nPQi l*'aru the vanl •^kirmi.h , t n; H-. « Itt' ■ *V - i. f - W '•••• If Jr. >.f ‘J'or. X r witii ■.. . ■ ‘^S'lck. . '2'h 01 rt>; jut h,(>l- ^ ■I h , . Jan. 2f( "'‘I r’'" „ ' Martib ... fi? '*'■■’>'> 0. fo', ■ artiUer, •i:iu nii^siu^^ '*=‘^'inaVcked tiT a Ma^born •?:•■ •=“' ’■ttreaticJin ' •'«/*-* ~Mo- t ‘- - - ’d ^ onn^h*- ^ 4uaiititj 'gj ' tti y tDtercd ■ ■ — .4*1 Iiici'^ent able y urcv, tlm m! OUi =‘ ! nei.comaiiudbc urr»fuck C')UQtj, ios>i:.Io, soQje ot’our 'wibUiaii.l Failn.- tiiue the houJe Jt ‘fl tiie fauiiiy, to-lc V-'i‘ IT ladjf ot I" jvis tied lu JroQi yi ahomJers, sh* wuii cur-cs a;:d i, '"wara^i .Norl'ulk tor^jik they mt-j j inlautry, who, ?;ith kt^ii over tliQ D€^if 1 c W_'ai thfi Dcgro Ik. in a carriage, hJ Kxum'r, l«f It would 6e’m tbii Sortn Mississippi, elegraphic correspon- currecr ile gaji tiie Sixteenth Ar- ^•lO.UUV lUcS, tit VH^oas C.led wi:k ^•ortli Mississippi. . rters at Grenadi truu.. Yaz o C'ltv to >DjuiiCiJuu with tiie alunuation Las beet. ’fcU' relegrnph. • wuij th. cavairj, ctii,*n .1! t.i.jTilia L-n* a" Ku>!4^ IviiU, Kr. xvil'e The * c;>-.i .iice 'fbe and >Lces—which id ',v Ti. lu tiuc 'fir ire. /—I w! be recoi- mp‘ia H few week* Mioti hau ■ jfD beari - f up;.. >...(i to have p ui :i j. aukee guo liru. h_j Lte new* Icdir t:,ai the ves ?e, wnich had rot her crew to prevent A train of eighteen tfee, say- thel^eteri- vcd iu town jes- )uth. This cotf-C, throu:.^! ti*e biuck- is iji A being traoi- ifcfit • t' lur noble it tvvv-j v hundrea . gr ■ - a with *D- !i wus ’ e-»cnted at lanta I uiodcracj, fju'/ n/ij 'i’x’urs, [n I. ‘ > it p«uco, itcUi ifi tht bu^-i- 80 that the pri» tarried yesterdaj, lit I trie iiad run at \V umiQj'tjQ, iRVt.y :* meeting pr-1, Tin* L-nt, llis i"‘-'3i'lent, lor'i ', ' I lifC, tj, # r :1' tbs jncd V the re- .'Ju jry >. been cs- under t ijordble It t!.i ^ : ofjnil IQ ■ 11 ’.iiiond. . lii L;*^ a,ure, iry ii i‘. V, rv nu- \Ac t s>., ’eef. Kij -iopeii!! |r-i:: ■ - i p. ■ .raci . Snufl;.' ktra --i, mediuffi fomh- l! eking;; jUr&wu WinJsor PLANT, thrf.' milct o) w.tiuh frvm u.jhi: ■'.n be ec 'D Irji*.,' fr»i.»pl»c . tVA'u TO TUE kuil. 0 «red« may |»n J »®«P |uiS41>ALE mcpd OII8KHV ER. V KT TK TiiIK8D\\IcVK>1 m FKBRUAU¥ITIHW. j Thb Standabo oa tns Biqht of 8boisiioh —We \ Jo oot think the Stsadard will b»Te the hardihodJ to I b»Te r#ceiTed a leUer from a aobBcriber in Franklin | deny this. But if it be denied, why we have before ua = I oouDty, of wbioh the following ie w ezlraot: ; another search througit its files in 1866 *when Freia«’n». I '*Afl the^adh^rents of the Standard are trying, for and D,»yton were candidates. , = i effect, to M«nd the present friends of Southern liberty ! wi«h *hf! original constiiatiou»l ee^essioTiists, and also —, i assert the converse, vi*: that the 8tandard.’s party is We have made these extracts from the Standard’s more cautious leading articles—they were wrifteo . I.mphhtant Uotbmbnt—''"Te b*^'c aware for ' of ihcne who deoif'd the constitut’onal Tifht when secessionists and secfssion were somewKat nndor s^tte dnv« of the mpferrrnt of a body of f'onfcde- •*»▼»*>« forced by the people , ... „ - , ‘ . i - a y. mPferrf ^ | that the Standard ever advocated and taught the doc- ' to -acquiego''’ tsach waPthecant Wu-vira-f that dav . ra»n tr^'opo vvnr.«.!r e*a.ed i^i fmm 15 lH)0 to 25.000, j ,^09 of seaession, I reauesl that you publish such ex- ' , J ' waPthec^nt langu-vga .f that Uay country frc^cl-froro tho p llmea lou ii of aa inv^dvaij : kno^ from the NORTHXJAROLINA 8ULW1SRS OOEkBSPtlXDKNCB Of TDB rilSTTKVlLLK CESKBVm j , 3amp 5th N C. y , Abmy Ko Va , Jan’y 27. | WarD nar* Mea&rs. £r.iiois: Tni» is a vr n't day for Norte Oar»>- ; .Tack “v ;. N ij . ^ . lina Tne nnblc example se; byl^at^’s ilif-souri Brijsdc j —y rtr.*diy mcrt in^ was emulated by tbis Brigs*; aiii with an fxc j iiot) ^ twiy burMire-^ i» n and nKar only of about fifiy, tte men hf-ve rc-cnlijted u>.coi.di- : 0* t-or > in s*h -l tionaliy for the wiiole period of tho ^r. i hnte pr'- > of th^ '.i.iy A*^d r.' • rf claimed fheir inteotton of etandiof f>y tl:** of she | vcr-? '^rivrn fronj ” i l.t i Wi‘le^t .*.1 tai'.n J THE WAR NSWS. Th> folloir-np: 1 t^.icp'stcb 'W«.= r«’erir. it the-. under Qr»n Pioke't,* (an ofl’cer wh«rmad» a efplendid ' irao*s from yonr files of that paper as prove its advocacy : Standard «bove) in, the Otfcpro- | forc'^. A meeting was kw*! chargi* upon t‘-e >nrmy’B work» in the heights of Get- i doctrine—not to satiefv me, or any iBtelligent ' misomeasures of 1860 We have not tafren a single ex f oiutlrnn wrre piti^ae'i—pun: _ ^ ^ tysbar? ) wiill undeTstood to be with A df>sicn to can ' Sfandard. but to silence unscrupulous ’•- 1 Iraot from the more violet t and unguerded deolarfltions of , ^^'-’foni.aUnn vMCh, {.scinr' ‘1 •'> ‘ '■ Wr;-> fo’ i uuu PUi0i 1.U le W. o « U sign 10 cap , Biagognes, atid enliehlen the credulous ignorant " ♦ ,i,« j j- .1. . . , , • x. . I hJ8*J ‘ud pntnoiic st-ase oi i. fl €:•> u.*: m . ture Nowbera and perhap* Washington afttrwat'ds. j th« «roK.Ki 1? „i,r« fnUoworfl I c-i-fR ‘They motrevi with jjrcat celerity and Pfcrfsy; and arj i ju j l* \ ****. w'that paner of the 8th 1 whi"h it wag the letkJiug spirit cf > to tte higi c t j.nvikc ? f'l pi'.ri .ttt j op-r/r.-’ hr nr. 1 fti er from 1pij L'l-’s I t.f, understood to ha»e arrived in front of N»*-hern on M^n-I ,, Vd have been mis e y pp i the seoeFsion party of North Oarqlina, and dem.unoed ! Wh^rt^e, In tairi il i^tt y-ftr 01 m ^Hce. | r>,pt .r r»- r -^ of- vr iH 7 of su» - day morning. an.J iinm.’-iiatelv attscke.J the yanVe-s l“ • " ^| as nnsound or truitorou? every di3(jrguiihed man of the j l.-'ncoJa. uu t the wL i b.-r. vrT„« j , ;■ ^ c sra''N .-h. ■ r. V :n-;>. are .1 .^g r-.t ^ ‘‘Naf i« iTiio tKat w* th» r**or>lft In I i % ^ . . . . . \ u -iGv* tui rj* ft ff.i- ?. r' (. ^ h- •» rrtj- c i —'O n ra'i ? O.r.prr. &c: jrap:?i} C-e .“H-w'li: for.-:e •/ in r fi' piec.'. .'.iter - ei!- jrf ItTT- V J'li'jdred >• it ariir -i-y. il'C t inkct'f y.-rr^ *0 iHi-if -‘•rtt'% fn-TiiT i» not kno’vt. "-J U. Obikfi-t Col ccni r^" d at wiiioh f..Ilow;ng r.f- , oh rn.,.- fror. North I I ♦ I-nv- d -.hatth... «,«.y o. . t V -M-' ri t •'.1 MfT.-h. .d C (y. In-af -w p-ililic R-ay exp'''t ij e d- vcl pTicnt i f tb? Conscript Office,) llALEion, Jan^. 27th, 1864. ) The foUow’Dg circular frnm Bureau of Conaoriptian riubiis^iert for the information of all concerned COL MALLfiTT, Comd’t Cons, for N C. t Habdis. Adjt y'ftroi isioii-it l.>mcoJ£j. hiii the wL-i b , “Nor is it Hue that wc “einAted the people in the I . ' .. ^ i »i*» n5itiv -s lo T‘t,e i.icre t i-s cusi»v flo.vf accmnto represent r baulc asT'-ogresair* V the j doctrine of spces-ion,” and th«*n “voted them into the ! **nn s» c». sicn party. W« think we have | ^ li „u,pt. 'ai*l:.,'niij 11 dnje. others s*«rrt that N wb*rn j prf.B**iii wjjr ” Wp npTfr maintftlnrd the «HcJrine of ! inforru*Ui»'n de-^irert b^f cur carre^f'OUufnt j i. o \, fc w h- rr.ol "ni- r* .‘U. t tbr *aptH^ed, with 2 gun bents scrfirlinir to one acooatit |'■'"C^fpioo as practice*! Vy the coflon i^iates, and we ro i establitJjed our (.wn op>nion that, ‘ the S~Hndard l-a'I uerd iu.thtir eflorip, aui us we are n-H y “ spV'“sion up to the last moment | eduoatcd the reople in the docrin'* f tpcea^.ft^n ” Bu: Fn rppty to thiV a con tern p>'rary very pprtinemly asks. | if any i,ne should pr tend that the above i^ nat V. I ii. . .V i* . . . "if the S'andard 1id not maitttain the doctrine as orac oeived, but thit tb>se srat*m*nis are w.erplv tb>' sup and 4 *ccordingTo another. We arc ir olired In beiiPTe th»t no rel aWe news of any fight at all bas been ret re- tioed by the cotton Slates.” what sort of dfctrine of spoes'sion w%« it f^at it did m.'tinlain? To this of cMirso positions of a battle which hss almO’'t undoubtedly isken"t>lBce. rtf »»«« t .V . .1*1 Standar# has not ventured to reply, for it in not f»r the troops sent tb«re are only known ce»-fi»in1y of ' ^ ^lingmai»’^ Br gade. th» ?*fh. 81st, f»Nf and t^lst cient Bvidi rce. tl ere is plenty more to be 5;ad. and O’ ih« 6G'h. ff-l F’lison’s R^g’t. of RanscmV Bri- gade Seveial hundri d ni^riues were broufrht on rVom rharb'Bton. guppos.’d to bo intendfd to board the y«n kee gimhoat*'. Col- Fletiry M. Shaw, cf the 8th, w'is killsd in a pre- lln-nary ®kirmi«h in cr s^irg a creek. His b“jdy hti'- arr vrd at Go! i«boriugh *\r J . 11 I. . „ . ^ T • i ••th.p ntht of tec"t:s’on.” without any qiial'ficaticn about Wf have w»:t**ii pli to? motncn' frr a Teiecram ^ ^ from RaleijTb. bii> the Iin>* i* not as vet nt work j ea«y to oonreive Of more than iwo kinds cf S‘ cession, i vij; peaceaMe Peression. acd secession with war as n I pni>«eq'ieBce. Ti*e cotton States, an is well known, al- I ways contended for the right of peaceable seceewion; and I we the Stsndard will, hardly pretend that it WcfJt j for the .other sort of secession * ' roNORKsa —.,The Senafe'on 8nurd>i7, pi»s!-ed unani m-'Ufcly^ the following reaolutions imroducf-d by Mr R'-ade of N- C.:— The Congress of the ConfoJerate Statos having learn ed through the public nress the re enlistment f®r the war ••if tbe North (’->ro ina hriis^nde in the army of North ern pcrving iib>'er G- u. Robert l> Johiiston, d.» Resolve, Th»t tt-e p^tnotista and epiri* o1 tbe North •'’aroiira troop«. evincod by proinp- and volun'ary df-vction of »hem«iflves afresh to the service of tl'ec''un O-'V Vancb's «.f Sksator—frienJ Cills our aiitn'’ n to a trist:ike, coromon even to in'm hors of tbf lejtal profession, which w“ fell Into in sup- pcjsinr thiit O'V \&.ice bad conptilfid hi.s Council in fllline.the vacancy in the Confederate Senate created by the appo!n men; cf Mr D »1sao .^'f rrey Gerx;ri.l Our iii»ite Cci-siimiioi! p’^ovid b. lha,t wl er\ » vrc^ncy shall occur dnr'ng the rcce?s of the Legt«iia>ute in any ■ ffioe W"!ch the Cors'ltution gives tbe L*'pii*lature pow.'r to fill, it sball be tfn'porarilv filled by he Governor an ' t’ouvoii. Cut 'be ^thte C'nstitr.tiop d'd rot give the Lrairliture pn’wer to el»-cl St’noiors. fo^hat Coastitu ti.’.n w»s edopted in 1776. and ro such cfiice ss Sena»or ia Conjreo* w .« kn wn till 1"&‘1. tSi'-tecu years after wards It w»!» b., the ronstiintirn of tbe United States ' 5rst, and by that cf the Confederate States now, that the eltfcticn of Senattirs was nnd is vested in the L^gls- laiure, and the sam.* iBs'rument. vii; the Constitution of the Confedersto Siate", prescri’'e3 the mode by which ▼Hraccies in the rec-'ts shad be filled, as fol’ewp; ■It vaf'ancieN [in tbe Seaite] happen by resijtnation r otherwi.'^e, during the recess of the Lfgi»lature of any S'ai**., vhe E»ecuti^e thereof may make iempor.\ry appoiutmen'H until the meetin.; of the Legislature, whiob sh*ll then fill such vacAncte^ ” -4rt 1, Sfr 3, par '2. Our friend, who Is noted for bis accuracy in ma'ters tbe c iton SiR*es or nnyihinir el«e. Aod what" is-very reni'-rl'abl ■, it n-.a’Dtt’ned tbi» doctrine for eleven y-ar.v, viz: frcn 1850 to 1861 —how much car’irr tlnn 18^0 we are not at prtsent prepared to nay. It is n«H its h»ib'f ic sficli Jo any cb.p ibinir long, but this dcctrinc of ee- c*>B!!*ion app"i»r8 t« have been an f5oepticn—peri^isted i« for at leas* elevec years, long enough, as we have said, to ••clucate tlie people” ip it. In tbe Standard of Deccwher 4th 15*50, is a long cc itoriftl article on the appointment of a joint select ccm- mittee on Federal ReUtioos by the Leeislature. Our readers will remember tbe great s'ruggle of that year in relation to the admission of California, the imperfect ' xecntion of the fr-gitive slave law, and tb« threats cf its”repeal These w*re tbe matters rf ferr«'d to that joint coTnraiiAee ard on them the Standard dwelt at length It paid that tbe jifople shcn'.J ‘’assert and maintain’’ their riehts, and that their Btpresentatives should "de clare tghat thote rightt are." And the Standard proceed ed to declare them for that body. Tbe fcllowing is the close and material part cf its iotJit article: ‘•We hav« heard the idea recentiy expressed that ■» State has uo right to secede from the Union—that there is no help from oppression except by revolution; in other worils. that the States are tLe creatutre aud dependents of the Federal Governnent and of course subject to its physical ■coercion. Stich- an assumption, we humbly su’ mit, le unsupported by any testtmony derived frrm ho CoDSti'ution itself, or f-ora spy single circumstanc** j But we intend to comply with our corrrapondent's try, nro beyond rI! pr'iijn and deserve the unbou d»d j req’iigt, by sbowiufc that the StHud.nrd did m'tint'tio Rratitn'ie cf th** Gurrrrment A votn or‘banks to tb" L^uiesim^ troops in the arcij nf Tc-Bnefe*'eJor for the war, wtis untni- rnotis y adopted. The Hoase r".Fs:d Mr. Smitb-’i' b’ll amendio» (he an ti-fubFtitu(e law. so as to continue in eflfi'ct the elemr # ‘ tioQ tf those engaged in pron’uc’Pg grain acd pro*’si ns. on condition that they **iclu'ive!y devote themae’ve* to y . , . » , ! a't^nd-ng its fortnation or adoption. It is, moreover, of history, wriir-. ns that tbe appomtment cf Judge , republican govern, Eeade is believed to be the teccnj instance in the his- j ment, and of the undoubted independence of tbe StAtes, !*ry of the S*ate of a vacancy in thf Sena'a beirig tilled by Executive app.'intment W* have been loorinz into the matter and cannot lied any other than the present Irjgtance. Iu 1*34 when the L>’gi.slature inslruc'ed Mr Senator Man^uro in a pel of res . lu'i' n« intended to •'vu^e his re‘ignati n, Oor Fwain. then ti. vern^r^cf the J!:^ta, i iitider^’oo 1 'o hivc pt»r Id *be political w. r’d nbout Rileijrh by r iisiug tbe point th:»t be was und r 30 OQligaiiou >0 tae”advice of the t'ouccil of St^t*, —a body, by is*- wiy, which w>,9 elected expressly (o J ieltv . ur projiot.y n, non"m av »noe—cur ' i-....'! t« nortii rn lust and . ilrselvei to i/ont.:ru —n-- wlt wt maki-tewer ?icriti.3es to tJi* -■ d c-ur el'-* ? - b!! t^ey ar mukiujf o ruiu us; aad as we Lcii • Noit-ein 8accp>!f. tends to ;i.|.gt*u o th-.i’ v.'.'a-,j v i . t'*at tt.e oult wij- (o «i, rt. n ji i ‘•>.'ei *:Ui ? -jt tnefuy,'detrjnjiiiit’iin, and t^rsi vera‘'ca: Rira.iUtJ, Tiiai thi; tbCi‘'e .-i .>i rm: d J : n Ston d BngiiJe, re m isi tor tli.? wa — lookiKi. ^ : I::-- Lord ot Bo»(s for tiia b!e?'iT)jr u;:oa •iht r'hoi. • u> dtfliv r oursft'ves tn.i cur Icved ouerj fit. m toe c''icL ; of our eneruiird Tr abieetlug waJfirst tt'ldrevscu. by >I j G-n u ius, v*ho hapfieted to .>,■ p.cs-nt, a»id r.pj.e itrJ to u-: ■ c-- eniwt and s*t an exiiiiplo tj • NuUu v- r ■ul:’' T’03{'S Toe Gerji-ii.1 .Uuii.d . IP lu'.j( a••vj. .;i'_ ft It*’ the 5i ti and-2Ha K gim^n and c il ii ti: . .•■ i> 10 st.‘UJ byH.iiu i«r,a suai^in ii .i i U)t:jr ojuu ry ?n if>-' Is U' ur or 'bet“i G'.-n. R ..ues WiiS fjilow-d by Cnpt. t> iln'iite .n; aiii;. be *>J C»>'t. 1). of a U.p on * I -.f i .0 r.-n- l. un u pabsfcd a poi u oir gp aa>.r, an.^a.u th • bU j ail juaice; M .itl» • ;ipt. T'jivr, Ll. Cgl L) .via, »ud t oi Too;, b. s;de-rN. L. 1',-i.Ii^.h E 4 , oi Ciiui • t l.'ind, uli fipuke lii tiu;aij U-rUi,'., auu .0 tij p.. trioii^iQ of ttie ro^a tv ct^n.f Ij- to .u t,>;Kr-^uc. Ui , ir- T- ‘ - 1 C'-f}'**? I C, 10 }■ from Du!^'>n ^TIalt •P . w ;• * 'cl ’• fl d : 0 r ll V k > jr.i^ t.-» furi'er rj'. Misxrsi, pi —t*'i>Mi>. Fvh'v 2 \.'-K t-f! i'r '-•* 8 'h I ^ o » ! V • bureau OP CONj?CRIPTION, \ I Rjoumosd, Jan. 25tb,*1864. j rIRrtl’LAR ) a N.-.. 4 j 'PO C^uiti-aadaris of ''onscHpti The a*eniion of I Cv::Ki uij ;n!s ig ts«*rctal!y .iirected to Qeneral Or- d.rsN/K 7 A. « I 0 . O e urn at serire, herein aet iottj f ;r their inform tioii AD^r AiNDINSP OE.N’L'S OFFI(^, 1 ' Richmond Va., Jan 25. l>6i j I P-.5 “gr^p'H IV t»rju .'ol Oratra No 8 current aeries is '' -ri- 'y r. ll II E ir- ll.i g Offiopri! will proceed as rapidly as prao- rl HI I einr mt'Ot of ail persons made liable to ■ ’li'-:y perviue I’r vicus to et>rolm>*nt as oonscipta. : ! ” -;:oh t-. rs-jns will b*r allowed 10 volunteer, trovid- i ed - ^ ^ ];" . The C'^impr.ny eelected was in service OH tbe 16th i cf Ai>r;l l‘'G2. [ ' 2i,d T e t'omrnuy ecltcted is at the time of velua- t ling It f w th r.iiniiDuiQ prescribed by rejtulaiiona. 8 N.- p r-^i-n f;;sde liible to service tinder this order will He p rr-'ittcd to j-’iu. or will be axfiigned to any •'Ojjipany wbi-;,'rhas n.ore than s'xty-four privates on !he Tol', antu a‘i the oompiniea in servioe from the • i St ite or' wnic.'i the volunteer cr conscript is a resident, tr as- . ri.s it vl!. ureriig^nz (i 1 thai^htive the minimun number prescribed by negula- ' dAn e;'on;inu» tbrei- 'ina . nr-„ (. IT!' * red u.- ‘!0; » f>~Mir d fp .- ,1 I . ; .-i.-! ir ? .'Ve • ii fnr'.t-fiir ec »ri T i'. -w.Tif-- r-*'i-. .-.t jR-t'l,mrir.d Fxaminer, 'h; B-.1-Mr; of . X ei!' Imni '. . id i. C-A . F> b '2 -‘ ffi Ms' infor •’ da *-Hrit ()O0O(.; S u‘>Tj ir’ t- .a-- pp* ' ir*’ •♦nd .rr*il!.-vy, r .fiuu r 2'.> and 30'; . •r'lv’lle p.rd Bt Th'-! ' .% dcp:,t ^if ‘juppIiiS for '••• ; u' d ‘]iw oi, t!; *"i.'STo.‘j r.'b. 21—A 1 jr >.r«» ■ T'. .1 I' • .i'l C '.t :-re r nr*. T'.^ ■ T X M -.'.e r - ti >v i •J9'h fri*hii“’ “M'i r.r •tintr li,»'it.‘!» f T t'.' -n. /Vi M ■* ■ I .,1 s- . U' ■ .c '.r-li^’o n' ». 1 iit ‘>.r r •>..i‘; I II V t 11 o'* r‘>* ou in li'R* i;ru -.- •t !!' ' : ri V b-T-r ■-I I* '-r pr-inta cs- .‘I rosily u- der.^ '.cd if v- ' n . r' rn. T "y wi. 1*7/. Jou'-Ti'il :?(f intt. it, pay (in a.idifion to the tiihe) cn/-tecth .of the pork j • **“ 1 -h »:e. tir.: j 10 . , , . ! (fiat ibe w; o’. -itf .i or b-icon. scl' suiptus to sr.lciers f-irrsiiioa or army ft I , - „ Ae-ident —w M .uo. I ■ te" 1^> -.‘i 'UJ3:-;c!MP’io> 1.^ ra yr ro b^ I • rru'b' d on tbr T’ e m il tr »ins colIiJr.^. government prtcrs. fnd ihot their pnbstitutes are '’ot | liable to miliiai’y duty. Wben the II pASt^es the S.-c- | ate we will pu-^'ish it in fnll. Tne HlU^e aldo pj»s«’', a b'li to providi fir distbKd officers, P(ddi. rs. an 1 men by retiring them cn full pay during fhn war cr during dfa bility Nothing tf vu^ert St octjirrtd in open session «f rl.i^ Senate on .Monday end TueS'lay. T-e H use rsgied a bill to give c'^mniies'O'Jci cffin?TS^he sac.e rations .a** are now giren to private®, a;id »o allow them to pur- cl-'ise cl»Ching from any Quarter Master at goverament rrioes Aieo a bill mating free uP(rrot.s between 18 and 60 liable to appropriate military esrvice. as teinE- - ters, 5io , and recoivf rations an-i clo’hing an'i $11 per mjbch; and authorizing th-j impn-fsment of slaves, at the same rato or compeasition. when not to be bad otherwise. When imnressed in any military depart ment not to ejcoced 20.000; cor more than one in fivf from any one pwner. and, not at all.from the owner of a single elave between Ik >^nd 4a. o.- ;>U >11 w 1.51 a 0 tp \vr u i Htui.Ui-iis ol I'..a » ’.■■■y • iUttlL'l tre.\>>-.iu itj .tUu U .-riVe.M) .t-S at htiite—litt-y I^KVI, bi.Ji t .'cj fceca ub cou . i. lU-, •V cuui iLtr,-, ev »r wi't. ■jfiipH t r . t) 'l b -. U 4Hd L. DXii r- fori U'i r i I ; ..its 01 G tpr .I3 J ir—the tiiji u-u i .6 ij. ., a. d I I. : chilli . 6 • Hei t.j.'it:;! — . I 1. 1U-, t) 11.; (J. u s.i. it 1 1 i.'-^li.-'Lfc aiia ii^y ns-i.n, B.irie, N Ij L.I^ - ae that independence bas been practically displayed in their separate organiiAtions since 1787. We hold tnat as no State culd oHginally have been forced iiito the Union, none can be forced to retrain in, or rather be T-revented from goit-g out. Heaven forbid that such ar extreme n scrt shoald be presented to n» as the only a'tfrnativo -gainst sgeressions upon cnr ri?•ht^.' We I trust it Rty now but tbe b“.rs possibility vf the con- I '^Dger-cv ‘■hould nerve our public men tf. lock the d'\n- j gft ^'fldiy ia the fsce Let them d**cla*o that while we ’ *cqure=e« in the la^e acticn/f Corg'c?*’ on the sltvery j quejitiou, we a-e at the same time detnrmiiied that sg - tatiDn shall ce^se. and that the fugtiive-siave l iw sbBll j .ll r> ueir, o! rat^i, tfte yj/ik.e* a hui dffd te.ter bury tu .-j-|,' ev a .u O^uJ 1. i -ui we unwilling t« iueet iLeif cull. oontrol aim iu t- e matter. IVji ^lr. M-.ngom did not 1 be enf'^roed in its letter and spirit, find that if the fref then realign, no^ unt«l the mopting of the Lepi-'latU'-s in j S'ates >Io not yield to tbis. cur reasooabl^ and C'-n»ii Novcfflbjr 1836. when h.- did r*8igr. snd Judee Straoffe ‘ ’o’' request, we will leave tbcm. and leave them 1 X I. ^1- r • 1 ( forpYe-. wa«eeo.ei. y .e ,»gi«liiare. ^ ■ ‘ This 13 no time to disput* about terms. If gentle- It i.s retaarta le, by tbs way, that so little is within ! men do not like the word tectdt. and if we e^noct con- tne r.-acb of tbe ru^^'c as to ev»u»e in Ncrth Carolina i to use the word revolution, let dittoluHon be the ^ .y yearn ago !« Deot-mber 1814. f r ir^ntance. Sen ! ‘«bs.itute for eiH er or bn,t,_ The people understand t. ' X. * that, an4 th^y will if*n'aod it if the fnnUiTB Uw a CT Dbvj.* ^ one wi-> in-.trucied- -^ut of the t S Senate, be repealed, or if these wicked .ata^ulu upon tbe rights by a lh;?e m'-j ir 'r of ih- N 0. L^ipieliure. on acsount j *»f the elave States be C'ntinued in the halls of tbe of Dis cppr'Siti'.m to Mr .M- n '-r 1 the war. Judgv ' ^''»n®on C-cngress.” Looks wltd app io.od, or tlecfed, w.- c^cnct find cot ' Now if thi.^ be not maintain«ng the right of see'-sion which, to fill the vacancy, but be does no* nppe*r ever j —secessitn as coniradistioguished from revolution— to have taken bia seu in tbe b,.nate One year after j peaceable secession, and without qualifi.-ation, we wards, at the L»gi*:ative soseion of 181.5. Mr. Macon j »ould like to know what wpuld be? wa* elected to fill the uotxpired term of Mr.,— till March ISia. These facts w« flean from .the Kf*. of Senaior** in -Hickey’s ‘ Corstitutioii of tbe U. 3 \\’beeltr’k Ilistori- aat Sketches, and the Revised S'atutes A file cf oewi- papero of fLat ptriod w> uld solve the doubt, bu« we b»v¥ none anterior to 18.;5. T*otiriCAi, bisTCEB.^NCiiS.—It i« wt&ted in the papeis that oonsi lerat le d'»iurb-.ace cecu’Tcd at an attempted me'-fing of the Conrt ntis u party i- Grefn.“b'-»ro’on Sat- nrd.iylrtit Toe Stanlard saj« tnat the rappJiiig w«s adi'-esced by .M si-rii R'.l t. P. Di k, Divid F ivsliw.'li oi .la^. L'Dg; I iit from gta’* t-i^-t^b in a li>tter fr^m Or -ensboro’ 'oi{ede(ate v.e le-rn i.- vt the rnett- in^ really i.mounti.1 to not!'nn bir^n-^e ihe -crrwl o^ieer-d, fcis.«(.ii, »ct'J ar.daps 1 luJed ir'aoh 'tirnn- ner that every eff r' tt> ! i-'i .i i.r 10 organ.x*- w; 3 ut- ter'y 13 va;n.” -‘Tiie res -.unoos c« uid i»ot be read,"’ and the attempt !as i*d tut half an hour. One of the i leaders who *fterwa-d« avowtd h'la^elf a Un’on m,.n wa= wbij.«ed by a H.ddier A better modi* of ttei mg euch meetings is that which we gather fr m tbe B»>igh papers wos adapted ai T'loijif s'i*t’e Store ia Wiike county A meeting was cailcJ la^re, but a ntj-man wr.osj name i» n .t gl. n Ueliver. i a i,»rr.oi:c fpei b, ait^r which the n-f-eling .. ; clud d to aiop' ri-'-olu *. ns in^pp- .-•itiOQ to the [ur- p,-.«oH ol i.K giM;f rs tip. Wt- ebou d h»vv been giad to liei.r tb£.t S'Jiue of ttie iru Oicn ot 0 e- nstjoro’ h "i es- arteJ a uikC w‘.ole=j;ae i;.tlaeuc.i - u occab-cn. ruRilAi.EiUU Co!*i LDKBATK.—Tuiii paper, estabiish- Q.i by A .'1. Goim’ju, E 4 , (in place cf the Hiatc JoiHual, difiConUi:Ut?-i,) has reccive-1 ti.e very able eoocs- #ii';n 'B the Editorial depar:mcnt, cf Col Dui;c-%n K. McRae, for«iierIy of liiis town Wfe very heartily tn- dort-e the f lie wi:ig just compliment by Mr. Goiiaanto tiid genius ard &cqu:reni'jiits: — • il gtvis us very g'Cat pieao ire to inform cur read ers ihtt, aiitr tae prebent issue of Ti5e Coufederitc, Hon Duncan K. Mcttae will be asaociated with hs in tbe L lucre I couduct ol, ttie pa) er. Col. .McRae is well *u wn ihroughf ut ttift wbote'S.julb ns one of the ablest '..nd most accoui.pltsh* d writers and speakers in tbe ’c ti'itry; an-J tt simple aa>jouticen.ent we have made 'Ti l .iiv' aHMar.ibce to the public, t».at hts Editoria's viil m^k« Tr*i' C.* ‘f' derate one ot tbe ablest pap*r» in ne C-iifeaefHoy. fie brings to the disDbarg« of bis d.jiieya mind W-..U iilled wita clas-'itJ and legal lore, ■iud a trsc-rough acquaintance with the politic-al history t.i’ conn.fjf; wtula his poWers as a writer, are kuown ■ to be interior to no man in the south.” A Noblk .^ct. — .A letter Irom a subscriber at Hali- ax, N C., Ht-.ies a fact tttat ?ught net to be >»ilbheld frorn the i ublic, assbowing that all u'ankind are not run If ad with speculation, but that there are some who still rtmcintor and act upon the teaohing^ of pafrioti«im and •aaaauity ^Ve therefore ask oar correspondwni’s par- d'lt! for statini, thpt Mr. George Barn»s, cf Ilaiiiax, b«- Bides having givM! a great deal to the ca' sc. is now raising »nd educating two orphsB boys whcse father •lied in thi: service The soldier was poor asd an entire .'.rantrer, and wh«n ;ifarding tbe bridge at [liilifax aik- 'd Mr Barnes who would tik^ nare of his two poor Ht tp mo(!'iPrlpen childr-n. Th“ uoble response was, ‘1 ” ' And k'*"in!r hlR-Tfcrti. IJe ha9 ;vl them f.r nearly two years. A Skvrrb Bebcke.—A correspondenje late!? took placi, between Gen L ngjtreei and tbe Vftnkee Gen Foster, growing ont of the lairerV having sent hand- bil'e to the soldi; rs in Longs rrei’s army tempting them to desert. Th;> fo'lo’.Ting extr-ici fr^m Lorgsireef’s !aet letter mutii ka»r brought a b.uj^h upon Ecsc';r’j facv- if he be honest onQugh to blush: ‘•I have rend your order announcing tbe f vorabie terms ca which iei«riers v^.li be rtceived. Step by } ‘ Step you have ^.lae cu in vi^Utjon jf ,bg „f { able warfare' Onr farn-g bwve bet n denfoj ed, our w j | men audccildren have b"'en robt)-d, anl ou- houses ' have leen pid^c i and ournt. You bave Uid your pUup j an9 W‘, rkea diiig ntly to produce wdtles-l aiuMer t.,s eerviie insurreci.on.- And noiv. the moat, igauble of al> you propose to degrade the hum n raca by induatu^ stldiers tu dishonor and forswear themselves. ■'Soldiers who have met your own on so many honor able field-*, who have breasted tbe siorm of bottle in de fectie of th*ir honor, their tamilies and their homes, for three long years, have a right to expect more of honor, even in their adverBAties ” FOR TilE OBS£aV£a. llKADyc-ABrtKa ;;uru ix c. 1 , J.i *’; :i8, 18 4 Messes E iii'ji’i:—I *ui ,1 ui .j i.::e f Juliusu.u B;»i i j».a ^ui e.ii-c i Apirt eft., if .'.»c.':Ii u.'j "I u il ’ .tC i' t jU so i.j.iuy Oioouj h«.iuc» Oj V r-en 1 -1; lur i^-c war, lUiujflt uoa. / T i ^ 1 il.e p.;oplC at i.UiUe li.e o: -i ■, i j 1 0 dute, i.lid 18 ’t btvere to ;L. r . ra u ^ . w.) ;ae p . noiio;a caa di’;:i_uu. ?>':;:!) i,-;. t_>.-«\- ^ ’f . ■ lii«tfiJt6, waiia ihute tipivo.U i- a.l {..i.a.u.v o i.u i .1 St-rs tr - siill ihe ira^ paiTiotio uie jtL- y j.Ci ’ ■'.> oeifts 10 be w.i. a t .. i :.; . ^ ;j:m c-1 which wcrd tvO uitgracefu ii;r tier 10 *-iia‘ .in, Ver^ rcHpeuiluiiy y.ur wbu l s.r? t. T f- 'iO'.-N, V ui ‘.dOiiiN u , C.^uiU’g 13>-.g A :r *' .5 -1 D- T i-' ly ];HT rv Mrs. TU.NNELL, r n ’ mfm ut d ...■ T >,T l-vy 4».5 tut) fj' .'i ' t'U M L. .'ay rii- • r.- r ill il n y!‘ A* 'In , J J G M: M A i •• '^1 ic^ - E' . A ■ i-V' - (J l D-' - oT t -I ■ . r: I.-.. I't i . Si\ 'r N i ' c 6'- 4 ..LIE •z-j 10 10 2-> K-i-t !r ij \. re:: -.-n £S )j, r AL"Riuir;’ A1 -n !:ce C‘> - ’ y J o B U.'O'I to 'Ije;. • r . Ccuuty. ~ !>V t" ■L') r c. I'*'E'R,' - ;;,o But hear the Standard again, nearly a year aflor the above: Pro* the Standard of Sept^Sd, 1*51. “We hold, ae wo have uniformly held, that no State can secede withoHt came: that, in other words, the Constitution roust t-e palpably violated aad ths compact broken, lefore any State can be released. We hold, as we have uniformly held, that if this ooiupact should be broken, the act wi'l be sn act of revolution on the part 'f ibe s«>ciion».l m“jority which perpetrates it. for tae simple reason that it will work a radical change in the rnnjjtitution of jrovernraert; thm. this B^ciional liiRjirity will npverthelpfa. as a ma;ter of couri-e. hold en to the eoverMiien* asd proniiim t^'«*'Uni»n still in being; 'hat 1 ib? onii/. alternative left to the minorily of the Stales viil j fl« to viihdrav or*ecedeir> m S'loo - poiernmi nt. aud I provide new gu^riis f r ttieir tature security; and tha*. j in 90 ioinir. »hey will jjo forward und-r the auttifrity I nf pcv.*rei?n S atea. 1 huf rel»»a»d fr'm thrir obltgationi. j 'o Ibe compact bv tbe a^t of the maj ri'y,” >^c. j The F me riimVpr f :he Standarl qu'te^ ’he foUow- I in? languat'e of Mr J»ff'‘r/^cn. ‘'»8 containing ^he true 1 -ctrine on th - suhject,” so it said: “.Are we, then, to stand to our arme? No That nsu't be the lai»t re»ource. not to thoug'^ of un'il much longer and greater sty^erings. We must, hav pmi-n''e at.d li'n^er eiidur»ni^ with our bri-ibr^h while iin ler de'usion—give them time fi r reflection acd expe rienc.’rf cons'q 1 nc s—keep ooreelves in asiiu ttioo to pr fit by the chapter of accident*; and separate fr -m '•ur cTfopan'rn*! (not r»volt fr- m our rulers) only toften the sole niterna'ivet left are the disxnlution of our Union tr. A ihem or a tvfjmmioH to a gotemment without limi- Ictit'n of powers ” In the abcve, the Standard itself plainly preached tbe doc'rine cf secc-s.iion, sad it introduced Mr. Jeffer son as its Ruf'orily for the (iistinction between seces- sioa and revolution Revolution nobody denies tbe rip*!! of, wben eviln bccomc intolerable. Mr JefierBon and tbe S'nnd-ird were careful to have it understood that 't was not.rev Jution (- not revolt from our rulers”) that they meant—it was something else What else? 'Ir. Jeff-rson callS'it ‘ separation from our companions.” He lived at a period when the people had not been “ed ucated” in the doctrine of secession, and tberefcre ap proached it cautiously, gingerly. Fifty .greara after- wawis the^andard oalls it thg right to “withdraw or secede ” , Well, thi» was in 1851. Ten years later, in October 1861, (see Standard, Oct 30, l^Gl,) the Standard eays that “Nor*h Carolina secedcd in May”—not revoUrd, but teced'd. Jbe F.ditor of tbe Standard was a ibember of the Convention which thus “?pctde4.” and he "voted for the Ordinance of eecesfyon. Did he not believe in the right 0 seccFsion—did he not -‘raaiotain” that right, —when he so voted? If we may believe the Standard of the 8tb uU , he did not But the ast and bis previ- o’as d*claratioPH make il perfectly plain that he did. But this is not all. In the saoii* article of the f-auie ptper (Oitober^Otb IS'll,) the Standard said: “As soon as Lincoln called for troops to make war on the South, w« denounced him as st usurwr, and turned our back on the old Union without end. We did this, too. with the most entire coneistency, for wb had al ways BKI.D THAT TIIK STATBH HAU A KIQBT TO PBORDI FOR CAU9B ” « '• . “A rip;hT to |ecede for cms'?,” was tbe identical doc trine taught by the “C-otton Statv” politicians And it wae that very ‘Tight to secede for causa” which the CoHoq^^ateB exercised iu^l^GO. *hey assigned (an insufficlen* on'f weThongh^for de- [ sT'yitig the Union,) was the election of «f Blad^ Re “Tbe tone of tbe Fayettevill*^ Observer, Atlanta lu- telligcBOer, and other DcstruoUve journals, indicatee a wish that either tue government cr a mob would take steps to arrest us and suppres^i ;he Slaud^rd.” So says the Raleigh Staua.ird of the 2&th ult Thera is not a shadow of truth in the assertion., Onr readers and the Standard all know perfe;;ly well that we have ever most earnestly set our faces against mobs, at.d as to tkc government’s arrcetiug the E.iitor of the Stand ard, no have never indioatei any wish about it, either for or against, unless our opposition to tbe subpeneion of tbe La ea^ csrpui be reg-iried a« an iadioaiion of a wish, and that would be to imp-i?e an otsiaole to hi;* arrest. If the.StC3lard could l>ut sec the bumetou communication'^, as well from ihe army as from vuricuc p»rts of tne State# that we h+we decLn^d to pubiisa be cause of the si.veri'y of theit ruinarl^ about tbo St-io »rd, it would be oblij;ed tj tcel d of tiie i-jus lice it has done us i« me aTTivo as3-.;i'iiua. Re Fsi.istme.vts —T ib w^rlt ^ »es cu g;oricu»!y Bc'hiics Jofcnston’s N. C, the 21, 4tb, 30.h .ad 47th N C lieg’ta hav.-rc enhsitd -Als', the L:>u- isiana troops ia .h>, urrcy of T-ntj i»ew>; the who'e 01 ( bektham’ii olJ l>ivisi..n, ia t-he Army of T:*nne^.a t. iht wl.fle of B:ii.iue .n tb«aiuiy -d Noritiei . V rgitiia, con»i-«iiug of ihe 3j. 5 h, tfr*a, i2iD aud 2t'.tb Alabama, and tbe 2d Flo'i’ja Regi eitk. FOR THE 0"BSERVEa. Camp .j5th Hi.o t N. C T-. Jan’y 2. Messrs. Ediiori*: H -:tsealiiw me througir your ool umns tc tender the sii.c re ibauks cf lay cou^ any and mjself to Mrs Sarah Boan, Mrs ' t-lia Flatc>, Misses to Mi.«9 Vrattie 3 Pri'ciinrd of Orange county..N %), *’or Mittic A and Euphemia Hatob, of Cnatnam Couuty and the vory nice C'riftmas ditnw r which we received a. their hunds. We hi|(i>ly appii-ciat« this act of kind neSM which ftvicces tbe efte.m and regard of ou-f»ir friends, toe resollrc'-on cf whica rfminds us that wuile battling for our iiberties and t^ie in teppi,Jeticc cf our contitry, that we have their symratnj®'! ii our ef forts ^ud bent wishes for our success- W- will ev«sr oheTish *'•« memory of the l»dii-B wHo hx this ^Hvnr have justly in*rited our conbiant and bcar(f‘»Tf frratjtuJe. Very reFpec'fully. R E. PETTY, Capt Com’dg Co D, .S5t-h R‘g’t C T. JPOB THE OI5SERVEU-' I At^EiNBrHQH, N C., Jan’y SO- ^Messrs. Editors: Please allow me a small f-paue in yotit paper to correct th^ statement of your corresponleU' at Libeny Mills. Va , in regard to donations to ‘ii** 18th Repr’t N. C T. He a-»)-s, “In tbe Observer I noticed the acknowledgment of a doratiou of clothes to a company of the mrh Reg’t from The la lirsjcf Bl* o>Q. I am informed that this ig the only donation cf tbe kind ever male to this Reg't ” * Your correspondent is certainly not a coeatant reader of ycur paper, or he would have notTced not ih'^v weeks since more than one acknowledgment of lik--. do nations to different comp nica of this Reg’t To mv own certain knowledge, Co F. 18th V (J T , ban been the recipient at different timc-s, of timely »n l valuable donations of blankets and clot'-ing from the'adies cF the lower end of RichoRond county. Other companies of the I'^th have been li.kewise fsvoro.1 with contr'bii tions by the ladies, *aa can be prwcn by one who was formerly a Member or thb Rko’t. FOR Tn* OBSERVER. The Juvenile Knitfing Society acknowk'dgrs th» f.til- lowing contributions, woclon yarn an.d 2 prs sbcksfrom Mrs A Elliot; 1 pr jgcolts- froiti Master Willie Cook The next meeting wih be hf id at tbe residence o.f Mrs .A.rch’d Wjiiitb, on Saturday^ q.fternoon. A i^kirmish near :imtthjiild —We Iv-j-u thr ’Ui;h t ■ - S-ua«!ic oil iiie i^ori'j.K in»u i’tricrtVu!j' 1. i t taat on S lb.»ih last, a gtmi.oat wimc up i‘ g‘.a t.'r .k, ’nU'laudcd 26 c .vi. ly, ti»r oi ‘.r’.il :i v, - it ■ lUUutry ut ttaitU!) id. T n j ai:ic;.=i c:' 1 »; XtCdniO.:, DbU lliS; 1 UJllcn-« 10 •.il:;!’CiJ hC \.ta I rn- C -!iii y lu caerfy titovt cu v.■. utA..:.u.;li Cr-. ci, ;»uci c*piui» £.e OoiifeJlt.r.»ie pic*>.-:3 tlj^rc. If. :lyC ^t-n ^ .>ukt3 ^ ur^.ijllvi t.Iid n.tlic .1 C-i.*ry Grcvc. Ac F^ci , i ur ..v Ett a.iKs irutu ^lauuli'ld, iLo iu«ii itrs vtii e cit-v l y a;-cui 7.' ■ cn {..ier). e .a\aljy, wiea » bkir.i..ei; tp-.'je.d, sun itie yr»u *»ut»xjiie*.«d luStuiii fi.-iJ . IhtCi.iijif ii r-tr«rc:un..-c (•.w^tUa Littckw>»icr, jm li sfcvec pMrciieiH. VVuea )a:; aeard iruUi, tilt y.» were at feinitijlivld. wiibou! ioy means ol tfccapu (tbeir gtmbuni i-,>viu’ g-. ao :■ meet ctietu at Cb«iry Grove; aii^i lue OjntiU'r r.iu iniorced, were utarciiiug upon tiitoi —J’el. f'zprtnh, Li KicuMujao, F,*o’y-:j.— vu otiiaUl d:s, iic- i-M U'ji: : 'in.y-i tue whoie force were captured a!iJ luc-gur.tiout lie airoyed- one hurc ou oar aiUe Four y,iiikces were nil;ed and two or three w^uudcd. Tao uxpeditiou was seui by Butkr. From th* Jidj/tJan.—Okakob C- H., F.b. I.—The eneoij’s cavalry, guideu by a man named dashed acrofs Rubiaaou'e river tariy on tunaiij u.orn- ing, CipturiCg somo ol our pickets. Alter -.isii u„ ■Vtadison C. II , and ti^piuriijg lUe coulciite of tne ujm. at thui pluoe, ii-ey rccrcssaa 10 1 Jul^eper couuty. Okanuk C. H.', F» b. 2—Re, ori-t reaoi.ed rtre lbi^^ evenitig trom several a-urces wiiich si.-.te iLa: Eirly h .i. capxired aloroeof j..nkte« at l^eiersburg, it ll vruy coputy, Va , esnuiate.i at tigi.t r u^.urtd- - From ('hurleiton.—Cuablk-TuN, Fr^h. i-.—UJi Wrrt.Ji.ed at Syiu cr >«• ?Ti.-ru iy„ 4 w i.:!-. 114 p’ruJ . ^ .1. I. II ■V t - H' n;;. ■ . J LJ.'NG, all 0 Hi r' F'.y .,r fb- L • I’-lv-h 4; U^ u the Company h'-ing aebcted, the volnn- (• .-r wui rccoi»e‘fr m tiip Ei-roll.nj* Offi^rer f certificate ■11 t, ■ elf'C-.that he h:.a S ' volupte-n 1; a( d no voiun- U i-r W' I be received in any c>nipany except on such r> .'is.aie, ill l « is ns who f i! tr> irake seleetion. Recording to tte 1 I s i:' :; i? rr-ier, and ‘tt the tune of coiist- ■ ' O' t. wi.i be l accoroii gtoeii«t ng rHguf«*lions. IV. AK.. ifi j-r- in c-.iic.i-n ! ■ t OjinipanifS author »>d tbiy rid r to r e ve coB*>orvp s or vohuaeers will t. rt‘ will M rd to t'e tVrn-naiidant of Col:s•rlpfJ^ of the Sta»e, ti' curH’e o3r‘ fi.'d ro'ls of their companies; and ^iih;*it r. 11. f do * n»f H:a» ihey d not ^.xeeed rixty :our r.-«v-i >s, tiifcie wiii not bo aseigned any conscript or \c :it teer iJy con mand of th» Srcr»t«iry r f Wpf. ‘;n ll) S. rOOi'EIt Adj' & Insp Gen. E 1; ..Ml > v'g-1 ru-i lici i n wid h:> t'l juiiied nn tbe En- " !i K'.~.c r«. .-4ch ■ ne cf*w?iom ^'ouid be furrii^hed .. e. y : :1' or -r r ^ii! ‘.u ii''l,v To iueure ihc 11 1 .! ■ 1..^ tt 'i!'.;* r. t*-ere fi'-oul 1 b-..*e f-ral inser- ■ • u- : r w'prf-c-'fi . ci'ctil ition II. 11;: - - nt n»' ■>!'ni!f):.a for special ex- iriiforr. v.'if'i i.ti'/ e’ou'0/ merit-, will rot be molested M'.Di kc! '..r i t> Utn t.y Bui-.uU T-jpae eases will r>e iLV -r.j atfl iu >=oco’-d^nce with Cireu.’ar No. 3, Cur- i'( Ii ? "ie-,- with the leaat de'lay practicable. B>.r.-.erof C-IJNO S. PRl-:f-iTON', Supt. ^ (He =d) C. B. DUFFIELD, A A Q. J .n'v 27 3 Im :^^0,004> Siiforiial liiiprovemeilt i\. i\ S^ouiU tor ^»aie. /p., - .Mr . Ai> " L "Zl IlOL. t 'I E. Jf'^n=;n E ? ..^'N V, d-iuguier T'- ii r:o:D?n”-. r > r a r-air. xi’t U^uess rf •^ov?a*^e^k=’. ;\D ^ M GilA ii ikIS I. n o4 lion, j ii;.ts -M and Fanny U- . r. ’ O’ T s. 1 . -V.. in.; ... . 7- l».- in’ -r, Mr JETHRO O.'TtS. if S y -t- -ra f C ; t 1’l. r'« t; H-. .^r d -i 1 - •■ t. 0 {Vid IS Hcf ” H- j ..a of m h irs a o. u isi -.i; m-tr-b''r Tf t- .■ IJ'piii t C "urch. ; ;d has ieif an als vr-ii c.’.’'*r-n- '0 n;'^urn i•u^b n.d and ' IT-^'i u'.!R ' T-.'.ti'. V/ R. | In M r r> county. N C , cn the 24‘b J .t’tiuy, | ELIZA LESOR.V. ;.srd*'' .---ud 0 m-'Uibs, dmg .t.!r ■-' Tlii -rol! -ni*. .V^w'iudi V, n.i 1 F. v.l p — nts br .'her- Ti'- .= St r-. t!'T.1: r-1 of r r r.=. '! fn^'iei . t ".t « .8' ■ :T;r. .j oaf :r.;:’ cli- • t id ' ‘in wi’h v rpetual a b ' '1 ' y i-in^ r irro-». « * !: r '■ mv ic V . V -i c u J^>’y ''I K.^ bRltiT A. . >■ ar of !**;’• a^e. ‘'n fci n e; ia .t:e c. ruC'.'M'.ion of t ; • CO! li • ■ cr* of c' r ''c ^ i.' r-.'‘>c> aid’, reli;:.' u.s ' nd : •n 1 ill pfrii;ft c-aril, w»': i; ■jfe .»re c.''Ui d ■ . cn 'n .nir. u* 'iDiverf ll.' e-itopir.ed e,a-: ' ■ ■ v . Tu' ;raT' .J even't'c. ;:i th.. .tilth n- . f a eo.'-. i c n ath'lic ( i'urch; in i:'- »!.e c''-".ifcrt of a in I iVOP i»ilh God, : Ir is soldow t’l" deai.h of fu? so b.a-: ‘ the f'.y cf -11 the e'i’ 2 irum.-rifi'-- r Oil dl -t Ij- Ci*i; b -r, M r.Mr P.i; i'li. k . rjui iitu' i. } L i li- Q-.'i;al;ieis at itie Furt, i sc t> : .ity c n ■lii.e.'? ste i :y. 1*"> (* >o;l8 •«, ti.B c'»sit.c.-*%^hiar, ti- i.- t •• !i. Tw.i pifSi'Ud iiiVi. t.eeu t!.,. i:ie ir ;ut on Ujniint Oi.)' ; atnyii -t r., Vi- o ' i-ii. F..C‘ur_. ^ li; ( tlAKI,t»T .S, Ff' 2 —Tn- V .'l l. ) liriiii: „.i bu .li r. 18t). r . 'i- t /« 1 iT :ii_e-it Df .i up 1,1 [• ■ o ti' i 3 0 I - - V. Co:i- .ni Tiif 21 ih. in tf. fop I t Up i.i o' :ut.r I'reBt., i.i»p it'>i;p .T.i Iu rii ..'lui' iii^. (till astoie '.It Su i;v.>; i I.D.. O'i.Oit. bJt UivBl i t liti' C.X i'v rn.n .it Uirt, is b .s.g fci-e.i H rs i. .t. ;i; . i Ht r.e 11 ;)£ Ir., IU .1 U' 2 o'tl ui .1 ■ ;i— 'I 1' . .; - 1 .',11 I ;»:.a and r. 1 • -i »bic- ’ .1 tu ^ , ; c o I'll., u I POH THK OnSERVBR. Tp* Young Lad'es' Knitting Socfefy acknowledge tbe receipf of from Mrs. Gfc. Hai^h. 2 prs sucks . ^/s;~ - A meet ins will bn held tiris af ernotn *»l 3 o’clock, at Mr. James G Cook^« residence, cn Rowvu atreet. Prisoners ifec«vii ^Ricti;c-»D. F- ’*¥-.ry i. —185 EscotaNcusft—I'uriag the Jiri 2u days of JatJuary, i "eodon^l ticket to the chieiF c9icft of the j . , , , , - - _iC3 si.ldiers returned to duty la Hdrd.-e s corps cf the j identical c:».a-e repoatpdly a:eiriied f,"® y^/gtwdaj.**^ Thiy wwo'" part 'of Gen’! LcnJrtr^rt’a r-'uaefcsee J^rniy, and 460 Rjtl on furlotago Increase j by tbe stanaard as sumcient to justify—to luako neoesr . . . - _ 5*0u la Hindnukn’B oorpa «>• inoreaae w«t 700. I uxj-^wt fxeroia« of th« “right of eeoMeioa.” W® W J ' ^ - V » « 4A« XJV*i^ OL& « • W captures No tommisaioned^flScers w;r« among them, niuMfl ia the disgoise of privates.—JSx’r. 0,1'jy opii'.cd a heavy tir>; . n Hi .- s-i .mir a: i_.,ji »iid c .u.ii-ue . It all ai/ It is ■ .lievrd t.r.c 1 j ill lit a ictal wreck. £asi Tenuetsee.—.Moeh!stc.w.n’, F. b 1.—Oui occupy >eviei .VI 1 .. tb .i^ui- h -viog r. trc-.ti d n M.u>sViU . Our I si m^hi". e g^n^nu'it of l e27iii w»s liot at irri-at an rcp -ct. d. l^eiUi; i-itly «u,- Li.Uit)-d »»nd tweuiy-ave. The wealt.» rooatiiiues very pi •svui. Another Steamer Gone —We icarn lh(»t li-e ship V-'Tld DaynU tiim Nub^au U-i- luis po t, w ji .hiiure y. .>li r d.y mo!«.iug near Topta'l lalut, ab ut iWt..o 11. ;.!> iiorih of Wiliuiugton bimthrev cvcruavo tu .1^.: .t f liip aiid get ofl,'but was diai;.»»er-. d by i::e hi ,cii>dei> Tbe crew madr their e?cap-- Tu8 v b.-'cl » s inke p »- ,eS8i">n (Si by theenitny. Ai;v;at Oi ;*iiii d uu- c. g.(. of the Wild B.yreJ is uudi-rstood to h*ve bevn cn g..v ernoioiit Acouuut. T.iiia Wt*a hev s?c -n i trip. Wd .fou rtal. '2nd iust The Florida.—We are glad to tietir tti;»t the Crn%de- rsie 8i‘ua;e.r Flcida is ouce raor-^ at se.s, thruch wt afe not informed whether hrr c mi'll--der, .Maffi'. ba« sujflicirntly rr-covered from h's late illn- to bin duties If be is one more «n her di^ 'k^ v>» n,4y toon -•xpect to beer irf more Canf dernte p'r^cirs I i- an isti^nisiti-'g thing lhi»' th - hu-idf dgo* Yiiik;e i;-ai?e't- ■n t* c alert f;>r Semmos aud Mtifiit atwa,. a make ou.. to (Lis-i tbehi. Conuription of Frte Negrtjes—Irtiport mi B‘U.^ Scorfi H. if. p-s.-ace to 1.0 ouier of 1. o.pi*e«... it >n, is th" fciiU p.‘^‘’sed yfet.(>rday, by tbe Ili'u«eof h?. p"e'i'‘n a'-vrs. o oo-’Kcribe free negrcef and iroprets hl.ivi -j 'o ' v .~i ■!« uses in the army. U rec nved, after being anrfnld and perfeaied, an almost uuaniuious 'prroval an 3 ni’l loubi’.sa* reopirc the approb.itjitii of th.*' i^enat?, to w!»i . h body it has been ee'it for early action. Th^r? i« no doubt Jiat the hilt wi’l add largely t» the tfli 'ieucy cf .he aimy, it having been rougaly es'iiji iud ihtit i» viU infrre'-.p i»ri tiih'>p : etrengtn to 'be extent of n^t Ir-i* than forty tnon-^and .-ible-^bi di-’d •r.'ti. Rtchmcni Wh>g\.‘2.d trtft A P^igue to br }(emovrd ~h wi»1 r. j*iirc (I •' Dir.vnie folks an’HZi-.gly to leftrn !.'■ ■»i the pl i^up •piiiii i fti.nts them in tbe Kb ;peif the two -sr t!tr :e t,- .'r.“ ird pri‘Jl,.^n'8 quartered there is to b^ inr,iie(^: itcdy tritrisf. rrsd to t'le n?w prison pest in Gopr^ia—rmal’ r-ox ard all " Richmond Examiner. ij wii V ,r i* i. lI' ^ 1 » ' ' . 0 1 To0 ) i=r 'u. i ;■ -i. ■■ id tji) oo (i ' -i 2) . 8 uO F . iv iO' i-. . ;;.-Urtv> 2 Oj . j ;• :o. i ir!».»■- •‘Vc-.*c- * 00 to ■jO. -■• 1 — i/ oO ; .r til . L ii': •>—.J •• tiiokoy 00 00 70 -V. loOOi 17 .0.' 2 7> {. ',i tjO i- 0. .K 1.5 I'O ..jr t - I :2 00 ! 0 '\ ' cdn.’f. J ij-, t e 10:h inst , in front of our sales r. la, w-' sell to t -e bigheEit bidder, Thirty " ;i):i«M D ll ir.-i Norib CsroJini six percent. State li . I’le Tut r st I which ts payable eemi-annually, \ i e nrjr d .ys 'if -lanu wy and July in each year, anti p ' d C.1 the fi St I f J anuary-ItSS. T-ier» iJ nls w rc issued to t' e Ealeigh and Gaston R U C , tind the City ovR^lfcigh, for Ihe bene- tit. c! t!;. t h.atham R R Cottpany. and in addition to > e g* j- nil c'c-lit cf the Stite, have the security of a ‘pt-ci 1-'lukinjt Fund. Copies of the laws authorizing I't istue miy be had cn i^pplicitioa to ibe undersigned. CREECH &J.IT! IIFOBD, Auctioneers,*Raleigh, N C. ■ -Feb’y 2 J___ _ __ ® liiiportaiit Sale ot Tin Plate AT AUCTION. timo-t cM.-consv,-;:?’ • ' f** 10;h r-v Fl^bru-.ry ntxt, in frcnt of our Bales tiiN lo--« of kind ; w Rj ro, we wiii s-il to the pigheat bidder 70 boxeB b!hau IX TIN PLATE, Ki s 14 CatKoU 4 LITCHFORD. Auctioneers, Raleigh, N. 0. J'.n’y 22. ^ 3-2t I::iigiiit‘er I>c|»artiii€nt^ DTcTRRT OF CAFE FEAR, F:*yetteville, Feh’y 4, 1864. TOllfE is her;by given to those hav- iog e aims against this Department, l.T eervic -s of slaves, «c on ihe fortifi- c-tior.8 at this place that. I shall be here .- • p .y itiein cniil S«iur.iai} evcniug the tiiii inst. Those •fitiliug trt avail thenisehes of this npportuaity, will )> ve to go ic person, cr sen > others wi>h powers of at* ifUPj tr ade "ur per form, to the Chief Engineer’s Ofiiij in Wi'oiiiict 'U f^*r setilrment B1 -nk p wers ot attorney wi.l be kept at the Arsenal 1 ir liiii'ri u'ii'ii U.. • h? spfn, from 9 A M. to 4 P. Mi, at my room at Mr-s. llart’6, on Hay Street ' ' , W.M A. OBENCIIAIN. 2 ] Lt. C 5 A , Aft’g l^ng.iieor. Want-ff ‘it 1 ix trub' f'>nni!y f'n" two Sessions of Ji> f tP.on'iiA f uch the prtsenf ytir. . r WILti i .v Wj ; .in :r. d dj...;rs aud tuard per Ses- 1 X 11 '-r * F. tu-^le T-achiT that can come weil re- ' (i ii!i 1!! d is dulv q-ia'iti 1 to teach the usual : E jrliih D.-;nchi f. F no, ^nd M isic on the Piauo. T L .luti'r of ;upi 3 wid not exceed ten, and the : l;j ,'i il, W'l'cn IS very h'-aldiy, is at my residence three ! miles froti Wildon .\.l lrr'-s * i ^ W.M Ff l^ONTON, Weldon.*N C. j H ' fax C'’ . N. C . J *n’y 2^. IKt.-j 2 4tpd i ‘ ^ .HXaAlTED, ~~ niy rremiH.'!-' -u O il.spie ?froet, cn Sunday J; 1 ,ft. a B'A^.K MILCH COW, wtih a b:li around r a white svot -fn her face i»nd (ail. feet white, B-Tid s 'ill and r^ uni mark on her ear. Tne finder will be Iiberallv rewarded tjy returninj? her to the owner. MARY A. WRIGHT. 3 £it rj-d r'-i mi i itrn;;® s: iri- i in Vi. r li^tt ; G. 1 •''Ari.s h C‘H>'» A I. HE, wi''. ji-i , i err-f- r of "' ii. Ja ' e. l-ol ru iry 4. 2 50 t - H ."iO 4 0-> 10 UU .vr 12 60. 7j t.i 1 ;:.o ■UC'S'5 6 '0 to 7 U ii - 15 ' 0* 4 o> t.. 5 CO. CO. = ; ii.- Appie and Peach 00 ] wra- 12 -"lO 0 00 , 1*! 2 O.J P. I; . i l 10 ’ r- c . ! 4 — b .-I" I’ r :r 1 1 i.!'. !. ’» UJ *'■!" .••'i: VI .. I'l .• . 1* ■ -..F *.tt-.ry priccs to th'St(.;c 1 Jo ' j\." i;. L1 ■ 1 40. lUus U-;-a' prices o 00. . 2U O’* ij 2_ 50 . I . - TUjj« 2 00. ' v;#oi $0. : , . ■ V •• L ;‘>>i "Va "'i i>O ^V »»! £SOOKj!$ Ai.' AUCTION. Finr \ia„h Pony, perf cily gentle for tianiess or ‘ad .1 . too copu s 01 Wh-eK-r^:* IliMc-y of X. C.. will . u 6.Id ;.t autj ion on TUiiSD.'Y u. it. 9‘-h J ll COOK, Au-it’t. Feb y 1 U 0 .4 JVbrfA Carolina Boy —M the recrnt 'eTEi..atimtriI ct- aitinati n of the Ldx ngton (Va ) M-litary InE.tinife, I be first distinction, iu acla««i r.f 170 cdcts, wa« aw vid- id (0 G.’crare M. lio.**e«f N .rtii.Car Kna. lie i^i a pon of John M. Rose, E q. of Fiyettevil'e —Char Dim. li r- jFtff^F^l-ee feta » c -py oi ih s paper, l1' ’-t>, in which we fii.d nrticle.s eopi'-d from i‘'e N- C. Htapda^d —one ;.f w ich i- it»« rotorioi'd anic i» in T’-'ich tbo Sun.l-rd thM’ft^pn ed that ir cn- in cvrr.ia • the f rcple of North Ccrtuina will tako their otcn affairs into their t.irn han'^s and irill"' T^O^ ajp.y to ^ itt'ti proceed in Cunventt**i asset/tiled, to vindicate th-ir liberties , X' ' “ , andpricilegts ” The italics are as w!> find them in the j ' Craiae’s Creek, Moore, C. 'p.y COMP 'KT VB'ji'i !iW£.!>i.i;>G. two ffo^ th.> ■'l.v;4 t iJ U'.'-. C . ■ 5 r ^ ?, 2 p utriv^ aud r c- r;vjiji.i.Ci.j. r e n K V n .in-- d »'■ ly. tft . K. A. bi iN A: ( O , Iso 10, H .y .Sif’nt. F^b 3 ^3 -"ti T!it! 5 o!!a»ii^fi€'iiers ol Cum!;' •. ;".T. f v^ijl t.-all und r ’ ' 1 ' P. F. AL1)ERM.\N. -•'i.i. Feb'y 3. ^ __ It ^ Itobi Jo., JiUifc or Ey-cliaiijre, 1 W' sui’ERi-.).'^ kio^i, ^nd nar- LOUv UO'-V, 771 1 h.' tV.' Ci»a or exca^nged for fl',0 ««i*.iroJ. p;;uad iL't t und.’ ' N. A STEL>'r"J & CO., N't 10. Hay S reet Feb'y ____ TTNTIL ihe I'f J t 'v Ti'X' ■ N' GUO Gi?tL p? L' la, -l-^o cno I^’EGRO V-OU-'N me c,i' i IS I. nt-srli. , V,M. V/a:-DL.V F V.-2 ' 3 2 -.! OCT The-Minute” of the I'cdar Creek ^0.TC yiy Oi Pi'."?'-'. F-b’j 3. n--:iT(>rv tr- 8 or“ Mcl^ANIEL. Clerk. Spirits'Tarpfnllnr ani Wtso:; exceijcnt Tyre for Sale. . . - F? ’y 8 l^tatc of I%ortli Carolina, HARNETT C UNTY Superior Cour: Oifice. January 26tb, ''864. By virtu'f f a Comm' TOJi issued by his Exoellenoy, >} V :n»r V no-. '.u'h>r>2'ng md requiring a Court *11.Oy. r iu 1 T. rmiuer to b» =ield for the (Jaunty of Har- tie i: If i?: rrJcri d t^iat Mich Court be heli in lb« vil- 1 of LT'I'i g oQ, on MonJay tne 15r.b February prox- itji«, at ii o'cloib. VI By o-.lT of !l B T R ITBtTn. ons of th«Juti?eB of it.i' I3'i"^ri.r C uri-i or Liw . d Eq iifv f r a-iil .S( ti» w 'i D ,M *#-, CL ’•'t It •‘aid (Jourt, at cffioo ia Lillitgtcn, tbii Ian- 18G4 A D. McI.EAN, - ^ 3tD? Clerk Sup’r Court Harnett Co liXEt'l TtlK’S i\0TIt E. \T Fe-b u i y Terjji 1804 of the Court v»f Pleas & Qnrter S-h*«i ns of BUien ''ounly the laot will •IS 1 TfStar- en» of the l«te D*vid Sikes was admitted to p"i bat *, ^d tao uubecriber. quiljfied as Executor of tiPti-iroc. P« • eot.s in l*bi'.-I to the dec’d are notified to make ■ ‘ h P‘J • T’. “o havi^-g clatrns mu^t prrsent ,ii liii : ti(j tta'tute *ill be plad«-d in bar of b ir rt-rov.ry . T. M S1KE8. ria -nb ti'”y F b 2.1*^^. , 3 4tpd SSa»k silock for Jl^ale. \ PPLV .10 - A. McLEAN il N V 2H. 83 k«. . W004I tor l^ale. \V nORNE lias 2 or 300 oords of WOOD, near C. 'V , dJ Ma'loit, Esq’a resideno*, a good road, and dowt. gradtf four nflcs from town; he is disposed to Bell* t .li Wood cheap for fear of fire—$3 a oord at the j^lace or one h^lf jfrr the other delivered io town—also he has a lot of 4 4 Saeating that may be bartered for com or biiCJB. Jan’y .W. • , 2 4t fflHK HceVifi-^^ Marulaciurine Company wifh toengag* f, fe-.r re8perts,h!e yomig women in the TT‘**ving De- ;.ar;m-!it. ^’'pMcatinn to he made at the Factory to '■?r el E. VAN AVIBERG, Saperiuteadent, or to C. T.- H.VIGH. Prta’f..ia Fayetteville “ It-^ 'r 0. lbt;.j B3-itf 2ndpricUegts' Yankee Times.—Ra^gh Confedtratt. I ■Jan’y 30. a-2tpd A,VO.^' E. Porrardhr h Cc'?!^#ssioa Mercli^iit, r>: •• TT T .. , ^ t-"' iq |{iq^ ^ rsie .iz-: “ ttenti oii g.vea r" *'ll prodare ee»t hist for.iale. 3l«m, ^cr mH9 of WL'p»»jjtt»i, /*»'! l». IIP!# i f ■Mki

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