' »* Wux ibt •; ••.ud . i ■ ■»:' h's r-u‘ k ri[x i ^'' ‘ i'fe ^ sr> \ 1 - • -'"'if ijjiii •» o: -J' . t" a« . ■ '' 't- '! ’ -* . ' 4*6 - .1^./ J. () .*. u « lit , to be “•. n«xt Ui iuruitr ■ . \S lldi. ..■ Ug i ^ >1 lai- : ;u- 111 .Huy n ^lu6 f iiMiiU »>t - i -iMHUt ^ I- .I- «%>••: h ^ » fcvild ■ i - e.xti- : tk, ‘ ;o two --" , ..nor- ■ t i ir ^ a i# ■for ' . Buill -nlj 6». jiu tiie saii ' u Ui«d a:, a t^e im;- Aj r *i-1- -Tijc r'r* .«iviag — ■■'ni»r ►io ^ c 1' . uu-i !' Uaii u« ■f ««U lit ‘ '■ JuOW- ‘ -a • Oidlk- ' c da- “ “ i v-c.pls. ' i. 1 s tiie - ' I vHi #•« lu - Wl ‘‘ *1 i-u; - w . .'Si kjUAf- i-ux iu iciud ;ifu’.«- I. X niHnwr ■-M raiu HH ' ;i -.rtt »r, '\ (-•uiicvtur s* ’•> wf' said ■ ; ir»iii tci OQ ' , : '.. *U« w _ I wlpt ■ I, ,;•«- : vn ul aepot &B tsisl I- ^UiUlBiC - :.^iDsu«h •r* *cribe. >uieol'tjfe« .imIo for • dapOd- . , t^er di- .- nhall .= r ad h’« 7>liall . lurare -t WuT >r- nved ■ in said 1 arti- ■=r d in ftrTl lid be j - •lUO ux ■ i pr»}06- • il- .iver- ii.-f.rict, d me = _ " •! tii« -.nils, - luX ■ i ■t If aar* d- tiieir nr-d 10 a U.Xdir ii-i iiu'd .i » L, ' li iTi s% \Ol. XIU. ■ 1‘- - ^VKTTRVIIJ.E, N. C., .IaNUAHY 28, I8^i4 j V ■ 1oO t !*K1NTKI) ^ION'*i\YS \NI> THURSDAYS ’ KDW4IUI J. UALK & SONS. EriTORS AND I’ROT’lirRTORS Price lor the Semi-Weekly Obskrvkr $fi 00, paiH in (Klvance. For the Weekly ()BaEs.rKn #4 00 per annum, pai'i in ativancc. Htjgr ADVERTISEMENTS uisertM for ?'2 per s na’-e of 1*’ lines for the first, .‘in.I one dollar for each Bne M«*'ing publiea'.ion. AdTertist'ru^nti n»J exceedinsr :t balf square fei^h' lines) $1 for th' firot ani 50 cents for cash ^acoc‘dinj; publication. Adveriisers are re qoest«d to stnte the numhor of insortions -Jw.-iireil, or Ibey will be i'onlinue}i fill forbid, au.l ohai jTeil awor.l- injriy. ' ' Advertisemenfp oonMnu'^ 1 charged as new qd- tertisemm)' Mu Veruou Female Seminary. ^pilE 2d B.'ssiol wiU c'>ninience tb'j 15th of FEB- I RUARY and continue 20 weeks Tuition in Vlogiigh fir'tnn^rs $60 (“0 •‘ .MuSie and Pasntinp, (each,) 40 00 ‘^(•boo! Room Fxp«ns's S 00 B:jar{ .'SJW per eet-yion. I£ paid in provisions at old {iric:s SroO. of Tuhinu aoi-one half of Board r" quirfd i/i aJvaacf Eicb pui-il will furrish her nwn tvwol?. oni* pa’.t* pheei«, nue y>air pillow cas??, one '‘.>u'il>ri>»wi> or quiit ani a dri»kin«^ oup. P..V WM hooper. T. 0 ' i--lrc!;5 *'t. I.RW.- rc J -n'v 12. ■ >' JwU.ii H(H)PEIV. . ) P t’hsthom cnunty 97 ow i-V oue w**k. r «S.lIFr ACAOK^IY. •^PHE ri*> I Ih'h, i8 , THE i¥4l»Tff9 €>\etOLll^A i ViUTUAL LiFE IXSURA .OE lO vIP tKI. { IW'OW ia the teath ye.'ir of sucoe.ssful oporaiion. with growing capital and firmer bold upou public oou- ! fidence, oonfinaes to insure the U^es of all healthy , sons from 14 to 60 y’e>vrd of ajie. I'or on« ye^ir, for .ii veo j years, aad for life—all life ia!mbcr»»hariaK in i he profits ! .A.11 slaves from 10 tr> t>0 yeae.M of aire are insureti f*>’ ; one year or for five year.^ for two t!ie»r value, j All losses are piinoiuaily paid within WO day.s af'fr I satisfactory proof is p-’“'5e*noil. I For further iir.*orraati‘'>n the puhJ'■ is relerreu (o j Ageuttf •>( ihi^ Co;apau; la .all parts c /he 6tat«, and '* I K, SI. UA TTiiK, .->:icretary, Ralei(lt. E. J. .KALK, Aj?ent u,i •Ift^’y 1859. Fayeftoville, N. f CONSUKH’T OKPK’K, ivAbElOH, dall’^ -1r,l, a Pvxiil t> 1 I '>f 'ill ro/HV(u I ♦ til I't*. r-i^i-llv rnf T(>- .1 r V -. .■ : t r.M M ■ I in Vf" pj'i’ ’ll)»i' IMiEv' >1 i^i^EiT r.ji ''o- a’t; oti-. N t iH 0 T.',f 1 VE Suri ^ur$^eoii (lieiierarsi Office,! i rt‘T; SPECUl. NOTICE. From au ter thi?» dsto. uo aanie of a new sulwcriber will be enfei-od witbo«t payment in fidvaao«, nor will l^e paper U; o such wubsovibars for a long'i.r (inif >t«» is p«id for. Such of oil' old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this system will please nctify ns when inakin); remittancoc. Jan’y 1, 18-58. Mvif. aTIfX. JWffi.f !•, Attornoy at Law. FAYETTKVlLLt, N. C. 117 ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of j If C»inberlauJ!, Harn»-t*. Moore aud Robeson Coun- iiae. Prompt attention fcivee »p the collection of all o4aiinfl entrusted to bis hands. , ♦ >ct. 17, 185^*. •^-ti' I ' W.'WILLI.IMS 4 CO., ^ U tiole»ale I>ealer« in iJro-erie», AND IMPORTERS AND DEAI-KR8 IN 'iardware aud Cadery, Swedes Iron, &r., H\Y 8TBEKT, FAYKTTKYILIE, S. C. July-i, Ifif.l. S6tf JO«. UTI^JEY, Groeer a>ul Vommisfiton .fterthnni, FAYETTEVILLE, N 0. Jan’y 10. 1S6H. 9;Mf pa> i.tii .->f tVia iS'hot'I will ommenae Jon'y 8n4 Ti ■ PriHi'ipid will devote hie who’'* Httpntiou ic the m .i-al as well as th^ mental advanfl*’- TT * n« of • la ?tui;o‘ Board can be had in the vill'g:? UITU res'»u;»V!-’ ''■•’•ra*. A McN. LEACH. Principal J n’y 'i . 07 6;pl THE BINGHAM SCHOOL," i)AK8, ORANGE COUNTY, N. C. R.^otn for several good Boy» Tiitti.-n for 20 weeks from Jsn’y 14th, #150 ' B.'.ard “ *• • “ '* “ 500 Address W. J BINViTTAM & SON’S, Oak^, Orani'p N. 0. D€«V 1^9. 1863 i»3 9ip.l FA VKTTi'K a s. E MTTUAL COMPAI^i. Oi I t.i !;n'c;r.\i/.s OfKfCK. I Jufiil, Ja>i. *J, l^tjl ) Capital in FremLuni No^es amvauis t-'i Caeb on baud and otl r' uu«e'.. b.:~ • Tot»l. r-?"? "■.'S •> The Oottipauy h>ive paij nil ^isyos vro.ii iti,,, =.a bave n-.'ver muda su >»sc'. -AIM r. i..eir or^i.n^j^ T-r Toft*! ,jaid. I UFOr McXKlLT . ('n-i l. ht }> A KV.V Vi ,• C. A. M'lMf f.iLAM, Sec y. IVEl^TERiir RAIL RO.^D. The freight and passenqfr train-* of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays exci-jted) j at 8 o’clock. A. M., and returninc leave Eaypt at 1 [ WOi>CK, P. M. : CaltU aud noTt> Tram MONUAV, WEDNESDAY and I FRIDAY. I By or^U'T JNO M. ROSE, j Treaa’r and Gfn’l Trana. Ac t. i ■Ian. 2-^1863 ?»7tf j rrom ;«*H4l atU'r thi*i i date the Sieauipr .A P. HURT will Uave ai 8 o’clock, A M., on Mond*7 and Thur-day. JOS. A WORTH. April 6—17tf] Ag’t C. F Steam Boat Co. ' .V. c7 ~ WILL jpou the EAGLE nOTi^r for the i- | cepiion of Gh*si9 the first of Jrfle, .md I ho;’* ; to*be able in entertain from oventy-five fo a ' Di, Henry Llily, H. L. Myrov r, 8. T. Hawley. Nathan A. 8t»-dmaii, C. B. Mallett. Janies Kyle, A. A. McKe^bftu. J. D. WiUian.s. H. Tillin;fL'!i.«t. hn 0 ■lin.=» Viid C. C M’ * JIjpi^The '.'^''fay^any inv: Mr7 .‘S i'S.-; ,'TO ii‘>; VV. Tillinjtias', S. .t. Hi.m.iale, W-n. M. Laurm, T Lui ^rlou, A ‘V. ..-eel. J. G. I’kvli, li.jB. J. (}. Stiopherd, r. Rrowu, , . .. ; u.,:j !• •’■In- fion ■ ■ ■ TruT.-lius; Aireii**; l^iOOHS-l-FI Adjutant & [v.sI'Kim'ku t.J!;n'c;r.\i/.s OfKt Uioli i4KttAL OKI>!f tt:;, 1 Nj 3. ; Tff ff'iioitinc .4c-^ (f.'cgs and Pujailr.'i arc p‘ih‘ijUt-1 ror tho !ntcrms.i i.':* of h I pi-r , ccaoerne i it.er.-iiv: A T8 An Act to prevenl (he EnlijtUni-n.! or ICaroi'unent of Suhtli- tutfi IU the ilUitury Sfvice nf the VonJ>derat« Hiatei. I wout;i'*‘Ha :>i iL.t! r**i • fc>«j»'e8 •>; ' d- ena»t. Tha* H ib'.* t.’i3'lM-..ry Hervi»> -r;'.rvl b'■ S»reaf'er nrrinJf d:;r’'.’I- jr. d in fur-i,?: ■■ ^ 6 n‘iri''i '■•■rvice li.'ir 8’': li fr.v ■ i'r>- ’ U e • - ii^tf-d, t?r etirtiHcd in »e iudi*i.r-. pervi^e of 'n>> (^o’i i f 1.—-.te r” ” [ \ p-. —• D c .t.' - ::8'h. 'S'’? ] ••I'i ,-lc^ i I i>ut u’l eud to thf K£&:ni>ti'jr' fr.->m Jfilit iry Str- vice oj ihnte uha /■■'•'#> h'reto_^T>jrr furnifhtd Sul/'Hlutei Wl' , ii; -• .( r:-. :!' - r,-c r- Ol .. 0 UN t~v, require s I ? ■ -i''' v ,:o u'l.- to !>• ar ••T I*'•’iiiK ■ - ‘ I 'j- •■=*'r I- si,a»f>8 of .VtTKiic.'i do cuaut. I'-j -t !>• f. !■!- n all I.'- t- to m'l iiiry sewlc'r. ’-y jt- -on uf *ii* . .itiorf fnrnisti.' t a Kuh- t'Ui a i he so oouctrueU hs !o atirci p.^rfKin: wh."). thouprh^not liable to rt.tdt-r military s*i- vie.'*. ht>v . ri-'v ritjeli 68. furnis' e-t aahsiiiutes ’ [i,p rro7- I i i.u»rv 5:h, r®64 ] „ 11 iVi 1 .firt r',-c'‘red liu-.*e to rcilitary s-^ivioe by operi'i n li^' pr'-o-u a:ts, ar« pi:-.cej on b .me f..otiuK w'lta il' nti-. ro hiiuert j h- li .Me by Actj i f Ci'nitrers. II) Per^X’n'’ ’'ef^i.i rt'C.li r-.d 1; ih!»? to mil »ry re rfij ifeu t .i ‘ >;port hs viduuK'-rs or c Q'^C‘'pts. Raleigh, Jan’y 16, 1804 DK'AL liXAMLNINQ BOARD c ne-«i'nR . t E .1 ''ii Jiip ond A'ls'i. S’lrge'n U H HArri-., wil! it H'^lifix, ift H«*‘ifi* ouo^r on i ■••t ••iid>’- in» '.'O'h J«ii’3 -it Jc!^«00. Notthrtnripfoo CO'lt-H*, or W A,lni'91'iy fHp I •iT'l' J.a’’,. I A Vfarfrecsboro’, in Hertfjr 1 c tinty, on Fr^d^y i>- i '.itl Ji^u’v i .i W.iaiiijRtou, ia New H«no»‘r acuniy. .-.ti Tii'-s i‘V. j Wednesd'vy-aad Thursday, ti: ■ 2'i, Hd »iid 4t!i i Ar. Whii.-vdle. iu Col.imbns couftv, on >j»turuay rhi-. 1 cause iviiicU luou'f^ H.: j t-!i of Foh’y .\t "Fii* ib“iHowo, in Bladen county, rn Tuesday the 9 *j of Pe*'’v. for ttie p-irpss'! f cK^'aining all Jter^oi.^ cl -.itainp fx.'iurtion iroin Ilooie Guard duty on no^' ust ' ‘ p^ys'ca! dis».hiliiy By or.ier of Gov. Vanok. EDWARD WARREN. 98 2w'j f^urgeouQ neral S O. l-'Ott Tili. Oi'i. Aiessis. i'jdityrs; jlucu u to ttio disorgauiiuU conuUi , tlie Jurgo per ouiit-igc ut u. ' Thid evil IS cmcli to be -i sire tbe success ,oi our caust; . ! tho boMier in the iix:ia. iiu u i irf u cau.ie, lor wiCiiuut euua ; I and L hope uo caj.-tioUi- Ui> iv to tlie ont- wLo aiteiiiji.s to , ii .sa.iti ii^vi i^nrd • •Ui‘ uriii aiiU ot -Ud aijsccttos. 3 aU who de- wlove(* aii«t liocks Wanted. IDESIUE *) i*u’ol.-»se f->r t!'» soldi*rs 10.000 pt'tra tf f” ,ves and 10 OiK) p-.iw^'of i5 o*s h' ifcau.‘;fiil!y re-.-ived. J..a’y 11. Don»;to£3 wii. ED»VARD WARBEN garge-^D Gen ^ . 9'' gr>- floxcw, lor the Arm I^ILL H-. riil a special laesseti^er to toe Ainiy o^ . Northern Yirgiaia on ttie fir?t ay of cv. ry ra'>ri«b All b x-s, n>rk;^»>s, &o , will be forwirded fro-n ra\ ftice fr.-e of charge. EDW.\RD WAHKiiW, Surgeon General C. Ril-it'h. J .n’y I.-), 1>!«4 91 3m COXFKDEKilK STATES OF .iMBKli'A, EKui.NKr^a Dkpiktjsest, DijT. Capk Fiiaa. Wi’m'nff'on, N 0 . Viarc-^ l«ith. 18(S3. VOTI' E ifl i-ero^')' ziren ^o all p rsons V.vinsr olaime 0.1 i:s‘ Enyir -r D"p*i«ui»nt. far servio-soi i .’ »es .’cpl'.y d (u> i b-ii--rs on tlie Itnd defeuett naar J With u' d*lay. to the tnr(>liin^- »fhct rs; an 1 .» 1 w' ■ J In.) I tyon;j : .le 1st ot Febru‘»ry lto4 >*.ili he ciiiEidr The »sr StyU*, HaiitU, ! AT a s h^Vin^; r.^n »«-n«*.l n-.- p i’'* > i • I.; f ir t,' iiil;r.l .111, S'X). li l\' Knr-.’iiu^ flli'fra » li pr c-"d. r.ir^' e. iu t -’nrollL'i* ;.t ot j orho^i • >,. Pi iti pervioe. Previous lo ■f.H^Tipis, ail ?uch p:-rSi'»08 wdl ^e - lI i» IV,o' ' T*» ing. 1 ra ■ liy a ■ tf. i ■ nr llui.-iit -.b i ro V i.i I'fer * O WO»TU. U a WcKTH ». 0- UANUL WOKTH & CO., Comaiisslon aui Forwarding Merchants, ff*aier Street, WILMINGTON, N C. 16, Idna T-m JOHNSON. \¥fLLIAMS 4 CO.. " MALT .nAKERS. li’^E have thirty (80j pans now in operation nine milee W east of ';.liniagton. Parlies wishing to supply f.tjeaigelves with salt. eai> be furnianed by applyki'g to Johnson, Jr. Agent at Fayetteville, to E Pa(?p, " anaaer at the works, or to ,T. M WILLLAM8, €k^rra! Superiasundctt .•■'vydtteville, Nov 20, Bltf '“AA BUSHELS WHEAT, *j.OUU 1.500 “ CORN. Persons having the abovo articles to sell will receive Ui« highest Cash price by oaliing on Mr M. ThomMoa, at (be Merchant Mills. Fayetteville, or on the subscn- ‘jer at his old stand on Market Square. , ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr Nov. 5, .1862. ar7iy har.^ess. f AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon J Hamcsa for Army use. I tan my leather and can jdve good bargain®. .Agents will do well to send tbeir ufdeni to me as tb-y shall have prompt attend on. and ieTif off in quick dispatch. JO_llN CARTER- Gkildston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C-. ^ June 13. 18()'.J. j ilOO lb«. Glim Arabic lor sale by J. R. LEE. (,>et 15.. Sy%.I.T ! ^ aACKS for sale by hiindreH p-’r^/ins during the Summer. In coaneotiou with this I*rge Hotel, I have a number of Hai’k«, Carriasfes, Bugi^iea an.l Saddle Horses that my guests oan tst . a miu ste’s notice. J. M. DLAIR, - Proprietor Fligle If'tel, .Assheville. N. C. Mity IS, lbtl:, .Sl-ypd %%'oodward’s ,So!.u* C'^iiiera. PH0TOGR.4PHS can be had at Van irsdell s Skyiight Gallery, Hay sircot, ojpo!-ite M.irble Yard. etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, ia waiet colons, cil and paetile; from Hmall to life. site. Ambro- types, Melaceoiy{>es. and all other j^les of Pictures pertain* ig to ihe .Art. Also, Gilt Frame;', t-ilt M>ni!d- ing, Gi 5 4 for very large pictur-s—as Urge "s 26 by “^l) WANTED, lor HoS»^ltal at Fort Fisher. la*h«(?. Jori and Tassels for hanging pictar^s; lustru- POULTR\*. V.. ok. .... .e“r and ciher delicacies for Chemic-ds for sale lot. lor ca«ii. Life i;e sick di' 3 • i.s Hwpital. Persons having 1 tt art-.ol" ■ 310 oM ’iu ni ,"ket price on applica tion »o tUe -abtc.'.b . :U his old «t.*,nd or it Mr J. W. | • - , Powerw’s o }la> S'reei liberal patrojiage bestowed on iu3 heretofore ^'y I R. B. HEIDE, Gcn’l Ag t j Aug. 26. 58-tf in iti i*H!r»icp on ibe lt>ih April l''rt2: provt-i ed, ft'c c op»ii;. ch .f«cu oes not at ni- iiice o- v.^lun- teerng re'ioh tn rO' x mum nu ubcr all:.»>'-i; 'lU-’ ’.jr.. :■ 1 !uoh eoiupany b-ing selected the v bint er w ,! m.i ■» j iron. I .f enroMin t ofli;>,*r a cer ific i- tj tho ett'-'.*t tha I Ha h is ■*(> VO antf'cr d: an.i iio ■ . ‘j- -.•r »t H bi r. :' j e i iu',0 : .y m' .any except a eu?b o. ri.t^ » r. P r I sons wti" fati o mak;> tbe'r ^t(--c!' n st u.e fim" j enrolh ni, vfUl he i-*s{gied ico riing: to exisiiug reeui i •V. Persjns W’ o report l-i ttie nrolling oHio-’T? wiU be onridled and m »y be allowed a fi;r‘ou.ih ot leu dajs before r**portini t.o.the ca.up of ins»rnctio^i \’I -All person-% whether voh'ateeru or con.scriptp un'*ei thirt ord -r, will rnss *hrou«'- the c-rap of L.sicun ■ tion ''f e S'/.t (0 w. ich they be' mg aud b> forrard j t'd ihenc'ri) the cO'''p'nien which are "elfotei*. or to >■‘^10^ they h- anu ; lud ‘Vi mii.^i'nn. ■ C , '!>at *!.’e under s i ’r j.iireJ p^iy ;’a. >>:»me at t'.t'r 1 fl iT of hf- buildinj next Stor:'. \f i- ':«l .^irvt. J3siJ“ P rn^ir: '-xecutjng I'owe. n-TVf. th '\);i'.»ir. f. -thci' • '• It ."ea^e I ly tw I wiinev».-» CH* CT d is a'ith: ria^'d l i*; tiioe, on •; e se- t: ,v.) Mearfs’ Diuf ■ At'*rf ey w;l. 'b : 'n all ■ ’ p. >ad S'lrried in .’u a I’i3t=ce ot' the y -' .'■•V h.j wiinPdi; I oefcre r '■’l-'^k (.f -ajy CinTi F->RM 4F P0^.'EI1 OF ;Vf-.V. — { . (J.3 her b'o '’■■''sint* . 'f - •t )' •vfiil h! ir f.a tee at or h!' moneys r, .r'n n; o' I’r. f’-'nf' ' t ■ I •T-iioe«' '•( iT.y ?lr,ve» J.i'ei'iV'vi d:ir''.i' •! Wi re‘^3 hiu ■ •. ; IW (.'Sik.o'd ir. durlioate.) WUr.e»?eg, r . .-iy -iptf f:r, n.l refleiv*** tv UrgKiesr D— TI.: 7>ll ?.B • rtcir’« il a^ ~ trcTi- the u. l^r, land IfcO ’av o-' •^Seal ] 9ii« oolor»i Photographs ma.ie from small pictures. j VII Tbt Bur iu ’*■ non.^criptio.i is charged with «- Having p- roianentiy located here I ho] e tc merit ; -opti”« pr.-p'r rc.uluioiui fjr ihe t.forc.-..':. u: nf ibis I your patronage. I would also return my siu-iir ihanks . orl^r t for the liberal p To Ottoa Planters. 18AVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Obiaf Agent for the p>ircha#«f of Cotton f«r the tne good people of Fp^yettcrilL- -.ud viiiuity. C V, V.'N(jP,.SDI:Lu. PV..1»OJrT«J^»>i.5* io t Pt‘- »ri '■ ' vxi. ivoTin:. fJ'Hfi UNDERSIGNED, both having eaterei tl\« mili- Vlll Al! ex *mp;ioi'J heretofore printed nr-* sijf jei?* to rerision. utid. r i ^t ur?ion:.' fr -n 'iie Bureau of Con i2rip':o!-: lUii i' ^'Utid (•* h.. i’nnr-'- i ov un»tit^ rii' J by l«v», ^ill b-‘ "rvok" ■ B/ oid?r. d »NX>PE«, A'jutan* .n-d l-isp: c»or General Thi* "ignniuieH of colored tersons* sboull t^e wttneesed hy i*irce witnensrs There muit he spparate duplicate P ■we’-s of Attorney for ea-*' mouth. BUok fornne he npor» appii- c.'kMou at this otMc« W H J A VIES, 0 vp'. & iTbief Kng. ’ JVO‘-’0, 18fi4 ISiXitf ^0 Deu. 22 B('B&RT MITCHELL. Si^tf buying in my name, wUi have written oertiScites of oX“^f the.8ecretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purXi^Ied hj aysolf OJ Jy agents,^ ou an l aitor the «««“ , Ir w possible oa t’aejr a? nt‘ T0BA€€0. 1 QA VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, lyU for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS % CO. May 23 Hole Leather wauted. O/ kAA LB8. of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.ATHER, iiUUU suitable for Beltmg. Apply »o U. M.UKrrli. “ ayetteville. .\piil 14- Wanted to Piircliawe, 1\tE;5TERN KAIL ROAD STOCK; fV Bank Notes; Gold fcnd Sliver; North Carolina Treaaur" Notes (Fuiidable:) n *• “ and • ■ •* Bonds, old ani new; •County of CMmberliud Bonds; *Town of Fayetteville BtJnds; *GreensHoro’ $l and $2 Certificates; 'confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds; Coupons of $15,000,000 loan; ‘ •• . of Ti wn and County Bonds;’ “ of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 12, 1863. __ Spun €otton Exchanged for Lard. W'E will giTe Spun Cotton in part payment for LAKD \\ a.ll..r,4 ». », F*o..r, oa Confederate Qovernment within the 8tnt« of Nortl^Caro- t>oit» «»'*^t'‘g «aterea u;e ram- t . WILL LEAVE GrTonsh.>roueh^ n 8‘h of Febru Uaa, a»d wlli pay lur me a»aii lu 7 pnr oe«». Bonds or * ‘•^3' service of ta^uoafwcerue Stattis nf Ataoii^ , | ililibbon.utrtt ih- 9,h .j-id ioldsr 'vrough the I her«by give nntioe t^ their old cusiosiere and rrsends, | «—.u« ^n'h-Airent.a viBiunir the diSerent oarts of ths State, ! “*"* ~rr~~ r ""“■Ti.'' ’ ‘••‘•irous i f «eadTne^>oiii'i, Wrr'pV*W vStc Sub-Agents vismng tne i wUliams, of this place, their attc-meys to collect either ^ w tt-hed, nr.rk-d ani p-opf r- ^parately or conjointly all moneys due them either by ; . Oti^II p-reels cir.no' be as-u B —,« to their Hu ■ ■ . - They respect uv. d., .f M.r.b .863,..11 be «u.. i wij.lLA.MS. ! -x.pt. K!. ' i i4ots€e. : HsAi)«r*HT«as N\v.\l DKFEsers, N. C., 1 WiLKiKOTON, I>;c 16th. I8ti3. j I The following Circu’ar from the Bureau of* Conscrip- | tion is pu'niisbed by ord'er of the ofii ’er corwDi inding I the Naval Defeaoes of .Vortii Cacolina, for tt>e informa- , tjon of Conscripts «nd person^liable to^^n^cription: ■ Confederate States of America, 'j | Bureau of rJosscRipnoN, ■> ; Richmond, Marcli 24, 1808. ) : CIRCULAR ORDER I The attention of officers having eharpe of conscripts, is directed to spc‘i'n 2 of the act of Congress, ap proved Octot>er 2d, 1862, which is as follows: ! See 2. That if any person wlro has been or is tiboot to be enroll’d for service m Ihe army, shall, at any time bef ire bointr assigned to any company declare to Bonds .»r Casii, and not 8 per oent. Bonds as stv.e i lo « a former adverviaeraent Up to that time, however, - 8 per sent, bonds will be furnisKed as stated. Patriotic citixens are now otfored an opportunity to aid the UoTerBniont by seliiag to it their Cotton rather tb^r to pi'ivake CApitalie'ta. LEWIS S. WILLLVMiS. CbarlottQ, March 24, 1863. [o. d.J 14if WAiVTED^ Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virgima and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per oent. Fundable Nows. Alwj. North Carolina six per cent. Bonds, new issue. W. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raieigh, N. C. March « Cotton Yarn for Wool. [OTlCE ifl hereby given that after this date (except iN in cases where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to tlie termi of our advertisement of the 30th of j ttje enrolling or commanding ofSoer that he prefers be M»y, TTbtch term.9 are'now revoked,) we will give 1 bun- | jQg enrolled for service in the navy or marine corps, it die of Cotton Yam for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or i gjjaH be the duty of the «aid cffioer t* enroll sueh per- 8 ibs. wasnet ani picked. This change is made at the 1 goQ for the service wh ch be may prefer, and to trans iistauw of tj.6 Qaartermaster at Raleigh, in order to j mji to the Secretary of the N ivy a list of the persons make ihi vc>',ud of cxuuange uniform throughout the i jq enrolled. ^ State. ^ GEO W. WfLLI.A.MS & CO. The Superintendent direc'3 tlmt this provision of the Fayctte nlle, Jut.o 29, 186-5. 41tf | ob.sctved, and thatjj»ports be made accordingly - - - - - - — " “ " ' - I- -I 11? u^ — A w Ktt C^ypt Coal iHuie. . will he t ikes on tb . i. ter'-iod \t.. ■ f t .>n^ WALTER A TH'>'.iP.-Ji>>T, Sute A^*ut. Jan. 16. Fayetlcvllle Arsenal and Armory, i . .I/»Nt’ARY 18. lf64 J %vVi¥Ts:«, Negro Carpenters, BlacksmitUs Helpers. FEW first rate N^ijtrci Carpenters, Blacksmitfcs and Helpor?. cvn bud emplosianrit at this Arsenal and Amory. Apply f."> 97 6-1 Lt. Ccl The tinden^in^ned Phy sicians will have to ooarge after taiv d4.t« double their last published rates. 11 -je who i»i’> their bills w.r- the means of "ub- ts? a* p-ieo» which ruled befor-^ t)>* war will hr cbsrs»d ac.'^ordiT'jj to tHcii o’d eat'iMi'hed rates. I D HAIGH. n T MoSWAIX. JAS A VacRAE. A. A. BL.AOK. J ir. y 20, Ibtil lapo ‘>trd WA.^TED, ABf>V to aof »s 9?rv-.nt in ''a'^np. 1 will p*»v eocd w^gor w. T.‘ \NDRR^t»N, Jtn’y 25 1300 2 pi Lt. Co. A -ith N. C T. F. L. CHILDS, Comd’g Officer The su»>9crih.T »er.' re«pec?fuliy nforms His friends «Hiid toe purtlio feei>‘*raily thif *’•■.'i now in h;s employment coTjpe^ent workmen, -xnd is fully prepared to cast any kind of WOB K iii bin I n^^ at the shortest no tice 4nd >n the m.vpf reason hi ter u?: suah as C-ar Wheels. Drtvin? W!ic-I«. Gri-en ^nd Dry :5ar. i w-r-rk. L')031 ffurk, Biowire Oylin'e":a B?at work, ^?ait Pans ani Grat" B»r.«. Ac .lie. \I A. BAKER. Favettoville, N. C ./’sn'y 11, M 8^4 ' 97tf Whenever any officer of tue Navy, de^^ignatfed by the > Navy Departmout, shall present Mros.-U' fer the purpose. The iind*rpigTicd were, at t!ie November Term of the : #ny officer in c^.arge of ronsorit'ts will ci»ur»e them »o he ConfeueratM Curt. District of North Carolina, ap- poictei Manaiters yf the Egypt Coal Mine property, and 1'.VO ciiiered into copartnership for the pu^ose of mining and selbng Coal, and solicit orders for tne same ir-, any desired q-aj.utity. Orders for any amount can euppde*! tin -- t notice. The Coal from this pro {njrty lu !-,.iti.iint'dty the best in the Confederate States. Appiications axajr be ma'-te to Cbas B- Mallett, Fayette ville, N ot Jamed Browne, Charlestoa, S. C CHARLES B. MALLETI. JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville. Jao’y 20. lS6i? W6tf Palma Christi Beans. The subseriber will pay the highest cash prices for «nj quantity of Palma Christi Beane. -A very tine article, for sale at my A. McLAUCHLlN. I.AKU OIL. Fact iry, rni\u~AXD 'roifciia^ mv Factory. „ H?a rJl Fayetieville, 6d-6mpd^^ OBUNAxNCK DKPAHTMKNI, ^ \ Ralbigh, N. t>.. May 8, 1863. / Lead W anted.—1 wish to purohace Lead for this Depariin«t. Persons having larp or small q^n- fti.es will please apply *t once. Will give 1 pound ef POWDER for 10 pouada of LLAD. ^ ^ ^ THOB D HOGGi Capt. C. 8 In charga of Ordnance AdiniMi»t«*at®**’* i^otice. PilE fcubsoriber having at December ® the County Court of Cumberland, quahhed as Ad- uiaibtrator upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec d, uotifies aU pereons having claims against the ^tate to wisent them within the*time limited by law, i:. notice wUI be pleaded in bar of recovery. DebtorB ... D- . Ui 1««V. * THE DlJ^ie PRl.H-EB) >UR the Littla f olkc k Ittrtk* wppl^ at wbokwl# J. A WOaTH. «7-tf . If «r nMI ^ I. I «8QW. Vay*U*TTpa O^. * FayetteYlU® Arsenal and Armory, \ Nov. 12, 1863. f ^lOO BOUi^TY. IfVmCecf, lOO •.ftounted RMeman.^ AUTHORI IY having been graated by the War De- p«rineut to rawa a Comp.iny of Mounted Riflemen for service in this vicinity, nstioe is hereby given that recruita to tlie number of 100 non-comeripU will be re ceived for this service. Eac*i recruit will be rdquired to furuis!i a serviceable horse, for woiuh he will be al lowed 40 cents per die.n, awd his p>»y $1*2 per month. Writtm permistion will be required from parents or guardiaoa, where the applLaaf is under the oonsoript *^*fiaoh recruit must bring with him a blanket or bed snread. and come prepared to remain Bridles, saddles, balt-^rs and twaddle blankets mrniKb- ed by the Government, or if the r-cruit c-icaei provided with tiiem he will be paid for them a fair v.al«ation. App.,»0.p. .MATIHKW P. **80tf] Major C. S .A. Comd’g Post. .Southern Books. The SUNDAY SCHOOL BELL; Caieohisios of the Wesleyan Methodist*; Htatorioal Scripture Questions for Sauiay Sohoola and tho Cniuip; Sotai.3ol TesUmenta; The First Dixie Reader; The Stonewall Song Book; The Cotton Field Melodies; The Dixie Land doncaUr. DM’r 9. £• J* HALS \ SOMft mustered in presence of such '"■fficer of the Na»y, in or- dar that they may be offered the alftrnaliva of enterin;? naval servioe. By order of Brig. G^a G J. Rains, Superintendent 91-fiw] A. JO 'JES, Lt C4l., A. A Q. mate of !lorth Carolina, ROBESON COUNTY. # Court of Ple.»s and Quarter Smmoos, Nov. Term, 1863 ON mction. Keubcn King. S'a.'riff of B .he»on o^uniy. read aloud in op^n O.iurL the r»llowin8 lands which he proposes to sell for the Taxo.) due thereon for the year 1862: 85 acres listed bv F. C W*;son, Gum Swamp, tax »>1 28; nhO nor-« H.ted by iaroPB R A ht-y, nogSw imp 5 Ih; 10*t'^ores listed by Roberson Singi’tary, Etii^beth road, 2 32; 96 acres listr*d by John Graham. George’s Marsh, UNDER a Decree of the Co.^rt^f PI as & U’i>»^rter Sessions, l)‘'itMnh T Term, 1863 I wiil to pu' l'C ►ala'^t the Mniket Hou^e in Fayetteville o» WEDNE:JD.AY, the 31 pi' F«r»ruvry 5Kt.4, about lit itt r,cref« of Lan 1 pn or uaar B’.ok r.dj ;ni»i£ the lands of Ailv>Ti Aute.y, J«»cn II rn and Robert Mat thewJ. belont^'ni? *1 >ht* "t 'hi* ■ li'- l -Matt*if;W- and sii^'ject to t’l ■ widow’s i w -r • I'or Sale, . * k T public .-\uctioii. on .s-iturday n?xt vrill he sold »i ,h ' Markot Hon.ie. at 12 o’clock, a V !.’uab’e NEGRO \S A >1 CAMPBELL. J «n’y 2.H 1300-2t .1^0'MCE. {have half doian good HICKORY BUGGIES to trade for provjt.i.ins. A. A. .lan’y 23, t8t)4 .1 T Jan'y 12 WARDEN. Co»n’r. 07 tF’.»3 83 otj* 89-t4MF] (Fram. th' Miont.cs ) JNO.. A i OWLAND. rierr. A Iter tlii» date I wiSI pay 12J Centa ^er pound for rags, or tbe highest market pnae, delivered in i'av'itte-nll-’, or at my tuills on P.o"kfi3h r» murphy rn ^ •>> I'Jf.F, WAilTEO, A MAN to tatf* charge of a Carltng Room in ,a C?t ton Factory Apply at this Otiice, by note adJrcf-sed to MoD. & Son. Dec’r9. 18«3 S« l«>tnd Valuable' Land in Harnett for Sale By virtue of authority vested in mo by the lost Will and Testament of liecttjr M McLean, dec’d, I will sell on a credit of six monttis with interest from sale, nr for cash as the parci>ii^er )u»y elect, that valuable plantation, on which 'ae testator lived prcviouf? to bis death, conlainine about six hundred acres T.'.ii land lijs on the North side of ’..»f,e Feir River, fr.jnt ing on the s»m« about one mile and a qnart-^r, and run- ning back a^ least three-fourths of a mile. This land is*within a mile of Lillington, the County Site, and is* very valuable, vresenttng advantag;..s nrely offered iu ' thia oounty. There is a v r valuable MILL "rfE ou I the land. Any person desirinn lo examine Che premise- i will apply to Hugh MoLean, Esq., or to G»n. A D *Vc- ILean either of whom will take pleasure in suowing tk-m’ BFFIE C. McLBAN. Ex> ofH. M. MoLEAN iVorth taroliiiB, | ^ , Wake County. ) * IN 'lie o;.^e of ‘ Mrs Ja* U'vlan J i''.n H Boy’an and oth?r,« againit Gs'-rio A' M ir.i“eai, Executor ol Will nm Boyi' n, Wc-u.u E Sar>iti Bovlan and otli"r8.” hied to Siirin T rt'. .A D. 1>^64, of the Co’.irt 01 Equity for th.> 0 .ui\i.y of W ik« an i State o? None. Carolina, for the purpMJ of takioij an aJOJun» and pay Notice ’« herohy K> WeMon E Boyl»in, Parker. Kate Weldon Boylan. Hannah Boylan and El 2a Webster, to come forward at th-: next Term of h's riouii, '•n'* *»» 'tamur Ml Said bill, cr it »'•** be take*n pro eonfeSHO, and bear.i ex pan- *e to'tncm Dono at Offic:> in the Hity cf Ral.»igb, t .is tuC 9t 1 of January, D l8t>4. ^ 97 6*1 H. G- LEWIS, r M E EOR REUT, My FARM, known as the Myr Le Hi'd place, sit.iatfd t'iree silev North of to»u,' th.' Caje Fesr River, iniiuditig the large .ktsd «Joinfor(ahle dwelllig house and olliac. T.^er-* j^re one bunired and tnirty aorc« of cleared land, lying laojtly on the r;>er a’^d *^01 stsJ'j.'ct to overfl w F> t tnr'h.v-1' infirrP:*tiou ani ttrfs eprl^ t" '^li' D>'n- -McKETH^N. IHtiO-Stp.l Further Supplies of School Bookst OUR OWN SPU!.,L*NQ BOOK; t'urowu First Reader; “ •* Pri'aary Arithmetic; . •• ‘s “ GramTi&r; •“ Elementary Grammar; •* “ Prim r; BifibaVs Latin QTammar; • t Ju-f r ceiv-d. E. J. HALE A SON5?. .Uv'^ 2t ^ The Farmers’ and Planters’ Al- •a*n.-.c f. r 18' 4 tew gr'>ce ui'’r'» just rvcetvtid. ?1 E .T- HALF ^ SON'S. COU.VTV €L,7sf^WS )NS H'iwiDg cai'.iia .»g»iii.S' ihp Oonniy of Cuo; berH. d are nqti.'ste.i'to hun : neai io tne t'lerk >■ ttie County Court on or before the 1st of FebnHtry nex: t ' be pa-aed upon by ^^e Com’.nit'ee of Finance. Bv o"dcr of the . ;OV\|ITTEE OF FINAN E. J 21. 1864 4* 1 have engaged tlie ser vice:- of Mr. R- W- HARDIE for the collection cf ray Accounts. To prevent misappreheusion. it may be nrorer to stiiie that it ia in a private, not in Am offieiat e‘ipiei>y ibat'he is r- w employed t>. W. ttttBINSUN Jan’ , 20 1864 99 3 pd } J -.nuaTy IS. 18t'4 Charcoal Wanted. PRt^rOSALS will b' rijCftivert unnl the !5th -*ay ot Fe.‘tti>rj next, far tie t.elivery of CHARCOAL at tbis Avsi-n vl and ,\i'.T;ory, at the rate of. 1500 bushels per monih A lurt“.« i * Htl L' Col. F L CHILDS. .Comd’g Officer. a;>v;i‘iallj> by .a-i, there '.r» •. tlltct: ' ;-ued Jj.i 1..U lfl4- cutiUi evil. lu the cuuiuiuucuu. la ol utis w«r, overy ia- duccment was oliert-u to voiuutoctftj Wiiti a pto- uiise of*(JU days’ furlough lu tacii ^car. t'on- fidiug iu tktteo piuiub^cs, auu tiii. ' v i-a u burn ing aeai tor tht rights ol ouv i v.oj u, Uiej' uu- licsitatiitgly rallittd to tue«i:4haai.t tl.i.ircoGQ- 'try. But has t-at frjEaiiio bc' - Lej u J^^it those ifl the liuiu auu a.*: tu’ui.:- .luo" •. i;>e i.ae paiirioi fails not expcctcd it—in the isiuukient peril ol Lib couutry, Cc. f*ss ahvays h^ieu itady tu con tribute his uiite. 13uit{'’.rt ara iimt n wuen theso privileges luight be grsaieu, witliout ucu.g in the least tlerogatory fo our cuur-i*. iJ"' iii.joh-iice and iiihuumiity have lr(.->£ueuiiy a u-. it The_ soldier’s property at home, oitcu tac u. i-iaing of ruaay years’ toii, is uicliiug awu}—s;. .cuiatora and extortioners art.-growiug rien un me tpoils of our oountry—and tteu tiu ir latiiun :iro oeglect- ed and reduced to want by ihose v-n> persoQB vrho prouiised their proitetion. In luy opi lion much ol ctie cvi* iti>ova ii;endou- ed nr ij^ht be remedied by a juditioi.i- di impar tial sysreiu ol' granting luriougt . l:’u“ such a thing beeo kuowu.f Let our . i.od tho-e at hoBie aU'Wer Many ha.cnoi. b • .rtuiited t> see tbeir boiuos siuee thcj etiii,.ud ii-t muiy— Others i ave iivt lad t*''it piiVtle-e it. • y ar.s —and eigiileea laiuiiht i,a. e tl.j , i - ..e t:j€ writer oi thi^ nrticie e.itc-r u • . . 'luriiig whioh Uiiie he iia: liau it o’ j o witu aixty, btit liiteen daya. ].»nr :....-i ... ., ."-vi.ue in the cczupany t«,* whi*b i bj-ong nave not bi-rn SQ fortauats :;S uOiV.l‘.r-i- • v irire- au^AU appacatton?. Of ' is ■■ i Mie, tbrec, ioui aud uvc t;ii:i?e>. . kt iixiparti-.lity: i'iie so’c.k t .. l.o .. w ,'c- duty—always at ^i3 p ~r uv t. r -jiiu to t very c.-\il—ci-u roar;:eij be .icu on ... _ :.'tt--^e of this kind. Un tlio tiicr a t-w boot- iicko aud pets, and perLap-j the le ' i u ot sonia officer, seldom erer Ll.u a ,113 objeciion to any application they may make 1 would here state iha-t these reuiarkb apply with t^tjuui force to caval ry. An instance oi' whicii came under my own obsevvat:ou. A mua hatiug uad two neidtls, each 01 i>0 days’ length, since Oetob jr i, returned to his coiiipi.^^ Juuuary a*jd was pera.:tted to Duy ano:hei detail of similar length, while another man ol f.hy same cotiipuuy, who had not been at hcni' in tig'-teer u oi.rks, proposed buying a detdii at the ^alL;e cin^e^ bjui; waa intorcepted by his commander. The one who had visited hi» htime four tim ■«, a!!'t?7od to start again bn the Tth, and tne ofe who liid bctn ei'u8cdon every apptiention i.- “^li! in J>uL this i*„aot i.du:cr - i;.._ ui oi » «»>/’rai ord*^r, ’ - vrs a detail,*^tu be deuioti the privilege ' f bom-', under a tauut or prtienee 01 inuf-liif;.j- - charge a horse after getting ihcr-?. Au . bt c:? s. o Ke dies not desire to forego this {iriv.le^'.; ui't t*-!. ■ £0 the rccjutfS* ot uu t>tiiccr lu ti Of'-iUit* (u fiiii o purcriHsiug u iiur>e at cau:p, t.; bt-- d i»f his detail by i.is t-Oic. r, who , e aud pockets the proccetis. I wuaiu n -i, li.. ^ , .vc understood as attempting tu co ' - cn. that our officers are alway s u -i .. ■ • motives. On the contrarv, au.iii V sijrfb ever fcei proud, and giud tii'dt out ooui. ly, i.i ib-, luidst of its corriiptiou, has b.-en abk‘ L affw>rd u. such men, to help un iu our sirug.:io lor iiide pendcnce. They are worthy of our confidcacc, iind shall have it here, and at i.o‘ h>, »..ouia we ever bo so fortunate as to meet, tiic-.j tber;.. i>ut there are others whose po.^itioti.s, havi! jocorporated them into a kind of aibitrary pow. r, tiiougn boin lu a laud of trcedorii, who .irc b tt r .«oti>td ior a despjti.sm than a coui:^li>^^ >-* if‘ • v‘i./3S •iirdest words are srtid'in bett'';r#T;iaij >ait*astiis, and ssftHi to. thiiioL siiid it:- iittie inV.ifJECat iioiu-jj ud bat !>iw . b :t>«' t»re wwrtL the stteotion of an oIuc-.ii ■ O; , Laving no home theuQselves, caie but lutlc > • >*i. m-a ol others, so th«y can occasionally get a ni' i i->ox ol provisions, from sonic' pet v- »o st n...s If - 1 in the list oi their charities. fUey k>o, iti . i d^y, may have soiae chance t,» b; i 111 .u d A m >jority ot this cla.^s ar»' bitterly oj? u-t u > re organization of the army, or to .ii; u - ‘V- it wtTuld release the afflicted suluitr .1. wn- fines and sickeni/ig malaria o( some m-gn-cteu hospital, to renovate a broken d >wn c-ii?tnutioii and recruit hir, health, -sacrificed to tn-- good ot bis country, under tho M.;uthing care at..d ten- dcrne.ss of his family and Iriends at horae^ But 1 leave such questions to pcls^»^i.s m re ade- (|uat6 to their di.scus^ioD. On tl;t' c*iur hand I would not, in any way, pal'uare fh « v me of de- A^rtion. It is u>.-frr,toc-ltii to t>r f ?i;>Ttaiucd UiV/\.4VvO* V— _ , high toned gentlcmob—d u n.fj- ana unexceptionable char.v'icr 11 O'in .McLannn. STRANGE 04 f Hawks’s Uhtory of North t’aroliua. S'>-V1E fopi«a of ttiis work oa hand, ar same prices as beti,re tue war, %ii: toi the 2 vols iu fud «!t;eep 4 60; ciixh $4: vol. 1 in h.-.lf cjir 1 75. (noa.^ t:i voi 2 c>t thai bsadi'iic on nsrsd ) Whrj to b>- seat by Ji:a:l, I 2-'> to be ' ,vlde.. . K J H>.J.E & fiO'iS. ! J»:;’y lHt»4 I ^.“50 REWARwT The f.'iiove rowat d wul t»c paid for »h- arrest and dfl- livtry to ‘iJp of -ay boy HE'^TOR. who ranaway on j the 6t*» Jan’y 1SH4 Said b.>y i*- 18 or 19 y*'.ar8 Oi J, I light complexiou,-abo»t 6 feer. •> ioci.es bigb. Sarpcd ! to bt lurking >bout. t.»»> plaulatioa of tbe »iJ.">w Nanoy ’ R. gan, Robeson oouQiy. wh. re tie has j*re «her- aa:- j been heard '’r^.tn thert ?iuce Itft He .•-•>>' a fttiher , .at John M( Kinaoi:’:*. li^ar •■’t Paul ■;, itc.-esou aousty; ho Vias r.^la>i *ns ai» > May.‘viii.% B'.-i i u v^»»ty, aa^ ‘ aa annt a' Jn 1. T. 7*..a‘jil'-, Blii^p rfoanty, N The r.: JAMES W Jan’y 4. 18 4. Hillsboro’ .Hilltary leaMeuiy. ]1HE Sixth .Acttleaic ye*r of t^i.o Institution will be gin oa Wedue.s.tay, Ifeb’y Si 1^64. F.ir circulars and i:i'or aation »ppiy to Maj. WM. M. GORDON. Sup’*. Hillsboro’, N. C-, Nov. 21, 1863. 84-3m TMOS. X Getwral Commission and Forwarding Merchant, 43 JYk>rth Water «f., ; abo« rrw«.^u will ba p-ad. if tv« , 80 that. 1 oan gbi-ci ia. pavm ' F^yc tev^te, N. Jan’y 20, 1S64 yi* Htpd for a moment, by any one v;hi» l.-vi. unb'ss irresistibty forct-d upoit -.lU,. dier has riabti^'vrhicii >h >iii'i Vi .- ,1 be^entered the Service he o; 1 cheated oul of’his ration.s; lt di-i .io peCL hi.^ clothing t» 0? piek- d i . ; miartenuHSters, officers, hoot liCKf . tore be «ould have a cUano» at in i.i; expect t:> see the fees and salarip' • t tic functionaries of the country ia*.’. he stiwd in the iront to h-^r lii.”^ i>i.. . iers of battle ac 83 1 per mo;it.ij iJiio itr .i >- s ‘t expcct to see his httlc ei*\?crs at home /'rumrmntj to the dust while othe'rs are growing !ch on b;.s niiafortanes. No! Wa expect to tce the war protracted till matter;? in tbi^ partieti,!ar • revo- •I'totije-i r>iu.ii;Tj „. m..- V , . y lu vu j **! ■ y—e- hi;. 0 lunt’^y, i ...L ihe sol- ,u. i When to be ,. «..y.^ cx- i ■ iiJod by ! TV .e. bc- ’id not d *iul‘ ‘iO-ii.-'J .juaiity in in : ITILMINGTON, N. C. S6 3mpd .rBiU'. =»nl 1>"- 3CH0.7 t'r >1; ■he r»>;irdM je ; : n'i !f-ur ll Hi W h.‘ the-' 3i g'^autiQg ruiioucf's »u' 0p«ci.iv-u oT i* ^t* Ift the -icHier «ec t >»i.t thci'e r.r-n*! »''d ,1 I . I- -ar.c* on i.t ‘-C‘d .... 9 - . >«. ■ . r . :o : . qn-no- > t:. *’or ^le ■r.iiO' -1; n ■ It' ft i Jf ■ ■■ iV> J?ar^a^ - yetfcia dtvA^N, and t. Bo rpi’.oui io .i!i f-ib.irditu.'e 1 fiiccr?, and f'- his Jrtti’y 8, l«64 Phy.**i*ian’» Card. Dr. r». A CA dPiiELL ^late ot Aiariou, S C.,) bs.t removed to Fayetteville and t*ken an eSice on B'lw sijeet. where he m*y ue found aw all times, with aa ample stock of Medioincs, to answer Prefaeaiooftl ealla. Sfttisfaetory rsfereaoe furnished, Ac. * . Jm’j 2» 1864 t.ML AND LAMP BL\GK. SO OIL. For sale by R. BLOSSOM k, CO., WUndkftMi, H-'O- Htpd bt.aic a: aor.o iirj?, aud r.:’l .U with paii«ace. j Let M.-i fe* t»!»t b’* rig*’»’are r* \f ana^n the army, acd ii will give him e^^'iou ageiaeui.- f .VN.iaRS’ and UOBKiCATlNG OIL I LAMP BLACK, in barrels. T% kno V ti^tlf be iscompslled to in .k- ?' 'rifi'**'* in .ecee of hits o:>autry, .‘bat otocrs -.:a .»•’ > ’]'/ pe!l..J to do the same, and it will gi'^c hrni this wo look to our —the oommanders of otir artaj. those wh(> exeMi»e aathorit; Im owr Gow»meot. A 0ou>nB. .( kiiiiihMliii

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