I I ’■ fi'etax ociiii.t at ■ lessor ' ■•-•It in ''f j ii.H- - - iriBOT ■r sliall ist ot sr ap- ’ .d If! Ul ■ Ti ,*t 1 ai I ■ “O tl.r Llit- II ' le) ie •■ '.hit' ■ - ■'IlL' Ot ■I (>.. ' • 0} K?0(i p r- ' ae '•' ! til IjQ . • 'Xt T ^Ct, r ,s'« uu- ■'■ >• if i Uf Kile ot i. ut • ..oh -■ ..id ■ - --he '> . ' ->r • 1 fo : tor ' • ■! ^he - ■, ■ : !) • ^ h -U- ■ ' :>jid --■ •i ;.5 a -'..lijT his I UN ■i‘wr si'f* i'-U ir^'e uvir.g t'" 'ttie iUnd a; ‘i.-raio !:-.i ue d ia •.A* 'iJa- • uic di#- rt'cc.j..t«. '->.16 th« - troffl IB 'I -- oi the ■ tr majt ■ * t la Kind - _ --vie- u.KiOtOX 'lau- i /f, ■: - ‘f ia -.,d ■u m tao • ‘ i • ;>0t M f^^ats Uatile 13 'UCii on be. ^ ct the ■ ■ ur U4-16- r- fii- ^ stjs he ‘•II rf:e' .» -r - a.' ur- ' ived r id ..1 ;,!* :u ia ;ir* k .. ! te ■'} tie X->T- K't. iry I cl > ■ ■ iiO iai.l .-.d‘ ^iT In- U-'.U- > ... 'i- ,/ -C: V i a; iJ f AYKTTKVILLE, N. C.. FEBRUARY 8, 1864 NO. 1304.] VBi'i !^SS3ES*9S!QE9d KRlNFKb M.'V *^Yti AXn TliUK«D\rs K{)\V4!{!» ), HAI.!-: li SO>S. KMTORS ANU PP^OrrilRTaRS Pfi«« U-r iht ^sTni-WaoVly OB«'!!iTrR. $5 lK>, p'^id in MiTanoa. Far the OBsKtvRR S4 Ott per anr.KTJ. p^id ifi »>h'&nee. of liRi'S for ih(* . ;t> iv-iMorj ^nK squnTp Ihii for f.t ■ -ii io...- p JllifX'oI t,, »'ill b.- ccu'i Auverii' •\v. { o;*,’ ‘^• •1 -‘-'I t'M- t I ic:i. 3R'-’r--‘ 'I '■'■ r .•»n'»h i I n-; i Pfi' .-r ■ -••I. ntS i ?«> /-. n?n St’L ■" ' iru'K. Fn!» in Jar thi'i-tato, uor.n.a^ of & new ‘riht-T will be »niiir%i without pa_vraer.i in Ji JiAne*. uor ’will the pofiifr '• -ti'' io s icV ^■u'.•ls^ ‘ f >r r longs; iu*m iS'p&id (or. Stic)t of di'.r old eabticribai c (irsii* to ta.kn tk« pn per on thu sTsteai will pii-fsc notify vhen WAkj^jt reiniit*tjces. J*n’v 1. 1868. Attorney at Law, Faykttevii.le, N. C. WIl.L attenti ihp Couaty and Supf'rior Co'irii of C»6.;if^'i4,nd, H^rn’t!. Moore mi-l Roba^im Coua- fi«8. Fro’.upt *lu-ntioa lo th.' follenion of all etoimi eutrnA;el to his h&nd«. Ooi. 17, * 5P-U' Wf. Vernon Ffmftle Sfmlnary. '^PHK '2^ !*“»« 0 1 will y’!nui‘>';*^ ib*- I5th of FEB- I KU \RY And p.nstinue 20 w«*rk9 Tuoina in Koy)i»h K>-»rcfepe $5# ' *• ‘ Mu8!o ftnd P*in;ivi3, (P!'»c*i,) 40 00 ‘Jehnol Roo' ■ »yr.#5in'.fl DO p. ^r i f4t)0 f*r • iji'5r>. Tf t eM s« ’ -OTi^ione :'.t olJ ' *!’ ofTu'iinn fti' ^ If of B3»-d »•■*- qiji'-i ii ,n , fispfj {iH'il if'ii i r^.ina h*>r «:vi» '‘'■j'e a. oue «:iir .‘hef*;?, • n-' r-*'- on-' e iin or^ ,Ui‘ «•.■• q’.i;r ,t.u I a d*- r.r n r 'V^? T •' ]T*()PK;^. *'t ^ O e .1 ■’ !!’. S*T ’'■•'i ' • r. T ,rr 1 • r * w-'k FK!-0 • \.M» I>-.R'ENO' FI of U.is i KfH i ie-.»c F:.vrMi(?vii|.» .iHily. (i^nu-lty.« fsoopte-l) 1 8 e’ili.ck. A M., >11111 r«turiiin,.j l^ivc »• 1 o c’ IP*. P M . ■ (\nlKinl H»r*« TrMfi ^lO'JP.W n EIlN’ESlV\Y». J KiUU.W. . Ry ^r\or JNO M. ROSK. Tri»i*«'r and Geu’l Ttnus. Ay’t. J.n. 12. 1H«3 97tf (X)NSORIPTjL>PFICE, Kalkioh, Jan’j 21st, 1864. THE !«ORTH ^«ROLINA I .«VmL U»'£ IIVSCRlitCK COXPl.M,; NOW in the tenth year of siiccMiiful operatiou. with ; T1HE feviuird Or ..-r ,» publHb^i for i‘— in' tnnaUoD growing capital and tiroear hoM upon public oon- j I. aU coi’eer-BAd XL# requi'«na^ni8 of iUf or**cr fidence, caatinues to insure the of all healtlay per- j will be ri^i.jlj .-iif.iroi-d id tijnry pirtieuUr son* frciH 14 t4 60 years of ajte. for »ne year, fwr •e'ren • ^ PETER ’«1 ALLKTT years, aod for life--all iif niembera sharia/f in the profits | 1300* 15th p] All s^.vvts trcui 10 to •?(* ye*tr3 of ar« insarM(i f>r CALENDAR FOR 1864. OQ c =! U > o S' ► "4 a M aii O > > 0B»> yaar or fi.r fivs ycur.'? for t.»ro tfair is fhcir va1u .\]\ IoK*e» a-B ^^uatiuallj paid within 9.) -day^t afior 9^'!«j*aot'.ry pr.iaf is pr-'»i nta'l. For fcnhfr inrorajiiion t^e puhl*'^ in rofsrred 10 A.^otfto; t.ti^ ('jair'irsy in .^.il parts c he nai tn cl I' BAl'TLli. .Secic‘f\»^. H^v1i*ixq. H. M.\LK, A?.*ni :^t ^ F;.y-tt.-v,li«, N, r, y SOTTiTv a 5.s7sr " Capital in Pi-etBiaiu No.m aaiouot* 10 C»a!» on bat'd '*th.-' ?jv-.-w. I. S267.0'8 5.077 GKO. W. \ I* Whok'salf l)eakT' S5i «*vof«?**se»i, ANl. lMP>>BTfe»« A.\l> DE.\l.f*HS IN hardware aiul rut*er|, !roa, d.c«, n\Y bTRKi:!. FAYKTrEYtLLG, >. C. Jvy'J. lS(,i. 3611 J 0^7 UT L i.*: Grocer ami .'flfrchant, FAVETTK\ LLLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1-Sti3. ^3 tf B 0 WOkTH. D U W -HTH X. O. D\!IIai. WOK i if & COm Commissloa and Forwardiag Hlerchants, ff''atrr Sh'eet, WILMINGTON, N. 0. 0«;t. Tfl, 18K 7S 12m JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & CO.. SALT nAKruHH. E haTe thirty (30) pans now in operation nine milws ea4t of Wilmington. Partieii wishing to supply htsnselrcH with salt, can he furnirthed by applying to \. Johnion, Jr, A(;ent at Fsyetteville, lo E P»|{«, nan>m:«r at the work.4, or to J. M. WILLIAMS, General 8up->riiitendpnt. FayKt«Till«, Nov 20, ]R62. «ltf i'rom and attea* (hi» date the flt«r>Kier A P HURT will at 8 o'alaek, A. M , on Moud.r aud Tournday. JOS A. WOrlTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C T. it^raci Bunt Cc. 15 VS Ml. K, iv7t\ WILL open tae EAGLK H()TEL for the r*» c«>ti2& ot C'lif^sta the first of June, and I hept ,to br iihle te OtiiertHin 'root ■ev«c: to a Aun'ireti [Krtwas du|;ic|; ;kt Summer. I» conneodoH with thi» l»rga H^tel, I hate a nw»fc*c of Hacks*, Cirrt^itss, a'ld Saidie fforti-s u»al my OAB f»t at a muiue’e aaiioo. J. >1 RLAIR. f’r prVicir Eag ^ Hots', i hev.l e. .'J. C. May 13, 3l jpd Total. #272,7*5^ «1 Tfs* Coaip;iny hare paid all Ins^ei prcnptly, *nd a«T»r made an asi.^pow-.iut oa Jheir *r*n;iu»i aoiM. Total U3«f% p^i«^. ‘ f29 »«2 S% Orr’CT«fr ^EO MeNRILL, •r>»sii*nt £>. A. F AY, VioG Pi'. ;nitst C. A. M«iMILLAN, Sac’y. DraacT'^F^i: H«vry Lilly, H. L. MyTorar, S. T. Hawley, I^&tban A. F.toiraaa C. B. Maileit. Kyi a, A. A. •T. D. 5 i^lj»(«, hn i>nin- .sd C. 0 M- '■''I'M ’orii>Mv 1 W. N. Tiilinph;**!, 8. J. TTiue-ia?*, 'Ypi. M.jLaurin, T. Liitterloh, «A. Vv. ^tesl, J H. r.jk, d on. t). G. rthepherd, fi. F. n.’OTa, ) VI. 1 c Ei«n ^tifci gtott ^(cOru "•isen. Tra'veiirg A j«nt« i^ite -ipciiv-viitonii. 21- • P'f tor tii3 at fo’ :LTRY, C: cr.-. S' *1*' ■? ’i’ 1 rfirl:-!* «■%;( uM'-• 'i«n i-f> ti-.e -Mibsc.-'hrT .'5.1 P-3w?r«i’s on Hav Hu-t--. tb..- h!i trkt 1 •>(.- -.tfcpr : ^. ' CW Spf : i CT *Jr .) Flalier. ; f'.ir ■■ «t 'V, ‘r. S;ii r 5 tj ■-» B. i HF.lDt’ \h" \ A v’ f.r V \ r« IS, Ool Oi>..'jd’|r ‘ onp. N 0. AD.TUTANr & Inspkctor Gknerai/s Office, ) Kichaiotid, Jati. 9, l!S64 f GaseR*!. Oanitas ) t N ;i. \ Th« foli.iw iij; Ac's* of ('-> grp-'.- ;vnd R»fnu i '»u» nre pu«ili-tjr'» far ih« it«fjiin*«'oj of a l {vTtjriS c0«ce.'»fj i;*?rcia: ACTS An Act (j f-Tf-enf tAe Rniit'mxn’ or I'nroUment of Sub»ti- iutei •« the Mil’tnry Servtcf of thf Conftdfralr Stnles. e (!au^.-.;!-a , f r- r t ? ,t b :ii»9 or A.wefra lioeai'.of, Tiasi i-a p.*riiii li.h e lo >■.';! ~.‘y P¥rT'c#a'il: titreir’ter pn uit«d p.r^ilnwed o fur 'i^ii » ‘»nbsii(vie f> r *.tr»ies uor ahau .«r.v .■»fab*;i'u e i-e rrc»i»«d rxs- or «nrc'Med in tt« rnili-ar» of tht* C'jn- f«4frate Stpf.es ” [Ar prove^i L»-o«rab§r -8(b,*18t,'i ] An Ah lo put an «*?rf (o {fie Exenption./'fint M-Utery Ser vice, of those who hai'e herelejore furnuhtd SubttxlutcJt Whf'rt**, in thi. or«n;»‘nt eircuI’^taac .k cl >oe ctun- Iry, it requires tha %id of all '^bo are’able to baar arme: ‘•Tbe roag’CHi .»r tn;* Cnn itder>*'e of Aitiefiia io anact, Thatoo pern'n Ahii! sn iXtitJitad frotn mil itary •erTice. by r»:a?ni, of t-i# l arii-.j; iuruivbi-d » tub s'itate; bo‘ i,hi« ac- th»H n t i>o sj c ustruad ?t to afftet avirsoni who. taough not liable to i‘*oder niiliiiry ttr riet*. k»«^e. neTTttfclei*;, fuftiiafeed snbstUutt# ’’ [."ip- pravj J fanu»ry5t!i, 18G4 ■) II. Piirsoas randered li;^ble to miHtary B»r»ice by opsrHtian A ihe pr.''t* dijjir a.7ts, are p»aci»i en 1*^4. #*rae f 'otiijjr witii ail otaerj '.it;,-rti haiU 1 .^bid bT Acu of G'nuresi. ni. Perfons Iisrjiri r«td«?d h «;la to mil|:Rry wr- »i«9 *r« requirai io report as vnluatJrera or c uaO/’pti, 1» tlr-ir*. 'l=!>y, (0 lae !*nrni)jDg > iri'!ir8;''!ind a 1 w^.> d»-- lay t'e/i.nd »tie I?, ft Ft’^ruvry 'ft'M, isill Hec>a«’d'r i.oi^ t . pti.-i;- a 0' To.unt^ering. ' ’ ; f ..r . aSiJ 1*^ Tl' '; . '>1 ■■!£ r 1 I w 1 iCn^. r.in^ w II pr c ..I, xn ■■&n;j:y as JULY,, i; t3^ 11 ? i t’ p •rj'On^ b-ru’-n nzo'i.' i : • y ‘-;r»ico. IVev oua to «>nrf;1lm !Pt t^a i 1 f.uf .• p i'.ll e "^li -W'fl to »uf>te6*r i M Z H CK C3 ► > 3 9 ae O >► • 3 ► JANUAlElY FEBRUARY.... MARCH. APRIL.. MAY.... JUNK Auf. 25. '.A m ’ To I'olioii IH KVE ap).o>ui>;d by the Sp3r-^’»rrr ^f'•).■ TiT-a- iury, Ctiuf Afceni fvir i»e pure*,*.,* .jf Cfit.i i f .p "he 6o»ein'i«>:tti wi;hi'« ta» H'ftts iI' N rih ?'»ro- h'la. as : wui p*»y rjr tip stuoa ia 7 jrr 6-»sii. Ht'Bis "r ^ -..ah dab-Ageata Timitn^; »ae iiffwx-nt f*»vrts of »'?'« :^taie, >>uyinf' ta i»y tuitae, vjll tave wnitpn r,eriifl*'.tf« jt kbpoict»«3t. By ori^r of la* asoretiiry of itie Trca^ur., all 0«itea ni i»B h al IV •l.u-', i n blo *o c ?3nj.n, ai .’o ■ i-n. i I ti tu-h-\ r.- -oi t:- ;-ii x t (ica f • ,p .ay -«> 'r iTj I-■•• t '.r •!!.«» . fS ■ '>-i- - ■ > v> un’fHr- >; : -;-V P.'l il'Il W«>oi5w.*;rI'’*i ^4»?.‘ar Oatnern. |>HOT00HArHS c»n b« hi-l hi VanorsJall’s Skyiiftt I Gfiller;', Hay itri.«t, of^poji’.e t«arble Yard, Fty- oolored, ia -water » life aiie. Ambro- j be^oro reportiuf to t/la camp of inatriietioa «(tjl#* of PiciHrct j _VI. All peraoni, whether Tolxnt.'&ra o ■3 l^'P April l‘‘o£: prc¥id otii C’lt at' tie tioe o* t. Iu;i- un h-r ali.,'»ed; auJ upoi* ■'.P't t-'« v .Iiia'.^erw U r*C"lv» •r 4 Of'■'.li • r- l ihp f.T-nt that i’l'J lio »'> i..ii'psr w II be r»c»i»- ed la o .: , r .cpa:>y ^x3>jt n f-u-n (••♦rStJScate. P/r *» Ti8 wUj :'sil to mekp tHe-r Kelrci>'>M at tke i'lHie of euroUi!-ni, will he a«siga*d acocrding t« exi!*tiug rv*f ul ktio'ia. V. Petit.ias irha report ti tbe rurollin); (>ffioer« will be •nrolled, >^nd may ee allowed a furUittgh ol ten days purchhfcd by mysalf er cjy agsaDs, cti aad ibe tn*hes. Cord a^ii T-ibsela for han|pug picturts; luira* 18th day of M/urch 1S6-3, will be paid for in 7 per oeat. ®enta. Stack and Charaicala for sale low for each. Life w O BUe.HELH WIIE 1.500 *• CORN. ^?er,*on« hatuif the abore artiolei to sell will recti'?* the higbpst r&ah pr»’>^ by callirp: on Mr. Ai Tho.aa^on, al the Merchant Mills FayettP.Til>, er on the sub#eri- bcT at bis old stand on Maritst Si«are. ALiA. JOE>'SO>,Jr Sot. 5, ISt^'i. 76tf y ~n\R\EHS. Bends «f Caeh, Hxti not S p.^r a.;at. Bead* a> tdatei - a forioer ad7erti*T ment. Up u. taat tiae, hv*w?T«r, tae 8 per (*eBt. boatU will be fumisbod m itat^i. Patrioiic oiuioLS arc u.w otf«»rei aa opporiuaity tc : &i-i the GaTtramaat by s-^-Utag t^> tt Uteir Cotton ratttar I to f^r-.^ate capiLajit^ I LBWiS 8. WIL.LIAMd. I Chai'ioti«, Marca 24, 18>S. [o. d.] I4tf , '\vAI¥TjED, BAIfK NOTES of North Carolina, Soath Oarolina, Virginia and Geerg^u. A)^, North Caroliaa tix per aeat. Fundable Nci««. { Alac, North CatreUu^ tis. p-:r cs»t. Bund*, b«w iieue I W. K. aujtiAiiDStiN i 'i).. Broken), Rale{r’, V C Mu Oil ^ it- ettevilla. N. C.; plain, reiou^-tfd, oolored, la color*, oil aui pas-ile; from fpiall to life eiie. typef, MeUneotypef. and all ether i#tjl#* ot i iciHrea j . v t. ak pernoni, whetttr rolnnt.'tr* or aoasenpts pertain’ Tg to tb j Art. Also, Gilt Fraaea, Gilt Mould- UB'ler thia order, will pnjw thraa|;b the casp of Inetrua- ing, G>.#i for Tery large pictured—as large as 26 by 36 tioa of the Stat? to wbicii th*>y belong and b? forward •i iheaee to the eompaniei whioh are seitcted, or to which they tpay be assinned aixe ei»lored Photographs made from aKiall pietttrat. | VII T«a Bureait of Cooseription fa okargod with a- Baving permanently Icaaied here I hopa to merit dopting proper regulatiooi for tha anforoc-ioaat of this your patronage. I wonld also return my aincerethanki i order for the liberal patronage bestowed on ik heretofore bj . VIII All exeasptiaati heretofore granted ar5 subjs«f tha good paaple *f Fayettarill*! aad Ticinity. C. M. VANORtiDEIJ,, ^'••t»eTap)«rnt %s4 Preprietat fW > >r. 7»T €ottou Yaru for %Vooi. '^OTICE is hereby givoa that a.?ler thia date (ex«*-i in east’a where we ha7e bargaiaid for Woo' wcor i ins to the termB of oar !*drertidai&ent of the 'iOtn tt{ May, which terms are now n-troked,) we will give 1 Ixiu- dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of 'VTool unwashed, or 3 fta. washed and picked. Thle change ia madn at tha iVOTICK. j '■pHE UNDSR.*^flNBD, hotb aariag entered fiie aiiii- j 1. lary serrioe of the onfvJrrate 6tat«6 of Aiaeriaa, I hereby gi»e notata to thjir e'a cufltx>mera and frieuifl, | that they h'lTe ^ppoinied Joha b. 8tarr anal John W | WilUama, of thie plaee, their attoraeys to collast either | separately ar eonjoiatiy all moneys due them aithar by | aasoaat «r aota, and otharwlaa to atiaad to their ba- | sineea generally daring their abaenae. They respect- ' fally aak all peraaaa indebted ta them ta oall aa prompt- j as poesibla on their afceais aad make payment. ! STAKIt & WLLLIAUS. s-pt. l«. isei. »«-tf Utate «t .Ifortli Carvliita. ROBESON COUNTY. I AM prepared to manufictiir# all kinds of Wagon 1. Harness for Array use. 1 tan my Inaiher and can . # .w » . d i ■- j _ . ^ ^ _ gite good barzaip.. Agenta will do well lo Fend their i tjsarterm wier at R^leign, la order to Oourt of Pia« and Quarter Spaiion*, Not. Tar«, 186* ^eil to me ^ tn y aball br.ve rro^apt attemion. and | ^ ““qkO^V^'wiTlIAMS** Co‘'*" 0^ i'ayetMTilifl, Jana *ii>, 186-S. 41tf •eut off in quick dispatch. JOHN CAHTKR GcklbtoD P. 0., Chatham Co., X. C., | Jua** J3, J8»2. f to raTiiioa, uider icstruotionK frum the BureaM of Con ssriptioa; aad if found to be i>npr«p»r er unauthorised by law. will he reroked By order. 8 roOPEB, Adjutaat aad laap-etor Geoaral. C0i#EUIB4TK STATES 01 AMERICA,* ) EnaivcKR bBPAaTnasT, DmT. Capb IiaAa. I I ^ Wilmingtoit, N. 0 , Ikarch l#th, 186t, ) I ^^OTICS ii barely RiTea to all paraeaa haTia; elaiiaa j xl againflt tha Engineer Department, for serTisec of I eATes eaployod aa laborers on the land deftntu near : WiltaingtoQ. *1 C , that tha und»rsi/nrrl i« authorised : ar.d prepared t>« pay tha same al hia «lSc«, on tb« ae- ; oiad flsior of the buildiar n-’xt aboTs Mearee’ Dru* i S'.^'re, M.-irkat tftrewi. I tsr P»reon« exeouting Power* of Attoraey will ob I e»r*e th^ followia^ form—tl>eir signatures, in all paiaa, I la b« witne9'(*>i by two wlinesset and si^fnad In dunii- ! ca*-B, or «h'*y n»*y be witnease I before a Juaifee of tha I Pvnce or Cl»rk of >.ny Co irt ! FORM OF fK)WER OF ^TfORXEY. j I, of . do hereby appoint , of , my j true i»hd lawful .A^ent lo aiga re''eip?a for, and r?ceiT« parmant of ■il’i mon-ye due tn by ’he Eagiae>>r Da- ; AUGUST... SEPTEMBER.. 0C1X3BER NOVEMBER. DECEMBER.. — 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 OT 28 29 , 1 2 3 4 k 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -6 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 ’ .S 4 5 6 - •? i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 «?;> 24 25 26 27 28 29 3!,‘ 1 2 3 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 12 Vi 11 15 10 17- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 2S 2V» 30 31 1 2 o o 4 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 ^1 22 23 24 2.) 26 27 28 29 30 • 1 • > 3 4 0 6 PT 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1(1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ‘ 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 « 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ‘^8 29 30 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 • 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 81 «>et lo. 2o 5-. Coal iTliuc. !SOO lb«. M(im Arabic lor «Jlle by j the undersigned were, at tha NoTaaber Term af tha J. R. LEE. 1 1 Confe'ierata Court, Diatrict of North Caroiiaa, ap- putnied .Managers of the Egypt Coal .Wine property, and aava entered lata eopartnerehip for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, aad solicit orders for the satse ; ia any deaired quantity. Orders for any amount e.>a be supplied on short uoiioe. The Coal from this pro* j ptr;./ tifldoubleui/ the best lu the ConicJerate 8tau>s. i A}>pJi?auons laay be iLado to vjb!»a B Mallett^ Fayatta- j Titlfl, N. or Jan;«e Browne, Cnarif&ton, 8. C CH.iULEa B. AJALLETI | JAMtS BKOWNE. | F*ky-ttieT'lle, J>^n’y 20. I.Ht;;’. 96tf | read aloud in 3p»u C >U'’ the following lauds whitih ha propo^ae to sell for (he Taxaa dt!e thereaa for tha | parimnat of tha Conf d«rat4 States of Ameriaa. for tha year 18®2: | i«r»ices ef »ay alaTfs ♦wployad »« lii'orers on tka Uad 85 aaraa listed by F. C Watson, Gum Swamp, tax SI 28; | defences at during the won'h of , 186 ' WitD*ss »y hana and seal at , tne day af ^ SAC'KS ^or !• de t>f !s.i8/r i: P.O^, ’RT Mf"; 68if :UP.LL grA-lee, 1 on V'lKGlMA i >B CO, »ari for fesle on ctinsi^nmeiji, t;-.' t]!M W XVJLLTAM.-? i CO May 23. »lif $60 acrea lilted by James R Ashley, Hog Swamp, & IS; 100 a«re^ listed by R«barsoa Singl -t^ry. Eliztbeih road, 2 S‘i; 85 acres lis’^d by John Grahara. Geotj^e’a \Iarsb, 83 ots (From tht* Jdiau ^c ) 8»-t4MF] JNO. A. KOWLANI), Clerk. After tiii« date I will pay 12J Cenia per pound fcr rags, or the hig.Seat market price, doUvere-l ia Fa>ettaT!ll», er at ray mills •>!! Rosknih. :> MUKP^Y 2001'- LiuS. '.•! ae-.»y .ibif 'or U- ■li »» -..-t 8 »LE LKATlff H, .V f*alitia C'iiristi Sleaiis«. ^I'HK !uK"«nhcr will pay the hitbcat cash prices for I »5y qus. 1! ".V '4 it f-. 'Pin I '■ 5y quictiry of Patsoa CnnsirliennB. J. k Via* WA.lfTED, ^ M.AN to take cha-ge of a Ciri^az Ksov in WORTH ton F ifliory. lo Mol) & flon. n-p’r ft 1K«3 a C‘)t- Apply at this 03ioe, by note addressed 18« (Signed in duplift-ita.) Witaesses, [Seal] Tha signatuiea of a>*lor'‘d persons abonld be witnaMrd hy three wimefis^a Th«r* must be a»p*rata dnplicats Powe^a of Attorney for aach month Cl.uik’f»rTns can be bni upon appli- Cttion at tnia vfiioe. ^ W. II JAMES, Capt. & Chief Eng. J.an’y 20,1884 l.W^tf I >' n I i 10:8 % .i I til-. U. A" f M ,.( a • *:iCr- is ijt^re 'y g- H ( 1. b •u u ih^it li Valu’bi^‘ Land i'l Y T.r u.* '»f -u !j »-''r ,r u.* '»f *ie*t I'U ■ IN fiaritcd fdr Saif* • .1. a 7 I ti W' ‘i 1 Wi 1 W! i| ■U . r . "L’l-., tij -.1 -/I :i (j * ji' liTeii (>r vio'H t J u.id I a r. a I'nts JTOTtCE. . I WILL LK-VTE &'’ecus'»ur»u«ti '»n tVe 8’h of Febra »ry nex', HU!s*» -roneli ih- 9iii nrd 3 .Idsboran^h the I'H*', (nr tV-» ‘irrpy «f N.'^I^■^n V^irjtmja A'l persons 'i .* ri!i- -f- b'X •«. wi i huTe t len. re-Jy ' ■' J ^ “ Town of Grttcs ••■ro’ ^1 -«yle II -n i ; .. , iii.d 52 i.'crtifioaii**; »JoB;edt4-!iti* ? sud t5 p»T flfttt. lionds; Cotjpor.j or $lo,000 UlK) lj..a; of T'i'.*n ■i.e l CcMfty Bonde;’ “ of cl ! K'Jttt- r. rol'pa BonJ*: 1. S. LLiTTFRLOH. Get. 1803. 711. Spm €okon Kxchaaged for i.ard. w fit ysVt: i£i»f Spun t^otioM in pi»ri payuient for LARD d-.ritr*.r J V. mv Factory ou Fetsip A. McLAUrHLLN f>AK£> k>S: Factwy. y..'ry fine artic*i‘ for «-»le at my A. .McLAl'CilLlN mj Fftptory. F^^>*t’e>iii.- K ^ 5'- ill,' .S^>iP.—F>r h-ila at A McLAU ’HLIN '■G--. *j j (5:ai)d CKUNANCtC UKPAlilHil.'IT^ i ixf LS -.Oll iN. :,l.y a, l8tia> / EAD WANTED.—I w;w o , u-, Le-i-l for thiH li D«p:.r-i: 0 .t Fer^oni' h- viuj '■ -it vr :Oiali quaii- t!t eJ «!li »T ^‘J ■ vViii giT.- 1 j.our.«i j1 rjWDKK f:,r 10 poui:^ of LflAD THOM D HOGO, Cj'j't C. 3.^ In ii'uiff. ot Ordu.toc». A«ibisic2ii!ralf»r^si ''plIK hubsi.1 u'.-;r lUTiutt fii Dt;ceni^a> ■ •-•! m. «t i the Couijiy Court of tUirut>pr'ai:’l. qi.s lifiel isi Ad- i rt-:i ■ i-: V.- I.il.y r-,-crii‘u> to t« u'liubfcr of IdO ?ton e>nscri/fti '"'ill »« r«** C3iV(_d (or this servico. E*ob reurutt will bo rcquirri to furuisa a aerTiceable har»e. for wnioh tie will tje al- I'vwpd 40 ovnte per diem, aud his puy W'2 per montb. W^rtU^n fermunon will be required from parents or fuardai>ri, where tha applicant is aader tho ooasorlpt age. Eacii recruit muft bring with hioi a blanket or b«d spre^^d, amt O'jrae prepared to remain saddles. halt»rs and sa'Jile blankets fnmish- rd by t:>e G .‘vernmifni, or if the r»cr^it c jraei proviiied with be >ri.l hs paid for them a fair ^aiu^itfcn. Apply to .M.ATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at ti o Ar- stnal F. L. CHILDS, «0:f) _ M.-jvr-. S A. Conid’g Post. >^oi!tkcrii Itookf*. rsMH!: dUND*T SCHOOL BELL; J. (;.>te.ihi"ri2 if tf-p Wesleya*; /«Ietbni!i«(5; 'I.storipal Scripturr* QuasttO'i? ( r S.>b.K-l3 RU I tha C-vrap; Rchool T«jnuj(«;it#; Tii« First Dixie Rs-^dpr; Thy S'oocw.'vli SoH^ Ttje I'Ptt u Fli'id AJfl‘»din«; ^ T.i' Dixtc L ini 3 j-jg«ter. D->p’r 9 i’i.'V.sT i •1- •! *1 'f.J.^t l-i’d r- « on it..i N>r;H i;i ie of ’>ipe F-i-ir RiT,-r, front ing sn tfce S'tmo f^bjut one r»!le and a q?»Hrier, and ruti- Riuf h>*uk a> le t^t ihVee fourths of « mile. Tbia I«»i in with a a mile uf Lillin2t»n^ tbe Couaty Hite, aad in vory ▼uluvbl*, rreecBiing ftdr«atagia ra'vly oflTt.rel in thia c junty. Tbera ia a very Talaabla MILL 8ITE on tb'a land. Any person desirini; to examin*^ tiia premises will apply to Hugh MpL^.an, E«q., or to Gen. A D Ma- Lean, either of whom will tike pleaanrfl ia abowiog them. EFFI» C MoLEAN, Ex’r of H. M. McLBAN. DeVr 22. 18tI3 »5tf I In Equity. J. ’MLR a SOVj? FOR KK;:\T, \l Y F.AHM, known JM ih« Myr io Hill pl»pa. situated Ji. three rcileM North of tawn, ,».4 iSsr Oape Fe>»r R;»er. itiniudiuiT '■'tie lnrg» an 1 eoi''.T *^ ibl- h ui*; and e t!i'"dr-.d ^lly on t*)'* ' .it» 't ’.rfs i:f lia'j^at t^aii>tr.io7 up'H '•'^b K-.' ' li; all perh''iii. r ..ir !• iifvrtut Wit. in ijio iin:.: '-.ti '. •. ji;t fe >;.! oe ;•!» •■i'i lu i,!tr oi 1 ‘ -0 ■M'lr ~K(JCt.it. U> pro-.’; : t; r.'. •OK >f. .1 LH U - .-•fiW !5l '»VP I*- , Uf TME DIILIE ^H>E the Idtthi P^k«. A supply at «rholeaad« I. J. aAjji % Kow. olti—’. Tnr-re i»re c tiArpil I+t il, l^!u/ to r,r. rS . ,v K V t'ifi.i;r irfr.»-7jat'.o« and !sr -'3 t' D la- C'l^M jL-iii' in JA74B3 W .S1P AN03 Ja^i’y 4, i8 4. 04.1 Hilijibara’ 3liiUa'*y icadeaiy* •*pHB K;xv*j ACBiBnilo ye.^r of teO Injt'tutiBa vTiU b»- 1 fin on WednenJay, Fab’y Si. IStJC For circalara and informatioa apply to Ms^j. WM. M. GORDON, Saj’t. Hillakfro’, N. C., N«v. 21,U^-im IVorili Carolina, VV'^AKK County. IN the o-*so of ^‘Mra Jar^Boylan, Jobn H Fioylan and others, arainst Georyn W Murd-cai, Executor uf iVi.'liam Bey!«a, ^cUon B S^rah Bovian and o:h»'t».” filed (0 flprio^ T«r#i, A D 1864, ot tba Coa t ni Eqait? for thi» Ccuuty of W tka ani .it *te of Nc^to Carol u^. f >r t;;e pu^'p-is^ of tak:::g nn aPO'.mitl and pay ing tr Ip? A-3 N - : c« ijcrp'oy pi»’ i to ^'>-':dpn 15 B''y’va, fi vvi' Part or, Kitr Wel'JoTj lianr.H’i Boyl;.n n.nd E *« Wnbjor, lA c«nn forward a' tb.- n^xt Teiin of ib'S Cou'i, Hii.l vie iJ. .ir d ;rnar fs fi ,id Si:!, ur it w 1! ri® tHK-n pro fljufe-’B’). aad i»«trl ex p-irtf> \ft to t^fna Done at Oili'';- iri t;e Oiij 5‘ R Ufijr*!, lhi« the 8th d^- of J«n'iary, D 1*';4. 97-6^1 K. G. LEWIS, C. M E F4»u".lfOKrV 'jlRK «c^“3r!b T f*'r7 r ■t'pi^c'fuljy nfo’tna frl«Bla pinpio •n *pj ■ ->fiTp ’5 iir p. .1 •r. >!■.;* r» ..■ • > • >. I t r . . W ’L Ki; lil > Ml D'O^r V tvv.. n-x v \ln fct 98 Jhd lU. Further isjapplie^ «f ochoal Books QUR OWN SPEULlNQ BOJK; Onr own First Reader; “ *• Primary Arilbwetie; “ “ “ Gramraar; “ Elementary Grammar; “ “ Primer; Bi:>;{has’x Latin Grammar; • Jnsi rpoeiysd. B J, HALE, ft SONS. Jan’y 21. FayetteTllIe Arsrnal and Armf»rj, \ J»niiarv 18, 1804. j f'iiarcoal Wanted. FROP03AL3 will ba rec'^W-*'? ua':l tbe l.Sth Jay of Fe- mary next, for the aelivs-ry of C}I.AR'’().\L at tcia Areeaal and Armory, at t>»^ r.at.e of l-ity"* Pashels o*r ci'^th Addrt'RS 99-C.tl I.t, Cfll F L CHfCbs. t>tnd’e 0!3car. «ioFCi4 aaifl Wanted. IDE -I-.K Vi jiu-f ':.»e Inr liii' au'di'rs IO,0M.) p-iirs of t^t ■sf s ..'>4 10 000 pi\rK of S ,’*s i).>'T’ip'5 f*i!l o«s ihv.ka.llyreo-1'’.. t EDn’AHD WARREN. • ejurg.ioa Gf-n N. 0. .Jai'j- ll 9 * 3^9 Western Rail Road Office,) Fayettevillk, Jan’y 80, 1864. ) Anew T.ARIFF of freight win go into operation on .Monday Ist Feb’y, wniun will bs furnishad to ahtppars as ao«n »s.printed. JOHN M. ROSE. 2-2w] Tfcas’r and Gen’l Transp Agent 0 We-tern Rail Road Office,) Fayetteville.. Jan’y 30, 18t54. j N and after Monday lat Feb’y, toe follcwiag rates of Paasenger Far« will be charged, viz: aaooHD CLaaa. $1 50 To Littls Rirer (I 00 2 60 “ Spout Spring 1 76 8 f>0 “ Swann's 2 60 4 00 •• Joaeaboro’ 8 00 5 00 “ Egypt 8 50 .•NO. M ROSE, Sec’y and Treaa’r W R R Co. riBST 0I.AS8. To Little KiTer Spout Spring “ Rwann’a “ Joneabore' “ EiSJPt By ordar 2 2w FayettOTllle Arseaal and Armory, i Jamdabt .HO. i8* 4. J Musket and'Rifle Stocks Wanted. PROPOSALS will be received nntil the 15ih day of February next or ‘he dtlivery of 60,000 Walnm Mu ket and Rifle Stocks at this Arsenal and Armory.^ Speci fications will te furnished on application to 2 4t Lt. Col. F. L CHILDS. Comdg OScer. 0 •f fcccr KtiV i» J-' on ;p 1,. f!;. v;rs.» i-)r .▼■>.» t?!.*** vf. an 1 G «i -at w t iLiTivii. -r. S it* pr» purtd 'iiiHK >• bis l.n >K ih-i »> ; . T-. .■.-I- .t „ T-1-; . . tlsir t«f> N. t'} ■ c'l 'inl. D j i'ita J -VL'tk. r vlv'.P.I,---,, Jt-.;virtj ti ai WPT't, ^al' r, A~> k\ M A. BAFER. •f «!’y 1^, 18^4. 97tf Jm*7 as, 1894 nOTlCK. ICKC A. A IHAVfi half dozen good HICEORT BUGGJE3 t« trada for provisioM. McKETHaA. lS00>84id Boxes, &€., for ttii? Ariu^^ i i'’‘ILL s ti ! % j*p c’».l uif'fcj-'. ta tlie Armv of j ^iarthern Vit'gniia ort t-tie firj: »y '>t’ ev^ry nijutb. i All b'’>x-«, pteiiA^.'s. Sto wil- t'« *orw.iriJed from my j eifi.y? fro-or chars.. tDWARD «'ARREN‘ biirg’oa G ‘uaraj, S. C. j R.alp;fh. J n'y l_5, l^fl4 9** 3m | ft-'lArvrst ; rlLOlHv ,m (!,\T 1 » i o:'^ tor Cora at the ■ r 6--r- -)j l» by igivi’ai'J* a ftw d%y8 1 *.i....i3«. {■'icur prood, OiitB So 1. oia^Ji or white. I J»n’y23. 2 tf OiL ASD LA>iP BL.iOK. ANKERS’ ami LCBRiCATINQ OLL. T mniti JOB, IL BLOSSOM ft Oa, WUmirngtim, H. 0. t-tf OLIH Hl«iU $iCHOOL, . IllElfELL. COUNTY. ^pni8 lasijtution wdl be re- pened en WednesJay tha 1. 24.b of Ff b'y 18 '4 T.T^rt* will be two ^-partm nts »laio > nl Fe»iiase, wuioh w 11 b-* kept dieting?! and ^epa r-itf T'le 1 pafiouii » r» neaitbful ai.d quite-i>i«( Ut« tVvin 'avasiou Ta» uudHrM^nad, w*«o will he d hy ?ait^.blc .-losisiantrf, »ill gixf lji ti'iiivided aiti'nii lU to tue »ct)uol Tuiiion p r session t'rou $40 to $60. Mu sio on Fiano $4o. Board per m'^nth $60. Payments in aivanca, part in ourrency and part ia provisions :^tndeut* arriving at Statesville oa the 23d, 24th and 2^th of Fnb’y, will fi%d eonveyaoee to Oiin. For fUr taar iatarmation address tha nnderairned ^ 8 ^ILTOK FROST. Jan’y 27. 1-fl'pd K17..V TMME hLoCK^dIe, WM. Mi€ l?iT¥RE Haa reueivad, NE case, 29 incb, 900 ydn all Wool White FIann«l, One easa ISOO yds. Midler C*lico; 85 doz' Fiue 3 Blaled Kaiv-s; 250 Gross Eiftsiia i^taal Knitiiag Needl«s. F«^’y 1. ’’WAXTEO,’ The advertiser, ft geutlemaa abovj tbe conscript aye, wia'.eB to boirow from tijr^e to five t jotniind DolUrs tor »w Ive or citrhlern inoniho For ihe roi ijmeiii of wl'icb a I’en op. P*rs''a'\l or R»^l Kst *te vntt bi g’V*n. ,A-idr«is “IJiDEX ’ av«d leave at th« otHee. Fayetteville, Feb'y 1. 2-2t fm J. JoaJ5so!», jr7&Td;^,~ (leneral Comrateion & Forwardm" .\Iercliants, iS J%orth 9§\iier Street, WILMINGTON, N. 0. Prompt atter.tioB givifn to all basinf«9 !*'tru8ied to oar hConai-am*r" • ‘•'■ic: ‘'‘- T. J JOHNSON. Jr., A. OR *:BH0W8PY, •of Fiy.,*tevilK N C. tf P tpr;^urk, V». Jiu’y 8. 9C SjifJd Phf»iciaM’« Card, Dr', A. CAMPBELL (late of M.ariun, S. C.,) haa raoioved to Fayetteville and taken an o£oe aa Bow StreM, where he laay fc# foand at all timea, wits aa ample etcck of Madieiaes, to aaawer Profaaaional calls. Saiiafootorj referaaoe foraished, fto. Jam'j 2, 18d4 - M-8mpd • Blank W%mntmtc( Tot at thi« . Darint/ of Con/ed«rate Ov.^'\Uai>—A yankee correspondent bays: Speaking of New Haltiiuore, I feel impelletl to relate one ol the boldrst guerilla adventures of the war. Tbe second brigade of regular artillery was encanipcd at that pltice, and one* night re ceived orderts to tnarch to NVarrenton, fi-ur miles distant. Tho ni^ht was clear and plt>a.sanf, the oio .n shining brij^htly, and evcrythinf^ apparently auspicious lor a pleasanl march. Th« batu-ries and their cutnuianders were in the advance, and the quartern a.'stPTs brought up the rear. With so strjri{» and formidable a coliiiuii, no danger was appreheiidcd. When they were abou*- two miles from tfacir old camp, they were met by a Ptjuad of cavalry, all reinarkably well uiounttd The cavalry pursued their way until they bad pa^.'Cd tho batteries, neither column taking purticular riotiee of the otncr—it is'ttlwa^s the case when our troops are marouin*r. As they neared the train, one o: the teamsters, a white man, a^ked: “To whut cavalry do you belong/’^ “Kightcentli Penniiylvania,” was the reply, the cavalry still inarching on, iiud cast ing '?harp glances at tho quartermaster’s wagon. 'I’he n(>.xt ({uVf>tioa cr.mc Irom the ^'Eighteenth Pen,isylvania.” vVhat rrjin i«t thi??” “juartern;a.?tv r S •* W'ho 'Ot iiiiu.ids thi.s hri'.rade?" t.iin Gr.thuiii.’’ “‘'vViiere is {?:“7itaiii Gr.iliun ‘‘.\t tLe hr. •) 1*1 ilie t-'hin'n.” hero i.-i (^'i.-ir^crrj;i»!er H ?” “Ilcro/’ shoi.'tcd the unlucky Qnrtrtermaster. In an instant one ot the “IVnnpylvaniana’- wa.s by his a ;)i^to! was clapped to liis head with the ir.juTiction; “Siy one word, and Fll biow y ■'-braiiis out." The train was ;i:i tli!s rime iri ui«>ti( n. Some of.th- m rode up to th ’ b:*tt; ry pa^«n \ and or dered thorn to “fh.sc up,” which they iinincdiate- Iv did, while those behind to jk care oi t-o forage tpanif?. Thp train was now liividod, tho negro team: tcrs v^eri- forr* d to unhitcii th ir teams. Ihis d"nc, they wore n xt fi.rctd t> drive the mnltrS into the wo^xls, ai'd fhet*ee into the by roads. The t'U- rilias thu.*^ oaptuied at tnce about one bundled and thirty mtilcR, twenty ne groes, on^ Qaarleraiasrer ard his clerk, atid one orderly sergeant. When those at the head of the column were apprised of what had occured, they pursued the ‘*Eighteenth Pennsylvania Davalry,” but the chase was fruitless, the gueril las had disappeared, and with them their booty. /I Bib^f, Destroyed.—(jcn. Gilmore, with one of his shells.(which, with the characteristic im- dle'of a child, the bed of a patient, or in the hos pital filled with yankeo prisoners, or perhaps oa the table where one of his traitorous correspon dents is writing him a letter), has destroyed one enemy in addition to our last reports ot ^casualties. Oue of hia shells, on* Monday, entered one »f our smallcT churches (not one of otir older and more prominent churches, which have notoriuu«ly been used by their spires for targets,) an^ nearly destroyed and obliterated a copy of a book once held in some esteem by the “settlers” in New England and New York. He has diminished our stock of Bibles by virtually destroying one copy. Let the scattered and torn fragments and pieces of this shattered Bible be kept, and let some jf them be seat to the British and Foreign Bible Society, the American Bible Society, and other institutions of the sort, as a memorial of yankee warfare.— ('harleston Courier. Bxyiay Cotton in lexas.—A letter from Tezaiii says: General Kirby Smith has organized a cotton bureau. It the design of the board to purchase for the Government one-halt of all the cotton ia the State, giving certificates of exemption from impressment for the otncr half Thpy propose to p:iy for it in bonds, the interest of wbich, at a fair per coot, Will be paid in specie, provided-they can secure an act of Cong* ess for the purpose. Cottou is now worth here 45 to 55 cents per pound. This board expects to I ay f’om 12 to 15 centa, and it is believed that one-halt ot the cotton will be cheerfully sold to them at that price. Tttcy will export the c/ttoa eituer through the block ade, or to Mexico, and in return secure ample supplies for the department. Distance M->kes n Difference.—We learn from a gen Icmin (iircct Irotu Bermuda, that yankee greenbacks were sciiing at thit-^ l.ice for sixty two and a half ceui-S un the dollar, and (Jonfederate greybaoks at cievtnty coiit> the l\tt-r being s»eveu itnd a ha t' 0‘..*ijt.s m Jro v liu iblf i*i t'le osrituHfion ot the Beruradutis than the ‘‘promtsos to pay” of the Liocolu Guverumeut. The Situation in Europe.—Tho London Index thus pictures thd ^‘i^ituat'on” ia Europe at the present moment: At this time every mctnber ot the European family stands aruaod to the teeth, atid each f jr the last lew years has speat a gre iter proportion ot Itfi resources than at any proviou-.epoch in pre paring i^*r de^diy si riia agiiast the others, fo 111 -ct iti.fainily coufieii at su'jh a time could ut worst {irccipic itc by a very 'jri.;t peri id .vhat ruusf iiievit-ibly .e.tiijj othcrwij-; it i^* far mure likely tUut ic wtjuid ;;v..rt dmger. Fcun.i"'’ €oiii-it—As th^yii;:keo ariuy is h:n^ white titid ha!i l«rick, it cim : be denied tha^ they, at ioa^t, go ou- uf a lijU - .viiu a.l their co* iors flylnij. Mr. A 11 .v'-rd \) v i oi e a • y, Jti.sed fi‘ y- •wo h pi !:iis ar rig u,-, t :ui; Ir- ! ^ind twen- ■ j fifei ' un )i*f« c;i AU nicDi i.'s hsi’u ;if; lef •* mouthB j--)id. Taia beti'i vur ti-icnd, M. j L* .n^ C'hii'ioile, Democrat. I The CciH’ier d» Ninths stii-ii ih»t HOJ French m?r> ; '^han' T?«seij w^r- wr. cs''d duriuy the tira fifteen days ! of Njveinber Ust. »f tt-?«'^ 2 ■> oirried m'.*iis Of thia i IIGO SjI's w-'»-ck. 'l, SlH wero .ul»;iy l^gt, crawa saved; e: i7 t 0 crewb • sii i-ai i ■'4'lie l’ai’*aie**»’a«nl i a».*r.ac for 18„-k. a lei? jroci i-i^re jUii 1 Jivn’y 21. £. J. It-iL;'; .V Hawks’s ili'tor.y of Norfli t'aroiiaa bicdiT adddi. jAtt’j 18«4

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