- fur Ui« Tax - the »»5 rh* u ; ' r»«t in m jtUtt, ftUtil U»r i3n«ii dt' bilk t* . f" ijraamr Mh&U aiiDUi the Igi i, u.xiv-fouv, »Vj «« ;,4\« '*in«chtt. i !-■ t.‘. tW t' tc to 'Vil }>«Ht «{RW i . Ill* .w It -r.sH tisli'i;. ••c? -tl UHV .^J J... * ■ •■ >■, t. lb«: • •a iHt: lt»« ,j1 ■ ■■ ■• t "W.^Vv:. ^ .'1, Ui. ^ Ut>t U.'^ a 4 i\.- i.-uc!rp^r I. .f.-.fi ' lui. vul:,,, : \>^'X fviit,, u, be ll«Xt I fi iarijjor ; • -'i'tliis a«t, t r, ihc gx..^ !■ d ami Eax- i; . >ni die aoiity 'u hecve«, H •> I'i v:. ,i.. The estimate ot ui'aereeiuent ■av.T H;- hertMij tc litX- uiid OQ «»ch l . i. t;;e beoves s.'♦!d ui,'u be esu- Ul.Ul; T. Ai hau divide ilie departai. ut iuto two inutcd j ust quarter- if art i.;!t s j aid l«„x lur di.-iin utii'u ^ :tii; l iuy.aiid tor u I., of tLe ic ■ i u- ^o.?ur sLatl Icb d.iv trum ci\cti iJ; t'» tbu dalj aS .Li: _ troui the sai4 be tiled ag k cti" m SttttUns' ht* oe.ja ;«ha.i be Hr- to the auditor aeu acc^ur»c aaa«hari!tj rteriuastcr receiving ttie tax payer toe he i;i buuuvi Lu lUe v/^uluuitratc iricruiaaitr shall q« bo articice piatbd ib tLt, saoie by sLow- >ii!i Ir tm uuavoidi- dehviTed to the di»- fd by oueir receipt, haii also statp th« r’s recuiviiig froai paj mcui ot taxes lu ODihi> repurlotth* ret»I V if War niaj ca* ' itie pokt vjuzrr- iect tbe tax ia ititij erca io him ao afon- . tax :;utleteior UHt; -s Wiriant cu le a rc' L'lpt tb*»rclur, Ji.e: t V eoil(?ow)r ia ho f'C - unts ol’ .>u*d il, TLuf »ny partial luati t'uuuiAtiU oa Uie ^aiiie to tbd Md ana the reoeipi ti ' * A eoUec^ . A tile jh liK pujlUcQt ol’ iveci at the depot as but- i jj .he ageuta u.-^, if ibej eoDsist it' thv% Le suitabi* fb pia •.. and in sawh iV ar y p rescribe, find f uat some cf the d iu and smtabli, tor BH or ■''/ Oe depoa- be li. d tuber di- parp' '-S, he shall lucb Qiaouer as he u 1 o; .. li bale shall >1 tht; lonlcderaie 5ccr .’tiry ot W ar ; ir; tuat It would fiicc- _'k « tlid ur- Uiciu. wc received StefuUi- ;t 1^ iald y 1 i. ■ ■' i!-i arti- • iired in ■ 11' he first ,r, and be pr. ' ■ Icurii. and pronto, d .; i the state- thc :)eeitic tax ')iii' 1 acid proies- I, hUail be duliver- r ol the district, iht: .laic, iijd tile it vTitu it e oliief it •• leetor ul the ltatt;iiicula of biii*»} li iiii the tai ;ed 3.1 ail be paid Suite, accoui- uLrt ■■ -iul3 aiore- diou iCi. eolieetor tru- ‘*;c, guar- exi-^uior or ad- ly iu l i t, or tao- :iU-i :diiJg ry -nver ,Cf v^lH li acy 'the ; ,j_ ul all (bhali TMiuircd i 'I'J iUOQ- >uie fjicr their tea *, :[ T,aj and iJid e> V y perBOB ihe t-xei herein ie i'or ail taxes ey, or pr. :>erty .1. i hti^jiifajd, asyi iki; ,d iitiail be roVi-tiuu. ol thia 'rea-ury be, and all ruUs and ktiou ct tiiiii act, two year* after r, aud the taxei Bar shall’be lo- lereaitcr in the :d, a'id tor the ji8 ae: db .11 be tua uavai ulorcH} ^ther a^nouita- yf -. >eoeed- li'i ion .4•../for 4 rj y I “BIWHS!* T 1 , )r'-' % vw S E M I- W B E M. L- f. \ . XHI.j FAYKTTWriLLE, N. C.. JANUARY 2;>, l^^4 [NO. 1300.] rRINT>-:u M{)N”rA\S aNII EOWARiJ J. SO.^’S, F.nTOliS AND r i. ■ ;iKT0n3 iWt, Yernoii Feiu»le Semlusry. Price for tlie Semi-W-Pklv (*BqFRv«ii ?•« '*0, pjii l ’n advanoe. For the Weekly OBstKTKR SI 00 >:,.r i-'.nun3.‘'p“ *wivsnce. f»g“Al)VKPTTSR\fRVT9 ni?»r-e I ".i’- f-3 ''r ? of IS linps‘‘or th# fir5>f. and one for sach sue- •♦ediac p-;’,.H',‘at!on. A Iv riireiji nt- noi r3f‘e‘'!inr t half scjniire f>Mrb* lines; for i - > fi. -t i 5i> f*iT (fujb 8Ut;ci!ed'.ii£' puMiPaticn. AitTer!;n>»ra Art' r? qB»F:«»] to state ih« number of innertion:? 'ieriiro‘1. or t?4fy will b> confinnoii t*'l ^orhvl “.n! o'i>«r:r>‘} a■•o«r^^ injftv. « Advertisevu^nts con(in'.isi rnat.f.-. chars?'! nww i»i- »«rtifiprD,>at*. • I ^PHK ‘i} o''mmer>c» li j ! HUAUY 9’i(‘! ‘20 • Tuitinn id'Ersclii'fi T}ranch*-*8 I • •• Musi*j lia^l Paiutn.j, ( -ixft',) I “^. hrol Rnmn e.ipcEsfS I n iior •i>“riipn. 'IT raid in • I v-i-'fc? S5U. All of Tii'ti'in rtj.: h -1;' ■ I qu!‘d )»? o.-ivftnrf a.»c«' T'ijrji r";!! f. —> 0T-« pai'- »h,t(«!o, (n" i»vir p'll.'" tirv>--rr \'i i i r q'jiU a di -vitHp •'U”- f i-EB ?Gf t-O 10 00 8 (»0 sf ol J ■f Bo'-rd '-r :sli i "r I'Wi ' OT''" .J)u - iirv 'VM HOOr^H, V,, . . , T C HOOPEIl. ^ f'*J ^\ vFrf-rc' P O ^ •ui'tV 1 ??LIIFF V. ' ^pHE i fif ne* '•■n of this Sahnol -vrill ‘‘ri?ne^o« J m'v ; ! IS-. ^St;' T; ■ Priueip-.l ■».!! u- OT’ 1 r L- the r- '>» StTIu!*; d- . wr;l as lUo me C'%'0 he •' ^ *‘,;s whu! tal Till-.aic,' n the \iil *re AIJITIOH' «ALE«. HV TALOOUB BY H ILKE^ MOUKIS, inction^. SPI'id * ' V )TiCK. From 1*15 i t'ter tl ' ^1-ite. uonnrcerf a new siiihri-ribftr iri?l ’ e entoivii without pi.vrT^r.t hi n i■ nor tt-i!! Slo pap*v S‘iUl iv ...4>v Ti! tr- Pt-r : (‘-ijfer eb»u is raid for. Su#h of our o’d suud'’rib5rs tc. r .ike the vh- per an tbi* syatprn ■wHl pUtr?*.* no'!t v u.« wh,-a rui’Ais*-' rTOvitfHucPS. Jftn’y 1. 12 A. MoN. !*JiACF, Pnucir-il. 97 TflE BlNGRAy SOHOOL, 'lAKS, OK',.VQR '■’{VTTN'T^. N lvoo''i ff»r '• •▼erta^ yooti Roy Tu'ti n (-jr .'.U iroii .If ti’v 14i ■ ' -> rl «• Aairifi •■'' J ,> O.V. Of 2«,18«3 1*. Attorney at Fayettevili->:, U. C. Wj'ILL att«nd the County and Superior Courts of T/ C»Ki^erland. Harnf-U, Moor* ar ^ Kobfir-n Coun- ttee Prompt Rtteutiop gi^e to 'b? o»>'Vr»i^u»!1 o'lO V ‘i-9 r 1 elniiiif) entrusted to Ui* hAn?9. ict. 17, 1859. &8-tf GKO, W. WILLIAM^; u. CO., %%’liole«ale Dealers in wi’»terie*«, AND IMPORTER!^ DKALEKS IN liardHflre and futiery. Swedes Iron, &«., HiY bTKiwKT, F.U KTTKYILLE, X. V. WESTKK?! I$%aS. KOAI^. T«E freight ANM) PA8EN0FK TRA1>': 5f iU» Rotid leave FaTnttcTille daily, (Sun jhvs except*-.!) at 8 o’';lock, A. M.. 'and returning learo ^i^ypt a! 1 o’clocs. PM. etul a«i Tr,tin Mf)SDAY, WFUNESDAVand FRIDAr. JNO, M. RO»K. Trww’r and G’n’l T' . A^'t. 97i.f By order 3 m. 2i!, 180S ^ l-'ruju uaid llii» d-tte •‘•e sJtfdtuf^ A. P. HURT wi!J l'-:lT!' at ? n'clOi j. V ^!.. OB *foi;J4j >wnd ThuMday. .!()S \ 'VOHTIT. April t;—!?!/] Ar i C F. i'teera Beat ’o. o6tf ^ uiy 1. 130 i joj*. i:xi.EV, iit'ottv and C'o*WiMwsio»» .ftfi'chanl. FAYETTKVlLLiC, N. 0. J.tn’y 10, 186.?. ‘ 98-tf B 0 WtlHTU. U O W«.RTIi. N. a. DA!»I*L - WORTH ^ CO., Commissioa and Forwardin? Marchants, If Yr#rr Sit'^et, WILMINGTON, n: tl O'! 7 '^ lii'i JOH]ySON, WILLIAMS i ‘ 0.. SALT’.TS/VKl'li^i. tv E have tfsirty 30) pans n.ow in opern'i ^n uine n-ilw IT eaiu of Wilmiagtoa. Pu>i“8 wijViing to supply tlseftiselTS' ■r-itn salt. CR,a >e furnishe l by .applyiiip to A. Johnfon, Jr., A^cor *t tc E inan;^er at the work*, or t..- . J. M. WILLTAMS, G'ieril Supc-r:ut»c li'Pt. FaTettnTtlle. Sov 2'>. bl>f A^HKTiir.LE, V. WlLL.op-a t^.. EAULi; HOTEL for iho ro ce^jtii n of Giusts rhe tirst cf June, a.i.i I fiopf ,to be able catertain froM a^vouty-fi^e lo a huadreJ perxona durinjr the Sunitner In condeotiou wittj this large I hare a numbi^r of Hack^. Carriafeji, Buggies aBj Saddle Horses that lay puc-stA can ^at at « notice, .1 M. liLAllt, Proprietor Eag'a Hotel, A*-hevi;!n, N. C. May IS. l?j>a. Jll-ypd WiNTEp, tor tlie Hospital at Fort Fisher. POULTRY, Cblcien?, Butter and otb»-r dfilicacies for iKr sick firt'diers a' tftis Ho^^pifHl. Psrtto;*'' b'^.vins; . K»'«e articles cau of.tain ths markut price on -ppuca- tioQ-to the hubjcribar at his otd siuiid or at .'Ir J V>. P'jw n»’9 oti Hay >StT?At. R. K HELDS. Gf-a’i Air’t. Ac?. ■:■). tf To Cottofi rJaiiier^ iilAVE ba«o >ppO)QteU by the Secretary oi the Tvea- Bury, CLief Agrnt for tie pumbM» of Cott.vu f'l- the Coufederate Jo»"mn>cnt withlo tlir Rrat« of N'>rth Caro lina, asd will pay for “wc' Is 7 pt- . •«» Br.nds or W.% \TKS». BUSHELS vhkaT -500 “ CUK!J Sub-Agents r\:^ng t'ttt ditfer-'i;t p.*et:* of the State, in'my ffii’ hare , i, BUSHELS ^ippoiritEsett. * jOvl/ 1^500 •* CuPvIJ. By order ef the Secretary of ! ;8 Tr-ja-'ir^, all (;o>' Persons haritig th*j nboTe ar‘-;clea tc »ell wiU r^c?:iTe . pur-jhaaed by mysilf o? my aaccsit'^, on ani ;'.rt *r ■' the l^ighest Cash price * y caiUug on Mr. M The« -'•on. i ^[^7 cf Marct 1S68, wid be paid for m 7 p^r c'^ui at the Merchant Mills, Fayettev'iie,- or ou tne satdori- j i>.^,ad" i»r Casii. and not S per ooni. DonJ? ai ‘O-i- ' 'a ber at his old utand on Market Square. _ ■ a f.vrn.e’ advortLieuivUl. Op 10 ttiai ti:ilc. aot^ev. r, tav .4LEX. JOH,-.SON^,.Jr. ^ ^ ocul. hoadu will be f.ifaished aa •Jt.^’.*i Not. 5, 186*2. ^ i*airioiIo citiiens are naw ctf*»rei »r. opp. i*’uaity to ._! ART^IY {AM prepared to maiiufaotorc a’' kiu-’s of I Harnesa for -Army use. 1 tan .cij it.'uher aud cau giTC good bargaip'». Agtuts ■Wji! do ■s^ell tr. 3^nd iheir j erder) to me as ih y sh**!! have fv-.viipi ^l*Fat•'Jn -md 1 9en,t off in quick dispatch. JOHN GArtTtK. ; >T‘ldston n. 0.. Chathan Co.. N. 0.,^ _ ! .luac i .. is‘.2. } I *24>0 Sbs. Miisn for nuSe t>5 .1. E. LEE. ' Oct ly. n !T S'.lc ;tf aid t'*e GoTcrnment by soLiiag t« it their Ootioa raiher j tiias to pri»->w capitaljft* LEWi? 8 VVIT.LIA.MS. Chariot'* Marcb 1SG3. [jj. d.] ’4tf WAil?TE», ~ I N0TE8 of North Carolina, S-'uth Carolina, | VirpciJiia and Georgi*. Alf>, Norv^i C&rolica six per eeut. Fundable Notss. ifor.*: Carolitt* six per cent. Bon Is, new iaaue W. R. rtlC{IAaD80>' k CO., Brokers, P.aleijih, N. 0. A>.n I 25 ■ sA?/r I! • R')p. ill -I QA BOXES VIRGINIA lOBAv *>0, ?»aou.^icraj;;., for 8alc on ccn»i^u;ac!r, Gr,0. *>li.LlA 15 V CO. May '2-i 3Ilf 9ioic Leatlicr waifiicd. Oi W III hea-yy well tauntju d>LE LEATHEr;, (WV'M.f suitable for Bo'.tjug. Ap^’y Fa>ftleyide. Apiil 14. '^URVPY. 2Ctf ColSoil Yarn for Wool. j^OTICE is horeby given that after tnis iate (exo»pt 11 in east's where we ftaTe bargaiaid for Wool accord- ini *0 ^he terms of our advertisement of the oOta of •M -y, which teroiB are now reroked,) we witl.give 1 bun- di of Cotto^n Vara for 4 lbs. of Wool uawwhed, or ibs. ?t.,i»h(;d atii piekfid. Tai^ change is m 1^ at the irj. t-.nct of tie tiuartermaater at m or kr 10 ibe t'Tio? 0' eich- i^o uniform thr’ugU .w ihr 3v.ir-. GEO' W. WILLL.M6 £ CO. TayetieTina, Jur«e 29, 1SC3. 41 if Wanted to S’nsrcsiaM;, TESiERN i^VlL ROAD STOOE; r lir.-.a . j G.'ld ->ad Hilvpr; N‘‘Ttb Carolina Treasv-r.- NoiC'^ 1 F ’’'.'1-.ble;) I “ “ *• »l au i 5-„; “ Bonds, ell ar.l -»ew: Coua!y rf Cu^l^erIind B j.tI':; Tom of f .'iyrttHviile Bon ”GrefR3^oro’ f 1 •*' d $2 Otrti£ca!ee; Vjonfedf-rKtr 7 a«id 8 j;nr csiit, B^u '■; ^Co'-’oua ot $16,(-*00.000 lf«a; iff Town and County Bon is;: “ of ol'i X"rt!‘ 0!.i ijlu..t liqjt i.-^; T. Lf/TlEfiLOK. 0;t. 1'2, 1W3. SpuH CgUoii Excfiauged for Lard. V"E will give Spun Cotta-, i'l pan paycjeiu for L.AKD delivcr»;d at my Factory tn I'ers.ia t't. A. i>f:LAU‘'IIMN. irOK $ALE. ^’'lllE onderrtiyned have tak^n the Agency for tne sale 1 v>t Mes'jri Vf ■ li. Farrar Co ’t Grind Stones, and haTt; no«F ou h»^d siaa« runuiug ftoai 18X2j^ ioohes to 0 fc.t't by 11 uiCui.o; asd can have cut at »nort notica /'liY SlZi'.f^ 'psf'ted. i’er’ona in waut of Grind Stonea xifi pUaie correspond with the uuderaJgned, who will fiil order'tj p.'oniptiv r.n'i guarani?? the qu;»:ity of ih.r .'is repre OCO V H CO. . Faycti4;Tiue, 27. KHP3. ZZ-ii ver; fi't." arliolfl. tor sale at ray A. .vie ij.^U Qu LI i'l f.xim on. Faci-ry. !*»».%81 A.\I> 'I'oai'^i; r ?»0 \8*.—For fial» at niv FhC'.ury. A >ici»AU 'ilLlW. Faj ttevilb:, 12, tiiupl OHDXANCK UKF4UTVIKM, I Kalfioh N. r, \\-y H, / LE.\L> anted.—i wish to j!ur'5'»-u Le-td t r thss i»cparltt,oa£. I’erbjnsi h-iVins iurgs 1 f tuail quan- tmcf wiii apply at -nee. Wi;) 1 p.iuad it POVV LEtv icr 10 poandc ot LE.il>. TrfOS D HOUG, Cr.pt. 8. " la cbargft of Ordraao j. Ad5iiiiiss!>ilr?*le>r’*« i^olsce, I’HK ?"t.‘cri: *-u:4Viug at i*«»oeuitier en-i, >rij2, uf ^ tae’C>'jUiiiy v uu.'f of Cuiaf>«n'laad, rjualiucd a.-- •Vu- cuuiBtr-*^.' 'B tee Estate of i'.eili G. .M'-Jieiil, i. o i, .1 jUfii'S aiV ijcri'on*; having clann.-i ^g.k.u-it :''t lo i t^j'.Dt«' ■■'Ul wit.i^ ».‘ie tiaie iimitua ty I»w, otuerwire «i.l I.. i.'=-*dc-l ia t^aroi reoovor>- U.i ~ = i "re reiiii'*-t'*eJ t'o '«iase ;'V*raj i r ■ HECTOR 'J > I) . .0. - ' TMIK lj>JLS.IE . OOE tiM Lift)e Pi.lks. A farther supply a'- ♦>»ole’*l« X 9T t%m i. f. BAiii * b(m. €«saS i^lisae. uuderfigneU wert, u> tUu Nove'jibt'r Term of. ibc L Confederate Court, Dwtrict .-)f North (,;aro''»na, >;p- pcin'ed.Managf.T" of ih-:- prop erty, aiid have c-Tstcred iuto co,^rttier3bip for tne purpose of aQinlng and selliug Coal, and aolieit orders for t;>e saniij in any desired it»an>ity. '.bdeis for' any aniouul ;»u b- .supplied on *h. rr ucfti';". Th«» C-oal .frx-n thi j r,. r.?riyi5 u^d'iuhtedly I in'• ost in the Conff. !eratn 5?tV;. . •ippiioaticn.* mAy r,c. to Chas 'd. M.ii!*ti,, Fayatt-,- vi'Je, N f!., or /eniea EroTvae, Charleston, t?. 0 CHARLES B. MALLFfT JAMES ^ROV.NH. K»iyetleville, Jan’y 20 IHfti^ Qfttf Palii^n fleask«. rllX 8ubs'rib**i w'*! T^.ay the h!^h‘'.^t cash pricv^ tor •’U> quaatity •. J (’hrifH.i Be«*ftB. . .J ■ ' f-flR i’Uy quantity ^IT ^ - - "!- .1^ '.1. - u.i ..1. ..Ti.; the .\0K1’3I CAROLINA l‘.r.,npfa^u S«fe »f «r«» 1«-| gJ'TBit Llt’E iSS(ii{*S€E { «-i5> iiS\, i OVV in the tenth year of (succeisj'u! ojijr-.fioii w«:b I II growing capital and firmer hold upou public con- j ndcnoe, eontinues t» insure the livofl of all nealihy per j iroQi 14 to 60 year* of aw, for one year, for ON VY, ,T .uii'iry -6tii, 1864, MfniU6Bolac at 9 j ?®^rs, and for life—all life McuberashijCiii^ 111 ilieprotit" 8»l’s Rqoibb, No. j . slaves from 10 to GO years of ag’O are iusared far ys^r or/or live year ( for two thirds their vviatj. .All losses ara puuctually paid witinn Si) lays a»;e- sati^actory ^roof is pr-2'?eutad. ! for further infornaatioo the puoJ> la referred to ■ A;ent? of th.' C.i.npany in iVi fiarts c St^ta. aod to ^ R ilATTL':', ■Seoiet-iry, K-^lrtia'I.. ^.. h if ALE, .'»ertu*. 1 .b.:i y Ifio t. . Fa'-eitHvil,,-, C j FAi^:TTff:Vsa.ff7E ^STftAL L^SfllilMS: > th.. 9th p.nd 'ir.n^horouitc the ^ Thackeray, whose dc-^.th was very sudden and un- of ^o^£l»■rn Virjtinir. Ail P«r9CEiT. ^ ' > 'n- • br.xffl, w,!l Dl-ase have tbein ready ! f*PCCt‘d- ihc _i.Oaaou limes glVCS the follow- 'Viii3iiu^t.ou, N. C., by eal«.tcgtie, ibo ‘.'0? Grari'? P*-’' f th Pi:t,!U V, mmihdayreil, Wjri largf cj;.iii'3E!ont'3 from other vf-eieU. tik DRY GOODS. 68 ■•'i' a l^^rkand B’.** oy Printe, Sehawb«’R& liojle’s 1 Wbiia do Ble«chrd Vhirtiog : (WILL leave Greq.'wb^rctigh oh thn 8’Fj '?f F«:t>Tii ■*••; x', liills) 10th, ‘"f tut '.nriy d gironr. "f fen Sinj; br.xfs, will ploa^e have tbam ready • r tl'.o r.bovH Tian»«d dais, wigheJ. marked and proper- dir'ct d .-“aj-ill p»rce!a canno*. be tr.ken Boxes tU' ’ e i ik*-^ on at tha i: terrnedi",tf st Mif ii'j 'V ^Lt'EH A THOa*P.^ON, 8-ate Ae^at. J in 1 tJ. #8- FayottevUIe Ar.seDal and Armory, 1 ■UsuABT 13, 18U4 / Tkiicheray'si TjoAt Hour a.—The London jour- nala teem with notices aod anecdotes of Mf B 23 ;)-i -T eai-,: 14 ;t BI»ct -A ; acc»* .‘•’upi-r F so!- B’ack Bro«d CloUt b IfcUo' Mxtra hcsvy Wool Coatiags 10 —C%5 nm'". C cantfs r*»iy M hairs 0 I W- 'I.. F '.nr.'l 4 o.iloR K,i">?v >V*>v' F'ai>i.rie "I b -.b- -( F;-,»ncl 4 U-!rs B!uo S'vtir/t't? 2 r-i'.'s tl ''ViBB 2 bale' F .;i t 'fw-'c i! 4 !-.t. •: Hp-’ T‘ k - CiJr;*" jr *uC - .>[ viiio - -ir: F.-- C*i C vScliiUl^'e ' ■ a-^ir? L. *' S’lrtJ 1 c=ivf> S‘. j) D (U'th I >f iO Pilot ■■■ h ' A.iny Cloth B. r,^ Cloth j Capli^Vio Pr«>nium Nf'te# a;rvt’.i»i*s to f-mh ou kand aul other an?Hs. $2Q7,(;88 i«b 5,077 35 * ^ Totai, S:i7:i,7t>5 Cl • C.taipaay t»ave p.aii all loaecs promptly, and hi»v» ci«>Tcr Hjadc an as'^«‘s»it»ni -n fh»^ir premium netf^n. ' Tatal l.'nson paid. f fit 0*f!crn‘’; GRO. Mc?5RlLL, ,D. A. RA V. Vice Presidt'-^ i 0. A. MeMfLJ av> FayltevlUe Arsenal Biid Abuiory, Novell? 1x*i3. 4 ^100 SJOUi^Tr. AJJI’HORITY bavin,7 b>en t tt.o V, i,r D port'4ent to rai-i • a Compi.n f ? M 'i J tl ii m' tor Ber?i30 in this vicin.ly, n >ticoi-« l‘cr«by th ;t recruiti »o th» nurub-r of lOU r.on confcrip/x wili O' r;'- j oeived for thia 8eiTi‘'-s. E-v: ■ .*,.rui‘ wiii bi r I to lurnisa a service...’’!^ ^ tor wai -'i w il o; al- 1 l.td hi?* V »v" 'i'' ' Ki -b. I ’•uquir-5'1 frrt’ii - r I 13 00:4' '•ipt J c * • 2 c»^ i« 1 \V .» 'T p- f TwStyi^ 1 case Vrir Pi v . 3 .ItS-.S L II- ;■-/« 1 I'v^s V • 1 I'j »> G-ey D La^tr s 2 ■- Fir i: -i D.'Liiaea 1 0 :--» Pl'ii j Kiilckisrl.cpker 2 F-»ti'y Fbnn-?- 2 CAR ji Mari'^- Hhir'ij ' Q-ise We uj D.'tfdra 4 c 1 ->-.• O ' r ' If ' dken>ji»fi 1 o-'.Ho P-.per ■ a-itriti 3 t: i-e- --H ooi I'ott-'a •J -s . -d B.'Il ■ fS-i; . 1 c.t, e Milftar- Ha tan • 4 Pim, 1 O' f • H -ir Pins 1 c-asf St-»y Br. r.iug . ■ 1 es • ■ L . •••. Siirt CoUars 1 c s. Shawls 2.c*«"? G' veB iu-1 Mitts 1 o ..‘I Iloc'p Ss’rt* 1 casf ^sr.^rtpl RibboBS BOOT-’ AND SHOW. e4 c-.^ a 1 Ltdies’ Bb»«8 23 C..9V' Amy B.uob^-rs ti i • ;ia te T ' «;»1 7 "■'itj i -itu- r 3 Fr ee . wucl Calf Bkiaa .^TAi'IONGRT. 2U (asfri Le'f r and Ncte .Paper li{ cy? P.v>'-> H '1if»rJ and PencPfl 8 > E'i v.«)o))»». irl;iio.aDd buff 3 >»,•=. * }' J_; ill* ' irds 2i( b '.Ti {•' P g.p Bo.'-'ds CARDING, Stc. 4 c‘HP - {\ar l Clr-fhinf 47 Cotiofi t’ards. No 10 H \r=' AND CAPS. 20 oa*’-''- G^ut'-" ‘'sps 5 French Felt Hatii r» T*o,« o« . 41 t«hi*i t’-u->n^ ( .SuRHr t.l na»s .l:itr. (ffi»c 10 l:s f *:« Y uuif Hyaoa Tt\» , 20 ease-; Vic wr •itt c -ses Pir-k>rt 20 ca’"3 lad O.I r.o ci-^a B-awn roap I''*) ca^.-s V* - iie .iu-ip .')0 cv-.'s Bi-lmoat Sperai CaBdlea f)G b^rriils Mack-»rel 18 btirrcb S'.laon LIQUOR*! C qn srtpr ca/as ''opaac Braniy, a snperlor arliele !*0 caaki Bjurbon W'iiik«y 10 bilf pip»3 Boirbno Whiakey 8 pip?8 noiluij'i Giu 9 aa-!ka 0!d Tom Gin 2^8 oaf.c« Oon^va Gin • 123 casts Old M*lt Whiskey 65 oas«8 Bou bon Whiskey 16 caaea Sohvid:>m Schnapps 20 cabCB Champagne iS cases Pale ^Ic 215 oas8« t3o,',:iac Brandy, Dapeal and olkar favorit* brap it*. SALT. 30ki sacks Liv?rr>.'*ol G \ Sak 160 sac’is Ttirk’s Is and Salt 2 cr>i'p« E '.rthr-n Ware 25 cssc"i G'ttra W -rc, Tumblert, Wine GlasMt aad Dic-:it.rbi .'HARDWARE, &o 10 *cn3, 4'K) bunJi.*?. fiue Nail Rod Iron 80 b«x ■ Tcrna PUtss 4-1 kfig.H cat Sails 3560 lbs Ho'l w Ware 4 casi's K :;v!»s and Ftrks 2 casps Scissors and Racora I ca«H Fiip«, II -»nTTier3, Ilktshels aad Gimlet*. 116 b’lxc-s Wii;dow tilass 10 c^^'-s Pfr CSt-s iJAGGlNG AND ROPE ‘ifi b^l p G'.inpy Bagging 8( co'l.s Bile Ror>£> DRUGS, &c. 820 kefi'H Bi (>rh St,da 26 0 s *"a'’rj#'ils ()0 C'isk-> Er>‘Ha .'^aU.s 35 i)',rr;'i- !,ump A'.nm 8 k'-. - I”o «'d Craarp Tarter *2 c^Hs»*5 Ivvlitio Pota3« 8 O'’ !-? Q.MTiir.ft 40 b *■ ’l-f E^zlis,'i ‘^oppesa? 100 bf xf'p Ex'rac* Lccieo''d 6 CT^ks Rv-tiiiei ^’anivhor 1 tl ■.>’? llef-coa 1 >»:•' ,V''i' I eif*' Ac'.l Ti“t 1 fipiT^ Pr.H cafia 3 ca; kr! Fi;>r ?olphur 10 diurns 5als-i'ii Copetha 3(5 niskb .A'.i'obol II P!;#;cbf-on3 Alcohol * 12 caR?i9 Jjin3!‘ed Oil 70 druios L-.neeed Oi!. 10 ca.s?8 Taniiio Acid .1 cise Ir.d a Rhubnrb • 1 kcj; Chi ir Potash 2 ke?s Saltx Tartar 14 easi-** B.!s>i'n Cop:’b'a 2 casi-p Pcw’d fauthnrides 1 ktfft 0am Ac.ioia Zinc > !*- '« Mu»taT ^ ^ Su'v'^A'^d ^.A N. Tillinghast, 9. T. Hiufdal’, 'iVai. McL,.uriu T. S. Lutterl. h A. W. StcBl, J. Q. C»ok, .3on. J. G Sh«x>hord, H.. F. Crown, 1 u- , , A. Is. Uall, ha CoUinrf aud C. C. .MoOammea, Traviliujf AgeHtp |-#^The Company innte appiicaliciw. May 28. IKM. . -21 _ ilenry Lilly, R. L My*o7(*r is. T. Hawley, Nath.'vc A. Stedman. C B. Mallett. •lames Kyle, .4. .A, MoKethan. J. D. ^illiibis. 3 . Tilliapbaet. Hell '.rs, cnn find oiaploTmeot at this Arsenal ard .\rm )rr .Apply «7 6tl L» CoL F. L, CIllLDS. C-.rrd’jj pffioer Ta R "fOIJM »R¥. T!iE ^*u^ 8cribor very respceffully >ufo“m8 his frirpds fi 1 i^e public gfiti.^raily thu h^ ha? nowin hss em •’o?rr>eni corapt'fent wirkiofn, ond 'S fully prepared to 3 .“f e.vv kind of WORK in iio lin • at the shortest no t:?.; in i mi »*?e a'^r-t r(’a«(sr”-t t‘rtn«: euoh rb Ci»r 'Vbf*-is, !>riv;iig VVhtiPis, Green and Dry Macd irork. I. ■f’fi rlc; Blpwiyig Crlm‘?er8, ^featn Boa! work, 3alt P«*PB and Gra»« Bttrn, So &o M. A. BAKER F PftrviUp^.N f! , ’as’y 11. 18C4 97tf L A^ir'ro r'sasTk] UNDER a D»cr(;e of the. Court of PUae & Quarter 3cs^i'iE», Deo**iaber Term. 1863, I will expose to public sals at the Market Rouse iu Fayetteville on WEDNESDAY, th.^ 31 of February 1864, about 120 a*r?3 o' L-nd r.u or near Blaek River, adjMcin? the la .'f a;K»i Arnery, .!tjOu Hortj and Rcbe-t Mai- tfiews. boloDgiujtto the estate of the la^e Jo^l M;itihewK and subject to the widow’s d»wcr . J T WARDEN. Com’r J;iti’y 12 . 07 ,p-yg A «E?I! The Jfew Style, Small, reLOH|i> p»0T0(>K.irH!j, VaHoi’adtill’v (xailery. ART. %Woodward^« ^iolai* Camera. PHOTOGRAPHS oan be had at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay atr.iet, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, polorod, in water colors, cil and pastile; from jiinall to life si’.e. .Atrbro- •ypee, Melaneotypes, and all other styles of Pictures pertaiB' ig to the Art. Also, Gilt Framas, Gilt .Mould- ing, G' f i for very large pictures—is large as-'i6 by 86 inches. Gord and Tansels for hanging picturet; lustra* meatti. Stack and Chemicals for sale iow for caith. Life ■ise colored Photographs made from small pic^urts. Having permanently located here 1 hopf' Vj merit your patronage. I would ako return my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on me heretofore by the iroed peop’e of Fayetteville acd vicinity. C M. VANORST>ELL, PKrt>ni>’r«p1>lfli *.rd iiiOTict:. ^J^^^JIjJ^NDE^B^IGI^D. both havinj^ j^tere-! mili- hx'^b_»givo notice to tiieir old customers aad rrieuds. that ibi*y have appointed John D. .S'arr and John D Williams, «f this pla^e, their 'itK.rn^ys to iion^Qt either aepar-^tely or conjointly all moneys due the^T phhcr by acceuat or note, and otberv-ife to attend to ib:'ir aiuess jenerally during their ab«enoe. They rc^pt-ot- fnlly &'"k a?I persous indebted '.i thftn to cail as prciupJ- ly as possible ca their a^efit.^ r.ai 'aak* '.javmeat. ■■"\xs % wfLLlA.MS -pi I IHiil. • account of his last,hours: “He was suffering from two distinct complaints, one of which has now wrought his death. More than a dozen years ago, while ho was writiag ‘Peodenuis,' it will be reiaembered that the pub lication of that work vms stopped by hi.s serious illness. lie was brou^fht ro death’s door, and he W/liVTKM, I was saved from death by L>r. Elliotson, to whom, Wdgro Carpenters, Black’iinithS fit Helpers. 1 *“ gratitude, he dedicated the novel, when he ^ FE w’ first r~t..'i'.^Rro Carpenters, iiii.ek^Biti # and lived to finish it. But ever since that ailment, he ha.s been subject every mouth or six weeks to attackrt oi'aickuej^, attended with vigorous retch ing He wa» (jongratujatiag himselt' the other day ou the iuilure oi’ his old enemy to return, aird then he checked hiaiscli, H6 it he ongbt not to be too tsure of a lelease from his plague. On Wed- DCbday morning, the couipluint leturned, and he was iu great Kutfering all day. He was no better in the evening, and iiis servant, about the time ot leaving him ior tiic night, proposed to sit np with liiin. This he declined. Ho was heard moving about midnight,’acd he mu.st have died between two and three in the morning of yester day. His medical attendants attribute his death to efi'usion on the brain. They add that he had a very large brain, weighing no less than 0*. He thus died of the complaint which seemed to trouble him least. He died full of strength and rejoicing, fuli of plans and hopes. On Monday .last he was congratulating himself on having iinisbed four numbers of a new novel; he had the maauscripta in his pocket, aud, with a boyish frankness, showed the last pages to-a friend, ask ing him to read them and see what ho could make cf them. When he had completed four joambera mgre, he «aid he would subject himself to the okiU of a very clever surgeon, and bo uo more an in valid. In the iullness of hia powers be has fallen before a complaint which gave lam no alarm.” hook o!t ihii Picture and thefi on That.—The powers of ail just governments are derived^om the consent of the governed.—Declaration of In dependence. Whenever in any of the seceded Statea one- teuth of the people shati organize a govurnment (upon certain principles^ 1 will recognise and muiutain it a.-^ tiie government. This is the doctrino laid dowji by Mr. Lincoln in his late message to Congress. Ine DeclaratioQ ol independenoe requires the consent ot the gov erned 10 the government; but .Mi . Lmcoln.iH sat- istied with obtaining the consent ot one-teath a- gainst the remaining nine-tenths of the people. Lincoln’b principle is a beautiful exemplihcation of the old American principle that the majority shall rule! His majority is one-tenth! Cincinnati Enquirer. Why Broicnlow liun.—At a recent war meet ing, held in (Jiucinnati ou Wednesday lust. Parson iirowolow was present, aud made the follt>wing statement resp^cdng his tecout “grcyhoundT per- ‘unSerstood that ihis is a war meeting anu IVOTI€E. • UlABQUARTBRS N WAL DRrS.tClW*. N. WlLMISGTON, DsC 16Ul. ISb'i C., The fol'owij>(r Cir'>uUr fr^si thr- Btireau of C‘>nscrip- liou is publiahe l by order of th^ 'Officer cosroi'vpdmg the Kival Dofcnees of North Carolina, for the iaferina- tioD cf Gi»nser*pis •ind pFr.»o=^-' b.ab’e to Cjnionption: Confederate States of .^merioa, Bure.vu of Consoriptio.\, Richmond, March 24, I86i}. CIRCULAR ORDER The atteation of ofififfers b.^iving cbarg^ of oan:icript«, is directed to s-*oM-->o 2 r^f the of Congress, ap proved Octo**er 21, 1862. which is ra fol'.owc: See 2. That if any person who has bf.on or is abcat to be enroU. d for servic* in rh" arnJT. Hhall, at aoy tiaio b^fjre beintj a-^si^n-d to any oooipany. decJare tc the enrollin'; or conitQ\niiiag offi’^r that ho prefer-* be ing enrolled for Pervice in the n»5^y or niariae corps, it Bhall bo the duty of the said cHopr te e.nroU such per son for ib» service which he may prefer, and to trans Blit to the Secretary of the Navy a list of the persons trolled. The Superintendent direets that this proTisif'U of the law be observed, and that reports be toad- aecordinely. Wheaev«r any cffi,?>*r of the Navy de’dgnarr"! by the Na’vy Deparlraent, eh^ll pr6S!»"t hir^iecif for the purpose, any offio»r in charge of conscrip's wiil C'tu“e th.iin to be mustered in presfuco-c'f oifis! .■ of th; Na'»y, iu or- dar that'lhey n>a3»bo offered the alt-jru^fire of cntfring naval service. By crd?r of Brig. Q»n G J. RainH, Superiiitrndent 91-6w] -A. JO ' Li r,l , A A G. JMafe of i\ortta l'aV«>liiia. ROBESON CtkUNTY. Court of PIea and (ju%r:er Hcsjiioa.*. Niv. Term, 1863. ON mo'ion, Reubfn King,'8h»>rifJ of R.iViesor county. read alou J iu op»n. C >ur^ thy f viowi: r iinds whlcb he propos.-'s to seit fi* thy Taxo's due tn*=reon . f?r the yi^Ar 1S62: 85 aer.-s listed by F. C Wftia^'n, Gum Swatup. t-^x 23; 850 listf'd bt'J \Dics H A'»i'l-‘jJ, Swamp. 5 If"'; lOQ MTEBl>s*^d by R^ b«r>».>a Bin^l tary, E'i?. •*>:•! 0 rofli5, 2 -S2: H5 ^vc-re.s li.Ved bs John Grri^iam. Q ^'rire’-i .MarsVi, 83 of.s (Fr»m th’ Minu es ) 89-!4Mh"] .)NO. A KOVL ;NO, Clerk. After thi;$ !ate 1 wilS pay 12J Centu per pound for rags, or tbf highest market price, deUverad in p»veti.e»:lle, or at uiT mills on Renkfish 0 •fUHPHV ’ 'O’'' fpHK 8rm hereij'fore existing under thf u me aud style J of MORION. RICHARDSt.N ik Cv lu Carthage, N C , is dissolyed by matu*^ consent Any person or persona h-vvini a claim or claims against said Firm, will pr-Tient tbeui i'ameJiately to either of the Babscribars fur payrueot JOHN MORISON. B RI‘'‘HAKDSON. SA.\;'l. ) -iitRETr. N lJ.l laCHARDSON Jti B cueEK Jj^n’y 13 97 Stpd iVortli Carolina. K Wake Countv. j IN the caso of ‘ M-s Jare B--vlaa, Joha 11 C jyian aad others, aeaiast Ge-T' V. ilord^cai, Executor of VViiliasi Boy'‘(u. Wi»l'^on e, iJjySin. Sarah Boy'an ami others ” fiicd to Spring Tern.. A. D 1864, i*i the t’curt cf Equity fcr th-’ County of Wak-j and Slt'He «> NotlL Caroliafi. for the purp.i.-e of takioir >.n a c^aat and pay iug ol7 logacips, to Notice is hereby given to Woldon E Biylan, 9®.rab Parker, K>«te '^'eidou Boylati, llaaa^h Boy'“B aud Ebza Webster, tT come forward at taa next r.;rm of this f'ourt. -rtj.l r.l,>a.1. answer or demur to aaid bill, or it will be tak»n pro ocnfesso. aud heard ex part* >-13 to them Done at Office in the City of Raleigh, this the 9th dny of J.anuary, A I) 1864. li. G. LEWIS. C. M. E. Piano IVaiited. WANTED to hire a PI.ANO. Apj^iy to S. T. HAW1EY;& son. ^— _ £«.2tnd Public iWoliee. Notes mentioned in the ^/j .ar:, »s being ’'m- po^•s'■s9ion, deiiviired to tuj t*y t-rdcr of ^ ' Jt^^. .Stewar , lieo’d The notes are sny property and will be delivered to the p-jyers whenever payru nt is made by >hera. I direct iSat th(*se notes shall nnt be paid to any on^zc»pt myself, I b*-inr the lei^al h >!J'-r THOM A'* H MA.''-SEY. •Jr.n’v 1>^ 1861 W2-pd Va!n)*ble Land in Harnett for Saif* By virtue of authority vestsd in m by th-^ last WiH and Toat^inPBt pf Heoti’’ AI Mc!>».»c, da^'d, I wjH Sell on a credit of six months with interest from sal«, or f.>r ca«h aa (h« purchaaor m'«y e)e?^, thst valuable PL.\NT.\TION, on which tbo testator livad previous to his di‘i**h, containing about->>ix hundred aoros ^ffhis Und li»s on the North sido of (’ape Fear River, fr-int- irji On the sawjc ebout o^a mile and aiquarf.er, and run- nin? baf^k a lea^t thre®-fourths of a nfle. This lat»d is wiihin a mils of Liliingt,n, the Cou*ty Site, and is very valnabl'*. rresentirg advantages rarely oflFcred in this c^’iut.y • Tbcrp is a very valuable MILL "^ITE on the U’ld. -Ar.r person desiring •ix^'nia* the preraise-’ wilt •vpr*'” 10 Hugh AI'L.’'^!!, Esq . or to G'-b. A D Mo Le-'in. either i'f wlioui wil' f-tki* p’ska'Jure in showing them. EFFIE C. ^'cLEAN, Bx’r of H. M. McLEAN. D^c’r22, 1863 9^tf FOR RE3TT, My FARM, known as the Myrtle Hi’.l pUce., H’tuated three tpiies North of tovn, on tb-a t'ane Fear River, incbt'iiae tiie large and ootefartaMe dwelling house and offioi’. T*>ere are one hundrrd vr.d trirt-y acres of cleared Hvd, lyin? raostly cn the river a;.d no* eubj.;-ct to .^vttiJ /w. For furth’r informat'on and terms fJpply to Mr Dtixi- cm McLatirin. JANFES W STRANGE .lan’y 4. 18«4. A .MAN to toll Pac'i . M,j1) Dec*r ake c avea of a Carding R'>ofU 'm u Cot- V .'.(-plv t^ i’ Ly u .ti*. 3dib-,-?>jeJ & fiMTj. « IrttvH • >8 1 '>.) 10 oas-' 4 ^.aee l.-.w;-j 40* cents per ■* Wntti^ jtei rnifti»n ■ ♦ >ard.'aus, wherss tL Eaoh recruit mus’ ' . with tia .» i or ijod | Jan. 7 eprfTa.i. and Ofl'na '« rem vin 1 6S” P'*'-* Eri'iled, uaddies h r si-d sa tdja b^i.*'i'-'-sit:: i'’u vj chasing, a. ^ ed b;7 the GjvftTim u '^r if the roruil c tn? rl ' a,,.j.;£, ^i]i '* »ith them, he will b; f.tid for ln?m a fa(r vilu | vei-.^vifd Apply to Capt .M VTTHEVv' P T.VYLO.^, i' t'J t-»* i -- ‘ - F L, CfiiLDa i TiENTAlS.®:.\T.'ii HYiWi^S. *■ s. A. C.ai i v: ; ^ONFJiDERATE Slates Bible 5Wciety Teatameate. \j fA Oolleetion af Ss-bbatJi Sohool Hymns, fwni*bj B. J. HAL! h 80N8. 2 earl' ys \c«io**A^I 1 « iS3 1’cttr‘d Ip ■ i.-* 1 .ci®e J’"lv. R-) Turkey 8 c'».'-‘es Bi C r' Pot-tsh j 3 P-.v-’d - ■ I .4 e.-«.pfl 1 11 -ub.«?h ' i 8 .'fi- ff C -sur O I ■ 10 f?rn'i p tVlive »>il '‘mpti'ef. P'd Jiy ir-iis;, IoJi-l*i Potkss *‘‘^^Troforn; . . »6.ta r.-» att' ndsr/w this -ale with a visw of pur- ; ;“.i r-by uc^ tied th;iL ,r\o drafw* or fton^pt-) r. e-. iT>e.! IT- wyrnet!! o? bills Only tnBcay j Hillsboro’ Milita>-y Ara^Iemy. MlF Sixth .Aoadeniifl yetr of tVi.-* Issiitiitii.n will be- ein on vVcdii(*- ia?- Feb’y 3 1 1.^(i4. For cTrcularn an I in’oT'n«v'ion ipply to torjt that 30U are assemuie; beating up volantoers. nere tor tne purpose ot iu this maiter 1 am iH a somcivhat awkward rto^ition, having recently taken to my heels like a greyhounu, aud made three hundred miles two years, as 9J IliJlsKoro’, N. C , Vov WM }!. GORHON S-ip’t. 21. 1“63. 8t-3:o :$oiitiicrai »'pHE .‘■U^D'-Y P' HOOli HELL; 1 tiutfoh:^ iiu !•»'iVVa.-i'!->y»n M-'.-lodi'i HistoricE.1 Sari'^'i.i*. (Jic-t'oif f.>r .'J-tftly th'» C > goh.-ol X'?'-t •v:’u:b; Tne First Di.xi'" lleador; Tfi.> ^cnz T'fl .ott-^u Fi-ld M' !oiii?f>; Th" Dnitj Lftn i Soacster. D:o f9 C. J; H.^LE A jJOlJS Tise BI>0€SiAi>E. W. MAC INTYilE . ' HAS PKCEIVrn, 1C ASE Mad ler’colors Caiicaes,*18-15 y >rds. 1 caffe black and white Calico, ^ yrJ wide, I4X) yir. 1 case pillow oa'’ co:ion, 4 ) iu ■^ide, 2000 yds 2 oases Eiigthh Shirting, 3500 r i! 20. plsops hl-ick Alpaci Lustra 20't doz printed L-s!; Ha'’dk'’rchi'r8 ^)0'd z Cunt’s Jp?oi Co:t.ju blaj'i, 2i»0 y i-j. 6W» d ;z CUrk’s rtpool Cotton, whit-e, 2'>0 yds. 500 Groa! Gross ag-at.e Shirt Bufctcas. 57 I'l*. flae 2, 3 aud 4 bladfd Knives. 50 s!?ts Table Knives and F.^rks. S'X* geoss K’>iMin2 N#edle«, assurtid Ni=>., 10 to 16. 20 d’* Oral) Ea?lieh llMs 3 di-z. No 10 t^oiton Cards. 150 Expansion Skirts. De^. 20. ■ . »^5iwt“ ^ r Tno«. J. Geiieril Coinmissiou and FoiwaHing Merchant, .Vorfh M., VvlLMfNGToN. N. C. Jjni'j 8. !>-’(! 1 PSsV'.irJaes’s si'as^J. Dr il. A ( AUi*tlEbli (: r-*niav{ J t' Fajcuevilie Bliuak W^LrranUtaie for u thi« Ut&ce OIL and BL.1CK. TANNKR8’ and LUiiRtC.ATlNG OIL. LAMP yLACK. iu k&rrcU. Fo’- sal. by 1 • jos; &. BLOS.SOM & 00., 1 ■ WilmingtoB, N. C. I llftrrt T. , pf Marion, 8 C.,) ^ t ,k :u au trflice oa Bow pti*E“t, 'wher!' he ri>y be foutd at all fitn^a, wi'^ ao a’p; I* “I o\ . f >!» lic’tie*, to toswer Professi-jk-il eilis. S 'i"lHii.;r I ir • j fa-ruibhsd, .Stc. J-ir’y i, i“^o4 94-8»ir ? PJaiilntlon for Rent. The 6h:.w plartstioa, qb C*p« Fear, 3 mildi frets Town, i.B offered for raat tae p"di?at **year. For further part.!cul»rs, apply to JAS. JENKINS. Fayettaville, Jan’y 2, 1864 94-dt ‘ iu a short time. In the last you well know, I have done some brave tdlkiug, which tho rebels remember. Were 1 but s.^re lUat L shculd be treated as oar soldiers tatca by tuem arc—uica.eerated la their lousy prisons—iheir Libby and Castle Thunder— I should huve stayed, tor 1 could endure the lice. 1 did not run out ol cowur'tice, but i well knew that it they took me i would nave to pull hemp without a toothoid. • Tiie old reprobate could e.idare the vermin, because he is no doubt tamiiiui with them, but he has a mortal dread otjuftioe. Ho don't eel himself tic to be hung.—Kick. Eaq. The New !t"ork JDaily Nows, ot the lOtn in stant, in an editorial, says that the powder, bail and shell alone which have been used in the at tempt to take Charleston, cost tiie United States Gov-Tument §7,yUU.U00, and the whole cost of the various expeditions fitted out against the city has amounted to upwards of i5oO,OUO,UUO. The cost will prouably be doiibled, adds the News, and "the uudurtaking wiil be abandoned. It turther adds, that enough has been c-xpeuded in attempts to take Richmond to build Uulf a dozen cities ot the size, aud ulmost as many lives lust as would populate the wuole 01 iheuj. I'ankecdom wili tind the whole war raiher an expensive and un- protitable uuucrtaking by the time it is tijished. Sniolciji'j M’.at.—For the purpose ot smokiqg meat, select d;*y materials, such hi have Oot un- dsrgoue the slightest dccoiiip.j.-sitio!i, aa pmoke i.s aUays lluvoied with" the sub.-aanoj barned. Corn cobs produce, accorduig to »OiU>: v,’lio havt; di rected us how to ]iroe ted, a sweet smoke, eoaiain- ing little wactf, au.i v.iii oc iouud lo aaswcr' tho purpose adiiiir^bi^. Ivuid!# a tire ot cobs and hick-ury. aud eover it witU dry saw dust. Corn eo\>s eynlaia au unauutial-volatile oi», vs hieh, when mixed with the siui'ke oi' tiie hickory, imparti a very pleu.jant and'palatable arima to tno meat. The tsUioke 01 roiteu wood is not only unpleasant, but uiiwhoie.‘?oine, as it in sour, and mostly steam; besides, it causes the meat to cl tip. iiy using tho proper materials £0 make the tiro, there will be but little steam, and consequently but little water to saturate tho meat —Srliii'x Reporter.- I'he Vrctd* 'of' th^ \)itnid.—The tbllo^ag claR.sitication8 of the inhabitants of tha car^h, ac- C'lrding to the creed?, is made by C. F. W. Deit* ternieh, a very tiiorough aud careful statistician, iiad Dirtcior of the 6tati?tical _ Oepirtment of iierlin Taking th^e iiumber i f 1,200,000,U00 as the popul.n ion of tne tarth, he eluwlies them as follows: . . (';hristiur).s ;i::i5,0UU,UUU, or 2.3 77 pr. ct. Jews 3,00 ),.UL>, I I ->y p'ii- e- tit,. ! Ai-iatif rcii^ioii - Oi'i,',0u0,uv . ,-r 40.45 per ct. fcui oiu'd.iii cr 12.per cent. * :JOd,OOU,UUu, or 2u 51‘ per cent. T )tai l,i‘JU,UUU,UJ«.t, or 100 per cent. The 3:i5,00O,OUU ot” Chn.;t: *n^ are r«aia divi ded into— 170,oj0.000 Roman t.]itho]ic.s, tJO.7 per cent. S9,0O0,U0U Protestants, 25.0 per cent. 70,0^‘',000 Greek Catholics 22 7 _jer cent. Total 3a5,000,0o'J, or 10,- per cenc. I”' II Blanji Warrants for here.

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