■ = i lii •‘ - riid\ *' Xt'tn j>l u,.jj Tbe faiii- ' ■')«* %>in- IniprcH.^. }>.*rs..ii I , ^ -nt •.♦'mi. HI uonilis I'r.-v^lcd f„... Ih ■:; the provi- ■ il viii^ y ■? I t*h. r^' ‘Xeiri|> »> ’ ‘he di i-xe-n -r „r 11.IV .■ “'’1 '.I--.- ii'e { rv>ijnc- >r; r.ji- i'^'” Ht* IliHV. .‘t;i '!;* : ttu- .: an i' iW ’ ."H such .,ver y he «at- •untry in the miii- \ npii.jn j infer of ^ eiui»l>y iij »i?.i iiiiij labor ‘ "t' iri-iiii and *vi^r;-iuonr and •I'*' !j # eKoeed- i>i' .ke :irriclu3 e ‘ ;ite under r, airiitor and J c*ti;:>any eu- ;(t vt'rninent, oe^ there t‘ a, rit*t;hali '.-ertiA t‘> the efficient [-’r.v .led, that mj.t. d bv this xceed one pei - 1 in iicrual u«e d !»nii exeiflpts ul -ledi'ript^jii, iiavt* iell thf f, «•! wh'= uaa? >ut.iune.i shall I act ;ij-pruvefl an act to ex r tlie mails *>1 Lite drivers ot' I rnMitary ger- e ex‘mptii-'is only c*-urintie , ur- ;i.’‘uaily )ur5ii’''i '.r oc- l be, und tie .3 .detailt, under 1 t > is-Udd ther ■ *r persons jje, 'T *’r->in the 5 wi. f . :ri his (I necc-’ity re- ly rev.^k** such thinlvr pr.-j)er: ein ^r -'iU-d to i'. ar?d exernj- au= i/fthe con-K ;-r K-r ■ • ■ lie G'jv- >ntrat \ unle=i 'par'i.ient ma y tliat the per- ctor are indis- said c*"iitrHCt: any such cou- ;d :• •.:fullr. i)f »jfh con ehal; c^'Hse. Doards 01! -•!' persons rneniber c-m nted iTOin tb« n whicii thev uriination. •i Boak«. lUi Sl aosa WKR, pi'* » *•* !■* -V LK 03IPIVT. f > 7,(>88 --ib ,077 5«7-,7(j6 61 £.ir tpiiy, i*nd r pr»jni 'ai noiet* » •■•.082 6f >nt int. ighaat, ai«, rloK, >eph.- !■ t, ’Vilm'gto*. ■s,, • j inera. eii’i Bkjhght Var.l, Fay- d, in w»t«r i*e, Ambro- ®f Pictur** OiU MouJd- as JO hj 86 tiires- oro^’i Lite plCI urijS. jpn I merit iucfii -.likj b»r#i ifore by 7 UiiLL, !#»•» Wi!"yiIlUL SKWI.W: BE ^TB*1 1 am XII!. ^'AYKTTEVfLLE, N. C.. MARCH 14, IH«4 f\n. 1314.] HKINTFO \roNf»\YH aNU I’HUR.'^UATS KUHAKU J. H.ILG & SONS. i[ ITims AND I'ROPRIETORS. in in P'ice f«i" t’hf SBnn-WfteklT Oaasnven 00, paW advnnoe. •^or fh^ W(*«kW OsH«Rvit» $4 00 p«r annara, paid a.lTiiooe. j ADVERTISEMENTS iuserted for f3 p«r a ]u>ire uf Iri linca fur th* first, and one dollar for each aao- . L'f-i‘dui|r ’fmWicalion. AdieHisetnenw not rice«dlnr h ^ iiulf eqimrn («lehl Hneu) SI for the firai and W' o#nfi ! for pa»h (•«i''-'«»dlng publication. AdTertlperfl arc re- 4n«st«-l to itate tha number of insertloni diwJrad, or 'hev win be oootinutxl till forbid, and ohar^cd accord inpiy. AdTert4e«pnj«‘n*9 eontiune«l tntidf, oharjtod «.« n«w ai »frii8«ineni ■. .Wt* VemoB Female SeMiaary. nj^HE 2«l Heseitfii will ooramst.M the loth of FEB 1 RUARY atd o:>ntinu9 20 wcekii. ’ Tuiii. n in K*5fflj?b Br>ioobfi» 3S60 i-K) • *■ MusH: aad Pamlini^, (»aoU,) 40 00 HottH)! Raoro exp^nsfla 8 00 Bo%r. |!4(K) per sMeicu. If paid in proTieionfi at old ( pnoe» ?60. All of Tuifioc Acd on« half of Board re- qtyred m i.dv(*30f E*->a TsrpU wl!l ff>r7'.iah her nwt j forels, on«» pair one pai^ pillow -eaa»a, one ooant;rp«ae or aad a drink.ln? oap. ReT. WM. HOOPEa, 1 „ . - T C. HOOPER. ( naotpa*i» AddrcMf Hr. •>»» P O , I'hRfb'ni county. Juts‘7 Vi. ‘>7 ♦*.# .yOTtfE. ePL’OLrlL >’«>TICB. ; from Eu -i.idr this date, no name of a new subscriber win «»e entered with.»m payment in advance, nor will ! iie uap«r be «f>nt to such 8ub8'riber8 for a longer tim* | tfian is paid for. Suoh of our old desire l« t^ke lh« pa* 1 per on this sys*«iH ■vti’I p!«a«« notify ns when raakio^ : retnittanoes. Jan’y 1, ifvu. jftcp.. jntcu,$ir. Attorney at Law, Fatettkvilli, N. C. | IIT ILL attend the County and Su^rior CourM of 1 \ T Casaberland, *farnett, Moore ana Robeoon Coon- . tijs. Prompt att^umon girea to the oollectioa of *11 | ol>uina entrustud u> his handA. ! ()«. 17, 186«. &8-tf I (iEorvv. wIlliTms & CO.7 Wholenale Uealem in itl'0€erle«, ;1ND IMPOHTERS AND DEALmRS IN Hardware and Cutlerf) Swedes IroB, &e«, BAY STKKKT, VilKTTSYlLLS, H. (!. July 2, IhOl. 86lf jTbs. iJTLEy7 &^r*»€^r ani Vofn»t%i»ffion »VferclUm(, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1868. M-tf 'pHK oontintifKi inoreaiK' in th" price uf i^r jrisioM ma? I L o'/ii^e ua to iuorea.'^a oar rates of Tatiiou and board I at the «sp:ra(i.-m of JLe lei qaaner (20th of April.) of I whioh ^ur patrons will have due notipe la exohaage ^ l:r oacon -.nd Un* at old priof s (10 ct* ) atid far com Ai 75. Fl.ar at $i, our ►^•oard will com mu© without anv j ohft-iiff •»' t«er month ’ R-f WM HOOPFR. j T. 0 nOOPBR PebV 8. 6 2m COWSCRIfT OFFICE, Halelgh, If. C.,) ' ...UL. . f rpHb rc>:lvw.n|r “Nctice” from Bure^iu of Cor.«cripti'»n 1 le pubJlHtied for the Ruidinoe ..f all ooiicern«d Cow l-lianoe with Ha dirrctioJie «ill »ave applicant*! for fx ' rtnption or detail niueli nrn!»oc«4n.vy delay in t^e tn»f» t!gation of their ol>iinis ” i B» order of the torj'oaudani-. ! B J BARDIN. Adj't J¥0'FI€E. k)NFliDERArE STATUH'OP \MKRIOA, Dkp’t, Bu&bAo Of OoK!tuaiPT(0]i, I ^CHMOKD, Va , Jan lh64 j Paraftrajih X of Qetiorai ^Sr.Ura No 82 Adjuiautand rnenecior 6,?iiiral’rf Olliaw of 1S62, require? that “appM I'iDroiliui? Office, ) ! Kaybttevfllk, March 5, 1804. { i “'*dfr»!K06d, having tieon as«igiin-i dii’v ’ 6nrol!iUj{ Of!ic‘-r for Onmbiirland County, ) >is. f^^jr j present, made bis (-fflo* in F>-.7ett«->ril!«, Haj 8:r'*i t, j opDoaiio the Hoppi-al. j j Ha'nvwe^ and shtlt e&pent a’! good oii’'»pni to :«id | ■ oUf C4UA- by an effioi^u* u^d jrt t ii*40: • ' of h'9 ;fc.9 ts,.y to ..t . B I I tion, and keer iy,* b;m ad-»i«d of. all oa-,s of error. ! I epoftm, fraud or abute o nnect d '•ul oon ovUii-ti ^ j ah'ob I'XiEia or i» tiiou«af t * ox's: is; I'na County, inat i ""'*y iaveihira.e.l iud correot'd T.i an^' ' I ‘™ '-’ ‘‘'tf P'rtijUiat » !i alr-iijff..'. »■!*.•■ sis ‘inofl i«ric- . to a fu>( pro.rjp* «nu impai'tiat pxecution ‘f >^e i „ * -- -rr ■ I A-ct, Hud if de.-ired iofr.Tuiation rriviTsd wiii j oatio.-u tor ^xen.Mtjon mu!.t in oaee^ avle to the ' u^-d witi, ...trr..rtuoo to the ot «;.* intormanu 1 Hi (iffl 1 j' rop'uatiOD of Cumborland n. iQ«rt.)v T irtr-o .ooal E...olliw>f las n-n in, power toad. ! fre?dua f-^D: di^loy•^l«y. hu» for conspiouoos p»tri I or w m dnubu ho will afior iancei j^ailoo nuder C^rcu I otTum. i-i enooura^-esie.'t i-ufBoient tha‘ this aasisiance ' Iftr N^. 8, Current «enes, refer 9nc?i *pp!ioaiions, ! be wi'hh!*;^ | throufcft the prop‘r offio«al ohann \* *o Bureau Al' ! sue - .4pD)ioatioDi addrsofod »• tbia 3nreau will a»ces . J'-i *0 Kft'ilr !w)d iiiTt.ri»ihiy bo roiurnad for looil in? W. r. RENOHB.'^, Lt. ard EnroPinir Otfi’r. 'uinh rbvnd i'sr.ija ^ I i $10 00 6 00 7 00, H 00 I 10 00 j |«0 00 I 11 go I B a woKTH. T> a w«*aTH a. o. namu. WORTH & CO^ Commi8slo& aud Forwarding Merohaats, W'ifUr Streety WLLMLVGTON, N. C. Oct. lb, 1863. 78-12m TBOS. J. JOHJiSOS, Jr., & €0., G«oerai CofflfflLs.siod & Forwarding Mercbante, 4ft »^arth fW*uitr Slreei, WILMINGTON, N. C. FROMP'i.' atteutiua ^ivdo l-:> all btuine^ entrusted to our handd Co^?,ii?na*‘nta aolioited. T J. J0HN80S, Jr QRABROWSy Y, of Fayeile»lU^, iJ. of l**i«r9>>ur(|, V*. Jtn’y 8 9i-iiap^ HA*\TEOr O Xl‘ii BCSfl£LS WHSAT. >w,OUU 1,500 •• CORN. PerbOQS haTiug the above ank’lea to sell wtllreceiTa Ifae highest Claah price by oailing on .\ir. M. rho iiaiw, at Ike Merchant ^lilla, KayetteTiile, «r oc th^aubccri- ber at bis old sund ou Market Squar*. ALEJL JOHNSON, Jr. Sot. 6, 18«2. 76tf ^UeUftY 1AM prefiHred to m»nufacture all kisdB of Wa^oa Harness for Army use. I tan my lcaiii*r and oaa give good bargain*. Age«ta will do well te aend their orders m lue ae tb- y shall have prompt att«Btion, and MDt o§ in quick oispatoii. JOHN CARTER. Qoldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. O., > o.,, . June 13. 1862. f 300 lbs. Criim >lrabic for sale by J. R LEE. t»ct. 16. 69tf UST OF CHkmES FOK P1SSEN4;ERS. > fol! wing rate?' r,f Pa^S'tge wUl be ohisrgej ou ; 1 our SU’amer^i— ■ UOWil. ' ; Frftn: I*' .yerte»f'iv to Wi5ai>ag(oti, W i • • Eli*a-eth, 16 00 •• Waite Hall. -*0 OO i “ •• Kf!l»’s Cov», 21 tK) I •• •' “ All pcintH l>eiow, 30 00 • iieoONl> CLASS, OR DECK. From Fayetteville to Wlimlngton, •* •• EHxebetH, - WMtehaiU •• Kelly’s f^or*>. .\U points h!*U>w Ul». , Frvm HtliBiog‘on to FaTett4»rllo. Kelly's Co-»i», “ '^hitii Hal!. “ filiiab«th. “ •• “ Proflpeut Hrtll. “ “ All poinia • &ECOND CLAda, UR DEUK Krviu WtlnUngton to Fayetioill', #10 00 •• KeMV’f* Cote, « 00 - White Kali, » 00 “ •* • All poinU abofe, 10 00 ■9~S«oond Olasa or D«ak Pawngers tuuni et*-»y on lower deck or pay full prlo#, or «ara« aa Fir*t Class extra c>>aiige will b« made f^r Way Pai»sen- gers getting into Bertha dnring day time, and for ocoa- pTing a Berth with rheir boota or shoes on, «it tk« dia- oreti >n of the Captaitu J. A. WORTH, for 0. F. St'm B’» Co , R. M ORRELL. for Kate and 8un , T. a LUTTERLOH. Fftb’y n, 1864. 9-tf WE8TERM RAllTROAb. The frmqht .^d passe."«qfr tbaina of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, ^Sundays e'xoept^) 1 at B o’clock, A .U., and returning leave Egypt at 1 I o’clock, P. M. ! CattU aud ffortt TVotn MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY By order XNO M. R08R. Treas’r and Gcn’l Trane. Ag’t. Jaa. 22, I86a 97tf tl-n. tad lue applieanUi will tbofa have uan'tasiy liirif* and proloajred ..u.spfiss:- A jx'.s'* from flpris'.OTi of tUe 'ocul officers. ' and 'fine Cooimi.tidaui of C usonpts for liic rtt'^tes, «.l't be fofWird*J bv txem fi-r he.t.riui; wheo anv plaui^iblt' ground of cpp-*4! i« twt fti th. '£ t'-otoU.andMi'tt of Oot>»crip!s will glva ibis notiat axiRnsive uironlatiog in the iocii! press of t:ioir nap'o liT*- S‘'a;c'B liy order of COL PRESTON, *u^«t. 8. Dci'rici.u, A A Q F.-' U ■ § Itn HKABQVAKTMIiS ' EnroUlng Office,) FoDSIU Coiir. '(AL DiSTBlCT, N 'J., V * Un'y •»^h. 18«4 j IN Pursuance of Wep n; No 1, Ci ui'C'ipt Office, Ralei^rh. N. (’ . d«‘f i J^»n ’JO h. tsri4 f’fliaTr-'icding Ofticrrw cf ft.-nie Qu»tv» 1 Ml ,tia -f 4'h Congrew#icn- a* D 9'*-;cf, *re r#qun't* i lu vuiM) ail v'r^'ne l-etw»aa 18 and 45 yeare of a^e, withu: tiieir #-/«ual comnuuade to aasemhle at tha ft>llowing snnej aiid plaoca, for ex- • • «»v i *u*'Datioi.' aad auroiliiient: 10 W i Ha&over Co«nty, '12^ Rp^im«n?, at WilmioKton, ’iO 00 i Fshruarj- ’A)ih ^o 27th, imduHivn 24 00 I Haaovet County, 23d R'g’t, at WUipLagtou, Feb'y 90 UO 'Fhe Cuiiiberland Hospital As- h:.oiaii>n iiciioiin to ijroonite the rf .••!' our bru-e cai;ii upon tiie r I'ri-ndo in i' and town lo bead >>omvth)Mg, either B'.oon, Peas Pointoe®, Dried Fruit, 'r anythinKlhev can sparft, to bj w;ckfd in bi^es hy the 1st of April, to he a«a' t'.' the Miny ay Dr Warrea's A2#nt Soad to Mrs Latt-r- |, loh, P'e-'iient of the Asstoiation V'eb 2ft 1 ^lores and iSoek* Wanted. IDSSFHE 10 |»ur(;ai»^9 lor toa siidi;rs 10,00\» p ars of G' Te~ ^n’i 10,000 pairs of HnciiS. D8n>>'iot.s will bs ttaukmlly -cotjiTeJ. EDWARD WARRKN, Surgeon Gen N. C. Jan’y.ll. Sra Boxes, tor the ArmT. IA'ILL a ^;foIal mcsseager tw the .\rtay of ISortuoiii Virginia 4a tac flr^t ^ay of every maatn. All i»ox*^9, paskag.-^, Ac-, will be forwarded fro«u ay offioe fr*i» Cr. obargt. EDWARD WARitEN, Sargoon Qeaerai N. 0. Raieigk, Jao’y 16, 1)^64 Vb-8m Contederate Tax i%o$it^e. 2»th to March Sd.'irolnsive ’ , ' i mHE A^sesscrs with tha Coileot«r lot Blauen county BraiiMiriok «K>unsj?j 6rtib Ke^\ SmitiiTiUtf, M&roh45tfa to j i utill iiio i»x of ttie diffar^Mit Dwiriou At M^roh lOih, icolueive thv' fallowing timsa and plaoi-s fsr tha puT^>*e of as- Celuoibur county, 67th H^rg’t. Wbiteville. March 14th ' Bewtng tie tax on luonme as4 reosivisf the Baioa. Also to March 18th, inolnaiva. i tke Tttha of Pork, vii: ■Robesoa oonnty, 68th Reg’t, Looiberton, .Maroii 9td ! .Majaviiie, Moaday 7th Marah 1864. .Marrfi inc'nsive. Robeson county. 59th Rai^l. LumbertoZL March 26lh t* March 81st. inclnsive RiehzBond coanty, bOth Reg't, Laurlnbnrg, April 4th to April 7th, inclusive Riohmcnd aonuiy, 61st R«g't, X>jckiogham. April 11th to .April 14th, iBcla*ive . Bl>di'n coanty, 6;»ih Reg’t, ElitabaUitowjs, April 10th to April 20th, inclusive Otunbcrland •Kmnty, 6^ R^’t, FayottevlUj, .April 22d to April 24th. inclosive. Cumberland oouDty, 64th Rpg’t. FayettevUe, April 27th t) Apri! HOfh, Inclntiive Wniie Oak, ^Cneeday 8ih. Beater Da», Wednesday 9tfa> Ueaves’s, Thunday 10th. Colley, Friday 11th. Frano^’B Crack, 12tk. Carver's Creek 14th. Whita 8 Crisk 15tb. Kailj’e 8tnr« 16th. Bladenboro*. 17 th. Siiaabethtown. 19ih. All are raqaested to toava their lists ina'le oot and rMdy. And all who liave failad to flnish the’lr Tithing list oi" to list tofir Cattle and p*y their Taxeri are noti- H^nett county, 62d Reg\ LUliogton, May Sd to May ^ fied that this le ‘he last opportanity that will be given. . i^ALiT! «AL.Xn 8ACK8 for sale by Dee. 2i. ROBERT MITCHELL. 88-if 190 May 28. TOBACCb. BOXE8 VIRGINIA TOBAL^CO, various grades, for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLLiMS k CO. 81tf -f’rom and after tbl» data tuo Steamer A. P. HURT will leavf at 8 o’olook, A M , ou .Monday and Tkarsday. J0.*^ A WORTH. April tt—I7lf ] I C. K. Boat Oo. ' A?IMEViEl.E, WILL open the BAflLB HOTEL for the re 7 th, ioii]iirftv8 This oali etn‘)r*ot*s aU penvtxi. «*keth(r prtivioualy exempted or net * WM. M. 8WANN, Oapt. aad Chiof Enrolling OfHoeE. 4tk Con. Dis. N O. .irOTl€E Tt> CO^SCRIPTfi. HB4IH)IJAKTKR8 Medical Department, \ : Cuiir EnauLLiRa Oirfca, Jna y 18t>4. | i 1 Pursuitnt to orders reoeived from Hp»-'lq>i%ncr8 of ; ('ouecriptica at Raleigh N C . in r.ngurd to all ueir' !i-»blc to Co'.iiK'ription. uoder reo«nl i^et of Coniiiesa. ap- •s in all t'aiiurea the Uw will b« enforeod. J W GEO BUSS. CROMABTIE, / > Asseeaors. Fib’j 2o 10 iifd falai^ble Laid ia Harnett f»r Sale. By 'iriBs of autkcrity vested in :o9 by the last Will aad Teetainent of Ueetor M. McLean, dae’d, I will Mil oa a uradit of six months with interest from sale, nr for eaah as me purchaser otay elect, that Talu tble ?LA!4TAT10N, on which the teatatif lived previona to hip ooKtaiaiag about six hundred acra This proVfd P-c’:-28tb, 18«3. the Medical Exam'nior Board | u„i ou toe North side oi i^ape Fe*r Rivot, froat fit Pt>urt^ l3cn(rre»eioii*tl l>i«Tint, N C , will convene 10 aooordanoe with abcv - named times ind plac«9 The attention of all c'>n«>---ned i* oalled *o the follow- | i *9g unlen “AU exemptivtn heretofore gfinted are sub- oeptioa of Quests the fifst of June, and I hope ' jwjt to reri-'iott. under Inbtructious from Buruau of Con- Atter this date 1 will pay 15 Cents per pound for |rags, or the highest market prioe, delivered In ^yettevlUe, or at my nulls on Rookfiak. D. MU&PITF Feb’y 16, 1834 7-tf Wanted to Purchase, \T^EFTERN RAfL ROAD STOCK; Vf Bank Notea; Gold and Silver; , North Caaolina Treasury Notes (Fuadable;) end *2; '• “ Bonds, old and new; County of Cumberland Bonds; ‘£own of Fayetteville Boi^is; GreensNoro’ $1 and $2 Certifioatea; Confederate 7 and 8 per oenk. Bgndis^ Coupons of $lo,000,000 loan; " of ’Town and County Boadsij “ ot old Nonb Carolina Bonds; T. S. LOTTKHLiJU. Oct. 12, 1808. 7Ui Spun €oUeo Eiehang^ twr Lard. WE will give Hpun (!otton in part payment for LARD d'eliv>ired lu my Factory on Person Rt A. «eLAOCHLlN. L..l6tl* «»1L. Ftt«t>ry - A ver> tlae artigie, for sale at my A. McLAUCHLlN BAK A.HD 'rotl^l^r SOAP.—For sale at my Ftictory. a .McLAUCHLlN. Fayetteville, fco/.t 12, 18tiS. 68-6mpd OBJINIKCE BKPARTMKNT, ) Ralbioh, N. C., May 8, I8«a. / Lead wanted.—I wish to purchtM« Load for this Depan-inent. Persons having large or wmall quait- tlties wiH please, apply at onoe.. Will gUe I pound of PUV?DER for 10 pounds of lEAD. TH08 D. UOQG, Capt. C. 8. Oi^tf In charge of Ordnanoe. lIlliLto be able te entertain trotu aeventy-flve t' honfred persons dnring tke Summer. In oounectiun with this large Hoicl, I have a number of Haaka, Carriages, Buggiea anl Saddle Horses tkat loy guests can get at a minute's notice. J. M. BLAIR, Pivprletcr Eagle Hotel, .Asheville, N. C. May 18,18«8. . 81-ypd WANT^, tor tlie Hospital at Fort Fisher. "pOULl’lft', Chickens. Butter aad other delieaeies for JL the siek S ldicrs at this Hospital. Porsone having these articles caa obtain the market price on appliA- tion to the subscriber at his oU stand or at Mr J. W. Powers’s on Hay Street. R. E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag’t. Aug. 2i‘i. 68-tf To Cotton Planters. I HATE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Ckief Agent for the purtthaae of Gcttoa for the Confederate Government witkin the State of Nortli Caro- Uaa, aad wi)l pay fur tke same ia 7 per eeat Beads or Cash. , Sub'Agents vieitiag the differoat parts of the State, buying in my name, will ixave written eertifioates ef apMiuMient. By order of the Secretary of the Treastny, all Coitoa purehaaed by myself or mv ageatu, o& and after tne 18th day of Maph 1868, will be paid for in 7 per ceiU. Bonds ar Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated ta a former advertisement. Dp to that time, however, the SI Mr cent bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic oitiiens are now offered an opportuaity tc aid the Oorerameat by selliag to it tlieir Cotton rather riiMi to privat) capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLLA.MS. Charlotts, Slareh 24, 1868. [o. p.j l ltf €otton Yarn for Wool. NOTICE is hereby given that after this date (exeept in case» where we Kava bargained for Wool aooord^ ing to the terms of ot» advertisement of the 80th or May, which terais are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun- [ vf v^ck-waa A IKo Wv%l nnWALfll^ed. Qt I 8 lbs. washed asd picked. > Ttiis change is malae al tha ladtauoe of ibe t^uartermaator at U^Ieigii, In order to moke tl'O terms uf exohange uniform throughout the State. GEO. W WILLIAMS & CO. FayettSTills. June 29, 1868. 41tf Ei^ypt Coal iliine. XiUE undersigned were, at the Noveiuber Tetm o( tlie Confederate Court, District of North CaroUna, ap pointed .Managrra of the Egypt Coal Mine pro;>erty, and have entered iatxt copartnership for the purpose uf puaibg and Helling t'oal, and solicit orders for the sim« in auy desired quaitity. Orders for any amount caa be ^supplied on short notice. The Coal irom this pro perty \h oudoubtedly the best in the O^'Ufederate 8iate«9. Anplioi^tiwus uiav be tbade to Onas B MttlUit. FayetU:- vule, N. C., or /aiues Urowne. Charlestuu. d. C CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMiiS BROWNK. Fayett«vUle. Jan’y 20. 1863. 06tf Physician’s Card. D%. D. A.*CAMPBJ£LL (late of Marion, 8. C.,) has ' removed to Fayetteville and tak^u au oSioe on Bow street, where he may be fouiid at all times, with e.u ample stoek ef Medicines, to answer Professioaal calls. 8aii»faotory*rafcrenoe famished, Ac. J»i»’x 2. '^4-8mp} soription, ao4 if found to be improper or hy Uw, will be revoked OCTAVIUS A WHITE. Su'g«a>i P A. C. 8 , Chief of Examlniag' Board, Fourth Con;r. Dist., N. 0 Feb 11. 6-tApril22d I ing Oil the same feboat one miie and a quarter, and run ning back at lea^t three-fourihs of a mile. This land is within a mile ot Lillingten, th^ County Sita, and is very valuable, prtseatiag advantages rarely offei«d ia urc-Hu oi V ‘ju- oauaty Tt>«nre is a verj valuable MILL J^ITE on nnautborised i person desiring lo axamiae.the premises will spply to Hugh McLean, Esq., or to G^a. A D Mc Lean, either wf whom will take pleasure ia snowing them. EFFIE C. MoLEAN, Ex’r ofH. M. MoLEAN. D«.»’r 22, 1868 • 96tf HEAJQ1IABTEB& EarolHng Ollc^ Camberland, \ FATETTlvtLLK. Feb J 9. 1864. j PROPRIETORS of all Factories, Foundries, Machine Shops, and all Mail Conti aoiorn, Aa , Ac , who have detailed men in their employ, will hand to this Office on er before 1st April 1864, a full descriptive list of the same. GEO- H. HATQH, 6-H AT Lt. and E O for C^^iberland. COKFKDIftATK STATES OF AMERICA, ) Emoissbb Dbpabtmvnt. Dist. Capk Faam, V Wilmi'igton, N. C , Search 16th, 1868. j 1^0TIC|; is hereby given to all persons having olaime ll againdt the Engineer Department, for a^rviefe of slaves employed as laborers oa the land dtftnee* near Wilniington. N C , that the undersigaud is authorised and prepared to pay the same at his office, on the se cond floor of the buildinc aext ^bove Meares’ Drug Store, Market Street. Persons executing Powers of Attorney will e&- eerve the foIloMng torm^their sipnAtores, in all eaies, ta be witnessed by twp wi'ness«>« and signed in duf>li- cate, or they m:^y be witnessed before a Jos!ice of the Peaoe er Clerk of ^ay Court FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEF. I, —— of ——, do hereby appofut ——, of — my true and lawful Agent ta sign veoepis for. -^nd receive payment of ail moneys du; to me by the E.t^iuecr De partment of tb; Conr.'derate States of Ameriea, for the service.^ of my slaves employVid as laborers o the kad defences at ——, during the month of , 186 Witaess my hand aad seal at , (ha —day ef , 186 (Si^ed in duplicate.) [Seal ] Witnesses, « Palma ChristI Beam*. The subseriber will pay the highest caau prices for any quantity of Palhia CLristi Beans. J. A WORTR o>t. fi OIL AND LAMP BLACK. J /iNNERb’ aud LOiiRlOAfING t>li». 1 L/\MP BLaCK in barrels. J'or sale hy JOB. &. BLOSSOM a CO., "niitagiw. M. 0. Waiehtl 9300 REWARB. STOLEN frooj the subscriber on the of the 4th in't a Ur|;e BAY HORSE, black amne and tnil. ia tine order, flj* (a) y,»rj old uext spfia?, shaved ou bis siitefl tr^css, a crack in tha hoof of the loft hind _ , fool. 1 will pj./ ;ho above rcw*rd for tha said itoraa i I ”AVE and proof to convict the thief; or I will p=ty t«o . ua- | 1 dred ctcHarS fi>r toe deliv-rj of the hprie to me ai The signaluii»^ of oolored rersoos sbou'd b« witns'tsed j by Ihreo witnesses i There mu«t be separate dupliuate 1‘owers of Attorney | Tor each month BUak forzus can be UaJ i.'poa appli- »itiou at t>)i8 ofSce. W H. JAMES, f'apt. A Chief Eng. Jan’y 20, 1864 180Ur Fayettevllle Aneoal and Arraor)', \ Nov. 12, lft«}8. t $100 BOUI^TY. W^tnted* too *,H[»untetl HiHemen. Authority having been gramea by the War De- partjae'it to mise a Oumpauy of .\loanttiJ Riflemen for ewrtica iu this vicinity, Hsitoe is heteVy given th4t reuruiw to the autubur of 100 nwi-eon»erxpU will b4 re oeived tor bia servioe. E'lch rt*crait will be r«squir5d to furnish a serriceable horse, tor wUioh he will be al lowed 40 oents jisr dieiii, and his pay $12 p^3r oi..nth. Wtittm ffcrmitetoH will b*! required from p.»r«)nt9 or guardians, wa^re th« applioaui is ULder the oons^Tipt I Each reoruit must bring with him a blti^nket or bed spread, and prej^red to remain Bridles, saddles, bailors aad tto-ldle blankets faruif)ti I od by the Qoveroment, or if tbf« rceruit comes provid«»d I with ifcem, he will be paid for them a fair valna'ioa. j Apply to Capt MATTHEW P TAYLOR, at the Ar- I seual F. L. CHILUS, 80tf7 Mfi-jor • S A. Ccmd’g Post. INIoeks and f»loYes ior the Holdirrs. HAVE boeii MiJi-4r;*od to excijan^o 4—4 Saeet- l O pairs of pool )i«n 6oc!r« -ti i to b>^ prese-ited ti i.bc it r-.o rete o. ih-Y.e Union Faatory North Caroiinv or for”hi~n at any '•lace i SHeafia^v fur #our pairs C -11 a: next daor •o that I c&a get bun. Any iufor»aaiiott will be thank- u^^low Ra.J & Pearce a J .A PE.MBLRTON tailj reoeived. IWw tmUfrj, F'tb’j K 1M4- JAMES DICKS. Fayetteville, Fob’y 6. Btank WamstmU for at thia Offita WAIVTEB, Ate ACHER of ttte daisies and EnKlish Departments \rii:be.‘ a siiuaao.i He is an old papii of W J. liingiiam'a. Has seven or eij^ht years experience in teaching. Oun furnish ample testin>onitvI: of bis ability and aptness* to I'lsirsct Addresa N. B , While’s Ctxtk, Bladen fioumy, N. C. Feb’y 25 10 Vtpl Receiver’s iWotiCe. I SHALL attsnd at Asbeborcugh. on tne 28d day ol March next, to reeaivo taa interest due on all claisao tsturned ta me as Receiver. If not paid, sxecjiions will issue immediately. AU persons who have o'aims |in their hands bel .n^iug to alit-n enemies are required to surrender the same to me at tnat time JOHN MANNING, Jr , Receiver. Pittsborongh, Feb’y 17, 1864. ft.d __ _ FoiTsALEr ONE pair MILL STONES, 42 lacbes in diameter. They i^re of ta« Moore county grit A good quality f jr (t'indicg oora. Apply to T 8 Lntterlok. Eoq . at FayelteTllk, N C.. or T. S memory ai Wr.iieville. C. Feb’y 11 ^ 7-^tpd FliOUR XwiToATS; ^ ~ ELOUR an^ 0.AT3 will be rxchangei for Corn at the Store of D MoLauria, by ^’vieg him a ‘ew daj-s uotioe. Flour good, 0%v» Na 1 bla^k or white. Jan’y 29 • 2 tf the next of kin ctri'l distribateeH of ik^e Estates I tt. - ‘ ■ t AjmtVf mufy JJU7C j anif Flora Buie. dece4xmd, being the. first i Coutins uf (he said deceased. All pers 'ds olaim>ii£ lo t>e tb« next of kin ai>d di-> tributecti of hA above Bsi.itrs, are req»ired lo tur* uiih proof of tbolr rt^lationsbip o»j or Iwfjre iSe 2Ut .Marcti ioatnct. ai waich time I shall proceed in ni\k' di^tribuii'’n ,t ib peraosai Es ate amoi^v' ihoite t roved to be OMtitie-i .All jlret euueii$t, whether citiseni or aliene, wil! be autiti!‘d I' La cqaai Akate in ia' distribution. (.tn the day abovo named, Monday tbu 21st March, S4 the .*i»rket Housi, in the town of Fayelltvtlle, I will sell M public Avictioa. about tSOl) iu silve r onins, be longivg to d'lid l£ettites Suc;i of tiie diduributcos f.ff for to rcn-tve tl.«}ir diettibutive shxres i.f this coin iu kind, ova a-t-ad and bid off the same, aud sett!?! ihent' lor by vef“ipt9 for tke amo'inU of ikcir pur- ctu» ■, ^ much t^^-irdfi tb*iir Jistributlvg shar«B,«f the Ai; p'lrsona bolding ai..lms ^gala-^t the Estate and all who are mill luiebtud, are earuestly requested to come for-farl and !.i*‘.tlc up before l^.5 dvy above nanv:d, as i 9iiB dctei'wi-.c'i io tiloBe U\' thb wUole bitsiaoss at that jimg ARCif'D McLE-vN. Adui’r ,i?Ayeitevi?'c, N. C , Ma.ch i, 1864. 11 8:*3‘.tv| Sfate of rVorth Carolina, HARNETT COUNTr. r-onrCofPleasiiQuaner Sessions. Qecvmbar Term, 1868 AtO:t’d M5Le»T> V3 A. D. MtLt'an and wife Oatharisie and c-ibers. Peti:ion fcf partition of Slaves. T’HIS c«.9? ^. lair)*; oa i.'. b*' h%ard. it Is o**dared: thai pubiicatioTi be nifcde ia the Fiy«»t!->.'vjlie 0‘ server for gii weets n jtl.'yin*- Wtn BoHn pnd wlf^i Thcmsii a dia a-d «ifa N:ir;cv 3'pbi i, to be atjd appear at the next t*rm ef this Court, ihaf they iaay aL-awer the said pe.ition. pi#ad or fleraar aJ they may r.hia>!: proper. Witaees, Bci^aaiin F. Shaw, Clerk of vud Qoart, at Offise in Lillingtoa. Feb 1,1864. _ ^ 7cwn3dMM’hpd) a P. 8HAW» Ol'k Bank of Cape ear, ) WiLMi.naTON, N. C., March 2J, 18fi4 J DIVIDFND N^. 109 4 DIVIDEND OF 16 PER CENT on the cuplUl Hto k ix of t»ls B ulk baa been deolared, p*.iyab!i to Stock bolderj ou the 15h in>»t , io tHe prea-nt cxi-ting oiir- :»”ioy [12 3.] J G BURR, C»sMrr At meetings of tbe Board of Directors of the Pr;r.oipi.l of '.%;.e Fear on tb-* ici a. ’> 2J ■'•Is-'-ih ia.s* , the foil wipj RtcelutlCtt' w-re R«^olve3, 1st T at no dei'oei^e* be received, col ' c i:'ca OH uocouai. of other parties m-idp, cither at tt>e Pr- :!i; al B^uk orRi -tny of the Braacue?. ^»fier the l^th •*ay I.-' the present month V.es ,lved, 2d Tha! all snm-i now due to nther r.nr- titf’ wh'icb mjiy bec-iiiic due h'’i».r« »tif 20st. d^y of thio nj.int.i*, either on accciintcif d«p'tiies or t'o!lt>oiion» f r must be withdrawn from the Prinoip.il Bank aad t*«f Branehei^ where th*" sira*i may be poyabl"* cn or befc'ft »nid 20th day of the prwent mosih, atxl unlpse witi.drawu, payment of all •«i>oh «ur-;e in any ^ 0tb(;r than she now ex’punf; currruo]^ at us pr» ; ont l valui* “S exprfflhed on its f .oo. wi*l be lii-.oVrie* b-. hi- B.1 it. an ’ th Kjvcrfvl suras so ttan uni &c; w rd!»i* us a'orenaid, will be pl-»oed ia separate p».ck h-^h *r. ihe ■ said urw «z!a ins' oUrrAnnw. nnH nalJ jr r of tite B'^Taral parties to whom tbe same iui»y rci;e8 i ti»eiv bPioug Maroo 7 12 4t Bank of Fayetteville. DEPOSITORS and (*aaks are hdreby nctvfied tha? uo- ■esH their b alances e.re drai^n by the 28ih iuAt., th^y wiP lie 'aid in tf^e 4 at at BondA of th# ‘Of afede ’^atv States” or in the presemi ourrepoy at p'tr 8i;>ck holders havinj; dividenis du«^ and unpaid ^fe also koii- fle‘d to collect the same b» tbe 28th iiist, vr they wil! br paid off in the *ame cnrrenoy oi par. Cheeks on this Bank dated previous to 28ih mast be pres^ni-ed by that date W G. BROADFOOX, Casb’r. MarohS 12 3ti "wOTlCElrO TAX PA»^EiW~ OF RICHMOND COUNTY. IWILLattead at the fuUowtag times arvd ^a«ea for the purpose of ooilecting tbe Inoome 1 e for 1863, also, Speciflo Tax for 1864, aad oa Qr-j^a Sales for QaUrter ending 1st Jaa’y 18*4c At Kteale’s oa Ttteaday lath nt Msrc .; Mineral Springs. Wadaesday, March Iti; at Rockingham, 21 al and 22d Maroh—being CoaK we^k. Persons in Black Jack, Wo'f Pit aad Beaver Daa will meet at the most eoavealeat plaoe Pursoas Kailing to attead will have to submit ta a d«daotiea of 88^ p^r c^rt after 1st April L. « MoLAURUf. Celleotor for itKd Dist , itici..moDd couaty. Maroh 6 J2 t22dM Office Pest (. M., 4th Cuns* Dist. €., V FATtTTaTtLii. lilarch 8. l8>4 j ilOTlCE. WAlfTED to hire five NEGROES, t« be ecipioyed as teamsters,. Forty rer month wiU be paid aad rations /umished Apply at this offioe iniaiediately. 12-2tJ J. M MoGOWAN, Capt A A Q M Offlc^e Bepot IVo. 19, ) FaT£TTKV1LU$. March 7, 1864.) ymr TUh€M» PERSONS who navo aot already paid their Tithe Tax w 11 nave uatil the 20th day of May 1864, to d liver the sante I amaoir ready to reoeiva the Baooa due untcer tbe tithe law. 3ix pouads of cu;ed bacoa far every li‘0 lbs pork slangbtered siaoe tiio 24th of April 1868 in required Parties deliveriar thoir tithex at a distuaoci of over eight milea will be promptly paid for eioest! o' *>auliag J. M WILLLAMS, 12 t20M j A^teat for Cumberland oouiuy. The aadersiicnrd takes this tsetuol tiiack his fel- low eiiisecs of tbe o»*imiy for ii.eir lormer genercus support, and aaaouaoes himself as a csadidate fur re- eleotion to the office «f Sheriff of Blau-.-ii County, aad ihU be thank I ul to his fMlow-oiitzeiid a>d the soldiers in the army for a reuuwal of their generous supp rt. It is f'r my fellow-citiieas to judge tie w*ancr in whitvh 1 have discharged the duties of the office I have endeavored to do su with faithfulness and flJelity; puuotnally settling with the various officers of the oouatT at the stated times preeont>ed by law, aad at tne proseat mr-meat holding every proper receipt for the 82 me . ll-6tpd B P MELVIN. Kerth CaroUna Tolanteer Kayy Co., TRBAScaca’s OrriCE. WijravDgi-n. N O., Mirc.i 6,1864 BOOKd tor further subsoriptioa to tbe Capital Stook of tbis Company are opened at this Office All persr^ns desiroae of aidia;; in thii all important enUrpriee can forwar.‘ me their n»mes by ui&;l stating the amount tiiey wish to fUDSoribe, and tbea send the oaab by some trusty person^ on receipt of which I will forwaru Certificate of Stock Shares $600 eKoh. All old subscribers that have aot paid in their sabstjriptiaus vil) pleoM do su at the ear liest moment. 12 19tpdl W. D SMITH, Trtas’r ^(DTICE^ Plttsboroaghy Chatham Co.,-N. C.,\ • Febrbakt 29, 1864. j Those U»i h*.v« not paid Ib«u Relief Tax w«uld do well lo do so on or before March t'oart, (3d Monday.) Those having pro perty In the C!onnty, and Uvlnn out of the t'ounly, woCld do well to brin* or send the same. The Tax >s the same that It aa» I n July l«»i; those that have oot paid ihelr T&xas up to the l»l April 1A6S, would, 1 think, do well to pay by that time. R. B. rA^H.41., tshff. of Chatti.im ('o. March 7.. 12-3ti>J A OL.B CA^T lRO!¥ WAMTEB T thu Star Fjundry, by M. A BaR^R March 1. 11 tf A Turpentine Sidills Wanted. LL persons tfiat hiiVu Copper Stills for wiil ad' drees M. A BAKER. Fayel'evillp, Maroh 1 11 tl Cross Creek Lodge Kos 4, I* O* 0« P* I to tne Libnry hii! l.o V® soaiJet^d »V'ut ;a the 8.ielT, s and tp^bi- # in tbiw pKct: l'ie»re ii.-t. over your Library and a'il y u find with the l(*Vel on th“in Jiar.J (hesi in at oace. J.AS 0 COOE V.a-a‘- a * 4t ^ Lost or Sittol«;n, IjlROM my W'gon on tiie 19i‘i or 20 h »«>h’y I8(i4. be- ! twcec. Cox’s Mills P 0 r«ud yayeitwyiils, by th? way of Pajte’s T"" House, a cotton bajr omtJiinli? ooe CotUm factory shirt; la the shirt two ivoi-v ..t.jd, in.ieited with pearl collar buttoa s'Md gald lar?.«! sire, witi, f=qaarf ikni c •mc‘‘»9s h>tdly (■nitr~v:>*l on if Tli! vhirt ha* ^lr.r»eiil*8 i>»^30tti aaJ collar 7J y -'dt l' darfc fTvy *4 y*'d? ^f slngf w.»v*i vf ti«r S'n ie color. I »,iU }«; a hbefrtl ra«.ird fc-r fhp dslicfr^ of •♦aid «ir liw'lw, or *0 7 {afi.rt£iat!o>i whrr- 1 c»t' ?^t them n A (Jox'8 ^-i*la P. O , Raad iluk oo jnty, N «'. March 8. . 12-4ipi i^AJWTEB. IWILL nay the Mibettl liasf prio* %r any qunntlty of good COW HORNS, and LEGBO^ES pfHwrse-aad 3ow^- alao. BKLAR ROOT for makinc Plpei; delivered tome B LBBBRLE9. Vayetia'viHe. Feb’y 29 11 17pd -4 Dieai>pointnuitLt.—Tlie Maiietta (_Geo.) lie- bel, apeaking ot tiic late advttnoe ol cUe yankeea apon DaltoQ, and tlicir rupulBe, says: ^‘it ia stated that the troops werd inlorued iu general orders read at the Head ul toe regimdnts, that the great bulk ut the army ot Teauessee had becD scDt to Mls^is8lppi, aud tuat the road to AdaDta was auobstruuied by rebtii lorccs. Oa to Atlanta, was the cry 'VVhuc must %ave been the. diHappuintUient aud cha^riu ul the yankees upon tht^ir arrival in tbe vicinity ot Dalton to find themselves cobl'routed by a large and authusiastic army, eager to light. CJertaimy a groat mi^takti had been maUe somewhere by sumebo\:!y. Kithcr tiic rebels httd more soldiers than was supposed, or what they did have were endoweu with the faculty of ubiquity. They must be iu Mississip pi aud Daltuii at the name titue. The yanka coaid suarcely realize thu tact, that an army was bfcfora them, aud having been lrci(uently l(u>led with Uederted camp firts and wuuaeo ga.ns, they COll«-lndAH to tO£t *«« «jUco*iva wira«fii;r ap- pcaiaiioea before ttiem were real bona fide soldiera or not. Like the darkey at Charle-stou, who ran ' a red hot wire into a bomb shell to see whether ic Had pewer in it or yet, they fouud oiit The heroes of Ohickamauga were there burning with desire to retrieve the diia:4ter ol ;Vliti&ionary Ridge, and as the yankee coiumus were thrown against them they iiurled thc-m back, overwhelm ed with discomiituru and diemay. .N ight came to their relief, and amid its darkness an'd gloom the grand expedition which started with such jubi* lant hopes of the capture of Atlanta, sneaked back like whipped and beaten cars, through the defiles of the moanuius to their defenoes upon the TsDoessee." 'fht JLa$t **0n to Jiichmojtd."—The New York World, of the lUth, says: * “General Butler’s mysterious plan to releiM« the Union prisoner^at Kichmond, about which we have heard so much for a month paht, has at last been tried, and hafi failed. It was a very pretty scheme as Batler conceived it, and as it appeared upon papery but, like all his military phiQS, from Big Bethel down, ic was entirely im practicable. lie attempted; in short, to cat the Gordian knot of diffioulties into wJiioh the ez- change of prisoners’ qaestion had beoo entan- glod by the canning ot Ould and the obtuseness of Meredith, with the sword. ‘*The rebel gov ernment at Aiohmond,” he argued, *‘treat» me as an oatlaw, and wont give-up the (Jnlon prison* era. Why not solve the problem by oaptarlng Kichmond, prisoners, rebel goverument, and all!*" Big with this brilliant idea, butler rushes up to Washington and seeks an interview with Uea. lialleok} bat that officer ‘‘don’t see it." {Secretary Stanton is then waited upon, and he of ooar.se is delighted; as moving upon the eaemy's works without preparation or adequ%^ toroe is his fa vorite strategy. Finally, Mr. Lincois is seen, and, as the scheme is ingeniously absurd, he cor dially gives it his approval After much Sehueration, it was dticided that the Army ot the Potomac should make a feint across the Kapidan to keep Lee employed, while the real attack was to bo made by sq army mov ing briskly up the peninsula. But then the queetiuii arose, where this army was to come t^om. It would not do to send troops down from Washington, as their movements would be noticed by the enemy, and Butler had barely enough in his own department to guard his lines. At last the bright idea was hit upon of raising the siege of Charleston, and with the troops taken from Morris and Folly islands to capture tlae rebel capital. This accounts for the news irom Charles ton whiob has so disheartened the country. The troops were brought up to the pouinsula, aud sent upon their fool’s errand to Kichmond and—back again. General bedgwick, in temporary com mand of the Army of the Potomac, did all that could be expected of him. Ue eroissed the Ra- pidan, and kept Lee employed while the raid up the peninsula was made; but the Biohmo&d part of the programme failed, because it was absurd to suppose that a city which has .been menaced for three years is not at all times proof against the attack of anything less than a great army. All such schemes to oapture Kichmond by a strata gem are bas^d upon the theory that the rebel ad ministration is composed of a set of improvidejit fools! Bo ends this last “On to Kichmond,” the most unmilitary and sorry exploit oi the war. We do not believe this scheme received tbe indorsement of any competent military Cummander^r that it ever nad tbe remotest chance of success The story that the rebels were warned ol their late by a Yankee deserter is an al'terthought, to excuse the failure." “ Tirtd of Fiijh*iity for :/u- U—d Five Yankee uc.iertei-8—tWo ilom the 6ii* KhoJe Island Iniautiy, aad thr«.i' Irom the 2d V'ermoni —voluntarily Ueserted from Newbcrti aud a point near Moruhead I’ity, and^ walking about thirty mand at Kin-^ttiu. 'I'he otily uausu they asiiign lor their dc.-t;^tiori i,i, t.'iat they “a/-e tlr»d of fightinq f'r the d—d nig^fcr.'' 11 Rhode inlaud and \ eruiuut are abandoning tneir ‘teii«^ uiati and brt^Lher,’’^how it With the less **lree s»»il” ol the .North? Seven deaertviti wuie received iu this city last evftuiag. They report no reinforc«(aeuts at New- beru since Gen. Fiokett’a recent attack. Hichmund Enquir&r. — W1 ut a ii»>fi**y equating people we have got to be, A.iys the llicbiuond Whig. It ia not*tbe tiuk!ing aud lae jingling ot silver aikd gold Nor irt it io the neatly copy plated bank checks, sterling bills, or any variety of approved foreign exchange But mammoth rolls of Con* federate notes, currently designated as '^rags" and “fodder,” shifting from hand to h^ad by I quires, reams and rolls, is a daily spectacle around , us. Peep into the Treasury building, and you see a sight that all the money changers in Solomon's temple would be as nothing to. Here, tbere, all over its spacioas chambers you see mountains of money, while numero'is clerks, officials and tax JTOTMCE. ^ ^ Taken up and committed to t.*ii! Jail of l^/umbfrlaod, j remind you of the King in the nursery ttie f dlowinr SLAVES: HENRY, .^’-ys he belcn^.. to j ^ ft ° > Cr.arl.8; ROLIN aud HAM D-l-'ngicg to . W L Holmfs; JERRY, beisagini ro U SkUo; JERRT. be-| locgiDg to 0;o Penox; GREEN, belonging to Gen-se [ Smith, and °av they ware working J-.esr Fori Fian«r,— ! sU of Davidajii couaty The owaefs* will come forward, par oaarges t\nd take thca away, or they rill bs dealt with as the law directs. P. F. ALDERMAN. Jail»r. Mare> 1 Htf Blanks for sale at tbii^ Office. diity— •‘Tberf 9\t the King a couatiag of hia money.” Curn/ Comb Manufactory.—The Empire Mills, says the Columbus San, are making a fine article ot cuvy combs, ol beautiful steel, which are firm and substantial; the comb is securely affixed to the handle, and lacking a little polish, is equ^_ in appearance to the best Yankee work^oihip ud as reapcot* dorabilityj ia mttdt supenor.

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