The ronfeileratc Tax Sbc. 1. That there shall be lened and n]xin the ralneot all nstvai stores, ■ru‘> .iiut 8i>intnii3 'If 11 tuti'-rm• • ‘I-Mir. ”1 'i >;•. Cntfoll. i. i . f 1.1;' M \t iM ■ •ii>U'Mi>Ti »n t'>r >t tl.y ve:ir, 1 si*' •t rhe- "V priuluction ut’nnv yenr j).e«elinir tho ve*r a t;\x t>i' 8 por cent.; ana sn lu.nievR, 1,0.i^otes or otiier cMirraacy wn hani] or on (iopKsit on the fii’pst d^v *f ne\t. Hiid •’) Hio vnIiieol all cre^i'*ou w»urh tiib iutcre.-r 1ms nor heiJ or owned Ut aay persnn. c*-partners;t)ip or c«rporntioTi •n the 1st day ot Julv next.snti not wnployed in n hupires-!, the income lionved tn-ni which ta'ce'I under the ]>n>vi:^iin3 of this ftct, bcsc slt'!l levied and collected a tax ot .*ne per cent.: Provided, That all inoneys held, or doj^o^ittd beyond the linutg uf Mie ConiVderate States, shall l>o valued s*i. iiio ennent rate of exciianiro in C-oiit'ed- ‘ Tn^asut v n nrid tfie said rat shnll be •: ftS .. *. auii V or a- how«Tor, IhJit any mechanic, who tbaU »itt only the prodncts ot the labor of himself and his own family, shall bo exempt from thi^ tax. V I W^h Mo«;fjle dealers shall pnv two hMn- i. M? d Olar-i and two and a half per ceii I ') iMi ih - umfMuit -*f nil saleii made very perso?), whose busineau or oecupation ii i^ to ^»T11 or offer to sell sfrocvsrios, or any or merchandize, of fortjign ur domestic prodnetioH. by )ne or mor« origi- iml jMK^ka^e or piece at one titne tw the »HUie piirchiwer, uot inclndlna: wines, r»piiiit Six. Batehtri »ni Bak«rt mt H»« frow hoam ilwJl U t» a nnt «x«Mdiiig' fir« |»«r f®r aonrnfti rep%iri. sutn of fitly dollars, and on* Mr Mntaoi «b the g;ro9« amount of sales maa«. Any per son whose bn;inis« it is to batcher and sell, or offer for sala in open market or otlierwise, the flesh of cattle, hoa^s, *»r sheef», shall be deemed a l»irtcher audar thi« act; and aiiT person w!tos*^ ha^iuoss it ia baj^d aftd sell, t)r offer ^or sal#, bread. lUall ^e deemed a L»al:er uinlwr this aet. X^X. Pcfldlers shall pay ^ifty dt^lars aud two anil a half }m>t ceat *n the sales Amv person, uxtt«pt p«r»orw eu^rv^.i m ped* ous or malt liqw'jr^, shall be d«em^i as a | dliug excliHivelv peritwlicals, books, uews- whole?ald de.wer under this ac.'t; but, havinjj ; jvapur* published in tl*e ttonfaderato St«tet», been re^ister^i as a wholesale dealer, such • Ribles. or religious traoti, whwsells*^r offer® Mcrson uiAT alfo f*ell as a retaiUr. i to sell at retail, ifouds, warest or t‘ther eoiu- VII. Pawnbr. keis shall nay two hundred I modities, travelini ’.Titii his goods irom pla«e dollars. Evcrv ’ e»'Kan. \v;i(*tie bu^ines-i ur i to plaie in the street, or.throagh different .K?eupation it is t. ^a^e or receive, by wav ’ part* »f the cuuiitry, shall be deemed a ped- of pledge, favor or exchange, any goods, j dler under this act; Provided: That auv ped- niercbaTidi or snv kind t>t p^r • i^er who sells, or'^tturs to sell. dr% goods, t^rjj wares or nir ’ :.l ion ■ tl, Ukler I'ne of be>.'i I i of .l.iinat \ with t!>'' ' rhf C‘>iiin! a trn^! U' ■ ea-’l! I' ■ ■>r i':ter . - anu dncrcd; * •!"a' > . - \ rat p] on tho dav i>f .lulv next, or 1- HV ’x' )>racticat'Ie. . f. ' .’!) t],e •- dfi - of (>ot'i nrxt. r.iAy !•'' i-r -OK , -1 .1 , ^i ii;u,iieil in Le tiHh i l.i-act, wUfiMi ^»i';r'' days i .ui:e of ;!iis act. or at tli*.- time bU'ines;, ard t n tlie day rju a^^ •i’> aufial property whatever, fur the repaynuut | tiigii or doriicstic’ by one or niuro or security of money lent th«reoT», shall he | prt'oea or package*.at one time, and .tt» the deemed I'pavv^ibioker under t.hir* act. j pwl^'■>:i or persons as atbre-^;iid, sIiaH VIII. Disrillei-s shall pav two hundred | pay ons hui.drei dollars, and two and » dollars;, and al^o twenty per centum on the jialt per Oti^it. on the gross sales; and any :;n.s.5 amount of all sales mu le. Kvwrv per-1 j>erion who peddles jewelry slmll p^v nfty ■son or (•■> partnership, ’.vho distils or mann-1 ilolbirs, nnd two sind a halt per w^ntu’^i ^ {’rvturc'* j^ji^r.tons liqnor:J tor sale, “hall he i tho i;i •s sales. The tax upon peddleis ’lui'udinfr t*'i th*emed a di.-tiller under\Uis act; Provided, | shall be deemed a tax upon the personal •iOW'. V01 . That disiiili^rs of tVuil. tbr nint^y j privilej^e 'Hch - car tiiereal’ter. i ■r o! ^ m to be paid l»y eauh iudividual en- business', without regard to h the sauje i« conducted othecaries shall pay titty dollars, ai’d two and a half I'cr centum on tbe grofcJ JX. Drewers t-lmll >uf hundre.l dol- dm^.unt of sales madu. Every pereuii davs or less, chall pav -^ixtr dollars, aud also ! imaged in *?'c tit'tv cents per «;a!lon «n the first ten yT.’luns, j place at whic aTU! two dollars per •rall'^n ot all spirits »^s- ; XX.I- Apo tilled beyond that «}n^niitv. whu !. re 1>-K Rv,a two and a half p.)r eontuui *.*n the k»*epi a shop or buildin>? ^ mediein^ -f tii: saies m *.’e. Everr p-r- | ar« comp.unded or jn-epare.l ^ r.,« Iwriuont^J Ji.J-ors ■ .fj f .r^SCH ptiOTlS Ot phVSlClHHS, . i . ! .iiiit- or Lsci-'otion for sal * t'r"m mab. :S t > ■H A, . Hcr. t uy ; he c 'Hit ■H »'= cl yeariv n f'le fcsti” sncii refri?try, ther« shall be f*aiu to lector t e ^pec^tic tax for the vea’’. unn OH rhe next rhhry-tir.'t ot December, iw.d sucii orii»T tax a? mnv >>e due upoii or ■ j»i»rt, siiai* !;e a ire'.ver Art. _ ^ ^‘1-?, inri', taverns and enti'i^ hou- i'.iided Slid ra^e 1 accordinir iral. or f not, rented, awtford- '••d \nlne of tiie yearly r«tit- :‘operty occupied vr i:i- I \ 1 a? A hotel. *nn, tav- i -!i‘ iici follows, to-wit: In and sold, tball lie regarded n> an apoth^x'ary uuder this aet. XXII. iMioto^raphers shall pay the sum of titty dollars, and two and a half per cen tum on tht! urops aniwunt of sales uuade. Auy person or parsons whw.iuake for sale photo i;rapiis, ambrotyp«^. da^nierre^iypw or pie- tures on ^las«, u»«tal, paper, ».»r *#tL*r Luat«- rial, by the action of lij^bl, shall be regarded a photoifrapher under this aet. XXIII. Lawyers actually •u^aj^d in 41. If the ineoae Ve derrrei frent any mHH«fHot«iinj^ or Miosna: beeieeee, there tball be dedeoted fVem the j^preee vaUe of the prodacts .*f Ae year: Sr«t, the re«t ©f the establishMB«ut and flxtiirM, if aatnally rented Mid net owned by the perton pr«»e- •Htlui' th« busiuees; second, th« ci^t wt tlie labor aetuallv hired aud j#nid tor; thirl, th« actual eost of the raw njttti*rial perehased aud manafactBrwd. III. If the ineoine be derivad ft'uiB Ban ^i;ing enterpriees, th«re shall be deducted trow the srr^we earning, iueludiii|f the value €>f freijfhte ou jfoeds shipped bv the perswu ruuniwjif the v®guiel, the hire «t th* boat or vessel, if aot ewned by the person runuin!:/ the eatue, or if owned by IMui a re^onable allowance for the wear and tear ut the sntue, not exceeding ten per *u^ntii per a*innui, aud alse the tost of runuing the boat vr v««el. IT. If the ineowe be deri/ed hr tU« tax payer frora boat or $liip btr.ldinj, there shall \ii dedueted fr»m the f^r^ni'i receipts of hit ecoipation, ineluUit^ the ♦ aiue of the ship when finished, if built f**r himself, th« cost ef the labor actually hired and paid by himself, and the priiu«i cost of tfia materials, if pnreijAsed by hiuu. V. If the iaceuie be derived ky the tax payer froui iLe sale ef uierchaudise or any dther property, real or personal, ther« shafl be deducted from the g:roM amount of salfs, the prime eost of the prbperty sold, iticlud- ing the ••At i*f inftoaportatiun, sftlaries of elerkssttUmlly paid, and the rent of baihlings eoiployed iu the bofciness, if hirtsl a-id not owned by bimself. Ike itatftoaent er-esliraate.of iaeome and i tenant to the |^yernui«»t and for ^e tax proflM rendered by the tax payer does isot | of the lesaor on said reut, and the receipt et eontaia mare than four-fifths of the true and i th« j^vernnieDt officer shall reloaee the lessor raal amonatef hit taxable income and profits, 1 from all obli^tion to include said rcBt'lu then the tax payer, in addition to the income ; kind in his statement of income, a^d dis- tax oa the true amount ef his income and * charge the tenant from so nisicb of his r«ut prefite ascertained iuid aaseesed by the re-; to the lo.^^sor. fer*«8, shall pay ten per cttntaiii on the ', 12. That every iarsaar, planter, or grazi«r *arDOMT)t of said income tax, and the Hsseaswr f xuibit to the asi^rsHor, ua or abont ths lit A shall be entitled to one fifth of said additional ■ M «rch, eighteen hutnirnd and -^ixty-tsar an g,. ten per eentum over and above all other f«» i ' coant of all tLio hi.g^ he m^y have ilaaghJared and allewanees: And provided further,Tliai the ^asssct?^ot this .vt anu before tfaat time; the aeeessor uiav adniinister oaths ti* refere«3, * ^he deUvtry >>t this aattmmt i tlo tbe p«it tlw t»x p»y«r,'ar.d at;v wiluesa heW the •tk« aiMwr, r.f.r«8, i» r.e«rd to aaici,. ai.d any ■ 'fI;'”"""- " . 1 • 1 , 1- u • I- Hci euuivaknl (« one tenth (>t the fc«ruo 111 oured ba ded«t>«n cIaK„«.l, «r any lu referu,^ wtW.o.. hereto, in sooh |..rih as tli« i>=;r.t'.r_v ..t ti.e j,,,, ,„j ui fto'ik Th«. on tt« „t IieasHrv [»r«s-^ci ibc. ^ N tvc-mber uext, an-J each year there.Utor, IW. On all profits i-oadw by ;ifiV p«;r*o?i. liujare sh.iU bt; Uiade, aa heruiubeture provideu, ot partnership or corp-.ration during' the fj, j » luwofali oo&t oattlc, hnrtes, luulcsi, uot «•.* eij^hteeii hundred and sixty-two. by tfi-- pur- «altivafion, and assen, owued by each per- chi^e within the \juffd‘TAtC f-and suit*, '•o;i io the Oouftu"r«.ti States, anu upjii sucii vuiat dliril)*' the snid yc?ir, of nnv flour, c -r*-. t,h« .*uid-owoers shall be taxed one per «cnt., t* te con. pork, o»tK, hnv. rice, ‘'r tiu- p " bctore the tirat liuy ut Jiinuaty n«xt iru.'i, •■.’>-r;(r. .lo^ii., *3 It the yiuxier, or piinter, or lariuur of e^no, hi.ttcr. woolen clotiib, , buotv hive so!J bneves s'mee the, 1 t . ,i , , I i pri if to the tirst tlav ot Nuvuiiibtr, tht ulmky^-i aTia eottou ciwins. k t«.v o, p*.-i ‘ ' - > ceutam •hall L»e levied and collected, t*» be paid ort tljclirst day t>f July next Provid(?d, That the tax imposed by this section sliail uot apply to yarcliuses and salei >nude in the dee conrse of th.e rw^ular retuil business, aud shall not eontHiiuu heyond (he present piocei-ds of suth sulea shui. be e itiiuated and toi ed afl iucouie, after deductitg therefrom the muHty HCtually paid tor the purchas^e of such beeves, li they have been actually purcha.>>ad, and tbe value oi the corn consuued by them. Tbe estimate at thtbC items shall be made in case ot disagreement between the a.sse.^or and tax payer as hereia pr«- year. , tseribcd in other cases of iucoiut; tax; and od bath 11. Eaeii farmer and plantttt in the Cwu-> xncoceding first day ot November, the beeves sold federate States, after reserving for iis own duriog the preceding twelve months shall be •sti- use tifty bnshyls of sweet potatoes atid tifty uiatud and taxed in the same manner, bushels Irish |H*tat>‘i^, wne huudred busli- That the Secretary of ar shall divide t4« els of the corn, or fifty bushels ottho wLpat .-iorvice ©f the iuar:ermaster s department into two ^ produced in the present y«nr, shall pav aT.d; oraachcs-one, ncrein deuomiuated post ^uartsr- i deliver to the Conf*-d»rA;n Ocvfjrnnjent. of at tf‘e ovbl: iiHie recetpts* in eucU ouilne^s, sufh regi.'trv, lujn'm j.rovhi. a; ot|'ertor «hrul givt? tu tho }>o;- n r; sucii ;i>r: *‘7 H '•*py tiiertor; wiut a.cuvij*' for the a;t ■ r.i't of tax t.^en puitl. 3. A= ;- ’^cr'Or to uink.f; tbe loijis- trVj iuiv pay t!>i‘ tHx required b ’.tbc prv:*- >1: of tlu b.ji. cerded to '■ cm or eatinu’ cuttic wher« the H- rtial or tisrimatod rent practice shall pay fifty dollars. Jfcvcry per- ^uail am*nnt ‘o or more, thuy shall g(,u wb^se business it is, for fee or reward, coppritniti tu' rii'st el’*?.-, and pay an aunti;*! to prosecute or defend causes iu any ewurt .'orii in cases wuere said rent shall of Record or other judicial iriounal v>I the ii*.‘ ;iiid ic?s tLaa $10,UU‘J, til-y sliiill Coufederate btat^, or of auy Sitate, «r giv«t‘ iN-nstitule tiie second and pay au arv advlo« iQ rela-ion to causei or luatwr.i peud- nual r»um of |iouO; and iu « vrbero said injj therein, shall be deemed W bo a lawyer ! cut sljiiil i»e a . J" less than withlri the Tuenniug wf this act. tdiu^ secti.m, shall, in_addition ?o all otLor they shaii constitute the third class, and pay XXIV'. Physiciaus, surgeons uud dentiattt taxes upon his business imposed by tins , an annual snia of iu wases wLere said actually enjfat;«d in practice jhall pay atty act, pay double the amount of ihe r>pecific rent shall be lfl,OU‘.‘. and K*»s than doilars. Every person wLose ue»im»ss it it, tax on sueli business, and a like stwn tbr they ?ball constituto the fourth class, and tbr fes oi reward, v> prescribe rxiuedies or evwry thirty days >f such fa’Jare. ■ pay an annual snm vf $lW; and in ea^es perform suriricHl up«r.»Uous fur tha «ur« «l 4. Except where heroin otherwise pro- j where, ^aid rent' sha'il be l»;s-: than skl.UOo, ttuv bodily disease or ailing, shall be deeui- vided, there shall be a separate registry they siiail coustitute tlie fifth cinss, Hud puy ‘ ed a physiwiau, surgeon wr doutist wiihin Hbd tax tor each butinesi> mentioned in the an iinnual sum '>f $3U. Evory p’ace where the tijeanin^ of this act, a* the ease niay b«ic ;th section ot thii act, and for eacii p!ac- f4»od ;ind 1-dirings,r lod^in^^‘/t:'y, :trt> pro- and the provisions of para^rjipb number vided tor atoi tu’'k''»hed traveller-j, sojoutri- ^-rs ‘»r l>oHrders. in view «.f pHvttiwut tKeretor, the income or receipts from wi.lcb atnoant t ' $5UU from that s )urcc, shall be regarded as a b 'tel, inn or taveru i'>dpr 'hi* XI. e.'xry })!ac« wbr>:- or re freshments of any kind provid«d for cp.pnal visitons artd *old " -risumpnon therui'i. aud every btyaruin^^ U'»'v;«e in which there ^hall be six boarders or more shall be That the proviwious of this Aet shall ifot ai>- dtt i%- W iin eating lions#? vinder this act. ply vj physician? and surgeon* e.telusivcfy XU. !5r«)kers shal; pay two hundred dol-' ent^aged in the CX'nfeilerate lerviec. r- '^'-'y ptrs‘>n whosti bu*i”wes it 1!? tu i iXV. Ovnfwctlonem sbal] pay flifty d«r and Sell stocks, eoiiiwd , lurs aud two and a half per eeutuui we tbe r>r ofl'er Pe^'tiritiV?. for tlietu- gross amount of sales. Ev«ry person who >rs, or who d^als in tixclmnges sells at retail confectionary, sw^tnieatc, ■ ey, f'hkll l*e deemed a broker comfits or other eonfects, in any building, shall be regardeii as a -coufeotiouer eader :ei'.'.d !.r .ker«ior coin.-rii.-f.s'on ^ T hIlI)d!'^'!i doUari^. • *' || t-'T re riini tipo-i jiH ' j.-.T- .!i .-r tir- . fxr-o: '■! -i u'iiol. ;iU* de-*U?r or ‘ i>n.',!nei?ti it its, a.^ tiie Wifent oi ’‘r sell iroods. or w»*^?k .■•••in or.'jxina] or unbroken i : ^ «.« Co;isii.'ncd '.y uTlier- -'. .to manage b.i,-.ines.s '.viu-i-s of vePHcdn, or for the ’ !_0|;TS of goojp, or 'Aht.rte 'i>' rent hire or .■^ell srroo?*, shall he deemed a of conducting t)»e i'lvmo. hut no tax s^hall h required “ • e 11.ere ^t-jr..j:e of at a piaec other ihun the registered } .>t busii^esH, L p> u . ry chaise it the* p^aee of conducting Jc. i~U>r*ji Nr.^iii. •. 1, ■ .=, shall be a new retfi-t’-v. I'mi - ii tioual tax shall be re i u death of anv person ;op registered and ■ •i\ ‘ I , n]»o’i the ’ruf^'i’ ; tt! llic bUoiue&a = ' -■; additioMu. I* ■ ; regi-. ize; i) !'l ttie I..; : »• i;» tV to fjtiiir!Ti • t :i Tiib 'le'^ 'i, '-r ifer, ^ny i '^e.- ; ! r- twenty one shall not extend to physieiaus who k«ep on hand luedieiues solely for the pu'^pose of ruakinsj up their own preecrip- lions for thoir own patients. The fccx upon lawver«. physiciHUs, surgei>ns aud dentists shall be de»ixie«i a tax apon the personal privilege, to t>e oaid by eacb individnal in tbe busiu ‘-*s, and without mgard tw the plac« at vrhieh ihe tie is eouducted; providwd. iiaf - p..-’I eHc; ■I Letv u,l - • ?de. h Tial; ank li; ■ ej = fpa. u, I I. M , I,v! •Tfcill •Oiv .*U- ion, nor * - ' . i lli. o, o Ii.. ufj-w.,.. or coiiI*'II .1; ' .i-;.iienv,_>, ana oy wtjuiii riu h.tu.i ynTL ’L.jie’it euall be p.ii -i.t or upon tiii ui ! •'(-rk »r on.'t-r of bu :rin'v ’.ank !>■ -honZv . ,■ ... u-.nCa HiS circui agents tur tbe bale ol luerctiundi/.y for ac count 01 producers or nianul'acturc rs. /iuctioi.oer^ ehull pay fifty dolhub i halt per centiiio ou thegro^t, anioimt of biilcs made " ■ That rities of on=. per ceutuni on the gross amount of sales,, hvcry perton .nail l,e deemed an ay^l!oi t-cj-, u iiiiin tiKi uH-aiuiii/ f tlji-act, ' ■ I I • . rr :..r i I : I blnp’if '/. >r bu.iiiiebs if i.s t real e-'^ate or this Act Sko. 6. And every person regiaterpd aud taxed upitT! the L^ross nmonnt of sale* ac ire^aid. >hal! ^>e rejiiirel, on tbe first day of JulV. eiirbteon hundred and 6ixty-thie^, t; make a li.'t or return to the aasess«r of the t.iisti'ict *t’tbe yr‘»s.-* amonnt of aueh sale# as! 1, to w^it; From the passage of this A.!t to ■ he thirtieth .lay of J une, eighteen bumired .tnd Hixtv-three, inclusive, and at tile en«l of every tliree months, or within ten tbereatter, at>er the said first day of Juiv, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, make u iTst or return to the assessor of the VI. It the income be derived by the tax ; the pr4*ducte &f th« j>re9«iTit veur. one-tenth payer from any other bcc^ipavion, profe»sion, i of tbe wheat, jeorn, oatnj^rye', buckwheat or •mployuaeut or busiaess. there shall b« de-1 rice, sweet an1 Irish potatoes, and of the dncted from th« fress autoant of fee«, com-( cured hay aud fodder, also, on«-teuth of the peusatiwB, profits, earriingi, or eomuiistions, luolaasec made of cane, cotton, wool masters, for the colkntiou o;' the articles paid tsr U.xcs i'j kiad, and tlia ot; ;r for diatrlbutiou to the proper points lur supp.yiug the army, and tor Ucli^ering ootton and Vilucco U' tL- of tar Socret-try of the Tn-a^^ry. The tux assejsor trarisfer the uf .•irticles uue from 6atli person, by way vf u tax ia Kiuu, to tUa duly a« the saWiee of clerks actually paid, and the | au^tobacoo; the cotton ginned aud packed ' thoriz«d pot '^uarierai^Kter, takiag from tbe eai rent yt the ofjBee, or other buildinj^ used in j j|, come secure luanner, and tobaeoo stripj^ed i^uarteraiaster a»rtcaipi whiuh shall bo tiUd ae a the bacinefc, if hired aad 'not owned by ■ ^nd packed in boxes, to be delivered hy him voucher with the ohiei culkcior ia s«ttU.ig 1m himself, the o«*t of laber aotnally paid aud i oq ©r before the first day of March in the account, and a «upy ot this receipt shah be t'»r- nwt owned by himself, »«d tbe cost of naa- j u«xt vear. Each fanner wr planter, after uisbed by th& «hiei •■jllwotor to the auditor »ei- tcrial other than machiaery purehased for i j-jjiarving twenty boshels of f>eas or bean*, tlio^ the post nuurtertuastor a asttount asacharge the ucc of Lis business, er to be converted | uot more than twentv beshfrls of both, into Some other f»*rsn iu tlie ooer?««f his busi-1 foj- },ig own use. shall'deliver to the Confed- n«*c; aud iu Mu«e ef iHutual iusuraiice | «rate overnmekt. for its use, o(ie teutu of eeuipaniec, the »ujouut of losses paid , the peas, beans and ground pe;w produced by them dering the year. ' Thtr itjei'iue de-• ^nd gathered W him durijig the i^'•>re!l rived from all other couroes shali besu1*!f‘«t' Ycnr. As sooa ae the afort?uiu wr- te ko deduetion whatever. Xor sl’.ail tor-1 ready for uiarket, tbe ti..': assse-^ r, ii- eiguerc bosibjeet Vj a lax fvom au_\;oth-sr iu* | (j'sagrrveuieut b^tw^eii h^tu an . the co^e liiau that derived iVoui propel ly ewn-1 payer, sti.i'l }>n vaed l:o estiHiat« the samw ed, er *#conpnti«»us er einpli,>ymeuts pursM»d the following manner: The as5«5*or and by them within the C^vufederate States, and ’ the tAX paver shall each select a disinterest- aucoauts of the (juarccrmaittcr’8 receiviag frwsi in eelitiiating iucoaie there shall be .uclud- j freeholder froei the viuinage, who may him the articles delivered iu paysieot ®f taixM iu ed the value of the estimated aauual rental j call iu a third in case of a difference of o- kind at his depot, aud make a mouthly report of th« of all dwellings, bowses, buildings or build-1 piuiwu, to aettlo tfie matter in dispute; or if to sach officer the Secretary of War m»f iug lots iu eities, towns, wr villages, occupi- ^ue tax paver neglect or to select ; designate: That in case the post t^u*- ed bv the owner*, or owned and not occupi- t one sueh frealiolder, the said assessor-shall undt>ie to collect the t*x in kiud ed ur hir.a, HUJ tiie «f tU «ti=i»led | ,„lect twu, who shall proe«d to the !“ II 1* 11 1 * — J ,.1.7. I • • i J rri in said, he shall a«liver to the district tax aollMtoi «uu..l h.r. „t ,11 ,l.v« I crop. M h.rmn^provided. Th«y .hall aacer- . b,uUf«r the dUtr*. w«nuit«. agaiust him. Ttij post jaarteraiast«r rotsdiTiog thi;ii.e, tthall colleoi from the tax-p«yer foe articles whieh it specifit;a, and which he i.'- buaud to pay aud deliver ao a lax to the r-XiieUeristo io»ernmeQi. Thu p*jst qunrterm&siur s-Loll b« liable for tliC saJ'e custody ot tiie aniclci in '■> Cvir?, ii!j i dji'Ji I'.coouut tor the samu by sht#w- ir;g that, afrcr proper deiu’tioub Irom auavoiui- ble !o‘!, tiitt ittaiuue Lf“'3 been delivered t.« the «l4- tributiug ageutj) ao evidenoei by tho?r reoeipte The said post ijuai termaster shall also state tbs tations or farms, and Lot empio^'ed in soi^ie j ijilu the ainoiutef the crops either by actua measurrment or by computing the contents in wLieh busiuMs Oi' oceapatious tbe promts of which this ii. auu two Hiul rW^tur m, ; "v u"? ‘ ^n,- whoeo, "'“‘.I!'-" ' * “'•‘-'‘"‘rth , to ...,ll, „ ■■et/.i!: ,n„fl sale T' outcry be dcc ic^ • in diw At li, 61; , for :ie. eU, Hi; •on I :r.. . ;!-^’>v'u!h [.'I >!if' cei-s privi- tutu Hi V aiiu . u i: kli.dt-^ -hill live per c inaai: d., foi ■ii. to t a Vv ;i. tax :q. >u C';-i or • t;.-^un* commercial broKer . r commipi'tn Juerchant i lis>^rict t*f the gross amount ot such sales under this act. I n>aile as aforesaid, with the amount of tax XIV. Tobacconists shall pav fiffy dollars, ■ wbirh ha.s accrued, or should accrue, fhere- cnt. 0,1 ijr»»ti8 am tint U^n, vvliifh li?t tJh 'il b.rvce annexed thereto a busino*^ it ici ] declaratioti. under oath or afiirmation, in ff. or tobacc!'* in ! torn? or m:inncr as may bo prescribed by the any form, slmll he deemed n tobacc nist j O'“n:nii.‘^si'.>yer Tu.Kes, that tbe same ii» true under tliis net. But regist'-T: I wh ' 'lejand correct, nud stiall at tii^ pame time as and retail (]c;d>>i-s sball not he ta.'sed j aforesaid, i)ay to the collwitor tho amonnt iiinit^. ‘ . j of ta.x r thereupon .aforesaid; and in de \* V. Tiu ..tre.s shall j>av f? .humlrcd dol i tault tb'roof siiall pay a penalty in double li-.rv and tive percent, on all .'•eceiptd, which j the -im'iunt of the t»x. tax hall be paid bv the owii«»r of the build- j Seo. 7. That upon the salaries of all sal- i‘i>/ Everv edifice used for the purposei,of j aried persons serving iu any capacity what- d‘V;.r-i:itic re}ife.s-.ntation8, play.^ or pjerforiii- j ever, except upon salaries of persons in the arv -H. n’vi T)ot, including halls rented or ! miiitury or naval service, there shall, be tiseo tccasi'*n:>li V for concei ts or theatrical | levied and collected a tax of one per centum e.oiation^^, rhall l>e n^garded itii h the- ion the gro^ amount of such salary, when not exceeding fifteen hnndred dollars, and two per centum upon all excess over that amonnt, to be levied aud collected at the 'ir or i-verv brewer. '1 ; . I. ^ ;-,tilicil , . I’J' .s oi all ; .d..' urs, and i gr-So amouiit ot i >n, other than iha ' shall sell ur ofj’er ^ any aucb lic^uors or winos, in uuan- i Uore thati three gallons at one time, me purehaaer, snali be regarded aH i • le dealer iu In^uors withi.i tbe rcprt! ■itre under this -ict. P]Hch circus shall pay ■ne fiondred dollar.s, and a tax of ten dol- iarr for each exhibifion, which tax shall be ;;ii’d by the manager thereof. Every build- !!g, tent or spacis, or area, where feats of or «ko>oKc%tiu BpoiLs arc ex hibited shall be regarded fts a circu.s under this act. Jugglers and other persons e.x- hi biting shows shall pay fifty dollars. Every person who uerforms by* sleight of hand shall be regarded a jttggier nnder this tict:^ J^rovided, tiiat no registry made in one State i^hii.i o-.* held to authorize ex hibitions in another fcitate; and but one re- ?1»^11 be required under this jjct to . -u^oi ihid act. All persons, whosimll | authorize exhibitions in any one State. Oi oilei lor sale, »ny tucb liq^aoi»,. or ■ XVI. IV'wliug alleye and billianl ro-^tns xiii*ntiliee iobo th;in tiiroo g'Alio'id j ^hyll pay forty dollars for eacfi alley or bil liard table registered, which tax shall be jKiid by the owner thereof. Every place or huildfog where bowls are thrown or billiards played, and open to the public, with or without price, shall bo regarded as a bowl ing alley or biiliard room recpectivoly «u- der this act. XVII. Livery stable keepers shall pay fifty dollars. Any person whoso occnpatiou or bwsinesfl is to keep horses for hire or to let shall be regarded as a livery stable koei>- er under tliis iict. Xv III. Qi/ttio brokei>> %hali p-^y the sum utau a I ,it liJty doliiirs, ;*ad two and a half per cen- ‘I -n , ^ on the gioha d-jiouut of salo'i made, w^u.n,, * ,jy pe.'aou whose business it is to buy and ''lIlV.-!, II ^ A ■ », to Lliw uaiiie perboo, .iijia fv... ‘tj^uiueu ab retitii lieaiers in iiij[iiots. t . .tl ueaiers in lic^uor, lucluding ^ibtUied bpirvts, fermented liquorc v.ud wifibu every description, shall pay one hundred d'luura, and ten per centum dn the ^oss ^^ount of all sales made. . iletail dealers Shall pay llifty dollars and two aud a half per centum ou the gross ^Uiou nt of sales made. Every person whose biitoiiess or oecapation it is to eell or otfer oeh gr..c«-rieo or auy goods, vvare-s, luer- ..r --Uier tliin^?- oi to;>;i^i, ■ ,.i -OUCLr-ll, Ml j.i.iai v>i I '■*' ’• -i.i , a, t.iioi H;. f t. jlf 3 ^ cattle,4io«es, ^ end of each year, iu the manner prescribed for otuer tnkoji euaiaerat^sd in thie Act: i^rovifJed, taxes shall be imposed hj virtue of this Act ou the salary of any per son receiving a salarj' not exceeding one thousand dollars per aauum, or at a like rate for anoli;er period of time, longer or shorter. Sific. 8. That tho Secretary of the Treasu ry shall cause to be aseeseed and as««rtain- ed, on the first of January next, or aa soon thereafler as practicable, the income aud profits derived by each person, joint stock company aud corporation from every occu pation, employment or bnsiness, whether registered or not, in wliich they may have been engaged and from every inveetment of labor, skill, property or money, and tho ii^oujy aud profits derived from any sooroe wnatevor, except t^alariee, during the calen dar year preceding the l^t day of Janua ry next, ind the said income aad profits shall be usoertaLned, asseesad and laxed ia the manner hereinafter prescribed. I- Ii the Income be derived froai the rente noo^, lands, tenements, manufacturing |Or injning ^tablishments, fixtures and mu- (Chinery, mills, springs of salt or oil, or veins ot coal, iron or other mmerak^ there shall be deducted from the gross a«iouot of the an nual n>ntasum sufficient fopthe aeceeeary an- f®P®^ not ej^seedin^ tea per —ntnn^ •n Mia i«Bl, «zoq>ft ihtA |l«t mbI dtiit«di ) tboriced to be issn^, aud txke a rcccipt tberefoKf and forward the same to tht chief tax colUowr « ot the rooms or honsM in wbich they' are ^ credit in the statement of the ticooaBt« of laid held, when a corrcct compatation is practi- jpost quartermaster: FrovUUd, Tfaat auy partial cable by sach a method; aud the appraisers | payment of said tax iu kiad shall be eudaneil »o shall then estimate, under oath, the quantity said estimate before deliveriog the same te and aaality of said crops, including what | district tax eollector as aforesaid and the rccoipt may uavc been sold or consumed by the j given to him therefor by the distriet tax eoUeet- producer prior to said estimate, whether i ®hall specify said partial payment. Wheo the Sitijered cr not, aud the value of the portion i articles tiias collected through the payment ef ereof to whieh the government is entitled,! ***** received at the depot and shall riye a written statsment of the «.! *1"''*“,'*- ‘‘“'J ‘hall W dutributed to the ig«» timatetoS.. Mid .oll«otor, and a «opy of; “"rf* tl.o sam, to the producer. Th. .aid prodn- i ?f '* b* ■““•W. , ,, , • 3 J T .^1 I ! for forage or subsistence to such place* and in 8U*h oer stall ko r*quir.d W deliver the wheat, | s^retarj ot \S^ maj prewrib., corn.eata, *"5®^ barlej, buckwheat, rice, peaa, | the Secretary of Wat tind that some cf the beaus, cured hay and ^dder, sngar, ntolas-. agricultural proauce thus paid in and suitable for j ses of cane, wool and tobacco, thus to be paid i forage and bubdistence has been o/» will be dspes- j as a tithe in kind, in su(;h torm and ordina- j itod lU places where it cauaot be used either di arc taxed as inc-^mt cuder this act. heu the iit0«#me shall be thas asucrtaiccd, all of these whiok de not cxceed five hundred d»*l- lars per auucM shall be exempt fr«»ia taxa tion. Uu all incomct received dHriug the vear over five Lwndred dollars, and not ex- metniiog fSfteen hcndred dollars, a tax of five iHU* oeut sfiali be paid: on all iuowmee ever Qi\«eB handred dollars, aud lecs than three thoBsand dollars, five per eent shall be paid on the first fifteea haudred dollars, and tea per oent. ob the excoet; oa all incomes of or over three tbonsand dollars, au^ less than live thoHsaud dollars, a tax of tea per ceut. shall l>e paid; oa all iaconics of or ever iSve th iuaud dollars, and less thao ten thoosand dolUra. a tax of twelve and a half per cant. fthall be paid; and on all incomes of or over j marketable condition as may be usual , rectly or indirectly tor these purposes, he shafl ten thousand dollars, a tax of fifteen per section iu whieh they are to be deliv-. caasu t^e same to be sold, in such manner as ka ceut. shall be paid. All joint stock compa nies and corporations shall reservo one-tenth of the annual earnings, set apart for divi dend and reserved fund, t» be paid to the. collector of the Ccmfederate tax, and tbo dividend then paid to the stockholder shall not be estimated as a part of his income f»r the purposes of this act. All persons shall give in an ostiinato of their income and pro fits derived from any other source whatever, and in d«ij>g so shall first state >the gross aiimunt of their recaipt.i individnais or meml>ers of a firm wr ])artnership, and also, state particularly each item for whicti ade- duciion is to bo made and the ,;mo!iat to ba deducted for it; Provided. Tri'-,: tii->- iiieome and profit upon whieh tb' r.-ix is tb ►be imposed shall taot be deemed to include the products of land which are taxed iu kind, as hereinafter det>cribed. Provided ftrrther, That in caf^e the annnal earnings of said joint stock companies and corporatious set apart as aforesaid, shall give a profit of more than ten and less than twenty per cent, up on their capital stock paid in, one-eighth of said sum so set a]>art shall bo paid as a tax to tbe colloctor aforesaid, and in ciise said sum 60 set apart shall give a profit of more than twenty per cent, on tlieir capital stock paid in. one-sixth thereof shall be reserved and paid as aforesaid. The tax levied iu Ibis section shall be collected ou tlie Srst day of January eneuir^. 9. That if the assessor sii,*tll be dissatisfied with the statement or estimate of income and profit derived from any source .what ever, other than prodncts in kind, which the ered, and. the cotton iu such manner as here- ^ “ay prescribe, and ttie proceeds oi such sale shall inbtlore provided, withiu two months from Treasury of the Cocfederate the time they have been estimated as afortr- • States. Should, however, the Secretary of War said, at some depot not more than ¥ miles i *^he becretasy ol tne irea^ury that it would from tlie place of production, and if not do-1 >«: ii..ptaotiBable tor him to collcot or use the ar- liTcred by that time, in such order, he ' shail be liable to pay fifty per cent, more i ■“ “'f?*" l»ali«e», then the teeeret^ than tbe estimated vine if the po.-tion a-.|^L“i ,Ar lT,n7 ,t,!'* • “I e • 1 s. u n i 1 I ii 11 I districts or localities the money value of said arti- foresaid, to be collected by the lax collector ^les specified in said estimate apd uot rcqftired in as hereinafter prescibed: Provided, the gov ernment shall be bound to furnish to the producer sacks for the delivery of pncli arti cles of grain as rcc^uire to be pu? in s.icks for t;-unsportation, and shall allow lo the pro ducer of moladses the cost of tho barrels con- tabling rbv s",oic. Tho said e.-timiiLe shall be concluiive ovidonceof tlie ainount in mo ney, of tax due by the }>roducer to tf«e gov eruTueix% and tha collector ia herebv autho rised tc proceed to collect the same by issu ing a warrant of distress from his office, un der his signatnre, in tlie nature of a. writ of JteH fticias^ and by virtue of the satue to seize and sell any perscmal property on the f)remisee of the tax pay«r, or elsewhere be- ouging to him, or so mach thereof as may bo necessary for the purpose of paying tlie tax, and tho additional nfty per ceat. afore- tax payer la required to render, or with anv deduction claimed by said tax payer, he shall select one disinterested citizen of the vicin age, as a referee, aud the tax payer shall se lect anbther, and the two thus selected shall call iu a third, who shall inveBtigato and de- teriBiue the faetd in reference to said esti mate and deductions, and fix the amount of income and profits on w^ch the tax payer shall be assessed, and a certificate signed by a majority of the referees shall be condu cive aa to the amount of income and profits on which the tax payer shall be assessed: Provided, That if any person shall fail or re- fase to rea'der the statement or eetirnate aforesaid, or shall fail or refuse to select a refer«a as aforesaid,* the assessor shall select three referees, who shall fix the amount of ineome and prefite on which the tax. payer dhall be aseebsed from the best evidence they can obtain, aud a oerti-ficate signed by a ma- joritj of said referees f^all be conclusive on the tax payer: And prorided fortW, That in aof 9tm sftbmittaid to rt£ir««, tf ihflr or ft iMii% if *ia itod Md M^i said and costs; aud said sale shall be made ki the manner aud form and after tlie notice required bv the laws of the several States for judicial sales of* personal property, aud the said warrant of distress may be executed by the tax cofiector or auy deputy by him appointed for that purpose, and the deputy* executing the warrant shall be entitled to the same foes as are allowed in the respective States to sherifiTs executing writs oi fieri fa- oias^ said fees to be paid as costs bf the tax payer. Provided, ttiat in all cases where the assessor and the tax payer agree on the as sessment of the crops, and the value of tbe portion thereof to which the government is entitled, no other assessment shall be necee- sarv; but the estimate agreed on shall be re duced to writing and signed by tbe aeaesHor aud tax ptiyer, and have the same force and ctFect as the assessment and estimate of (iia- intere^ted freeholders hereinbefore menti n- ed, and two copies of such assesisment aQd estimate thus agreed on and signed as afore said shall be inado, and one delivered to the producer and the other to the collector: And provided further, that the assessor is hereby anthorised to administer oaths to the tax payer* aad,to witnesses in regard to afiy i- tem of the estimate herein required to Iw made: And provided further, #hen agricul tural prodaoe in kind is paid ibr taxes, if payment bo mado bj a tenant who is boim4 kind^and said money value shall be due on the first day of January ia eaeh and every year, tud be collected as soon thereafter as practicable. 14. Xhat the estimates of incomes and profits, otr;ci than those payable in kind, aud tbo statc- mcuts or biiis tor tae amount of tbe specific tax u:i occupatious, employments, business and profos- sious, uud of taxes ou gross sales, stiall be delivur- ed by the assessor to the collector of the district, who shall give him a receipt for the same, aud the said assessor su&il file his receipt with the chief tax collector of tke State, aud the collector oi tha district, holding said estimates, statements or bills, shall proceed to collect the same frem the tax payor. The moucy thus collected shall be paid to the chicf tax collector 5f the State, aoeom- paaicd by the ^timatos, stafcmeuts or bills afbre- daid, delivered by atiscssor to the district ooUeetor aa- atoresaid. 15. That every person who, as trusted, guar dian, tutor, curator or oommittoe, executor or ad ministrator, or a.l agcat, atturnej in fact, or fac tor, of any person or persons, whether rosidiog in tho CunfoUerate States or no;, aud every receiver iu cLancory, clerk, register or other officer of any court, shall be answerable f>r the doing uf all such acts, matters aud things as shail be reqairod to be done in order to tho assoejfrnent of the mon- ey, property, products and- iucoitae under their coutrol and the payment of taxes thereoo, and shall be indemnilipd against all and every person for all payments on acooant of the tuxes herein specified^ and shall be responsible for all taxee due from the* estates, inoomo money, or property in their poswession or under their control. lb. The income sad moneys of hospitals, ssyi lums, churches, schools %nd colleges shall be exempt from taxation under the provisions of this aot. 17. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and I e is hereby aatHorizsd, to make all rolas and r igulations necessary to* the operation of this act, s>id aot iaoou^isteut herenvith. 18. This act shall be iu foree ibr two yean after the Qxpira^on oi the present, and the taxes Ucreia imposed tor the preseai.,^ear shall be le vied &ud eoUeeted for each year thereatter in the mauner and form herein prescribed, and for the said time of two years uulesa this aot sh dl be socoer repealed: Frovided the tax on aaval ctorM, floor, wool, oottou, tobaooo, and other aiprioaita- ral {>redttots of the growth of any yf >»oeed- ing ii~’ -ti imposed iu &u iaa H l^iis ae«, uui\ be kvisd «•'* ^ ^ i paiN'r; EV C.I I’rice f .r ■ ^ ii'1'’an/’c the V. R/J varcp. of ^r, V. half S'ji.'i for fca o ‘ quesie'1 i- -i ,t Aov wi ’ I- ingiv. Ivcriidi^n:. vert-Sfii -n' From an ' will be r^ ‘TO'1 the p'^pcr li* riiftn iH vai'l^l' '-I'o’-f 0 pt^r ou thir it "ILT. ?.tfeni 'nnirjerl.T liw. Pru..iit olalma ..ut;.. Oct. 17, I (ifAt. V Uhnlrs.ll A.N’D n [^arduare a HAV July 1- ■ .! Groetr a^t FAl Sfin'j ’ B JO W ' il. WiUi Commission vva 0:1 10, 1 :3 JOHN'SO biiVt tHir: VV fO-S! ot V.) th«-n-i“o)v«s V. ': A. JoVtu.son, J BtaD.a^rr si ti>c't FavettevMV I » Cr 2,o0i! llSr I’erfouo the highir i . . the Mer :h j! \ ber ai iiia ol3 Bi -tn Nov. 180::. 1AM pr- ' ireu Hrtth'-^s for Ai gi\e gi-'O.l biirgn'.p ord»rrs 10 mp ik: ■se ii oK i»i .1 OoidHtou I'. O., lUn. € 1 )r,; 1 ,1 19U1::;:.= Majr ^ole \p w aisi 7K~TKU\ 'A] Ii : N • U. ! i HIl • til N..r C-..-1. w ' f -■ u Totfo of F >yt ’•ir.j*-'!'- ‘ i C .1 t '. i-ri> Oouj UI.- o' $ ■ : T '• 0! ;1 Oct. 12, 1803. Spun totto! J E wii; g\»e . p deli»ere'i &i i Faotory "'If lit .l ^i> i ir Factory. I FaT’o’vsTjlla, 1 EAD want: U; ii Dep:>r> . ■' 1 tUtea wi.i II POWDER f.r .= «9-if itiiiikiil ''flHB salv.icn^er i ^ the Count/ I.t L inistrvtor upon tl iioti£L( ftii pifsoas pr«seut tbeai wiibi liih nc-,cf wil* be Da F THI^ J lOB tlie LitUe F ex celaU kf

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