w WILll fc/ ' \4 : r EL . T"^ 'f~^ I'. ' i r' -- 1^ l^- I I » V-.r X'ti ^ ' VD!- XLIli.j FAYETTEVILLE, N'()>«'r' FOLi S’^A'. AUGUST 10, 1603 Fil FETTF VILrliE. IHIJKSilAi EVitJflSa, AUflUST 6, 1863. l^lNTEDEVEEr MONDAY. j # fe tfc! ^ §® ®T'ST^ «-R EDWAliD" J.- HALE ¥ S0¥s, ' ^ li ‘ EDITORS AND PROPRIETOES.' At $4 00 per aunum, paid in advance. I rice for tlie Semi-Weekly Observee, ¥6 00 AdvcrtiBemeate inserted for SI per square of 10 , - lines lor the iir.st, and'50 cents fer each sue- ■ '^l“YeMa»rs HoB-PeaoE -We feel lhal we have eu- eecding publication. Advertisements not ea- i '» '•>■ cotifiJenoe of our readers-full ceeding a half square (8 linps) 60 cents for the I I™™ "“r Blncerity. and some coafi'^eaoe ia our first und oO cents for each succeeding insertion. I fRver deceived or knowingly mialed 3PFnT A1 xrrAmV/^T^ ' anything At the From and. afe- this'date, no'name of a new j oZVZZ: advaneVnortll^^e" htltfSTul-117^ 1^“ e^nbers for a longer time than is naid for ’ ^ ^ now and Suchofouroldsnbscribers as desire to take L„7rWsVeL'7ir'7-7l'"t tlio paper on thiq Qvafom vir^n a;r„ . . 1'>8 a duty We cannot euffieiently ' Takkke Confiscation.—Twesiy oases have been cided in the U. S. Dislricf. Supreme Court at Washi ton, in which the properly bf oitizens of .Ihe Cnnf, rate States has bcon confi'Jcaled.. ' Afior reicfu-k that these were the first cases uudeftbis importan' L Judge Wylie said ho “had af firstd-ubfe 1. bur. upon r son and authorities, was satisfied tbai it was his dni^^ 189U0J1 decree ordering (be eondemnatieu oftha prop ty. The act of Congress did not, as was generally ri un rzcsedingly u.-»efulto the community and prcfitablo posed, treat the inliabitanis of th' so-c^ijS OouJVid , When iu the State J/egislature for the first [^FATII OF FatKCis Fries. Fsq —The State has lost a valuable citizi’n in ih-.' death ct Francis Fries, wliieh ii 'd at his residence in Salem on Saturday last the >*.-• His .Age wis, we Ic.irn, f»0 years, 9 monthsand "ys IIo had.been for many years one of the most erpriAiiijr ciilien-s and moroliA&le -ot the State, havin.' ;J Faotories, Milts, Gas Works, &o.", in Salem, and vd them all wlih such energy and skill aeto make ■■ the pape^ on thiq system will please notify i when makina’fomittfinnofl ^ I making remittances. Jan’y 1, 1=^5H POH TJTB OB.SERVER. Uv... 'iu Rta T N. T., NiiAK Craexeston, 1 AiePi:* ■ E, * Sorfl; Wii! please publish for 7 ''7 ' '1 I'-tlfWing '. ....f .••: i - ‘u-:, 5' ,.,1 ~ ..J. terday; ~ -• Killed: Paniel ^ Baker, Oeci^e Gunter/ Wounded; Peyton Mayo broken; Jos K«]Iy li^g, thigh and arm - - ,. - , - - —, v v broken; A G Burgess head; Rea.son Fairolotb flesh, arm: | ttope that anv one thing that the-oeople of North P^ro k I ;-cau 30, „uU.e of ft. aemy, luf/ool^o/^™; [ Yours, &c,, .j. R. MURCHISON, Capt. Co. K, 8tb N. C. T. Besides these, the Courier mentions: I. 6l8t. Wounded: J H Finch thigh broken, A. 8th; Capt A J Rogers forehead, slight, D, 8th; Color Sergeant F Perkins, thigh, slight. 9o-c^;-ja Oouf. States aa traitors, but as alien enemies, and in poiol of view, by the law of eaiion?. lUoir (i.-apW.. tvery descriplion is liable (O'absolute fovteiiuM a| alienation to the use of the Govermnent.” . ' SoiitUeru meu toi. „e wh'al is II,« Uw of tl.o ,a,u|« natioo, as laid' doB-n at Wa^hinpion. in r.;,tard to ihi rropei'ly, if they elioulj taraei, ,ind ba,«eiv snhtni, t. oonqiiored—naj if they should atop shorl of Iho c. plete indepeodenoe for which (hey arc lishlin.,. 'ond hiol. they have sio-noed ,w mueli Hoo-l and Irea. "Their proprrry of every desoripf perform, to press upon ourreodera our most solemn ceu- viotions of the fofal lendenoy of oert.ain movetnenis re- oontly set on foot, by s.tme wl.o," like oilrsslves 'and every one else in the South, d.^eire peaoc, but who are . , - , taking the verv steps of all oibera most calculated to but Iheir yanks-oonquerors’ If prolong the v-,'.'. . . i'to give Ins -We say a. desire poscd~ie is our dally and nightly ! '0 them th /VV,-.' r; • 1 r, bv I.iih ... j O;;.- as derr. ef .lifaitsu.d:', n^w exp^^.T 1 Jm.: ards of j "■ Cio yt.G.nof oU our pr j battle, w.'ulJ tarostcrei to ibo (lufet and safe pursuits I 'f evoiy Suu'hror. • . i crflUV by peace. If, therefore, tberewere the slightest- vr^, v” r ' " .. .. *"1 Work iANKKG Vir,tAiNY.—TKer-,$:,;„ooyn p,>ver^ so far resumed the exchange of rrisShers'as to .'•..{•nWy to ihe yankf!-i ■' ro^^tru’M:. D.” i« not i; V u-' iq in-’]-:, tie ly inoro h' fcf (Kp .yji.o Ur^ . ':.iM>fid U. the ; - Trappman-etreet Hospital: F'j Perkins,. Thos We^oc, Ringgold, Jno Knight, A Burgess, U B McLeod, Riairoloth, Peyton .Mayo, all of 8th N 0| My?77of'61srNS"°"’ GETTYSBURG.- BT A NORTH CAROLINIAN. From the hills of Iho west and fhe shores of ihe sen, ilUBheu forever is the voice of glee And a sorrowful wail ascendeth on high, For the heroes who bleed and the liarlyrs who die. 7''.*“ '‘'■® I>f8»kmg with pain. For le»PhPdmg like rain,. For the lov’d and the lost, who, homeward no more Return from the field all red with' their gore. That banner of stave which so proudly hath flown. Whore the Demon of carnage claim’d all as hie own. Now droops in its gloom, while the cypress is seen, Entwm d with the lonrols oh its gUli’riug sheen. The feemen enolt as they bury the .slain, Who fell in the charge on that terrible plain: For Carolina s brave sons -the pride of the aouth- Lio cover d with glory at the dread oannon’s mouth. ' Indl7.'.r^?,‘h7j tWh ■*“«’ Wklv?k won. * A?r ^ w f'lro^er are'stid— As fought at Manassas and Malvern’s proud hill. And at Bethel and Snarpsburg, all reckless of death M"eoatrrl7h^'; bl?h', ’ ^ biB legions o’er mountain and lea, lake the leaves of the forest or foam of the sea Thr.S r ' ’ “"'J ‘he brave Pelilgfewl I i “‘y. “’»>■ ri«r and phsin^’ .’.r.'l ** --n ctj vengeance le-eohoes again. .. .i - "V Ot”! lor Its sight: -.-I-' 1. r foocis" ye spurn, >'i11 iLartE * beware! '•of dt'spgir. tate peace, how eagerly would-wo urxe (hem to.do'that thing! But it is not BO. The people of North CarolinR, outside of the army, are not only powferlesa to give more than their prayers for peace, but all else that they do- all that some of them are doing—is for war. All the victories that our enemies have gained are not so en couraging to them £0 continue the war, as the oonvio- tion they are too ready to receive, that any considerable portion of the people of a State, and especially of a State that has sent so many gallant soldiers to (he field, are tired of battling for liberty, for life, for property, for peace, and ready to make any terms shifrt of a final separation, and a full recognition of independence. We impugn not the motives of those who are pursu ing a course iu our delibergite opiniau so fat-al (o their own and their country’s honor and welfare; but we warn them that they can do nothing hut evil by talking of peace, so long as the enemy is fired with a bitteraadma- Ugoant hate, a covetpus hankering after our property, and a determination to'degrade us below the level of (die meanest slave that ever breathed. ;Tbey are.engaged in a deliberate of exltrminat^ of tho wh boat loadp.j his fiuanoial abilities were so. highly ap ted that he w ve plsoed at the head of the Jpin( '-•e’Couimvtiee,'3»id performed the laborious and- £l;n;t (lufv of pr *p'iring tfte tax bill of tliat session, if l'eve fiial. he oontrac’ed at that session the throat .S'* wiiio'i finall> ttvminAted kis life. ■ im a pri»?uio retter iuf'rming .u« of, lii^ death, we •i.-e in niake the iollowing extract, which does »o than jtisLica to our lamented ffienJ; — Hu \e:-y I .. d useful life W;is ■•ermtu'ated by a i-'U' n (*. i I vn I liEit Ji-'’ under which he .i,- ' i:,. •■i .l'-y F'li’aug for ‘ • U 4 i - .t ■■ • Voidi -- ibia , ’ ■ fr,> I-,. h rtec An,'.' • ■ o; te-.’ iv>-r wi»-.dftrfi;Viy a,.-'’-* Aad-r;.;. v.xirf v.. .'A . • ■ uij?--rt-. -J.f- k'-. viU tf. ■•3' ' ’ .. .-1 x:.,.wer. . II uue iohject or to lay tusi. ••• 'F •.• •.! •.' •••71.’ Wi v-oi; m- a\f. • c,.be was^.'xtcnEiyely ^l ' L. irinnufactnciag, and ii- various other branch' ■ . iiusm -IS, through the successful prosecution of 0* i-^sed wealth, not from, a sordid motive, but rtrfa . ’ovc of buBire.iis and the good he was thereby _ ! .•f'L>!.f,’ompli:'h. It was ever hia pleasure to relieve -7^ o.nd wherever he perceived merit and energy a li... young or poor, t» encourage, aid and sustain ?. .-.ny a one has lost in him a friend and bene- . He was also one of the most conscientious of Ho could n if wrong a man, even in thought, with- >nt’o‘s8ir.g and.making amends therefor. Oiir town, fflE BATTLE AT HEuI.NA. ' From the Little Rock True Ueraocrct, of Jnlyib-h. lYe heve-delayed publication foi iho p ’-.-pcHi- ; :-.ai:L'Uvtcry r.oiio e,.-'. of the .tile at li-’L-. ■ dfttuvJ-.y. Qjv. Fionnacin n-.'ai Col. Pcay b'-v., j arrived mi (t.-j -.le.-. I'roTi; di- G’xv,’""Oi'. wl':> .it li.'O b ; ■ ’ .t''" 'i .'.G, ‘-■Ul'lv’LH'’ 'Lv, iowivg ''cmrrit 'v.nu .i i . (in- plan of .'.li’;:; v',-"; resul :. • 0 -r forces wore as (oIIowf: F-g-'u-:" of IHOO cTiCfiv. v-i'i.: F of .Ib'.O; M-dl .• -j 1300; ..lak.''.'; .1 Taiker’;; o'.’ I' U". b; about 7000'nipn.- Besid*."’ '.i.'Jc ('■'iT''bo. ec's battery aed some art ill. rv fi.iiao’ and We'lk ‘vh- G. ;r^:..L.s. i f’’ • I.atil'e,. Bf-,'-•'.•giiTient'Rt.d pan’s brif./idx' wc'e to occupy i:-.,:- (>•: erjlca .if the I' rxls in the boiu,-' beh.’VT H.;c-t.p, between tb.e h’-M: i the ri..r;.C . t'oi’U-• brigade wu'* I'-'r" t»,p fir.-'T- in 1,'.,-. iid '..01'. f :■ the fo?r 'n U- r-Tuv-Hindman’s ’■•-'Uj*: lien. I’rioc’s fo•'cc'^ c'mr 0 1 - cll’>”’.5Vrb'iLlca. wcic io's.uucb fb- : Iv; ID. D^a'ui.s ..i- SoLDiKas.-^At Ohimborsfo 'ioepital, a.;ol-.:.ioi. June 17tU, J. N. Uiboon, p-’lNi.;!; iu Co. B, ‘riiu Ueg’t. .u-.:i .’Vnna B* jd"c, Yi.. July 22. ,of ocngetitiou •tf 11:0 bi’.iin. !- ' ■‘--sri’i, a member id Co F, loth N.- C. He V. ,i’. ex •■1 >i irv .'.--.i.or 0' theliaptis' Chnr'jh • >v 7: r.ii.i '.f the firr-t iu v.duDtee'r ;-H *.-'! 'y w:n-;). tb- w:,. l)ro‘:o out; aLd-iias been iirg. P.’l' ' I8f.d, f ill • • d i'oit Go.aihp, frbiyn Gc :!1:qv -the I'U-f .m, il-r ,1 !*■ ■ 1:5,;- '• ’:.-n wirii 730 sjek /rnd toonnded pri-fonn-x .-fo. sermusly Biok and wounded that three died during; the few hours they were on the bra'. As Ihsir ooming wA unerpeoled, no one w’s at City Point to rkceivo themT’ niid they tjere thrnat from the boa! oa the shore, .fhere’ to remain some hours - until prepivratibu could be mude, gr,borhood\nd county .'’and I think you willalso al- lor t..e(r romoval. -^oiosaj our State, has suffered a loss in his death.’ Six or eight more died after i'uaching City Poinl, FromTnursday morning, when they left JortUflrv, .:e, to Saturday night,-the wounds of oiany if not all of them had not been dreste l, and they had had bit’, three s’ender meals, and were of course nearly iiatf.fir.ar>i?d, T;io Enquirer says that on the next day we s7tS i I. :m a like number of sound yankeas! If we did, we must, have been bigger fools than 6fio would ejpeot fo fia.i' We rejoioe, -it is Iruo, tq get our sifi’s and wounded out ' of iheir hands, but their object in »Vadu.g then and ! mthholding our soundmen, is loo sppaient. As tie ; Richmo’iil Enquirer says: , • women ard .'til- ' aHLu “i-“ ‘•‘PJ '‘“‘'■cy crops end fcC'l them. So, also, they scud its the worst 4 ., - auu wiiii.c I’iUW } — *.au, mvy seUU US In?! WOrSt ."LCl of the South: hate this race &r its actual supe- | fw j maimed s-i'ditn. wh'1 riority, .and yet more for' the superiority it boast.B of, oontraban f medietnci r. i oyer f h.mselves., in mnral, \ 1 I ‘J® ever ser’l wealth, Ypi%>n Proud mfiQ of the N ’U-l:’ frcmiue A lessen thr.'’s ' li-' i'i -o bb-id y And t’li* uy, - j-.U’il;'' U’ bovi-"t!' For your bo'*‘’'inG8:u’-d ; . w- Raleii^ N. G. Auc'H' L oyer Ihrmselves, in morals, manners, inlolligenoe, and wealth. They hate it for the success with which five ins.have withstood twenty-five miliiolis, hacked by • H*..' "I'd assisted by the desperadoes oWle old They hate it as ftnatiog only can hete.. 'r^ey ;ii»ve;given not Iho first most remote sign of a Willinfnbfl^ ijete'n' to proposals for peace. They will ml give siWaagn so long as they are suooessful in battle, „r indimlioH, of a yin„y „atj iy the people of. the South. What sort of a peace would the so-called peace mm propose? What would they aooept? /Anything short of tho nmiependeWiof the Ponfederacy? Surely'not L L’.’" enemy -will neve:- agree to | - n-i wi., --e,' .Lot ji, .-\nytbmg short, .tf that—at I i V-i" ---'---'""----:-'.-,k . .| ’ pe.opii back (oM-tel or nJ cartel) any ef our sildiers who oo ild rbr„ I-'”' “V V Y,®'"'" I'"® deliberately adopted lelo7me'L“b ff ‘I®'® PHsoners and naking7.s wtioome lo hold ours; aad of provoking us to meosu.es W knowing ihat we must suffer roa-,. S,c! ^nowiiig that our measures of sevi--. i! must be pvcroisrd upon wrofobed mefeenariesa whor- ffiey c«Q -ephee from all the ilen.s and sinks of Euror-c wane truir^ ..vo wreaked upon the flower of the Ccuis.i.'-- ra B yo'i .h who.se-lives and limbs over-value tho-’i's ers iQ tfcfl proportion cf ten'to one; and who cannot be replaood.” . . r. S. The last Enquiyev corrects bs statement tha; we sent sound prisoacps in exchange, oyd eayatha^'G- 780-returnrd were all sick'and woundr-d. ' i Lincoln •• lebtlve itipul . j F‘ a’ fro: IV n I bho jy war.riui^a v tiun—a W;’-r briw; • have the i olive aid . DISD, 4if thii Itowr., on V es-Uy mo-uingf fhn 4th in^u., of lypiioiil fever. Mr^. M AGGIE M'^G. PRIZELL, wife cf li. S. FrizeiL and diugUter ot David Wijm-SB, aifed yearn and 10 months. In Lou- are, ih-irtifw.y adopted home,) July 6, af ter * oriel iiac3£ of tioi' dayij, in her 6'M year, Mi'S. KLli.A, 11. HEATH, wife cf Hon. R. R. • Ac-ideiitally di-''.r'•••d. -i lha 18th of Juiy, JAMES FUANKxilN, second youngosi. son of Archibald and M::rj A. Ray. ".v-fd 12 years aad 21 dny«. U Ja ^ii'd tor us 1-0 be tepn.'afed frorf dear lidio Frank, bul w? endeavor to f , God s will done. Bend softly above him, 01 t -ii *!-.. Siiig swod’.y ab'.iT.- nim, 0! bird, For closed are the'l:;'.i! of his violet eyes, f And hi-i lips never nif ter a word. Droop gently above him i-w«pf fl’,i'.,eii, That bloom by the aide of bis grave. For he was cut down .Y the niaruing>.i’our And liea where no pity can. save. Thine arms riiall enfold him, i>! G^d. We yielU.gp our dariing to U-te, His body lies under the rain-b/,at sod, His spirit iu heaven is'free. ’ Com. Inthistown, July 30, SAM.MY BB'ENT, son of Moses and Catharine Holmea. ugod 11 nj'^aths and-Ji days He was a loving child. Dearest Sammy thou has left us. Aad thy loss we deeply feal. * • , But 'tis God who has berifr us • He c..n all ou." uuri.v w’heal; Yet egain I hope fo 'aeet thee, Whci. the days of ’,ife aru fled, Then) in hoaveu'gUdly meerthe?, Whd)$;no fai'jweli icirs are shed. KxfCUMVP DCIKUfdlfTlf 1 Adju r4NT Gwwicnn, s Opf’p.. ^ M Raleigh, And it would not be pracr. be tb.e bpcinuiuf^ of a movu , aar v. a-' ip'’ I Tia.—a w?.r of exterraiha- I Gon to the ‘l- which the inferior would ■ j.rrsvu,' eueznies. Tell us not that wc Louldget gu^xi^U'e-4.T)f our ri,'iit8 from the emy. fei’ .'h -• .vegt-c uio' bo had, b-ut if-they could Vnk, ihey'ift.;.'. .iir V;'uorit iBe gaper oa which they.w .. wr'iL-n. 'Wt .v;,; J those gu.avantoes iu the old tTninn. Li d the^ wva v/ .'vihleas. They could not be • now-' .not pui.uie t-^ie subject further at pvesant. . ‘.I our renders , with all the solemnity of the •le At stake, (t at tl.' ' nly hope of having pi^aoe .'^ in coNqq/;,>ir;; : ir. No paper rasoluiiona, .’.It J5.-. JO'jfftci-.uces. will he of any avail to liberty,, a’jd proper.y, unless enforced at ths ';c buynne ‘ otberwi •We w: But We : great j? at all, I no piO' save poiBi A g! fv'el as.iurcd cf rh between Knglr.u' than priit.able, g!itberf=’i'r)(‘ik>r« i-ig, an.:, slid safoi tioD. I il di. ’• '-lOBL-i'' jb-tlLCt, . which the'co.antry may 'll bitrie is fought, or a war Ji. ini Slates, which is more ihe cloudo which have - of the tloiid and despond- , of’God, give us independence o -U great and prosperous Na- allows this tluT-at f-. ' { good.. If not. then it^s j mediate wa- with EagbiBu p-i i . Another account says t'lv- vessels i‘i ailawod fo proc>'ed. go into Brillih por.-i tii c y.i Supposing this to be a .;■ action af the Lineoln'giv"-. tyeeir England and th'^ U The forzuer.winld be utji’r!; d: to such a throat. Tho Ua;t ' . to get gnus 'livl aii-.'i»ui‘trion getTaer. :-r."”’.-kingly in Ir 'l'- ’J; ^ England jAafi not -'-lloW ib.' ,'. thing. Look out for this,new v the Confjtder'Ue oa'j-e. - Gbn. UoRr.AM.f—1' f.-.-.i .it- last i.1 be certal'n ' 'his gnlluEt an’l dashing officer fallen inti too of the y- -ke'es, an * wi'I- a meanues ' lUi i-osiCoi 'ny l If ' -j 3 Fisher .and Caswell.—We have received two^ . I'.-.ne of.ttedi quite long) in regard to an article, ' - I “Justice,” from Fort .Caswell, ab?ut.the fight 'h tho hfockaders ov-r-vthe wrecked Reamer Kate. ;• L.-,"- decline any further publication on the subject, ^n'ly because we are pressed for room, but al-o be- weJhink more fesiing thanis necessary or-proper • - about the matt,hr. And. more than all, be- -r we have a reason which wcoild -be satis^.tor^ to ? • -Iters themselves if we felt atliberty'-t(y;'^ate it. •1’ '...v C’^rreipondents take ouv.-iirot3piorili-A^'^ codf B . ‘■ .Tiu. Croakbrs —A writer in one. of pur eiohariges kp wlvo they aro that go about the s’ircets croaking, V .. V '■ -y. fhoir little bit of courage because the Con- lU': c>-';-i-; suffiru^. some disasters of late? And he - PC ques'joo, that it is the speculators, who 0 the blood of the Southern people and now •; iii^l^'what was so easily acquired may easily be lost. 1 some.truth iu this.. It ia certain that it is -'*oidierB iu the field who have lost iheir. cour.igo It il.ilr confidence. They are ready,-as they have - ; ^ bepn, an-i always will be till our iudependencs c.n to meei me eueaiy, to achieve victory when ;;.u.'y './'pussilue, ivud to suflTr defeat if«eed he, but ; give up, uoi to growl at their Generals or ready to talk of reconstruction, 01 .’J'tfo upon any terms short of in iepcudence. It ; at boms” people who do such things, and ,j, iW'itavo 'oeea the first to claim !o8 credit-if ¥>--au.uu.br'okea succession of v’-i- : ^ - : --I ’-.-1 -b.-' b'lnr’Lt-:'-.'--';-;.,.-. | ' ■'L-.r.Lc't i:-c .-,ri'-skei';'. ! >..L .;.i. III. Truy adveWisee i wiiiii-iv.. -'-t.iohii.^ for-ibis Riigade outhe 12ih I . I. - W'.. !■•-.. S.uX'so -if At {jjjjf ! wi. U.Li'yu, c,- ...li ijquors; no-: anythiug fsr ‘•.r)i ,-.Tiif tp','-!; let boxes be 'weil venti- ;.Ai uu cooked p«'y\isio^o with vegetables, nor !■ is iLvop; cool everythiac thoroughly be- ii*g} titiirer boxes at Depot the day he is to i . wrlght ot b 'x marked on it, aAo the Com.-; - ;:Lr, BcigB, ;e, aud to his care. AT GErfv.-,BURo.—A Wasbihgtcn unto thattb^e y^tn'-eo loss was much geeatorthan .'.L al iu and ilu’: this fact may have had : • ' ; iu prc.’eatiug Meade from attacking Leo on M.'i ■•f'i-.iu'-’■; ^n-i tb ftu' !. f-. ed G":T f- iLLi fi.*o«; -u.v .'.o'tL- i-w“. i- '■ I '- ■' • )'ne . uv'-i’' 'i'Lu regiiii-,.-!. ,i ■: • itu-*; ,■ - - • ' of the enem.v nc-'.' 'dijig iu ’’-o p; . l ' O .. ,F • ‘ - oes, ii little in advance of the oilurj, c-.' d- - I'-t- taok between 4 an-l 5 Cv, m., pa ri. vvard c-roo.'id th'e spurs of the sleep hiils riu-’-in'v.'r “u'o ihy b- 'li- He eucounteied th. cm rr-y in ;Til-, jj l'A’’ dr-ove hii'ii from them succobsl".!;., unde.- a i*.- .y cafirndirg fire from tho fort nt'-.r Hiudman’s bou.;. ra-.i from the gunboats. His pregresa w-rs of cour.^u slow, but i'e rsRched the fort, after suffering noriiui' : ’ sv'nei'nt loss of any of our forces, a-nd". r.; O’DrLruci-ia- tiiig with Gea. Price 10 ’1:?^ li-!’t. His m: u ’.- ere so riine'’ exhausted, and his renks so- thiuneo. O', .t he d'-:- uot succeed iu taking tho fort, , The, next fort, on .the grave-ya; There were two g’Jiis in it, one ivas !ef but the other bad a £h’.#t r.immed in ' While taking thi. , fort our forces W’tro enemy’s fire from thv fort'r.ear Hindmi Fort GoDnan above and from fho' guuboas. Tr-. c*-» not&ding was.terrific! We Lvilrd to t'-ike Fort Germ-i’ —it was too strong for infantry, being best .foi-i. thtjy have. Still farther above, MiuT’adoko and Wifl- keu drove in the enemy’s pickets, p-l'r'i'e’i t’leii’.aeiillery on the ridge to cor.raand the river, but (be eoomy.foup'l dafet.y behind the lyvee. The for! oiTGront’s mill r.-'.id 'was not taken-^probably not attacked. jfte fight lastod five h-Durs vriih.tbe reeui -vhen our ft.'.'-”-? wove r!l v,b.i>rlr;iw • ni go 'IChe enemv ru;ift un I’i in'nia works ori-ipatu' I'.'.i: was taken, in good erder, vivl'OiU powder, exposed to ‘he ■! Ve.ttloi c»f Oetty.-^biirg, P:’-. July r-''i 1st i S.iui'i P, Sho.rt.linshiaiHstyeor, leavinga ii-.cj 8 ''n'i .’riaior.s. many relat^es and friends o mourn 1't-’l losp. The 8nhj ict of thia n--.-ricc y.-a* vt:. in .Vi., ■••• Crupiv. Dao. the 7th. 1842, aud move-.l f.-i a -in '.'-.•i/i';* t'- Mo-.5rp riMiuty in 1844. He tT’ 1= a Tifim-:- I . “'i first o-i'i'U-TT? -h .i l-:fc the couniy^in July I..-"! ..•..;i.'iv:-.iT-.>n'.,'.d2auii'rg’t xVnobier. bra/er ■K>v W'r.i.- If'Ovo {'onfedeviArmy ' Wher- tiiL' L..'...-.iw. ‘’r;:... a -;';.ir.nt iu ihe C-v-ihage 1 t.-r-t’uoilcd l-y ih/yoi’^f and ... , :- -.ore: l-i‘li.^sufi’Hhiia from'luluuleeiing, (■' i’\-\ ' ' '’■•'•"i-i all'the'pli:'“’‘'’'ra af - r.-' -Irt'enco. .’Ui nflrsua.‘i-'i’" « - i>- tn--' . .1 Ln--- ' .--- : ;• whUu hv his I'.iAcd L'.ot’ie-* (he ..' f! t!.;-l.:nyi>ro-nt^f.u..!wcro , !- :-iv'f-'d’’ end suff'-U.iig'J inc;- -i •! ' • i;'!-', v-'OLo fi-Vtpa.-'• . ui -.Vbik '-- ; iV( Vf. Ml no:- I'a Col. (Burgwy.u,)' !i him through .' oing* thought still'. (lark voU-'; remains: Bv. of the fight Ti.'- > th o-Jyi r-b- a ro, suffered fr- ■‘'b.'-.y itad noru Tor l.ho .H.L.iCk ha ■■ for delay. ^he casualties on our side weie wounded; tb©' nupii’cr taken prispi-i. e mateih but ,it is uot largo. Los-" o: known. Gun. II,limes ;.ited gall'-rfP.’ cU; -" when we look che fort on tho fyaveysr posiiiou uu.T went, iu'tu it under a r, -iv turned loose at every object't;. --t i :• horse whie’*' he r:d.‘; into ih''f:rt. G- fit.yf' W‘f.h his mcu. an-'i -w*; kr''-,r thL\ tiio oi’d veteran. Tht} q-nly,property dosiriiyed dnri-;- negro quiivuro bel’ow s'l.-- tr-iv.-u The tO'Ar. WHS -.ngly.f. appeared (0 h.’vv.,> lieeu h'-il- proyf.h wjs -1 up w'-rk, exeep: Hie road IrO'' ■vl all niokt b '■•’.".v '.i'..- ct 1 >rd';r. ■foops hir.'g. I i IN e .at be like a hero, Hr di''-! iit his po‘’t Thouf;-’: ') be ueac, he can never be forgotten; 'and. t'lOiJirii hi.H iVT';;lel li-.’. '■".r away in t-he laud of, ■ fie'HU'ftUi;’-'!;'••I,--'•!. ih.iugh roughly laid fieneath the Bod by his C'^mradc'i; we fnir.r.'il forget him; no! bis memory will be fresh Tni green in the hearts of those' he U'fi behind him, uniii w” too shall bo silent in death. Dfeac© to tbe f-vkes of our young brother. Far rway fi- ru kindred and home he ditJ, In inaphocd’s bright aud e-irly bloom, The noble brow b’ut mangled form, Lies silent in the grave. I onc-e iCucT r. soldier’s love," And for him oft did pray. That He w-ho rule? ,he sphere above, WouM guide I,is rc^pistops there. I folt that'h-uild the hand'of death, F’er rend tiiese tender ties in twain, I’d g>- ':!y ,> iel-7 • ) lix-eiing bresth. And join the lost and loved again. Rr.; ibaf T-) 'w-’i b r, .-Tan: Ar- I to 'iveep. u icl Whioii r-. bo>»on' O'-! 'Uby sh.i---i-l ' v r-e j-i- i 11 an; here, . h;.-, x.i ji-ia! shore, V,-' s (,'7 fr.*iih ari^fled; . >-.T to me, ident dead. Sosuiu ; ik« ligi.i, a.'. ! hill, Dp b-ti. .1-i fire, which wp Jin lo'^t ,ti' 1, i-.l- : ified;^ nons 7 ap- 'Tito atiaoK wr.: ;*ii firsi- of July. •/:I - (ho -lO uuiuga.;.i obit-uarr not!C..c of sol- •■iu'- ci' n-. lie prtblished. It ..x-.p. , hi-n-- f;..'!- a r.esponBlble . ■! s i. h r .itiul. i-r'0--u-v h^-qivo Hcadqifnrfers L.-iir-iiSiiii.', Oilicc, jilh f 'li-.L,'i'v. i)., 0- o;*’- O'! w"*i I > “i.'^he Cffffnniu I'lUt of :■ . 'iDomms'rsditfit Oifii':ra • -• t k aoinri' i Distri'i’ .(Script ; -ii' '1 "Tifi h * T AT ro" IT- .1, for-, intended 11’’Hi. hb and ognf tl'u .xe» •» * for HU-' PX«' -pi.lf'n t ■ ' cd th.vugL ..'ic oomL-i. his approval. • 'By:order of Gov.. ’.ilLTi'AKi MAT- ■' Cinfir^FiiDi. tailBl i A Y ^ lying poiu'.'.-."' VIrr’ ••taxe^ I not; •■'7 rail' ■ ntct 'L-i'!.' ' in. But to can.'! for . SulUd ■■ V - was ii' was in tho taen i a .S . poicio.; ::t. ' ere tea THIS RtOHT niBK 'ifoN.—It is truly grati- 'sident Davit has revoked the ap- '' u\ -.j-j iiim, of a Ma,i-jr Bra'iford, lief TiLhiugman, or Ooilec'or of the -r Norih Cai-oIiDa. The tax itself is - .'1 wo if b; I-, i ’'he people gene- ■> ; v;iih a good gr.acc, as one of the . 3-1'- . r, ir su'^'i a ; we are now-engaged •r -’i, a-mas of (he tax, a I’i to give .^r i; .J that North Carolina waa in- ■ of Vilginiau to the office, - '•Ve,u ;i)‘ from a geni-Ieman who - Executive Department at Rioh- sgo and sp Jre of thi-* improper, ap- ica oa t .-itjiui for it was, Chat ■ A'on.4 - a.-fi-u'iii oiacs. fear of him, th ;y iivv- act ’’ful’ ed .toccufino .'iimi Ohio penitentiiry, u 7r; 1 v-:.,. In t.-U '. - povevr-'-imt sht-U uisc!;;--. j.u 0 j Wfi.%0 captured af the ! ' I j.ioenable to theRtata laira This treatment'of Morgau is jipon which he surreuilcr.-d. to Uepfi Iim’brid^'7. Auc) wl up aud said that Burbridgt Ir andgrnathira tarruf; jud :5',i with cuaruotUi'iBt.io vihoic-, conditi-ons of ti e i-uueudfcc. \ankcc papers Fruiu ihe arooiwii weco} v Morgan had ptid them ett in of ooufiuemeut, by destruyiugiaauy .miliousvl pro and oapti'iring i.fiOO men ‘uriug . »>’ lirte.exppikii o: Kouinck.' ‘> ’'• .ig olhejr of the i:.-isiaienvViiQ U TUCKER, MM and .A \. A 0. 52-1 w- joltoiii iVianlcrs. Xo f I HAVE been' . ,u . rr Burv Chief appointed by tl-c ; -iHry of the Trea- Confederu'e C 'h'i I'lu oha.-v of Ooiton for the lina aadw’ Jo(t>rhmea*( -vh--Suf . of NortUCaro- xll pay for tho. same in 7 per cent . Bonds or Sub-/ . * ■ LU L- . buyi’' *■! visiting the dmereni p'lr;-; of the i-ivte, *r' -*8 my name, will h'lva written oertiftoates of C t-Bient. )i^er of the Secretary of the t'reasury, all Cwitoo' nuroGMOd by myself or my ?.geiU7, on and after the I8th day of March 1863, will be paid for ia 7 per cent, Bonds *' Gash, and not 8 per oeu;. Bonds as stated in a former’ advertisement. Up to that time, however, the , per cent, bonds will be furnished ae stated. Patriot^ oiiiicns are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private ..-apitaliets. LEWIS B- WILLIAMS-. Charlotte, March.24, 186 L [0 o.] Utf •all ?i. 0 iior UlsiLC. . -it suca aa - , ‘ ; -i-i been coriierred upon a s .ft; v-ilta-. 'I'.H.c.-' fh" G-tV-’rnor or o'her an- itU : -f • - vih C voliiiI'ha reason given is there- \ fare a'p’'.!''''ion,'only, not a justification offfhe app.-b ment. We irust, however, that all D'lkind fceliug? to: i 'Tii-ai'd I'rei'ident D.avia will be removed t,y the removil uf i •the obu.ixious individual, which it oai-1 to hav.- followed' a rcEion.-iiranoe from Qov. V.vnoe-- In the mean time it U!:. le thousands of—enemies we had alin-'et said— to tbe.AumiDiBtraiiun.