The Confederate Tax Law. 8bo. 1. Thnt there shall be levied and col.ectcd n]»«>n tlie ralne •'♦f naval stores. toN;i'^vo ■ ’ ■. . li ' > • ti\ ri( .• ..M I '■ I* >1 j ....niu-t'. iifltl *»r oxctuHl Ml) ii..' lit':’ .liiv ,Iu»v fU'Xt, rtlltl tv it Ui'CC^ Sitrv |i>i fanvlv consiuujitioTi f*>r the unox i>itv(l of the year ^r»\vr!i i»r pr..,h„-tit>n ot’:inv vo«r prooeding till’ I p p**r cont.; jitjcI on nil Ujink notis or orher currenev on hutul or on ilcponif on the 4rst ot Ju1'\ Bext^knd v.n tlie value of all credibon whicii the iutfreft h>u« not been j>aid, held or owned by any petvon, co-partnerahip or corporntion on the dnvof’Jnly uext,and not ««nployc;d in a bnsinci?5, the niconie derived i'rtiw vriiich IB taxed under the ]>rovision8 of this act, ‘here ehrtl! he levied and collected a tux of jne per cent.: Provided, That all moneye owiiel, held, *r deposited fH^V'>nd the liniTfs of the C*in‘Mdi.'!'ji‘e Strifes. sLal! ho vi!n-ii af fhc ciit riMiT r.'fe uf oxc'i in (/ »ntied ef'a’o Tii-asiirv i >r.*s. and tin* «•'!• fH^ sh:ti. b»* Ms=!‘^ ’■ ! on t(,. jir-T d.JV - f .hilv next, *»: iis iitmn ;f)0 pr;i;*t:ca!)h‘, and he r.ol. t, ic“! -•n t’le Jt(|;tv of Ot-l'r next, or .IS >'n'n !ii'ri-;i(l» r ik* ;-ir.;C‘tir:ii)!o. 2. K\i*n pt I'f • or int»*r;dini; r-; eniiiiire in i!iy tiunied in I tie lit'th eoi iio!; »t tiiis wit',,in j-ixt hdwerer, l!h«t mj mecb«nic; who shall eell only the prodncta ot the liU»or of himself svnd bin own fanaily, shall be c.Temf*t from »hip« tax. V'! WholfMjile dtvilprnsh'dl pav two hun- ,;!v.J *iollarti and two ••in-,*';j hdf’per een nun f>o tin* irropH anh>niif »f all sales made. Ever? person, who3« business or occupation it is to tsell or nffor to eell j^roceries, or any ;oods, wares or luerchantHza, of foreign or domestic prodnctioti, by one or more origi nal packasje or piece »t one time to the »aiue ptircliAJjer, not inclrrdini; wines, spirir- ons or malt liquors, shall he deemed as a wholesale dealer under this act;i>nt, haying been re^isterrfd as a wholesnle dealor, such person ny y also still as afores!iid,as a retailer. VII. Pawnbrokers shtill pay two hundred dollars. Every person, whose business or occupation jt is to ta^o o»* receive, by way of pledge, favor or exchange, any g»H)ds, w.sres or merchandize, or any kind of ^*«r- pS‘>nal property whatever, f *r tho rej»iiyrnent or rJeciirify ii luonov lent tliereon, !?liull be docTJied a jiaw’ihniker under this act. vni sh:ill pav f'vo hnndn'.d tiollMn'. iind ai'*.Twonty p^ir C',-irTnii\ *'r> tho 'jrrot^s amouTit of all lsa^ yiade. ’"Iverv per ton or CO partnership, who distils ">r uiairj '•K-fnres! -^pirifotig liouoiv I'or siuiM Iii- decMiit’d a distiilor tnuler rhis net: Proviilud, TTY Butchers and Bakers shall pay the suin of fifty dollars, and one per eentntB on the ^ross amount of sale* made. Any per son wh.»i«» bnr^iner^s it is to buitJier andsdl, or offer for p;>le in r«pen market or otliorwise. th*i fleph of cattle, hoi^, sheep, siiall be ileemed a butcher under this act; aud any person wliose business it is to hake and sail, pr oifer for sale, bread, sUall bo deemed a Huker under tliis act. XX. Peddlers shall pay fifty dollars and two and a half per cent on the groes sale*. Any person, except persons engaged in ped dling exclusively periodicals, books, news papers published in the Ooofedorate States, Dibles, or religions tracts, who sells w oflfers to sell at retail, goods, wares, or other oom- modities, travelinsr with hie goods from place to place in the street, or through diflferent parts of the country, shall be deemel a ped dler nudor this act;’Provided; That any ped dler who sells, or offwrs to sell, dry goods, for eign or dorue«ti(% by one or more original pi(;ce.a or pnckasres at orse titne. a«d to the same person or persoTis as aforesaid, shall oav one hundred dollars, and two and a }>or c'»'Mt. on the p-os^s fiah»a; and any per'.'tn wiu* pt**idU-s j^*vcelrv shall pay fifty flollars, anti two and a half per centum on I tho o;roi»s dialer. Tho tax upon peddltjus }>o dcc'Mjed a tax njM>n the personal ! privilfiro. to 1*0 paid t»y each individnal en- ' aL'ed ill till* bu-iinoat-. without regard to frora honses shall be subject to a dednctioH not exceeding five per o^ntnna tor annual repairs. II. If the income be derived from »fjy raanufactming or >niuin£r business, thore^ shall be deducted frora the groes value ot the products of the year: first, the rent ot profits ascertained aud assessed by the re- tbai the statement or es^mate of income and | tenant to the goTernroerit as and for tiietax profkfl rendered by the tax payer' d'>08 not .of the lessor w said root, and the receipt ot contain more than four-fifths of tb« true and ! the gt-vemmont officer ehall releace the lessor real amount of his tAxableinc)meand profits,'from all obligation to include said rfent, i„ then the taxpayer, in addition to the income *' ’ • -*■ tax on the true ainonnt of his' income aud l)ow('voi. That disiiiltTS of iVijil, tor liinety days-i or less, shall })Rv sixt j t|onai>?, and alter the oat^sagc ot thi'« act, or at tlu? tinu ( flftv cents per jjallon on tlu> ten vall"0^, j place at tlie same is conducto«l. of'lu'trintiMi^ bi:sir:t* j', and on the Sist dav | and tvvo dullarr per g.nllon ou all spirits dis } XXI. A.pothecarics shali pay fifty dollars, of Jaunarv in oacii year tl)f*renffer, re^/i.’ter I tilled Iu*yotid tiiat quantity. j and two and a half per centum on the groes with the litKtricf roHoctor, in mich fornj a -1 L'^. B'jewers shall pj. v cuie hundred do]-j amount of bales made. Every jxjrsou who •the conunitisioner of^ sh.ill prescribe, i lars, and two and a half per ce.ntuni on tlie j ke.‘ps u shoj; or building where medicines a true ac.'ouat i»f th‘ name -’nd rc^^'dcnce of j irro.-e aTijount of nil sah?*? njade. Ev ;.‘ry per- I are compounded or prej>ared according to each person, *’r;n, or C'>r;->orati'>M e'’2;:!ired | son niannfa;-tiirep fc.r:uo!ited !i-[Wori of Tvrescriptifnis of physici.aiis, and eold, shall nr i-- • -ii-d ir, ;mo bu» u'lili a ytate i am* nan:e or dt ecription tor «>ie froui njait, ■ be rcirardwd as an upoth.ecary nuder this act. nienr r.t' the ?i*ne f-r v. h.i’i, »:i'i the !>!ju-o i wliollv or in ]i»rt, s* ‘ill l>* decmod d iTynVrj XXII. i’hoto^frapiiotb shall pay the sum and ni;!n:)*>r hi which t'» sutnc is to he c*oi * and«r Ati. of lifry dollar:?, and two and a half per ceu- ducted; fi'ai of all otiier fa' i^^ to os-1 X. ‘‘llotels, inns, tsr^rns and eating Iu.q-Mnm on the^*ro.-'8atnountu#’saiesmade. Any cvrtain tho anion.Mt‘«^f tax upon .sncii bn j- ' r^es sbhll clasi^iliiMi ,;id rat J ;itvorv^in'jr, persou or j oivons who mi%ko for sale }>h.*to Oot^a for I he p^’st >r ihe ♦\’tnre, .u’cordirig to j r,, ii^ %.-arl v rental, or if ik*i i «ntud, accord ■ graphs, ani'-rot v}>e?, dagucrreotypos or pic- the provisions ■•f this act. At the time- o/j iijg to tii'i tstiiuated vnloo «f tho yearly run- '■ turts c-n g!:vi3, metal, paptir, or orher inate- ench jX'iri^Try, tlicre shal! be pa.’d to the col- , ;t} ^f rhe hoUe3 c«r property o:cn»;el or in-1 rial, hy the action of ii^ht.. shall be regarded lector tne S|>et:?if'tax for the y^’ar, ^'nd'ng ' 'f'-ided to he occupied ss a ho'-el, In;', t.w-: phutograi-her »ip.der tiiia act. oU'ihe next th.rry-jii-st ot December, ;imu ; ern »r eatijii; liouj-e, follows, to wit: In X^TTT. iy'-.iwyers actimlly engaged in the en^ablishjMent and fixtures,'if actually rented and not own«d by the person prose cuting the business; second, the cost of the labor actually hired and paid for; third, the actual cost of the raw material purchased and manafactared. HI. If the ineojHO be derived frora navi- Mtuig enterprises, there shall be deducted from the gross eanaiBga, iHclndingthe value of freights od’goods shipped by tlie person ruuniug the vessel, tlie hire of the boat or veaseU if uot owned, by the person -rnauing the same, or if owned by him a reasonable allowaace for the wear and tear of the same, not exceeding ten per centum pur annum, and Also the cost of rnnrling the boat or vesstd. IV. If the income ha derived by the tax ferees, shall pay ten per centum on the amoTint of said income tax,-and the assessor shall be entitled to one fifth of said additional kiud in his etatcme«t of income, and di? charge the tenant frota so much'of his rant to the lessor. 12. That every farmer, pkoter, or grazier shaU exhibit (o th« ass^sor, ob or about the lit q} Mareh, eighteen huudred aad sixty-fonr, m ag. ten per centum over and ibove all other fees icpnnt of all the hogs he may have slaaghi(jr«i and allowa>M;?s: And provided further, Tliat | •ioc'* the pa/;sage of this act and before rfa^t titae; the assessor may administer oaths toreferetS) 1 delivery ot this osumate tr> the post qaaj-. tho tax payor, Vnd »nv witnoM before | li«eii>.ft»r neotioned bj «[>• -»»», rel«re«, ia regurd to sftid Mtimite, and any ! '"!* '"“'i pl«ntn or .W1 ji.. ’ 1-j f i. ' an equivalent OT one tenth ot t!if) same in curcd bs. deduction dHira^, or a..y f.ot m rofer.nce ^ of,iitjpouodsofb»c,«to.|.°4‘ ^creto, m such form as the Secretary of th« ] wciebt of pork. Tbai on thtt firtt o't Treasury may proscnbt'.. NoTemher next, aijd each year therealtcr, aa es •10. On all profits made by any person, | timat* «hall be made, aa hereinbetore provided oi partnership or corporation during the year jthe value of ail neatcattlo, horses, mules, aotulj^ eighteiin hundred and sixty-two, by the pur-> in cultivation, and aiiee*, owned by each p^. chase within the Coufedwate Stat«8 and sale, | son in the Confederate States, und apou such ralu* during the said year, of any flour, corn, ba- j the said owaora shall he taxed one per eent., i#be con. porlr, oat-^* ha.y, rico, f^lt. iron, or the ; paid on or beloxo the first day of January next niannfactnres of iron, tngar, molasses made | grazier, or plauter, or farisef Btich.otiier tax a:* may be «luc u]>on >:r ri'ceij U' in tiich bui'inttSP, at tlie time -oi such ii* liervin and the ct-lkct^T ^ive to ihe pci'spn ni:ikinv fH (>_!>trv :i c-'nv ?'i.'.r‘'ot, v- irh recv'i> f-V ani.>\int ol tax r’-en !. 6. 7. \iv p *rsun iiiv.: t>> *.nhl;e tb*> rejfi?- trv. ’o p ly th-* rcun;;,lhy the. ct‘!.'’;i«' O' to fljj ■•tht-r ta\e^ lii- hu-ii.iv.Tcf 'J by this .acT, pay donbie the au;oni;t t!ie e] c ciiic tux lui auvh hri.sinepo. and a ssiu fo’’ ev^ry :itirtv duy? of su- -i iul'urc 4-. H.\. •{>*. who’-»>. Vi, )-v‘.iu vicJcd, tnerc f-h,d.I l>e o.-ihos wthe actupl or estimated reu\ j prnctice ^ibali }»hv lifty dollars. Every per- .'tirtll to oj- tworo, they eh.Hll | li.jn whose busiuess it is, for or reward. c'n^»tit>o> rite jii>t cI. h;;, .'>rd N;*r n;i R'unml ’ to prosecute or p A'»y cotirt f ftTtttO; in case? ^rii.rre ^;iid ;«'nt h ■ j of d or ■-d'Cr judif-iai of the .» 'tnd i. -=*. tha.i ?it..O«K>. *hev j (>.>nf'*dto-j.te States, or of any St.-^te, or give oonstitnte tho -• •/iid i*l.n , pay an ; .n- !-idvioi^ in roluiiori to oan?os or jKftttors pend- nir’.l '.'I!!] f HI't ):• Wiit-it* sp.’d l Injj thcrooi. -h ’ll t^eenied to be n l.*vwyer eball Vc s? ,i Itvsa than ' wiTii'o * ^o o. ’ct. fcball con>tifi’tr} tuv thi'u cl.v.^'i, a- , .XXIV, pi vsirlati^, 6ur.‘^e"''n.“ and dentists lu ;inn::r*I t-wa •'.f iii v.hore snid act';-*.IiY in pnctic« sl.all p,ay fifty rv'D' f!)ajl he a::d Itj-*- than )S’2.5t>u. dol’ar;?. E* i-ry j)Hr'?on bujiiicss it is. -ir;'v ishall cotjatituii' the f >oith claf*. aud for'fcc or ri.*v a!u, to prescribo remcdiss or pay ni' Hunn d of and j»»^rrorn) suriT'ca! op'jratloni f.^r the cure of xuu;>:'W'3c ' wl>,;rc said rci't thall bo Ics? than $1,000. ar.v l> *dily disease or ailing, shall Uo deeia- ft ¥fp::rfite registry j tuey sh.dl con-'titiitc the ^lih cla''-,.p,nd pav ! ed a phvsiciijii. su"2re'>n or deutiat within •journ- e act, as tile ease may be; s of paragraph number ot extend to physicians repuifcd lor tiiu mere f.toiu.ifC ot goi^xis at u i --.rF or b «%rdei'S, in yiew .f psvuient therefor., who keep o?i t’.and mediciues soleJv for the place ott;.^r rUr.n t)-a regi.^*..-rv:d placo of: the incomu or rec-eip‘5 fron/udiich amount - bssine^s. Upon every cr.ango, :n iho ]>lace ; u> fru'Ji that sourc**?, ahaii b6 regarded ot conducting a ^e^l^t(‘^ed but;new, tnere ; ns* a hotel, inn or tavern ui dor this act.” shall be a now r«g;.;try, bnt no nddi- | XI. Toat ev*;ry placo wliore fi*od or re- a MOW r«g;.;rry, hnt no hUui tax shall be repiir.-d. Upon tlie dt-ain «>t any ]-frson itoiui’uCMiiir a biirine.';-' and ’a» 1 a« hi:r>-'n re'po.rod, • r Jlp ■!: Uiv ti-.: .-itt'f ol i; .• (iu- of n:akin^ up their own prwcrip- tioLi* for their own patiunte. The tax vTpon lawvcn?, puyfiiclaus, anr^ewis and dentists shall be deetned a tax upeu the pei'soual • .15 t. ’‘-•eted to uny ild (« A Ov'W •?r"on auth ir- frefhni.nits f nny kind .'\rc prorided f-^r, privilecre, tv» be j>aid by eac.h iudi\ndual in ctv~n;.l :md gold f r e-‘-nj;u!uption | the bn dness. ana without re^jard to the place ■•'crain, and vjvtvy b'-j-vdirg IioH'K? in which at \rhieh th* satne is condticted: provided r.'.oie shall i>e six Do.H-dor.' r more shall be : That tho pro\'i&ions of this Acf shall not a{>- ply to physicians and surgeons extlusively en:raired ju t!ie Qonfederat# service. payer frr»Hi boat ^r ship building, there of rnne. hattt»r. wofd?n cloths, shoes. lj^*ots, j !«hall bo" deducted fmm' tiie j?roas receipts | bluuket.; and cotton cloths, n tax of ten per ■ Y n of hi, or.n,mtim., in,;|.,dm,r th« valTier.ftho I eont«,!. he ievie.l and cnll=otcd. t. ;,o , M- wWn tiimhcd ir for i,iTi»eIf, tl... j ,«i.| on the first day of July n«it: | J.^he pLbL Ti.7Ju e.«t of tl,5 lalwr ac-tnnlly Inro. .iiid l.v j |h«t Iho tsx ,ni,.,*od by th-.a Met,on shall : havrbeen actually purdi..ed, »ii(i thcvi., hmiselt, a'.d Uie pnmco.Mtoftha materials, not to pnrcliUKCs and ealct made ni;„£ 4, i,„ them. Ihc Mum.te ii purchased by hinfi. ' ' ’ i V. If the income be derived by the tax payer from tho sale of merchandise or any other property, real or persoti’al, there shall be deaucted from the gross amount of sales, the prime cost of the property ^old, includ ing the cost of transportation, .salaries of clerks actually paid, and the rent of buildings employed in th* businesa, if hired and not owned li^v himself. VI. If tlie ineoniQ be dej ivod by tho tax payor from any other ocenpation, profes.siion, einplovment or business, there shall be de- ducteJ from tb? ^r.^ss ainonnt of fees, f'om- poni>ation, protits, e^rnin^, or commissions, the salaries of cUrk*; actually paid, and the rent of the office, or other building need in the business, if hired and not owned by Inmeelf, the cN>pt of labor actually paid and tho due course of the rognlar retail business.: ^jjeae items shall be made in ca.«e ot di»agreeu.eii\ and shall not cf>ntinue beyond the present j bet^oeu the assessor aud tax payer ua herein pr*. year. scribed in other cases pf income tax; and on eaeh 11. Each fftrmO/T and planter in the Con- tsueeeeding first day of November, the beeves sold federate States, at^er reserving for hia own : darinp; the preceding twelve months ahail be esti. use ti1l:y bi?«hel8 of sweet potatoes and fifty i mated and taxed in the same manner, bushels t)f Irish potatoes, one hundred bush-1 1^- That the Secretary of W ar shall divide tke els of the corn, or-fifty bushels of the wheat service of the quartemiaster’s department into t»o iirodnced in the i.resont rear, shall pay and hciein donomiirated pen qu,.-t^r- tllog the post quartermaster’a aeeoaut aaachargc a^aiLst him. ‘I’he post quarteruaster receiTiBg the estimate, shall bollcct from ih« ux-payer tLe artielM winch it .'ipecifies, gad which he is toiiai The post qoartermabtcr shaii n , the amount oi' )os=?s paid j th.» ] boans and ground peas produoed ^ as a tax to the (Jjufv-dwats Inrirw ^ho vpur.- The income d.>-1 ^,,d-Hther.^d ’-y him during the present' j;/.,,;. besnbieet I yoHr. A« soo*i as tlie atorcsaid eroi>s are | ^nd s.ull &«count for the ^umeuy bLow. jba. to!- J i.iado rc -idy lor market, t.j^ tax as»eesor, jn thiat, s*ftcr proper deductions trouj unavoik- other in* c:;'?o ot die,4;4rcttnieut between him and the rechduehas been.dcUvcrc'd to rho tiis- the •-•UoU.vv'ij lie audiiu-iiHl Tk;, but liiL-ro regi^.trv iu t!o na»:io of ; jo izud oy .i”.v »o o.iiiiniio *ho b:iriipi*«s. ^ T !iut e.-ch t’-i'J ■ i'. r»r iuM.i .ti.oi naujyd, Hic K>ilov:iiip | or t.'thers, or who do;il5 in fcxchan:re> 5>eH.s at retail confectionary, sweetmeats, ta\f!^ oo;ili I't' i. vK'U Hiut paiu tor ?ite y oar relating to luouoy, shall be deeuic-d a broker on tlie thirty nr?t i>f t>LCoiaher, j under this act. i i: >'rvc>i an otitir,^ houet* under tfiis act ivil. H.'-.-kon \h*Ui nny fW'> huudred dol- ! Any person v. host- burfiness it is N» I p’jrehaFe ani koII stt>cks, r i’nod money. : i.'.i •i. tP', :r otio.-r socor:’’ics, tor thc»o XXV. (’)onfectionexs shall pav fifty dol I irs and two and a half pty centum ou the ar:o.>!U)t of sale«. h’verv p»rfion who eiylitcen'cd and s'xry three, and h»r eaci: aii'J uvt-;y yc;*i rl\i-roKtror, vis: 1. littnkcibfehuh pay tive hundred dollars. t.\ » ry. p«, rr»»)a shaU !u; doouied a batiker wnnui lilt; mcMnnij^ 'f this atrl wh'wkeeps a jilsicc ot bti.-'ilittitj \vhtTfc crt'Uif."' H!'b ‘Opened III tavor .-I iiny pt-rson, linn, or corporation, by lilt; Jepooit or collection of mjney or currency, aiid by wlioiu the same or any pari tliereot sliall b$ paii out or remitted Upon the iii iilt, chock or order of such credi tor; rail not tu iiicliiile any i>ank legally au thorized to isoUe notes at> circulation, nor I ) ffi t))0 MV. t« A*.—. _ _ Xril. CnTniTiercial brolo.n’s i>r commission inerciiants siialf pay two Jinndred dollarw. a’ld two and a half per centiiui upon all -.ales made. Any jiersorj or drm, e.xcepf lone rogistored at^ a wholosule dealer »r j i'iiiiker wh‘se business it i**, a.*^ the-ajjent ot (o.hei>, to purch:i^e or soil j^oods, or seek j *rders therefor iu oriyinji! or unbroken I i*ackages,^or j)roduce consiv/tied by others I than thf- prodncers, to manage “busirjeps ^natters for the owuitvs of vessols, or fur the shippers or consigners of goodf,, o’’ whose business it is to purciiase. rent..hire or sell agents for the sale of mercliandizu for ac-! real estate or nesjroe.s shall he de.-med a count ol prouuc^v or nianutacturers. | c.-run.ercial broker or connuHon morchant IJ. .t..Ucnoinreit5 sliad pay tittv dollars }• i,nd«r-this act. atiU ,luj a I .t i pto contii/y on tho ^ros-s j XIV. Tol aiiiori,; nuue: I'ruVuieti Tllal iJowHver, oii aii eaic-' a* auctioii of stock-ur secu- ritieo t>>i nioi.^y, 'hf tjtx be one t'>urth ot one per ce; {uiu un^ Uiy j/r.»ss a;iiou?it of saieb. i:iveiy, peiouii bi;all be deemed an auctioneer, wirhiii tjje meaning of this act, whose occupation it is to oiler propert.- for sale to the highest or best bidder at pui>lic outcry, i’hc taA upon the auctioneersi shall btj cicetiiud a ta\ Uj.t»n^the personal j>rivi- lege; to be paid by each individual engaged lb the buoiiictes, witiioat regard to the place the bauie is conducted. No mcct'.niBtssh.a^ pay fifty d jllars, a.:d t’.''f*'^fid H liHli pC! 'ent.'‘ trr'icis ain>Mint of sales. Anv person whoR‘ it is to sell, at retail, ci^a/s, snu^F, >r tobacco in any torm, shall bo deem*id a tohacc ni.*=f under this act, Bnt ro^>^tered wh/.Jes.n!e aud retail dealera shall kot he taxed as to- nacconiets. X\ . Theatres shall pay five hundred dol lars and tiye per rent. >n fill r*C‘npt-’^, which tax shall he paid hy the owner of tlie build ing. Every edifice need for the piirp)se of dramatic representations, plays or perform- •hall be .«,uir^d uivm auctiorT'salM mld^ i''sUs renttd or for doaltro ra a buBiu.j»« roiiisliired and Ui I 'Jccajuitially t,,r coiicorts or theatrical ed 1 ;.t tiioir plucoa of buoinese, or upoh atw mdS't™*’aff" e" f otheial saloe at auction, mide bv ; ,.L^i J 1 l'»J sjiUiitwin-uled h^^i, >ro, a'.;d klliOc^ Cllfil i W five per cent-un t.u :!io crosi anu)unt ot sale> .ua-jc.^ ir.very perb.,n, o'hci U.;.n the cl oriiWer. who bhrtl] bell or otter dibi-r fOi tip:. , to u a • Uic. se. i (?i W Hi(tr» ai rc^iU'. i V . dir- I, Ol f ' . U'..;. •lii . anc' RUi but to U-. eUn Uii-iiiicu . horseniunship or acrobatic .^poriri are ex- “jf ! h bited shall t*e regarded ac a circus nnder y i'^.' . ■ :.'»rv.i dvi urs, and | thi act. * Jug^ki^Tand other pei^;oiis e.v- liioitin^ shows si.all, pay fifty dollars., tlvery perH.'»n who {>erforn'-S by sleight ol iiand shall l*e,re^Krded as a u’lder this act: Provided, ilmt no rogistrv nj.icic in. one Stat« shall l>o*hohl to authorize ex- bibitioTii* in nnothyr and but one re- utuici 111 l!ii.-1-iiUf v ohal! be rof^uiK-d uinJir this act "iio f. '' Uii.v ;vcL. Ari pyrruiif.. ;-u\borize t-Kidbitions in any one 8tato. '.'•r oa,e, ai y t-ucli lii^jionu or | X Vi. Bov. l.n^pdleys ?»nd hiili.Hrd rooms 111 'itii’s !h;ir. r;>!'i,u ^»iiOMo | piiv t >rty doliftt'E for j!K*y’’ ‘.►r bil * - * pjjc^ou, eiiuii Oc li; rj ta’ io .^isleu:d, v»atc.’j tax aliall be ■ «i-: r. r;,.; ru|o-'r«. p;'id by t’tc jwiicr‘hereof. K»ary plac‘d O’ b any «iit;h ii p.ioid or winw, in ^iihu- U.CIU i-iiit! lhn.-cg.:iii..r.i-3 itt outi time, • e 'pi.-'ctuitoO!. t.h-dI be rc^jiar.Jfd as utUitJI lit lli.irif.ix; .. •"♦a uuaior.; • 1 it-A. re> arrjiU » li p: • ■ p'I -n. P'-'-y u P«r ards or ti* yutii'u f.‘- i-hy . .. ; il h», V- i>?iiO 'vu au'J 3 uisU pof' c “oil ‘•hi. ill utpaor, uo-.b.utittg i >u!i wuere l*oyi are throv.-n winoh I ■ i:-i.v{uj, .jpyn •> t’^e piib3'c, \ri‘h '.dr>..u j vv.Ju>r't i,i'i(.e. ^liftil bo tX'.’a!d;-d as' a?.'. v«/i. jf;o->'i iftvj vU’-.w or L>iUi«y*j icfj -ffjp ":tiv(']-=' un- { th I i.Jy'rry EV>bk' ke'rpcrF Kbn’d ■*'ff'.v ' ti y ! •t p: .tMS J.‘ {r ovi:!’ »''0« i ■« L>» >r lb •n» u T:.^02t. r'.r.r- ;.‘f dc- 'v' .•). whoiu ‘jhgV;«iij pis'.’v.or p»ckuv'-;i r.t c»’.& to the !hjl'\3 (uot indi'diu^ wli>e« \n|UD’8.)tihaii b9 rt,g{^^d«»a '7*>r this r;v r- du-r ^ Acy i;i}r>^or. v^Ko^e «.x:au}.fitJon '{ It to Vc2o. for hirs o** tc r, '.y ’ l*r?“7 P.RbIo i i«r»c'>r t^jR /f.y';.IL brcf'p.rc pay tb? f»rr of li;-7 dolb.i-F, *Tid tnru mvl s half p©- ci'u- ''ara«a the j^rota s.u^onnt of cisles made. .A uv person whose btiilnoBB it ic to btij and sell und d«sJ in cat Liborsos. hoga * * )•.1^ Hlail’ b» ^4 '-'"-j comfits or oth»r confects, iu any building, shall be reirardwd as a confectioner under tlii-i Act. •Sec. 6. And every person Tegister§d aac taxed ni)on the gross amount of sales as aforesaiu, shall be required, on the tirst day of .JiiTv, eig'hteen hundred and sixty-three to niMke a li.«t or return to the assessor of tho district '>f th« s^ross ainount of such sales as aforctiaid, to wit; From the passage of this Act to the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred aud sixty-three, inclusive, and at the end of every three months, or within ten days thereafter, after the said first day of Julv, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, make a list or return to the assessor of th§ district of the gross amount of such sales made an aforesaid, with the amount of tax >'hich has accrued, or should accrue, there on, whid) list shall have annexed there&J a declaration, nnder oatif or affirmation, in form or manner ns may be prescribed by the (’-»mciigsiouer of Taxe*, tliat the same is true and correct, and shall at tho same time as .aforesaid, ]»ay to the collector the amount of taxes thereupon as aforesaid, aud in de fault thereof shall pay a penalty in double tho amoimt of the tax, SrX!. 7. That upon the salaries of all sal aried persona serving in any capacity what- (jver, except upon salaries ot persons in the military or naval service, there shall be levied aud collected a tax of one per centum on the gross amount of sucli salary, when not exceeding Hftcon huudred dollars, ami two pJT ccutum upou all cxceas 'over that amonnt, to be levied and collected at the end of each year, in the manner prescribed for other ta\os enumerated m this Act: l^rovided, Th.",t no taxes shall 1)3imposed by virtue of this Act on tho salary of any per- sou receiving a salary not exceeding one thousand dollars pir aanum, ar at a like rate for another period of time, longer or “horter. Siio. 8. That Iho Secrytary of tho Trea&ti- ry shall cAusa to bo a^.'^er^sed and ascertain ed, on the first W J^inuary next, or as soou thereafter as j>racticablo, the income and profits donv5d by person, j-dnt stock company and corpo/aticu trom overy occu pation, eiunloynieut or huainoas, whether r?i/^ieterod or not, iu- vrhieh thoy may have :»etTi eugiiged aad f.'om e* «^ry investment Ol labor, ekili, property or money, and the inoou>e hikI promts uc’*ived froui'any source (' 'l.a-e.-.-i-, exo-ipl euiaHc-f. uur;u.>: tiio chIcu- j y^5.x pr, c--'‘U-'.~ tir' Tlret a;iy of Jacna j ry UHxt, find ihc e.Jj 'JiiooiP j aud pro/jte. pay j.ihidl on ii-jOe'rr/.:;r\vJ. iv.*;:.i,’i;ei .*.nd axed in tli?» ma’o^cr hf'" •'r’Mff .ir pro."'.i;rio«d., I. Jf infioiiio bcjdorivci fr'>>n therft&ts ef 1»3 k, i y**0ix>.F ate, or esk .us*:nr«» aad. aaa- chinery, millffj spricga oi or oil. or veios of ooal, iron or other mineral?, there oliall doduotftd from the fijross amoimt of i^e ao- aual reut ftbum stL&^cici^t for the uacassary aa- nnal repairs^ &ot exeeeding p«r o«iitum delivttr to th* Oonf*'.derate Government, of • i- i , i tv, a' . l* • ... ^,*1. : taxea in kmu, sn»l the other tor diitributiyu ta t4>c prod of tl.o pr^eut y.‘Rr, m u-tenth , supplying the army, aud fir ol the wdieat, c^>rn, oats, rye, bucW^heat or ^ ^gjiygring cotton *nd tobacco to the agents of tii nee, sweet and Jnsh potatoes, aud .ot^tho , ^ftUeXrt;i..ury. The tax a*«e.sor shaiJ curcd l*nv antj lifso, o-tenth of tlie ^ estiiKate of a,rticlcs duo trom each 8u::ar. njolasse^ made of cane, cotton, wool person, by way of a tax io kind, to the diiy and tobacco; the cotton ginned and packed ; tliorizcd po..-t quartesm:ister,^ukiag troiu the said .in some secure manner, and tobacco stripped i quarterma>ter a receipt which shaa be tiled as a atul packed in boxe^, be lelivered by him J vouchcr with tho ehicl collector in eetiliti^ his on or before the tirst day of March in the j account, and srcopy ot this reciiipc shall be lt»- uot owned by hitnsell’, and tlio cost of ma-1 next vear. Kaoh tarmer or plauter, after ; a^hed by the ciiiut ccllcctur 10 the audii\,r aet* terial othw than machinery pnrchiiged for | rej(«rv”inj: twenlv bushels of pea* or beans, tho use of his bnsine:^^*. or to be converted j not «tore than twontv bushels of Iwth, iTito stJine oth‘^r tbrm in tho coars&of his bu.»i-1 for In'; own Uid. sliaTl dtrliver to the Gonfed- !i6ss: aud iu ca.%o of mutnal iusnrauce | crute C^ovrr’i’^ic-iit, for it.s use, one tenth >f cornpaniei bv tliom dnrirw th rivsd all i-tlior sourc'js shall bestjbjeet I yoHr. A« soo*i*a8 the aforesaid «roj»s are . ro no dedactio’i whntLver. Nor shall eiguerc be subject to a tax frem any come than that derived froia proparty own- j tux payer, tnall'proceed to ecti»nate the same tribaring a^'cnts as cvidcnsed by their rcoeipt. ed, or occD] ations or e.'uplovineut? j>ur.^uea | in tt-e tollov.’ing manner; T'hc aeeeesor and _Thc said poat quarttarmaster shali also tcate tit* by th in eatim od the I of all dwellin;ra, houfos, buildings or build-i pinic»n, to gottie the matter in diapnce; or if‘*»nie t« euch oiSccr ajj the 6ecrc?ary gi ar mj ing lots iu fiti**?, towns, or \illagQS, occupi-1 tlje tax payer ncglect vr refuse to select, desisjaate; I^rovtdeJ, Ihat in caae the post (juar- sd by tho owners, or owned aud not occapi* I one «’n;b fretholder, tlie said :vsse^sor shall | shall be unable to collect the tax iu bicd ed or hir#d, and the valufi.of tlie cfctuiiated ! c».)ev*t tv;o, who bhail pr-cced to assess the la thetnimate delivered to h.oa a-ai;bre- aunnil hire ..fall.IttVM Dot ,t,^a«ed pbii). j c..,,ps a.. bcrei>. |,ror!dcd. Tbey shall ascer- tatioiw «■ lanii., and no ein,,l^'Hd lu .om. ] taii, thu ,i>n..unf of tl!,- crops cither by act.ial ■ j|.o,i.ed w be ia-.m-d, aad l«e a reoei,,! th.reiir, business or c>ccupations the prolit.-» of wb’ch ^ meusu.»-v.nejit or by compulmg the contents chtet i« collccm m are Uxed as mcome nnder this act. Wheii | ot the ro«ms or honse» m which they are i» wedit iii tho statement of the aecouDt« uf said the mcome shall b« tlius ascertained, all ot j j,*jd, whtn a conact computation is practi- {post qaarterma't-er: rrovid*dj That ahy partiai those which do not excecd tive hundred dol-. cable by pucli a latnhod; and the appraisers jpaymeat of .sdid wx »n kind fchail be eiidor.'ed ob iar? per annum shall ho Exempt trom ta.xa- j shall then estimate, under osth, the quantity i said «-timate fccfcie deliverxujj the haiac to ike tien. On aU inc»-mt«i received during t/le .^sd (|oaiit\'oi* *aii ciop>, iucluding wh^Jt j diatriet tax ewliftc-or aa aforesaid asd the year over five hundi'ed dollars, and n*t ex-1 juav havo bc-^n sold or consumed by the w hini th refer by the distrivt tax cwiieet- ce«dij)g fifteen hnndrc-1 dollars, a tax of Sve prodiic«H- prior to said c.:tiiHato, whether j »r shall apeciiy fc,ud parliai payment. Whea the |>er cor»t shall be pai*l’, on all incomes over j gatliercd or n*t, aud tho v'ftluQof the portion jBrticles than collctiL;:;\i through the pajriuent uttoeu hundred doll.vrs, and lejw thau three | thereof to which thex^varnmentis entitled, havc^boen^reemed at tha^uepot u thousand dollar.'i. fvH j^r cent shall be paid I ~ *- on tho first fifteen hundred dollars, and teu ! per ciDt. oD the exct«s; oa all iacomos of »>r i over three thousjand dollars, .ai!^ less thau 1 eer shall be required to deliver the wheat, five thousand dollars, a tax of ten per cent, j corn,*»at^, rye, barley, buckwhoat, rieo, peas, »hall be-paid; oii all incomes cf or over five j beans, cured hay and foddwr, sugar, mohis- thousand dollars, aud less than teu thousand j ges of cane, wool and tobacco, thus to be paid dollars, a tax of twelve and a half per cent j us a tithe in kind, in'such foru» and oraina- ry marketable condition as may b« nsnal in the section in whicii thev are to be deliv- shall be paid; and on all iuc«unos of or over ten thousand dollare, a tax of fifteen jicr cent, shall be paid. All joint stock compa nies and corj>«>ratiou8 shall reserve ot>e-tentb of the annual earuiuge, set apart tor divi dend aiKl reserved I'nud, to be paid to the^ collector of Um Cknilederate tax, and the dividend thes paid to the stockholder shall not be estimated as a part of his income for the purposes of this act. All persons shall gi«e in an estimate of their income and pro- fita derived trom any other swnrce whfrtever, and in doing bo shall first state the gross amount of their receij^ts^ as individuals or meml>er8 of a firm or partnership, and also, state particularly each iteirf for which a«.^e- diiction is to be made and amount to be deduc'tc-d for it: I’rovidcd, That the incomo and profit upon whic4i the above tax is to be inxposed shall not be deemed to include the products of bind which are taxed iu kiud, as hereinafter doecribed. Provided further, That in case the a»inual earnings ofi^aid joint stock companios and cor}K>ratious set apart as aforesaid, sh:*ll give a profit of more than ten and less than twenty per cent, up on their capiital stock paid iu, ouo-eight.h of said sum so set apart shall be paid as a tax to the collector aforesaid, sind iu case said Bum’so set apart shall give a profit of more thau twenty por cent, on tlieir capital stock paid in, one-sixth thereof shall be reserved and paid as .aforesaid. The tax levied in this eoction aiiull bo collected ot\ the lirsl day of January ensuing. 9. That if tlie aHso8.sor shall be dissatisfied with the statement or ^timate of income aud profit derivod from aity source what ever, otiier than pr*»duet3 ui kind, which the tax payer is required to render, or witii any deduction'claijwed by said tax payer, he shall select one disinterested citi/ieH of the vicin age, as a referee, aud the ta.x payer shall se lect another, aud the two thus selected siiall' call in a third, who shall investigate aud de termine the facts i a reference to said esti- msio and deductions, and dx tuaatnoant 'of i incomo aud profit^j on which the tax payor shall be assessed, aud a oortiiicatd sigued by a majority of the roforocj? shall be couclu- £iv« as to tbs* amount of ipcomo aud profit* ;a ^aicu the t>.ix payer ithKll be rru^id^d, Ti;Mt if .'iuy ah all fail or re fuse 60 reader Jlio or Ctitiroi^to aforeewd, or sferiil fuii or refuse to select .* refer«o ae aforyeaid, the wseHSorekall t’Qlect ttiree rei^evs, wko hbaQ fix the artoaut of iucouae aad protilti ou which fh» lax payor shall b« aasess«i^l trom. th« bo^t evid imce tuoy catt obtain, aad a certiftcato signai by a ma jority of said refareos ebali boconclueiveon the tax pay«n And prorided further, l^t in an^ eas* sabnuttca to rofereiM, il’ they or Qta taid i«ot. tin; tout )lnrty«d A • iMQtritf of ^Sum fildi m4 tffltff Cred, and the cotton in ouchmauneras here inbefore juovided^ within two months from the tune they have been estimated as afore said, at some depot not more than 8 miles from the place of production, aod if not de livered by that time, in such order, ke siiall be liable to pay fifty por cent, more than-the estimated value of the portion a- foresaid, to be collected by the tax collector as hereinafter prescibed: Provided, the gOT- c.^’ument shall be bound to ftirnish to the producer sucks for the delivery of such arti cles of grain as require to be put in sacks for transportation, aud shall allow to the pro ducer of molasses the cost of the barrels con taining the game. The said estimate shall be conclusive evidence of the amount in mo ney", of tax due by the producer to the gov- crnmeut, and the. collector is hereby autho rised to proceed to collect the same by issu ing a warrant of distress from his ollice, un der his signature, ia tho nature of a writ of Aa?'i faoias^ and by virtue of tlie same to seize ^11 d sell any personal property on the P’*0iul8e8 of tho tax p.ayor, or elsewhere be longing to him, or so much thereof as 'may be uocessary for the pflrposa of paying the tax, and tlfe additional litly per cent, afore said aod costa; and said sale Shall l>o made m the matiuer and form and after the notice required by the laws of the several States lor Judicial sa^’^js of p^fsonal property, aud the said warrant of diistress may be executed 0} the tax collector or any deputy by him ap|>ointed for that purpose, and the deputy executing the wtirraut siiall be entitled to the sHLue tVnjs as are allowed in the resj^ective k?tat«s to aheritls executing writs ofJlerifor ct'M^ said fees to be paid as costs by the tax payer. Provided, that in ail cases where the a.ssep.aor and the tax payer agree ou the as sessment of the crops, and the value of the portion thereof-to which the government is entiiled, no other a^setAsment shall be neces sary; 1)01 the ostiiTia*’o agreed ou shall bere- iuoed to writing aud signed by the assessor aud tax payer, and have the same force and etlect as tUe asseasment and estimate of dis interested freeiiolders hereinbefore mention ed, &d ), rwo c'M'ics v?f GTfi'h aasossmeut and t;>i;s our^ud >'!i;Ped asafore- .-naid sbai! Wo mv'.le, »ud o»^»o delivered to tho producer ftud thii ct.Her »^^o tiiM collector; And proJ^ided f:irth »r, tkat. ths !MiJc?«or is hereb; ;atraongad *o Mmisist'tr oaths’ to tho”tax to tho tax payer6 and to wiru.'i^S'^a,' in regjtrd to any i- t/^u. oi* the e^t'mate herein r?qtiirod to be made: And provided further, when agrical- tural prodluco in kiud is paid for taxes, if payment be nu^e by a tenaat who is boiui} to pay hia rant ia kind,'the tenth part of laid iprewrt ywdl M lie pai4 u w ^1 for torafe or aut>«)sceDce to such places 1 manner as tLe ileorotary of War maj prtscriba Should the Secret«xj of W».t find that soib« of the a^iouitural produce thus paid in and daitablb for lorage aod lubsiatCQoe has been or tciU be depea- it«i in places ^here it oauQot be used sither di rectly or iudirectly for thMe purposes, he shall cause the aame to be sold, in such mauaer as h« may preseribe, aad the proceeds'of each sale shall be paid into the Treasu^ of the Cectederate States. Should, bow«ver, the Secretary of War notify the Secretary of ths Treasury that it weald be impraeticable for hira to collect or use the ar- tielM taxsd iu kind, or any of them, to be received in eertain distriot« or iooaUties^ theu the Secreta ry of the Treasury shall proceed to oollect in said district? or localities the moaey value of said arti cles specified la uud estimate and not required ii kind, and said money value shall be due on the first day of January in each and every year, and bo collected as suoa thereatter as practicable. 14. That the estimate of iaoomes and profits^ other than those payable ia kind, aad the stato- ments or bills for the amount of ehc specihc tax on occupatioBs, emproyments, business and prole»- sions. aud of taxes oa gross sales, shall be deliver ed by the assessor to the collector of the district^ wj[io shall give him a receipt tor the same, and the said aBBcsaur shall file his receipt with the ohiet tax collector of the Siate, aud tlie colleutor of the didtrict, holding said estimat«a, statements or bills, shall procced to collect the same from the tax payer. The money thuit collected shall be paid to the chicf tax collector ol the * State, accom panied by the estimates, statements or uills afore said, delivered by assessor to the district collector is aforesaid. 15. That evary person who, as trnstee, guar dian, tutor, curator or committee, executor or ad ministrator, or as agent, attorney iu fact, or taQ* cor, uf any person or persons, whether residing in ti^e Cbnfederato States or aut, and every receiver ia chancery, clerk, rcj^iritor or other officer of any cot^t, shall be au^worablo tor the doing oi ail such acts, matters and things as shall be reqaired to he douc ic order to the a^iscesment of the uioa- ey, property, product* and income under thoir c.>Qt,r.jl aad the payment of taxes thereon, and •jhail be iudemniaed agaia.-it all and every person for ail paymentd oja accouat of the taxes herein specified, ^iud siiall be responsible for ail taxes duo i'toux tua eotacos, iucome muaoy, or property m their pjc^soasioa or uador their coutrol. 16. Th«s iueoice aad moneys of hospitals, iums, churches, schools aad colleges shall be exempt from taxation under the provisions of this act i I. Tiiat the fcecretary at the TreasTU^y be, aud he is hereby aathoriz«d, to make ah‘ rubs and regulations necessary to the operation of *his aei^ and aot iucouaisteat herewith. IK. X-i:5 i'c in for twoy«^r# jfter the cxpirariou ot’tha pro^sut year, and iho t*x?4 herein lufxpcjt-.d loc ciio pr^-sr^uc year be 1»- viod aad code? cd for e%ua yi>ar iherasltcr ia i**8 iaaanor rod isatjjii prodcribed, aod for the '•aid d\r.« .'»f t’vo y ^^rg uaiuid laia iiut sh *11 bs sooner repealed: ProvifiDi tho tax on oavai stOt'eJj flour, wool, GuSios; tobacco, aad other s»tica^ic- ral ^Tedccta cf tKr groirtb of any yf*~ \cfeed- iog H'' ■-.r 18Bd, iaip.:;fied iu fiu ioa o« ie?i8d «i^ §$t *■ £ ■■■ ' -T , • I - V Kn., PRINTED M EDWAa El ITOB FriM for tb« Senai «dvftne«. For the Wwlily 0» advanoe. *«*ADVEXTia of 10 lines for the ceediug publioa*ion. half, sqnnrc (eijiht I’ for c»3h 8accetdintr quMMd to 8tat« fh-3 they will coatinu Inttiy. ' Advertin^nifDtH Tcrti«ementt. S Prom an 1 t^r tJj will b« entered wiC' the paper bf> sf^ni 1« ttiac ia pfii'i for. Snoh of our old per on this lyBteni remUtanoeo. n\n.. Atto; Fay WILL attend the Cttioberland, tiu. Prompt attea elaims eairueted to 1 Oct. 17, 185^ GKO. W. l%hote«iale 1 AND IMPO^ Hardware and HAY 8TJ July "i, 1801. J o«| Grocer and FAYEH Jan’y 10, I8ti3. B O W09TB. WOR Commlssioa and if WILM Oot 1«, '“JOHNSON, SAL' WE hare thirty (30 east of Wilmini theBMlTee with sail. A. Johnaoa, Jr., A% ■taaafer at the wor^j Vayetteville, Nov i 2,500 FereouB feaviug th the hifbest Cash priei at tkt Merchant Mill* bw at kin old »tand ot llov. 6. 1862. ARTni I am iTrepared to ■ Harness for Army five good bargain«. erdem to as th'y i •eat cS ia qaiok dispw Goldston P. 0., Cha SlOO IImi. €ioi Oei. 1&. 25 Dee t.. 8AJ&S fev etkla t ■'4» - ■S? #. ■:?;: 'i- - 190 TC BOXES V4HU for nale ea 001 May 28. 2000 $!k>le IjC LB8. of heal suitable for 1 Fajetteville, Aptil 1 w u % Wanted E8TEKN KAIL E Back Notes; Qold and Hilvor;' North Caroliaa T « . B Oonnt 7 cf I'nm’je Town of l^ayett*? Qreeushoru’ ^1 at Coiif»i^t»te 7 ikud Goapon? of f 16,01 •• ot Town •• of Oct 12, ma. Span Cotton 1 W E will give Spun » delivtired m viy 1 1 JLAKOOlK^-i* tmetorf. AMD yrc my Faoto»7. Fayetiii»»llu, 1 OKI Lead w.vntku.—i DeparLueni. Pen titles will POWDEH for 10 pouu T «9-tf • Uiiisboro^ The Sixia Acatlemie gia on Wedues'iaf, For oirf u>»''s *uu ia M Hillsboro’. N. C . S' OIL \Sl) 1 1''AiSN££8 aua L.U . LAMP SLAC& ui

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