n *• % 2. who shrtii heli Vior of liiriisftlf I' fV • HI) ill }t}iv two hun * JttiU !hM' Ot-*Tl >lll lll'V.it; «■!• uceu}>Hti,ir, ws. or Hi,\ -^’lu. to ».,* liT vinos. *t .Iconic,1 ’'litx Imvin^r • r. •jpcl-, ale 'i* f’Ot ni ier ■ "iUluiiv* i ■ 'Jne.^s .,r V \V;\> ■■■\'’ iX'Xuls. IV .,f |,e,. ■ ••.tvmeiit -‘1- >11. shall be • i!i'» c.'Miiun on tl,„ •I'V -•!! V Der .r in Hill I- Si-iiO, Sllilll M‘V l^ruvidej. "I '"»• iiinetv ['’lla-', and also *';^'ullons, >* • ' ^ il;^ « ]. Of. c. rU. HUI; *nn ii’tni lio], \vn .n the :■' ■ rv per- • -'^uors ot t'r..ni Mialt, 'i a urew'ci Ul'l ;,;uir;2^ hou- H(s^'»rlini» renred. acyord* the v'eariy ront- >cc!ii'itd or in- liorei. inn, tnv- Dws. to-wit: In rent loib*. thvv shall pay an annual t'ai.J runt shall >*'■», t vy 8hal] uxi i-av ;ic uii- \v! ere said !5 !?)•;;. aii i pay wLcTe 6Jiid tli.-in rth Hud • anti ii! caist> 13 tluin ^l.uou. clafc*. and pav y I wliere B only, are pr>^ eller’^, ojonrn- jnent fiieret'or, ivhicli auiount 11 in- Ttijanied r tli’s &■:." re fx»d or re- ]>ro''ij^jl cot!KUTn}it!on iOHBfc wljicb m--rw -.^iiil be r thi act. bu.iditj'^ dtil- siuess it is to uintid iii'iJiey, ea, for tLem- iu exchangdk amfcd a broker >r cominissioQ idred dollars, ;niii upon all firm, ejpcept de dealer or s the agent of lodri, or stMjk or unbroken ►d by others busineso :ls, ur fur tiie Is, or whv>se Lire or sell J& dottined u on inerchant titty uollars, grosr- auiount uain-.-s it is or toUicco iu tobacc ^nibfc whulebale taxed as to- tiund]«4i d.>l' reipte, wiiicij of tLt? build- o j>urpoae of or perform- r • rod or f‘ • atriottl ed a.> a the- i» aiinll pay of ten dol- tajL siiall be Iverj build- (Me feats of iftrt -r, (^x- ircnd under >e/'8or « ex- ty '“^‘--!ar«. ot giei under stry made thorize ex- »ut >ao re- Ilia Si'.t to fcitHtti ard vdoinB Iley or bil- Rhall be ■y place or T billiards with or a bowi- irely un- iu&ik pay t-«jnpatiou ire or to bio Veep- tbt eaiT' par c#n-, 1^ madi*. bu^ uad |e-i mK THILIL S K M I. W B E K I, Xtli. FAYETTfiVJLLK. N. C.. MARCH 3, 1^64 [SO. 1311.] PRLSTfiD MONUAVS aSI* 'rHUR>»1'AYS EDWARD J. BALK & SOl^S. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS l*rio« for the Semi-WeeHj Ob«rve» $6 00. fiaid !w Advance. if'or the Weekly Obskbtkr S4 00 per ftnauia, p»ll in iwlTaoce. Pd^ FiKFISEMENTH inserted for $2 per s jUfU'e of 16 fr»r the first, and one dollir for each sio- oeedjrp puhlic«»tioii. AdTertisements not exceediar a half eqnare (eifht lines) $1 for the first and •'>0 cents for eash mcceediug; publication. Advertisers are re- que.eted to slate the iiumber of insertions desired, or they will he continued fill forbid, and cttitrt'ed aeeord- ingty. Ad'/erti8erMea»0 oont’iiiied iw**-*’, ehiirg«‘d u«w nA» Tt^rtlsemeBt-*. .tit. Vernon Female Seminary* *r'(' i"'*»ru- tlj« 15t»i of FEU- I RL’.^ RV Hcd e-' - 'nf'e ‘20 w*'* W* iii Kiurh^n Prai ^^0 C’O “ Music J Pa:ntin?. (.“lob,) 4i' 00 '^chuoi K.«» ♦'X 8 00 B*»nJ 400 p^r ^-ion. If in r rr-vi-ioT*n «• oM prlet'h lf6U. Aii of Tu'ti'jn a-jii Otis h-It rf r-^ qn^reJ la ndw ,v.3e Eaob ’itipil wil^ Off* sboe^■«. t'U? r"--' p’ (•'iin'f ■ .'--.r.' ii )t;t .i*i' v Ji>-’ ‘Hj-y WM . i‘ 0 H 'OPKi^ ] \d(tr* ■ .**1 ^3vx!!)0v> •’ 0 . h.v'uuui ' Jio'p 12 4 fi.-r art H (jioev, o«>- C0W3CRIPT OFFICE, P^Aialgh, N. C.,) Fkb. Jl, 1864 \ TfiIs foUowinj? •'Not.i.'*®'' f ot:j Bi»r*;»u of Cofwrii-'ion is pabM*j»*u fo^ tfc. ee f e r-o«''led it*i rii:t ciiu’ir.plie-»i.t? for -x •lupti^io . r .i«> ■*'! icuo'i unoei:f8n'-,r> d.i^y !■* tnfexnr .^ |;y *»i ■ P' cl I- r-- c r'f he t:. J AJj’l H£Ai»QUABT8H’ ’ ,1«f EBrolltBf? 0«ci», I iObUTff Coy- .\L UlHTRIC’T. N • ., i- . f'.c’y 6 1N64 ) F N • u ■«u»’ea-f Qfi., r-’Or-ie;* o 1 0-a-cipt . K 'J-h C 'iO- -. 18-4 Oram .i-JiKjt Ori ■'•« f,» K'me Mi.it ^ f 4 H Parp-- «- ?) ' r-ct. ar> rQt:c te-j tj . y ’g o;-* The Cumberland Hospital As- 1 r'ly 97 *'w 8PK(jlA'. NOTICE. From an n ter thi« date, no nnm» of new stihscriber wlH be entered without payment in advance, cor will I (h« paper be sent t-o ana'll Hiibsoribers for a longer time | t.’iAB is p«id for. Saoh of our old subBcribers as donire to take the pa per on this iystem will please notify us when making | remit tano««. Jan’y 1, 18o8. ■ fiVW. JfMcl,. wlicMi.lW Attorney at Law, Fa’skttevillk, N. 0. i \17ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of j ! f Cnmberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Cona- iiM. Prompt attention, give* to the collection of all eliixQS entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 1859. 58 If «E(r\VrWILlTAMS & CIK, Wholesale Dealers iiii €*r«cerie«, A»I> IMPORTERS AND DEALKR8 IN Hardware and Catlery, Swedei9 Iren, &c*, UA¥ STKEKT, FATKTTKVILLE, 5. €. July 2. IStil. 86tf JOS. ij'TLEr, ~ tfrocrr omf C'omm4s9cm Jterchant, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. i Jan’y 10. 1«6«. I a 4 WOKTH. D O W0BTR H. •. DAStaL j WORTH ^ CO., Commission and Forwarding Blerchants, If'Vrf^r SIreef, WILMINGTON, N. C. j Oct. 16, 18*^ 78 I2nj ' j joHNSON, WILLIAMS & CO., SiALT IflAKERN. have thirty (80) paas now in operation nine miles TT east of Wilmiugton Parties wishing to supply themselves with salt, oaa be furnished by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., Agent at Fayetteville, to fi P»f«. manager at the work^, or to .1 M WILM A Mrf, SuperitiieDdeiit i‘\.y'jue»ilU*, Nov '.iu. wXilTKO. a BU8HEL8 WHiSAT, -O.OvU 1,600 •• CORS Persons having the above articles to sell wUl receive M)« highest Cash price by eaUing on .Mr. M Thoin&son, Bi the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, er on the subscri- \ ber at hia old stand on M»rk«t Bqu&re. ALEX JOHNSON, Jr Nov. 6. 1862. 76tf ABjiY HARiliESS. IAU prepared to manafactare all kinds of Wagon Hamees for Army use. I tan my leather and ca£ five good biiTgain'*. Agents will do well to send their trders to me as th‘y shall have prompt attention, and sent ofi in quick dispatch. JOfil-i CARTEP. GoWston P 0., Chatham O'? , . \ Jtin* lit, 18U2 ( ^vothe. eon:inupti tticrtftui i« i.;>' price of rr .>'i.>r:» - v 1 us ;« intr-’ft‘(» our r«i es . f Tn’;i,>i- wrd •»! th* exp:r»ri^B of he itif qiitr »r ■•f of wUicH ‘ur p •'rou‘« trip, hari* aui iiotio? fii i x-- f r hKs >»» -^.d li*»d Hi oH rric'? (Jrt ca ) n.. fc o-'r-' >»• To Fi >ar (it. US. o’lr } wiil ’ -.Jiinou! *\t t)*'’ tnnoih R-W W« nO(»PKK. T. 0. HOOPF ft Feb’y S. 9 2:a lTsT OF CBAKttES FOK pisSEMTl^RS. The f .I'lowi'-.g r-i»e« of PiM-*»-jge will b'- c'lftrt'o} on our Stcr.mers:— DOW1V. From F»ye»*."»iPe to Wilnr>ius[foi>. $;0 00 •• *• Elii^>eth. 15 00 •• Whi.o H rll. ’.‘O 00 “ ‘ •• Kall'^’s t' v.-j, ;J1 *K> “ “ A’l points below, 80 uO SECOND CLASS, Ott DECK. Kroiu F ■nf'pville to Wrni.n/tor. f^O f'O •• •• EMt'»^€^^'. 5 00 • •• Whii(«l fcU. 7 00 “ .. .1 I^clly'ei 'ove, H (M) •' ,\1! hei-Tsr. 10 00 UP. Fr.’ci W!!m‘ii(r'pn to F*Terte».il" f80 00 '• K-lIv's Co> . 13 oO - Whit» H».; Its 60 '• EMi%hv'*b. 20 00 “ •• ■ •• Piospeci Hrtii. ‘24 CO , •• “ All poat» ftb'^ve, iO 00 ^ SECOND CLASS, OR DECK Frota Witoiiogtcn to F-»ycMPTiU-, *' '• “ K^Uv’a Co»**, “ WhitQ Hal). ‘ • All poiut* aboTfe, v'l^B? or Df ak Piwseni^prs cjuri lower leek or pay full prioe. or same Fir-i Clua extra eharee will be ?r>ad«*‘f«r W-iy P^rHrn- Kcrs are'ting into Berths during fay tia»e, snd fcrnoou- pjii^g I* B»*rih Wiih their buots or tiiiues ot. Hi thi dis cretion of *hp (.’•^ptftin J A WORTH, for C F Sfm B'l t,’o , R. .M ORAEiiL. for St’rs Kiite and Sun , T. P LUFTERLOH Feb’y ‘23, 1864 9-tf ivoTJ'i’ir':. ONFKDHU-\rK OF •Vak (‘bv't. ituRKiW ttr * uN-*e«irrtiji!, RioBMOsn V\ . 'i^t. l'‘t)4 ?inprr*n'’ X •' G • “2 '-ij ita lau' iasve ;t G t riii’p Ofliofi of 1'02. 5 •; ■>■*> ‘“pp ’ . t,>r -s 'np i r. Diu^r ir- It » i f >' ' .• L •'■•'i.i- )t -er " If t'•;» !i roi‘005 er n Tic.f I hr-r> ; or i(- Ml d.-ul>' wi'l r r v* i. ii ' • • lii-. ■ V N ■ S •'urr' »-.t .*5 •IPS, r-f: r •.pi.n’» -im j thr-.-!,;‘ ’Hf r ••Qi.i + C*'an! l*- •• ‘i'j *:UC ; i f fo tii'H S’lr-'vu will u’Cf'i 1 i »rii> ii-d ir.T’kr b,: r-iurued f r Icc il inv-*vj-n ! lion. ^nd the R^plii«>.i-cs will ihuf! b^« • ticie a-'d prolon.'ei .uepense Aiirfi’s fr(*ni ndvers^ decinion^ of the Iceal officrre, ann oMn« (''ocoa«n.)%at of OoJiirriptu for *hi» .'jti/eH, ».i he f5-*v ird.'d b? >!•■»« for heaim^ 'vhri »r.y pl*us:*'i«* (jtoHOv- of app?!vl id s^t forth. • 2 t omtnandin s of Oonsorjpts will give this noi(*e 1 ezteQT-ivc circul'iiioD in the looa! pref>a of theii renpt-e jArs or w '.Cl R.' '>.'sbl> p.. (ti; - r33 II .''la .It- : f;nc>!,ipn': fj.-w 'T-iijrv.'r (' ‘jjj VOf! J. *i7 i„ 2Hd U R f! il, Wj. 10 tui '4 i liaiy. R '• ■1; *. f r eS 9u Feb’y c'O. ■. of «iir Hr* soH p -, I-Mi '-n! cniii*'-' ard -owQ n f»'d .#«1 P=!>v. P t -.tof;? r>sii.d F'ui-, i.f ft-yhiiitf fi f p.^cfc^d ;n ^»xrs ^’v i>« Idi at Arri V ••'•a? Dr Warrf ,'r, i of the .Vsn'iovstio^ *n?‘, P - •» ■ fr Ben t ^ b’ s'u' '•Irr. Lrit r- -l9 fit Coroner. ..1 .IS fi’i 1 'i.iijni t mo!'i'*ive ;>.‘b K * ’• ii l?ct>?thviil-, Msirn»i,!>;'r, II. ■*'' ••V il '*1 14*** j R rv.y^. I t:. lOih .^pMl 7 1. lii 'i. a. .id ' - u , •tj A i.vi- 1 »i '. Bl den noua>v Ip Ap*")! 20: H 61.1 R»« s • nol iSivc Ha-li Kt-iir’r, Elia«brtb'jwn. mdu. 'VA Kin?ii*!B. April 11 n April 16lb The Offiix ;in ■••i.,.' D4 ii> M -ft-'r-.te-i c ..m) .- I' r «• fli” F *0 n • !■> ;k- • T • /:■ .-It • t ^ . w I '■ T. le • • - ••.id e t itrc t». J • fii, I i>.s ’■•r-'' -i -•re^ (Ih^ bIS:.'.An I r-rid ‘rith'T h vi L t::Ol I ^ i l'S?P , l.f" rt l>‘ vj . j IJ-..'F.c* •• •1U.4- w • a 1 fli 'f ! ■ 1 ■3^'til X m '• in H- ’■> ir'' • ' ii 1 ■ • 't ft;. !, X w ' I^V -\ /lUuiJNli - ■• OK H 1*» iO S i d 7BE Y.^NKEE OUIRaOE IV NORTH CAROLINA T.'.e Specvil Cotiimiftce of the House ot .epre- sent;i:ive, aj.p inted tj iaviStigatvj tHe rcoctit al- i teg d F.r'itiiii outrages la *N. rtluastern tjarolira by .hd aruicii loroe uuaer lint*. UtJO. Will* Dive subinifitd the ioflowsng roport: •oiuui^teo nave lakea r.-.uriil li. jrioitioiis an 1 colitcieii sucii luitber eviduuoe as wa? ■««ccb* it-, for the purj.'0>o oi oututiiiug a corrcci kuuvr- vaJ n > Igpv , F^'o P-jyett^vjil-i, .April 'iid tive S'-^es By order of POL PRE«T()N, Supt. r B A .A U F«*b 1« 5 1m 4'onitcript Office,) Kaleigh, Jan. 27th, 18ti4. ) Tflfi follow'uz ci’-eiilar froia Bureau of (.'eneeription is puhtiwt’ed f«»r tbs inforBsation of all C9n*erned By erJer COL MALUETT, . t’owd’t Cons, for N C. E J Ha&uim. Ad/t. BITitEAU OF OONhpriptION, > Hickmomu, Jan. 1S64. f (.'1KSVLA.& I No. 4. J TO ConiatanddniR of ^’onscriptfl. i’ho aOentlon of CoBimandauiR is .'‘9poei«11> dire^t»d to Qsnrral Or- Cijnjo-Ti'en'l oouuiy, 6X1 R to Aotil *24'b. iuol' sirp j Caa»;>crl»nn C'janiy.^ihR g’t. FH>et!v*v lie. April 27i»> i to .-rril SOth, ioo a>>ive ] ) H'»rnett ommt.v, 624 Reg’t. LiUingtoa, M»y 8d to May | 7ts, inctn»i^e • j - Thiti call einbriice*> all arsons. vbet*ipr previoui^ly { eieJivt'’‘l or not WM. NL PWANN, ’ Oapt ha.t Chill Enrolling Officer, 4ih t on tJie. N C ilOTK^e TCI I'OVMC^RrPT.o^. I HEilM(IIABTBR8 Medical Itepartmeit, \ i OBicr En&'jllikq Orriuji. J*m'j 28t^. Iis64 * { 1 Pareu.-iiit ««t orders received rrom UeadquArtert of | C'^nscriptinu ,\t Raleigh N C in r'!itari t» ali nen ATTK.^iTIOi'V! t APlTALlJjJTSI! AR^rtE opportunity for iav«!*tine'-» of c* r^l •!» '.n Ir.iu (Jnuip.4uy itt now o* en -jfi;! mr.y .e>. ! o-j iipplicatiuo to tbs uud' TPijiD. d Su., - -xs’*.'>’o>i3 AU1 pr^v'.Ioge** have been obtii^rd fro'-»» 0-' *S*c f W^r .“iu an.sureh the prompt tiod micij ep-fi>l p'l.s S" non of he enterprise. Applic*ti..» must t)e m^de forinwith, wuen mor» ?n! nariiculars will be given Ten man needed wiib $100,0»)t »acb, and hoy &re wanted immediateFy W. J. RA\VK^^•S, Pres’t R. & O R R. C > Raleigh. N C., Feb y 24 10 2- b^r‘in set OEN’L’S OFFICE. iVE^TERiV RAIL K9AD. I ders No. 7 A. & I. 0 O •’uri^n* series, $10 00 * forto for ttieir iiifomr.tion 6 00 I AL-JT \ND 1N3P. OEN’L’S OFFICE. \ V 00 I KiaBUUKD. Ya., Jhu 25. 1804 / 10 0a i . 1 Paragraph 17 (j>>UAral Ordeea No aurr^at series m>»v on *» boreby revoked II Eirillir:(i Officers will ptticpod RB rapidly ad pr&o- tlv%t»U' iu tne eBr«)‘aieat of all pers'ica made UaMe l« uiilitiiry servio?. Previous to euroltu^ot conscripts, !iU sueii persjDS will l-« allowed to t-alut.teer, provid ed — let. Tife Company :iel«»ct«d was in service on the I6th of April 1H«2 2nd. Tie Coiiipany selected is at the time cf velun- , leering, below the usiniroum prc^sribed by rejtulali->ns. 31. No p*rsea made liable to Hervice nader tfcis ord«r ill b* p«nn)ited to join, or will be a*signe4 t* any T^HE FREIGHT AND PAS^'ENGFR TRA1N>^ of tkis ! I „ , , _ J . J, , rcll. until a'll .he coarintes in ecrvioe from the 1 Road leave Fayettev.lle daily, (huudavB excepted) volunteer or oousoript is a resideut, w 8 o clock, A. M., and returning leave E^ypt at 1 , h-„ ,h. liablf to Copsrrip;j-'B under reo^nt aoi of ronsress. »p ! (he following tim«4 ied places for tse pu proved Dro’r 28th, 18ii3, iL*! Medical Bxam.Ding Board j ' -* - for Fourth Cci>!trrBsioB«l Uift’tict, N C , will oenvens j in tfcccord&ccs with above nam*d times »nd plH.ces The attectioB of all o^ncern««d i« calU-d to 4be fallow | iug >r(ier: "All etentpUons her^tof&re griirUtd i*re sab- j?ist to i*evlsio&. nnder instruetions from Bcr?aa of Con- * soripiico, And if fouud to be iuiproper ur un:»bth.iriied j oy Uw, vril! t.s rev..;.ked O !TAVIU8 A. WHITE. SurgacQ i*. A O B , Chief of Bxaminins; B.>ard, * Fourth Gong. D.sl, N. C ; Feb 11. 5 iApril22d | UEAUQUAKTESS KarolUof Offlee, i'anib«rlaBd« \ | FxiTBTrtiViLLB, Feby 9. 18&4. / j PROPRIETORS ot all FjMuiries, F u’j‘.»r’e^ Viaobine Shops, and all .Uail Oonttac'ars. , Ac . who h«Vf- ! detailed men in their eoiploy will h^nd 10 this Office oa or bdfora Ist April 1864, s full d#fcripttve list wf the e^ime. GEO. H. HAIGH, * o-iMl L». And K fo»* ti»i'nh>rl«n‘'* €rloves anrd HocUn Wanted. IDEi^I,-E to furena^e for the soldiers lO.OtHi p%irs of G1 ivet* '»nd 10 Goo pairs of Hocks DonaMcas will returning leave Efrypt o’clooR, P. M. Catile aud Horte T'ram MOND.AY, W KDNE8D.AY and FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE. Tr»-a«’r and Gen’l Trans. A^t- Jan. 22, 18{>3 97tf From ai»d alter thi«* date the Steamnr I* HURT will l»-ave at 8 o'clock, .A M , «*n .Moudtty and Thur-day. JO? A WQRTH. Apnl — 111 f j Ag' '• F. Steam Boat Co. V1LI.£, €~ J WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for tho rc- eeptioQ of Quests the first of Tuue, and I hope ,to be able to entertain fro:a seventy-five to a shall have the mibimam number prescribed by regula tions 4th Dp^n the Company being selooted, the volun teer will reseive from the Enrolling Officer a sertifloate to the effect tbat he hiis s* voluDteered; and ma volun teer will be received in any sompaBy except on snch e»rtiicat«. ill P«mi.i>8 «hu f»il to aeiewtiea, >M«wrJiag to i.be provisions of iai« crOer, snJ %t the tnae of enlist- ;neni, will b» assigned according to existiBgregulatioBS. IV. All r.£c*r« ia oo!DBi«nl of companies atiiherited mUer this order lu r«-c-ive causar’p's or vo?u:itec''8 will I'jriairitb sand 10 the CoMmaii0aat of CoBSsripis of the iscMte. ueeura« certiled rolls of their coKpaaies; and without such roll, showme they do not exoeed siity foar ^ ivates, thei* wii! not bi> asi^ignsd any conscripi or vr'ti'-tei'r By command of the Secretary of W*ar. (S’i(tied) S COOPER, Adjt. h Insp. Gen. Early an I vigorons scii-in will be enjoined oa the En- EDWARD WARREN, 8urg3-.?r» Gen N. C. V* 8ra be tbankfiilly receivcsd Jan'y 11. Boxes, tor the Armv. I WILL send a speciBl m^-saeager to tlie Araiy of Northern Virginia ea the first •’luj of BVrry menth. All boxes, pBskages. Jic , will be forwarded from ay .W«> free of charge BDWARD >^ARRKN, Surg^e-3n General *^. C. . UaleiKk, J«a'y 16, 1>^64 gm ?iilo*Me Lund lit Harnett f«r Sale. Contederate Tax i^otice. ^HE As!»er8ors with the Colieciur fcirl’!a i‘'n couoiy will meet th« tax pajors of l.^« d!ffMf*nt Ti -.irict*» -e oi as sessing the tax on Ii-cnrnt f^bd reoeiviug ti'f ^sie A’.so thr Tiihe of Pork, vi»; Mavsville, Monday 7ih .Mar^*a 18d4. White Oak, Tu-sday 8>.h. E«Bver Dam, Wednesday ttth. !esves’s. TaurHday 10th. • Oolley, FrUay 11th . French’s Creek, I2th. Oarver'p C’reefc 14th. White’s Creek lAih. Kelly'a 8«re 16 th. Bladenboro’, 17th. £iisabeth»uwn, liffh All are requsNted to 'lave ik-^rli-tts made uut and ready. Atd all who b«ve failed lo finish tbeii Tit* in« tii:. 07 to list tlieir Caitie and p%y their T>.xe» are noti* ii’d (iibt tbjs is *u* last opp lutiity that w:il be given, tts tB ali failures tti%' Uw will oe enforced. J. W RLiJB. 1 . GEO. CROMARiIE, | Pfb’y 26 10 i^ipd WAMTl^, ~ Ate ACHER of tbe C.ia»f>ios »n*l Eagiish Uepar: tnv’n'B wiSbec -• si;uaiiott He is an oU pupti of W .1. jbingb!--m s. Has eeven or feis;lit years exit;ri‘Soe in toacbiu.. t au faraisu ampie icsti'Tcnial‘> ol Uit> AOility aiid aptcese to instruct A’drsss N B, While’s Creek, Blaien ooun y, N. C. Feb’y 26 10 ^ipi B’ hundred persons during the Summer In connection with this large Hoiel, I have a numb->r , , _ of Hack.1, Corriares, Buggies and S&Udle Horse* that ! Oficer*. each eat of whom sBtfuld be furni.hed , with a copy of the order without delay. To insure the ! publioity of the order, there s ieuld be several iaser- I ti^ns in the newsp*Pi*r* of g-^neral oircol'^iioD my guests can get at a minute s notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eitgle Hotel, A»hevill«, S’. C. May 13,18*'.3. 81-ypd ' 44U i£00 lbs. Mnm Arabac ior saie by J. R LEE t>e. 16. 6W i>^AL.T! I * SAC&d for sale by SALTn BOIU ET VIT( Hi LL HH-'f T0BA€€0. 1 Q/i BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various graded, i«/V toe sale en consignment, by GEO. V» W'lLLiAV*B * CO. •May V!8. 81 tf Mole liieather wanted. LiiS. of seavy well taaned SOLE LEATHER. Apsly to D MURPHY. 20tf suitable for Beltiag. Fayeittvilie, .April 14. W Wanted to Purchase, TEdTKFiN RALL ROAD STOCK: Bauii Nu>e- I WANTED, tor tbe Hospital at Fort Fisher. POULTRY, Chiokens. Batter anJ o'-her ddiicacie^ for the nick Boldiers at this Ho«piii»l. Pe’-sons b-iving ! the^e '-•riicles eati obtain the market prica on appLi^ja- ; tion to lue subseriber at his old stand or at Mr. J. W. Powers’s on Hay Street, i R. 3. HEIDE, 0, li'l Ag’t. j Aag. 25. 58-tf ' ! To Cotton Planters. iH.^VK.becD appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purohas > of for the Coiifederate Govcmm. at wuhin the State of Monb • ’aro- j Uua. suid wilt pay for the ttanxe in 7 pur c?nU Bi nds or I *'ash. 1 yub-Agent^ ^iriuag he difterea p»rt? of ih.- • bnyinc; m mv luioi-s. 'ivill have wiitt^a of 1 apV-ointaient. I Bv order of tse Secretfjry of the Trev-J’'7 all ; purcha.v*ii hv o'v^i'lf or loy ■ige'iU*. ou :‘u l 'iri riijc j ISit -ls.y cf M»rca lStj-3, tviil bo p.ti-i far in 7 t-«r oout. I Bonlj 0&3b, and not 8 per otnt. Soadn is sta'ed ta , a former advertisement. Up to ih.*t iiiii.;. nfwov^r, the i 8 per ccBt. bouifi will be furnishe-l ■«« tjiat»t. I Palriotle citiicM %re n *w o3erel aa ujipirtuuity ic } aid tho Gover,~a>.eat by sillia^ 10 u -'. ir Oottoa *;i i>.»r isan to priV*te cap’t-^lints I • iJuWIH 3 WILLUM3. i ChA'loU-j, ilTC; 24, i8L(3. [o. -.j i»t Ntrtki Caroliaa i'r«aHarv No’.ea (Fu&dabie;) “ “ *• $1 ana * “ Bonds, old and new; touBty of Cumberland Bonds; Tatirn of Fa^fttevills B'jnii; GreensHoro $1 aad $2 Certifiuates; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bands; Coopone ot $15,000,0t)0 loan; of Town aad County Bosds; of old North Carolina Bends; T. S. LUTTEKLOH. U«t. 12, IWia. 7U. Spun €i»tton Uiehanged for Lard. n'E will give Spun Cotton in part payment for LARL W delivered at my Fiwt>ry on Persi>n dt. A. McLADCHLlN LARD OIL,-—A very tine article, for sale at my P'i'jiory A. McLAUCHLlN UJkK T01t.Kr SOAP.—For sale at Hiy Jc'actory. A McLAUCHLIN Faytit«vilte, 12, IBtW. GH-bmpd OKDXANCE DKPABTMKST, T Ralbioq, h. C., Ma*8, I808. j LBA1> W.ANTED.—I with to purchase Lead tor this Liecartment. PersoBS having large or si^all quau- tmes will please apply at onoe. Will give 1 pound of POWDER for 10 pouuds of IjEAD. THOS. D HOGG, Capt. 0 S. (i^if In charge of Ordn&Bc>4. Palma €hristi Beans. The subMriber will pay the highest cash prices for BBj qoBatitj of PbIbib Christi FaysttrvHla. On. 8 ieaas. J. A WA.liTKBJ, B.AIfK NOTES »f N’oftii C.irolina. Soath (Woima, Virginia aud Georgia. Alsu, North CaioUna six p«r oeni. Fuu-lAble Mol-ca. AJsc, l^orta Carolina six per eeat Bunds, auw insue W. R RICHARDSON & t.O., Brokfi.-e. ilitr.lgli. N. C 'i4arAh 'i. ‘-*1' Cotton Varn tor Wool. l^OTICE is hereby given tnat after this date (exeept il is cases where we have bargained for Wool acoord- iss; to tbe tcrmn of our adveitisemeat of the SOia of May, whfoh (errif sn* now revoked.) we will gin? I *>uu- dle of Cotton Yarn '»r 4 lbs. of Wool uowaahed, ct S lbs. washed and picked. Ibis chang* is mad>^ at ib> inftii.icc of »H*i Ciuarteriaaster at K-iiei^u, in oi-aii tu iuake the terti.^ of excliaaKe uiiiform th.ou^bout tta Slate. GEO. W WfLLIA.Mi* 4 CO Fayfcitevilla, Juae '29, USfi-'i. 4itf Cg^ypt Coal .Kine. The*undersigned were, at the N;jvt*«bor Term of the Conloderate Court, fnetrict of Norf.*! Caroiina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Miie [-roporty, and have entered iuto ccpartncrsbip fur iho purpcse of mtning and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in Bay deaired quantity. Orders for auy amount ohd be supplied on short uot4oe. The i.-oal troai this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the 0*»Jifodf rate Stains. Applications may be made to Ohas B Mallett, Fayeste- viUe. N. C.. or James Browne, Charleston, S. C CHARLEy B. MaLLKTT JAMES BROWNK. P«vy«tle»ille. Jan’y 20. 18GS. 9*>tf PhVMielan’s Card. II. Persoas pros'-nficz at' ■■'fc itioas f r sp * i'tl ex* emriioB. wlta any thott of merit, will not be mol«et«B ' until action is tAken by 'his Bur^>au The^e cases will be inve«tigat#>d in aooordano“ with CircuUr No. 8. Cur- j i rent Series, with the ’ea'it vieKy pra'-Mcab!?. ' By order of Col JN(» 8. PRE^^TON, Supt. ' (KiFB^d) C B. DUFFIfiLD. A A. G. Jan'y 27 3 1 la ' CONF^OKKiTE bTATKS OV AMKRlTAi [ i E.NOlNieKR D^PARTUKM-r, LnST. • APK ii:*K, [ WilmiBgioD, ’'J. C , a-:aro*i ISta, IfifiS. ) N O rii'E is hereHy ziven to ail p i>on« v.avm? ciainrs _ agaia.t ihe E:igi»‘er Di*par!mpn‘ for services of j • ^ -ves omp'oyi d as '•h'^rrrj* cii *t' land /«/■■ nfr» n^ur ■ Wi’raii'gt'Ti, >> C , *b'i.; tie i.rid«- «itu • n i>’ih ir'i d Ai.d p”» ji'*r.‘d 10 p*.v i«.d; • h;stfi.—, 00 ins? nrii -11 •••■ -if >hr li»;li.iij li.xt -i . ve x.'O. D-'isjr %‘CTf>, Str* ' r‘0'i* execatiog Pcwir^ of M'jrn y »vill 00 ■ifryc ih>» fviiloiring form —thr." tfisa (atf-s 114 all to he wit:;*‘««ed by two tr:!n. ■ s :*'jd s.gns t iu iu’-li ! oa'c, or iht-y ?U'»y be ».*nu-si*-*-i v^i^jVk 3, ’ns'io-r pf the ■ Peace or 11 'k if ■ av Tt j FORsJ OF POWF.R OF JiTr»RNEY. I, c‘ , d*. hereby -Appoint , of , my j true an>i t Ai?»t t to sigu re.«ip»>' {''■, • Vf j ; i’j. meiil of »li m -i', -ys 'ue to me by tiit E ^1 »'rr De- i I par'm-n. .jf ihi: C-J3f.derate Slates of A^^ene*. for the | j ..“ervioe-4 of a y s’ i^es r.mplojed as l-t'orrr* *' ■ i-.p Uh-I : ! 'Jofeaoea at . during tr>e month ji . Ih6 ■W line’s j ray hani and se»l at , the —■ Uay of I : , 18'.; T I'iritt* of aatk.>rity vested in tta by (he last Will { and Testitmeat of Heotwr M. MoLeaa, de«’d, I will | (>eil '.u a credit of six months witb laUcrtsi from sale, . er for oash as tho pur•b^.1rr may elect, that v vlu^ble I PLANTATION, on w.Hich me testator lived provicua to hilt d*atk, comaiatag about six haodred aores Tata ; Iki.d li^s an t^a Nor,.h bioe of t'aps Fear River, front- i lag CO t^-e Aaue *b^ut One ’bii** and a quart r. and rao- I ninr '>aek a! lea«t three fouria^ of a laile. T^is land . U wiilttn a mile of LilUngtua, tae Coioty t^tie and is j ' vi«Ty valuable, Presenliog advaniaK*b rarely offered 10 } , thto - -jiiiy, Ttier** 11 '» v,>ir valuable MILL - 11 E on j ui-- i ui nv }*ers n dmrii? mpxap.i'a* me prr>iuiip'eo | wil't >»p»'.y to Hu^h M.-L-fao. Eiq , or u G n. .A D \te- Lean. eithi*r of whom will : tk? pi^-.bure in s’owiiig linen., EFUE tJ. \jcLE\N Ex> of H. VI. McLEaN. Dfc’r 22. 186,1 95if ReceiFer's ilotice. i 1 SHALL su«nd at Aeheborough. on tne d»ty ct . X Ma^cn Dill, li -.vt iri'w.ebt *i.c uo ali ■ i I'eturaec te me an R^ce. vc-r. I' aot p;iid, t x..:C iticut will issue im'DS iietely, All pc’sctK •ho b'we c'aiiis I !P ihfair hands hciooiriiig to ftlivti eiiMiii- ? »-*-vequ r i to furr;-jd«r toe same t« « e ai f.ai JOHN MANNi.nG J . ^vcno-ir Pittsborough. Feb J 17, iSi.4 Htd w $SO REWARD, ILL b« paid tor tie *»; r!>neas*«D al .ielivery ic iC O'' auy Eorollm;; ufi6(?i‘r lu tui?. THoS BL\KE >,{ M Ji>lgOluerji coua.y. W « ■ .-.rlr 1 •«! i>t n-- .ii.ii Wvrt-; 0;. or bout ’■>- 2 • in. i D G V\oH! H ’*'+trf .'.si;! t'’o.a in. N. C F-b'> 2i li'*>4 [Ob. Feb’v y 2i I^a^ie Foundry Ploueh 'aMiii«g^!«, F. r '(ils at J. 'f> L.ril'i 1 0 THE B£,0€K^^DE, \l.^. xHlC mifKE Has reOBrved, ONE case, 29 inch, y«K) yd*, ali Wool 'f bite Flatinel; O'?* «a'e 1800 y-i' Another. l.ot F IRON to be sold tor c.->o t exiij-ingtd :or pro- viaious, partical-rly Corn, Pms. B'l^on cr Pork. Apj.ly M) BEVERl/Y RO-E. Fa\ r-tr?vili«. R'l'b’v 24. ’54 5-Stpcf H ’AliT 0.%1-co; T 1 z Firi*- i B .lad V t; I'}!••>tin Sla-' 'o .^•.^el E'-'ii inj N^;-U S' V 1 FOR «AL.I^. NE PAIR VfiL>^ rtTQMES, 42 .noies in dian.e et re tf me M'jore oouuty jr'ii .A g loJ qu“.Ja> t -r griiiUin^ c.irn. Apply i-j "> 8 Lu>i*;rija. Ji'jq , Fv-yettcv;Ue, N C., or T. J* klE.M'tRY lit vV lifix-nb. C. FVo’yll. 7^i}d iJiOSc J. JJ’IX ;)V, Jr., ^ CO., (General I’oaHmsson K.ir fd iliu4 'i^fcbaois, 4.‘> .torlii Street^ Confederate Tax» ilriruett l-auiiiyi T i WI I rx '1 )ROMPr V ni' ;‘.:i'A' J J > V. if ■' ' J MI y 8 WlLMl.N'jrO.N’, N. C I .Ml' >f> a!iv»- • '*11 bu^'Be®’ t'T'jS' 'Ons iit- -iic'ie.i OS fr. A Oil’-Bftv ..f P trap* d ' V , •ting ' •' p T t . d t'r n I ’ I* i bi r-i =\ (iS.gned in duplicate ) Wito«R»«S. Lwlea’. ] UI A. iiu.1 .>rd>*r. • IS of t >n.l hD »•: j.o • ' .-iiinjf ' T j» tne I.'1* r. -jB‘»Y HOt*3E U (■>( y^jirt »ii i.ext *'.'rio>c f tr-iiV3, a crack in the hjot of tie l«n cina _ *ryt tjio «»o>va rf.wir'i r-r horse j .. _u o t I ani profif to c>nv!ci the thief; or I will pay iwj hua- Wftdaitilty . larch 9 h - .. ! At Mr». Ariioiu’s. Marnh lOih 'ors for Mroft« 0-uc J ffi*' -m ' is ru'is •» 1 - -fl porp '— f lucoi'. e -an '■»-s.iii/ il •> ' a ^i.n ' pfil lb • t ' 1 • M ■ ' • 8 i-i •A Alri ' ■ rail s. B r- -c-’.^ iJ 5 ,Harc:! AA, 18oi At Tufurfi- s Uf-pfr Litfle Rivrr l>inii'‘a, Fri- j aay M •' cb 4 a ! .Vi F- - ' -r?. StawaviV Tre-k Ui^irijf, y .ro*-e» '' 1 A? Cl- - i'e rt" Av.'!ra.«boro’ Ds'-'c , M netly March 7itt At R»udal Tur 5i cn'.-;, (irjvt Dijiiio', Tu -f’ay i ¥ar'h,8>a t R«mK«m The eignatutes of colored persvins should be wilnsssed ! by three witnesses i Therj maul be separate duplicate Powers of Aitorney I for 'i^cb month Blank forms can be had upon appli- catiou at this oiSse. W H JAMES, Capt. & Chief Eng. * Jan’y 20,I8b4 ISOOtf d'«d -lol'Gr:' far thp d-livijry of the horse to ra» at Union Faoiory, N >rth Oa'oi'o-^. -^r for H'-i -u any place «o that I e^'> "im. Any mfyr-.na on will b» ihi.i'/- fullv r'ooivfd JAVifiSDI’KS Unioij) Factory. Fis^ 'y tt, 1864. 6-9'nd .««*« Mill. Ni*ni *^rp' ,rch 9ih Ariioiii’s, Buokhc^rn D>triot, k Ifiairict. T*in'T-*'*'^ Fayetteville Artienal aod Armoryt Nov. 12, It^tiS. } SlOO BO UNTV. 1 W\turcU^ 100 ^ftimnted RittemeH. i AUTHORITY having been granted by the War De- | p.»rt.uet;t to rr.ise a Coiapany of Mount.pd R«tlcm?n 1 I'jr service in ihie viciaiiy, notice is oereoy given i.hat 1 j ret:rii;ts to the number of 100 noH-eu^etipt* will be re-* 1 I oeivfd for fnii? serv'oe. Each reermt wiii bs required ) i to furnish a serviceablB horsn. tor which he wili be al- I i l^wod 40 ccnts per diem, and his pay $12 . per moath. I i Wnttfn ptrmi*»ion will be requirad from parents or I zuardfai^fl, whore the applioaut is cid>r the oonsr.ript j ^ge. I i Each r^ruit mast bring witb hioi a biaaket or bed spread, acd c;>u>e prepared to remain j Bridles, saddles. halt»rs and saddb blankets furnish Atter this date 1 will pfty 16 Cents per pouad for 'r«Mce. or tliC! hifbest iiwtriFfi Drioe. dolivcrs'i in Fav^^it^'ie, vr at Tny .aills R»i!kn«li. n vfURpHT. 7-tf I A*1 ..;’s rflquso ' i^p*r r,> ! rfladr .Ab:1 alt >'uo f 1 J (■*> lit!'-'. ■,'i i *i«iis r ti; list t’ttir caiMf ao^ t.i.y I 11'd that ihis is the 1#*'. orp*^nuuify «• s> • ! as in all failures the law wiil etjf-'rce.l JOHN GntESi. ) B F SHAW, Fib’y 20 -r.’ 8 4ip4 1 jgo of the matters reierroii tu m ui. Tuis evi- t- uc' i.* iivj.v pre'eiito'l to ll« tlvu c, wuu a b:ief ^ o ot ilie I'actH {^‘ruvcii in iliu ujuuiU ul IJc- c. lu .>;r a large tore-; i t iH^ro soiai r?, lu thu atTvioe ot Ciiti CitUcd uua uuucr i-iiUi>i.aud j 1‘ itri'.'. Ijron Kj a »\ il'i, iiiVdjca iiii; cjuui^' j 'J* IN'tju -'ai k. Wuilst tlicic t.icj ail■c^lta a cit- t iz n ill t'.je ciiuut), Uai.icl lii'iylit, at tub uwu rcs- • kIu .co. atid liiiiig lisbi HU 111' s.at ol tijc public ' roii I a 'i-w 11.1 let- imttiot hj. zi eili Litv. I, puu i-'.' Mi >|* ii j^iaaLvjU «i piaoa 1, with the foljowiug ! Ttiis (jruenli:> iJ..LgeJ, By Order ol ling Gen. Wild, I , “Dinu'l Bright o. Fd£i^uu.ut.k Cuuuty " ihniel Jir g. t wus a lue.iiUtt ti vuc t>2d Geor- -ii. iuJiiiij utidtii coiuLiaud ui Lo.oziei J. R Gritlin, aiil bad tlcOivcu auU.uiity iit^uj ihc Gov- eriior ut .North Caruliau to laib^ a cvUipBay io iha county tur local dbtcDOti. .{^'ailiug in tho ef- ;urt, he had retired to t>is tariu, acd was itiere 8tized, cairicd utt aud executed. ‘-Two Uiost reHDtutabie luarricd ladies vrere also . made pruouera—*Urs. Phoeoe Muodeii, wite of I Lieuteuant VV. J. .Mukden, and Mrs. Elizabeth I Weeks, wile of i’rivate Feuder Weekri, ol Captain JoUd T. Kiliott’>« cotupauy. The Urst was arrested at her own houst, id the preaeacu only of her . ihree children, of whom the oldest wat- ten year.s ol age, OD Saturday, the 12th ot Deoemuei, con veyed a few miles to Eiizibeth Oily, coi.fiued in a lojm without lire, bed or bedding, with several ‘ tnaio prisoners, aud tied by the feet and hands. A negro guard was placed in charge ot the pri- ! Sonera. Ihe sucoecding day, the other lady, ^rs. I VV^eeks, was placed iu the same room. They were constantly guarded, and neither was allowed ! to leave the room for the most necessary duty bat f iu company witb a negro armed soldier. For b I more minute recital of the indignities offered I the beusibihties of the sex, the committee forbear I to Jo more than refer to the teiitiiziODy ot a feUow- I prisone r, and another, a resident of the town and I an eye witness ot what he describes. Mrs Man* i den was in delicate health, and forced from a I uome immediately iaid io ashes, with ail it oon* I :aiued, withuut other apparel than she wore upon . uer pftreon, and passed several nights in the I chee^ie^8 and cold apartment to wbicn she was t curifined at tuat iuolvmeut season, betore tiie hu- I manity of her captors was so lar soliened as to ! permit blankets to be furnished for her use. They ! were kept until ’’'hursday, and then removed to I Murfolk. It has been represented to her hus- I uand that wnen Mrs. Mundeu was carrle^ uff^ her • vrnste were bleeding with tde striciure of the ^ cords with wtiicu sQe was oound. J ^'Tii«.ac ladies ure stili held in custody as will I De seen from the letter of Gen. B. F. butler, in ' aatiwer to a co'tuuiumcation addressed to tiim by Lient. Mundtn and Mr. Weeks, datea Jan. 26th, aud H hile ne states that he has countermanded tde order tor their execution, tureatvneu m the tvcut ot the banging ot nis “colored” soldier by Gen. Wild, Le does uut disavow la any otner re* spect the acts ul the loiter. -‘j;9iiie:> L toti aota ul viulouce, It IS in proot tuat suveial private dwci.i ^s lu Faai^uv>tauk. auvl 0*mit>.u ouuutics were sec oa tire auu cunsuuied, aiuou^' whuhta.iy be dcs'gua.cd taose ol \V. 1. VV uitv, l^apt. Wuiis Saudcnia and Maj. Grcgjry xlie last, an agkd citiztu ul more than GU jeara, wai? iuized and couvcj cii awa^, tur what pur- p. ae Gea. Wi*d’s own letter to Capt. ti^anderiiii writttn atter Lis retreat tu V'ligiui.., aud bearing date Dec 22d, wili discluse lie tays : “1 buall huid Maj.' Gregory aa a hi«stage (or tne 'Cutor d' soldier captured near Suiluh. I ifaall treat tiiin exictly as your ptu}ie tieat that 'Oi'lier. il they haug uiiu L suali naug Major trre^i ry, aud yju niiow bv tus time that l keep '.uy woid.” ••.Sujof i'.'e_'or^ w s rel'?asetl atieriwards and rc Ul ujt tu hHiuJta.;, ior cUj.i ile2Lro_,'t;'.i. u - t. bla t.lti.a?!, •■■llij UJ diC h.uri a p .fal^sis, I .1 -.Va'.ud tio A.iS >injk.v; 1 w iivJ .1 , I »ln i 111 . L- i-iii Ul}'.*■ .laii'ls. “• i !•.- Cj ..lilt ee ti id ! iiat bjtU tu.; c J uj^a .i«S ' .\ lll'ill tile Ftd-Ji 1 I the. I' Jc.iljiual!--."i UO 'V^uciliiaa, .0.^ui.>L>-e i —tue o.ic >,a^ Lai i b. i'»ji.i, ii*c otuer 1 II)’ Captiiu buuderiiu, *vere raiaea lu c »ua ! I m Uiiiier a'J liuiity 'H tlld G ivoraoi ul iti1 i V. aroiiii.i li»r iaci! ticlciiee, auU tu rej/cl luv-*-5'uiin, j .^ere daiy »r,.tiiizi;d, au i tiicir uitij ;r.s cauimis- ■•^luijeu b;^ lUui, au J -jr a j^'ear or ui jie u..d uten m tile reifuiar service o. tftat 8cate At tuc :iu.‘ r'-f^iTti'i to, ihcy iiad bej atrached to and t )rmed part's uf the Obth North Carjima Kegt- inenr, under eoaioiund of Coi James W. Uiaton. “Tne I'uui.uiitcrt ooutjDi thoiu^elvea with re* portitu; thrf evuieiico to the iiuuse witii a short jeiphii.itury 8fatB aeiU. Tns ‘‘•ri iiiiai letteri'and pbcttd r.-.ferr.:d a e lie.tore tU: rii, aa-i ate eub- ..lid w.th :ius •eji.>rL. T.i y f'>rf>car coJim::ni. I Lt woa>i add nc lurue to tu oiiUpie nairative of ' raet=» •' W. H ..N. SMITH, CLairmBD. Feb’y 1«, 18M FLOUR A.lfB OATXi. ! FLoPR af’d OAT : wU! .‘i’ oxcljutcged f«r Corn at tbe I Sti.r • r.f i> :4oLattnn. by gsv-.i « nin a few d-tys j ;ioi!«e. Fnur {rood, ^Sl> I* bl*' i ” white t TESTAWExirTS AXU MV«->!«. ! /~13NFEDERATE States Bible Society Tesiamer I A f!ol1*et*oa 'ith Scho;l HvcJnr. " I ■ I * • Ip-n’r 29 2 if State ot ;Vorlh Carolina, uarnktt c®urn'Y. Ooon of Pieae & Qairt^sr Sess».*HS. DeyemVr Tera., 18«8 Arch’d McLean vs A. D. i-nd wi.'e Catharine and otbetS- Petiiiou for panitio** of Slaves. FAVETTEVILf.K HimL IRSrRAlrCE S2t7.688 2b f.,077 -“.6 Oapitfu in Premium Notes auounts to Oaeh otj band ?.nJ •.•ther a?“et*i. ’ od by the Oovenfment, or if the rroruit oomos provided ( rilUlfl oaso oomiui; on to be he.ird, it is ordered: that * 1 publication bo n*do in the Fa.vettevillo Observer for WORTM ♦}7 f OIL A.'^O LiJIP BL.VOK. lUNNEKS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. McrsHTl B. BLOSSOM a 00., . .WllBltBftoB, R. 0. Mf with tJiem, he wiil be paid for «»«m a fair valuation. Apply to r.apt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar senal P L. CHILDS. 80«fl M»jor I . 3 A. Comd’g Poet. Dr D. a. CAMPBELL (late of Marion, S. C .) has ■ , -TTTI 7 V.' ■ jV removed Ui Fsyattevill- and tak^n an office on B?w i SOClaS and twIOVeS ior the ^Oldiers. street, where he may be found at all times, with an ample pt'>ek of Medicioe.(, to answer Profes nonal calls. Satisfaotory rvfcrcncr farni«h?d. Ac Jaa’v 2. 1»r.4 04 }t*iiTi} TRC: DLKIG PRl fflER, 1HAVE been authorized lo exchaage 4—4 Sheet ings for 100 pairs of (i^i WoVien ;’o- k8 *.:ni G’-»rcf, to b‘ pre8i?;iied to the HoMior?, at th> rata o. inrot yards of Hn^etings foe lour pairs C -l! at next lo >r below Ra- & Poar'ie’s J A PE\IBRkTi)?i Fayetteville, Feb’y 6. 4 ^ix woeki notifying Wm. Bolin at^ wife Mary, Thomas Bolio a- wife Nauey Sophia, to be >»rid appear at the next term af this Caurt. that t)i8y mj»y answer the said p-Hition plv>ad or daraur a* thay may tVink proper. Wimrjiji, B#i)janiiBi ^ Shf**-, C’crk C; sB'd C>'urf., OfSce in L'llinsft''j, Feb. 1. 18’4 . B P f««AW cm I “ ¥8iiug’$ Ar^t^ne4ieal Dictiv^nary, t;iMBH\ I.SG. a !«vPt-o. r.f A'it''"*'R ck •«- 'J er, Ibt«raeti'OBle«lator, Book Forms, fto. ^ 1. J. a SOBS.* Total. $272,76b «J1 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made &i> asse.isment on ti»eir P* Total leases paid, OrFicBai>: GEO. McNElLL, Presldeut. D. A. RAY, Vice President C. A. ileMILLAN, Sec’y. Dibbctoas: Henry LUly, W. N. Tillbaghast, H. L. Myrover, 8. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLa-arin, A S'ediaaft, T. S. LnU«rloh, It. C. B. M%il«ti, jLsee Rylfl. A. A. V'’: thaa. J. U. ^ikiiauia, S VV Ti'iiinghast on UuiliBa and C. C fK^Tke OojnpaBy taiTite cpplleBtieiM Haf A. W. St^^ei, J. 0. Ceok, Hon. J G. Shepherd, K. F Browt), I , . A. E Hai.. ^cC. I'ftevwiuig AK«i»e i'he K'armerM^and Pl«nter«- !•; >u *. lO >4 i»m g/jcr ‘a>r ju J-n’y I 11- B ( HAL*-: .4 SONS Blanks for sale at this Office* A'abartKi M'tvin>j—The recent action of Con- gr'-as having deprived Alabama ot much of tho material ot her secoud cias) militia, and it being important, in view of the threateued invasion of bi'th h*ir p.ort! erii and southern borders, the Guvi’fuor calls iipon the Uiiddio aged, the ^oung men and tiie boys, to or;samze into companies at once, a»d report, w .thout delay, that they ure organ- iz 'd »iid ready, be a-'peais to them by sayiug ttiat be cannot suppofi#^: that Alabamians will wait t> be diaited int> the .service. The enthusiastic re ‘n list me lit of the veteran troops in the Vii-t Rinia and Tenne>«ee a mies, has caused a thrill S2ii,6Si 6S of jovful hope to animate the hearts of even the croaking and despondent, if these battle scar red beroes, who for three years have carried their lives in their bands, ready to be saorifiocd in de> fence of )>omdf§ and liberty, are willing to battle om whilst the feet ol a hated foe press our soil, shaU those at home be laggards in the race of glory? The response should be an earnest and early one. The emeraenoy is at hand. iii

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