mmm ■imm-. -!»a5!W|55PPP ■IS EWisr, |5* mi.>?i rho viliji* of all n:ival stores. ?! iiiii! ^)iir'*.'Mi» li(|\i"rg. tohrtceo IH lU'H* The r»n#ederafe Tai Taw. Su 1. Tlfit rhere sljall be levied and (•o' I I P!!-, v'Mli'!iV»;-tiir^'i or ii''Mi>iMutactn»’0!d, cotton, \Mi >f. Hour, .-inufHr, tnnl:ir*i^e«, Bvrtip, rice o»in-i iUrio.iiItiif:\i i'r>^\jctA, held or o^vMe«^ t.n ! K rit 'f iiav oTJuIv next, and not riece?-- s:irv for fiiftnlv cojjsumntion for j.jTvd portion of rlie venr 1''^-''^. growrii or proiluctifm of «nr rear preceainjr \)if' vcMi I stJH, H tax .'f 8 per c*"nt.; and mi hH inoiieyis, hwnk ri.>rc.H or other V" haud or on deposit on (fie hn^t day o i next, }ii)d on the vflliicot dll credits »n w i > the interest h;is not l>een paid, held or owTj^d bv anv person, eo-partnership or eorporRti *n on tlie li^t djivofduly next, and not eni}tloyea ill a biitiincss. the ineo«ne derived trom wliicli nnder tfie provisions ot this act, !)o levied rind collected a tax ol ,n.- j.t‘! cent.: IVovt(|,..1. That all >n..ney8 i)\v'i>m1, hi*l(i, or (lo!'o>jifcd bovond the linnet- ufth,- CoiP'e-hTate States, thall be valued at thi‘cn> »’e?(t rate of exchange in Conted erate r»vasnrv notes, and the said tax shall l)c -iSM's-ed on the n'r^t day ofJiilv next, or ivs then-after may be practicable, and l»cfon.‘cf.-.i on t’ e 1-tdav of ()ct’r next, r»«c.w>n rh*>re fti.r a? may bp practicable. *2. Kverv person eni^aijed or intending to e»’j-aire in anv !)^^iiles^ named in ‘he fifth bvcUviu of this hv5, witliln si\t\ day? utter the |'as^avre of this act, or at the time of heiiinnirir biiH.iness, and on the first day ot Jannarv in each year thereafter, ivgister with the district collecti^r. in such form as tlie commissioner of taxes shall prescribe, a true ac(*tMint of the name and residence of each persiii). Hn»i, or c*>rporation engaijed or interested in the business, with a state ment t)l and ir;ii..;e: i'l whii 'i ti e same is to be con- ducte'i; and *f all otiitr t;ietj> goiiiij to «s certain the ani 'unt of tax iipon snch bufii- ness t >r ’'he past >r toe future, atcord’ngto the pro' isions of tiiis uct. At the time ot gncii registry, there afialfbe paid to the col lector the bpediic tax tbr the rear, ending ou the next thirty-tlrst ot December, an»i such otli-^r tax as may be due upon tiales or receif.»ls in such bnsinoc:^. at the time of such 1-egiKtrv, as herein jn-ovided; and the however. Th»t .nr raMhnnic. who si,sir sell only the prod nets ot tiie labor of himselt and his family, shall b® exemwt from flllM f, VI. Wholesale dealers shall pay two nnn* ilred dollars and two an] a half per cen tnm on the arrosfl amount of all sales made. Everv person, whose business or oceupation it is to soli or offer to f*ell groceries, or any ifoods, wares or merchandize, of ft>*’eis?i» or domestic prMuction, by one er more origi nal package or piere at one time to the same parchager, not inclnding^ wines, spirit- ons or malt liquors, shall be deemed as a wholesale dealer under tliis act; but, having been registered as a wholesale dealer, such person may also sell as a re^iler. VII. Pawnbrokers shall pay two hundreil dollars. Every person, whose business or (»ecupation it to take or receive, by way of pledge, favor X)r exchange, any grmds, wares or merchandize, or any kind of per sonal property whatever, for the I’epavmcni or security of monev lent thereyn, shall be deemel a pawnbroker under thid act. Yin. Distillers shall pay two hundred dollars, and also twenty per centum on tl^e gross amount of all sales made. Every per son or copartnership, who distils or iiianu- facturt'S spiritous liquors for sale, sJiall be deemed a distiller under this act; Pr»»vided, howevei. That distillers of fruit, for nitiety X.IX. Butchers and Bakers shall pay sum of fifty dollars. an»i one pereentnm on the gross amount ot sales made. A.ny per son whose business it is to butcher and sell, or offer for sa^e in open market or otherwise, the fiesh of cattle, hogs, or sheep, shall be deemed a butcher under this act; and any imrson wltose business it is to bake and sell. i>r offer for sale, bread, shall be deemed a baker und«r this net. XX. Peddlet-B shall pay tifty dollars an” two and a h.alf per eeut en the gr«>s«s salo«. Any person, except por-som engHgeni in p^^d- dling exciusivolv periodicals, books, ne'^s* papers ])ublisiiMd in the Oontclerate State'S, Bible.s, or religious tracts, who soils or ofiers to sell at retail, ir*ods, wares, or other e>>m modifies, traveliiiir with iiis goods from place to place in the street, or through litferent parts of the countrv, shall be deemed a pe«l- dler under this act: Providotl: That 8ny ped dler who selis, ororfers t'>sell. dry goods, tbr cign or *lomestic, by one or jnt»re original pieces or pat^kageH at one time, and to tlie sHtne^ person or persons as aforesaid, sh;ill pav one hundred dollars, and two and a liaif per cent, on the gn»ss aules: and any person wh » puddles jewelry shall pay latty dollars, and t-wo and a half per cuntum on the ^ross sales. The tax upon peddlers sliall be deemed a tax upon the pers4»nal privilege, to be |)uid l)v each individual en gaged in the. business, without r^igard t^u from bwuses be sab^ect to » not exceeding five per centum for annual repairss.- , II.'If the income be derived from any manufactui ing or mining busines*, there bhall be deducted from the gross value of the pnMlrtc#* of the year: first, the rent ot the establishment and fixtur*^, if actually rented jwid not owuod bv the person prose cuting the bai^iuess; second, the rx'st ot the tabor aetually hired and {»aid for; third, the Hctual cost of the raw material purehased and manufactnred. III. If the income be derived 6um navi gating enteri>rises, there sball be d'.jlncted fr'>in the «jrwsp earnings, including the vf*.lue of frel’jhtis on goods s!iip)n?d by the pers»n ruiining the vet^ci,,the liire the boat or vessffl, if tu>t ownei by the pM’son running the same, *r if owned bv him a reasonable allowance for tiio wear ami tear ot the same, not exceeding ten per centnifi per annum, and also the c*»st of running the boat or vessel. IV. if the income bo deriVod by the rax payer from boat -r ship buM days or less, shall pay bixty dollai’S, and also fit'tv cunts per gallon on the tlrstton gal!»»ns, I place at u liich the same is conducted and twt) dollars per gallon ow all spirits dis j XXI. Apothecaries^hall pay fifty dollars, tilled beyond that quantity. , | and two and a half }>er centum on the gross IX. Brewers shall j>av one Imndred do]-j atnount of sales made. Lvery per»oD 'Adi»> lars, and two and a half per centum on the; kee{*s a shof) or buildiiii; where medicines gro^s amount of all sales made. Kverv per-j are compounded or prepared accor«iint^ t> son who manufactures fermentod liquork ot | pr-.«tir!T*t5'*n» **t p!iys!c;at:s. und sold, bhall anv name >r descrij>tion for sale from malt,: be reg:irdel as ;kn a}>othecary under uiis act tune for which, and tlie place wholly or in part, sha'! he deemed a brewer ; XXII. I’hotoirrapheiv shall pay tiie sum tinder this Act. of fifty d-'liars, and two and a half u«i -cen X. “Hotels, inns, tavttrns uinl e.'tinif l>ou- , tnm on the gross amount of saK-s Any ses*shall he classified and rated according person or pLj>ons wiio make for saier pli iti* to the yearly rental, or it not rented, accord- j «:raph», ambroty^ies. daiiuerrHwly pes or pie ni.i'iing, there grost* receipts the Value of the tliat the Rtat«maut or Mtimate of income and j tenant to the govermu«ut tuf i^.iu »ur r»x profits rendered by tHe tax pftyer does not jof the lessor oti fnid rant, and tho r*r«*-v.t f,: c-ontain more than four-fifths ofth« trne and i the gp^v'f'rnmont officer shall re!e»i*-th)i|«>i „ real amoHfit of his taxable incoitje And profits,! from all obl5gatii)ii t> inclufie ?aid r*nt i,j then the tax payer, in addition to the income kind in his statement «>f income, »ud *jir tax on the true aanount of his income and , charg« the tenant from »* mneh of hiii r^ji^ piofits aacertftirved and assessed by the re-1 to the lessor. ferees, shall pay ten per centum ou the; 12. That every farmer, plauter, o'-grajiur amount ut“ said income tax, and the assessor | exhibit to the assessor, ou ar about the U, , sl)ain>e entitled to one fiftji of said additional j March, bundr^J and *ixij-four, »i. r, ten per centum over and ahyve all other f«i# > all.tht hog>: he liitx« siauL;! ’ and allowances; And provided further,'fliat pusPSKC ‘t thu ut;t oui baf.,>i ‘ tl,»t i- . the af^sessor may administer oaths to referee*., d^hvery uf thi. t-j the p«.t the tax ,«v,r,Ml «nv witnew hc-fore ,he :"J c ' ’ 1 ' J X 1 sHid ♦irmor. planter ur •Tuitur st.xh d«li . • referees, in re^rj to said wti.nate, and uur ; ^ ^ - dednct,,... claimed, or »uv tact m rttsrence . thereto, ir, such.form as the Secret.iryof tl.« • h„n.5rtd wei.xlit uf p ak. Tha^ on iu>. Treasury may prescribe. ; >ioTfiiibt;r uxi, -m'j ta- L ;>e;ir 'hcrco., , .. 10. On ail ])rofit.s made br auy tiumtc as ht-reiubeiyr.? yv,. partnersliip or corporation durifii, the jear ; the vaiuK of ail nea cattle, , ;,.i u. eiirhteoii hundred and si.'Cfy-two, by thej/ur-jiu ct:liivafi'in, urtii. assei., owufU bv oucii i, chase witiiiu the (3oufeJerurc States; ami side, | sau in ihc Cui.iud(’rii*e States. : n.] v j”!. ... during tlie .said year, of any flour, coru, ba-^tl>e said ov.ners sliaii be taxed por eci.*, u. tt con. pork, oHts. hav, rice, i^alt, ir(»n. i>r the ; uu or befuie the first uaj- oi Jiuiur^n u^xi 'manufactnres of Iron, jugar, luolasse* made : cn .uin^^ If; the, or plnnter. or iWrn- ..fcane, butter, woolen cioths, shoes, hoots, ^ave so.J hc|ve.,^.-.ce the 11 1 . 1 ^ 1 ,! f 1- f Jind prior to the day ot ;r, t.lanket.s and cotton ciolu^, a tax ol ten per 1 , ^ r’C-rrjgr*! if pur V. , 1,1 . ' f I proceeds of" such salfts shall he estimated arnt ,, i OMtKi an« c.v cc «wO Jedueting thtifcirom the ifaotivv centum shall l)e paid on the liiv.l day of July next: I'rovided, actually paid for the parehasfl of Midi heove. shall be deducted of his c'*cnpatir>n, incliMlini ship when finished. If hnilt for himself, the cost of the labor actually hired and j'aid b\' him.self, and the prime cot-t*of thu materials, urcliased by him. !f tlie inct>Kie b»» (U-rived^tty the tax jiayer from the sale of nierchandi-^o or ar*.y ther propertv. real or >)ei>'»nul, there shall 1)0 iJedncted tV«>in tlio i/ro.-^s amount of ^ales. i f».,diirate State>>, after iv.serving for iiio own durinji liic precuiuii: twelve uioutiis shuil beesn That tiie ta.x imposed b\ tbiij* suction .'shal-l fj,ey Jjave h«en actually parchrts-.-ii, uu-i i n>t apply to [)urchas»t^s and sa^cs made in j|jg con.siitued l>y theiu. The estimate ot tiie due course of the regular retail buisine.-'s, these items shad be made in case ol di^a;'t;ciucut anti shall not conlilUle iieyotid the pruseijt ; between the asseisor and rax payer a.--hereui {^8. year. • ■ scribed io-other of in.ome tax; ai»d ou at.:!. 11. iLach farmer and' planter in tile Con- , succtediaji firsr day. >t iNovemter, the beevesId turtjsi oij glass, uiotal. ])a]>er. - r other mnte rial, bv the action td’light, shall he rtsgarUvd ing to the estimated value of the yearly rent al of the house or pr(»perty otcunied or in tended to be occupied as a hotel, inn. ta\- a photos^rapher under this act. efu or eating house, as follows, to-wit: In j XXIII. Lawy«rs »etu iiiv eiigaged in cases where the actual or estimated rent t practice shall pay fifty dollars. l£v«rv per shall amount to $10,000 or more, they siiull j son busiut-ss ii i». for fee or reward, constitute the fii'st class, and pay an annual , to prvtseeuie t-r detend causes in anv court collector shall give to the person making j tjum of :|.500; in cases where said rent shall 'of llecord or ori;«r judicial iriounai of ihe snch reglMi-y a copy thereof, with a receipt j be $5,000, and less than $10,000, they shall; Confederate Stat*is, .or »>f any biatts, ur gjvc for the tiuiuuiit of tax then paid. j constitute the second clas«, and pay an an* ; advice in iViaiion to cause* or luatwi’-s penJ 3. Any person lailiuij to make the regis- j nual sum of $8(iO; and in caset* where said 1 iug th«r«iu, shall be deeuied Iv be a iawy.*?r try, and to pay the tax re*{uired by the pre- j rent shall be $2,50f), and l*jss than $5,000, j within the meaning of this act. cedilla: section, shall, in addition to all other they shall constitate the third «1h»s, and pay , XXIV". Phvsiciaun, surg«on» and dynti-its taxes upon his business imposed by I »u «uuual sam of $200; in txwes where Sidd aciHally ougag«d iu practice shall o«y fifiy rent shall Ihj $l.»Ot>, and less than $2,500, i dollars. Ev«ry person whose business it is ‘they shall constitute the fourth class, and for fee or rewanl, to prescribe remedie^i tr pay an annual snin of $100; and in eases: perform surarlcal op«M-atio;js for the cure of where said rent shall be less than $l,00o. anv ixtdilv disca&e or ailing, shall he deem they shall constitute the fifth clast, and pav led a ])hysician, -wi>-geon or dentist vithin an annual sum of $30. Every ]>lace where the meaning of tliis act. as the case may be; food and lodging®, or lodgings only, are pro-1 and the pn.wisions of parrvgraph number vided for an and furnished travellers, sojimrn-! twenty *»ne shall not extend to jdivsician- I yd by the owners, or owned ard not occupi- j ^,ne snch freeholder, the said :',.' t.1 al ilers. in view of payment therefor, who keep on liaud medicines solely for the ed or liirud, and tl o value *'f t!ie estiiuatevl _ j,eh-ct two, who shall proceed ft* a.-^seis th i or receipt* from which am.mnt , purpose of makiuir up their ow u prescrip a’lnua! hire oi all slaves n ?t eng,t^evi oy plan-: as herein provided. Thv^y slcdl aecei if-'t, pay double the amount of the specific t..x on such business, and a like s«m for every thirty days of su h failure 4:. Except where herein otherwise pro vided, tliere siii»ll be a separate registry and tax f.»r each business mentioned in the fifth section f this act, and for each place of coii'Jucting the ^ai; e, but no tax shall t>e required tur ihe mere storage of goods at a ^ ers or Ixjanlers place »)ther than th«> registered place «»f the incmui or receipt* trom wiucu am.mnt , ol makiU:; up tlieir ow u pr»*scrip bu.^incEP. Lpoll every change in the place ^ to $oOO from that source, shall l*e regarded tioiis for their own jjationts Tlie tax upoi> of conducting a regiiTete^ Imsiness, there | af« a liotel, inn or tavern under this act.” j lawvei's, ph\i»iciaus, surgeons and deuwists shall l»e u nevv regi>try, but n) addi- | XI. llijit every place where f«HKl or rr-- * shall liu deenievl a upon tiie j»ere.oiial t.oM’.d tax si.all he required. Upon the j freshments yf any kind aie provided for . privilege, to I •• f>aid bv ejicii imlividual in death ot any person conducting a bnsiness ; casual visifoi's anl sild for consumptiijn the busitiess, and wit!i *ut regard to the placv rcg.btviud and uixod as herein required, .t ! therein, and eveiy boarding house in which at which the same is condu.-ted; provided, upon tiie transfer qt the business to another, S-there shall be six boarders or more ssliali l*e That the provisions of this Act siiali not ap the butsiuess shall not bo subjected to aay deemed an eating house under this act. ' plv to physicians ainl surgeons e\clii.siveiy additional tax, but there shall be a new XII. Brt>kers shall pay two hundryd dol- eng?U;cd in the Confederate service. . regic'try m lUo name ot the person author ; lars. Any person who*ie iuisiuess it i> *■» XXV’. ConfV-ctioners shall pa.v dol continue the business. '[ purchase and soil fttoeko, eoined money, bir.s and two and a haif per cenfum ou the 5. ihal upou each trade, buoiriess or oc j bank uotes, or other securities, for them- jjross amount of sales, fciverv perton wa>» cupation iierematter named, the tollowiug | eelves or others, or who deals in exchangee- sells at retail couf cti >nary, sweetim atji. tuxes bJiali t>e levied and paid for the year , relating to money, shall be deem«d a broker comnts or other cv»nfects, in any building, c*uliiig on iliu thiity first of December.: under tiiis act. , shall be rei;arded :vs a cotifectiouer under eighteen iiiaulred and sixty three, and for | e« h aiul evttry year fhe'es iJai ke‘ischaii p.v\ i;\ peircii bliuil be wirltin the lueaning uf thi piace ol business whe-re credits are opfied l»anker wiiose b’asiue.'^s it is, as the agt;nt of to m f.^voi t.j iiJiy pel ,»n, firm, or con.»oration, ' others, to purci h.) tljc dnyotii of codectiuii uf money or . orders the ciiiieni_), and f^y ivlirn the same or any park:ig'S use fifty bu.%hols uf sweet pytatoes and fitty mated and taxed iu lue same uianner iMishels of Irish liotatoes, one bun ired bush- l'^- Thi.t the Secretarj, ol n ar ;,haii divide ilit els of the corn, o‘r fifty bushels of tue %vheat service uf the quartermadter s Uepartmeut mto two the prime cost of the jiropcrty sohl, includ in«r thy (•('•jt of transportation, salaries of clerks actually paid, a:id the rent ttf buihlings c.iijilovfj in the busiiiva~, if hired and not owned bv hit is^lf V.. If the incoiiiu ba derived by the tax paver fVoin anv oth ;• ociMipai ion, prot^^ssion. eiriplov.'iien: or busine.'s, tiiere sitall be de ducted from till.: 'ji'"''- •‘nioipit oi f? ps. corii- peusaii'-n, prolUs, cai nin;>, or comm; -^iond, the salariet* of clerks Kt'f'iiilly pai I, and the rent of the >diici\ or other i)u.i(i;ng used in tiio biiBtnesf., if hiretl and not. ownel by himtolf. the cost oi Ifthor aetPMlly pail and not ownud by hini>elf, and the cost of -ma terial other than loac.iiint ry purctiased for th» us« of hi,> buf:int-?>. or to be eonver'ed into sor*te otiie‘r fi»rm in the course of hi''biisi-, — . * . • . ■ ,• k 1 :... I .. /• * .. Jf- .w. t.i. *’■ ♦' articiod wLicb it specines, auu wkioii he u l>uuua ne#n Hnd in c u- of niutniii insttrance i erate (Tovernment, lor ite use, one tentu ot i i ^ . . ’ . , ..I -.4 , 1 ■ J J 1 1 to pay aud aeliver as a lax to tii v.yjtil«.a((ra« eompanios, the nmouut of^s paid the peas, beans and ground pea^ produced ;o,^rnuient. The padt uaar^ermastor ihaii liv xtie?n dunu^ tli8 vpar I uiouuie i k« . . r . t. rived fVotn all cither sources shull bes rice, sWeet and Irish potatoCf,, ano of he *jQ(.fotarj of'the'rrea.iury. The tax a.s!iv.•-.^u^ ^rLaii cnrt'd hay and iod(Jer; also, one tentii ot the ^iic uaciuiate of articles due. rruiu ciich sugar, molasses luade ot cane, cotton, wool '•perso^i, by wny ol'a t-ax in fwirtd, tii the duly aa and tobacco; the cotton giijned und packed i tl!uriz.-d p i. t (pnirtermas/eF, taking from the ss;^ in some secure manner, and loba^-co stripj>ed ■ quurterma.-ter a receipt which shall be tiled ar t •ind packed«in boxes, to be dciivered by him v5acher with the »*Uief coUcctA-r in sutthng h>* oil or f>efore the first day of March in the account, a copy ol th;;* receipt shaii Dt lar- next vear. .Each farmer or planter, after nished bj the ehiel c.,dlccror to the auditor set- reservinT twenty bnshels of peas or beans, ^hiiij the po-,t 4aartcnxiu.>>t(;r’i account aHachar-v but not more than tweiOy biishels of both, aKainst him. The post quartermaster receina^ for liis own use. shall ieiiver to tlfe Confed- ^ estimate, shall collect from the tax-pajer t^. lu MO deduction whatever. Nor shall tor eign«^r;> be sutiject to a lax from any otiier in- paid j the pea^, beans and ground pea^ produced xhe pa.t uaar^ermastor 6l oede-i^„a j;athered by him during tne ’-resent ubject year. As soon ?s the aforesaid c-. p? are jus cure, and shall account for the ^aa.e bv Cuiiie fchan tii:*t «lyriv’ed frou property r.wn- a«&a 10 y sLaw- made ready for market, the ta\ as.' >r. in that, after proper dcUuctioii.-* Iroui uuavoidn case of lisHgreement between him an J the bit lo.t5, the residue has been delivtred to the du- tax payer, shall proceed to osti iiiH^e t i.e fame tributiiig agents as cvidcucC'! by their rcceipii. ed, or occupations or emj.'loy meiits pursuel j in tlie following manner; The a^ lessor and The said post quartermaster shall also state ths by them jvitiiin tiie Confederate States, and j the tax ]»aver shall each 9elc'*\ a'i’^interest-* accounts of the (juartermaster’s receiviijg froej in estimating in‘ome there ‘»huil l>e includ- I ^d freeJmlder from the vicinn^’e, who may him the articles delivere*a in pay meat of taxes lu aJ tlie value of the osfim.ited annua! rental I call in a thiT*d in case of a diu’crcnce of o- kind at his depot, aud make a uionthljr rcpuriott.'ie uf all dwedliriirs, honsijs, luiildinir- or build-1 p5ui'*»i. to settle the matter in dispute: or if fciioie to Buch officer as the Secretary uf V\ ar luaj ing u*ts in cities, t'wns, «>r villages. o(x‘upi-j tijo tax paver ne^ilect or refu^ic- to celcct I ' ‘ - ‘^jj , teruia-jter shall ue uuabie to cirtlect the tax ill sitiJ BpeciScd in the e.suuiate delivered £0 hiiu as atori- ' ' sail, he ahall deliver to th3 district tax eoile^toi , . , , as nerein provided. l e.>tuuate as a ba^^is fur the umre.s warrant .u tatn-u- or farm-, ami ■ ^ .... do a uAjia i\ji t-uc uiaticss n ai i liu I ii «i o eni]..o\t( iH tain the amount of the cr(ps eitnei t»y actuai to he issued, aud take a receipt theretitr, business or occnpations the uroiit^ ot wliicli ; nicasuirement or by computing the c.mteiits u.r^r.r,i ti.P tViA are taxed jus :nc me i;r- Icr this act. \Vhen j of the ?o flit th. J * T ! * IVT' 1 * I i Cv C* tl vA A V/1 *A V U V> w*» UJ W t/V' V 1-A\J V' tA 1V X • tjp V i Che o taxed ,IS :nc. me i;r- !cr this act. U hen j of t|,o iouni.s or houses in wiiich they are ja credit in the statement of the accounts of .-u.d e iriC'^nU! shall i>e tM*; . asciM tauied ail of i h(*hl, when a correct c*>mputation i... pract - j post quarteriua.ster: iVotudft'/, That any pacti*i ose wh.c'i ilo n •,\;-eed fivt- Imndrcfd dol- j eable by such a method; and the appraisers p.iyuient oi said u± in kind shall be endoiaeu on jK»r .hull !>u u uii iuc->:no.s ovor i jjathered or not, and the value uf the portion i cohectjd thruui^h tiie payiueiit yi over three tliou.-^and doll.ifs. mi»! le&s than . ^hall be required to deliver the wheat, for forage or subsisteuce to such places and iu suuh Lvery t^y iv lall he luauoer as the iSecret«ry of War may prescriL ludirectly parposea :Ut2rtvC pari lotrcof tiia,Ihe paid out or remitted ' than the (»roducei-s, to n iqioii tiif, ••iiecK «»riroei of duch ciedi- matters for the owners of v himdretl an-l sixty-three, inclusive, and at tiie ejid «»f \ erv three months, or vvithin^teii days thi re.ifter. after the caid fir-t day oi •July, (.‘ighteeii hundred and si.xty-three. make a list or return to the assessor of tie manage bij.-uu->.' .’eMse!.', or the tui, Mil not tl* iiicbide any balik legally au- shippers or consigners'..f j^oods, or wiiose tJioiizco to ,'s,=ue notes « circulation, nor j bu>-iness it is to pii.'-chase, rent hire or seH agents liie sale ol merchandize for ac real estate or netrrocs, sisall be deemed a count oj j l.^duccr^ or Tiut!uf;tcturer8. j commercial broker or commi»?i»m mer'diant i district of the gross amount \>f such saU-i- ii. uefiuiioers shall pay fitty dollars , under this act. | made as aforesafd, with the aniou.nt of tax aLu lAi, and a nail ^r centaiU on the gross | XIV. Tobacconists shall j»ay fifty dollars,; which ha.s accrued, or should accrue, there aiiiouiii ur caieo made: rrovided however, | and two and a half per cent. ^ 'gross am unt i on, which list shall have annvxed thereto a 1 hat un all ..ales at auction of stock or secu-j tif eaJes. Any person whop*> I,lisiness it is i declaration, unler o.-ith or^afliVmation, in lUle^ loi inohe), tUc tax shall lie one-fourtli j to sell, at retjiil, cig-ug, snuff, or tobacco in | tbrm or manner ii.'> ma.v be (>rescribed by the ot one j>ei ( entuni uii the gross amount of | any form, shall be deemed a fobacc nist | C-ommissioner of Taxes, that the same is true But registered wholesale | and correct. ani »nall at the sam6 time Jis aforesaid, pay to the collector tJie amount of taxes tiiereupon as aforesaid, and in !e fault thereof ohall pay a penalty in double the amount of the tax. 8ia:. 7. Tliat ui>on the salaries of all sal- ai ii'd |)+*'v>ns serving in any capacity* wliat- cvcr, «*xcej)t upon salaries of persons in the iiiiljtary or naval swrvice, there shall be li vied and collectf d tax of one per centum on the gross awiouiit of such sahiry, when not oKcei'ding fifteen hundred d.liars, an J tulco. Every pers*,:. shall i»e deemed an under this act auctioneer, w.ii.m it.u meaning of this act, and retail dealer^ shall not-be taxed as U> uh'.-se occu|.;Uion n to otler property for bacconista. fcctie lo jic iiigl ,>t or I est tjidder at public XV’. Tlr .treh shall p_av fi'^e hundred dol ouiei_). idu tux ,ipou ihe auctioneers shall lars and five per cent, on all receipts, which oe uoeme-J a tav up.iti the personal privi- tax simil bn paid V*y the owner of the build- Jege, to ot‘ piu'i oy »'.yc.h if.dividuai engaged | ing. Every edifice us«d for the purfnisoof i.i tile uii iU' ,v;:iiout regard to the place dramatic representations, plj^ys or perform- at vviiK-h the same is conducted. No tax j ances, and not iiududing halls retited or ^ J ht' loquiied U[)on ancfiou sales made e 1-. I .i icgintered and tax- ' ' i'' -*t ,ii-iness, or upon ' ii';;, judicial or or Oy personal represeu- or Committeos used {’cas* illy r>r cnnc'jrtc oi t!u'.a! t ie d e.\c lat! .1 - -ui; V«. ■ cc, g(i,i(ijiafi V' .joi, .iile dealers in liquors of any iil. uiitl e- ^ J ^ ^ spinle, leniieuicd Uquurs, and wmeB ot all kindb, bhaii j»ay two kuudred dollars, and five per centum on the gross amount of sales made, jbvtry pei’bou, other than the disf|!'er or brewer, who shall sell ur offer fo! any such liquors or wines, iu qu^n- li.:' ! •. uure than tiirec gallons at one time, to tLo u .»'ae purebaber, shall be regarded as a v/ii,., dealer in liquors within the iiu > I..11 ot this act. All persons, who shall ee] 1 or odcr tor sale, auy such liquors, or Wines, in quantities less than three gallons at one tiut« to the same peiuoti, shall bo regarded as retail dealers lu liquors. iV. liAjtail dealers in liquor, including ditttilleU spinu, lermeuted liquors and wines ot every uefeci :]/tion, shall pay one hundred dollars, aud teu per centum on the gross auiouut ot all bales made. V. LUjtuil dealers shidl pay ti.ifty dollars aiKi two and a hall per centum ou the gross amount of sales made. Lvery person whose bubiuetjfc or occupaiivm it io to sell or offer lu eel I grucoi ieo or auy gtjods, wares, mer- chaiiUize or otuer tmngb of foreigu or do- me^itic production, iu icss iiiautities tnau a whoic original piece or pacKago at one time, .lo Lii« tsame ]>*■* 'n, ^uot including wines 4” mgjt, i\^uon,jauaii reg»rU>^.l M « Kiui ' -w meAjr tim mfts repr**i5enr.(tioiis. shall be reijanh-ii i,^ ft the ,rr»* under ,.»;t !'].wh circus -ih-tH pny ot:e uunared dtriiars, and a tax i,if ten 'iol larn for each exhibition, which ta.x shall be paid l)y the manager tliereof.. Kvery build ing, tent or space, or area, where feats of iescnptioii, iucludiug distilled horsemanship or ac.'^obatic sports are ex- ‘ hibited shall be regardei as a circus uuder this act. Jugglers and other persons ex hibiting shows shall pay fifty dollars. Every person who oerforms by sJeight-of hand ehall be rep^arded as a juggler under this act: Provided, tliat no regi'itry made in one State shall be held to authorize ex-« hibitions in another State; and but one re gistry shall be required under this act to authorize exhibitions in any oue Slate. XVI. Bowling alleys and billiard rooms shall pay forty dollars for each alley or bll Hard table registered, which tax shall be paid by the owner thereof. Every place or building where bowls are thrown or billiards played, and open to the public, with or withont price, shall be regarded as a bowl ing alley or billiard room respectively un der this act. XVII. Livery stable keepers shall pay fiflv dollars. Any person whose occupation or business is to keep horses for hire or to let shall be regarded as a livery stable keep er under this act. XVIII. Cattle brokers shall pay thesim of fifty dollars, aud two and a half per ceu rum on the gross amount of sales ma^o. Any person whose bubmess it is to buy and two per ccntum uprm all e.'icess ov'or.that amount, to be levied and collected at the end of each year, in the manner pn^cribed for othor taxes ennmoratod iti this Act; Provided, Tiiat no taxes shall beimp«ed by virtue of this Act on the salary of any per son receiving a salary not exceeding one thousand dollars per aMUuni, or at a like rate for another period of time, longer or shorter. Sific. 8^. Thitt the Secretary of the Treasu- ty shall cause to be assessed aud ascertain ed, on the first of January next, or as soon thereafter as j>iacticable, the income and profits derived by each person,’juint st»^ck company and corporation from every occu- pathm, employment or business, whether registered or not, in whiehnhey may have been engaged and from every iuvestmeat of lalK>r, skill; property or money, and the inc^Mua and profits derived from auy source whatever, except salaries, during the calen dar year preceding the first day of Janua ry next, and the said income aud profits shall be ascertained, adseseed and taxed in tile manner hereinafter prescribud. 1. If the income be derived from the rents of houses, lands, tenements, manufacturing or mining establishments, fixturen and ma chinery, mills, springs of salt or oil, or veins ot coal, iron or i»ther minerals, there shall be deducted from the gross amount of the an nual rout a sum sufiicient for the necessary an- dend and i t-erved liiiid, to be [ciid to the c* lloctor or the ('onfedorHte tnx, arid the ilividt-nd then paid t.* the ."f->ekii-'hlei shall not be estitnated >i-'a jiart of his income tor th.e purposes of riiis n«*t. All {>ersons shall irive in an e^tbnate of f!iv ;r iiicmieand pro- fi.s derivoil lr-»m a.iy other S'junto whatever, and in doitt-g so shall first slate the gross amoun*^ of their receints ur^ individuals or mcn’lM‘n« of a’tirni or p.irtncrsi.ip,^'! d also, state particul irly c.ieli item {‘or wnich a de duction is to bw made snd the an; unt to be deriucic'l ‘''I’ it; Provitled That the income ami or.>fit upon which tiie above lax is to t)e impo-ed shall not lie hM-*'ii#d to im-lude the pn*lnct6 of l:\nd which aretax-?d in kind, f«' hereinafter ilescribed. Provided furthe.’-, Th«t in c;ise the annual earnings of said joint itock comj>aaies and c *rporations * ;t apart aa afore->:dd, shall L'i» ■ .i profit of more rhaTi.ten and h;-^ than iwij’ity j-.‘‘r cent, up on their i-.apifal -itock p iid in. Oim-oii^h';i ol’ said sum s>> set apart slid! ‘>e paid as .i lax to the collnctor aforesaid, anI in said sum s» set apart shall give a pn>fit of more *^han twenty per cent, on their capital oiock paid in, one-si\th.thereof shall be reserved and paid as aforesaid Tiie tax levied in tijik section -ihail eolleot‘^d on thj’ iirst day of January efisuing. 9. That if the Jis-pssor sh ill be dissatisfied with the statement or ’estimate of iucome and profit derived from any source what ever, other than products in kind, which the tax payer is required to reiider, orv/itiiany deduction claimed bysaivl ta.v payer, heshail select one disinterested citizen of the vicin age, a refwree, ^md the rax payer shall se lect another, and tlie two thus selected shall call in a third, whosliall investigate and de termine the facts in r.jference to said esti- •nato and deductions, and fix the amount of income aud profits ou which the tax payer shall be assessed, and a certificate* signed by a majority of the referees sh;*ll be conclu sive as to the amount of income and profits on which the tax payer »hall bo assessed: Provided, That if auy person shall fail or re fuse to render the statement - or estiiiiatQ aforesaid, or shall fail or refuse to select a referee as aforesaid, the assessor shall select three referees, who shall fix the amount of income and profits on which the tax payer shall be assessed from the best evidence tliey can obtain, and a certificate signed by a ma jority of said referees shall be conclusive on the tax payer; And provided further, That ami dA&t in /.attU I u uual rout asumsuflicieut tor the necessary an- the tax payer; And provided further, That >>“l;5P»i«.Botei«e«diagtenp«eei:tum in(u.TU»ubimtt«&to«&r«.,il»W>r said, at some depot not more than S miles from the p'lace of production, and if not de livered by that time, in ^uch order, he shall be Tuible to pay fif^v -ciit.. lUure than the estimated value of t!ie portion a- fortisaiu, to be coilectetl i)v ui - tav ct>llcctor as hereinafter prescibe* P.ov ide , the gov- ernnieiu bhull be bouiid to to the producer sacks for tiie delivervof such arti cles of grain as require to be put in sacks for transportation, aud shall allo^v to the pro; ducer of-molasses the cost of the barrels con taining the same. The said e.stimate shall be ceuiclusive evnionceid' the aiiioiint in mo ney, of tax due by the }'roducei; fu the gov- ernment, and the collector is herebv^ autho rised to proceed to collect tiie same by issu ing a warrant ('*f frooi hi.' o/Tice, un der his signature, in the nafurq of a writ of fachis^ and l>j virtue of tiie came to seize and sell any personal propertv >i the premises of the tax payer, or elsowhore be longing to him, or so much thereif jis may i>e necessary the purpose of paying the tax, and the additi(*nal fifty per cent, afore said and costs; and said sale shall be made in the manner aud form and after the notice required by the laws of the several States for j udiciai sak'^ of personal pruj>erty', and the said warrant of distress may be e.^vccuted by the tax collector or auy deputy by him appointed for that purpose, and the deputy executing the warrant shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed iu the resp>ective States to sheriiTs executing writs of^/*i^a- ciis^ said fees to be paid as costs by the tax pa^-er. Provided, that in all cases where the assessor and the tax payor agree ou the as sessment of the crops, aud the valne of the. portion thereof to which the ^overninent is entitled, no other assessment shall be neces- saiy'; but th6 estima^'e agreed on shall be re duced to writing and signed by flo assessor and tax payer, and have the same forcf* and effect as the assesameat and estimate of dia-, interested freeholders hereinboforij mention ed, aud two copies of such assco.i uent aud estimate tl^ua^agreed on aud signed as afore said shall bo made, and one delivered to the producer aud the other to the collector: Aud provided further, that the asse.^or is hereby authorised to administer oaths to the tax payers and to witnesses in regard to any i- t«m of the estimate herein required to be made: And provided further, N'^hen agricul tural produce in kind is paid for taxes, if paymeat be made by ft tenant who is boun^ notify the iSecretary ol twc ir«iasiiry that it wou.U be ijupr-tcticable lor hitu to colleot or use the ar ticles taxea lu kiud, or auy of tueiu, to be received m ccrt:iiil distiicto j* iuCt.v^.iiCi3, «iief2 luc iJecicta* ry of the Treas. _ ..J. j^roce. j m eoiieet yi discricts or localitivj., ch j oiotiey valuu ol said arti cles specified la said ectiuiate aud uuc req aired in kind, aud said itiouoj*vuluc .s. ail Lj ducou the first day ol Jauiiary la each aud every year, and be uollecred as soon thereafter as pra._tiuable. 14. 'lhat the estimates of lucomes aad profits, other than thiwe payabk in kind, aad the statc- meacs or bills for the amount of the specific tax ua occupations, euiployuieuis, ousiuess and profes sions, aud of taxes on gross .Male.'i, shall be deliver ed by thv -asscasur tu tae collector oi the district, who «hail give him a receipt lor the same, and tuc .'>aid abseaaor atiall file his receipt ^th the chief Uix coUcetor ol the SuLic^ aud, lue collector of the district, holdiug saiU estiuiated, stateiueuts or biiuj, shall proceed lo ooilecL the same from the tax payer. The mouej ihos uoileeted shall be paid 10 the chief tax eoiioctor uf the State, aecoui* pauied by the estimates, siatemuuts or bills alore- aid, delivered by asseasor to the district ooheutor as atoresaid. 16. That every pcraoa who, as trustee, guar dian, tutor, curator or committee, executor or ad ministrator, or os ageut, altoruey iu fact, or iao- tor, of any persou or persous, whjtiier residiug w the Confederate Cstate.s or uot, and every receivei in chaucery, clvirk, register or other officer of any court, ahall be answerable for the doia^ of ail such acts, matters aud things as shall be ^tquirod tu be doac m order to thu asso.ssmeut of the luoo- ey, property, products and incomc auder dteir ooiitrol aud the paymeat of taxes thereon, aud shall he ludemuitiod agauiat all aud eyery person for all payments on aceouDt of the taxes herein specified, ^ad shall be ruspoasibfe for ail taxes due. from the estates, iucome moaej, or property lu their possession or under their oootroL ItJ. The income and moneys of Jhospitals, lujus, ohurohes, Kchv'ols and coliegas shall be exempt from taxation under the provisions of this act. 17. That tho Secretary of the Treasury be, anJ h«- is hereby authorixed, to make ail rulas aud regulations necessary to the operation of this act, and not iuoousisteut herewith. 1 This act stiall be in foice for two years afte‘r the expiration of the present year, and the taxes aoreiu imposed for the pre?eut year shall* be le vied and collected for each year thereafter in tho tnanner and form herein proscribed, and for the said time of two ye.ars unless this act sb dl be sooner repealed: Provided tho tax on naval stores, tlour, wool, oottou, wbacco, aud other as^rioultu- r«ii predacts of the growth of »ny >#ceed- iug er‘ r iiapoded in fiv, ion fibu be i«Tiai asr ,.f J. •»/ bt . .9 ly Alt rent m lojod, the teath part of taid i kIdMihMUlM 1» kbi ^9 uUi Mwec f A I’KiN’ritL) r:' Price 'or ihe adrane'!. yor f lip v advffnce. of 1" l-n.'s *V „ bal; ..0 ; fttr -. J ,, siaic t!.fy injti ;•. AiverM-ri! ••'■t'l -4.t- Frow ... ? -r| will ' e :ij *»'io pnyy diHU i- rrt: { Su*b or' ,i’r 1| par >n ramviit f ILL aiteii'l t| ‘. i tree i'-oiujt :.t«J clniiiifi : ntni-tei «^tt. 17. 1. fv'-..), iV ial'j AND 1\. am fJror't un.-- r.vVi WO Commission ai \n L 0 ■! ■ 1 .3 jomm' SA IIT K bfive ti:irty If ca#; c! Wilifli then!£(!lv3“ viin ■ A. Johnson, Jr., inani>-«'r :»« rl:e ^ 2,500 IVfrBoiiH tke h).»rhe?i Cash pri at the .M.-rchAn: Mil ber a( his old utand ' No». 5. 186;J. ~ Win {AM prcjar?J tc Hiirn^ss for -Ariii giyc good b:vr,;Aiv« order.-! ( : i.i«>,h ser.t off in ijiiick , i>. o.. if Sbr;. ini Oc! I j. 25 " ^ Doc 22 'fe lua viW l.*/U f'oT HSiiH on >’ ..v i^oSc ii ■20ooS.-“f: PftV'M-, Mil? Wantc n U ■ u.l rtn r- N • . ' ■(.inn: • f ^’u n T 'V'fl r-f F y Or. .-r: •• • I ■ *\l-. ■ ri t V..- *•01 0^;l. ; ^ ’ ' ■■ - » Spun t a \\!E wiit gi- ' . -I If r. a !!• m; -^>1' Fact -J. -H \t> I m>. f,; Fh' Lead ■=. • >—h JJcp-..rLi;.i5 i’j lllicf’ Wi:. i.i :•*! P.>W L>r;K r.'T " , BlHti cuLcii^tr-*' ^ 9xe rcv OB tiie Little r J wr ratau

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