^Pl THK WAB PENNSyr-VANlA The l^*r.•r^l•urg extnicls evening of t\ie *'111 ii.st;- - THE RKTRKAT »K LKE. We nubliih this atterooon a number of impor- taot de.-ipa:ches from the Army ol’ the rotomac in relatioD to the rebel retreat. It seouis that Gen. Iie«, after the terrible repulse of his army We drove the enemy half miles b*. FROM THK NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIERS. ! COB.RK*i’ONDKlICS OF rflK FATCTrEVILLB OBSKKVKK. 1 'Camh nb*r Kicumonii, July i- i Messrs. Editors; TtiorH ia now n prospect for some i The f.ieiuy hti« o& i , j . .. appiireutly ilesijsniDg j position was on a fortUied mountain, up whicu t,,rc«. We ave encamped ae>tr the meraora IK land lasting two hours I k f 11 • ! fVirnii.rii (Jettv'-'burK miles bo B Kxp.es. n,.Le. .he following | ^ > .-;,i,urg *« cp.ureJ .heir wound .0 IJultiuiore A.ner,ca„ ol .l.c > etl—3,500 in number. p l, n i »rinmj Kicln»t>U'i Tlie enemy are said to have fouj^ht wollj their i p^oju^ul* for sever.il d I’he lii'hting continued in" six miles in lenath. springy, thinly settleil with indinerent society; very on the putin^ lUaiaport cinity palled to retreat on tlio ruad.s burc and probably to»ards the South .Woudf'tin He will there find to dispute bid further pruu'ross, to-day. Gen I'rench’s force, a portion of tren. lleiutielman's troops, and con siderable reinforcements from Schenck’s depart ment. Gen. Meade is also in close pursuit, and will reach Frederick this afternoon. The water in the Potomao is too high to ford with cannon or wagons, and it is more than probable that such portion of his army as escapes, will be little more than a disorganized rabble. Just as we go to press we learn that the rebel retreat is towards Williamsport through Ifa^ers- tjwn by several roads, and that b’redericlt and the South Mountain are held by a large Federal force. There ia a probability of another battle at or near Antietam. Thf L.iifi.* -^The followini' was obtained on Monday morning from the Headijuarters in Bal timore: Adviees from the army up to - p m . on Sun day, July •’>, situto that Gen. Moadu’s Ile:ultjU:'r- ters would be at Creajicrstown last night, and were to be in Frederick to-day Gen. Meade has telejijraphed that lice’s army Ls retreating in wild confu-ion. Kvery available man in Baltimore and Wa^hin^ton is being hur ried to Frederick to intercept l^ee’s flying and demoralised troops. A irreat battle will proba bly come off to-morrow, which will doubtless be a finality, as (»en Meade’s forces, reinforced by Gens. Couch, Schenck and FleiutZflman, will be near])’ double Lee's army mompiit th*y agree to |uit it. Speaking of r»oriiiting, j though, relaillJ^^ mw of some little inoiJenta that occur- , rt»'l a!) 'Ut (hft buginniii;? of tbp m\r whon we all did not j have «.s .imoh s«-nse as we have n»w In those d*ys j rtTpry'ioiy t,h*t coBJiiderfil him:!i('lf •'Homebody” had re- i cruiliiig p-ip r! from ihe governor t.) a compaay, j and many wer;* h»t!ciion«, legiouii, &o., aeteral | of which pi)ierpri"e« have beta “r»*ed” long ago. Well, j ••Long (irab.s’’ he i h"nghr ho woul 1 r*i8e him a company. ,| He got a trunk full of hlauks, muster rolU, pay rolU, j descriptive rolls, A3. kc., and el orwera, and goes ac cordingly to a big militvi meeting or muster, at Eliii- bethlown, where h« ratft up with Josh from Wilmington on the biiiniiic'S. only moro so Now at that par tioiibtr timu Jirid pl-K^e 1 knew aotio'ly but Josh, and Jo«h he kapw u*jl>olj but me, con^*v^ueMtly we wor« very thick. We oonjlii I-.-1 to form the acqii*>'i*an:e of 9e»- OENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA The following is a list of the acts and resolutions pasa«d at the late seasion: Acts.—In relation to payment of taxes, and to authorize the Public Treasurer and other officers of the State to fund certain issues of Confederate Treasury notes in seven per cent, bonds of tho Governmeat. Concerning fe»M of I’ublic Register of Mecklen- bur>{. To authorise R. G. Tuttle, late Sheriti ol Cald well, to collect arrears. In regard to holding Courts in Jones County. To umoud “An act in relation to the supply of mense f trtifications ol the enemy. Our loss is estimated at ten thousand. Botwecn three and four thousand ot our wounded are ar riving hero to-night. Every preparation ia being made to receive them. General Scales and Pender have arrived here wounded, this evening. The whole ot the yankee force was engaged in the list three days’ fighting. The number is em timated at one hundred and seventy-five thousand. The hills around Gettysburg are said to be Crtvored with the d^ad and wounded of t)ie yankeo army the Potomac. The fighting ol these four days is regarded as the severest of the war and the slaughter unpre- eedented; especially is this so ot the enemy. 'I'he New York and Pennsylvania papers arc reported to have declared for poaee. WlNCHKSTKR, July 7—Gens. Heth, Pender, HikkI, Anderson. Scales, Pettiirrew and Semm»^s. ari’certainly wounded (Jens Barksdale. Anni- tiad, (Jiriieft and Kemper arc killed .Vl tilty field otiicers have been wounded We have n«)thing later than Saturday evening from the battle field at Gettysburg. All are con fident of our final succe?-) hundred had called for the sam" thiujts bef..r«* me. At the very insunt that uhe heard ‘•buttermilk” shp Btraipiitpued herself up an 1 turnine to m.> ommenced I in the most excited and rapid voice 1 ever beard »8 \ follows: “I haven’t got nary cow, and she’n gone dry j anyhow, and hoyides we only got milk enough for our own use, and the soldiera has just tak»vi anJ utampel down everything; th»-y broke down ray hi'n hMUSe an I took every srinel ' obiok“D and all my duok.i, and they burnt up the fence and pulled tlown me garJ«n an i Htole th« Iritih pctaioe-» and n«y peas a;>d my ra-^pberrit-s and my cb.?rrie8 aid they trod down the cthhiige plants and I don't know what we are to d» nor whit will be- ooni*f ^if us. and they killed iiiohI all my hogs and broke into me •*Dioke hoii‘*e aud irod d.ivtn ttie O'tts 'invl sinle our buggy lines asd the uxo aud the water .iipper an I dropp'sd the well bucket itiio the well au 1 I do-i’t kufiw what upon eaxth we »re to d'>, siid they k!llel iwo of our nheep too and the qu.-irternjaster or the general sotue of thetn he conio and levied on our clover ti.-ld an 1 our wheat autl woulda’t p ly but hf»lf f ir'iat it, in worth and they have t ikeu every thing :uiJ wo ^avn’t g..t nothing, and they come all ov’r the wh^fe pUce ' night and d ly in gr >at dr^.ve i nt- t I’m sr, uHtfa y ind ? troubled so uiucli abour it till I'm n- jr u^out rua li,,-- :ui I obi mercy on g"P.; tv.i ,d tlio ghu'juri n»w iittiT on.-of my lii'le ciiioii.-ii:* and I'm just brok-; down a viinniug and a going coiistnnt to try to *t..ve what little I’ve not au.i I lon't kuow what uu- der neaven we are t*5 d > or how we arei i live, and ' and I hid got out of hoariu^ and left her. J’h** li*d ani cral iaiporf.anf, pe's.ina/eH *t once as the best means to . Salt.’’ .-lueceed in our ..v.j^ct.. So we managed in two or three . increase pay of members of the present Gen eral Assembly. To amend chapter 55 of Revised Code. For relief of sureties of Josiah Hodges, late SheriflF of Pitt. To legalise certain disbursements ot the Treas urer and to amend “An Act for the relief of the wives and families of soldiers in the army." To inQorporate the Gibson Hill Mining ^^om- hour* to eet .iC(ju »nte I wi'-h all the “prominent men,” who promise 1 u.s their iiifluenct;, wished ii9 suooess and inviti'd us to “ciir on them if we ever passed through ihe C')untrv We ihen brought out our documentB and wilktd up to various indivi lualH and anked them to vol.inteer. We dwelt on the glori-8 of war—p'lt^ioti^m —tho plei'Ures of cafup -r-bountiss—how they would be loade 1 down with clothing and rations and get their doctoi’s biU pai I froe gr:iii:i for nothing. 4kc Imagine i)ur 8'jrpri.it' ai> I disapp.iiniment when we found that while we t;a l b; e i I'orm'n^ the iicquainiance of th* ••[>roni;!i‘nt men,” a pl »in ol 1 citiz ■», formerly a post master. nMller. deputy .hentf ,;nu justice of the pcaoe | Trea.surer i pany AutUuruiug the Preeidect and directors of the in that oonaty, bud g“ne roumi and got all thf volun- ,p, HI- 1 It: ’ .. I ionjr before reiumfd hi r sweipiuK wraihr'*ii.y «uj e.u- rhe Pennsylvania people are calling toi peace j j,cr t.roou. ntie kept up a o.-^selesM The Confederate Gen. Archer was captured by j nor ton^i;- I .-iippo.'-e she bus at' [.pc I by the enemy. The yankee Gen. Graham i.s » r'^' MUis time I would .*.»ty any stag.-anor to speak as ra- _ •, 1-..1. 1 r>idlT'iud varied with a.s n; ^ny emph tiio ge.-'urn8 as she son r II O I s. renort of ft fi‘'ht ' * '"''1 alw^iys i'hy aivnind that pU«e httrea’ier. \\ INCllK.Sl'EIt, Jtily^. i-L ., .ifr'l' of wh.it she said wi>i true ani is a corrt-ct j ic- at Gettysburg on Sunday, in wiut; cap u ti . shataeful condui'.t of many soldiers, a.;auuga arly double i..ce’s army. a lar^re number nt prisoner*, i- confirmed. ( iir j .-x igger-\ted slightly. The rebel lo.-.^ec ate e.-iimated at L’O,(.>0(1. Our arn:v i« reported at llim.-rstown a-.d iToderick. | m.,,.., of d.-^ 1 yank.es ,n 1 r. nf. >ier*-. s have I’iie cneuiY 0CCU{ i.'d M‘irvh iii llei lit-; yesterday ^ bi'(*n r-luid u-ir ::c-e. v.>.al .f iii.'sehivu beei. ov,‘t,i-ag. ■'annotiadingtM. evening'towards Wil- ; .I'-nod a,.t it ,s found that the b-in-s are not cnur.ly ^ ' ifC Jii.1 ■ .,*•] \- r'porl^'d .1 I. s .m ’-il fri l dui liaiiisport IS rt p.Tteil Gen. Jenkins is wounded slightly. Meade is reported kilied and McClellan in said to be in | Command of the yanke«s July 'J —The following unofficial ! troops in ex.-^ilc'u spiru The rehoi> al ai'doned tluir v, 'unded and kiWed. [Linco!" ha'- i .'iK'd a uuiigratubl tv .iddrcsn to the !• 'a;i’i v, a,.A vh*. >".i ..n is j.ibilant at. the ns»"iV>vv tiseApc vri..:’ l>.iltiuMro li;i^ n'ade from tl'.e liat.ds of the rib.'i? ] Latest from thf. Batur — From partiet* who lelt thi. ba.tle field at 12 o'clock on Satur day morning, we gather the following purticulara of the flijjht of the encm); The enemy is in lull retreat, demoraliised and almost disurgtinized, leaving in our hands his many thousands of killed and wounded. The buttle of Friday was the most terrible to the enemy of the three days’ conflict, and his re pulse so complete and di.sastrous that Gen. Meado aud the leading officers pronounced it to be final and decisive. Xever was there a more vigorous and deadly assault than that made on our centre by Long- •treet. It was a deadly btrugirle on the par; of the euemy to break our lines, repeated and renew ed a half doien times during the afternoon, in which thev were as oltea repulsed, and driven back with a loss of life unparalleled by any pre- Tious battle in which they had come in conflict with the grand old ari.iy of the Potomac. Officers wh'> have been taken prisoners, admit that the loss ot the enemy cf those in high com mand, is fully e(jual if not greater than wo have ■ustained, but refuse to give the names ot those who have fall, n The men all felt that they had whipped the en- emv. and .the iov w.xs i^rent Tlio tibimtii yt id the iov w.-Ls i^rent Tho libpntii nr t wry could be heard fur many miles, when th* en- opa'i. .ii HI) i got tw .. J i.ar.s i i luilf lu wt.ereajx.n ruivy othf-r.s Veg.^u to hunt ipvini* T** »-.enoh ,»aerr* '.••u se gr»VM »t* beeu •p«u«J ia • «id io be vp'j otfsnhiVft The tr.)Ops here n 'W ■ire receiving isew clothing :nd , 1 ' 1 ' 1 I- • . 1 * . I sti',,'s iwi n.,"i •'! tiey ire nlr«*lv w>>il clot icd. Tne den'atch trom the telegraphic supermtondont at ,,„u.d now .re .f b.ie gray and r. somLle a '* ’ * ‘ >si >t’ ihi cl.iibmg i. '&[( for ;he ti.iioK. i’tie ani un le^ciot bing i« ost of toe bame articles •}{ Kng'isi. :ii»'«ri\l >iril is i entire -ui:. mclu l>ng t.h.i BUppiiel at h‘S than hiif m from mei'cn-inis t *t;.'rs Tb«* ri:i '.s ..tvp .ils.) increa-*" 1 and ar^* uj* uiiif p..und "f b»C'Ui, f ill r'\U' ns of i: ^'al >r hour, nee .iu.i J. Martinsburg wa.s rt^ceivud at the \\ ar 1 Popart- ■ ttie vauky#* unif .r’f mcnt bait night M.\rtins»oK(>, July M. T(i Hun. J. .4. .SV hi'iii, S^i retitri/ >/ W ir: From all reports we gained a decided and tell ing advantaije over the e.iemy at Gettysburg on Wednesday and Thurslay On Friday wecharg- j peas, with som- - .r Toe hcaita of the men u g cd hi.s Woriis, and toot them, but were unable to I Tne Wfatni-r bas t.ofn wet and dist,{r.■ .■'ible hold them, aud tell back towards Hagerstown, i ^ ,,,, ,1 , . , , , >• I • .7 ,.1 : curre.l at .'south Anna bri.lge on tbo \ trgtnia t rntiai 1 here ha,s been but httlc fighting since then. So i o.-, ,,,,,, _So-h K.chm r.l L- -ol tar the victory is on our side. e can now hear : n^rgr iv.-, Co .V, 44m t N ■ T , tougni n.o.si cannotiading. and the report is that a fight is now j j^alUtuly ani de-per.ttly ag«iurt two cr three m.umud going on at lia'.^erstown. liv’erything is so in- I ent-my h*. i Jtd not surrender mi on* ii* f th«ir definite that it is impossible to form a correct idc# I “umber w i- killel and w.uu J.*J Lt i.oi f L , c , i gr jve IS a t-»»vyer of (»r.iijv.ite county, a nieuiber of 11- ! t'onv. ntion in l^'il aud rais.-i a csi'ij-itiy lur the i'OUr thousatri prHi)neri are now at W llhams- 441^ Keg't II-’ afierw,irds t.ecauie .Vlaj ’r aul iUv*a Li. port, wn their way to liichmond. .Many of tho.se ! Col. ot ;bat R-g't Taere id n.x a HK.re Ligh lone 1 who were sliirhtly wounded were paroled today. 1 gentteniin ami ealUnt ?ol her in th? ^rmy The .Vliittia *nl citiiens of it.ohmoud iiave been or- ginii nic »nd .inlliug i s »w j, company ot htt.e boy-, .'I.VRTI.N'.SULKU, July '5 —Large numbers of prisoners are on the road to Richmond Skir mishing is iToing on at lla-^.'r.^town, and a con siderable fiirht took, place at Boonsboro’. The Baltim 're Gaiette ot the *3th says .Meade is wounded. The same p.'^per states that Grant is iriicatiug tVnni \ ifL'.ilMir r Banks at New (.h'leans calls for reinforcements. Loui.'iatia i» I'lat to the Vankc«s. T.WKKi: nLTRAOK.S J> KINO WILLIAM The Rev. William Spottswool Fontaine, a cler- ir\ man of intelligcnee aud education, wan % few lays ago the ..-A'tier of one of the largest and hands.inie-t e.»uutry houses in King William. His g^dens, ornani'‘tital grounvl* and orchards were of unu'u:d e.xteiit and bea.ity. an 1 thu lovely aspect ot his place was cjlculatej t>> disarm the enmity of fiends His re'idenci^ wastirifortua ite- toers—,« line tSO or 100 —t. r an .tber oomp iny 1 thought the thing was out then, but it was thought proper aa a la-ii res'Ti to m ike s )m ‘ d**specate war tjpeeoheu and reJeem the lost fortiiii‘'S d Ihe day. Lt B of Fayette- \illf WMS ihert* and iu-isicd on ihi» plan I and Jos»h put ou our siudying cip*' b.-gun to thiuk over, ‘•victory or d«“ath," •• Tis -wyeL to ii« tVir «ne’« country,” ‘•Optu widt* ibf if »ie of Janus, ’ ’l.t't slip the dogtf of war, and sut'ti I'He jtatri.iiic phrase.s Now 1 and J >(th want e.l i 1' .'Mpiny ii.i.-.:*- 01 j.ist men puough to get a ‘•p .sish in iny ota-’r ooiupanv, an ) there was 110 j?al- oii;-y U.,‘. weeu us 'rt>tr.- w ta .1 sort of a acrnuible for the g »f)ds box whtn the lime came for speaking, aud Lt. U 8u.co *dc 1 in mounting it first—I on one side and Josh on thi- (ith.T, r-ft ly to t.ik^ the stump as soon ai B would >)0 tl‘i .iu/h L*. r> had been in th.; battle of Hothel and of c.>U"3.* h id seen a larg.T portion of the «:’.«‘phT.ni m>iii I and Joh (I h.ii been-at Fori Sumter 'lilt tii 1 not likt* to iiientiou t!iat. «• u good tn-inj of the people were pr^j tdlced ng Jnst JSouth Carolina ) B. ma ie i*n oloju'lit an I p iiri.itio appeal ami closed by s lying in "uhstanoe:) ‘ Fellow citi»en!i.' I hare alr.-a ly stool ■.^mil'ht- carnage of battle and utaked iHV lifv my f*rtu-»s. ^nd my SiCreJ honor for our cati-^* on tiie >'!oo iy Aeld^ of l>ethel under the folds of that proud fl>.g a- it tl ats >n the breei.* of lib«rty ih I’ id*iv» ■ fr j.il l^e vu'.uy :oulli like the breith *f in'pir iti.11, (pcjintin^ t« i i’^n'ederate Hig jU the top of the (!m irt H. ii!-b ) I 'o -.*01 f>ay t ) you, “go”’ buV “C'jrne" with nu- a- i l*-t u.s st*ti I or fjtil togvlicr under that u .bU tia-iuer ” Ou ike s reufh of lbi« laid oat blaak rvJa, ftui »ad iufc la abonlianfla. bot kwi- laiiuf .f llart decllnad to walk apaad “«wear in” aud •*si{:: or .'Xiake tieir cr.^et markit," but gradually retreai' l in the .Iirecti ji> nt sun Iry aider carti and w'.i.'k -y wtgo'i* Lt B r«m»rted (toUo ¥/Ct.) ••If ! ha i t:)'jiigh' ii >b)ly w uld volu.Tear I wouldn't have j made a soeccu "It 1 and Josh exchan^«d flaaeet and j oonoiu b i we would riive our reputation and extra sup- ■ piy of elo.j ii iice ali ) F trtha- speaking was poat- I pou.*.l I a •! Jo.^h adopt'd the prevailing custom and j to.k a dr ai b.u ii i njt "eel i\ a tprtt" aj tbe aong I *-r--)i.eou''.y =tat-! i. We i>B^ 'r«d jei • little waile lonjer I and wnii!',si-.l ma-iy S'range an',.ica that were aul up j pr i.ni- • lou-i y am mg ihe hereinbafore mentionad wag- . ■ li' ani wt* Hhook h;in:j4 cjntilentially ani parted — i be for WiliiitniTi >n af»i I for the “tJreen I'oad,” •*with- ou'. tlie I'lati I or gam; .'f a man " ‘•Thu*. eu'Saithf lir«t 1 l.;isjn ” Truly, LO.N’O (iRABij ! I' .* I take my p^n in han i to drap you thoae f«w Iin.‘» to iiit'.nn you that I am well exoept a bad aolJ I and two very sor? corns >'u rnj foot and hopinj you ara : eitj 'Viog the sam.r blw«sing 1 remain sincerely and affeo- : tioM It, ly Tvu ^ Very R-sp’ty. L 0. . 1* .s N 15 T'.e weaih.T is very hot now. Thia in ; f.urth of July—, big day am mg the anjientg Toe Y inkn pr. fenl to ce'-brat.* it saaie ati ever and I sup pose rttill do s> up about I'iiamberiiburg and Vork and . 1,’arlisle L g Q bt To authorise tho Governor to aigo certain State bond A. To enable refugees and otbors to vote for mem bers ot Congress. To punish aiders aud abettors of deserters To regulate payment of bounty to the represen tatives of deceased soldiers. Concerning the election of members of (’ongress from this State.. For relief of S. A. Warren, Sheritf ot Nurth- ampton. To incorporate North'Carolina Stock Insurance Company, Charlotte. To incorporate Kernersville High School in Forsyth. To provide for the better protection of Sheep To amend “An Act to charter the Shelby and Broad River Railroad Company.” To increase the salary of Public Librarian. To extend time of making settlement with the Agent of Cherokee kmds. To amend chapter 00 of the Revised Code To amend 70th chapter of the Acts of the Gen eral Assembly for the session 1858-’50. To repeal an act to protect the people against •mall-pox. For relief of parsons charged with double taxes. To amend Revised Code chapter 21, Sec. 1. Authorising county tru.stees to briugsuit in cer- I i tain caaos. Providing for local defence in this State, lu relation to Militia aud a Guard for home de fence. Htiulutiom.—Thanks to Capt. Klliott, and to •Maj. Whitford. Concerning Confederate Cur rency. In favor of S. J. Crawford, W. H. Ram- gay, A. C. J..atham, DpCarteret and Armstrong, the Clerks and dourkeepars. Concerning Craven County. To amend resolutions, entitled “Reso lutions to raise a Committee of investigation of Hailroads of the State.” Calling on the Governor for information in regard to slaves detailed to work on fortifications. Requiring the Adjutant General to preoare a tabular statement of the number of Conscripts and Volunteers in the sev eral •ounties of the State. emy retre tted, and was kept up to a late hour ot the night. During the evening a flag of truce arrived from Gen. Lee, proposing, in his hypocritical manner, a truce of 4'^ h >arii, as a measure of humanity, tc afford time 11 bury the dead and attend to the wounded. It was evident that the enemy mukt at once retreat, and the propo.'-ition was rtgaracd bj Gen. Meade as a mere ru^e to obtain tifUie to push forward his trains towar.ls the river, and ■ecure a line of escape The proposition was promptly rrjected, and an advance immediately ordered an the town ot Gettysburg The enemy slowly rctrcnted b^tore our cavalrv and infantry, and by miduieht we were in tuil poaseasion of the t.'wn and !»;c' battle ficid '.vith out oppositi.in. L>uritig the niixh* *!0ont3 arrived reporting that tli.j ..neiu , was ra;>id!y retreating by the CTrecrjCif^tlc* ro'i.J fuwir'i'* Hnirt*r^tuwu, and preparations weP’- at onc>? tnu tc fur piirsuit at daylight. (_ avalry were also sent out to har- rass the enemy, and at dayli:- It* a vi._or.nis attack was made on the on 'ny - r- ;*r truard, which in T&in attempte>l : . ; hr k il.e pursuit of the flee ing army. The distance from Gettysburg to the Potomac ie fully fO miles, and with tfie assistance of Gen. French and the old garrison at Harper s Ferry, ■ umbering about L'ijOUO men, including most of the Maryland regiments, who are uuderstood to be properly posted to check his flight, we have strong ho^s of being able to so operate on the flawing re.{)el column, as to send it across the Po tomac a aemoralized and disorganized mob. Maj. Gen. Hancock is considered as the great hero of l”riday’s battle. His corp.s met the tarri- bl« assaults of the enemy without flinching, and thaugh they lo t heavily it fought nobly. When he fell severely wounded, the effect on his men was to give them renewed determination to con quer, and when they learned that their wounded commander was .still watching them and directin.^ their movements, they fought like demons and drove back the enemy, when ho renewed the aa- •ault with the vigor of fresh troops, sending him back to hit* lines in nuch a crijn.lod ooudUiuu that all attempts to rally tlvem again were futile. Up to 12 o’clock on Saturday night, the sounds of cannon could be heard in the distance, as our pursuing columns attacked the enemy’s rear, and thotisands of prisoners and straggling rebels are coming towards Gettysburg, with captured wagons and cannon. In nhort, th. re was every evidence that our victory wr^j its Q>icisive us it wus glorious -—that the eneny was in disorganized fiigh„, ''ot- , ting back to \ irginia as rapidly as his worn-(;ut ■ f^'i»^lreds of yankee soldiers probed the gar limbs and shattered horse flesh would carry him. ' "“ ■* " uni oihtTi v,' nttin»*i oil tui-ii .'jj.iif o; sat? ''umpanu-s wor»' drilling a '-w veiung'* bino.* a sir-w.r 0 ime up and the whole c .n-Kru, runij at. i iioistel um brellas TUe Jrill-uj*r-tcr k'l 1 Wdlkel laeiu arouad to ibe d'luud of “hep." Avoiding muJ hole- »nd pud liej. Pr iV0!»: gutrd* hav.- tiecon. i nuiajtiioe. It ;s pro per p«rthap- to hi»^ a im». t ' •— places Tne rt-galir pic^e. ur guar 1 of each array, p >■>; r d> pai : m‘u'u u f >r all purp lie-*, or fuliy muc."! r«o as the i’rov ;; ru«rd It is ah enorm 'i’K .'ipense to the lioverameui to keep up 80 -m^ny 1’ o»ost .dlioen* and iruv^ps, auJ iho I’rovjsi gu»rJ doe* but lii.ie goo i in . wa.T.-. Tutrr em-. irr.iss honest p'.'pl,' wbiie stirew 1 lu a ai.I •'.-ouulr.-is J.-Ig'- them or i .ir*tiai« thems^ives irito ibeif g '■ 1 graj -s aud -\rry ou i.ieir deviiment uua« ares. Tti** I’rov .«! .sv*- i«m K«ep« a gr^a: ui«ny nble-boiied msn ou' of iiie »pr- vic» If ; Kh p.»c?a m i-.: exti. i.>t w i au ldis a'.'l.*! iddl'Tt 'ccujy them I'h.! Pr.>/i*l.s ■■I'teii gr*iify pi '.Vit*; ia'iU:e t,*i 1 a*t« by krreptiug ui»'.i h. j I . u >i I'.ke or putting tli.':i» tu iroubl.; i’aey don k it p rime nor ail army n ir expel'.t»> lUo euf rje:i>.--'il ot aKk^PoMUKifcc or tbk lATartKViLLB uBiaavaa .“^iifTir Vniia HatuOfc & 1*. R H , July tJ Mee^rs Ik iit .rs; .\U lines of ihe .S )uth Au' hioi ion or ail *i ills apt e irc 1 o’cl >ck. m 0 tr fron; j .pj-.ct t^i« moiaiag along th« We c-'»brave.i ibe ■lih by an ex- .» T .uit-ei ao ,‘u'. 12,000 strong .■'iturlvk- aftwrnoon &bout 4 .ss tho riv^r. but did not oom« Th« Yankci* in Duplin.—Neither the Court House oor Jail was burned. The records of the County were not disturbed, nor tho Female In- Htitute moleated. They took some 20 horses, from citiaen>i, and 24 cavalry horses belonging to Capt. Lane’s company. They burnt the Sword factory and two small buildings adjacent; took about S 100,000 in Confederate muncj ifiat had bei«n deposited in A Southerland’s safe, by dif ferent pariiob, i20,000 ot which btdonged to the Sheriff, or had beeu coll«ctod by him for taxes, vtc. They also gutled tho store.s, throwing their contents out to negroes, aud took all the money, jewelry and watches they could anywhere find. It is supp.)sed they carried out of the county irove :n ur pickets *r: 1 m'tacte i -ur §k rm.iaar*, kud j about 200 negroes, 2U of them from the village. cjmmenc«i te»r!n/ up ihe t.-ack, whereupon oar anil- | They, of course, did some damage to the growing groans ; gropn by turning their horses into the fields. It J in r*a>t* iiU a' >ut twii^ii-r t)ur position i« a very 1 -?iro3g one. j >vprnjg j’1 bl .;/iiuuntdiately in r«ar 01 * the K U bfi Ige We hil 0 p -.'ces of arlilUry, I'J pd tiowitier.. an I o inoh r tlr i gu'i». so po«l*.i as to lubject [ me a's^’.atus to a crou« Are. aal ctfectually coiaroau i- : lug ail t;i.; >»ppr'.»eh^ The • i«;uy coiiim*uOMd ihe *t- • ;»>!( from the Pouth bi.1.> of the riTer about aight-fall. leiy open«d on i .ewi, dri»in^ ttieia b*ok with f'i>m tiio w.un i -l heir 1 djstin:tly 250 yardi otf. T tie V is believed that Capt Lane’s men, about thirty in ly situutei] near the hi.diw iy over which the tor- ' "r good or *er. Taere i a r. o'* mv.rc ijwig i c>'S of Gen I>ix marched, when f^n route for the uppf r part ot King \\ ;!iiam. His plantation was the plact; of cncampTuent. tt)r several davs, ot rhc yankee army. Mr Fontaine was absent from K.iug \S illiam when the anemy were upon his pl'Uifiiti'u. I'lU his wile and daughtors, wlio were ut the mercy ol the enemy, endpavorad, by yield ing to their demands for fo.>d, to prevent wanton d-jsfi uction. Thousands ot hungry, clamorous, brutal wreteho^ b >on devoureil all the stores and household supplier. r’tie family was at last left without food, but the terocious demands ot the enemy increased, and f.jr two days these accom plished ladies wore torc(?l tu endure the rudeness and coarse insults of the yankees. 1 hey shot the sheep, hogs, cow^, oxen, and fowls, and de.^troyed crops, agricultural imple- Tuents, statile an-1 barn.s, of this urofl'ondinu' cler gyman. Tiioy laid watjie his gardens, orchards, and ornamental grounds, but tor a stiort tiiue re spected his dwplling hou.se. At last, however, they surrounded his house, yelling, cursing and blasphemiij.;, a number of runaway negroes unit ing with the yankee soldiers. They demanded food and threatened the destruction ol the hou'>e if the starving ladies did not furnish it. This they did whilst they were roasting the sheep and calves they had slaughtered. Mrs. Fontaine told them that nhe had no more food, as they had de- viiured all. With brutal and profane language, they then commenced the sacking of the hou»e, tho a/fright**d iadies having fled for protection, waViout H chai.g« of clotUiMjr, to a neighbor’s. In a lew honr.s tlw*y the house. All of the costly furniture was broken to pieces with axes, and the fragments piled in the rooms. The window curtains, carpets ami mattings, wore torti to piecesj and family por traits were torn to slired.sj marble slabs were pounded to atoms with hammers. A well select ed and m.ost valuable library of three thousand vijlu.Tiies Was torn to picc’^s and scattered over the t'rounds. Whcthjic he will make another c^tat^d on the roaJ IS yet to be ascertained. The advance of (ien. Couch froia Harrisburg was expected to boat Chamborsburgon Saturday close enough to join in punishing the well whip ped rebels on their way to the river "I'en w» .irove the enemy outof iton iriday night, we recaptured of federal prisoners, reported by some as high as fifteen hundred, many of whom were wouflded There were also several thou sand wounded rebels, every house being filled With them. CONFEDKII/TE Ac’COi:.NTS. The Richmond Eu«juirer has the following Items telegraphed to it bv itn corre^p.od^'nt- WiNCiJssTER, July 7.—There has been' tour «»ys fighting,near (iottysburg. cQmmf;ncing on Wednesday, July let, and .-..ding oa Saturday UMi Vi here that A. P. Mill, harly and Rodes fought the enemy princi pally on Wedueaday, begiauing at oo« o’clock i-ens and yard with their bayonets for concealed valuables until they found all the china, glass ware, and inati^i other ci)stly thinggj all of which they stole or destroyed. The wardrobes, presses, trunks, »tc., etc., ot the ladies were broken open and every articles of wearing apparel stolen or torn to pieces. Nothing was spared, and, having completed the work of destruction they poured Kerosene oil on the mutilated and torn furniture and bedding. The cecape of tho ladies of the house alone saved them from these fiends in hu man shape. The principal performera in this hideous carni val of pillage were, we learn, Fenosylvauians. Our example ot leniency and mercy is utterly lost upon Huch wretches.—Rich. Examiner. *'ol. A. i?Icl.eaii of Luiuberton, Uobcson oouaty, it) ro- couimeuded aH a candidate to rdpresent m« ciiizcns of the 4th JuJioiai DistrioLin the next Con- KreHH of the Confederate Slates. The (Lionel is eminently^ajfigd for the position, an many, yea vary many, wSuld rejoice to know that man» citizens. JuJj 1008. 44-2t Jii.j a, d'.tffre it pi ict* in S’ i’ Tht liiCi* Soft , lac- for -o'ii» fa»oi;:e or ^'}i:cr w:;j w -i.ic.! tj »huu tlif hard iu'.i**« J' -.var to siide lu.o. a . ’. ih..‘re g') tbr.jii^h wi.ti ih.' farce of hdviug .i c.'iiTile .if t)ty- nets a- h:t 1 lor w'l.le writing oui f ;inal « -'?s up-n p.pers Pither f )rg ■ 1 .-r genui;.'.- W. »a ne tiear.s the waistie blow iie l»y.s awayli!- (>ipe, {:'jts ou ti;« iv J sa*h aul‘w r.1 au'! ‘iru s i. wii lo !ti- .i-.pol, r, n.-i.s througu the -ars, wsks several leseut pfr.-^on impu lent .lup-iivius H.ii carries aparc-l.i' row i>--^ V.tck i > his ro.jiH to (tel on a s[>ree ou ••cunft 1 ' wm«ey. I'lie-'* are his .iuti.-:-. Ihs Jm-intss hoar* :ir« frjiu n^vlf p.i.i eleven to twelve. '»:id any ou^ wh ) 1 'u't got a pi«spjrt during iha' iiiierval must lie over or be [mi 111 the ••Cage” amoug l;ce afid film. If the systo u eliecsel any good, its inconvcniences w .uld be cne-rfully suU- miitt-d lo. Down witti the •ystcrnl d iwn witn it, aul sen! thos.* sleek, fat, foppish m s .i.{iers where ttiev Can .am ihotrnumh. H.tj, hcrel i : t asethc pen! th’; yanks are eomiog an 1 wr mu.si out to me-t tneml K bftttlel Truly, LONG C\Mf Ni.^R Hic|IMU.-|i. .Illlv I :>Ie-=srH K.lit-r- \\\- na»- b e:i -uca.au-1 ni.'out o miles fr^mi KiO'imond oh iho \Viili!va,.,burg roal and hbyut 7 o h miles from B)ttom’s H.-i t»nere mat road crossed tue Onickahomiuy. lUu^om’s a,ud .Inn- kins's Brigalis crossoJ Cuic&ah j u.n; at this bn.Ige 1 hurs'iay evening ;iud weut 4 or •> mi.es bevoii.l with severil piec**s of artillery. U> aUeil.-dihe Vaukee.s and ttiej fell bacs rapi ily to the I’amiiukey »nd we occu pied the piaco where they had been. Ihe enemy « ar tillery 'li'! not tire more th.iu four or five times at our troojKi^ Jenkiu.s'.s C l>rii;ale way la front and tue ‘iJ4th N. C. was Ihe foremo.si of Kausom's Briga.ie and within bettwr r.mg" of t'.c enemy « artillery tiiau .lon- kiiis's Briga.ltv Uisthougai iti.* enemy ha.1 a pretty Strong force. They bar lly remai^ied long caougti for our gunners to get the range alth iui^b they bad foruie.i line of battle Ori.^ uiah m il»« ‘J-l.U lu|r't *va» ^|Ao,l wore two or ihreo others sHghtly wonnd«d. /V shell ex ploded in a few feet of Col. t'larke, but ho w.is not touched! The 21th is a spleudi 1 Kegiment, h is done gallant service and is ••all right on the goose.” rfooie few of the enemy were killed and 8 or 10 taken prisju- ers, some of them wounded, one mortally. It was nearly sunset when we arriveti in front of the Y'ankees and we returned iu a few hour after wards to this side of the Chickahominy. from where Ransom’s Brigade returned to camp, and (book’s Brig ide an 1 other troops went to look after some Vank’s who it was said had a hankering after tlanover Junction and sundry horses, pickles, chickens and preserves up that w vy. The North Carolina Troops about Richmond are Riu- gom's and C ok s Brigades, tho list Reg’t (C.iyalry) and the 44th Reg't, Pettigrew’s Brigade. The rest are South (’arolinians aud Virginians—altogether a ntrou torce—a force that viii use up Uix and Kaf-es if ti,ey g^ve us the opportunity. This may be put down m the .\lmanac8 as a ‘•ptiact ” I have been over the battlo ground of Seven Pines and saw a good many yankee skulls and ribs and I also ate huc’ileberrien from bushes that grew by the side of Vankee graves. Ity thi* ^ay huckleberry gathering is a great thing now. Tae Chick- ahominy and other swamps have now large quaatities of these delicious bdrries. The battle field of Reven Pines is among swaiapy .bays, and slashes, with here and there a field or email farm. The name ia from a pine tree with seven prongs or forks, and there has never been any cross road, church, post office or black- omith shop. 1 see reoruitiug to raise companies has again beoomr the order of the day under the call for voluutcer militia for BIX months. Belter go it, boys. There will be an other cont^oript or some other devilment by the end of that time that will take you in, and perhaps if tho gov ernment hae to pull you in, it may everlastingly hold on to you after it gets you in. And recollect it will never do for 08 to lag now We must keep up the army and pash on the war till the North will let us alone and allow UB our rights. The North began this utmeoesaary inftaaan and ninooa eoafliet^ aad it will atoik tiv» rtfj i .ul J II ; c .ntiiju .u 1 t^. .• . ' wjuuiui* .i "r 4. T tae ui^'i! aiiJ re.iiu J j . up i»'e.y foiled aboat dayhraak I'noy trie i i . f >r. » a ai i • County bridge ^ I uii B up I'le ' 10 lur.i ..ir 'i(rht fl» ik hui t!n«y faili«a ! in thie. I'liii-* a c d.uuu oT 1.! OO'l «ta was cora:>«lled : to.retre*'., ii.»vu;g t.eeii repu.jel tf oae baitery aad « I ' )iij,'Mi.-- s ,f iuf* i.ry. b».t ■ • oi.!v ifo-.pi tc uahy •■- j g-ge I '>V.* cjir.i n't .i > •r;nnio tUeir lo**. at iheir >;.ai Hii’i K -.inJiO W!*r« re:u 'kei Siiijr tiia figtji )ur 1 •ivairy tJaiicr e .IJ N C , i tiavo picket up i« prisoa- j ers; IJ .ir 1) tjjJie- have b(*eii fniiii in the wood* The j troops eii^'».^( 1 w e J C.’s of the 1 )i!i N I tne iruiu.;ii»te c .:jir.,anl of itaj inter. I kille i waa uamei Upotiurcb, Co. 1> lJ>ib N. C. The } jyr^Qg the growing crop.s. yauK. 'ij ti^ive g -nt below. If iney esc fit to reaaw the attack we are, ready for tiicm. 1 wis t'l ll jH.no.il a f-jw {ays ago aal Saw tha "Natiouai 'ijard ' m.m.'re-l ou JSatnriay afternoon. To an eye acou.stomed to t>roux*d veterans laey awakened a sligli' I'er.iiig of the n iicii; ti*. as some fat old elt wouM put! il ing i;ra«piiig bi« ritle as if the fate of the (’jiifeaerar'y lepeti led oi Uis single arm They looked liK» acorps if oouval»-.«Ci-n’s comp ircd with onr weather beaten rog.i irs lJ.it It was a noble speciacl*?, to see a whole pop'uatiou g >>ng up to ‘'ihe breach" ti do or die in defcucc of iieir al 'i:s an'l boinas God bUns lh« luea bui trpeoiiUy the wo nen i>f Rictimond. The lat ter hive w.iii tor tun^nse res a fame which not only will be rec ir i«.l on a f'rigiit page of the annals of Earth bat Will also n.ive a place in I'ne Books which will be brought forth ou the great lay cf account ‘•t.'’ome ye blessed of rey Father, f.>r 1 was an bungere.l ami ye gave me meat, I was toir-..y “and y gave me drink, I was a Htrangfr aud ye took me in, naKed and ye clothed me, I wds •»ick anvl ye vis.ted ms ” Thera are of course in that uoble city, many hungry dogs who have etsented the prey from far :iround, and it tnust be so in any me tropolis, but ttia oitizcns proper have nobly done their iluty. lu rctiirniug, whioh I did on horfioback, 1 was obliged to proceed very circumspectly, astheyankees that *narn- •-e "0«-0 ootwnou iui, ...J oil. tnkiugaoltr- cuitoua route, 1 got tjjrougti safe. 1 st pp"d at a neat little house ihjugn of hu-u'ile dim*nsi.ins and askfd for a glass 4)f milk. I was asked to dismount and regaled with milk aud bread m i butier The good w.iman was a soldier's wife, a simple, cirn^st Christian; she refused any compensation, said she had never turned off a hun gry man, that hun IreJs ot soldier.^ had pirtaken of her Hospitality; bu*. though soiu;times she wondured how her supplies would bj renewe 1. yet somehow she always was provided for, and had never Buffered. Tnis appear ed to me a praoiicil illustrktioa ot Christian faith. Like the worn in of scripture, sae divded her scanty supply, and like her found “the m.-al ' di t not diminish “in the b.itrel,” or • the oil in ths erase.” ••Trust in the Lird and do go >d. 'iu 1 so sh.alt. luou d ▼ell ia the land and venly taoa s:i-ilt bo fed.” I nave no- got my O jserver iu 7 weeks, I suppose papers must lie over :ti Riohm >nd from the iudifftrenoe ami tritiingness ol the P. O. officials there. No more this time trom K\RtIX. Feanklih, Va., Jaly 4 Messrs. Editors; The friends of the soldiers in Major C. G. Wright s Battalion I know are anxious to hear from them, and I take this means of informing them that Maj. Wright’s Battalion is stationed at Fraikklin Va. This Battalion has made some swift marches, hav ing to march from Colerain, Bertie, N. O. to this place and part of the time through rain, mud, and water. The health of the Battalion is very good, considering that .•ory faw of the men had ever aecn anything Hk- unroll ing or lying oa ;hs (ground—they having been guarding briJges aad doing provost Uu.y before they were at- ia«h;d to a Battalion. M.tj. Wright is doing all he can to drill and organiie hia B ittalion and will soon have them well drilled and efficient soldiers. Beaartera say the yankees have evacuated Suffolk. Franklin bas the appear^ance of having- once been a flourishing place, but it is now in ruins, the enemy having shelled and burned up most of the place. It ia entirely evaouated by the citiiens. Of our force here I oaunot speak, but if the invader cornea he will meet » tra« SouUtarn r*- Wf tioft. «. 1. II. ri. :ery lu p.siiijn, bit raineJ ». -• 1 -n i_ • ’ :nai! ar.ns. ttiUiog oat man aui i Qumbcr, who were in the Village at the time the ry iji»i ,i f»«l)le caargei during j yankees entered it, made thoir escape. Four of them who wore on picket duty on the road be low Kenansville, had not been heard from and otio other had been found killed. The mill belonging to Mr. Wm. B Middleton, •ome few miles from Keaansville, was burned by the enemy. They robbed the people ot Hallsville of every thing they could find, such as money, watches, C ualer I jewelry, borses, negroes, etc., and turned their The man | horseri inta the corn Holds, ruining or geatly in- H’i7. Journal. Williamiton^ A'. C. Burned by the Enemy.— Col. S. W. Wcuts, 10th y. C. militia, in Martin county, reports to the Adjutant General that he assembled tho luen of his Regiment for enroll ment at Williamston on tho 6th inst., under the retiusition of the President. p]arly in the morning the enemy from Plymouth advanced upoa tha town both by laud and water, and after firing a number ot shells the town was burned. Raleigh Protjrea. Sixtjf-Hixth Rrgiment N. ij. Troopt —Thepar- tizan iiangers on duty in Ihe Eastern portion of the State have been organized into a Regiment to be known aa the Sixty-Sixth. Lieut Cal. James W. Hinton of Paiuuotank has been mada Colonel, and Capt. W. II. Bagley Major.—Ral. Proyreu. Death 0/Col. J. H. Coi. J. H. Morehead, of the 45th regiment, died at Martins- burg a few flays ago of typhoid fever. Col, More- head was a i^rallant officar,—^ hearted man.— Greensboro' Patriot. Great Fretiitt and Destruction 0/ Crop*.—Dan river has been higher than it has boen before in a very long while. Along the bank of the river for milos nothing was to be seen but one vast sea ot water stretching from one hilll-sido to the other. The low grounds were planted either in corn or wheat, and it was truly a melancholy sight to see such vast quantities of the latter staple, already harvested and shocked ready for threshing, swept away by the current. In some places one could see great crowds of shocks, still preserving their form, floating bodily down the btream, whilst at other places the wheat, having been mowed and left lying upjn the ground, was swept off in that condition, and could ba seen floating like sea-weed upon the surface of the water. Wherever corn had been planted, nothing was to be seen above the surface of the water exoept, perhaps, now and then a blade of the green corn protruding*—Appeal. Result of Drafting in the North.—The Old Guard, of New York, gives the following speci men of the process of drafting in Michigan: ...**9.^''in Clinton county, to ( bravo," is at least f I Mi«hig.iu, ttiirty-two have escaped to Canada, 2 which, if not “the laud of the bravo.’’ ii: the “home of the freo.” The Columbia Carolinian announces the death on tndaj, of Mrs. Mary Hampton, relict of the lat« General Wade Hampton. She has quietlv p^ed to her reat at the extreme Umit of more towi four ^oore yean—eaunsaUj oturaotwiMd b? WAR NBWS. Virksbu''J.— RiCUMONU, .July —Tln> |,,l| ^ ing dispatch ha.s been received here frotn i',,., Johnston: Jackson, July 7.—Hon J ocdd.m, s r tary of War;—Vicksburg cajfltuhiled on tK,. j. inst. 'I'hc garrison was paroled and at.- ,,, / turned tu our lines Officers retiiininir tl,,.i|-, , arms and per.sontil baggage. This inti-lljo,., was brought by aii officer who bdt fbe j Ue.-. Sunday the 5th. J. H. JtH.NS'i'(».\, J .\(.’Kso.N, July 7. — \’ioksburu W}t.s surr* ;„l on the morning of the Ith, the men h ;iu.r j, starving coinlitiori and complctc-ly worti ..ij' excessive fatigue. I'ninediately alter the . r render (jrunt sent a boat lotid of supnlie^ t • fami.'^hed garrison. Officers say th-it ba i t; . Johnston reached there twelve da^s could not have relieved the garri.son, a- ti.i could not muster over severi thousatid un-n , , duty. Fvery thing i.s in the wildest sta;«; ,,t' citenicnt here; citiz''ns arc tlying in t very dir. tion. The streets are tilled with stj -k, n* r and families in ox carts and every spocitsot veyance. (’itizens beyond Clinton rep.^rt t> euPiny V^urning every dwelling thev pa*i \ , is hourly looked for, Jackson, July 9 —The enemy is a.lvan.' rapidly on the Clinton Road. Our cavHlry j-. skirmishing with them three miles out, an.i a-, gradually tailing back Our furcc is iti lint- ■ battle tf> receive them. o P'njhtitvj in the. ;0i hr acy h,. South H •I.ACK.sov, .I'nly 7 —ticii. ing attacked Osterhaus yestrnliy n.'-jr hepot, and atler three hours’ b-ard tigbiin>i it'. him across the river. Our loss is reported heav. The enemy’s loss not known. An officer from the vicinity of Fort : says Dick Taylor crossed the Mississippi ui:,,.■ cover of our guns last Saturday. He and (ia; ner attacked Banks and routed him with I.,:... los.s. They are marching to reifitorce Joiin^: . Attack commcnce'l on Chirhsfon.—Cn.viu.t- TON, July 10.—The attack has commenced, t. iron-clads arc off the bar; one at the mouth Stono; one in that River; and forty-three otl vessels off the harbor. There has been hf>a.- firing tium 5 A. M. fjor 2 hours, our M^rri.s i- land batteries replying. Troops arc lanaiiii: Grimball’s. An iron-clad and gunboats havc -, . up Stono to attack Fort Pemberton. Prom Sufofk.—Pktersbvro, July ‘J.—5 , eral gentlemen have arrived here from since its evacuation, and the train for Ivor y- terday carried down a number ot refugees rft'jn. ing home. The last of the Yankees left 0:1 :L. nis^ht of the 8d inst., the town having been ocl;; pied by them for months and 20 days Wht: the ortier for evacuation was first made, it was dt termined to burn the town, but before they couiu rem jve, Lee entered Pennsylvania, and they fea: ed retaliation, and the order for burning was r scinded. We learn that a few of the citizens of the tov»L who have become charmed with the yankees, le;: with them. Our troops entered Suflblk on Monday, iin: their pickets extend 7 miles below Sutfolk. Th-r yankee pickets extend to II miles this si.l.? it Portsmouth. It is believed that preparatiuns ure now being made for the entire evacuation of Ports mouth and Suffolk.—Examiner. The French in Mexico.—Vera Cruz advif j to the IGth ult., state that the French army occu pied the city of Mexico on the 3d ult., and i. n Forey took posse.ssion on the lOth. Forey was received with great enthusiasm. A French Mir •juis who wa.s woumfed at Puobla goes to l-'ans with the keys of the city of Mexico. Thirtt-fti hundred prisoners, mostly^ Mexican officers, are about to be sent to France. the'DUTY OF THE HOUR. On the whole, the fortune of war, for tlu? week, goes against us. We have been too conti- dent, and toodisdainlul of the prowe«s of our foc- and the fortunes of war fluctuate forever, like aii the other tides in the affairs of men. What then? Will any Confederate lose heart or hope for this? Snail our proud banners droop, or our faith fail, or our trust in a just Providence grow feeble? God forbidi All that we have al ready done, and vowed to do; all our past, all our future, call on us, pled^je us, compel us, to read in all that h-as Befallen but one lesson—that mustrepairour faults, reinforce our strength whc r. it is weak, redouble our efforts, and use all our re sources so as to present a stern front of resistance to the base and brutal foe who wages so persistent a war tor our destruction. We have to remember that by our acts of sece.ssion and our defiance 0! all couset^uences, we are simply bound to make good that secession, or die. We have to remem ber that we Confederates have always loudly pr " fessed towards these Yankees, not hatred and de fiance only, but ineffable scorn and disdain also; and that it we suffer our country no\v*to be sub dued by a race y/e despise so much, it were bett r for us we had never been born. Those who du io stern resistance wiM then be the only fortunate Confederates, and of them will often be said by the survivors, Terque, quaterque beati! Thrice, in deed, and four times blessed, will be the dead, whose eyes will never behold the degradation ol their country; and ten thousand times accursii the unhappy men condemned to live on and bcgtt vassals to Yankee lordsi It may be needless to urge the.se topics. The great mass of our people have already shown what they are ready to do and to dare rather than strike hands again with our mortal foes. We have seen darker days than this, and they iiavc only made us serry our ranks and strike more fiercely home. SohlM»e oblige Wo boast that we have in our veins that good blood which xciU. not sink, but rises higher for every blow. Now is the^time to sliow it. The army we have raised, the Government we have created, have never failed us yet; let us not fail them now. Let them be sustained and strengthened by every man able to bear arms. Foreigners have no right-to be here if they will not fight now for the land they live in. Those who have bought substitutes have no right now t© hold themselves exempt—for it their country succumb, their substitute service will by no means exempt tticm from that' future of shame and sorrow awaiting all slaves and cow ards, who lose their country and live to tell it. The spirit that should live and burn in ever) bosom this day is a haughty disdain of life, either for ourselves or for those who are dearest to us, unless that life be crowned with the wreath ot glory and of freedom. With such a spirit, ani mating such a peopl«, we are sure of oar ultimate triumph, and shall think it cheap, purchased with our best blood.—Rich. Enquirer. D£PO«ilTORY, C. S. A^l Fayetteville, 25th April, j Notice is hereby given, that Tretuiurj Notes, noi bearing interest, dated pri.^r to ItH Dec’r 1862,' may be funded into Seven per c*,nt. bonds or stock, unt;: the let day of August 1868. Aft^r that date they ar.^^ not fundable. Treasury Notes not bearing interest, dated subsoq uent- ly to 1st Dec’r 1862 and before the 6th of April i860, may be funded in Seven per cent, bonds or stock, till th* 1st day of August 1863, and afttr that day are fundabi« in four per cents. Interest on iaterest-beariag Notea, accrued to 1st Jan’y 1868| will ba paid at thia Office, and annually IhWMfter. W. 0, BROAliFOOT. Dep’y. th