1 > " '-.Ih! i ^ l^esi- ' - July. • ^ ^ r. :^)lu, f : iof th« lli'j 1 )U':;jp|jjj(j ■ Iv -i li \\ HjihinK, ■' ■■• - *■ ^ th. - su.r-lii,,,, uf t ..« ' ich -I pulicv •• ; iicvl ^ briji._r ^ a oiusc, and I undtr the ‘i;riuunl rijrht* ■ ■ 1- iweoii th* M'-'VK-lian’, . I - iiadoljihiji ki» Dam# uj'i rt curdiallj* ii'ii ■■■iil i.an kt 'r,*s’fi.>r.'t, and fesri ■led into .-^eenw of si n [ 1 ; re rlcotion by ilatui'a 'I Indiaiyij I’-i.:; vlvania \ - rrsolutiwi) e ■“'fiuf. wi. takea ir ‘n ,vd who at- Ui • i"kepr-»t>n. Havis said that, if > ti iVentuckv a^i J •ai?urp;.ti, n aud tho 'ithh'•f! nieD fit * -ihfr Seua >ov, \..rk Herald lil.* thui Davii ,Kii; ! will tfipress a dii*- decided ihat extend to priaon- bat kt iea-n thro«- e-criJistcd tor three rs arai^, . f thtj^ Po- •r li'jtis has SeDute Irotu placj uf Fowden, r stating that he is hoping th? ' is .nd a.s the coDfleo^ 1 ttie South iced in the yankoti pass, putting all yearii. in tbs 3 prepare f*r :b# ». aj-4 tr.m. was.in 1 by the Steamer lieh i« hightr than >e is to the 2d inat It MaximiliaDTr#' rone. Ich oD New V ear'i • hi wouid be ion iti A iierica. t>rre»f ri'i nee b« |l‘opf i hu ifctJtr ^resi'lvnt, and ex- dcttfiiiiiied UpOB the Federal ear‘,*hin^ enjuiry )f the itappahan- of the mechanic! 5on«truction, and milar . i.'currenc#. blca ;!, ‘termany, Norway, againat nfiJ adheres the meantime the' Federal troops -4t.h I)ecemlcT. ad wij probably coiu...-*f':! letter. f ihfcaptned. Bbch on the 17th d w’’' a loM of iBLL f r.E, Jai at tiiit enemy ii- ,on t lurce G«n. oci pying th« Bfniy, in which, iscquencf of the et by yur troops, red for, as has They are 6up- •awberry I'lains, on ol the vicini- lore ireed from er Hide is slight. wounded from rcittiijg towards sly par«uod by aldi W. indrr ucd J K Ui. lOrtc 1 r^hii lliy atfh IroDS jy, wuh liud filty lU the ’ urco- .irius, ^ ...i OU'- ather ;r an^ lert;. -o cx* th ' 'tia, b geti, ‘ -• with 6® ru.-! —The g letter from rtiou ■i Oea. *vora-. . lie ifli soiiio of tho e ui'. “ IDB, , Tt-nu. IJe g trai.i : hi^h ay ou when imu ;oa- l-;a Aclve ii«, "an- d ov r h HU led , w ;■ i they fciy 1 und- »u . ocd- ’ his o w rDcd their ape. d c" !-tin^ not w>.«d ts Lruii a hooor row*. i 'ftpi KR Vavetteville. MOXDAY KvTmiiliAXrrRI 95, tm. Ohio amd Kibtcoki.—There waa a singular differ enoe in the »otin^ in^heae two,Slatefl in the last 8um- THK WOMEN OF THE SOUTH. The spirit of the women of the Confederate 8i»ie0 iJ- •aatKB roR PiAca —Oor of the h«..ldeBt pretenoes of (ka leaders of the miegolded peac* party, so oail«d, is that Presideot Daris ia not anxious to end the war, that be has made no effort to bring it to a close, and cannot he relied upon to take the necet)e‘rj steps to that end. Sack is ibe substance of a number of editorial pretences hi the iJtaadard dluripg the p*«t. fe* months. Thtise eaaiot deceiT> any intelligent reading ban, hut from Lks stTMS laid up«n thecu thej doubtless ha^e some ef- f«e( upon the i«roor»ai. Tbe truiii iAthatthePresideDre 4e«re for pea'e has been prooUimed in his every Mes- wk|[e, nnd in vbrieu* SIhIc papers IssumI by the govern- a*nt. In addition to V'hiob, three distinct fortcal •(feru h&Te been made to cgmaunioAte with the yankee goTernraent—one through OcmuiMioners si^nt to Wash iogton at tbe beginning of the ifffficuMies and brfore war had actually ociumeFceti; ta«. uoxt by a Ipiter rom President Davis t» LIdooIii, sent by flag o* truce and placdj in the Vands of Ger.. Scott, who sent tbe cffici'j bearing it biiudfclJrd tiwough his liBoe. with a prcnsise tkat an answer should be duly sent, which answer bus aever 'oKiin foriUcriaing; anU the third time (hroagh Mr. Vice Presidtnt Stepheos Tflese effort'^ bave ail failed. And tV« temper of the present yapiiee Coagreas shows that ao effort of the sort will be liotened to Noihicg will do short of a miritole, or whipping er annoying the yankeps into a desire for p(>ace. No sane honest man can doubi that President Davis’s desire far peace—coupled of eourse with indeperdencs —is at least as strong as that cf ;vny human b?ing in all the bournes ef the (’onfrderaoy. Such a peaoe—>\nd no sane mau iri!l take anything sbcrt of it—would make ki« eminently ■'•t— give him a natue lo -shine in his tery, and would relieve him of lht> c.kr€s. ainirBt too ■uch for hun^n nJurance, of hi:* position The’*e has been no time during the war t^‘» '.he panDtry mom naeded tbe unitea »nd hearty aid of all the people Better to give all their strength acd all tkeir energies te tbe common cauiie—tbe glorions cause «f fadvpendence—than to have all trrested from them ky a hrotal and mercenary aaemy. .After three years af snffering. hardships and glorious triumphs, will any .ene now falter? God forbid! Ak Appkal to th* Jcsticb o» I^obth Carolina — Oa tke morniof of the 10th Juse lSt>I, when the let K^rth Carolinii Regiment had started frnto Bethel in ae ‘rob of the enemy, a patriotic woman who lived be tween that point and Hamp'on, birrriedly met them, on fx)t, to give infoTBiation that the enemy was advancing ia great force. Tbe inf rmation was of inestimable impartanoe—it saved our foroes from a surprise, ena blad them to rctwn in time to Bethel, to etrfj^gthen their breabiworks, and thus prepared, to meet ard de feat the enemy^s thousandi^with a few hundred of g»l- last men, under these fighting cfficers, Magruder and Eill In process of time the Peninsula was evacuated by the Confederate forces and occupied by 'he enptry. At tAat time Mrs. Tunnell. tbe lady alluded to, was lery sick and was conseiJUsnHy left within the enemy’s lines, abcut 4 miles below Yorktown. Five months afterwards she effected her escape, with her only child, in his 19:h year. Hearing that her husband was sick in the ksFpital jtt Liberty, she proceeded there to nurse him, u>d waa afterwards appointed Matron in one of the Haapitals there. H*?r salary, with a smaU sum eara«d hy her bod, barely affords them lUFteaance. We have seen a private .latter from her. wrft.ten two ar three months ago, in which she stated these facts, and added, ‘1 do not a»k anything for myself, but if yon aoald g«t a poaiMon-in tbe arn^y near your person, it would bo gratefully received. .My son is in his 18;h ye»r and is v^ry aoxious to get in the army. It is the lact sacriSoe I have to make, but 1 do it cheerfvliy Ha is my only child, and be is now at your service.” The annali of patriotism afford few ln«tanoea of such, davotion, and of modsst euduraAcc of th6 privationti of a rs^gee. Wa propeae, entirely witncut the knowledge of Mrs. Tsanell, tkat tbe citisans of North Carolina contribute a fund to make amends for her loss of home and pro perty, and to plaoe her is comfortable circumBtanceB. W» would appeal for that purpose to tbe membeifa of tke ‘‘Bethel Regiment,” but they are almcst all in the service, few ef them having tbe opportunity to coniri- bute to such a fuarf. But tkeir friends and families at heme can do it for them. To every such family we ap peal, and te all who reflact that but for ,\fni. Tunnell's timely and patriotic conduct the glorious field of B^el might have proved a field of surprise and disasfer to out arois aod of slaughter t« oar sons A list is opened at this otSca, with a contribution af IlOO from a father who had two sons there- Aud we will be glad to hear from any eae who may feel i^ike grateful. CORORISS.—In the Senate, on Wednesday, nothing of importance oooarred in open eesslon. la the House, tbe hiU to fix a day for the meeting of tee new Coagress w.ks debated at cocBiderabie length, and May stricken out and April Ineened, by a vote of 4:! to 40. Tne bill was tiiea paesed, 63 to 2 >. On Thursday, tko only item of interest was the re consideration ind r«>eommitment of tiie bill fixing the first Monday in Apr.l as the date of tneeting of tae new Congress. The Senate, where the bill originated, had adopted some day cf May. On Friday, Mr. Ueade of N. C appeared in the Sen ate Tne finance committsc announced that they would report on Monday. Tbe House bill giving .\jutants the ra'nk and pay of Captains was tabled after an ad verse otniOiittee report. The Hous>) bill prohibiting dealing fn yaukce paper curiency wa« {aseed The paoalries are fine and imprisonment, beavy and long No thing o* iiilcrebt wus dou-a in open bes&icn in the llouso. Fukdimo.'—.\fttr an interv:»l of coiuparatLve quirt, we loam that within the last tnreo or four days a number ef perscBS have inveeted small amounts—more than J12,000 ia all—in Confederate C per cent, bonus at the Depository in tliis place. Tbie is a gratifying /act, in- d.cKting continued confidence in the inveetinenl andde- ;-ir« to assist the government finances, as every such in- t«BHuent does. It i* eppeeially gratifying to find small cap.ialists tuns investing, as the mass of the people thus become every way imercsted in the perpetuity of gov’t The market value of the bonds seemf to be well sus tained, and even advanced, at both CaarleBtoo and Kich laond,—bs at the latter pla'.:e bringing for long dates 118 to 120. A bisTiMOUisnKU CouPANT -«The rem«.rkable fact ic etuied in a commanieatien wliioii we publish to day, tL-at “the Bladen Guards,” (Co. K of the 18th N. C Keg’t,) has furnished to the cause foul' Colonels, thrip ‘ Mttjcrs, six Captains, feur Surgeons, aud thirteen Lieutenants. It is also remarkable that in the eosrM ff B»»*r 'Jir^e y.r-irs’ service It has lost but 10 men by disease, while it bat lost 20 killed in battle aud 20 dis etarge'l from di«abilitir i cau' 'd by wuunds It i>ai.4 prrformed glorious :u no Uss than tw uty biittiee. Eastkri North Oarc/I!iia.—As we remarkoil in our gn tbe faot that ih» >}tandard bad given b jt sixteen Uses to tha outrages of tien Wild, it is proper, and pleaMgnt, to state that thoBtautXard has aince, vii: in its UBua of Friday last, published the yank«e account from tbe New York News. Im iilsT Hkuimbmt.—A letter irooi an iHicer of this Regiment, now near Petersburg, gives the grati/ying ibfQrmaiioa that "Oar Regiuaeaf kM ihi)>roved A gre«t deftl BiaM tl Mt OhMfMMn—lMiIlh ftrj go«d isd««4 , •^O^SesPOSUEWOB ov the fatbttiville orsbkver Fort Holmrs, B'^ld Head IsK^.d. N C , Jan. 19 Wesars Bdifors:—This place -Jas occupied perman>nt- j ly by Confederate troops last Pepternbpr. Mjtny changes ' ‘ ha^ 'taken place on the Island since th»t period. Dense ‘ fcrestd of o^dar. Uto oak and pHlm>-ito .haTo been cut : down, and fcrmid-'ble bn.tteri‘s e»-ectrd in the t>1an*B j wb“re they stood. Col. J J H^dricl: v So rorenfy | appointed Colonel of the 40lh N 0 P»i''t. is in com- ; mand of the Island. None can doubt hu skill and *•=.- > hrry as ah Engineer, when they view the fortifications here and remember the shori finte in wbich they were i erectci. Bald Head Island (formorly c-ilird Smith’s) i was a Btr^ of main land prior to the pxister,o* of New ; Inlet, which was formed rnany years »ito. Tht growth j on the Island is varied. The live oaks, oedars. ragged palmettoes, beautiful i«'>2ucliH«, ai;J 'iher . %c»reref ui*. tile to the United States or friendly to the Confeden^te j d;y'uVn‘h7r‘Sr’rthre8ho!rsTaTrT« * Uhnllv*n!?l"5rr‘' otAtes, but simply that ttey were not abolitionisis, hut ; the enemy; and rery often ssrcs hia .household fr«ra j fr^ai Jv-e » were opposed to Lincoln’s emanaipstlon policy. > vinlatiou by t>he simpla dignity of her preseaee * ctrg » One of the most remarkable pampblrt= of the day is I '*'*'* ‘‘“'I ^ , : '»^onaan wb> iHumin>>tc the history of the strugel> here that Issued by the Committee of that party givinj an j Uje loftiest d«vo!ion ' Tbe pampered children of a aecouat of this election, under the caption “Overthrow | system that one would hmve supposed unfavorat le to the of the Ballot ” An edition ef this pamphlet has been | development of sell denial ana self-rolianca, these ma- republishe4 at Richmond, with the following prcfRoe; j ahfred ciroum- . _ ’ . j Btances wuh conr.-.^t' a»-d dunity Tbeir proteot»rs the foilowi'!g address of a committee in bebalfof the i bcnnd far aw.ty ii' > os'.-* of duty, these- mothers of tbe Democratic party of Ksntucky, fully 9UBt:*ined ui it is. | Mouth, 80 reni rknble but a few short mouths seo for hy convincing evidence, will no doubt arrest the att«n- | 'yxuriou.o it.c>oleno^, 1.ib( r uawiRpiaiuingly frcm day- tion of the people of the Confederate Slates. I Itgl-r to dartusss. i., tho drud?^r> of ihe.r serv»ntle?s ‘•Ihfc g«>tl,-njen composing the committee, are rcput- | homes, and Hvvo'icpr hourn of the night to t.*ie service iner*. eleoUon. In Ohio, the Democrata gavfl Vallan- i firmness of the resistance in tlTe wy ... t Lincoln s work of subjuAation. Ttift political ob- digham » majority of the legal votes of tlie State, yet i server, reporting on things oijly for present pm poses, he was. beaten by some 100.000 majority. The vote j ^^e historian who observes the phenomena of this was therefore more than 100,000 larger than it could ' •^^'‘•lutioa for the uae cf the future, mus! not omit to leeaHv ba Tn * k-i# * attention to the enth^jsi.ism with wiiioh it is sup- tegany be In Kentucky, on the contrary, not one half , p„,ted by the .Confederate women The Hebe of tbe or tbe legal vctes were polled In moat of the counties i South has changed under the trials of this war into tbe the Democrats wore not allowed to vote, the names of j heroie Minerva their oandldates were stricken from the poll booke, and i ao^er tbst takes fire at every reference In iheir in i.ot.... t, V ..ii. P™®®®oe to the people of tbe North, is, however, not in BoiEe tnslaneeB aflar the pell had bea« opened and a j by rxpras.-ic* of th^ devotion of number of votes cast for them, they were erased from i the women of the Conf-derate Slates to tVis revolution. the poll books by military otfioers. The reason ef all j ^ ’*'‘7 grandeur lie* in the-victory which, under tbe this was, net that the Democratie candidates were hos- I S'® accomplished over theui- • selves nie timid girl of a few BitiximerH ago stands to on he main bnr iko ctrg.i ivill be F^vell '«vd pn-'-l’oly he ve-i''e'. 'I'hs hlcoku .■ing a* this pj>rl e^ei’^rHlly nurubi rs ftom m tw>nty ves«i>ls, niOPi ft f>'«m f kP*. satliujf, oa."ryiug t^xt;«:IVnt guns, and ii is siii( p''iB- ir,g t^at 90 many bloeliadu runners «’Sfntpe t> eir 4Dce and go !i' li com - ij ?,tfety Th^' hoahf- ■►>(» soldiers b.->r? id generally good T*>e “So jion (Jrf j(j” ai'e in fine health and spirits, notwithstanding ih** cn’J rftioy weather and leaky old ten!.^^, O etl iind known as a^atosmen of commandiag talents and infiucnci’, and are the e^unents of a larga party, which until last summtr hs>d voted and acted ir.th the Lttion or Lincoln party. The secdssion of this party frtm the Federal administration will powertully reduce the popular force of the Lincoln supporters in that State. * Independent of this sciam in tbe Federal party, there never ha.s been a doubt, that the Southern rights party »f that State with an honest and untemtied vote would carry any general election by an overwhelming mhjorit>, ‘•Th^ documentary proof appended to ti»o address cjinot fail to ;iipi;as convictica cu, every fair mind, that the Exticutive, Legislative and Judicial eleouons of K*u‘ucky Wfcte couatraincd and dictaud by a mili tary >«e,potism. and arc gross vioiations of the Consti- tuiian and laws of that Slate. ‘ If this ntw and powerful party wili act w1t.li tic I spi.il and manhood of ^-eemeu, K^ntutky will lrc.Jt t.^* chain* which now bii>::ak!« her, and redeem htr iroTn .tne loproach of a tame submission to adoepoti«iu which crushes her pp*sonal and poliiieal liberticn ” Trom tbe summary of tbe evidence taken as to the sappressioa of the ballot in the various couanes, we m&ke a faw exti'kcte, as follows: McCracken County —In this County the election was held under strict military rule. Soldiers were station ed at each precinct No one was allowed to vote with out taking the oath prescribed by Qen. .\sboth. The Democratic ticket was struck from the poll-books and uot allowed to be voted for. Hancock County.—At Hawesville, a I’eutenant in command of a militay force iorbade the jujgea to place the names of the Democratic candidates on the poll- books, and they obeyed, refusing to receive any votes fer these candidates. At Lewispsrt the same course was pursued. At Indian Creek no poll was op‘ned for the Democratic ticaet. At Lane precincx twenty-two votes were allowed to be cast for Wicklilte Ballard County.—At precinet No 1 there was no in terference witn voters and Wickliffe received all b-.it two or three of the votes c&st At the remaining pre cinct, the election was conducted by arg;:ed Boldiers un der the orders of Geo. Asbotii, and ali the voters be ing required to taka the oath prescnoed in his order. McLean County.—The Damocratic ticket was erased trotn >J6 pait-booxa at aii but one or two precinois Caldieell County.—Wicklifie’s nanie was not ailoRcd tj go on tlie poll books at any of the precincts, altotugh many of the best citixcus otfered to take tue oaths re- quir«4 if permitted to vote for him ahelSy County —At Duke's precinst no one was ^ lowed to vote except for Bramletta, though voters offer ed to take any oath required. They were told that no disloykl man eould vote, and an ctfer te vote the Demo cratie ticket was an avidenoe of disloyalty. Henderson County.—V'cters were rtquired to take Qen. Shackleford’s oath. At Henderson several persuns were arrested for voting the Demcoratic ticket. At the Hebardville, SponsviUe and Tiiloton s prroinots the Democratic ticket was not allowed on the poll books. At tbe Walnut Bottom precinct sixteen votes were cast for Wickliffe and none for Bramlcite before the arrival of the miliUary, when the officer in command seixed the poll'books and carried them to headquarters. Oven County.'—In ti^ht preoincti no vcte* were al lowed to be caat for Wickliffe For some reason nineiy- seven votes were permitted to be recorded for him in one precinct and tkiriy-six iu auother. Nelton County.—\l Bardstown, C-ol. Buller in j'(:rsoa erased the Demacratic ticket from tne poll-bookV At Boston, Bloomfield, High Groy^, Deatsville and Bal lard’s the soldiery prohibited any one from voiiLg- fur Wickliffe At Chaplin the military were not peraitited to control the election, and Wickliffe ^ot niui.iy thrte votes to six for Bramlette. Wood/ord County.—At Versailles the Provost .Mar shai gave notice at the polls that those who voted ihu Democratic ticket would leave a record of their disloy ally, so that he would know whoso prop rty ta seiz ^ as the syuipathisera in rebellion. Finally none were al lowed to vote who disapproved the negro policy of the Administration. Congrational DUtrieta No and 7.—Voters in addi tion to the oath required by law, were required to an swer qucTstions as to their feelings, sympathies and wishes If they failed to answer these satisfactorily, or refused to answer at all, their votes were rrjected. Those who had voted early iu the day were afterwards called back and these questions put to them and their votes erased. All this was done under the authority of telegraphic dispatches sent over the Districts, stating that Maj. M. C. Johnston had ‘‘issued an order” that these questions were to be put to voters. Mr. John ston is a di&tinguished lawyer from Lexington, and he has since, la a public oard, denied that he had ever given'such an opinion, but, on the conCtary, whm cou- sulieii by the judges of electiou, had advised them tn.it such questions were illegal. There is a great deal more of the same sort, but it is Tjle.'S ta consume space iu copying it Tne election fn Kentucky was nc election at all—it was but an mpudent registering of the edict of the Lincoln gov* ernment appointing a Governor and other cfficers for the State. The Kentucky Committee closer its addre>is as follows: — “For the present, fellow citixsns, the fate of Ken tucky is sealed. Her very devotion to the Constitution has been made the means whereby to deprive her peo ple of every Cofistitutional right. Deceived and be trayed, she lies prostrate and helpless—wept by her friends—deride^ by the oppressors. But there is that in the sj irit of her people which tells us it will not be for long. Like fabled Antasus, who eaeh time he touch ed bis mother earth, started up with redoubled strength, her fall will but invigorate her for a struggle yet to come. That her independence may be restored to her' by the peaceful remedies of the Constitution, rather than by violent convulsion, must he the earnest prayer of every lover of hia country.'’ And such will be the fate of any Southern SUte nu- der abolition rule. Life and liberty and property cau- not be held under laws and constitutions, but only at the will of bitter and maliguant enemies, who do not want our loyalty, but our property. CoMPAST Chakors.—In company C, 45th N. C Troops, uear Orange C. H., Va., Lieut. B. C Donneil has been promoted to the Captaincy in piace uf Capt P. ll Scales, who was mortally wounded at Gettysburg and died at Winchester, Va , July 18, 18(33 Lieut. J. H. Scales is 1st Lieutenant iu placc of R. L Morehcad, resigned Sept. 1, 1863. Serg’t S. W Docnell was elect ed 2d Lieutenant Nov. 6, 18ti3. So we learo by letter from a mender ef the company. CoKN AMD CoR Mbal —The Salem Presa speaks of ocrn and cob meal made by millers in that neighbor hood as exeellent. ■of th»ir beloved one i>. the fislJ, toil far into the morn ing at th«i neeule or the wi:»el. Te>.‘ bloody dei.tha of their husbands rvnd their hearts with atigolsb, but do not disturb the conetui>cy of tboir euihusi'tsoi Tae sight of their sans. faia>ing mutilated, wiiags from their souis crii^s of agouy, but oever words of .sitbmissioo. ••My Yankee frieuds,” wriias a lady of Mi>?sirsippi, “sent tha widow (as tu*y dt-sigua'e mo) word that in- steiid of clothing, feeding or sii:Uerincr the rebels, ih«y would give me enocgh to do to attend to my family— ihftt they had.rtduced nse to poverty. My reply .wai, ‘•that if that was tiu«, aW it was knowa io i.’>y rebel boys, I wouid soon htve wealth unfold. Tct.!j!> G >d tAcy hatt never yet wrung a tear from me ” In N^w0^lcs.ud, crushed though they might have 'jf *n supposed to bo by the infamous edict cf Butler ai>il i'm iroti regime of Qaiiks, the .'r'outbern ^omen &i’e still uu- Pubdiud. ■‘Dear Lusl'aiiJ," wiitk* it womsn of Florid*, “this ka'Vfs n)« T*rj tloi. .My h “itlth is »cry bad. Thertsi From Xorihern Virginvi —Okanqk C H . Jnn 22 — Kight«yank(?c prisoners, capltirri f» '■q-ia'i of tht' iWb Virjjirj^a Cavalry, under Lieut. Strinefell-iw, neir V.'ir- ranton, have reached here A fliif of trtice was “otii t j the pyomr on Moc ’ay, tae p.sking p^ermippi'n for the f»mil;f Oov SmUh to crme fro^ Wa^entoa into cnr liapy. AwftPs'wer wtji ’■/•cf'Tr-,i ed yesteraay refusing permUsioc. Five corps of the enettsy's iuf^.ntry, 2x:;ept guards for the bridges, are lying ar' iind Ca’pcper T. H Prom Ea»t Tennewe.—BcssELLVn.ve, Jarj 21.—143 yankees, captured iu a rsutnf , * ''•(■ nenl f.'ir- ward t«-day. They state t)al Col fom \ )Kcent, of the Kentacky (Federrl) c«»v'»lry. ■pas shot fin-1 kilU J >.r Major W T V-radley t»... ct'.«;r a of thes^imn r-'^imtnt, a few dnys since, for cursing tiie policy c-f hrriirg tH.c Ergroc!*. He raid he would eheot the flr^t ’ ei^ro he r *w with ^ sword. Longt'rett Advanc-'uy—The B^'is^ol G »iptt« of 'he 2lst states tha» on F- idar Kst the ene.'ny designed hu ait&ck cn Qen Li.ags.reet in hip quarttrj) near Morris town, hut lie ever ktvin^ witchful eye, diFcoverrd of ihe family are tolerably weil. My health is so b»d I tbeir d«»ign and marched out to me*! tifetn. He skir- ihs.t 1 wish you to %sk your cflicer-* to Ifci you come a:id set me and a«.*> a llitlo to your aff>iirB. • s my beirgsosiok lircvsnts rue from seeing tu auything Vcuknow Iwou.d not ask you to coci.^ if jour sfrvi«es were u«ed£ul now, but Kfc there ore no aouve operations theie. I think they coald lat you cette to sea ma when 1 am so sick; and 1 think if you could come i>ere there is a prospect of your tailing up some of the deserters tha? are killing up tha st&ck. 1 uever wouid ask you, ar ona of my people, to oon.e home when therejs a pros pect of there being any aerricf for tham to do for their country. J tc*uU rnake ar,y tacnjice/or my country, ir it WU4 to ytve my o‘cn life to five it C»ma if possible. May God bless and pio;ect you, is the prayer of your wifaJ” Virginia, behind none of the Confederate States in tha loftiorsa of the ep:rit with wiiiuh hhe breasts the bloody enoonnter, presents a cs; e likt, that of the Floridian wifs Her son now a pnaoner of war, her huibaod aa exile from his home for two yesrs she h.-r- self oaring for her liule household Mithiu the enemy's lin*s, a Virginia matroa writes as foilows: ••If it Were p ’seible, I shouJd like you to bo at home; but I do not want you w 0 »ver to give up ths strug gle for lit-eriy and our rights. IT your ssl'try faii to i«iy your board, go at something t>.sa for the Confede racy I will try and oex.trive a way to w-loihe you. I wouid love to be witu you, but do not -xpect now, in these times 1 wish ij vi..b ai uome—1 mean in his ooiDpauJ -, lat 1 vcuM r.ithfer he would be held a priscner for the war thau iiave him at hbUie dodging his duty, as some do. I am prmd to think every man of my lit tle tamil^ IB in tha army. If I have but two they are at their posts of duty ” ••There is nothing,” says ^corie^pandcnt of an abo lition journal, writing of tt>e Southern ladies. * nothing they wiil sot sunreiHler with a smile->ihe gemiued ring, the diamond bracelet, the rich wardrobe. Thi*y cut up rich carpets fcr soldiers’ blankets without a sigh; they lake the fine liiien from their persons for bandages. V. hen four hundred of Lougstreet s men catxe ur- to Nashville prisoners of war, abcut the roughest, diriiec* looking set of fallowa tCiS su:j^vc7 3uot,eou, aud a Bight of etair^in the buiidiug they occupi«d fell, kiUing »ud woundiRg a inrgf numt>er ot them, you siuald havcse>- . tue fair yaung itaiiresses ocma forth from (he old at tocra'io mausions, beaiiag rest.ora'.ives ai:d d;ttioaoi’ja their hasds, miagling in the dibgy crowd, -j'jshed w-th thetn several hours Friday and t&ra fell t'ack sevi*ral roi'es. Ou Saturday h> again skirmished with them and drova them back a short distatJco. It WR9 t>jought tiy all that h gsn»ral engaffement would take pl:ice on Sun iay—Geu Hansom’s forc?s having been ordered up from Rogersville on Saturday—but the ensmy,“smelt a rat” and coaiTnenced retreating Longstreet pursued and skirmished wiih them until they r* treated to Strawberry Plains, wh*»re they are n^w in their foriific't'^ocs It is said that our loss during the three dajs skirmishing was very small, but that the enemy suffered ooasiderably Tbe small pax is raging terribly at Knoxville among the Yankees and negroes—th re being tiOO oases in tbe city. Jie Lnlistmtnts.—Th* following telegraphip dippatch, puys the Richmond Seaiitiel, war '•.■peivi*u vesterd-.y, by Serators Henry and Haynes, of Tennessee: Dai.Ton» Janhary 9. 1864.—My brigade uaaoimomly pai.-»f1 tbe follf'wing resolution this evcnine; Res Ivod, That we the officers jtnd sob^icrs of Bute’s briga-le, do, ♦o-day, agree to enlist for the war, de- terir ined never to lay down our arms ui-.til our homes are resc-jed from tbe enemy and the i/onfederacy per- mancRtly established among the nations of the eartL William B Bate. Frvm J'Anzton t .4ri7i^ —W« are gratified to iearn thst several other brigades of the army of Tennbssee have followad the eR-impl** of Gen. D *'e s brigade el- rsady reported and enlisted fcr the war. The wounded at Cbickamauga and Misftionary Ridge, absentees and stragglers, are retnrnine to their pests, and the army is represented to be in a sp!endid condi tion 9iid hiffh spirits —Rich Whig. M A K BI K 0, .\t tb» residence of tbe bride’:; .^ftther, in Blad»*D county, N C., hy Rev. Dr Deems, -n the 20ti. in^it.,' TH()M.\S S WHITTED, Esq , and Miss LIZZIE M CKt>MARTIE. daughter of Duncan Cromartie, E«q 01 icl>, . ihi. lowa. on the 17th inat . J. t i>cl afad 76 yaars In ^i.isiiigtoo, en tbe 21st inst, Mrs liLLEN Mo Mr .loHN H. their haiias, tsiagUDg m the aiugy crowd, wiptcg away j , ,h, .a>sDN: in tbe 6»th year of bis age, the blood wuh th*ir white haadkerohiets and uttor.tiy Bluff, N. C., on tbe night of tho 2Ut inst., ... ^ QUINCE. ag«d 34 years Died, in Knbeson county, on the Uth of Jan'y 1804, Lieut. Lemuel K. Andrews, agt’d 84 years LiciU An Ck»ap Hot$u—A • C‘>rre*'pondi‘nt of tho Examiner writes from Lce’a artny: “Geu. Young's brig-ide is very active i» ttieir anaoyanoe ot the enemy. A frw d>yii since ten of his men, who, by their sw^rvatiou aliowancu r corn to thtiir kolrses, had been reduced to th* ranks of Comeaay Q or the “gravel traiu," as that, brn.ucii of the service Is now called iu the arm/, asktd permiseioii to pass over into this country for the purpO'se of mount ing tbemselvee. Tne privilege wes yrsint^d, evid yrs lerday morning the whole party passed down t« head quarters, each man with a horse and equipments, tuge- tuer with the yaukees thereui-.to belonging, as prisoners. Let the example be imitated.” rOR l'U£ OBtiKHViOit. ’ ^The Cumberland Hospital Association acknowledges tke leoeipt of 4 baaobes ootiou yarn (rom Mr J H HaU; 1 carpet blaskat twd lot of herbs from klisa J A ColTiw; ft pain wdfUa Mtfu trtm Miss laaboUa words otohcer; shouM have mcr tuv.m doiu^ this witu hundreds of Union soldiers all around, and smiling back on the rough blitckguards of rebels as they left. But in all there was a aefi^nt air in their humanity straugs to see. Of a truth, they carried it off gtaodly Aiid about all these girls were iu mourning for dead rebels—brothers, loveis, iriends, whom the:;c same girls uad sneered into treason and driven into rebellion, and billowed all the south with their graves; and the least ihay could do was to wear black for them and tlaunt black from the window blinds Clothed be tkeir teult in Hack."—Hicf^d Examiner. A CoMplimeut to the North Carolina Stldicrt —A miaistsr, who baa rtoauiiy returned from a visit to thi> army of Northern Virginia, giia the follewiug: He- called at the Louso of a geutktuau, stating, kis name, profession and placa af residence, aud solioii.iug food and shelter for tLa nigLl. The reply was highly hon orable to our brave soldiers. “Bvcn if I could tur.a away a prtucher,” said the geutlemau, “I could not refuse to take in a North Curaimian. When the ■al- dicrs from your Stave were enc tmped on my premib*;^. they comuitted no depredations. I missed no poultry, hogs or cattle, and though uiy (encto were liiuoh nearer than the woods, tucy invariably left lay fenaes uniojur- ett. I need nut toll you that 1 have received diffe'ent treatment trOm tne solliers of ot-or uor c^n I ever forget tbe gallint North Carohnians.” This is indeod a iiig>> t« our brave beys, froxn oue Who has a ri^tit to epeak, and we hope they will never prove unworthy of the reputation which they havo turned —Hib. Hecordtr. The Currency Btli—Ihe bill, it is said, propo’es to reduce the reuundiut currency by oooipulBory funding and heavy taxation Treasury notes now outstanding are to be funda' le, for the first menth &fter the prssage ot tha act, in six por cent, bonds; tho second month after in five per cent, and so on; and aii those not fund ed before the first day oi' uixt Dccembei, ^-nall be not only DO longer fundable, but shall bo repudiated and declared of uo v.iluo. It is reported that iu the matter of taxation the bill cuts deep, the t^x on tha value of all parsou!U propstty being ten pei cent.—Richmond Examiner. Collection of the Tux in Kind —The President has t(an8Uii:.ied to Oougress a couiiuunic%tiou furnisliin^ iutormation relative to the oolleotioa and diatributiuu of the t>>x in kind, from which we hava obtained i^um.j dvfiils of inttrest. 'i't\« value of the nitgre^Ato l.u eullected i.*>.us far, estimatn! a« cxnlinj: to the r.-ites tioMhlohcil in Virginia, believcil to be lower thHi! Ill ai-.y oilier S l!^:e, in S5,lr'0,0.'7 -il. The Viilue ot the l;i.t collecteil in V .giliia is 99; i.i .\tirlh C»irnllnji, 3i; iff Sfiiuli t,'nro|in-i, SrJOi.lWI it; in t;>or(>ia, 7!l. in Alatri m.i, TO; in Minrit,sip,it, Ji; in FUiridu, $^51,- fi'JU 31*; in Tennf'S e. Hi. The eipenses of the collection ttius far In Virelnia is 2 8-1(1 |ier cent, ou ihc valins of the who)^ tii,\ collecleu; leaving « iir-t v iliif- of 7 2-lU «fter deiluctins ail mcluilmi; re^it, eieciiun nt l^uildlngs. lrrtn5|.K>rl:itlou, hire of l-iborcrs, &.c. tjf the Wi collrcted ihiiR fur nre r-aM-.’S biubf Is of corn; ‘271,419 buiiliels of wheat, II)4.:150 iMuhels of oai», I0,r>01 tiU!>hCiil of rye: 55.143 iKiantii' of rive, nntl ti7,17J |>ounda of wool. Tlierc h-ive been isiuril to the iiriny l,yl7 Inuheis of corn; lf>4,879 wheat; 5j,874 um»; 3,"S'S rye, lti.711 ibi. rice, iind -JO,553 lbs. WOtil ‘ Tha Uiiiuiermaster General recoiiinienda thnt heD^aftar farmers hnnl the tH.i tiiiten utiles, nnd tbai they lie pain for it. 1'be ItiW requires ihiti tliey haul it only cictit inile», and allows »« cutiipensal'.on. The reiurni fr.tni uu c^lale tire complete, but ttir fure^oing w ill allurd an Idea of the opera tion »r tbe iatv. JiicAauuii Whig. Gen Bragg, it isst.ated in the Selma ‘ MissisJiipp’^n,’ is about to taKe a command in that State. fOa TUE OBSERvicR. IHed, t-f Brain f^ver, Ji^n'y lA, 18fi4, on his way home from hospital No 7, Kaleigit, N. (1 , private Albert Sparks, Co. F, 66th NOT Tons bue dea'b orci' more dirif. d .iis fiistrer in supernal li«;ht and writ ten upon tfcs liirow of ono ct ur 3oi iii-.M. “Thcu ;irt mine,” s.ud Air>«*ri uar.’ slet n'; ii. a Hrildic-r’s Ia bffeall of t;*e '^>>'1 1 (srJ>*r te^ bcrc-.iycd fucilv u’.eir ds!^pest pjnvat'iirp, 'or .Al^-»i **?4S a good. 1 eroiis tiny, fini h*,- s^r.t-d hi- c.tuufrv fp.itfala'ly \,r U'ariy tv,o years ’ FRA.NK ro'j. raa JflijsarB Kaitors:—i toini; when a geuileftian Las dona so^ muon for tne Sout'ictn «HUse as Mr Daniel Fioci^an, thi^L he naoaid ktiuwii to the public. He, soltf huniireds ef bu;^b«is ot t’ori* 1 .st year to volunteers’ wives for SI p;r bushel, '..t.j Flour ai voe third of thn, luarkst pwce; this yci^r l*o is selling his linur at ten cents per pound to iiQldi“rs’ fasiili^H. H^ho has given »way thousands in uaay wajBsiooejbo war began Ke resideB n«ar Albemarle, StMnU Coauty. Ja»*7 m4. 8. drews was highly respected by all who ba)ame acquaint ed with him, for ha was a man of sterling worth and in tegrity. He was a consistent member of the Baptist church. He has left an almost disconsolate wife and three enioll children to mourn the loss of a kind kus- b-ud and an affc(ioU‘.Ue p>reut .K B KAiK’CTKVlLLK MAliKEl - January REVIEW OF THE .MARKET. Baeon 2 75 to 3 00. Pork 2 00 to 2 50 Lard 2 60. Be -f SO to 76 CIS. per lb Baeswax 2 60. Butt>?r 8 60 4 00 Cotton 1 26 to I S5. Coffee 10 00 to 12 60 Cow OB Yarn—$10 to ?-'0 pi r hunt?:. Dried Fruit—Appiee and Posoaea 75 t.: 1 tO Efgs 1 i>0 to I 75 per doien. » Extract Logwood $6 to j»sr lb Fl-'ur f 110 to 5^116 Flaxseed 6 Od to 8 00 per bu. Fodder 1C O') Hay 8 00 ?hufiks fl CO to 7 Oo Grain—Corn J13 to 5>'5. Wbeai 2) 00. Rye 15 '>0 Oai8 b 00. P^v^ 12 oU Hiflm—O’eca 2 66 to X'50. dry 4 ot* t.i 6 ou. Iron—Swedes o 00 to H 60. J/-rithcr—Upper 12 60 per lb.. Sole $10. Liquors—Corn WhisKey 60 00. Apple and. Peach Brandy 60 00 Molasses 12 50 t? 17 nO. Nails 2 60 to 8 60 pi*r It. Qnions 10 00 to 12 oO per basht;. PetAtoes—Insh i7 50 per hu^h;; *•'?«?!. 00 Riee 60 ots. Su^-ar 4 00 ' PpiritJs TurpiB»iu9 S 00 per g.^llon Fayetteville 4-4 Sheetinge 1 00 to S 60 Salt 15 00 to 17 50 per bnshei. Tallow 2 50. Wool $4 to $fi. tb» K. f. The iiiadc‘rM^ni>d Pby- eicians w ll to - .af'ir ti>.» d'^ie double tbeir I tst pubiishf d rates, {'••ofie who wi!l pay tU.: V bill?anif 'j tbe rjtrans '.-f eub- uixtcuoe at prio«i;.=i which ruled befora tbe war will be charged aooordipg to their old est:iblisbed rates. B W RO«INSON. • T. U H.MGH W C MnDUFFiE* H. .A. McSWAIN. JAS A Mao?.\E K. A. BL.VOK. ,Kn y ‘20, 18»>4 l-"i^ 2. y d A WAilTKl{>, BOV to :i.ct ns servant* in os. {•. wages. . W. T. Jan’y 2a ,130t>-2 pd Lf. Co 1 vr'll v'»v Hood ANDCR^ON, A. iSrh^’. C T CUNSOKIPT OFFICE, \ ^ Raleioh, Jan'y 21«t, 1864. ) * The acu:si.a tjrJti ttj published for the infGrmati'-.n cf nil eoK^rnsd 'The requironient.=i of thi« order will he riiridly.enforced in every particular,' PETER MALLETT, 1300tl5>'pF] Col Catnd’g t'cne. N. Adjutant & Inspector General’s Office, ) Kiohmond, Jan y, iyi54. ) Gkkee.«i. Orukks. ) No 8 / 11 be follow’og Acts of Co-gresa and Regulations , are published for tbe informati'on of all parsons concerned therein: ACTS An Act Iu frrevent (he Enli*tmeni or EntoUment uf Sultti (Htet tn the Mil'fary Serpice of the Cvnfedtrat* Htatif • The .lons;ros8 of the Confedfrfiti- 8ta*ea of AofieHua 5 » eiiac'. That no person liab’.e military «ervice ebnll heroafter bj permitwl or allowed to furnish a eobst Itute for such 6t-rvice. nor sball any sub’«iituie be received, en listed er enrolled in the military service of the Con ff'dtraie StP.tes ” [ Ai prrved December 28th, *6^3 ] i4n A^' to put an er,d to ths Exemption from Militnry Se^r- vict, of tho*« xeho have heretofore furni hed Sub$titute» Wh're.»«, in the present cireurostanc s of tne coun try, it requires the aid of all who are able to bear arms: ‘•Th“ t/cngress of the Ccnft derate States of ,Aroen'>ft do enact, That nc person shtlll b# nempted from mil- it>-ry service, by rcpjion cf his bavirg furnishf-d a sub- . titule; l>n' this act thall n t he so ocnPtrurd rs lo tffect rrr^isn;! wb-' though not liable to rscJer inililary scr ’ have, nev rtl»4less, fu;'aij*'ed eabs'I'ttt^s.” [Ar>- proved Jinn .ry 5th, 1864 ] 11 Persons rendered liable «o 'nilithry faetvice by operation of the preeeding acts, *r^ plnced on the S4.itie footing with all others hitherto hei • l *ble by Acts cl Congress. III. Persons herein rend^r^d •f'iT ». * mili .ry-e»- vice are to report as vnlr.-.tr r» r c r; ’pts, w ,-hont «Tiay. to tbe enrolling offic' ’•^r ' s,.i Jft- lay beyond the 1st of Febrn>ry 1864. .i!’ be ccnsid fed as h»>.ying 'renotjnced the pri®ii>..a of volunf»‘erinc: ftud bcid for assignment according te law. IV Enrolling officers will proceed, as rapidly ag practicxble. in ^the enrollaeTit of persotae herein mB'l*- listble *0 military service. Previous lo enrollment as coES'>ripts, aU such p.=r8ons will be all 'Wcd to volu»';eer fu corapantes in serrio* on the Ibth April 1802: provid td, ttjc company chosen i^oes not at the timtr ot v^'iun- leering reach th? ruax'mum nunber allowed; and nj.on such company being selected the volunteer will rec,.-:v6 froai-the eurol!in« officer a certificate to the efr>ot that ho bas 80 volunteered; and no volunteer wiil be receiv ed into auy 0>.mpaDy except on such nertiticate. Prr aons who/ail to make their selection at the time of enrclJmept, will be assigned according to existing regulations V. Persons who report to the enrolling officers will be enrolled, and may be allowed a furlough of ten dayd before reporting to the camp cf instruotioo . V'l All persono, whether vol^nteprs rr conscrip** under this order, will pas.*! through the c.-'.'op of Instruc tion of the State to which .they brlo^.g nnd bo forward ed thence to the ooirpsnies which tiri selected, :-r to which they may bo ais'.^ned VII The Bureau of (J jn.-'c.ripiiMi is 'harp d with s- dopting proper regul«tionb for tat; «.i»t.,foeaieut of thi>- order VIII All exemnnons heretofore gractfd. are subject 10 revision, under iostructions from the Bureau of Con pcription; and If found to be irrf--pfr or unauthorized by law, will be revoked. * By order. 6 COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General. i^OTacj^ To THE TAX PAYERS or HARNETT CO : 'pUK Collector, with the Aspessors, wiil b j atLillington A on MONDAY tbe l.'i L, Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th, and Tnursday IBiii iii.ys of FEBRUARY, for tha rnjpcse of listing the Income T»x anl all other Taxes ■lue at this time The t’olis*ctor will be present for the purpore of collecting the lucore Tax and all T^Ks due up to this date. The f.ll?w’.ug instructions fr"in thr Commiesioner of Tax^s K.il a^3i»L Ihe Tax payers in m.ikibg their List C. C. BaUREE, Tax T^^lectcr. JOHN GRt’EN’, ( . B F. SHAW, Jan’y Id, 18(i4 1300*ifc Tha foll;>wag sddttiOTt’ ip?trfo iar' r. /•■renoe t; iucwUie Tax wiU be o‘h.r-‘.j C'oi.cc i'''* .-'c ’-.t i f- sors uf Coufeui'rM? tax^s : Office or Commis^ic.:«er or 1>xe^. t Hiciimof.o*. L> ii. 2o ■, '.boo J 1. Tbe ii-orme of t'aruif*' a i'^ rj.?niei"3 dtT:-*id iT'- r; the aa!e of i.roauc's not t scJ tbemseives, wili t>e liable to ihx tTithout any dcduc:io.t. provided their tax;»ble incotae, trom all source's, is more thau 1(500 If a farmer or plauier c-.ia no other tsixa- ble income than that derived from thelale of poultry, mutton, butter, eggs, attd other of bis products not taxed in kind, and euch income does n.-t amount to more than $500 diinnjr the calender year, such farmer or planter will not be subject,to sny inc >me tax. 2. If the producer sells during tbe calender year 18t>3, pro^iucla waioh wer- p^tduc^.i prior to tbisjcir, such proauoe w ll oe Ooi,*> d- 'ou us o i_it-ii ou hw r-,i c.i lue Ist day of Jd.auai.., Ifc6 -. auu i.oy i^'j?'.t.cc ou t .»k capital It iLcouie ot iStid. T..ke cct'on tor inaiar.i.c: 11 the value cf cotion ou haii i '.a 1: i u»y f f ary, 18)3 (iu 'ie hand^ i>; tcd p o-.sacT'',) '.led from tue s->.if3 i;duiiu,.^u. jt'.r. i ,- ■ ,t:.iio, Mil.i o; ino me If the coit n gj.v; »>. .ij ■ * ■ i. tha 1st ul July, aiid he p .i'l Lh>' tax ot i); m r : t-e suotUd be allowed t.» dcduot this, ns w-it »e-o.ntr expenses incurie>? ou it during ihe /’ear is. 3 r m • « pr. C’.eds of sale, aad tnu oala^te wui be t.f|« i..:t iu.ame subjfQi to tne tsx 3 WfctTe real property, purcnaeed j;iior to 1863, b.as beeo improved by ike erecti. n of builllngs. .liills, fao tories. or other ii.aoamcry atiAoncd to the freenotd, the pi.}.ut'ty snail be valued witi: reierence to 11;^ Int day of Januiit> 863, and the valuation at that da.ti snail be deducted from the ptoceeda of its sale during said y>ar, aud the balaase at:all be deem-t..: th« profits tbe same which «ia to ba taxed as iuaome. i^ut ir no imp.ovtmants have been luade of the character men tioatd, upon real property so pur.:h >sed, the >uiuai pritbe cost only shall be deducted, and tiie hali*nde sh2.ll be pro&ts to be taxed.« 4. It the real properly sold during the year I8ti3, was iubcrited by the seller, or acquired oiaerwise 'b»c by purchase, its value on ite i^t uay of Jauuary 1863 shall be de-iuctcd irom the pr o. !>.ls of sale, and the balano? snalLbe tAZ^d ss profit' 6 .All produce, slaves, or v her persouil prope.ty, sold during the year 1S63, p .tiuc i ny tne seller or acquire i otherwiac than by pu. ots . \ 1 H>. r- ■ im- eJ and valued v»ih rfftnuo tv o vb > t « of 18t'S, and t^re tii.a i; j . a . . .11 b' deducicii from the grots proeet.ii . f ; r seller shall be Required topiy ;as ca ita .* aj iucomo In esticna'iug the cn ai! slaves, or other personil proper y, purchase 1 'riiicrtc tbe 1st of January, lbti3, o.- since, and sold durici; kiia year, tbe prime c^'St aud such other items aa are allow ed by law shall be deduced frcm the gro^s sales, »nd tbe balasuc sha l be taxod as inoome. S Ail valuations rt qu red iu !v;ecr!a'ni»g an i ’'.•ytns- ing iDconii t.ii «i;aU be mad* ’u t.—f Tih>-’T’,{>': sL;,'S. C cmyii.fTtoKer cf J'. let Arprtved; C G. MinJMi.^Ofs. Secretary ft/ie Treasury It lit. Vernon Female Seffiiuary* ^pHE *21 Sessioa will c^ime*ice th» l.Sth of FEB- 1 RCAP,y ao(j con'inue 20 wr**kR Tuiticn in Enpiich Prvcbex f60 00 Musl.i aiiJ Paint?i'g, (“scb. i 40 00 pol Boo> -. ej-T^n’. ;■ 3 00 • Bo'vrd r-"r ■*•«!,]r -n r^ovJrions «t old prices f50 nr } h If rf Bo:ird re quired in ndvtu.- Er-ch rur ;i wH’ f ir ish •’er own towels, me pti'- 'i?- v-i.- pH!- w ct3tn, one counferpine or fj"i’t a dr'* K-n? cup. Rev '.'M ilOOPKR •» „ . , T 0 HOOPER, ) Principals .Address St. Ls'rTmce P O , CbasH cf>vnty. Jan'y 12. ' ^7 6w Wilmington Journal copy one week 105 FEDERATE STATES i>F AMFBICA, j E.'CUIKf ER L'KPARlHK-tT, Dl«T. CaPU FuAR. I Wi'mirgt'n, N. O , Sif.roh lOih, 1863. j VJ^OTICE is Hereby given to «H pfrscne having olainiB against tbe E .ain’pr Department, »or services of itHves e;aploy"d as l.iborers cn th« land defuncu n»ar Wilmlngrcn. C , that tbe undersign is au’hariied and prepared to pay the s,t bis -ffi-e, on tbe se cond fl'cr of ths building n.;xt abov' .Mearif^’ Dn^ Storp, Mfirket ttr»pt ^ Pi-rsons •xecuting Pcwerfl of Altrir^iey will ob serve tbk following form—their signatures, in hII ca3es, t9 be witu‘’8-*«‘d ty two wifn»-ss^8 sr d signe.l i.i durli- cate, or they ri'y be witnesfed bsfare a Jnstica of the P«‘46^ or Cle'k of'•ny Court FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEV I, of , do hereby appoint —of . my true 'iiTful .\«rcrT io sier re:c*r'.s f •■. "fd rvcp’vs paynf j-t of f.ll n yt» du- to uie by tl-e K r D?- ' p^nmput of the Coat- ^►•rntf* service-, rf a>y si-res « I defenc;i> at , during tiic ::acult Witness r--" h-^ni ttI p - j.'. tt — , ISt*, (Signed In duplicele.) Wit3ef^??p, ,Atj •'■•r the i-..-'d —. 15-f. 'ar rf .(Sosl ] Ths -'i^n'ifurc# cf colored pt’s ‘ns s?'ou!'i be witnessed by three wiinfsscs Thcri! muot be I'eptrate ■‘uplioste Pawe'^s of .A'torney for e^ch 'vorith Bl-'.n’u fvr ? ciu b" r ad upon appli- C'itioa Ql t»-i? • fficc • ■ H JAMES, Capt. A' Chief Eng. ' O:\Tf y W ;P.fU ir.ooif '■FKriber Supplier of ^'cliooi Bocks* 0»;r o'.v:; ?rE.UNG bo K; Our t.wu Fir*' Raauvr; “ Primary Arithmatjc; “ “ ‘* Grammar; , “ •* Elementary Gramiaar; “ ‘- Primer; Bitigbatn’a Latin Graramar; Just received. E J. H.AtE & SONS. Jan’y 21. The Farmers’RRf! Pl^'iffrt*'* Al- Q'»nie fo? 18d4 a few groce a.':r'juit ri'ccived Jftf. i E .1 1!\LK J? gONS. ^^»^rseo« wefi4>i*al*s» A MEDICAL Surgeon £. ilALKiGH, .Jan’y 10, 1864. j EXAMINING BOARD oosisung of Surgeon £. A. Ctudap »ud Ass t Surgeon H. fi. Harrie, wiU meet at Halifax, in Halifax cTtunty. on Monday the 25th Jun'y. At Jackson, Northampton county, on Wedues^iay the 27ih Jan’y. . At Murfreesboro’, in Eertfurd county, on Friday the 29th Jan’y. At Wilmington, in New Hanover county, cn Tuesday, Wednesday ancKThursday, tho 21, 3d nd 4th Ft b’y At Whit,iv;lle, in Cplunjbus or'i ty, '•r S^tn^d.ay the tfib ef Feb'y .At Elii'ibetibiowu, in Kadeo oounty. r n Tuoso'+y the 9th af Peb’f. for t*ie porp’.'».i'. f ^ »■' p-r-*ros claiming ex-mpti ' frotii H.rue Gutr'. au y ou acsciunt cf pbysica’ di^=bi?ny hj OT-iz'' of G:v. Vi.vCR. tD'VARIt Vf XRKEN. 99 2wl : ■ G er.. : C. DESl.^.E .0 ?u■’'•^'^se for tb" pf;!di»r. Qi'-ve' *icd It^ p Irs :.f Vnf'FS r ■ ’ ED'S'^KD 11. antrd. 10.(!00 p^irs of i) /r,,.aoi» will W.^KSEN, i_.-u N. 0. V'\, for 42e /Itrm ’. I” ' i; p -o .Army of X N^»(i.t-rn V'irfjitiiv on tl»«i fii'bt •■ay of every mtnth. A‘! b'jr-J ■.-•! vg F, a.> , w'!i j ^jf^.rdp-l from my EKWARD '.?Ai;REN, .Surg.'.cn General S. C. Rtlei.ch, J u’y 16. 1‘‘64 »a 8ai The .•’.ijoft ’;7«rv t. S50 ^FWAKII. *oorc r.^ w .. t will' J -.u! * >!■ li • >-rre-t nnd de- lo of in\ 1) ly li K- !»>:: w ^ r*r.»way oo • o G .1.. u -i &V.4 b..,. ; lb rs old, c ’ . , .i J-'!; r* ■ , h : pos ;•! be lur 'xj: l‘o ',..Un -i!.,-u ot'i;« »..'i Ktnoy i.i.irt, Iv.-••o.i cjuri’j. ■*?' •*.* !..* hittf m-jthcr—has iie»rii 'rcm there raiCw ». •» !»-.!’t li^ a f,*lher *.r. Jo'.p vk K nuor’ij, n^ar ?t P.iul’s, I?j'ociou cjuuty; -I jpIs' a‘ Bladen couniy, has . T ’ • ■■! . fV , J N C The ..r . .. . ■ iC HUy jail ' i' Uij >!• tl;>LS. i • Oi 0? ■ pd H»»k ^^»ck al iiielioii. ! h r ' y ll" .;8 >. .u?* »u , wiii be w»ni »l Anction 2H l« iifi nt F y ;i't*»illf Si 'Qa; 68 ShAfes «f ’! iron lon Su>- k; 1 L^rgc JoTli'"g Stove wi 'i fiiiurci a^id ripcs; 1 H’wijg M^icli.iie; t R mnr* JN' t. II t'*(_»OK, -^UC’r Jai’y 20 18i4 ‘ ^9 >2t D«%el£iiig lIo«iMC ati Aiictioii. I'^IlK d-.liraS' • two si>ry U»iEL'L.l VO ilOU.St- > ;j Hfy ^ Mour.t, known as the resi ieuov; of Mtd. Pal**" I'enrce, wii. be o Id ftt iiUQ'ion on Thrrsday the 28tn iuninot. The interest in said nrnperty i.s tha life eii»te of -Mrs. Pearce. The lot oontB’ns »h:iut one acre, aad i.s in an exe»ltt.ni neighharhood. Fo>' fr.rther pTij^ulris en quir“'.'{ JOHS H i'*t)^. lU'^’r Jan’j ‘iO, 18rt4 OW 2 Oi pF,?..'0?-'S n. q.i tL.-; uaty c.!jurt ta be 5>a»ia> li ordjr z* f^e 1 »:r .ri; , •y ( ■>•> C'>m Ol f (. ra.MITl EK OF J'^ry 18«4 ?1NAX y.) 4 - .m Vice iVcgro (jfiri at Auction. ON Thursdtiv 111? ifist , wiU be Ro'd -if .-VHOM'ri, 1 Likely NEGRO GIRL, aged 11 yccrs; I do do d'» do .14 do. JOHN H COOK, Auct’r. Jsn’y 2.'}, 18J4 » It- For ^iale, At publio .Auction, on 3nurd»y rjtxt will soil it the Mnrket llr.iise, at 12o’ciock, ava’uable NEGRO MAN A M CAMPBELL J'-t';’y tiK. 1800 21 FOR RK,W. 0FFK;E ou •): j r;:ri'.i Utely ooeapi'd by Dr Mc- J Swhin J%n' Ar^nly t'.' 1 .VOTilE. ‘iO^! atfoi this ia e I .fii't oh irg« Two D'-lUrs ^ pfT n:ile (iud othir oSargee ia the f am.’ proportion fur M.-d^e--.l rvices until > e condition of the frurrency will justify l3wer or -i gTer rates oT cbarne-, of which due notice wili be given « ALLEN Vof.ENVAN Rush’s Mills, N. C . Jan’y 20, 1864 1800*2tpd !sveut h it have ciig.tgfc'il tHe .ser- -f Mr w n .VRDIE for tha c.'l'feii ji-. 'f my .Acc«wnis. Eilrapp ?’! •- ii It i iay b* proper to j * .:e, nvt in hu vfficid cnprieity, B. VV. iiuTllN;- '.H. • i 1 i 'oycd. fi i'J j.- i.g p- -ierrai. Ap.^ij ...d ilU fi W Zl $100 Reward. rom the sabsofibcr, on tl ’h ef Decei^bar liast, my negro bay .lOHN T.AT RANAWAY from the sabsofibcr, on the ni*ht af tbe 26’1 TO hire:, TV.O ?:E0R^ GI.HL.S ,>.1., ( Dr Jofc^ P. Fice- rr.v. FcviMrv.ll.-, C J'lti’y 2\ . 2‘rd A r’TV I llAV tr^:' J .oLy i*64 Ri( dcjL'n iToiy 'iUJKOP.Y HUn'ilii? pr-.viij. if? A. A. ;\'cKE' II -N l;^» 0-8fpd * 'Ilf Die'rict Co'r.'A'"=‘"-'=rrs v.;'lc'j-.ud receive S.\uT for their b-.atriats P F ALr.ERM\N. -oci’r Jan’y 23 For Ilirr. Any person wishing i^hivi a iikcly ycu''g NEGRO MAN, will ftpoly to ' M.ARY Am EVANS Ex’x Ja&'7 3a, im 1800-siiipcl T LOH. S»id boy is about 17 yettrs of a^-j, very black, has ft Tery gocAl set of teeth. He represents himself as beirgthe sou of Wrc John Jaoksun'a Ailva, which is the i»; he a1«o sa> 8 he is own^d b Da-!*-l La»"'bi»rt and f. >ir.i ^ P>-.’o j ' r.‘\~ .1 ^ i: bo' was iu F^vntlvdlr * i .» • v?’ '■.'.r.r-; be « • thf;** ;-.c w-' w-^r!- .a the (ri «h'ch is not liae *.• « ' ./i - t'c i ppr*; 1 5'ili! !le Bb-ivi» rew^Fd f:" :o aif i»i li'tf’dolpn | 1 UTtXj, P'Uin P . or ’'"? cc-rCr >-A-r*' >r|.- : Jai’ FO i^a' I oii^ t f'J .r i- rrasini ' ‘ ' wav f r> tl - vankfi**’ . GEO W. D'ih.-’Eij J3n y20. 18tj4 130^ FftjfttevUle Arsenal and Armory, | PRt'tJ'OSALS will be fec«iv«d until the I6th day of Feprtiary next, for tbe delivery of CFI.ARCOAL at this 'Arsenal aud Armory, at the r,*t^ of 150^ btubels per icoii'h Address 99-6tl Weaverw Wanted. 'pHK Mu '!!' i* u'«t e ’ 'ipan- wis’a to flngag* i * ;tii I tn '.J-- »V.-,>'iag Da- .• 1 I) ' -.t to X.'’ . J- ,, r:u .L-of C. T. J .iiuary is, I8t>4 i:harcoal Wanted. Ll. Col F L CHILDS, Comd’g Officer. T irti^! 'lit Xir J ij KJih H, H.c’-'O l-f>« ;»f Batrks’s of North (’iiroliR^. O J.\i£ copies of iaiH work ou ’raud, prices aj jo ^ ' r'' w.".r, xij; iVr tbe 2 vols iu lull’sLeep 4 60; oloth $4; vcl. 1 in hi1f oaH' 1 76. (nono of »ol 2 cf thet binding cn hind.) Whea to b? nai^, 1 25 to be added. 3. J HALE & PONS. 19*^ A Ir ppLr y .7 Korr^.r?V-' ■ ■ sal-;. c ■» ■''1-• • ■hincMiBit , JeVj I?*; !; e, c. ; sifiiii • 10 h;a: ■TtS- .>..f 9*.a *1 KOt

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