/, 'I LA. fob. 15 iv ^1: p. l.avo p„nfi I" Hit direct!,«n of tjbuatj* ai.d a .fMOlOWHV fhive betwfeca no two whe«l tail W;S »iV'acui,t, j n'j t.ived. that V lit. iclt l urrtHt at ih-.i,iii)fc; n foIuQ^ - rc ^iiBvjUt:. of oav. Sl..nui.n, ;]•_>,0„o closi- Tder. s pickin up strajj. th loll :ue KL? ^ ' i>>u. ^ a I'roclama- tUMtli; that tliQ cj^y ■’ aoa ui ’ —Mobile, to ihf 8 jYom rt A(iani.s attackti Ktt rujv. destroying Dulos :ii)U drivera ip in f-,»reo he waa I »>s six kifled —nttvv'.K C Fi., 1 to't ; cavalrv rs un f Haltioiore ve^linrp.r's Fern;, >•1 purul^nii 50 lede .•ariii some booty^ ki lii »3v rj j.art ot* — It 1-. undiThtoed ccup^int: Jsicksou, i&ced e;;-rwardlj to Na- At the iatltr ^ilroa i 'ivhiob Icadsi iirectioD of Knter- ind ijhio railroad oi 3JobiI«: and the tlotirprise to Mo- lUliea. I atl uQdersttxni to ;^-sou. thus cuttiDtj The route ■. m> ^rc supposed the di.-tance, or a J>oor an -.par^^j le ol subsisting tn C ^heriDart. ih »aid s ,t artillerj ir trui,i. and Gen and rear. Gen an and approaches )ri:fGen ilaury. rhat seeine :o be a irtakin^ ' ui tiff ) tlie nocos^ifj of country, with his 6 him. and a long tfcty tif ^uoee^s, i? U', 11 wo tail to io- U I as uiider- giaut raiu than a y ar) moving tw» and i.: Hupj-ort of the?- Cuiues from r /'en.wacola. d, in the first in- I Mobile; but, ’ for lage of pofisessing hts OB the waters iv await develop- stroQg hope Sent-nel, 15th It Gdteh, a Mary- flaridc»-^, captur^ kvalry hordes, near Learning' there sk, Lieut. Oatoh, rsuit, and -‘fiitch- tcQed ofl.” The below Newtown, by the Confede- ttempted to get to ero.— lo.'A. . —Rich- vfcd hi this city, lia, sa^ that the inty : .litinually ;rofch without r&- ol tbciii hav« yet coDs.iHntiy looked all pi.f-sibiiity of ’ ot their ncgro«i //W i ' —Tha say.s thii! it had at a . >c.k :e raid ion 'ji Franklin, eck. 1- Was not 3 a aaaee force i'un i;t& by way ' Wi,„.n .ut 20 lh;ii.. - iQoians if all, ^ t they y 1= . ■ t jd, har- lau: utid a iium* uder- ’,ic*numbcr yinir witere they 'I t.' y captured Fr ..V li», blit i> . p^ntly. / -liii. !j iu has lt>e t, . j tender Brtd It aco were prof,.’ I, that a Arr .:,-as have Shciui.tn iu hid ir/,y, Ifjth. nk„'c who came ba(-k 'Saturday. IId pi-y .ably ad- ul I... iuL'itived joo t. r**ach the erM 111 the 10th, >ivcd. (:fold is ice iu I'uirfield» the >^th. The >f tlj. windows >yed Coti- k;ll( i a lat« n ;tsh-.re i '-.y; •4: ^!‘:r In b-jt- uf i.er had n Gov«rQixeoC on ii-.' ’! ; ii ‘ Vb( % OBSERVJEEv ■ KTTE V iiXk. fre« Intprcourio witk the people of tho Confederaoy. in j niary of th'? Stages, and knows this to b« true; and f«r- I ther, while shut ap in th^ lines of the enemy, he h4« iscTura Appbal lo thm ?tand*.bd.—On« of the heard you Rppl»aded.by Federal offioers, aoi.1 strange chances of t»is 0.0-. char,RfahU aDi un- ooaree commended by the yankee so'diera. * ‘ ' your aapport all th* disloyal, dlisatisfied, disaffMlad Goxokk's —On Monday the 8'natti acied opon a | FROM OEN. LAMB’S BRIGADE, and unworthy men ii^he State, and Rot only in your number of bills of no particular interest. Among those j Libsbtt Mills, , Fsb’v 10 aJmircM.*’ Should not t'hi’s fwt“oJIn jonHyeTfo^tb^ ooPlfeoMiug-property of absoSndirjr oou- j liihiing somewhere iownV . i ^normity of your polioyt The writer of th«s hae bad eoripts; providiujt for an luvalW Corps; for the appoint- j in tp/arJhv »1‘. '« fvtan# /\f A ^uno'^al f n 4 k A A ••*»««• j > ' * liAI'fidT MAll. ASD TELEdKAPHIC NEWS. Female 'I’eJieher. THlKSnil KVIiyiKb. Fii:HKi;ART IS, iSM. . r«liable world is«thr\t of th»* FaU'Jfh Staodard on the war and the ConftJera^ Adr; intftraUon. Fer many yeare—the greatest non\};er ot years that the Standard ever «tO"d by anytiiir.g os^ftryl c-'y, c'lt.ndo of fLe SUtu dard iteelf—that paper fduoattd the pecple of North Carolina in favor of the dci’trino nf Sf'ffesgion. V^'ell, «i«oc8«ioo cam*—tee oall it ri>TolutioD, bat tbs Standard oalU ii eectrv’on. It cau.c too with the btaudftri’a hearty approraj it we ir>ity ;!Tdgp Vy its KT?ftu*ig^ and its Ediior’s Tcte tliot thprp was reiUv ^ny bc.trt in It. For Bome time tfac St.iadard oto d by cauee And stood by the A(lii!)nj^;r:»tion ui.jcf' Had the c'iu'^e lu band. It Wft8 so delig> fed with tti»t Aon'ioistrat’cn that it for mally and »'fficicT'?iy uoraira^eJ PreaHe’'’ Dr^vis for re ele*tien a« Pr?«idetJt of ih*; PMmar.'nt Oovernroent, praised bia C*Wnet, wiJhcut PxcT*!rin, R''d cndorsad j the ability, infogrlly arJ patr»oM«a: cf fb(* wbolt* Bet j For son.nin^xp aiv"d causr> whiiih ditferent peo j pie hari' difF-rent '5'iDi'rg. i' fmi',and Marl- j cd on in> .-prrsi**' rack. .AHr'i'islratk'n which ir | had prtiisei^^i- d( w prcnpuno-d to h» vr bo*"!! .-tjI at alid I befcrt^fce (in;p w! r?i it » pde »bt' r^n innticn /• ' r* j election. An'his no* upon prefercc of ftry new lipHt*, I but on'y in re^rrot to vh>it wie »f ’-'eM hno'»?’n^hft» a.n now. From hP'Djyiti »rdi>rt pulip'iiter of ti e war HrJ [ Tou cannot shield youuelf by putting th« people be fore you. and declaring that yon are but their mouth piece, »nd tbat they are even in advanoe of you Tcu, Sir, are in advance of the masses of your own State in Dslitical attainments and g«n?ral infcrrraation A* the Editor of an old and well ef4ablished pciitical journal, pnbltshrd at the Capital of the State, baying ming’ed ao freely and bein^ so well known to the publio men of the Stale, and Laving filled so many positions of respon- 8'hii’iy, it be^oovts you to lead the m»fi*ea in the riijhl patba, and not to bo Ird by «bcp, cr to b‘'Come the ni'-r'r tx)cl or mouth piece of roerin'»'cr to you in i*! format Ion, oppcr'unity aud social po'i'ion Hundreds o? your sup^ porters are as good and as sincere as they kttow bow lo be; hut thoy hs»3 net Kud the cpp'TiU'iiy to ^nforin thffiBplves that you hav;, an'^ you otue** nOi h led by thew; *>nt you, i*ir, nb mid rise ai^^ovo the jenoraiice Ct this class of ti.'rcoc.s, aud brtstjw ■mi tbcni tie bcr.' fit o* •»up>f ior aff8inni{'n*5, by ref«»>ttjr te b» tb-ir n i >c? U' uttor'ng fooHsh and iuprsctsc -hie tbiDRi X Y Arrival of iht Ad- Vanet.—RAX.iiaK, Pfbtf 17, 186- T P'‘y two hundred and fifty dollars per eetaioa Boripts; proYidmg for an Invalid Corps; for the appoint- I r"®*; »fa, evening, and that jet agoiag all. the 1 -I b.- ti- - .o annonnce the .af« 3,rrival of 1 . ' oouriers in tee arft)T. Tbs I'ext moraiDc a brisk osn-1 (hr> ah Vann> nt. » i. • iv. ian.\ ' ■ for a Fema.ie Teacher that will coma well ment of a General inlhe PsoTiaion^l Army toootnirwd : nonade and eharp musketry-Hrinp oojnm^noed 1* or i i trfn' ° ! reoommended, to teach »h« usual Engll.b BranekM, '■ - _ . . , I y . » trio “ndMurtcoa Plano, and will allow the Teachfcr to charge for all soholara outside of tay own family. Perhaps the sobool will not ezoeed 10 acholars, 6 of them in my femily. HARRIS TYBOR, Fair Haven, N. C. Peh’y 18. ' 1-4tpd the tran^-MiFaisaip^i Department I a The Hvuae passed fflilw Halnw u>i on the rivrr • The HTANDAitD A# Okioikai. Cotton i^rATEs Sr.gss- SI0NI9T—la (be OVserver cf the 4 '!* iD^t.attho in iU'c VI H Hubbcnb^r in Fi^nkUn coi'.pIv. wc co^ieo tirfie’ca from ihc Hili'is!:i St^ii4 ird ehcaing (l.at it wa' a i.^’cus adfoco.t''of ib« right of f>rcoeric'n :»crn (a‘ LfSi) Dt-CPinber 3?50 lo Oc^. 31, li'Kl. A f-w bff-.re tbc pubiioation of tl-.ese extracts tho S'andaro teolHrfd t)jiit it bid “neytr maintain*'d the doetrio^ Of *ec«*?s:on ss |-r»ctioed by the co**. « ar-J ii ihe Pr»''i'ide»Jt. it has of l»te nb-TaPvir-* wi'li a'^n^p of the j joncludi! j; cur meet- o mclti8'»e proof ib^’^ H- one ati'i rl'ioiuy. dc.^pom^irg ar.d . rfak.'nir view of the j ?iih iht.ui prctH**'y in ir'ai'/aininjt ih.' ab t-a«t r;ph* other. 1« it ni't jc's'f? sf* J>ge '• p'v unrfli>bl«*. s leader—rpe ffh"* h'l.* bf’f'n by inns Whiff, Dsmocrat anji-Deniocrat. f»nd Ooo'ervaiiTe, ^ecer^vi^uiitt j-nd »nti seceeMcii''5t, •'^flr m^n »n.*> pc-'ra »nan. ai’mici^^r.vion mat At.d Hr. i r rtiii. ;2d for rnJ every vrooi ne»» ni-.n ia fh' Siate—is u nrl ptranee. ws 8i*y, th*a pncii i. »'*pe’' ehrnlJ hav*- foU.">wor8 in a cvu Sftde againat the very me.iyurf* that it had so ri nob airec- oy In brinzing ."i^oui and tbe very rr>en that i» e»-!ected on aecotint of thfir fi'iiess to brirc that grrai m-'asurc te a 6uccei=8ful iiPii«? Yet it i«i readily accounted for: The Star-dsrd. more than ary p'per that ever we laid eyes on, abo%n«Ig with jL>rc/e»si>r: cf devotion lo “the peopl«,”»and many i:eople are more eseily gulled by empty profmsions, everlastingly repeated, than on by gccercuis deeds. Dut h« t-oot feV.ows who have, in con- sequrnce of the s^tandsri^** teacbinps, ds?crl»d {bvir o«!jntry’s flijr. and beoR ■ h ! to d'-ath therefor by orJer o'cour'p martial, or betn kUlaii b’’ their brotber-^o!- di?rs who f''\.r.i} t^e’” F»uikir.]e in the wo"d^. w.^rc p»rt and parcel of '•the people.” and tbtir dishcnortd and humilia.ed wiver 'ird children cud parents are parts of “tha people.” To these the Standard has much to an swer. These Tpfi^ctions have te?n called f^h Ky reaUin* In tbe Raleigh Confederate a comruunlcatica addressed to the Editor of the Stardard by one who eays he i>? a personal friend lo the Editor, and who is v^ncbed for by the Confederate as “one of bt« warmest personal friends.” The artinle is so truthful and e»rne«t, tbat we are tempted to cory tbe material parts of it, a« fol lows: TO TH* SOTTOH OF THE RAlKIOpr 9TAND4RD [Frorathn Ra’eigh Cosffdcra»e ] Be who'takes tbe ’iberty-cf fiddrr58:n;r you tbreugh this medinm is not y. iir ernnv. ard dees not eeek to destroy you eociaUv or poltiigal-v. !!■» is your friend and Wf'uid pladlj ntt lle'p'vrt of a fn;;nd toward you In tbe tryingcri?i8 ibn t.ah wr'ic'^rou are j>> w prs Like youraelf tie a UiH'a Tij n up to Lvr.Ccl;*'? proclan-atiop. fir'd has rv»r «icc«^'en war man * ♦ In the apirtt fr'endehip ^n T candor he He^irrs to tell you tha* yrur oonrte for nioniha p%st bas been,a source of deep sorrow to all the true and loyal, not” only in North Carolina, but in every State'in tbe Con federacy. If you ara a friend to th> South in thia gi gantic struggle, and your friend is loth to believe other wise. your course has certainly diKOoufaged tb© friends of the South, and enooumtred yours and ibeir enemies This fact cannot now eatAre your own observa'ion, and the apposition whinh you ercountcr from the press of the Corfederacy phould show yrn how npjui>tifiable is your course la »U tbe OoLfed*racy there are not three new=pt»pers wbo opf-nly endorsJ* year ecntiments, and not twice th»t nu^jber who do not openly oppos" yoa. Shcold not th’^e fact ep“n yoar'eyes? • Are all these guardians of right acd *ru^h ’»n.ng an i you alone right? Have yon more political f .resiftit th»n they ^llt Look at the arrav of talent on tiie one batid, and than c»t:trast them wii'« your o\fn avd the one or two puny, little ahreis that sustain you * * * Ooea it not mortify yon to fee and know that you are thus discouraging your friends, and enccur'igicg your enemier? Not a Nor*bera paper rpaobes lhi» Confed-"^- aoy thatdoos not ocn'ain extraots or editorials aonmend ing your courxe, and tbe nerff handful that act with yon. And all tbrrugh the Korth y u are regarded aa loyal to tbe Uaitf-d 8t4te«, a« cnlv waj'ing opportu nity to remrn to the old Tie writer has mein) of knowing this to >>e t^n^. ai.d you knew it to he true In Yankee pnoeri^ the E’itoria's aud Corresrocdence of the Standard ar? read by A^olUion Missi^jnar’ea to resolution that the present Congress expired to-day * Bar*«eti. t forti by Scales’s I?rigde aaJ Lon ,i .•ci.ck, ..I ax,.* tb. .f ! a- J" Thia WM ^be at Lomax’s eaval | Cafivrt \f a Steatner.—Offieial Ditpalch—Doblih, oommanil* . V* . Fcb’y 16 —To Uen. 8 Cooper; On the 8d Inst., , — during tbia fight in person C-.I Hsywo'>t com- , M»j. Mourm>o within detaohment of 40 men, of the sa the «ay for tre oomzcenoemeat ot tbe c4icir.t tcrmH ; masded our Brigade in Gen. Lcv'i’s pla")9 Some dca«n j l^tfc Va. cavalry, captured the armed steamer B. C of members of Congress hereafter. j on our eidf we~e killed and wourrdtni. Saturday niglt j wra, at Winfie»*lo, Putnam county, Va , wiih a Vuln- On Tuesday, both Huu-m passed Tax, Currenov and ' ®«roh»ns orders, r.nd Punday at 1^ ^Me cargo and 2» prisaners, inclcding Brie. Gen. C P. ' we were placed temporarilv under j^tuart’" oommatt(^, together with McGo^an'4 tlriga'ie of .uc Dl^it»ion, ff.v Military biVis aaree4 ju by Conferenae Committees. The Currency bill provides that holders of non interest bear ing treasury notes of larger denomination tbau ^$5 may he fuc'ded in 20 year 4 per cent, bonds until the 1st of A;;ril East of the Mis^'ssippi, and until July 1 Wcf.t of ibe Mifsi«>sippi. Noter tVcen cn ••and are taxed per Cent, m»7 oe fundtd uhiil Jan'j 1, 1P66. afte*- width th«y are taxed 100 per-cent. $100 n- :.cf tot. ^rcsinter within the liuit;, iio loug'r receiv4l>le for'puhlic tiue.- ".nd taxed 1' p'-r c?»it per month in ad^'ti- u i.hc .’j, J per cent, 'he is’uo cf :io'.’a con inu?.« liU 's' ol Afr>i. r.fier w.*'scV I* new i£'u-- « jathoriscd, to bc-kept Viibi:r reasar .ab!- li^'-i:*-; tix per cent, bi i ds. to wunun' ■>f tivtf. huii'lrt-.{ i!?■’:«-. ni'j bf isfu.'J. nv’l sold ♦?" Ti.iae money i-o mict lau esppn!'r3 ^f tho Gcvpri tnent .‘.H dui-es on iwpcrtf: tc ^.o p^id in Spcelc, Siorlin?: Pxcb»iige or C'oup nE ;:• t.'.e bordi. Ail iiep.'U and export duties are s^.-ci-J'T pi* Jgr j to pay the iiiK-refit .'II thi'-s.'? hon in Ti e l^x bill levies ft por c rt oii rcost pci'soual '-.cd mix -J proppijy. etaci and boijH. Mils, and solvent credit.^ Twenty pt-r cent cn iacomrB. pr; fits. &c. Tee Militft’-y bill i?'i!Ure) all %etw»eu 17 and oO tn ■ be rvic**-during tbe wav Aii lutvecn 18 »u wr in tb- «eri»ic»,'i*ei«tinf d undi>i'#xi»*iit>g orga-'it^lions > *id oflio'-rs. Ati betwe-n 17 nnd 18, aiid b.tw-en 45 \i(\- 6U lo be e">rcite\l J >t iet**aov. Pnivoet. .i.''f;i b), conKcrJp' ar 1 ,r.i du y to ce pcrforrr.-' i h>. eu >»t/W.*en 18 and 45. vV-* uiifi for f*.- fid >. T; > e,xeu,.T!icns ar.:—.i; unfit for the fie! ; miii'.ttri? .iid ffiic ti of c> U);re"«, >S I'O >eaif1atures au>i uli oli»e: o'itedt:t-Hie and j-ate otii -e’!-; pr- .•c'.e- ti rc>,u a>ly enj- p’oTi*'!, one e:i'or of trr t'.-w puli!i.f->ir.i nd I'tuh euir>rr';-~:s as r.r« indi?p* r-si.ltji ; rno ppn«h»- ■••.r^ to each drnp s' r- ' ii'jr b"»'i.n l-',e 10.h ot Oc*''h“r, p'.,Vp5n;»>i.-* (-rtr SO jea--^ pl Si • ».> i •li.vin^i'ai Tv., iro' pr:*i*t-;C; !'• V-T(..'-vr.t uud Uuc’i •'•ra ».f c-iiUg-s ..d g(s'-o \ii r, »'ly engr-p-*d f'-r two T'-ars h.!T • g 20 stuJeni-sj-one p J? n . u C. f*rra V.av'n 15 fitid ban'is, wtiushall givf l» n.) and ■ eciiHty t j d. - var to tho t:ovjriiuj-A‘ t loO pouuds t;f Khcou>n t 'or cvity huncj. aud swil all eu'pljjj pr»v!:iian8 at -icbed- ' Ilia i-Bieg. OSorrs cf railroadij herelofire ropf'rtid The PrpM.lrot ahd Jii'oreta’‘y ^ .War arc authoriaed tc ^ant exemptienH a® btrelofore reported. On tv-ijnpfiila ., bi ih lKn««" passod a bill to C!>tab lif.b a Vo'.unl?er Navy, acihvrizTag the Secretary ct thf: Navj to vesscld iu or out of Cofefeder- at« whtcrs Tbe II..usa pai-.-ed the Scnata bill to issue Tbbacuo ratioLS to tl.e :>rBiy. Tl:e Seia'e pa^scu Iloua: bill lep atiT'g act? f-.n’.hf)rmrg Pa i-iu Rangers AliiO, tlout-e bill for J*v .tc tijn -jt j)’iiar-« who have dhonU uistii«gu'£b« J tkri2 r»lor. lijiii iiousvs ad«p:ed an adcre«9 -to ho oouutry, .eportod by a special oom- mittoe «ou)s lii.e ag appoiiitfd. Friday, the Sib April, was app:.iuted •* day o\ iaiiiug aud prayer. It waa ramSr^d iu Eiohotjiid tuat (.'ongrcsa bad pa'^ed in •ccret ses’iiaa a b?ii uuthorizing tee Prc’sident t;; «us- petid the writ or habeaa corj us Tum Tax asd t tBsxaoy Lawii —t^on^ress baa at i>s; agreed upon tnese and rc:noved the lojucciion oi ee'iTecy, As we wri'e this A M.) we are t-ndeavor- Re Enlittment of TVoopt.—Official Despatch —flKANOB ' •rusts has oharaoteriKvd him as a soldffr Tf. jidd.'d tb»t the S HD'^ard had repeatedly »dv'cat.i .* 1 ibe fex rcisrt of the vijr* t in tbe Verv Chi^' >».t)d f r ib- 4crt'o.il c»use w.iirb Itrd to (hr i»“'»es>iou of *•(; co'fou •'tnt''t Tnc 8t-'-p^ar'l ha^ not bat lb* hard b'od t' dcri_ Ii^i;br>c*!.'n>'; "ffrrona!.'. pKi gjyes h -ci- iiccoBie uiore .icc.urt-o' cd lo tbe pig'*? ijcs-; ott ■’ J i.nd Fignificftnt wi'rd», “w? tako tat pr ic: from t e iji.iudard of” tuch and suon a da'e. Psfriacds' are nc-t yot ao wol instruoteJ as imesf. »«•! fi-r tb“ir hencfit wc mw procecU to prov»: otir s'atcia-ni .\.r nHoal.‘iro oa’l but ous wituei*?—the Standard itself. The Standard waa an advocatc oi ‘'the docirme of secession as practiced by toe ooti.-a SraCt-s'’ iu J8ufi— how much ^farther hack we are not Jnst now prepared tn .state But in 1854 it was rampant for tkat sort ot sroesaiou. Wa take the proof From the Haleigh Staudard, Sept 12, 1356 “Can it b? po6xit>lc that there are ro. a in loe Sontlj v»«Tpruer Frer.;oa’ for ui«? Pretid*DC/, or who woulJ kC4uie%5e in liis c'.tciioui The New York Hera''i,ho‘6i« that there ar»> already Electcrui tickets in Virrinis. JKeatncky and Maryland; aua it adds, “Tex'*^ aud Nor b t’arclina will prob«t'!y eoon foUcw suit.” Tnis a vila slander on the Sout^ierb peoph-. iVo Fremjnl Electoral ticket ear. be formed tn Iforth CaroUna—raarn itjail li may be ihat ttiere are ir;*itotji here and there, in tais State, as tiiere Vere toriex iu the K: vdui.iu, wno waulJ dtl ier up their nativ>j Und tu tbe fury of the fiinatic and the torch of the iuoeudiary, but tbcy are fiw a^d far between. ‘•The elec'icu cf Freo'onf wcuM inevitably ijnd to h upparfction of the S ates Even if uo overt or direct ac; of digaolut'ou ahouid take plao'^r he oould not c*rry rn fbe govf-rament in the South No true or decont i^outti- eru man would a'scept o&ce under him; and our ppot le would never submit lo fcave ibeir pott otSj.;’, cuatcn* Louses and tlr Jijie, filied wiih Frcmvni s yankefl a*>i> liiionii*t8 We would coi expect rjor the N .rtLer- p''0ple to submit in a similar case—aud we wi*.l not sub- mi.” . wAnd agaiffr Frjta the Ril»igh Standard, S“pt. ‘.fO, li’SR. “Fruucct and t-‘-.jtoa ij ive ns e.ev'tor-..i tii.ti-t in th» slf.»eai.;ding Sta'es, aor will th»^ nave. They are ui !tr y a*ctional in tbeir cearacier TSey st.ii^i u-, on h pfp.tform wniA makes in*-za and ibcir 3«ppori»r^ the , ' , ... mortal enemxe* {/ every man, uomm and child in the ■ expujiea, aud ujjst pcoplo aesiteO "Southern Stales. Wo' rsg^rd them aa pHrt-oaal. mortal uii^ucBtioiiabl^ neci»:(ary t'j the support of tae goveru enemiek If theysbou’d oucoeed in this contest, as we | ujtnt, th6 teediA^ ot ihe aro:jr, aud ibs uucceaw of tb« do not believe they will, the result will be a sep.ratiou , dcsu:*» and is wilhn* to pay for as well as prtty for. th* oifrpose of oatchiac the yankccs if possible. Al 2 P. M. wo reported ir G n Starrj ,«'*1 mTT"d fcrfl^s tbe rive'r.* Our Brignde followtd a r'ad thrc.iipij liel'^s ?n^ stable yards down ths river, while McGowan’s moved on a road parallel to ouvh but debouching iuJt.j i.h» Bar nett'.*! for 1 rosd ihrco railed f'lrther to th? N''vt'n than rr.rs Tht enemy were said to be at tfc;-. i-i-int where our road es/ere.i al*right Kcel‘'S. ti>e Barre •’a ford road Wcwero ordered to attack tbeir at this pliice. in tront, v"hile Mr.Qowau’a tBfjgale, having i-nirrcf> .h-* ! ind in tiifir tenr wo*>Id a'-sirt us in b.''£cii'>: lliftn. Wbrn ve wrr^ within p. ic-lle or so of our iU*st;nK.j'oii. hi-v»fvcr, vre roci-iveii orders to relwvn. as the eiien^' had -lepancd fif 1 o'clock So or-di-ii. at 8 ci 9 -t my fiiipt mare';i ir. this ai my— not ir.u of ii t' -'I I lieliovp thi’^ laks b*x«ie all g.>ne bow>> a^t* wf e. j y quiet cnee more.'' .Vraan nam»d Dilla Mathcs.)^, .'a A, 7ih Reg r. wili j vice: be Mhot frr ds.wtion cn Tuosd«.y tbe 16th 1 * ’„ ts' o ArMilery, McGowan’s Brigade, Tae woaf.er IS c.f >r. cold and win.iy. It blr tr' a; r. j n f I4th AUbani ’ R»f.nent. Wo E Lts oortiouou 'y here t(>ar. in »*ny c-'uatry i’ve ev« r b'-o’.'in j OiJr r**piii)(n!c have ndopted very ria^riotic repolu‘i= r | Ca.-t'.tre of a N’^lor-.ons Bufa,o—The rtneeade and in r» enlipiitu?. Tne 7tb and 8?fJ wcre original wsr T fiutlaU' Capt lIo»;C!trd, *lto -.as betn fo h ng a terror r«‘’i'T.PM‘ B rrv’p I8 h weat in unarin50>:slr; iho 28 b, to Eastern Carol niv. wa» captured ou Frid.y nuhtlas'^ I'ine tn'* p; and the 37th all but tvreuiy. Tbe fetlin*- j a«a in no*' a prinoiier in ibo C.-nfedefat-- iiues H- g v*ir‘i ha>4 befu depreti itj^g on the people of Bertie. . Camp 18th N. G. Troops, ) Near Libeety Mills. Va., Feb’y 6,1864.) The uo'^tfiiigtted anaounoes to the eiivns and sol* diers of Bladen eountv, that he is a Csn4idate for Soammsn, oomjpaiidinir forces in Kanawha Valley, a l':iptain apd t.wo LleoienaB.d of his stsff Gen Scam- moo and officers of bis staff are here now, and will be forwarded t» Richmond t"-morrow, uoIqbs yon order otherwise; in ch*rgo'of Lieut Vectigan, the gallant j‘he Office of SHERIFF of said County, and would yourg cifioer wno boarded tbe bhat with only twelve | Pl**ased to receive tbeir support men ‘ Sam Joins. Maj Gen He pledrt-s biraself, if ej«cted, to dfsoharg* theduties of the offioe with tbe same fidelity and ■>*al which he t'! P , Fe^. 15:—Gen S oopi'r; The fblh-wing troops ^«ve r‘‘ ^(Pttilbled for ths war since announcement cf the lO h ins(*inf: Lane’s B'iffftde. Wr’pi’t’s Brljjade, P^iin’a Brisrade. D;'vls' Briaadp, 7fb Vtririnia ( avalry. 11th Virifir.ift t'avalry 18;^ f^orib Car i ja ) rnop‘5, 1 i-th N rtb O'^ro Troop«, 48 h Viririni-i. In^aatry. G'^rnetf’s^^oague’e H..fk-1'’£> and P i*r*.Ei s BiUaliriw c? AytiUery f.iilr»"r'ng, having eolir>>ed originaliy for tbe war ba** reiter:*t?d il rjr d‘'terrT)iB>»'ion ta continue in Ser- BENJ P ^N*LDI. G pt Ca A, 18ih N. C T. Rev. T. L. Troy’ will leavo Sa'ishury i>u the ‘27ih*Ftb’y for Co&fee’a Brigade, (46 h R g’t N C T ) >»»!(» wJi pack^^es for soldiers in the Army Feb’y ’5 ^ /*tlApdl it- flv c’('l ■ not. bo better, and all feel that th*- 0‘.u t IS lo''ti«« up B’jt 1 bt'lievt »he men in thcr-IJ •i'-e .> wa>s C^^n•!ul »nd i>opcful E J H Jr: [1® »■’ %r ; i-> the fi. l-tirg or occasions, tbe Rirh t a>"? t>!!' ?("•' ..> tb ■ *'>411 'rr-iTiJ engaged ''n OU’’ •>'..ie s.efed '.d T>i’'a'ly. esr-’ciTl'y a Ge'Vtiia !* ot lb--. T'fijf. K N'Tfh '’'iVi lii.n brij^ftde on ib- i»ft ot P. -’rt m 17 d^ad y'n^cei’ were found. n»arly all I'ir y in frci* of P?K"im’* Itjrij; «oo. Tbe N^w York npr*t't: Powdrr!* Powder!! row P P AFE'^ pvuud- No J R't^LE I'O^’I'tK, jii'-t r‘'ceiv- e^-mi f«r s>l> at p p. IOHNSON''S. Fity»itF-»>|te F b’v '5 It ” rok j^aleT ’ Two Mk- «jr BOYS—vuc ; igrt and thfi other six yf*r cf aee T-.e own»-r of tbee' Ni"gri.e8 de- hirps .a reeidi-nee f,»r h s faniily .n F-y. tteviHe or thavi- cipjt.y. Tbe nrgroes wijl be sold for men* y, but as exr chaiige ff-r K^'ai E.t -.le preftrf'd. I a vvp. a ' ARPET t.t fl»x tna wu.l for a*i.>-3H vards in it til’d not uiuch worn., J. H tOOK. F'cl’ylS. 7 8i G trs. Ceowsn and ^;ouuli•’.^ coniigt^cut*, so- ie iicjc psjHt. • at rh». -bead of ci'P liundr^d riTi.'cvie'i wiio^ like himseif ul! o.fiv»ed t a d«^ar prfvtlege to fight fi r ii^ir i>ativ0 St i e Haviijg ??oen consiaerabfy «n-. o yi*d by nn-tT-H rs of me Ozd Oeorpi% regi'£i«nt : Por 9$Sll(f (;•') G.iflin, i ns been hink in aiLbu'b Ur | . ^ * afjtji. ('. w.jrd Divir, of the a.^ove command, and | A be.w-e-. fw-iv ana it^.rtown yr.^r- of '. .d tu i.o f .y ,-ui them a i..^ss-g», tha he w.u | ^ «*'*•’» ^ot; not s-IJ tor any ?>es a .i-' of yankep rvmded ia the cwnp hcspiiDl" j ‘>*p.u?e t..vc a .arly da/ or loe- ms iife'in the it 'J®'? i»ken tc t.ain h-.m for a house I‘ 4*'.rj'i'rif'c^ 116^naiue;—amorjt wl.pia arc on? C^loot i. [ 'euipi Bui F'jr..»t ££its wo^»»d • e captors are themseivvs j • -fo i'olan* •■'nd three C-^rtniiw. Ac manv i.vr 1 ctf tureu, aiid 6i:cb has ! v»n tr>e fate of the daf.rtun^iie t For parliculari appl to P F S.-7U H»nf ’fr VVa3niiir.i('n ‘ hi'avy.”! ti-c. Ffle-al IcFP was fi'u- Gubkbhatorial Appoistmxrts cf —Out Triend who >srote us ina'. be believed Judge Reade waf the second in^^anoe ia tbe histcry of tbe Stale in which ^Senator in Congress had been appointed to fill a va cancy b^- a Guvertor, now writes that Mr. Clingmaj\>' wap ths first itetance. 'Judge P *tter died on the 20th D^e. 1857. In April 185^ President Buohaiuta appoint ed Senator Bizgs Judge, aud immeJiaCely thereafter Gov > Bragg appointed Mr Cliugman Senator Turuiug to cnr Ste>! to look ftr thsse datc-s we find that we tben explaiotfd (Ot strT^r May lOih 185^.) why the Governo# ^ad no need to call his Couuoil to fill a Senatorial va c*ucy, aui 1^4 are ^ little surprised that we bad reoent- iy overlooked the poiht. Af to Judge Lccke, to whom we alluded in the para graph du this subject on tite4lh lust., our friend writes; “1 remember to have been told in Kaleigh in 1821^ when ycu %nd I were boys together, mat Judge Lccke was elected to succeed Gov. Htone in rhe Senate of the U. S iu 1814> without apy knowi««jge oa i>ii part of tbe Jcsiga of tae General^osemMy to appoini b'm, Until tiis cuiuniisdioti reached biiu in Kowan;. th^t ha cauto lo Raleigb, touk a seat m.thd atage for'Pdeia^urg tn mg to get by i^llg'aptj j^erJt-ct ^upiya of them atia ot | route t'vr Wa«Dingfon.«>opped at Mj. Mordecai'a. a mile the uuiitary Out Suouli we auccaed, they will-apCvar i ■*''>*“ Ub t-ity, teturue>l auu resivurtU w:ieiht.-r attf. , ,, , , > before the d«ljaurniaeni of the General Asseiubiy I dj m .kaoitep coiumn. If uo», tte r,»ail»r will have to bt ; , ' . . . 4 - - * ^ ' uf't raictmoer to have t*>ara. tatL:fitd for tl.e prea^nt Wiili the pc.tcct te'egrapoiu summary. Tbere Will be, iudeeu ther« is, a gocd deal st anxiety about lii* ctfeet of itiad9 mcaar.rfs upon iliC cutrenuy .^.axieJ; i B> ur.al bi.1 it5:iiig Wi I i.»ale dwwa iif a fc v .la^a, un>l all wt.l pi'obabl> well—at tr.ist a^ .ve'l a. I oouid be expecie t i:uder Iiigh t:.xtnj, wuich everybody atid wut.;b art of the States. No human power o*u prevent it *' Otuld there be a clearer case? But. as we have had occMion to remark heretofore, people kuow that it is not the Standard's htbit to stand by on" set et meu or principles long at a time, and it may be objected by its | sunonnoing the safe arrival of tue State's steamer Ad- friende that it repented in saokeloth andasb?s, aud was ! Vance, wttu another valuatjle esrgo, the sixth she haa utterly opposed to seoeysion in IbttO. Tuey ii%ke a i Oruught in. Ut courae tt:e 700 baif* ot cotton sue car- gseat caiaiake. Tbe St.*ndard seems to have had a p^- ! riea .out are now sale «i B.:ruiada aud oonv^ted into cuUar 'ancy for this business of secession—(even now i »-tW,VKX> in sterling exchange, equal to upwMls of four it appears t-? desire to secede again)—itnd wa> juct as ^ miliiona oi dollars ofcurreau^liuxz > for the .\d- Vauce! gtrong anadvoc^‘e of “tbe doctrine of s cnsionas prac I Never was mere a greater sucuttas of a sagacioua ent«r- tiord by lue Cotton States” in jboW as it WbS in 185tt. Pri/b*bly ait^rwards, a.- : .Mr Maouu watf eiected by toe Geueral AasemMy to sue j I oecd him, 6ib December I8i6.” 1 . TUK*RAl,KlQa STASUABD AMD SxjiAToa Rbauk —A 1 ’ -«au u uat t.e very iueiguifiC int in Kurta Oirouna to | i.ave eacaped as w.il tae hinoui deauaoiatiuus as tne lui^oiii} praise of the Standard. As eure as he has haa I .h« one, so sursly Las he had the other. C^ce of the i ncbest bpecimsns of the Standard’s profioioncy in thi*> I way ia given m the Ealeigh Confederate. Judge Keade. i the three weeks' Senator in the Contederate Congress, j is new (for the moment only, we are sure) a prima fa- | vorita of the Standat^d. The Confederate oritlc-aifd ' some remarks of Mr. Reade, whereupon tbs Standard itittgsird ^ I 17 -.'jr j-d V -Qld v;a.t Lis wife cn Fii-^a> ii'gBt Ifcf't.V/'i^la.n i>.;« Jti e • U e (Sunrm^ml !iul proceeuei cauiiout-iy to tbe residence of Hoggard, lu i^«rtle county, nine miles from Wi«jaor. A>-ri?iig if ihetp destitiation unobserved by tha ecciuy. Hog |i >r j’s home was speedilj surrounded, and a loud rap i ut itte^oor given. “^Who’s tiyprvt” inquired a feminize voice from an upper window. “FriendsJ” waa thci^uick response. “Whai. will you have?” inquired Mrs Hog g *rd. “An interview with the ( aptain,” resp jidcd. » roice frorri heloW. “Wait until I sirike a light,” re^ plied the female from above, and in two minutes mote tLe door was opened, and the renow ued fiuffaloe con fronte i 25 u» -jaricg lookiug rebeia aa ^ 7(m- drew yankee bloo-d. i>iuding resistance in vain, li ggard instantly aurr«hdered, aud ia now saonrely ccA^ucd in fiixie I‘et Xxprtu, 16jA. From Kineton —Kjnsion, F*» Itt.—J 3 Brook, Wm Haddcck, C Hufman, Stephen Joces, A J Britton, J J .Suuierlen, Wm ll I>aughtry, Lewis Taylor, Lewis Fre man, and Jobr Freeman, of Nethercutt’s Battalion; at>d vV i> Jones, of Wright’s BnUhII 3 end Joseph Broca, ot the 27th North Carolina Reg.-ueut, and C R Cuthrell, ot Lal'iam'a B ittery, were batiged in this place cn yesterday. order of cuur.-Biartia!, fur deeeriing their C'^mra its, :iud taking up t>ri:s ou tbe eU' my's sida.. 1 am inform'd tn^t torec iiiuru of thes^ desfrttrs are to 0-' iianged herr lU a li.vr v:aj.g—m-ikiug in all 23 within last two weeks, al' of wuich wtre cap.ured by our rnops in (be late iXp d.tion agninst Nkiwb. rn N w« tr.ini the ir t rejrpppnts the yankces as be'Ing 12 000 sLrotig »t thtir uuiposia at Batcnelor’s Oreea aoa are strcugiheniicig their bre.i8iwotks and rebuildu>g their blocx houses tbat W'-re destroyed by our troops at ihe lime we alitmpted to take Newborn. Raleigh ConfedvraU 5pfiuto CoDBTs—Alr*Dgem'nt by the Superior Cottrt lu.>gPB tor the Spring Crrcuit3 : 1st Oirar.it—Judg-3 Shipp—£d>inton. AIDER M.VN. 7 2 rd 0 2d •' Saunders—Newbem. 8a “ French—Raleigh. 4th “ “ Gilliam—Hiileboro'^ 6th “ “ Heath—Wilmington. 6th “ “ Oaborne—Salisbury. “•h “ “ Reade—M'rg»nton. 8ta " “ Howard—Buncomba. ANOTHEa Impurtamt Abbival —We are exceedingly gr&iifieu mi* morning to have a telegram from Rtieigh i cama to nis defence, as will be seen in the following nch retort of the Confederate (which, by the way, has Dbath o» Libct. W M. CAHBiOAii.-r-We regret lo learn by leller froia iiis brother in tno Miasiaeippi 1 army, near Brandott, that Lieul. VViUiain M. iarrig«n ..I lur, , J .-I. to await overt aots? Is a declaration of i Confpderv.tp prisorers, -.ad rhev to r«n«:ncp. (heir ^ , allegiance to tb- ( on^e.tvr^oy-to mrn thn,,backs upou j . ^dverstry tbat he is to be aa^ai theirforroercomr«ide8iTi '^rnis en 1 swckr all^'gi.tnce tothe Lincoln Government. And m-riy N C**'oiira soldiers eonfined in prison have thus b.ea te>r.‘y**«l, and inJuc- ed to lake tha oath of «l eeiar>c» ‘o Linco’u. Tnis Is no fiction, tfce «vidcncp in tK^ pu'-scssicn of him who pu^)ii^hes ” Phcul.i i-ot pru tencs ^Ty to y rt to desist fr-t.i givina; the eneujy rue:. adva;>t«g ? Tlifc^ie facts you r;uat know, and Kcw caa ’ cu, if t true Smith- em man, as you declar** your^^lf to b», oentiaiie thus to injure your frter.’s pnd aid v^nr ynptnisp? You c»nnot fail to s*e th«t your o ntinned-’critiolsms of Ihe AJmin'igtraiion of th:; G vcranicnt do harm at a We take the proof From the Raleigh Standard, Jaa’y 11 IS'^O. “The surest way to avert a dissolution of tUe Uuion is to p-e»'are for it. A diesoiution is certainly probable, . , . ^ , to say the least, id th« ev.nt of the snoce.s of the Mafk a»pubiican« ia 1860; and their 8Uco*’«s, we feel / dence in Waaiiington, Arkansas, on the ad ot January bound tj 9»y, is wiibia tfie range of probability. Mua, j last. Mr. Carrigaa was a native cf .-ilamaiice, gradu we await, an overt act? ^^7 ^•’’7 jJ*’’!.'''* ' ated at the Univereity in the class cf 1852, aud at tnc siifth a PreJidea'nrsuld be a declaration of deadly bos- j . . .. • . ... ti’ify to the alavetioliing Siatoe. Do hostile armtps i year. He vraa an ex- Is a declaration of war nothing until j oellent gentleman, wUoae acqu^iaiaitcc we crjoycl lU man wh'3 is toid j Qur youi'ger aayo before his euiigraitpii, ajid since b> hy bis adversiry that he is to be aawailed, w »t uaiil h.a j „e«aaional letter w.uoa his either pen coniribuiod to advert?ftry ib bin, ftni be na'* coramenccd lo uia i . arm and c«iit him to. the eartb? Dxa a person who ; Observer. has ta en arsenic by mistake, w^it to see'vhct *sr ar Ilia brother writes that oo had been a consisteni E'r.io wil. produce death? Does any onp d lubt that ot the Prrsbyterian church for the laat ten yeara. C'^ld 8tct-l.'*'fell =h'rpPn«> Jj^will saver the j .gular T?iD? Raleigh Conftde*cU. Mu*t ice leait and btcome veaktr, or act, «n / g ither ftrength by frepaaai'on based on our own st'rn reeolvetf In our humble opinion there can be bu., oue an.M'er to fbeta questions la a cert'^fn contingency uur jives. Thb CossoaiPT Gaeukn —VVs arr glad lu learn liat (he ex'.^nsive veg' t.kbiu garden *thica did so miicn laat year for the comfort ol the polditrj at Uarap Uolmi a, • eot them? Is our miiitia syt«teffl at tril effioient? And cur property, our manhood, cur Stale pride aud State • near Raleigh, Is tbij ye# to bo cultivttroa eveu more independence will be at state. Are wc i^eady tq jH)-| tjioroughly A let*cr from Col Ma'i it in reply tc one j asking what fleece he wanted, says:— militia? 'Hundreds of gall-^at cliisens have rcoeniiy ! fim happy lO infon.i y ,u that in 0Mi8eq';enoe (4 volnaeeered; have we arms '-jr fbem» Have we ball and ) c nt-ibationa, tegct j>r witb a fe w pur posr (PI? Arc the various oapiai»\’s dL" ricr.i in i,.-»s *1? Gar Jener \ ■■pi'r sthat .'e is wcii supplied ' ■ • tr. u:,Ung time like ihis Mr. Davts m'>y net Ve p- Wa'hinaton— i - n- • . ^ r ., ,. , . , v , tn -• . 1. ' if (uicieiit, wbioh no one asserts, have we arms frr our the world hao rever prodnc . i bu‘ or.* WasViinfrton—but | ^ », he is’our Presi'lpp', c>-osfn witbo'it au cppoacn^. tie is cur lesder a»>d it is otir 8' l.''ir;n d'ltv '*s tru-’ phtr;o's to 8iiHtain bill', in »'tn'nig'crWif''t'G .’e'-r’r.t'n' Hud iij I V,—I" i'” , ,a.il t-iprrNrf hn iini^’r tViu , J. , . .. . , rn i-'r viitda*^i» p'itro : Are wh ready nojo to «!nconrter ” imier tots neocs.iuy IPPd.n^ n. on to v,e-ory Not ..n. r.b- ,f your pap.r | arrf *o d^ma d that tU. f6rr,s . J Z , 70U- it"' * ■ •‘^7 ! foisiituT-L ehai: not b.- u« d to dPstroy Li .A^e we f indir etat ck ipr. '■'O' au- . ^ ; new bt ing ploagoed aud p ;t in fitiP. order for a. 'iera’.0 1 on » w t.iotinir, wuh arrno In our h'vufi#? fully repaid tor tbt* ex.^'rim nt Ift.st year, (under .\Us, nr! \Vjffc tfjp black B..^pub’io »n« itiixht tn-kfb oiaay uii :.dvant«g ,) ,we i. v nd t^ n*^v.i a m^dei g-r » ri I rijtht We s -»i thi" in cvory t.-ttu'-e of th“ ••irrppr"fiei■ s«.»soii. Lvci'y itioh of ,traii” 1 mu;'t ’■•fodiiO' s.>uic- bi^ c«'.dio' ” .A.r» wo prepared cv. a for a vu 'deti eracrcency at hoin« 1 Tbi r crp slcc’io ' cf a '*!'ic’ Rcpnblirr.n Pr. side nt vroiOd nii.st pro’''ftbly 'ttf-c' at? and Bsul. stccki. and !nd*;e.i ?>. rj nr'-c!M« of pr7pe>^ty. i* Sewar.ifchcuM h'- eleo!..'t t>y Pt'OiKR-.fI vote>i. it w uM be no ea,y rjatt**r .1 rai-L' n-.nf y ir; Nivccih'.r, 18^’0, o.t tha h«,;{ paper. D'trs any cup dotibl Without iUwL.r} we oould ^ aeiil er procar? ar-iis p'>r 'iuppor* troops f gch»-me I r-ve bc'n published only nc-'ci- ith.aau.^e I Sent a Carolina now la ooafpranoe with \irs;tn'a * taa* gn-at ii;jaB‘inp is dcu3 i:i the ac" junt lo iw Uor oomioiBMonv’r r»? CO d,>u‘'t rlrc.v..v roached Rich *, ' ,rV.‘ r i « n . 1 mou^, to confer *ith the .Gov.y/aor au^ L«ieie!aure of ' C.mtbam--J.t^n H. Hau^.jtou. Lsq ->ruo thority In tiiiw yon >>i4Vo. w»-it;'iril lh»> '•AQfi I. ,.>n« of fhp r» t !p in him. f.nd •'.• n u .j (h,' t' nlsof our eT.e'»'-p‘. Oo '.'i'oy ooi r j'l’o* at. at'Acka O'l our p-ftii'lent* Vou Vn-w t' 3 'O tr.o'rno Ard (if n T'-ti a’T- (••''i'ii-vliy ■;.a line f T per.oo, as theu^hlb' S't!f n t'-'n,' to do bn’rako tne pro positior. pflioiai y in-.iitf.j atrlythr w+»-wo'’ld cihHf W^hfttipr you •r.fcrd'-d it ^r’■■ot iaipr^’Si^on you *»avi‘ ms ip ‘i.’f ■ n ‘ stind of ^t.c nn'tse-. ei the peopl" Cl N'-rtti I'ar jii’a .'».1 in ihia y.'u hi*.vp, d ne grc^i barm, -.n . b w c-.n tu vil I - ;i* Wsat d les this rpffce mnvcraent toesn if it does n'>t fTV-r.c fubm s- sion. or at tpsxi a pr-'j^osi'ion r»oi*f.airi.ction ii;».-mo wav? * * * Ipp Npv» York Da’1% N'wn ha« -^ell said recently, that “f. r Ite Btrengfr party to oifer ttis H«.»soii. livery iiiOtl of ,trau" I mu;!t ’■•Todiio t'.'iiii; rat ilile — *r ' fbitll uee J it lu aJ.iitiuo lo a iitir- rhl c.-n:.; -u ioa of M ssr-. cSnay ti, tV)lhata8>>u, manu'iC’urt'ra at Rdeifh, p>e . ntpd its wjth a fi>i‘ plougL wtvicii is ve-y ac'ept iihle, f - - wiao''t it we wert' dipeuieut upon our n ■ig:iborfi ” .'-JlKtTiiii js Cuatham.—T;-' ioiK »a Cts.'.ih.isu iti tavor of toe proarcditifjs ot axuect ! aniaiJ’a Convvation propose negotiati.B. is magnani*-ty, but for ; ^ ; bo"adopted, fir-t to ! is to h.v d di.ercd a .-.prch (olh- tnp-ttng-icav- the weak r It’.8 the sign of wcakupBH and irresolution ' ,, . , , ,, „ •. ur i, to i » save the Union according lo the C: nefifnrlon, an I, if jng tho irapres^ion that he fkvrrecl ifs th»i cannot ba d'.iip, to save the*Sou!b Norih Carolina is asscciatei for weal or for woe virfa South Carolina nnd Virginia. Every word «»hi(»h they may utter. i antt ac tion aa put'lishi;-’. The restdntioni of f'-p raeeting arc 80 utterly p-t vtT'ance with Mr .Hauglitf-n'B w'll hnown str.h gjsDtleman of Aid yon, Sir, aro ccn-«arf!y giving the enemy 'his sign—constantly encouragement by thus agitating the p.-ace qu> tii"a a* this most Inauepicion® period ir tbe hictory of t s^ Ptrtjgj'ip. Thp peace r.eet iugs tbat have done i and enconrpgin^ The oa pnVpose'of“takir^^ St-te”ou’’Jt ‘thrcTnfoSracv” i vital interesft of N>rth Csr lina Patriotism, about the u.fetiDK^ei(Jt>pt what i- pu»'!i>be-i, hut v But our rnsmips so coj>stru? i'. Hi?r can t>i0 8»ate m i . Out pr.m-iry aUc- ■ rt*:ard for Mr. HaughU>n tj allow ir"'Tb." ca’l'foT'' fSan“or "U^narP^eS;Vt“" " - -P”-- -.qu^stiouPd. membars to jt.‘aK,i (be ■’i»cuB«i..n of the pe»cc question ‘i w-,^wi,l stffod sidP b ' P- b- the abo^e ^»b wr.tten by it. would do.r^oic re.nl b *rm to anr cause, than all 1 Virttni . ard .',ou!h arohna, as tbi« pUc.* nforms us i.;a. b,- learned m Cv.at v.m from it? Irave selihrs firm the tM-.'h could d& eift } in the 1 ancestors tiid at York'oj;n and tue Cowp^r.?; scd soutcp likelv||f' be wpn-Jnf-.ri'j* j. army, and .o soldiers bave f.ugbt bettor, .coomplished i 7" '> ^ae.plsing ; .poka a.ains. and a. feat more, «r.d bid fai-to do >.*..rrin pnv psrtic.lar ,hau '^ WP»s;yo and usi-r;ng Un;or^.. ^ j Tbat wil? bo its charsoter under black r.epublican rule. . *“’1 «’rrjeui8 ol .«.nd fur oup we will nsvpr bow our heaa to iis d' ijfad' ing yoke. We mcnn whet wc Pa . mean n> do rifjht: ■ ac ioruing ir. or.r nn o' wii?-* T-ciil is, and let con-rquouc‘'e take c»’'ci o'f the^aelveo ” . Arfl the irieii'iH •■►f S^jivIarJ si V.t.juld i-hey like .»iiothsr do'^e of * \t. •■ni*' ’’ ••r . r>r,.r. m.»yo “cold sto.'l” which, lu I’e fih.iT!-,-f a fi'/^ ' >rn *, rem^-ka !*■ '■> S^^^id•l.r•? (r;;vvr8a '.lei c.ic, up'i c-ap. •-ffeotaally s^^aled the Standard's lips on that point:)— Jfr. Btadt, again —Tbe last Standard says—' The la bored attack of tae Confederate on Mr. Senator Keade. will glance innocuous frem ths securely inaited«reputa lion of tbat gemleman.” Oar oriticism of .Mr. Re&de’s speech was not an “attaok^” Attacks are rafier in he line of the Standard—as hy that means it ‘kills and makw alive.” For examph: On tho 2:^d of July, IShti, It ar.id of this same Mr £ G. Reade: “We learu that Mr Rogers is reading a leller from 1 Mr. E G Reade. * ♦ Mr. R.*wde is a smart man in t I smid way. •* * * This oily and unscrupulous I detnag gue may S>urish tor a season, but tha^a> ot - retribuvion will sure'y come.” Aga^n, on Ihe 80th o'July, ii said ia reference lo the Brooks and Sumner matter: “So if Mr Brooks had told Mr R-'^de of hie intpr- tioa, he would have sneaked to Mr r^u ,iner and in:orm- cd him of ttic fact. His vote ^=hows that he would bave d'^'Dp so. Mr. Reade joins h-»nds with these tu. n, and a;ie fh*m, in this blow thus aimed at a sister Southern State. He cvi-oee his sympathisa by bis votp; «nd bis sympathivi.' sbow that hia heart ia not in tbe rtgLt jluoe. H® i*as mi-'rerrcstnu'd 4'larire ni»j*.ri!y cf his coiisf.tuents, and disgr»jed himt’!*lf He stiuds ex [;osed by tiis own .J^liherato act. to the sc-^rn an-1 con trtinpl )f all hoaoraMp men ” Hal Stand>rd, July'C^d and SOth, liJ5(j. S*j Ee>de i^ *f tneak -at oihj a synipa 'bii-r of Siimn.-r—a disgracfJ vnn, exp'>fed to the scorn' and contempt of all honorable men:—hi-i “voice wiil ao irc- b'i anywhere re.spected ” }fe -.jcver ejnrot to make such ad attack as this cn Mr Reale. ITs rcci/gnize him as a hix;h toueii sr^ntls- man. a Christian, and an up “'hi m^mbor of^K-iC’ -ly— mieguidrd. pr judiO rd .and d^n^enuj politrcian r-'.rjt 'Ofril bei of loo cIob^--ASioei ..licn (politically) ««rith the Stacdard H:it wi tch is t.> ba b''li.->^!»d —tbw Si !.H(Urd then or vow? Why n-itn^r. T-»' fbtis^ was orly “ftr parry .'Uip «^s”—s.* is tbe praif'tt C^ase “a file-i it. s . ou ■' . VTK, THK OBSERVKtt. Oamp ISth Uko't. F»?b. 9. j .Messrs. Eli ars: PUaee al'ow mo throU^Ji your pii er to tenaor the siucen* (trii>’K': of tnpseit at:d Co P, I8th n T i'> our fri n.s fit, hem* for a dona'-on provitii.ino.Miie qualities of whioi plainiy sh >w.-,d tnat tt-.ey w- rp prepar-d by thi* hands of our !ady '’ri'-i: '': w^ip have ver i'.viiiced so t^nch soliciiiidc for us io tl *- Tjati'o in Wv :cn k’0 arc e.igagsd. Tbcie eti.nin,.'c>-ve’‘ iring-iev'ftin.'of tbci" ritne and every aiiergy to .^U' COfort, sh ^ultl incitf’ the brave ‘o greater deed .if d:r- •n;^ Etd tbe (’■^ward ashai-njd f his we^ikncfls. Tho m-jrabers of Co. F will ever o^e^i“b the n*',nory of • '503'' '^bp by this and many other d tna'scns bave just ly n 9rited our c'>npt*nl ajd hearlfeU grafitudc. Very reepcc'fully J. BU..H.‘.NAN, ' 2d Lt Comd’g Co. F, 18th Reg’t. CoRrBUBBATB MABurAOTUBBs —Necessity i# driving our people tu all sor.s et manufactures. A glass fao tory, on an extensive eoale, ia a!:>out to go into opera i tion at Savannah Another at Richmond has b«?n at work lor some weeks. Tboops TJB THK War.—Lt Col Parsley of the 3d N 0. Reg’t, explains throu^r'h the Wilmington J arnal why ‘‘'on. bis Reg’t has not re-enlisteH for tbe war. Uis is one ul tbe ten Regiments (from 1 to 10 inclusive,') that volun teered for tho whole period of the war from the begin ning, and have therefore ^ver needed to r«-enliat. Poland and Russia —A sanguinary cocflict betwepn the itujurf’euis unler Baraack, and tbe Russians, took lAvd on tltc 18ci of J*buary, ^ tho vicinity of i seca lochan Several wagons filled with dead and wounded Rus- a.an soldiere, were brought lato the town. Fet’y 17 Fcm ' NE PAIR MIL s^'ONK.'t. 42 inct'ps. in di'-neter Til y are of '.Lc Mowe count; grit A Rood quality 1- r ^rindinar corn. -4pply to T 8 Lutierloh. £sq , at I’ayetieville, N C., or T. 8. MEMORY, at W iiteville. W.C. Feb’y 11. 7 9tpd Iron lor Baco^ I HAVE genuine SWEDES IRON tbat I will exchange with f&rmerB for good dry B.^^CON, pcnrd for ponnd It IB in-wbol** iars of 160 to 1“5 lbs ’*ach, acd no fix- ores for luttiafj Tbt.se who ao not want whole bar* had best clnb with their neighbors. Store apened oa Friday of each wf*ek. W, H. AVERA. Smithfteld, H. C. Fe^i’y _ 8*9tpd COKPlbfiilt X A X ^^ICE. The Ase^ssors, wita th« Colleo(,or for Ri>besoo county, wi 1 meet the people of the different Distriotii at the following times and plaoes, for the purpose of aa- "refsing the T-ix op Ineome and receiving the same; al* so, thf titbe of Perk, vic: At Regan’s Wed.-sosday, March 2d, 18»^4, • At Kt Paul’s, Thursday, March 3d., At Luteber Brii;ge, Friday. Maron 4th,. * At ilaud-li'ViUe, Saturday, .March 5th. At Col P P. Smith’s, Monday. -VJarah 7ih. At AlftrufVide. TacSl*y, Mnrch 8th, « Al Tpcmpson’s, Weanesday, March 9th Aj Wnitc Houses Tnuraday, March 10, At Sterling's Mills, Friday, March li, At Sea'ey'a. Saturday, March 12, At Lumbenon, Miuiday, Maich.l4; At Wishart’s, Tueeday, M^tcR 15, At Baek Swatr-p, Wednesday, March 16, At Burnt Swauip, Tiiursday. March 17. All ars requested to have their lists made onf and tp^dy acd nil who 'Ki>vo failed to finish tbeir tithing j lieta or to list tt»ir caitie bUd pay Uieir taxe^ are nq^i- i fied ihaL this id the last opporiuqity that will be gives, I as ia all failures tbe law will be enforced J. T iK)PE, \ ’ i I>, 8. MORRWON, / ! Feb 1^_ 7 4!2i» I ilOTitlEr ^ 1 ^HB Committee-men in ine several Captain’s DistrictB I X of Robeson eeunty, wi 1 report through their Chair man to me at Lnmberton on the first Saturday in March next, tha names of all indigent soldiera’ families in ‘heir respeoiive Distneta. in accordanoe with an aet pxBsed by tne General Assembly of ttwe State, D«%. 14, 18bS, relotiva to wivea and families of solOMrs. and in Accordance with an order of tbe County Court ef Robe- WM J BROWN, County Cemmission'fr to distribute S:ate fundi. Feb’y I**. •-11*21 England and Friince —The Wasbington Chronicle sayc: Wuea P*ritis:cai srparated, Ecgla-d was in close .all'HPce with Frrincp. Ttai alliance is at an end. iTAfe BJlfi U, At t‘io rerideDO of Mr. Tbos. Birnas, near Marianna, Fla , 3d F«n’y, Coi. W. L SAUNbERS, 4tJtjiReg’t N. C Armj North Va, to FLORIDA, third daughter f •he Ut** Jao. W. Cottea. of N. C I % If 0 : Tupoday i>ight laat, at Argyle, in this oouaty, Mrs tziai subjeot will address (i^tate oi IVortb C'aroiiua, HAHNKtT COn.NTY. t^ort of Pleas & Quarter Session^ December Term, 186S. Arch’d. McLean vs A D. MoLean and wife C.*iharine acd others Petition for pamtion of Slaves. TUI3 case oomiog bn lo bn heard, it is ordered: tb«( publication be made in the F»>et'.fvile'Ooaerver lor SIX weeks notifying Wm Bolin and wife Mvy, Thomaa Bjlin ai.3 wite N .ncy Sophia, le be and appear at tjie next term ef thia Court, tbat they may answer the Mid petition, plead ur demur as they may tttink prop>^r Wiincbk, B njamiii F Saaw, Clerk of said Court, at Offise in LJlint^tou, Feb 1, J8(/4 7sw*i2dMM’hpdj B. F. SHAW, Cl’k. F E RSOi%^T ^ A YOUNG MAN If good ciiaracier and education, is deairo’is of opening a oorreapondeilot) with some i,»ouug Lidy ujion th^ subjept of matrimony Any ‘ v'jung lady wh) desirea to open* oorresp-ndenoe yn M.-iRr,AllEI HaY 9 la M r rs o»Hoty, on the 12th instant, WILLIAM I THOMAS, eldest,son of B P. ana Luc »»da PerSon, in I the 12tb year of hie age P0si8''ssed cf a well balanced j aad pvt'.^ocious mi.'d, industrial habits, and a hf'irt j .. .iurtlinK in the el»!tneut9 ol goodness aud kiii Jly pi'Voua-iious, affarued promise of ex*i*e'i usp^nlncss a'ni .'XaTfre A s.i'fdt'Oing strokp toiis brr-.:%v'*d fftthe hh i nic tbsr and ;.u oni;, liule brother, tod to nuiuer ous rela^i ;i.s friends • “U TV «iirri tho r.ico our flriritd has ru'il tu' ^.’W13 in fill h:s bio-'fi; The courin- bui yt.'Slerd>t.y be*aO. N-'w iini^!i.» i ij th-' L.i;i.tj Msjr.r BARNEY BARTON, ■Lane’s Brigade, Wtlcox’a Division, A. N. V. P. S A lady in her ‘teeja'’ le preferred. Feb’y 16- . .7 4'.pd ' C. 8. DEPOSITORY, FAYKiTEVXLLi:. Ftb’y i;d, 18G4. ) 1 Flind—a iiBid alt tour ISiii‘plu*iI J /'^O.NrEDEUATt- TBE UilY TiO-i Eo of lue is no cf 18t»3 ( ud all otner aalea may tie readily uonverted i :>ito these,) may be tunded luio (J per c«al. Bonds, on I p^'’.^;■:.tlorv at ib a Offi : i Holders of C«ri fioH'ss. dated oa or before 26th Jac’y Cbris .an A-Vv.oi'-te and-North I ’.8>4 will tl»as• oHn«e th-m to'•’pr'efut.j i, with their those from Ki>r>. Carc’.n.^. That your fauif-firdin^, complaining disp 'sition so manifpst :n 'h;- c ’rmn ; ot j uir r>- ver, cncournged dC-S.-rtivP fro n the crr«y >,n.i hrl I.'T ,'it hOU'i'% y^v> must have fee'i Af d how ' f 'u C':'^;o—' tich a CO irsfc? Tra«, y.*. i; >. fr. qu r»ty pjvi^.d ->rs lo returi^A'J t^eir co '"i'-id.:. •. u' a*'. ■..> yieid io •"« I*ws as -bC7 ar-,-bHt t’c-'n fi.me vit.^ ko little earnestcrep an 1 i»i 8*5ch :. rp-^.liiiii t.jfc.inir, pveu your best ft-ii »*d.s hive n’t. to a.'^oeciaiP year true *eiiliri)i»r*r Again, wuiUt yuu b..ve cauy ncoi m'^r who sympa- thiae with you in whole or in part, and ma :y of those FOR TH£ 0B8£dV£R. % Fditora of Observer: PIp^sp allow »ne to f^cknc.'wledtje tbrou?b tour ooinmm the receipt ,f the fcllowiug ■ gumf. f ir Array Colporiage: Froih Richmond Tempsr- { ancf Pud Library Siciety by oommittee of Sooiety •?4G 50. :o bo expended in Hyinu Books »nd Tracts, Wm. Wh'tfl of Cbatta^ $100;.Officers and privates of the 1st N C Reg’t Stui^rt’s Brigade by Rev. W. R GftuUncy Ci>aptain 5>106 60 We aie n-iw petting ant fo” fiP'' dlstttbuiion .•imong the 7f. C. Tr.>'*ps 4t'),‘000 oo} i"8 df th“ Nrw Testament al oue suppr,sitiou j ET>i£>tlet in Tract firm with a prrfsce t» each, giving aoDie sccnunt of ihp sufhor, circnmatanccs under which it WS.S written, Ac &c "We tiust th.'it tbe liberali j of Qur friatds will enable us to ctrculaie these vpj-j exieh- sivefy. . NF.FD'M B COVB, Oeti’l Snp of Army Colport-.g? :or I’. C. H. vitiK'trv tii’ji ‘•Juj*u’a' ”"i if vctiir?! >. q” ('j; He v7;t'tor*; In U)*‘ .vwcin t of a i-.t,.. m.';;(i,nc at C^rthsj^c, similar injusti'e 'VR? d-^'^e to I^.vrii; Tysor. E.'q . whnrj happen- infc to Np pre.-.-'-t. I'oi p-r.ri-si,>p to cdiire^s the tnc* t- , ^ t v ^ P» ^.. . . , . i Bri.ihs or S)i.i>iB^8 —lo hose ta^ Orange C -ing, wiic* -.cno.- rr. .1.'.., b.it wtP^.,} wss foond J j ^ ^,.^ok, of C« 3Dth Reg’t. that itp W' r fi-_d ..1 , . Tbr.-.p pr ;p .•'dina; the p^riy | ^ Puith, of ^’a’np‘»on county, 51st Reg’t.; died i ■r'.;:'J not I’li 'n t't '.-n'; va. t d: r i-f ;v»pnV> ! FcVy '2. in his 44t*> ypar, Irom *hf> rff^cts of a t-nll ' T’-: -J pfo’( tifr . ■ i'•>•)>:{-i . .n i tl.-,> i:::t‘v* tiihr Migh his iiow'.-H by->'’e enemy near BHohelor’sCreeS, | jij o lilted ’l-'t ' Scti! .-f. in f.;.'-' - of •lonrca'ir'r.. ■ abont Iff ’T-i,!'*'' fro'i" t^pwbcrn. —^ —' , Op I'iUnd. Npw York V.i:h 'Jan'y. from tbe f KfiP- TflK ‘ Bibl;c-l R f,'ir'’lii:a S'-^ij'lar.r pi-.‘.’!»0 eopt, H O U At h'S re^i-i«-no,' m .’VJoore o.>unty. Me. .“^JriN Me l.LOD. in C'4 n ys-ir of hi' At t,’h)r»». on !*>» 20th D-c’r. Mr?. .IANET MA;- • ARt \N, rei; v rf tiobert .Marf.r'n, b, q . I ite t.'i. i cii .Ii- i:( Gr'^ettocK, Spotir.a.L i 8' vo ;ra in l'.ic'aU ■- !'■? h in?!. , kl Ii EV ^NS, fjv mat;} -c-irt. ^ hikuiy r H v-.'.t'»bie L-ud t-fiuontial m-- cVr-nt of f'a' vliA In i hut '.. . 26ih k-»n’;. .Mrs M LEl^ uged 47 wi’o of Fhoa .‘d Leo At 0 ‘klsud, Duplin counn, eveuiu.? of 0th insf , f consiiDjpiion. Mr.- M.\RY F , wife cl C-il. C D Hil! KAyrC'i’l'KV iLLK lU AKliEl'.—February W liZVlZ-^ OF THS MAREET. Btebju 2 75 lo 8 00. Pork 2 25 Lard 2 50. U 1 jO te I 25 ot«. per lb , retail dJetewax 2 Butter $ 60 4 06 Cotton 1 25 to 1 50 (M'lfe-"' 10 00 to 12 60. Cctt-jn Yarn—to ^7 50 per onnch. Dr;e«i Fruft 1 00 to 1 25 pur lb. Eggs 1 76 per dozen. ’ Extras* U*gwood $6 to $6 pe” lb. Flour S^2r, to *U0 Flr,xsep-3 6 OtMo 8 00 pw fcn. • Tid4w 10 00 Hny 10 00 Shuoks 10 00. tirain—C-in. S17 T^heji 20 00 Rve 16 tXt. tJals & 00 Peas 17 fiO to 20 00 Hide*—GrePH 2 6i t'> ^ SO 4 »? fc 6 06 IroF —Swedes 8 00 to o 60. ii'nn**j wriiteu itiemon. r-n ’ r.'C-ive i.Vrir B.jnds I'liof-e hol'lii.g '.-eitifi »tt.a tor 7 a-’J 8 p.-.f ceuts are • requested ti- reiu^n lue.'n wi ,!i ui fu't’>er dtday ti luj . W G BUOaL;F»OT. Dep’y. 50 7've^ro fleu 1%'aiited. IWlSli .o « rt: f r iUt. i of ^.’a f a :,;5 able i'od 'J t NEURt) MEN 'o I o' W rxj Buok- .>rn FaIIs, »uJ 25‘to work ta tt!;* E^fvp; C >it e'li tit Libcr-*! prijc^ :?!Vfn “na ptjmr.it .n I'le lO >.dvauca if d‘“-ired. C B M.^LLETT. Feo’y 13, 18‘>4 n i2w llank s^tock for $$ale. ■ y to • A. MoLIAN a»i;? ^ L'.ai-tker—Ucper 15 (>0 i'.cr .tiy o-ift ?io 00. Liquors—C-. 'n ^7iutsKcy i~i 1*0 Ap?’e an Ap^ie and Peaeh KAi«$^! RA(4i$!!—The infe- rior quality of tae psper on whioh the Obasrver has been printed of late, »ad jch la a great sye-sorc to ne, is owing to the want of i a s’ifBucnf snpjiiy of g o l rag», and tbe consequent neo- I lS ity :o resc-rt to inf'^rlor materials We appeal to thtt I friend* of the Observer at nil accesailrie points, to. save op and bring to towa aM the ratrs thfy oaa prooare. ! We have no time onrsclvea to atiecd to their parohaae. I but Messrs. Geo W. Williams ^ Go., tha Agenta ia I this town of'Mr Marpby, will pay 16 oents par. lb. for I inrni ; K J HALE & SONS, i Feb’y _ « Wtf I .tfai Wanted. OKE who h!i.s bet'i aacn.Jtometl to*superint'>nding re- par ra in a'Cott(?n Factoi’y. A preference given to I e Dsisan above tMk oonsoript age. j ‘ Apply tc . C. T. HAIGH. Pres’t Rockfich Co., F^e'teville, N. 0. • 4 itr CoHFKUKaATB B-'uns Au.mn nvAKCBu bales yea- C'iv’K’fiVJi.aL. - : rfTrc's of s. wous i r ;c''-ved at Gerfjsbprj, Jgly 1,18t$3, ter iay in Rich-^iond siv«.d auoti-tr a1vanoe cf 10 per meeting f a Y ■ in* Lidiea’ Knittlnr'So- i Leonidas Pearsall, of Kecaoevlile, N 0 _i — ..» f.ill KoKaU at \t. n A I . hotjpiul, Wilmlngton, Feb. 7, of typhr-ld f«v«r, O. ag*t Q H PUta, of Co B, 684k thiae w!tB you in whole or in part, and ma :y of those teriay in Rich-^iond siv«.d auoti-tr a1vanoe of 10 per meeting 'j f a Y ■ in* Lidi&a’ K'nttTrtr'Do- i; who ought from their social poaitioa anf oppottantUea aert Bonds of short data, (1868,) bron^ii i 121 with ^ resldiucc ca Rowan 1 to b« tH« fint ia iba §t^ yat jo« lutta in,wm to \ isNmt. | atxaat. I Kcy Brindy 5» 00 . iVi oii:.«*C« I ' iiU t.0 20 0^1. Hftii-j 3 tiO u> 3 60 •1 !b f nicns 15 00 per bui.'ivl j p.- Pfttatcrw; — Irif!?! 16 .*0 to $20 ppvb'?Rh:l; aweet 12 60. |' 9:a« 75 ct5. 3u~ar 4 60 jo • fK) j So-»c—E^r :«il x>*r li».; Toile 2 IK). J ,, ^ » sp>vJ8 ^ ?tr gallon. fOriiiir4lD»’A Fat: t',fTiM" 4-4 aht'fiPffR, Factory priocsto tbe State 1 25 Ilf tail to otfcprs I 40. Outstdare’gripes 3 60. Salt 26 00 per b«»'ael Tallow Wool 98. « (knmM by 1.1.. Fewtos. erehafit, oods ooi.aigned to him P&rtionlar attenl on giver- '.o all produce seat hla far aala. OoBnga»«Bta of e^? mi% at adlait«U 1% iN| mg Y^ILL. gl^e qnick desi'^tc.i to

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