liUt Mnt pi Uj. ..II rui'li'uts l)a- .{ - i‘ruu>; .i ro HK ick •frtaiiitv I -• rf- St‘\ (>ral “s’ iiiti'iij(',| I'HVur t,i I** fiii-iiiy liaif.ry orris K >ur{.ri«n ami :lv, I hruVely jirovi. u>; had le tir> ‘ UpoTl the taiii'n pri ausoii I he II t! • \ tv ."iiill iiaiL I^u l>.-. u at y liirrt-tly uhI lhirt\ 'er»‘ tMki'i) 1 the as ‘1 b\ thf ,e lM>t so«“i) WHS hur tiUii'i'Ts di'.j >ar • W •iMid- d rvi •( ar'iu.fir. ot jri*!"" n. 1 vko Wii .,!• u ke; .;j ‘-ir je d .> wore . fr. Fort . of I i . iJU"- ..Vi’J V. tt, V W ilr* Moni or wat* Th- 1 (..pert orr c . apj'C »• I :C-' commaud of id.-* I I f t1?ei ,■ 015 S.iiur- >roi > tei_. Frid y !*«(, up ; of ili off » Tium 1 M .u i I oVt-'a in opi,. *!te l»r ked ^ ■ 1 •‘f’'-- wre ' ■ J It;; was ao ■vwsi. 1, hr 10 •. i-iins \o k clniit :ien f.u- ri.-i'. low cei'- iiti'l.. i ur. . iCh". .V- 'A :s N \\ (■ on: 4W t an h P- -11 rjl hi- ri r s'll. ik> till : f, los- : h:. u, a. - . r. J. >' 1 Id f- ■t- re,/i ‘ ! I- 1 tbM- . . ^ •C’Jil- ■ arc is • ■ 1 .1 rr: •, -1 1 i th 1 j1 • Wi, ~.s ..} 11 a > - Xlut - . ..L' r- :he ■ Tl . !. . .1 ' 'ly . 'i li u:. . -i.ij , ari'i r- ' tha ' ; 't Hed ■. (’ .-a.i-y, uriii JuH'- .1 .. .f. i’b 1- it K - .-i' tuy boat (»ur id-. 1 ' >ur war. I. 1 by ip ur Rioh- .1 .M . -.uu’h ed it >diort- ■ «jt{ ■ i;»,ioD at h t'l i-i , aud ■ n‘ir‘5- igaiti -SN-tl -ivcr ., fi .w het r i - g d., ■■ UD(i OBSKRVKR TA VKTTKVIKIiK. THl KSnW KVKM.MJ, Jl LY 1«. ISIW. >Ve havo t i rooord » loss iu the f«ll of Port Undsfin. The extent of this loss wr know not ns jeW l!iU with energel’P .icfion ou the part of our Ocnr-rafs in that qUftrter, it is far from ^ivinp the eiipiny free crvritrol of the .^li3-‘^i^^sippi. There are ninny points from which any aitemvt at ooniDierce c«n he foiled. The new: lately has certainly m't been .“iich as we I BATTLES NEAR OETTYSBURG. 1 From the Coi-respondenoe of the Kichinond Enquirer. I WiNCiiKSTKB. Va . July 8, 18t>3.—The army of North- j fru VirKinia. iu its war of invasion, crossed the I’oioruac I hy wa^tiiie «t ir D?ar WillinniHport, from thence they I r.arehei! to 11 iperstown^o Oreeucastle. nn.l thence to rii\(.iht*r-.hiii I' Kwelt, who held the ailvhuoe. went a.s ; fsr as t’arlisU'. bonio 1:1 niileit from,Harrishur*. Mean time, Hooker withdrawn his forces from i^iatford, moved them t>. liiid aciosa the I’otouiac, :iud took up a line €-xtejidin:: t'rDin WashinRiiiii Ik Baltimore, expect- iiifr UMi. Lee to cfl.'r him battle iu Maryland. Finding him»elf disappointi d in thiH and having be«'n compelled by pride nr his suptTicry, he l*'liui|uishe J his commiud to .Ve.'idf. who, fiitJing out that Loo hjid di-fleeted iu hid march tbriiui;l» I’ei'Ut^y Ivaiiia. an>i was moving down thi' could d“sire. l^ut we have h id ploomier times than the ! l^''lliriore i.irnpike fVom I’h imbcrsburp, moved from n.. i u . V. V, • 1. -ni • Ballimnre on the S'lnie load lo meet him The two sr- present, am we hope soon to have hrichter. hof'^ is • • i • , i . i * ^ I mies. which ha 1 ceiKed to confront each other pitice the uo reason ti-r ileFp.ondfncy. (’onfederales cannot afiord j tiicak U({ up o! thi- I'’n derick>)t'urg linis, funtni ih» m 10 deHpon l. ,\ disaster now and then is wliai all c un- tries at war imisi «‘xpect, and whnt a bruve pt"op!e will meet win fresh and uever-f.ii'ing eoiiraee eii.l endu rance. It is ti e will of I'rovilence thus to afHtct us In gooi; time we trust deliverance will come We give much sj ace to accounts received yrster.lay eveninp of the (ettysburg battle.s Ihe K'.fhinonl p.>pt>rs give a Ptatenieiu of h 'eiii-r from Oeu. Lee to the Presid' nt, as foUow-: T\t S(' .niion in Mai i/i( ud.—The 1'rt‘si.l.n: received a letter trom Uen'l Lee, ou Satur.lav, whirh puls t,- rest all anxieties in relation to the sima'ion of our ■irmy in .'laryland. mid confirms the .'i-tteme.its which have been made, that our nrmy has b’en unif'’r»iilv victi riou-t in its encounters with the enemy in lVni'syIv».ni'\ I'he letter states, .jn efl'eci. that the eir^aKemenis at tit iiys- burg resulted in -lefeatin*; t!,e ^niniy completely,* in killing and w.nindinc a number far evce-' linz ourV.vr', »ud in the captuie of a large number ot j.risoners; that the falling back of our army t.i Hngerr^tourn a pru dential move, not oecasiout d by any succcs-t on ii'“ p.if! of the enemy, an.I not throneh :,- y avpronensii ii .f contingencies arisirg which migi.i ensur.- hi.s sii .cess .\t that p'int. The ci-" .'f ihe 1. ■ u iu a f,-vr word-. i>j that the enf^n.y w:.« ev; n n. )W‘ ih. rorirhiy 0!:t uj. :ui.i whippe,!, than he has ever he.-Ji up u Southern ■».nl. an 1 , that the f c*Cupaiion of ti icer#iown ji inoveiiient ilio- | tated by Strat- gy abd pru len. e. as e: seinial to tr.e vuo- ' '* ' ces-^ of the campaieu. The secret luvoive.i 'ti this movet.Teni m'»y wrll be left to G»n Lee to .le'velope iu his own good ti,i;e The prisonors in our Lan ts and on the way htre, are, we un.lerstand. jestimated at be tween lo,"ninnl The army' is iu fine sj'irio aud excelloni con iiti ;u. ■ -J-'. t minr. selvc>, howt v.'r a^ iiii t’ace lo face, near (K-tiysburg. on Wednej'lay. .Inly I-*t. Kariy in the day skirrni-hers ■Aeie thruwn fciw 'rd by Gen. A I’ Hill, who ha.1 the advanci’ on the piiio I. iling from ('hamb:'rsburK Ab.iiM I 1’ M ,a battle bi*gtiu in »'arne“t beiwefn .Meii itf's sn 1 llvynul'lp" corps ol' ttie Nor'heru l*otoniac arm;., and a 1 irge b„dy, it is sii 1, of I’ei itsylvaTiia ari.i N. w York iiiilit a. iic.lei (Jen and A 1’, iiill’b corps, vho h;s line imin diately in troiu cf town Soon a'ter I’ Hid bec;iiiie f-ni?.ipinl. Fw**!! with Early «ud lloib's' .livi-ii.>n ri-ovc.) .town tr.ini ('■ aud took up a po-^iti. ii to iiit> VH Hili's c 11'-'. and ilMl I Rouii'what .(> I 111 ra^ed fn; i 'i. -iy lihe ^-i\ V Cieti V't ;:r i:, vt- W( iiii ijie bi-r it li.' i lear.i. by I'.v. tli with t si. li ;i ti 1.1 Kp’ht, 1 iJ i.ii; om I r." j i.y im • "[.i.i til.' » I fiwv b‘I -ri- (hi til. 11 ^ Wi.'l . *' l’".ri i.ibM’-jr 'I'tiH b.'iilie .(iiHI iKc> wli' U t! y .iikee • * T 't-^sii),; t lir.iUjrh a-’d bi-lcv; iu/ ti'-- luwi', and c ii'tur'iiK'heir ti i.ui ibi-r. find als.i r. l irire uum- 1-^,-ti.l-; -;ii;>, bit tei' beiijg ca.r uri' i. 1 rt.ii- !i.e fit'it cl'isi'.i on \Ve.iii*'.s.iaj , !vai;iac;e t.i us. It had h. ea 'I'l opi n !i; oviT s.i/ht •».:cl'viti. in which r, ha i siu'je's.uUy ili iven telligible with reference to the great battles in 1‘eun- I ed; Capt Wagg, Lt Broughton, killed; Lambert wound- aylvania. perhaps the most bloody and stuhlrrnly con- | ed and left on field. Capt Albright, only Capt unhurt, tested of the war. From an officer of the 2d Miasisninpi commands Reg’t. l^s Low, Blair, Cerretine and Sud- day?’ engage- , derth only subordinat.e3 left. A was wounded.’ A Bon of Qov Orahara for the OBSFRVKR. Lcmbkht.>n. N. C,. July 1‘5, 18*‘>a Messrs. E. J Hale & Sons: Oenflemeo: As I have been recommended as a Candid.ate for 'ongr*‘Hs in thin District, you will please Jo me ihe kindueas to make rcpira-^nt, who participated in the three ment, we have the following facts: ^ p,c»e>t- wo n iti k On Weduesday the tightiug was iu the imitiediate vi- i t 'X ■? | known through the^colun.n” of t'be*()^hr*^.rTer that under cinity and around the town of Gettysburg, an l resul'c ! ' ^ Ashcraft, 38th, LtCol Gordon, Adj Riddick, 34ih, I the circurast locea, I wili u t be a Coudi bife iu the encn.y being diivtn one milt and a half beyond I ^^mgeon Fry, ItJth, are reported wounded by the Lieut. T. C. Fuller is already a Candli late to that place. During the day oiir forces captured i ““'hmonJ papers. ^ . . . _ . . priponer;), all of ^hom wore paroled. raiii>r thnn have theatre. Till HS1>AV KVENING, .JULY 10, Hue of ba't4(' extending two miles and h jimII r.u »,,ch WinjT, The enemy were d iv( n back, yTlth h 1 parutively smTl! on our side, until theif !>rmv v .s cn)- ceiitrMe ? i>fi >» coir'maTsdit.g hill, t v.i miles b'jN.nd the town, 'I'his !'ili w.a.-. f. riiti?d r.y "i stviu- i uc . ovsm and fijiHinst wldch .iin had been ihrnwn, c.'i.Bi imtiiig u ‘or- mi.hlMe bi i-adl w-.i k Aft.-r li.ey had bei-n iltivcii b'^k to thi-i positioii the fi'h:ii»g for the d:ty u ;s di^^contij- ue I >n Fri.l-iv skirmishing v:i: c.-;inK'ai;ed r,*iwe','nJ an.I Ll 'i'.ii cl; ii. tt>(> itMy Hi:!'..- ci.i-,.s T,id ile;h's .ii- visioii ' eiti^r }>riMe’.] liiy •. Trii.v r, ,1''?.^'! ;he eirif-!:clnn>-i:i- -s i'l n'^o !>f .iivi-ioii c-t tir-i:. i'i.-k,*i: .U>er til-; eii. iiiy’s w rks we' ,-, cai vit-j, iu • e lighiinii vkiil in f-nin-nchn!-ni i, b.ii tt.e ovi-i Ml-:' ill s-^es . »■ t .1- c .Mi.'-i'.i'd .jiii' !' .it.. ret '! >■ 1 he y «tr''- .. ii>pn,., w't-rt- c •iirmiruli i oii a iii ’ t'l! \Vi tiir.V'ii, • “e> .'t F,I'; :t ih-? en i.iy i.Te h^'ivily iiji -I -.trniii'l" tiiyt fie.J in»-iiiou on !P. j To Yol R [lEoriKNrs’—Maj .)us. H. Hill. .\. A. Gu, at Wilmington, advertises by command oi .Major ( Whiling, thiit—■ “All the oflicers anl eidisted nn-u. of Brig, Gen'l Clingman's Briga le, now absent by authority from these Head yuarters, wi'l report withnu- delay, for duty with their respective regimturs at I'harlesion, S. t.'," N. C. R.^ilr >.^p.—\\ r are fivore l with the Report of the I’re-’ident. Tho.s W.'bb. Fmj., made to the late an nual meetine. T!ie n-ceipis of the ye^ir en.ling May olst were: — Private pass-?ngers, '"lov't passengers, 1‘rivate freight, (iiy't •• t!s|'ress Co., Mails, A.C., T:ial earnings Expenses 110. 'it-n i li thv . i >. »-7iU,(»ll 1',' 12».'jJl od.H" »t • '■ .jU 'f: lUg, ni ^1 5 ^nt. \ -ug N * 1 ! ; . 11 — ■'.ii- ;euit.i !f lu orce ■ •r. M'jr ’-S Featl . f't m jl cn at. i 'ir iVf ard \ V| y ol ' ■ .'r-V- ■'J • fnoiL :!:iu he ' ■ 1 ;i rtutr- , ^ I all. i harJ leiitr. : - J ou i.jr - !.av- and ■ irtii-d KXiti': - - j ‘ re at Net earnings 1,01 ",7 I-’? The earnina- cxeeed those of the previous year ^''■>'','■71, .\nd the Bet oarning-j ai'> jreater than in I"'.-, Two dividend-', amountinz to is per i> n; '^7J • " 'it, have been declared, uf viii^ h the Siaii; wards paying ori iis debt. j-‘, ji','11:11 t'>- 1 dl -o;’u.' t w 0 ' cl i >1' -l.v ' eu;it. , . I t.i^ir i -I V- t.^vu : - ■,')lo passengers have b-'eii carried i>u the r'.-.d, j and t,- i 1 uti; ui bt. Her i.rder m iU without an acc;ieur, Tlie ruid is iu at the commcncemiut ot the w ir he Cyompany uw-*- a vleSt 01 due ^L*rcti 1st, 1-.7, to pay which it has „lrr-a.iy pr )vided a sink ing fund of :f21'».('''.', invested ;Ti^U).teiirid ^'ont** :i r'^-ie DODds, and will regularly ad.I to i. su as to provid.> f >r payment of the debt in fu'l when due, or s.-.nier if thp .-reditors would part with inv:r hon i- To say nothing I'f the incalculable .aivant'ig-* of this great road to the stite, ii is w»il to r. fl-ct what w >uM have been the couuitioii of th.* C' Lifiera v in the prr- jent war if it hai not been Fuiilt iiE t nKi r-i —t )ur rc-iii'i', e.-j" '.;al!y tho.-^e jf the legal profc'?;oii, T^ill bf iuterr'-Ml in what ap- lo US, who ars‘ n .t lawyers, t.> ' e an able .i.-^uw- sun of the subject -i f concurrent •''tat. anJ t.' >uii d thic ! J -risdiction, in v»hieh .ae wriier. hiui-elf an ei.iin' ni ^ lawyer and earneM ihiLk.-r. t\kes iMir with the .i'in ' ion= lately deliveuei iu the tiujieme Court by ('.niei ■ -I jsuce I'earsi.n and .iudire I'.arle, i I .hills in liie r->;r 01 Geitj sbnrtr. -t- ■ il - an . i‘ u: .s iiiaJ - by a.", but un-nr ■ ■ . i ^ ■ti'-. t) .'in I’u ThiiT-,1 . ’hi 2d 'J’h bn^-;;n i '..uin’y .,n;;I Ml ih*. rl,d.( -Nil'L;;A'-,' divisiiHiH. ri’ L' tsg.'1 ri el’- C 'lp — s,i:li fit.-, i il havitig ii::i'’ in.' tit-M after tifrl.i i: ^ i-'lu.'. i\ KwcU w 'r' . il'- i)g t'V s I .y nil iti,* i'xhmdi- b'f'i w.ih iho eneniy, who atlt ii:) •: ,) ir, lurn his extreme ripht - I'ur extri-u.f* 1 ‘ft:—(.y iKuvii. ; lu upon him from ahor*>, bc- twv.i. I).,'’y,'.n’ .iili-iU; biK iu i.’li-. (hey wer«' sucCi-.-'Stuiiy rcp..l>*‘i ’L':ir crUr.'. irj.ior Ci. 11. Hill, heKli:^- sri.un.l rirmiy (r ,*n l.'i»!gsire**t on rherig.1t suc- ceedi.l .n .irivmi: tneia in on the n.^ht to a dist'.nce of fu'iv ■ miie i'tie vsii.o i,f this d i>': figii;ing Cai ii 't be Slid >0 h;:T«- bee'.. V-y any laeai'-i, i d'-ci.lcd s'lC'.'e-,-; to i.s That th y losi 'i.-.ivily cannot be gun- i' i; but their }>*'^i:ioii, na;ural y » v>! v s'rong out. '.v.i-* iield bv no: !i tnat; i'‘Ur lu:-ot iijfintry, and every sj'Oi av.iii..b’e t:r .rrill»-y '. ii.tleJ with thiM uemy's ciuiion. Our men actu:;lly ’.rot ibe f.rtific ttioa- i.nce or twice, but so ttiinued were t.;cir ranks hy the lossp.a t'ley h i.i sust,;;ucd l*i:it ttiey w. re cotnpelle.t U give back, Tlie tiei i liter.k iy -:-.' .vu '.vith the du ul atid dyiii;r y.>u kees, ii'j.i u > siicht spt inkling of our bravi' d.'ii ii'U’rs minirb* I wiih ili-n). Tl e fight tor th..* p -se-'iou of th.' heights was re newed again m1 Kridity. Meamimi . ti-u i’lckoit'- di- vi-^ioa of (,!.-!1. Lji'g-i: eni V cor ps h id leiuforc d our right. ar.J was j'Tincij a'ly • ngag.'.l, with nu-t .li-a-^trc-' s loss i'f of’.;-.'-!' and infii in tiiis d’i,3- s work — tien !’. hirr^elf being rep:'rtrd w..unde-t. an.ithrer brigaiierr:— Arm:'tk;»'J, tiiiiir'tt and k -i-jjer—being k llel. .A, 1’. Hill w 1' al,-,. i successt'uHy eng ige.l daring this l;i>, but 1 an n'i> ab’e •.> -peak as to me re-;;':-' which h-j achieve.!, bmbiics-* tney wore bn.ii-iut. :,>r he has :i noble corj s, i!id his corps are proud .1: tueir Ica.l r. Tile rH-^ub j of tl,i> t'-.r.’e d.\ys' fi2rit. niav be iin 1 up in iL:i:iirii-? l-.sses u ni.les; but in ilii- la**! two day?.' ei;'.' 'uuiers w :• vere un-ih.e to cirry fi.* heiiir.i,- bey..:: i iLd : ow G.’ly-': Ti;e cjiiKt i u :!./• it ■ i: .-p''i-ll b.ic-v I K-.. n.l, V-- 'I'- I '• ri liii^' v ir 1-ri of ^la:tk• ■i 'i jr r,' ‘o' t'!•> r -ii w di-n .v t to.'ti.:ut .jn \\ .' i'l'-j iy cvt':un£ .I'-t s: riv,-i3, espvc.aiiy lu gt*u'r l.igi-ly ;n i::. :i.^ .\n ■ 1b r *r :i'. *ie:ty'biiri,’ lU S i\'*viiori;i;ig s iw - .■me ti:'-, I ■ .in.,Ir. .1 i lli'-rr'- 'tn ’ it tbri'e 1 ti .n -xii't prUon- w..!,ni ' . cip'. r.;l i.y A I’, Hiil, It i- 001 t,J'-nta-,-( I:! ihal Lweii ha- ;akeu ai Iv'-i-i :-ix th^iu- .II I \\ iiJii Li.n^iiire.'t h,i.',,-. .n tUi- pariie il .r, 1 ciani't hia,'. Hi- ri iv,- hi-t but fu-vs pr:i..n t.-. I’nc-it; * •' little .ir uo stnesting, b'-- :h'.t; ■ : l.#- i' kn .wn, ai.d th.> men I'..;igi,t wiiU a w.:! :i v r ’■e:'re-'X .’eile J T'ley’' -I. t'>. wii -G.wuig 'igiis of 1 iti ju.-. a:i 1 p .--iel t;ie hu,;.' lL.pp,*h4n- Of officers from this town wo hear, so far, that Lieut the army encumbered with them while t! t. utb s w* re j Tiios W Baker has lost an arm, Lieut H H Smith, a in promess. Tbeir loss in ki'lod ard v; undid «.aa also ] f'igrr, Lieut C P Mallett slightly wounded in baud, very Jie vy Our loss iu this day's fi,;hling es:i- j CasuaUies c.jnon^ orjicers, 20M N. C. r.—Maj J. S. mated ai from 000 to 800 killed, led ai;d missing ! L.ooks gives the Wihuinglon Journal the following list: Hunng this eng,a-emfnt the corps of Oe.i, l!:U :.nd t!„> F^hl and .S7«/T.—Wounde..!-Lt. Col. H. rilougli, iu divisb.u ot Maj (Jen. Pender were prit’cip-.ny er. raa.-.d. 1 ipft arm; M»j S. 8 Brooks, in letiarm. On the next day. ThKtsday, G.'k^ Hw. 11 :n i Long , A—Wounded: Capt 1' A Smdh, in foot; Lt. .1 D. street cngaeed tbe enemy ou the rieht ana h>f', the in band. 0—\V'r>uude 1: Lt. 1*. Williams, in face . !•—Kill>.’l: Lt, .) L. Ooie ! f—Woiinde-.i: J. W. Wright, in face. Killed: Lt F. ^ (’ Wilson. ' (1—Killed: (%pt (). E Mercer, Lt, T. C. Fulwooi. II—Wo:unl*>d: (!apt. ’ B. Monk, in breast j I -V\ound-id: (’apt 1). .J bevano, in hand ' Ml the v/oumlf .are slight ■- fro:n I'ort J/udaort—Kichmoni), July 14—The fol- L v.-;nir ofii:-i;i,l despatch was received yesterday al the >Viir ibpartment: doHii.r., .lul}’ 13 —To Gen S Cooper:—The New (•r. aiiK lira (if the liih snnounces the unconditional ;itreii.ier of I’ort llii tsoii at 7 o clock ou the '.Hh inst. t»Kii. 0. GAfiSKii, Cliief wf Staff la*‘ '•iut, nien:s of ilie Era are not 10 be received as iiif iliiblf iriiths. tint, ii IS not in>j.robat>lp*i hat I’ort Hinl- , son is no A) occur-ieil by the \ ankees.— ♦ — Th- tufiuy In Jamfx Ririr.— Hk'umonij. July 14.— The eneiiiy’s tloiilla in James river, consiHtiug of two : r.ioiKi'-irs. three woodt-n guuboats, aud several trans- I p'lrts^carryiiij about tive tlnus ind troops, were reported sl.iwl; lu-tvi. g upstream yesierlay afternoon. They ; h i'i I f.( h d ir ( virinity of City Point. The purpose o* til. • Xpt^ iiii.)ii iiiill probably be develo}>ed to-day. Whig. / f T'. Men at I’l’imouth.—The Executive oflice ; n-.'i'.' e't K ili-;p.;tch from tJeu, .M irtiu yesterday, stating 'ii.i: 'CCIHS i ill ;iie Knauoke reporie.l thtu Foster had reiiiT'uJ ly I'iyni-.iith with a colisiderable force, thought ^t i t.e n-j’ It --' tturi moil —Htiln^h I'royrtss, \bth I HiDM THE NOUTH. i N rtLern papers of the '.»th, lUth aud llih inst. havo I rcic.'sLi 11'.oh Hi jn d. ! 1'.'.—Tae moiit uproarious rejoicings were in i prn^Ti,-M at th,- Ni-rth over the fall of Vicksburg The I leb.lion IS allowed ti months longer life. The “spoils” : arc varioii'ly stated, the last and biggest statement ' bell::; — 1'' NftW VuKK July 11.—Particulars have been received i of the capture of Vicksburg. We have taken about tl«(,|.- ill • pea li.-M, y i'l V ■! . d.‘..;.ib ■■ alter lii I'sli tiack ■iir iie-tv , rt he pn- 1 ■I- i, vilU' itlg il 11. lii tlie s'..!t' i.i'a hal;' hkioii. iini ,.i,. eh.w! t them ti .-i 'ff advuiice il.i !it,fli in . n-'rulv n riii’.' 1,1 i xi.-nt. w' ;.;h w ’ cir-'^liiiir lire fr m tiie bit’.'iiis iio-U ii :i- (d I )itr lo .. ’. l e -.v.i'. Il Avy. ‘it! * OLir t, r the most d-.-. per';!'- iiiflitini’, I 'ice I 1:1 Leyi'i.d ot 'lie lite In liii'^ lijjh !>ervi-. we^'c i:i>' (ticaj:'.l \.s o!ir iiif iri.i iTii r!i::ie b.i k i t II. ■ r, tri tis of '.s'.-.ji ■;i- f.ii I nrl . lie wii ■ i‘ thi-il- s. a i!.~;.;i .'.-of I-' inii..s I’li ■, m,-- the ' !■ c: l.n: .'f ’ ' ■ r';i‘r, ni'l 1.1 oiir Nf-!(% \vi■ V iih'.* iwn Ihm ! i. - j: iii'.>i wit;i I -.-i. „ t.i ill'. S!0';v:t_, i f ;> ti la ii.«- r.M-! ,li>e,- l.i^'s f'/'i ,;i; -w.* ! I'i'i't : I ...11, u.l''i. ■ v.r !•! ,n le”'' the J.-SI-: ,.-!i . ! ri..-ir V ai ! y thi^ .-.fb ••T, f-oiti ill® ti'i;^ *,e i of bdiib* until he rei.ciied \\ iiii:t:esie'", he did n: i -i .-'incl ■ : 11 siiifliT -a f;*'.'! whu-h lull;,- c ii'i-.-v. i: ibe y.'iiik.**- s(.,)rii>s n; .lemnr'.lizat i;m anl .li- '■iTirii/iMon, TI: ‘ first iiTiei“iiie«'5 hi- snw nvimtt 1 ‘ vi''1 reterenc ■ to till' sit'.:»t;on of (ten L'^e amv ..n t.i- arrival in Uichui .ii.l, aud n,.t until I'na ,?1 I t e ii. .ir tfu- frlii::.' es! I'Vi-i; ii'-i u eXpre-:.-'e.l i f uiif hul.i ur positi >1. tint Ir, a-lvai'ce .iee;a','.l advise; 1>- to .lo so, Fr.'in the Hichmoi d hr. iminpr. ti :ty. li the ■_:i l/Tl ' From pariiei;'.iuts '.ee have the main lac: l.^y's UatlL' To P Hill was ;ts^ig ■! the da’y 0: opening the b\ll Tues iay eveiii;i/ hkirmi-ihin^ tepini bi'»T,- e:i a .iivi-;ian on oiii- si lt^ an 1 Ki-ynoKls' c^rpj cf the er.i- nv. and la>!e.l nnt il niehi. We.lri., lay morning. P -n.l“r 'ivi-.'.ou h ivuiK C 'lee up il.c l-.'ft .'t' tii- division :il '•e idy eiiga,^i'il, both wire, af'er a’l hotf '-i skit ini-ihinp. iiia;.l;el by thr enemy (Hir -irtilleiy. stati.Mie.i on hills in tiie rear, jday^d over the lu-1 is o' -nir a Ik uu-l'.*; cl- umn-:. The \ iuke.':- ♦light well aud eoi.'e:' groiin i '.V-:!;,:.: ’y. .Ab.-wt iiO'.iii U id.''. ■if H'Vt- ’• i“iiin, C'ltne iu' i thetiiilit oii our e;»ire>ne h-t: '■nemy al«o ieu; lorwar.i v reii.foree:..onis . ba'tlerag**! win. r':;c^c'l fi..y. T'>-- cnatli':i 1. the ( p->T! c..'iniry. some three m*l - wc^t of !j-!ty ;ft.iofi--t i 27.UJ • prisi ners, besides 4,o00 non combatants, 102 ■i that !i Fri.; I -• vacaat• ij^ (ie';y- and 'M; led Ion,’ 'ifter d.irk by oiir drivi:-7 t tti** 1 a-t of the tow n rnllS'.' every pii-\i..u, b.l l.i oi' tl.i n ir men .' ,if tw.^ irm:,-- n 'n i i 'li by .1 nc ■ thieiifi-i 'I'’.'* ^ mwrv i»’ br' k-n aa 1 in a 11:2:1 >t ei;'! .\ i' ior* ' > i v -1 wtioii and Corn tlel 1-, t-ii: i' I’ I b) ''.l be:e -in 1 thji' ty .'.t ves anl -r i'h.‘ -v,T - ; iTI. ■’ Ml. (ilay-'1 in i ci*: t I he i: - .li- T a e a l»h ‘ gau iu ,-'.urg. leaiv to I-I id r nc by ,;i V - * ,■ ti M, :»n 1 r b -ir 1, i- w-re m ive a-i.l liin-. w. re , an l jl>- n f:' :■■ th- t.J I. t. 11 ;.b. o- iiii; in'. -: t-u iniitilry a:i i artillery, v 'k;ll .\c >lii atid ;iciin , I r', r-:D e Vf 'hem f' a 01. Hi t : lU kil' 1 e.irt tliree to .ii.-. ti j'.i-ian^i p>-is-,n >r-. . 4 tl» wa- iifiz',1'1 t-.i t . wucti :t I • J r 1 f i'S, h iu il- i with e u-ir'.m ite y tnrne.i 'he enemy's tl ii.k, ■ m ■ fence to .i:. ther—•run ■ oliii-i- :urih..-r I I't Tlie t ii.-iay’-^ ,v .'i:; i''l i'l ai,- iiy'- iL'hi w i- 1; at'1 w.' i -;.,lire I It .:,i four t . -ix I'he li.-ht fr.>m t>:e i. it,: wh. re thi* teMy^^>llr^;. w,k.-ta;civiy strewn waa -ii!in l.-:i’'. and i’j.nmae river^., ;ill b-.- w:i !int ti. 1 ROMOTKD.—G(.n iJ H. Hill has li.'i.le a Lieu- lenant tieneral aud .-ent to .Missis, ipr j. through Raleigh on .'>uuday night. « I And what makes it more cun us is tha it oiees | f'jm a paper that not six mot:'h« ng., ielibcr itely pr-,- i ; i-je 1 aa an '‘akerriative ' tiie repu^iinti .n ol the ('.,n- ; lederate debt. —Faiieti-ri.U. OKs^ri-r. ^ - he above, as an Httack uj'ju this piper, we f;.j- i n -uce a wiiful an i uuiaitig>tie J fi.l-.jtioo l We pr.j- ' i ri.i iiij such measure.— H Sn iirtt-l i ery well. Now we wid pr.;ve t-. r e Hue th:u wrlch I -h- ontinel denies. Ae ha\e no wut.e^- ox'-cpt the 1 >>nt;i;.;l itself: — From the Winston .-^eiitinel, J ;n'y ls.,:i. | the government change its policy, it c .u as w-Ii ! • ;-.te 'ii9 t'oDstiiution, as a .milit iry w icy. in one : -'ting as an» ;iier; let it pass a Uw selling h t^ir an^l ! rea.- inable price on ev^ry article of necessity until ttie j e_ . II the war, ma^e •. ...uteaeraie mon.-^ ;i lc.-al -:ci:,ter j ^ ) contracts ent.r.d iu;.i uber a gi,eu u.i.e, t;,;ul ■ air., money by taxa!i;a .-ufiicient 10 keep u^ tne credit i 0* He couutry, an.j itie w>ir is over, it uo tVa-Jilile p.-»u can be ad.,pied tu t .ve ti^e hciiiious currency tii-at lao been ca=! a;ljai, iL ad g> by tae buird, and put : - -peculator, wh.. ha t.. .rde i up his thou- i!,d,,. upon ane.iaal fDoting witn ..,e ^-ddii^r wh.. has r mght the fur r" I country f.r eh veu doilar- per moun .-^o rale people 01 be Cotilederacy aljne are cfincern- ed, ;an bee uo v.ry iri-,- this kin.i. It wi.ul; ,i,.^.r ,y it all just where ii Bame time it w nid ren.. v old .Slam mom«y ■’ * This was a plain prop.-i:! eraie debt. Wo copiei it >n.i commented upon it - ! UOCl j I'tiv line or lat'ie ut (}e;ty-burg r-.-^icTse.l I fully SIX tnib s IvDT Th=? t ueniy being cump, ,-. '1 .if tii.- ; tl wr 01 thf y uike.* army and the .N'-w \ 'irk a!;.ll’en!i- j sylvini-i l ili in; th -ir V.itile cry be:nj, •-ti.;h r'jr your I n -me--: ' It i-s>.i m :iy of t!ie .It-i l P.'hr.syIv.iri;^ I miiit.a w re .’ 'in 1 wi: 1 1 neir i:tl?? t'y their s. i s. i 1 1’. 'i , h J i’r 1- is fully Cl ntir-r 1 here to tiii;, I r. ur tf, kt our cav ,;ry v -- y., ster.lay a’ Fr- ieriek. M 1 . :vU'J . ur jiiiaatry r.t 15, .1-i. jr •' an-i (j-. u lii.i.-^- lf1: ii rsi; •wn i.lga* ,ifiu. •• 1 i-: ( i.]r ■■.r:-- i'.i n ; r 'ir._. .1 Gt.tjsbar.; uti' l fully 12 ’i-jU: :’ -if i r ; II- eiK‘‘my hit ab itidof-*- ! a.|.l laov.-.l fudy away froi.i :;i- fa;reHCi. -l p-sitiou; . ur rieu h .vinz e'ui- iht. Uj;!; a;i i .lir.iu" ■ them Tney sail ti> be • '.'ipregn lb'. . an>tL er. w at Hagersti,w'l, lio nisSoro'. ~ ■•’II I.- f,» on tlie route to ;.n IS that the grem Imttie of or near liic llelir H u-f, she • Leir dea.t 'in I woiiii i. I, au.l tv. 1 in ttm whi'n we i .i-: J '■; -s- ' ,:i , • i'. ^ a IT.; \ 'i i h . • il T!i;r-:-ii' I'l .rni. g ti-a H,. wi h II . I'■ vi^.i .n r.‘- aewel tti-- : (it leers' .if 11. ti\-b,ir_f, ;‘1 .h.-r : w . .Ii- visiou-i of Kweil’- .v,jrps t tlli:j^ iu .n ■ ar . in 1 Lo ./ •tr-?et I." )i ■»;> on oiir right Tt.;^ d'ly .il> ■ w- nn'i wiih utiint-rrnj't., i su..'.'--, b'K w- are •K-ii'i .u: .iiiy jiift' -'.I -ri of the '^'a'^lf ex'?. r.- thi' bv n.rh t’lll w ha I iriveu '.ht- in v I'jiii--e i-Jt .>• 'he ;rii-iu t, tl- t';- .l. Ar th ', III rn • r Thur--d k V. t ae ■ ill-. ..r T!i.. 'la; -ii m ■riiinj"'' 'ii: '' - • w--.} Init t.. > i''-i 00! b.-en i 11? iltiri:ig the nicat A : .it the 'li i-i ‘-xt:* , aii : i (lur arn^y is ct*rf i.u'y n i and Fre i :ric'-c. .M 1 . and ,. i timi'if, .My own" ! tiie war wui be bought 1’ JiijUbtlce U J t)i .Ipcri; ' w ar : •1 put iu IQ a c'lurse of il W'luld l** . 01., .1, I ,t I be prizes at s'a.-e being n .'hing less than Liltimore an.l W:i-hing'.)n. The pi.?'! io^ which t*i.' enemy held •!' (i.-tty-b.urg in the la-' ■./ d'lij’’ bjiitl. - were 'i-ij'r-, jti,i tien. L'.. Ir - doiit* w.--eiy in cl.:iugiiig tn-> Vii-,- ,in 1 (■irciug t'l*- e:;f>my t ■ i- ,e«-t 'lii 1 on a fain-r I'l-l.i Tnerrt is als.,- ai! .:ticr r;->i..jn a-iigni'-l f ir uur cnaoge of posi- t?i n. bli: ’.ir pr i I nli-ii re is.n ’ 1 w 'i Wltn'ici i it, '■ is be‘-n n > 'jen-ml rnj > ;• -i-’iii --ini;.- .'^u^;df»y 1' * i'l be .-'k.'! wiiai been ga:a-‘* by tuisitivi- -i .u of ii iVet* ^t i e, sine.* f-tir l. ss must bt- .j'li!,. heavy. 1 ri'i-w.-r. il il v.*'u'ibie iu that it demoiisirate- t 1 me {•: ! 'e of tf;t- fi e.' .States ' iir poo: r >i-)i in.y I'j r.'p^l ig gi --iou. hi.' ir Will g.) f.itiher, ;in l ■.--i'^t 1 ir^.-ly iii t.-i’.|s' in;r Iro.Tj the;r min.l*' all schemes t'or ''ur xubju- K iti( n In lull. It 1 a iivir-sr den-ujn^t-:4tiou of .lur a .il ty to hCI --ucces.-t'illy on Uie i ti rn-ive 'ir wi ll a-on t: r •'•: li-^ivo. R •( ■ rt-; fr'1:1 t' enrmyal! '•oncnr that the spirit (.i‘ t*-.' r ij i-. ii.vincible, anl thtt f ey are nothing 'lamp- e:;ei b;,^the lire ,-tvt-re t.n-.i*',--, in which our Ic-- can- n.,;. 1 I- , k . lt.r-' ir> ' f i-u t, i;--.-il; .-ome two tl ill 1 ar.; n .w l i r,-. li'ast r*^,r. e il :m- '••irtnworK-i. Hris’ii'ijr wit.^i .•■.O', hill In froiit un 1 o kt-e rirmy vy-i-^ .ira'*‘u ii|. : attar-i and ■l'-,)ve tiie Takiag thi- intren.;!itni-iH We w.->re ri-pul-'e 1 ■^rv- r il in ta'fiiag I'l.- ./iiti'r line .if eoimiaii'led by another t the ni .iintain si.ic. In th can.i ' V. 1- s ■.'id ... f .r', ,d '{ i'te ii. the lacic ieij'rf • b . u r,. i..p;a:e, ■f I''- r"^'- road between iiei • . a . (-it: ,:ii- for t • ; 11- p 1 ; our Si u is prai'.- won Ky ■ ai,i] Wiiii inis- 3 vv i.iii 1 1 are -\ .- .aen have ,*1 in the hii;he'l Id 1 ruui' u»i e.ll .Ut 1 .ni'c.i '■n to repudiate tl inti,. the t'..-ervi r of 1 eb'y it dt-(,rv !. T!ie S.'utiui-l en found it cpnvenient 'o ino.lify i.-; p;..po»iiK* , ai.d i Iv' ate repudiation as an ‘alt. rn itivn, " as a el.oioi.- iween evils. We Cupy j'roui iis nexi is-ue: — From the W*ii..,i,,a .Seatiii 1, Fvi • he Fayetteville Observer li d.jwn npun tae Seu.;n,l f‘r tiaving, as it stat» s, mait- a pr'.p.isition t 1 rep'i l.'iie .ae •-oulederate debt. \\ c tell ihc tioservt-r tn-it we h-i-e dune ni>buch ttiing. We m.. iviy si ic, ,1 me prop.i "■i.ja a U^st resort, and as caoico belwcn two ‘mon- ^iirous evils. ^e need say notliing more on tue subject It seems t'j 'iS about exhatisie I Tac Seniiae.'s ..buse of us will jasB for the little jt .,■1 w.iith—u^ii much »ye sliould ihiok with its own rea.itrs wn ■ have doubtless sense enough to see that it is agum advocating repudiation if the Confederate debt in the very ^irticle that it had done ao six months ag.j. Tue advocate of repudiation is a worse euemy ot the Co'afede.'ate cause' than the yankee.s They seek oi,ir lives i*n l our pro perty. He would destroy our only hope ot Di'*intaining the war for the pres rvatiou of these, aud would also jubign ua as a people lo everlttbting infamy. Ttie i.iea of repudiating the dtbt created for o4rryiug ou the war is it.jam/jasy no matter what pieieuoe of an “alteruii- tive, or what demagogical cot ion of giving 10 widows and orphans that which bebmgs to others. Repudia tion would be etjuivaient lo tltaliuy, without tue excuse of poverty and want whicti a sutt-r';Hg wretch some- ■-mes has for stealing; ter ihe Coufcder.vte States are rich, and, if they pm Loue.'^i Tucn in pow(.r, to preserve their good name, will ulways have the means lo pay the unrest OQ their debt and to do tiuch other tbiugfi as a wi*€ toid just people should do. bu! (tie ipi.-d by U-- is r.'yiresentr 1 to bavo I't. :.n-l s»-vi . 1- 1,-.'i.1 to the lia.t :ov-.*r‘ II.j.l iiii, ■ i,-u iij,;.: y Ci ■ . .1. ied i.j .;n. ei.eKr, ,' ^uns ■ r; l u,> stf-*''- bibs ■> !i I y*-t 'rtils vi as .icc'riipM lien, arnt f'lr o n- tliinn« J r .nl: -;, il is - »i J, we con!.! bave tii bl t iilti. i.iiou-' il. w;i.i‘h vie cti'aitily at oiie lime • )'.ir ar' !!.! ’-}', v.- eh lirst s.i 'Ii'-i ingiii--* r ‘ ilscli' at !. i. ir..;l-ir^»’lie. i s iul t'l ;. ive won u-w In irnls iiere, itsgifiit efbci'v'iicy as a if.i iiiiix ur' i • t ttii* !-rvi.-' brivt- b. t 1 (jH. of the ■ . V T'.e f.roi.oMi n , f my pi 1 vi.-iis tiii ti» of 11; SI,;,ill i;.ipar-.l w'.ili the e: - it i" hon ztir will r.-a j.iiiiil 1 ili.-, in i..'.‘'l, i^ believ -d to urt’llery fig'nsoi' tiie war. I** I :s much greater ilian in If )i^r 'o-.-i in killed is ■ tin i.-'l. (Jitr lo-s in p:is‘->u- at b* i~t d rff thou! iiuil. Ufiiiy tu .k p -iti.iu ri'ii-. and F.ii.y ■y tilt thi-y hifl iitT hi*.-y l.n.‘ ot n. frinrd tli>'j. i--* ..f ItlK • f I .*1. 1 11 . 1 ill b t' >■ V.\> I.. . ;.- toe ) 'Il i " iiii; -ri.'liiM.-nt- . ii;.r- s. • i 111- I;; tier ir; :iiid fin '.iiv . .• l--d loik-. ,.iil_. toliiil ih«t i' w,is ■lally firmlJabb h';:her up reti. 11 fr .ni th--^ in'r. n,:h- metiK our ^rreaie-^t los- is be;;ev. .ito iii.e I,‘en '•u^- taiue.l- Tii^' en‘iny brouzht ihi-i'' ii to b ■,jt ,>u uiir cobimn' ruttiiia thea; to i . c.-s h irr'ii'}-. >ur artilb'ry fhariri. w ii.-n w • t.i.ik lii^- eti-niy's w jrk- isMvi.l to h.ive n i^-niii i.' tine han.irfU in I 'iny of i^.ur pie-‘c> eh ir-'^’I ip '-»itluti t u *'jii ire 1 }ar !-i of one of ih» cn.-.ay's w... ;-.n I sib n 'O I it iu a short “p-ict. of :iin^', u’ nil wirh .ii' very :rroat 1 Our bisx in ii'irsps 111 thi- pa-' .i^ t,’..- light wi-i li. avur than pver b»-fcrc k',. wn in i sii'iti ir l -i.'tli ,.' tii t):ie of uar I aiit-rie-i bisi -'Is r .ir----^ :i. is i;i i: y la 'iiitc.-j H ivirf'^ a'. iiiil...;if i !h,‘ i )i-:i r s ..rinii".r' •'>■• ••noniy's pr.jit'ori, t!.a l,i- 'ell bi.-k r..w .r.l-« (i ly burir, and reste.l there nlglit. N.i pur-iiii w is in i b> by me eufuiy thpt. -'r .luring ibe n.'xt lay*, t »n .'' irur.l v .ur aijib,i’iiiic‘ ar .1 waj■•II ti.i::i-i b.-ir-m ; i n.-ve bi 'i^ to- wird' II age'stiiHii S,»ftig this t; lycm nf. a'. I -as t'-cting a ■■P.'-'irn on ihe jar: ■; «liu L.i- u- tu n hr,- tiink an l ni'treh -11 bl-aly ...n \V ,-;,ir.^;t..n, \lr,i b- Ivfi I'is p i-ltii'ii ii'i.l turu" I i .1* i!. F. e I'- - il k Oen. 1 ii'lr-'w sb wl-.- t -w .-.I") 11 igi-r-i the arrirJ n-jvr i-., iu «s c.i.ii Ciii'-b'iou •ml ^ f ire I le light I )f the iii«s on ti. iier ^i i, w* k ; w ib ,l ir Wo hav.,-be ir 1 on., •sliin .-.I iii f 'l-v : nd at fotty thorisiiid men W ■ lo-'t b-: (v pi-l-i.'ner.s, and caputred iiut b;.'-- ihan IS many as ■'ixi »>n lhoas;iii.l. \ letter Ir. ru O-'ii. Ler w v.-; r'ceive.i by thf i’r.^t yeste> .1 ly niornln / ”. e urjb i st.ind th-t tb u 1,e-says he b. ii 1 h> i‘!i''.iiy n ci'-ii ■l.v'«tb»'-i .ti.i t iMtrpnclinn'iit . ..I. r a l i}, nil' i‘-m i. n-■! 1 - n t :*t V W4*» *• cuiwix^.in i '*V * ]t v I, iC I '!■; ih-'l tb“ . ii’-iiiy - I.,- - V, ■■ itii.'il' ii ■■ ; .»n •'H MllKlit;" iiro hr tl "-J intlic'*'! en I*.! l a I. ni.-lit wn, whce ri’ - bt*- ) ‘M-i 2 )iH» ill 1 peril ip- tifld’pj.'c?s. oO siege guns, 50,ti00 stand of arms, and a7 r.' tn I ot colors. Tnere are -Sot* Rebels in hospitals, .n._ hal; ,)1 whom are wounded Only 150 of the gar- 1 ar~ 'reporte l as bt duly r >e Cinciiiii.ti G*z “tto's Vicksburg correspondent iV:- th'it tvrrionc: the (,’onfeder.ate officers captured there ■irt- .:i“ Lii’iiteiiant (.Jentral, four Major Generals and heiw.-eu tifieeu and twenty Brigadier Generals. /' ,!n Mary!aud.—battle is daily expected at Hagers- ti*fi». The I’.aliimore .\mericau of the 11th thought it Wi'ull I ike place that day. Its correspondent and itself :hiiik Lee anxious to avoid a battle, and Meade desirous III f.Tirifig one. • They have no d»ubt of the complete 'Oil' of Lee's aiyuy when the fight ta'K,es pi ce. The »/:!, '■ .N.,.riiicii. p.ipers seem less sanguine. Thty have foiiri 1 on: tiiai me stories of Lee's rout and demorali- i \ i.' j arter O'’ lysburg were all lies. There has been a p i .d Ival of Cavalry fighting, in which rebel success I- c. neeJei by all ex^j -pt the .\marican, which claims y.iu»^“e vi:-iory .\s some evidence of the extent of i-av'ilry tig:iting the Herald says that since Gen. Kil- p.i'n k asMime.i cc'umand of ttie division, len days since, 'ii: c isu i Its have been titi commissioned officers, and i,-'7' m> n iilb-i, w .unded an I missing Tbe.\merican >!i\ - tha' I.-.■'s army has euiirely changed its front, liavii g ’albii bi'k to 8t. James' College, 4 miles from 1 tie 1' )to n-io. i/i'/--- S !d,-rs —Tae drafi is being enforced ihrough- >)'ai tiie N^-ira. Il w is ordere 1 some months ago. "1 i.e K :.iia'i!.d p... rs all say that Lincoln has called on. :,i.'.i ti:!!» coa-- rip's There is no such statement in ■ iay . x:r ii:t - they make The Herald, however, says th'it - ihe iniij i'ions are that the Government will de- ’nui t iinJer thv* i-otis'ription law about 40t),0u0 men.” 'lu.t the law will be enforced. hr- :: Kzci^- lu' tit 'u Krniuck’/ and Indijna —John d .fi'ia, w;ih ■>•>'» me'i. h,*^ invaded Indiana, giving lu' 1*1-t .1- lies la.t'iou is tlie State Capital, wtienca ail '!.■; '.li.tjie:: iri' ticiu,? removi-d to Cincianaii. Martial . iw i-i i. 1 .1; cd in Ki.'utuviky liud Indiana border counties. ->■1 D'lJ niilma ci.b.*d out. Morgan at lau accounts 1.11 p ’ssts-iou of C irydon, au lu'ii.iua town of bOOU la- 1 k ‘K tUi', 2j uiiu-s troui tijuisville. It. was supposed New . ib iny, me largest city in the'Stiite, and full ■ ! j ii.s. wou't L.ex' .ittract his atteutions. .1 tu Ark'i.’iiai.—Geu. Prentiss telegraphs from '.'ii oa the ha he whipped Holmes, Price, S“, iiti i l-'j,'.)0> reo-.'ls ••naudiomely;” c.vptur- i.ig i I 'II pri.' .ners. i.iiM( st.aad of arms, aU'l 2 colors. I ,in'n.-e I i-i' 2-')t>. li-tiel loss '-'oO't. A '(/•; -loi* y laitees say that this ••pir.ite” is otf Viuoyara, aiii captured last wieit 41 vessels, ije-iU-s r-iuaitig oil a L. £5. JSt-’amer, wnich liad gone .lU' 'o cau’h her. - /’■ • iludf'n. — lis fall was daily expected, Grant livVing s,-at B.iuks :JU,0')0 men, 1‘' I''.— liie Herald a iveriiscsa peace meeting, urg- ;ng T^iii'joln to oiler au amnesty to the rebels, excejjt .1 tl. L»iv.s and 'ithur ieaiiers. y,. —I'jfcign naws is to tue 27ih lilt. la the i5iui.~i P ul'i i.!.ien', E i:; rtuss-?ll replied to iuijuiry hi: N ip >b‘in hid nol rer we 1 the proposal for medi- itiu:. or 1, c .gniti ti .Mr, R. ebucl\ gave notice that on the '-11 June Ue wouli bri'rg ou the moiion for rec*g- i.iiou, A \ lenJ k 1 .-Iter s'lys that Lonl Palmerston is rep.riiL.i -o j-.Vi; .;ouv;ei>’el the idea 0/ Kubmittiny thr A ri,rtciu .fU'irri'l to the urbUratt jii of the Kiny of the liel- yt iu-:. 1 ne 1 hii idelpiiia In.purer says: — ••I »^r I. ircpe.iti ti.-s by tae Asia contain the impori- lUi lat ■i'!;i i;i jn ma' tien F orfeit, of me F'rench army, u.i i :i*ft t’.iiis for M.-X'.;o. iienriug lijp-itchcs from the rl i.j ( .or t,^ Gtu. F’orey, lu whicn ne was or.lered that >vhin ac eute'.'d In- City of .Mexico he should issue a jii v.lvmiti.11 aii':i iiiii'ing Napoleon's intentiou to re- Ci'^:,i I!n- U,iV; - (J jvei uiii-al. Tais uews is co»'taioed ' L* Franc,', ' o' I’aris, trie speciil organ of t’;ie Em- jnvs-. E igciiie na'1 the llign Cnurcn pi.rty of F'ranee.” /eprt- SECONL) NIGHT OF I nist, WRI^^, I ^ c j il3i*. II. illOKTO^. j IMMI'jNSE iilLL T() NIQht! j The perfiTiaance will commence with eoenet* from the I f^CHtlOL FOR Sf'ANDAL Editors of the Observer;—GenHrmen:—Permit ! ^sir P, ter Teizle. Mr C. H. Morton through the medium of your columns, to return thanks \ Teazle, Miss ElU Wt^n to the following Ladie? and Gentlemen of Montgomery i j • - — — and Richmond counties, whose nAine.^ ati'l conin | se'.li,,i^„—jjj costume, (a la Rachel,) Miss Ella Wren •1‘nss I'rors yiiakdpeare’s sublime Tragedy ) i- M A C n K T tl. sent *his Congressioual piairict; his .sl:ori pI.T.tform ac companying hii ^-tfer of 'acceptance meets with '’iv entire approval I therefore ask ray friends to join ra'e iu giving him a liberal support N A. McLEW. FOR THE OBSKKVER. bntion'» are given, for tbe'r kin ln*ss in yendin?' «np- pliea to the eiok and wounded soldiers of this Hospital. Very Resre’ty. your obd't .ler’yt. E. BURKE H.\YW()Ob, Surgeon in rhargi.v General H ;-'pital No. 7, Raleigh N. (’. A Li'it of roiitributions sent lo F’air Ground ifal Raleigh, N C . by difJerent persons in Montgomery an l Richmond Counlips viz: Mr J Skinuer. 2 hens, 3^ lbs. butter and 2 'loz egg^: TSlrs R Steele, 2 hens and o «loz eggs; Mrs J tjbanilier-j 2 hens, 4 do* egg.s, 11 lbs beef an 1 l.‘i lbs pe .rs; Mrs W Stunback 2 turkeys, > lbs butter and 1-1 lbs lard; Mrs J Little 4 lbs butter; Mrs F' Little 2 lbs butter, X duz ejtes and 12 lbs lard; .Mrs J Ledbetter 2 'bs sail-ages. lbs biitfer, ; doz egg.^. Mini, friii'. an.l 10 chickens; Mrs J Robison 2 hens, 1 li lbs beef and \ bu fru’t; Mrs Martha Wooley 4 lbs butler, hens. 3 doz eg^s: Mrs Eliz Vi'onl*»y doz eggs; Mrs J Bird 2 bens and 2 lbs butter; Mrs G Tyson 2 bens; .Mrs P t^tanback •''»2 It-s dried pcaohfs. 27 lbs a]•pIe^. 42 lbs hams. 12 ibs lird, 4 lbs butter, ti lbs dried bee^ H chickens and 10 doz eggs; Mr J Gay 2 hens an'l hh tbs b'.rd: Mrs .A C;»».m bers, 1 ham, 11 Ibadard, 25 lbs light bread 4 doz eges anil 2 hens. F(JR THE OB.SKHVKK At Camp Gregg, Caroliue county. V-i , on the I of June, private 1> Wkuh, of Co K. Ileic’t N. ’ T., in the ‘22.J year of h^^ agv-. lie was bora and raised in Richmond county, served 12 months iu it.t- defence of his c«untry as’a sohlier; he was ever ob dien', ready and willing to aid and comfort bis feliow soldiers tinder all circtimsfances F>arly iu life he embraced the chris- i»n religion and joined the Methodist F> Church, in which he remained an acceptable member until his death. He died very sudilenly of congestive fever. He bore all his sufFetings with great patience ?uid resign.ition to the Divine will. He wa.s attended by an able an.l skillful physician He has left a large circle of friends, as well as his parents, brothers andsHters. to mourn I heir loss; but they do not, they need not, mourn ».« tae> wuo have m) hope; they feel that he died in Jesu'j and is b\t»H«a. Over his grave comrades will sing— The pains of death are passed. Labor and sorrow cease. And life’s lon^ warfare closed at last. His soul is found in peace. i'OR THE OU.SEllVEE. Killed, in the battle of Fredericksburg, May 2d, 186'i, WiLLt.\M Waduill Lanikr, of Co H, 14th N. C. Reg’t, aged £1 years. Another soldier has gone, anotherhome made desolate, father, mother, sisters aud brothers left to mourn for their loved one. We can but lam.-nt when one so youthful and buoyant is cift off in our nrust, but when one who is endowed with high aspirati ms, all enaobliag qualities and generous feelings, but above all a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus, then indeed do we feel as though we ha!I lost a pearl of p»-eit price. Possessed of these sentiments W'illiam has p'i,-s,.d away, he has gone tothat bourne from whence no trav'eller re- turneth. Never again will his slumbers be disturbed by the roar of cannon or the beat of tie .1-um He fell gallantly defending his country, la ttie hearts of nis fellow-soldiers he will ever be remembered as a brave youth, and when the blood-stained fields of the South give up !heir dead, he will arise to glory. May his be reaved pareuts and frieii ls be consoled in knowing that he discharged his duty fa'iht^illy, was a professor of religion and a member of the ChUrch of Christ. ***. Mr C. H. Mortou L. ly MKcbeih, Miss Ella Wren To be followe.i l>y ^ and corc'ii I" with the laughr.blo Hkti,.-h entitled / fiched in with a t.tuiy. PRH'K OF At«MlS.H)\ $1 NO HALF PRICE Commencing at o’clock Uo-ir-4 Op*t' :i! (ir(-ci-*-iy Jtl’y i'). dock It M' I.AIIOKEK^ for the 111 fence!!.. ajor Childs, caasidering it important that the de fences oummeuced al Clarendon Bridge &aouli be finished at once, asks for oO to 7-’> laborers. Let all who can spare hands send th-*m immediately to the work. If r*»e number mentioned is supplied the work can be completed in thr-je days, ARCH L> McLEAN, .M-tyor. Fayetteville, July lt>, The hands will lAke with them such t .-ils as they may have, or call at the .Market House to be supplic'l. iic.i'lla d irm i'. 3? . - 'ulo'.V id ■ i. tiiid ■ 1 iou- ill ■.I' 1 hi^- \ n.y of 'ver le- ( Oar irii.y. .f ; s^ ‘i't .t ti-ri-d ir; tlie i Romy; and our mea report ih^t tiiey fouud no difiiculty 111 getting wiiat- ever ihev wniited to eit. Grazing W vS hne, an'l wheal alii corn w is 10 be foun l in a^lu)d:luce O'lr ( !iic:rs and nTiOn wiio hnvf ri'turnr-d, report the p; ev.iI.'Mice of at. fipi'arentl/i great peace feeling in Peuu- sylv inia, ar.d ^r i t wearin ss of ih^» war. Tae siau^htvjr ),een drea.iful and the fighting most bevel?. It is said we had ')W pieces of artillery bear ing upon them al one time. The enemy have undo'itit- p.lly lo-'t h^. a\ily, uTtd the most decisive results must fol low this invasioa of the Free Slates; the war has been carried to their doors God grant it may bo kept th>re until peace is secure. WiNciiKSTKii, July 10.—I am told that ourlosfin the way of artillery horses is very heavy. Some say as many as three thousand have Tieen rendered until for service. I think, from what I have been able to see ami frotii what I can gather, thal our loss will reach al least tm, and perhaps tn-elvf thousand men. The impression here uow is that Gen. Lee is moving on to Bultimore. It this be true, il is most likely the fcnemy will deliver him battle at some point which will be likely lo cover both Baltimore and W'i8hington^— most probably at the Monoacry. X. still anotukb. account. From the Aichmond Dispatch. At leagUi we bcgiaxaag to receive aoioathiog io~ r.'f' I’o o'liai; 'ne lu.isl tn ni'*:i I Ct'ive f. :ill I I t i i- ow;. 'ir'iiv *i ri-u'i', :or I'liy inoven;c;ir .:iiii,-ivo Sfives a.=i tjie m;is iii Tir i.m i iiti -'li-re retir- :n. r;t thi; ii-- ->ire tl) secaire the vast watr,n triins cip ni.-d by ;'..nari. It : eerns that w list inir inf'at.liy aa i ai'i Irr.' W‘,Te fizht.n.X the balile of • •, !!, S 11 irt wus .si .mring the wn i> faci of ihe .'arth in -wirci .f i'or .-,■.. I'Mibs an l wagon t rains, an.l s'l pri* (-miiiciit'y siu'.n-sst'nl w •le. ttiiit before Prid ly niijlil h ' liad ''.■il.'icte l in th^,‘ r -ir •)f ou- 'II lay a maninio^i train ori r jit'fi in mi ,.i m Iruyih. To secur.- loi-: pUinJer, whl.-. 1 .s of c.iui. j lo b. i as part ‘if ! ■ sp iii of I,;*-:!' -‘'UTg, our army nride its retrogriide niovpment. In K ibes I Mr. I i, Vi A » tu K il , •intv, oa i'le .’ithiiist.. by S IV Roiier, ’.1 L'SML'^V HI I E, a soldier of C;ipt M i,i-at-f:i’s 0.: :i'.iny, olst Reg 1 N. C. T, to M^ss M.\!'V BVRKLll, la'iif.iier of J'l^ Barker, dec'ii FAYETTEVILLK AUSE.VAL AND AK.MOUV, t -lULV 10. 1j \VAi\TEI>, GOOD Harness .Makers, first rate W ooi Turner, 1 first rate Slaier. ti No. 1 House Carpenters. Steady emjiloymenl and good wages will 'ne givca. ^pply lo Maj. F. L CHILD.'>. 4tj-Gi] * Comd'g Oft--:r. FAVfclTEVlLLK AUSK.NAL A.VU AKMOKV, t JULY 16, ISitii. ( WOOD WA ATEfi^. 1)Rt)P0SALS will tie received until vie ;st day of •VUGUST next for the delivery at tne Ar-enal and Arm.jry of 1,(X)0 cords Pine i*n'l 300 cor.Is Oak Wood. The piue wood to be delivered monthly at toe rare of tiO c>rds per month, tiie oak wood to be all delivered by the first day of Diccmber nei'. Apply to 4t;tlA] F. L CHILDS, Maj. Comd'g Ai;CT10A. ONDAY evenine next at 8 o'cloc'i, 1 sb-all s.-P at Auction: Dry G,'''ds, consisting 'jf Eugli>h Prints. Spool l>0t!0n. Ladies’ Fine Cloth Cl-i.ik. Ladies Fine Silk Dusters, Klack aud Greea Tea, superior gr^ide Sewing Silk-, English .Must ir i, Pins. Needlo.s, Fine Ivory C'in:bs, Augers, Chisels, D.-iwing Knivs^, Bugg ’ at.d CaTiage Lamps, Suspender-’. Superior \Iatches, Bonn.-is. Hats, Bujgj’ Umbrelli, and M.itiufactLired aal Stnokiug To bacco , JOHN H. COOSv, Auct'r. July 14, IJm:3. . _ It _ %T Al l TIOA. Os Friday 17th at o'clock, will be sold a' the store occupied by P. P. Johnson, tiie rernaantoi nis slock of Hardware, Coopers' and Carpenters’ Tools, .-Vnvils and Hammers, Draw Knivcs, li '-cker"-, Wai^ou B 'XfS, Broad Axes, &c. .ic A. M. C.A.MPBELL, .Vu-a r. Ju'y Itj. I* ivottoii for ^u8e :«t Aiieliosi. \\J E will sell lo the highest biu.lir in m*“ re »r ot c- \\ to niorr-jw atleruoon at 4 o’clock, abou^ i'S!) b iles of d imag’.'d •t.'Iotton. July !•*, I8I.3. !» I .*!>. 'ii> lii'--. ,"l h>*r icsidein t> in Kicbniond (’o., 2 1, Mrs MAUV SUfllKKLAND, utbi-rland, u^ed 79 yeare, oud lit's . Com , . t-'l,ii'..l ■>'olle^e. .1 uir; 2‘.Hh, afl.'T a protracted ill- ' '**!!*' ' Ot ss. Miss 'lAGUlE, ebb. St -lauithttr ot Rev. Daniel ‘ ' Ji'h i-'>ii, ':g -d 1.'' ye'ii's and 3 raonths. Ibn a ■■», ! 1 .S. i'., -J.ily 5eji»i^ cf Mr. Alexiii'der ) r'ir.iilhs , \lt>Nl Jl Au GEt). W. WILLIAMS X Ct>. It Kvecutlu* U(\')artiii(‘iit Mortii ’arollaa, \ .\l'JfTAN1 GknkBAI/s OFKICB, (.MiLITM,) !' Haleit(b, July 10, 1868 I GtNKttAI. Olrlil.H, 1 . X No 13 J I T H1: CO M Nf A N i' [ N li OF F ICE RS (.> FIH E M1 LI I’l A • 1 6 «re or.lered to '■nroli all able liodied white men be tween th? ape« of f.’rty and forty five years, who are subject to the ('ciscripl Act. Tuose who are exempt from lailiiary Inly by the exemptio’d .Acts of Cougres-s, !ir(» r. It lo t•.'i:voll‘-.l nnder thi"* 01 d«*r. II I'l a'iliii ii to the cxenij.lions under said aot. heretofore piil.lished, are tbr following ex“mpted under ae: of tne Ci>-i^res- and approved April 30ib, I81W; — Justices of the Pe:i e, (’oiii'ly Trustees, County Solici- fiT;. tlor.uit'T^, I'l.gisiers, Tax Collectors, on® Deputy S^.erifl in e:i''h t^oun'y wV''>re there is no Tax Collector, (lonstablps now in office, one Deputy Clerk for each Ci'urt wheH !he Court may reoiiest it, one County Com missioner for each t\>unty for ilistributing money and provi«ion.i ani 'Ug FoMiers’ families. Agents appointed under act of LegisLaiure for any public duty, .Militia Offieeis, .Major and Police of Baleigh, W’ilmingtoB, Fay-ttevillr,’Sali-'bury and Cuarloile, Counsellors of Stale. B>atd of hitern l improvements, Literary Board, aud Employees of the State Government in the differ- .iepartruents. III The Coniinan.iing tjflicers of the Militia will re- j ort with the m u ordered to be enrolled, at Raleigh, cii or before the 1st of-Augus.,. IV. Each man ordered ab-ive will^ring with him to Camp one good pair of shoes, fwosiirts, two pair socks, and one blanket By order of Goveruor A’anoc; DAN L G. FOWLE, -Adjutant General. July 13, 18ti3 4G-;2w .NOTICE. ^ r WILL attend at the folbowing times and places with X the Assessors tor the jjurpose of registering the names and rec-dving the Taxes due from all persons rmbraceil in the ^ith S'clioa of the Tax Act of the Con lederate S'ates Also to procure returns of all other pro perty the taxes of which siiall hereafter become due, as J i '.ivi led for in said .Act, viz; At Regau's .Muster Grounl, July 20th, 1H63. .M Rob“-on Inptitii e, July 21st, ISCi. .Al Lumtjer Bri'lge, July 22i. 18tJ!^. .Ai Rami ilsviile, July 23d. 18ti3. .At Col P, I’ '^reiih s, Ju’y 24ih, 18t>8. At Burnt .^ff iiup, .luly 2‘th, 18(13 Being t'j’’ lays appointe.l by the Sheriff for the col lection of the State an i C'^'unty Taxes al the respective plac:® Punctual attention is ren'.iired as there are heavy peaa'ties '•:! those wtio neglect to list their property, ALEX Mc.MlLLAN, District Collector. Dosdirrocb, July 13, lsio3. 4t» 2t !%OTi'i:. 'pHE Committee of Examin;tion for Common School J. Teachers in R>beson County v«ill meet in the Court House in Lumberion on Saturday rhe 25lh inst., for the jiurpcse of cx iiuining I'e-t hers as aforesaid It is hopeJ tha' persons c ipable aad willing to teach will av:til thetiiselves of this oppoiruutty ot obtaining cerii ficat s, aad that our Schools will go iiaiuedialely into ■iperixtion. 'Teachers m »y rely ou receiving Ihe money as s' on f.3 it is due. -i.’ominiiiee-mcu are alsi notified to m ike reiurts according to law, NEILL McNElLL Ch’mn. July 13. 40-21^1. Presbyterian copy 2 times. TAKK*\ UP I)V the .eul.scrib' T. at Rickfish, a DARK BAY HORSE, j3 wiiich the owner can have by proving properly and j 'lying char?eS D .MURPH\. Juiy If), lb'13 40-tf Eisvelope^, PN>wlei‘, and Wrinu^ l ajier rors.le by J. W, LETT. July 15, I8ti3 46-4wi TO IIIKl;:. 4 WOMAN with two chi'dren, a plain cook, washer A. and iioaer WouM iiire !ur uatil the end of tha year on aci.'ommodaiing terms. N .McDONALD. Hoskfi.ih, Ju'y 13. 46-2tpd 8‘J50 KI:U AKO. \N.VV,' \Y from the subscribf-r ?a the 2.3d of June, a negro man riame-l V'lllGlL, about 4o or 50 years Old, lame wiih au 1 W(*l_ks wuh a'stick. 1 l,ir. i him if 111 (Haf t R ii'rri Uooien. 1 wifi give $10 fir his return lo uie J'lO for the detection of any one liarborlng hint J- R- H'-vRRlS .luIy 13 46-3tpd sa.> ui^%VAtiu. vj lU.WLD or S' itLEN from the Su>'scriber at Car- ^ thig», on last i'i'id.y, a DEEP SORREL M.ARE, ti or 7 yciir> o‘,5, n.e.d im size, ii; gw'id order, and newly -h. d befoi sligot mark-; of g ar on her, and on h r hiad legs b: ;cvf me knee j ;u‘s..‘».uaU wind galls on the out-'iiud on a : > I -- .d.tU*. with a black (ji:iited sent, I'p.tlur huit. r an ■ ' ndK', the aultei has b-.‘( n broke and I i.;ii IcI; t-ridl La; . smab bls^ck ring ou each side i I the riiris, ubo i w.. feet frcui - he b t^ Sa 't mare was ra sed in RmiI Ip'j .'our-ty. 1 will t'.e above r-’w-rd i'..r .le.iveij ot sit mare tiud contents i" me, r ti:’ dollar-, b.r ii-f rm :• o'l sc t at leu g.*l her. R !) JAilES M. Ci*LK. NIooie coufl.v, N, C -We CAarALTlK'.: \MOMj NoHTll C.'.KOLlNA OHiCKUS c ipy elsirw.'ure s'^vcral st iiemenis o' iiietn We ad i the foll' Wiiig sii'.ce received: -V letter from Geo. 11 I'oke to Dr Warri'a m 'tilioiis the d' .'ith of ('ol. Jiimes Marshall, 52.1; als uT bis Lieu:. Col. Jiiid M .jor, not name.I, bat according to bisi list, Marcus .A Parks an'l J Q Richardson. Capt. Critten den Warien of iho same R-d't baily wounded and prisoner. The writer says that all the fit»ld othcerB and Captains in Ihc Bris-ide, Pettigrew’s, were killed or woundeil He mentions a) killed Col, K K Burgwin an'l Hiit C. T Ired**H of Raleigh, • Col. Faritiault, •17lh, wouirleJ. Lt Col Graves, Maj. Crudup and the Adjutant raissin''. Licuts. .Fones and Rogers wounded Col. Levenlhorpe, llih, bidly woiin'ied. Maj E, A. Ro^ killed. Capt. West, commandng .')ib, sail l« be killed The Raleigh Progress gives the follo«^ing casualties in the 26th: Col Lan«, feared mortally; Adjt Jordan, Capt Adams, severely; Stokes MeUno, tbigh broken; Capt Wilson, Lts Riohai-laoa ani Holloway kUled; Lt iMcCouo aud Capt BrtKUord, qupposed m»rUUj wouaded; Jarr»lt, wouud' J'VVi”lT!':ViLI.K .MAKKKT.—T^tly It). HMVIHW OF THE MARKET B:'.''HI'.tr, in *;]. Lard 1 10 Ii f -1) c^H. by si.le, tiO .a." retail. Pi.-ier 1 n() to -iw.ix 51. t'h c’^i’Jis 7-’) to 1 .'')0 I'l.(lee—Sinali lots for r.-tail, 3 7-j to 4 -W per lb. Co.'pet-is 1 2:'» io 1 .00. (■'■■•toi.— I'l ro d-') ('•^,lon V:>vn—J') to S?l.') per bunch.. Di-ed Fruit—.Apple.s 2;> lo 30, Peaches 3.5 to 40. Eg.(s ti-o per dozen. Kx r.iot Logwood S4 to per lb. Fli'iir—b") to TiO OO. Ko I'ler 7 .')(» per hundred. Hay 54. Suucka $1. FUX'^e.. 1 5f;'i per bu. Gr.'in—Corn ti 00 Wheat 8 00 to'J 00. Rye T 50. Oats 2 2o, Peas, cow 4 50, white 6 50 to $fi. Hi'les—Green 75, iry 1 50. Iron—Swedes 75. l^eather—Sole $4 per lb , Upper 4 50. Li'itioi's—Corn Whiskey $20 (X.l per gallon; Apple Brandy 1^20; T’each Brandy $20. Molasses—N ** ?10 per gallon. Nails—Retailing at 1 25 to 1 50 per lb. Onions $6 to ij>7 per bushel. Potatoes—Irish, new, $6 to $8, per bushel. Kice 20 to 25. Sugar—1 75 to $2 at retail. Salt $12 50 per bushel 8oap—Family Bar GO cts. per lb.; Toilet 1 60 Fayettevil'e Sheetings 40 to 1 50. Spirits Turpeotiue 1 00 to 1 15 per gallon. Tallow 1 25 to 1 60. Wool $3 to $4. Corroot«d b;p Pixsxmi. ^ \L, ij.% B fi. a-: K^ *•' rOK S.VLK. 1 5lf)U;iE aad LOT on Muint'ora wiih r> J. aud a goo'l well of w ite;- iu the y ir.l 1 BRlt'K SrOiiE, two stories, on Pvrscn street 1 HOUSE on .'^rch street. 10 x 20, Lot about li’xti'r-ei by till P. S All those indebted to m*- are rcj i‘.-s'eii t ■ c ice forwaril .^nd settle forthwith, a? 1 c-mnoi Mford to l.olo notes aud accounts an.l pay ti’.X's o.i tl;.;ru. All ilios,' that can pay and will not -.lo it by f'i-;U :i Sti'te iib?;, i' being Court week, tbeir notes and account.^ 'rt’ill bt- 'old a; .Auction by J. H. Cook, Auct r. R. D. D\V1.>. July 10, 18G3. 4btf TOKV, €. A., ) Fa'^htteville, .'Vpril ) Notice is hereby ,riven, mat Xrea.'sury Noi»s, not heariny inlereJtt, di'od j.rior to l^^ ,Ortc’r 1862, may tie !'uu-.lcd into Seven per coat. bo*'jcls or stock, timd ihe 1st day of August 1833- After l:>kt date they are aot fiind'ible. ^ 'I'ni.asury Notes not bearin.;;ia;cr::c.t, dated subseijueut- ly to 1st liftc’r 1862 and before the 6th of April I,SG3, may be funded in Seven per cent, bon is or stn-jk, till the 1st day of August 18ti3, and ai'tsr that day are fundable in four per cents. The two year Treasury Notes dated July 25, ISbl, may be funded iu 8 per cent. Bonds, redeemable in lO years, if presented on or before the 31st July 18(j3. Ifierest on interest-bearing Notes, arfscrued to 1st J*«’y 1803, will be palfl at this Offioe, and annually thereafter. W. fi. BROADFOOT, Dep’y 23-itAl ~ wT%IITKM In.nEDIATKLY. rt A/i LBS. clean RED FLANNEL RAGS or SCRAPS /^V/U 25 cents per pound will be paid. Cash. Apply to H. .McMlLLAN. July 4 43-4tipd Crane’s ('rf . k V .luly I'i. i T.I >1, r.Ah ■: . v. QUININE; V t ')-t(.i I'ill, Ep-ii)in S ill-; Biiie .'^1 'SS, C ii i^u.*l, .Vmmoiiia; Cr-oaia 1'iriar. .Nitre; t.‘*;lji' Potass. 1 .d. I’oi-i- Opitr.ii, C', \l .rph.n, i’o, Syr. S irs'i.oirill-., .'''>>.ua; Norvi lod’s Tin'':! A'l'i'a Viride; Nil SilVv-r, Elitnriiim: Vfra.'rine, Sitli-'ine. kr.. For by .fit-IP IS 4l> 4tpd N. SMITH. -38itf Ea^le Foundry CastiagM. ^ FULL su^lj Qon^Aatly ou hand and for sale by HKttk2. P&MBE&TOM & S1«0AN. Tit# I>RU.''S. BLUE, CMBEK; 1. Cnron''.e Green, Vjriiijris. Venefii.a R'.'d, ji un-i; t'hiaese Scarlet i ■■ aik. For sale by JA8. N SMITH. Jiine 18 3nitf C'opperaf* foi* -air l»v *■ *S. N. SMITH. July 4. 43iif “ EAGLE FOUNDRV. “ The undersigned is now prepared to mal . . - L jdo of Casting, DRY SAND, GREEN SAND, iui LOOM WORK, BLOWING CYLINDERS, CAULDRONS, KJiT- TLE.S, ic., of all sizes and shapes, particularly RAIlt ROAD WHEELS. Having experienced workmen ic ihe manufacture of Wheels, and being convenient 10 the Coal aad Iron Mines, I am prepared to manufacUire' Wheels wiiich I will warrant not to crack and equal to the Whitney wheel, or any in the Southern Confederacy. I am also prepared to make Chilled Tires for 1riyiag wheels, either solid or hollow. Rail Road Companies from any part it the Sonthern Confederacy can be supplied by sending their -orders. These wheels can be shippe 1 to Wil.Tiington, from thenes to aBT past of the Confederacy. " PAVID ANDfiBSOK h CO. , Jail 19 95-W

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