f »r ; : n*. V-t ..1 k'tli > - ..r iiii 1 ■ ill il ai*. v>t 1 lit gni/.. '■f hnli. t li.t 1>. ..1 loui . •Ui ;i... sia' ■ ■ r.'d re th *■ ‘i- hO].. ;Uur lit. or. .hall 1 u.-a-, >- : ill , ■ :r ,i ua t . : ..ij, thr ait. - - : * i Iv ’> • 'M I • ‘ ■! Cl . ■ i." UiUl t r, u ■ -'t. ;i VI , >1. ■ , : Ul ' . It and c ..t ■ tit ■•h ;d ■ ’ »t I r n;.. ■ -1 I'"' ; ^ ■■UT- ICl'J.- : -1 ! : ist. ; . '11 V-i UVUj . . :\A »■ • aiT' ‘f tho r -.r Ml Ut- ... h (lu- :iu- ! r' ’ s.,-d he u 0-- a Il M 1:. Ai. c a. ■ *t. - . -jt- int Uj sttT -- \ tu\ i t. J h hv ■’itid c t iclcs . in sum. ■ ■ Ji'- 'om ■■Ui- :red dlS- tiiuii : ■ j-ts. als ■ the ccer. -It CUT -• u ly I. ■> ■ ' ' J tllC the K ' ; LuL, . t t;i A tJ33 ICC 4 ■ •r, t IX C a u.: > ■-: i ■1 on e s ■ tf.. nd .t i ^ ict • (It. t . he it ti: ' ' ‘ [f ; CCS lll.l^ hat ■ f ? ui i V 1 X" p..-. Ui-I - U' 1 -T'.: 0 • a.'. ■ >r 1, c- *-tj a 1 U'.' - n-jf d!.‘ ’ ■ti'-.. tC X il .4 ■; '.x; . i ’ r t- * ‘V tru ■.X.y III i 'lor ' f;T . r otU -> e .i lil :• lit . - e '. r t!i' . e- li i ti V, ■Jlif; r -y h ‘3’- .•Vt.T ^;aiu :r. d ali an 1 on :w : r un'i f . r ‘ - treal n *.h' I, ai. ■ ; 'he a;f 1,^ u na iicr ■”-! IU yci; ..d- • r th' I* ^F-Ml-WF!FiK I, T \Of, XliI.l )■ AYfyrTKVILLE, N. C.. JULY 13, 1863. [NO. 1*245.] rUlNTKI) MONDAYS AND TIR'RaUAYS KDWARI) J. Wiu: & SO’^S. K1 IT'ins ANl> }*R(>PRIKTaU.'! X. V, 'Vlli!. oppTi (Vo V '.Gi.K IlOTKL for ii:t> rc *niip, 'in.i 1 h'lp" .'ini-Weekly Or'»krvv.b :iniinm. pi*'! Vi’ico for I he alviince. For :Iie >\’ee'cly O Jst Krv.B ?1 00 pc alVHTU!‘*. \I)VEPvTlSKMKNTS iii-i'rioU for ?1 per ^ u xrc ■ >f l'’> for tlu‘ tir^t, nn l ■>'' ceii!.-* ■ >r t'rtili mii' ci*el:ng jmblisM:ion. A ivertistMnentsi not oxjoel.n’ .i hulf (>S liii. d; tiO oeuls for the tirsi iin.l fi.r -•« jiuc.'eeiliii^ p i'''>icrtlion. Ailvorliser'; h;-o ro t'l ;! ■' iiu'til-'or of inseriioi)! il»sire'l, or thov will W runiiinu-i i-u f. rbi'l. m l .'hur/t'J ncfor l- iiijTiy. 4 i ..-V. cluirge.l n ■ U'. » h1 SPK'’’!.’ '■ 'TfiTirr. From !in I ..ter tlii> Jftfo. no name of a new siubscribor ;^i!l !>(> enfereJ witlio\it piyuient in a‘IvHn(v-, !ior will Uie paper l.e -»*nt lo ■■■a 'h riil s.’i ibor?-- for a longer lime t!ian is p;u'i 'or. Siu-h of our oM subPcriVievs Jis le"^'.re lo take (lie p;i- per ou this sy^ten> will please iiotii'y U!« when uiakinj? remit trtiu'Cfl. ^ (Ju I(if • to !)ti able to Pfil ,Ti iin fron« sevpui v-fi- itil, I'.i pfr'i’n-? dnrit " 'he Summer l.( ci'inipct;- n with thi. ’'irge lloirl, I ba~ o a . ll-i-'lis, (’.ii rill-itiJ Si» M!e l!iat tny criie«t:J c-»n pet st n minuto'.'^ notice J M. lU.AlR. Proprietor K->gb* Hotel. Aaheville. ‘i ('. M tv V; 1 81 -vjcI lo JU'KKK COL’NTi', X. C. Sprinii" are ;Mu iie i in Western North '>i'o i 1 li! .1. ;il>0M' Fii;e«*ti mil ’s ^rtim Morgartor, in a ii’i'unt rinr>\i». bemtifu' -11)1 rmiiniic c.iuutv. ['he' . S'M.lMll'!; in 1 f’H \LV:?r.ATK, ir. 'i 1 lo l- J •■'qiiul I " any i;i the Tmnlry Deer, T?» ir an.t hbouu'l u ilii- Moiint^in-). 1 He ‘’'iinp^iny h i- -u.- -.'le i iij ohi’tiniuji thefervices . i«f an I xj>eritni '1 ir»-uil>':j i.n a .d laiiy to take chai ;re of ^ t!ie !l:nt=o. ati 1 will bo really t^^r 'ho recorition of Visit er* bv the !«• .1 L' LY One-FourtS of thi= prop«»ty with Three llt;:i • Irpil acres of L-,n'l sti i^he 1 wou'd bo sold lo » per-on Cv'tnpeient to t-ike cli-.rj;6 of t^o prtipviiy. PIEltMONT SPRINGS CO Mav-'l. ^3-8mrd LInT of rHAH(;EN FOK PASSE\«LKS. .lan'y 1, IS'iS. n\li. Attorney at Law, F'avettevilt.f.. N. 0. attend tie t'ounty and Superior Tonrts of ' I Cumberland. Harnett. Moorw and HoV>eson Coun ties. Prompt I'Le-ition givea to the colleciiou of all oJ.iims entru'tc'i to his hands. Oct. 17, i^5y. (iEO. W. W1LL1.\.>IS & CO., Wholesale Dealers ill 4»roceri*«, AND IMPOUTF.RS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, Ac., HAT STRKKT, FAYETTKVILLK, t. July 2, SGtf I TI. ey, iirncer and CofmniHHinn .ftrrchant, KAVKTTKVILLK, X 0. Jan’y 10. I>'tj5. I'i-tf T. i\ A: K. ii. %VORTii, I'omoiissiou aud Forwardiug Merchant WILMINGTON, N. O. Jan’y 28, lP*il S4tf lAKII! FEW LADIES cia be aci-orumotlued with board at the Seminary. From Fayeitoville to Wilrnington, $10 00 “ “ “ Elizibetb. r, l»0 “ “ “ White Hall, r. oO “ “ “ K»lly s I ove, 7 00 “ “ All p' ints lielow, 10 00 SECO.Nl> n.AS.S, OR DKCK.. Fr lOi Fayetteville lo Wi'iiriiij;t'>n. S.", “ “ “ Eliiib»th. 2 oO *• •• WtMteJ.all. 8 '>0 “ “ •• Keily'n Cov*. 4 0) “ “ “ .\11 p 'luia below, •3 UO 1 S». Frvim Wil>iiirs:ton to Farpt.’eville. «^lu on •• Kelly's Cove. 4 50 “ \lrhite Hal:, 5 .50 “ “ Llizibelh, tj 50 “ “ Pr.i?pect H ill, 8 IH> “ “ ••Ml ['oiiiiji above, 10 00 8FC0N1> CLASS, OR DECK. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $5 (K) “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 3 00 “ \\hite HaU, 4 (K> “ “ “ .\’l points above, 5 tH) 0^.. f^ecor d Cl.ass or D - ’k P wsengers must stay on lower declt or pay full pricp. nr a3 Fir>»t riaos. #agr An extra charge will be mvie for Wav Pa'Sen gers geiiing into iJerths j-irinir day time, and for occu pying a Uerth vrith their boots or shoes on, at the Ji‘^cr,‘ii 'n of the Ciptain J. A WORTH, f. r C F St’m B't Co. ORRF! L f'r St’rg Kite and Sun. LUTTEKLOH. Mar 4, U M T. S 1S--.S A T. (' Sept. 12. lK';.l. Hooper 5"- I'roiis nttd dkto the tftP'i'ner A leave at S o’ciocic. A and Thur-d ty JD.S April r,_i7tf] Ag t »' F. 20-tf atler flii«« i‘. HURT will M , on .'londav \. WORTH, S'.'-im i: >at Co. JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & J^AI/r ^lAKKRS. W^E have thirty (3n pins now ri oi' >n nine miles W east of Wilmingi4»a I’artU'S wi.nhing ti; suppiy them-olvv-* with !*iU. can be furn^.-'hf I by applying to rPHI 1 i A. J 'hti" n, Jr , A?v n.anairer at the wir»-. ■It jr to 1 F lyei'cvi'.ie, lo L Page, ,T. M WILLIAM.-J. General Superintendent hlif K\ll. KO.\f>. IE Trtiinp of this RoaJ 1p!iv» hi 'im^, ■Mil; I tin exfttjHeJi at ^ ’! o«t. \ M.. and re turning: leave Molver'sa! 1 P M. Frf^ljht Trit>> MonIjay, WKl-NKSDAYaadFiUUAV By ur i.*r oi the Pre^; irti'. JN'». M R ‘^r., Treas'r aud .\ct'g Tr^ns. .Vj't Jan, 22, 1^'. 1. ‘.'Ttf Tl VK Uf.CAHl.MKM' NoRTil C.AIHH.INA, 1 -Aii.n: r.\NT Okniikal'.s Okki.'- R vlkigu Jun‘,-2') \ JAMES i’ SMITH rf und>erl'’. 1 is au'h'liized to 1 li.-ie a cornpa’-.}’ to ‘■. rve for Six Mon hrj under the 1''j'lisi'iiMi . f f.ie Pr -ideiti. F.iph pin.-p^ny willc '':- ■* SI of Mcvt'iily fiv- lut n Tti»' p>‘ivale,^ wi'l ele''t *h“ir ■iompany olli ;er.-' who wi'l be (.‘omnaiS'ionft ) .'t and from the timo t'io i!)u-!l‘>r ro' i« fib* I in t!1i^ oHte* D\Nf/. (5. Ft)WLE, .-\djiiI’t flen’l •1 H'n rtiixi.ios lo rui-K' a corananv un lor the .'iboj’ au iJi riiy a'* e / i:i as pO:^'ib!e Atiy rpry ■!(» wisiiing to Ni-li.iiteer. may aldre^s m" at Fayetteville. JAS. (;. SMITH June 21. 40-7tpd A: the sus/;Slion of srver kl fi iead.s, iha under- fc'gn.-d prop.i.sea lo be om' of y. Voluu:eer (Niinptny, iu r -'p-3riS“ to ih-* ree ’u jir.'iclaui-iiini of the G iVcrnor of the Slate. Ho will tu> vti »o com'nutiiea'e por-ionally or ;iy It'ttor^with "'ly vbo tn vy be willit.c io tender'ds Si rvicos to th-‘S'.i ?. iii.-.'or the piiar'ntir-* «.f ihe .Act • f th-' G n Tikl .\sS'.;nIi!y. on which the proclamarion is (uiiiided. WhaU'ver is done, should he don“ «>''omi'tly WALTER L STEELE UockiuithaDi, Jiin-.' -0. 40 (»i*8tpd \V(‘Kfi‘rii Kaiii’oad. 'PHE FllE'GllT TPi.MN on this Road will run d'liJy I aticr this d.-iie Fmight must he ilt-livere 1 at Fay '■lUville Depot bef >re siinHi>t lo insure its beiuK sent for ward rn tiie Huoeeedjng d-*y. A'o freiyht rect’ved i/i the to go l>;/ ihe same hain Uv order, \1. RtjSE. Treas’r atid Transporiai‘on Ap’i, 'V. R. R. Jti'te JO, ISud. 3^ ow rc.oitAS. ( ~ ^PHE Fall Sesfcion in ihi« lii'iiiution. srill ooranienc3 on I Wt lues'Iiy the 22 1 of July Tne price of Board haa beeu raised to .'f2-j pe:* month. The ohargci for Tuition, Continiiencies, &o.. retn.iin unchangi>d. For further pariicular-i ad Ires* the undor^'^ned at Gilopoiia, N. C DANIEL JOHNSOM. Principal. Juna 19, lSf.;i 81> tw To C'ottoii Planter**. IHAV'E been appointe I by tbe Secietary of (he Trea sury, Chief Ageni f-r the purch%i» of Cotton for the ('oaftfderate Government within the Slate of North Caro lina, aa l will pay for ihe same in 7 per cent R mds or Cajth. ♦ Sub-Agenti^ visitinc: the diffe->nt parti of the Stato, bayin* in my name, will ha»e written certificates of af'pointment. By order of the S--t;ret!iry of the Treastiry. all Coiton purch-wed by mys*>!f or my agents, m nul ;ifter the 16th day of March lHij:l. ^^ul be paoi tor in 7 per cent Doads «r Cash, and n )t 8 per cent. B.inli as sta'ed in a former idvertise'u-*nt. Up tj th.it tim.\ however, the per cent, b^a is wil! be fiir.aishel n. stated P(t'rio'ic c.J'Z'us are now otFer>’ l an opport'.iaity to ai I the G 'veram mt hy se’ iug to it tasir Coito i rainer than lo private capi;aii.*t-». LE VIS S. WILLIAMS Charlo'.te, Mtrch2l. IH'i^i. [o o ] vjtf i;ui.\u sTo %fr:.s l ou '^PHE under.-^ign-'d have tak -n th - A cenc,' t jr tne sale 1. of M“i-«r-i W U Farrar .V ('o's G- nd ,r.,- . ar. ' have now -’u h*ad siz.'s running fr in l-'-X'-'ij inc .t - to f*ci hy 11 inches: an 1 C’in have cut at s:i,j-t i.otice .\N\ SIZE"^ winiel PTsons in wiat of G:"i.i 1 S'oa*' will pl-a H'corre«p)n 1 w.th th-- u.iderbigne 1, wh j wiH fcii . ^ uailit/uf the ^ri' as repres-;ii(ed Gho W WILLIAMS A; CO. Fiyfftevil!--. May 27. tf fOMfiiilKlUTK m lilSTS. .\-sc93ors for the County of Cumberland will I i.i^etfi'tUOfficeof A M Campbell ou TIIUUSDAV. -I to receive the Confederate Tax Lists 'or this .,ot\niy, on iii« following stihjecis o! tax%tiun, ' iz: Naval Storee, Salt, Wines a id Spiriti)Uij Liqucrrt, Tob i«- co manuficturrd or unaianufaclured, Colton, Wool, Flot.r, Sugar, Mol.iases and Syrup, Ricd, and other agnciltiiral products, thu growth or production of any ye.'ir precc'diag tho year 18G3. •\No. all Moneys, IJir.k N >tes or other Currency on hand or on deposite on the first day of July, and tbe vilu-? of all crcdits on which the interest has uot bean FAYKTTKVHiLK AU8KYAL AND ARMOUY,\ JuLT 4, 18i>3 i J3R0P0SALS will be recr'iv^d uiitil the l.si d.-iy *>f Au- ftt ^^om the Standard Jl'arti:hmaster\s Department, ) ^ ^ ‘ ^ Haloi^h, July | \\ . . iloliieu, Ksrj :—j^ir; The following in a list ol the prices ot sheeting, osnaburgs and Full snecificafions as fo size, shape and quality of j COtton yurtis, iurnishcd by the different factories wood, when to be cut and deliverpd. nlao tho natuni vf j in the titate to this department: ' inspection, will t>e furnished on application to ittisi t^px'. for farnishiug !;» t;-? C it)f> ’eri e t'ta-^s, Fayetteville Arsenal *>.nd .-Vrniory, Fif'v thnus m l Walnut Rifle Slocks 43i30J] Maj, F. L. CHILDS, Comd’g Officer. Jic:%■:11>I. ACAWK n v. i MoNEILL ACADE VI Y t« in a very h-iil*^y loc'^'iity i-1 Robeson County, 4 miles from An'tiiob and 3 from.) pai i aud not employed in a busiaesTi the inoo.ne from • Springs Students will he uu ier the very be*>t of which is (ax.'d under the provisions of tbig Aot. R. W. HARDIK, Goofed. Tax Col. for Camberlaad county. J^tie 25 40-tf ij(ii^4'tvoi>tli reiiiale l^eiiiiiiary, GREENSBORO’, N C. ^PHE Fall Session of thi^ lu^titution will commence on 1 tho 4th of A'l^;U^t next. TKKMS FOR THK S83SIU.S Of 20 WEBICS: Board, iuuludiaK wasliing, hgbtfl. fuel, «o , $220; Euelish Tuition $30; .Music on the Piano, Harp or Gui- *^^’■^•^0; Vocil Music'$12 50; Oil Painting $30; Drawiug $12 60; Grecian Piiiatia^f S15; Ancient and Modern Lviiguages, tj.-ich $12 5 b For further partioul-ire apply to U1CH\RD STERLING, Principal June 27, 4l-19tp',l THE .\OKTH 4;i[kOI.I.1i'A ~ ■MliTCAL LIFE I.NSURINCE COMPANJ, N()W in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public oon- fideuoe, continues to in«ure the lives of all healthy per- soni? from 14 t« GO years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to GO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds their value. Ail losses ara punctually paid within 90 days after B.atisfacfory proof is presented. For further information the publi'' Is referred to Agents of th« Company in all parts c ' ihe State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan'y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. A UE.ni The New Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOURAPUS, AT VuHor*»d;iPti Gullcry. influences both moral and social. All the exercit-es in the School will be conductcd w’'h a view te p’^ofc.und Scholarship—no superficialitr counfenanced. StudpDf" will bo thororg'oly prepared for entering Ihe Freshman or Sophomore Class at the University. The n>xt session of this School will a mmence tho 10th of AUGUST next Biard in good families. Twelve D-tllar'? per month. Tuilioa per Session i.f Five Months $12, $15 and $18 Tuition ch irged from time of entering. No'U-- duclions made except in cas-s of Frf^kn?ss one month or more ^ R. McC.-V^KlLI July 6. (^edar Kails Co., 4 -1 sheeting 50c per yard; Beaver Creek 31anufucturinfi; (’o , 4-4 sheeting oOc per yard; cotton yarns S;;>.7/) per bunch; J. McDonald & Son, cotton yt rns §5 per bunch, 4-4 hhoeting 5Uc per yard; 1. K. Tate, 4-4 sheeting 50c per yard; \V . S. iiattle, cotton yarn 8f) per buncli; Ijnion Mills, 4 4 yheeting 40c per yard; K. >1. Holt, 4-4 sheeting 4')c per yard, osnaburg 50o per yard, cotton yarn per bunch; Mur ciiison, KeidiA: Co., curton yarn ^0 per bunch; I’ovell & Shuford, sheeting 4*lc per yard; Coffin, J*'ou»t iV Co , sheeting 50c per yard, cotton yarn per bunch; T. M. Holt, cotton yarn $t> per bunch; C. i*. iMallett, cotton yarn !j>5 per bunch; ?8s prorra'ite i j jv. L. Patterson, cotton yarn per bunch, sheet- 'V’*'iot^'d''' ' lilouut C’reek ^l.anufacturing _ Co , sheeting 42c per yard; Itichmoiid Manufac- ART. WoodM ard'si Molar Camera. Female 'r*aclier Waiilei!. WANTED a lady to teach the higher braucben of English with Mtt^ic, &c . in my faniily. Addrjps A., Kliiabethtown, lila Jen couuty, N. C , s'atinir price. 43 Impd Run tMe blockade! WMacINTTRE has received; , 1 Ca'ie 14(X( yds English Prints; 13 pieces Hoyles English Prints; 5 pieces Fancy Lawns; 13 pieces Mourning Muslins; 5 pieces 4-4 Mourning Prints; 10 pieces 7-8 Bleached Shirting; 6 pieces 4 4 English Shirting; 1 case Coats’Black Spool Cotton. lO^idoi. 200yd«; 1 case Clark’s White .^nool Cot ton, 100 do* 100 yds 1 case Engliah Shoe Thread, 240 Iba , ia balls; 33 setii Knives and Forks; 6000 lar^ Needles 0 to 0(X); 6 kegs Bi Carb Soda; 20 sacks Liverpool Fin? Sa!'; 10 Sacks Turk Island Salt- 6 boxes Extract of Lojrwood; 10 barrels Engii.«h Copperas; 23 kegs Cut Nailc; 1 Hoeshaad Good S i,?!’*. JulyC, lSrt3 If 43*«w Cotton aiifl Wool C'.ardM. ) I WOOL box “ For sale f y July 4 Prebjierian 3l P. TAYLOR 4g-3t 1 Fayetteville, Nov z->, i''i2 .\OT8CE. 4 S I expect to be absent from home a few months in the West, .\rchihald " ’ ' ' Agent to trausact my bus; Dec r 28, IBtiO. Aft?r ttiix (late I u ill pay 8 Cents per pound for rags d**- livored in Fayeii"viilc, or at my mills D MURPHY. 65- .McLciin is my authorized H tiuiii I return. N. G. J ) '> L S. •^8tf on Rockti.sh. Oct. 2. 1H«2. WA.\Ti:i>. 2-iVjk BU.'JHEL-; WHEAT, ,OUlll.5'>0“ (’ORN. i’errons having the above articles to sali will receive Ihe highest (’ash price by c.alUng on Mr. .M Th iinason, at the Merchant .Miil^. F lyettev.lU*, or uU !ue subscri ber at his old Btanl on .M.^rket S.juare. ALLa. jr»HN;iON, Jr. N-v. 5. l-'i2. 7-‘>if AKlfiV HARAi:s»«^. 1AM prepareJ to manuticture all kinJs of W-;gon Harness fur .\rmy use. 1 tan my le;*ther and cuu give g(...d bargains. .Vgent.s will do well to send their orders to me as they nii.ill have prompt attention, and Bent ott in i^uick dispatch. Ji *HN (’.VRtEIl. Goldston P. O.. Chatham Co., N. (/'., ) , June Vi, lH*i2. } )200 IbK. Ilium Oet. 1'). Arabic lor wale l»v J. R. LEE.* 69tf I*. TAYLOR F F E R S F u R SAL E- / 10FFLE, Sugar, Flour, Rice, T diac; j and Soa{\ P ;*- V-^ d%r. C'lokiug Soda, wiiite an i Coi d djiuoi XUroad, Comb'., Pins and Need'es, Hals an 1 Shoc-s. Ono box of sundry Gjods just received from (’h i-leh- ton. 2 tine cloth tJioaKs I'-r L>*di^s; Gentlemen’s tine Gaiterb; Grtcn and B^v' k Toa. P. TAYLOR. June 1,18r.3. 3:^, Km«tl AOTICi:. LL my N tes an l .\ ;couuts are at R. D oolb*. the same money is plenty May 7, IX'i.i. AOTICi:. IN conse'iupnce of a ne-je«sary s' tppag.? of the R >ck- fish Fft'o' iry far loveral w-ieu. i > coiU'', i'>r the pur pose o" rejjait-s, tjn uoiuj’^ny will hav-^ no hiieciiiiffs t .u Bale till Iurtn^:r n Aice March 22. A' Davi.s's lur !ion. H-! i- a'lihonz-d t / receipt by i;i“ for Now is the time to pay your debts while JAMES BREE'-.K. 2>ilf C r 1I.\UH, Pies t. 3700 Boxes of the Southf rn Hepatic Tills Have been ortlered In one day. ''pHI.'^ c -I'lHiuation of' ^:>e iicini s w i lirs! prepared by 1 the pr. j-ri'tor iu I'-'J-'i, when he was pronounctl by thrt e ei)iin-‘nt f*ir‘-i‘iir.s in a .''■i I'h- rn ciiy. a- in an t Iviinc-* 1 st.a^ ‘ of ’ insirnp'i .a. Pill-s i Ari He i“ n w over seventy years of a/p a’ld in discharge of Hotiva p' 'fes.sion .1 di;t;.»s. Th‘.':r gi^o 1 etl'ects upon .thers iT I el su^'i n dem in i for iheiu th it he wa-'com- pel'ed to ! ••‘ist fro'u s’ipplying them gratuitously They are not recomm-ni i-1 by tho proprietor as p’-)od far ali di- i-e«. Irct only for “iich as arise from DIS ORDERS OF THE LlVhR Many pers-)us have testi fied to thi'ir g ) )d etlVcts in Chills and Fex rrt, Bilious Fever, Pneumoni'i. . ii"r. Rea I the fi''l"w;ng; S. D. WAI,I.^cl5 K-'j., Presjden! of the Wilmington I and WeMon Rail Real, .\u;;. 3-', r'''>2, says; “It Las i been said that “Dv-pki'sia,” is our niHr’nil disease H .wever this may be. it ca.i8*'d me long aiid sevi.Tt sut'. f.':-:ng. Provid.*ntialiy a frie;jd famished me with a few hox'“ ‘'if the “//'■/ i ic pm , " an l i'k u- oi fy:s perferi'd i ciiTe. l:i nr.y family th'-y have been use i \ freque^V'y wi:h wiin-.\ui-.ni; my ac'^uiint- I aiices. v\iwi ca.'j'.i or'.ginri ir.fr')m di'e is liver, hav-.* ; he.*n reit-'ve i and cured by thfrn. 1 regirl tlierr. an xnr ib.’i'::'. rteli^i le, and t ['lea-'iTe in forwarding this V >i'nt iry tril.ite. ' I Col .1 >its WftKMix. of Goldsboro’ N. C., Aufi. 14. . lPt)2, S'lys; ‘1 have ii -L’d the South'rn ILj.itic I'llU in ; my family here and aNo on my plantatidn in .\1 lyiama. I and alwuys tctih surrrss. I have a valuable servant girl ! who had been a long ti.me undor treatment far constimp- ■ tioTi. without receiving any benefit Almost in ne’’ ex- I tremity. 1 was indued to try the Ihp-iUc I'lHs. They I werp (riven according t j directiins, an i she is now Wt-11, ’ entir-^'.y restored hy them. •A siin.lar ca-;e occurre>l amcng my servants in Alabima. For livor an i lung . dir'p iv‘!s I have perfect cori.fidrice in them." i Full directions and nth-r certif.c'itejs will b.- fo'in t on the wrap per of each box. ' Pri'e. .?1 a b..i; $10 a i tz--u; 5 •'! a gross. Retailed '• at the I>ruggis>s Fjr 1 tw-;lve b'X is w *1 be eeni I fr^e to iny part of the (';n!’pderacy where there are no ; druggists N it Iphs than a d .7,:in boxes will be sent by thp provrietors. T i-h ni-iai aoo-Tmpuny order-t. (Ihocks j on local bflinkB taken. I W DUK dS. Wilsoa. N O i terFor sale in F iy-‘;. vilU> by V>. .J. HTNSDALK. April 2-'). 22-'5in; d Re:WAR». AN.v'V \Y 'in ^Ion I'ly 2-'>t.h May, my Boy NELSON; IMIA T RI A T!li: RI.OCKAIU:. MIE Ua U-r-ig;i.-J ;Vi . t >r saio on > of T .:!■ >i \. P.ruh-Ts SIEAM V.V .MILLS c.-mp' t,', 1^ Hors- pow r, w.!l s-w tr );n 2 to •') th .a-i'ii !eet L-itm.-r prr lay: si’ua-e 1 2} mil-.' frjrn .M’lver’; D‘(oi. Western R R n lU a ■ ti u ■-rj i 1 lad in \* )ri h •'ir.i'.i- ni. T:"is.' i:i win! wdl ailre-s mo ** 1'. ;yp!, the pre s.-at termiuus W. R R. For } ir l y.inrs r^-fer t J. \S . G'ln'er, Kimbohon, t ;.ithini, N C . or N .A S'elinan, t'lyotteville, N C. J iHN A. .M DO.N VLD. (Jaklan i, N June 18. o'J Im PHOTOGR APHS can be ht.d at VanorsdelPs Skylight Gallery, Hay sireet, opposite Marble Y'ard, Fay etteville, N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water col T , oil and pastilc; from small to life siie. Ambro- : types. Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures i pertiia' ig to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould ing. G' •■'1 for very large pictures—as large as 26 by 36 inches, 'ord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Instrn- ments. Stock and Chemicals for sale low for cash. Life site colored Photographs made from jjmall pictures. •t-vvm^ n-p^noTiMntlv located hero 1 hope to merit your patronuge. I wonttf also ret ora my sincere thanks f r the liberal pitron;;ge bestowe-J on me heretofore by tbe gjod people of Fayetteville and vicinity. C. M. VANORSDELL, Photographist aud Proprietor. Dcc’r 2u, 1859 77 Marble Factory, fayetteYllle Ar*enal and Armory,! Fatettsvillk, N. C . June 29, 1163. j %VAATED. Having received authority from the Secretary ot War to iaoreitse the strength of the presfnt Corps at thi^ -\rsenal, the jod-rsi;rn»*d will etiliet one hun dred (100) non eonsmpt* f«r th»t purpostt,- Those luh- jsct to consciiptiou need not apply. Tracsfers and exobangei of cim now ia itrvioa *8*- c >1 be made. , MATTIIF.^ P. TAY'LOR, fapU C. S. k. Fayetteville Arst'nxl and Artnoij, i Fayettivi’!'', N. (I, June 29, lsii3. / W A ATFO- LBS. FODDER or HAY. Ap-'lvto Capt TAYLOR, Ai the Araenal. A OT h i:. LL th'.sc in 1 :b:1 to th - i^st.kte of the la'.e .\ngus tiaw are r^. s-.i.,l i,> c\.i anl seiile thi? same by tne 1st of .Vugu.si. ar-x^ or they wili tin I their Notes and accounts iu the h^ods of an olb.^er for colle;;ion. J.VMES Jr>NKl.'Ss, .Vln’r. June 22. l>-;3. o t-i.Vl isw -Tixn: if'*.‘ '1 ^*^.1 Ri:WARl>, \\nLL be pud U Pr.Al'Eii. s; .1 Juue 17th, LS'id. a'^'ive rew ird wnl h ()ly to R .MiJcUeii. Juue 2't r t e reo )v ?ry of i ;n It^-ni m;- A' tr> due Pistol is No p lid oLi reT )vi-riu;; o M. I COLT S RE ! 'Va. ui Yard 1 The the s i-,;o ,\p- TWO iKMIR’i \m'l F.tv«-U'vii;e, J ■...'•y 20. \ 0 I.ATTDER, (’. T. iniKI? & SDNS' RTORB C. 8t- LUT li-;RL'tH. '.tipd W ii*(iial i; iliip.-l II' to d i vs taia, w tu Upon )■' fiCloci^ade ■ve s.i'iulJ ti-iv" d ,ne ^e- elt aii'i cut loosq irjiii the A*> ii*(iial tlu' JILL lot' cuoiny. I'ne pr ipri.»tors navinjr s;artedi*ie m mutac- lurujg of iii Kiu.H of lioBlllN.S f ir Faciories iti the Sjutoeru S ites, will !.e atjl? t i ti.i ord-Ts at short uo'-iotj. W ;ra deliveroi in F» Address M.iiicae- J ;ine 9, 1 H'-i. 1\AVETTK% II.LK MFTl AL IXSI RAXTE COMPIXY. $267,688 2b 5.077 35 Capit.il in Premium Notes amounts to Ca:n on hanil aud other assets, ettfT-lle, N C. D. L. KIVEi r, •T, Cuiiibcila-’id. N (’. 3ti-tiin pil i t be in c a.'cd aViOUi 2 tne ot $25 for bi June 1. r CO ii; b-xion >in I w \i.'iis about 1-’j > lbs.; 5 .rs I viili ray $5'd for his l-^l very to confinement in .lail. N A. STEDMAN. :j:^tf SALT! ^ A'JKS fjr Hale by Deo 22. J^ALT!! ROBERT MITCHELL. 88 If W^aikti'd Smiiiediat^ly, 1 M I Wi'l JUNIPtUl .SHINOLK.S, for which LU.WM/ ih? hig >>si ca-h pric» will be piii. —\L.SO— \ vo’ip of large, well brok’ O.'IEN. Apply (o D ANDERSON & t.'o , Eagle F Hindrv, F lyci'eville. N. C. .Mar-!. 7, 18r,.-?. ‘ 9:f lyo TOISACCO. ; BOXEo ViRtilNlA i>)H.\CCO, various grades, ^ for bale on consignment, by GEO. W WILLIAM.S CO. ! May 23. i Sole l.ieatiier wanted. ! OArWk heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, I ^UUU suitable for Belting. Apply to D. MURPHY. Fayetteville April 14. 2t)if Adiiiiiiii^tratorN ilfotice. The eubacribsr having at December Term, 18o2, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Aji- miaiatrator upon the Estate of Neill 0. McNeill, dec d, notifies all persons having claims against the Estate to preseat them within the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors r^juaested to make prompt paymeat. EBGTOa MoNllLI*, Atim’t. »M. 10, im. ^ ‘ Coal .liifiie. '^PHE undersigned wsre, ar the Novetuber Terra of the I Confederate Co’tr'. Di.'^trict of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the p'irp.)so of mining and selling f/Oal, and solicit orders for the same in any (iesired quantity. ()rderB for any amount “lan be ?upp!ied on short notice. The Coal from this pro- neriy is um ioubtedly the beat in the Confederate States. Applications way ho made to (!has B Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C , or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. i CHARLES B. MALLETT. I JAMES BROWNE. I Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, IStjS. 96tf To Farmers auJ i tenuiisiers, j ASSl.-Jl'ANT tjU.UtTEKM XSl'iOR OtO.'I’S Oi'l'iCE. ! RiciiM >xi>. . IditiJuiv LS’id. ji j TVX IV KIND. '^j^IIE fillov»i:ig is tho .-ysieiu a lopted for the collection 1, of th3 tax lu kind; At ollioer of tne (J i itler.u is:«r G -u.;i' »L's Defiurt- lueui is assig-isd to tn- s;..eei il ch-n-ga ot the siiij -ct. .-\ Ooiitroiiiiif; ju vrt riiia-ter, w.ih itie ran’ii of \i >j >r, IS HSiiigtnj.l t-j e.ioii iSfii.;. i' I 'I I’ .wi 4 i.ri. IT with th^ r.kii-i. 01 t .ipiaiu, t > '■ ao’i C tugre s'Oii .1 Dis- l-rluc. MTllvrtu lu .^1.l-Ue H Ea. u Coag. e.;‘-:i inal L’istriet will be i*u'idivi i»;d by !h»: Pj31 (.^ I irie:- n is-er lu c i* ? o- it iiilo si'> 'niiis. foi the t-ofiv-iiicat iteiivery l>y tne t .x ;j ly jr >>: in » j;io: » of prod.ice, ail ag--:i:s wiil .i- a;ij. iti rl :>y iNai olU; -rlo Lake cn V.’11 he Ifp.tls t ) -'e ••st itil, ^tiv line le.ii s.'C'i.jn. l’>. t.»re t ‘c-"'- d ■}) 1 1 c 111 I) ‘ e >t i'.o: !ie ), ortii ; issesa itieii'>■ r-'1 iir.-1 lii. ier the I ^ o". ri i Ic. thii (.rjjiJ of | siiiligrMo. nay a.ii tin-..dij) oi w jol tor t;:e prcs.-nt j jfHi' will have been simt-,-! j T I relieve t’.ir 11 Tri I ■ I'.I : .1 ‘ ri-lc^nl in ' mve..;. no,-? \ of s'onu;' Oi - G (;ei‘iriiiriii porii ti, as ^.!ll as (u n'i.ain iiniiit hate suj.plies f .r tiie u--j of the irnij-. • .t- i>.*part- | me-it ail'll itiZ's and r-'i'u-st-i taraii rs ;-!silii>g luar j 1 p.)sis w:iere 4 latierinasu'! s arc u wstaliuue't t j d -iiver the G)verum:n''; ten'h. or a:iy [lan of i' to that 4 •ii.s-tr. Under the l.iw, fa.'oi-r.i are requi 'ed to leliv t th:-ir tentii at depots n >t. inir ; thaa eig't miles tr):ii the pi 4C.-3 of pro iaoiion. If ihey will aehver utub r toi.s re- .pi,;s|, the Guv-rn.oieai w il pay for tne ir.mspi,rtaiion tti excess ot eigtit m ie.-i T.ie Q.i »r!erina.si or i i-.-r-'ivuig proiiuc;- und-.-r this ru « wiil give i»t,-.'>pts to the jirola- c jr as evidence ihai, bo ’nu?*i of n.s tax is pai I And as tho Post (^'larlermaster of the C jng; c.?i in il District is r-sponsibi4 for tne te.iih, after t;.e assessor h.as es- tablisUed an-i m ide it knowu to hi;u. the Quarter;ipi-ter to wuom tne pf'jd.ioe is delivered will also receijit for ii to the Post larter'uasi'-r of tn-,- Distric, who wiit eu- d'»tsd a copy of the reoeit't upon t le assessor’s estimate before tiansferriuj^ it to the ig/uts at th^ receiving de pot. LARKIN SMITH, A. Quartermastir Ge leral in charge. Juue 18, 1863 41-lm Total, $272,765 61 Tbe Company have paid all loKses promptly, and have never ma le an assessment on their premium notes. Total U,sses paid, $29,682 69 f)Krioi.Rs; GEO. MoNElLL, President. D. A. R.W , Vice President. » C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Ditt«CToRS; W. N. Tillinghnst, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lulterloh, A W'. Steel, J. G. Cwok, Hon 1. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, A. E. Hall, lin CoUiriri aud C. .McOuninien. Traveling Agenia gyrt*~Th;» Company invito application:'.. 'TTy '-o, 1 oo 1. »»» Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S T. Hawley, N.athan .\. Ste iman, (• B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. McKethan. J. D. 'ft illianis, S. W. Tillinghast. I Wilm’gton. 4iti] FOR SALK. 8TE\M S\W and GRIST MILL, located in up per end of Marion Dist , S C.. soTea miles west of Lutle Rock. Engine twenty h irse powe"". dou^^’e cilin- dric boilers twenty-four fert long, t birty inches .jiamcter. The Saw. Belts, Rjbjers—all toe gearing in c mpleie order. The very best ,j'j-ill’y of grijt rocks The services of ft cunpetent Eng;neer an I M i^hinist, capable of running an t’ keeping the whole ia thorough repiair, may also be secured. Confederate Notes oc Bonds satisfactory tend>r For particulars, applv to J. A. FalWs at the mil!, M Hughes on the siea»ner Poi- tewiy, plying between Wilmington anl Fort (’asw’ll, or the subscriber at Gilopolis, Ribeson countv. N. C. J. C SUTHERLWD. .Iiine 29 42 7'pd Sa%i and ^ri^t .Yflill lor >»ale, A’l Al’CTlON. Iwill sell at public oile. on Tuesday, July 14, my Saw and Grist .Mills, licated ne-'ir tiie ir.i'Uth of Cross Oroek. Th-.'S.' railX are in g-iod nnnii.g orUer. In tending to ch.a;igc my bitsiuess, I oiler tnem for ta c. They can be exiaine.l any time on ihe pr.-mises. Terms—One-third casa, oud-third m six, ami ono- thir I in twflve nionths. ARCH D McLAU HLIN. JOHN 11 COOK, Auci’r. Fayetlevilia, June 27, 1803. 41-o^pd Cottosi A’'arii lor Wool. JOTICE is hereby ri^eu that ufter this date (cxcept lu cases where we niv-bargained for Aool ifoird ing toibc i^rms of o'lr -i Iv r»ise'.ient, .>f the oOih of May, which ter.un are aow r v ik* 1.) we wi;l eiv.- 1 bun die of Coti >n Yam f-«r 4 lb -, o* Wool uii» or 3 lbs. washed and pick J. I’i.M ch tuge is mal ■ at the ini-tanco of the U tartcrmasv. r a' Rvl igb, in ord^r lo tnak" tho tortus of ,x'h'u>;re mif.':n Uiroushou' the SiH,.,. (tLO W W11.L1VM> .S: lO. Fayetteville, J'r'e’2'.*, l.sCo. -litf Spun Cottoji Eschaiiffed fur Lard. WE wiil give S "in (Jo:ton in part piymrnt for L\RD ^ ‘ •'•-i* ovu' F iC’ -ry on P r^on St, i kimi. >((1 N' |»\NK D vi,i %VAATKII, of North Carolina, South (^lrolina, W NOTES niH an.l Georijia. 5), N.)r;h ’kr)lina six per cent. Fundable Notes. ■ M, North Carolina six per cent B >nds, new issue. W, R RK’H VRDSON k CO.. Brokers, Raleigh, N. (]. *. -ivc’o 9 I .*». U v> 111-1. 0-> .■rv till’ (iruc'e, lor sale at out A Me LA UC HLIN x CO. I.Av Factoky Bilt TOif>l-:a' —For sale at our FiC'ory McL-. Ui.HLIN .S;, (-) Favet^evillp, ./'111.'-2;'. dl-lmpd turing Co., sheeting 80c p-r yard, osuaburg 40c per yard, cottOD yarns S4 25 per bunoli; Cross (’reck (.'o., cotton yarns ^?5 per bunch; Fayette ville -Mills, sheeting 4’>c per yard; I)feep Kiver Manulacturing Co., sheeting 50c f/or yard, cotton yarns ?.') per Imnch; Linebarger »S: Co , cotton yarns i?O.50 per buneh; Fhifer Xusler, cotton yarns ?»! per buneli; Clarke A; Powell, cotton yarns S;).50 per bunch; Murray ct brothers, S*').50 per bunch; NevjUn & j^on, cotton yarns S8.75 per bunch, sheeting 87^c per yard. i’ours resp’y, II. A. Down, A. Q. M. N. C. Army. Briij. (jfii. jr. //. Lf>e.—The act of the yankce cavalry which entered Hanover, on Satur day, of seizing Gen. \\ . H. F. Lee, severely wound ed as be was, and forcing him upon a long land journey, to be conveyed to sonic of their prisons, is ijuite cruel and brutal enough to be perpetrated by yankees. His wound is said to have been in that condition in which perfect quiet is essential to proper treatment, and indeed to safety. On the contrary, excitement and motion must occasion peril. Hut the yankees, alike insensible to all feeling of delicacy and common humanity, were too glad of an opportunity to gratify their malignity towards a brave foe, who is hated all the more for his noble traits, since tbey can neither imitate nor emulate them. Gen. Lee, too, is the son ot that great leader of "the Southern army' who has frus trated their grand schemes and powerful efforts to take this city. To have in their possession, immured in their dungeons, the son of the Wash ington of the South, is a sweet, a delicious reflec tion. That to do this he had to be racked over miles, in greate.«t torture, only heightened their sati.sfaction. Oh, miserable, ignoble, and con temptible yauk- e holdiurs! who thus seize, helpless in bed, and l>ear oii’ Ivom hirs home, a severely wounded gentlemen and soldier, whom 3’ou could - 11'*^ ^ .. r* . 1 1 Brutalities like this are paiuful to hear of, and would excite reflections somewhat akin to despon dency, were it n.»t for the conviction, which all who trust in a loyal people and a just Providence t;;ust feel, that there i.s a retribution for them all. liLuerjl Lee's case is but another addition to thi sum of wrath which our enemies arc steadily heap ing over their heads.—Riclunond Ulspatvk. Arifiimciititm a/ JI >niinem.—A portion of tbe 4th Kentucky cavalry, under Hines, have invaded Indiana, and burnt and destroyed every thing they could lay hands on. The Louisville .iQurnal is very indignant, indeed. It says; ‘•It is to be hoped that these thieves will be caught and executed murderers and common pirates. War has enough of horror and blood shed without the heartleas brutality which has characterized the march oi these men, and we be lieve that a swift and terrible reVribution is close at hand. U is hardly possible for them to escape out of the St.xte, ar.d, if caught, the Hoosier blood is too much up to .>-p ire the lile of a single one of tho’n ” We hope that ihr?sc “thieves,” as the Journal cali^^thc:u, will be rewarded for their daring by escaping scot free with their booty, and thii on th('ir way out they will cool the “Hoosier blood” by copious venesection. One would suppose, from the way tbe Journal talks, that yankee raiders nevt'r damage so much as a blade of gra.ss. As robLl authority is ol uj value, the following quo tation from tlie correspondence of the N. Y. Times is respecffullv submitted: ‘• The counties of .Mathews and ( Jlouccster were scoured. All the warehouses containing grain Wi-re sacked, the mills burned, and everything that could i;i any way aid the rebels were de- str.iyeU tir captured. oOd horses, 25() head of I e.ittle, 2'MI shrop and lOG mule-^, together with a i lar,;,‘ number >! eoiitraliatidx, were brought back I Ly the I'iiidcrs. ) ‘•■/'II.' r*b*J l'ariiier.s wt»! ail taken by surprise. t. ex\)Uct“d a deiuuurttration of the ’ kind. Not r.iily were tiiey made ti* surrender > tiiini; that coiibi lie ut tiic leant use to us, litjf fh' i/ tort rttinpilhil 10 he sihtif xj»rt>itors to *!>• n of th ir (njririthural irnpleinents." A07I1 Aivrst lTO£5’.^ AOTH K. V ^ 'r B ^ b7 i "7 '•' *9 1 B. S.i# I DfCi.'i^o'ii. ■'.lii UNDF.R -i'lNEI). both having en^crel the tnili- | q^rjj.- IV.i.T^i.;iied having hi N ven.ib.er Tfrrn l^'‘-2 of avy s >rvi-!e of fiie Coufe leraie States of Amcrioa, j of piea. and Q'lari.T County da'y >41 ilirii 1 ,-\ tii.iii’sts-a: SPOOLS and Cotton MilK The Cedar Falls RoV biu Co. arc now prepared to furnish, at short notice, &ll kinda^ of BOBBINS, quills, &o , suitable for Woolea and J. M. ODELL, A^enU .(Mm ftXiM, H. 0., aulj 1865. 8$'6goi|>^ iifAiLs rott .sale:. 1'^HE HIGH SHO.-VL"? IRON CO. are prepared to fill . c;*ah orders for Nails, at their factory, in Gaston county, N. C. Nails will be delivered at Iron Station, oa tU« Wumingtoa,- Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad. Address HIGH SU0AL8 IRON CO., Icoot Linooln toaaty, N. Ck Jfao* 19,1%S8. - *0.a«Rp4 ■r^r>v Tiotic“ to their oil customers and friends, !h:it tiii-y h'lve appointed John I). Starr .an I John D. 'Viliianis, o! this pla'-.e, their attorneys to collect either •■eparaiely or cotjointly ail moiieys due them e’!h;:r by account or n >te. and otherwise 10 ai!enl to their bu- ;!ineiis generally during their absence. They rjspect- iuliy ask all persons in Icbtei to them to call as prornpt- iy au v.os.«role oa their agent? make payment. ii'iAitri & WILLIAMS. Sept. 15>, 18^1 Palma Cliri^tfi ISSeaii». TuIE substfrib.^r will p.ay the highest cash prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beaus. J. A. WORTH. Favettevillp. Oct 8. 6(-tf COW LOST. My COW is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to Campbellton, being driven into the river by boya and can’t fiind her way back. She is marked with crop in each ear, has a bell on, white in her face, white on back an-1 belly, red on neck and sides. Who ever will (.ake her up and let tne kuow it, or bring her up to me ia Campbellton, will bo liberally reww^ied. The B&id cow was bought ia tbie upper part of Bladen ooanty and may probal^ find her way back to that kOQonty. JNO. WAT30N. f joQ« ia» l»«». ^. L. J. Brad-haw. d*'C i, iipreby -^ivv • >ns ot " ^ f.f the 1 D once n ;>son te 01 r- }'oii;- J',‘III,pie.—The ancient Romans were ac- eu^iouu d to j.Lc; the bust.s ol their distinguished aiie storM in the vo>tibulo'- of their houses, that t!u‘s tiiig’it be eontinu illy rcruin Jed uf their noble 'leiji.s. Tiie juung grew up to reverence the w irtliic' whose st itut.s they daily saw, and to eiiii:* late tiie virtut s which gr»-. e their ancestors such L-!iiig fa.no. We can easily conceive how tho si.ibr of these images, as the young went uut and came in, day after day, and week after week, im- vvill ;:i’ke iwi■ law or thio notico w.n n-' p AiS'i, p.-rsons luleoietl lo s.-.i i Est.a; mediate payment. , J. W. GEDDE-S.'s. Adm r. Aprils [au’FO.] ll*2tU 3on« having clai : 8 .giin>t sal 1 Est it-to pjvse'it thetn 1 hearfs for good. The i duly authenticated au I witf n tI'.c ^itn ;’ ■'“Ci> j ression ot a single day therefrom, though very or ,h,. ...ic, -.11 b. t,„ o. Ih rv I J be deep In these days we have no busts of honored an cestors in the porches of our dwellings, but we have something more imprestsive. The charac ters of living parents are constantly presented for the imitation of children. The example is con tinually sending forth a silent power to mould young hearts for good or ill, through the in^ress- ible period of childhood and youth. If it be con stituted of the highest and purest element*, the results will be unspeakably precious. Sons and daughters will become patterns of propriety and goodness, because their parents arc suoh. The former will be as “plants grown up in their youth,’ THE DIXIE T?OR the Little F. Iks. .V further suppl.v a- wh ^lesale r or retail by E J HALE k SOt^S "cTarriawe a.^o harae^s FOR SALE. ALaree second hand CARRIAGE, with seats for Bix persona. Also, a set of DOUBLE HARNESS, very little used. May 25. E. J. HALE. ^oiitliern Songster, Arranged expressly for ^mp. Prioe 60 ^^e latter as “corner-stones, polished after the received. Tone 20 E. J. HALE & SONS. | aimilitude of a palace.’ Blaak Warrants far salQ here* Blanks for sale at this Office* II

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