1 .Kui r« r Um lax , tuv; rvceij«t of ill r.-It^;ue thy lessor ch.if lul r«i*6 jfj iuiiuiuo, auU .jjg. J Ui'ich .jt hig ■nf’^r, 3' jjreiitr •>r ;»bi)ui the y| hi iiity l^ ur, »n *c. '’”*agfat«red aitu beiui g tijju Uku« m...^ tu ibii poit »»t-4 f.y tLw a»sea«Oj> !r!»ntT dc-STy i:i«ba.i.o iu ul3 v/1 l>ae\«j t.,- V,, I ^ . (.‘fi td\4 dr,t ^ ‘‘‘‘ ,,f vr,'..--. u;ul .s uw>! i bj t-aiii ^t:r. . . - i 'n .uch vjij, edvuo per cent., u> be by u;‘ .Iarm..rj n«xt r jj'UihSer, or fartuer V'c : 'i» .,j;e of this act :ubor. the gr^ be : ■■ i';,d anti t*i. : th It ;rou. the njooty !r* of suen bneves jf anu the value )ii. 1 he et>uoi&t« ot I vu. j >jl 'iiaagre^ineoj* I payer as hereiQ pr«. OiflO tiiXj dHii \>Q tiio b«fcve« gold I HK^tichii jhall be Mti- tt luiiauer. f Var .ihall divla«th^ » dcj^artmgat ijito twj luiuated piHSt |aarter- tht* articles paid lor ii’ for diatributiou to ing t,he Hrmy, and tor 0 the &j^,jats of the 1 he t^ix as«o38or shall ioles da« from eaoh ind, »o the dttly aj- taitiOg trooi the sai'i IQ shall b« as « •«tor in settling hia r»cji|.-L Bhtil b« IHif. to tiic auditor s«t. M account ujiauhargv jrtariuii^t^r rtoQiTiaj^ Ml the t*x-pajer tae A v^liiak he i« bound t lo tu-j Confederutu jU'icruiadttir aliaii ug ui«i articles plaoed in l>r tbe came by sh^w- ’’on* Irorn umivftida- dci.y-jiijd to tue di*- U by tlieir receipts, shall also st&ce Ql% r s r-.eiviug frunj puju^ent of taz«fl is out:.iy report of the orcur) ot War maj co*c the j^udt ^uar- IleCf the tax in kiud ercd to him as afore- liatrivl tux cuUe«tui I ditiirfi»s #itrruQ( au- a reueipi cherelur, ehiei tax oollaotor as he aocuiteiis ot' said tl, Tii^t ;:uy partial lhaii bti eudork«d oa ng the same to th« Kud .iiid the reoeipt di^itrioc ux oeileab* ajuient. V^'bea the Igb the pajtuciit oi ywd at depot M bated io the aKents wy, il they ootiaisi if' thty be auit«bi« tb placca and io buob EVur iuay presoribe. that Some cf Uta d iu uad suitiiblb for bn f.r u lii be depoft- t to uaud either di* pnrpooes, he shaJ'i sach tiianoer u h» ids Oi 6acti :»ale shall tLe i'«Dfed»rat« a iecret*rj of War sasury that it would itilect or use the ar- them, to be reoeiTed ■, tbcu tae Siecrtiti- »ed to coUect ia Mdd »y value oi j^id arti- aud uot required ia Ulbe due on thu first I very year, and be prutticubiu. Kcomcd and profits, md| «*Ai^ tliti oi the i>pecitio ux business aud pruf»- Co, HiuUa he umivt>r* Xol oi lilO din\riot^ r-aUie, und Lbe pt v,u^ tue ohief Uib cjiiLCwr ot' the bUu .ueut6or biliSf tfoui the tax bud i>Uii..l be paid ihii aooota- leuUi or bills aforo' le didtrioi ooileet^ as triiatee, giuu’* se, executor or ad* itty in iaot;, or iao- reHidiag in Md every rocoiver ttiier oihcur uf any the d jiag of ail lehali be required Hneot oi the moa- frjcue under tbozr Aeij thereon, aod every persoa the t4xes herein bio for all taZOK ►iioy of property >t controi. of heepiuds; asys Dollcgc.i stiall be proviyioDa of this Treasury be, and te ail rul^ and «tiou of this aot, »r t«To years after tf, aud the taxes roar shdl bo 1«* ther >.ftur in tii© ►ed, av. i foV the lia aot sh ill be on naviii etor«S| tficr a^ricuitu- r yv-” ''Boeod- ^ ion LU fctf ’■ w 1-WBB FAYETTJTV'nXE, N. C.. FEBRUARY 18,.IR64. [NO. 1307.] PRfNTKU MONIVAY'S AND ^HBRSPAYS EPWARU J. BALE & SOKK. FT ITORJ? VND PROPRTBTOR5 Price frtr the 8emi-W«ck\y Os^^BcrcK 06, pftid ia tteiyfuiM. F«r the W«etly 0EsaaTi>E'¥4 00 p»r iACaBt, i® advanoe. »er ADVERTISRMBNT8 inserted for per s uaro of IP lines for tV« first, and one dollar for suo- publiot^tion. AdTerlisenierits not exocedii^ a half sqnare (eifcht linos) fl for the first »ml flO oeuM for ea;h »Heco‘din|S( piiblicaktioa. AdTertis#ri are re- q««flted to diat« the numbei' of ineertiouB desired, or ihef will be r>Rtiuaed till forbid, aad charged aeoo^d- AdTertisfDiNit^t fKjntinoed ituidf, eharfed *» »bw Twiiaemeai =>. Mt. ¥«rn«ii Ftnlile S«BiBarj* flUiS ‘id dtotioa vf'll in; 15'-*} jf 1‘EC- ! 1. KUARY ftBil oori'i:Jiic 20 rfcf ke I Taiiu'ii in K.^jjhaii Srauc’- ia $50 lt> i “ * Music sn?i PRiutiin;, (enoh,) 40 0i i . * -brol Roo»'» p.xpenst.'' .? O'J I D«‘ »rd !P400 twir “SKbion, If vrovi ior- ?■ old . pi $50. -. U f Tuirion ai) i b -lf « f , «)uir«d in ^dv jc« Kuob jjv.pil will ftir? ish ■ »r o/r* I terels, «ti*5 pair v\ofe(3, fne pair pillow cap-o-*, oa« j ooHitlerpAac or ^uiit And * driykioir uut>. R«v VVM HrK)riBR. r.cuouPER. ! friirtAr St. L*?yr>nc’* P O , I'LHth^D-. o. iin»y i J-.a’y 12. 97 i-v CONSCaiPT OFFICE, iKaieigh, W. C.,) i. Feb. 11, 180-1. J j IlHB following from q*. Cc-Poji^'i ia puli'ishcrf fa- tu ' cuv^*»roe c f f !l conoerue.'. pli-'.n je fjith itn cfi ; • ?•?! pj*T tilin ■?tfi for «x mpiion »'r much ’I'-.aa)pps»ry il-lsv ia thoinT.i t>f»i'on c* thvir cl >'uij Bt order cf the ,i»t. . ■ . ■ E. J. HARmN. Adj’c WKABdlJARTBE?^^ FoUR'I'U OorC;.'- , , J%*OTSVK. i 'pHE continur-d iaorcRKc ip iQ!* pri-;e of ;*j'«Tiiions’I'lv I I oblig-^ us IB iDcre>is> c-dr rates of Tuitioa acJ boa^d a» tbe expssk^tioB of ba 1st 'quarscr (20f{» of April ) cf I vr*^ich C'U" pe!ror.5 will h*ty#- dao noiio*' la fxobf'.nq'* I i ir hiioos .n' S'* ! olij pnr..’H (10 o's ) i»T ’ lo* e- ■■ I n* Fiour at JO, our ! oari will coiit!QU>» wifhout snv SPET^ ''i NOTICE. From an •■er thi* date, no a^me of a new !*»hicriber | wMl Ix* t nrerrd without payment ia advano^, nor will | Nte p»p>r be sftpt tf> onc.H for *a loTifffflr tia'e , Um is paid fwr. fdeh efoiir 3ld *ul»BcriV«rfi as deaim te take the pa per on this PTt.ani will pl«?»«e r.o»i V ys .wbtru making romitlanoef. Jan’y 1, 18&8. of j ch-inge a« per m^Kith Kh\. W't II T. C. nOOPEit Eli F?b’v 8. ! CO^FEr>£‘- VTK T^TEH OP ‘MrPI \A ] I War Dep’t, iJr »r likx'tiPTroH, >• • RlllHMI.tiO. V.A 29, J j Pfkra?r»i L X o Cf >ti • >r -1 .Nv 82 .ind ! TBspcct;»r Q'lper.'^l'e Olfi.rti of 1^62, r • V_.t, “'ppii 0>>iirn8 ma.“t ir* .Jl c.-.5«- l»e msi* tu t'lc ; Kifcviiii.-g Offi e’ ” I If tite 1‘jchI E rolliP,.. Oi?^ cr aot f ?e jvkcp io act ; or ia ia d.';uV>' 't j YtilJ f.Uvr utv,»=ii'iir-'.ij o uii*it!r C run ' h.r Ni'i 8, Ou'-r-M S-.; ■■•., r.;i?r si.ci'' >•■up^i;^•i':n^•. Uirouirh ibe viop'-r ■ »■■ >. uso U •-• s >ii;rpti'.i \>( j aucV pl'Cifior-.'s «.;! a.->s^.d fT thiM 'u \:iU i f j :f*»rily »:;>i i' \‘.r’ahl' r? r »i»rn fji- loo.l f . i tio^j* liP 1 >ti W'a Niilfi f.ikve i>',i ; tiw-; aau pruloii^od , uapcuss i!8f Korolling Oflice,) | 'JAL DiSTKIC:, N ' 5 > ; Ji u’y .'8 ! Hti4 J j TN jiurmar;Ctj cf Gei. ral C>,'f*er tio. 1, (’'njOfij Offist: | -I Rft'sij''. J. (,! . (i»;ei J*!n.. '20ib, 1804 -i n.o j ('fii crs cf H'^rac Gu»r«l i.ini 'f 4ili L' atrjct, are rc«j^.c?l6 i » j all pcie pJ • 18 and 45 j^cnra i-t r-gi-., w'thin tb«;ir s. tpifii is'>i w> sanPTr tl- ?,t lh3 fcl1cirr.g timeB p’«cc», am «*»-.oE ;4a.| enrolluient: h\'* liai- rer Gouu'y, 22d at »iirs'. . a n, F -biti>.i» 20:h ii\ 27-i>, ii.clus. • Sc«» Slj'ic'vcr Gjudij, 23d ll- g’i. of ’Tiisahig'oi , (0 Vn^'cL 8(, ino:uf)i»;.. BriU’.>>w:oJj ccuBty, 5>ib K^v’t, S:jjit*.TilU‘, Muri''* Gib *o M Colutubu# c ■*:n‘y, 57»L llog’t, V!^7.11.^ M«rea l^in i'» ■Ij.rch ISifc, iri iiuf;ve. Bot foori c unty, u8 >i Lu.iihtsruKi, M5.rcL "8i to M:ir«n 26tb. iuclu»i.TC. Kobnun C iUL*ty, 59;,. Keg’i, Liiinbe»ivn. M*ry 28ib M ioor flft iuejo.fiv £»:(;: a* i: • ' j, .t livigT. Lnurin^'-nq;. April 4ih i» .\p 7i 0 iO'«iuc';«-. ?vt k; nd • >U ’J Ri"H!khlgKij.>i, L4a(,iE COXTOIV, AT AUOTlOJf. bf. sold at the CK». Rou>« of Oel. 0 fl. Dcck FT'" cry, iu Rjobmnrid courit;. ca tnc>jd«7 th-. 23i ji ^!rin»rs 10 ‘ , .. .’Ui HO iStUe^ ot ffiooil'f'ott-JK. .'ir.d ca t?i.i flikv toll-t^iuj^ ^ ' M' “ r!>!>’Iciicsh of J C U.C Pt-'■ b.f. •>'.-■• i.- i ; A:.‘S n -. ir. u». 300 Mtu/es ot Cotton^ eftH-e f wh ch Hill be soli by >ai5ple; beloujstini f» ibe «s-{ .t.e of W P McRa;:, dco’d •Vf rcff o*^ s-ilf! 6 iuor.-t'is cr'’ *’t wH!* jipt" fend >ip p tipfurity. (J w VVOOLtiY Ailm’r. F«o’y 1 1864. 4tf 11 10 A^.tl ¥t\U. *7S€Ij. Attorney at Law, FArSTTF.VlLLli, N. C. WILL attend the County and §uperiar OuiirtH OuBtberlaiid. Harnett, Moor* and Robeeon C*iufc- kiei). Prompi atienuou gi^en lo tae ooUeotion of aU ciaims eatrosted to his handa. Oct. 17, 1€59. ' 68-if '“geo. W. wkLlAMW.CoT, ~ Wholesale dealers In Oroceriea, AXD litfPORTSRS AND OEALBRS IR Uar4ware and Cutlery, Sweden Iron, &e«, HAY STREET, fiYI£TTl¥ILLS, ». €. July 2, 18bl. JOS. PTLi’eY^ ®roc«r wui VomHtisai4n% .W«t'cA»nl* FAYETTEVILLH, N. C. Jan’y 19. 1&«3. W-tf OLIiV ilKiill S«'H006., ! IREi^iiLL COUN l Y. j TRI^ Institdti.'^T vr^ll be re-opened on '^'eit)«a4iy ‘f» 24t!i of Peb’y 13ti4 Th»r^ will he * wo dppanm >..« ; Maio >-nd Ffln-.l.’, n.*'.ith vrill b’> *ijp: 'I'swD'^' tni f | rate Tbe l>'oauon is v-ry bofiK'.'-ii' i;u:'e to^ur- ■ froiu tnviiaioD The unfJoc-'Uiitd. " i I y i turu!;ie liffeiBtar.’,', ^ili giv;- tii.- aw 1 vid-.'i »:tnnli. fa t the pohcol. Tui'i^n per S‘*i'rtV'i. fro r, !540 ■.•■.,Jf!0 ^^!l 810 OB Pi'i!*o f-15. U«ird f.«r inonrh $00. PJiymeu^i ! iu alvaoo^. pan Ln curt-tncy huU p>irt ia -ir visit i*' j SfnJei*i*i *Ti'»in£t at •*^t=iLe&»l'^ ».a the 281. 24 ■- ’rid 25u.t of Feb'y, will (5^^ c.'n»-(y»av;o lo Olia. Fcr i'li - ^ iti^r infcraiation f:4Jr ■hs ihe uuu»:’’si|>r*'*‘'i S MILTON FROST. ! Ja-^’y 27. 1 9.pa * | from ^•iv^^r8 aud li*'. :ie Goninian:!i>Rt Ve foTw bv th‘"ni ''v rro«H'i ;-r 4pp*,,-.l If f.i-t 2. (.vT.'ii • 4U'i lu s 'il oxteL.-ivo ciio^Lui. n > • live ytiiiijri ■ ov .'.Ou ii 'f l^€ lOnl .jf.r for it . , v-iifu lu «i? • :Lie ^ i' me fC Cuaiof I . '.■> 'o A}»r ■ t'-um' i li;L. lUfli.MV'e rumy faoiii ri*« • 1 ^UL-iU Vaia ble Laud iu tiaruett for Sale. Bv virtue of 'lUffa. r.i/ iD t»y the iaH Wili 4iiu Testfcineni «f Hecljr .\I McS.iM*a, dee’d. i will fc-iU urt A •irti’i» of *ix 'nuDta.') wi^-i ine~r«t. irr^ia en,le, •M* i». ih*j- pwroh iaer iu‘»v clcui, iaai falu.b: PLANTATIi»N, yn sf-jud -ne t«-«i ;>r Ufwd OT»‘vionj !,;V ti)H dii-iib. ox •■'u . ji'v» a^rt- 'J'hsa Eu*lb ll/i wn. .S .uil 16 t- . S :«S : ► 4iti, iu(.i it.-ft i, , Av.'il 22.1 i-i! 30i- »a Ptb K • Isti. UUrltlKLt), i Sx G 6-1 ra rrKi 1 IS ts 1 t -v By oreidr KaI/EIO« >r tVoEii ;7ii Office, I EiOki, Jan. 27th, 1804. ) l»i> trtil r>f ^l|> K J. Hardin, -44r Col. MALLETT, roml’* Coar for N C. %¥E$T1£I&.\^ KAIL. U040.. The freight and P4S.-^knqv r th.unh of thiH Road leave Fayetteville daily, I'fiundaya f.icepted) at 6 o'olook, A. M. aai rffurninft leave E«?ypi at 1 o’clock. P. M. CuttU and Htrtt Traih MO??P.-i.V» WEl>NE3DA\ wid FRIDAY. By wrder JNO. M. ROSE, Ti-jaaT and Gen’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 23. 1803 97tf rikOHtAR \ ‘ No. 4. / I ^PO. Oomraand wif i 1 HDP.EAO 0^’ CON- 'Rll’TiON, ^ illOHNOMD. .'a»n. 2uih, 18t)4. J ■>u«;y T'.:; o'-ilt tutWMiLH ail j -rsoua,'«hetL‘'T prt? Kien,c:'?'d dr’ll t ^M. M. KWANN, Ci^ .*ftj Cblcf Eirol'iag ?tiicar, 4t'> ■ /U. Di'*. !♦. ! ud iii ;• :* ' :l t .r « V . , Uliv; bsi; ft- I.: is '»;ikio ji. i»r-h >, ▼ Tiiij'tbl'*. iH ,•• > . i: 11: 'Ki i L^iu, elkairr -n i taesi. Dcc’r -2, IStia it p ar- -■ .1 0 Nji t.^ bi i O- l-i. fXi: •t i. ‘ f- ari'i - . f I ' • jt), me C f f'ou-tjript.s Tlic a‘fenti)D oi' is fspeoiails otreoiL-d ro Gec^jai Or urreot se. i- b, aarnin »* o wcaTH. N. e. D.VMIKL. 8. e wt»K'gi. WORTH Sc CO., Gtmmisslon and Forwarding BIeroliaHt«, M^laier Straet^ WILMINGTaV, N. C. Ift, 18fl* ^-12m JOHNSON, WILLUMS A.t’O.. SALT nAKERiS. WE have thirty (30) pans now in operation niae tailee eait of Wilmington. P^rfvee wishing to supply (iieBaselvesawith eilt, can be fumishe^l by applying to Ak. Johnson, Jr., Agent at FayettcTille, to E. P^ge, nanacer at the works, or to J. M. WILLIAM8, General Snperisteadeat. SfkjetteviUe, Nov 20, 1862. 81tf 'w AxVtL1>7 •* 2CAA BU8HBL8 WHEAT, »DUU l.ftOO • CORN. renons having the above artieles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calliag on Mr. M Thoiaasoii, at tke Merchant Milla, Fayetteville, er o* the subaori- ber at his old stand on Market Square. AUEX. JOHNSON, Jr. 6, 1862. 76tf Frolu aiad atlef (hi.^ date tn« 8t‘‘aiasr .A. P. HURT will , leave at 8 o’clock, A. M , on Mondaj ; andThowday. . 'J08. A. WORTi!, j April 6—17tf] Ag’t C. F Steaqa Boat Co. ASHIDVlLI.EjIw. C. I WILL open tae EAGLE HOTEL for the re- I ception of Guesrs the fir^t of June, and I hops | to be aMe to entertain from seventy-five to a j haadred persons during the Summer. j la conuectlwn with this large Hotel, I ha^e a aumber of Haektt, Carriii4r«a', Butrgies %ad Saddle Horses that I my gneetn ean itei at a minute's notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eagle Hotal, AtheTille, N. G May 13, ml. 31-ypd djrs No. 7 .A. 4 I. G. O forth for their iafcrraation ADVr AND INSip OEVL’S OFFICU, \ RieHMOiiu. Vev.. Hu 25 j I. ParagpnpS IV GtnBr-.l Ori,-.-is Nr> 8 cur'-i-Bt is i'-’reby r^vsi'-cd II. Enrolli'ig Oflio?r3 wd'» ri oec • s '•ipiJiy ss pr4.; lir .',>U la ear !nj.'Pt - : h.* ''•■•'e tt. lis; i»- :o inili'Rry fii-iTic,^ Pr.viuUt' 'o t“ir.;'lra.;i *\« oousoripi*. all 4uoh perMoos will be allov • i i-’ Tjluiac*^,, pr-jTid- ed — li'. T •I C^>ulp^cy select’d wm in biirvioe on the 16tu of April 1 *^52. * 2ni The Cott)’>i,;y relict*''! r.t ihfl (imo of v*^«n- t^e-ing be ■ w tii. , nimum pr. orihed by re^ulatien^. • i\OTIl^E TO €0\«CR1PT«. HElUitl!ABT£RS Medical Dcpartmentt \ CHise Enhollkno OiricE, J .n’y 28cb. 18ti4 1 Pi>r»uAnt to ffders received from U'.'adquanerti of Oo»iBcr.ptioK at Raleigh N C , in reji*rd to all men hiibl« to Cotiai»ri{tiou ninler »-c«rjt act of ''’on/reea. a| - proved l>».i'r 28tb, 1863, me Medical Ex»m;ojng Bo-ird f-i, Four:>i ’’/nprt .‘Mions*! 0'-^net, N (J, wil^ convene ia aoaord»nc8 with >bcvc n.2iuei timed and places The Aii»a*Kii ot all c'jncerrtwl i» called lo the follona i»g rue-: ■ All ei.empliotit heretofore gr^’tiUd rw sub- j ct to "j'jiBloi;. u Jer iasinicsicis irom Burf-tiu of Con- seripu. u. if foui'.d ic> be* iuiprop«>r o; uuvkutaoriziiti b;- inw, will be re»'.>kol , cnTAVlTJS A WHITE. 8u:-gio« P A 8 . C.hi* t-^f 5x-40iininf B. -ird, F ‘Uf'.r Gt ag l)ii»i.. N. C F*b 11^. 6i.Api-i.226 HEAOQ’KS EXAMIWIW’g aOAfiD, 1 SEVKiNTil CONG. DISTRICT,’ N. v LijtiNGToN, ian 26, IH64 ) The underai^i.ed, one • the .Mens >• "s of the Exam ining Bo.’ird for the 7th Consreosioucl Dis'r'ct, N C , herebv aprointi the foll.wiig tifj^s nd pl4f:es for the exwii:o4Mon ot the c-jo'^cripfr oft*:* Djs.rici: Rogt N C Militia, L>iivids«n couot;, Lexington, February 20, 22, 23, 24 IVOTI€£. »pHE jn.isrsignei, Adm’r of Ww J McNeill, aud 1. by dec~«= of the C'iunof Pleaa (^ri.’t’i* Sssaioas for Moore County, wilt sell at the Court H .use in Cat- thage, on Tuesviaf 2M of Feb y, 18tl4, 330 &ore.9 of L'.ind, rn the waJ-id »f tiudalo *!rer!' »iicut 8 a»Ue.' w«8i of lfoB«dbi»ro’ L»epot oat*ie F A ■/. is. R. Taere is on the premieea a 8m,ill I’welliuK t >*'.ne a^d some ou nousjs, with Eoi'v. 6 or « i.or?s of -Mre^ Un j. I^e 5>l%oe is wisli :>dapt^d to the «ahi» it o't of eort>, ooiion iad all th» prcduc*s ri^->?ii in 'h • action of the coun try, and in g'oU n .iboiii.o I. .A rare ch-iiic'-'for ihoac- who wiHE to. ia»t-ai xh ir uiO‘t;>Y i •. rv»il tbta.le. Tie ^ilace is sfiM to pay deb-s. T trn'. - 6 iuonihs.c '-.d;. JOHX ’^loNElLL, Adm’r Feb 1, 1^H4. - 4 4ttHi iO", 3d No r>rr“''n j i« liabl* io *er»ic« uuder f bis orde r T"’7T ^ i will be p^r‘^i!t..a to join c wiU he a-a g:.td to a^y | D^v!de» connfy. Lexingfoa, Feb ocmpany whicc i».is lay."* ti^u sixty-four pnvi'ee ou ' . WANTED, tor the Hogpital at Fort Fislier. POULTRY, Chiekens. Butter and other d^lieaeies for tiie aiek Soldiers at this Hoapital. Persou having these artielM «an ebtaia the market priee on appuea- tioa te the fsbscriber at his old stand er at Mr. J. W. Pewers’s on Hay 0tr««t. K. & REIDB, Oea^l Ae’t. Aog. 26. 6S-tf To Cotton Planters. I'HAVI been appointed by fho Secretary of it,-: frf.* sury. Chief Agent for the pureaaee of’Co'.tj" for the i Coniedentte Govenunent withia the State of Norr^ '^.arA- 1 iin«s aad will j av for tke sasne in 7 per cent. Boude jT ! C-ftsh. ~L n A i S^J>-Af«nta vietking tke dilFwrent parts of the Stats, ; buying in my aamw, will have written certifioates of iAM prepared to manafaotnre all kinda ef Wagon ; appointaent. Harness for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can ■ gy order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coitoa pve good bargair". Agents will dt) well i6 send their j purehaaed by myself or my agente, oa and after tiie erden to me aa tii y 6h»U have prompt attention, a&d i 1363, will be paid for ia 7 par •coat, aeot eff in qniok 'li«pat»fe. JOHN CARTER. | Bondj er Casfi, and not 8 per oent. Bends as stated ta Qtddeton P. 0., Chatham Co., N C., 1 i former advcrtieement. Up to that time, however, tac June 1/1, 1862. f ■ g beads will be fur&iahed as stated. ' ~ * Patriotio oittsens arc now offered *-n opportunity to 900 lb«$. jvum Arabic for sale by J. R LEE. Oot. U. S9tf 25 Dee 2* mxt.Ti SACKS v'n* s*le by SAI.T!! ROtifKT MlTCrfSuL. TmA€€fc. Boxes VIROINlA TOIiACCO, various gTal.«, for atd« OB consignctcTit, by GEO. W WILLIAMS fe CO. May 28. . «ltf 190 f« ait the Govemmaat by Btl!iag to it t&eir Couon raUisr • to private oapiiaiitit.:i. LEWIS 8 WILLIA.MS. ^'harlctw, darcu 24, 18dS. [o. i».j ' 14tf OANli NOTE^ of North Carolina, Sout'n Carolina, J) Virginia and Qe»rgt& Ai»\ North Carolina «ix per cent. Fundable Notes. h.A tfrnh Oarolinfc «;X per cent Bonus, new i?8ue ‘-V R. Rif.ifrV.KL»aO-V & I'O., Broi^rn, Raiei^h, N C. j|.*. cr: ■». . the rol'. unMl all th» cj’jr''‘aten i'‘ ■»or»icf> from th? Sttite o{ wliic t TOiuntcer or coaacrip'. is a re^iiJen*, sbaUbavc the laiaioiufn nusbar ^ressribed by regula- tiios 4th U, on the Conaf'tny b^inr Relvcted, the vjlan teer will rcceive froni ti.* Etiiall'np Olfioer a ce-*tifi.;».to lo ’bi effeftt that hs h;*s su voirv. tei '-.d; and no valuti- teer will be received'in any uvni}.ruiy exeapt ,u encie o:rtifioar». in. Persona who fail t.^ oake f ^lfe 'lian, »ceording to I tue provisloDi* of Hiis order, and lit the ticie of enlist- I i»ent,lriil be »ssigs«d aoo.>rdicgtofxisiiBsrefUlation«> I IT. All f fficsr* In e^»ror^-.n l of co3J?/aa‘:a authon*,?-* nnier fhis order lo re^’eivts oonsorip » or volaateera wiU i forthwith Send to the Comr^^feneant of Conscripts of the : State, aconrate cdrt;ted roiis of their companies; aud I without such roll, Biiowin>: t*u*t f*-*j i > not exoeed eisty four p;ivfttee. ‘here wiil not be iSsji^rcd any conc-cript or vjlm-tew * Bv coinmanii of the Secretary of '-^ar. (eig’ned) 3. COOPER. A4jt ft Insp. Gac. Early and vigorous act ion, wiil be eftjoined v>u the Ea- ; roiling Offic*^r«. each one of Ylium should be furnished j with a copy of the orJer wiiuou' delay. To insure the publieity.of th? order, th«re should oe t*e\er:';l inser- i tiens ia tUe newspacero f (tenu al cii vuUtion 1 II. Persons preseatiojt .^.pyociitiond lor special ex- ' emption. with ony e?iote of ffterit, wili not be molestfi I until action is taken by ibi.i BurcHU Tbeie casea will ' be inveiitiga'^ed in accord vnoij wu-j Circular No. 3, Cur- 1 rest Series, with the leant delay prasfiotibie. i By order of Col JNO 3. PKESTON, Snpt. I , (Signed) C B- UUFFltLD,.A. A. G. Jan’y 27 3 Im 88d Regt N 1 M, S'anly county, Albcmarie, Msrch 2, 3. 4. 6 80th R.'gt N C M, Ajison county, Wadesboro', March 7, 8, 9. le. 81st Regt N C M, Anson eoanty, Waiesboro’, Marob 11, 12, 14, 16. 62d Re*t K C M, Montgomery county, Trov, March 17. 13, 19, 21 51st Regt N C M, Moore county, Carthag% March 23, 24, 26, 26. 28. 49th Kegt K C M, Chatham county, Pittsboro’, March 80, 31, April 1, 2. tit«|f4 H r* My «Au»ix, A^i 11 &, *. 7. 6Sd Regi N C M, Randolph county, Asheboru', April 11, 12, 18, 14. lii. 04t^ Reft N C M, Randolph oonntv, Aaheboro’, April IG, ISi IS. 20. P. G. SNOWDEN, Surcecn P. A vJ S., Chairman Examining B>arf, 7tn Cong. Diet, N 0. 9itate ot ilOiiK--' •. • oOSi'V. : of P."j:i- v.id Qu.,- . . Mov. Toria, 1863 motion, Reub. n kiL'f. biierijt'oi Roi>eson couni? read >*li>ad hi Dpe Dill lor Ue propoaea jc*r 18®4 ^ 86 acres listed ‘-y F. C W Guai c w>,nip, t-*x ST 23; 350 acr^a listed by Ju-iii R Aiu.ey. H«Sw.-iiop, 6 16; lOo aori^.) listed by llw;>er ..jn Singt riary, Eltzabcth road, 2 32; 85 acres lisii^d by 5otin Granam, George’s Marsh, 83 CIS. (Fr.^m tUr Minutss.) 8»-t4MF] JNO. A RO\yLAND. Clerk. RE-ENLISTMENTS OF TROOPS Tho hearts of our people who really appreciate the tremendous issues inv^olved in this awful war, should swell with gratitude to God at thfi spee* tacle just now presented by our noble armies in tbc fiold. Moaictly a iiiail reaches us that does a .a- Ky lu ■ 24^,h inef.) | no? bring tidings uf re enlibt’-nent by our troopS; Pt 'g+r.iin Iuj;raui, nsAr | foi the war, hvivvtver lo'Og it luuy continue. This ^ true of all the armies in the field The men are coming i'urwurd, not by individuals or com panies, but by Kegiinents, Brigades aud l)ivisions, and consecrating themselves anew to the service of.their country. And thu pledge now is, t^at they will not lay down their arms until the great object lor which they were hrsc taken up shall have been accomplished. Tbese men have been in service low for well tiigh three years. Aceubcou^cM to the peaceful and quiet pursuits oi litu, it migtit have been thought that their original enlistment was under rhe iriiluence of exeiicmcii . liut, if i'. were so at first, it is not so -uow. 'I'hoy knov ’..li,i. th y are doing. -Tiie piiViiCiu : utleriii^js of three years iiave cli^utually rcui' vcii :*!«j rojiance of wa», and maUK tlitni^iA|Ukintt'd with its Htcrn r-jautiei. Bu;,-, . .t_. do uuc lliach from the duty impo.i.u iL.jLu tii God’s providence aud demauded ol taiiu tjy tii.„u- ooaatiy. And thesa rujgged, wur worn, scarred veterans -will keep their vow.^; and future fielis i>l blood will record the deep meaning of their solemn pledges. This re-eulistment of the throe years’ men be fore the expiration of their original term, is cer tainly the most encouraging sign of the times.* It shows that the meu iu the army have not been seriously demwral ized, as there was some reason to fear, by those who have remained at homo'. The contamination of trade aud speculation has not reached tUe camps, so as to maico men willing to submit 4o anything rather than bear longer the privations and losses incident to au indefinite prolongation of the struggle for civil and reli gious freedom. Wh»J;ever may be the feeling at home, our soldiers do not feel that everything is expressed in dollars and cents; and that, it the enetay will but in-uimse us something, it would bo better to jnake terms uiid ks^i iKe rod, than eor.tc?id longcj lor 'the rij^ht^ oi' IreedLuen. All honor to our noble suiaie'rs, who iiave thus shown their willingness to persevere to tlie end! •May they not only speedily establish the civil liberty for which they have so long and so va liantly contended, but may they also attain unto tha*^ liberty whec^with tho Son makes free in deed —‘^orth i^arolina Presbyterian. i’rou.- : ;i M-r. •jiiu rui- i:.i. I'Mt; i-ini u 3 rfu*'. a.r.'i iii ■II tl-" n t-i**'' A iijij •£i 1-* K ’ -»i * • 6 I fc ■ . . i-iq., 'ir 1 I O u A D ‘-ic f*iil .• tie'} •I'lHijUre lu c-;.wiag KFFIE 0. wicliEAN. Ex’r ol H. M. M.LEAN. 95tf t ;a »oiJo#ing lands woio!'. laxa-. -fiw t&c>'eou for th* N Sole L.eather wanted. QA A/\ LBS. of heavy wed tanned SOLE L£ATHB&^^ iuUUU suitable for Be-lting. Apply to D. MURPHY. iFayetteviile, Aptil ll. 20tf Wanted to Pitrchafie, WBSTERH'RAIL road STOCK; Bank Notes; ftt-ld »od 8iiver; North Carolina Tre wur Nofefl (FrcdabUi) “ “ *• ^ :.nd $2; “ Btodtt, old and ue»; Gotmtj vf Ca'cberl>.t>d Bond?; Tewn of Fayetteville GreensNoro’ ■'»! ar.d >i>i Cerlifioatoti; Confederate 7 ar.d 8 per cent. Bonds; CoHpoiu ot $16,000,000 loan; “ of "Town and C>^icty Bonds;* “ Oi' old Kart.t Ctkr&hna Hoads; r. 3. LDITERLOH. Oct. 12, 18C8. TUi SpQU C«tton Exchanged for Lard. Cofton Yarn tor Wool. |||^OTICE is hereby given taat *fter this^ate (exoepi in caa,M> where we kave bargai&ed for Wool aooord in^ to tLe terms of our advertisement of'the 30th of |. May, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun- 1 die of Cotton Yarn fk^r 4 tbs. of Wool unwashod, or 3 Iba. wasbeci sad picked. This ohaage is made at the lastacce of tke Qu;irierma8ter at Raleigh, in ordor to i partcnnnt of the Confederate State.'« of Awjriea, for the ‘ ' services c-f my slajres omploye-1 as laborers o\ t%e land COXFKDfiRATE STAT£b UF AMiittlCA, i E.S015KKR Ukpaetmkst, Di«t. i'»APB 6ha", V Wiim'.ngtou, N A:.»vc-'. l(>tt\, j JO'^ICE 19 hereby (iiven io all purfauna Saviuj o'ai s against *he Enjrinr^t-r Df*pantaen;, for servioo^ sf eiaraj employed as labor^ ra on th»* la\}d deftne** n-*'iX Wiimingion, N C , that tbe i..i*r«i:'nr'^ •» authoriiird and prep>»rad to pi;/ she Oi nf &• hin oo the s^'- con i floor of ih- build ng »ivxi ibova .M;ar(j»’ l>rug St r“, Market ;gl5^Peri.oaa rxecuting Power-i of .Attorni»y rrill ob- srirve the followini^ form—ih.'ir ignature»i, in all eaifs, be witnessed by two wit>je&Krs ^ad eigeed dupli cate, or they Oi*~ be iufs- .ci before Juatlco of tue Peace or Clerk of ^ny C.> ‘t FORM OF POW.tsU OF ATTORNEY. 1, of . do hereby ftpp- iat , of , my true and lawful Ageot to sign re..6ip;... .Jor, and'receive f.'ijment of »!’ moneys due tJ ra» by the Eagitietr Do .'nako the terms of exchancre uniform throughout th>* guit». GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO ?ft,yetr?viile, June 29, 186^. 41 If ITaiiie. I The undersigned were, at the Koveitiber Term of tk« j CoDfeter4te (Jouct, District of N'orta Carolina, ap- { j pointed Mi»nc.|c*rB of the h^gypt Co*l Miue property, j uud have entered into cop&rtueriihip for the purpoi^e of Btiaiag fuiu seUing Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any deaired quantity. Orders for any anioant can be supplied oa short notice. Thu €»al rr •m this pro- funj 13 nnuoubtcrfiy thv bent in the Conrel*»,r»ie b't-tit-33. Appliofttionf n..ay ?>€ mide to Chr^s B. M»^lUtt, Fayetts- viik:. R . er Jivraeb iJrc'wiic, Oi'An.P'on. d. C i vHAULEH B. MALLSTT JAM^'.s 'J'rtOWVE P£.y,>teville, »>an*y 20. '•Hi}:? -.Ifir' defences ai , dnricg the iu->n:h of Witness rav band and seal at , —18(5 (Signed in dupUum e.) 1H6 CRIEP ENknill^iS OFFICE, Sevbnth Congressional District*, N. C., , Lexington, Jan. 26, 1864. Gsnkbal OaosR, 1 No 1. . / I COUNTY Enrolling Officers wdl proceed at once to , re enrall all persons in ttieir Counties between tise ages cf 18 and 45, in accordance with General Order, No. 1, Conscript Office, Raleigh, N. C , and have them pr'«ent at the above tinae(> and places for medical ex amination, revision of former exenipti'>ns, &c. II. Thi* call enl^raoe6 persons b.’twtcn the con script ages who hava herei*>fore bvon fjxeuipted, d?l»il- { ei or diseharged from any source, or for any cause ' #r’.islever, inclulicg peraoi-s wh' >-.avB furo'«h«'d sub- ! atitutos, a3 wfll as th*«e .riw ti.-, ar.aj-, ana ah .lalo I wa te poraons who hrvre arrived the '.ge of eighteen, I ^nd aH oti-.er.^ who h*ve not berfto^ore been euriilpd I 111 Enroiimg Officers wiU ouiy order a fourth of t ie ! oou8cr»fji8 of » Mili ;a Beaiiaeni to report on caca of *'n& ippi'nled days K.ad require e^ch ma=i to bri^g wu!i j him three days’ rations. I LV. .\ l person.'^ ciabrae*'d la this calt are abesluJely i required to te present at the appointed times «nd I piboee^, aud any failing to appo^r will be* treated as de- setiprs V. The notice to cor«i;jripts ia deemed sufiivieat to al- ’,cw them ample tipe*for arranging thoir domeatic af fairs, and no application from parties to be allowed to remain at home lieyond the time appoim«4 for their dfoarture for camp will be entertained. J M. LITTLE. Oapt. and Chief Enrolling Officer, 4 4t] 7jh Cong. Diat., N C. €ardf>i, Capti, Coffee. 1 OArt pairs COTTON CARDS, No 10. i/gUw WOOL Hid JIM CRO'V CARDS Pure COD LIVER OIL for Consiimpiiia. Rhemnatisoi and other .'erofu!-‘n(i disea:^es; X»i'k% Powder. Shot and Caps, Hand S^w, Mtil Sa^v and Bitstard File’, Can dUs, Sbie Thread, Prime Rio CofFe*', Hors? and Mali Collai-a, C>rpporM, Sole and Upper L-M»cr, Pint, So., &c., a> WILSON’S Uil,*Tieatbv*', Saddlery and Harnesa Eetabiishznent, Wilu>ingt^n, N- C. Feb’v b. 1864 iw. j.1 6-4t*4t iSTAKlpblJiVDRY^ ' THE subscriber »ery respB.3tfuIiy informs his friends !ind ♦be’pnblia genc^rully iJai.i he has now in hia employmeot corapetent workrcea. "^nd is fally prepared to oust any kind or WORK in Lis I n- at taa shortest no tice and aB the iujsi rea.'^o>iv,t>tu terms: suoh as Car Whaels, Dr^viatt Wbeel«. Gffen and Dry Sand work, Liiotn w.rk. Blo\«;i;g Cylinders, tueata Boat work, Salt Par.s and Grate B.-krs, &c Ac M A. BAKER. Fayetteville, N. C., .*a«’y 11, 18fi4 97tf 0 izr.v THE B£,0€M£.iMME, HM. MACINTYRE Has reoeivod, NB case, 29 inch, 900 yd.s. all Wool White Flannel; One oasu* 1800 ydijt M*lder Calioo; 86 doi Fine 3 Bladed Knives; 2fi0 Gross Elaeiic Steel Ksitting Needles. 1 ■ 2-6w THOS. J. JOMSON, Jr.;& CO., General CommissioQ & Forwarding Merchants, -15 llorfit fW*ater Strte^ WIL-MINGTON, N. C. PROMPT rltiCVifi. j; t} ftll >'U-.i'0SS to cur hands Coneiinmunto si iest.eti. T. J. JOrtNfON. Jr., A. GRABROWSKY, of F-^ye‘icvill>-, N. C. of F‘»i‘*r"hurn, Va. J^n’y 8. • 9o Siupd Noble Little Girl.—Miss. Rebecca Cox, of Amite conuty, Mississippi, a little girl about 13 years of age, has sent to our soldiers within«.the past two years, over two hundred yards of jeans, several home-made blankets, and many pairs of socka, mostly the work of her own fair hands. Some writer in the newspapers says^ that to make a little butter go a long ways in ;>leasing the taste cat your bread ^ith the buttered side down, so as to let the tongue take hold of the butter. To keep the butter uppermost is like -5* Baiidiag *Lfto Franklie Mtreet, AT AUCTION. ON Satur-iay next me i9tn imit, will be sold at Auction, Four Lou, 52 feet front, 120 feet deep, adjoining Lots of Is^ae D >dd, Levine Wnod and Mrs. Johnson. Thtj land is very p^'oduotire ana well adapted for build- in£ purposes. JOHN H. COOK, Auot’r.. Feb’y 13. ' . fi 2t Witue.«.«, HEiUQUAllTERS Eiirollliig Offlcc, Camberland, 1 F,.YfcTTKVi>.L;i F :> . '.i if-lit f 1 1)«‘0PFJET(>R.‘' uf ■,'* F->ct3ri->r(, F..iiulrie-% Mact.J i i •ll Ma'i'. •!')«!• ,crn>’i /if. , &c . whoh’ ve , .v.iisi stfould be witnesee‘1 The Bigajlures of colored r> by three iciiRcases There niu?t be sep r »».e for fuich ni'in*h furriS c.it. oaLioa at t iis officr , • W. II J'AME*. •''tiv. A t ;'ef E:ig. 20. ^ 8i>4 - 180Ut i '.uih of Avtornoy t*:’. oa'i u,xi» ill-1 m-*B it* *hti** employ. wiU to this Oflics on rr hel'ore let Apri! 18ti4. a full /J' orip'ive list of tie 4A'iir'. 0^0. H. 21A1GH, 6..-I T,t. »nd K () f(,T OiTr'*}' TiyE will give spun ^ oticr; in part payin&at for LARB M delivnreJ ai u; Factory »a Pers*>ii St. /. Mci^VUi'HLlN A v^ry line I ^ *^7 ".aw tity ?»!»>=. Cbr^M^ ¥ayett«YilIe ArbcBitl and Amiiry, PnisY&a iBeaikt$. iHE subssribor Will pay the iii/k. st .a^h pricei; Ijr Factory. 'BAR A.\iL» ’E'Osi.Ki' S»i>AP.—For sale at my Factory. A. MoLAUCHLIN. FayoUeville, lii, 1^68. UiUINANCE DJIPABTMKST, \ aAiKioH. N. 0 V M.»y 8, 1868. / Lead wanted.—l wiaa-»o purehase Lead for this Department. Persons havin^i large or umall qoan- thiee will please apply &t once. WHi give 1 ponnd at I*OWDBR for 10 paundd of luxiAD. TB08 D. aOGG, Capt. C. S. g^tf I^ onarge of Ordnance. Hillsboro* Military ieademy. The Six»h Aeademic year of tfei«J ludiitutir-.u will be gin on Wed'-iM-lsy, Feb’y ^d, 18d4. For cireuiai# a»t>l in*' r.i.;«iu->u ttj'p’y M..j W>i.*.d. GORl>->>*. ^i^p’t. Htildboro’, N. G., 21, i”-brJr . OIL AND LMF BLACKr ’■pANNEKti’ and LUliRiCA'ilNG OIL. i. LAMP BLACK in barr- l*). For sale by JOB. a. BhOtaOiA it CO., WitaysftoB, M. 0. I In Equity. Vay#U«T»Tile. 0^-t R IVorth I'arolSna, Wakb County. IN tho caso of “Mrs Jar.o Boyiau. John H Bojlan and others. agMnst Ge-^rga W Hl^^d?^ai, Etocutor ot Wiiliam 1Boy!»n, WeMon E BoyKa,%*>-rah Boykin as! others,” filed to Spring Term, A. D. 1864, of the Court, of Equity for the County of W-yco aiiU dtvo of Nonn Carolina, for the purpose of taking m acoouft aad pay ing off lagaoiea, &a. Notice is hereby given to Weldi,n B'Boylaa, Sarah Parker, Kjite Weldon Boyl»n, Hannah Boylan i^nd El-#a Webster, to eome forward at the nrxt Term of this Court, find plead, answer or d.'raur to said bill, nr it will be taki'n j*r'> ooafesso, and h"tr 5 fx f.art*; va *fr t*. '>ii Diinr. at Otlioe in :iie City c( tns lb%yij d?- of J>..!au.'y, .A. D 1S*>4. «7-0w] ^ ■ H. G. Lif\¥rS, 0. M. ii. PbytsicjaEs’ii l-aril. D. A CAM luovod to Fa ( Ktreet, whore be wt^y be found e.t *11 tiiav.s, with a»» ample Ruxsk of M?'f!ic.Aie3, to kshw^i Profesfional calls. 8atisfaotory rafereaoe fwrniehed, Jtm'j 2, ItM '* H-imfA 4|«inrter9M«!sicr’s Hi*parliM‘ttt, \ Kalskjh, Feb’y ti, 18G4. ) D“i>-r'w«atOU u*u>i a eiu.'’.tl lot oi Coi-^''!i I I/'*-’’.f ur li’.tribu'itinamoBjktie .amtljesoi’ s-ildiers T •«> pprcial couTia of eskch county a.« requested to ap f irt H!' i^freat 1*1 county ro and distribute •Loch T^i« price will be five dollsirs, (i56.) aod neoe^ Biwiu'* wives and Kioiters of pclditrs will bave thn pre- fert-uo-'. More &re exnceted daily and will be P^ot-out ad fa«i reubittcd H. A DOWD, A Q M , N C A Kk\«'igu, Feb’y B, 18«4 5 8t After tliEs 4latel vpll pay 15 Cents per pound for ’ra.M, ot the hlfhc*! o»ai kpt prvee, dejivered in FayeitovUiii, or at «iv mill^ o: Rockfish. D. MURPHY, feb'y 16, 18.»4 . . 7-t' nY u 13 iflf- ^l^vcs and Jlocks Wanted. IDJKtil iK to purchase tor fae soldiers 10,000 p.^vrd of Oiovci 10,000 pairs of 3coEs. Dauafions wil? be .b .lly Kceive i EDWARD WARREN. ^ Surge^i^ Gen N. G. Jun’,11. . ^3m Roxcs, &c.« tor the Arniv. I WILL Hsnd j ’ - .1-- Northern Vjr Nov. 12 i8t,;3- ^ J. ^100 nOUNTW lW*unic0l^ SHiliemeH. .If A ‘fffiS" n 1 UTHORITY having been gra>ueii by the War De- prrtt^icot to raise a Compauy of Mouxsttd itifl-^miH for «ercioc ia tbie viafr-ity, UMt’ce i*> ^ei'cb7 gi ».»a tL reeruitJi to tho numb'ir ol 100 ttow eorecript* w li W Ti - oetved for ihin servioj. Eacti recnn* will be r. q:iiro;' to fnruiBh a iterviceable horp-».- for wtiioh he wU be al lied 40 cents per dj» m, and kis t*a) SJ2 pgr toontl!. Wria^i permUtion will l>e required froui parents or guard•las, where the .appli!!uit is under r*.e cansoript hgf-. Each recruit must bring with Vim a blanket or b. d epraai, and cotue prepared to remain Bridle's, saddles, h^lt^»r? and 8»ld)e bl-ttikeis fnmiph^ ed by. the Goveriimeat, or if the r.>c*uit conieS p>tvidt**ii with V'!'iu, he wi'l b« pnid f:HP tKcra a. "a.*- ■ -I'l'tifii Arii-ly to-apt M .\TThE'»7 p- a .VVLO i- ">• At ‘ *' f' L- Crj-I».i'ij. i &Otf • C. S A Conid j Po':i I ’ ’ J^LOt'R f*aci O.'.T w?'.i oe xoh ngcci iVr -*l thi J S:arc »i 1). oy br.. .* ’ - ii.i-t’i T /! p o r- \ ’,r« i a-ji.:-'- F' ar i. j’.i K uf rrhiie. tPwLLL (la:e (•{.0.,i liris i , - r, .f ♦ye.tcviUe a?-.‘i t.\ka n,n '■-.'fioe on iiow ! • 3 ^ j ^ !rei froiesfionai oaiis. ^ 2'i ,4?-Sl I'-il. Dtates uioie oooi fte i tke I^flile Fcl^ A ftirther sappiy at wholesale I a. GeUection of Sabbatik SAoq1 t f «c r««att bf . 1. J. * aop^. ' For sate br J- Wanted lniinedi;tel}% ;ae Tfu^tves >■; ■*i:l y tjJ ''c'.cstiSc >flf>titu»c'i L%dy well qcajifit-d t>- ii-5itrucri.n 02 t - Pift.>o, tj cKi i‘. v.’gd of 1^0 Mil Deivartoierit tv/ flni.l Sgaoijl ‘i'5e Aon rmy i- la Dup’iu C 'unfy u?tr Mour.t OUvs, {t‘'ro-.’ mil s ir^ui iae VV a Vi K P.aai j i-. au(t I fy h Ap- pWv!Mtt3 Will auflresy rav »f -.'i' u*-.t ob» •. N O ” JAy. G i/1' KSO;*, 3 ’c'v. Feb’:. 9. 5 6:*.^fru' *- ». , .. ■ i ».5 ’V. QioLE. tl 4.1= io -i-- i t iOElriK ■-k :ue-iTt i laa, iQ i.no^rJtr, 3 v^Ojyi-.r? o^x - .x- >iSu‘-rfet on nis stdes by tr^cpf.'a crack in the uoof *f tae ■’•'thin l foo. 1 will pav tho above reward^^fur tiie eaiu tio-su And prcoi to oonviot the tnief; '-r I « ill p;i.y two uur- dr-»d dollars for tb .- deiivery of i:ie. horse to laa at Union Factory, N rib Oarolinn, or for hita at any p'!ace 90 that i oao got Ic.ni. Any infoi'^ufttJba will bt- tbaak- fully received JAMES DICES. Union FacUn’y. Feb'y 6, lSti4. 5-9ij.c! Valuable Prop«.,riy Eor fSale. The Vttitiable a»d icipi oved LoiS ou tiay btr ei, be longing to the D >bbiu House Company, will be soid at pablic anctioD i~ Fayetteville, on Saturday next, the 20th iniiant. *The buildiDge are of briclc, new and m dei^irable coaditiou, having not only the rooms ne cessary for a hotel of a go*xt ciaes, but a fine, well finished store also, equal to most of those on Hay Street. There ib a lar|k garden in the rear of the front lot belon«riag to theeetabUsameut, which wiUpass to the pn-^'iaser with '.tie other property. The maiu building may be us^ either as a hotel, for which purpose it was constrncied., or may be occupied by three or four faailie'i. Poi'session of tiie houses and g^trden wiii ba delivered on the fii’st of January next, at which >.jna« the ojotij^ncy cf t i'c proseut ttnant will be at an end. By ord ^r of tbo DOBBIN HOUSr; COMPANY. F »hi uHry 15, lSo4 6-2tpd TAi^UAlSiLE LAXoTeoR SALE IK MOORE CuCl'TY By virtue of -iailioriiy ve.^ted in me by the last Will and TestatneLt o? H-^nry Arnold, dec’d, I will sell on a er(!dit g! six months or for ca.4h, at the option of the purebaser, EiOHXEE^ HUNDRED ACRES LAND on tfea S.iuih gl-'^ of Lower 1« Ri?er. The L&nd is well tiaabcred and ^«ll ad.>^ied tv. making lum-^ ber aud turpi'ti-.trie, axi l hits an exoeU*^nt mill site on a never faiiittg lu Tat^re's abiat fifteen or twenty aorei* O'" cieareJ iaca on ihe ’‘^'i sonie excisl- Unt swauip iaad to be ctc^re.i. rh&r4 >i, >>lkO ao ut oae buudrrd lurpi-ifliij*.' ii.erv ut .ooU' T».ur tanka of hox, M bi.t ■ ( .. J, v>cfli.€ i or.e or two years. TV." boxev rvTf ne.rly full .f un-f.niitK- a to. present iiiao. ‘.apposi-d I’-oipabvUi * wu uua>>r«t4 tarr Jtu Tnere vriil a].'D bv gold ou i r^tdi^en »t tee saaietim-, stotik of BOGS &n'l oi'jftv irim;u3 i - i di- m to m*tit.«ou. All Wiil ei'i'i :■* tti€ premise* the abow*' n->u.ed ■ cn the 2(iti» or V ui»r Al' ibt'te.hutiL c-ii-ds 3tni then' for i'- - t tj!a;e wil: pre .. r vd by.Uw. R vOLD, aju’x. 5 3t STOijEVl', Ij^ROM the pt,%ble of the subejru >r. on th>^ niirfM. of ‘ tlic 8-h of February 18t54, a siu'i.11 SO'j^REL HORSE, 8 or 9 y.jar« old, w^h whita in hia face and one or both of hib tore feet whif^; his fe«:. .■ fl *-t ■»nd have fome cr-cks extending near to t-be upttp=' r-iii- of th? hoof, ^ny pi>!r(H»n delivering hiu 0 luo or tivine fit fcV b’y -i To 'a ike i*'SibjkC! SOM-o rj-liiiou. peitoi. ug lo the people tbftt I A'an in ■> o habit of procuring M»al from the •'Provibion Stor,- ’ at reduced prices, representing my self a9 a poor ci»n—a::i that havihg reeeiveJ the sasi^ have Bp^culaiod th- reon. I thcrefere pronouuce the fabriistor of this storj a f^ldeficr, an-i wlieh ti. knew >L» he is, aud where he may be seen and k;’- wa F. M PRICE. Fajcttrville, F^ii-’y 8 5 3tpl . Ail boxes, packages, fte office fre« ot’ cfcsra’*. speoial ineH5n>ger to the Ariay of j f-jimiH'ou so .hat I pot- fei'n shtjll t-? t«t>eral^y rew'^rvicd. uia on thj first uay of evsry raenth. j Address BtUGHT^WlLLIAM8, H-l". h. I •l.WE ' I in; rill he forwarded from my EDWARD warren, Surroo’i Gt‘ne»-a! O. Fib'y 10 Br 'oklirJ’ 0 . Robr^ston Co , N. 6 4‘pd nd Cilove'i ior the Soldiers. f-n iUi-h -naed to ex ian.^e. 4—4 Sh-^.'. f^r 100 oa;r? o' gooi Wo .1-n Roc^ko tnd 5*->vec>, to h-* • t- the SoMiors, at 'bf rate o* thrcC yai6i5(.f Sutc?ngt'lor fC'J> pairs Call atr .jxt dojr be-ow Rv- & r'lnS tar J A •i -. co‘'- y pembsrton 4 giness j.'cneriiliy duriog their .ibten-je. fhcy espeo , -I'tere.* th - Itiv>:3 of Aiacr'«i, sustorcjr? arKl frieh^ls, D. Sdtrr a- i Jofl .’! L> WlLliai'.H; cf Ala nlaoe, their attoraeya to uoileisi eithor sejw.r*it)lv or f.oTijflntiy s»li tao.'iry.'i uuo tneai either t>y ae^'iouiit or aote, and -.fiwriBe to attsn:l to their 6u- « i.f,! . •• J..« o. >, V >• tarj -seivict of tho Couf-. wct’-t her-iby notice to tlicir ihfct th.jy have. appoia:e^ JoiiD FO|i HIUE, 4 NFGKO 'URL irei abuut 10 yeai’d. ’Rha is a gocd • !isn 8trv»iii, nu'6*, arid c.-' k Ap'^ly to - 8 J HINSDALE. _ Between the M»rkct Hauno »nJ Bank of North Carolina, a PORT MONN HE, containing about $100. Th?fir lar will be re warded by !c iviug it with Mr. Jno. n-own -A B.*McCORMLCK. Feb'y 18. ! C-2tpd ILitndt f j) Zle:il . •_1it£ .iqi,.. ■. > '■# 7' I L \N;*, iu'I i i.i -“ 3:'s . acu o vh viik?8 it> jfood repair, with aa ei.-l > u; spring of wtter eenvtiii'at, and sitiwatad in a moral tcjghbovnood, »J r.ffit foT tas ;.re£ien- \ ear. JOIIN .\J.i;ONALD, Sr., , Crain’s Cretk, Moore, 51.' C. Feb’y 11. * ‘G-2ipd nOi^jciiDERATE States Bible Society ’FestamenU. ' ' Hxeuis. BMS * 801W foUy'Ssk a'd pereoES indebted to yiera to call a» proiapt- i ly as possible on tkaiv ageato %n>3 Ksus.e payment. I 9TA5i» * WILLUMS.- Sept. 1». 1891. 6«-ir r x^oncE IHAVE half dcsen good HICKORY 3{^^IjiS to trade for previdoiu. A. A. Jaa’7 23, 18Si MoKETHAlt. 1800-8t(i