpefffia, tj-c , 4'C- Read the followinfr: S. D. W.sLLACK, Esq., Presileat of the W'draington and W’ulilon Rail Road, .-^ug. 3'.', 1''62, says: “It has be; n s:i;d that “Dvspki’sia.” is our nutionttl disease. Hiw*?v?r thi may be, it c>iu«pd me long an'l severe auf- ferin;'. Provi lentially a friend furnished me with a few boxes of the "Ilepitin Fillt," w i the u>e uf them has perfeclr‘d i cure. Iti iny family they have bern used freijiientli/ with emint=nf .Among niy afquiint- *ncef=. muuu rases origin iting from di'Cised liver, have be»‘n rt-ii' v- I and cured !'y them. I rpgird theni an ini'ttlu ihi. ledirine, and take plea.sure in forwarding this volur.i^ry tribute.” Col. Joh.h W’Rir.nx, of Goldsboro’ N. C., Aug. 14, 1862, says: ‘d have usel the South-'m I[‘-p ttic in my fimily here and also on my pl in'ation in .Vlabama, and alirat/s wilU fucc ■s. 1 have a valu!ibl' servant girl who had been a long time under treatment for consump tion, without receiving i.ny benefit .\liuost in her ex tremity, I was induced to try the Hepatic I\IU. They were given arcnrdinij to directionn, jini she is now well, entirely restored by them. si^iilar case occurred among my serviints in .\labama. For livt-r and lung dis‘ a-'".' I hive perfect confid>’nce in thera. ' FuU direction* an 1 other cerUficates will bf* found on the wr i;. ..••r of each box. Price. Si a bn; ?10 a Iot'Ti; .5!>6 gross, lleU tiled at the Drugyixts For $11 twelve boxes w.d he sent free to any part of iht* Confederacy where there are no druTgistg Not If.sa than a dozon boxes will be sent by the proprietors. ]ash must tccompiny orders, (’hecks on locit banks taken. A llrcss OliO W. UKi: .in, Wilnon. N o. 54jr~For sale in F lyet'pville >>y .1. IIINSU \LK. .\pm RFWARII. J) AN.W'.W on Monday 2'»th May, my Boy NEL.SON; It he IS copper comfl-xion and weighs about 150 lbs.; aged about 23 years 1 will jay J.-'iO for hisdel.very lo Wewtt‘rift Railro«*ifl. 'PHE FREDtHT TR.\I'von t'lis Road will run diHy I .after this 'late. Freicht must he delivered at Fi// 'H^rille Depot V'efnr> nunoet to insiirp its beintr sent for ward on till' -uoce^dine: day. S'o freight received in the morniuj to go hg the same dtig's train Bv order, JNO. M. R()SE. Trea«’r and Transportation Ag’t, V/. R R. June 2t). 1K68. 39 3w I'i.oRAi. '■pilE Fall Session m this Institution will commence on I Wednesday the 221 of .July The price of Board has been raised to $2.5 per mouth. The charges for Tuition, Contingencies, &c., remain iinchangc J. For further particulars address the undersigned at Gilopoiis, N C. DANIEL JOHNSON. Principal. June 19, 1S'!3 39-4w To Cotton Plaiiter*4. I HAVE been appointed by the Seqrerary of the Trea sury, Chief .\geut f..»r th« pur(ihas9 of Cotton for the Confederate tiovernmont within the State of North Caro lina, aQil will piy for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or fash. Sub-A(tent8 visiting the ditferent parts of the State, huyinsc in my name, will have written certificates of appoint Blent, By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by myself or mv ".eent«, >u and after the 18ih day of Si vrch will he p »\ I tor iu 7 per cent. Bonds er Cash, and no! 8 per cent. Bonds as stated in a former adverti.semput Up to that time, however, ih? 8 per cent, bonds will be furnishc I as stated. Patriotic citizen'' arc now offered an opportunity to aid the Gov.-'rament by s»liiug to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlo'to, M irch 21, 1®63. [c. d ] 1 Itf ;RI\U J«iTOAKJ«i FOR SAI.kT" The undersigned have taken the Ajjency tor the sale of Mrssrs W' B Farrar & Co’s Grind S'ones, and ' have now on hand sizes running fr >tn 18X2| inches to ; 6 feet by 11 inches; aild can have cut at ‘-hori notice I ANV SIZES winted. Persons in w.tnt of Grind Stones I will please corresp'.nd with the un.iersigned, who will tiU orders p'-oraptly ani guarinte* the qualify of the t ^rit aA ref>r««4*otA4l GEO W Fay*ttf>villa, May 27. TERMS FOE THE HKSSION OF 20 WBEKS: B.jard, including v^nshing, Rights, fuel, Aic , $220; English Tuition $30; Music on the Piano, Harp or Gui tar §30; Vocal .Music SI2 50; Oil Painting S30; Dra«ving ?12 50; Grecian Painting 3>15; .Ancient and Modern Languagp.s, eaoh 50. For furiner particulars apply to RDMIARD STERLING, Principal. June 27, 1863. 41-lOip l THE ]¥ORTH CAROLINA MITIIAL LIFE INSIIRANCE COMPANY, N'OW^ in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—atllife members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are, insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after b.atisi'actory proof is presented. For further information the publi"- is referred to .\gents of the Company in all parts c ihe State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. II.\LE, Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. lOt’ Board in good families, Twelve Dollars per month. Tuition pi*r Session of Five Mon'.hs $12, $15 and $18 Tuition ch \rged from time of entering. No de ductions made except in casps of sickness protra'>te i one month or more R. McC.\8KILL, Principal. July 6. 43-lOtpd W Female Tcacher Wanted. .\NTED a lady to teach the higher branches f f English with .Slusic, &c , in my family. Address A,. Elisabethtown, Bladen county, N. C., stating price. July 6. 43 Impd Run the Blockade! A The New Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOtiRAPUS, AT Vaiior!>»(lcll% Gallery. ART. %VoodwarV« ^oiar Camera. WlLLlAMa S, CO. tf T RI.Ot'K %oi: of I'llbot ; Ri a Tin: HE L'ndersigned .ir*r. I’lr Broth'‘ra SihAM SMILLS complete. 18 Horse power. Will saw frot.i J to 5 thiUJin 1 feet Luiubor pjr j l»y: situa-e I 2^ -nib m from M lvr’s D.-po;. Western ] R R on 3D0 ajres b-'nt rimberel Hn 1 in North Ctiroli- ■ na. Tti we in want will ad tre-s me a' E ;ypt, the pre j sent terminus W, R R. For pivii.-ilars refer to J. W. : : nH)TOGR.\PHS can be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight I I Gallery, Hay street, opposite .Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life site. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertain' ig to the ,\rt. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing, O' i for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches. Dord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instm- ■ meats. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life «iie colored Photographs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit i your pairouafire. 1 would also return my sincere thanks ■ farr the litieral patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C, M. VANORSDELL, Photographist and Proprietor, 77- l>ec’r 2U. 1859 x^larbic Factory, (i.intpr, KimboUon, Cha' Fayetteville, N. i'. m, N C., or N. A Sie lman, OvklanJ, N. C. JOHN A VLL those in leb'e 1 to th.* Estate of the lau- .\ngus Sh^iw are roq'i'i'ed to otl) 'in 1 settle the ^aine liy the 1st of Vu;ist next or i.\ey will finlth-ir Notes ani accounts in the haul-' of an oilicer for collecii^in. . J VMES JEN KIN.-;, Ahn’r. June 22. ]S63. 3*^t t.\l June 18. AOTK’K. MCDONALD. Im w AOTICF. IN consequence of a necessary stoppage of the Rock- fish Factory for several weeks to como, for the pur pose of repairs, t.tie company will have no Sheetings tor sale till further notice. C T. li.\IGH, Pres t. March 2‘J. .SALT! SAI/F!! SACKS for sale by me or $25 for his June 1. confinement iu Jail. N A. .STEDMAN. •33-tf Dee 22. ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-tf Wanted liiimediately, 1 GOOD JUNIPER SllINtjLES, for which LU.UUv/ the highest c-a.sh price will be paid. —ALSO — A yoke of large, well broke OXEN. Apply to D. ANDERSON & CO., Eagle Foundry, Fayetteville, N. C. March 7. 'i863. TOBACCO. 1 (JA BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, 1/ for sale oa consignineo't, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO. May 23. 31tf Sole Leather wanted. f)AAA LBS, of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, ^vUv/ suitable for Belting. Apply to D. MURPHY.- Fayetteville, April 14. 2i»tf Administrator’^ IWotice. The subscriber having at December Term, 1802, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad- miaiat.rator upon the Estat^e of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persont having cl.n^ims against the Estate to present them within the time limited by law, otherwise thia notice will be pleaded iu btn* of recovery. Debtors are requested to make prompt pajmenU . HECXOtt M0NEII.L, Adm’r. 10, IW2. 8>. t Coal iTIisie. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine properly, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal I'rom this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chas B. Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B, MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf RFWARO, JILL be piid for t le r.-civery of a CoLT'S RE- Pb.XTER. stolen frjni me at the 'Vn;,.n Vard June 17th, The Pi-tol i^ No The* a' ove reward wiil be p iid oa rec.>vering th“ ‘‘■trne .Ap ply to R. Mi'chell. (), M. LUTl'EKLOlI. June 20 ;{,» '.itp l A> ii^iiai tli(‘ itloeiiaii‘ IIJ^ILL compel us to d i v.’i il we saould have done t>e- T T fore liiis, wi.it upon yourself mi l cut lo >se from the ene.'uy. The pn>pri.^tors h iving .started ttie m iiuifac- turing of all kin.is of iJOlitUNS for Factorie-i in the Southern S:ate^, wili (>e ablo t.> fill orders lit short notice. Work delivert;J in Fayetteville, N C. Address ^ U. L. KIVEFT, Manchester, Cunibeila"d. N, C. June 0,* 18>’3 36 iln.pd To Fanners and Qua*'teriuasters. .\S.S1STANT QUARTE.IM ASl'EU GEN S OFFICE. ) RictiM'isit, V\ , l;Uh June, 1863, j TA\ IN KIND. ’'pHE folljwiug is the .system adopted for the coll»ctiou 1. of t&e i4S in kind: An oHic.ir of the iitterciister General’s Depart ment ij assigned to the s-'ecial c'iarge ot the subject. A controllmg (.inrlerin istor, with 'tie rank ol' M »jor, IS ^ssigue i to e.ach State, au l a Podt tj larternsasti r with the r ink of t3apt tin, tv> n)?rcr»ioii »l Dis trict, where it is priclioahle 10 coll.-ct the tenth . Cuiitcrariniouikl Omiriot will he iiuWrliTi'lrit hy I the PftHt (.^11 vtermasicr in charge of it into sections, for j the convenient delivery by the t ix payer of his ipiota of produce, a:id agents will be .appointed by thai ollijerto t ike charge of me depots to be es' .ablish'^d in each .section. Before iiicse d -p ,t; ciYi he e,st;io!ished. or the assess ments rei lire I Uii ier the law ba lui ie, the crops of stuall griiin, hay and tbe clip of wool for the present year will have been secure.I To relieve farmer*- fro n the risk an 1 inconvenience ot storing tiie G.>vern'iieiii. portion, w.'li as lo obiiiin iinniedi'itc supplies for the us.- of the army, the Depart ment. HuthoriZ.js nud reijaests f irniej's residing near [losis wiier.- ti ianerinasters are now stat ioiieii lo deliver ttie G jvernm.-nt.’s Lenth, .^r any part of it 10 that (.^aar- master. Under the law, farm-rs are roijnired to deliver their tentii at depots not more than eight miles from the place of production. If tfiey will deliver under ttiis re quest, the Gov.»rnmeni w ii pay for the transportation IU excess of eight in'les. The 4u vrtermaster receiving produoe under this rule will give receipts to the produ cer as evidence that so much of his tax is paid And as the Post lartermis'er of the Congressional District is responsible for the tenth, after ihe assessor has es- tablisSied and made it known to him. the t^'i^irt-rmaster to whom the produce is delivered will also receipt for it to the Post Q.iarierina8ter of the District., wlio wiil en dorse a copy of the reoeiot upon the assessor’s estimate before transferring it to the agents at. ttio receiving dij- pot LARKIN SMITH, A. Quartermaster Qaaeral in charge June 18, 1863 4l-lm By amy f.AUDEIi, TWO IIUORS \ROVB T. T. RAIfin 4'SONS’ STORR Fa%‘lt‘villi', C. •20. 1«60 81- fa VETTK VILLF MITIAL IXSURAXCE COMPANY. $267,088 -.ih 5,077 35 Capital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand .and other assets, WMacINTYRE hfts receive,i* . 1 ^ F.tYKTTKVIlLE AKSKWL .tXH | Fron, tVe S.ln.a Morning Dispatch. r^, CA i extraordinary ESCAPE nHOPO^AL-S will be rec. .v-d until the 1st day «f Au- j -Vlpine, Ala., June I't — About 5 o’clock ves- 1 eust next, for furnishing to the ( .(nfp lera'e State i.,„ nffftrnnun w- 1 \_ u 1 1 at Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, Fif.v thou-iu-M NN elch, an old and lilj|h- Walnut Ride Stocks. * ^ V esteemed citizen ot this (Tiilladega) county, Full specifica’ions ns fo siz». shape and qii ility of ! Ala., his son Nathaniel Welch, Ool. Wm. Christy, wood, when to be cut and delivered, also th • nature of S. A., and -Mrs. l>r. (jrorman were sitting round ^ SUition, on the Alabama and 13.30J] M.j. F. L. CHILD.^, (,omd g Officer. , Teunes.see Ilivor Railroad, in a kind of room or Tic A FILL ACADKTIV. I cut-oti'about ten leet square, where the stove is cNElLL AC \DEMY is in a very healthy locaiitrin | pbced. These parties ibrraed a kind of circle or Robeson (iounty, 4 ntules from Antioch and 3 from j half moon, the horns of which were less than six Springs. .Students will be under the very bos" of fggj apart. The circle commenced with the Par- intiuenuns both moral and soci.al. .\ll the exercises in 1 • „. .1 1 1 . 1 1 j the School will be conducted with a view t« prof^ur.d | f “ "«xt, the Colonel next, and the lady Scholarship—no sapeTfici xlU v countenance K j I ne stovG, was initnediately in front of tite will be thoroughly prepared for entering the Freshman i circle, and within three feet of it. All were seat- or Sophomore (Jlass at the University. I ed except Nathaniel Welch’ who was standing. The next session of Ihis School will commence ih^ \ fl^ph of lightning came, ?t~M. and descended *'.? , j the stove pipe, burst the raised foundation upon which the stove was placed, and passed down through the floor, just where the right foot of the I’arson was placed, carrying off the first joint of the big toe and splitting the foot open nearly to the heel.^ lie was also struck on the left shoulder, the electricity passing down the arm, over both hands, which were crossed upon his chest, and down the right leg to the already injured part of the foot, leaving severe burns on the arm, hands, abdomen and leg. The son, Nathaniel, who is l^ostmaster at Alpine, was struck on the right, hip. The electricity descended to and came out at the heel, le-dving the limb severely burned. The Colonel’s right side, from the foot to the shoulder, was slightly bruised, his eyes somewhat injured, and his hearing much affected. The lady’s hearing was also considerably affected, which was all the injury she sustained. There was ft small negro boy standing between the two Welch es. The destructive element pas.sed over the floor precisely where he w.is, leaving a serpentine black mark for the distance often feet, to a corner of the space railed off for the clerk’s desk, when it passed into the warehouse, by knocking ofl a par tition plank; and, strange to say, the boy received no injury beyond being prostrated on the floor. There was a dog under the floor, which was kill ed; and a horse standing near the platform, out side, tibout fifteen feet off, was knocked down. A number of gentlemen were sitting gn the benches against the wall of plank, just outside of where the injured p.irties were, none of whom felt the shock. The clothes of the Welches were torn into innumerable fragments, or rags, to see which, without knowing the contrary, would lead to the universal opinion that the wearers could not have escaped irom being blown into utter annihilation. The parson had Sis spectacies in the leit pocket of his pant-s, in a tin ca.se, which was mashed flat, and the glasses broken into very small pieces. His penknife was in the same pocket. His .son’s knife was also in his left pocket, and. both are so charged with magnetism as to attract^ needles, which alhcre to them with great tenacity. The scene which followed may be imagined, bill cannot be described. The Parson appeared to be a perfect wreck, and the son did not present a intieh more favorable sight. The Colonel (who is ain old and experienced soldier) characteristically, cr profes.sedly, observed that it was a perfect re presentation of that which fbllo'vs the bursting of a 13 inch shell in the midst of a crowd of soldiers. I am pleased, however, to have it in my power to close this .somewhat minute and prolix account of a rotiiarkable escape from death, which will only interest the friends of the parties concerned, by saying, tliur all are now doing well; those so se verely injured will no doubt recover, and that the deal are gradually recovering their hearing. An EyK WlTNESH. Case 1400 yds English Prini», IS pieces Hoyles Engli.sh Prints; 5 pieces Fancy Lawns; lii pieces Mourning Muslins; 5 pieces 4 4 ^lourning Prints; 10 pieces 7-8 Bleached Shining; 0 pieces 4 4 English Shirting: 1 easeCoats’Black SpoolCotton, lOOdoz. 200ydt; 1 e»3e Clark’s Whit3 Spool CottoD, 100 doz 100 ydi 1 ease Engliah Shoe Thread, 240 lb« , ii bal’.i; J?3 Bfeta Knives and Forks; 6000 large Needles 0 to 000; * 5 kegs Bi Ca»-b S,)da; 20 sacks Liverpool Fine S^U; 10 Sacks Turk Island S*U- 5 boxes Extract of Lo:rwood; 10 barrels English Copperas; 23 kegs Cut Nails; 1 Hocshead Good 3 igi»r. July 6, 1863 43*3i Cotton anil Wool CariN. 1 BOX SUPERIOR No. 10 COTTON CARDS, i 1 box “ WOOL 7 ■ For sale by P. TAYLOR July 4 48 3t. Prebyferian 3t. Fayetteville ,lr«ei;al and Arniorj, \ Fatettevillb, N. C , June 29, 1863. / WAATED. HAVING received authority from the S^'cretary of War to uicrease the strength of the present Corpn at this ,\r«enal, the undersij^ned wiil enlist one .hun dred (100) non-contcriptt for that purpose. Tho«ie sub ject to oonscriptien need not apply. Tr.^nsfer9 and exeh:*uges of men now in leivicM ena- not be made .MATTHEW P. TAVLOR, I'apt. C. B. A. June 8. Sotf Fayetteville Arsenal and Armorj, \ Fayetteville, N. C., June 2'.*, 1803 / WA ATKI>, FODDER or HAY. Apply to Capi TVYLOR, At the .Arsanal. 6000 4::if] LBS F«R SALK. ASTEA.M saw :.nd GllIST MILL, looited in up per end of Marion Disc , S seven miles wes of Little Rock. Engine twenty horsepower, double eilin- dric boilers twenty-four feet long thirty inches diameter. The Sivw, Belts, Rutibers—all t(ie gearing in complete order. The very best quality of grist rucits. The services of a competent Engineer anti ?tlachini3t, capable of running and keeping the whole in tlioreugh repair, may also be secured, t’onfe l^r.i te Noies or Bonds satisfactory teniler For parti(Aila's, apply to J. A. Falks til the mill, M. Hughes on the steadier I’et- teway, plying between Wilmington anJ Fort Ca"weU, or the subscriber at Gilopoiis, Robeson coanty, N. C. J. C. SUTHKULAND. June 29. . -12-Ttpd Total, $272,7t)5 fil The t'.ompany have paid all losses promptly, and have never maiie an assessment on their premium notes. Total losses paid, J20,682 09 Officers: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. R.AY, Vice President. C. A. McMlLLAN, Sec’y. Dirkctorr: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, S. J, Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley. Wm. McLanrin, Nithan A. Stedraan, T. S. Lufterloh, I). B. .Mallett, Janies Kyle, A. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghast. A. W. Steel, J. G. C**ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, ) . A V. Hall h^Jlm’gton. A. E. Hall, J hn Collins and C. C. MoCrummen, Traveling Agents Oouipatiy inTite applicAtionB. M-r 1601. 21- WAIJTED, Bank N>TE.S of North Carolina, South Carolina, V'irginia an I Georgia. -■Vlso, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Als-j, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, new issue, W. It RICHARDSON & CO , Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. Miirch 9tf [NOTICE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili- ^ t'try sTvice of the Cont'elerate States of America, iiereby give nofit;e to their old ctistotners and friends, that thev h s,ve appointed .John D. St.irr and John D. VViliianiR, of this place, their attorneys to collect either separately or conjointly all moneys due them eitner by account or note, and otherwise to attend to then" bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them to call tis prompt ly as possible on their agents a;i.l make payment. STA&il & WILLIA.MS. Sept 19. 18G1. 68-tf Naw and Ori^f .nill lor AT AUCTION. Iwlll sell at public sale, on Tuesday, ,luly 11, my Saw and Grist .Mills, b'cated ne^r the mouth of i’ros.^ Creek. Tuete mill.s ar** in good runnii.y orvier. In temling 10 chivnge my busim-ss, I offer them for sa'e. They can be examined any lime on the pr-'Hiises. Terms—One-lhird cash, one-third in si's, and one- third in twelve inonths. ARf’tri) McLau.;hlin. JOtiN il COOK, Auct’r. Fayetteville, Jime 27, 18t33. 41-5tpd Cotton Yarn tor W^ool. V’’0T1CE is hereby gi.’eu that nt'ier this da’e (except in c^ses waere havebirgained for^Vool -iccord ing to the ttrms of • ■ir adv rtisem^nt of 30th of May, which teriu-> are now revoke!,) we wi’.lgivel bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 Ib-j. of W’ool iiua i«hed, or 3 Iba. washed ani picked. This chinge male at the instance of the Q'ljirtennasti'r at Ril-fivih, Ui or ler to make the terms of exohan^re uuit..’-oi throng>.-cl .‘h.T Slate. GEt). >\. WlLLl.A.NIS v, Ct). Fayetteville, .l ine 29, lHtj.3. 41 1 Spuu Cottou Exciiauged for Ji»rd. WH will gi»*^ Spun C.dtoii lu part piyiuftiil for L.-iHU delivered al oUi' F*.siory oi» Ht A McLAU«'HLlN .4 CO. t r.\Ki> oi ij. -A very article, tor sale at our F^iCiory. A. AlcLAUvMlLIN At ^O. KIK. 'B'Oil.irr StJI \ f*.-F. f -ale at our Factory A McL Ui’HLlN' .'i (yt). Fayeitevillo, June 2'.t, I.Sil J -il-luipl AD«IAI«TRATOR’.S AOTK F. To //if (Ji'editors l) lu >r& of lirn(hh( riMlE UnJer=igued iiii'ring ni N v ni*’ r f^'riu i-'■- v.-f X Court of Pl;‘as ani (j i ir, .-r > ■ -ions oi .■5-.-uiyr,..u 'County daty qualified hs .\dn!ini^l^■^.t >r 0! tli'. i' ' of L. J. Brad-tiaw, dic’ i, hereby «ive.s n.^tice m all per S0U8 having clii ns !ig.\i!isi s vid Es'ate to present tiieta duly authenticated ani WKhiii the tiin,; prescn'ed by liW or this notice will be pi-ial in bar ot khi-ir reC‘ very. Also, persons indebted to said Esia-e will in Ae irn- meiiate payment. The Cedar Falls Bob bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, at abort noticc, all kinds of BOBBINS, SPOOLS and 4^UlLLS, &c, aaitable for Woolen aal Cotton MiUki. J. M. ODBLL, Agent. c«diix riOH It. c.» aoi7 % im. iVAILH FOR «ALE. The HIGH SHOALS IRtiN CO. are prepared to fill cash orders for Nails, at their factory, in Gaston county, N. 0. Nails will be delivered at Iron Station, on tbu Wilmingtoia, Charlotte Ik. Rutherford Railroad. Addceea HIGH SHOALS IRON CO., .ipril 8. J. W. GEDDENS, .vdm’r. ^suFo.] 41'-‘.it4i Palma Clirit^ti Bcant^. the DIXIE PRI 'pIIE subs.3rit)«ir will pay the highest cash prices for | T?OR li|^ Little FoUs. -A tartu.-r I 4ay quantity of Palma Chrisli Beans. J- or retail by b. . . ■ ' J. A. WORTH. Favef teville. Oct, 8. (j7-tf Hw 19,1868, IrcQ, Liaoola ooaaty, N. C. I ooaaty «0-2«pd ' J«M 12» 1863^ COW lost. My COW is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to Campbellton, being driven into the river by boys and can’t find her way back. She is marked with crop in each a%r, has a bell on, white in her face, white on back aul belly, red on neck and sides Who ever will take her up and let me know it, or V ring her up to me in Campbellton, will be liberally rewarded. The said oow was bought la the upper part of Bladen countT &ad may probftblv &ad her waj baok to that JNO. A- WATSON. C^ARRIACJE AA'I> IIARALS^ FOR SALK- ALaree second-hand CARRIAGE, with seats for six persons. Also, a set of DOUBLE HARNESS, very E. J. HALE. persons little used. May 25. Soiiihern ISong«4ter, Arranged expressly for Camp. Price 60 ots. Just received. E. J. HALE & SONS. Tune 20. Blank. Warrafits for sale here* Gen. Imh'ii/i n's Opf rat ions.—A correspondent of the vScp.tinel, writing from Hampshire county, June 21«t, gives an account of the recent opera tions of Gen. Iinboden’s command, a portion of which we copy; (ion. Imboden, who commands this brigade, has operated as a “flanker” to Kwell. On the Dth, lie cros.sed the Shenandoah mountains to Moore- lield, in (lardy county, sent back a fine drove oi cattle; pushc'l on to Romney, the Federals, 1,500 in number, retreatinjr to New Creek, a depot on the liiiltiiiiore atid Oliio railroad. Onwarti-he prc^•sod to Springfield—the enemy there also fall ing back to their strong position at New Oeek. He coioTuenced threatening New Creek, the cucaiy being 40(M) stron^, and meantime sent a regiment of cavalry yroniid them, and captured Cumberland, Maryland, or.C mile and a halt from the IVnnsyiva'nia line. We were the first Rebels in Cujnberiand .since the war. It is a beautiful city, cnnta-niiig sixteen thousand inhabitants,. So c iinjilctely had the enemy been deceived by the teiut on Now Creek, that Cumberland surren dered without much resistance. Some ammuni tion and quartermaster storos were found, but their destruction would Jiave laid the place in a.-'hos. 'I he regiment turned its attention to the line bridixes; th-'sc were uUerly dcmolisihed, the WMuden ones hurled, tiic .5plendid iron one.s kiiockc-.I in fr«rin>’nts hv rifle •.■■innun. The dc- yi.>t3 wero turn«*l int.o ntins. TVic Canal vas “]iut through” genenllv The people in Cumberland say the railroad n-. ver would be rebuilt durin" this war. Jackson do-^troyed it considerjbly, but now it lies dismant led, or wil! .soon, from Cumberland to Harper’s Fe rry. The fat cuttle, hor.-'es and sheep, blocked the road, bell»wing and blating—and such cattlel The e mntry was in a perfect panic when they heard of the coming of ‘‘Iniboden, the guerilla,” a.s they eall him. Five thousand 1’ennsylvania “.\rcii.sli” advanced to meet him on the ^^Tational road. He let the “Meli«li” .-tand an dwaitfor his coming while a squadron of cavalry went around them a:id gathered the fine horsLS they had left at home.” A (!!'*■> I / /r,i.—(Jen’l Whiting has issued an Order at Wilmington, stating that to commemo rate son>« of the many distinguished and gallant dead of North Carolina, who have given their lives for their country, the names ot the following of the Forts ifnd Batlerics of the Cape Fear, will be changed, viz: Fort Johnston wiil be known hereafter as Ft Branch. Fort St Phillip, “ “ “ “ Ft Anderson." Fort Hiil, “ “ “ “ Ft Mears. Ft Gun Battery, “ “ ' “ “ Ft Ganipbell. Fort French, ” “ “ “ Ft Lee. . Fort Strong, “ « “ *» Ft Davis. Ba.ttery Tirza, “ “ “ “ Bati’y Stokes The remaining batteries on the river will not be designated at pre.sent, otherwise than by num bers as heretofQre, except six on the city front, which, commencing with the lowest, will be known after some brave sons of Wilmington as followa: Batteries Wright, Mearea, Moote, VsuxBokkeki^ I Cvwaa and WooBt^r

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