who h*lp«J uj brlB, ^C«t th««niBelT** OQt of > it«i rid of a b«jrr*r’t iwo quarter.. Abo« M by ft (nr«M 10 *c* the oeoviioa *f Lhe 'ellow at the deor »ciniu|r." “Wttll. one - f’cnn.a8ai4ic^ th« te ther fife oeru, •• rather a smaU *oul • ine^nvet I »aiu« Were r u ibr:wn them rnt,) (?a.UJshtrr.t BOW tliSl kv f some •■'• ovet..-, * rjfchi »:uuuuu;.Qr^ “* in b>--d wiiij yc,u .. ['rrp Ren who were . wbo war- fr.r (Tide : i-if aad the dailar o»q% b) ftad n- w it ootiv. ' ome. to see the id liie pii’im of their aees b„„t lu^ long roU iR cfkcmr ..We can’t uih The agreemeoi It will never do We pKn-^- ) If it is not 1 pui lu Bubstituies gj avo n.'t betu»hot dar- ‘hit ’em a^ain ’1 out the danfterofihe he civil Well. I njer. But there «a. dapgcr did not arif- tuxee the whole ener he day Vltnikyfot. ft oircamsiaooe «f th* id conStitut'onal liber- isDgor as much aaaov strive against it. But 3oiifh>rn Confederacj Lincoln «o get these rt of prudence, to si^ C and /rjiiig, ook OTerimo theooa!i We might be gli4 lot as ilia. [AprlauM a to Lord Lyons that , aud arrest My man 1 daro inquire why or tors ia almost eiery *P>^®'9*on of opinion I*him by a military siUutioa, and banisb flaJ muca proteotien A -raham the First coTj ut being suspend erstand it has alfeady tha suepecsion of this 1 of the fscBlitution, Joog^es^ oan iuepeai I hold in ^y hand & kinitic an arti;lr wri; the land The Un to Is, Art 1, beo €4u corj,ui shftli not be rebellion orikvaai.a, Comaieatiiig o& tbia I'Uipl.'ir jg ;neir Uvonij- s t>ui in jubJtili ;•« tuive ;esrni any [l*peu^. .u ihr wtu ' »ec(e!- ' riu^ i.iger rg Dr the nrrest .no lOjpriMir , and lurbid iheir reicitw ‘titt V- -j^enu^t vilece jf The writ can raci«-r wa» ihe hUi lur iu r cy A i«-w v%or4« d lbs wr.; ag »ei aad the«: vniy wijec any l^gal kn jwl^Jg« he Huspenston o/ the Euiiing somewhere— >f th^ government to gi> to It. or of a fetate latry that argues ill if we are a taw abid- a name as a tc*er at motion because a law I anuuunce as withia iha c«aairy ihu we to be wilkng to stand r own laws If they on us, let us icstruai m aud give us better Mr L Lcoln'i ooan- used to regard aa a Ubte, undertook c6 be take nv part iu (he Mhcd neutrality out r quaia ot men, and e burden oi the gov- tion for OoTernor of ■ wafe in the field— opposed to the Ab«- btitiii An individual roaide—A E Burn- acquaini >uoe down time to ezcaange «ngagec.ent about rview rataer short, bide, af^>resa:d, wat eleci.ion, aud pro state Now tbere •pension of tht writ nd lhe extension of ^er tattes cjgni*ano4 t does not otherwu*e of tbe community, oivii laws are sus- Lhout the consscnt ot _ potaio or take a of me proTofct mar 's orders on the oo- ming martial law, I . bkt( . IC? 1 >R •. / Ky ■ J V. r douM e> 111 as to IJ' ItcBi^quar- Ufa' ixnon tiU e ir •'?. who > o' for sUy ’,rc:-r rd : .,p..lnt. ' . ti pet ir an .iid Iff ttie r i»rU«. • r«>v..k« nad nifeii': itiiOe whour* y ririi f it to place L». : . t t Mid IL."!, ne t'nl 'D :io . .nilad I® .')D - ■ ,«n. lii t,. ■■ ■- '. '--ed by iulda.''! 1 W.tll «red ce i.f th» i,t t- . .-‘dtd in^tbe :Ut.>l .e ituck> - either K-r.» !. T (1irr:ily or einm* ;Lt lined D';.ui.ill. ■ ■ ally tor iMe ntl amV- r.-_ fu^ io/i ■ ■ , ■ .-. u/ainil Otc NU « ^tirr ; ■ ■ Ii.-) ; l>T’j\ • • - ;nU or ry Cmi ^ nno--:' Ir.f . •h 1. II. •y your rights would gorernment than abusive language irate govarnaient, ly men in Wilkee instead of ad- Id be talking to roa u! my “suf- hter. j ivalelit to swear- ^ may. Thotigh kildren. friends, hough your le^ at, aud there ia dn the oath, you nd what sort of londitioa of «x- b refusal to take atioQ in priao* rernment of the olaim aa in the k iu rebellioc ted the Lincoln Forth Carolina, aion than do«6 Kentucky de* I ataud off id in« douthem Id remain in a Ul tha bardens ral whilst war, a great people ••ritory on tl** I door, afiiu 8z* lUSnMSeMlft ift* Oldest to suoh unlvenal ooninotion. They are reaping the reward of thelT folly. Let their example be deeply poadered. There ia great complaint made about the impress ment of property. Well, inpreaament ia a Tery hard thing to bear, and it is frequently executed by men w ‘al. *. ^7 ^ V &lieiUil»y 11 Ull^U IU » rOWa WOUiCI lul 8«““,d^retion nor honesty, anJare I MoAdamiied road from Ridhmond to Washin»lon, artillery of the Southern Cenfederany could to maroh flrom Waehiagton City to Riohmond, and over half of the way famtahing water faoilitiea for transpor- taUoB, and they are precisely where they were two yean ago No nearer Richmond than they were at the start And the bones of the Yankees that bleach on the plains of Northern Virginia, if piled in a row, woald make a All O 1V A/) A /I ft# *v» A A A ^ a A ^ y Md, to his great astonishment, it resisted him. Their I cities were bomsd to ashes, their fieMs laid waste, the j dikes cut and the sea let in apop their country, and wo- : men and children drowned in their houses; starvation stared them full in the fans, and, in some instances, . they boiled and ate grass cut from between the tomb stones of the dead; and they foughl and bled—howloug do yon suppose? Three years, as we have? Seven { years, as our ancestorH did? They fouftht Philip the _ Second and his grand armies and those of his suooes ; cently at the North, Qen. Meade is afraid of Gen. Lea, tors for eighty yeart, end their miserable little oountry, ; OBSERV Eli. LATEST MAIL AND TELKaRAPHIt) NEWS ^^YETTEVILLE, THURSDAY KVKNLVCI. MiKCU 3, iSM*. , i Ej^ploitM of Motby —Riobuomd. Maroh 1.— I L^/ro,. ,/„ A’i,.,..-R.CHM0»0, M^rcb | j 1. x>altiuJorR p&pers of the 24th &Dd -Oth u't- i ootnplnhed another of his daring exploits near Dranea- I have ^eeo ret-eived. The following (says the Kx- '■ attacked a body of the enemy 180 strong, ' aoiiner) h a aummary of the news; 16. a large aomber of - buHoosanda Uttlo brief roll betVern“‘t^Vtwo dlies (AppiuSJ^Te" toow But what LL°th*« ft/ **' k Botwithfltanding all the immense levies made re- . ,K ®7*'? impressment here, compar cently at the North. Gen. Meade is where. wi^tn^’^thie^ ®oemy m Kentucky and else- , and skulks within his fortifications If l^e makes no • whioh historians denominatt‘d outo*ist by men and gods, „ ■ j more progress toward Richmond than ha has for some finally triumphed, preserved its liberties aud saonred a u"ers \o J «•«>*» ‘‘“P*® permanent peace, despite the efforts o? a tyrant who «— «“W''nce of btfore 12 o’clock on Dooiofday. Why, fellow oitlf-ns, it is not worth while to be soared. We soare them about as badly a« they scare ns. fVoice, “go it Vance.] Well. Gov. Vahcb’s Spiboh - — I L> \r rr- • • i. • • i Prtsoners, with honea, arBS, eqnip- „ .... * .. .. ... ! -rrom JSorthern Vtry%ina.—WashingtOQ is { ments, &a. His own losa. 1 killed. 4 slichtlT wounded. Unwilling to divide « j g|jgj rumours touching army movements. I On the 2ttfh. with 60 men, he atuoked 250 of the eaemy’s interesting Address, we give up our KditoHal oolumns j Th^ return ot Gen. Meade to the army of the I near Upperville. who retreated before him, to Its insenion entire in this i?sue. It will bp U nd j potomac, on Sunday, was followed by rcporte that including 1 captain He cap very pleawnt reading, but thai is.far trom i«iug its | tents were to struck the tollowing mornin^% 1 wU^ al^Xn^d” hauf, havereM^ ohief merit It Isjra bare with a tuamcr hanJ thT-ifto ■ “"* ' ' -u? ^ i» i * . ». i i gera of the proposed Cout&qMoq, as w«^ll ati lUot^ of ai* | un*utbori*^d m-iveioent for peao^ a«J lhe utter imp.s- xv»pmau. ,i la caimcu ^u.uvv vcturaua «i | ^ foUowing, whleh the army ot the Potomac have re-en listed { Charleston Mercury, is the mort pattion On Monday near Vienna, 150 ot the 2d Masa. j la*- acooant we have seen of the late battle cavalry, returning from a scouting cxpoditiou, j Lake City, Feb’y '.:4 —The enemy is oomplrtely Prop*rty. ii hereby directed that, whenever ■ u iiupr»Mm«nt imiy become necesmry for ironpi of the Twentv- "i'" '“1®" fnvii rebel* and reb^l .vnipathiier*; an.) so lung a* the rroperty needed ia to tie foun be longing or i«rwiniD(t ^'eUherof ihe afcove ’nanid'ch^«“no nmn i ^ 't old fellow, and I hops we wni“all “go it’- .>rundoabted loy:iity will be moiesteil. until the war is over. (Arplanse ) When I wa«» ia the oppoieti to tkt OuvernmcHt and !• .krprotfctuioH oj the ifor, whose acts iind words alike hinder tht »pe«Hl> and proper teniilnalion ol the rebellion. pniperiy will mly be taken by the proi>er Sufl oflicers who wilt ShVd'l^‘\h;?h!rJV'"' “ " laXece^pw :!a lhr« hJ^Xumell. thief Comnussary and Chief ttuarterina.ter at c;,to. “v G. “»j«r General HART91TF I could instance the same thing In other States. Suppose a ahnilar order was extended to North Caro lina by ih» Confederate governor ent, what a clamor thare wtwld be Almost every man in the State would be stripped^ of his property, because every man has some objeotion to make to Mr. Davis’s administratinn, Mpaoially when its own friends criticiM it so freely. Now, oould you make your property any more secure by trusting it it the hands of this Despotism that has set at defiance every principle of justice, every article of ths Constitution that stood in its way; that has re garded neither the voice nor rifrhts of citixens or com munities? Would it not be better for you to stand at home and sustain the arm of yonr own Judjcea and Executive; encourage them to preserve your rights as far as is possible in the midst of a great, all absorbieg and desolating war? Ar a matter of conrne yon ecu d not hesitate to make chofce in th-.% m«.tter. army, and wonld see a yankee reaimrnt approaching in the dist.-ince, I would estimate »he force at about ton thoui^and. (laughter,) and when we took a prisoner he would Ibttgh at our insignificant little squad, and say he ws'i iitider the impr^Rsion we were about a million strong. (Renewed laughter.) They are a good deal lik*' tht* wagoner, who, as he was lumbering along the read, met a boy in a cart. ••Turn out. turn OHt!” The boy kept on his side of the road. ‘"If you don’t turn orr» I’ll berve you like I served that fellow yesterday,” yelled the wajfnner. “Well” said the boy, as be rolled up hia. sleeves ani prepared to get down, *‘how did you serve him?” “He wouldn’t turn out d -* him, so I turned out niy^elf.” (Laughter.) Old Abe thinks he can frifrhten tin with his big team, but If we only stand' up for our he will “turn out” bimself. (Laugh ter ind upj.laii'ic ) '*olom n dnys there *1 nothing new under the sun—of which me modern saying that history repeats itself, is but a paraphrase. The records of nation*) are full of just such trials as we are passinir thirouK«i. and, oora- bined, present a panorama of tiod's dealings with com mu:;ilies and races. We cannot understand the deep signifioance of the Present. When it becomt’S the Past we will comprehend it. and es plainly read the worfe Good old Bunvan wno wrot* ih« i>.- i Pri*vidence in our oationalaffairs as the captive - K, T . ? n ! prophet Bxex^ei eaT? by the river Cfcebar, the appear- vl F i North. 1 have faith to be- n atk Th • A . Shadow o. j li^ve that He doea not intend the blood our g»l!an( boy^ Wh^^a Jr«r*«nant ?n 1 i ^bed sba'.l be in vain. It is impioty to auppoae -He wfll in their handa and able to tUnt *T^fk k cdrquertd by iuch a cruel and wicked race as LmSveriito ^he dnst f«rthr« i *> ourselvos Our _ka,°W_* I ®°“? martial enthu iasm; they have made ^ a piece of common bunting that not many months ago t Mfin n lawful ns(eiiibiv £>» nothinKmsh other act whatsoever of humiliatioo, they are just in deat^***'(^^Un»^)*' ^®Hey of the shadow of | j,,, more than any other strip of cloth, prominent The moiaent the enemy find the people of the South ern ConCederacy have laid down tbeir arms, and the living barrier is removed from the path of their con quest, they will increase their demands, they will rise in their prfce more rapidly than the msrchants In the South, where we can’t telegraph fast enough to keep iip with the market. (Laughter.) If yon have with one of your neighbors a suit in conrt and wish to effect a compromise, and he finds out yru have no witnesses summoned, he will nonsuit yon. But if you take him aside and say. “John this suit has b^en going on a long time; I am mighty tired of it. and I know you are lean make you pay the co.ts, you j mon“h^.“'then were consoribed know I oan I have all mr witnesses and papers ready. and if you have anything to say for compromise I am ready to talk with you,”—there is hope of coming to terms. If you want to negotiate with a ruffian, you must hold your weapons in ynur baud. If you would nego tiate with a brutal and unscrupulous foe. do no disband your armies; do net discourage them; keep them cloth ed, fed—throw forward your skirmishers, draw np your battalions and regiments in line of battle—finger upon the trigger,—place your cannon in position—loaded, primed—the gunners with liatstock ab)aie—then hold np your olive branch, and say to Mr. Lincoln, “we want peace, what tay you?” If he has nothing to say, fire, by the geds, fire.' (Great applause ) A good many people have gotten out of heart Many men say it is not worth while for our sons to be slaugh tered any longer; that the enemy have gotten the ad vantage of us; they have got numbers, they have get wealth, they have got munitiens of war; sooner or later the weak must come down before thp strong, and we had better make terms while we can. and so on. Fellow citizens, we do not know what we can do until we try. There never was a war upon the face of the earth, that has been, iu my opinion, so badly managed; but we have, notwithstanding, accomplished wonders Every body told us when the war broke eat, It would not last six months. Many of our politicians assured us they would wipe up with a pocket handkerchief ail the blood that would be spilled. Well. I iaiagiae most ff thees have wiped np with a pocket handkerchief all they aave or are likely to spill [A voice, “centre shot.”] Why, the Confederate Congiess at Montgomery provid ed for a loan of only fifteen million dollars The Sec retary of the Treasury could not imagine what he would do with so much money. He must feel greatly relieved bow that thsre is no danger of the surplus re- maining on his hands. No effort was made to employ the best basis of credit a people ever had—our cotton. If oar army had been dependent on the directive intel ligence of the general government, alone, we would have had no troops in the field. There never was a peo ple in such commercial vassalage aa were we to the peo ple of the North. About every thing we had, except honor, came from the Yankees If you called to see a lady, you found her dressed from head to foot in Van- kee goods; the furniture was of Yankee make; the broom vbich swept the hearth was Yankee; th^ wood on the fire had been cut with a Yankee axe, having a Yankee axe handle. But turning your attention to yourself yon would find that from the hat you had on to the shoe pegs in your Yankee shoes, made by some “cute” fellow who “calculated,” as he drove the pine pegs through the paper sole, that he could “fool them Southern chaps.” you could not touch a garment made in the South. We even had Yankee butter on our ta bles, and I verily believe, it it had been practicable, we would have ordered hot buckwheat cakes every morning from Yankee land. [Laughter.] Well, the consequence of all this was that when the great war came upon us, nobody was ready, and wo were like a great big terrapin on our back, working our lege and unable to turn over. [Laughter ] There was not a pound of powder manufactured in the Confederacy Now we turn out several millions pounds per annum— enough to blow all the Yankees to the devil I hope Then there was not a cannon oast in the Confederacy. Now our ordnance, from the mountain howitzer to the great Brooke gun tbat hurls defiance to the iron dads, is unsurpassed, and we make more riflrs than we can use To show you what has been aud can be accomplished, provided we have faith in ourselves, I will tell you a little of what this State has done on her own lu)ok When 1 oazae into the chair I now occupy and fill with so much grace'and digni*yj(a laugh) there were not five hundre.1 suits of clothine to be found in the Quarter master’s Department. Now w4 have sixty thousand suite of rea-iy made clothing awaiting the needs of our troops. We have thirty thousand blankets, shoes. Im. In fact, oar bojs have bo many good clothes that I un derstand they trade them Otf for Uc^nnr aamatimas (Laughter.) Will you set a limit to our energy after I tell you among a hundred other things that is tho little town of Tarboro', in this State, are mad» cases of keen, glittering, surgical instruments, requiring the highest degree of mechanical skill ia their production? They will compare favorably with the bestspecimecs of Euro pean manufacture Almost every man I see here to-day is well clothed in the product of cur own looms; and the Ladies, God bless them, look in their homespuns pret tier than they ever did. We will soon be commercially independent of the whole world We had originally, including the States we claim, a population of eight million white people and four million blacks. Now we number not more than five million white people. How many troops do you suppose Abraham has sent down -gainst us* la April 1861 Lincoln called for seventy- tive thousand men One month later he called for six- y-four thousand. From July' to December (the old fellow began to get scared) he called for five hundred thousand men. In July 1862, he called for three hun dred thousand; in August, 1R62, for three htmdred thousand; in 1868, he drafted three hundred thousand, and has a draft ddw pending for five hundred thousand more; making in all about two million and thirty-nine thousand men he has called for to send down* upon us ^almost half as many soldiers as we have men, women and children in the Confederacy. Their locality Is about a» questionable, if they have all started South, as the passengers on'a irain at a smash-up described by a darkey who was illustrating the difference between a stage-coach and a railway accident: “If de stage turn over, dar you is, bnt if de oars runs off, whar is yon?" (Laughter.) Where are those immense masses? If we have actually whipped and driven back two million soldiers, there is encouragement to hope we can drive back all he can possibly send against us But if these two million troops have never l^en raised, there is en couragement to believe Mr Lincoln is trying to scare us by making a show of strength that does not exist, and that the North is just about as tired of the war as we are. So the view is encouraging from either stand point. But we know there have been immense numbers hurl ed against us. Three hundred thousand troops, armed, equipped and furnished to the highest degree that the skill and wealth of the U. S. oould supply—surpeMing, in this respect, any army that ever took the field in £u tope—sod uniir aeien difiNatooBUMad«n,h»vtt tried held millions of men in subjection Shall wr ever allow ourselves to be put to shame by the valor of tbo^e who'* are sometimes termed, in pot vary eletrant language, ‘•the d—d Dutch,’’ when Wf are possessed of resAurces of which they never dreamed? There was Scotland, whioh resisted the attempt of tha Eufrllsh to subjugate her for four hundred years, and finally overcame her enemies, and forord t^er^ to Hcoept her king, James (he VI, as Tames the 1 of Kng land. Thtire was the little duchy of Prussia, hardly big enough for Frederick the Great to try one of bis long- ranged r:un9 in without shootine over into » .me neigh* boring territory. Well, this little countrj fought the combined armies of fiv«* of tbe greatest powers in Eur-'pe representirg a population of one hundred milUons, whilst Prussia Imd a population of only five millions, for the space of seven years, and finally came out with her na tionality and liberties unimpaii'ed. and richer than when sne went into the war, though during the bloody strife her Capital bad been taken and ro taken half-a-Joz^n times, and the c»untry was often ne scene of the wildett desolation. Shall we not persist in our struggle for independence, and a1d another bright page to the bistory of the tri umphs of a free paorde ag tmst DekvotittniT In eoDoluding, fellow citizens, allow me tn remind you of a text of Raced Soriptu-e, which I thir k wf'uld suit your ca(>e. You know when Haint Paul went to tha citv «f F''phesus and announced the true CnJ. he raised quite a row wiih ''enietr'us and the rest ot the artists in the place, who had lieen acrustoineil m make their llvinR by niaiiufacturiiig rnrhni8'Tnl«Tmnr™A?^iftP'jijj*S^pR>1fis. .At lhe lieiclit of the excitement which was about to break out into actual hnitll- itles. there appeared amon^ them a fellow; the town clerk, whose name is not (tiven, (and I re;i*et ihe omission, furl think he was the smartest uniaspireit ■nun mentioned in Scrir>ture.) who got upon the court house steps or "the stump*' and spoke to thefieo pie—What? Do any of you recollect the passage? He udvii>e4 the people “to do nothtug rtuK." ‘.‘For,” said .he. “you will be held nccoiintable for this uproar. If J>enietrtns and he artizans have anything against this man, the law is open; let them im plead each other; the deputies are sworn, and it stinll l>e Inquired This Is the advire 1 glv«- you to-day: sibllity of reconstruction on any ternw We are not sarp^'lsed to bear Miat it whi received wifh great an plau^e by aa auditory of some VOOO persons r.l Wiiksi- borootch aud AutHJ at Statesville, and that the Oov rnor Y»aa wai'ed npou by delegations from Burke, Caldwell, Ashe, Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Meeklenburg and Forsyth, with n request to visit and speak in their counties We -cannot suppose that all that ha« tocn “aid by Gov Vance will meet the approbation ot all who read his speech; but ihe gnat fact that be has so thoroughly b '^eii the I rains out of t»'e dyi»g mwm which hav- for the l'.i“t eight months d t.uroed liie narinf>ny of the and a Serious effort would be made to dislodge I impresed by the enemy to carry off hid wonnded. His Lee trom his position on the south bank of the { own loss 2 wounded J. E. B SToaaT, Oe*.- Kapidan. It is claimed that 25,OOtJ vettiranH of; I among the world’s standards, ablate with glory, and j classic in the history of ohivalric deeds. They are led j by the greatest General of modent limes, who nearest av^proaches to Washington in all that is noble nnd true, j and on whom is bestowed univprs^lly, the well earned title of “the f^hristian Warrior.” (Great applause.) Do you think God will forsake such a Chieftain if the people prove true to him? With suoh prospects before us, such assistance to support us, lut h« not bat^ely con quer ourselves Above all things do not discourage the men who have re-«nlisted for the war—those great and gallant vetertuis, God bless tb>>m, my heart warms at their patriotism. They firtti voluctewed for twelve for three years; were I promised furloughs they never got; have had to quietly ' witness Mismanagement heap her heavy burdens upon I tbeir innocent shoulders, (the greatest trial of all;) and I yet, when the hour demands it. come up tuid again pre sent their lives a voluntary offering upon the altar of their oountry (Applause ) I have read or heard of nothing in this war that has given me so much en couragement as this evidence of the spirit of our solftiers, and I am here my friends to-day to beg you not to dis courage them. If you are ont of spirits, don’t try to dishearten the man who are bearing the burdens of the war; who plod their weary rounds on picket under the silent stars, away from wife, and ohild. and home and friends, whilst you repoA safely in year feather bed, under your own roof and in the bosom of your family; who amid the red fiuh of artillery aud the hiesing death shot, charge the fearful heights, whilst you drive your team afield, listening to the melody of (he birds instead of the shriek of thv demon shell winged with death and destruction. What are your suficrings and sacrifi ces contrasted with theirs? I tell you my friends, when I saw these glorious men re-enlisting for tho war in Virginia and the South, my heart jumped for jcy ag if I heard of a great victory. And so it was, one of the greatest ever achieved. It was the heat peace meeting ever held yet, and did more to incliue the hearts of cur enemies to negotiations. 1 forgot my* forebodings, and felt ashamed thai I bad ever doubted, or grumbled at my hard lot—for you must know that I tremble and growl like the rest of you. You do not, my fellow-citizens, end your duty when you reluctantly let yonr sons go to the war. You must •iMtain them there. When you write to vour boy, my friend, do not tell him how badly you suffer, cr that his wifie and children are crying for bread. Do not write that the war ia all wrong; that the original secessionists got us into this scrape, and that all tiis sacrifices and sufferings are (or nothing. Keep these opinions fo* pay-day When he is called upon to charge that dead ly battery and storm those heights glittering with bay onets, do not let his steps falter because of the sugges tions you have made that it ia all for naught. Rather let him be inspired by the reflection that bright eyes are ready at home to reward his valor; that loving hearts beat with pride at the n 'ws of his gallant achievements; that h^s assisting in placing his country among the proudest nations of the world, and he will rush forward to the heights of victory; and if he falls, his last mo ments will be disturbed by no doubts and regrets, but he will calmly watch his life-blood ebb away, and with his last breath thank God he ha^ friends, home, and a country worth fighting for, worth dying for. [Applause ] As long as we do fight let us fight our very best, and when we quit figh:ing,'let us quit short off. As long as we do maintain the contest let us send every man to the field who would be of less 3%rvioe at home, and encour age him; divide the last bushel of corn with his wife and children at home, suffer, endure, hang on manfully, and if the worst comes to the worst, if perish we must, poor o'.d North Carolina, whose muster-rolls will be her eulogy. v;Ill go down as she went ont, harmoniously, wltb dignUy and decency, and evoking the admiration of the gods at her fortitude and heroism. [Cheers ] If we had n? other encouragemeut, the illustrations with which history ia full weuld sustain ua with the as surance that a dii'ermined people fighting for their lib erties cannot be conquered. You know that in the war of the Revolution we had greater diffieulties to encoun ter than now benet us. It is a notable fact that we were whipped in three-four)ha of ths battles of the Revolu tion. The snerriy took the city of Charleston, marched through S iCaroHna. driving Marion and Sumter into the s'aii>ps then into N. C., driving our forces back into the vrildcmeas of Virginia, and then returned to Wil mington, having traversed tw> States with the air of a conqueror How far have theyankees penetrated thsse two States? Our currency is ia an unsettled condition at twenty for one, but that of our Revolutionary fore fathers was eight hundred for one. The enemy held every seaboard city, and indeed almost every city in the Ow armiaa were reneatedly scattered Tt>e peotile were whipped but they would not believe it, ana in this faith, through sevon long years of blood and sutTering, they finally prevailed. Uow stands the case with us. The enemy has sent on us host after host and has not yet taken Richmond, Charleston, Wilmington, Mobile; none of our seaboard' cities except Norfolk, New Orleans and Galveston—and the latter he was glad enough to leave. Instead of be ing whipped by an invading army in three-fourths of the batt’.es fought, as were our ancestors, we have hipped an invading^ army in four-fifths of our engage ments These is a rule iu miUiery science that requires an invading army to tfepoBit a certain proportion of its strength in the line of march to protect its rear. Now consider the t'aot that they have never penetrated fifty miles into the interior of our territory, beyond the point where their gunboats could mass troops and protect their rear Let them try to get from Chattanooga to Atlanta. By the time they reach there they will have dropped enough of their strength along the line of march to prcteo* tbeir base of supplier, and being then in DO unreasonable disproportion to Qen. Johnston’s ar my he will fall upon them and thresh them Lke dogs. [Applause.] It is true we cannot pretend to cope with them on the water, for we have not yet got a navy, but it fortunately happens that the most of this oountry is composed of good dry ground We have never been much acquainted with water affairs. Indeed, I believe most of our people prefer whiskey. [Laughter.] The Trans-Mississippi has been separated from us. Well, the people over there are lu?ky, for the snpply of bad generals has been out off, and they flourish a little better on this account than we do- After three years war and at an expense of four thousand millio't dollars, the enemy has overrun the greater part of Tennessee, a portion of Mississippi snd of Alabama, but he has still 500,000 square miles to overrun on this side of the Mis sissippi, when, if we are only as dete> mined as other people have been in similar trials, his work will have just begun Why, gentlemen, in the little country ef Holland, not much bigger than this county, dug as it were out of the bottom of the sea, and inhabited by a heavy, plodding popalaticn. Philip the Second of Spain, who was styled, in the lordly language of tb > age, the "dominator of three worlds, If there is a man in the State of North Carolina who ha* reason to love her |>eople aiiit who «lu>uld tie re idy to make any .sacrifice even to the layirg d.>ivn of life tor their wflfare. it is iuy«elf. You have h^-apert h'>n.ir after honor uixm my hcait, and at length lenitieil >mr eriMi rr>ntiilence liy bestowing on me the highest otfice in the State within >oiir gift. I have presumed on this expressed confidence to tell you tbe truth, tu 1 tionestly cue- ceive it to tie. 1 have come among you to leg )i>ii in the name of reason, of hutnsnity, lo otiey the law. to rei:o;:nlze order and authority, to do nothing eicept in the manner prescribed by the CunstUution, lo t>ear th* UW yon have rather than lly l>i evils you know nut uf; In short, like the town clerk of Kphesuk, to implore YOU “to do nothing rash ’’ 1 have DO more d uht now abMiit ihs establishment of the lo- dependeoce of the Koutbern t'ou'ederary thau 1 ha>e ot my ei Ittence, proviieed we remain true to the cause we have- soleiijn ly taken t«siM>|Hirt North l.'arollnals pledged to It, By her original act. by the resolutions of her Legislature: bv a hundred assiir- aiiies of ttie mu«t solemn charsiter :i3he will dare endure to the bitter end. The men who sutfer are the men who win. Thera is nothing exlstiog In the earth or In the heavens wortiT having that is not the reward of patient endurance. 'J'o endure is tbe first le.ssun of life. If we are not base metal we will stand the fiery te«t. 1 thank you for the Indulgence with which you have attend ed lo my rambling remark'; and in rettrine allow uie to express the hope and trust that ere many mouths you oiay rest under the shade of our tree of national independence whkcb has been so freely watered v%ith biood and tears, while within II# leat'y braaches tbe white winged dove of peace shall tune her soft nate lu the memury of your loved and lost, who rejoiced Iu lay down their lives for their altars and their fireside,. May Uod bless you all MOTICJE Tu the next of kin and distributeMis oJ t)u Eilate» of the late Inf ill Buie^ Dan’l Buie, Mari/ Bute ami Flora Buie (^Ban') deceased, Leiny the Jir$t Cousinn of the said deceated. 4 LL persons claiming to be the next of kin and die- Al tributepti of the ^bove Estates, are req'iired to fur nish proof of their relationship on or before the 21st Maroh instant, at whioh time I shall proceed to make distribution of the personal Estate among those r roved to be entitled. AH firti eoutint, vhelker eiti»en» or *Uen$, will be entitled to an equal share in the distribution. On lhe day above named, Monday the 21st Maroh, at the Market House in the town of Fayetteville, I wiU sell at public Auction, aboa*. ^600 1» aUvar eoiaa, b» longing to said Estates Such of the distributees as prefer to receive their distributive sharts of this coin in kind, can attend and bid off the same,.and settle there- for by giving receipts for the aasonnts of their pur- ciiases, as so much towards their distributive shares of the Estate. All persons holding claims against the Estate and all who are still indebted, arc earnestly requested to come forward and settle up before the day above named, as I am determined to close up the whole business at that time ARCH’D McLEAN. Adm’r. Fayetteville, N. C., Maroh 1, 1864. 11 6t*8tpd For Sale, A YOUNG, LIKELY No. 1 NEGRO FELLOW. Apply to P. F ALDERMAN. 11 2tp^ A to P March 3. ^LD CASTlROxlf t¥AIVTED T the Star Foundry, by M. A BAKKR. March 1 11 tf Couiederate Tai TVotice. The Assessors with the ColleJtor for More and Mont gomery, will meet the people of the oifferent Dis tricts at the following -imes and places for the purpose of assessingstax on Income and receive the same. .Also the tithes of pork, cotton, &c , viz: At Diff“y’s, Thursday March lOlh, 1864 At Bean's. Friday Maroh 11th. At Fork, Saturday March 12th At Zion, Mdnday March 14th At Mt Gilead, Tu^sd-^y March 15tb At Rock Springs. Wednesday March 16th. At Bruton’s, Thursday March 17th. At Troy, Friday March 18th. FOR MOORE COUNTY. At Sloan’s, Monday March 21st, 1864. At Pocket, Tupsday Mrch 22i. At Carthage, Wed.nesday and Thursday 23 & 44. At McNt^ill’s, Friday March 25th. At Sani Hills, Saturdpy March 26tb, At Sanders’s, Monday Maroh 28th. At Sheffield’s. Tuesday March 29th. At Ritter’s, Wednesdiv March 80th At Williams’s, Thursday March 31st. All are requested to have their lists made out and ready, and all who had failed to finish their titheing list or to list their cattle and pay their taxes are noti fied that this is the last opportunity that will be given^ Tn all failures the law will be enforced ALEXANDER KELLY, Carthage, Feb’y 27 11 EL1Z4BET1IT0WX, Fel)’j i% iS«4. The uadersigned takes this method to thank his fel low citizens of the county for their former generous support, and announce# himaelf as a candidate for re- election to the office of Sheriff of Bladen County, a'tad will be thankful to his fellow-oitizans and the soldiers in the army for a renewal of their generous support. It is for my fallow-citizens to judge tbe manner in> which I have discharged the duties of tbe otfice 1 have endeavored to do so with faithfulnes* and fidelity; punctually settling with the various offioers of tbe county at the stated times prescribed Yiy law. and at the present moment holding every proper receipt for tbe St me ll-6tpd R. P. MELVIN. The Weekly Wil. Jouraal will copy ♦> timrs, aud for ward bill to Elizabethtown Reward. LOST between Mis. Barclay’s and Fayetteville, one RUBBER OVERCOAT. The above reward will be given to any one who will leave the coat with any of our drivers were suddenJv opened upon with a heavy fire from i letreatlng They have abandoned toek •II ' 1 J • J 1 u .u 1 pcsiticn on the S«. Marv’a River, and ape rep^rtsa to ,;uerilla8 concealed m a dense wo^ by the road j abandoning Baldwin and retreating to th^r gua- side. Eight of our noen were killed, 7 woundeU , boa.» Our Iocs is 85 killed, and f om 700 to POO and 50 to 75 are missing. The gueriibs escaped ; wjunded. The et>emy’p l''e(iB betw»«n 2500 and 8000. uijhurt j i fcf * ii!my’s itrce in tbe late b*v!iln is reported to The Juunloou^ mzM? hy the British A.tkori- ' ^ mi -s 1 . ^ rr i l i. . I tc 4W0 The cecity p’accci two cf tneir ThtiCoiit’cdr'rate8teaiU€rTa5Ctilo-)j;dh:j8becn j i^g nitntd la t front, adI uT*|ipd on at tbe srizotl at Cape Town by the \HxitisK Adm^rul j p-,rt ft tbo b,syon-t T^-ej witL«-tood our fiieat a for a violation of the neutrality laws Sht) was ' I’^i.^ncp, ha;- our trocps ;idir!»' ced, they rftreated. , , , . captured some time ago by the Alabama, con-!one-half of tbe tw.> n^^pro rejrimt-nts are brate,i.houldamp!yatoneforanydencicccttdiummrr^ Semmos, who armed and seut ‘*>e field of f her out as a cruiser, lae seizu'^e wan ordered | - — :— . Such is the spirit*manifested by *he Raleigh instructions sent out bv rhe BritVh t ^>om Coas/— WtLMiNor'iN. '^srch 1 —16 yankees foderate, and ^rowded as w>> are. we cannot , mil i, .,.,4 «t.^ nnf;! ! *' Sffi:»tville ,a«t n.eht .n facn of garrison, and llowiug paragraphs from the Oonfeder,..e’s «ono..n., ■ 1 ‘ Kelly of Gen i^ebert’ss.stf. and stole on. ^ I ^ ^ 0 n H e®OAp*’(J capture by beiDff 10 ilmiDgfou. on the spoee ; j Ynnkce Vongreaa.—The Military Commit- ■ They returned unmolested to thetr ves?el Aloo report- “W? hf-ve read tfs spoech with very %r eat .. and | tee ol the Senate have reported against the bill tv 1 ed houHe burnt at headnuartera —North Carolinian. tW luout t «i>L rl'-'-iSon ; and ^ \ prevett^t miiitaru interference. ItK Utate ei*ctioiis I g. Oa March 2~ Storciarv rt8**n roa, perHsnl of It with our impressions of Gi.' ■ ^ ^ j j fiii, tt C ' I^rom Georgia—>iao5»i Ua , Marco Z-—oicrctary Vanoc strengthened and fortified He is .a wji tapUire ■ f a tovjederate Mail. rhe 'J- Seddon, in a dispatch to Gov. Brown, dfclices. on the mi»n-t,i.nd ’his is a Wiindeiful veeoh In our i-.i-r , Elinboat I'orostt^fi recentlY captorcd four rebel r^ ooiuiiier.dation ot Gen Lee, to grant leaves of absence cfurse wiiC“^hIi cbserVation oT siatesmen, w'« omcerti, two of ttic-i.j Colonels, who attempted to for the extra session lo officers who are members of tbe nbver mot witn so extraordinary a nulange of (|i'falitie»> oroes the Midiiisisippi. A iaree mail, 8200 000 in Leg>a’-*ture, but says they are entitled to resigu'if they as our Qovernor possesses—converted into a 4isn o: i j .u I select ^ Hitckatash,. there W^onld be rations for an army for ati ! ' were ? entire campaign The speech is admirably adapted to I ®^ptu^®d. ^ i a.f*”" Oovemor.—Ralkigh, March 2.—Mr. the mixed audience to which it was addressed. If | Lo*>f of a ISteamer.—The Bohemian, from of tbe N 0 Standard, in an extra of ^ paper abounds with the n-ost loyal, devoted s-nd ratrioti«j sen-i Liverpool for Portland, on Monday night, was 'March 3d, announces himself a candidate for timenis. clad in laj.guage of iaaptriDg, ihrilling. indeed j run upon the rocka ofT Portland harbor, and im- sometimes of sub ime eloquence. His figures are pro-en j i to t r fuse-gathered as it were from a« .bundant granLy, , fi^ed and sunk. Several of the ateer- and soatt^f^d with the hand of a liberal dispenser— ! pasflengers are supposed to have been lost. whil* the hunior is broad, original in its application. The Capture of the Steamer I .heaapenkr.—The | o ^ ^ ^ l.uotelhcr rr-ratibl,. .p«coh, Magistr.W'# Conrt of St .loho'a N B liai .Je-I , f H»U s Bon.; 1 .m ln.1; .otr, lo l«- iraprt'ssion, and Will no doubt be productive of good. e ' a Mr. .. ' have been guilty of piracy, murder and robbery, M . tue kitoneu building of John Moore, Esq , was dis- Goveruor at the election in August next. Fiac IK Robshom ! derver aated:— -Letter to the Editors of the Ob- and at*ogether 'rr'sistible. - It is a famous stnnip speech, let an iropri'ssion, and will no doubt be productive of good Wn cannot say, in candor, we concur in all it vays; still less do we relish the manner in which some things were said;-"but this was to be antinipat-d To expect a piece of mortality of the size of the Governor to be altogether perfect, were at once unnatural and unrea- donable W* are fortunate to have a quarry of euf- ficient material to chis«l out a perfect statue of smaller dimeosinns. and ordered the delivery of the accused parties to oiver»d to be on fire, whioh soon set fire to tbe smoke a.. - TT o *i_ * i hmiHM nth»v> hntlrlln^a TliA«4A W#P#> all tiie U. S. authorities The iSexf Preaidenry.—The Union State «!on- ventions of Iowa and Indiana have dec'.ired in favor of Lincoln tor the next l*residenc^ Gold.—The quotation in New York id 157j ‘The speech is ccttmenjed to the public It will be ; , " rrad wUh avidity It will exercise great infiuenoe we^ Later Jrom cjurvpe.—RlCHMONli, Maroh 1.— hope, for good; and In most of its qualities it does honer j The Northern papers to the 25th have European tc its author, both for intellect aud for patriotic inspi- j dates to tho 10th inclusive: _ i Tho Danes have retreated from iSchlet^wig, Is THY SiavANT A *00, TH4T Ba SHOULD DO THIS j ®vftouated the Dannerwerk, and ilctsiioyed the de- oaitAT TBIKO' ’-Such was the exclamation of Hazael 1 tensive works at Missunde. Their army is re- wheu the prophet of Samaria told him of the evil deeds j P®*'t®d to be in a state of disorguoization. cever- he would commit. Hazael did not know himself He did commit the enormities, the bare mention of which excited his indignation Our readers will remember that in Ncvember last we saw—though “neither a prophet nor the son of a proph et”—that the Standard, whilst professing to be the ex clusive champion of Gov. Vance—so muoh so that it even dented that the Observer was his friend—was at that very moment paving the way to bring out opposir tion lo Gov. Vanoe The Standard of coarse denied our inference from its course. But behold tbe result! By a dispatch to the North Carolinian this morning, we find al severe engagements, with heavy losij ou both sides, had occurred. The 1‘russian army was moving on Duppel. The Austrian lot^s at Flens- burg was 1,100 men. The Danish possession of Schleswig is probably endtd, aud tbe army will retreat to Jutland. Earl Russell stated in the House ol Lord?* that the American Minister had deemed it prudent to withhold Mr. Seward’s offemioe dispatcti holding England responsible lor the depredations of the Alabama. It had never been pYssented. The Court of Exchequer, in Chambers, has ditmisted the appeal in the case of the Alesas- that this same Wm. W. Holden, Editor of the Standard« dra for want of jurisdiction and exclusive ftiend of Gov. Vaoce, has annonneed Atm- The City of LoodoD, with uae day'« later ad- $tlf% candidate for the office of Governor against this I vices, also arrived at New York on the 24th. It laiM Gov. Vanoe: “Js thy servant a dog?’ PcBLio Addmssbs.—We have pleasure in slating that the Rev. Drury Lacy, D. D., Chaplain in the Army, and well known throughout the State as an eloquent Divine, will deliver two Addresses on “the War and the State of the Country,” in this town on the evenings of the 8th and 9th inst.—Tues^ay and Wednesday even ings next. At the close of each Address a colMKtion will ba taken np for tha benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers in the Hospitals in this State Dr. Lacy is at present officiating as Chaplain in the Hospital at Wilson. The purpose to whioh these oollections will be devoted wih address ilSelf to the hearts of. al'; aud though we may not expect that any one here will follow the example o* an anonymous gentleman in Wilmington, by giving Dr Lacy ten thousand dollars for that object, we do ex pect the citisans of Fayetteville will meet the occasion with the accustomed librrality. was rumored that the Prussians had attached the Danes at Duppel, and had lost 500 men. The Danes, in great numbers, had reached Alsen. Tho Morning Herald contends that as Austria and Prussia repudiate the treaty of London, a grand war can hardly be escaped. Frtm Northern Virytuia —RiCiiiluMU, Feb. 29 — Meade’s army is supposed to be in motion. His infantry occupied Madison C. H. to-day Another body moving towards Charlottesville Another appeared at Frede rick’s Hall on the Central Road an hour after the train passed with Gen Lee aboard. Go»DaNsvii.i.B, March 1.—The raiders went within 2 mil~« of Charlottesville yesterday. They ournt a flour mill near that plitce. Beckham’s Sorse artillery and a body of furlougbed soldiers drove them back* >tcross Rivanna River They w«re four miles froiij tJbarluttebviila li>st nighi Arrangement*- l*ave bcrn made to prevent its capture. Another body of yankee c^^atry crossed at Eiy’s Ford, reached Fredericit’s U^ll, tort? up th* tiac , an^ captured a Colonel 5 'ap tains and 2 L^euis In our front also they are m«kic^ a demonstration. OaAMOK 0. H., Maroh 2.—Theenemy’s Charlottesvill'' Tbk Yankbb Dbaft.—Tne Richmond Examiner copies from thirteen leading newspapers in New Yo.k, Boston, * rftiding party recrosaed Robinaon river back to Tulpep- _ . , « rr rt.- i i. . '»r during the mght Ws captured a few prisoners Albany, Brooklyn, Now Haven, x'roy. Ttica, Lockport, , ^ skirmishes wi.a their rear guard yester- house .>nd three other buildings Taese wer- all oon- Aumed and their oontents, with the exception of about 300 lbf> of bacon. The dwelling, barns aud stables ffero'saved by the greatest exertions All this was the w*rk ot ati Ince^dia^y, anu so completely did the villain aoQc.mpl>9b his vile purpose, that the family did not h«ve a cockiiig uieosil of any kiud nur a knife or fork left, but were completely stripped ot every thing of the •art.- By this wicked act not only does Mr Mooce suf fer, but a great many aroma hlifl; h4 hU CTSr OMC very generous to the poor and especially to the families of soldiers. His loss is estimated at $25,000. 1 do hope tt»is will prompt the public to be more diligent and use greater exertions to arrest the base prowling deserters that are guilty of such crimes aa the above. AaaivAL AMD Dxpaetkbb —The Steamer Alice ar rived at Wilmington on Tuesday, and the Ad-Vance went out on the same night. A safe voyage to her. Ivoa Statioh, Va , Camp 31st N. C. Reg’t, > February 12th, 1864. / At a meeting of the Officers of the 81st N. C. Reg’t, hold this afternoon, CoL J. V. Jordan was called to the onair and Lt Col. C. W^ Knight requested to not as Secretary. The object of the meeting having been ex- I plained by Capt. Wniuy, on motion a oommittee of thrae I was appointed, consisting of Major MoKay, Captain J. I Whtlty and Dr. W. £. Pool, to whioh the chairman was I added, to preseht suitable resolutions for the oonsider- j ati-n of the meeting, who after retiring reported the J foUowing: Wnereas, The Omnipotent Ruler of the Univerae, In his mysterioas, though wise dispensation, has seen fit to remove from his usefullncss. Col. R. M. Shaw, late of tte 8th Hcg't N 0. S. T., Clingman’s Brigade, who fell in the discharge of his duties, in an engagement with the enemy on a late expedition towards Newbera, J N. C., therefore. Resolved, That as members of the same Brigade and fellow soldiers in the same great cause for Southera Rights and Liberties, having fought side by side for years, we do extend to the members of the 8th Reg’t N. C. T., our deep sympathy and regret tat the irrepar- -bl» los« they nave sustained in the death of their he roic Commander. Resolved, Tna* whilst witn human vision we cannot beh Id the purpose of the Creatar in his ruing Provi dence in the affairs cf men, by which good often cometh of evil, we will humbly submit to his Omniscence, know ing that be doeth all ii>ings well. Resolved, That in the character of CoL Shaw all the noble tritiis of a true gentleman were blended; as a nta'esmun of souna judgment, C'tmprehensive views, -n.. a fai'niui representative of the interests of his const ktuents; as a soldier, he alW'-ys observed the etrict- !ai disoipime towards both oimself and command, will ing at H i times to sh*re the hardabips and sacrifices ot nis men. gallant and brave, never shrinking from danger or responsibility, his motto would eeem to have Ov.csu, -Follow where 1 lead ” Rpsolved. Tbat in his death his Reg’t has sustained a loss L.ot to be repaired; the Brigade a noble, gallant Buffalo, and Springfield, paragraphs condemnatory ci . day. The enemy carried oft' a good many horses and tho dr*ft for 600,000 n on fixed by Lmooln to come off ' negroes. Their force consisted of about 2,500 cavalry on the 10th inst. It is objected to as more than the | pieces of artillery. They burnt th* county , . bridge »cro80 Rivaoua nver uearCbarlotteevirie Tbeir country can stand, as unexpected, as utterly contra- artillery cross*^d atGermanna icrd jester- ! Oonft'tteratf^, iayettevula Observer, dieting !he abolitionist cry of '‘the. rebelli'^n being cn | day evening. I Jcumikl t jr put-licatii.>n an' 1 well disciplined officer, and tbe Country one of its brightest ornaments. ‘Resolved, T&at we extend to the immediate friends aU' 1 family of the deusased our earnest sympathy in their deep affliction. K*>solvtd. That a copy ot these pmoeedlngs be sent xkv? Riohmoad Examiner, Petersburg Eapress, Raleigh and Wilmington its last legs,” “the rebel armies malting away, desert- j 4)aASQK C. H , March 2—Matters ia the upf er end ing, Slo," as ‘‘the natural fruit of tho amnesty prnc!‘«m-i ' of our lines a/e quiet. Our loss yesterciiiy in s.ti'Tiiiiu J >» ingn?i\r M.^dison C si was 15 or -JO kilici aE.ir. jnii tion and the cacfisciition tnetMures. ” The government 1h plainly tol l that “It wouli bj much f>e((er to end the Wbr by a little summon sense and a laiihfui adhbrenoe to the Constitution.” The systematic deception of the people in ynnV.eeland Is well exhibited in a le ter published in New York ng ed. Also lost some prisouera Tbe enemy oertainly crossed the Germanaa Ford—force n.)t asoertained Firing was heard this evening in the direction of Mine Run. A utaid near Richmond —Ricoscoko, Maroh 1.—The , yankees a( F » ’-rick’s Hall divided, .tnd a bidy of professing to have been written in “Charleston Harbor them appe:ire i!as F »rth of Ricuajnnd this for**noon Feb’y 20/’in which we find the following atn.iag otner I Tbey were o-\,-,4ed by ou-- l!«nt oatteme^, eTotr; tx , . i „ changed for 2 hours, woen the enemy withdrew, burn marvelous 8 or e . ing trestle work on Central Rjaa overChtckahominy in “The late Charlaston papers indic»te the most ahjioi, retreat. The othw body went to Seo’y Seddon’s misery in tho city. We have a constant and s»e'idy Qoocbland, and burned all the saw and flour stream of deserters coming in. varying in number aoui , t.he vicinity. This afternoon they are approach- four to ten daily. Tho msiority of them from Xort?i j , ai,y hy tsa Ki^ilroatJ. Several vollies of mas- tmi aitooat ever/ State ia aleo r.prcoeuted. I heard in Wfe aee the Charleston papers, and read them care March 1. C. C. BARBEE & CO. Mail Contractors. ll-2tpd JVOTMCE. TAILEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland, the following SLAVES: HENRY, says he belongs to S Charles; ROLIN and HAM belonging to M. L. Holmes; JERRY, belonging to H. Smith; JERRY, be longing to Geo Penox; GREEN, belonging to George Smith, and say they were working near Fort Fisher,— all of Davidson county. The owners will come forward, pay oharges and take them away, or they will be dealt with as the law directs. P. F. ALDERMAN, Jailer. March 1 ntf Powder Sc Caps tor JLead!! WE will exohangs Powder and Gaps fer I^. in largo or small quantities, or w« will pay cash for assistedf hy the ^nWt ar- the same. N. A. STEDMAN & CO. my Europe ever saw, aad coounanded hy the greatest Mo. 19, Ha; straet. wptsm ttfthe sg6,uwl*iQ»ktoimjg«eethe lapiettiQa, * fully, bnt h&ve failed to find those “indications of ab ject misery.” And as fof the deserters, there has not been, we believe, a North Car^litla K'oldier at Charleston since Gen. Clingman’s Brigade left there two or three months oefore the date of this lying letter. An Army Bakb Ovbn.—One of the greatest discom forts of the soldiers is the want of well baked bread. A remedy for this is probably now in the power of the government. Aa oven was some time ago capt tired from che yankee army on the Potomac which baked bread for t>Ot.O men. It so happened that Mr. Lapsley, Ihe New York inventor, was in Riohmond when the captured oven was brought ther^. He has since improved upon it, Kod operated it on Friday and Saturday last at Ihe Spottswdod Hotel, iu presence of the Secretary of War and other spectators. It baked hard bread in 14 min utes, biscuit in 10 minutes, and loaf bread in 85 minutes. It has'5 pans, baking 32 loaves each, or about 800 per hour. The bread is of a most excellent quality. The machine is in the shape of a wagon, and is carried about vrith the army on wheels as one of the wagons. . What vast additions to the comforts of eur soldiers can be made by these bakers, and shoe shops, and soap mannfaotories, and such like conveniences, attached to every brigade. Bj the way, speaking of soap, a fHend informs us that he obtained from tbe Observer a recipe for making the artiele which is worth a dozen years’ subscription. It is simply strong ley and rosin, boiled together till of the proper consistency. Not a particle of grease is necessary. His family was thus supplied with an exeellent coap all last year—excellent, as his own faoltless shirt bosom showed. If salt were not so dear, an addition ketry heard in that direction The HaiJerg —Riuu»C»si>, .Maruh 2 —Last evening about 7 o’oloctt there was an engagement between the yankoes and the local defence troops, near Green’s farm The Armory Battalion attacked the yankees. and, having underestimated their iorae. were repulsed. Henley’s Battalion, composed of the Department Clerks, having advanced to the eoene of action, were charged by the enemy; at first the yankees broke and fellb&ok, but In a short time renewed the a'tack aud were again re pulsed The loss in Henlf-y’s Battalion two or three killed, and several wounded; among the killr-d is Capt .Albert EHary, Chief Clerk 2d Auditor's Office Nothing definite heai^ of thS enemy since this atfair. About 11 o'clock heavy firing heard in the direction of Meohan- icsville, cause not ascertained. Believed this ra.-rnii^g tha>, the enemy have disappeared from the immediate vicinity of the city, aud gone In the dircc»'cn of the Peninsula RicflMOMD, March 2—In the figut on Wedthi*!! Road last evening, the yankees lost 10 or IT* killed and about 2U wounded; our loss 4 killed and 15 wuunded. The firing beard last night proceeded from a daring attack of Hampton’s cavalry upon tbe yankees, 3,000 strong, encamped near Attler’s, on the Central Railroad. About 11 o’clock 400 men, chiefly of the 1st North Carolina Cavalry, dashed into the camp, threw the enemy into confusion, dispersed them through the woods, re covering k quantity of spoils, took about 100 prisoners, 3 or 400 horses A number of stragglers have been captured, including a Lieut. Colonel, and receivetiKt the Libby. At last aeoounts the raiders were attempting to cross the Pamunkey at New Castle, with the view of joining the forces en the Peninsula. From Qeorgia—Dai.toh, Fe>*. 29.—The enemy has retired. All quiet. The yankee Gen Porter is reported killed in the late skirmish. Gen. Bintlman (Confed erate) is said to have resigned. From Ch'trlftton—CHABI.BSTOII Ma^ch 2—Consid erable activity among tha enemy’s tugs. Their tents on FoUy Island have deoreased. of a proper proportion, of that wonld make "bar turpen- i Arm^.—Th* whole army has re-enlUted Oaeio»p.’V * (or tkt nr. V .I0RD.\N, Col. 3Ut R^g’t, Chm’n. Char W Kt*igSit, Lt Col. 31st Reg t, Bec’y. Tbe Young Ladies’ Kmt.iug Society ackaowledges the receipt ol' socks from .Mi'^i Sttritx C Siniih', Miss Ju- lio bO'iper, M s Reuben Newton, .Miss Mafy Newton anu Mr Isaac L jdd. Mr Jahu D WiUiains’s residence is the next placetjf meeting. The next meeting of the High School Knitting Soei- t'ty .^rill be held at Mr R W. Hardie’s residence The Fourth Annual iHeetingol the Ladies’ BeuAv )lent Society will take place at the residence of Mr. W. J. Anderson, on Monday afternoon at o’clock. A full attendance is desired U J In Pittsborongh, on Friday morning last, after a brief iliness Mrs. .\LIC£ HAOGHTON, wife of John H. Haughton, Ef|. aged 52. FAYE'rii:VlLLE MAKKET.—March 3. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. Toe only changes noted are: Flour 9160 to $186; Si rup 2U; Sugar SIO to 12 50; Spirits Turpentine ^ to $4. The Magistrates of Cumberland are required to meet at the Court House in Fayetteville, on TFURisD.W the 10th in«>t, to transact County busi ness DAVID MoNEILL, Chm'a. M«rch 1 ♦ ll-2t \v e are authorized to announce Mr. WILLIAM HD6KE as a Candidate for t^e Office of County Trustee , - MANY MAGISTRATES. March 1. ll-2t WOTICEr^ There will be a^etlng of tbe Carl Company at Mr A A McKethan’^office on Saturday next at 8 o’eloek P M. Vull attendaace is requested. J. H. ROBERTS. March 4 * It- Turpentine Stills Wanted. ALL persons that have Copper Stills for sale will ad dress Fayetteville, March 1. M. A. BAKER. 11-tf Auction: Stt»¥C8 at Auction. ON Wednesday nexU9th inst., will be sold at 8 large Stoves aad pipes. 1 superior ifrankUn t* bnm coal or wood. JOHN H. COOK, Auct’r. March 8 ll-2t WAITED. I WILL pay the highest Cash price, for any quantity of good COW HORNS, and LEG BONIS of Horses and tJows; alse, BRIAR ROOT for making Pipes; dehvsred te me. B. Ifeb'i 29.

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