■' tilJ ' ■ *J t t»J • - '(h*K>sv. ^ I*' - -' - r^;..T ■ I •' 1 o. ••: i, ,j I'K. . 1 d:s •• ei -Sa ■ ■ ■ ^ - I - .,} ^ .‘to- '• t; ibnt ' • i ■ I* :*,■ ■ - ■ • ' ' . ' ■ •:r*i ,, '' ■ ■ ■ • - b. ■‘tj JU;;;;,.. ' ijisaoi. ■* : -uwn-y .•V, i, i)t.. • • till {ai ■; i.ia; *w. •iUarter- , 1 fir ■■ ‘ - to t - ^ t-.r ■j: - ch u a V -i S- ' ' 'art - -:d a: & r • • tai- ti: ' or set- .-11’ 1 ^ I-. ■' . JilL “ la nitli: tJ; ■ ^'U: a^r. tt- U.H _ . - >>y 1' . f tilfl I p i J Ic . ■ ix ii Kiu3 lot t" >.ri;.«' an s ecv; [ • AJU' ii \t I,, . ■•li ti; - ‘ - (-• :L‘ t !it I - i S as i ,3'^nts if ‘.•rit.;:;- •tj.. -fabi = mt.-- ■ :J .-IWh UJ 1 , • ■ ‘r.’ h (t ' lO 1 ■■■' 1-. , cll- - -h-. 1 b.* ( ‘ H u: i > vu - .J' - le .j tl- . ■ ■. i •>i iu 5 - *e . e ri .. ‘■’P' '• ta.ii >s an - >rutvs- 11 ivi-r- tlr- ict, ■ilOi uhe L I iiisjf - .Jlt! J 0 i. iU iili yi':,. i. y UU-., bhu. OH of 1 ■' .d Uii>; »»Uu ;ricuita- \oued- iou fct , ISESll.lVEEK L > XiiJ. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 14, IW4 [NO. 1297.] •’ t . R \ vv; "• : S i”? ’*(’> 00, V> ' 't-r !-n.i t.i. \V»c .. - . - » . i'H-vnce. S3?'-^OTFKTiSE.MLNTS inbi-r'e>i '■'or ;• i •• 'ii’e ..r 1; li f ii‘ilie first, Rini ono-■>1''‘V rr.' ; :.u^!!’oa:i-u. fi'.-iic- >nt>. i».r oxcet*-V.'i’ - -'.i'J ■ -. ii - (ei^-H lincs^ 51 for fir.-*; :i:; i ■')0 . .‘ii: , »'r niVTf.t;r.t!»p;ihV. 'ion. \ Iverui-.o.-.' .'ir“ ri: -n*' ,1 to .'i:\fo the nu’..th. r nf iasertioTis ■le>-'r*-1. r •- -V V bo coniinuol ull frrhi>J. and thip -. •, i- r’^r;’- . • \ coiitinut3J 'i?* n^w ■ rerti^. -'■ •I.' -. • SPKC'AL .HOTU L. fr-’n an ! i.t*r 1 ii: -laie, aoaanieof new ibi-r 1C 1) entere I vit>ir'"t r»vi'iei*’ iu > . u-i- « : ;Vi> pat'*r he s«‘nt to yucTi «nl'T'crir cr> tor h io'ijjer uuV 1:' pjvt 1 for 8 ;ch ofor.r oM subscribers a Icsiri- : i :;!■;>! tkv oa this system will pi*3 e aotity un whea lu: '•iiilt.Mices. Jau'y 1, Vernofi Femafe St-miuary, Vt M(. Veruon Mineral SprlHscs, I'lintham County. lf?t Session to commence 28th Sept. TERMS: i1 .* > fr. Hr*noh^s per session of 2« wwki,. $30 00 \ci iemio f’lrisd. 4*>'00 ■ ie "ud Paintinfr. e»oh, 40 00 t.i lii. Kr^'nch and Drawing, eacti. ‘20 00 .S' ! R.'Tin expflnpps, 2 50 ■ rtr1 ppi- month, or $10 pef m'^nth if paid in p; " siot;- 41 .■'M iifices. Al CTlO.^f i*€remptory Vargn Sale of i^lrect Im- ftot tation, B V CATALUG UB Rev WM. UOOFLK,) „ . . . T. C HOOPER, r tii.trf-i *‘Bt, Lnwrcnce P. 0.” >1 ^ fi2tf m*:«TERir rail road. fllKIGHT AND PAS3ENGPR TRAINP of this I ft. i'l leave Fayetteville daily. (Sundays excepfeti) *1 f' o'-*; 'cit, A. M., and returning leave £gypt at 1 1’ M. f ' r.ud Horst Traw MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and ! Fin' AV f • H; orHer JNO. M. ROSE, ' .TreAs’r and Geu’l Trans. Ag’t. j 1K63 9/ir II\?#. .nrU.11% Attorr,ey at Law, Fayettkvk N. V. 'ILL >itteuJ tho ■'’Un'v ir. ’ ‘?-,i . > f .'«iahir!»ind. Harriett, .'fnoi'. ^ ■ i’rompi atientiun giv-a f. ■■ •• .‘uirusted to his hands Oct. K, 1S5'.». H- he.'on t'ouii- oo'.teoTion «'f ail 5«-lf btO. W. WILLIA.MS i! (0„ i*oi(‘5«ale Oealerw ia liJrorcrie*, ANL> IMTOHTKKS AND DKALKR.S l.N ‘’^rdware and ( uilery, Stredf* Iron, ^c*, IfU bTUKKT, FlVKTTKYILl.fc, V. I. , From and after tlii» data the Steamer A. P. HURT will leaTO at 8 o'clock. A. M . 'on Monday aad Thiir-dftv. JOS. A WORTH, April 8—ITtf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. a^hf vii.i/e^ ir. €. I WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for the re- 1 cepiion of Guests the first^f June, and I hope a^to l*e able to entertain from seventy-five to a ■ UD p. rsotis luring the Sumtller. lu connection »vith thi3 l^rge Hotel, I have » number ‘if 11 1c’arriiiites. Buggies and Saddle Horses that .'•> ^uesi.s can get at minuta’s notice. - • J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eagle Hotel, Asheville, N. C. \I«r i3,18t>3. 31-ypd JuH' I''-.!, J I T 1.1. \ , Ut'uctt' anti d ommixyion t. faykttevilll, N 0 .‘(vn'y 10 ;&i B a WOKTH. II. G vr :»TH. W. rt. liASi'L WOKTII X. COm * immissiou and Forwardmj? Merchants, WILMINGTON, X ’ 0., U'E h-vve thirty (HO) pr.n n w in cpfr^tion uint- lui:,- east of Wilmiagf’U. P-»r!!- ": v' i. :- r t- f .: p tj.“tniiclve3 trilh suit. €•> ■ •; tr.rtnsr.eU y ►.pi-iytnt' ’ A. Johnson, Jr., As;ea; # F'lyetievi’.’e, to 1'^ Pagf iitaus.^’cr ai the r'i-., > t .1. M. V. if.hUM.-,, bC WAT* irAi. Ferton- h iT^ug the -tbovr: ariiolei* i' . : price i,v ca'.'^ajr ■!:’ "r *' too .'Ic.oh;-.:ii MiU:i, Fayett^v ile, or Vlt at ‘u.* oil 'tjtnd •->u 'farkci Sq-^rtre aLLX. J Ncv 5. 1862. A liny II % it-\ AM p.'-fpared to E^anuf>if:ture al' HarTn*!>H f.ir Army \i-- 1 tan my iVf* srood bH,-giiil“i. Ati-t.ts » 'i’' do ■ n- to tiie as tn'-y sb;!.ll h«.\e proupi »iteiitu:r otf ;a quick ilispfttcij. JoUI>; tL-iuT!- Go Istoa i'. 0 - Outt.i!*tii t’o . N. Jupt? ^7/^.XTSD, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. DuULl'HV, Chickens, Butter and other delioacies for i '.t.‘ Nick Soldiers at this Hospital. Persons having I -tr: ^oles e>in obtain the market price on appUca- : u iu tao subscriber at his old stand or at Mr. J. W. . ”, '.V r 'S on Jlay Streei &. E. HEIDl^ Qcn’l Ag't. u 58-If 2^0 Cotton f*l.*iiiter«i. . \ h ;eu iippointed by the Secretary of the Trea- « rur; . c’iiiof Agent for the purc4i^s« of Colton for the ’ ' -I-.' O'jferniacui withiii the State of North Caro- I w.ii p>iy for ike same iu 7 per cent. Uondii or ■'^.ib vgonis visiiuig the different pans of the Stale, : lyiu^ i‘ ray name, will have written eertifioates of ’ MfUt. By or ler of me Secretary of the Treasury, allCoitou by myself or my agents, oa and after the , ;i of .March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per coat. | : vi’ .;tv^h, and not. 8 per cent. Bonds as slated tn d, ;:;er advertisement. Up to that time, however, the •; ■ -It cein. boudi will be furnished stated. , I'.i.r.ouc ciiiicns are now oSer>>d aa opportunity tc ! ali the U.^rernmcnt by selling to it their Cotton rather ■r.an v priyMo capitalists j LEWIS 6. WILLIAMS. 1 i.asirioite, Mnrch 24, 18^8, [o. ».] 14tf * W l.'VTEO, ^ I •-Niv Nur£3 of "onh CaroiinH, ^outh Carolina, .* V ; aaj . .. S'>rth Carolina six per cent. Fundaoif Noi«s. i .'-.ftu Carolina six per cent. B.^nds, new issue j W. iL iUCHAUDSOK 4. CO., Brokers. Haleigh, N. C ' ■ 9tf j i'oitoii ¥arn lor IVool. I is hereby given thi* ifler this date (except , • ii* ca.st!k where we have bargained for Wool accord- :u ih‘ tei ins of our advertisement of the 30th of . .J, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun- j i'-: uf Co’i ii Varn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or ] 3 lbs. w*s3(;d and picled. This change is made at the ! (tin i« of w ;u;ou of th.j Quartermaster at Raleigh, in order to L y leather ;inJ co.ii te.-ma of exchange uniform throughout the ; to =end tUf ' 3.^,^ QEQ vv. WILLLVMS at CO. ! w ili •• i:. •, :.i I h on the suH^cjr Jr. (,0 . N. ^ ., i- vjj - ^2vJ0 Wum Araiiii ior HaJr* h' h 15. f.u- M jE^KT Vi* 2i: IjuXiie Vi^UlMA Tt/C.-^CCO. van; WlLLi V - « •.i‘) for aale vu con"ifrn-: ■ia« !^ole Lfallier wa^aU***. LBt?. u; hfc-avj- well faojaed 'OLE LE *TliF,;' • uu»ui; for Bjltiag App. ■? t . ■ b. .MURPKT. Anril 1-i. . Wanted to F.; llA'L K'>AD ; I:'- ’;ii NoSt?; ■; *' .i.d !^i!ver; '■»r Carolina Tre>46ur I'lirrlia .«*. :i'OoK: 4 Notes ■ j) fin ; -ii; tH-yettevilla, June 2U, 18o3. 41 tf HVO\as FOR~SALEr^ i uudercigned have taken the .Agency for the sale _i Ilf W B. Farrar A Co.’s Grind Stones, and u.u Uu.'id siiee running from inches to :. t ny '! incr>i't; ^iui CitC have out suoit o>t.iOt: . '. 'iZ .6 w .u’.vl. Persons in wsnt of Grind dtone- ,.* • tcirTPripon'l with the uaaertsignavl, who will I p.* sii tiy »3d guarsnt«« the quality of tho -;r ■ , rci-re cated GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. ' Vi it. May 27, 1863. i'2-it l^gypt €oal Ifliiie. -.in Jersigne* were, at the November Term of the 1 vJ> 1 itTi-ie Court. District of North Carolina, ap- p nui^ i M iUiigers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, .u: b 1 Q •'ntf'red into copartDership for the purpose of . miuicg aud p filing Coal, and solicit orders for the same i,uv ji *ire i quantity. Orders for any amount can be a, i iiod ca short notice. The Coal from this pro perty ua loubtedlj the beet in the Confederate States, .•i.} ptii:>tioiiH may be made to Chas B. Mallett, Fayette- . " C., t>r .lAiaeo Browne, Chftrleston. S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. . teville. Jan’y 20. 1H6X, 96tf Palma Cliristi Beaus. al;iorib«r will pay the highest cash prioee for r»^Tf I *■ “ B 3'ls. oi l ani utw: " unt" of t'urnHer!'*nd L^iad--: ' ’ ;vc:i of tVyctu-viae lJ''i! j; Gr-^n.-i^ovo’ .'t'" .»■ 1 ■. c'Uiiri e^: -JouffrJtrate 7 hi;1 8 per c-nt. Baud-; ,ni. ■51 ■) t)0'> 0>0 li in; of Towii (.nd Ciiuaty of old Noitti Car ;lina Bon is: T. S. LU I TER LOU. . . 12, 1863. 71t. Spun Cotton Exchaiigi'd for ?.ard. ,. r', will >?l.e un r ittoa in p*.ri paynj-nt ior L \K‘-’' ^ J..i.'er» l uiy F.iciory ‘..a Person iSi.. A. MoLAUCHLIN. i, «...y iuajiiity of Paliaa Christi Beatui. J. A WORTH :.-r'pr. ->i M (»7 t/ >iory line •*rtio'i»,.lor -.t ; y» ,;-t,A''OHLTN I VXI>Olf, v.t ry MOAI*.—F.>r at A . 'icL.VUlIHLIN. 12, r -Ct TV. ■'vi-it^ville. OKUMXCK bitl'.VUTSlKM, 1 N. V,., Miy > I SAD WANTED.—1 wish tu purchv-e Le;.d f^r ttii !j D:'p>.rto>ent. Peracns h>ivin>t la-nrc or .^nau • L-y viii apply at OQO!-. Wiii give 1 ncjcl or' I 'j v •t.K ;ur DtHkudn of LJIAU. ' THOS 1). HOG.j , .. . H ’.‘. if la eii'ii J, • •.■! 'irtn-in!;? Admini?»ti’at«»i*’« . . . . tlh aubticriber htkvmg at December Term, 18t.z, \ C .iiutj C-iiirt o)' t'umb>rland, quai-ti':^ v '*>1 •iTuiblm.to£ upon ttie E.siate of Neill Q. -vlc^^eill. ■ ;iies ail peri-ons hiiving ciRims ag>»in8t the Lsuktc ,i::at ;ncrr; wilb’n the *ime liiuited by law, 0 hvrwisi. 1 ioe will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Uebton- to Tiake prompt payment. HECTOR >1^NEILL. Adii^’r . n fHft: 1111:11^ FKi.niuiz, A foriker supply »t whoiesai* f. i. EAI-% * 8oi*e. rv. a i>;a Littie Falki. A t* r«utl 07 >*oldierii’ Cl^uins. ■ be i t;qtib*t aud for the oonveniunoe of those in- d. tiitf^iiidfrsigned has agreed to collect all , th- cf de>'*Med and diich'irged soldiers, and of I toLtiiers on furlough, thu may be placed in his hands. ■ 'liavnj* bad an experience of near 20 years in prose- ■.uUiJk; ci liras against the United State* Government, as well -iftainst ihe Coafederat.c States, he is perfectly ‘ TTiih every variety of claims, and can make as u‘jiicciion as the large numi)4r now on &I3 will ad- •Dit. A • loder&te f. e will be charged to cover cost, postage, j stitaoafry, io. ! Ap' ly ill pe rson »r address by letter, ! JNO. M. ROSE. F ville, N. C., Oct. 14, 1863. 72-3mpd ' Fayetteville irseaal and irpory,) j Nov. 12, 18«3. / $100 BOUNTY. : ^Jtonaled tlMemen. AUTHOKITV having been granted by the War De- p.-.rt-ient to raise a Company of Mounted Riflemen i tor service iu this vicinity, notice is hereby given that I recruits 10 the number of 100 non-comcriptt will be re- I (r^iv ;d for this service. Each reoniii will be required , iiirainh a serviceable horse, for whic\> he will be al- } 1 A ’! 10 cent* per diem, and his pay -^12 per month. Wnniii pen.iission will be required froia paranta or . ► ut' ^ iiii, where the applicant is under the oonsoript 1 E.ich r«‘(,Tuii must bring with him a blanket or bed .-pro-. i. fiiiit c'liDi' prepared to remain • Bn tU=s. aa-ldlcs. Ualt«>r8 and saddle blankets furnish- “ *‘.1 by the G',vernm'nt, tit if the reoruit comes provided K.tii (nem, ce will be paid for them a fair valuation Appiy.to Liapt M.mHEW P. TAYLOR, at, tho Ar senal F. L CHILDS, I 80if 1. Major C. S A. Comd’g Post. ! ^MbThYMMS. iCtONFEDEKAT£ States Bibie Society Testaments. I A CoUeotioB of Sabbath Sokool HyBtns. Ior aal« by 1. J, SALI * 80116. BY WILKKS M0RB18. iactioauer. ON TUESDAY. January 2Gia, 18i>4, oomioenoingat)) o'e’t'juk A .M . 1 will sell at my S^lea Rooms, Ho. 2, Granite Row. TfMmsngton, N C., by oatalogue, the carg«ef» of the Steamships PKf, Ll'U, WILD 8.4YEELL, With ibrge consignments from other ve«^els. viz; DRY GOODS i 6b balee Dark and Fa'^ cy Prints, Sohawba’s & Hoy le’» 28 hnles Black and White do I 2K bales ^.nd cases B!e»ohed Shirting I 14 cases Black Alpaooa^ 0 oaees Super French Blaok Bnvad doth 5 bales vxtra heavy Wool Coatiugs 10 caHes Cassimeres 6 oases Fancy Mohairs 6 bales Welsh Fiananl ^ 4 bales Fancy Wove Flannels i 1 bal» Scarlet Flannel ? 4 bales Blue Satinetts V « Daira MijcaU SIcum 2 l^ales Fancy Twevds 4 bales Bed Tick 2 cases French Merino 2 cases Freooh C:issiaere 'i cases L. C Shirts 1 case Steel Doe Cloth 1 oase Vilot Cloth 2 cases Hi-avy Blue Army Cloth 2 cases'Super Blue Broad Cloth 1 oase “Water Proof Tweeds 1 case Velvet Pi e 3 oases Ltn-^eeys 1 c%se Mottled ,'Vlpaooa 1 case Grey DeLain^s * 'I eases Figvred DoLaines 1 case Plaid Rnickerbooker 2 cases F-incy Flannel Shirts 2 cases Merino Shirts 1 case Merino Drawers 4 cases .Merino 1 case Colored llandkerchlefa I oase Paper Cambrics 3 eases Hpool Cotton 3 cases Bone Bunocs 1 case Military Bu'tons 4 eases Pins, Kirby's 1 caso Hair Pins 1 case Stay Binding 1 case Linen Shirt Collars 1 case Long Shawls 2 cases Gloves and .>litis 1 ease Hoop Skirtx 1 oase assorted Ribbons BOOTS AND SH0B8. H4 oases Gent’s and Ladies’ Shoes 23 cases Army BlnoUers ti cases Shoe Thread 7 bales ^^ole Leather 3 eases French waxed Calf Skins STATIONERY. 26 cases Cap, Letter and Note Pap«r 13 oases Pens, Holders and Penoils 5 cases Envelopes, white and buff 3 oases Playing Cards 2i« bundles Paste Boards CARDING, Jtr 4 oases Card Clothing i" cases Cotton Cards, No. 10 HATH AND CAPS. • 20 oases Gents’ Caps 5 casea French Felt Hats GROCERIES. 44 bbla Crushed Sugar 60 bags Jair. Coffue 10 half Chests Young Hyson Tea 20 cases Vinegar 2(> cases Pick lee 20 cases S^tlad Oil HO cases Brown Soap 100 cases White .Soap 50 cases Belmont Spero Candles 66 barrels Mackerel 18 barrels Salmon LIQUORS. 6 quarter tasks ^ognao Brandy, a superior artiei* 90 casks Bourbon W'hiskey 10 h»lf pipes Bourbon Whiskey 8 pipes Holland Gin y casks Old Tom Gin 20s oases Geneva Gin 123 oases Old Malt Whiskey 65 cases Bourbop Whiskey 16 oases Schpidam Schnapps 21 ca^e*? Champagne 18 ca.ie . Pale Ale 21-) oases t'ognac Brandy, Dupont and other favorite brands. SALT. . 306 sacks Liverpool G ' Salt lt>0 sacks Turk's Island Salt ' 2 orate" E-irthen Ware 25 oases Glass Ware, Tumblers, Wise Glassei and Dscanter«. * HARDWARE, 4o. 10 tons, 400 bundles, fine Nail Rod Iron 80 boxes Terne Plates 44 kegs cut Nails 35G0 lbs. Hollow Ware 4 oases Knives and Forks 2 cases Scissors and Rasort 1 oaee Filet, Hammers, Hatohets and tiiNlete. 116 boxes Window Glass 10 cases Per. Caps B.\GGING AND ROPE. 25 bales Gunny Bagging ' 30 coils Bale Rope DRUGS, &c. 320 kegs Bi Carb Soda 26 casks So'^a Crystals 60 casks Epsom Salts ■36 harrelt Lump Alum 8 kegs Pow'J Creani Tartar 2 cases Iodide Potass 3 cases Quinine 40 barrels English Copperas 100 boxes Ext.raot Logwood 6 casks Refined Camphor 1 tierce Cerat Resena 1 case Citric Acid 1 oase Acid T.»rt I tierce Pulv. Aoaeia 3 casts Flor Sulphur 10 drums Balsam Oopciba ^6 casks .^cohol 11 PiiHcheons Alcohol 12 casks Linseed Oil 70 drums Linseed Oil. 10 cases Tannin Acid 1 case India Rhubarb 1 keg Chlor Potash 2 ke^s Salta Tartar 14 cs>HeB Balsam Copebia 2 cases Pow’d Cantharides 1 keg Gum Acacia Zino 6 oases Mustard R carooys Sulph. Acid 2 carboys Acct.io Acid 1 ease Pow’d Ippcac • 1 case Pulv. Rhei Turkey ^ cases V. Carb Potash 3 cases Pow’d Jalap 4 oases India Rhubarb 8 oases Castor Oil 10 drums Olive Oil 10 cases Calomel. Pil Hydrai;;, and Iodide Potass 4 oases Chloroforui. Jan. 7 96-ta gQr Psrsons attending this sale with a view of pur chasing. are hereby notified that no drafts or aoospt- ances will be received in payment of bills. Only money or Bank paper will be received A'OTICE. H«.M>«4U»KT*Rb Nwal Dursfiox* N I I WiLMinoToN, Dec 16th. I'tr;* ( n'^HS follifwing Circular fr.im the Bureau of C>iis''!'io I fioi. is published by order of the offii-.'r conmanjicg the Naval Defeaoes of North^’'trolinft, ff'r in^o'^'n-^ ties of Conscripts and perxoo j liable to Coor'cnpt*- n: Confederato States of America,'^ BuUEAU of OoNSCRIPTIO-'i, Richmond, Mareh 24, 1868 \ CIBOUL.^R ORDER • Tub Mteaiion of officer? '.ikviiig charge «f ooi-soripij, is diiected toHecii'n 2 if the act of C'*n?re8S. ap proved Ooto^er 21, 1862, ^’iiioh is folto»ii £ao. 2. Tha' if any perron whe Las b^en ur m about to >>e enroU-^U foi servioe m tho arm;, shnll, at ar.y tim" bf f i!-p b'-ing ansign-d fn ar y sompany deolars to the ear Ming or commandiog cflioer^^at fce prefers b'- iug ■*ur *llfd for service iu she navy or marine corps it shall l/e the di^ty of tlie savi offioer te enroll such per son fi>r t'le service which he m^y prefer, and to tranti mu to tue Secretary of the Navy a list of the persons so eurnll»‘d The Superintendent directs that this provisi- n of the law be observed, and that reports be made aecordinglv Whensver any oOioer '»{ the Navy, de-iguated by the Ifavy Department, shall prrfseut biniAi‘!f for the piyposc, any uffi... j„ nharge of o(»i;Tcripts wiil cau.te them to be mustered in presence 01 auwt. j{,g Navy, in or- dar that they may be offered sltfcru\tivo u? naval service. j by order of Brig. Qen. G J. Raiae, Superintendent 1 fll-«w] A. JONES, Lt C»l-, V A «. ' ~ 33,000 ACRES 01 LANi) Fm $^AI^£. WILL be sold in Lake City, on Thursday tU' 21st of January, A. D. 1864, the fcllowing property, se questrated by a decrce ofthe Confederate States Court for the District of Florida: 20.000 acres of Land, knowu as the Flemming Grant, situated in Brevard county, Florida, on Indian River, in T 80 8, R «7 E; T 30 S, R 38 E; T 31 8, R 38 E; T 31 8, R 87 E( Property of Bernard, of Bostoa. 12,180 acres *of Land in Brevard county, known a- the Gora*j.Grant. in T 39 S, R 41 E; T 88 S. R 42 E; T 39 S. R 42 E; T 40 S, R 42 E; T 40 S, R 43 E; T 41 S, R 41 43: Property of G^>mex, Gomoi Sl Gomet. 660 acres of Lao in Hernando county, Florida, eom- prisiog the E J of N E i of Sec 23; the W J of N W ^ of Seo 26; E J of N E J of Seo 27; E i of N W J, and E J of S W and S E i of Seo 28. T V2 S, R Id K: Pro perty of Thos J Parsons. 158 acres of Land in Brevard, near onuuiy site, L'bts No 2 and 8 of Seo 29, T 36 S, R 41 E: Property of Philip Hernalles 200 acres in Hillsborough county, Florida, N £ ^ of S E i of Seo 3. T 31 S, R 22 E, and N W ^ of S E S i of S E i; and N E i of S W i of Sec S. T 31 8, R 22 B: Property of heirs of Luther Wilson. 160 acres of Land ia Hillsborough county, Florida, N W J of Seo 13, T 27 S, R 20 E: Property of Atwater, Mnlford k Co. Block No 38; N ^ of Water Lot No 11; and Lot No—, Blook 36: Lota I, 2, and 4, in Block 12; Lot No 6, in blook 17: 1 Steam Saw and Orist Mill, on blook No 38, in the oity of Tampa: 80 acres of Land, in Hillsboro’ county, Florida, N ^ of N W J of Sec 5, T 38 d, R 20 E: Property of Ar thur Bell. Terias-CASH. The above Lands comprise some of the best ia Flori da, and offer a fine opportunity for profitable invest ment lr*ormatioi; can be had by addressing Ferdinand Mo- Le»d, CcaMerate States Distriot Attorney, at Lake City, Florida, and E W Thompson, at Tampa, Florida. E. .M. THOMPSON, Receiver. F. MoLEOD, Con. States Att’y. Oct. 21, 1863 78-ta "rifETTEVILLie WATER WORES. CITIZENS of the Town will be furnished with the Water at the following rales, the payments in every instance to bo made semi-aanually in advanee, beginnlag with the 1st of October. 1863; For Hotels. $75 to f 100 per annum. Livery and Hotel Stables, $80 Bar Rooms and Eating Hoases, SO Banks, SO Private Boarling Houses, 40 Dwelling Houses, S15 to 25 Stores and dhope, $U) to 16 Drug Stores, 25 Barber's (Ihops, 25 Lawyers’ and Doctors’ Offio^s, 10 Wagoa»r' from the country, and all transient person*, are privil^dged to use the w»t»r gatis. JOHN W BAKER Jr, Sup’i. Fayetteville Water W. rks. Beo. 8. 86 FOR RKXT, My farm, k^own as the .Myrtle Hiil plaoe sftuated three miles North of town, on tha Cane Fear River, inoluding the large and comfortable dwelling house and office. There are one hundred and thirty acres of cleared land, lying mostly on the river and not suhjpct to overflow. F^r further information and terms apply to Mr Diin- oan MoLauria. JAMES W STRANOR Jan’j 4, 18^4. 94tf Hllhboro’ Military Academy. The Sixth Aoademio year of tkis Insiitutinn will be gin on W»dnesday, Feb’y Sd. I8tj4. For oireulars and information apply o Vftj WM M. GORDON. Sup't. Hillsbero’. N. C , Nov 21, 1868. 84-3m FayetteTille Arsenal and Armory,) Fatittivillk, N C , Dec 2H, 1863 ) BLACKSMITHS WAIVTED. THB undersigned wishctsto hire a number of first rate BLACKSMITHS. All such who wish i«> do good aervioo to the Confedsrate States, have now an oppor tunity offered them to serve their country as iKSoeptahly as they eould in Tennes.soe or Virginia, and at the same time receive good wages for their labor. Referenees as to qualifioaiions most aceempany ap- plieatioaa Apply to Lieut Col F. L CH'LDS, 92-6t] Comroandic.j Oificer. Sale of IVeg^roen. The anbsoriber as f’cmminsloner under an order of the County Court of Cumberland will .aell ai public anetion in the town of Faveiteville, on Saturday the 10th January 1864, at the Market House, the following negro slavsH. late the nroperty of Neill Ruie, Daniel Buie. Mary Buie, and Flora Buie, (Ban) viz: Raohel, an elderly woman, i}imon, aged about 33. Juhn, •• “ 81. David, “ “ 28. Terms made known at sale- A. MflLEAN, Admr. k Coa. Dee. 31. t« THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, OAKS, ORANGE COUNTY, N C Room for several i/ood Boys Tuition for 20 weeks from Jan’y 14th, ¥150 Bsard •• •• • •• «• “ 500 Address W. J. BINviHAM i SONS, Oaks, Orange. N. C. Dec'r 2y 1868 93 9tpd ValoBble Land In Harnett tbr Sale. BV* viriue of authority vested in me by Ihe last Will ati I 1 ostament of Hector M McLvao, d> o’d. I will - II rn a credit of six months with interest rmm sil*>, f»r for csish as the purchaser may elect, that valu*b’e PLANT.ATION. on whioh the testator lived previous to hiH lUath, containing about six hundred aures This Uiid lies .jn rhe North si'Je of t'ape Fear River, froot- itjg on tl.(» samo .about one mile and a quarter, and run- nini? back a' least three fourths of a mile. This land is wiihic a mile of Lillingtun, the Couuty Site and is very vai»abl», presenting advantages rarely ofi'ered io this oouuiy There is a very valuable VIILL '■ITE on the land .Any person desiring to examine the premises wiU app’y !o Hugh M''L;» in, E^q , or to G-*n. A D Me Lean either of wh^m will tak*^ pleasure ia showing them KFFIE C. McLEAN, Ex’r of H. M. McLBAN Deo’rU2, 1868 9’tf O' Jk. Msnall Ia# IVwB tis 7OTi'wlfU3t BAR IROM - ^F Superior quality, le be exctanged for CORN, P()RK, BACON, or other country Produce. Apply to B. ROSE. Jan’y 4. 95-3t THOS. J. JOHiVSOrv' Gtnera! Commission and Forwarding Merchant, 4^ •yorth W*ater St., WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 8, 1864 96 3mpd "WAxlfTED, ONE or TWO MULAY SAWS. Any reraon having such to dispose of will please aidr-ds the under signed at Prospect Hall, BHdeo County, siatinz price &0 J. W PURDIE. Jan. 7. 96-3tp«l PhyMician’s C\*ird. Dr D. A CAMPBELL (late of Marion, S C.,) has removed to Fayetteville and takon an ofiice uu Bow Htrcet, where he may be found at a!l times, with an ample stock of Medicines, to answer Professional oalls Satisfactory reference fumishel, Seo. Jan’y 2, 1864 94-Smpd 9^0 REWARD. t) ANAWAY on the 29th of Deoemhcr, my yellow boy W SIL.AS DANIEL, copper oomplezien, looks surly unless spoken to, at which time he is quiok motioned aad qulek to speak. I think be is lurkiag a^oat Wil mington, the salt works, or running tke rivi>r, w'>rkinc about, under the pratenoe of being free. Ue t>a» juatk on one of his arms, a blaok spot between his au>*. elbow and nerrer bis wrist than his elbow; I thiuk it it> on hie left arm. I will give the above rev«^ard for his delivery to me or eonfinement in any Jail so that I get hiu. I will give tweaty-five dollars more for proof tiuf fioient to eoaviet any person of harboring or conveying him off This boy Silas is between 19 and 20 years of age, a«d is nearly six feet higk. My address is at the Poet Offioe, Fayetteville, N C , Cumberland couniy. 6B0RGE HOLMES. Jr. Jan'} 4. 18&4 9otf Plantation tor Rent. THB Shaw plantation, on Cape Fear, S miles from Towa, ie offered for rent ta* preneat x*ar. For further particulars, apply to JAS. JBNKIN8. Fayettoville, Jan’y 2. 1864 94-6t ~^E4URO $I»LAV£ FOR SAlK~ C'NDER an order of the ^ou't of Pivas and Quarter Sfssiona of Cumberland County, passed December Tertu 1863, I will expose to public sale, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on .M:>ud^y, Jan'y 18, 1864 negro mao John, belonging to th* estae of the late Dugald McD-iffi*. DANIEL SMITH C m’r A. -M. t'AMPBELL. Aixot’r Dsc. 28. 62 I* Turner’if JV. €. Almaiiac lor 1864, seeond edition, just reedived. lM*j 9i S. J. HALE a. Sale ot He^ro .Han. The “ubsoriber a*i Administritor of the Eii»te of Joha McGill dec’d. will sell at public auction at the mar k >t house in the town of Fayetteville, on Saturday the l*'ih J iu’y 1861, a ne^ro slave by the B>ime of Lingo— •frca- D.!tde known at »ale DAN’L K. McGlLL, Adm’r. D c. 21. 92 ts State of Morth Carolina, ROBESON COUNTY, i^ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Term, 1868. ON motion. Reuben King, Sheriff Robeson eoanty, read aloud in open Court the following lands whieh 'ie prnpoi(>g to sell for tke Taxes doe thereon for the ^i?»r 1R62: 85 acres listed by F. C Watson, Gum Swamp, tax f 1 28; :>50.a«te8 listed by James R Ashley, Hog Swamp. 6 16; 100 acres listed by Roberson Singletary, Elisabeth road, 2 32; &5 acrcs listed by John Graham. George’s Marsh, 83 cie (Fr«m the Minutes ) 8y-ta] JNO A. ROWLAND, Clerk. Mafiouat Fortitude.—“If there is anything more astonishing than another in the history of the Kotuaa Republic, it is the unconquerable spirit, the persevering energy, the invincible de- terminatiou with which, under every ralauiity, an3 often in the very extremity oi i .vrrse lur- tune, they continued to struggle for the superior ity, and at length attained it—nt»t so much by conquering as by wearying o«t their adversaries. In no period of their long aud glorious annals wa.'Jthis transceud’ent {|Uality ruorestriVngl) evin ced than in the second Punic war, when, after the battle of Can Die, Capua, the seciwid city of Italy, yielded to the influence of Hannibal, and nearly a half of the Roman Colonies, worn out by end less exactitjni in men and money, refused to send any further succt^rf". * “The hcroic spirit the Roman Senate then evinced—the extraordinary sacrifices they made —ujay, without -exaggeration, be pronounced without parallel in the annals of mankind, if we retiecr on the length of time during which thesf saerificcfi were required. lJut while this invinci ble spirit auffiueotb our adiuiratiou of rhe Homan charactcr, :ind tuakea us feci that they iiideed de- tfor-rcU tfiai mighty dominiou which they after wards attained, it takes much from the merit of their individ'ir'j! commanders. It wss alm.-.-st im- posRible to a^'Jit^ ultimate eucc''sa, v pur*h ar mies to lead ind so hcroic a people t j ^u^jtain the eflForts and »*!irni.sh the munitions of war.” Hlackicowi't, Magazine, Junc^ lb46. Hymns in Battle.—At the famous battle of Leuthen, one ol ileerman’s hymns was r.iii"ed by a regiment befom going into the fisht, and une after another took it up, until all the c'olumns were singing it as they atlvaneed. ‘‘Shall I silence theiB?” the general asked, as he rode up to stern, heroic King Fritz. “No; with such solu;cid God will give me the victory,” and leaping down among tke ranks and crying, “Now, children, in God’s name,” he led them into battle. When the battle was w^n, the field was strewn with dead and wounded. It was night, aud the soldiers were weary. Then one bqgan to sing a hymn of thanVjgiving, the bands joined in, aud presently it rose from the army iu a full and mighty chorus thai reached and greatly moved the king, who turned round, exclaiming; “What a power there is in religion!'’ It #as at the grea* battle ol Lelp *ig that Gustave..^ Adolphus .san;', with tis aimy, Luther’s Carmen Heroicum, and aftec that, koeol ing on the field, he thanked God for the victory, io a staaza ot the same hymn The Te l)«am won the fiaht at Leignitz; it wtis a “poor sinner’s song” of Luther’s that the peasant raised before the battle of Frankenhauden, and brave Earl Oldenburg triumphed at L>rakenburg by the song of Simeon. The. Dead oj iy^uth Carolina.—W. B. John ston, Esq., of South Carolina, who was appointed agent to record the names of soldiers from that Stat2 who have fallen during the war, reports rn aggregate loss of 4,089 meu, oi whioh number 2,239 fell in battle or died from wounds, an1 1,860 from diseases, including a few from acci dental causei. P¥OTICE. THB UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of tke Confederate States of Am»riea*’ hereby give notice to their old customers and that they have appointed John D. Starr and •Iw.-'t’J ?• Williams, of this plaoe, their aUorneytf to oollcm separately er conjointly all moneya 11.; rhem eiuxdi account or note, aud otherwise to attend to their b^j- •iness generally during their abeenoe. The.^ respect fully ask all persons indebted lo them to oall as prompt ly as possible on their a^eat't and nukke payu:.eaL. RTAKR ft WILLIAMS. 19. 18«1. R«-»f After this date 1 will pay 12^ Cents per pound for rags, or _ the highest market prioe, delivered in Fayeuevillc, or at my mills on Rookfish. D MDRPHY ■ Hir ZS ''O'' POTASH. CASKS extra quality home-made POTASH on hand, put up in excellent packages of S to 360 lbs eaoh, made in Richmond county by a party who «in- derstandn the business. Orders are solicited. WORTH a CO , Agents. Wilmington. N. C., DeVr 8. 186S. 8*-10tpd WAIVTED, A MAN to take eharge of a Carding Room in a Cot ton Factory Apply at this OflSce, by note addressed to MoD k .^on. De.’r 9 1S6« 88 I'^tpd Prof. W. S. B. Matthews will visit Fayetteville and vicinity, at>oui the 80th of this month, for the purpose of TUNING Piaao Fortes; Strings replaced, elo. Dec’rjft 9Hf -- I RUIW THE BLOCKADE.. W. MAC INTYtlE HAS atCniVBD, 1CASE Madder colors Calicoes, 1845 yards. 1 oase blaok and white Calico, ^ yri wide, 1400 yds. 1 oase pillow oase cotton, 40 in. wide, 2000 yds. 3 cases English Shirting, 3500 yds. 20 pieoes black Alpaoa Lustre. 200 4oc. printed Lisle Handkerchiefs. 500 d"! Clark’s Spool Cotton, blaok, ‘200 yds. 600 doa. Glark’a Spool Cotton, white, *200 yds. 600 Great Gross agate Shirt Button.^. 67 dos. fine 2. S. and 4 bladid Knives. 50 sets TaSle Knives and Forks. §00 gross Knitting Needles, assorted Ntu., 10 to 16 20 d'ls Drab English H'>s 8 dos. No 10 Cott&n Cardr. 160 Expuiaion Skirts. Dm. 29. VtrUmbM Southern Books. The SUNDAY SCHOOL BELL; Cateohisms of the Wesleyan Methodists; Historiot^ Scripture Qtiest'ons for Sunday Sctools and the Camp; School Testaments; The Ffrst Dixie Reader; The Stonewall Song Book; The Cotton Field Melodies; * The Dixie Land Songster. . Deo’r 9 E. J. HALE A SONS Cases of Habeas Corpus, Decided by the supreme Court of Norik Carolina, at tke June Term. 18«8. By Hamilton C. Jenes, Reporter, A few oopies for sale on eouignment. Oct. 7. IWt*. *- J- **ALE a 80!f8. OIL IniTlamp' 8''JckT TANNERS’ and LUBRICATING t»I. LAMP BL.ACK in barrels. For eal- JC>S. IL BLOSbwji a uu., VhlsingtOK, 5. 0 T. O-tf THE IVORTH CAROLIJVA MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE C'U>IPAN¥, Now in the tenth year of suscessful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 te 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year et.for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is pre.=eai.ed. For further information the publ*'’ Is »o Agents of the Company in all parts c he btate and tu B. H BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1869. Fayetteville, N. C A GEni The New Style, Small, fOLOREI) PIOTOtiRiPHS, AT TanorMdellN Gallery. ART. Wood'Kard’M Solar Camera. PH01't>GH.APHS caTji'eiad at Y; norsdell’s Skylight Gallery. !l»y sti^ct, opposite i'laiJile Yard, Fay etteville, N C.; plain, retouched, colored, ia water oolors, oil anl pastile; from small to life si*e. Ambro- types, Melaneotypes, and all pther sfj'l**^ of Pictures pertaini .ig to iLb Art. Also, Gilt Fruuiea, Gilt Mould ing, Ql.?jfor vt-rv large pictures—a.° lar?e !'i by 36 inoites. Cord ao.-. Tasdels for hanfh:-. , iruu ^‘tru- ments. Steok an.: Oherai-jals for salt ’ m 'Ui Life site colored t' ' ig.'-iiiiis made from small p ■■’■ireti. Having peri'.:: ir'otiy located here I hope to merit your pstioiiH^ f wouJii also returu my siboere thanks or the Lii.C'- ,. ,rt!.uv'f i>et.towed ot u..j heretofort by ihe good pei)p>‘ «crtfeville and vio’’ C. M. VAN...:il ' .... Pt>otogr*phist and Proprietor TV.- . ‘fri, 1*KV 7? FAYETTE VlliEiE ■FTCIL I!II8FRA;«CB COHPiNT. Capii&l in Premium Notea amounts to f267,6&b .w Cash on baud az;i other assets, 5,077 35 Total, f272,7«56 81 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an t.sses8ment on their premium netea. Total losses paid, f29,682 69 OrrrcsRs: GEO McNElLL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Ses’y. DinncTOBs: Heary Lilly, W. N. Tilliaghast, H. L. Myrover, 3. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. Hawley. Wm. Mt^Laurio. Nathan A. 8iedme,ii, T f-. Lut^erlo^ C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. McKethsn, J. D. Williaius, S. W. Tillinghast. A. W. Steel, J. Q. Ceo'ii, Hon. J O. f^hephprd, R. F. Brown, i A. B HalL f hn CoUins and'c. C. McCrumiaen, Traveling Afenta ' i^rThe Company invite appli9«U91ia> ifftj 28» mi, ai-