PTTBLIO LAWS. En'’Ei> IrKB'y 16, IS04. An Act'to l-ay a'iditional Taxes for the com mon defence ond utipport of 0>vernmP7it. Sec. 1. Tiie Coii^ru'S uf tlie Cont'elerate Statet> of A.MUM-ieii l'» enuct, Tlmt ir uddi- tion t«» the taxes levied hy the act “to lAy taxer^ for the coimuoji defence and to carry on the (ToveriuntMit of the Confederate Sfatet^,” approved 24-th of Ai>ril 1S()3, there (>hall lie levied, fr-'iii tlie pa^sai^e of this act, on the sa!>jects of^ taxation here.iffer inetitioiied. and collecrc'l frotu ovt-rv ptMx*n, copartner ship, jvssociatioii (ir corporation, iialde there to, taxes as4 fi.Hows, t.t-vvit; I. Up.m the vahie of ['lopiTty, real, j)er- 60 >al and luixed, of every kind H!id le.scrip- tion, not lierein.ifter exempted or taxed at a ditferenr rate, f> per cent.; l*i-ovld»!d. That frtiiu this tax on the value of propertx eni" pjoveil in agriciilrnre ^ih.ill l>e deducted the value of tlie tax in kind tielivored therefrom, .ai^ ati^esseil imder the law irnpoeirtiT it, and d»-iivered to the (-rovernitu'nt: l*n>vided. That j»o credit shall he iillowed beyond 5 }>er cent. II. On the value of irold and silver waret^ and phue, jewels, jewelry and watclies, !• per cent. III. The value property taxed under this section .•shall he on the hasi;» of the market v.ilue of the same, or similar pro- incornes or piH'tfits for the year levied i au'hwited to i«sue th^ -bondfe reqaired Ibr the hv thl8 act, shall ho assessed and c-ikvtud i iu >.TovIic*d for in the pre.;e.Ji»s section. forthwith; and the taxe^ on incomes or pro-i uml i- til ih. bonds can bo prepared.may ihku- fit. for the year 18W, shall l>e assessed huH ' c-t-ic t - ro rhe purpo^-. ^ • >• ’ ocrtia^Tii-’a‘•ha'P'e r!‘ceivabl« without inter- collected accoramu: to tl.e provi.ions me p.xv;..icr,t of ■ U (> •vorr.raont dues payable tax and^as*;e.sjj^neiit acts ot -Hj th»-yt'ar liii) I,, xccpt export and import duties. 8kc. 4. 8o (unch ot ti^etax act ot the _+ui j- g That all rreasary notes of the denoaii- day of April 1803, as levie.s a tax on in comes derivel from property or etlects oi i nation :mf b’liring interest, which l^or • ('^on^e(^ for (iindiiip nnder the provisions the amount or value of whicli a tax is levied j ,,«• (ho 1st section ol this act, mHuII, from and after hy this act, and als» the 1st section of vsail j t!,e 1st diy of April 18(54..castof the MissipBippi act, are suspended for the year IStH, and riv.'r, :p!? the l«it day ot Jii'y 1861, w^st of t .e ,\Ic*':tie to bf> reccivaV»lc in payment of puSlic^ (In.'S, and -aid i‘ nut so rresented a' iu> «‘btimated rent, hire i>r int *rt-t on pro perty or credits liereiiv taxed ad v.U"rem, shall he assessed or taxed as incmos under | ‘-b d-, in M-iditio.. to the tax of itup in tli^ 4fi> section of this act, bi and thuw not «o subject, shall be— . Seo. 13, That 'Preasury notfis heretofore issued The Cwntedernte Tax Sbc. 1. 'Wjttt thwft slnll he levied and howevw, Tl'Ht »Tjv utpchariif. who «hall onlv t>r Ki;iu«> C5EU. lo, i nai ireasury Doios ijcreiuioic j ob»j. a. sutiii jevitr'i »*•'* i onl V tU9 t>r»daUo..t . . beirini? at th« ratn of 87 30 on the JIlOO j col.ected nj»on tho rahie of nil niaval Blores, h*« owo faiiiil v. -sindl : »’• 7,' per waoiim, shall no lor.Ksr"b8 received i’> paj'| salt, wine^ and spiritooR Hqti»>r3,‘tobacco this tax ^ * ■. >, hn ment of public dues, but .■♦hall be deemed j manufat!ture«i or unmaiiutWtnred, cotton,^ y\ WholtMrtl«-dtnder^-hai] .r considered bonds of the C^nfr*derate btaten, paya-, flour, riiolasKe#, syr^p, rice und | lr«d dollAP- .i»id ^ * 4 •. K>»’r - Me J|.C „„ of j I o,h„ „„ricuU„r,l product,: h.l/or own.d } ' pca.^ with the Jni ed^ ates, bearing the ra , ^ j ^ next, and not ftece«- Every pe*^o^ whoi»e hufiinws o*- o r'' Interodt specified on their face, payable 1st of i r' ’ a „ r>verj pcreon* wnoi»e r»Ufimefes o* o. «.or>AU^i, January of o«ch and every year.’ ^ ^ ‘ family consnmption for the nncT- it to «ell or offer to S..I1 Sbo. 14 That tho Secretary ot the Treasury I P^ret. portion of the yp^Rr 186*. ?»nd of the .go-vis. warw *,• jvfcvchftndtx'^. of f .r.. k ^ bo, and he is hereby, authorirod, in csso the exi- i prt»nnctu)n of jinr ye.*r preceding j fiffKlartioii. 'H.)- iw •jencies of-the Governn»c it should require it, to j ytiar 1a. tAX of H per cent.; mi all . p^cksisre or f)!"?}';; 'Htf ?3 yrrt ffk t pny tho demand of any public creilitor whoBo debt' moneys, hank n'_itf'(» or other ctirrency . rjviiie pur*?hr.ii«r. not i'!rl,n^!iT!'jr mny be contracted after the pass.ige of tbi.n act, | hand or on floposit on tite fin*t dsiy of .fuly ! or the tax act of 18(53. Sr:\ S. Tliat the tax im))osiid l»y this act on bonds of the (^gnfedeitite States !u*reto- fore issued.'shall in no ca?e exceed tho in terest oh the same, and such bonds, wiien held In' or for 'tibj e'dl 'o a t«x >’f 1' per cent per n ontti un lit s.» present 1; T^hi -b f.«xcs sh.dl attach tn sa'd riott's wherever ciicuiat 'd, a»)d shall be deducteii llin f'lct* of .“^aid n-ites wlienever presented , ,, , j t-«i or fi>r fuiuliri-.;, and siid notes shall minors oi; luns^tics, s.iali for tne new issue ot Trea e.xempt from the tax in nil cases where tlie | ,,r.)VMded fur in this act intereot (Hi the same shall not nxceod ^ 'J’hai on all said Trt’asury notes not funded or ust d in payment of faxf*!* at the dates An Act to fut/tpend f/n' j>f 'th'/f' i>/ the Writ of Hahe is Cntrpu* in r-n Wtiereas, tlie C^on.'!-;tution if tiie (^ontt*d- erate Start's >f Americ:-* providt- in Ai ticlv; I I, Section {>, l\ira:;’MpJi o, that “tlie privi- I lei;e of tlie writ of lia!» corpus shall not j be suspentled un!e-s w1um> in e:i>e of re’n'!- j lioji or invasion, the pul»!ic safety mav re ! (jtiire it;” and whereas, the power of sus- .(•id plic-i pr('.scrib-‘d in the l'«t st^cfion of thi.* aer, rher«> sSatl be levied at said dates and placos :i lax of i'e!)ts f ir, every dollar promised on rhe fac!’ ut N iid notrs; said tax shall attach to said !»i)t'-' '.-iflicri'Vi r circulated, and sh;dl bo colle(fted hy d duo^iii^ tl e s iiu.^ at treasury, ita dcposi tiirica nn.i by tax c-'iileetois, and by all Govcru- ui -nt i»lie;’rs reeeiviti; the snme whenever pre- seiitf .I ftr n;i;,aii»iit or for fundinir, or iu p^ment ... • I , . K'”'I t},^> p,.;vilo;x(‘of said writ as rec >ir-; ot Government dues, or ti.r pestage, or in ex- peryin icyiei.u iborhoHl wnere assessed, iti .^ j Article i, i- vested solelv in | for now notes, hereinafter provided,and the year IbbO, fcxcei)t in case^^ where land., Oon^n-ess, which is the excla>ive 'pidi^.'i Trea-ury n..tes sUaU be fundable in bonda a- slaves, eotton or tob:ieeo luiv« h^.en "ur-i „,.^vssitv of sueli se.ripen^ion; ,inl j P^uvidtd in the 1st section of this act, until the ^ ’8()5, at therateof 6«)} cent# shtill be the duf^ of the Sue y. any time between the 1st of July, 1864, west oi 1- — r> * * I the iMissidippi river, and the 1st of January 1865, : Sitafes; and wherea.^^, the President has a.-«lv»Mi ■ jsub'titufe and exohaosrc ne^r Treisury notes hal» c'or-, jituae at fh’ rate ol tifjj cents on the dol pus, ancJ mt(>rmeil Oon:rress i»r eoiuJitions ol ] |jj-. /V m.'/uVc/, That notob of tho denomination of the owner Se^. *2. On the ests l)ehl in'any assoeiation, canni. le value of all shares or inter- j „ „-it of !..• y bank, bankm^^ company or j j i.Ifonne.l Con.-re.^s of eon assoeiation, cann , navigation, importin . ^Imiiier whieli reiuli*r the syspen~i"ii , SluO el.ail not he eniitltd to tf»« privih'j;* of said export,n^% m.mance, manutacturin^r, tele- measure proiH'r f-r th; pui.lic ^ ex.-hnn-: /V ,.-V/o/ ;)rfh.r, that the ri^^ht to gmp I, e.xpies-*, iaiir*)ad, and drs-tlock com- ji^jjijnst invasion and insurrection; ( lu'xi hdv ol'? id Trea.^ury notes, after the 1st day panu^s, and ail i>ther joiui stock coin))anie> Hjeretore luf .J j'uunv ISG.’). h hfreby taken awiy: Andjtro nislt liort t!*?, .«h;i*l willing to receive the same in a certificate of in- | next, atxJ ou tfic v'u.jiH'! ot ITIl credits f*n wbiclj J w-jinlpHpifi fh's >%"t: I'ut, dobtedaess, to be is;ued by f-aid Si cretary in r,uch | the inter‘■!^t ?if«nnt paid, iield or owned hcpn r’5r^‘''erC"! ac -i •vhnl'"-*tve ‘de- !• r - . form a.s he may deem pr'iptr, payable two yoaTsj i,y anv persot!. c»-pMi tmTi-hip or^>ir]>o^fitior, after a ratification of a t^t afy of neacc with thr t|jg fst dj^v rifjulv no\,t. and not erntiloyod , UnUed States, hearinj; interesr at the rato id six t biit'inefts. the incosne derived from wtiieli i per cont per annum, pay'ddo Fcmi anctially, and ^ taxed'nuder the nrovi.^i.■^n^ of this »ot, iransf«rable only by special enhtr-enient. under he'leviea! regulations to be p'rescribed by the Se.;retary of . Proviiled, That all tnonejS ]»er«'‘T ina;' 'liKoftoil a..- •'foi-cs;'\id.»'; r--!rt:>r VII. P;.\wnl>r'»ke:-t ?!'';’*! niiV two ^ dollars. uf!-«oa. wh->f^e h;K;»,c,.v. , |OccnonUor i: 'skf- o~ ’■vc.yiv-.. and eoliected a tax of j^f pJedijo, fsv'»r or^ exf'i:\n2e, r-.ic > «„;* the Trea^ury,ar,dsaidcortific.i‘e«i«hall be exempt. ^ ^ | or fiior-MjandiKe. r-r anr V n'd ■ owned, lield. or dep^isited besona the linii*^^ ^ F.>nfU j>roj»ertv wr-.attfver. for the rf-pavinut^r from taxation'in principal and intcroKt. ^ ■'V'J''"'',' Sec. 15 The Secretary of the Treasury is au-‘ ^ ^lie (.onlelorate Staten, shall be allied „r Rocunty «.‘t m >ney lent thereon. .■h;tii Ht thoriied to inereaoe the nnmbt r el' depositories ‘-o cnrrent rate of tixchaiiij^ in Lolifec- , dw:r\(ai n pH\v>})>r .k(ir under thig act. as to nievt ^.hft r^(juirf'nncnN ot’tViis act, and witb Ircasvii'^ Riiii tlui ficiiii tax VIIL tsvo that view to employ »>neh d' the ba-iks of the sev he assospe'l on tti(i tlr^t of July next, i»r ^ (lt;llarB^ snd ai o tvrantv po;‘ e;»nfnf?i on {jj*. eral States us ho m.iy d*»GW expedient. lu? soi*u thcreatter iif» mr-ty he ]>ractic»ble. i jrfosg ainouut o^' all f«aU-j jna>'^c*. •^''ve'*v ^Hir- forthwith adverti pubii'hftd u. ?an-» .Vavy shall «ach cause it to be published in g"ne , , , ^ J Hller t)io pj^HHge of thin ^ct, or at t!to tiniu flfty^ents i>er ^.^sllon ou the jirst ren af^llonf ral ordrr.(.,r the infor»,atio» of tho «rmy ui.a |,nsirif.8, ami on the flrst day'j „R|'„n »|| “7ec. 17. The -t2d ,.c,ion tho .c; for th, in r»„i, y«ur ti,ere.ii'.*, roaster ,i,J«d b«*«..d .w.»ra.„t ,,d «IUotioo „f t«.s, approved >l.y c. l«:f,r. m ench f..rm h« IX. Brev-x-« pjiv one hinKi„.1 Ut. IStiS, i. l.orcl.y rckcilrd. ’ “ ' 'iw >l taxos eliall prewnl.t )a„, and two anci a ii-.ilt )«r CMltiira tW Seo IK. The Secretary of the Treasury if it true account of fr.iH irarno and roBidencc of arsjoont of all .-ales made. F>?r7 je.^ hereby authorized nnd reijuircd, upon the appli- j tinn. or corporation «ngag*ni i aiaiiufaet’-irt^ fermented li^iivi-s „j cation of tho holder of any call certificate, which, or intercstod in tfiC business, with n state- name c*r descriptioH for 8hU* frojn by tho first section of the a'?t ro provide for the mi.‘nt ot the time for which, and the place^ vThoIly or in part, ghall be Je«Tned a, t funding and further i.^^stie of Treasury notes, ap and manner in whtcli the Batne is to V>e eon- under t^iii* Act. proved March i!3d lx>:>, was reipiirvd to be ductcd; a;id of all other facte goinj; (h» certifi’t i)ie tmiount of tat npon nuch busi- „ I now. therefore, ul every kind, whether njcorpur.ted or not. | 0.n,Lne~s ol' the CoT'toderure States .d p* r cent. . _ i • America do enact. 'I’hat dnri'iLT Hio present 1 he v;i He of i>r >perty ta.xed under tlos } . . . . /i . i , o. ^ ii. •, .1 J ■ , luva.sion ot the L oiitiuei ate otaTe-i, ilie j)iiv SectiKii shall 0C a.-sessc( upon the i);isis td ■ , . *• i i i . ,,,1 , , 1 ... I ‘ 1 1 iieire ot-the wr;t d habeas (•orpu-' In-, ann the ir.nrk.-t vidue ot ^nch property in the | i.',,, iieiirlib.irh'Mtd where assesseil. in such cur reney as mayl»e in pMieral use there, in the piucli.-ise and s:t!u uf eueh property, at tiie time of a^•>t•s>menr. Sec. 3. Upon the amount of all trold and 8’1 vvr coin, i£old dii'T, irold r 8.1 ver bullion, j v-’hetlier held liv the iianks or otiier corpo , r:tti'»ns or indiMdiial', 5 }jer cen^; and ujion all moneys hel 1 abroad, or upon the a'ln.unt ot'all lulls of exc!iaii^e,,dra»vn therefor on j foreiirn countries, a lax (d‘ 5 per cent.; su^ii ' lax U|i'in in iiiev altVoad to be assessed and | c'lllecteil aec-*rdini; to t!ie vnbie thereof at : the place \\;ht*re the tax is j)aid. ^ i II. I’pon tlie amount of ail solvent tre- ' dits, anti d all bank bills and all other pa-‘ pern is>iied a- cmrency, exclusive of non-; interest beariiii; C.tnt'fder.ite ♦rea.-iurv notes, and cnployeJ in a iViiistered bii'iness. the income de.’ived from wnich is ta.xed. 5 . per cent. j Sec. 4. Cpoii protit.-j niaIe in trade and; bu-ihe::;-, a- f j I. >11 all pr H's made by having and >el!-1 iii^i>piritMis litjii.ns. tl hm'. wht-ar. »-orii. rice, su^ar, m>iU\„-.>er- or s’.rup. salt, bacon, pork, ■ h>ir^, beef or lH*ef cattle, "he“p. oats, hav, ‘ fodder, raw hides, leather, hordes, mules, bo'its. shoe?, cotton varn->, wo..|, wo .Ion. cot ton :c mixed clothe, hats, wagons, harne?!i, coal iron, steel .or nails, at any time bt'- tween the 1^ of January 1SJ3, and the 1st '.d'Janoaiy 1S65, 10 per cent., in addition to the tax on such piofits a.'^ iticonie ivider the ‘"act to lay taxes for the coin non dt fence, and carry on the Government of t!ie Con federate States,” approve 1 April *24, 18.J8. II. On ab f^rotits tna-ie by buying and j Belling money, ^oid, silver, f^jei^n exchange, eti»ck*, notee, delit.'i, credits*, or oblij^Jitions of any kind, and any merchandize, proper ty or etfect.s of any kind, not enumerated in n>ion s 1.1 app. \ o i _\ .» . e o p^ . f,, r,.t »fi,re given to the Secretary of j Hi ,i.Tc.ste,l ur l.v ..I |.r,as.rvi«i-«. Treasnrv note., .hall be,ind! rwi>liMit,>ocr..ury..l A.,r..M-tho 8«rrt,ri of ' lUeei* commaiiili;...: the L.';hi>-.M ppi 'lrii>uiy ni .y, after that tiiue, i.ssae ae^ ■ t t!'„ I •t- t > ilejie of ■ the writ d’ habeas corpu the same it? liereiiv, «:i-'t.'e!uie'l; l>’U ^nc!i -u->- pension shall applvonly to the ca.-e.-? ot pej'- fons Pi Oitic Mdit.u'v Departmci.t, ';>y the a.itMority a*. 1 uutier the control ot t'lc I’r- 'i i.* ;r. It herebv declared tiie ;>!irp ’-e oj" (' .n- ijress in tiie f> iss:ii;e of thi.> .u*t i> to pnn-ide 114 »re eti'ectii.dlv for tae puidic •>afety I v sii'pe’idin.' rile writ of habeas coi-j»u.s in tiie tvjllowinjj cases atnl Uo o'lUM'; I. ()t trea-'^m, ov treii-oiKilde etl'orts o; combination.' to .-nbveVt tiie goveiiinieiit of' t.he Confederate State'v. if. (Jf coii'inrai i .'s tij overthrow thi‘ >v ernir.ent, (U- coiispiracie-^ t. re-i't t'le lawiitl aiitliori'v ot’tlie t’onte>!ei'.i.r.‘ - III. (>f coniitiniuir t of Co iun inic.iri s^ inie ur ^.’iviiiir him aid an i i-onifort. ^ IV. (>f Con>,>i;-ai ie>. prep i ati. ris a:id a; tempts to incite s»*rvile in'iirivction. V. l)t’ .ie-'orM *11' or ene n’i i': r (!e-er-. . . , , . r tion.'. ot irin;^ ie'ei tei '. .in I atr.-,n,ir- t lo avoid military serv:c-'; P"ovidel. T i' iii ise of palpable wrojii; and oppre>?-ion bv any sub irdinate >dii -er u,»on n ly i^nTy w .o d «es not leirally owe militai v Si-rvlce. hi" supera.u' uiii> er sha;l ^ pr *:npt leiicf to the oppr.^-i-ied party, and the sa'' >rdinate siiall l>e dismii^sed from otiice. \ I. (Jf sj.ies niid I tiler emi.'^saritic of tiiu ' eneiMV. j V II.’()f holdin*'corre^jion len'*e or iritt»r ' cour.'e .vitli the enemy, wit.i >uf neces-ity. j and Without tlie pen'ni.Tsion oi the l'ii'.i'jde- rate Spates. VIII. Of unlawful tradintj with the ene- ' I my, and other otlences a^ iln-Jt the laws «d’. the Confederate States, enacted to prouiote j their success in the war hereby taken away: AiiJj> vi'!d({ fi'r.h'r^ Tliat up.tti all sucii Treasury notes I w^iioh inav remaii: oiiLtiiidir!)? oa the 1st dny of i Jauuoy arid which may not be fxchaog* d I for n Tr.'i. wry notes, as herein provii«d, a tax I if 100 per e-lit i.- hv-r-’hy imposed. •> Tiiat aitor the Qr^t day of .\pril next, i thereafter deemod to hf a Vj'^nd, to i'su»^ to such hol'j«r' a bond thcr .for upon tho terai' "provided by said act. C\1LE\I>AK Foil I8«l. X. ‘MIote.!H. inn*. cAvern« a,i-i 888 ahnll be c!a.^*iiiad and rat*‘d .‘ivXj'uinw iifcrj J.'r the fiat- >r th»’ tutur«. according to to tha yr'wly rental, or it nt>t r« iifed. JANUARY... ry If iii ^ ii h f irm a« he may prescribe, i ■ ■ fro yriT* itrcf the 1 at ticauoii ol a treaty w rh til.? r i'ed S'atrs, s'lid new i>.8ues ■ re? iv.«ioh‘ in p.yaientuf t.!l public dues, eUem V. oi lie eiiiM;V ( aVHl •) C*- • i.’v’p' ' sji jti aud iujj/urt duties, to bo is^^ucd in j > x ♦'a’tsio I >r :! 1 n>> e-« at the r.i:c of 2 dullara ofi the new 1 r 3 ot old issuco, wbotiicr said old ' -H't ,s i; r'.idiTcd I’.ir OX-han^e by ih» hdv?.'rs ■ hori r .-r b ' r- .'eiVfi' iato ihe Treasu’-y under i ".o {.ir.oi-i.ijjfl ot liiia lu't; and the holders of the -v ii,n ,s i>r rf (h'> «j! i i exivp' tnc.>se of the •'•i I'lr tii af e.r they are reduocd tot Cti( ' j:i t!iO d »';ar'h> th - i-.ix a(ure..iai«i, nj:»y I '«.( r' tue sc iJ oeriifi 's'. s be irhigiti- ’ - ul li.t; r 1. 1 }i#r iL'of pfr annu n, and •. .‘.t 1 ■ t.» ' y -r.' r u r-.tifioafion of a ,r. aty , >i w.:Ii lie* caued S ati"*, uulcajj sooner ■ • -n r'-_- i i'lt >r} A aoies. .''EO t) J i ll ro ; ;iV he i xp-nses 1 fhe Gov- r- nji;;! ri I' .irj,.;; w!."* ■ p'ovi Jeil fiiT. 'be Srcretarv T .j tti r r ‘ •;'U"y is '.r'-t by aiithoririd tO.ih-JiK-6 n.-oii- tl) HO a'uo int no? ex.vcdin|^ five i -dfiii 1 ii; uns of doJIar^, liu* prioei^al and in- r‘-.'t vv!Kr#>at slmd be free frotn 'axatiou, and 1 J! the p iymoiil ijf iuierest thereon th« entire net ■ •' f in 1‘ip.irid i't !.ur> .i'tt 1 lai 1 on tlie • s!u-* of a iy tofwcc *, and naval s'ores, w^it■^* sr:.ii be (•i; *rted ir-m t- c ('oufed^rato .S rirr-'. and t^.e no' pr .i*ed. of rba import dutiea ■ aw 1 ivd, or rO ma.di rhcre d' :w luay be nece>.>-arv r) n;y a »r. inlly r*i in'f-rest, are her**by specially p ••g d: //, rhat t!ic liow laid on itup irLs are i'er-by pledged and shzH hereaf ter oe paid i'i ^p;•ele. or io sterling exchanjfe, or ;a ei,u:>..t,T if b'iitl bo.iJs. * Src. 7 That the Secretary ol the Treaaury if h ioby ai h-r.a d, t.-ou tnuj to time, as tho w i lts rtf the i’r vury may r:.*q liro it, to sell ori !.y poi-heoate tv'r frea.-.ury netts said bt)QdH, or any ! MARCn HRIL M.\Y. JUNK.. JULY.. AUaUST.. ♦ I J* 11 i ■ * lA Of Cons I )i r;ic* 1 es or a^toiniits fo lib*^**-] tlnrcof, up.>ii the Dost terms fie can, so as to immld tLwnl’lo ciin^.'^ aildk I g “} ii^e i 8EPTEMBEK. the tax on such protits as income, under the I . ; la ion iu Trea^urF iljtes within reasonable aud ' act aforesaid. | A. Of conspiracie?, or attempts or prena- «.uuaoie aua ^ III. On the amount of profits exceedinrj!the enemy. 3 The bonds authorized by the 6th sec-! 25 percent., made during yither of the years' , , ers I ti-jn ,it ttiis act may be either registered or »ou- l>i>3 ami lsf;4, by any bank or bankintr! ^ Coniederate cause, or to re- :.(»n bonds, as tho paraes inking them may elcct; ConipanV, insurance, canal, navigation, ini- ! Conlederatc States, or to adhere t .. aad liiey may be exohanj^ed for each other under ;ii>rtiii;jr and e.xportinj;, telegraph, exp.resS, i 1 ,1 , , j re;^n!atto(js a?, the Se retary of the Treasury railroatl. manufacturinir, dry dock, or otfier OCTOBER. joint stock company of any descri(*tion,- whether incorporated or Jiot, '25 j>er centoa such excess. Sec. o. The following exemptions from taxation under this act nliall be allowed, to-wit: ’ I. l*rf>]ierty nf each head of a family to the value of ^jid hjr each minor child ot the family to the further value of $!00; an^ tor each gon actually eiiija^ed in the army or naw, or who has died or been kil.ed in the military or naval service, and f^raphic line of comrnrinicarion. or proj>erty, with the intent of aiditi^ tlie encmv. XIII., Ot trea.-30nub,e ]esj;;n-. to impair the military power of the Gov'crnment bv destroying, or atteiuptin;: to destroy, ve>.sels or arms, or inmiitions of war, or aivenais. foundries, vvorksiiops, or other property of the CiJifederate St.ites. Sec. 2. The President nha!! catise jiroper otKcers to inv'e!-ti:^ate the cases of all persons who was a member of tho family when he' de’ained, in order that they entered the service, to thu further value of i discharj;el if iaiprope>4y detaine I, s50>. tinless they can be fcj»eedily tried in the due II. IVoperty of the widow of any omcer, r'’l^.'‘^‘"aV''- , . , ' . so.dier, sailor or marine, who m\.v 1 S. 1 .lat dunnLr t!ie sn-^p.'tis m afore- , marine, who may died or bcfcti killed in the military or navil ' niilita.-y or other odieer shall be fcerviee, or w4iere there is no widow then of' answer to any writ d‘ iiabc.'is the fimily, being minor children’ to fi,,J “I’l'*'*^^'’•" person, or to return the value of " * IkhIv of any' person or persons detained hy him, by the authority of the I’resideiit, Se- 10(K>. Ill Proj.erty of erery ollicer, Pohlier, eaj or or marine, actually en-aC.ed in the mihtary m-naval service, orof .,uc!i as Ini serv iee, to XII. unlawfully burning, destrovinu'{ ^* V They shall be for ?100, and shall or injiirin;', or attemplin;^ to burn, tlc'trov ; 'o:it;rher witb the c.’up jus thereto attached, bo in or injure any bridge or raikoad, or tele-jauthenticatiou'as »he Sec- retiry of tbe-Treasury may prescribe; the interest shall t>e payable half yearly on the first of Jan’y aud JuJy io eajh ycur; the principal shall be pay able not less thiiu di> years from their date Skc 9. Ail Ci*il ccrtiflijates*shall be fundable, and shall bo t txod in all respects as is provided f ir ihc Tre;«rury notea into which sfjcy arc con vertible if converted before tho time fixed for raxinj; the Treasury notfs, such ccrtsficatt«i shall from that time bear interest upon only G6if coota lor every dollar promiei;d upon their faue, and .siiall t)o redeemable in new Troa«ury notes at tUii I ite; but utter the passage of this act no call certilieates shall be issued until after the first day i)f April, ISii'l. Seo. 10. Tnat if any bank of deposit shall give it.3 dt;poaitor.s the bonds authorized by the nrst section ot thia aot, in cxohan^e for tUeir deposits afid spccifyio;.; tho same on the bond^ by some dir,tirjClive mark or t )keu, to be agreel up.>n with tlie Secretary of tuc Treasury, then the said de positor abafl be entitled to rcciev«t the amount of said bord.:» iu Treasury notis, bearing no interrst aiii uuL.'^tandiu" at the pasaajje of this act: Pro- vi'h J, the said are presented before the NOVEMBER. cietary of War, or the (xeneral otlicer com manding the Ttans Mississippi department; DECEMtiER... c z o >■ 5 > » c ?5 X > ■ '1 51 c X a ^ . "S 5 > '— —-■ 'I 3 4 i} (5 7 8 in ]1 1.' 13 1! 15 17 18 11» 20 21 _'4 2C 2^ 31 ' 1 • > li 4 5 i 9 10 11 12 14 J-"’ 10 17 IS' 19 '21 'J'l 23 24 25 26 28 29 1 •) 3 4 1 S 9 10 11 1.3 14 1 f> in 17 •JO 21 0-) 2-> 21 25 .> 1 •JV -30 31 1 8 4 ;> 6 i ' 8 - 10 11 'i2 14 15 17 is 10 20 iil . '2'1 24 25 2r. •>“ '• ' 29 .. 1 >1 •> • 4 5 6 s 9 10 n 12 13 ■ 15 IG 17 18 19 20 1?2 28 2 4 25 20 2~ 2y 30 31 1 2 3 5 0’ Y ;♦ fo 12 10 14 15 IG 17 19 2" 21 2S 24 26 27 . 28 29 30 1 4 5 6 4 I 8 10 11 13 13 14 15 17 IS 19 20 21 22 24 25 ‘iti 27 28 29 81 1 •y S 4 5 7 8 ^9 10 11 12 14 15 Irt 17 1?* U) 21 22 23 24 25 2(.> 28 29 30 31 . •1 O ” 4 5 .0 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 IS 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 2G 27 28 30 31 1 2 •> O 4 n 4 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 23 n 18 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 1 q 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 IG 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 2G 11 28 29 30 IG 23 O O’.' 6 13 L’O OT the jM'ovision* f>f tliifi net. At tho time of »u«-ii reL'istrv, tiicfu shiiil be j;uid to tilt col lector 'til,* .>*jk«'eihc ta\ for rhp ye.!vr, etiding on the tn‘vt tl':ry-ti»^t of Dcceml.*er. and ni;cU otlier tax h? may be due upou »tiiea or receijitR in encb biisinesp, at tne time of sticii n :ris»rv. as hwrciii provided; and t'ne collecior sliail, jjri'Ce to the por»^.ou fiitiking such ret'ihtry a copy thereof, with ft receipt tut the amount tax then pttid. 3. Any pirg(*n lailln^.to make the regis try injr t • ti e e9tiniat«-d value of ti.e vearlv r.’j!* al of the houAe or ]>iv,perry uteu-aied . Ttioded to be occupied as a liotel, inii. eni or eating house, &s f^illowt. T.o-wi> i^, where' the actual or estiinatca leai shall'aasount to^^lO.oOO or more, t>iHv- shi..i, floiiititure the first cla«», and pay an a.n u.u sum of |^5D0; iy ca^en where paid rer* ..•ib,. be $5,(XK*. and lesA than riifev fcimL constitnt« the ?«eond cia^. ant! j.Mv on nual etttn of $30U; and *n v^ues wlitre ^;tic 1:! 19 20 It; 30 7 14 4 II l5 25 y, aiiJ t . T-ay tJie tax rcqnired by t\w pnt^- leut shall be nnd 1o?p th^r. ctiliiii; .'«*ct:on, mad. in adlitioa to all »*ther »t.tiey bhal! cow8titnte tjie rhird ci^.ss. ar«i; taxes njjon h:s ousiritisg impoRevl by this «^ri annnr.l auui of in cus^'-^ wjj t-j -ai'i :icr, pay double the Hmoiuit of the s,iieciHc shall l^e r.nd than tax on 6ueh buhiiieAs. and « like sum for ^hay Rhall coustitutti the foBrth cla^s. aad evCry thirty daya of i^ueh failure * |,pj an annual fmm of ard in ctsivrt 4. Kxcept where herein other^yise , wijera e^aid rent ihall. be le^ than vided, there ^hall be a &«'p?»rate registry . • . ivnd tux tr^r each biisinesB mentioned in the fiiMi hvH ti'*M if tide act, and tor each pla(^e 0} c*mductiiij^ the same, hut no tax thall be reijuirevi tor the nuir.e storuij#* of goods at a place other than the resrist^ired {*laco of hiisiiiePS. Up'on ev*-ry chansce in the j>l«ce of conductings a registered buiine&j, there lihail i»e a now registry, bnt ur> addi- tmnul t.nx shall l>e reouired. Upon the diiUn d'any person conducting a reg sU'.ied ant u{>on the transfer of tiiey t^hn-ll con&titute tha rif'th class. r.u: par an annu-d pum of |30. Every place vriier’e food atid lodging?, or VKigingK (;ii]\, arc vided* tor and fnrnitiiied trav-eilc: s, pojoiirii- •#r!i •.>f Inurdere, in view of paynient rht?ret'.ir, the income or re«'Hjpt« u-ofn wiii k a.iiotuu to (!U from timt s mice, fcl all be asi Ii hotel, inn or tavern under thi ; aec." XI. Tfiat every pl.ace where fx^l “« ^ fro*^hments of any kind are p’’o\id»; ! fot uerson conducting a bueineea caanal vieitfn's^and sold for consnmptioa taxed as herein required, i»r rherein, and evtuy boarding lumie ih vrLicL , , . »ft*r oi the bueiiiese t«» another, there shall l>e six boarders or more ehall'be 21 ije ousui^ ehall not be subjected to any deemed an eating honut* under this act. 28 additional tax, but there shuA be a new xU. Brokers ahall pay two hundred dol registry lu the name ot tne person author- Any penj(.n vrhose bnsine»*s it is ued bv law to continue the busine**. | i*urchft*i« and.B^ll gtvcks, coined nivner. 5. liiat upon ouch trade, business or oc-, note?, or otiier Sdcuriiieft, for tDem cupuuon heri iiiatter named, the following j g^ives or otliere, or who deals iu excbaagee ihxtn tthall Iw levied and paid tor tiie year . relating t« money, nhail be deemed m broker ending on ttio tiiirty first ot Deceiiil>er, 1 andcj- this act. ’ - eighteen hnndrel an.i ei.xty three, and for f Commercial brokers or comini«*«iou eueh and everv year thereatYer, vie: i raercliants shall pay two hund*"ed dollars, I. UnkersslLall ,.ay flvo Imndreddollar.. I,„d .j, BO l ^rton shall be deemed a banker j made. Any rco^on or 5rm, except withiH kt; meaning ot this act who kee|’« a I fine registered a? a wh«>le«ai0 dealer or 6, pUee of bii;sin»jsa where credits are opened j banker wlioee busiuesfi it is, the ageniof 13 j in tiivor of an} or corporation, ot{,er8, to purchase or isell gc>ods, or seek 20 o_) le op«,*8it or colleCLion ot money or j Q{.Jeii8 therefor in oriirinai or unbroken 27 currency, and by,m the .ime or any | p*ickagee, or consigned by otuei^ pill liCieoi bhull be paid>>ut ^r renuttcd j jj^au the prcKincers, to umnage biitfinesi* u|,odmtt, check or order ot sucJi creUi- i f„r tl.e owners of v«, or ftir the >S6 ell . J , i • w*.«* ■w»-» 1. »■» •. ^ coun o producens or rnanutacturery, i coramercial broker or commision mercliant li. Auctioneers sna'I pay tirt}' dollars 10 17 24 upon tne uratt.checs or order ot 8udi credi- i if^^tters for the owners of vessei^ or for rl tor, l.ul not to niolMde alir bmk ei;»llj aa- sh;,,p,re or condisners , i c.,„.as. or wli.« lionzoa t« iMue notes f.a circulation, uor , i,„ei„ee3 it iato inirci.aee. rent, hire or liigeiita toi tne Rale ui laerciiandize for ac- j ,.en} estate or negroes, shall bo deemed j and two and a half per centum on the gross under thifl act. XJ V . Tobacconiete phali nay fii>y dollars, 5 , o one }>ei ceuium on tae gross ainouut of j f^,rra,. shall be deemed a tobricc. nist 12 j «3a C3. iiVery pereou shall deemed i*n j noder this act. But registered wholesale 19 auctioneer, wiiUiu the luoaning ot this act, retail dealers shall not be taxed as t*> 26 ; wliose occupation it la to offer property for bacconiers. . ' I sale to ihe highesc.or be^t bidder at public j x.v. TWtres shail pay five hundred dol- I Upon the auctioneers ehall and five percent, on all receipts, which I - i 1 ^ upon the {>orsoiiai privi' i (gij shall be paid by the owner of the build 4 ' • ^ ^ eng^ed i Every edifice nsed for the pnrpoRe of 311 vvitiJout legaru ^ the place j dramat’c repreeentatjona, plays or perform- _^latvv^ii.h the same i« con.rucwd. No tax j ,1 ,j ^ot includi.Mg halls rented or Pnaf Affino PflxrotfoTrisio TJ f 1 ^ ! \ uj>on auctiou made j ccasionally for concerts or thNitrical Post Office, Fayetteviile, W. C., | | tur dealers in a busmess registered acd tax-1 repicacntations/Jiall ho regarded a, a the- •) ' ed, aud at their places oi busn .‘sb, «>r huoti ; nt,-^ , ■ 1' * uuimifi, uiju c» Laj\. Ul ten doi- uy perao/iai reproaen- bet-n .!i,Ml,lcd m such si‘V\'iee T''T ^ ^ "1^”" ccrtilicate,-under oath, «d’ th- ot provided, that fhe'^^lmve*' ' — ^ detained, j privilege ot tundiog said notes at par shall ceaao tioiii nIi ill n .t that such person detai-iied by biin as a e.xeinp pio|n.-rtv e\elii-iv«*\ f II' Vr **"’ ' prisuiuir for any of tlie eaiioc.^ heccinlM'lort: iia 1^, .;.s, I r pecilied, under the anthoritv af.n.s.ld, fi.r- 1\\1W^ proceedings nrnk-r the writ of habeas or dc^ti-.,ved bV r|u.’^.’-*!“' corpu.s shall iiu.nediately cease and remain e.iemv. or tlio .\vin*r o,..tended so long as this act shatl continue then enemy, or the owner le-d Jms necn teinpomrily deprived of the u^e ot occupancy tliereol, or cd the means 01 CllltUiliiti^ tliy Hitnie, by reason of the piifteiiee or the pioxiinity of the enemy,! '*"10*1 fcucli property may lie le .ii« eu, in jnnpDition to the daiiiage sus- 1 .4/« -o ^be owner, tu' the tax assessed ’ >C reduced in the same ratio by tlie 'i - • ;t coUuct**r, on siiti»fae.tory evi- den^-e Mj Jill,tied to him by the owner Or as- Rei-stir. iSk(. suspended in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in f>rce for mnety Javs after tlie ne.xt jiieetin^r ,,1' (Jon- i a t.« of 3:iJ .per «ent. oa ^.rcsafaiiJ no looser. |'I','1 l.r =r-^.n~l ™ , fcc, th„mf. »id tained liv tlierciiii II 3. That the taxes on j)roperty luiJ lor the year shall be assessed as on the tiny ut the pa~»age of this act, and be d'le Hiid collected on the 1st day ol June next, (,r hr soon after as practicable, allow- I'lg an extension of 'dU days We^t of the till/, /'. SKCno.N I lh‘‘ f''Oll-’rfs.i f>/ ?/*#• {'r,t!f'>; St'iU* of A'n-ric'i do rh*t ^hc holders d' all Trca«Ui v ' otcs above the d-jti iiuinat.iun ..f ?.') not benriiii: nifert'st, shall b«j allowed uiiiltli* as horcia nrescribed Skc. 11. That all Treasury notes heretofore i3‘aicd of the denomination of $5 shall cnnfioue to be receivable in payment of public dues aa provided by law, and fundable at par under the proyisions of tbi.s act. until the first of July, 1864 east, and until the first October 1864, west of the Misai.sbippi river, but aftdt that time Ahej sh;\!l hn Bnhii'ftf t.n n t t-r r.f '-i’il ... ' CV- . - _ tftX Lit at. a.;h to said n »teo whcreyer circulated, and i.c 111 f /> iiiii I'lti' ’be ludJable and f xchangeablefor new J I i reasury notes, as herein providiid, subject to the ui^ujctioe of said tax. Sec 12. That any State holding Tr«astiTy rioies n-enved bef >re the times herrin fixed for 1st lay ol April 18(>4, east of tlse Missis^ijipi, to ! f^ixint; Kuid nore.s shall be iliowed til! the first fuiid the s;iuie, and until the pf-iod.s -and at the ' d.ty ol J iiairy !?()), to fund !li^ saruc in 6 per pLces stated, ihe holder'i (d all mch Trea-iury ! »ods uf the t)ouf^iierate StaieH, i)ajable20 notes shall bo allowod ti> fund tlse .satu- in resii'^ j vear^ atler due, and the interest ]ayab!e sf^mi ered bonds, payable 2U years after thtir da“e, ; inii!!:illy. lJut all I'rcHMiry notes reeeiwd by bearing interest at the ra'e ot 4 per ecaC. p: r atj- ■ ”'>>■ S:ite ativ-r the time tiied f.,r taxing tho same num, payable on tbe Ibt of January aud July of •'s afore^’aid, shall be held to have beca receiyed Tlie dis* UX October 3, 18(»3. Seh4duU of the Arrival and Departure of thf Mail* al thu . Office. RALEIGn viH AVER.\9B0Ra’, Arrive* Jaily, i'xc!»p' suatl~y, ui 1*. M. DifftrU u«ily. exempt Sitilrday at ti P. i\l. RAI.KlGfl SUMMEIIVILLB. Dp)>*rts Tunsdn* f*utl Fri-iay ul U A .''I. Arrires WeJepBCl'iy unil SocuXiy at 0 P. .M. WAKS.AW Ti%CLlNTON. Arriv* •i*'ty hi 12 noon. Depots daily at P M> ' (HUT HAG K ArrsTes Tuesiiy, T iur.j !>vy smi J SxUirUy »t 7 P. M. D' pafts MyiS'iaj, Wf ine^'lay ami Fridvy at 1 P. M. CHERAW, 8. C. ArriTefi Tn^Biay, Tl'urs.liiv ami Sa'.utday at G P. M. Dtpaila Sanday^ Tues Viy and Tt»m jd>iy it 1 P. .M. j tatiyes, ^uuruians or committtos j 111. VV hoiesule ikjalorB in lic^uoi'a of »ny j and every description, including distill>Ml ! 8]>irits, leriuented linuors^ aud winee of all j kinds, shall pay two hundred dolllis, aftd I five j>er centum oti tho gross ii:aount of I sales ni?nie. liiveiy pet'don, o:her than the j djsfjl'or or brewtir, who Phal' sell or olfer I tor any such li.j'ioi>5 or wintss, in quau- I tit.^ ■ uoro tiiiiu three gallons at ono time, I to ^ . ire ptuchaser, fthali !>e regarded as {a . . ..„wle dealer in lii^uors within the of this act. All [teisons, wlto ehall ( ceil or oiler tor sale, any such liquors, or wirtes, m i^uaniities less than #iree i^lloub j at one time to fJie same perst>n* fiissli be FAIR BLUrF >ia LUMBE.'ITO.N I Uleti .. ArrtT'Js Tui sday, i'tiared-»y ani Saturd+y at ti A. Ni i D«]iarls Suoday, Tuewi ty urid Taursd w al 1 ?. Al. ROCESOX’S via KU2 ^BETHTOw N\ Dep’.rl3 Monday, aud Friday at fl \. M. Arrlfea Tu^day,-Tuurday and Salurday at 2 P. M. ’ rot'arded So retail dealers I'u licuora. EM5l\RRrHTOi¥V *ia Tk:HKRI>'T« I ^ , I i lu in^utns- ly. Retail dealers in liquor, incKiding dibtiUed 6j.ttnt;i, fermciited liquors and wines MTsfeiKKir Vi n-;- 1 . ' yeaf- 1 Jiuiin^hed by the amount of said tax. Tlie ^ ppi river The additional taxed ou I s^c. 2. The Secretary of the Treasary^is^Uei^ebj' aciminatiua bekweea the notes sobjoet to the EL1Z\BETHT01VN via TKRKBINTH, Arrives Monday at 6 1*. M. Departs Hame day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAONOLl.^ CYPRESS CREEK. Arrives Tuesday at 2 P. M. Departs aama day ^Tu*'aU.vy) a* 2J P. M. SWIFT ISLAND via WONTHO.SE, COVINGTON and POWELLfON. . , Arrives Tufsday at 6 P. M Departs Wednesday ai II A. M. SWIFT JgL^.ND Tia TROY. Arrives Tupad*Y at H P M. . D&par'^j Wfduebday at 11 A M. -ill mails leaving bcforr 7^ A M.. ire cl«»s i tbe «vt*a- iafs ^0&7. oi'heVthtu by^u..a!'L«,;"hS'| productloa, iu inaatitiea' tlim v. sent by mail. Ail drop lottsrs Himuid be pra-paid by j '''^hoie-Oi'igiaal pi80(» or At one t’np, 2«eni8ianip8. rx) the Same (not including wines, ot every de»icriptiwn^ shall pay one hundred Uollars, i'nd tcts per centum oa the gr.*e» auiouut of ail sr.les V. Kotjsii dealers «hall pay fiifly doilani ■and two and a half j.*er tientam on the groso amount uf salee made. Erery person buamejQ or wxapfttion it is tou b«ll or offer to doll grocwrio5 or any goods, wai'ea, iner- or otbo~ tb>.^ forei*.^a or do The office wMl t>« open on Sunday from 8^ to 9^ A M-, asd from 4| to 6^ P. M. . ' • JA& Q. COOI. P. II %i>ii uy‘9 f» wait liauo?*,)shAll be resar^kd n iSUjr toi. MU: lsr» for each exhibition, which tax Rhall *e pai(i by the manager thoreok Every build ing, tent or space, or area, where feats of horsotnanship or ac-obatic sports are ex hibited shall bo fegardcd aa a circus‘under this act. Jugglers and other persons ex hibiting shows ehall pay fifty doliais. Kvery pt*rson who performs by wleight ot hand shnil he ri;;^a.'*ued pjs a juggler under tnis act: Frovide-.i', ti\at no regidtry made in State :hali be held .to authorize ex hibitions in auotiier State; and but one re gistry shall be required under this act to authorize exhibit^ns in any one State. XVI. Bowling alleys aud billiard roomtj shall pay forty dollars for eacli alley or bil liard tabic registered, which tax shall be paid by the owner tliereoC. Every place or building where bowls are thrown or billiards played, and^ open to the public, with or witLoTit price, ehall be rega»*dcd as a bowl ing alley or billiard roofii respeoSively un- dor tins act. XVii. Livery itab'le keepers shall f>ay fifty dollars. Any person whoee occupation or basinv»« is to krsu horses^f^r hire or to -3t ebail be regarded eg a livery stable keep er'uu*Je: thlL brjt. XVili. C’titfele.brokers eiiftl) pny tb« 8uni of filly dolifti'is, anj two and fi b:dl por Cv,n- tam on the amount of sates made. Anj person wh-y&e businsjcs it is to buj and fend deal ia wttle, hoisea. hcgs • Mfi •» e»ii4e»ed 9. maUm > V- i*. -V PRINTEU EDWi EldH Prioe for the Se advance. For the Weekly advance. f^ADVERT of 10 lines for tt “ oeeding puMicati hatfaquarz (eigh for eash succeed! qaesteii to ^Kte t Uiey irill be Cfmti ifigiy- Advort59,M>iv«t t TortiseideQ''^ JVoni an ,.fer will be entered Ihe paper be sent tfcan is paid for, 8aeh of o«r old per on Ibis syafci rcButtaiiceie. Att WILL attend Canaberland, llae. Prompt att cMnw ontmstod t Oct. 17, l8o9. Gi?.0. W %¥hole«ale AND I.MP UardKare an UAY July 2, 1801. J tl iirort-r ami FAY] Jan’y 10, 1503. q Q -WOBTU. WOJ Commissien ai WU Oct. 16, 18«:? ' 7oiinso> SAI IITE have (hirly ( M of Wilm ^emaelvea with sa A. Johnson. Jr., . maoager at tbe woi Faiyetteville, roi 2.500 i’.r.'; l*erB0n9 having ibe higheBt Cash pr at (he MerohanL>.Mi ber at hid old etand Hot. 5, 18t»2. AH?N I AM prepared tc Harnees for An give good barfrain'". ordera to me ad tu« B«irt off in quick dii Goldstou P. O., ( "~^o ll>». « Oot. 15. 2^ SACKS for » Ueo. 22. r 1 ori VI ii/V for sale od May i3. ^lole i 2000 Bidtabk i Fayetteville, Api Want WEaTEIRN RAl Baulc Notfch; Gold acd Silv North Caroliii Co'infy ef Cai To»u of Fayo Qrcansboro’ $ Confederate 7 G0it{0iiH ol I'I ol Tc of ol Oct. 18e3. Spuu i'oUo WE will give S| delivered u« CAKWOia, Factory. BAR ATi8> my Factory. FayetloviUes i-e Lead wantsi Depariti-eiii. titiefl will pleasu e POWDER for 10 ] 69-tf HUkbor The Bixth Acad gill oa Wednji For eirm'ii^i ai HillBboro’. N ( OIL AiSi T lANNERB’ ant LAUP BLA( mmkn

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