Rud toi WkX 1 tka re««ipt «t viid rant' iu uui«, 4i«- (ch of his rwiit T I i ‘ ■, "• rrazi*r tli« lit Qt \t* Unr, an a«- ia*ii *iKtt^L‘«red L lore tkat itate; t>> ike p«it ^«&r- UT tb« aM««!*or, tvr sQilI d«liv«r ^ ill uured ba I u >i> ■!! the eue Tfii; ^ift ot ii: ;ii r. .tii lli;: -•' J ; -iviiidU, wt t, .(■ yul K««4a !u 1‘soh j>er* u ,'Ucii v»!ae ic- y I •« nl.. t>« W n n«xt 111 r. l‘anu« ■ > . 'he gr#ii* 1. .it : d and totx- the muuejf such beevcs, u s(i. au ■ thtt value Tlid cl ; 01 di«aere«m«Bt ;t;r bcreia pr«- tk.-; und OQ #a«h r. rhe beev.g iol8 iilhs »l M Mti- irujir. r .-'hull divide tii« >ariuieQt ioto two led jiwst tju»rt«r-* SEMl-W E K 14 arf r ■,hc tL _ I Ui lu laii • . paid ttr ■" uuon to , »nd t«r , ;Uj wf th- -«i* jsor *h.iM . trooi «2i«k t Id duly am- Ir ui tke sh14 Ud tiled afi a r i4 seuling Hm jpi ‘hall L«j f»r-* thtr auditor ki> uuunt . ji a ehargti UHatvr rauMTiag Ue i.x-pHyer tihs kich he i,' botiiid tliu ■- •vijietlerato rni.-'icr >Lull s« aiL. * . M«v i ia i«e 5a!'!» bj gh*4¥- Ir anaveiua- i"e:‘»'i ‘.w the d;a- jj ■ *r r-oeipss. Ui ftldu state tk« I reciiiiviBg frwui «f tttXM iu itLlj r«purt uf tb« itary of War m»f Be tLc post ct tbe tax in kiud 111 to Li Ui a* atbr»- ^ict lax sjllft«tor ^tTMa warrant a«* ; rcc«ipt theralfi:, kt tax colivoMr A ktccuRUi ef aiid l hat auy partial 1 bii «udera*d »a * the ^me t« tke 1 tnd iLd r««oipt itriet lax euU««t- ibDt. Wh«Q the iJitf paruient *f I at tlie d«pot ii ei to the ag'eDtt it' the/ ooQsifit Uiej be 8uiubl« fktibe and in su«h may prescribe, that some cf tk« uii i f)UiUible for >/* » ( de[KM- ulier di- rpo^es, he shaA i iuuuaer us he -iu>;n ^ale shall (I Conlederate • ■etiiry of War irj ■ but it would f or use the ar- tu ,e OKJcived icD the Hecreta- coil-ct io said kluc ol said arti- aot rc^ Hired in I duyonttie first } and be* Ctr::, ...- ICS and profita, ail.* : . btatc- ie i-ooitic ta* cervs , profoRr luali ijc delivor- i.t tiie duitriet, same, and the ith the chief olltictor ol the meut8 or bills, trou tho tax bhuil be paid Stale, acoooa- or bills alore- triot collector ^ro-Mtce, guar- tecutor or ad- Id iu : IlCf i ^ or tac- in j1 all uirad ■ mau- their th orcvn, and [ e >'tjry per«ou herein M’ur all taxoe . Of ^rjpprtj Jtrol. tioepitalS; an'^ni eea tihail be nioQi 1 thi* iur_,‘ , and rults and oi t*ii« act, jeari* aiior id the tazee lihaii be io> tftcr in the |aa(i for the Dt sb tU be tvai Btorei, aicrioaita- ►” >*oeed- ioa H CH . XlJI.j FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. JAxXUARY 2.1, 1m4 PaJNTKJ) MON'.KAYS aNR THUUf^OAYS EinvAiU) j. hhf: a soss, HI ITOKS AN1> - U.^I’P.IFTORS. l i-iee f;>r the ^ushh'. 00, paid in tidranod. , l*«r the Weeklv Otjssbvkk ?1 00 per annuu, psiJ ’o atJvarcp. t^AWIRTlSEMFN’TS .nsent 1 i>r ?'2 ppr - u*r« of 16 Maes for the first, ami ua»» * ‘H'^r for eaob ?uc- ••e-Mng publjfatio'i. A‘!vf>rt->:pni>>nt not eicpp'linp n half sqiiar linos) fl for fhi* 6rr>i and 50 cents for sa5h »u'’ce-*.i!np jmblica''on. \Jvertiser« art* re i]uesie>1 to stale the iininl.-vr of ini»crt.ions >ii»sircii, or Aev will he c»ntini;c 1 ti 1 f^.rbid, an ingiv. A Ivertisemeuts oji*unaeJ ohwpvjJ as new sJ Tertlsenienf-. I Mt. Vernon Femflle Semiuary. THF 2l 9e»p'’n-» will c'>mm«‘nce ihe 15th of FEU tin.APY confinue 2> we^V" j T''.iiion ’3 H'lurlinh Hranc'-^u *"0 I I. 1 Mut!0 »nu Patulin;, (^>ioh,) 40 00 1 '5'ihfol Riinm exr’t'i' •■» 3 00 I B trfl *''K0 p«T If p*M in rro»iKion» at ol ! ! P’ii'oa J50 .'•! pf T’l’iiors on® h‘»lf f>f Ho»Td rM I quin d in adTaoot* Bach t>i:pil will fnnn'dh hi^r owr ; oi,f, ps^jr ntiAftu. fin«i piir pillt« Caseci, one ; C '-mi-erp4n'» or fjuilt nwi % dri>-kine ear. Rev WM hooper, ) T »’ HOOVEa. f Prinoipftld ! AtMrcs^ c^t Lawr»rtc'* P*'(> . ha*h»m c ‘un'y. I ..T 12 . 97 «w TSSE .\»aT2B CAROL!A MUTPIL life INS!I5ll,V( E VojiPA'^sV. FAIU BLUI'F ArADlinY. Se^o>l wtll ■■ oittneDC* ^ iTI( n. Frora an t « ter •n. csAie. no name of h new siih>cril.t'i will be efffercil witlioui p;iyn ent in Rilranot;. nor will the pj^per be «“th to -’aoli sab^ioribarb for h longer tinio tban 18 paiilrfpr. Such of our o’>l 8Ut'^crib‘.?rs as d^shc lO take the pi»- p«« Ob his syHieni will pletis*- uotity ur( wht-n miik.irig r«mittp»ice5. J*“’y !• .TJcjL. •WrAVf 1\ • Attornev at Law, Fayetteville. X.C. WILL attend tbe OouDtj and Snr-'-rior Courts of CmuberlanJ, Him**!!. M or«* and Kobeson Coun- lies. Prompt aiieniion givcb to the collecliou of *11 j •(jlaims entnisled to his hands Oct. 17, 1851K • 5H-if , , , , . nnUK int of this Seno'>l wtll ■. omtnenc* J^n'y 1 char^cd accord- : | ig), 'jgfij ^0? Princip-il will deT-'e hia whole »tf>’n'ion lo the ni'ral »d well aa the nieiilHl ndvanoe- ntent of fh> f«tud'tits PoarJ can be had in the villijje upon remonable term* . A. McN. LEAOH. P'inHpal Jan’v 12 . 97 C pd , M**retnp*.ory Vtt’-g’* Sal^ of Olr^et tmr poi toffon, • * . BY {! T A«L() Q U E i ‘■«“th year of siicce-»sfn! op*vi.(iou .»ub . ... . I growing capital and tirmei' bold np»a p'lS'M'i C’»n- fidence, continues to itidure the live.s of-iU he:l ;»> f'l- I 8on» from 14 ti; fiO yei»r.'i*of ;iae. f jr on.; for s ON TUF'^DAY, J'tnii'ijry ".fl *, lftfi4, oiRm(>noiaa'a* 9 | and for life— ■vll lifi* rrjeij)bi.rsth%rins'ui the i-ii''it-^ o’c'f-clt A M I vriil H. h M4 luy a ttc'Oma, No. j Ail slaves from 10 to 60 •.•c.trs of arc ■ini iuaJs i i Granite Row. Wi!miDgto(i, N 0 , bjr eii«logua, ftie I oooypar or for five yearb for- tw.> thir.l^j ♦hi-'ir v thte. BY WILKLS MOUKIS, Auctioneer. JVOTMCE, ) V ILL LEAVE Qreeaijb ^r.nieh ou r; e 8 h ■ f F.*nru- 2 • T- fl'lisb-'' .uiib 'be 9'h and 'i 1 itbcroujii tbe litfh, *. r t*ie Hrrriy of Nurflum Virginia A l p-*rpons d sirotjs '.f .^elidintf b'xes, wi’! p’>-RHt! ii^ve them re-»dy n liitf ".t.ovo mnsed ilii's. w ichel. niark»d ami p op“r- ly dir c' d pirce’d ctiino* br^ tr.k?ii Baxe« vr r. ’ .» t li: -n uj V 'ij ■ i ti roi^dt’.f.- st tif>a« W\L! E^ A THOMPSON. H u e A^-n». 9ia THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, OAKS. ORANGE t'OUNTV, N 0 * Roo'ti for ?fveral good Boys Tuiti on for 20 weeks from Jsn’y 14t*i, J160 p. ,rd •• “ “ 500 Address W J BIN >HAM ft POv, Oa»:s, Orar ?• N (' r>ec>29 IS63 93 9 H GSO. W. WlM-iAMS & C»., i H’holesale Dt*aK*i’« in liroreries, AND IMPOHTKKS A^’TV T>EALEKS IN hardware and OiHery, Swede^ Iron, &c.,. HAY BTiitKT, F .IKTTEVlbLK, S. C. July 3. IHcil. iJti'f JOS. I'TLKV, Grocer and VominisHiott .^Itrehanf, FAYETTEVILLE, N C. /an’y 10. . '»3-tf B jQ WO'»TH. 1) Ii W'RTU. S. O. DAMlllL WOK'i’ll & €0., Commission and Forwarding Dderchants, Si'Vflfr Streets WILMINGTON, N. C. Got 16. 18''3 73 12.t» " JOHiVSO.V, W1LL‘,^MS & CO.. SAI/T UAKKtSS. YI’^E haw tbirry ^S'•; p.»u; a -* ia open»;i'.'n nine miles VV east ot VVilrain^ci 'U. P-irtip? Wi^Viin^r to supply themselveJ* Tri'h O'*!) *'e rurn:“hed ^ v applying I" A Jobason. Jr., Aeent ai Fayetteville, to E. Page, Bianuf^r at tbe work^. .Dr to J. M. WILLIAMS, n'niTfi,: Sny'*rintead“Cf. FayeiteTil’v, Not Ml*f “ \vA.^ri:5>. 2r/iA BUSHELS ‘VHBAi. ,OUU i,50(» “ COKN. l’e^^on8 having the Kcjove articles to seil wul r&ceivft the highest Or-'i price '"-y caUi.-s oii Mr. M Th.jin-kSin at the Merchant Millx. Faven-vil!'?. or oa the subflcri ber ai iiis ol3 stand on Marxet Squa.e. ILEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5. 186-2. 7.5tf . ASI^IV HAUA I AM pr-pared to manufaoture aL kinds of Wagon Harness for Army U2e. 1 t«n usy leather and cwi gi\e good bargaipc. Ageui“ wil. uo well 'o send their orders to me as tb' y shall have proinpt attention and 9e’;i otf^in qtiick dispaf^ii. JoHN AH.1kR GolOHton P. O., Chaf'-am G>.. J'lUte 13. tbo;:. f •200 IhH. «um Arabic tor salr Iiy J. R. CeE. (>ct If-. U'KTRK1^ RAII.. ROAD. The FREIGHT AND PAS'iENO’^R TRAINj* of this Road leave Fayetteville daily. (.‘Sundays excep;e*ll at 8 o’clock. .A. M.. and returning leave Egrypt ti 1 o’clocK. P M Cattle aud Horn !fr»in MOND.AF, WEDNESDAY and FRJDAY. liy order JNO M. ROBE, Treaa’r and Gen’l Trana. Ag’t. Jan 22. 1863 97tf Firom and after (!ii« date the 8t*aiuer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 »'clock. A. M , on Monday and Thursday. J()S. A "'OHTK, ■April 6—17tf ] Ap’t C. F. i?teim Bo»t Co. j A^lc'VirrK, M. i\ • I ^ I WILL open rhs EAGLK HOTKL for the r^ ■«»p Jl ce'^/iiun of Gii--si“ the fi’‘j«t of June, and 1 hop* cliii j»tc oolt; to euUTi im frota.eeveniy-fivd to a hundred per;«ons during th^ Siyiimer. ! In connection with thi« !».rge Hotel, I have i nuniV-er ; of Hacks, OarriaiE«'9, liuggics and Sad ll** li'rses ttial tny gu-^sts can gei at* a minute’s notii e J. M. BLAIR, I'ropriffor E&gle Hotel, .\ohe»ille. N. C. •May 13,18t^3. 81-ypd * WANTED, lor tlie Hospital at Fort Fisher. POULTHY, Chickend, Butter and other delicacies for K!^k :?o1diers a* this Hospital. P**rson3 having therte ar'-:de8 can obtain tbe market price on applica tion to the sabneribdr at his old stand or at Mr. J. W. , PoW'jr^’s on Tiay Street. R. E- HEIDE, Gen’l Ae’t. Aug. -5. 68-tf 'f'o C'ottou Planter**. IHAV'E been appointed by the Secretary of thj Tree- Bury, Ctiief Agant for tno purobasa of Cotton for the Confederate QoTemmt»n» within the 3'4:e of N >rth Caro lina, aHl will pi/ for i*:e same io 7 per 6«nt. Bonds or Oai»h. Sub-Agentu visiting tb«* di{fer‘'n! p^rin of the St'*te buyitig in B»y tiame, wiU ^ave wnttrto eer>iSc»i^a c; appoi.'tment. « By order of ths Seoretary of tne Tieaiury, all Coitan purrihased by tayself or my agents, ou ana au^r t>; 18iq day of .March 1863, will be pail for m 7 par ceai Bond6 »T Cash, anji not 8 per cent. Bonda as aiAt^yi o a ;.i\irt!sein'ni Cp to that time, howtver, lat 8 per cent, bonds will he furnished as stateJ. Patnoiio citisens are now olferii an opportunity to aid the Governmeut by :>elling ro it laeir Ooti^on raiaer U3au t.) capitali^LS. LEWIS 3 WILLIAMS. Chariot! . March 21, 1863. [o. d.] I4tf HANTS D Vi-}« WAHTKD, [>ANTS NOTES of North Carolina, South Oaroliua, ■•j^Qis %n>i Gfrsorgia. Also, North Carolioia six per cent. FundaMe No*e3. *1-.., Nori'a«Car;liBfc nx per cbi. BonUa. new is«!ue W. R. RICHARDSOW i CO., Rrokere. FU>ijrh, J. Q. Var-K r. '’if *IJVu MITCH fILL. TOslAt CVi#. t Oil iNlA TOlJ^i’Cf), various grade 3, J.»7U for s%lf! on oons’iuaic: i, by GKt.v V \¥l ,Li .M3 *; CO. May’23 , 31.f ^ 5i*ole li€‘alh«‘i’ wanltMl. Liib u i.covy w.-r. SOLE LEATHEh, suitA-'ic: for Bclung. Ai-piy to MUri’ilY. •20t* w Jo TE'TKRN HAIL road ?TO;iK; B ivk NotfS; Uv i l HU'l t5i!v*-r; • Nor ■'C/» Trcaour- N(.*te.> (Fur.dible:) *• J I Hii 1 i-; B )T. ;s, ;1 i a:: t aew: ^County f f J umV'B'1 iiid B ndi«; Town of F iyeH«-Till« Bint.-; 'Gr.irni? *oro’ $l v d i'i vlt-rufi.-aleti; *Coi federate 7 aad 8 per ceui. iionds; Coiipons 0? $1 T.OOf* O^W 1 »au; •• of To»n a!id C'tc’it j B >nds: “ of old N.nti tj^r-'l’na Bc nd«; r. s. LOTTERLOH. Oct. 12, 1863. ' 7li: W Spun Cotton Exciiaiiged for Lard. | E wili give tipun oltou lapart payuient for LARD I 1 delivered at my Factory on Person St. ' A. McLAUCIlLIN Col toil Varsi lor rOT^-Ui. 1- toret»y ^iven tti*i »tii*r ttiis Jtie (eseeri ill tia«‘S where VO h' Ve hi-^aiti«d for Vool accord jr.^ to 'ue f.^ rrit« o r vJv rti-5 -uient of ihe SOia of May, ■pb>cb .erii)* *re uuw revoki-J,) we will give V ban die ot ootton Yarn for 4 lbs of Wool uu'*rasht‘d, or lua. *aeuf 1 aiid picked, i'tin oha-iijs ih inado »t the iasJano^ of 'To tlu-*rtermaster aiRtl-i^tj, murder to oiae the t am of exchange unifarai thruugboul t&e Si*.te. GEO. W. WlLLLlMS & CO. Fayetteville, June 29, 1863. 41 tf • u til A » » 'PHE tiudersigued 'i4re taken the A/euoy for tn^ sale 1 of Mesfrrt 'iV B Farrar ai Co’s Grind .'t«>neH, and j have now on hand sixes ruuuirig from 18X2;^ inches to I 6 fjei by 11 iaohes; and can have out at saovt notice • any sizes wanted. Persons in want oY Grind Stones : t%ill pL;ase correspond with the undersigned, who will ; fill orders p'omptly and guarantee the quality of the j grit ao represfjsiied. 1 .GKO WILLIAMS .t CO. ' p'ayaU. vilie. May 27,-! ij-S. , 12-1* Coal ► iinderaigneii w*-r9, at ttie Noveuiber Term of the . J, Coutedfcfi^le Court, Dietriol of Norih Carolina, >*p- i poiuted Managwra of the Egypt Coal Mine property,' I and have entered into copartaorahip for the purpose of i minixig and seiling Coal, and solicit orders for ths same j iu any desired quantity. Ordeis for ajy aaiount cao be Rupplied ^ short notice. Th^Coal from thia pro perty is uadouttodl.^- the beet iu the Confederate Slfttes. App'rtationa raay bo made to Chas B Mallclt, Fayette ville. N 0., er James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MaLLETT JAME8 BROWNE. Fnyyffeville, Jan’v 'iCy. . Wif f„\Ui> Oil. Factory. . i V(*ry .Izie article, for sale at my A. AlcLAUCilLlN Paliiia Chri^ti Bcaii!«. The subseriber will pay the bigheMt cash prices for Aliy quantity of Palma CkriSti Bean.%. TOIl^SiT JtOAP.— my Ff'ci’ory. A MoL.\U.’HLIN- Faye'levills, 12, lf>6:5. 6^-6mpd ^ORTH Of't FaycttevlUo Arsenal and Armory, \ Nov. )2. fHt)3. t $100 ItOUiV't'V. IOt> ^fijunled AUTHOiill'Y tiaving been graniisd by the Wav D- pr.rioieat to rai^e a Company of Mouot«d n f'?r .service in this vio aiiy. n^tics is h*»roby givci that rpcruito to th" m mbpr -if 100 Aon eonscriptt will b'j r^- 1 oftived for hi; SPTTice. -Each rcoruit wiU ba rquirrd ' to fu'^niah a serviceable horjic. tor whioh ho wtll be al- lowcci 40 o^nts per ciem, and hia pay $1^ per mnath. Writtm ptrmission will he required fro;a parents or (Tuardtans. wh«re the applicant is o :d**r »he coDHC-ript OULXAM B DBFARTHKXT, . ( \ Halhuh. N. tj.. May 8. 186S. f i I ^AD WANTED.—1 wsh purc-ra-e Lead for this i Jj Dep;irtu3e«t I’weous mg l -.rsr.T or ^mali quan tities will pkfwe applv at og.-v Wui give 1 pound >f POWDER for ]0 pou »a of LEAD. THOS D HOGG. Capt. S In cuarg;- ot t)rdor»no«. A«Smini«'rator’» I^otice. '^PHE subscriber aiiving a' December T; ru, 18C2, of 1 thp County (Jcnrt ^f Cunberland, qualified as .A 1- a.tnisirator upon the E-'tateot N»ul G. McNeill, dea’l, afr» notifies ail persons having claims s^gninm the Estate to ; Each rpcruit must bring with him a blauiet or bed presect them witbiu tbsj time limiteti Hy law, otherwise | spread, and come prepared to remain f ni’ notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. DfMors i Rridles, saddle?. kalt»rs and saddle blar.k«ts fiM'nifb- ed by tbe Government, or if tbe recruit oomes provi.^ed W!fh th(*ni, he will be pa*.l fir them a »'air valuitioa. A’fiply to Capt M.ATTHEW P TAYLO^l, a' the Ar senal F L CHILDS. 80tf] Major C. S. A. Oomd’g Post. rfeuuisted to" tuvke protnpt pnymrtnt. TiECIOft MoNKILL, Adto’r 1' . -0. ^ THE IIIAIE PRlfllElKl, For (he LitUe Folke. A tarther supply *f whole?*!* « NttU kf f. BiJiJi * BOi^a. oii'/oe* u( the .jihips PHi, ICoV, i^nWiLB DifltKlL, . | Wit" lar^e consigam«'ui« from other Vv^«els. vte I DRV GOODS I tSS Dirk and F-t' cy IVia^s, Scbawbe’li A Hoyle’* i 23 b-»ii-8 aoa Wiiiie dj 2‘> bilf and B!e%ched Shiriiag * 14 o>is-s BUflk .Mt-*coa» ti o uIps iSuper Frmoh Black Broad Ctotb 5 baltw extra b^ -ivy Wool Coatiags 10 oas'e# Cji,*8inirro« "5 6 ca^es Fmoy Mohaira 6 bale® Weish Fi'inn^d ^ 4 F^ucy W*r- jfUnu^l* 1 b.»if>, Fi-ij>nel 4 B u.* S:>tiii^tis ^ b^lrii \tixud 2 b;U*i * F .tn-r Twfbds 4 halfB Be 1 Tiok 2 cases Fri'nch ^1 rioo 2 casef* Frerico Cnssimt-rc •2 oas**s L. C Stiirts 1 Ca40 Sf ?1 D le Ulo'h 1 oasp Pilot t’inlh 2 ciBMt H. avy B'u" .Army Cloth 2 ca«* 8 Hiii>er Ulu*- l>r-**d Clotk 1 case Wi4tor Proof Twa^da 1 catur VeNt'i Pt 3 c^»8e9 L n - vys 1 c*»o ^f.>tlIf•i Alp-veoa ' 1 oiM«‘ Grey D-La^n • 2 04S-.*B Fi.-u-e-t D.'L-'tiBei 1 case PI ud Kn cli rbockar 2 c iS.'K F 'ncy FU'i>»> I'Sairla 2 oas H M■ ri >0 8‘iir's : c. e M«*'ino Drawisrs 4 cases \Ie/ine* 1 c^ae C‘>lnrrii H kndk»ro^>lefa 1 cise P»per ra'iilrsa* 3 cases .-’loal Cotton • 3 caHfS B lift B'K or li e 1 CHS* '.** (arv Bu tons 1 cafi>*s Pin^ K'rciy’s 1 c*s H ^ir Pins 1 CSS" Stay Btn.iing 1 cast* L'oen Snirt ColKra 1 c-is? Loog S!iav''8 2 o*s*B G'OV('« and .Mitt« 1 «tnf. liofp Skirt* 1 oaeo assorted Ribbons BOOT."* AND SHOW. V4 eases Gem's -tnd L-dies’ Sneea 2.^ c »sc-» .Army B’ucii«*r3 fi. »*a«es Sh^p T’ r*»ad ' 7 t ates de Leather 3 cises Frroci waxed Calf Sklu STATIONERT. 2'i oastf'* Cnp, Lettff and Ncte Papw 13 cas'jB Pens. H Ider^ and Pencils ' 8 c wef E ivr'op -s, whi'e and t uff 8 caACS Playioe c'ards 29 b indies PaSte. Boards CARDING, Jta. 4 case*’ Card CIot*>ine 47 aasii* Cotton J^aros No 10 «Ar“» AND CAPS. 20 oa«es Qeui-»' Cap* 8 csues French Fait Hats GROCE RIE.^. 4-1 bnl.'i '^ruaheJ >*ugSr baas J*ir {' ff^e 10 balf C’lps''* Y .-nnz Hypoa T-*» 20 ('a‘»p> Vin.*gar '20 cases Pirkles 2(t c.i-es S »lad iH 30 0 ii.'Brown i*oap • DH ciies Soap .•iO (Mses Belmoti* !*perm Candles ■36 barrels .Maok»rei l’ barrels Safmon LIQUOR‘S. i 6 q*j««tpr c^s^s Vznac B'andy, a superior ariiela i 9*^ casks B urH-fn Whi-boy 10 n- lf piF—»*B >nrh^n Whiskey 8 pip»s Hn'l nd G'n ^ ! 0 as'H- tHi T -ni Gin • 2*^3 oases G.‘ni*va G n, 123 c'iS'*** O d M*lt Whiskey . 65 casfs Bjii'boa Wni^hey 16 cases Soh-idtm Schunpps 2') c wf.e*' Cti »riir> irne 1^ C-w»-’S P- le Ale 21.j i*c;:tiao Brandy, Dupont and other fayori e brau if. . . SALT.' 30*; sac’fS Liverp.-.»1 G ' Silt 160 skcka r»i k'- an 1 Salt • cra'ei“ E.rib*n W^^e 2-j ■ »«>* Gl iSrt W*re, Ttimblere, Wine Glasses aal D -c lateri , • HARDWARE, ko ,10 tons. 400 hiin lies, 6ae Nul Roi Ixon »0 b X'>8 I'erne Plates 44 Hng.* cat N^ilb 356 ) lbs Hr>'l w Ware 4 8 K r.v-'.-* and F "rki VJ '.^.sea Hcissrtrg and RiZ >'-* 1 ct-ie F'i .-a, H mmers, littci-ets and Oiml«ts. 116 b'^X'B WimIow Glass 10 cas 3 PiT C ir>S PAGGING AND HOPE 25 b'»l“s G'iur.y B-gging 30 coils Ba'«? Rope . ORDGS, Ac. 32f) k?e« Bi C%r>i .••oda 26 c-i‘:''S ^ ■'n 'i j iltf fiO rtsk-j Er‘» m Salts 35 >'arrels Lump .Alum 8 kp(i’'i PowM Crea!.- Tarter ‘Z Potass 3 casPH Q i'niiie 40 b-rrcl'i E iglish t'opperas 100 hox;:H Ks'rant LoKWOod. 6 oartks R fined Camphor 1 ti(-roe Cerat Resena -> 1 rase Citric Acid 1 case Acid T>4rt I tieroc Piilv Aoaeia •3 ca!k8 FKir Sulphur’ 10 drums Balsam Jopeiba ,*16 o^pks Alnohol 1*1 P Huheons Alcohol 12 casks Linseed f)il 70 drums Linseed Oil. 10 canea Tannin Acid I case Iidia Rtiubarb 1 keg ChloT Potash 2 i e 9 S Tartir 14 ca^es Htlsani Copebia casts Pow’d I’anthnrides 1 keg Guru Acacia Zioo ’• cues Mustar.l :t carooy« Sulph Aei*! 2 carboys .Ace'io Ao'd 1 case Pn«'d Ipacao 1 c^'se Pt»lv Rboi 'I’arkey 3 caflps Bi C^rb Pot«sb 3 cas?s Pow'd Jalap 4 cases India R‘-ubarh cas«s C»s*pr 0 1 10 drums Olive Oil ' 5 10 cases Calomel. Pil Hydralg, and Iodide Potass 4 cases Chloroform. Jan 7 96-te 1^^ Persons atto'ndtDg >kiR sale with a ylew of pur -■ill losses ar*i puuciually paid wituiu Ht* -lnys satirfactory proof is pre.-eu!ed. For further information the pubi> ' is relerrod Agocts of the C.irapaay in -.*tl piirf.i c .he Sta.e, ana .•t II BATTLE, Secrpt 'kry. Rileii:h 0. .1. il.vLE. .\vT'«! -t' lA5v*. fayeLirv'l' ti »^VKTTE ViTl7K ~ yi^riAl l.\SIU.tV€K COIIPA^K C*. -ti iu T'reniuin Notes amon’.ta to $267 688 ’.H> Oa*' u huad and oti>kr ae'«etn. W.077 36 J-in 16. 98- ' FayettCTlIlp .Arsenal and Armory, i ■ A!;i;..ny 13 lHti4 / W%ATf::5>. i IVegro Carpenters, Blaoksinitlis h Helpers. j ^ FE-T tir-ii rut '■'I'ttr ■'i■'irp‘?:i(tTe*. ii k^rsiii « a..- i >•^^i^•.■rs. CIO bnd etjploypient at ihis Arben-il ar->» I .Ariv; .ry Apply to ■^7 6.1 Lt Cf>L F. L ;H1LD.^. C-md’,-'OflS'-er Total, $272,7H.* ■>! • Tht Company fhave jjuid all ioss-'^s, aa J ► •»vff ri«vi>r made an .issess«eut ot- i nreini'.iui j^^e(•. f ‘ Total losses pa'd, j OrrtiiKRi*; I • ■ GEO. McN'jlLL, i*resideni. D. a. R-AV, Vice President C. A. McMlLu.iN. Sec f. DiJI aCTOB!*; Henry Lil’y, W. N. Ti'linf'‘«‘>ii, H. L. Myrover. S. J. Mins‘ia,e, S. T. Eiawlcy, Wm MiLaurm, Nathaii A., T. S. Laiterloh. xirAR FOU.'VURY. T^n «u‘'Bcr’ber vjiry respeoifuliy TEfo»^m8 hia friends • n-i t:c public g’'--'»^’’'''Iy lh»t he ao« in ’m*- pmrj’ciy mer I co’np»ient w.>rkiiien,-ud ,m fully prv parc') lo *• -St at. k’nd of WoKK iu bis l a ■ at the shortest n"> ■ •0 mu' -)m iiie :•*.«■ r»;a >ci-r.ile ti-rois: such as Car Whc.Iri, Driving Wiicels. Grri u and Dry Saud work C, .cm •'ift'k Blow'rg Cylia.ierg, Steam B-jat work, i-»i« P-ins'anJ Grate Burs, to &o. ■M A B.4KER. Fa-e t.-vill», N C, ’a’«’y 11, 18'4 97if C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. McKethan, J. D. ^'lUiauiB, 8. W.Ti A. 'if. Steel, J. G. C*ok, Hon. J. (1. Shepherd, R. F. Brown. ■! , A. E. Ha.l. Im Coll»8 and C. C. Mc( rummeu, Traveliisjy Agents WrThe r 'ompany invite appUcayous ^*av 28. 186J. ' -21. rillingLart. I.AAD FOR ^>ALE. ITNDKR a D»cr.‘e of the Coon of PI. hh & Q'iirt.«i J n.», Decomber Ttrm. 1813 I wi'l • jtp.ise t. j pu'lic ale at the Market Hriife in F.iyetteviIIe or j WEDNE'^UAT, tbe S1 of Febru ry 18*>4, nboii’ 12‘ I ol L .O't nti or n^ar B!».ck River, adj >in'>(r tb la ids All-'n 4^utery^ Jo'>n H rn and Kob--t Mat thews. belocgiap:»o the eotate of the laie Joei M»tthcvf and p J^jeot to tbe widow’s newer. J. T WARDEN Com’r Jaa'y 12 H7 iF’y« A IJK.TS! The 'Seir Style, Smnll, lOLOiltuD i lfOTlKiiirJlS, AT VaHora(l4«tl’a liSutlery. . ART. Woodward’s Sol.?ir Cariirra. AOTICifc:. 'p TE fi.-m heretofore eiist.i' g ur.iirtb* r.^me and style I oi .''OR]-'ON, RICJMRDSON & Cm . io flan'ag". N C . !•- liseolved by (•u'uil toasent Any *per?oa oi r»’'«05'S li’.virc: a cla'm ;r claims ag4iaat!>aid F-rm. -w;'. ,-ri»>^ent t!:‘-La imiiedia’ely to e’"er of »• “n^.scriberi far payi-jcut .10;1N .M(»ki:.ON Vr Ii. HI HARDSON. SA.V !. HaKRETF N >A!I Rl'H- RDSON .T!)B CH '.EK Jia’y 13 97 3tpd PHOTOGRAPHS can b« had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble '"srd. r, the case of ‘-M s Jare B'lvlai, J j‘in II i>v>lan a^d otl'ers. »zainst Ge r W .M rd-’cai, Etecjt-'r of Will-«m RnKa, WeMnn E B:yl-^ Fay- ett«yille, N. C.: plain, retouched, c^lore i, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life sue. ArViro- j \ViH ,m RnKa.WeMnn E B ybn. B>v»an ai types, Melaneotypes. and all other etylea of Pictures i others ” fiie'd to Sprirg T r- . \ D ’«b-» ot the Conr- pertain’ ig to the Art. Also, Giit Frara.-,f Ollt M(juld- | ^ ly Coun-y of W *-2d of Nor,.. lng» G /j for verj*large piivures as large as Zb by 36 Iriirol-ua, fjr tbe purposa of takio,; >»u a:o''JJ>- acd p Cord and Taasfels for.hanging pictupes; Instra- j jug off legvoie*. &o Nrnice >m hereby given to W-Mon E B .ai>, S-rai. i Parker. Kite Weidon BoyUn, Haanit^ h v' ,jd El.ia j Inches ; ments. Stock and Chcmicals fur sale low for cash. Life { site colored Photographs^m k^te.rrom small pictures. ! Having perma’»»^utiy located here I hope to merit j your patronagfc. I -xould also return my sincere thanks I for the liberal pfyronii.'e bestowed on nu^ heretofore by I the 50OU people of Fayetteyille and vio»nity. : ' C. M. V.^NORSnBLL, PbotojrrapKinf Pr.->tiri€tor I i.-. r _ -r- ' . ~MOTici:.- j fllHB UNDERSIGNED, both having euterei fhe milt- I £ t»ry service of the Co^fedBraie Siatj«e of Amerioa, i hereby give notice to tiieir old cusiomer- and frier.ds, | I that they have appointed John Starr and ./ohn V i WilltaniB, of ihij nlace, their f.lLorneys to collect eitacr I separately or conjointly all mone>b d:ie hem either ly ' account or note, and otherwise io a.lend to »n. ir bu- j aijiesE generally during their absence Thej r«‘.p.’c;- I fully adk all persons ind»bi^d ?.o tft;!!! ro call as prompi- ' Ir as possible on their ".(feut.3 ,ak» p.ivmeat I ■ ’J'AR.v ^ WILLIAMS »epi. n. i«n ' Webster, to come forward at the • txt Term of ihip ‘.’ouri, nad plead, an^wef or demur to siid biU, or it wiH be taken pro ivinfesso, an i heari ex part lo taem bone 4t 0£ce in the City of R-^leigh, ttiis the 9th dd>; of Jari'iary, D I8R4. 97 6*1 • R. LEWIS, 0. M L. Piauo Wanted. \\7 \NTiiD to hire a PiANO. At'ply to )\ S T HaWLEY 4 SON. Jau’y 18 13^4 - •8-2pd Public ,'\4>tir«*. The Nutes mentioned in the *..‘y. u'St'ii- t f-i To-tpiil S'ew-.r. ,- .-\dm'r o t*-v E't 1 ?of f: srt, as heics ii* po-s'sr'ion, w-re deliv TV 1 t m» fy .irder Ja- ow'-r , *r-c' 1 T -p natia *r- mv p'".'Berty and willb- dt'l»v.-r*»d to t-iP piyevs wteotvr Bivm nl is mid.* by ifcem I -ir.'ct t' •'l! *11 1 01 be *0 'nr oti“ -r> mv-' f. I b i-*,* 11. ■ Tll4>'-'A' d M\.^;i-’EY .T n’v 1' l‘'»; i 2 ! : AITirK. fJtADQrARTu; s N\v.\L D*rK?*er« N 0.,) WilJJISOTKN. 1>-C 16 f l^Hi (' I IHE following Circular fi.*ra the Biir«an of C-'nearip | VTiln ’bio lund ton is FU^lished by ..ricr of thv , Hi.—r O'-.m ^ v, . . the Naval Defences of Nortli iru ^ -r t‘.i* in'oi fna* 1 ^ .. . I IJ and If' L: of !Uc--.v M l! >n *1, fn-i1ii o: ^'X njontbs » •r t‘ ''■o-*cr\p-i u: r. the I ! tion of Cciascript'* %nd liaM * i'' ! ConfederatP States.of Hragrici,.) ; Ht'KEAU OF ■'o.NSCKU'. ION, V ! Ki^htnund, March 11, IbGd. ) i ClRf'ULAR OKDK« The atton’idU.of otfi-ers >--»v'r:g cbar-r-* *'''^‘-'cript‘». is .iir-p!d to «ec ' •• 2 r-l the ..I't "f Cj n »ri h- ap prove-l -*>cto'IT 2 f. 18H2 ‘vbi-.-h is ilow-: •_ Sec 2. Tba' if -'ny p'r.'->?; whi ';>•»•» h.-pn i- abou' to be purc-’l-d for sttic.? 'b I" ^trix-. h.’T*i1, iu at y j time bffi're b'iu,f at--tiv‘-i *i -' 'I’.iy If s--rv ir>*j tbe enroilinit or conim.indii'2: »Si J r ii,a ejr f.j ing enrolled for service in tt.e navy c ftixrin- c. - -• sball be the duty of the said offiof-r t enr^ j j son for tbp s?r»ice wh'cb be ni-»y pren-r. »t>d c r i •' ^ mit irt tbe Secretary of thi N »vy a !i-t of f- per u.- ^ so enrrllfcd. ^ 1 T^e Superintenden* d'rprfs th >t jSi» iir ->Tjsi -n o,' ice ! law be obser»ed. nv. \ •h''.* r-pnrm b" HI i t c T - -jiik I Whenever «uv cl»j > t.f the N‘w d“'‘i:r ••ire "-y t‘.e | Navy D.*parimt’ni, g:>>k 1 present hin-x if f. r ttio 1 a'po-^-, j any i.fS'’ ^ ^ arjro uf >»ti~ori"'p v^i'il -lU-*-* itsem lo'** | TPn«ier-' ’ •i**r.ce t>f such rffiftfr .;f tb** N-i^y, in or- ■ dar’t : ■ -nay t>e off-red ‘.in* ;i»e of ;Q' r ii .iril^r of Brig. G->n. U J Rhihs. ,-.iip»r,r!tpn ieni 1 r.«rj A. JO E^, Li C-1 , A AG Stale ol A'Qrtii 4’ai*rliii:^. ROBE.>^ON COUNTY. Court of PleaH »nd Quifrer .Sessions. N >v. Term, 18^3 ON motion, Keubeo King. Sheriff of 11 !>e-n C'Hii:t, read aloud io op'n P. nrt, the l-tndb w .ici ! be propos'^e eeil for »i. } Taie« due “-.Teon f.-r the yp-ir 1*^62; . 85 listed by F. C Wate-'a. Jum .Sw’.mp, ttx "f 1 23; 3-50 scr-'S list'^d by Jaraf>« R .\sh‘py. il io-.m^- 5 16; 100 acres listed by R-»b“~s.'sn Singl 1 ir j E z-^b,. b i-o^t . 2 32: 86 acri'S iisj>*d by John Qr-;ham G.? 'fife’s MarsS, 8.3 c*s ■ (Fr.«mth* Minut'" ) 89-I4MF] JNO. A aOW LANI>„ t'lerk. Alter Uii« tiate I. if ill pa/ 124 Cants per poun I f«r raa!8. or tbe highest market price de-^varad '■f' Fa 7cUe»tilp, nr at .ny niin oa Rookfitfb. 1; ‘'URPHY O'. I' Hari.ett for Salt*. i -: 1-* :iy ih- '-i- 'V M.i .i>a«. d-c’J 1 W' I • in'orexi r >m shI . i r.r f r(;i.h >t« the , *roti >»;T tat? ••Uo'. ^54t valU'ih:, ' PLANT VTION'. r>n %rf.;ch >he restor lived »r v!oiii I i ,*•, h con''»i'’-re ^bint s>x .u- Ired a-r^-ja T-TI- 1 I -ori th.» N->rto f'i !e of l-ii.!* Fi'r River, frojt t i e in f*''.e sa'n' T.h ,ui o e mile and a qnarti*r. and rtitj • . 'li-f,' ba'ik a.- li»Ai»t thra-. f-urihn of a mile. Tt is lan’i ,1 w v> b'n * Tul* (>f LilHn«ti»«, thp C"i:nt ■ Site and ; i ffor"- V il't«ble, I r-s*n i^g >»dv.*ntaires r.vr^lv i ff. r.*,l i, j 'hiJ o It'lly T'^e'’“ *.® % ver ■ valuablo MILL 'l^E '>* i >HP ia'-d perq n di-J'rin? to px imin-t r''efh'’*e I •■■ill .pi> y !o Hu.;'’ M l^io. R.*q , ir Q n .A p Me ' in fithf*r of wivm w-V * »k*- p’f ai=u'-e is* s''nwin,e •,>ci • KFFlt: C. \»«LEVN. Es’ of H. .XI. M LK\N ) D-i-’r 22 1««3 ■ 5''If W FOR 1IS-:XT, farm Unowii t*'f H. *■ 11 1 pi t>' •''t'”>t"d re'’ mi c ■ N‘.i'''5 ‘>f I • '*->» V ’’*■ iv v*i it! t'? I h"» larg.. an i c f-’r a- !• d w-.-lMnT h -.11 Hfj I (ffi V. T-'Pr* ire on-» ^'l^T)d^* d*-''id t ■ af;'e.» i ( (• eir.Mi )♦ i.i. Ijinir m,)-.'ly po thi> "^-ve a'.’t fo mi'j «'• I n fl w F -'’ fiir'hrr informat'on ai»'l ler-^.s -a. ly f '.!r D ’c*n M-'Laurin JAMES W SlR^NOE Jan’v f 4. ' • 9^ f lli!Nb»r»- -IliiilJi**? Af.rtde/*iy. •- X''» Acrt V t’s }-• ;r of i-if- ln.4tt:ition -.vill be- on Wedn®'^ i'-iy Peb'v 3!. I,*^ri4. • T eirjul-i'^ an 1 in’nr.-nH'ion 'pnly to , '*»} WM 'M. GORDON II'li«biro’. N. C. N V 21 1-^13. 81 3t, 'PHK 1 "• [NO. 1299.] TJE ROYAL SUaCESSION IN ENfiLAND The H'lbjoined appeared in an English news- papt?r published in 181U Oircumstancee render it^pecuiiitfiy curious and interesting at this lime: Fror.i !«•(» L'od n p-aper^s. To the Editor uf thn Statesmen.—Sir: Tho foliosiiij; bitiguLr latalitv in ihe buc{*fssi"i» of the Kinj^s ol England I have extracted froDi The PolUtcal ilcvit w, ut 31oi.thly Mirror ol the Times, for July, said to bo a f>rcphccy delivered bv a iiritish b.-ir J, in the tiiu« of vViiiium the-Norrpan, and preaerved b}' rhe Monkish iinn ’’ Ti subs:..nc8 is kii aoHthrwa, or cu^Be, signifying that no nmre than three uionarchs shi.-uld ever ajjai.i rei.-n over these kiiigdouis without Bouie violent lilt'iruptioii. it is, however," undeniable :ind de!ii')Ti-tTable to the observation of every one, tnat 'be annals ot our history have hitherto pritven it circum-tanlial'.y true. I place not oiueh relidocr m prophi-cics, but the follow ing aop«Ars to me .«o wondfrnus .«!trange that I am iir-red, by inciii).-)ii«>n to ,«pnd it to yon, to be inserted in joui paptr, it you think it will be in- ifressting to yt'or reader*-: kVil!i;*cri the N ■••tLan 1 Wi!H ;m huuw ^ ilt-iiry I . • ■ 3 Ia;;_r, up:;i,n ly the usurpation of 3i j a. ■i ijrv Ii 1 Rie^'^rd I. 2 J >>■ n - • ' 8 Inierrnp'ion by the usurpation of Louis the Daup^-ir Henrr III. 1 E iw .1(1 1. . 2 .id II. 3 I '“r upiiiE by the abJibaiiou and murder of Ed- •vtrd 11 • ■ S iwa-d III. 1 Hiui.aid 11 ' , 2 hi; •>rr\ip.loa by tii.; dc) oditios o. this monarch. ffcur;.- IV. 1 Henr” V. f • 2 Henry VI. . . 8 lo!. iTiicrioa O'. '*-s H ud-3 t)f Yiirk. K.iwird IV. 1 E iwtni '•’ 2 l.iohar * III 8 luti-rruption b/ iLe usurpation of Henry Bichmond. ilf-crv VII 1 rfenry VIII. i Edward VI. , lull rruption by tbe election of Lady Jane Gray, and bba.tifdint.Lia of Ktag Henry's daughters. Mary 1 El tibctb . 2 A forpign king cal’ed In to assume the cr>wn. Jam's 1 1 ’!j“.rir. I. ^ 2 0 l»»terr»f u n ^y tbe'dfposili^n of the m naVob, and he es at l a. miu’. of other f Tms of g verament , • aarl il . •’! 11. • ^ lunrAii ®0!i by tto abdication of the king and the I- ct’ca n: •. ^:-rcigner. .Villiam III 1 Aonc I. itrruptlon Viy twe pirliacientary appointment of a 1 1 G.ov? II. 2 George III. 3 It mna! bt5 f.diritted that this reign has been interrupted Ij the iocapaciry of rhe eovereip, aud e ParUauiealary ^poitlment for ^xercisiug the .‘loverci'i’^ii.y. iftSo arguijiouts of oppositiiJn hn«l j rc-rnilcd, aijfl tlie rrtnco of TTa1es«ia t b-ci’ addrt.ised to oxecme ihe duties ot the King, his ilitJ.-ei, during*tho tUBpensioo of the iloyal laoul- tits. there :iiigUt, ptrrOiips, have been ooine pre tence lur saving that “there was uo aetual inter- ruptiuii ol the iioyal aurhoiity;” but, as if the prophecy was to be i:•orally at all events, and a'^ani^t all 'be ruriatai.Ce which the powf^r or wit Cl . i.»ti c.Mild device, the I’uriiament took up HI them tnl e lire i.iie iloyal power su-spouded, Old prv'.id da it-iiip >riry exercise «i ’.t by anew til 1. h :»fw ‘-f •!iii>'tiy—'hat III tlie Lord t/httn-"’'li r, ''spr SH''* '•% 'he4ireat -ind they .ua-j»; ;it' iiO iiai traii'lVi ot U, ■iu6 ,iu (u, eo ail- ther h:md, after a certiin period, on certain con."ii it'^ns, as ue-v tw tlif^ Cofistiiutiiju subver- '^ive of hcreditaiy and successional ri>gh‘t. How- • ver. what relites tu the more earlj- pirt ol our histuiy uiu.~' b« viewed as bearing the must Bti;ikiiig cohlortiiity with real/*venis, and regularly o»n- 'i-»fenr thriiU;'b ar long «ucC(!.'sion of >gi!s. 1 atn, ir, your-j, ri-^ , \ Z —hlt Jf' n t‘k *xa oi-il c* AI J li^, I13 (ji-oi-w.' II* 'ii upon bn slii.Mi it ' t; ticy wi il'i f Ivi-.g .itiil iiv • ■^1l''ce^'i“•'■, iiO'-' - in e • a', ■ he ji • in its • -.lualiy fr -i b A MAN to 'a!: ton F.i'rt »ry to McD tS ~t IVe'r I .'.iVA WA"VTK», a’-arw:" o*' a C.;- • Uii Room in i Aptly tbi-! b-- note r.d-Ir 1 ’! r * C' T.- t f.rd THK SU' DxY ; -'H00L SKLL; Cattc'ii^iiS . : t':. -. W : '.i.j>-ir M .-'borlts's; H>Biorioal Soeipi'fv Q i*“if o».'s for Suiilay Schools an-t »bp C .nt-*; 8cli ol T-.?*l i‘i‘'t;t?; Tb# F irst Dixip Reader; Toe Stouo» -li Hcni? Bo.k; . . The Gotloa Field Melodies; Tb« Dixie Land Soogs'er. Den'r9 * V. .J. '^ALS .■? SON*? Hlairk Warr&DtfiaiQ f(» nt this chasing, are hereby notified that no drafts or aoo'pt-j ” xTi\ s k it r‘» will be r.'cHvedia pavmentof bills Only i>!oney j j J I I 4 V I | j , A ^ H ^ \ i \ or B-ink paper will be reoeived • i jrl ‘ ^ iJ \ • TE?iTA’flEIlT« AI%» Confederate states Bible Society Teetamente. A Collection of Sabbath School Hysaiu.' I«r nle k7 i J. HAIA 4 fOU. TANNERS’ aai LOBRIC Vi'lNG LAAIP BLACK Mwreli f. I >. K-jr by J08. K. iJLOS^ JM & CO., Wilnun^r^a, N. 0. ^ 4f Rt.\ Tffii' AB»t:. ' W. MAO !XTY IE ! Has Eli'CKlVtO. I' CA^E Midi'r 0 1 rt C'l c "et, 18*5 f-r!^. 1 0* c biack ».ad whil“‘IhIii’o, J yriwi.i?. 1400 > ' . ^I^sp pillow ea*5j- 'gotten. •I''5 iu wi'!>'. 2'‘'0> >-i=- 2 oasps E't^iifh SMriiii^. 3i00yds. , 20 piPcrK bl-ack Alptc-i Ltistr,— ^ 200 dcz printed L si vlji,.iJij...-ch’. fs ^ 6(K) d -Z f^Urk':! >'t>. r.l CoMoii, b'aj--, 200 y ts. 500(1 2 Cl irk’s Spool Co't n wbiti*, ydr>. * 500 G'^ent Qr. s« a^a'a Sbirt Batton- .57 tine 2 3 aMd4_b!«d'd Kiives. fiO s *t- TaM«- Ktii''- an I F.-k^. 5 0 cr • K N* “dle«. asv irit'd N >■• . 10 to 1^> V.O I z Dr-.t>^Ei. lisb H ■vS'> 3 ’'1' N ■■ A) ^.■tiMl 150 E.oa*isiii!i Sk'fts. Deo 2r jro si General i’uinniissioD and Forw.irdins Merchaut, 45 J%*orth nViter St., WILMiNOroN. N. (\ Jan'y 8, I'^Ot Pliywiciaii’s Card. Dr t> A OAMPBEI.L {'«t" of Marion, S C ,)bas r.inovfd i. F /eU,;^iMe ' ik'n an t.tfioc r.» B f> i str-et where be •B«.y fout^J at n’l tim-*- *i • s-.r ! I p - ■ f 'T- to » swe », 3. ' Si i f.*r.-‘in- fit iii.:he j «« j • .t-iu'y i ’\^>i ^ V' " rl 1 P!aiifalio-i lor ?*vt sr The Sb-iw pi.a' ta cn, on C.»r‘. 1 ? Tviwn, ij -..ll'-red for r*=nt tae p -..'i- ; Fos" further particulars, ap:>ly io JAS. JE.NKIN3. FayetteTille, Jaa’7 2, 1864 94-6t king, aud with ht> ■I ;tl li -•*- • i- ve , 1' •.} hole, lie'iicitt u dii -•idi'i iit hria!i iu I'le ir ') .» Z to carry out his if t‘ t- nil' tu ids giK.d imd ■o cu'ijts i 1 p! i iiiit gs »yaid m • \'i'-!>riu or her t idesf son. Go-r^e IV, Willi. II IV und Vicr >na l. rin the i.iti.s ci'^ :ti ‘ 'h e fu ii'itL-rriipfed ^uccpssions XI fi.t t.'iiu r w V Th- r'f-'iT'-uy >'l f'O pre.seDt *.^tie t *t’ tj too ii-iiiii *us l'»r tiny prfjbabililj ol rbe r rular s'ic*’s»ion laiiing tor the want of, h-’irs th-- Qii-n-f! ab noate, as iias V>een fre (jii -f.r vi t'oi-t.; i'/ U’lU sh.- d.-vel -p the heiedita- ry t:iu.t a i'y a« oa-i b..t’o tuore tiiaii hint- I d? Wiil >*iinr mo e vi »l. n-o •v'u'-ri nee bri-ak the iini? and thi'OiV tmt the liiiiiiixu of i*nuce Albert? or wi'l t^f rti'‘> i;«ii io t. t-'? • ^ HV/*-, >/»-• .Y'/jt ;,t - 1 l -.'5«>ier, ol V]’v,:l:ui'!, rt'C ’itHy *> id-j a '‘eicfiiitic a^'cm m a ‘viUo *0. fn a rtto s'- r .f, tj study the ran 'o the t w‘ >'c if c 4roin. On thi- j' *>i ; I 'in- ■■ I'l drop.^ neff:i- i-Tg*- nF four poonj pieces up*.)!! ht‘ noto li ■>!£, vrlid>t hi>.'h«r up they aiurely dot- f*d it r.k ' pin {'oiti^s;'iiiglii- still it was atjcotch mist, or wei ^••g; yt't hi-her tho fog was dry, and at 3,500 feel the paliooa waS'out ot rain, though it falling t)ii the earth. Above them, even at that elevati in, -.yis the stratum of cloud ^hich science, Mrifh-^it ever having .seen, had darmgly predt\:ted as always ab »ve “the overcast” of a rvinv 'iky; and at tbo het^ht of 1,000 feet, in dt'soVjidi'iir. fh-3 biU-fon wi-* in a cu- rent of wtnd from one «juiri"r, and the Ciir in another froji lone rio«ily opp^.ite—soothfast and southwest r-jsppctivv'ly; ia other words, 'he Oolumbas I of the clouds liad sailcti into the edTdy between 1 the confiuenf ctr rents of a: ntd^ldlere■^*which were , uiingliiig their te'uperaturcd. and thu« discngag- I ing so'Tio'of t!'i;ii' moisture for the behoot of tho jcofn-fielu and i icnic parties beiow. { Ths borough cf Tenby, in PZngland, niakes ft ■ curio'18 fi;'ire in the ptpulitiori return.? The j popul ti n at the cf-nsu.s of fS.5T wa-« 2,08:i, and Hgain tiio ; > rssTi? of 1861 f.oin * *X‘. 'y - tn- j hnbi* n(.s Th^^ri; w.'.s it|c rri 'ii* e'•!'.• in fh* place j in l!dl luttu in l''5l. I’Jt ‘her--’ was or.e f:-niale less. Sp-.‘ak i old mjri uf pa-it—to the middle- 1 aged ot the preaeot—-and to the y^'ing of the fu- } ture.

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