PUBLIC LAWS Itiracted Fkb’t Iti, 1864. shall b« flubi-ot to a t»t of 88* per o-'nt ..n pv tv or of utiv kind, not enumeratevi n j IX. Of coaapiracies, or attempt^} to liber-1 sbftll ho HaMe to !)e placed in service m the | provisions, t.. be Jeliverel Kv such p»rsv, I -ry ,\o\Ur vrnrrl^^' ^ tunrc.-. - 1 u,x ! tl,e pioot*.iinif prtrWapb, between the times j ate prisouera of war held i>y the OonTodcrate ! tiold fur the war, a.s if he were between the j ^9 at^jreaaid tU equivalent rates. ■ tio attach to said w’a:r..v-r uiro’jj a-j-t catued tiiereiri, if * per cout., in addition to j States. * 8-iid b.sianduKl.'Hii.i rxch»nrf:* n*}".’ sucii prut^ t-? as inm*rue, under the i X. Of' An Act t0 F^nd, Ta» av>i ' T^casary nc»fes, as herein provideS. -^abl sct u- al^>rjsaid.', »^e deduo^ion of aald'•>«z * rn i that tba holier^ ot Siorro.f I 1h> atatrs of Ar*ieri''a d4j enad .11 Tr«a«ury noc«. above tbe dea.^io.Ui,.a u QOC baariuif in ^re-'t. «=h »!l b^ allowed i - 1st day of April ot the faiid the si'uti, > * '' ’b”* p pli.cej *m1 ;«r' mI . Is liD'l D>»^' ter ■ tll3 ,r.‘i i-vi'xuv ^ n- m r ‘x'1*- Seo 12 Tiiiki a.>y St ' a>iry no't'.s r'V'it'.ivcT Vm ttre tbn b *.'- hi tix 'J t.ixins *aid’nushii 1 h' iHOW-' T ril! t - fir.*? 1 iv ot J viuarv lb5>, to tu^id th'‘ .sai»^ i > 'i ;>?■ rations t » aid the enemy. ffl. On rh^ H ij.>unt of prolVe exceeAling* XI. Of persons advislni/or inciting others '■ 2-6 T'jr wc’it . either of the voani j tu abandon the Confederate cau^o, or to re* ■ L .... , ! I . ' • *. ..I . J ^ o. . ji ages of 18 and 45. COM piracies, or attempts or prepa-! Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties ot pro voBt and hospital jjuards and cliirlc-^, and ot clerks, ^aardd, airents. employees or labor er:i in the Couimis.4ttrv and Quartertnasier .s :xV •;3.-. r.t *V>(> (pflVlblf r ■? it;' ‘h - 'nv-TiU rwnb'o •.'r.ii Is!** .»\[ i 'l'.v- ’ ' r '.'i". I '■ aa » I'l/ . . . .J ■ luildill!' ‘ t |j_ b CtKiii aud uutii tiic iKiiid.s e;in b-' projiarfd h* lupy is«u cortifictttos to auswcr thu purpose. Vi Ih. illtfl ^ i l i- I'rtiy iit liic borot if.iri: j t' 87 o(> oil tlif I rcociv. ' IP D.iY I Such bonds oi f ^iiifiuiu, shaH no )on;;er bo rcociv ip p.iy and oertiticau's shaU bo reoeivablo without inter-j duos but -...ail be .ico-u d «nd eat in payment of ail Government duos payablu i rod bonds ot the Conh’derate piva ift the year 1S64 Sso. li- That nation of JIOO. „ x- v i Qut be preseuietl for tundingunder the provision? JsnuHrv ot each and every year of the 1st Section of this act. shall, from and after 5>Eo. 14 Chat the Sec'ftary ot t e snt of ail Government duos payablu }r'- ;\r«nv or navv, or wh IS64, except export and itnport duties. 1 ratiOcatjon o » tronty o miJitary c 'hat all Treasury notes of the denomi-1 Loited .>tar,eb, bearing u o r« c o j ^ uKMliher of 00. aot boarin^ iMtere..t, which shHll 1 ^ace, pajaUe Ut i the service, to t. vvit; 1. i*iu|>c*riv of ^.ioli liead of a family to tin* vuhto ot and for each minor child of the family to the further value of $100; and tor eiieh son ttctu illy eiiffagod in tlie artnv or navv, or who has died or been •r naval service, and the faniiiy when he the further value of I'rcHSUry j >. .... ^ ' 11. Fro})orty oVthc widow ut atiy ofncer, may have or naval tlien of to the cents iruposed in the 4ti aeotion ot tVn^ b- snbjcpt»*d *-o*a tax ot 10 per conf por i on^ti um til 80 pn spotpd; whi.'b fixes sh^H attach t'' siiil notes whorpver circu'a' 1. an.i sh -.’lb from th»‘ I'co i*f ■aid ni>:es whi i.ovor iii.-' tot pHytufii or tor tun-lMii:, aiv«i sud no'. s ao l/c ^*'1 i»o*r 8ury notes providcH for in thi-^ aet hi' lU'V d.cui * lUfifa^ii'!! «>; a »r.':ity ut d'-^ueleil ' U’l'foH S'u e-. beariri!; ir.r.Tts'^t ar 'b. r ,'r V I cvM'. p." .>'’iii»tn, p^vh'.*! ' -'>i!ii nii'uvifi'- r n*-‘ r.ibli* 'rily b\ O''! I rmuld iuiis ■.' b'* i.'cscrib'd by . rhe 7ri i -ury, »iid »-iid c*' aticttto.s ^}!a.U Li; cSi.iiipt ^KC 4 That on all ^aid Treasury n.M.'s tii.t t«Tati->n ^ principal a.»d intore.f funded or u.>»ed in paympnt ot taxes at the datf s j 15 Fho S-'ciot ivy of 'bf' 1 yea«ary is’ n*i and plao*'H prescribed in the Isr section of thif*; tt'orized to incrou^c rbc niiiubcr i4 cpo8itnMo -o i'r i'\C» Prn|HMty of every officer, soldier, 'T.iiT .»r iiniriiie, actimlly en{ja^e«l in the iiiilii n'v tir h;ival sorvice, *r of such as have ht*»'P ili-, 'lU-ii II ~»u‘l: i.*rvic’0, t'* the value ,»t |;io'»‘»; i>r .vidf'l, tiiat the \bove exeinp iio!i> -h.ill not :ii. pl>- to anv per»>on, wnuse l>f(>|>LTt \, e.xclhkI v’e of hoiisoliold furniture. notes wherever ciroulat'^i, and shall be collected by deducting the same at the treasury, its deposi tories and by tax colleotors, and by all Qovorn- ment officers receiving the same whenever pre sented for payment or for funding, or in payment hIihII t'f Hsser.~fd at a value e.vceodin" $1000 IV. Tliat where property ha» been injured orde^troNcd t»v the enemy, or the owner deprived of the or of the ineana Sec 16. The Secretary of the Tr«;isury ehall: of culti vHting the isame, by reason of the act, there sbali be levied at said dates and places i as to rue.t the requiromen- ot this act. and nitb o, deMU.Ned Ov t|,t enuni a tax of cents for ov^ry dollar promised on that view to emp.oy such of the bark.- ol the st-v , tlirre.-t lias i.een tcmj)oranl> the face of said nott>; said tax shall attach t,. said eral Stafv-a as he may deem expedient | me or occu}.ancy thereot, o ' . . _ .. . k!? 1 A? »T^i. * o nV^ii 1 .A’ 1^: * — u- forthwith advertise this act in such new.p%pArs published in the several States, and by such other nvsans as shall secure immediate publicity; and the Secretary of. War and the Secretary of the ot Government dues, or for postage, or in ex- j Navy shall each cauSe it to be published in gene chanjre for new notes, as hereinafter provided, and j *^l ofdcr for the informatiou of the ariuy and said Trea-oury notes shall be fundable in bonds as navy provid»‘d in the 1st section of this act, until the 1st day of January 1865, at the rate of 66f ornts on the dollar; and it shall be the duty of the Sec- preeence or the proximity of the enemy, lh*j a^iiiniASTnent on such property may be reduced, in pniportion to the damage sns- tained by the owner, or the tax assessed thereon may l>e reduced in the same ratio oy the district coli«-ctor, on aatisfactory ©vi- denco i»ubmitt«d to him bv the owner or as- Sec. 17- The 42d secti»n of the act for tht* assessment and ot>llection of taxes, approved May i ^ ^ i • j 1st 1863. is hereby repealed . pr«jperty laid retary of the Treasury, at any time between the j Sec. 18 The Secretary of the Treasury is ; tor the year 1864, ahull be assessed as on let ot April and the 1st of July, 1864, west ot j hereby authoriaed and r.M^uirod, upon the apph- ; the dav ot the ]«apage of this act, anti be cation of the holder ot any O'ill certificate, wbich, I due and Cv>lieo;ed on the l’>t day ot June by the first section of the act to provide for the [ ne.\l, or iw soon after R-s practicable, lillovv- iii^ an extension cif 90 day’s West of the pr >ved March 23d 1863, wa« requir»?d to he j J^[iiiv;;^sippi rJver Tlie adilitional tuxo^ on thereafter deemed to be a bond, lo issu*^ to t.uch j incoiiioo or profit* for the year 1863, levie«l holder a bond therefi^r upon the terms provided 1 |,y this Act, shall be a.-«segsed and collected by said act. ( f,,rrhwitli; and the taxe»» on incomes or pro- An Act to liy otiditional Tnmen for the com 1tor the y ear 1^64, shaU be as^esp-ed and ffion d^feiicf and support of Oif»r.rnint nt. ,.C'>nected accordin'^ to tlie pnms>u»ns of the Sec. 1. The Congress of the Confederate ‘ tax and^a^sessnlenf acts of 1868. States of Atnerica do enact, Thar in addi #. So much ot tlie tax ^ct of the 24th tion to tile taxes levied bv tne act “to lav Apri: ISoJ, as levies a tax on in- the Missis-^ippi river, and the 1st of January 1866, to substitut« and exchange new Treasury notes for the same at the rate ot 66| ceiits on the dol- funding and i’jrthor i^isue of Treaaary ni'^ea, ap lar; Prnvuieti, That notes of the denomination of* r>r'>ved March 23d 18t)3, wa® reauir»?d to he 8100 shall not be entitled to the privilege of said exchange: Provid^'d further, that the right to fund any of said Treasury notes, alter rhe 1st day of January 1865, is hereby taken away: Andj/ro~ oided further. That upon all such Treasury notes which may remain outstanding on the 1st day of January 1865, and w’«‘ch may not be exchans{«>d for nef Trea!ury nofe.^, as herein provided, a tax of 100 per cent, is hereby imposed. Sep 5 That after the first day of Anril nest, all authrtrity heretofore given to the Secrefary of the Treasury to issue Treasury notes shall be.’and is hereby, revoke^!: t^e Secretarv ot taxes for the common defence and to carrv ni the Govprnrnent of the Confederate States.” approved ‘24th of April 1S63, there ^hKll bo _ . levied, from tiie pa?say;e ot this act, on the l^he Treasury m.y, after that tin.e, is«ue 4 „f t i^utinn },e,v:iffHr tiientioru-d. and collected ironi every person, coj-arfner- siiip, as'oc'atfoti ,,r corjioration. li.'tble there- ■ Treasury nofps. m such f trm as he may proscnhe payable two years atrer the ratificnrioc of a tre i'y of peace with the Urji'ed Stttii H. sai'J issu**'* to be receivable in piyaient ot all i»ublic due.s, except oxr. >rf nriJ taiport diiMcs. to is-ucd in exchanije tor old lui'e^ at the rate o; 2 iloii^rj ■>!' the new for 3 of th** old vh- th-r sai.l ,11 notPs be surr--nJorr -^ For exel unfo hv th- ’ I (•-- thorcot, or be rtctfivfi m o th' Ir»’?i'''U’‘v unite the provisions ot 'his not; «nd r'i*» (i->H ■*' new nott.-i ii,. .* - X . f‘ tr -o .'t f‘. denonuirixtl-'..; r 66? cp’it- -o 1 • ' Mt 1. convert rh ' .«.-c. - rn c i^i ccr ifi ? be *•; i t?fpsf UT fhe rate ot -+ pei ceiir r-r tnna r. un ! . payshle two y'“»r« -ifror i r,f . frr- 'r ot pofice Tith tKe L -S'c -aje-s s..-,ne'r.- COriV-Tte ? !l‘* r‘^ T) :Tf»' I. Th'=r »o -^»y rho ; n n=Cr- - t tr* O,, • e*'>Tne^t not'-r-. .. oi lue Tn . D“r cen*-. b f’lrdrn,) 'o-i ter^'^t wKfiPO? ■ for r^ip p iVTiv nr receir-Ts ot n?- value f a>«T which shall b-; n ■ -, States, an>i f.'.o rn r pr no'K' laid, or ho ru ich fherc- f to. t.'ixes ;iS t‘>llo\v>. to vvit: >. 1. rp- n tlie valiic* of property, real. p>T ^ h'l iul roni mixed, of evt*rv koid a'cl d*'.-cHp- l o-i. n 'f !!--’r('in:it>or exempted oi taxed at a !iiK-renr rare, 5 pt-r cent.: i^rovi'i-ii, Ti'at lii'iij t ii>' fax oji file vaiiu^ of jir.ijik.-r'v ••m- xi.'nred -iirricMiI^ure! ht- dehii-.:»!i the V;i'lJ'- • ' r.i.X in .»i?»d 1.- i r-;, . comes derived iVotn property or effects on the amounr or value of which a tax is levieil by tl'.is act, anl also the 1st section of said act, me ••^UNjif'ided tor the year 1S64, and n I v^fitimatyd rent, hire or int^re^t on pr>- l*eitv r credit- herein r.Hxed ad valorem, -.hall he or taxed as incomc*) under tin.- tax ac' of Sk.\ til.* in:por*d In- tfiis act Oil »'*M 1- •'! 'he C oitederato States herefo- t'ore "ii'.'d. s’riali in n * ease exceed the in- ter^-st on 'ho and s ich i)orul% when --or ;u”:ir:c'. ,-lia!l iWi-ni;.’ rro.,t ; . \ j:; where tiu' f " i • > i ' 1 ' r; ' ev'-'-.-'i bv persons w’ho are within the a^c^ ot IH and 45 years, and who by the rej>ort of a Board of army pnr;eon9 shall he reported a'^ unable to perform active service in tlie field, hut capable of performinj^ some of the above said duties, specitvini; which, and when thei^o ])cr.sons shall have )>epn assigned to those duties as tar a.^ practicable, the Pre- siderit shall a.-»siirn or detail to their perform- Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper | ance such bodies ol troop‘d, or individuals, otfipers to Investigate the cases of all per-ons I required to i)v enrollel uoder fjH* ofh sec eoniDiinv of any description. | or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele- -n->'-.jre J or not, 25 per centtm , graphic line of communication, or property, ! w’ith the intent of aiding tho enemy. •i\.*'n’>» ,)H from! XIII. Ot treasonalde designs to impair .1 I-t >iia!i l»e allowed, tho military power of the Government by destroying, or attemptiuir t» destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, fuundries, workshoj>s, or other property of tlie Ctinfedorate States the at arrested, or detained, in order that they tion ot this act, as niay He needed h>r tli niay be discharged if 1 niproj.*erly detained, discharj'e >t s'.i(r>i i;uies; *d^/^ unlesathey can be speedily tried in the duo tr»urso of law. Sec. 3. That durin said, no military or compelled, in answer to any writ of habeiis corpus, to appt’ar in per.-^on, or to return the hody of any person or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary of War, or tlie General otficer com persons between the ages ot 17 and shall be assigne^i ti» those duties: Provided tur- g the suspen-^ion afore- * ther, that ii tthin;^ contained in thi.- aci >h.ill other otiicer shall b« be st> construed as to prevent ;he }’resilent fr*m iletailinsr artisans, meciianics, or pi:r- sons of scientrtic skill, to }»erform indispen sable dnties in the departments or liureaus herein uiiMUioued. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As- manding tho Trans Missispi|)pi department; sistant Quartermaster, Coriimis?iary or Ao- but upon the certificate, under oath, ot the ■«istant Coinm:snary, (other thati Tiioae soi \- ofiicer having charge of any one so detained, that such person is detainei by him as a prisoner for any-*>f the causes hereinbefore uikIop tho authority aforesaid^ fur ther proceedings under the wri-t of habeas corpus shall immediately cease and remain suspended so long as this act shall continue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days after the next meeting of Con gress, and no longer. THE MILITARV BILL. Section 1. That from and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for the war. Sec. ‘2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of IS and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the pr*‘sent war with the U. S., in the same rey:itnent-j. bat ing with brigades or regiments in the ticld.) or offi'*ers in the Ordnance Bureai*. or Xavy Agent:^, or Provost Mar>hal, or otiicer in tho conscript service, who shall hereafter eniplov or retain iu his emph>yment any person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or in anv of the duties mentioned in tho 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-mffrtial or military c>urt, be casliiertMl; and it shall be the duty of any dejtartment or district commander, upon jtroof, by the oath of any credible person, that anv such otiicer has violated this pro vision, uiimediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commandci*s shaii take prompt measures to have him tried for such otfWnce; and any comniatnler as at'oresaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon t»eing duly convicted thereof, be discharged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting eiernp- are, hereby repealei. and hereat*ter none shall be exempted except the following; 1. All who shall be held unfit for miilta- ^ , the Confederatft States, and the drivers o! ry service, under rules to be prescr.bed by I p^>5{; coaches and hacks, from military ge.'' the Secretary of War. vice: Provided, that all 1.. ! ■ ->:f. t- ho I'-e” ct'?;t, II, On *' • Go v,.-; h -JI ')e a .o. I'i'O" *w-,'d Lev* .it; ■■i 5 ;ue -T c.itir, i'ji» .‘•rv ai:ti and in. -ir.r , ; •tf Jt-i.’ar-, t}i.:; pnnc - be fre^ fr.»r,; tax •'e ’To-'rt r! “ T rl. i f y h prr' ' t IP- n, and '~e ii t •- ‘h-. - ‘ r.r. • • r • 'I. -r 1 c 1 of 'n^ injxirt cjufit«: * Uiav lie ncci‘«'arv a 0 d r' , p n: 1 nnvril to pay annually the interest, are her*‘by speciaMy pledg. d: hrorhhd, that the duties now laid o- imports are hereby piedeed and shall hero^d ter be paid in sppci* or in sterline ?xcha-g«’, or | ‘ Id coupon® rf said bor;ds ^ ’ ' export in J • ’ r' f ''ie Wr!f K, ; C--,/ '. /i reri'iiu ■••I'. >• •‘‘..r i^'-n d'tiie l^MltV‘d- t'e- 'f A:::eHca pr ividcs in .Vrticle ‘ ' i f*. ■•a^ra;•'* 6, t'l;.: “'tl.e p-ivi- ' V" .if hR.)e:t.'‘ corpu? uhr.'l not • • ’.V* o.; ,'fl f.i'i. of re?Kd- , ■, hv ’ •:-if'-ty mav re- i • ' -p'-a-*. l: e ji-iWer «d’ .?us- ‘he j>r;viio’;'e of s.ii l writ as recog- A"‘C ;■ 1. :s vosf.jd .Solely in A'iiicii ii t/ie exclusive judgt' such siisnension; and jtin.oii of fh»* Congress, the ji.ihiic sat*'t\ requires the suspension of said writ itj the exisimg case ol’ the invasion d' actually paid for the same by * the-e States i»y the armies of the United I States; and whereas, the President has asked ill. • v,'..;c '• property tax^^d triicr - cc-c: ^ i.-.Il !i-* a^bi'Sscd •'H the ■■•a-’s ..f '' e Ii;..!'Ket V.H; lie ot I ;it; ()p > !tl i;i"|tr'*- i;; rhe neiiT'diorhond u-'iyrt? -*d. mi *fie year i*\ce_>it in cH~e.' w land, slave-. Cotton or tol.-ncc' lirtve (>eeu pur- c; ;;''d -.luce the 1st day of J.i’iiiarv HH2, in wji'ch c i'e the s.i.d iand^ si ivt-s, C 'tt ii Mini r.. lacco So piireha'Pd, shall 1h* a^sc'sod a: the price tho o',vner, S. 2. On the valuaof all shares or inter- W erafp y-' ‘K; - tlK^ C- of riie tifc's->!fy WluTe.v', I FI til talions and companies, to which they belong tions from military service be, and tlie same at the passage of this act, with th« same or- ganiEation and otiicers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the law.» and regulations for the gov ernment of the «rmy: Pro\’id(?tl, that com panies from one State, (>r;;anized against! 2. The Vice President of tho Confederate their consent, exj>ressed at the time, with j States, the members and otiic«?rs of (^>n^ress regiments or battalions from another State. | and of tlie several State Lei^islatures, and shall have the privilege of ijeing transferred } such otlier Confelerate and State officers as to organizations of troops, in the same artn the President, or tin* Governor of the re of the service, from the8tate.-» in which said ^ fipective States, may certify to be necessary companies were raised; and tfie Soldiers from i for the projuT aihiiini=tration of the C>n- oiie State, in companies from another .State, ! f'jderate or State (.Tove'Miments, as the ca'^e shall be allowed, it they desire it, a tran.'fer ! may be. to (irgAnizations fmm their own Stales, in 3. Every minister of religion authorized to th« same arm of the service. j preach acc,»rding to the rules id’ Ids churcli, Sec. o. That at the expiration of six months j and who, at the passage ot this act, shall be from the first day d’ April next, a bounty . reguhu’ly employed in the discharge of his of :S100 in a six per cen'. (»overnnient bund, mini^ duties; superintendents and phy- which the Secretary id" tilt Treiisnry is here-j isicians of asylums for tho deaf and dumb by uutiiorlzed to i^-ue, slntll 1m* jtaiti to ovo- and blind and .if the insane; on« editor for ry nun commissioned otiicer. musician and I each newspaper being published at the time private who shall tlien be in service, or in j >*f this act, and such employees as said edi- liie event d' his death previous to the period | N>r may cortify, on oath, t» be indispensable of such payment, then t.» 'iie person or per-j to the publication of such newspaper; the s .n-, ,vho wouid be ent.tled fo i-eceive by law j public printer of the Confederate and State the arivara*resof ills {>ay; hut n.* one shall be i Governments, and such journeymen print- entiiied to the .’'ounty liercin prov dod whojers as tin'' said public printer shall certify, sriall at ^iny time, durir.g tiie pori »d of six ' on oath, to be indispensable to perform the months next after the said first day of April, ! public j)rinting; one skilled ajw.thecary in bo absent from his Comniund Without leave. | each apothecary store, who was doing busi- Sec. 4. 'l’h;:t n» person shall be reliwv .*! j ness as such on tlie 10th day of Oct'r 1>62. irorn tne nperatitni ot this act by reason of i and has continued said business, without liAving been heretotore discharg.'d from the j intermission, since tha^ period; all phvgi- army wiiere no disability now exists; nor j cians over the age of 30 vears, wki> now are, shall those who have furnished substitutes I and for tiie la-'t 7 years have, been, in the f>e any longer exempted hy rea.sotj thereof: j actual and regular practice of their }>rofes- 3. Such person shall further bind ijiuja,-.; to sell the marketable surplus of pr«.)viBi,,rj, and grain now on hand, afid whirdi ii- raise frmi v:'ar to year wiiile tiis exeixiptio. continues, t.^ the G..vernment or to the iaiu- ilies »)f soldiers, at prices tixed l>y the (]ou,. missioners of the State under tiie iinptf.,,, nient act: Provided, that- any pftrs.n, , v. empted as afore^nid, shall be entitled t. ^ credif of 2.'» pt;r f*ent. on anv amount .»f m h', which lift n'lav deliver withm tlireo i:i.»iitii, from the passage of this act; Provided fu;-. ther, that ]»erHons coining within the prov; sions of this exempti'.»n shall not he deprive! d’ the beneti'' t)iereof tiv l enson o.’ berfii enn.lhrd since the l^t day of Ft?h. Isfi4 4 Iu addition to the foregoing e.xemj. tions, the Secretary of War. under the (j; rection of tlie Pro-iilent, mav e.’ceinpt or (h- tail such oilier persons as hcOn iy h.- tied ougiit to bo exempted on acc'nitit',,t pu!)Iic necessity, and to insure th«> poxjiic. tion of grain and other provisionr- tiie army and the families of soldiers. He also, grant exemptions or details, on sucl. tcrins a.s lie may prescribe, to su.-li ,,ver seers, farmers or j>lantcrs as he may he sat isfied will be more useful to the contitrr in the pursuits of agriculture than in the miii. tary service: Providei, that sach exeinpiiyu slfcal! ceaso whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall tail diligently to eiiipl.>v iij iiood faitti, his t*>vTi skill, capita! and lalvor exclusively in the j)roducti(.>n 'd’ gia.n and provisions, to be sold to the Govyruinent and the families of soldiers at ]>ricn»^ not exceed ing th-^se fixed at the time tor like articks hy the Commissioners of the State undfr the impressment act. 5. The ))resideat, treasurer, auditor ar;.j superintendent of any railrf»ad company en gaged in transportation for the G:>vernment and such officers and employees ttiere.:>f as the i>resident or superintendent shall cortii\ on oath to be indi^pensjihle to tlie Gtiioionr operation of said raihviad: Provided, tiiar the ntimber of person^ so exempted hv act on any railroad shall not e.xceed one per son t’or each mile of such road in actual n*» for military transportation; and said exei?iprs shall be reported by name and descriptiorj, with the names of any who have left tla- employment of said company, or whu uiftt ce; to be indispensable. 6. That nothing lierein contained sLiftl. be construed as repealing the act approve'! April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying tlie inaiia for tl le suspension of tj^ writ of habeas cor- est.-^ held in any bank, hankitiir company or ; pus. atid informed Coiigress of conditions of i dissociation, canal, navigation, im}>ortinjr, j pnldic danger which render the suspension Seo. 7. Thi; the ^e^rotary (*f the Treasury is hereby authorisod, from time to time, as tbe wants of the Treasury may require it. to p#»|i or hypothecate for Trea.^ury notes «aid bonds, or aur i .*> }.>er cent, part thpreof, upon the bpst terms he can, so as to ( The value of pr>pertv taxed ineet appropriations by Cocirrp.^^, and at the same tinae reduce and r-.'stript the aaiount of the- circa- latiOQ in Tred-urv noft>6 sate insurance, mHiiiit'acturinsf, tide- • of the writ a measure proper for the public grapfi. express, railr»ad. atid dry-iiock com-; defence against invsvsion and insurrection; panics, and all other joint stock companies I now, therefore, 'd' every kind, whether incorporated or not. | Tiie Owigress of the Confederate States of America clo enact. That during the present invasion of the (confederate State*, the priv wittiin rea.'irnble .irid Sec. 8. The bonds authorig.d by the 6;b seo tion of thLs act may be either reKi-stt-red or oou- 1 parties taking thpm may elcct; 0 they mny be exchanged lor each other under sue regulations us the Se retary ol the Treasury may prewntw They shall bo for SIOO. and ahall together with the coupons thereto attached, bo in such form and of such authentication as ♦he Sec- Treasury may prescribe; the interest shall be payable half yearly on the first of Jan'y and July in each year; the principal shall be pay able not less than 30 /ears from their date. 8ko. 9. All call oertificate.s shall be fundable, and shall be taxed in all respects as is provided for the Treasury notes into which ♦hey aro con vertible. If oonvcrted before the time fixed for ^*ing the Treasury notes, .such certificates shall from that time bear interest upon only 66^ cents for every dollar promised Hpon their face, and •hall be redeemable in new Trea.sury notes at that rate; but after the passage of this act no call oenifioates shall be issued until after the first day of April, 1864. Seo. 10 That if any bank of deposit shall jfive its depositors the bonds authorized by the first •ectioD ot this act, in exchange for tbe'ir dpposits •*nd specifying the same on the bonds by some distinctive mark or token, to i>e agrpod upon with the Secretary of the Treasury, then the said de- jKWtor shall be untitled to rcciovff the amo^n^ of f ^ • i t ..i i Bsid bonds in TreasdVy notes, b-arn-^ no wtcre^it or mixed cloths, hats, wagc.ns, harness, and outstanding at the pas ^-.i^e of this act: Pro. j «teei or nails, at any time be- the said l>ondd sre prespntod before t?,e i January ISF^S, aiid the 1st pnviiej^ of fundin? said not. s at par shall c-^s j '^Huuaiy 1865, 10 per o-ent., in addition « pre»o.-ibe..l • ^ IM "'f on sucli |m.fit8 undc.r umler this Section sliay he asses&ed upon the b.isis td' tiie market value of tuch property in the ne!ifhl>orliood wliert* asr,er.sed. in such cur- ' rencv as may he in general u>e tlier**, in rhe ! purcliHse anl t?ale of such propercy, at the time of asse^snfbnt. Sec. 3. Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, wkether held by the banks or other corpo rations or individuals, 5 percent.; and upon all moneys held abroad, or upon the amount of all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a tax of 5 per cent.; such tax upon money abroad to be assessed and collected according to the value thereof at the place where the tax is paid. II. Upon the ariiount of all solvent cre- dits, a_nd ot all bank bills and all other pa pers issued as currency, exclusive of non interest bearing Confederate treasury notes, and not omplo3’c i in a registerei iiusiness, the income derived from which is taxed, 5 per cent. ’ Sec. 4. Upon profits made in trade and business, as follows: L ()n all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritous liquors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or’sirup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, slieep, oats, hay, fodder, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, boots, shoes, cotton yarns, wool^ woolen, cot- river, but tJter that tame thev ' note»j, debts, •tjroWits, or obiigatious of any kind, and anj^ meix^baudize, props'*- dcge of the writ d habctis corpus be, and the .'ame is lituvliy, ouspendiid; but such siis pen.-,ioii rli.iil ;ipplynnly to the cases of per- sotis arreste.l or detained by order of the I re'.ideiit. Secretary of War, or the General O Hcer commanding the Trans-Mississippi .Military l>epartment, by the authority and under the control of the President. It is liereby de‘dared that the imrpo&e of Cpn- gress in tne }>assage of this act is to provide niore eifectiially for the public safety by suspending the writ of habeas corpus in the folh»wing cases an^i no other: I. Of treason, or treasonable efforts or Combinations to snbvert the government of the Confederate States. II. Of Conspiracies t> ot^erthrow the gov eminent, or conspiracies to resist the lawful authority of the Confederate States. IIL Of comhioing to assist the enemy, or of communioMting intelligence to the enemy, or giving him aid an'd comfort. ’ TV. Ot conspiiacies, preparations and at- teim>t6 to incite servile insurrection, V • Ot desertiona or encouraging deser tions, ot harboring deeerters, and of atteuHjts to avoid military.servioe: Provided, That in case of palpable wrong and oppression by .any subordinate otiicer upon any party who does not legally owe military service, his superior vtHcer shall grant prompt relief to *^i and the subordinate shall be dismisaed from office. VI. Ot spies arid other einiBaaries of the enemy. VII. Ol iiolding correspiHidenoe or inter course vVirli flie eiie.oy. without •ecessity, and Without the penn]ssii>ii of the Confede- -arti States. V ill. O. uniawfiil trading vvitii the ene- mv, afi'l othur odences against;. tl«e laws of tiie Uoiittfderate Stfited, eaaeted to promote their saccosa in the war. 7 t’ri»vided, that no person, heretoti>rc exempt ed on account d‘ religious opinions and who has paid the tax levied to relieve him from service, «hall bo rc(|uired to rondt*r militarv service utnler this act. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselves at such times and places, and under such regulations, as the President may [>rescribe, the time allowed not being less tiian 30 days for those east, and (>0 da}’8 for those west of the Mississippi river, and any pers>n wiio shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judgad of by the President, shall be placed in service in the tield for the war, in the same manner as though they were be- tweeu the ages of IS and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in tifis section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, and shall not be required to perforin service out of the State in which they reside. f. 'itirtfc itTi |>cieons requireu Dy the 5th section of this act to enroll themselves, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender their services as volunteers during the war to the President; and if such organ- izatious shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling otficer of their district, which shall be ecjuivalent to enrollment, they rnay. be accepted as minute men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as Ixrfbre provided; and may, by the President, be required to assemble at convenient pla ces of rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be prescribed by him; and shall liave the right to elect their company and regimental ottcersj aiKl all troops organized under this act for State defence, shall be^ entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allow luce as troops now in tfie field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous as required sion, hut the term ))hyk‘.ician shall not in clude dentists; ail presidents and teachers of colleges, theological t.eminaries, acade mies and schoids, who have been regularly engaged as such for two years next before the passage of this act: 1‘rovided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whi»S'3 schools are com piled of 20 students or mo.-e. 'All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses theiein as such sn- perintendents shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efficient management thereof. * 4. There shall be e.xempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan- t-ation upon which there are now, ami were on the Ist-day of Jan’y last, 15 able luKlied field-iiands, between the t.ges of 16 and 50. upon the following conditions: 1. This exemptii>n shall onl\' be granted in eases in which there is no white male adult on the larm oi' iilantfl-tirtn »»*>t litkUio to military service, nor unless the person claim- ir>g tho exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1S64, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. , 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, and with such security, ani in such penalty as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at; some railroad depot, or such other place or places as mav be designated by the Secretary of War, I within 12 months next ensuing, 100 pounds j of bacon, or, at tho election of tho Govern* j ment, its equivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of j net beef (said oeef to l>e delivered on foot,) ! for each able-bodied slave on said farm or i plantation, within the above said agei, whe- j ther said slaves in the field or not, which the exetr.ptiorii granted under this aet shall only continue whilst the ]>er6ons exempted are actiiaily engaged in their respfMitive pursuits or oc- cuj^ations. Sec. 11. That the’ President tje. ami he .j hereby, authorized to grant details, under general rules and regulations to be issUdd iVom the War Department, eitiier of persons lietween 45 and 50 years of age, or tVoin the army in the field, in all cases where, in his judgment, justice, equity and necessity re- juire such tietails, and he may revoke sucL orders of details w'henever he tliinkf pmper; Provided, that the power herein granted to the President to make details and exemp tions shall not be con.s«rued to authorize t!ie exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing sni>]dies of any kind to the Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unleis the head or secretary of the department ma king such contract shall certify that the per sonal services of such contractor are indis pensable to the execution (tf said contract; Provided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently aud faithfully. ti» proceed with the execution of guch con tract, his exemptio i or detail shall cease, Sec. 12. That in appointing local hoards ofl surgeons for the examination of j)er3''»ni liable to military service, no member com posing the same shall be appointed from ttie county or enrolling liistrict in which thev are required to make such examination. Farlber Sappli'«9 «f l^hoei Bdoki* OfJH OWN aPBUUlNG BO.JK; Our >wa Firgt E»sder; “ “ Prinaary Arith>n«*» io; “ “ “ GrftTnm»r; “ •* EVmaataij OrAcaicar; Pri*n-*r; Lvtia G rimnbir; Ja»t r.-c^irf'd. B. J. HALE A SONS. THE DIXIE PKini^R, L-t FAVETTKVII.LE srTiiii issBEiscE eoMPiyf. C&pital in Premium Not.«s amount* to J2ti7,688 ‘Zb Casa on bsjid and othe*’ 6,077 ^6 Total. $272,766 61 TJie Ooiafauy h*7« paid all losses promptly, Rffer ,>nad« an assessmont on tJi«ir premiam notei- Tof*l loesea paid, J'2'^,682 68 Orricsar: GEO. MoNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vioe Preaidant. C. A. MeMILLAN, Seo’y. l>tKXCTOES: Hanry Liily, W. N. Tillinghast, H. L. MyroTsr, 8. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. Hawly^, _ Wm. !VfcT>aiiriB, Nathau A. S!«dman, T. S. Latterlok, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Sterf, James Kylc, J. O. Cook, A. A. MoKethan. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. IVilliams, S. P. Brown, 1 S. W. Tillmghast. A. B Hall, / «»“n’gtoa. hn Collins aad C. C. McCmiamen. TraveliD^ A^ots Comp.ftaj TUiTitp aprpliuKouns. A me XeV Style, Snull, COLORED PHOfOttR^PIS, AT Vannradeirs Oallery. ART. WoM(trard’» Solar Camera. a anfficieat excuee, said bacon or pork and beef* shall be paid be kad at Vanorsdell’s Skylight for by the Government at the prices fixed etieYille, n.’ w^aw by the Commissioners of the State under the colors,, oil and pastil*; from small to life site. Ambro- impressment act: Provided, that when tlie Melaneotypcs, and all other wyles ef Piotura* person thus exempted shall produce satis- S , ... } .... 'J lot Tery large pictures—as large as 26 bj 86 factory evidence that it has t)cen impossible inc£’t'. ^/ord and Tassels for hanging pictures; lastm- for him, by the exorcise of proper diligence, Stack and Oiiemicals for sale low for cash. Lite to furnish“the amount of meat thus contract- Pnotographs made froia amaU pictures. I ^ 4 1 I A- J.I Having permaneatlj looated here I hop« to merit ed foi, and leave an adequate supply for the yoar patronage. 1 wouH a!?o return oiy sincer# thaukJ sitbsisteuce of those living on the said farm f®*" i»t>^^l patronage b««towed on heretofore hjr t»r plantation, the Secretary of War shall people of Fayetteville %ad ▼lomity. C. M. VANORSDELI^ Plratofrapliisk «i4 PteprbNr. W» aO»lNt Th PKINTF.O Kimi KM-! Price for ^he S adranoe. Por fhe W»^klv a>ivaooe ji®“ADVEhT^ rtf Iri lines for t* ufMinjr frtiWicatl half Bquar* for eajh quested t.o jiftte 11 ♦her win be oonti inpij. .VdTertisemnn's tfrtiuement •, Proni Eu i.t-ir will be entered w tiie pap^r be sftnt chan is paid for. Suoh of our old i per on this sys*^® remittances. Att Fa WILL attend tl Camberland, tlM. Prompt att^ olfUtoa entrust«i t« Oet. 17, 186». (iKO.W. %Vhole«iale AND IMM Hardware aii( HAY Si July 2, ISol. J o €H'tner and FAYE Jau'j 10, 1868. W a WOB.TH- WOI Commission aut WILB Oct. lb, issa. ~ TOO^ J. J General Ounumssic 4ft .tot WIL5 FBOMPr atteutioa our handa T J. JOHNSON, Jr of Fiye»te»lU^. T J»n’y 8 V 0 Bt>sfl£L /i,O00 i.aoo • Persona biiviug U!i Mic highebt tiaub prie at ike Merohani MiUj ber at his olti 3i»nd o No-». 6, 18«2. Xjftiin 1AM pr*i»ttved to i Harness for Army give good bargain*. , orders k» me ae tt^* y sect ofi in quioK oispi Ooldiiton P. 0 , Chi • 1mn» lb«. €iii (»ot. 16. r S AL BACKS for salt Dm. '.ii. _ rfi 1 »0X£8 VIB( X vU tvr sale on oo May 2». pay 1 the h Fayetteville, or at my Feb’y 16, 1834 Wanted WEt^TERN EAfL Bank Notett; Gold and Bilrer; North Caaolina ' (Jouaty of Cumb Town of Fayette Greensboro’ ;{1 i CoDf«derHlc 7 an Coui>onB of of Tow] •• ot oi l P OcL 12, 18«8. w Spon t'oUeu £ wiU give Hpun d))liv«red lU oiy OIL.— Factr.ry BA It r my Fticiory. Fayette»iile, OB Lead wanted.— I>epariiaeni Pei tlUee wiU please appl POWDER for 10 poui 65»-tf Palma The 8ut>s«riber viL any quantity of F OIL iNU ana LI 1 LAMP BLk i i autho^i^ ot the Presideut, without 1 direct a coiuinatation of the same, to the ‘ - I, to be judged of by him, leztent of two-thirda the^^in grain or other j