MIHION C>avana*h fbe follow- e statement onh r from ' llan, had > D U. H’ vIIan, it! ill the pi CO, ttat just before r SL'ldvessed ui dropped, ?h' 10 him »i givcu by lotterf! from li Hill’fi at- li atiun, ho in olBcer id itod him to lie letfer to .iV or of nn lUoV n I - t I bcimteu be lost by just handed !T addressed I'i y it not 2: it io me, e * own of- d: J notloso aryiand un- L hav« is in dated ‘8«p. >dor 191/ opj tor mt j Adjutant i»en lost by e. 1 don’t [f roally to ire. W hen I had a dim irder horn®. Ictrcrs, or- ith wtien i y i have waa urkcd ‘couti- ;now wheth- Ve find the •lir i:»i : W ednesdiy len, eaiored weiivj-eight U-^LUi'trd a ragons, ioad- 113 way out lad reached j was attack- Gen. Vanoe tured. The uu oi ivnox- 10, who was u with u por- ' »omt; reason ly’s cavalry kce ihe nexfc hey learned id been sent A'ing:—Cap- ps Bince Gen :aliou und a •ted towi«.r>Jfl >ur^ he loft at «jue tiuu- pturcd a yua the teumatera inkte cuvalry rc, tu wiiijM omiiiumcated ! off towards Shttlt’s Mill ordering the e. This they iiuj,raeti koutao hour, entirely off upou tnem, A running svery direc lew of them ded a little £ee &k:unst iMth his Smith, and iobtrw* was M urdoch, yaiikees re- aiubulance mce’? com- • Id U: a 7ing un Li^> but pofeh- gathered feci. Pal- )orianoc of VTatoh and LLK, Jan'y courat'ing.^ fcLuoxviile, sf' cattle, ;nt of pro- >f tke 1 bth kee Pinnate lendtuei^t ^President sn for ine the 10 arut td- Keprcsen- atJbylvania Ithe war is Ithe Presi- jany leral ^oy- beahc and 1’fci‘cneo ayi- 70, to refer 1 Oommifl- I Smith of Adopt- I the rtso- ferred to Ith. Ibli kcount of lone who Im V, ivnn. slmiii, ItOkUB laeat kin Mi* 01 fl>SERVER. 3?AVETTEVlLiLE.''~ T«rKSIAT RTK^iseT JAXl’AKY 38, 18847 EAST TENNESSEB Th#following extract frr>ta a pri^a 6 )ett;r, eay» Cbc Richmond Tf'iqairAr, typirin" lit { .to m: ▼unent of cm' up i-; fiac ‘fpiri‘ tioo; and Ruoh are the prospeota that only a few daya j PtAUt Tbuths—TbeRiehmond SentlDel speaks truth a«o th« owners were disouBslBg the f^ropriety of aban-rfally and maofully in the following brief paragraph. ■Joning th^ ooneera, as very po8«ibly they will. So much ^ There can be no doubt about, jt. *Tbe war ferer at the for that “feriuDs.” The Standard should inform itaelf North (and treason at the South) have their «xialt nco j Lirut Q»-j Locg'trept: more a ^'iritoly. Its infotmatioD seems to have been only through tbo l»st Sumnier’s adver>e events to tbe derived from pome ill iiiforoied or unworthy source. We South. Let but a chnn^e take plao«> and put Th* Rai.k.'0h f^TAsuARu —Tb" sur.dard cur.own «ocouut that it i8*not correct, for ftderaoy on Ibc winning side, and confidence ther •werio ;hat “the object sf the propo?f*d Conv.->il!«n is * for every dollar that treason here wsuld disappear together, »s they not to scced*. b.t to protect ii.3 rights of tbe State , day brings together, and perhars h^hytx^ t,og.-ther:~ , thu cf.mrooE eov.rutaen*. and »o ai l tbat gov- ! “* ‘® should like to be able 1 “It msft hy no -spac.s b? suppos'd that the State.i j with his sliifl' on to't .f iu vrataeut in an honor. Mr pence'" Who can ' upenut.r, i b.u... ... w, p" I’l *' dce.‘at»t!cD (wfciob it hus been ~*ry cautious of Kte not j y ® o 1 at $4 or any other j*-ice per yar. . Wp armies into tha field as ibov have heri'ioforc h«J, ard ' ' ' to rep^fn) th'it the obj«pt wv (0 enable North Carolina j exohaDgc-d. or io any way (exocpt found ineffectual Th>y arc bu>iE;r '‘n n large nnt.lu-r I subscriptions for the benefit of MRS. TUNNELL. op ‘'BETHEL” MKMOUV FaOM LANR’S bftlQADE. CORae!l>ONDENOK or THK OBSKBVKR- ‘In tL • O' . ^*1' ***? H .t ackDowkdji. tW receipt of the f«!l wi; g sums in tu. mkc Uwdci>t*r I DotioedI fh« koknoni^d|rmfut * - , *i • . . . , , • » uotap.ay of th«; 18fh Rcg’t benefit of p»t,io,jc wboaetiniMy '>C£ of tP ft VOiapftBJ 10 Ukr. h*r 0>n hff»irp iuto k.r own h.inde. and that if ' iisposed of cotton dotb, M«re t.icn a qiiar . should do 8s the k^r of the arch would U re- '”*■ '‘‘5'’ n.iraber of fr?n n;.ored and th» whels C nfederaoy would Wl* Who ^ Wilmington, . in rut we dcmasd. ,f ,uc», dcoUr-xtions, ran believe that i "P h cotton cloth rraLufHCtory. We osrn Rtcok in there is any other purp. again to put in practice i " the 8t«t5iard*old doctrire o? ecefsiot? j coKracter We have their But .«uppc^e the puipo««« to b> what the Standard | large turn, !>0W avows, Wbat %re they? To pro*ecf the richts of i P*'*’ avowed by law to roanufacturera (k» 8tat« tgainft tha yankee govqrnn’ont? Nc: but against the Confelerat* Rovertimfr^'. To sid ihr> Oon federate governffiont is carryiag on th.e w^r •■> to which the Editor of the St^andtrd voted u«, and to which be •ItJged ‘tbe last dollar and tbe insn m.iu”? No, o^ain; «dt t* ^ e’p carry on that war. wLile it actually cxiftp; Vut to %!j! in obtainieg wha» il c;.lU nr, h 'licrrtMc rea-’**. but which tr.ore is tco ranch rea^cn t.i hcli^vu le-'us » wh.si' operativpd ara exempted. Its goo^B have bceu Hoid at 3D 40. 50, !*0 and 100 cents until within a few of their pres»nt troops by ext»-ik9»dinary boutiti. k. suHnr- coRttd with fHr'iOUuhs to oainp-woity rc'n. Bii* rast rmUijU'Jes of tht io have *ii!iaied 10 Jestrt. Th-j i-ai-pl') jranerailj ire ^e::ry f the w r; and tbeir hopes. latt^Jy r 'vived, j.re tia?ei far tn re cn our fui'pobed weaknc^'S snd distrpotiou t"nn upcn tireir own strougtb. wifi f^-ke care to show t’.em thnir iai8t»k>! W? hato -i.iy t.i do cur p“rt like rocu aud ! rotber,-=—we iftve oaly m win a 8UCCCF3 rr 'wo, ooJ iepul.^*' the onset vi*f* cur acc*ji»tont«'d vifiir, 10 nir all their buddin'r O'-lciiia tii ns, to put V ! peaco ne» cn their le®,^, and 'o pand grid still hicc' er ut> the ladder. It is hiizher j».t i is "..o , Tient tbp.n it ba/ br.on since April One m mb of I d*y9 they have advanced to 51 26—about on^ thiril j rro^cprous 'ortune to un wov/ld cbanffe Tie blat ant j :heii“ market value. These advanocs hove orcurred a-s 1 North »o much th«f it oculd scarcely he known is *>ih ; ia'»*ri .>9. Ac , adv-»noed. just as the Sfandurd advances ' ^ pecflt, reinforced hy victory ' ;,o , t. o V.; V. ,v.„ .... ^ i HlmoB* to otir htt in a iLi.iaevt, ^ ‘ ^ paP'-f. ese pt that w- bt'heve | jjmj jj, glr-ry, ihe b w of j.rHc;- which now seccia" I the factor; has not udvan. ed e-' rapi or to ?:;c-itiy ' faintly pencil ed on tiic *i--lmt olond Then Ut ns jjo I (r-r-cei" o 7iiateii>il allowed foi) »s *^eS;aidarJ b'l^. to .U! work wit'- a will! dfshonorab’e and ruinous rt\ci—% peao>; at the prieo of i believe the laill has done g-«o4 service ii) »ubjagatj?n. hener. ,>»^operty and iif*.' .And yet th« Sc'dari h».* tb# »ffro»t5ry toft9-»(-rt fhii; it has net ae (v'44 the CoRf«'ier«.te goverr.tien*. md i«'is • ct f^tv red, !■ th# reaio*.^‘*»t s«cse, the d«ipotio froTerno-.ent of Lin •oIbI T\at d€5i 3t!o go>frr&,rj..M,.^> i.nder oblig^'ioaato th* Standai^i for »any favors. Its Edij riaU ‘mkI crm- BUticalie*^^-- k vo betn cfcugHt up and pmi!#d hr »il liocn at Iha North. whs»r* thtj f.avp ef>cruraged U>r yank*e8 a» much er mere than tUey b»TC disc^nr »(?£>d fua men at htr' T>e Standard Msely pretond* 'ha» we d? not repro3cnt it cTr'-c:\v. Wp hiT« f-on Mme (• lime giv«n our re6.d'':rs its own words, (g'^Dfttvlly oorjinjr its ^rtieUs in full) which is roore thnp it does {or Tig in return. A oa»» in potnl sociirw in the ir.’iele on which we ara oauireBtiBg: We said, 'n •ub^tacoe, ■oB* week* ago, that if the Standard's party could do 89 dishonorable and suicidal an act ss to mrtko » sepa rate reaae with Lincoln. North Carolina Wdulr? b 'ccme a great battl* &a’d. and if the yankeee »h«u^, as they aaJoubtedly would, attempt to assail tbe CoDf^de^aoy tiirougk North Carolina, the Ci«Dfederacy woulJ, as a ni‘itt«r of self-defetce, bft obliged rc k«ep them ofi by takirg armed possession of tha State. Wbr. deubJs tbaf or wh» conld coHjplain ot i.‘? I', wo'.iid fe a neett my, br«u«;ht on by tbe treason of ttjv Sia .Jt^rd and its ceaojotora But the Standard mUri presetits us by giv iKg a part anly of what we said Sa nnch for public matters. Tka Standard of tbe 15th inet. cbsrgf^d t*-e EJitirsot ’.his paper with having “irade fortune* during tbe war )«t of tbe necassitied of the (leople.’’ In the Obcorver ■f tho 18th wa made the followiug reply; -“Naithcr they ^the agenta of the town aoil county) so far as we know, nor we. have “an abundance cf corn and meat,” nor have they or we ‘•oade fortunes during the war out cf the ne'Kssities of the people,” or out of anyt^ng elM We caa speak with cerioicty as to our- 8«l»es, and we are pretty well “cleaned out” of corn and mtat, havs not n.ade a cent by speculation, acd are at just about the same distaBce from % fortune as we were at the beginning of t*ie war We have h«d abundant oppartuHitiri to make a fortune, and a large one t»o; but bavp sot donf' it Some of tbe causes why we have not were explained in rrodigicua edito rial laudations of our patriotism, and liberality, and •undry othar good qualities, which appeared in the K%l«)igh Standard very frequently Siiuie months ago. Parbapg tbe Standard will prove w'nat we say by r«- >-nhii8hitg some of then? As v' never publish 1 r re publish elevar things said of the Observer, we wiil not, as usual, prove tha Standard's present error hy an “ele gant extract” from its* former sayings We oant ot oon- dffct'tii to such a deepicikble wiode of poliiicaliararfar', or wo mifbt retart in k'nd np->n t’e &t'iDd»rd. So far a? w« can judee, f»w ic North CsroUna are cakini; so much raoDsy as itg9lf, and by what eeem to us to be cx- ttnionaie prices for what, it hM 10 sell But we may not judge corrtctly, and we do not iike to speak of ikiaga of which we krwv notWng, tii'r of any man’s pri. vats business aff^irs 5f we knew all abcut the5D. We have never been able to see the pr ;rif\y of newspap'^r meddling ia su«h mattere The gt^ad.'ird appears Jo entertain well aettlod different view! .More tkin twenty years aga it was falpely assailing this paper in tbe same ■tanser as now.” Of oourse the Stata»ri—which v«r; s.lemnly pledged itself some months ago to cop^ in full koy article of tha Observer'to wbioh it replied and has persistently and aai/orsaly vi«!ai«d its pledge aincf?—bas not copied a word of this If *t ha>l ddne so its rtaders would have seen how unjust and untrati^fnl and uncalled for is the fcllswitig paragraph which w« find ia the Standard oi ikt 26th inst: j thifi wRr >0 poop!'? and to the (*tst*. S t^ongbt {--fc I Stttiidfttd wh?u it Wfs true to the cms.c, a few moatbp i Hf.o. when if hi)jf)ly c mpl menf^d the '.mpern f r itJ j li >'riili»y Had pitri->tifffi, and eii3>v!'7 c mjuin er.t.»’d i‘; j for'-'i.T A^encv iti iDflueceic^ 1;hpr,.! putfio!! - j r-u-f- Sach dividends »e vfe h^ve rcceivt>tl pre bs? .1 j ui on Kilfs at the priees named •>.' r’v°. y-’ i 1 : u- in Coo ' fc ieiate r.ct-'s We ni'gbt h!>^va Ij in;;rei»‘-e I j U)!*:r ^o-lua by rfceiving the div5de!.l» iu ' irrd '-ud e- )i ing 6- th^ «ark->t price or i'^.rteting f'r f-ovihioi: our i.wiM-s. But t*" ugh eai-1 fo bf lawful w' have cv* tliOugJii if right, ard wf t.^ke .inr profits m»'de a! fb.- low p-ic-j^ and buy w>a* we eaf and wear at the his.b Perhaps if n-ay be well before c’or’ino; t. give tbe Stvttd.'ird a little mcro of eorreci inf >rm'*’:ou la tbe Qour.'e of a lone life we have sce»' many Mcb'roes ft ! tb'j iniprovemet.t of ihe c sir-uoiiy m wh-ch w? li»', api? none of thcuj have been suff red to l!.« for waat rf our help. Cotton factorieji Kevo^in'r (,)il factory, r:\.il roads, plank roads, iehools. tel‘*p;rapb‘>, hoi'jlf. 'n short anything that anyboij thcught would be a public im- proveaieni, we have gone into. Acd it may sivr- (bp Standard much traub'e to know, that tbe only two which have »ver yielded sit- pi;' ;n ere«t upon tbe invoi ment, are cur str.ckM in one co‘to?i ^‘+ctory and one li»tlc plank rvjiwJ. Upon a rough %stin .^te. we t-bouli have been richer, if rot more uBeful. i; we had kf pt our earnings from all ’>t these invtstmp': ta At all events, we Kiight have eocapcd the abuse of these vrt o, like tbe St indsrd, think evil, aitribut.Eg everything,, to a sordid mo tive. We are not aware that we c^n r. tcrt upon the Standard in thi« particular, for we have never thought it wrrth while to inquire whether atiy of its earaings have ever been simiUrly invested, nnJ we never heard it a^cusod pf tuding any public improvejsente. fVc ask pardon of our readers for troubling them with these private mattere la crdinnry time-ithey would not be worth a tbougiit. Nor now, if they were intended t. af fect us individually The Stan.lard'a mis e'ateuieaf? are man iff ctured and intanJed solely to injure the Souttiern causa, through us as its advocates, and an such they re quire and bsl^e reoeivea this correction. That they are mis statemsBts thu Standard is doubtless quite as well aware as we are Its own files con'ain the testimony, edi torial andoffieial, that its present statetr-enfs are utterly un^oundfd. S'lme of these d*ys, for ‘party purp.ses’ the Standard may admit that it made them unly for “party purposes,” just as sora‘ time ago we a.-e informed that it confessed that it used to abubc Gov Uraha:n. ?Jr. Badger, Gov. Vance, Mr Gilmer and many othen a« untrue to the Peuth, not becauee they were so, but, for “p^»rty purposes ” y.t.NKKB CcM.Mo.s Skssis—Tt'6 State of New .Terse has shown more good sense up.'n tiio sobjrct nf ab- li fi3ai«irn !»n i tbe^w ,r rlinu ^ny o ti-'" of the N’!'th(rn fl'afos The fol!iW'^g i.s r.n innKiwiz — • Qov I’ir'ii«-r, of New J r3«>y. in iii« :nnu>! m ar.d emai c {■ . ■ u pr«;c an a’lou- ui.lic d'.-jt 11‘.‘ Di3i?f, f ' ‘f ft r'X-.tC’I'-B® u'itionui .i I ) ; f' It th ■ S ' e, “The Obterrer is desperate U ictimMca, without t'!9 slightest exsofls for so doirg, »hs.t we ar? ch^rgln^r ■••rtonioiiate nrioea” f»r itie Standard, and that we ire wkking a fonuns out of the war. Our answer is that i« ^rice the Standard is /vice that of tbe Obierver, %ad thit our iubssripfioa list ii incri-aaing more rapid ly t‘ an at former period; and that in cur cpiniou u a printer, tke Ohttrcer is losintr tnon«y ^s a ne irs- piptr, and the Eiiiure, feanng on account of the un- p«i-ul ‘i-ity of their present conrf*B to increase the rates of the Oktervfr lest they should l-.so nearl; all th*>ir Bubtcribers, are keeping up their eetablishruent out of (be profits of tkeir cotton and Kerosene factf^ries. We iTt moving an hoi?e8t living by hard work, and at P^^cts whioh our reidsrs obeerfuily p»y. We hove no •'•of.ene oil at f 20 per gallon, ot cotton cloth at $4 .»rd If t^e poor are starving for tho wtint of w.vsrLng to protect tttem agaioet thu cold, it ss aconeo- uioB to us to be clear sf the t«>mptati jii to s.?;- thsm suffer jf they cannot pay u« forty prioe? for a yard ^^f (■ It gives us BO pl-^asurfi fu refer to m-*'{«r!? o* ihii a.iu>i, bat the Obterver turtsw tua first a;one by etaiing wh.i is not true, ihat we are ohargicg ‘ extor- tienate prices ’ for the Standard.'’ A I'.w word^ in reply. And 1st, as to the unpopu- l-.rity of th* Observer. We re£tr the Standard for ac curate iafornation to tbe Pobtmaeter and paper roakei- here. From them it may gather aonre faots vp^ un- palatsable to hself, and not’ overly pleasant to ui>, for wa are worked abcut to the limit of human endurance n^w. The Ouaerver iias not been losing money, aa the tiix we paid last week on its profiu saows. Its ctrsu- lAiion is increasing with great r.tpidi!.y. It »as not iD.'eed been making.sj much money for our work as it ^ught. Tha reason Waeetat^d on the let inet. We are I I'Ji'i to add a oeat to the price of any thing, for euci sd- 1 tiui uH are irjuriousinmany waye, and wa are waiting fo '«» wtiat action Congress may take in regard to the turr«ucy. If what we hope can be aooomplishi d an in- I ur« .B* of price may be uanecesuary If not. wo shall I ^v)uco rates, though to no euch figures as the Stan- I whioh eharges four times (aot twice, as U says) I M smch as we do, vi*: doubU rat s for half ihe paper I *>t' course we kt:ow nothing of the c'.’nditiou of the Stan- I d ri’B basiness. But we are practical priuterp, bred I to tbe trade at whioti we have worked* in ai? its branch I 6) ditily for miay yeers, and now harder than ever bo- I and we do know that the rates of the Sts^udard ap- plitid to our large list of subscribers would yield us a csi profit of teventy five thoutand dollars ptr annum:' We ould call that a rospecfabje fortune. 2'J, as to Kerosene oil profits. We have never had t^c good fortune to handle .th'e fir«t cent of p^'ofits cn ^‘^('jfteue oil or any other kind of oil Ab^>ut a ytar ‘>i«. i- hopes of making some money and dr.iiig » public by snppiying from an unused article a much o*'-’ J public want, three gentlemea of this place in vett'd fcumti money ia an^estatiT eament for the manu • •cinr** of oil oat of blaok-batid iron ore. The thing tiaa beun donr, and we have no doubt can be done pro fitably fcnd usefuil/, but we have not only never re- Hived one cent of return, prineipal or interest, from tbe t^i>Hal paid ia, bat are targelj cat of poeket in addi - Mob L.\w—The Raleigh Standard affects to think that theOb>^erver wishfs i*sofi5cemobbed. Thereu v r was a greater mistak Tai.'« paper has ever ^. ea an I will ever be the e vrnest upnolder of thb Law. But iptrt fr*/m that, if we were an advocate of mob laV'', we should most earnestly deplore mob law against the St&udard, for that would pUce in its posxeesion the much coveted crown of martyrdom. We never heard cf the api‘l;catidn oi mob law without mopt earnestly condemning it, and never but once without an uatnix*d feeling of abhorrejiice. Tnat once was the mobbing by the Standard’s “friAds”—so the Standard callei them —of the State Journal office In that case, much as we deplored the violation of law and the destruction of individual properly, there was a feeling (wljic t cvi- denMy pervaded Kalsigb and tee Slate and prevented further violeoce ) that tbe cviia had been somewhat equalized on both sides It was a great political blunder of the Standard's party, snatching at once tge crown of a martyr from the head of its chie , where the Oeorjria ec.ldiers had foolishly placed it. As suob, the Standard’s snapping and snarling ever since lias conyincod us tbat that paper too late recogniiad it. We fear that ito conetant talk about mobs s^nd threats of vengeance upon mobbers are only an invitation—a “dare”—for the repetition of tbe folly of the Qjorgia.is In adiifion to the better reasons for refraining, let all remember thit tp mob tn« Standard office ia only to play into its Uauis!. We think it oaly right to ailvisa the Standard that this talk about mob Uw cornea with an exceeding 1 grace from that p-»per So far aa we know it was the first paper in the Confederacy to threaten those wtio are for “the Constitution aa it is and the Union as it was”^ with tue code of Ju ’ge Lynch. W'aen^oa July 24, 18til, the Standard published the following editorial, we suppose it had not dreamed that it w;i8 destined to be the leader ot those whom it threatened then witti swift det-.lTUOtion;’'— • Fro*u the Raleigh Standard, Julv 24, IStJf. “TAe Old Union —‘We eoncuc with tho West'^ra Sen- fiael. that “no ma'tcr how much we (uuy have loved the old Uuion and th-'i governmeat of the U nited “tales, while it was admin.»if.c-ra3 according to tho Coartl: uiion d iLe laws, that Union is now B-'vere>{ f rever, and the government has become an engine of oppression in tyrant’s han'is.” “There are traitors teiheScuth in Virginia, Ken ttieky, and Tennessee, but we trust there arc tone in North Carolina. If there arc let them bewar: He ttiat is not for the South iu this contest is ayain-it if; at J he who would eno-j^ragfe our deadiy enemies in tha ei- fort. they are making to trample U3'down end dfSir^y ue, dfceerves io die a traitor's death. Ta-;re can be no half way ground now. We havo b:en a derol.(» 1 Uuion man, but much as we loved the old Onion, we love North Carolina more. Th'.t Union is dead, it will navcr re vive or be restored Tho Cor^i; vieraf? StateH will tri umph in ibis war uad establish their iadependenoc If Iherrf be any p.raons in this State who prefor the old Union to the t;onfe ler»te- .^'ates, let them leave nt one? and tako shelter under Lincoln’s gjvernment If they remain here and plot against the S )uib, they will bo visited with swift destruction.” ■" uacfs tbi .in-c 0 Lincolsi. r’j'- .kii.g of “•■lys t‘ti;ii ICC rt!i? {r th.* m. ■ t fi tilt war - o;.'id -iid it jw, i- ^ i r'.'a*'',? incident t.i ii-« c! ise w?uIJ swei! I'j^ r.ccr t^o ou. .'rd uii'ii- iK cl Jiil c-iisiy ..'.1 ci.v 'i.-bs «iii S'7-’l ti.i isiouu! t tiL,r tbkn frr fuhi.kuH d bt oi Gr^ s' Iki’a-u Ue c-a>s tupy ■I ' r.*'iliz th-ir^rfjal c«adifi' n, h(C’i;.se tt-y are ir tt>a whirl of cxci'.emeut, aud hava only btgun to feel f'.'e weight of taxaiiou Condeniinrj/ tUo war I'lr tin- 'f>rliti.;.n of *l \.2ry, he F'vy-: - I. 't u>« be c .rt-fil! k-jt, 'n t-feking fo mam a f.»i ••’i. d b -ns fit for otber-, we Hu n: f d?s;roy cu’^ Nes I ?.%y fnncie l bet/cfit, fi,r liir torj iaf r;. ,i IIS of til. SjiJ oenJi-iuL of thoKO o.iuntritis wh»rp popul • i.)ns f.ive been cinaucipats'i. ha; is I'.e Li-t rj we are ot w n?akiu|!* Tbe fortunes 01 r?.-r, in the ad • tnoj of our r.niiio?, have bronphf with in uur Un!^^ H Ivrjje Euiub^r ofs'.avcn, and tbeir deplora- bt? (jond-tior? it> p'.^tr,-i_ t- l by trns'w jr:hy eve AitneFses, who an' apper'.Ucc; !o at S'::!p>'ty to y.:d t'.-.e unfi rui- r it.e futT'^-ers Wc are told to=f tbcusaadd upon thru eantt are sojtfer'd *.uufr tho bar ks of the Mt«st“v jd o'^lJrCted in c^mpt^ liuio-it Duked, rufle.itig from s;“ n*'*« and ‘ xpoaure, sud dying in st.ittliue nunibers i is "fatod !haf. dcncj: ihr last winter, rni jf f ur t.!. u sand colUcted in a sinjrle city, twelve hundred died." .As to the fvsLng.-i of tho I>rroocrAt> iu tbe yar-hee Cuisgress, the New York News say.-i:— ••The f>.ct is lb'll eeven-pi}tb:ba c'f the I>em->eiatic members of Conpreea •’■e ttje frionis of face and op p.-'spd to the war Thi-i will bo made apparent befve the close of the ses«;on an ^. be m .re fully !Banif»tJt(d in the n«xt National Convention ’’ COXOKESS —Oa M'nday nothing of iaterest ia open S9PS:on of either Housf. t)n TiiP.'day the Hous-? pafcs d :he S. nato bill fixing the let Monday in May as the day of meeting of t:ie next ’cngres3. Dipj.a'ches and ^:her information that lar,!0 nu-: b. r , Missi aippi, L' u^siana and Tenne»see troops in Lee’s and Joansto.'i's ormies ara re-euli«tiug f.-r the w’r wfr? prcscntfd in the Senate Ke(=olu'ione of th^nks to all soldier? who have heroir»I!y determiuod never to nbandou the field till the Ia»t vandal foe is driven from the soil were unanimously adopted. , Motives —Tbe R»leigh S anJ^rd is so uncharitable as to ascribe t.- uj very bad moiiven becduse we advo cate the independence of the Confederacy as the oniy honorable ani sure ba^is of Peace. We hava no inlen- ion to fo low ihe Standard’s bad example iu this re spect, but in r.;ply w uiJ ask wLat were its owk mo tives on tho 10th August 18i>l, when in an editorial on he peace qtiesiion the Btandard siid;— “The South caon it make overtures, for she ia lighi- inr for existence, and any cffer on her part to treat would be coLJidercd a sign of wpak::et'.a '.nd fe r. A'l she sfks is to be let aione She in not let alone as 1 r.g as th foot of an - nen’.y is oa the soil of the Com'eder- a*e S' -tes. ttnd just so ling as a sing.e oaemy is her oil just so long will she fight. Tb s is a* little 8« s*»e can Jo. If she w're to offer less to her enemief, cr at- en'pi to da less, she would be unworthy of»th3bpirit aiid manhood of ^er people.” Gtfu Lotisi!»freet Hiid, jciniu(( tie ..*.-nta T-iC flank u,o‘cmcnt \?iifc their Ttj..' q-(ok «-ye of thi- G ’B rai So «rra:3Q'.;d ti^a'ierfi ;»( ilitt r .1'uhina’,;late Hrtcd ) div },:• u in i.-. r lr»n', ; i r.- .iider- JG^a. Martin ui ihrow h porMcu of t. s ta'v’^lrv lu • >■ rtar ^rd p.ess ih".;n upon .lenktns gnve (h. oi Jar Tbe enemy, ^i' ^ut beios pressed, oa-jie un;xpBc;:;illy cn iQil wero .’riv,- • pdl-iucll, w -.ur on M.> f’ill’s Ciivilry But, il^is! csviilr_;. !>y s. n.i- uiis ♦ had gone around tc t.n^ jront .-f t?ie on ;-.- d fo 11.0 re;ir of Jenkins*, Aii.1, of fou sc. th’) 'fi. y w "I'ru t'or thftr ttfoap?, of which t>)oh tbe »f'r.i*! ' v«vntage, and w^at on thfir wny tij >^i!tug “Tbere is some.thing wn ng »;hou' the Ci-v.*Iry ■.■fli:;'?r3 The material is as h-j o i'i be d(-s’r*d but r ’.s cipline in wretched, and it aln ost inefficier.l in e'^n’rc- qiitncr Wt. •»,um,hj4vs : chhuji; incurf;.iva!ry Iom' Tbey lall back oo oft.'- . t.dviir.c:- i-*!J ,t;); allow i eir men to ecatter, otr’.ggl' nnd pill .>,;•, to uuch i»ii rk I bat, in&tead of a band ':f ch»7a!irr>>. fi;.'t'tii3g fo? i-bfr ty, they :ia'»« bpcomea ionss'iy rj^nnis.'d n;-rB?'f rwi iiu ders, and th jir b've ot' plunder bus -u far prcdttaiu *t?d. •l iit the l’ru'!s of vict: ry ..re ^ffen ^n?t f' m tke f tt tl'O cavalry is plundc-rirE wbea it shouM be pnr‘inn,- “A stuiciQit iist'-uc. Ilf t« i>» c'..i;ircd ii thepv>8sn^ m veni!'.»if l[;*rr:i»i u’^ Br!a”d’ was nifrp-i t ix>»k!i n O P M.llflit. • 100 C V- Malle- ' ’OO D. A ll.^y . ‘25 nioiaer who *.*id a eo'^ >»f Btv^tl 50 Further cjntrllutions, frMil t*ny !»»»•• cf the Slate, offic.* W'-. have no time is ibe oldosf from North C-r..iifla In mat rial and fi;;!>tin qj&lit:e!^ it is swroftBK ? hv n ' B-i^ade cr other f.rJv of tr itps ‘n th.- '’on^-.^•’ ' sc wcj. Wj mcon- trir.'Uied n or^ than its sb-.ro to i\e j;re?it re^u-at.’>'n w Nerit) t'orol'niac*? hiive won. In this .^rmy tind Braitg’H, f r splendid fighting. Its hlankctkss und bsrefodfed men (ard thfsc ari\ loany) are therefore^ I j ** *'*’*'by r»'cev«’d s» le tbirk, •■'rt't’ed to the ev>a|iBthv of all >ur re»>nle and to pif*'w''nj',jlr nn anr me ti.e be^itvoience of those who arc able to give. The ! blpik winds a'^d driving rains anl sleets whioh thisj^ j ‘ VT^, i coU wirer has b-euifht wirfa it. wonld find fheir way j Ic Cu • I t 1 .od cou. *.y .-j, vr Tcnieg. the triiough stouler garments tbaa clothe our piequets. and I SOtk Oci: i^-i, Mrs FLOR.\ ANN' ■ liHLlK, mdow of Jf-e’d. in t>»(> 41st yea’" • i' b. r ftg;‘ ' would benumb the hands ard feet of those who wear gloves an J "heed. I think it proper to memion there tkirgs that you n>ay make an appeal to cur Hospital Assoriatior. end to all the people of our St'ite frp aid for t'.e brave soldier? of this oommsnd Blankets and I fbo‘u F.re parlicularJy needed; bu» other articles of I c1olt>.n.* woulf* by no means bn an inappropriate con- 1 tribu'ioD ” * rrt '- o m 1.- b-U' ;V i'.id d' Hr • t.t n o:’:- It:.;" .-U- 'I'i w*-. : > • de. • h>i rj' -- 'I ■. • f pluu^ r rni»- i,.wr uiii ' rer.'-. londeu liicui : :r co: fii -if-n. .’t-Ci'V-rfO the >r Hi. ptr-n, t-iis Fedfral f'rc- s in :*t ■ ur li.e;, pv. ^z -.J. r-n l de- f 'r safety r ii.d3 sr* . ’ j>-.,rnd.’ itif-.atry 0.' »h3 tnt-- > U-.d it The Lott Attempt —With the spring will come th't last great struggle of Lincoln to ovcithror me ’onffd- erai’y. His ten oi 'ifiice draws to a clo«e, and me gathering elemental if opposition wain him that ne, at least, may not have muc9 ti.ae left ia which to finish up the “big^ob” De so reckiesjly uadertoi k Snouid tl.9 approachiut: campaign giv .- him no material aivan- tage. aad should tbe present t'o'ifederafelint; ot dttcncc bs juaintained in ii int-gnty, hu will beque-ith to his Kuccesdor a l},sioy of emtfarranamcnt and difiiculty Should ano'*''^ I’l-esiJent rrs^olve t'j versevere in the insane att: mp: '• on _ue.-t, he wnl find that ail tho im mense efforts I .i»‘t have beea male in the hast thre^ years have no# viiictraied to the core of the difficultj*. while they Ik^'c maienally d.miuisseii and crippkd the offensive resources of me North. So fearful an accumulation of debt in so short p. time Is nnprecfcdenttd in the history of naii^ins Nor does it promise to diminish in vigor of grc wtb in the futurt- Jit ch. Ezam'r Tub Johnstoh Mibtiro.—The Raleijrh SfAndsid is still more exeited and a8*s uglier4anguago in refererce to the resoltttioua whioti were written iu Raleigh and sent to John&toa. The Standard is fretting itself un neoessarily. We reeeat for ite benefi^^that thera is uc the sbghtest doubt about the matter. We have in our possession the written staterwent to that effect of a gea tieman of high character who knev what he said to ' tru«. Whether the tesolutiona adopted in Johnston were those prepared in Raieigh, of oourse we do nt know. As we suggested last week, a new set may have b«en prepared after the exposure. We have no reply to make to the Standard's black- guardism. To be abuaed by the S ituJard ia pnma faoie BTidMoa tlutt aauui is trua to his oeuntry. i.tt-d T'«e U' .vv t/• •• r u V: fap u”e i -tie m-n •■lii, -I .•> t'm.-i iu, ’■ c'i ■ ■ ''i'.'ii pt’.t i, "r c V.-ly la? C.ii’in.i > c»*n - Ific lois: : - O' m » it.. Ar.i, in ■ li(, jDii-.sl '=f ?. , ‘• o"'F-J-1 I t Ir .i . ie, ’ 3 8 rnd P-: t'f r. li .-.u. . u "li.dih vt r. . a- f (?i : f n, bfv'u u. dpr a le. Ct-i -isp !• :. Wi-uKt Ir'.ve b **>i 'he Ittbt W-—k E‘.et T-rnw p. Wh rover ih , ..ti Mho^e.l 'bai tite> wer.T sitirrly d i.ov, • eiidc'i »*nfirely on their fl-emesj of fo i 0 ir icfVntry. conld not folb.« t, 'n—r •rrctci'c-i—tbe enow almost cons' ctly ',t and ni&oy, many of thr me- utifhod ■lid siU they went to do—resh-t t-ii: s. ifari my Tbe r.ursuit rested with the cava o«en lei with tbe dasb ard bolanesi Miat :he ooO'ision ■’eniaiiOed. ti:e wucj»' F*-d-r.tl toroo, wagouii und all, woulJ bavc been in imminent pii-il. .Ap it is. the mcve- mtnt S.4B ^esn f'jli of fruits.- We new .'ftcufy cr con trol tcfct part of £\»t Ttrmeesr- c-ipab'e of suat*iuing ou r ru.%. '...■are at pre«*ul well fe’ yankees are on ! i;f‘ r iti iDS. and driven baik '■> *t'e neighborbocd of 'M >xvitit; th"irbill of fsre 'wil- p’*ew small by def.'rvee iid bi'au.'ifuHy less,’ ueiil at b>st they must retire from ibis potiiou of the Tu^n are Wdil buttei. it? fine spirits, wf-ll fed. aLd. in a ftw days more, will be wtdl clothed. After ihvt. if the cavalry will half do its duty, if starvation 1 as cjt s'.rfjdy drivtn the yunk 'ts out, our troops will ” I'rom K'Ut Tenneae'' —lil’.'SELLVii.i.E Jan. 26 —Our imva'.ry ere ►till in ibe vicinity of i\ujxvi!le Tbeir raptures during tbe rec nt rot eat tilin up 800 catth, .'*00 wigons, two fl*t bosts los.de- with orackf-re, tobac co. &o , and several hundred barrels fl'>ur. Twenty-e'P'ht of our wagons were c»ptnredoti Friday whi'et foraging beyond French Di.^ad. ..p 0 Frcm Mobilt —M bile, -Ala . .Tao 25.—The I'vecinjr "News’ fecial corretp nden' has N-.r iic-rn dates to ibe 21st. Twelve tfanspons laden with troofj, paused down the Mi-^sifsippi a lew dnys sinoc; als . Shi'ru.'iu and bis 'tktf. Destination unknown Mobile, Jan 2G —i>.^nks has ordered an electiou for members to« Convention lo be held on ttie first Vo(>da^ ic .April. A special dispatch frcm Como says that Northera dates to tbe 24th h»vcj)een received. Another plot to releane the prisoners cn Johnston’s T •• .nd by the relels in Cai.ada has been iliscoverei e&u -iwt crmpanies of British troors Lave been ocnt lo Wi;aJSi,r, ^.sue i*e- troit. It is rep rted that Qu tntrell wi». 1.500 men is now at Cariha^, La , below V'ioksburg The Florida bas repaired and sailed from Brest. Vora ('ru2 advices to the 2J inst I'avebe' ii rcc ived. In the fight of Dec 17th, at Morelia, the French cap tured 11 carnon and 1000 prisoners. Juarez escaped to .Monterey. Running the Blockade at Wilmington —A •emi--fficial ct ;?f>irfBt fela’ive to running tbe blocks ic at Wilming ton, N. C . shows that fr, m January, loi>3. to the 23d of tJotober ia ihe tame y^ar—ten mcntn*—ninety ves- reis ran into WilningfDuring lis' .August oner .n i:» cv.ry otj;cr uay, a ak ng fi-teen in th.a montvs In one d.^y. the 11th of July, four r-,r. . t>,nd on tHe I'Jtli r! Ootuber last fiv- c.. xe 8i.i- ijr r^ r uv ii ice blockaiers. At i:u ""ksi-ou. during ti:e eix r. u ' ? ; ndiag m f8G3, forty three *t5iupr8 ria in rafcly. These f.'.cts '.are^ -en mide pu’^dic in Europe, th'.ngh it is not a! all likely ibat in'-y will open thfl eyes of ikase who are determin-‘d cot to see Alab.\ma —A tiii^f?c"iber i,. I’lko cjtiniy writes cn tbe lut*^ inst.: — ‘ Too wider '‘o tar baa ver Kcvi-rt in .\l3.^.n-ft; we nave l'*id noti iug like it eince tbe winter o' lH^o4 and I have seen iire over two iac iP? ibi''k 0?»t* and Kgri at deal of the wheat hr.vi; been killed b the cold weather Th? q iattitj of l .u» iu wheat I su; po^»* is a 1 uudred per cent - ore than ha- utualiy been.sown hereiofire ” run THE OBSERVER. Faia Havbn, N. C., Jan’y 22. Messrs E. .1 Hale A S, ns: I am erry that-I have tvrt no ftcocunt ef a'fiy one fctlp'n^ to m ike up tho 100 birTel*! rf FJorr-ti* proposed It wa» a very little reat- t-sr, hut would i>tive cau ;ed s .mo poor soldiers’ families O fe?i gild that tney were, -if least thought of bj thesa !i5t icrmerti'^’flv i«rr.nnd then and would gladden tae ?ri ■ - ^ tb.^ s>ldifrH iu the arosv. And 1 fbink wu ' to c-trry on this ^:v“r by volunfeertnfl' srd ac'tfi ot bviT-i.’iiy f s w.'ll ■».; by 0 ii?80ripi.i lo »-.nd ttixaiion. "Let n? n..-k ^ pro osit;&n, I know a nus’ber t'f ' -iU nf-rs th-*i c- uld do cc.cf'der'\hle in this way 1 lif-vcr have a great deal but f 'hick I oou'd Wifh a good wijl a- d wish spjro a few m re barrels ia so valuable .i e .lu . I V r v- ri'i? for a C. nvention, a?r to t^.ke N \rc!ina cut of th. Ueiofi. cr f.ir • fne last man cr I^'sf doU't*'.” but I pl'dge rrvy^e f if neceesary to give the j l-’Si d- ilar and last barrel of Flour I L'*v-- in thi sup- ror* •• f this war ustil we g-. t pur indepen len'v, and go ir tlu' armv my=f !f if it Hfei'uld b-- nccessary. • H.AREIS TY.'»OR. FOR THE OBSERVER. Fobt Fisheb, Jan’y 28 McR!:r» E J H#kle & Sens: la these daja of slmoft su et rhunan trial a"d distress, when speeul.'^to’s and ex-' f'riiotiers are rife in our country, buying up and mo- nopolii^ng the mirkets, it is a pleasure to record the ded« of patrio iom and charity of those who befriend the faniilica of soldiers and furnish them with th* ne- cfspaiics of life at greatly reduced pricts Mr. Owen .^mith. of Bladen ccucty, a true patrict of moderate means, bas been furnishing' the soldiers’ families with cfrn, meat, wool, p''>t8toes, and othvr H' Cessaries of life, at very low prices, when be waa otf*red the highest price in market He let Bol'tiers’ »ives have oom at one dollar per-bushel, when others v. ere selling at five and six, and other articles accorditfjly. He sold them hogs for $10 that he was offf^ed !r40 for He has ta^ ken his horsd out of hi.s farm to obIice soldiers’ wives when he w.'»s in need of it himself. He did this with out charge and paid a boy tr dHve the h«)reo We m%3iion this ease, w|. b' -g ihc country to see and know that we still have ntniopc and charitable men itmoLg us, ard hope that in* ir example wiil be emu- latuJ - R. E. A D R C. JfOR tb:. OU.^KRVfcR. RESOLUTIONS OF THi: K T .5? L SOCIETY Wlitreas, la the in-e^ii'«b^ i urp»«- ■' «- -i Providecce, our wcrt-y metubec Jrhn b .'let'- u;- >•. . b?on csil’ed from iiui*' to etein'fj. H-- i-x •' bl« d; fiege of Vicksburg, ani soon after *x, ir.-d from his wounds. • Resolved, That in his death wo hav.» lost one of our brighiei't ornameuts—a model cf patriotism, vir ue and trn‘h—and that our country has lost one of its first ur leers, a dauntless defender, whose life'has be«'n freely offered on the altar of his belovr-d Suuth. Res> lved, That though he is the eighth member of th s Scoiety that have fallen nobly defending their Tights and all they bold dear, out of thirteen who have i‘ft ii* for the tented fi^ld, yet our hope is i" the great Ku»er of tbe Universe Kf^nived, That a copy of these resolutions be seat to the Obiterver for publication, another to his bereaved parents, and one be preserved in the archives of this Society. CoiiMiTXiiti ar thb Socibtt. rOK THE OBSEKVER. A meeting of tha Youn^ L;4di«s’ Knitting Society ill be held this evening at 7^ o’clock, at Mr. H. L. Myrover’s residence. Jau’y 28. The Situation—I is a graufj ing feature that our people have a’quirod a better lone tban the feoling of di?pondoncy r.-cen 1/ infuseu Iu o them by the reverses in the west. Cfoik'er- diminish iu number, ard the peopio, albeit n3t wiiaout .-»t.xiety, prepare with hope and «ruit f.-r fae cim ng shoes Bot-er fhau all. the arnui 3 P.Eid the geu.-rj's who r.ro to dccid*; the preat cau.s'T are buo>!*ai :ii d ooniident, t.uniicg ia that prow- ? whioL h:*s viniickTi-d its ; up.'riority in evtrv fair li, and uus. i’;e to tn’iiove tba*. th. eubj •cii'^n of ijeop'to whose (xhit»iii ^;s of civij and military virtur have 80 ai»'iiaUy proved that ihoy are ^fortfcy of nation al life cai* be wriiten^ the BjO ^ of Fute. The Fort Jackson Jimule --"kba first reports t»f thin alT%ir wore exApgtera'eU beyond tbe usiif^i cxagg -rot ions w'.ioh come from the Misaijsippi. I’.u! itiero ffassou e- tbing in it. although of r^o grrai, Cv^n- qucnce to any ona The last tbafcwe have seen et i;. in »he Nor'hern ptpp.rn ia given as follows in^ l“ier irTni Nfiw Orle.'^na, dati^d 12th iMt., to tbe Boston Courier: Our military authorities b»kv- just h -d a foretJisfo '»f ihe wis'loro in truslirg tmr-r nut. ru;h posts tjo cul- cred tioops. by n rovoit Fort J^''l;^' a which !bt» newspapers'in ibis tiepartni^Tif, “by qiitli-'riij’.” *.l inform you was “oify an uti'rcat.iou net ween an offi-er and s'-me o* the mi n; and soon q-.iietpd ” I ^avr m' irifurmation from i!io lips of t ;e otlic.r in cooirtiaud (t that poK', the garrison of which ccnsiet- d cf 500 c lor ed BOldi-;rs and othceri^, and 20 whit- cjca, (thcuth some, of tho colored m u aVe ad wJjite as Hf>rae oi tlicir white offi.".erB,) and fo serious had i.faortie the revolt that the flicers fiemeelves declared that had thay attempted to ex^iciay aty authority over thoir comnisort, every whit? Iran wonld have betu killed, and the negTrti h'tvebeei: •n posRCssionof tho Forts which ?n«t tbe Uaiied St;ite- Governmeat so mnth of liie and trea,jure, and so nian^’ mouths delay to gci iuto nur hands. It iias been de- ciucd that this regimeur. or “colored men mu.st bamu'’- terei out of me service,” in conseqnenoe of this alter cation between au officer and ‘som' ot thr* m’u Tbe New York Times ba* an account of 'he mutiny at Fort Jackson. It grew out of Ool Bfneds.'t’s a>»kinff ten negrofs cowinc; ic frcm bftT*>nd. tun M.;es fheir au thority for !■ aving They answsred in.^olently, and he, sailing a whip, commenced lashine them, and a r»volt. ensued. Ou“ hundred negro^B loRded guns nnd' fired on tbe Union troops wilaly, most »f the photc> rang inp too high. No «ne is report'd hurt The rioters held posnession of tbe c^nip a'l day and night Tfce next day moral force prevail,'d. The rifgleadera were arrested and tried by e»urt martittl. Trtt^ writer at- tiich^-s ttJe biamo to AdjurAu: General Thom >s, whose i«.iiscre?t epeeche'* Rave tuv a-^rocH an ts* ted id*“a tf taeir position. Ai^')hio r-gimcnt ha? be. n ordered to camp near the fort, to provide epainst a recurrenoe of revolt. . An association for »U(jplyin? maiiueu sild’ers with ar>iiii,;al limla has be -i'. organ z >d in Riebmoad—R v. Dr Marhhall of Miss President, aad a V.’Ci^ President I'rLm ‘ ftch Su.ift, (Hon Georg? Davis (or North C '.roii- na ) ;|>10 vonstitu'es a Life membe-'&hip. Brsides fees for m'>mb?rship, a’nout ;520,0 0 have been given, iu sums of l|500y to 5100. ;frvlr. S 'oie^y ih^nkfully yOR TIIK OB Tho Ili^h ScSooi Kui'ujij-, S'oie^y itijnkfuUy ac- knowledg d tho c ..'iiri'-. ;ii.)Ps; :*10 fr .ra s Ffiev. t; ■- pr? • I s. cSs t'rj;ii ,\l • M »,'-,;-^ret Ho pe' , 4 prs f*i>ra M'bJ M»-g C'*rni"tri, 'iurchisii. 'i'ne iji;Kt me Ming vill l>. a: decce on .'?tluidiy ev ning. • Jan y 28 Mr A from .Mirrs Ja c Steel’s reei- t’' tv th*: R-v. J. J. \-r t-'ir rf Ct B, in.L - wr.LOW, » AS sr> u, Thi moTEiuff, is t.b*^ M ii Cburob, by Re"v. Mr. lludfl.n. Mr JAMKS KENl'Rl K t? Mi»s M'F-SA- lirir ANN XALToN, ‘>1' of ^i* In this town, on tae 26'h i Printer, Mr. BKNJAVIN F 5f);!i Keg’t, N C. T.. to Ml-B ANN ftll of t‘ IS town. In G*" eTviilc, N C Monday liatb 'r vi , hy Be’v. I«rael Hardiug, Lieut J H MV^^OV'ER of S^»rr’« L'ght Battery, and Miss MARIA L. GtiELET forme’-ly cf N"wl>ern. On he 14ih inst . near Limber Bridge, ^’y Rev J H Cobb, Mr .ARt’H’D McKINNON, of CumS*rInnd, to Mi'bS C OBB, daughter of Cd Sfc J Cobeof Kobe^on. .At ihe residence f Mrjii. .Ann Johnson, ia Cumber- l«nd coun'v, on the 6t^ inst., by il?v Jxm s McQueen, H^v. JOH ' C SINYLAIR, to Mrt. ANN JOHNSON, all of ( ur. bc i'»ni c nn'y • bwl L At r-.-r r-^i !.-r!c in t'on.w^d. f' , oi> 't'f* I6th in«tj, Mrs I'O.SaLIE A B.ARRINGEK, wi'i- cf L* CoV Rie- fus B rr;ng' i. in tl.»- 22(1 ).ar cf h. r a - i In BlaJen connty, o^ th. 7t'^ it>3t . of i. fl r ,bj .!ir?n of the brnin, LAUR.A. A MELVIN, yoiim dV-.fhi“r 4-f Mrs. B A Melvin, a?ed 11 ye>'rs. T* •: .s ; -fd from earfbs lov'»ly flower. fasJ blooming; inl' j-ai'hl cue who posBesFed a mild, gentle and aff •An-'.* u,: position which, had won for f:er th*^ Ir v.^ c' all wr«j knew her. While sick, thol^b suff^rii g ifcr tn' ^t e.^cru- oi'iting pnin, i-hc d?d n^f fi rc*! f!-c ^e.'\cf inr^ ‘fa ol;rip- tian mother, and often rep? ated tho L rd'a TiT’'.\er This with ctf-er tvidf nc36 of her piety, u«: ur; s r? i'» .t hec ff«ntlc fpiiit has winged its flight to tl »t bifrf* ’.ode, thcr» with .Ac;ei« and .\rcaa' gels jv.it: iis r r isce avcund tbe throiie of God p. f' M In Cha»bf.m eonrty, 12tb >rs‘., '!rs F A?iN ■AL.^TON, wi!e of Mr. Ju?«»us Aisfra F r ;i re-^ y-ars s‘- bfid bes?7» in tbe oorucoucirr: .i t- e orcV cf*" riat, at.d died chI.tIv, c.'*iisct(us or Ijer pc.‘'i# . »uH' -.five f. tl'.’ will o'^G'it, 4U>i in the nope »» '>apy>y imn’oi- ta'ity—CciD Piesb,tdiaE oofy. In Monr« 0.3'jnty, ou the Ififn of i'fiarnrcation cf f' e sioTnach, L^UCHLIN PLUf . f-n t f L-*a’i I’’ue, fiow ill Capt. McKtU.ir's oemrwny; w’«. ■ was bcrii on iL’» 3d of March 1861; a sprightly lovely child. Frfpbjtprlhn plc«'.se copy, Drpar'cd this li« on Sundny the 3d d*’.’^ cf Jann.'-L.ry, LU Y IIALTOM, wife v'Joi;r II s/fcii 75 years and It; d;»y«. She was a co;.si>te-.t n.rirber of the Baptist -'a'-rch for mut-y y-’ar., an ! wo arc in formed’houf ncarjly fifflicf-'d I'rr ^oi’"e k«'■ ?fore her death, p- here *t wita grra; fortitude, .ad ir. her last mcm«r gsve frequent tesiimory uf Lcr eipccta- ticrt of fu‘ re bftppinose She iK.-a.vt3 a hutbsud, two sons r.ni tive daughters to mourn the lobS of a good wife anc -otionate mother, thcugh we fed cocfideat that cur loss -is her gain. Trcnbie not ior fhot'e who fall asleep in the arms of Jesus She cannot o.me to us but we cau go to her. A Son is tub Aemt. Killed by a Deserter, ia tbe ccrthern part cf this (Cumberland; county, oa the 20ih in*t., DAMEL JAS. COLVIN, ia the 47ih year o^ bis tg». All tfie circum- stancts of this lamentable event are most sad and j^ain-' fal Mr. Colviu was a most excellent and worthy man in every relation of hfe, ahigh minded and boaorable gen tleman, a pure patriot, devoted to the cause of bis bleed ing and snfferiae country. He was a ways read> to go where duty oalle.}, regar«tieES alike oi' t.is own p‘=riuual safety or interest. His fidelity to every tiust ocmmitt«d to him, his zeal in every good causc in (he community, and ^’s cfB''i ocy as a member of the Hoae Guard, mftde him •.■.bjr ci .-f .jr '-d «.t»d hatred lo tho Ixwlesa aua ie»* r; ' irot.. jlj ^ . n the di»y hla la- n.entcd ]• i» •♦ujjpot'eL* >ir. f U a" victim of this hatred -u ; - I' t -o o'hci ■ w re sent to (Tuard a ct-n*! : p'linf. r !i#n 'h-o d- si ru'r^ aprroscbed wiih n “or f ac. 3 ■ • f”'- «;tTer party diso- ver- I ■ « ■•i A' t ' »'•' ' ti'li.. f.in.-.s leveled I ■ ir t r • .11 but .Mr. i olvir., who was shot t iiif*if.nf > J;ed. • , In .H J *-11. t. e corri" uri > bs,- eoffercd »ij irreiars ■ 1 >.■!» r C 511,. li o>...h vri p.’vf^s'^c.r religion, wa^ a m m 0 Utit i mifef.i-i c* H'tc e;. i x lupiary in all his walk, and fcum the intef eat ma'.iif. ^ted' on me. sub ject of religion fc-.ve3 those who knew him best in hopeo that be was not unprepared f. r this solemn »n«i f.wtul change. He leaves a bereaved wife and two tmall oIiil'.iren. And here we would venture to. sugge«l the ;reat in: propriety of compelliBg neighbor^ to arrest neighboni. whioh is prcductivo of so much evil om At nis residence, Wa’.kcrsviile, Urion c .a- ty. N. f' , September 17th, Capt. Hagn Hilson, in ttie ^7(^ \e\r of his age. His dtsetwe was con&umpiion, conir>c-ea in the military servioe Capt. William WiU*n, tbe only br.>ther nf tb». b ve, waa killed in tbe battle at Gettysburg, -lulv Isi, in the 29 ) year of .'lis age. '.'■"■.'"LlilLI"'-"" J'aE* A SITUATIO.% WA.^TKD By.a young man.wha can (tive tbe bes' of r^.i. r Kri.is a:) tn chiractr-r and pchtj'arship A. pK ...lu^'Ji- ately. state a-Iarr. si.d -tddr- s TUT^'R. C*rth e • C Cartaaee, Jr.n’y 2G . 12 i •.> GSDiUI^i: CHxNJ Grvli'n III th' t fj - , i~' ify- cpM or ir«f, f'l P‘ :U'.- w-'iji; ru./ ■: 1 'i' Ja .s M Sin. ..i's ■~ij JL -(«•. PJjii >V i} ici-Mn thret viiics of ' ‘.y }’ from, u o -itju^lit! S-.ca can bs seen at r -t.UuMO*- near this piaoe. UiQB Pbjobs.—Papora at Hie South'are now cbarg- Lag iK par month for daily, and :$2 per month for weekly iaauM. FOR l'H13 OBSERVEIt. TUIHUI'E Dfc’ KK.Sl*i3CT. .Abslnal Sl Abmohy. K.\yKTTnviLLR. N C., 1 .J .ii'y 25. i66' • j .A ri',i»etiT)g of Company ,A. (Ordinnce ’ orv") 2d N C^ B'l'taiio.l for loc:il defout!!*. w.i:- fc-H ♦-i- -t.iy, rud on xiiofion of^'. -A Camerou, Sjrt-Rob'i H. a.'c w.-.« ca i'-d to the c'^air. wh rcupoi' !■ - r ju “if- l : !-ti , ron to :-^t a.s Sfcr«*'-'.ry, ani ■ififr .Xi,, j"ct cf tbe meeting, apo -in i d t> i- f a -.t ’ ■’ • - U e to draft suita’le reso'ufins in ■.•ic-t*coe f. ofthe’r fsieenird brnrbcr u.i'dipr .Io-k. Me \ .is: Sg’t D.iniei Brown, Ss’t Alex '■IcD'"aid. Pnv 4‘-’>Ben- j-imin F Rives and N >:lh«.n Hall, who .after re'ir ament sutimitted the following: Whereas, In the inhcrtit^hle wisdom of Him who “death all fhings well,’' He has seen fit fo remove fnm us onr*w.riay comrade, John McNoi’tl, who died on the 11th Injf , ftfter a brief illntEsn; therefore R»sc;vo.r, TUat we cheerfully submit to tbe will of •;n 5iu wis-i Privideuci, ivrnJ with resignation confess ,iat li. is 'b# fjord’!= work—tb»f He bath done as it ap- pei.fed u;i:o Him ^ood, aod His holy name should be b’c sfd b> us tb -c^ tbia Proviienc?^ seemr.th dark to pur w ■' tia uVftl minds R». 'Ived That nUhou(jb ji .“snnot be said oi the de- oeaetd 'l.^t he rierfi.nued d icds of darjjig and chiv-lry iu 1 iHi''*ary ^ iew. yet af w.is inm-u-i f r inirepidiiy an 1 Bt‘'kdia-'Sa in Ihe dn*^ j.flrf'-.rmance of th-i duties re- qiired in ‘ha>. oraQca of th** service to wbica he belonoed Repo’vf d. fiirtb-^r. That if n* hs ’ Vie'n c-^llcd ti ft'.t witii tio»y wa^fcs .of that orm?»n tide that hae HO fe ‘rfallv b(i!»bted our ome fair U .-V b-: wcu!'! s'il] b»ve s' d noHly at the pcs' cf duty and r^^nderod saiis- I'^ctorv ev : -nce of t)is p^!.riotia aui m'inly virtues Reijj’ d, ficaily. Thnt we (ende* our sincere co’^do- lerce >o'He be’-ja-i'p;! f:ir^ ly, anJ tha'-we furnish ihe parerti of thtwdooJtsfd '^ith ac-.i'j cf resolutions, which we H'^r.d to the Fayetteville Observer for publi- r.ition w^th toe request that tne N. C Pres->yterian pl-'afce copy Set ROB'T H HOLLIDAY, Chn 0. A. CAMBaoN, Seo’y. S'-vg’t D Bbows, ."I A McDohalp, Private-Nathan Hall, , 1 “ B. F. Ritsb, j AI'irriThViLLE MAllKF/l'.—Jauuury 28. REVIEW OF THE MAiii’ET Bacon 2 75 to 3 liM) Pork 2 25 Lard 3 50 tJeof (>0 to 75 wte; per Ib. Efcuewax 2 5C. Butter 3 60 4 06. Co* too 1 26 Cotfe* 10 00 to 12 60. Cotiud Yaru—JtlO to per bunen. Li'idd Pruii—Apples and Pea«ies 75 to 1 €0. Eggj 1 60 1^. 1 75 i>er doz 3 iix'iact ijogwood $5 to $0 per lb. Flour $125 to §145 Flai.'C-^d r 0'"' to R 00 p?r bn. Idrr U» 00. li-ty 8 t)0 Shucks 6 00 to 7 00. vJ-':’-ir—C'>:: ?'o. 'Vhe‘t 20 00 Eye 15 t.O ) sbOO P I’ -VJ ii. i —Or»-\;j: 2 5U to * 50. dr? 4 5d t'- 5 00. i.- '-a—vSmtcjvR 8 0) '0 50. Li :i*u«*r—C'pp»-r 1- 'jO per lb., Sole ?10. Liquors—Corn Wh;skey oO 00. .Apple and Peach Brandy 60 00 1:2 50 tr. 17 -“iO N»ils 2 75 to 8 00 p r tb ■J' toi*?: 10 t'O to 12 50 po\- basbfl r,:.it0'’*—Irish 510 o 2 5^ ;-i>r ba-b..:; swcft 12 .'>0. Lliua tiA-iia. -SutiT 4 00 , S —-Fr.iiii!^ ti^kr >1 piT lb.; T .Ui. 2 CO. SpirMd T’->-; ".3tin« 3 00 p-r ir'ai^on f . i!. vi'.e 4 4 1 00 to 50 • ‘t'20 r“r >n:'£.vl. ,1 ,• -.'SO w-olftfo-jr THE FLAVOIi OF THE TEA IS EQUAL TO THE BEST lM.TOH. TtiD; Plant uht.l 1st ^prii in rich laad. fiiree reeds ;u a Li!i. one iuc'* ?ev;-n (t:et eaoa w au . k^pp clean I’u'' t; tl.i; v^hols .ear F'>r r >' S. J. KI.' D-* l.E J4u y 20 1 to hire ten or «« *V(- NEGltO *}JiN 0 Work at .iaii. Auv »■ ,i bira call at my store. A G. liitiKiif ■ J-ia'y 28 !' VI '8G3 Xm: Juta’y 28 Com. I^OTICE. T)ERSONS in this vicinity wbo have not been hereto- 1. fore Taccinatc.d,.arc required at once f o be vaccinat ed, by order of thr Commissioners Di. W C McDuf fie is the vaccine agent for Cumberland county. A. MciiEAN, Mayor. Jan’y 25, 18C4 l-2t 1 will open » School on Harring'cn Uii! on the 1st of Feb’y Terms tl5 per quarter of 10 weeks. JOHN GR\*H.iM. 1 i2tpd OLIi’%^ alG« SCHOOL, IREDELL COUNTY. rilHIJ" Institution will be re-onened on Wednesday the i 21'h of Feb’7 18^4 T’oere will be two departmpcts, MaLt and Female, wh'oh will b" kept distinct and «epa- rkte. Ttse location i> v-iry b*'»ifi’'^ui a"‘ quite »eeure from invasioa The ut>deif‘i~»'»-l w.11 l>- »i 1 ■'y fiuitable aetds'anto, will g'v- hi or t.v h d to •tae t'ohool TuUir.n p^r ; !.>.• ■?4-‘ lo .v-!.‘ Mu sic on Piano $45 Board p-'r north *«0. ;.vt- t« iu n'ivinre^gpart i» currency and part jn prov^Hi .n Stii'ients arriving at Statesville on the 23d. 24ib - ad 25th of Peb’y. will fiad conveyance to Olin. For fur ther information address the undersigned 8 MILTON FROST. Jan’y 27. Bank Stock for Sale. PPLY to A. MoLEAN Not. 2S, 1868. State of north t'aroiiiia, HARNETT C‘>UNTY Court, of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, D90. f->’»Ti. A'ch’U McLean, Executor of Hugn McLe»,:i. A D .M:L. an and wife, Catharine, J i' llwotOT MaLc-aa, J. C Poe i^n-i wif.= M liara ^oliti and wife M -.rv. r.-o-n-t-i ' NiUCT s'oph a, M-rthaJ. .M !. -u, 1 z _■ a; d H'''**- 'dcU t/g.i'd Pe it-i n 1..T >cco^’n' •■’n * S ’’,=-n.'nt 'HIS oa Tir g a to b« her. d or f; ap, e.;rit ;r I* if-.e .sf*of. n of . iC Court fh.tt flTiu 1’ liu Uld w.fe M iry and T^Oin.iS BjLn and wife Nsrnoy Sophi^^ ar» uoa-refl'doiiis of «i);3 Stat. ; It is order.‘> hy the «'!.-?urr, fhat f:Uid;0-‘i0n Ue m ide in the Fajett -V lie Oh«erv«-r f>r "ix woek'S. for tbe above named HOC r*:Sid>afi«, no'ifjir^ tfc*:a ot ts^.9 fi'ing of this peti tion, an ’ .rth^'a t.o &pr'ar at the n* xt r.enn of this '.'oui;t, to lo h.'td fcT hfi .inn y'd Il-r'i -.tt. al the 'Snrl. Hoiif? ?n T.illi-.i^tori, ■ n s c.-n ‘ M-nJ . •>f •tf-i , ■ -Ji r d.-.niir to t.'iirf 'pi.itlon a-rjey m - J. « . t. * IV - J r- O' -t ‘ tb . !) ' j i; . . . . WAATEO, 'pvVi- WIVES—'tiat w, a wife for eain ut whosa I tiaoies ' Te subscribed below Oae rausr oe i weD'y- aioe years old, and ^ond of aH d mestic daii'*9 Oae who was g>vea to milkiug the cows and feeding the chickens in early youth, and who is not ashsmed of it now, prvferred She must have red h»ir and blue •yes If her temper be rasoer sharp so much the bet ter Sae must be inolincd to be strong, and tood of all ?0Tt8 of displ y—ne who d lights going 'o the the atre nnd aJt t'iihJio smuse.;.ents where b*.lie:« are ex o ued. . T TO’Mt black b .ir and cyea, soft, ! nd r aa?'. ir-fi -:-na‘i-.ig. Mus' nevtr ha^ S'^iaac'^w or • . ck •. -:i: ■ ■■I’i, 8 eii’/ and f-icka-ee. due must be ; '‘.I d tneing If !?ivcQ to inno- •.iv'i ; ■» h'tiur. A^>5 14. If there •:».. ■ fr\ niarry two honest, np- f'-nd’d' m'l-^.c cent ti-rtaii •« b-j t w- • rig*'i sc’ \ Jan’r A':. laUTFOOV, Jrrf iiv N C. I > r1 It**-. . %^**itver» Waifc^ ‘1. The 3-oc'^&3 . ' sinufaefi’ringCompaiiv wish foenira|t« a few r®speciai;..« jomi )- »oni»-'’ in tb - V-caving Dr partmnt. .VpplieWot to l>*» uva.-i - at the Faitory lo Iilr J VAN AMiiJCRG, Sapen.teadeal, or to O. T. HAIOH, PreB’t, id Fayetteville. D«o*r SO, 1868 : U

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