WKm WSBBf mm mm. m 'r:^\ ! ., !?•■ 1'*'- '■ * • 1 fjl;■ :. i\ * : . ' !' - i •> ' ' !'l ’•■ ■' • ' ' ' - ' [• tui'' ;(• . .. - Uit 1 .('v: ‘iiiir.. \‘. •■ •)•■ h lA'hi n;-\. ' ■•uh! !V'!k'*r» >>i5rtU til'-: \ ! !! :u> ! ■‘fjr-j‘11!'■■■■;* *" . niUMrjr ' .i'- !f hu.-iiv''^ 'f >'> ’Hin'li'T atrl ’1 • !M‘ii nr 'ivhyrwii«.i . ■ r ♦ . (!•'•,', J'ii H*'*, : Ii I (■ cr 'i ■ ' ■•" ’ '1 ; ;i it i-» t.» > '--I ito - , , r’i'i*], shall »t* di.Mji.;.»,»!i .* ■;} *'r't •.■•>: 6*: :>'‘r ' 't' _ '■*(' •1 I! Ir' t'le inc-Mnn* *.i> ivt'i” *1' ,it; li bo du^,.u i' i ‘ ■ Ik; r I ’lMct .f rif* ■ • if . ». ■ ■isiit':.! :Hi • ‘-'■ ) li.lt UW’ii-.iw *J . i - iii'f vh 'i i-ii'i’iH.'h; ' !?;• ■; u ’liv . --t j* : i.i c'iIa', \j'i V' u ilJii-'-i* ' 'tv.;v. f>->' >M!U B>-'iv>'.I f'’'>ni a’> , M Sa, th.V- ■* .■ji Orr ^va .lie • ;i--r. i« r i.:it 1 'ii’e.-, i! no p.-’soM i ’ “' !. li'.; - r. ..f t‘ rc h ’flV > ‘ n; i ..■ th._ i K >!■ t , j-j ay tu. tii* taXJ r 1 \ it’’. irji, ill- IH-> .i ■ r-!V 'U- iH' i 1 »t!' ': f ■ i'l; riati! -’aro'i. til > litiriv-i-vi i:u^ , tlitJlO oiuill be niCi'U. ;i- ■ r-,1 •fib’' i;. V •>\ vU ’ t't> ,1!, tin ‘ i.'-! y'T liU liuiiln Ik:;> i (it.ii:>uv. •; : .n ' •• rv'jHT .• tnatm - ^ , >l;al! . I'rnviiif I. . !i.f V ;Kli! ;iisc> i'oi 'cn ^ rill snirits dis in.;,..,] ,|oI- • ' ■•; ■ ■ -r t'to ii.••* ^ ■ ••• T •!'. i t; v->i a !>rf,\ur I. I’l 1 l.i!. ;i.v ‘ Llii tiu' ^v> lu ‘V:. vn iiatl r:itr ti‘ 1 i.ci.i.'; ! nyv ’ ■ \ iu* V .if V I-! ; \ .'ir.J,'’- ' ■. Hi? H ll'i-i*!. ill". * U- ! •; !IT- atui V ■- -!.» ■ i'i’u-tj .iltit . Wol'V , ' ’.W , 1- 1 ;i lili’t [HT V... i Ti c ViiK'npitn It'eiiKHl ;l l;i\ U|t»M tha pcf-'"!*. ' i't-ivilf'^v. to Hi' l>y cucli iii-iivi«liml e?t- ii;.-.! in I lie htiNiisosrJ. witiii'Vt n*i;:ird t>i -It whirh the- sumo it> condycte'} X I. A]»othociiri-» pay li!\v iloUars. ■iu.l r\v-> :iinl :i half’por centuin irrosv u!i).*i!in .-r.-ali'S ma.il*. Every jtersou wli»> a "I- huiKiint; u'ln_-re :iiv c orTipuun.led or uroiJarotl ac.r..»-d">? to of pli vbU-illUo, iUlU foUl. .Sflrll I i*t“*'arU•i ail upoiliocurv uiii>,*!’ fli'.s ;n*t XXII. Pi* olouraplu'r^^ «iia!l i>a\ tin; huih of'lit’tv Jollnrsi, aiitl Uvo -iii'l :t !ia!r ihM' c i- ni'u t>111ho !uiutii!it oi 'uK*-' luu'it*. A t" wh.i II!,.kt* lor ]>lio!:i (iay:ucri•• 'fyi.cP pic- •»i. na!*or. or .itlu*;’ inati- 't’H-jht. be n'liaiJi.f Mlt. 1 ’iUn'iUi> !a- tax or ,a!iY ,iei e 'lia'4 •liuted tVuiii tlie ■^ro.Si'ainoiiiit ol c-alcK, "iu i co.-ii o{ tliu pr:>[>crty Moid, iiiclud _ , t-r.- -n t H!.4 ir on )V tiu- ns- me !o!! 1,1. or r run.tft •nor M ..I rci :ti V pC‘1 ai!! O. ..d - a: liif J* ’• . t* rill: I'Ul f*.! ’e\ 'tral! '• -!l I'iX’ loti ■.M r .t-> vv i'l-*'! i i I ! ij •! ;i . .1 •' I j a S’ I! C.i'” \i wC. ■ filid rlian f'.iir h e^'i-b, ;*r'd ! . .;ii be ier.- fhu- '^1.1 V't. ,i . V bn; 'i - (he fifth c’ is: ;.-n- cd'a ^di Evt vi .a’e tue ;ui*a I i .dgr- , ■ >r lodgiui. • . ' ‘ n-o- ;;a:. :i.- ■r ■ 11 Ir iied t I'ii ■ '1- r\V - V , ,. > * - v;..-v,-v*l pH\ ■ _ \ .vho kvv ■ .i>ie " . ‘ip:-' iV ,Vi a!0|. 1..-; ■ : ^ »iirce. .vd M-.= - ^ •, 1 ’ ' ■ ■ tavern u a*->r ‘ a\y 1, i>. A i.!i*>fo^raii!K*r inidi-r -icr ‘KXin. 'Lf.vsur:. ■ ■j '■.iv ru K‘ '■i 111 I av ti!‘ ■V^'ho.-i' nr.'HH'm-' ' ; I ifi’ot;v'v.*ntc* ^ * , rd ui ..tlK-r j»; ■ ' ■ (’ -lifcdtM-atu Stato'-, ur ' . ' ■. . ' .ri. ii*e in re-Ht ioii to.cHUai; i.'i:r tho'ffi!!. 't.tll i-*v! dou!U ’.v.iiii’. die Hi -iiiiii.: of titib no;. X XI V. Pil .'urtruons and dutiii^-’? ..j’iialis eri^ i^cd in praotiou rhall pay 2t'*y dod,ti>. poJetni wijote bt^ iiK>ri it if, I'or t^'e’or *..‘Wiud. to pro>ci il>t* leiiied cH or it. i:.!-»..■ o;iur:it!.>:*.■* tor tlu! cure of iUv di- ' i'f or sh.il! !»c d.*e!!i i\>k'iuri. >>r dentist .ilii'i: of'-tlrls act, ab tlie ciurc may ho; of paru;rruph nunih^,.!- i-’iC -1 Uil i;\tcnd lu p»V.- i’liij* ’p >1, iuvuti lutiu;I'iiica ti|r Utr up uieir oun jin-n- ip C!t‘ ■ ei. ■■ \'I payer j (.'Uiplu ! ducted peiiiati tliH r^a!' j roru vf j t' ■» hir I Jsi;a>e: i, not o” I i»‘ria o!i . lat iiu.' 1 .t apply t,,c due '‘atid sL.d; ,is lo .1 * 11' n , (ill L,;j'UlS !hipj O hi- vc.'Hol, ihe (iii'o oi : h" V»V thi-^ pej rt .0, v-r if .-.Vliod hv uitl! {'or t b-^’.VvJa.r ;v«)d lti ten pur cv-.nr’.ini ! ' liiu cost ot rUtU.' ;.-»K !. iV, iucumii be di;;iv-/ u\tr lVun» »')at or iiiip .til h- tiodneted IVoiu T;.v ■ h:K occupation, ineludi! : tf . .p wheii lini&hed, it’ h’uil; lOi -t of tile lahor ai-tiially hin • 1.. and tile prime c(*^t it' unndiiisefl l-y iiim. V. li’tlu* iuconu* bti dor paver froiii tlic ^alc mere fiior pioperty, real or pereiuiiHi !>e tK ^,1’ i;;..:'.»iiiortatiun. -f • pui -u.d. tbo rt‘!it (d’huildiii^Xf^ :ic huaiite.s.-:!. if hired und no* ■ ■•If . oiiie be derived by tiic \>t\ d/er occupation, pro{W.';on. '• :)l:sirie^'i, there >iiall be dc- • ' o-> uuioitut of tV'fr: • • . , •. earninpr^. ur cotnui. ■: = •;• k iictuaily paid, an t or otiu r 1uUdin>^ n-t.. N'l'ed .and no: .. . ’ L;. of i,!.Oi- Hctuul'y . - ' ’ ■self and the c.o ‘ t .. .ohiiiesy purcbaM i ■.* : • rr t • l»e coti\ w ;J the C'-nr:-!‘oi‘j)is>. bi;. ‘ ‘t uu\tiiu! iuauranct: i;nl ■ of io^ce~ pa;d e;;r. fie ;e de- . . •‘.r arces >'c . * no .action whafuvt-;-. N^r .‘‘l.a’i iur- ; o be biiUjiifc:. to a tax from any tuiier in- ’ fa-e of tii&a:^'rt- fomc tLan t.hut derivei] from property d.vis- ^ jjaver. sitall ed. or ocfiipaMon-^ or einplovnien'^ pur^aued ; the"t'.>;It»u-If!:. by fheiu .vitiiiti *hc Contcdemte Siatc-. ati'i" ■ j],,. jmver s i:i itinj; inc-*Wie tliere .'hall iie in-tud- frt t-ii ed the \a!ne of tho e;-ti!t;ured Hiiir.ial iv:;!al uf ail dweliin;:.'. lio.ite,-, •■nild.nc'^ c-r br'Id-, pinion, »• :t.!^ btl'' iu citic-a. towiij, (.ir Viliai^s. t-,x i t.\i i'y the ‘ wner.'. or owiif.;! .-lud n-occupi- • d I'l fiired. and the value of liv ■h:p . . rrt I h ..!ii5re»'i ! ■ d > .:i ti.e (’oiiit-ii i«- cuid year, of ; o;U', !iav, ric ■ .rc**i o! ii'oii, 'ter? '.Vooh- .• oott'.'i c)o;i (,* lev i»; i ; duv ot .;ed ha:;, o. ihc >uti:j!i 11. Laeii taruiyr aliu t'edenito State’., ai'ser r ■ Use iifty biis-hfls of .-u ^ IiUBficl'i of Iri.sh poraroc^ the coj h. or titty \i pi'udnced in the preMiUf didlver to The vioiot.«ier». ♦I.,, . .. ■>!/ • ; ,,f lli^ plV'«». - * : . ni, outfc. "i.-ih IX •ce •!Ih if 'n*i' 1 U C‘t a. ;r’ ..r . -I-' ’■ex; T ’ererV. ' .ii.-5.iei* rUt not Ui.mc ciiHii rwe;.^ r his o'.vii use, bhall erate (.rowrninenr, *' • ■’.* the pea?;, beans h? . .. and ;jatiteied fy a. .. year. As f-ioij i..e !2i.nil>- re.-'.dv t'oi ’i!;*rs»-t, J. I* j i% > V. r^u .i; ■ t it „ . f: ':n th^. \ J 'na-' It: oa.-e e UK* Mi 'U lyer tVeeho ter. f>r i*.« - ■y place where iiy kind arv Tid ^oh^ (iir •V b.iHrdif! ' ii* y'.'f-' ^ >. -’ 'ardei.' ni' :r >re iT 1 -ane Utidf^r fiii- ; ^h.lU pny t’.v'-i !inn ' ■>’ who~e = ' . ‘CKh, coinec; M;’. . I. H11 •! ' viie; !.. r -.m a 1 . . • deei:ie*s a i‘ai ■ .inen»>. T.:- tUr;.rtMinb HHi ax upon tiio b” (-arh indi .-it ■ HJxi Vt'il’.V. J, V •an t \ ;l! • ».I d.-n - i'.i- oer- .uat .•idt :i! rl,.p.V-- ’«!ueri‘.i- pr -v ^^^■d.• '- • ot t'us Aft - ;:dl *' 'I a,'- m:)s uuih.~Hi-_'i'o:i!. e\c!ii-ivc \ .* r. ate ?er- if.- * p:iy fjf. v!: ; io!.-- !rri . or fa; ill* * Oc l.v. and not H.- ■ :• or oceup.tfi'-n" t't,- ■i!-’.- u\i*d ar. hjc-.ioe a:;'!e.' »*,-■ oicoK.e -hall t»o tluH t.; w; '.r:i do p..it i'.^e ;■» r uni!';'!i sh;ii' *-e ■: i « »• '• ^ ■ r owr ^ive l.an i-v ! ■' - .’vdi-t! ''.ft.'ejl h ilidrt'*! , H!p t ■' T' ■' ' \*'f ii-'i .1 >eiecl tV\'o, \rlu> s«iia‘.t nrocerd to cpoi'-r a- Uereill pri \ iJed. : ..r.'clainer.'-sna;. pay rji.v aliii a aa.f per oviiia. . : o+‘ f.ueo. ‘ vero lu-r.-sua r“ .’id ■: iri!ec('oii irv, r’.vi-ft:i;f;i'.-. '• ”ia-r eo;l!eet^‘. iri any ''Uii l -iLT, re 'ard._d »!-> h eontV-i-oix-r under :>fr :'ent hlial. bo r.j. flivei: li’-irt ‘ti. i..?and d - I at- fo>t hi- aet. Wi.en •ert H. Med, ii ‘ •>t \e iiur.'iri. d ,1 '•upr tr-'!n '■i\a- v-d d!’”in .t.I.* .'S'. Hvd .'t ev- .;r*. t! x . f d'.-o o Oar lii- ; of I ' ■» is C i V V a^^'--^' t‘' * ■ .1.1 ’ a-'-*’ ■ i. ;; eti 'liar • I :»i' idiAro. u'ai !e.■^^ il-.' j ;i.ree U e per ceft s!i i|l b-* ; :>%* e -I I iti'.-’.f! d-!’»u~. a;: ! ‘ ’> lue aai(*nrit vf ero|>s either a;v!iu !.r or by cotJipmi!!;! -h. L“ n-.>!Ub or iiouft*?- in whie^; !i'.-id. ’.vact; .h oArrw.'t co*u]-i:f-;’‘‘'•; ■- lii’.e by f.ch H int-'.hod; a’:J tl.f-r.^ ^ rai*-. '' ail t‘ -Mi nndi"- '‘at'., ’■'•e i>n:.’jti' qa-i’ity of ^aid crop.,-, incbal:!).;. \\h: r.viv i'nvi‘ hifit '*ohi >'r C"'''-‘’’'ryd by th prod lie r pr’or r> t-lxid eatirii./e. i:.i'!’er‘i •" t’ t, and tlio vnlne tiiere-'f r-.' ’yhio’t the co\craiuei.i. "c? eiititled, ci”c* A \vrit‘i;!i of tl;t e.^- ■scri: Jr i. i;n.' aUi ’1. A-i. • loMnr.", o \ |,J v\orv pej- ■>»! »•.*■_ >' • l*oft Kiv trf’o'^ anniUMr ->f te'jij’re *. '* *' V. f \.rtiteen iiindri-d t ■ s ' a •i'-t or >-et!"*'i to th-- *r' t * .:l■o^^ aui'-'i'ir of^ •rf'-i'd. to 'vit: Froiii ! ■.■,‘iit. on tho eX-'e^'; I'H u:l ' k'Til.’ . I ‘[tr'*e tJioasand dol!;u.'. ie;: ' iv‘.’ thoii-and doiinr-.. a ia\ tei; pe i -!( tii i'-^id; oM all MIC TMiv for . of or \ t o-' ;:oi.d dcliar-*. an>i r-i, H tn.\ of 1 \v,d\ he ’>aid; atid oti c :e?~ >r. aiid a C'o|;y u- ( t!;i‘ pr«.' ’ii f-r. Tiio said pr''dn- rvayi'fiti In «ieiivf»r the wheat, •x vv ba.r.ey. bnckvrtieat, rice, ]ieas. •J iia' •■ndio’de:’ ‘?i:2sr, mohts eb.~ ttian fe’. * ar’> * i ■,hI{’ dl , ai-. d HoH-ir- ■'i:x fna. \a>- r.'ii' ■■•d! !*•' a’-d >i^ -1hr'-e. a*' -I* i‘V>.->'V ‘ ■M->I;t!lS. rherii.alUT. af:er ttie I’d ;i jiundre'l ‘I’ld ".I!' i ao .pa*'.'.-'- ■•"i ‘du:ie,ei_ . Mi *‘-1 vi‘, a, . Hi f wiih’.'i t- i! fir.-^r day of f r!Xi '--taVfC. a ■ All j't' 'nrn lo the ;k>e- Il'-r t of' rbe ”r*'r-'. a*i]onnt of .f> nfore^aid. with tIu; ai.io accrn** 1, or .shouhi :i'.‘ a- of »;i. n ' *n-a'i -it.«}villlM e.-- and co;-ooratM>i;.'sha •!;• rttiMuai earnin'.:-, --nt :• :i id r^ 'iS'ved t'uad. o- } ;.v'V '!V ' »* t!»c t.'o:;foder:U.- vidi*i,d riien paid to the •>v vc-t iisati'd a« a part ol ■a; Uit^ -f a-^ •r Ce: ■ or o ,• i-r’t V e'liir-* fo.' ,b' f to r{ ta.\. .-.nd il el.'b.ohk i'iti inV'-. ’i ■ iV ;- iipi»r-eb ot this aet. All -'!i..! , an ••.■^riniate ofTbt-ir ineo'neaad p; >r;v.*d from any othi-r .‘jiir'e 'viiate ver. iiiall tii>t bia^* the ;r"o~s i-er Mf;ab c‘or'n,oau Cl! ' of ea'ie, wo.*! and fobaee .a t’iti * in V’'r,.h i;> Mu'h ’ IV ^•V'.i'Ketable on twa'' ne THUai ' roct -V .r> td i-.e del:V- ■ CikU'SO li’.w :... ‘h rj,.i’nK-r a.^ licre pieni-i-- vi t'.vo t!U'!lti!b tVotn i *aie :n t ‘h’ ee‘io‘i !o ered., aiiti tltC in ci i:ibefore*pr*yi i. ‘d. wirin: I. thus to he paid •r'!> t'lrdfna- * ti'.'r' be 11-ual • ;o t'.i 1 Oi * ie thi V ! rto'ii.,* ! . a ai> •IV, f en t‘i lot ;t'.. . 1 ;■..>• nared .a., at'ore- i ^;aii •!n. so tne ti -:d f. . !’*o.h !;ie I 'oreii by t’j"t t.tne. la stieh . ii :,e r!:'.;']..- ti> J -,-. iU'ty ]ier '*oo 'ban t!i.- )*ti!M ited v-U .e ul tiu; p-Miiot' a- loresai^K t-i be eollecte.] b\ tin* ta\ e dlector U' here.inafter pre>eibed; !?rovi>b i. the ;rov- e'-nnient '-liaU be buuinl t>» fur’inii r., tho bUUui'.’ ^ aiile.s i “'Jfdy i-fc Cv-at I ■ ye iiupTii r.h.-r. In- ni.'.re aclL> t.“ la CvVi;i Ul-.l lli k. ■ 'u I V :U ^ ■ ;.jea.l_t .llicvi iU ■ d ' d.i u.. . -.'de t.ixe a; • hnndri.'d d »1 oCf'pt.s which o- f'iie'onild- ., 1 I'i ;•) !■ u! • .^.ftorai- i ;> rfitffd >r ■j 'T - ^’at 'ic'ii 1 5 a. tho- -iin!! }>ay of ten 'I'.'l- ar.'f •if of I, uub Mi.t ipilHI-' circii ‘ MX w-'f-ij ta >ro,)f hal! !. -verv buiid ' ;■> i'i i* ) e t . Idi'h ii t ^ha i na.e anni = '- ur*-i( .!b or ■y !r| .-Oi :1> ;1~ ! ll.l V bi-o’i .i*i!i.'sa*;a‘r ot 'Faxe^, ^ha', t.. coiTi-ct, a'i! sfiaii at t!ie * • ■.-;aid, ]jay t-* the eoih r..i ' t-‘- hcreiip'»'i a^ ’ ■ ,Hereof oitaU ■ u.'tiint of the ta\ ■ 7. 'I'hat upon the 'aiar-b-- ii'it rft"ti.s servitipf ’U it^y *ap , fV(.-r. •\Ct‘p‘t upon •'Ul of ^ I •'d’ V or naval r'icy, t-, I ;j.nd eullecle.i a t.;v • >f . on th,y irrosb awiiiu : a. e.xccH.linp^ tifr* two per contnra t: arn:ii;»it, ro be le.et t-Ufi o+'a„f;(*rj , '.Ml verv oi'sticb arti- i’" Uuy ot .J ,.iaar_v iw Cuiiv^ClCU H : . •J ;■ r. V.j.i. a ii ;ui» I a'; a d. ) b.: I fh*j r.-^ I 1 , a; .e dUCtl 4 , b'ed 1. ;' tri r .)vir I I. nr.uui v.-h-1. , .ad ‘a at >'.ed . tuftr. a.afiei th'dr t'ec'-iptH a itidividuaf' or! pnunec^r sackt^ for tho deliv f i linn or pari n.-r^,ii5», •.ftd ;ds ^, | ^u> „f gra:n'ab Ve-piir .d-r.-ij each iteni toi w!ii-a-. a de-1 for traai^portation, and sha!l allovrto t!ie pro-’ u:.; i t. uiu^, . ■» ‘a.- n;:i h> anl t le aiiMunt to he , Jucer i>f uiolas^ies the co.'t •f tlie barrels e.*n- i a;ca»Ls of ki. tainjiij.^ the sumo. The .said et^tituate gho}! ruu uccu|,iuuoji5, - >iOUb, iiUU oi tJ-X. i d by till. fu-.-'Csiu. V, Lia aliail ;iive u.. i’’: Proviied T'la; tiie ineoaie >‘11 vliieli the ab-n'c tax is ^ » . - ' !ot be deei»u> 1 ' . 'ncbide, ■n. wliicli ase taxu-i in liad, ■ '•cntied. Provi'-icj furth'jr, liie anrauil earnin_rs ofc-aid ;»c c'jiicltisivo evidence of the .‘iini»unt in luo- ney, uf tux due by tho producer to t!;e u’ov- ernuieut, and the collector is h.ereby autho rised ti.» j>ix>ceefL to colle.'.' ti'.e sa’no I'v k'.H'd to r.‘ :■ :'f> rw.i'iid, shRll jrivo a protit of iii(»re ■ on an i 1o.s.h than twenty per c,>nt. uj>- r'.e’r cHpital gt 'ck paid iu, one-t i_,iith of ’n S ' set a’parr shall he paid -is a ;o!hicr .r aforesaid, and in nr-.se said ■i~-t xpitrl tiiuill give a profit of luore j Pi’ovidec,, no'T^ vii-tu» of - •V i ^ jH s. : rh(>n;;an*- !e.r ,K tj 1 .1* .'1 the ni;V: . pr'- ' ■ I' 1 lO ■'•atovi lU till t.ixer boiiiip>>.sc r,»n ao bulary of any per- I lay of :b y tioi oxeecdin;; one ~ (vjr annaui, or at a Mke ’’iiid at ti'nc, 'o:i;»er .»! iTor ceiit. on their .;a >itai hiock Hie; i'Mr *s’, o. That the Secretary .jtvt .'■.I'i cjinse to t»Q iUjbOdij 2i.n! u tac tuvt of J.iauar) iiov ■it-.ir Ha prac'cicable-, hi a; ‘ 'cnved by each p '.. .>a. ' r reaau- • '••I : ... , -^i^th thereof ftiu'd! * reserved ii'ii ‘ y.' • .. ’. M-i.ii.i, The t- .1 levhid in tiUS S'.’t;- • •:r - ' c cvjllecttrd ou the lir^t • lay of• i ’• ■ ■ aiu.-. k Th “ ; . '■ sl-all he dv,s»atiblied wi'h til - .! - 'ear 'ir .r .nate of iucome and pro . . ; I 1 ... i\ ;=.ource what- ever, oti. d ! -r;' ■, ;ii«,i l^ which^the tax puye. . ■■ ■ : • ; > . . iec, or with any deduction ■* d o . - 1 ■ IX payer, heshall wtX Cuticct.ui* o( ti, •iiMriet, UoMia.u >. >iiiali pr .>ct'cd i - '• p.ivcr. 'i u.' :,■! : C.j lUc puatod uy >.)tc v'l'. .-.Htd, 'iciivcixd by li..-. lo. ia.tt cvtiij Ui.ia. tuur, ci-3’-'-'. ioij - '• ■” •• fjfj’ -'0, a- I' • .i-u- ! w ina I * v^*»^ I ; ^ ■ ' s^nd cor|)oration fr->m v ; -v '^n^oV or \iaz\iK:i‘.t, ■ *■ X'- '•>•■ i* 'b 'U 'which ,h.iy iii. • . : . -fro’.ri eV^ ' ■ ••'■'U, •: • •pur’-y or mou I , . . . -rr ‘ ri ;'ed from any .source I ■ ’ ••••• y-j - ■ -i-, durii!^ the calen- j b. ■ • ^Hijct'dib" the iir»t day of Jnuua- I ■ ; and the said iucome and protits ■ r>e aa'iortaia-^ l. iiaacsfied and taxed iu j o iiianiier here nafter prcbcrih-id. j I T ‘ : :ou> bo deriN)d from therei-its I ■ 1 * ■ L. "lOinentB, inanafacturiiio- i ‘ u t ibliiiaMieote, lixtaros aud im” ’ ' rings of ealt or oil,.or veiub ’ .•> tl, '.".111 .i- . ihcr niiueraU, tiiero shall ij« “c l I'rva rue gross amount of the ati- ■’ a? ^ :• r -• fvn' oii^ficiont for the riecostsary an- y V ’*a iyrc‘. -it i«n i-er centum sj.id r«c^, oxc«pt fthftt tee raat d«rlT«d ' n i ■ Hdii ing a wurr;ft:t of distre; - fro.n hi3 o.Tice. iin- ‘OLv conip.i.nies and corp.>rai;o!!o set | der !iis si-^nature, in tho nature of a of JieH luid by virtue of tl.e orjne to eeize aud sell atiy ye-~onal pro'H*rtv .>n tVic preuiiaes of the tax i)uvcr, or elsewhere be longing to him, or so lauoh thereof tus may be necessary for the pnrj)ose of riayiii'? the tax, atid the addition.ii afty per ceiit. afore said aiivi coetsj and said saie sh;*!! be ui.'i lo in the lUftnnor aud form and aftor tlio notice i vi- ^ refjHired by the laws of tuC' oeveral Sfareb pcr-roi: for judicial saie» of porsonal property, aud ) “ the t;aid warratit of dibtres.s may be e\ecute>i I uici. by the tax collector or any liepuiy uy him -• ai jiointed for that'purpose, aud the deputT i aiattci^ cxeciittng the warrant bhall be erititled to th;j * " Bame iees as are aiiowed iu re3p;ictl”w States to sherirts executing w'rits ',cjien 'f>i- baid fees to be paid a.^ cosr.s by tho ta.\ payer. Provided, that in all ca^jes where the ;t.i6eh8or attd the tax payer agree on the \-i- ssCGtiiiieut ot the (iropri, and tiie value of the portion thereof to which tl:e govertiiaeut is' entitled, no'otiicr utot^c-ssiiient shall be neces- «iry; but tho estimate agreed on shall be re- i i i i ciii^eit ot- the vicin- * . •. er shall se- .. I ’T1 itiC t\7i ‘ .'l:CtedohaU t : i; '-'i * I : .i, who shall iitVv,tiigate and der i'acts in ■ reference'to *»aid e.jti ■ . i deductiouij, and tix the amount ot '.!id prolits on which the tax payjer le assessed, ^ certidcate siloed Oj a majority of tho refereeb shall be oJiiclu- oive as to tlie amount of income aud proiits on which the tax payer, shail bo assessed: Provided, That if any person shall tail or re fuse to render the istatemont or estimate aforesaid, or shall fail or refuse to select a referee ;is aforesaid, the assessor shall select three referees, who shall fix the amount of iucome and profits on which the tax payer shall be asaebsed from ttio be.st evidence*they can obtain, and a cortiticate signed by a ma jority ot said rctorees akali be conclusive on duced to writii.^ aud signed by the assessor and tax payer, aud have the eaiue force and eilect as the assessment and eotimate of dis interested freeholders hereinbefore nientiou- edy and two copies of such abi«;'Stiient uad estimate thus agreed on and bigned as afore said shall be niadojjand one delivered to the producer and the other to the collector: And provided further, that the assessor is horebv authorised to administer oaths to the tax payera and to witue-sses iu regard to any i- tem «t‘ the estimate hereiii required to be nropoiA, ir.r. [ vjont.. '>>1 taa ■ ■ ■. ^liaii bo for all jvay'a;--’'^> specitiod. ■ . • d’ae ifoiu t*ic ;a uii;;!’ j. ■. LO. Tiio . . . IU1U.S, ehiirchua, cioaipt From u xa^ u ijb'OC* i7. Tisat the Seoi.. ’ he is hereby rogulations accois^i j , aad aot iacoasiotc: . is. jLitib auc bli.,.. uC i~ fhft expiratiou ol . : aoiuia luipoacd t-.r ‘U,; . vieu aad coilecLod ftf. c„. taauaec aud iorui K , :e: .;k said ti oie of vc: t ,’i- ; . a' " I 1 ,K made:. And provided further, w^ea agricul- sooQer rcpcalci; Provided ^ iiaar, wool, cottou. tubi-ju, . i* . , ! rai oreducts of the .:rot9i!v ui* ^uv tural produ^ m;kind is paid f6r tivxcd, if jkg ti - r iuipa;.cd i-, . be icT^ad a:.:f «»• • pK^ient )6*f} .1! lU'.J.i ^ud iV' i -ic W .fo jfCili'.'i ■■' . •aii a' r.li .'J if- .v.li3v :.' tiit! ■ -. «.u-i ioi' ..a .jh ui i)0 X .J. i!i,arcs, M a^ricuitu- T; ■ \ceed- li‘.. it>a J tot A } 1 *1 f Uil PRINTEW Ei>Wi BriTO Pri«e for the l?ei brdvaueo P*r y^e Woek'.y G JgS^ ADVEKTI •f 1C lis?? f'lr 111 #WPiJi»g pnV.'i!^9‘r(j h»Jf sqeare f*r ea«k t* «t,Me Ik will b«' aoBtit topy. A4?er:isew?Mre T*rth*^»«i9Q'a. From an I ».t8f ■ frUi ^ eni*r«d tk« pap^r be s’at 1* »atd for_ JBvcli of oi^r oM fwr a» Ill’s gv'ri rMkiUAkce«. * Att( Fa aii«ntl Ciiuberl&u'i. Promi'i iiUe entraBleil to Oct. 17. 1851^. %Vbolt'!iaje ANDIMPO ^ardt?are and HAt bl ' Jaiy 2, ISHl. ^ J o fcJrocer o»il FAYK Ja&’j 10, 1863. B •) WOBTH. Win CoQuaission an I WILl Oct. IR, 18S3 WOHNSON, WE have thirtj (3 9&3t of Wila.:i tt»«mse!ves with sa't A. Johnson, Jr., \] nsa&ager &i the work 4ayetUTille, Nov 2,500 ?*r8ons hftTinf U »foe highest Cash prit u »be lUerchant Mill bar ^ bis old siaud a So». 5, 1862. Ait.ni 1A.M prepared to Harness for Arm; gi^o good barg&iua. «fdoT9 to me ah ih»y fcnt off in quick disp Goldston P. O., Ch "^O lb«. «I! Oct. 16. 25 * Dea. 22 SACKS 'for saJ 1-90 • Mi/ 28 T B0XE8 Via for Hale od m Sfiole Li LBS. of h« suitable fo* 2000 Piyelte^ille, April Waule TIJB-^WERN P.AIL tV Bank No*es; * Gold and iSitvei North Carolina ^ ;Oounty cr i um( ' ’^ilTown of Fayette “Green^*»oro’ *1 jCoEfederaH-7 a ConponsofftS ‘ ‘ “ of To^ •• of oM i Oct, 12, 1^3. SpnD CottOH \^E will give tipai W delivered a» in] l>ARU OU. - F«vct«ry. S^»AK AMi» I my Factory. FayettcTille. ~ ^ LBAli WASTtU.- Derartiueot P #* U*U«4 Wte* I ttti** w ^ POWD)*’®*® ai niSi] ongresioieD They pr eir place* b; nr^HE ^ bave been 1 the ( Liacolu d ffiiniBtry y,g eipeo botitiefe , el^e fiuio I pr«8in. this nc t are tef a •- *-« Dw. 10. 18«2. THE I F0& the IdUle f •rttliabf