metatasemmk The ri»nledrr«fe Tai 8kc. 1. That there shnll be levied and col.ected n|»on the ralue of «I1 naval stores, HiJt, WIII68 an3 gpintoiis liqnors. tobacco manntkctnred or nnmanufiictnred,’ ootton, worily floor, linear, molawes, Bvrup, rice and other agrictrifuraJ proiiict8,*4jeld or owned wx the firtt day of July next, and not neceo- sary for family consnmption for the nnex- piri^ portion of the year 1863, and of tb? growth or production of any year precediHjr howerer. That any mechanic, who AbaU seM onlv the' producia ot the labor himself and hia-own family, shall be •xetnpt from tbit* tax. VI. Wbolesale dealers ahrH pav two hmar dred (iollans aud two and a half een tnm on tfce gross amonnt of all isrtles wade. Every person, whf>«« hnsinesa or oc«ipA?on it L* tft sell or offer to soil srroeGn>8, or any wnre.* or m«*rf*b'inVize. of f«’’«i^ or doiuesti*'prod'nr*tion, l>v c,ne or tnor* orij:^- tlie vear I a tax of 8 per rent.; nnd on m1‘ nil 'r pier^ at one time to’ ti»« b»tik ri.>te« or >tb«‘r rnrrercv >n sji^ne’»’.5r'-bHS>jr, not ineln}inr win««, spirit- It shall Iw dweuuMl hs a hand or depopif on fho dav of .Inl •next, and *n tlie vjibit- »>t‘ all cret'ii’^s on vliir the inti>rt‘?t lia- not been »r cwm by aiy perfiun. civpAi tiiprshi]) .h' e-u jt«i! (yi the l^t t'.iv •' t-I ul V iit-xr, hm ’ i(»t in a bnt^iiu'S!?, tI\o inct»n‘!c.d r’’' -.’'1 t'd -n 'Vh- 18 taxcii. n-(itT lh«i pr-ot fliis i- ‘iiere pliall >* •I’.Tt:.*! * -v 5nc p**r '•.♦!»{.; Tb:t»- nli :■ -ri** ovT’ietl. !«>! I, >r '''Vii;.! ! hi i>t‘tile ■•'n’'‘' i‘ a fl U !'-* 'ii' ut r'i t r.itP .-1 '».■ M ' I • ' •' ' UVHtf 'I’l • II If ,1 i ! “i ) •' ■ .it*.'- ■ of. ' . • :ii>; 1 ;is «*o.I: ..■ ■cafUM ;i ni:U' ■ * iiiul Im- .i!., ore-i oirriir Uthiv or iifr oo. ii tl!Oi »’;irt**r ».- >»tav I '*n or u:i • ,M) p fi, i 11. i%. .•■'■I H. ] , ‘ .ri ( T • J ‘".■I V.' . • (■ . ;J S :>r ■ i :l!'- :y IVM' ■1-. i. ■ - . c>. .. |> V : •!'■! ‘ j alO:. I>;t it t >1-1 r t’\ . I a.),, or .•(. ■ jir;»rNi‘.ibl(' ; ructuri's si-.irifoiisi eno i a nn'i '.r n prnlf*f tbi.-i HCt; bnt, hfiviiiir ;is •» dealer. an-ii •^fll « rvtaiU'r, >rn!.:-o;t^'iv ^'i 1! ohv f\v'» !ni*!«ry(l Cv.'T'- n« ;-'o’i. wii «sc* bHpin('j>s or J- i« t'l *■;» ’ of -n’lHMV'>v 'vav ! ••• o\rli:.•n >* '■'■'V li;',., ;,uv kni'l 'it por ’i.Hfi v'*.'r. !or rite !vp;i\Mienf ]' . • > u“’.t. tht*f('on, bt' ji-iv rvr.> hun ircil ! rw. i- pvT conri' ?i i>n fii* n ssii . L.VM’Y per ht,.vvlr! 'l^Rtii^ or nviiin liij'i 'f> !'•>!■ tijilo. kIihH Pruviik'il, XTX. Bntoh^sr* *nd Bakers shaR^y tlie »nm of fifty dollar*, and one per centum on the jifr«i6a amonnt of sales made. Any per- e«.m'wh^)tM busiitesa it is to boiteher aad tell, or offer fft* uale hi ope» Marliwt or otherwlB». the fleso of cattle, bo^. «r abi»p, ahall be deemed a butcher ander this aal^ and any person whose basiee>4^ it U to bake aad aell, or otfer for sale, bread, ahall be deemed a balcer under tliia aet. XX. Pe*1dle«s sdwll pay ftftv doilani and two and a b^lf ^>er cent on the ji^oes ^1e« Any person. v*xc»pt f>ereoB«ensfi^^etlin |ted- dlins^ »xclusfvt*lv periodicals, bo«>k8,' new*- pa!»er!» pnbli^htfd in tii« Confederate StHt^n. HiUleti. or rt'liifionft tracts, who sells >r ofi^rs to noil at rt'fa-iU-Voods, wares, .-‘r other com- nioiivit*s. tr,‘»v?lins with his t'rxxis frotn place to mIhcg ib tlie street, nr through ditferent .ftl4e coiinrrv, fthall he «toe»neda |>ed- l!er nndiT this u'V: Provided: That auv pe )- iilt’.r wiio xflls, »rulKM'S to st^lLdrii ijhmhU, for eiiTH or do!rn>-:ti«. by *ne or more ori^intil p'weH or p:ickiiirt'-H a* >ne tirno, and t.r the s’.i i>«> p*Tv.jT> or persons as atoriMuid, nhal! '‘n,- liUTKireil d.illnni, and two and a ill* * i;i!t‘per c^*nr on flu* gmsu sHlee: and any juMw .ii who peddlee jewelry Bball pay ftfi v 'i »i!ars. .nnd tw* and a half per eentutn on tin* aaleH. The tax upon peddlefs sh>»ll i>e*deemed a tax njK*n the pe.r8»nal 2. Kvi‘1 V pi r.''>ii t*ni:K:;v.a 'ir inlt^ii.ll engage in any busi!iL‘?s n;uiuv1 in siie tii'tr; I howevei, Tiiat d'-«nlicrr> »f’ fVuit, tor ninHty | priviit-jje, to be* j.>iiid by each indivitfnal wj iectiun ot tbis acrt, shaU. within sixt'- day? : day-i or ]»»*s. ^;iv si\fy rr»lhii‘s. and also i/ra^ed in tht* bnsiuess, witliout regard'to alter tlie passage ot thiis .‘’ct, or at the tinu tif'ty conti* per gallon on tlie fu'^t ton ijalions. | j'4ace at wliich tlie same is condnetel of be^inniiifi: business^, and on tiie first duT and two doFhu s per i;>ii!on >*> all spirit-»^ tlis j XXf. Apf»tl»?carie»i shall pay fifty dollars, of January in each year thereafter, n-^istet til’t'd beyond that ([uanrit}-. j {vml two anti a half j>er centum onthegros** with the »i!t>tricf C(»ll«H’tor, in snob form a i IX. l^iewers shali p-.iv one tuin.ired d >]-j aniovuit of ealya made. Every person who the Ci'niniitsfiiouer ot taxes eiuUl presrrilif. !;ir«, .nni! t\ro and a ti'ilt’j>er eenrum •>!! the ! keeps a shop or bnildinjj where medicines a true account of the name and residence oi i j^rot^e amount ■ Jail sai**s made, it very pec i are com pounded or prepared according to Clerks actnaljy paid, and the rent of imiblings each \*erson. firm, or corporation eng^jjed j son who niatmractnres fennenletl li(ju>»rs ot j prescriptions of pbvMciaus. and sold,, sball ' »i.«. k..o..f or intert^ted in the bu*^ines, with a rftate j lyiv n/\nie oh ilescriptihn for sale from malt, j l>e reffardel as an a{*oThecary under this act. ment of the time f"r which, and the jrlaee : 'vho!1\ or in pari. sh:ill'ne deemed a Tn-ewei ( • XXII, Photiigraphers shall |*ay thre sum and inannet in which tiie *»Htiie is to be con i iindcr this Act. 1 *vf fifty d-.Uars, and two and a half per cen ducted; a>nl *t‘all other fiicts ^tfoiiitj to as ! X. ‘‘Ilofels. iru, taverns and eatfujf hou-j rum on tliegf'oKSaniountofsales made. froiM koqeat ahaM be aabf««t to » ded»«W» not exceeding five pet eentua ftwr annaal repairs. • IL- If «ba be MTed ftom mj or vidtiur bBsteeaa, there sball be dedaetod froai tb* fffom ralae ^ the ]W^8et» of Ae yew". firat, rtie rent af the establighment and If acto^lly rented and not «»wned by the perao« proae- euting the bnsinesft; Weond, the eoat of th^ labor actnAlly bired and paid for; third, the actoal e'Bt of the raw anaterial par^ased and mauufaetared. III. If the ineome be dertved froM eevi ^ting enfnri>rijie8, there shall be dedacted frotw the gross etti%injwf*, TiicTijding the valna of freif hts on gM»ds #hipj>ed by the person rnnninir tha vessel, the hire of the boat •»r vessel, if not owned by the person fanning the-s^nne, or if owne'i,bv him n reai«onable ;iff »w'a'»rf* tur tlvj wear and tear of tije*ame. !K>t Qxw^iug t«u per cehtnro p»ar auniuii, Htid Ttlsr* tlie >wt uf running the boat or vessel. IV. If trljc inco«ie b© derived ^>y the tax j»Ayer from boat x ship building, there shall be deducted from the gros* recerpts • •f hie occupation, inclu‘Iing the valneof the ship wheTi finished, if built for himself, the cost of the^al)'or actually hired and paid by himself, and the prime «»*it ef the materials, if purchased by him. V. If the income be derived by tha ta:f paver from tiie sale of merchandise or any >ther pn.i^eriy, real or persona^, there shall be deducted "from the gro^^^mount of sales, tlie prime ro«t of the proj>erty sold, includ ing the co^t of transportation, salaries of Any certain the annnuit of tux upon such bu>i : ^h:di be clus.->‘ii*ii anii rated acconling , ^,t*rson or persons wlu) make for sale photo iiraphs, ambrotypo.8. da^uerrtioty|>e» or pic tures '*n glikds, metal, papyr, or other mate rial, by.tlu) action of light, shall lie regarded a photographer under this act. - XXlil. Lawyers actually eopiged in such other tax asi ^uiiy be due upon" Scales or : eases where the iicin;il Or estiinated rent practice shall }>av fifty dollars, hvery f>er receipts iu euch business, at the ti-no of ^ha!l anio;ini fo oi, the\ i^lial! son wlior«o busi!*e8s it is. for fee or reward, t ith registrv, as hevejii pnoided; and ftie I constitute the tir.'l cl.-ssi. and p:.v an annua! to pr*«5ecnte‘gr defrnd eausee in any court ~nm >f in cr.s-.fS witi-ry s.iid rout t'h.ill jot Kccord of other judicial tritiUHal of th»e 1>*J Riid le-v>i rliHM tlifV ; C^onfVdvrate'Stateti, or of any Stale, giv« uess for tl»y patit or the future, aci'ording to | to the vearly riMiltiJ. or if nit rt iitevl. accord the provisions of this aC*’. At the tiniv# ot , injr r) t|n^ , titiinari-d vaiue i>f the yearly rein such registry, tJic-o pliall be paid to the col j al of the h*>use 'r pr 'j>erfv occupieti or in- lector liie specific tax for the year, ending: tended to be (.iccupied as a liotel.*ii\n, tav on the next thij-ty-tirst ot December, and ; ern 4r eatin^r house, as tolUiw-s. to-wit; In c ns.itnit tlie seen f ri e*. :^i!l ]>,iy an an^ | advice in relation to caneei or iuatt4*rs (.tend nunl t :-uid in.v-r^es wiicre ^ai^i | iiig thi'rein, shall 1)« deemed to b# a lawyer collector siU.Ui a:.ive to tiie ]>ert-'»ti niuking' such ^«'iii^try a copy tlicreof. with ,* re(!uii*t fur the an: »!UU oi tax then paid, 3, Aiiv ]u■r^^>n luillniT to uuiko the reiris try, and fu pay the ta. rej!iired by the prt^ , itnt shall be ^jid less than $,^,000. i within tiie meaning uf this act. Ceding section, shall, in adibtiun to al! other i ttspy tiluill constifnte the fliird cL*i.->, jtnl pay ; * XXIV. Physicians, surgeons and dentists taxes upon* iiits buejiness intpf*«ed by this | un annual ewm of in cases whero'said , aetually enga^jed in practice •hall paj fifty act, pay double the amount of the specidc j rent shall be $1,0(>0, aful less than $2,500. i dollars. Kv«ry j>er»on •wh*>«e bnsineM it it, tax on sueh busine«*s, aiid a like fum l^-r j they sliall coiictitufe the futirlh c!d.'«, and j for fee or reward, to prescribe remedies or •very thirty days of such failure. j pay an annual snnx, »f and in case>= i j>erform surgical operations for the cure of 4. Except A^rliere herein otherwise 4*ru-i ^ here said rent shall be less than I any Ixnlily disease or ailing, shall be d«em- vided, there shall ^ a separate registry j they shall coustitute the fifth class, and pav €ti a physician, snrgeon or drntist within and tax tor each business mentioned in the ; an annual su;n of 1^30. Evrry pi!u?« where the meanij>g of this act, .as the case may be: firth section ut this acf, and tor each placnri f.,M.»d and lodgings, or lodgings only, are pro- and the provisions of* parj^raph nnmber regar additional tax, but ihe.-e phail bo a hc a registry in the name ot the perstm auVior ized by law to cuntiuue the biiisiinjf^^, 5, Thai upon each tradt*. business or oc- ' Xlll, 0 oMimerci&l br. k«rs»r coinrn’ssioi! merchants sha’l p.“.'- two liundred dollar^, ik'id two atnl a pe*’ centum upou aM U'.adu., Any pert'on i.»- lirm, excep* o!ie f‘.*gisrere'! a- ik wK If-ale dc*al»*r or •ank iti er otMer?. ‘u trdeiti * •n.tfre;. p}v:;r'- in;,- I .- iJOSC J. .f-r-f')!- ;-j -r ) i.: It 16, -I- lilt agont >f‘ -r c-;r or seek ■r or I..ibr-'kcri C ' i *.iL’:lC'i hv (I** . . „ . patients, inetaxup' of conducting a registered business, there i as a h**tel,*inn or t.avern nnler this act.” lawyers, phvsioians, sm’geims and dentists shall be a new registry, but no *addi- , XI. That every ]tl;\cc whenj food or re jshiiiJ Jx? deemed a tax upon the personal tioual tax shall be re«iUired. the fvvbM»‘Tit; oT .tny kind are provided for privilege, to l>e paid by each individual in death ut any i»ersi.>u conducting a bi^sinets j c«5,-»nal visitors and sold for co?isum}*tion , the business, nnd with»iuf rejjard to the place registered and la.\e«1 as herein rejU'.r.d, n ti VrcMi, and ev rv !«>« h..iise in Avhich nt which the same is conducted: provided, upon tlie trHn»tc'r oi lue T'> ht'.*-thv r. •]•.■ n* iiha", .'.x ‘» >a!*'^vrs or more sIihH he That the provisions of this Act shall not ap the businet* b.iali not be tju. jecled to ar.v dc'?!)i-.i a!. c;-.t r g :i^*.sc under tiiis act. j>tv t.> plivsicians and surgeons exclusively XIL Il'-oker^ .-ii dl j>av :w» hufidie.i do] , en^Hijed in the (/onfeilerate service, lars. Any p*-i-5,.>n wh>8e biijiiness it is to XXV'. Confectii>riers sliall pay fifty dol j urohft.-e and sell sJocks. coined m »ney.' lar? and-two and a half p^r centum on the - . . i^RTik notes, or other sei iir'tie^, for them anji»unt of Sitfes. *flvt>rr person who cupation herematter named, the lollowiua f^eiveR or others ^r who deals iu. e.x;hange!- sells at retail confectionary", sweetuieat*, . . i‘«lafii)g to ni.iiiey, ahall be deemed a brt»ker Comets or other c«mfects, in any building, shall be regarded as a eoafectioner uuder this Act. Site. 6. And every pefsim registered and taxed np'/M t.he gross amount of sale* as :4fbre«>aiu, shall l^e rejuire1, on the first day of July, eiijhteen hundred and sixty-threc, to make a li.-'t or return to the assessor of ♦ he di(»t‘n>t of the ^ross amount of such sales afv>re>-aid. t(* wi;; Fnnn the passage of flii.'' A-> t.* t.-ie fhirtjeth dav of June, eighteen biisitif*.-.. 'lundred and si.xty-threo,. inclusive, and at or for rht ri.« end of every three months, or within len . o- vrh,,^. :davH thereafter', after the said first day of .fniv, e'ehtePTi hundred and sixty-three, make a list or return ti> tho assessor of the iistrict oi tlie grows ainoHUt of such sales •n;tde a-* i^fororaid, wit^ tho aaioiint of tax bic*. 'c ** iccriu d, i r sho•■^!d acttJ Ho, t-Jmre o.’. cl iiii ' fi.;-.'.* uMi »-x*d thereto « .i,i • v"i 1!'., •-J OKth "I arti iiii^tion, in ' n r ' ;:>nriort? m;tv he i>r,7scnbed oy the -oo’-.r,' . ji !• o," IVxMK, f+iat ttie-same is true ,v;.d cvr'-'.'ct, tnd wball at the samu time sis ■.-e'^ nd, nay to ttie collector tho amount ,f Miereiipitn ;iA aforesaid, and in di *;aiit rhere if shall pay a penalty io double •111- } momtt of the tax. 7. That 'ipon the salaries of all sal ^r^td peitjoiB g* in any capacity what- e-v .r, ;xcept upon salaries of persons in the military or naval ‘service, there^shall be levied i»nd collected a tax ot"";me per centum on the gross awiount of such sala^ when not exceeding ttfteeu inmdred flollars, and tvFO per centum lipoa all excess over that amount, to be levied and c^MIocted at the end of each year, in the manner prescribed for oriier taxes enumerated in this Act: I’rovided, Tii^t no taxes shall boimp^jsed by fiuit the staleisent er eedawte ef iaoo«e eed j teoftnt te the jpeverumeat ms aad fop ^e profits render^ by the tax paver dees eot , of the leaaer on seid rwot, and tiie receipt oj eontwii »ore tbaa foar-ilfUis ef the trae and ; tbegoTernmsnt officer shall relt«8«tke Ies««»r i^ftnMMiatefbistiuableiB«eiaeaod prftfit)s,|from all obligati(>ii to iueiude a«id rest ia tkea the tax ^yer, ia edditfea to tbs iaeeuae | kled iu his statecieRt of isoone^' aad dhi om the trae ivaeiuit eC Lie iBoeeae and t eharge the tMant from so. mmeh ef his n>ru profits Moertained end essesied by ike re-1 to the lessor.' fereea, fthall pay ten per eeBt«ia ea the I IS. That every fitmer, jUaatet, «r gruier amoant of said ioootaie tax, ftod the assessor j exhibit the assessor, on or abovt the hit vt shall be entitled to one fifth ofsaidaddijtional March, eighteen h«ndred and sUty-foM, u w ten per eentaia over and abeve all other fees | and allowaaees: And provided farther. That ^f set _ J • • . ^i.u * ! after the aehverv .i this esUsmW to thto pghiqa^f. th« t»i p»yer, and anj b«to« tli.; nefnr*H-«, in regard to eaid estimate, and any ■ ot ont wath of ti>e snme in enroii deduetjon claimed, or any fact m werene**! oon, at the rate of sixtj pouada of baccu to ibe(»e thereto, in such form as the Secretary otthe i ^jondred weight of pork. That ob the first u» TretHnry may prese-ribe. ;Nover-b^‘r n«*it, arid fack y^r thfcreattcr, an cs- 10. ()n all profits made by any pe«”Son,tinaate shall be mndc, »s bereiubflt»r« p.-ovified, o partuer.^hip or eorj.K»ratioH during the year | the valae of all oaat cattle, horses, ;aul*^, Botubcii ei^hteeii hundred and aixty-two, by the pur-1 iu cultiration, and aatsea, own*d by with p»r- ch"^e within the 0;nfed«rafe States and sale, 1 son io tbc (’ioufedcrate States, and up^n tueh vmlat employed iu the business, if bired and n*>t ownod bv himself. , yi. If the income be derived by the tax paver from any otlier occnj>aHon, profession, employment or business, there shall bo de ducted fixim th« grvss amonnt of fees, com pensation, profits, earnings, or commipsions, the tialarias of.clerks actually paid, and the rent of the office, or other building used in the business, if hired and not ownecr by himself, the cost of labor actnally paid and not owned bv himself, and the cc»st of nia- terial atlmr than machinery purchiwed t«»r the use of his iMisint^e^s, or to b* converted into some other form in the course of his busi uts«; and in «iu»e of mntnal insarance companies,. the amonnt of losses paid by them dnring the year. The income de rived from all other sourcee shall besnbject to uo deduction whatever. Xor shall for eigners be subject to a tax from any other-in- during said year, of any flour, corn, ba- | the s^id owner. ;>hall be one per cent., lo b« con. pork, oats, hav, rice, salt, ir,on, or the : pattl on ur b^ore the first ^^nuary manufactures of iron sutrar, molasses made^asier, or planter, or farm« manuiaciuies Ol iron, ^^all have sold b.-eve^i since the p«a>aie oi this act. ot eiine, butter, woolen cloths, sho^, to the first dav ot Novt>Diber,.the blankets and cotTon qloths, a tax of ten per of such S3l68 be €‘SttTUiAtt±d &DU centum shall be levied and oollec^d, to income, atVer d‘»ducting therelrooi the mon«» paid on the first day of July next: Provided, ; p»id lor tKe pareliase of .=»uch beeves, if That the tax imjiosed by this section shall jthoy have been actually ptfrchsitsd, aud thevalu« not apply U* ^purchases and sales made in corn consuoied bj them. The astimata qa the due coarse of the regular retail business, these ilema shall be*made in ease ot di»agreeuieftt and shall not contiune beyomi the pr^eut 'between the assessof and tax payer a«« herein pr«- vear.’ " " acribtd in other casc^i of in'eoiue tax; and on each 11. Each farmer a«d planter in the Con- i succeeding first day*ot November, ihe beeves sold federate States, af^er reserving for bis o^n ^.durin^ the preceding twelve moutns shall be esii- nse fifty bnslieia sweet |>otatoes and fif^y j nwted and taxed in tbe.sauu; manner, bu-^hels of Irish potatoes, one hundred bush- i 1^- That rhe Secretary of War anail divide tb^ ela of the corn, or fifty bushels of the wheat | quartermaster’s departoient int« tw, 1 J • .1 ai.oU ui,^ bri»ncheB—one, herein denotinBated pc.>ei quarte> ,,r.-iuced ,» tke y'Jf’P*> f„r th; coll.cti.D ol th. .riiL.-ld tor d.hv.r«derat« Ouvern,»«nt. i j„iribLon I. the pr»d.ict. »f the |.r*eMt jear. nne-tenth .appi,.,.* the.,u.,,.„d u>r Ilf the wheat, corn, oats, rye. buckwheat or dgijy^ring cution and totiacuy to tr.s agents of tb« rice, sweet and Irish potatoes, and of trie The tax asafeiis\)r shall cured hay aiid todderj als^ ouetentb of the transfsr the estioiutc of urticles eua from eaci su^ar, inoljwses made of cane, cotton, wool person, by iray of a tax iu kind, to iha aolj au- and tobaoeo; tho cottun ginned and packed thorised poat quartermaster, ukiug from the tai4 in some secure manner, and tobaccostrip|>ed | qaarteruaxter a receipt which shall be filed aa « and packed in boxes, to be delivered by him i voucher with the chiel collector in aettUng ha on or l>efore the first day of March in theja^unt, and s copy ot this receipt nhall be fur- next vear. Each fatiner or planter, after nished by the chiei adleotor to the auditor resorvincT twentv bushels of peas or beans, ' qwrlermaster’- account aaacharg* but nor more than twentv bushels of both, fqUarteruiaatcr r,K:ei»iD| 1 ■ I 11 /I * the estimate, •hall eoileci trom tne l«x>payer toe t,.rh,6 uw« n>e, shall t„ the U W it spoilia, ,„d »bkh h.i. vo„,i erat«,Go*ern.iienl, for lU DM, an.,i »f|„ „ .’^x to U.. U..t«i.«« the pea*, bean* And groQud p*aa-prodnc«o I p..*t qu»neriiiMl«f liiall t» and gathered by him during the p*‘®a®Rt i year. As goon as the aforesaid crops are : ears, sn^stiall acoouut for ths sams by aboir- made'ready for market, the tax assessor, iojing that, after proper doductione trom snavoida- cuse of disagreement betweee him and the | bie loes, the residue has been delivered to the 4i»- cofue tlian that derived*from proj.a}rty own- i tax payer, shall proceeti to estimate the same tributiog agents as evidenced by their receipts. ed, or oe6upations or employnient.s pursued by them jritJiin the Confederate States, and nu estimating income there shall be inolud ed the valne of the estimated annual rental of all in the following mannei*: The aseeiMor atid The said poi-t quartermaster shall alM state tks the tax payer shall each select a disinterest-.aoooants of the quartermaster’s reoeiviajj from ed freeholder from the viciaage, who may i him the articles delivered in payment ol lazea is call iu a third in ease of a difference of ©-!*tind si his depot,'and make a mouthly report al the ending on the tliirty first of 1 >e. emi>er,; uj.der f|ii« eighteet hundred and sixty three, aud fur each and t;very year tliereafier, viz: 1. iJankersshuU p:ty five hundred doUarfc. Every person shall i»e deemed a banlter within the meaning ot this^ict who keeps a place of business where crudity are Oj.eMed in lavur of any peison, firm, or corp-u-rttion, by tht? dep'^it or coiitctiun of' .;K»rn.y currency, and by whoTu the or a? 'part ihereut t,nail be paid u'.:i or re-ri: i, upon Uiediiiit, ciieck or oruer >*'tiijch .-t. tii tor; but not to include .'iny bH.ak ic^uiiv at: thorized to issue notes as circvilitioij, nor agents for the sale of',n-rcijirjdi^:' Cuunt of producers or mamilactnrer^ li. Aiicnoi ecr^ siiaii pn/ fItU (to.!;i*> and two and u p-it r’f-'i'.';::] on aiuouiit, ot HrtK- r _ Tnai on aii ^ , ■ . ruies J(/T . .. ol one per t • l ■. i , , • ^ ^ = saleo, i-'»ci_) j-rro,: ■ , , . . ^ aUclioucel’, vv Wliufct uci'Upa Sale t. (l;e outcry dwelling, housoe, buildings or Iniild-1 piniou, to settle the matter in dispute; or if {““• ^ such oficer as the beoretary of War oia/ inr lota in cities, towus, or villaees, occupi- the tax payer neglect or refuse t» select m ease tbe post qaar- ea bv the owners, or oWned and not occupi-1 one such freeholder, the said assessor shall ! i be unable to eoUeot the ux in Sis4 ed or hired, and th# ralne of the wtiii.ated j .elect two, who shall proc^ to the (d ^ “i*mw an t H«l hire of all .laTM net enga){etf on plan^ i crop, aa.herem provided. TJieT ahall a«:or-, a* . b»u for tlie dutru* «^ru>( a. tatioin or farms, and not omplored m some | tain the amonnt of the crops either by actual | be ussaed, anu uke a receipt thorskit, bnsinese or occupations the profits of which ; measnrement or by ci>mputlng the contents |forward the aame to the chiel tax colleowr as are taxed as income under this act. When | of the ro>rm or houses in which they are « credit in tha ataiement of the aecounu of Mud tbe income shall be th as ascertained, all of held, when a correct computation is practi cable by snob a method; and the appraisees shall then estimate, under oath, the quantity I saia e«timate betore delivering the same, to th* tion. On all incomes received during tho ' ^nd qu«lity of said cro|.»e, including what i district lax collector as sforeaaid and the receipt vear over five hundred dollai-s, and not ex-1 mav»nave been sold or consumed by the ! given vo him therefor tbe district tax coilect- ceei!ng fifteen huodrt^l dollars, a tax «*ffi^'e : producer prior t* said estimate, whether specity said partial payuieat. When the tlif>se whicli do not excopd five hundred dol- ars pnr annnfn shall be exempt from taxa post quartermaster: I^rovided, That any partial payment of said tax lo Sind shall be euuor^ oa |Mjr cent shall be paid; ou all incomes over j gatliwrod or not, and the value of the iK)rtion ! thus collected through the payment U litk. u i—J .i —4 I— el— »i : Vi • . . • \ > ‘ taxi'S in kind'have been lecfrived at the depot * -■;rn- ] )!!!•> •9 IJirv . rt'iii h ii! i iire or>>e'^ 'a d. *nurfl a )ii iiufr. ' ;jat. ‘>v ilii ;i.t i'-i' ;i e^:.ct.c.r ilic ta.\ iiooii ;ic .V V. T : ' »■ • t" lege; to be paiu (>y e.icii nuilvidiial >>•:•■■■ ,■ IU the bii^mo^o, wii.HVu rc-uiu to lUt- i ,irui.,inc^i-vrv It coutiucted. *\j tax 1 a d ti'* v’w re >r rf'^ i;it ^ H!* i i-.i ■. wliicii hn Id *'f be deeuiuu ;» tjx\ npo.'t in> ' li ' ii- , , , . - ‘Tit.Mii.jiis, i 'lHvs v»»*rtoi III- a v\Uicu Uiu .-ja iiu It coutiucted. *\o tax auc,e'i, a d n>*t^ ii'ci idinii; hall.3 rented "r Shall be required upon auction «aioto Mtivde : iinci -cc.isi..>':ili'v for concc-rrs or tboj'rrioal tor dealertj if a bubinees registy/ed aiui Lax- ; vcpr-^t■J,•..t,>:l^)o^:s, ^IihII bo iward-^l a the- ed, and at tiieir pli**^cB ot baaine^, or upon I atre n'lder riiis ,ct. E:vch Circus sh.di pav othcial gales at auction,, mado ’y juuKvat or j one li!iMlrod dolia.^.®!, aT»d f, t»t>( of. fen dof- executive otficers, or by persoiinl repre«.e:j- j for oaeh exhibltiori, which tax stiall be tativoe guaruraus or comiutiieos. ! p^id by t’c^ mu-aqer thereof. Hv^rv biiibl- 111: VV Loiesale dealers in iiqiiora of any. injc, tent or hp;v:e, or area, where "feats of au(i every debcription, mcludin^ dibtillcd ; liorbemanabip or ;ic ohatTc »uorfk are ex Ktit ot dietLlier or d/rewer, wtio shall sell or olier j hiuid shall he rerar(ied an ;i jii'*-^ler under for talc any such iiqiioni.or wines, in .^uan I this act: rrovi.icd, tiiat no Vtigifitrv nude titii.feoi’ .flore than thi e„» gallons ai one tnfie, j in one St'Ate eliall l>i held to authorize ex- tc tiiC 0 me purchabei'J sliall be regarded a6 | bibitions in another State; .?in l but one re a Wuv,i >.^ie dealer iu ilfcjuonj witliiii tiic j bliall ba re(iuireil iinder this act to ” ‘ All persons, wijo shall autliorize cAhibitioris in any one 8tate. oi tUib aet. I , ^ a / se.i ur oder tor bale, any buch liquors,' or 'W'lueti, m quantities less than three gulione at oue time to tho same person, shall t>e rejprded as retail dealers m liquors. IV. iUimd dealers in liquor, including diatilled spa-iis, lermented liquoriiAnd wuieti ot-every uwseripuon, shall pay-oue huudred dolhtrs, and ten per centuiu oa the gro;is auiomit U ail sales made. y. liet^il de.a«n* j,ay M&y ^u; and two and a hall p^ ueutum un Uie gross auiouut ol sales made. h.very pc.raun whose bubiueeb or occupation it is tc bell or otfer to sell gruceriies or any goods, wary«, mor- chainiixe ur otner thinj^s of loreigu or do- mesuc production, in less’quautit'ea tnaii a whoie origmal piece or package at one tiuio to tUe same (not iududing wiuee’, i^uxtena^ liAov^) Mh«U be legardad tWH •«♦ iE^w«|««4 XVL Conliiig «,i!ey« aud billiard rooms sii&'il pay forty dollars for each alley or bil liard fable registered, '.vhi^h tax fehall be paid by tho own’er thereof. Every place or ouildhig whare bow'lB are thrown or biUif^rdR ()lajed,- And open t.) the public, w-th or withoirt price, eljftll be regs,rdiKi as a bowl- iiiif allev or bilUai’d roora roai>»*itiv«>ly nn. dfe/ t.hsa att. xVti. Lh erj rtable kcepors shall pay fijtv d'‘li:‘r6 Aliy person whviee occupation -or bneincea’is to koep boreea for hire or to let ahall be regarded as a livery stable keep er under this act. XVHI. Cattle brokeia eliall pay the sum of fitly dollars, and two and & half per cen turn on tho gross amount of sales made. -Any person whose business it is to buy and •^aad d«ftl is oftttle, horses, hogs e e ^ ate for another period of time, longer or •horttii*. ■ 8k£i. 8. That the Secretary of the Treasar ly shall cause to ba assessed and. ascertain ed, on the first of January next, or tts soon thereafter jis practicable, the income and pnditri derived by each perstt)n, joint stock cotnpauy and C(upor;jtioa from every occu pation, employment or busineas, whether registered or not, in which they may have b«3ea angagod aud from every inveetmont of labor, skill, property or money, and the income and profits derived from»aay source wliHtever, except salaries, daring the oalan- uar yeiir preceding the ^t day of Janoa-, r^ next, and the said income and proiits snail be ascertained, assessed and taxed in tha raauner hereinafter prescribed. I. If the income be derived from the rente of houses, lands, (saem^nts, manufacturing or mining establishmentii fixtures* aud ma- cliinery, mills, springs of salt or oil, or veins of iron or other minerals, there shall be deducted from the* ^roes amonnt of the an- fif^een huudred dollars, and loss than three thousand dollars, five per ceiU shall berpaid on the first fifteen hundred dollars, and ten per cttnt. on the excees; on ail incomes of or over three thousand dollars, and less than five thoasand dollaie, a tax of tea per cerrt. shall be paid; on all incomes of or wver five thoUHaud doljars, aud less than ten tln>usaud dollars, a tax of twelve and a half per cent, shall l>« peid; and on all iQcomes of or over ten thousand dollars, a tax of fifteen per cent, shall be ]>aid. All joint stock compa nies and corporations shall reserve one-tenth of tl*e earniujiv. set apart for divi dend and reserved fund, to be paid to the collector of the Confederate tax, and the dividend then paid to the sti>ckholder slu^ll not be estimated as a part of his income for the purposes of this act. All »>ei'Soni shall give lu an ostimate of t}«>me and pro- ats derived from any other seu'rce wliAtever, irvi in d«ii>e so. shall first state the jBfrnss Hfii'vUn* of tiieir receir*t* as iodivi*iuals-or Mu*m x*re of u nnu or partini'rship, aud also, state parricu’ rly r?Rcli item for which a de duction i3 to bo made and the amount be dod;\etod foS* it: Pr«jvided, That the iiiQome and [n'Wir npou which the above tax is to be imposed siiall not be deemed to inclnde the pr>dncti4of laud which are taxed in kind, aa hereinat^er described. Provided further. That in case the annual earnings of said joint st«)ck companies Rnd corp6rations set apart as afore'iaid, shall give a profit of more tnao ten and less than twenty per cent up on thuir capital stt>ck paid in, one-eighth uf sai'd snin so^et apart ahall be paid aa a tax to the collector aforesaid, Jttid in case said sum so set apart shall give a profit of more than twenty per cent, on their capital stock paid in, one-sixth tfiereof shall be reserved and paid as aforeaaid. The tax levied iu this section slrall be Collected on the first day of January ensuing. 9. That if theaa«»es8orahall bedis-satisfiied with tlie statement or estimate of income' ■ind profit derived from any source what ever, other than prodncts in Kind, which the tax payer is* required to render, or with any deductiiHi claimed by said tix payer,'he*5hHll select one disinterested citizoH of the vicin age, as a referee, and tlie tax payer sliall se lect another, and the two thus selected shall call in a third, who sliall investigate au^ de termine the facts in reference to said esti uaie and dednctions, Snd fix the amouitC of income and profits on which the tax payer shall bo assessed, and a certificate signed by a majority of the referees ^all be eouclu- as to the amount of income and profits oh which the tax payer shall' be assessed: Provided, That if any person'shall fail or re fuse* to "render the satemeut or estimate aforesaid, or shall fail or refuse to select a referee as aforesaid, the assessor shall select three referees, who shall fix the amount ol' income and profits on which the tax payoi sliall be a^Qosed from the'best ovideuce tii jy can obtain, aud a certificate sigued oy a oia jority of said refero«6 shalt be conclusive on 1 .. J J ^ thereof to which the government is entitled,: I ^ u 7 and ,hall K^e a written atatement of the to lh. timate to the said collector, and a copy of the same to the producer, llie^a- aoal rent asum sttfficient for the aeftflssftry an- the tak pay^ Aud provided farther. Thai lival mpmt aoC exModing Wb pw otntiUA I ia §aj oaa« •abmitted to nfcreeB, if tk«rr ot m 9^ fimit mtfii ' - - - cer shall be required to deliver the wheat, corn,oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, rice, peas, beans, cured hay and fodder, sugar, molas- of cane, wool and tubacco, thus to be paid as a tithe in kind^ in such form and ordina ry marketable condition as may be usual in the section iu which they are to He deliv ered, and the cotton «ia sucn manner as here inbefore pn»vided, within two months from the time they have Ween estimated as afore said, at some depot not more than 8 mifes trom the place of production, a»d. if ■not de livered by that time, in.snch order, he shall l>e liable to pay fifly per eent. more than the eetimafed value of the portion a- foreaaid, to Jie collected by the tax collector as horeinaftei* prescibed: Provided, the gov eruiaent shall be bound to furnish to the producer sacks for the delivery uf such arti cies of gram as#uqnire to be p^t in Sacks for tratisportation, and shall allow to tin* pro- iiuder of molasses the cost of the barrels con taiiiing the same. The said estimate shall be conclusive evidence of tbe amount in mo ney, of tax due by the producer to the gov errimeut, and the collector is hereby autho rised to procwd to coUept the same by issu ing a warrant of distres-s fn)rn his office, un der his signature, iri the nature of a writ of Jieri facias^ and by virtue of the ^lue tv) 'seize'and sell any personal pft)perty on the premises of the tax payer, or elsewhere be longing to him, or so much thereof as may .be. nScessary for the purpose of paying the tax, and the additional fifty per cent, afore said and co6ts;,and said sale shall l)e made in the manner aud form and after the notice required by the laws of the several States for judicial sales of personal property, and tiie said warrant of distress may l>e execnt?d oy the tax collector or any deputy by him 'appointed for that^purpose, and the deputy executing the warrant shall be entitled ti the same fees aa are allowed in the resj)ective States to eheritfg executing writs of jicri fa- ci>n8^ »aid fees to be paid as costs by the ta.x payer. Provided, that in all cases whore the k^«>essor and the tax payer agree on the as sessment of the crops, and the value of tlie portion thereof to whien the government is entitled, no other assessment shall be ri^ces sary; but the ostiTua*^e agreed on shall be re duced to Writing aud signed by the assessor and tax payer, and have the same force and eilect as the assessment and. estimate of dis- interesbed freeholder^ hereinbefore mention ed, and tyro oopies of such assessment and eetioiate thus agreed oQandsignod as afore said shall l»e made, and one dehvered tc the producer and the other to the colleotor; Aud provided further, that the assessor is hereby .authorised to administer oaths to the tax payers aud to witnesses in regard t^.> *any i- •4JU1 i>t’ the ^timate herein required to bo uade: Aud provided turther, ^len agrictJ- tuial produce in kind is paid far'taxes, if payment bo made by a tooant who ia boon# of the £iecretary ot the Treasury, if they oonaisl of cotton, wool or tobacco, er if they be Stable tor forage or auhaiatence to such places and in auoli manner as the 6eeretary of W ar may prescribe. Should the Secretary of War find that some ef tke' ai^icuitural produce thus paid in and aulubk tor torago and subaistenoe has been »r f»iU b* d«pc»- ited in places where it oannot be used either di rectly or indirectly lor these purposes, he shall cause the same to he sold, in such manner ai he may prescribe, and tne proceeds oi such sale shall be paid into 'the Treasury of the Coctederate States, iibould, toowever, the Secretary uf War j aotity the tiecreiary ol toe' Treasury that it vouid be impractioaSle lor him to collect-or use the ar ticles taxed in kind, or any of tbem, io be receives in certain districts or localities, then the Secreta ry of (>he Treasury shall proceed to collect ia said cQstriots or localities the money value of said arti cles speeifiad in said estimate and not required ia kind, and said money value shall be due on the flnt day of Janiury hi eaoh and every year, sod he ooilected as soon thereafter as pracucable. 14. That the estimates of incomes and pr^llt^ other than those piryable iu kind, and the state ments or bills tor the aiAount oi tbe speuiiio^ tax on occupations^ employments, business aud profei^ aioQS, and of taxes ou gross sales, stiail be deliver- ed by the assessor to ttie collector ot the distriol, who shall give nim a receipt tor the same, and the »aid assessor sball die his receipt with the eiiief tax coileuNHT ot the State, aud tiie oullector of the district, boldiug Said eslimaLes, staiemenis or bills, stiall procued to cwlleot the same iirom the tax payer. The money tlius oolleoteS sliall be paid to (be chief tax codeccor ot- the State, aooam- pauitid by the estimates, staicmeats or bills alore- said, delivered uy assessor to the district eoUettur as atoresaid. 15. Tbat evc^ person who, as trustee, gosr- dian, tutor, ourator or couitaictee, executor or ad- mioutracor, or ad a^eut, aitoroey id iaot, or la«* tor, of any person or person?, whetiier residing ia tne Oonlederate Statesi or uot, and every receiver to caaaeery, clerk, register or oilier odicer el aay oourt, siiail be HUaWa'»jie tor tbe Uoiug oi ad suen aota, mailers.aud lutuj^' as t^iiall be required to be doue la order to tue assosoment ot tue mon- i^operty, products aiid income uuder their coutroi aud tiic paymocii of-taxes thereMi, and' stiad be ifideuiuiUcd againsit ^1 aud every persofi tor all payLuuctd ou account of the ioxe> herein speuideu, duii .5U*il oe rCi^jK)usiuie tor all taxet Mao Irooi ttio oeiaioa, luO'^mu luo-tey, oi * pr‘>perty lU 4il0ir»p03.-ie.'ioiv.«u 01' Uildot lUeii ooutrol. lt>. Ttie uicome ana moneys of hospitals, asys iuais, ehufoues, dca.jols aud colleges snail be xompt from taxation under tue provisions uf this •JLdi. 17. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and i^e is hereby authorued, to make ail roles and regolatioos ueoessary to the operatioa of thi* ast, and not iaeoasiatent herewitfi, 18. This aet snail be tn foree for twe yeais after the expiratioa ol the present year, and the laxes uereia imposed tor the present year shall be IS' vied sad eoUeeced for eaoti year taerealter in tbe oaaner*and form hereiu proeurioed, and for tbe «»id time of two yoard aiUesd thia act st> .11 b« SOOUtjr repealed: 1‘roVided «.he tax on aavai siiOres, Hour, wobl, Ci*rtoa, tobaoeo, aud o'tiier at;ricu;ta- ral prodaots ot tue t^row&a ot‘ »ay j*—” >eeed- log *i ~ r l8tM, icaposed in iee his a»v, .-aaU t>« lentd asf' ea** §mf ^ I- -? '4->' i'Kl.Nl'h; EDH E'l 1 Vries for tt« advanne ^or fii6 We*kl aUance. ter-^PYER of 1*5 line* for •»®d5n;r b»lf H)aHrR (fi for esih ‘inooeft quesied to eiave Miey will be tagiy. AdTvrtiaer.ion Tsrti9sm*nt'i. ,* From an t will be c:jl‘red th« pai>*r tttHQ is SnSh ofou. ol ■ f>er on this gwt remit tahces ■s'.aa,. ,1 ir A WILL aKttni Cnuib«rlaa' ii«8. Prompt a ^tat entr«gt«d Out. 17, I8sn. %Vhol€‘sai ANDIM Hardwftre a U.IY J aly 2 1 J>r, 1, J Groccr na FAV f\n’y 10. IKft-i. S 0 WORln. WO Commission a Wt .kH. 16, lS»iK JUHNSOI £ have thirty Tl eaft Wilu ifhsKiaelves wii.h »i A. Johnson, Jr , manacM' at tb^ wo I'ayt-ticTtlle, 2,5(10 Ferccac iiTing highest Casi) p: at thff Merchant >I ter al ills oIi 6taai Nov. 5, 18tt2. ^ ”aRi1 1AM prepareti u Hi^r&ei!9 for An give gcK>d bargain» Ador* to me aa tli 9eot of} iu qtnck dii Qt>ld»inn 1‘. O 900 lb«. iii Oct. 15. iAOKS for 25. 22 .L^U for Bule /Q Mar Moic i! 2000 suitable ^ FajetieTil]*. Apt w %%aiit TESTERN B.A.1 Br.iik NoJet; ^fld fcDd Si VI NortS C*roha ;;Coumy i f Ctu. |,Town of Fayef *ere«B«fcor»’ $! CoBl«lernt" 7 'Coupooij 01 i'l of To of 4>ct. 12, Spun w K will giv«i 8pG deUvM-cd ai na L.AUf>OII. Factery. BAK~A?i» n D»y Faoiory. ' Payette'^le, tc, _ ^ Leau wantku.- Depariirenl tiiies wU] plea.^e ftp POWDFR f*Jr 10 DO 6»-tf Hilliibord’ Sixth AcaieO . gia 00 For eiroularii su i HiilabiTo'. N: G , OIL TANN£R»’ li LAMP MLAC& SKSIS* w?

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