PUBLIC LAWS. ExAcrKO Fkb’y It), 18t)4. An .4-' 'i} Ttx Ij>m!t the Carren i, •SkCTH^V 1 1 h' * tin fft S’l' K //’ Anf-r'yl 'f’> '» *'■'• PH it 111)'! T'* all rr*i'Ury noff-i ileri t’tiiriHti » n »c ir»r('r-'t. shni b ‘ u t.'t* Itit J:i¥ '‘f east t the t> lurj(i fh * smirt, aii'l Until tito pt*rioil' arm at th" swt*-d, the h « .ill Tr«' >-iirv notes shall be allowed f-> f’li'iJ thi in rei;i-- tercJ bonis, payable 'JO v-'-irs after t n ir bearinj; interest at rite of 4 i»cr ootjf per n- ou a, pjysible on the 1st Jaiuarv an I July of each jear. Seo. 2 Thu '^ocretary of the Treasury is hnr.’’'’T authorieed to issue the binds required for the t'undini provided for in the procedins «a(i until rht’ bonds can b? prepHred he inav oertifie.tto to nnswor the purj-oj^e. 8aeb Ito’i'is and eertiti-Mfos .'ihall be rceeivublo without iotor- est in t JylIl^n^ ot ail (r ivt'fiiueiit duos Lu the year l''i‘>l,excoyit espv'rt and iiuii >rt i SEC it all fve.jsuvy nofi's of tlie rioiio.M- Ditioo "I SI** I. .ii»t b 'arit);' i itere-t. which l>. ill noc bo r.rescnfpd f,*r I'lndiojt un ier tin* | rovuiuns 0*" the i>' Si’otion of this net. sh ill, froin ati t ;dti r f‘ 0 I'f i! ly of \ l'^t>4 ea^t'»* fhi- '>ippi riv. r. ai. l r.i. Kt d.»v >-! J u y we^t ..i r o Mis'i'si; : i, ti» be ; -ctiiv;:!)!;’ in piyiii^ :if ot p :: lie viu.'->. utui 'aid notes, if not so prritMi^-'d ■ -hut tiiu.-, ^h,d:, i:i addition to the tax of jHJ c>iit- laiv «ed lu the Irii s*'Cfion tbih aotl b ■ ' S!ihj-'Cu‘d :o n tux ui 10 per oeut. per it oiith un ti. ' pr.'d; wbi.-b tuXfs shali ritt ich t ' notes vvht 'ovci otreU'aied, a’’*; shall l>e dci’U 'tevi from till- f'ce nt' said n Tes vvhen, ver prt'eucl till p.iy:u-!it or for hinJin^, anti j«inJ injrcj sL^il not be I xohii»i:j:eiible I t the new i>'UC ol I r'.a- Bury n -io> pr'j\>ded l' r in this aet Skc 4. Thaf on nil ?aid Troa'^ury notes not funded >.r us^jd in vayoi- nt ot faxes at tlie d«:os and places prescribed in the 1st secrion of this act, there sJiall be b'Vini at .'■aid dates and I'lac shHll be snbjeot to a tax ot 83i pef oent. oa ev- Iv or effects of »ny kind, not enum«rated n pron»i«(Ml /*n f*ioe tbnrrof, wrt tax the jn’ecediiig para^^raph, between the tiinW *“»rv to .If aeh (U “aid n-^tes wherever circulat»I, and nam»*d thereiti, 10 jMsr ceiit., in addition to tlio rax on such protiM as income, uiiderthe Met atwreNaid. [IL. Oil the uDHkUitt of ]>rotit8 exceeding 25 |tercuiit., inaiie hi ring either of* the years 18f>3 aiiij 1''64, hy any* hank dr hanking cotiipany, inoitratiee, canal, navigation, iiQ a'di-ofesf« b'»tu dfible and xohaii f >r nc* Tri n--uy HOI •>. urt U. r. in piuvid 'i, •(utijeef to (tie Oi'»^ ii'fi •> O' Uix 'try Skc U Ttin* any 8;aro hjldiaa n >N s ree itl i t>«! *re rhe riii'C- b i "in tlx-.a Uir (hxi.. -uid oitfes ill b • iilow.-i 'ill t* e dty i>( J ■aii.*^y to fund fhf saiue i»i (j per - - . , ■ ■ eent b 'r.ts ..{ OjofoJerate States, payable‘20 !>"i tin^ huJ exporting, telegraph, «xpres9, year- .ttt: r ■ ite, a'ld the inferesf payable leiui- r;iilro;ui, Mianufacruring, dry dock, or otfier ;iinnally. Bat all I'rea.^ary^ ujtes receive >y ' »t»ck Coinpfttiy of any description, NOV ' (to ? :»') ;hp tiiyp flxej f,.r jix'n^ tli.'saoje wheiiier incorporated or not, 35 per centou as at.j'*eM:Hi, «hnl! be held to havn been reoelvea ^ such excess. d-min'siu i by ihe anQounr of paid Vix Th-' diii- Skc. 5. Tlie following exemptions from taxation snder this uct shall m AlJoveed, to-wit: the • :ii>■ f’ -i 'ii'r-r*-*!! th^ subject f e- ^ tho'f not subji ef, shall be— 13. Th »t Treusury norcs herototor« is.^ucd bonru ir \Tit-ri;vt hr ruie cf on ih«.i §100 per ant uiti. -bai! nn loiiL'''’r be received i»> pay- nv n'^ .f l aMie but “^n ill be and o-Mi'^id red b 'uds 4 tb ■ ('•'■tf. di'nte S:"! -s, :>!V i ’)! • r.v.' y ■i''tiT tilt' ra'. fie.t'i trt of a freaty •>' p-a ■ w.f'i rt f rtii'- d " fe'. b-'» Ml r t^e lat.j ■') i:4t'-r -t s; 'fiti'd 'i t!i'ii *i-e, :it» .bl', .)iMillit (.lef; 4. i;V"!y veir. 14 T'.-r tno > e .-t.ry t>! fhe ' b'. ••'id >!•' i> h. rebv, ^lU b r z i. !:■ * p.y th ii:iy ^■iliitiL: iitj. f. H‘i ul i r.’tj iiT'' I'U' i.e f.^: ;it, r wl r tiie p>vs.t;;e •{ »b in a c ri'tioi'.'- ■] !iy -aid S 'C: -f b'nu as li’ Jli:iy J vill pni»-*r, p.-,. J.b' n ratil:c^'if>) of a tr> p4'r of ;m le ' tii*( i bfarlrtt int. rest af tiie p-'r cv ;.'. J- '■ payibl. or i’o tfow.T i d i!j ii!‘i I't' ::i> codtrjef.M jtt» t I r. e-i 'i t!i } -bridne>s, ti> b‘ i^-u 1. Property of each liead of a family to the value of $500; and tor each minor child "f the fauiily to tlie further value of $100; :ui(i tt»r end) son actu illy engage^l in the army ‘r navv, or wiio has died or been killed in the military or naval service, and 1-t jt meinher of the family when he j*‘'.tfivil the eservicu, to the further value • IL Property of tlie widow of any *flicer, 'iiiMier, snilor or marine, who mav have ti.»-l ur ht'eti klllod in the nrilitarv or naval jifi'vicc, I'l where there is no widow, then of ihe fiunily, )>ei?ig mmor children, to the Vailio of ^lOOO. III. Proptji-ty of every officer, soldier, fuilor or marine, actually engaged in the miiit u y or naval service, (»r of such as have r •istirv the . XI to .• •!« It o aor, ot iii : ;n-"'’r lO^'f-ti’J t)v ft'C.-'M *■11 r ;iul I .■'[IS to be I -■‘•^erib'd by tho 1 reu'urv, Hf t ^-lid e.Ttdic-jf ry i'i hut'h t v.i ye\;r« wi'h ti e rate of six u' ;;nt!u-=!ly. i-n he s'c'’rero ■ >; provided", that the above exemp- ^«;! all be oxenjpt »PPb’ to any person, whose fru.u f.vHti..n in t.ritie:pa' and ,nterc-r. I pi’operty, exclusive of household furniture, Skc 1'». I’i e S'oret irv oi f t 11. n^urv i.s au- he a.ssesped at a value exceeding $1000. tboai.d to ii;crea 0 the liamb. r v>i’(]cr-..-«itViie.^ 0 IV. That where property has been injured a'i ti> liteet the r:ij iirciu.*;iff" of this :u", aiid with or“stroy'ed by tlie enemy, or the owner a tiux oi'3*J| cents tor every dollar p on emplay ^uch .f the bat.ks of the sev. .tlu*reofhas hecn temporarily deprived of th© the face of said not. s; said tax shall attach t-- said S; he pny ucom expedient ' use or OCCUpancy thereof, Or of the moanS >f ciiUivatiiig the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity of the enemy, ■Sec 17 notes wherever circulated, and shall bo collected by deJuoting tbe Paine at the fea.>:arY, its deposi’ tories and by tux eollectors, and by*all (Tovcrn- tuent officers receivic^' the same v,heae»ir pre sented f.»r rayment or for funding, or ia paynieni of G^overniuent dues, or tor p 'Statie. or iti es- ehaose tor new notes, as hereimticr provided, and said Tretisury notes shall he fundable in bonds as » providtd in tLo 1st .seciiou of this act, niitil th,.^ 1st day of January 18G-). of the rate nf Gfij cenf^ un the d-' llsr; and it shall be the «huv of the Sec retary of the Treasury, at unv time between the Xcr ot Wil and tbt 1st of Ju'.y, 1^01. we^t ol the Missis.'ippi river, aud the 1st of Jacuaiy i Si>5, to sub'titute and esobanffO neis Treasury iiovrs fjf tho sa;uo at the rite of OfjJ ceots on tie th l- . !ar: Pniviihti, That notes of- the denoniinatioa ol jflOO shall not Le entitled to tho privih ire of 5:uid exchaC'Te: l^rovnhd furih^r, that the light to lund any ot said Treasury notes, alter the 1st day of January 1865, is hereby taken away: AnOyio- viiini further. That upon all such Tre:u«urv u t; > whieh may remain out-»tanding on the 1st d y of January I^Od, and w‘'ich may not Le exchaoj:! d for ne.f Trea.'Ury nofe%, as herein provided, a tax of luy per e>’ni. is hereby imoosed Sec*5 T’ att*r the tir-'^ dav of April n*'xt. C5KC U5 Tb' S V ret.iry ot the. Tn avury hiia!l ro'thwith adv rtis-. 'h’s u ?f in ■ uth now^p!^per•^ •lubli-bvd in tb ■ ^ivoial 8'.2LleB, jtsd ly sue'-, other n. a-i shjll S ' -'ue iinm'dia'.e publicity; and tl-e Seen t.if'. of W'ttr no-1 the S’-'retarv of th* IX. Of coDspiracies, or attempts to liber ate prisoners of w»r held by the Confederate States. X Of oouspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XL Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon the Cimfederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. XII. Of unlawfully burning, destroying or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy or Hijure any bridge or »:ailroad, or tele- shall be liable to be placed in service in the field for the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of cleiks, guards, agents, employees or labor ers in the Commissary and Quartermaster’s Departments, iu the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and empl >yees of navy agents, as also in the execution i>f the enrollment act, and all sirtiilar duties, shall bo performed bv [mrsons who are wfthin tiie ages ot 18 graphic line of communication, or prop>efty, i and 45 years, and who by the repf>rt of a a1. A. . J* • t • A.t. fk- 1 -2’ ^ n 11 Ka with the intent of aiding the enetny. Xm. Of treason'able designs to impair the military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels Hoard of arinv surgeons shall be reported as unable to perform active service In tlie field, but capable of performing some ol tho above said duties, sipecifyiug which, and or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, when these persons shall have been a^sj^ned foundries, workshops, or other property of to those diitic'^ ai far as practicable, the Pre- the (confederate States. J sident shall assign or detail to their perform- Sec. 2. Tho President shall cause pt»per j ance such bodies of troops, or individuals, oflBwM’s to investigate the cases of all per8(>ns 1 required to be enrolled under the 5th sec- >’.ivy 'hillI each 0 ral order for the as-e-'i! 11 Skc. btrv !jy ••a'i -ti the «sseH;;meut on such property may be ivJiu-ed, ill proportion lo the damage sus- . L 1- taint'd bv the owner, or tho tax assessed lU'O it to he n;i*)lishfca iii seae 1 , 1 1 ■ ..i - , ' tlierf'ii ruHv be reduced in tfie same ratio ’ri^nriuamn ot ti;e army and • ,,1 1 ,1 .. j- . ^ , oy the uiefrict ci»liector, on satisfactory evi- ! dence ?wbmitte«l to him by the owner or as- , 5‘ssor. 8kc. t>. That the taxes on property laid the Tte£i? iry is f>r the year 1S»)4, shall l»e assessed as on up-"*!: tbo ap} 'i tfie day ot the )*assage of this act, and l>e Mf', whi ’h 'Jne ".iid ci>!ieoted on the 1st dav of June J’he tJJ 'vction td' the net tbr ih- arid eol! ctijo of taxr'S, spprrivcd M:iy ;}. I- L-re -y !i-;iea'ed lb The Secretary of sut’ r z^l fi!>l (A^'iired I,*" f‘-.e 'u.. . r or :*nv call ea^iti bv the first «cc.iuii ot tht: aot to pr.^viuf f >r the next, or as Soon after as practicable, allow- iandici; nr.ii Junber i-s'jc of Tieafur) u 'tes, ap pr.-ved M.iich 2od 'VHs re«^’iir.?d to *>* therentf .i- mod t'> be a bo.-id, to i'-.;u.'> to su*‘b bolder a buiid fnerefor upoa the terris proviued •id so arrested, or detainel, in order that the}* may be discharged if improperly detained, mdess the}' can be speedily tried in the due course of law. Sec. 3. That during the suspen9im afore said, no military or other officer shall be com[»ellod, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear in person, or to return the ImkIt of any [>erspn or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary of War, or the General officer com manding the Trans Mississippi department; but upon the certificate, under oatli, of the _*** “ —"“er — ••'••••rA kt' an V ak , that such person is detained by iiiin as a prisoner tor any of tlie causes hereinbefore specified, under the authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under the writ of halK^as corpus shall immediately cease and remain suspended so long as this act shall continue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days after tho next meeting of Con gress, and no longer. . THE MILITAKY BILL. Section 1. That irom and after the pas.>age of'this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for the war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of IS and 45, now in service, slfcall bo retained iluring the present war witii the L7. S., in tfie same legiment.s, bat talions and Companies, to which thev beloug at tlie pas.'iage of this act, with the same or- ganizarion and ollicers, unless regularly tran^l^rred or discharged, in accordance tion of this act, as may he needed for the discharge of such duties: Pn>vided, that persons between tiie ages olf 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed tvs to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per- s»ns of scientific skill, to perform indispen sable duties in the departments or bureaus iierein mentioned. Sec. 9. Tfiat any Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, (^JInmi8sary or As sistant (yommibsary, (other than those serv- iitfr fvith Urifrai)^u rMj.rii|ieiltS lU the field,^ or offif*ers in the Ordnance Ikireau.or :Navy Agents, or Provont Marshal, or officer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his employment any person in any of their said de{»artments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of tho provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof bv a court-martial or military court. provisions, to be delivered by such perBui, as aforesaid at equivalent rates. 3. Such person shall further bind himselt to sell the marJcetable surplus of provisions ai^d grain now on hand, and which he uijiv raise from year to year while his exemption continues, to the Government or to the fam ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Com. missioners of the State under the iinpro.«v; ment act: Provided, that any person f-x- empted as aforesaid, shall be entitU*d t ^ credit of 25 per cent, on any amount «.f which ha may deliver within tiiree tuontbs from the passage of this'act: Provided fu- thor, that persons coming within the {>rov! sions of tills exemption .^hall not be depr.'vsj of tiie benefit thereof by i-eason ,.f havlrisj been enrolled since the 1st day of Feb. l^^;4 4. In addition ti> tlie foivgoin^i: .-xeni v tions, the Secretary of War, nude? tlu- 0: rection of the President, may exe:n'»t »■ do tail such other per.sons as he may he - itj, fied ought to be exempted on accnuiit ot public necessity, and to insure the j.n.dnc tion of grain and otiier provision,-, fur thf; army and the families of soldiers. He mav, also, grant «3xemption3 or details. ..11 sii^l terms as he may prescribe, to su;-!j liver seers, farmers or planter.-i as he tnay he ^a* isfied will be more ysefui to toe country in the pursuits of agriculture than in tlie njj'i- tary service: Provided, that such ext^tapriou shall cease whenever the farmer, j»l;t!ireror overseer shall fail dilij'ttntly to In good faith, his own skill, capital and lahiir extilnsivtily in tlie production of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Govermnent and the families of soldiers at prices not exceed- ing those fixed at the titne for like articles by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act, 5. The president, trofisurer. anditur a;.d superintendent of any railroad coinpauy en- gaged ill transportation for the Govern incur and auch officers and employees theieof a. be cashiered: and it shall be the duty of any j the president or superintendent shall oertuV iepartment or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible person, that any such officer has violatetl this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and .^aid commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any commander as aforesaid on oath to be'indispensable to the etfiuient operation of said railroad: Prorided, tliat the numl>er of persons so exempted bv thii act on any railroad shall not exceed onV p«r son for each mile of such road in aetu.'il usa for military transjK>rtation; and said exetnp;, shall be reported by .name and descripfioti. with tlie names of anv who have .left ‘f iiij; an e.xtension of 90 davs West of the M i^si^^ipJM river The additional taxes on incoiiioft or profits tor the year lStJ3, levied by thi?j uct, shall he assessed and collected with the laws and regulations for the gov- fbrtliwit!:; aud the taxes on incomes or pro- « nment of the artny: Provided, that com- fit» tor the year 18^4, shall be assessed and collected according to the provisions »f the all au^h^rity herotof.>re itive-i to tbe Seeref ;rj A' tfi j « .v,.nniient of t’;ie (.-oiuederute States.' A n A'jt to hjy iiUiiiorml To:r $ f 't-r tht corn ih fetu\ Ktri.l of Goi:cruintnt. ;Se:“, 1. I’fie C’o;itriVr-s ..f the Confederate ' tax and^su^sessment acts of 1863. ?^tate.'. of A!iu‘! icn do i-n.icr. That in addi Sfx\ 7. So much of the tax act of theVtth tion to t'lte taxes levit-l by the ut-t “to lav April lSt>;i, as levies a tax on in- to organizations of tro»»ps, in the same arm fi\0' hw tilt* coiiimon delentj.i and to carrv on derived from property or efleet* on j of the service, from the States in which said failing to fteMbrm the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted ! employment of said company, or who rim> ; thereof, be discharged from the service. j to bo indispensable. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exomp-j 0. That nothing herein eonr.iined »hai, tioiis from military service be, and tlio same [ he construed as repealing tlie act appr.n^i are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none j April the 14th ISfJo, entitled an act to ex shall l>e exempted except tke following; j empt contractors for carrying the mails 0:' 1. All who shall l>e held unfit for milita-1 the Confederate States, and the drivers 0: ry .service, under rules to be prescribe1 by | post coaches ami hacks, from inilitarv ser the Secretary of War. , j vice: Provided, that all the exemptions 2. The Vice President of the Confederate States, tho members aud c^cers of Congress granted unler thi.‘ act shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are Hctnallv panics from one State, organized against their consent, expressed at the time, witlb regiinentrt or oattalions from another State, the several State Legislatures, and engaged in their respective pur.=uits or oe sfiall have the privilege of l^mg transferred | snch other Confederate and State officers as I cupations. the President, or the Governor of the re- Sec. 11. That the President be, and be i- the Tr'asiiry to iss le "^reasi.irv ii-'fes J.ail be is hero hy, revc.keJ: /VuyW •/, t^e .Secret:-ry ut hi; T:e.,-ury niiy, a:ter time, issue ne.v Treiii'jry n'-tc^, in S'ich i *rm a« henny !--'^criKe payable two ye:-*’-. r fhr- rat fieri fi ••t a rer -. of pe2C-> wU!i thu lJ:d:od .Srare->. s tid jie.v i-- j \ to be reoei.-iblv? in nHy jiout of p l;iab i : , cxcept.rxp"rr and islJp.•r^ du ios. ^ u- d exctta-t^e f ir ,\\' I;.» C- a' ■ e alt- >• 2 ■ iVe. ■' the n T f,ir 3 f th- old is^Jies v ! .-b Qores be surr .ndered ."or eic.b'>’'a:e bv t thereof, t.r bv .-e ,-'veI ’ Tr- t'ne provi-!on» of fbi? \nH ?ii. bol 1 new not**' *v of '*1- 01 oies. p- '• denomina iou jf cr the^ irf' 6f>t ce&fs on r^e j )!l?.r bv -le rax »ior :■ ■■Oi l : : -- - i.t -!J 0-e ..f t '■•duCLMi iu - ’1(1, in V . :>|>r>>v:N! iHili ut A]tril l'''!3, ther^-»;iia!l lu* 1. from tii',* pos.sji:/*; of rb"? Ki:t, 0*1 the - f f.i\a'i«*n hereafter m«*tifi >ne(J. a*-'!; .--.-i fV'Oti ovory per>'*n, c>'>:•;,!•(n.-r- ^ .I)'. . >■ a*i-''i >r ci*rj» 'r;it’ 01, ! i >!v tlit-re- f t ■'> ,;s t'.I’lo'.v-. t -'.vit: I. I rbn va'ne of pr'»])or*y. real, por- .Ill *ed, '.f "'.\TV kind and ile.scrip- '■“U. n -T iiere iiHfJc'.'’(■xeinpred or fav.jtl h diiTeren iti >\ :> per cenr.: Proviu-fd, Ti:at f " -- n\ “ii l;ie \ .i!ui; nf j.i-Mji.-nv *011- ! ' i]|v -■ aii 1„. 'ilr.t'd tii'.- 11 ■ ifif f -.1) ^i;i,i .ie'ivvM-i-'l Ini*iviV.irii. .i,' U'?.'(‘ wilder 'lie i.t’v i’nj; \\ an 1 vie.ivere: ;■» tht- G'v: rM’iiotu: Pr-jvided, I lat iH.i (‘i>u:;t S'lHii ‘il.tfWod bevomi .0 p.- relK. II. ' >n t:ic vhiiit* lit ^oiil ;i>)d silver wnres .I'ol jt'Weiiv :w: 1 N\ati*iie>. ]o i'-r t'r.-. fli. lot* Vri'ue of T>r> •pi.*i; V Taxi*d under ■* ■''(.'ill lie a-'o'-od ••11 - hy !>asi- *d' rn.irket ' a'lii- t!ij t-a lie. or niilar jni>- y ill riu* O'ij’iiuoii u'imru .is.set*SL'l, in vtar ImI'I, excejit in cases wiere land. tbe amount or value of which a tax is levied ' companies were raiseil; and the soldiers from hy this aJ;r, and also tiio 1st section of said > ^ne State, in companiei^ frt^iiKinother State, ihall be allowed, if they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, in the same arm of the service. Sec. 3. That at the expiration of six months from the first day of April ne.\t, a bounty of ^10) in n rtix per cent. Ooveriiment f)ond, which the Secretary of the Trea^-ury is here by authorized to issue, shall l^e paid tt> eve ry non-commissioned officer, mimiciati and let, nn* suspended for tho year 1864, and tiu estimated rent, hire or interest on pro- !>»rtv or credits herein taxed ad valorem, snail be asst^ssed t>r faxed as incomes under th* tax uf'i of 1803. Sill''. .S. 1 liat the 'ax impo»»ed by’ this act on b"ids of tlie Confederate States hereto fore issued, hIiuII 'u n.t case e.xceed the in- ■ eres' on the •jame, and such bonds, wlien held hy or for minors or lunatics, shall be spective States, may certify to be necessary for the proper adminibtration of the Con- hereby, authorized to grant details, under general rules and regulations to he issued federate or State Governments, as the case from the War Department, either of j-er-oijs may be. \ between 45 and 50 years of age, or froni tbe 3. Every minister of religion authorized to army in the field, in all cases where, iu hin preach according to the rules of his church, j judgment, justice, equity and necessity re- and who, at the passage of this act, shall be quire such details, and he may revoke and regularly employed in the discharge of his private who shall tfien f>e in service, or in ministerial duties; superintendents and phy sicians of asylums for tho deaf and dumb and blind and »f the insane; one editor for each uewspajver being pubUshed at the time til. li. Vc^, lasfd Cof!(»tl >i ^ince t.’K- t''>,lCCo Lst dav » i.ave ocell pi.r- . ; i wliereilK, ill tlie opinion of tlio'c.mgre«f, the .. vvliicl, tiis,.. iiic Ian.], c.itloii saf^,v requires the suspension of said writ in the existing case of tfie invasion of ao.- t‘M>aeC'» !,i» piiridi.ued. s'ih It tiie lu'ice actually paiil tor Qjiaverr tht, .«ime ir’. ^ 01.1 ueriifi-nt^be;ririi: i., • teresf :t rlifi -•■»«» 4 oefit oer arin i o, jr: payabl.. * rA ■ ■ ;fv, r u r i a - of i^eace '.ffb flie U-p’-^d S:-«‘es. uo!. ^s -'o- r '• •n7.-r od i-,? • II I'* \ *. , 6fcC. '*■ Tp u D'tv ' e ejp i.if/t -t ij.'c ernujcMif nor v)rber«?> • provi.. ’j .;r .. t .irv of ihe Trea-'ury is br-r.-by aut onz-a »> h • - G p’r cenf. b.snds to an ; 1 I’li-.r not excecdi-^ Sve h’lnui'rd rtiiii'ou' of duU-jr.. the priucijHi ;r, 1 irj tere>t where(.r ‘baJ b? 'ree frotu taxatian, at.a f«.r the friyruent ^d iri;.?r- «t tb^rcon thu e.itirc not receipts of any 'xpie. t du.y bi r. affer laid on th value -'f any cotton, tobncco. - nd nav,ii s'or^ which shall be exported fr in tbe (^jn^eder^re State--, and the net proceed of ifi;p.-rt dut: ■ now bxid. or Ko ujuch -herenf «s uiay t,e nece-v-arv to t»ay ao rb - interest, are hcr-by spteia'lv p edsr-d; / rothat the diries now biid 0“ itupert ar-j .. ti oy p!odir d ^nd sh II hcre.f ter be paid i:- ■ ci-; „r ip srorliaj' oxehar,;^,- t«r in couiinji. . f rt' ■ i bond*. Si-.c. 7. Tbar. t.,c oe^retary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, from rim.- to s.s, the wants of the Tn-a ury may re.piire it, to sell or ' fiypoto -Cit f .r Trea-'j-y eo?.> said bon-;s, or anv P’ir*. th, p .n the o-'st ter:ns lio eao. so as U) ■ ine-'t appro:.; ;:;M..ns i>v Corjt^r-'ss, and jit tbe s-u>k- tinjo redueo and res.riot the amount of tbe cir.ra- ia.-ion in frea uri- note.'? within re.Tsonable and safe ;rriit=?. ^EC. 8. The bonds authoriz-'d .hy the ()th see. • , p™ Ci:r,i;r^.,tlT.-: ii.'" s«ere.„y »f w.r;or',he"oo„;;;ji and ,h«, t,c e‘,ch („'r%il,' ,.i' J .r'S ! 3. L'l..... th„ ;,:,.„uiit ..f uli '7, to-ItLr with tbe tv i M ^ of.ier Corp., Ju-reby declared that the purpose of 0m- sucb fi.rm and of su •li'autbei' r I. n' ' •'!* eeiii.; and ujion gress in the passage of this act is-to provide ._m and of su h autbenticatu.n as th. Soe-1 all n.uney. held abroad, or np..n the amount; etiectually for the public safety by writ of habeas corpus in tke and no other: or treasonable efforts or subvert the government of the Confederate States. II. Of con.^piracies to overthrow the gor- eraft^ S'ates of .\merica provides in Article ' time, dnritig the period ot six I, .St eMoii ♦, P.irairrHpli 3, that ‘‘tile privi- the gaid first day of April,, printing; one skilled apothecary in u-i:.* nf tne writ of habeas corpus »hall not i ^eave. be r-uspended unlo-!* wben in case of rebel-^ That no person shall be relieved I from the operatiou of this act by reason of 1 orders of details whenever he think.s proper: f*rovided, that the j'ower herein gratuod tr. the President to make details and cxf-mp tions shall not be construed to authorize tiie exemption or detail of any contractor fut employe^ jw said edi-1 furnishing supplies of .nny kind to the G>iv- reason of said contract, unless secretary of the departtiient ina- contract shall certify tliat the per f such contractor are indi^- j pensable to the execution of said contract: on •ath. to 1)« indispensable to perform the; Provided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faitiifully, t>j proceed with the execution of such cor. each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the 10th dav of Oct’r 1>>62, I'-n or iriv:uiou, tfie public safety may re- > »e operation ot tins act hy reason of j and has continued said biHiness, without Sec. 12. That in anpointi (uire it;” and whereas, the power of sns-! een heretofore discharged from tho intermission, since that ]»e'-iod; all physi-i of surgeons for the examin! ■». 'id;n: the privilege ot said writ as recojf-! , disability riow exists; nor cians over the age of 3«j years, who now are, I liable to military service, n n zed iu Kaid Article 1, is vested solelv ii. i furiiished substitutes . . . . _ *. . . . i the s-e. -2. On til.-' V ibi.‘ .,f ;t!l shares or infpr- Csf-, lurld in any bar.k, bankin:x comuanv or a.-"Ouiaiii>n, cjuial. r.av:j^utiii!i^ iiiiportinir. exi.ifrfiiiir, jii.snrance, maniitacturii*^'’,' tele- ,i;rajtii, i-\pr.-,s, i-uilroad, utid drv-dock ciui- patiie^^ and ail otiier joiur stofk companies •d e\erv kind, wLetuer irif*orj>(»r;ited or not. 5 i>er ciMit. the C.oigre^s, whieh is the exclusive judge i (*x«'iipted by reason thereof': of the necessity of such siisnension: and ^ 'J** penson, her**tofore exempt ed on account of religious opinions and who has paiil the tax levied to relievo him from bervice, shall be required to render military Service under this act. be assessed he 8:i!iie by the.-,e States by the armies o,f the United States; and whereas, the President has asked for the suspension of the writ of hal>eas cor pus, and informed Congress of conditions of public danger whicfi render the suspension of the writ a tneiisure proper for the public del’ence against invasion and insurrection; now, therefore, The Congress of tfie Cofifederate States of tract, his ej^‘mption or detail shall cease. ting local hogrdh examination of person*! rvice, no member anil for the last 7 years iiave been, in the I posing the same shall be appointed from flit* actual and regular practice of their profes-j county or enrolling district in which they sion, but the term phy. iciafi shall n>t in-1 are required to make such examinatiou. elude tlentists; all presidents and teachers i j . _ ii .\OTlCE. mies and schocds, who have been regularly ‘ ONDERSIQNED, both haTiog cnwred the mfli- of colleges, theological Veminaries, acade-; mies and schocds, who have been regularly ^nr2iirAH .nc fiiipli for fici* vpuri? nAvf hpf)rrf> detained by order of the ^ shall be taxed in 'b for the Treasury n^tes in^a wbi oertifi-r:tert ‘shall | WT3 tiuie bear interest -tpoa onlv G63 cenfs ‘ l>e:iring t^mfed jr;ite tre.isiiry notes, •r tivery dollar promt.sed upon tbeiV sce, and 1 einphned ! i a registered l».i.-.inedH, la 1 t)c rp'bc(Q:iblc in new I’reasurv notes tt I incme derivovl from which is taxed, 5 lat rate: our iifiAr ^ • ■froTi tl for shal that rate; but after the pfissy^e of this act no e dl ^ •» «-«j S-. 4. Sec. It) That if any bank of drnodit shill ' t rz'„ z b" '"'“t '■ -.7 said bo .u Vr. .. ' . hioh thev ar-'enr' Hitioiint of all K.dveiit cre- verfible If converted bct -e the »ia,e lixJd foi ! 1’=‘- is.sued Hb ciinency, e.\clu5ive of nm- ,:;ivf iir.'-' said de I'poti profits inaie in trade ar»l as follows: I. ( >11 Jill profits made hy buying and sell ing* spiritoiiB li(jiiors, flour, wiieat, (•M'n. rice, siijjar, lU'dasses or Hinip, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, boots, siioes, cotton vHrns, wool, woolen, cot- III. Of combining to assist the enemy, or of communicating intelligence to the enerny *r giving him aid and comfort. ’ IV. Of conspiracies, preparations and at tempts to incite servile insurrection. V. Of desertions or, encouraging deser tions, of harboring deserters, and of attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That in c.ise d i*alpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate ofiicer upon anv partv wiio does not legally owe military “service, his . • 1 1 fi 1 f I superior officer shall grant prompt relief to t.,n .c imts, wiifrons, liur,, j ti.e «|,pressed party, «„d ll,e si,bord”nate ~ace. emissaries of the themselves at such tiuies and places, and under such regulations, as the President may prescribe, the time allowed not being less than 30 tlaVs for those east, and f>0 days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any {lerson who shall fail s» to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in the same manner as though they wore be tween the ages of 18 atid 45: I’rovided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall coiwtitnte a reserve for State defefice and detail duty, and shall not be required to jurforin lutrvia^t ..nt *il" in nfiicfi they reside. Sec. ({. Thiit all perst»ns reqnire«i by the 5th section of this act ti. enroll themselves, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within f»0 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own -6-.- ‘^'■g^^f^'zations to conform to the eminent, or conspiracies to resist the lawful J laws; and, having so organized, to nilthority of the Confederate States. t»»ndpr fliAir Borvir.aa oa 1*17 8erri*e of Confederate States of .Amerioi, cuciomert md frisuds, Slftrr and John D eya to collect either due liem either by M««ant or aot«, aud otber«u’e f.c aiieni to cheii- hu- - , . J. , t. K „ 1 . 1 1 • 1 • J 1 I ■»*»««« feuerally duriag ttiCJr Ahsenoo. Taej respeet- tendenfs of public hospitals, established by j folly a»k all pursooe ind#bttl to tiien to cail as promft- law before the passage of this act, and such I b •• po««ble on their a^i vB-tke paya»ent. - . J .Li 1 ! MTftTvr. *■ 'VTT.ri4\ pi>sed of 20 students or mo.-e. All superin- 'VILLI AMR ss jdiysicians and nurses therein as such su perintendents shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efficient Farther Sopplie^^ of Schodl Book^ management thereof*. 1 A^R OWN SPUuuiNQ BOJK: 4. There shall be exempt one person as I ^ 1.^ • ^ . i. * 1 P^tps%r7 If?: owner or agriculturist on eacii farm or plan- j tatioji upon which there are now, and were , on the 1st day of Jan'y last, 15 able bodied i field-hands, between the t-.ges of lf> and .'•O. ^ upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted j In cases in which there is no white male j Gr^oi u%r; •* E’«m(*ntary Qr^nnma’’; •• Priasr; Biocham’a Latin O 'ammir; ^9» receive^ E. J. H,\LE % 80’^S. Post Office, PayettevilieT^T^.^ p.;.' pr.,-. east the .iii- t' II. On all (.nation uf 5jr> .sb iil cnr,.ir:uc payment of pub'ic duis, a.« Jijd fund»ble at p«r undt-r thf act, until ttie firjt of J dy, lyt>4. 'iitu tbe tirgt Oot«iber 1864 ws8» ot -«PP-i ..I, .w i itj and and carry on the (i()vernment of the Con federate States,” :i|)]>roved April 2-t, lSfj3. j)rofit.s inaily by buying aud correspondence or inter- «nemy, without necessity and withmit the permission of the Confede rate States. VIII.^ Of unlawful trading with the ! La^ pruuiwMt belling motley, iT'dd,-.ilver foreiyn exchariw ' a/l traaing witfi the ene- 1 " It » exf.fidrij^ej, ^113% aiHi otJxer ulfeiiCBd t^A ftt st^ks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations i the Confederate States, ©facted ot anv kind, and proper-‘thoiraucceaaitt the war. - tender their services as volunteers durin the war to the President; and if such orgati- izations shall proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit^a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their di.strict, whicli shall be equivalent to enrolliHent, they may be accepted as minute men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, bo required to assemble'ft convenient pla ces of rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect their company and'regimental oflicers; and all troops organized under this act for State defence, shall be eatitled,. while in actual service, to the same pay’ and allowance* as troops now in the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the plaee of r«adezvoas as required by the authority of the President, without « aofficie&t ezcose, to bo judged of him. OCTOBEIt 3 1S03 adult on the farm orpTantati>n irotTrablTtO | o/th. Arrival and^Departur, of i/u MUU «/ thu military service, nor unless the pof'son claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 18fU, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for i one farm or plantation. j 2. Such person shall first execute a bond,' payable to the Confederate States of Am«;r-! ica, in such form, and with sneh security, i and in such penalty as the Secretary of War ' niay prescribe, conditioned that lie wi’d de- j liver to the .Government at some railroad I depot, or such other place or places as mav j be designated by tlie Secretary of War, I within 12 months next ensuing, IQp poundff | ot bacon, or, at the election of the Govern Officr.. K.\LEIOH ria AVERA8BORO’, ArriTO* daily, except Sunday, at 4^ p. M. Dapartfl dally, except Safarday at 6 P. M. EALEIQH Tia 80.\fMERVILLE. Departs Taeeday and Friday at 6 A. M. Arrives Wednesday and Sunday at 9 P. M. VfARSAWTia CLINTON. ArriTes daily at 12 noon Depwts daily at 1^ P. M. CARTHAGE. Arrives fuestay, T>uredav and Saturday at 7 P. M Departs Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 1 P. M. CHERAW, 8. C. Arrives Ta^sday, Tbursiay and fiamrday at 6 P. M Departs Sunday, Tuesday and Thuritday at 1 P. M, f AIR BLUFF via LUMRERTON, ArriTes Tu-sday, Thursday a»i aifurd^y at 6-A. M. Departs 8un.J%y, Tuesday and T;iurad*y at 1 P. M. R()BE.‘0,V’8 via EHZ^BEl'HTOWN. ment, its eqi:ivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of i Departs Maad*y. WHnesdiy and Pridav aV'e a M on foot,)f* • for each .iblebodied .lave on said farm orl ^ j. fO lbs. of i DeP' net beef (said beef to be delivered on foot,) f* Tuesday. Thurday and Satu^ay at 2 p. M. ^«rtn orl . . ®^^Z.ABETHTOWN ria T«REBISTH plantation, within the above said ages, whe-;^^Dip*wi ^^^^‘(MJndty) at« p m. ther said slaves in the field or not, which’r^ >*aonolia »ia cypRESS CREEK said bacon or pork and beef shall be pai4,i Tuesda for by the Government at the prices fi*fttl'* swi'ftTsl!^!) by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act: Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall produce satis factory evWence that it has been impossible for him, by the exercise of proper diligence to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, aud leave an adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War shall direct a commutation of the same, to the ezteat of twc^thir tbtoiQof io g,raiA or otiwr via MONTROSE, COVINGTON »ad POWELLTON. Arrive* Tuesday at « P. M Depart* Wednesday at 11 A. M SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrivea Toeaday at ft P, M. Depart* Wedne^ar at II A, M. All mails leaving befori> 7J \ SI., are elos^d the even ing before at 9 P H All Utters to be eent off fro* thi* offiee, other than by mail, mast be paid for as if eent bv mall. All drop‘letter* should be pre-paid by 2 e'nt E'nmps. The 0® aa vHB b« « «,u 9aiM«y ir«m to A- 1A& a, QOOKa P- M. I ■M PRINTEli eoni EDrio Prioe for tJie .fe® advancs. For f^s Weekly f] "wlvance. fg^ADVEr.TI of 16 lines for th( ceeding publicalio: half square f« chf. for eajh sucoeedin qiiebted to Slate they will be oontln ingly. Advert iaenxHU t verti4«meat^. £ From an n.f ert will be entered wU paper be sent ttmn >9 paid for. SHch of our old per on tLie syatera remUtanoee. WJU. Attc Fa WILL attend th Cnmberland, ties. Prompt atte elaims entrusted to Oct. 17, 1859 GEO. W. VI7iele«iale ANDIMPO liardwarcf and HAT SI July 2, 18til. J o €fro€rr an*i FAYE1 Jan’y 10, 186S B a WORTH. WOl Commissloii an V WIL» Oct. 16, 18>.'i JOHNSON, W"E hare thirty (31 eaet of Wilmla themaelves with sak. A. Johnson, Jr., A| manager at the work FstyeUeTille, Nov 2,500 Persone haviog ti tike highest Cash pric at tke Merohant MiUi ber at his old stand o Nov. 6, 18t>a. AR.Ul 1AM prepared to Bamcss fur Armj give good bargrtin«. orders to me as th> y ■eat oS in quick dispi G«ldBton P, O., Ch 300 IbK. «iia f>et. 16. SACKS for sal Dec 22 J,] 1 Qi\ BOXES V1R( J.^\/ for sale on oo May 23. I^le L LBS- AVUU suitable for Fayetteville, April w ante ESTERN RAIL Bauk N.j(«e; Gold -nd Silver; Nurtn Caroliaa I Goonty of Cnmb Town of Fayette Greensboro’ $1 i Confederate 7 ai Coupons ot $15, of Towi “ of old 1 Oot. 12, 18^. Spiiii Catton W £ will give Spun delivered at my Jb.iKD Oll^— Factory BAIi A.1I* T my Factory. Fayeueville, 01 Lbad wantbd.- DefiartiuaDt. Pt tinea will pleaae app POWDER for lU pau 69-tf Palma The Bubeeriber iri! any qnantity of ] I' olhlNl)” TAMNERS’ and L I.AMP BLACK

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