TflK CUBRBNOY BILL. An Act to FuntL Tan and L>m!t (hr Currntcjf. SBT'Troy 1 The ('on-jress o} fkf Vonffilerate Staf-K of America do emicf. That ^he holders of all Treasury notes above the denominttion of 85, not bearing interest, shall be allowed until the 1st day of April 18G4, east of the Mississippi, to fund the same, and until the periods and at the places stated, the holders oi all such Treasury notes shall be allowed to fund the saui> in regw- tered bonds, payable 20 years after their date, tearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent pot aa- num, payable on the lit of Jauuary and .July of each year. Src 2 The Secretary of f jio Treasury is hereby authorized to i.-sue the bonds refjuired for the fundiritr providi'd in th-.- jwecediiii; pection, and iir til the h.irid«> can be propart-d h»- may i«sue certificate's fo an^wfr fhe purp(»se. Such bonds andVeriiii-at-s shill ho r«'Cfivablo without inter est HI f.a.'tii ri' of all G'iverttm«*nt dues paysible in tl.,' )t'ir oxcept exp>4-t and import duties. Ski' 3. That 'iH Tn'asury notes of the deuomi- natio i ct ?lO-t, aot b -ariui; iMtt*res(,.which shnll not be pre'erjfed for funding undertbo provisioiii* of the 1st Bcctioi^ “f this act, shull, from un i after tlwj l-'f d>iy' if \j>ril 1^61. ra to! tha AJis.-i ■>ijyi ri^cr, and the l^l■da3 July 18«U, west of t io 3Iisi*issippi. caic to be receivable in payment of public Ju r», aud said notes, if n>jt ijo presented at that time, in addition to the tax of oo^ cents .Ui|M-dcd in the 4th 800*^100 of this act, be snbjected to a tax of 10 per cent, per month un til so presented; whi^h taxes shall attach to Haid not( ? wherever circulated, .and shall be deducted from the face of said notes whenever presented tor payment or for funding, and suid notea shall jiot be exchangeable for the new issue of Trea sury notes provided for in this act Sec 4. That on rill said Treasury notes not f(^nded or used in paynieni of faxes at the'dates and plaCfS pre-jcribed in the’1st section ot this act, there sliuU lie levied at said dates and places a tax of cents for every dollar promised on the face of said notes; paid tax .'^hail attach to naid notes wberevt r eircuiatt d, and shall be coll«cted- by deducting the ‘■aioe at the trcsfury, its deposi torii ■( anil by fni ♦•■jjlactor?, and by all (Jovern* meat olEcorf; rccciviuir the same whenever pre sented for payment or for funding, or in payment ot Government dues, or for'postage, or in ex change for new notes, ashereinatterprovided, and said Treasury notes shall be fundable in bonds a.*« provided in the 1st .«eetion of this act, until the 1st day of January 1805, at the rate of Ctij cents un the dollar; and it shall bo the duty of the Sec retary of the Treasury, at any time between the 1st of April and the lit of July, 1S04, west ol the Miasis-iippi river, and the 1st of January 1%5, to substitute and exchange new Treasury notes for the same at the rate ol >0* cent^ on the dol lar. Proi'iiJed, Thaf notes of the denomination of ?100 shaj? not be errtitled to the privilege of said exchange: Pr rid‘d further, that the right to fund any of said Treasury notes, after the 1st day of January 16G5, is hereby takon away; And pro vided r'nrther. That upon all such Treasury notes which may remain'outstanding on the 1st day of January lbG5, and which may not \>a exchanged lor ne^ Trea.ury notes, a.s herein provided, a tax ot lUO per cent, iii hereby imposed. Sec. 5. That after the first-day of April next, all autl^rity heretofore given to the Secretary of the Treasury t© issue Treasury notes shall be, and is herahty, revoked: Frovidtd^ the Secretary of the Trea.sur'y may, after that time, issue new Treasury notes, in such form as he may prescribe, payabJe two years after the ratiticatiou of a treaty ■ if frfiHce wuh the*Uiiited States, said new issues to be rccc!\vable in payment ot all public dues, exc-p’" •, xport and iuiport dutie-, to be issuctf in exchan>»c for old no'es at the rat'; of - dollars of th new for 3 of th^ old issues, whethar said old note.* surrendered for exchan(?e hy the holders thereof, or be received into the Treasury under the provisions of this act; and tho holders of the new cotes or of the old notes, except those of the denomination of SlOO, affer thev are reduced to «.fob to «o.« 117 »d said notesto be fundable and exchangeable for new . ^ prevent the Pre«d‘nt from detmhnf Treasury notes, aa herein provided, subject to ti.ecl.rtt!>'cp. or pf«otis of ecientifio skill, to tho deduction of said tax. perfnrrt) indiepens>»>flc iuMes in tt;* d«T'&rtBj‘ni8. or bu 8k 12. Thrtauy Stole holding Trewurj i notea received before the times j ,„rm**ter. (^omznic^ivry. or AFsiBtafitn.'fonjmiFsary (other taxing said notes shall be allowed tiU ^ those s'-rvii g with brigi»(ies or re{icat^nte in th« day ol January lli65, to fund tho same in 6 per , j cifioers in tbe Ordnano* Bureau, or Nft^y cent, bonds of the Confederate States, payable 20 | Ageafa, or ProTo-t M»rfih»l. or officer in the conicript years alter date, and the interest payable annually. But all Treasury notes received by Ju,.ub mentioned in thfcStb any State after tho time fixed for taxing the Bume as aforesaid, slmll be held to have been received or biirenus. "r in any of f>ociion of ibis apt, in viol shhll, on ooaviction tbereo ^ion of the proviaittne hereof, »f hy » oourt-icartial or mill' ^ one Stat«, in companies from another State, shall tJGi cents on the jo'lar hy the tax rforesaiX m.-iy ' ^ if they desire it, a trautfer to oreaa- ‘ iiations from their own States, in the same arm of the service. Ssc. S. That at the expiration of fix months from the flr»tijay of Aprjl next, a bounty of flOO in a six per cent. Government bond, which tho Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to i.ssue, shall be paid to every non oommissioned offi«er, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his death previous to the period of such payment, then to the person or persons who would be entitled by law to re ceive the arrearages pf his pay; but no one shall be entitled fo the bounty herein provided who *h!ill at any time, during the period of six months ncSt after the said first day of April, be absent froia his command without leave. 'Sec 4. That no person shall be rejievei^ from the operation of this act by rea‘on of having ow ^laid or i heretofore discharged frnui the army whcnj alUhereaf- i 'li^Jthiiity now exi.^t.*; nor .shall those whohavo diminished by thp amount of^aid tax. The dis- t^rj ocurt be cAahiere-i; aw J it shall criraination between the notes subject to the tax iirpartnn»r.t or and those not so subject, shall be— Sec 13. That Treasury notes heretofore issued hearing interest at the rate of $7 30 on the if 100 per annum, shall no longer be received in P^J' mcut of public dues, but suall be deemed and considered bonds of tho Confederate ^tates, paysr bio two years after the ratifi'^ation of a treaty of with the United States, bearing the rare of interest specified on their face, payaMe 1st ol January of each and every year. Seo. 11. That the Secretary of the 'i reasury be, and ho is hereby, authoriaed, in case the cxi- eenciea of the Goverunic'it should require it, to pay th'' demand of any public creditor wh«*se debt may be contracted after the passage of this j!Ct, n’illing to rec«ivc tho samrc in a« certificate of in debtedness, to be isKued by said Secretary in such form' as he may deem proper, piayahle two years after a ratification of a treaty of peace with the Tnited States, bearing interest at the rate ol six per cent, per annum, payable seini-annuallv, and transferable only by special endorsement, undtr regulations to be prescribed by the >'*eereiar^ of the 'I’reasury, and said certificates shall be exempt from tuxktiou in principal^nd interest. Sk.'. 15 The Seccrfary of tho Treasury is t»u- thorizod to incrc»«e-the number of dept^itorics so as to meet the retiuirenifnts of this act, and with that view to employ «uch of the banks of the sev eral States as he may deem expedient. Sko. ,1‘> The Secrc'taiy ol the Treasury ^liafl forthwith advsrtisp this act in such newspapers published in the several- S’tates, and by such other ni?ans as shalV secure immediate publicity; and the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy shall each cause it to bo published in gene ral order for the information of the army and navy. Sec. 17. The 42d section of the act for the assessment and oolleotiou of taxes, approved May 1st l'^f)3, is hereby repealed. SEf. 18. The Secretary of tlua Treasury is hereby auth)riied and re^juired, upon the appli cation of the holder Df any call ocrtitieato, ^hich, by the first section of the act to provide for the funding and further i.«sue of Treasury notes, ap proved March 2Sd 1803, was required to be therealter deemed to be a bond, to i^sue to sueh holder a bond therefor upon the terms provided by said act, THE MILITARY BILL- Sectiow 1. That from and after the pabsage of this act all white men, residents of the Confede rate States, between the ages of 17 and 00 shall be in the military service of the Confederafe States for th» war. Sec. 2. That all the persons *toref»aid, between the ages of lb and 45, now in service, shall be re tained during the pre.sent 7ar^ith the United States, in the same regimests, battalions and com panies, to whith they belonc «t tiio p4(j.sage ot this act, with the same organiaati »n and officers, anle.~s regularly transferred or discharged, in ac cordance with the laws and regulations for the government of th^army: P.'ovi'te/, that companies from one Stite, oriiaaized against their consent, ''xproK^t'd at the time, with regiments or battalion.o from another State, shall have the privilege of be ing transferred to organiiationi of troops, in the same arm of the service, from the Slates in which said companies were raised; and the soldiers from convert the same into call certificates bearing in terest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, and payable two years after h ratification of a treaty of peace with the United State.-i, unlcsi sooner converted intc^new note^. Sbc 0 That to pay the ,expenses of the Gov ernment not otherwise provided for, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorised to issue 6 per cent, bonds t^an amount aot exceeding five hundred millions of ^lollars, the principal and in- tesest whereof shall be free from taxation, and for the piyment of interest thereon tha entire net receipi' fi any expoff du’y henafter laid on the vaiu>^ ul any eoif^n, tobacco,' and naval stores, .whicri all bu exported fr m r^t* Confedcate StarC', and the tn-.- prjcecd- of thti import duties now iiiid. or .s» uiiicli th“r'.it as miy bo nec^'spary to pny aiiiiuuiiy chi.' interest, are her>'by .specially p'cig'-d: tliat ttivi dufi-9 i.ow ' '' impurts aio her- by piedired and sb r in seeding exchange,'or larni^ucd auhstitutos be any longer exempted b} therc'if: Proviiti. a 'i^.- i xrmptfd on acccur: .f opinions and vrao h«.s l-.i'fir-d to -ia 'ro'a ■ ■ r qiir' } t j irr ^ervic;- ■iml-r iLij. ac Hbo 5 lent a 1 .uale rtsii nls of lb«* . Jiie 8t(%tep, butwtfi-n thr *jtes nf 17 ani ]8 »>i l 45 u4 60 y^itH. enroll ihemv>l»o«i at nuoh f.nies “nd l>i'ice8. and under i>u«h r^jtulatfuns, a« (he President way preBcribe, the time allowed not beinp l«8a than 80 days for those onet and 60 diya for tfao-e west of tbe MissipiippL river, anH any person wiio sbull f«il go to enroll himself, without a rea^uniible excuse fierefor to be jndg*d of by the President, sball be placed in service in the Celd for the war, in tbn r^bio nja’im^r as thonirh they were between tlie «ges of 18 and 45: Pra- vidtd. that the persons mentioned in tiiis section sSall coDstiuite a reserve for State defeaoe and de'ail duty. ■»nd ehall not be required to perform service out of th* St'ite in wotch they reside fasc 6 That all persons required by the 5*h s**ction of this act to enroll theoiBelves, miy within 30 daya after tbe pa.^sage thereof, e.'ist ef the Nfie^Bsippi rivrr, anil witihin 50 days, if west of said river, form them- aelvea into voluatary org.'iaiz'^rionB of oomp»nies, batta lion-i. or regimcote, and efcot tJi»;irown otft^wa; sa'd or ganizations t j conform to the exist ii>(rl»we; nnd, haring so org'inii'id, to tender (heir servioes as volunteers 'fnr- ing the war to the President; and if such orjcanisUions shall faraish proper muHter rolls, as now organin^d, and deposit a com thereof with tho enrolling officer of their dij>iriot, whi^ shall be gqiiivalent to enrollment, they may be aooepted as minute men for sfrvice in each State, but in no event to he taken out of it Tho«e wh6 do not so volun* and fginixe. shall enroll tbojn- selves a« before provided; and may, by tho President, be required to assemble at c 'nveilfent piaoes of rendex* ? *i«, and be fo”meJ or o:*gahiied into companies, bat talions and regiments,* under regulations to be pre scribed by him; and ehall h^ive the ris;\it to el"or th-s’r co'upaay and regimental officers; and all trrxjpg orgm- i*ed under this aot for State defence, shalt b* entitled, wbilo in AcUtr-1 co.rvioe, (o tb« same p^y and allo«anoe as troops now in the field. Sic 7 Tbat any person who shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous as required by tbe authority of the Presideht, without a snffioiont exouae, to be judged ef by him, shall be liable tQ be pUfted in ssr- vioe iu tke field for the war, aa if be were between the ages of 18 and 45. 8ko. & That heteafter the duties of provost and hos pital guards and clerks, aad of olcrks, guarlls, agents, employees or laborers in the Commissary and QiKrter- mneier’s Departmenfs, in the Ordnanotf ^reau, and of clerks and employees of nary agents, as also in the ex ecution of the enrollment aot, and all similar datiea, shall be performed by persons who are within th» ages of 18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of array snrgeons shall be reported as nnabis to perform active service in the fitJd, bu* capable of performing ter be pai l i = -p ■ in coupon i -a. i ; Sec. i. Tna. tsi*; utjtjry ;f the Treasury ia hereby ;xu h .i.z-a, . oru am to' .:ime, ti» the waut.^ .f the Trea-ury may require it, to sell ur • hypothecuto for Ticasury notes said bonds, or aii\ pait thercol, upon the best tcrm>i he can, so as to meet appropriations by Congress, and at the same time reduce and I'ostrict the amount ot tha circu lation in Treasury notes within rea.sonable and safe liniitj. Sec. 8. The boiids authorized by the’ Gth sec tion ot this act may be either registered or cou pon bot?ds, as the parties taking them may elect- ■and they may be exchanged for each other under Buch regulations as the Se retary of the Treasury may prcacriUi , They shall be for SlUO, and shall together with the coupons thereto attached, be in such form and of such authentication as the Sec- nttiiry of the Trt.usury may prescribe; the intcrcwt shall b. piyablJ i;i!f ydUrly on the first of Jan’y and Julj in cjxrh y«ar; the principal shall he pay able nul less than years from tkeir date. Sec. 9. All call certificates shall bo fundable and shall be taxed in all respects as ifi provided for the Treasury notes into which they are con vertible. If converted boforc tho !ime fixed for Uxing the Trfa.«ury noto.s, such certificates shall from that, time boar inter.^st upon only Ofijf cents for every dollar promised upon their face, and bhail bo redeemable m now Treasury notes at’ that rate; but after the passage of this aot no call certihcatcs shall be i.ssued after the first dav ot April, .. J' Sec. 10. That if any bank of deposit shall give it- depcsitor- t-e bf.iris authorized by the first section 01 this act, in exchange for their deposits and specifying the same on the bonds by some f^*1mark or token, to ba agrQed upon with nnaU/f Treasury, then the said de- ^ • X . be entitled to recievQ the amount of ‘Q treasury notes, bearing ao intorcet passage ot this act: Pro- the said bonds are p/eBcnted* before the pnvi ege o funding said notes at par shall cease aa herein prescribed. ■ I V her.-'toforc iS8uedofthe deno:.iinationof S3 Phtll continue to be receivable in payment of public dues, as provided by law, and fundablo at p:^r vmlcr the . , v . provisions of this act, until the first of Tnl„ lurA i »«>“e of tie above said duties, spe/'ifying wh;cb, and taut, and until the first OnfnV/.r i *ben loose persons afcall have been assigned to those thp M; ; • • • u i , of duties as far as practicable, the President eh^il assign fth* U river, but after *h-dt time thty ■ "'r to tbcir performftdoe suoh bodies of troops, or anail b»i subj-ct t; a tax of r ocut on ev- ' '“dividoals, required to be enrolled under the 6th geo- . ®ry dollar promised on the face th«rcof, said tax I this4wt, as may be needed for the dwoharge of | ' auvh dntiw: Prcvidtd, that peraons between the mm df I 15. oath of t.ny crtdible perenn, that any suoh officer b*« violated this t.rovi?ion in> mediately to relievetuch offi- (j,.r from duty; and said ootnmandcrs shall take'prompt to have him trie.l for such offence; and any ! coiomen.ier a afaresfiid l.iiling to perf«rm the diulea - . uj >»:ied hy thi.i seoticn f-ftH upon being duly oonvici- tS> r«(er be di'ohar;:'’ * I HkO to Tfiai 1*11 !»»'' i itary ^erviat- be. and the Siiine are hereby repealed, and ! rono !»l«^ll he fxef^fi ed exo*'Pt the followin«; 1 .All whc phail bs held uafii' f*r miiitary service, ' under rules to preHcrihid'hy the Se*ratary ot War ' 2 Vi«: Vice-Tr! aldeni f the (?ocfedorate States, the •••ib.'rs and i ffioers ef (’ongrcss i'»>a of the several State I, •!4’ur(»ii, sues ot.'-er (!c^ffcd«)ate and .State of- lioerd aa «hf Presid 'nt, or the Governor of the respeotiTe Htnte?. 01-.y crtify to be neofusary for tbe projer ad- rii'i'Ptriiicn ■ th-^ CooTederaie or ?tate Qovornments, as tbe ea?e may be 8. Every miuinter of religion authorized to preach ao- coidii g to the rales of bis ohuroh, »nd who, auhe pas sage of this fcct shan b« rrguUrly employed in the dfs- c'»arff'^ of liia minis^frial duties; puperlntoadentg a»d pbyiiici Ui of asylums fur toe ueaf uiid dumb and blind .».,I of the iuiHue; oue uditor for each newspaper b«ing u«b!i«hfd f.t ine time of this act, and such euplojer* i,s said editor mty ccrnfy, oa oath, to be indicp^nnable to i*»e prblio'itioE of such newspaper, tho public printer' of tbe‘!onf*Jrrufe aalSt-U- Govtrniaentu, and suoh j'.urneymen'vrinters as me said puhlic printer 6h»H c-Ttify, on oathj tcbe indispensabi? to p»;r^or!n tbe pub- Itu irintiug: one gkille'* apo'hecary in eaoh apo»h«oary -Lorr, who was Jiring btiniaes' as tiuch on fhe lU'b day of Oetober 18li'.i, anJ has O 'ntiBiied said bu.>iness, with oui ii)ternui>6^ a. since tnnt period; ^11 phyuiciatis ov«r the ago of So >eaTs, who now are. an4 for tho la-t 7 _. ‘'t! have been, in ihc Mt!Uf>l and rerular practice of loitr profession, but tbe term physioifin shall not in- c!u t.’deniisis; a'l j residenis and te’ichers of ooll“7e*. theological seuiiuaiios, aoa leiriies ^uid schools, vhu have ‘ et u resrularly . ngaged as nuca for two years next be fore tho passaj^e of this aot: Provided. That ihe benefit of this 9x^mv>lion shall e'xtettd to those teachers only whose schools are composed of UO studenta or more. All su].‘eri(ttendeuts of public hospitais, es'ablished by law before the passage ot this aot, am! snch physioians and nurses therein as such superintendeme skaii certify, on oaih, tu be indiapen^ble to the proper and efficient mAnagepjent ihereof. 4 There shall be exempt one pewon as owner or ag- rieuJtufiat on eaoh farm or phuitaiicp opon whioh there are now, and were-on the 1st day of January last, 16 able-bcdied field hands, between the agois of Iti and 50, upon the fol.'awing conditions; 1 Tbis exemption shall only be granted in cases ib whioh (here is no white male adult on fh'- f%rm or plan- laticn noi ll'ible tn military ('r'rvice, n»r unless the per son claiming :be exemption w«i«n the let day of j^n’y lt'‘i4 either the owner %ud manager or overs;er of taid plantation, hut in no case shall more than on* person be exempted for One farm cr plantation i i^uch persoi* shall first execute a bend, payable to the Cl nfedcrate States of Amcrica, in suoh fo'Tm, and with duch security, and in r>uoh penally as the S oreta- ry of War may prescriba. oonditioned that be will de liver to the OovVrnir^nt sciae raihosd depot, cr such other place or piaoes as n.ay be designated by the Seo retary of War, within li months next ensuing. IdO pounds of bacon, or. a.* tha eiection of the Ocverniaent, its equivaUnt in pork, aad 100 pounds of net beef (paid href to be delivered on fo.*t,) for each abW-t^'jdiei slave nn «aui tarm «ir pUniati' u, within the above said ag«8 whether -aid slaves in tbe field or not, which said bacon or pork and be*f ■«baM t*e pi*id for f y the jioverunieni a* the price* fixed by the CommlsHioners of the State under the imrre«?mfD; ac.: Provided, that when the per hcn iJius extmpted Bh^U prodiu'c »*'iBfacf>rj evidetico ibat it has heen imp;-?»ib!e for him, by the exercise'of pr.:p/-r d.ligence, to fur»i=b toe amount of meat thn.s c .crKOied far, and lc>*ye an alequVe supply for ihe stih>i9ieno“ of those living cvn the said farm or plaata- sion the Bec^evary of War sba'.l dir.'ct a eommntBiion of ihe satne. to the extent of two th'rdji thereof ia grain ^r other provisions, to he delivered by suoh pers'^a as af^reaiid at equitnlect rates. 8 Suc.n person shall Curther bind himqelf to sel! the iA«rk#tah(e. rurplus of previsions aad graia njw on aand. and which he may raise froBi year to y*-ar while hi« exemi iion continues, to the ?.vsrnmeat or to the lami)i?s tif soldiers, a1 prices fixed by tbe ('ommission- eri of th* State under the impressment act: PrOnded, that any per>on x^mpted a4 aforesaid, shall he enti tled to a credit ot' ‘ih p. r ecut. on a^^y an«iunt of me»t wa'teh^* may d» aver within*thr»e aonths fram the ossi'Hga of *bis aot: Prowided fttrliwr, that persons asmlDg within the provii:on4 of this exenptioB eaa’I not be deprived of the hencfift thereof hy r*a«oa ef hav- iDg beee enrolled tince the 1st day of February 18tH 4 In additica to the foregoing exeapti(vaa, the Sec retiry of War, under ihe )lrectiot of the President, may €X ’r pt or detail sncb ot^er pers ias »s he may. be hiiit'ified ought to be exemp'ed on account of public na^ cee«!tr, and to insure the produotiou of graio and other 1 r»vtpiona for the a'my a»>d the fkmilifa of soldiers FIv rnj, al»o. grant 'Xsaption* details, oa such as he may prescri e, to suoh ever*-itrs, farmers . r p .ntfrs as he may be satisfied will be more useful i> th? conn'ry ia the pursuiis of agriculture than io the military g rvice: Provided tkat suoh exemptioa shaU ceasc what ever fhe fariuer, plaater or overseer shall fail diigeutly ta empl y in gr)od faith, his own skill, C' I'ai auJ iab-r exciui-iyelj ja the production of grain and f.rjviai.'ni, to t e s*ld to ’-he G.>verumsnt and the I'ii i'iio# cf 3; d’crs at prices not exseeding taose fixed 4i ='8 i’.me fur Hke articles by ;a’e C .mtuisaioners of th*. ^i!ite under the luipreesmeat Act. i> TI1J rre tr “ iurft-. auditor an ! superin!.'»n- Jtii of any aaro^^iomiiaiiy Vn{;aged in traaspijriaiion '{‘F lie Governiaent, and jtuch offij?ers and employees • heie(/.la» tiie pri>sident or superuilwndent shaH certify oa oath lo be ind»s)^nsab]e to the ethoicnt operation of said railroad: Provided, that tho number of persens so exempted by this tvct on any railroad shall not exceed one person for e^h mile of suoh road in actual use for military transportation; and said exempts shall be re ported by name and description, with the names of any who have left the employment o/said eowpany, or who may oe‘>i*o to be indiapeusable. / 6. That nothing herein contained shall be oonstru^ as repealing tho aot appr.jved .\pril the 14 h 1863, en titled an aot to exempt contraotoY's for carrying the m-^ils of the Confederate Ptates, and the drivers of post c.> >cbca and hacks, from railiiary service: Provided, that ail tbe exemptions granted undnr this act shall •nly ooniinue waii^t the persons exempted are aatually eng-igcd in their roa>e«tive purnuits or c'acupations. Sec. 11. That tbe President b«, i« ikaeab^f^ > authorized to grant details, under general rules and re^'ilatiuns to'be issued from the V/ar Department, eit’-er of pereon*i between 4& and 60 ye-'^r* of age, or frou tbe aruj.' in iho_fi«ld, in ail cases whe^e, in his judgment, justice, eqiiity and necessity reqaire suoh From tbe Western Demoorai. . THB 48th N. C. REGIMENT Tbe following is a brief and hasty abstract of the history of the 48th N. C. Troops. The rcg’t was organiied at Camp Mattgum, near Rttleigh, N. C., about the 8th April, 1862, having four oompanics from Union county, two from David son, one froQi Davidson and Forsyth, one from Iredell, one from Moore, and one from Chatham. Co. A, frora Union, Capt. F. L. Wiatt, (after wards promoted to Major, July 15, 186^, to fill vacancy oooaflionecfr by death ot Major ,B. R. 'Pluske.) * B, liavidson, Capt Albert A Hill, promoted upon the resignation of Major Wiatt, Sept’r 22, 18G2, to Major, and Eiuce the death of Col R 0 llill, to the Lt Colonelcy.* C, Iredell, Capt A M Walker, since resigned. D, Moore, Capt B R Huake, clodtcd Major 9th April, 1862, and died of wounds receivod (in battle near Richmond) July 15, 1868. E, Union, Capt J W. Walden, since resigned. F, Union, Capt S H Wulkup, elected April^ quarters to-irorrow, the 2d'Tcb., 1864. * th% W'hito House upon Richmond, And Cooke’s Brigade was ordered back to Richmond. July 3d, we advanced under MaJ Gen D H Hill across the Chickahominy, at Bottom’s Bridge, and drDve the enemy back to the White House. July 7th, w-e again marched to Hanover Junction to pro tect the bridges from the enemy’s raids, and thence, Airg 1st, to Fredericksburg, on picket duty, until Sept 1st, when we returned to Hano ver Junction; and thence, on the 24th, to ?ot- donsville, and on the 8th Oct, to Madison C H, where we. joined Gen Heth’s Division, in Lt Gen A P Hill’s corps, on the march to Culpeper C S!’ 1race to which we belong the 14th Oct, Cooke h and Kirkland’s N C Bn pi« |re not yet ready for tht grades engaged a whole corps of the enemy and were badly cut up. We took into the light 500 men and lest 8 killed and 116 wounded, many of the latter ninca died. We have since that time been guarding as pickets the lines of the Rappa hannock and Kapidan rivers, at which last place we are now on picket, but will go into winter 9tk, 1862, LtCol, and promoted to Col, Deo 4th, 1863, by death of Col R C Hill. G, Chatham, Capt W H Jones, promoted to Major, since death of Col R C Hill. H, Davidson, Capt Michael, since re signed. I, Union, Capt (Dr.) E 0 Alexander, since resigned. K, Davidson and Forsyth, Capt Jesse Atwood, sin CO died. Tho ahovo companies were organized into the 48th Reg’t N C Troops by the election, on 9th j ed by transfer 6, recruitij 28—total 1445 A^ril, 1SG2, of R C Ilill,-of Iredell county, as I omittcQ to Btatc that soon after our.organisa tion we were placed in Gen. Holmes’s Division, in whioh we remained until after the battles around Richmond. We were in Gen. Whiting’s Di vision whilst at Wilmingtou, and in Gen. Walk er’s Division whilst in tbe vicinity of Charles ton, S. C. Whole number of men who Hare belonged to the Regiment since its organization^ 1445. Num- bar at orjfanization, (April 9th, 1862",) 844 V'ol- unteers 909, con.seript.s 481, substitutes 21, reociv- dotMlt, and he may revoke suoh orders of details when* ever fte thinks proper: Provided, inat tbe power herein trrpiuted to tbe Rresident to make details and exemptions shall pot be oonstrued to authorise the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to the Qovernmint, by reason of said contract, unless The head or secretary of the department making snch contract shall'certify that the personal servioes of suoh eontraotor are indispensable to the execution of said contract: Provided fUrther, That when any silch oon- fr8’tor shall fal', diligently and faithfuMy, to proceed with the execution of suoh contract tie exemption or detail shall ccas^e Seo. 12. That In appointing local boards of surgeoes for the examination of persens liable to military ser vice, no member composing tbe>saiDe shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which thejc are re^ttired to make such examination. Bank Sitoek for Sale. Y to A. Mc£iAN ^ 9f. 19^. Rt-Hf RAGS! infe rior quality of tbe paper on which the Observer hm been printed of late, and which IS a great eye-tore to us, is owing to the want a suflctent enpply efgood rag?, and the tK>n«eqaent neo- esiity to r,j«or- to inferior materials. We appeal to the frUitds of fhe Observer at al! acoessiblo points, to save up and bring to town all the racB they oan proaare. have no time o«rselv«s to attend to their pui^hase,' bot Mcaare. leo W. Williams & Co , the Agents iii this town of Mr. Murphy, will pay 16 eents per lb. for ti>«*m s J. HAI.U k sona. IMtJ Colonel; Capt S H Walkup, of Union county, Lt. Col, and Capt B R Hurke, of Fayettoville, Major. They remained about one month ah Camp Man- gum and removou tr Goldsboro, N. C., periecting them.'iclve.'* in drill. The Regiment wa.i next or dered, on 1st June, to Petersburg, Va., where the drill was continued and the Regiment waj attach ed to Gen. Rob’t Ransom’s Brigade. June 10th, tore m[i the Norfolk & Petersburg railroad from Black water toward Petersburg. June 17th, .sent down to James River to get ice for the N.* C hos pital, at Dr Kpps’ hou.4e under cover of tho ene my’s gunboats. Juno 18th, attacked the gua- bouts'and the Regiment first got under the ene my’s lire from severe shelling. June 24th, or dered to Richmond 'and arri\^d on the morning of the 25th, at French’s Farm, on the Williamsr burg Road, were the regiment in the evening charged two brigales of the enemy, and got badly nut up—out of 480 men engaged, lost 17 killed on the field and 88 wounded, many ot whom have since died, including Major Huskc and Captain Clegg of Co. D. ^Thif was the beginning of the Richmond “seven days fights.” On th^ 26th, heard heavy tiriffg up the Chickahominy to our lef^, the battle of Mechanicsville. On the 27th, firing •oDimenced at Gaines’ Mills and Cold Harbor. On tho 28th, we were placed in Gen. J. G. Walker’i Brigade, and ordered acrosa the Chickahominy to^Cold Harbor—the battle was over before we rcached there and enemy iu fiight. We w«ro then marched to Alien’d farm on Jam«s River, near .Malvern Hill. June 30th, got un der a terrific Hre of gunboats, and continued in line Qf battle under severe shelling until tlft> morning of July 2d, when we were ordered to Drury’s Bluff, and thcnce back to Petersburg, where we remained throvriug up «ntrenchments, making excursions to Prince George C.'H., and attacking McClellan’s camp, July oOth, at Har rison’s }>«nding, in Geo’l D. H. Hiil’s Division. August 20th, ordered again to Richmond, and on the 27th to Rapidan Station. On the liU Sept. lV62; we began the campaign towards Marry land, pHspin^ Manassas and Leesburg, and crossing the Potomac river into Maryland ab far as Frederick- town, and thcnce, returning, we re-crossed the Potomac into Virginia, at Point of Rocks, and arrived at Harper’s Ferry, on the 18th Sept«m her, where we remained under the enemy’s shells, on Loudon Hftighta, until the 15th, when 14,000 of tbe enamy surrendered to Gen. Stonewall Jack son. W^e croeaed the Shenandoah and were or dered on the night of the 15th to Sharpsburg, croM»l the Potomac river at Shepherdstown next day, tbe 16th, and formed line of battif early on the m'Toing of the 17th, in Gen’l D. H. Hill’s DivisioQ. About ten o’clock we #ere ordered to the lef\, to support Gen. T. J. Jackson, and ba came engaged in one of our bloodiest fighta^ at Sharpsburg * 750 men of the Regiment en gaged in thi^action; 86 were killed and 195 wound ed, many of them mortally, of whom were Ad’t H. J. Gaston, Capt Benj. Atwood, Co. K, and Lieut G. W. WitherspooB, Co. C. The two for mer Were captured and died ki the enemy’s hands. Several of our men were here wounded and taken prii>onor8, and many of them have not sinjc been heard from. On the night ot the 18th Sept, wo re-orossed the Potomao and retired to near Mavtiosburg; and thence, after a few days, to Winchester. For about on« month we remained near Winchester, and thcnce removed with Longstrcet’s corps to Uppervillc,^ and thence to Madison C H, where we remained a few weeks and then ordered, Nov 18th, to Hanover Junction, and on the way are turned towards Fredericksburg. Gen J 0 Walker having been transferred to the army of the West, wc were placed under command of Brig Gen John R Cooke. .Wo arrived near Fredericksburg, Nov 22d, 1862, and remained until 11th December, when we were placed in lino of battle in rear of Marie’s Heights. On the 13th, when the battle hegan,^ we oocupiod Marie’s Heights, beside tho Washington Battery in full view of the enemy. We went into the fight about one o’clock P. M. with two field offi cers, 26 company commissioned officers and 387 •officers and privates, and remained exposed, to a most destraotive fire from sliot, shell and small arms-UDtil dark, over four hoars. Onr Icaa wm 209 in killed and wounded, 17 men and 1 "officer (Lieut Peter Plyier, of Co E,) were killed; t^nd both field officers, Lieut-Colonel Walltup, com manding th© regiment, and Major A. A. Hill, being wounded, also 15 of the company officers were wounded, three whom, (Lieutenant S. Dulin of Co I, Captain John StaflFofd and Lt. H. C. Banner of Co K.) shortly afterwards died of their wounds. We remained near Fredericks burg until 3d January, 1863, when wo moved to wards North Carolina; arrived at Goldsboro, Jan. 17 th, and from thence by way of South Wa^ing- ton, Burgaw and Wilmington, to Pocotaligo* S. C., where we arrived about the 2?d Feb. 1863. We remained at Pocotaligo two months, during which time we were ordored to Port Royal to se-* cure a gunboat that the enemy had run aground. Leh Pocotaligo on th(^22d April, 1863, and re turned to Wilmington, N. C^ and thence to Wel don and Kinston. On 22ti May we advaafted, under Maj Gen D H Hill, through Gum Swamp, where the enemy who had captured and scattered two regiments, the day pre^us, were driven back and pursued to Bachelor’s Creek near Newborn, at which place their commanding officer, Col Jones, was killed. We returned to Kinston, May 25th, and remained Ijiere until June 4th, when our Brigade was ordered to Richmond, where we arrived on the 7th; thence to Hanover Junction, on the 10th, to guard the bridges over South and North Afna and Mattaponi rivers, untihrelieved, a few days after, when we were ordered to join Hi3th^8 Divifiioa, in Lieat Gen A P fiill’s Corps, Hfor the Pennsylvania campaign. But before we were relieved the enemy was re port^ ad?»notng under Qtn Da, in ^oe iron Killed in battle and died from wounds 167, died of disease 231, discharged 54, resigned 12, traucifered 3, deserted 65, dropped from the rolls for disability and irom not knowing what has becotxie of them 22, nnseicg (capturetl by the en emy) 49. Officers killed—1 major, 3 captains, 4 lieuten ants Officer.^ died of disease—1 colon'cl, 2 cap tains, 1 lieutenant. Resigned—1 major, 6 «ap- tainp, 7 lieutenants The Regiment was composed of 33en from the following counties: Union 481, Davidson 409, Iredell 149, Chatham 104, Forsyth 98, Moore 94, Mecklenburg 85, Cleveland 33, Davie, Curnber- hnd, Granville, Wake and Bladen, each 3, Guil ford 2, Plymouth, Randolph, Alexander, Surry, Anson, Caswell, Harnett, Catawba and Alamance, each 1. From South Carolina 8, Tennessee 1, Alabama 1, California 1. Very respectfirily, S. H. WALKUP, , Col. 48th N. C. Regiment. roa THB 0B8E&VER. Camp Connally, 55th N.. C. Troops, ) Near Orange C. H., Feb^y 14, 1^64. ) Messrs. Editors:* It would be vain in me to attempt atksquHtcly to express tho emotion of my fellow countrymen which I know they mu.'^t feel, when they take into consideration the fact that nearly the entire army ot Northern Virginia— those men who have bared their bosoms to the relentless storms of war lor nearly three long, weary years—those proud patriots and gallant spirits of the Confederate army, who worship only at the shrine of liberty and independence—those men who have carried their country’s banner, free from reproach or disgrace, on every bloody battle field that has been fought in defence of all that man can hold dear, from the “snow-capped hills of Virginia, tj the lily-covered plains of Texa.s.” I gay it were vain in me to attempt to express the feelings of those who must recognize tho fact that nearly every man has re-enlisted for tho war.. And yet I am proud to rscord this glorious and memorable truth. Yesterday Gen. Davis’s Mississipjd Brigade, of which the 55th Reg’t N. C. Troops is • component part, re enlisted for the war, and although the term of service of our Regiment does not expire until M'ay 1865, their action on this occasion proves conclusively, that they are no laggards in the path of duty, and that the proud fame and unsullied escutcheon of North. Carolina will never be de famed by her sons and representatives in the 55th Regiment of her Troop.-?. I Seel it my duty to ask you to publish this statement, that our friends at home may know the indomitable spirit that pervadoe our army; and, although we would gladlj—yes, with tears of joy, accept an honorable peace, an hour we look forward to with considerable /inxiety and hope, we wish our friends at home to know that we are unwilling to lay down our arms as long as a single invader's foot presses the soil of the South, nor until our rights as citiions and free men are guaranteed to us under our sacred Con stitution, and then we hope to “realize without alloy the enjoyment of that lone hoped for peace under ttiO benign iuflucnces of a free goverment, just and eqaitablc laws, which have been I trust tho result of our mutual cares, labors and dan gers.” I have tho honor to subscribe myself. Very respectfully, your obd’nt servant, CiiAs. R. Jones. ^ ^ : ■■ Our Duty.—What is the i)uty of every man in this Southern Confederacyf It is not to find faiilt with and pick flaws in the Government— it is not to labor to inccnsc the people against their rulers—it is not Jo throw obstacles in tho way of achieving our Liberty—it is not to pro long the war by our acts—but it is our du^y f pitch in and ielp to conquer a peace that recog nises our right to govern ourselv^; if 'it be not convenient for us to shoulder tho musket, then is our duty to aid and assist in_ the prosecution of the war to the extent of our ability, by all other means. We must be a united' and not a divided people. . We are in the war now,«nd the only honorable alt-ernative left to fight it out, cost what it may. It is too late now to say tho job is a bijgger ono than wo expootod, or fchst it it* costlier than we dreamed of, and ergo we had best give up. That wont do! If ’we give up we cover ourselves with lasiting shame and in famy, and bequeath to posterity disgrace and the iron chains of slavery.—Milton Chronicle. True Patriotism.—We understand that a gen tleman was recently enrolled at the Enrollingoffice in this city, who had entirely lost his right eye by a gunshot wound. The sight of the left eye was also much *injured through sympathy, yet such was his patri^itism, and such his desire to serve his country, that though the examining sur geon would freely have given him a certificate of exemption, hQ positively declined, and insisted upon being sent,to the field. If the example of this nan were emulated by all others whose ser vices the country called for, the ranks of our army would be filled to overflowing, and this year would see tho close of the war, and bring a lasting peace. _ ^tertoHrg Exppes*. Yankee Deserters.—WiLMiN0T0rr,-Feb. 19.— Three Yanke^o deserters wore brought in last night ^nd lodged in the military prison.—Journal. Interettvug la N. C. OJlcera.—Maj; H. A. Dowd, A. Q. M. of the State, is now ready to fill all the requisitions filed by N. C. Officers for unitbrm cloth.—Raleigh Progren. A OHi££aFU;i t From th. Kic'; o ’ ? ThtJ action af the arn.v i'? re liu en a new impulse to the # tr It quit-td t) « easy distrust ivbifh liad jK ivaJcu ihe j,eoj' home, and siltt"ce3 tb« cr.vmy’o c-jnfident j r tionft of spt'cdy and easy -ubjuir'iis-.n 'J h. Southern home population may have been KMOiuy and despondent before; but brighter au pictv l-ay'g uow dawned upon the cuusc. Ti’.c itjri .if, 1^,, selfi!*hness and greed which had b(«un t,, high sway iu the laud, i;>.ry have slrdkeu tin-; ,;,v ! of many; but the army’s action has iuspin .j ne# Ti:l.s Jto «uL4U. ror\ joke and are htill endowed with the paCif net; ol tion, the persevering resolution, and the atn,, haughty courage which unfit them tor hubjui/a- tion. The army has revived the public soif-res pect, cheered the popttlar.heart, pul backsliders to shame, and opened a new chapter in the hi. tory of the war. ' Well may the Northern President tiroclaiui» new draft; for it is jaoro than probable that the South will be stronger in the campaign oi IS64 than it has boea'in any previous year of the war The late feeble reconnois.:auce on the ^iapid Acd hag disproved the curirent assertions ut the Nerth that Lee’s army was rcduoed to a skeleton by desertions and furloughs; and Meade’s own retire, ment from his advanced position is an acknowledge- ment of the superior strength of his adveri^ary Whilst ihe patriotic action of the artnj hai Relieved'tho Confederacy of apprehension for the spring campaign, the enemy exhibits symptcnjj of fcebloneps. Tbe generally expected invasion of North Carolina, from the seaboard, bas not been prosecuted; if evor projected by thi- eaciay, it has been deferred for the want of trLon/ Butler’s imposing advance from the Peninsula upon Richmond, has dwindled into a petty at. tempt to liolp a few prisoners run away Tht land attack upon Charloaton was repulsed bj a single brigade; and the renowned siegr of that “doomed” city, about which the world was luaJt to stand on tip toe for a painful lenirth of tiiue' has developed ir^tothe mos«t stupt^ndousj abortiun of modern times. Beaufort Island, which was tu have been the base of an exteuded territorial con quest, that would absorb a full fourth part of tLe Confederacy, has degenerated imo a nest oi petty speculators, penniless adveiiturers and demoral- iEed negroes. That military colony, instead oi being the pride is the opprobrium ol the invaders Florida, though abandoned by the Confederacy, still asserta herself against the Yankees, by oc- 'Oaslbnal feafa of courage and adventure, which utterly disprove the preleace of subjuj^tion. Even Trans-Alleghany Virginia, where the pre sence of Confederate troopis was supposed to havt become sn obsolete idea, has just witnessed souie important operatioiw!; one Confederate expedition having penetrated to the neighborhood of Cum berland, made important captures, and broken t chief line of railroad; another having advanced to the very banks of the Ohio river and captured on its -waters a Governmeet vessel, baviugon board the General commanding the department of the Kanawha. Farther west, Longstreet hai virtually captured Knoxville, but refuse.s to real ize his prize on account of the pestilcnce which infests it, and has turned Cumberland Gap, whose fall has become a mere question of time. If Middle Tennessee is still under tbe enemy’s dominion. West Tennesst e and North Misaisjippi are, for the most part, reclaimed to the Confed erate allegiance by an army, under Forn'st, re cruited from the region itself. In Arkansas, Confederate hopes are revived by a successful affair of arms on the Mississippi, and a promising advance on Little Rock. In West Louidana the invader is losing instead of gaining ground; and in Texas he confines himself to the seaboard, and has made no impression upon the country. >to where does the enemy exhibit any vitality, or is he making any progress except in central Missis sippi; and probs}>ly he will find, when be shali reach the real ground of battle, that his advance has beon imprudent, if not r^h and ruinous. Whether we look to current transactions in the field, ot’ta the great fact, now so happily settled, that we shall have a veteran army in the cam paign to meel the undisciplined hordes which the North will thrust upon us, the affairs of the Confederacy not only wear a hopeful, but a chser- fal aspect. • /rom Mobile.—MoBlLE, Fob. 16.—An official dispatch from Fort Gaines states that the enemjr opened on Fort Powell, at Grant’s Pass, ,at 9 o’clock this morning. Five vessels are engagod So far all the shots are falling short. Mobilb, Feb. 17.—An official dispatch from Fort Gaines, Feb. 10, says that seven mortar boats and four gunboats fired 165 shots at Fort Powell. Seven or eight struck, but no damage was done to the Fort. A Lieut, and Serg’t were slightly wounded. The officers’ Vaarters wer« nearly demolished. It is officially reported that the enemy occupied Enterprise yesterday morning. From the. ^orth.—Northern dates are to the 16th. Col. Straight (one of the escapod Officers) is reported to have arrived a^ Williamsburg* 'The House, on the 15th, adepted a resolution, by six teen majority, declaring that the Constitution should be amended so as to abolish slavery in tbe United States. The Supreme Cotirt decided tbe Vallandigham case advetse to the petitioner. • Grant has wcitten a letter, peremptorily declining to be a candidate for the Presidency. Beast But ler’s brother who j^as with him in New Orleans ia dead. Gold 160i. Troops Re-Enlisting.—New Makkjbt, Tb.nn., Feb. 17.—-Humphrey’s Mississippi brigade, Mc- Laws’ Division, re enlisted to-day for tho war. Other brigades are following the example. Tbo ninth Georgia of Anderson’s brigade, has also re- enlist«d. £ight Com Bread.—Stir four pmts of meal into three pinta of warm water, add one largo tea spooril'ul of salt, let it rise, five or six hours, then stir up with the hand, atrd bake in a brick oven. Another methc^ is to make mush, and before' it gets cold, stir in half • pint of meal. Lq( it riie and bake u the firsts Recrttiting at JSorth.—Gentlemen just ar rived here, who hWe not long since been inmates of Federal prisons, inform us that so far’as they could see, hear, or learn in any way, the story of enlistments or ro-enlistments in the Federal army is almost wholly fictitious. Whatever troops the enemy now gets, or is. likely hereafter to grt, must be raised by drafting. The British Pro vinces are already full of deserters from the Federal servioe, and the persons engaged in tbe Provinces as recruits or substitutes almost in variably de^rt. Mention is made of a black regi ment organised in Michigan mainly out of negroes ^om the other side of the lino, which, after get ting the bounty, w^ reduced by desertion and flight across the lines to sixty. How long these sixty remained is not known. Evidently the peo ple at the ^orth, however much they may wish to see the war prosecuted to the subjugation and ruin of the South, are averse to “going in” per- bonally, and are thtfs far tired of the whole affair. Wil. Journal. Small Brigade.—The Yankee papers boast largely over the capture of Brig, Gen. Vance aaJ assert that a whole brigade was captured with him- The truth is, the whole number captured w»s forty-one, viz: Gen. Vaoce, Capt. Smith, Lieutenants and thirty-acven privates. One sub sequently escaped, leaving just forty, rank and file, all told. Bather « stnall brigade. w g-s. on FA ]f«NBA¥ Tbe ruKRBNC ging mail h&d at measureB adopte eion. Ttiey are be better descri Biohmond Exa^ of either tbe Co“ high credit to th “Tbey are the attamptcd on bi their operation We think tfcey objects,—the red of the army. M are done. Thes Tersal satiofactio acts which wool in the rankti and diminishing thei possible; and we done the best t' situation.” For ouretWta, ing only an arde we have been pre support to the co body aiid the ao and pairiotipm as have a full view tion of Ihe meauf ment8 of the pub scribe the requiai the people’s Juty far ae we are co and exhort all oti a costly one to al tion or Bubroi-'ioi the latter all. We earaesiiy cheer Jiilly and pr CotBplaini’:g and any oocadiun for from it A checr tion. The burJe vastly diminished Then our gallant with honors, to eh ing earth will both poor and ri •mailer share of Confederacy and d:>llar now devcte a peace—shortens oal moment. The wanted, under 0 this spring. A fe for the heart of th The acts will bs Th* Habeas Co haji authorised tbe has not done so as cannot be doubted questioned ibe pol and the President to both tho policy ed. The people h« gress in tho const conferred, if exerte has been heretofor( plaint from any qu a single case arisit men have nothing CovoEBas.—Con We make no detail are embodied in th day’s Ob«ervcr. 0 tion of an address leot comirittee on Carolina. There n voking failures of day evening last ht to-day more than ti terest. The vote on the 1 88. Missra Kenai voted for, and Mtsa ther, McDowell, am Fits His Cask the currency act able citizen of this giving a bolder of t fnndiug tham in foi of his notes and re other half. He sat soheme, that a vast it, and that it woul Congress who wou aion. Well, the id act, only that the | ene third instead jaan is allowed to keep his ireasury n please, at two-thi every body is allow ing people may s should consider fn it la intended to ea' The telegraphic fl general lUpposttion to be retired bt;for that it is not so. are interfered with i iield and circulatec on the dolfar. It m if those CO5 cenis t5 100 tow will. Cer for the oouQlry will ImPositast Movb Qen. Preston of the early in Janvi^iy, d Confederate States Mexico, and inotruc on a reoi^irociil rio( privileges. It is fi is about'to s'ui a> The Kichmond tii recognized by Mexj and Spain will indc • ample G»n Preston wug chanan, is an cxperi Spanish scholar A Nobls LiBSiiA: that Harris Tyrcr, ed to the R-‘lief Cor- for distribution atn We are now iufnrnu the Committee two ‘ lent object, h- ;s a with a heart so -•.rfl to therolifcf of sac 1 county, bat to ?,o iU ties Mr. Tysor is '.^liai “Destructive”—1.2» aaan, never was a 31 •ionist, but is an *i dependence and of State governments, rjing it oa t« a suo(

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