V - i-'V-uti ’ ■(. u ' ■' ^ : ^ iaiuus ah.. ■ ' rt tnav bi*' L \-:u -'T ■'!■ t: ■ ’ Hr t'ttUi i '.S •' ' 'uUl ‘ I i •* ;int>i>*.i5, l\ • - t a lU. .' .4 'j.-at tlJI.- l‘l fur till! I f j»r>wi ■ i' t(‘ 1 ■i :ja\ itj.f V 1 • 1 '»: K iir, , - ‘Xein'ij- II'- ^ . t!u- ai- e \t*t 1 '-t tio- Mi:i V 0.1 ;i TO f‘ ' r .iuc- ^ ’ r the iiTv. lit' in.iy. U ' \>*r- t V ■4HI- tl|.> ■uiiti v in aji .’.i tht* nii!t- u‘!i ucT, |u;u',ter or ^ t* -■•'Hil.iV ill aii-i II •'' And ’i>Vi*rmi:, nt niui ico> • n>r like arfi.-leii u* STuto uriiier sr, an.j itJ Ct»rii[>!iiiV eti- e (T >v(»rninent, tluMcot lU siiui! I'l-rtity to’rno eliicietit [l*n.videi1. that hv this o!ie per in rtv'iiirtl u«e suiU fietnpt* »»1 (tva.Tiptioil. bnvfc left tht* y, or w :..» timr yn'ii.ueii ahn!! > ut-'t uppr.jvej ’ xn act to e.\- I rhe mails ul tile drivers yi i mii.rury Per- e e.xeui]>tiuiis tjTjly cantiiiutj : .‘ire aotualJy >ui^uits «r oc- t t)C, uijtl he ia detuiia. under J !•> be isaUud tiier ■'j.ersr.riji g'e, or I'r-'iu the i whttrf, in lii^ d neoeiisiry re- Lv revoke bucb thinks prupcr; tin t^rantcd to Is ajid eserap r> Hn‘;..-rizo tha a.-xr f'vr nd t.* ’ ,e (-f.-v- >r»lra> ', uiilc*s eparinitru iim ly thrtt tfie jter lOtor ar« tadis- said 'ontract: any oucii cod- tnd fkit}‘t'ul]y^ a •!' such con- shail '-eHse. ; local board* ioii f*t‘ persoDB wjem}‘er com- in tod from the n which they aiiiinatiun. »oJ Book«. &LE k tilONS. IliKR, JLE JOMPIM. $267,688 5ft> 5,077 36 f272,7»i6 61 promptly, and ir prc'xaiuiD not«A. 69 bat i«at. > bighMi, uxnb, erloJk, A. aUftjihervl, Wiiui'gton. Pravellng lii. iry. p3iiirra. ble Vard, Fay- Wore«i, in w»t«r Ife Bue. .^«bro- IjJeij of Picinre* Imett, Oil» Moald- lUrge ati 'lit) bj 86 Ipjotnres: la»itra- )*r for Lif« UaU iioj .1 merit *7iu. (uaaiu net etoior* by nnity jlOlliiDULL, Fr*|nrietor. TT- 9 VOL. xm.] J^'AYKTTKV!! I E, N -C.. MARCH 17, 1864 [NO. 1315.] PIUNTED Mv»Ni)AYf? aND THURl^DAYS EDWAKi) J. HALE & SONS. Et'ITORP AND PKOPRIETOB8. Prico for the Semi-Weekly Obskrvhr i|56 00, paid in advance. Kor the Weekly OBgRiivv;& f4 00 per finnum, paid in ;ilvance. fee*ADVEiiTISEMENTS in8«rte.i for 52 p«r s '.uarc of IB linos for the first, and one dollar for t'toh puo- i-»^ding publisftUea. AdTerfisemeuts no eioeedinit r hi»lf-3^uare (eight linee) $1 for the first tvad 60 oeufe Tor each succeeding publication. Adyertisors arc re- qncptad to st:4t« the number of iniortlons dwrod, ur tbev will be coatlnu^d tUl forbid, and oharged f»oct>rd- iDgty. Advertisenionts continued i*uide, ohargcd as n*r*r vi- rtiHeraent;. 8PECWL NOTICE. From au ..ter thia da^-, ne ndme of a new !>abscril:>cr fili be entered vlthout paytueat in sdvHuoe, uor will ihe paper be s*>Tit to -uch fiubsoriheis fjr a longer tira*> than 5e p\id for. Siich of our old tfubcKii'iLtrs as dcrjire to take the pa- I T on.this system wil' pie \(«e notify ub •when making '•^niittaiioes. J.‘»ii’y 1, IHAS. VV .VcZ.. JUcU^MV. Attorney* at Law, Fatettsvillb, N. 0. J ILL ;^ttend the County and SupTior Court.« of Cnmberland, Harnett, Moore and Kobwson Coua- t;M. Prompt attemtion gives to the oollectioa of all ulainuj entrusted to his handn. Oct. 17, 186y. -W-tf t^EO. VVrWlLLiAMr^ ^ tlliolesale Dealers iu Oroceries, AND IMPORTERS AND DSALSRS IN Uardware aad Cutlery, Swedes IroB) HAT 8TEXKT, rATKTTKTlLLR, N. C. July 2, 1861. 8tttf J'O s. ~IJ T l e y ~ V^rocer omf C'ommiMlon Jfterettant^. ♦ FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. Jan’y 10, 1868. 98-tf B O WOBTH. S. e W«BTB M. O. DASIBL WORTH Sl CO., CoBimiasion and Forwarding Merchauts, W'ater Street^ WILMINGTON, N. 0 Oct 10, 18W * 7a I2m ~ THOS. J. JOU!!iSOX, Jr., A i’O., General CoraaiissioQ & Forwarding Merchants, 45 .forth ir*af£r Street, WILMINGTON, N. 0. PROMPT attention given all busiae'is an‘.rn*tcd So our hand* Consignmenlii soUeited. 1. J. JOHNSON, Jr., A ORABROWSf Y, of PayeUevill*, N. C of P«iersbur%, Va. Jaa’j 8 -SmiMl waSted^ 2r AA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUU 1,500 » CORN. PerBOAs having the above article* to sell wiUre«civ: the highest Cash price by calling oa Mr. \i. Thoioason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, «r on tiie ini’oeori- b;i at hie old stand on Murket Square. ALEX. JOHNSOK, Jr. Nov. 6, 18ti2. 75tf __ IaM prepikTed to manufaoCore all ki&ds of Wa^cn Harnesd for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good b&rgainj4. Ageats irili do weU te ntnd their orderp to me as th^y shall have prompt attention, and sent oi iu quick dispatch JOHN CAKTEK. ft)ld.«tou P. ()., Chatham Co., H. 0., I June 13, lbd2. / *^0 Ibii. €rum Arabic tor >«ale by J. R. LEL. ih.i 16 190 T0BA€€0. BOXES VIRUINIA TOBACCO, varioua grade’-, for on ccnsigameot, by QEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO. May 28. 31 tf After date 1 wilJ pay 15 Cent« per pound fer 'rage, or the highest market priM, deliT«rei in Fayetteville, or at my milla on Rookfish. l>. MURPHY. Feb’y 16, 1864 7-*f W Wauted to Purchase, ESTERN RAIL ROAD HTOCK; ‘ Bank Notes; (♦old and Silver, Nortb Carolina Treaeur/ Notes (Pundable;) “ “ *1 and 11^2; “ Bondi, old and now; County of Cnmberlaad Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Bonda; (ilreeuMKoro’ ^1 and (2 CertificateH; Confe«ier»le 7 and 6 per cent. Bunds;, Coupons of $15,000,000 loan; ’ ' of Town and County Bonds^ “ of old North Carolina B»ds; T. S. LUTTERLOH Oct 12, 1868. 71ti Mt. Vernon Female Seniuary* The 2d ‘ jcs®oa Vfill eommeacft the 15ch •)? I’LH- KUARV “ind continue 20 woeke. TuUiou in Bngiisb Br;iuoIi63 560 * *• Music and Paiiitin,^, (fi'.oh,) 40 00 .Scliaoi Room nxp^nseH 3 00 Boird £4K) per ov-seion. If in provisions at old priocH '.J50. of Tuiiicn j-nd one half of Board r&- qnircd in advnno* pnpil will furihish fv* r o?rc t^wele, one p»ir pbcct--, on*' pf>ir pilloT' cwp, one c?unt«rnanc or qp.ilt ftR-.i drt«V.in5: out>. \1J J{ u (2 Hov. T. C ■ '■V •,)! MOOPEH, ( * 0 '^rt-.hs-m cciinty. 97'6 w fOx^FKOKllATK BIAT18 OF AMBKiCA, ) { €APK l-'KAtt A VUiiATlON ^ Br«iukbb DsfABTiiBHT, DiaT. Cap* Fiia*, I I>iV vru I? PHI 1 r Wilmington, N. C., Marofe 16»h, 1863. J. • .clx jl/L a 1 Notice is hereby givea to all perHOBa having QleiciH I COLLECT YOUR DIVIDEND^!!' a:»3ins'‘ the Engineer Departmf.nt, for sprrioos of; ]^OTi;E ip h'Tel.r Fir-n lo pir>* oa iEtl.titd t ■ j >'iav>3 o.rupl'^y d =« lRb(.-r«r8 on the Umd defmeea no;ir ! K'nr N»vvii,-.ii >u '.•oirj ixwy to wrvke • j Wiimingtoa, • C , ihat the an.lcrsigaed iu aafh*>r)8idj bstor/j thti met , amhi- presi-ur ourr.?nor w'»i I a. d prtip.''r»-J to p.'sy the at bin »liiee, oa tiie se- | r-oeivod atp>v.- softer lua* mi»« I tjcnd floor of the buildiag oezt abov« Mearos' Drug I A'i persons wuo have u>» collected their iMvi'*oa' .^ I 8tT«». >4.-^rket’dtr.-'-. * i i*'- notified to coii'c forwan! ard reoeive them '■vetvio oxjoating Poirer/* of Attoraey will ob- ’os‘ -\h to thc> s.■ orir •K,-r»e i.Ti ’ ■•oiriiif forTO—ibnir aignaturof- iu all tien be fuadoJ in i p.-T o'r.t hoTirls. pv.ynj»?r's he wii. j’.'sd hy two wiinewc-a and i>fgu«a ^ du>ii- • niadt- i'» ifco a-vu!c tifireHfwf ili iii'-idcn I-' ontc.Mr Uipy may be -^uacH!ied l»efore a J.utica of the i tMlOM U'f of Ac::l :ur pr;Ct f ' 00>rd v; *1 l',^ $150 ; er T'..u:iiU iu C>.i>f*iicr,'»U’ lii, i-r if p-.u; it; Frr.V'.fiL-a-i thi: tollewia: r*ipo’ t onl-.: 150 iOt. Ff.:.u., '0 ''uali'V' V.r’'. or 40 B^.ctr. or La*"'? R V WM n»t)PKK. T. O. fUX>PBR Feb'y 8. By order of the Bcavdof b’reotors. W N TU.Ll>i;jH{A T; .Wy N « . !« i28M P.?aoe or Cl. .*k of ?ny Coart FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEY. I. —- 01 —do hereby appoint , of , u.j >nie *-»i ’ iawful A^'cnt to sign recelptn for, and not^ivc j -v, Ul ot !i'moa>»y8 *u-.'tn me by tlif* B'lgio^er Do- i I%wtlCe tl> IftOldefi*^ Ol Ofi 8*14’ i>ar'&Mjt of tv Confederate of Amoriea, for tlit of my slaves employ*^ an lat-orors o:» the bttsd d.,fenc-. iit , durtug the nioutU of , i8G LISl OF CBAKIiiHvS FOi: rroM c-il tying vtiU'tf itri‘ r-’:— •• •• Eiiz-i- f’tb, V?-.;.- M .11. K- “ All poi!»fs dKC’OXI) CLAi>;>, OH J)K K. Fr^tu F>*y- iuville to »Vi'iUiin«tou • • “ Cliathetb. • *V‘ ilca .li, * tLsliy'fi ‘ ovv. S 2jb PAb^KS«ESlS. * P !:;• I-' my ^eoid and nofil ai —. 18« (Hiirrj'.t tn litiplicrite ) ll*V Oi I } .1' X iQ OU irj iHj •iu 00 .'i uo ■iii (iu f lU J O .■> 00 7 fO ou i U) ■•u i The 'ij^nMuret of colorad p r jt.as shoul.i in witnes.so^ { y ihi?^ i T; er. mmu b. "•’.p vrate lijplioiitc Poworj a/Attorney ■ . h ■iWr'i li-ark forms or>n to had upoo appli- i t I'.is t-fiioM W H JAMES, Oapt. jfe Caief Eng. J.^ - 20 1864 ISOOtf I oii*i»oratiou l|EHijuNh .»!;!Vo» ;•« . I r.flu/e :.rc H. t!li I I- 1 u: Oil I *. 0* fi.i 1't Ul Zb'i) n,)i. - —1. t!; ‘ > .'ur p.y ■ '•.■■1-. ■ .t.'j I -I.) ; 't '.uu.^ J t > aicoi ibt- • oup... ;:j 1:.l . J u ;5o u'- j‘ i> Or.ru’u C ■■.ntiis.^ii'iiort' iVla oh 1^. j Heud|iiarter» Chief Enrolling Office, \ j Fourth rongresBional District, S. C., March 10, 1864. / Apart of the appoisimeats hitherto made by Capt. Sw;inn, for the assemblisg of the following Militia I lU:giiiitutO) are hereby changed and the Commanding j .'flicers of the Home Guard and Militia will i>otify every 1 u>A$/e mtileperto* bc'wren the agea of 18 and 46, to ap- 1 >car at the following places and times for examination I und earo.liueat: I Colunilus county, 67th Rog’t, at Whiteville, Maroh r i4tL I i M.irCii ItJt.'! ^nilusivc. j ii'.'>x:dou oouuiy, &8tb Reg’t, at Lomtertuo, MaroU i.litid to March 2Uth iouluoive. ' li cbmond ootmiy, OOih Rcg't, at Lauriaburg, April I I uiond ccuaty, 6>Bt Reg't, «t liovkmgaRiu, April 1 in. *bil » ?i i Uir-l.-a cruuiy, 66ii Reg't, ai Kliaabitlitvviu. Apii; ! 7ili « 8 j *'n^-'hcrl luu couatj, tWj R*g't, i*t F.i)attcvilio, April • 11 ■ n 1a .nd 18' t> tiot*ur».y^ bitil Heg’t, i»t * a»ctteviiie, j&prii 14*h. IrtiL .»n:l Irilti FOR TUS OBHBRYXa. HeADQUAKTEHS N. C. CAVAUlt, 1 FcVy 24,1864. j Messrs. Editors: I take great pleasure in for warding you, for publioatioQ, some Kesolations passed by the unanimou» vote of the aswmhltd Re^ment. I also forward some Resolutions pass ed ou the day previous, by the members of Co- B,—formerly commanded by Oapt. now Maj A.n- drewd. Thiti Oom{>any B is oompcsed of meu froru Iredell and Alezaador counties. This Bo- gimeat having been mustered “for the war,” itfl prefcut action has only reiterated its jlr.it in- tcntiuii ezprosrsed ia June 18(J1. TLc uitoiuix c>ta&ct,.i littcndiii^ thie oxpre^6>iou c»f i’caliufe wore bijiliij I vcg,iU that o:y ^ of dortcri^tiuu will uot oi.aL’-e lui; to give ouv ffieiidt-- ua adci|uat^.idca of tku btirrli.^ suct^u wui fot :u^J on the ^>;i,raslt5 juud . j(i' ,/I. ,.TiU V il-"i ;>•>> .i* ]{~D.i * . ■ . iJ '-iii'd .vvu l»i i McLK vn ».• ini; 1411' F;;iui i H ’. J) ... ...... ^ Ou* -,VJ S’ -it Vj o’clock yesterday, and after Ti very itirncg Ti-is 'joiic^ isi’V »»ot o‘»;uiirB tht* »ppjintM-3ijir. mwier. apjKal Uoi‘> Muj .Vu-ireT^s, ‘he T. T Ini' U iS-»j F om Wi II*. Fh Pt.l'v 11:. V'O 00 Kf.Uy V C:>- . I;J 50 “ '\hito ilnil. 16 60 “ K 'Z '.b. tii, 20 00 Pi 'apoC' ill*I; •i't 00 ‘ •• aU pc!n ii , .10 00 SECOND CLAS.n, I'H I f;; :ufr'.’ u to . vif ^lO 00 • - ii-'I, - O r. , f. 00 ‘ “ Vvb.'s V) tKJ *' A’l pO!-!t-j :'tove. 10 0{y ' jB^SeconJ CUc>3 . r D.- k Pi^nonsiPr: invi-it on lower deck or pi? full pric!'. or Fir»i C!hm J^-An iXira cj ir^e will be^ aie i»r V/a/ Pwsaeu- 5ers gettisg into Berths' during !■» .?, 'i.ud firoocu- pying a D'rth with their b'^ie or sho^i ?f.. i- th^ dig- cfetiop of tb' Capts-in. J. A WORTH, for C F. r^t’ u B ' Co., R. M DRRELL. f!»Y Sl>r- K rr- >c.. 3nr» , T. 8 LUTTERLOH Feb’y 2'^, 1864. *»-H' ' WESTEit.^ KA£|7 u013». qniE FKEIGUT AN'U P.^ScENG:-It TR.AIS ’• -^f ihif X Road leave Fayetievillf (Suniny*! tKcepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., 'and rotarn'mg l?ive Egypt *1 1 o’oIocK. P. M. Cattle sud Hnrre Pr‘4m MOND.’VT WEDNEPUAY.ind FRIDAY. By order JNO M. KOd£, Trtj-vs'r and G?u’l Tvaue. Ag’f. Jan. 22, 180.3 97tf Fayt'.lteifUle Arkoiml ansi Ariaory^i Nov. iX 1868 / J^IOO irtOlJi\TV. I |(t>0 ^fioutited itiUemeii. j AtililOttlTY ijsvitij^ b.;en grintcd by the War Dc i p^-.rl:j»«i s. u» r»i>'- a Comp uiy oi vlouQi^d Eitiemen | fur aervior in Ibis viomity, ’.itiice ie hereby given that [ rcoruiLf U, 1 :uu4i)(;r ,i lOO nir,, c^^mcriyU will be re- c---. voa lur --T o ■ i>-. iJiKii i j-wrui'. will be re«jairc'a ( lo iiirrn:;ti t rvii>s »t'l-. ior wtiich he vri’l be «tl- i-'V-'ru Ji> {:»-ti£a per dit'fi:, -.it-i aia pay j>OJ ./touth. ■ VfUtm. jiiii be lem-iired froi;» j'creot^ or ^ j.krdinuf. wuere liii-lippLc.iut iri uuJui- tiie oiisnript : iiaiik ot 1'iaresi^oEft, ) FayetteVILI.L, N f!.. i.In’-c?*’ S, H>4 | VT(.*ri- K iunc-'i-bj givp’if .‘i i -.iv i.? ». • r;. ll (ic^H hiTirr b'*Ianofs ii"' iin>m •'!« tSn l of iiiit* U-iik-.tiah.* the s>iine > «• lrawn i>r me 2t tb ■ iteiaa!, anu lua! no deposit v-iit rfiiv^ivod »lter ihiat. day l(B'orc.u* lnl of April, ail dupo^siis rouu-.f lUg un» lay uU *s*'. wil! bw funUc! to -i t rs'-C et..'.od' pnlu 0 a O’! H'iif :a jK’. ‘ : ii .; . lof pan B.iNutf'O'.’.iJ C.iSt’r *fter ii ,.-.r o .ut h .'jd-* tfN- OcTil V n.tni b' l:l 5t •1:1 ir Hobni.!^! couwtjea. .1 LANDiij. Ji , >» I'l !/aief iSuroif’wir 0®“cr, F .nrlH v»ngrt;8sion»i Distrioi. i* i Aneiiai uiid ArmMry, oolory weft ;idv .asca, wLeu thi a'u Ac lia^ ?t>rMurJ witli L fcl-.ut,--'he liaDd plu^iu^ J. At. I. per' B ink T 0ItBNA3i€K llJtPAKTMlS5T, \ RAiiBiOU. N. C., Miiy 8, 18‘i^. / 1E.\D WANTED.—1 with to pnrehaee Lead for this i D«par:u*ent. Persoas having l«rge or Hmall quan- litiea wiU plea*« apply »*t onoe. Will give 1 poat>d r POWDER tor 10 pounUu cf UJAJ). TH08 V HO0G, C»f>t. C. S o9-tf la charge of Ordnanop Palma Chrititi Bean.'*. ^pBE Buberrilici rill pay the lagitebt oadh pricAg for JL any qouuity of P^'wa Chriaii Beans. J. A WOETB »t t .1 vf-i: From acid after tlu!« date the Steamer A. P. BURT will le»ve ^ 8 o’elook, A. M., on .Viuauay lUftd Tkurn'Ju^ ■ JO0. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf 3 Ajf*! C. F 9teara Bo.-vt Co. a«he:vii^3.5:, n. c. WILL open the E.A.GLE HOTEL for ih«* re- _ ception of Quest* tlie tirdt of June, aud 1 nope I to be aide to entertain from eeventy-fivo to ft I hundred persons auring tixe Summer. ; In connection with this large Hotel, 1 have a numbei i of Hackd, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Horses ’* i? | my gneats can get at a minute’s notice. j J. M. BLAIE, I Proprietor Eagle Hotel, Ashevilie, N. May 13,1863.' 81-ypd WANTED, tor the Hospital a\ Fort Flshttr. POULTRY, Chickens. Butter and other delioftjics for the aick i^cldizrs E>t Ihiti UospitaL Persons having these srdcles can obt^ao thie m/jfcet priw on applica tion to the sabecribcr ^t^hia old stand or 4t Mr. J W. Powers’s on Hay Street. E. HBIBF., G; n’l Ag’t. Aug. 25. 68-tf To €ott&it Plaikteri!*. Have been appoint«u by the Secretary of tha Tre.'. eury, Chier Agcat for tha purohiSft of Cotioa for the Confederate Qov*"rnni'>Pt yitlsin. tb« Stats of North Caru- lina. and will par for the s^me in 7 per oer t. Bcn'is or Caah. 6ub-A|^ai8 visiting the iiffer'*ut parts of the St.at«, buying in my name, will *t»ve written ccrtifloatea of appointmezit. By crdor of the ric^ratary of the Treasur;/, all Coitoa purc.'taeed by ;c;self or my agents, on and after the 18th day of Murch 1863, will be paid for in 7 por ueat. Boads «r Cash, and sot 8 per oeat. Bonds sm stated tn a former advt^tiseiueaL Op t« that time, howbrer, the 8 per cent. boaiB wili be furnished as etatvd. Patriotic oitliens ar« no'tv offersd an opporlonity tc aid the Qotorafisat by seUing to it tb.eir Cotton rather dan t9 private i»pitaj^t>. LEWIS a. vyiLLIAAlS. Chacloii-e, Muroik 24, 186H. . [o. i».] H'f Cotton ITarii for Wool. Notice Ib her^^by given that after this dsM.4 (ox:>ept in carica where we have bargained tor W^ool accord ing to the terras of our sdv^rtL'i.’iaent of tha i^Oth of y»ay, whtcii torm«) are now rcvckfod,)wowiUgi»el bun dle of Colton Yam for 4 lbs. of Wool unwasLe^i, or S lbs. v&uhed and picked. Xhii; ohange ia made at ILe iabtano« oi the Quartermskster i»; R.^lrigh, in order to raate the tf.rms of cxoha&5« u'lifona thfougUout tue O*-** Civn txr 't*T7T T T » xrit FayetteTillti, June 41*-i Egypt Coal TKE undersigned were, -A the Noveasber Tcrta ;}•*■ . Confederate Court Distiict of Nortii Caroiioa, ap pointed Manags’W of the llgypt Coal Mine propbity, Md -'iave entered into oopartcerehip for tUc purjicse taiaing und selling Co?d. aud solicit ordcrijior Ic’j in aay deaired quantity. Ord:-i8 f-^r any (imoun*; ha snppiie-i on ahcft t*ofni6. The (?oal trom thi*^ mo pprty is undoubtedly' oeat ia tko Ooafcdcrate ai-aU'-'j- Application? be mu-io to Ch^id. H. Mullott, i 'iyelte- vUk) N O . nr Browse, Ch»rlc.‘*tcn, vj- 0. CUARLES l MALLEI.. IiKoWNf Fay«*t«vill6, Jat’y 20, taol'uii wU8t t>rtu>^ VKiiu iiiiu tfUnk>t oi b^-d dj -e»J. .»(i o til*.* pieBAi’o»l to remain. Sridlt^i, i#jkddlvM uM’ivrti :»ud naddlw bluuketd fuiuisa- *i ’; I..C Gover-jmoni, or it me recruit comes provided wuh lucm, ttc TfUl be paid ii,r ihem a fair valuatii^. Apv'-y tc Uipi MAMHKW P: TAYLOR, at toe Ar- atu-*l F L. CHlLDa, • M>?.jor C. a A. Coiiiu fc' Post. Coute«lei*ate Tax .Notice. wivb the C'db-ctcr for rttaJen county will luijot t.ar payers ■>( ihe.diner tut Discricta at T.'Uowing ?imc» and places for the purpose of *d- «e3siu/; :iie idx on Inc .»iiie iud receiving t*!*; sumt- Ai»o T:‘he of Pork, vii: -Mii/ftville. .Moaday 7t.’i itlnrca J8U4 Wliitc Oat, TuisdayHt;.- Jicaver i>jw Wcdnw^tiay V'ft. -’cr.ve.’-^ Tiur«day lOUi. C.)liey, Fri^lay 11th Ftincb’s Cr ek, 12th • ;-»rver'j Creek 14th. While’s Crrrk 16th K■^^Ly‘^^ rflorr 18th. BUdeabf.ro’, 17 th. K'.lS'ibeihtown, lOtb. AU -KM t i hi..wa ih«ir liEts mad** oot and ready. And all wno have faUed to fiaiah ta«ir x-itbing li»»t or to libt tholr Cattle and p^y their T*xes are n®ti- Si'd *h.i,t tbia ia tho last opportunity that will be given, in all f»i1urPH th» law will b? «>nforced. J W RU8vS, 1 . . GEO. CROMARTIE, F^*’y 26 10-6tpd Ifaiik ot i%'ortli kVI Ui'/' i*. a -.u l 'if 'iiJl-- itiai apk'^S ii’e :r vuji. '*t .\laroii, iu!'‘M l 11'‘J *-i- tlaiiJB w? »ti>> J eU..’iatc currt'Lrv ^-ar . « . .\i-‘tc 1 7. * iyMroiiiM.k. '1. Uti^lrk'sl i.L\ «ltl •>, tir.t 'J.-T ! !;*■ 'ifilU d*>T •i I . . 4 fjtr criil ur tu >*di er '12 u Vftiaable Land in Harnett for Sale. | By virtuo of authority vested in me by the last W B1 ; cL.d Teacaukcnt of Heotor M. MoLaan, dea’d, I wifll | tdi .>n a credit of six montiiB witb istereat from sal ). | or re*" oaah as the purohftS?r ia:^y elect, that valu.*bl ? I'L.4NT.\T10N, on which the cesttiior lived previous to J his 6i«a(h, coutr-.ining about oix huudred acrea Thif) I land lies on tae North side of \Jape Fear RiYer, front- lag cn the s^sie about oce m:lp and a quarter, aud run- ! ni&g back at least th>ee fourias of a mile. This laad t is within a mfle of Lilliogtun, the County Site, and is very valuable, presenting advastagep rarely clTcrod in j this O 'uniy. Then* is a very valuable MILL SITK on ! the I'.ai. Any person deairiug to examine the premisee i will apply to Huijth MoLean, Enq., or to Q«n A D Me- j Lean, either of whom will take pieaHure in showing tliem. liFFiE C McLE.\N, Ex’r i of ki- M. M;:LEAN. : Dcc’r 22, iJ^OS 9i>tf ^ Lost or i^tolen, ' IjllioM my wagon oa the 19th or 20ih Feb’y 1864, be- j ; tween Cox's Mills P 0 and Fayeiteville, by the | way of Page’s Toll Houbo, a cotton bag containing oue | ijotton factory shirt; ia the shirt two ivory studs insetted 1 with pearl collar button, aelid gold, large witb { oquaro «ad compass badly engrav^ un it. The shirt has | MarAeiiluB bosom and collar. 7^ yards of dark grey | 2^ yards of single wove of the same color. 1 ; will pay a liberal reward for the delivery of said ar- i tiolce, or any information where I cat. get them ] H. A. SIKES. { Cox’s Mills P. O., Randolph county, N. 0. ,j Mar^h 3. 12-4npd At Hiet'tings of ihu Board ol liir«‘ct'jrs of Vhe I l‘r'.a:!ip .1 B'^ntc of Caps Fca oii mt l»(i aud -i March ! ina* , ihe foil- wiut lltaolufi'ja: w-.ro a.U-plco: I Kc?>jl/cd, l.\t TLhi 30 dct oaiie-i oe i ec-f ivnv.i, iA- I l«o(iuui^ ou ftcj'^unt of other parties m:iU(' i.ner at the I I’riacipal Back oral any of the BrAachei', ?rter the loth j day of the probent u;ouih I Recolved. 2d That all Buma now due to otuer par- I tied ir which n;!iy become -iuc beft-rt? th«? 20’b d^iy of m.jn-fi, ciih«r ou account of dopoeitrs or ooilrfltions or divikii-uda mu3t be withdrawn from tho Priucipai ' Ba’iK aud the Branchea where th • saaic may be pa?abL' ; 01. jr before s;»id 20iii day ut liie prcbtut ixioiitu, and I uuit-es 6- aithd/awu, payment of all such auais in any i otbor ihau ihe now existing currency iti itd pred>-iii ; value svs exproB«>nl ou its face, will J^e uecliue'i by Jfaih I Bank, and the hcveral sumd »>o due 'ind tioi with irawn aforesaid, wiil be placcd in separate pauk.«gea, in the said & iw «xisting ourrency, and held us tU.e vroperty of the fctveral partu'S t*t whom the same may reepttc tiveiy belong March 7 12 4t x\OTl€K TO TAX PAYftiR^ OF RWUMOND COUNTY’. i WILL attend at the faJiowit.* oj-.j lUtnM f..r ihe purpooc or oollQOiiztg th© Tax for looo, alao, Specific Tax for 1864, and on Gross Salea for Quarter ending 1st Jaa'y 18*>4: At Ptoelf Sin Tuesday 16th cf March; at Minoral Bprine", Wedn«v?day. Marcr- 16; ai Rockingiiam, 21h1 and 22-i \iarc’—bcing Court w*;.-k. Pertou-t in Black i Jack, Wo'f Pit and Bsaver Df'-oi will meet at the most 1 o:nv-'iit‘af piai Prrwoni. f. tiiag to altoad wili have tn:- ‘4ebri!:« •;> a it-.iluciK^xj of u»r cent af(»r let April ! L. VV -acLAURlN, i C»d:“'’tor tor ;-8d Dis* . R>*fcu»oad county. ! Mii^rch 5 12 t2idM Alafoi' It, 18ti-l. \ !>.-, ru-jaceruiug ifca irisiu* -'f ra j i. u.n. art pubii«;;Ml for the iuformatio:i o/owa. cL- ot Iiegro-js aired L.lm Ariieua: abd Arciocy. Nogrinstj ^-ho Voik six days in the fTes.U orilt Uojive r itic ns for si.'iven days. Negroes who lose tun^ witl teueive ratious only ior iBone a>iyd ou wi>ica they ars proseot, uaiCc^b furuifiiov'. m-.'.h a wriuen cert:hcate from * r^peot-abie piy4iciaa, •t'-t tr,«-y wore t 'O s’lo-s to WOlU. 1 i 4ni| F 1/ CtilLDS Lt. OuL c-oo. t'g ^taVL^ Kiinir' N OTIC i: TO FA 11 M E II li. Ofhcb i' y M 4thC jHU Di ■> Ii ^ Fa>ett-viUe, M^fcii i' , *eo4 / oT'ln 'r iQ Cc-nirolutg &i., uf iJ.. Fi»r- iiti'ri i.;e rcquirfc«i to ttt-ul 12 miiea ii- ^ fii ii 8. to n*’ paid iiiC exctas of H luilcs ai ;> c^nto pv ov:, pdV xa.lo. f'Krzuers are hereby nuffied ih»t theie l>*oon lui-st be a:uud au.> in goo^l c.judit)»u when deliv«rt«u, jt it wiii - rfhi«ea iM Salt Pork. They are aUo requcKted to pay in ih*-ir Tithea in Kl.jd. or nve tisr.ca itie -r^lue oi :lr estiiiiat *ill be colkcLud By order of Major l>At>uaM, Cua.; ..ilii-.g y. M i{or;ii Carolina. J. /»i. .«JcGOWAN. 14 2t'] Oapt. and P. (4. M. 4ih Didt. N C jv«a ^ the ivliile, ^v.’jir:»iiD ” Th? 1 tl'wi:vinj exhibitsd on j 1.1k'. liiscx^ioa v ;rtoiul v rc-*v».‘«Ure bvUie of GUI I “pcacc oii-aiiy tviia ■ who are .iutui' j iag -iii !.jLr«i ;it ii„ii e ’ dl,*? redi. ou uur W- St4..- 8iiA\iL :i li Cau ciicy iOt irtt tJOflc uf UJ» ;.LC. n tub-fiiiisioti Mgbt thi.^ ikiougi to a sacj€s-ifui teinituHtiuD, without Iwiuj;, forever diriturled by their eo^v;•Tdly peace oryV W idcL c.innvtt say Lhs Officers did this tloao. rnttn voted 1-jt the rcaoLutian lajudfcDj'iihg him aad l.i.i pllrt3^ I could ouy much itiorc, but l!iC rofiolutioii-, (and eudv-rsen.out of one .series cf thcuj.^ uivj dO'iiHwhat lengthy, and 1 thyrufore dofeist, trustibg njiuc hettcr correspou- doDt will bave tb«; space .:huH sav'ftd iu which to urge our people at hotiie to !:>taud entirely alooj iD thid matter it they are dctermiued nut to aaitt Ub. Ottice Depot i\'o. I'si, ) Fayetteville. March 7, 1804. J Pay your Tiih.es. PERSONS. WQ.^ Ui*"e aoi .»lr,«ii., v.ntd iiitur Tithe TiX w *1 have until tne 20ih d»y oi M .,- 1864, 10 diiUvor the i>%tne I .imnow ready to rweive the Bacon Oue under ihe tube lav Six pouu.ia of cared bacon for every l‘-0 lbs pork slacghtered nino« the 24th of April 1863 is req .ired PRrtics de!i- cri'j^ ihiir tithe at a didtanoo of uver eight tniieu wiil bt* pn-mptly paid for eXH^bS of hauling J. WILLIAMS, 12 liiOMJ Agent for CuaibOiliOd oouuiy. * KLll.4BKTIiT0WN, FeVy W, IHGl. TIHE undersigned takoP tuis laeiho i to rhank his fel low citizjfis of the cjuut> for thtir f>.mer generous jup^Hirt, a»i'l annonncea himeelf as a candidate t»r re election to the oiLce of Sheriff of Bladen County, and will ba thf.akful to his ftllow-ci-.izeas and the soldiers • in the amij for a renewal of tbeir gei;“,rous aupp -rt. It IB for aiy fellow oitia«.Ui to judge the jusnner in 'which I havo disaharged the duties of the oBi>ic I iiava endeavored to do no with faithfuinesi and fidelity; punctually settling with the variouu ofiictr* of the county at the slated timed preicribed by law, aud at the I p.'saent mtiaent bolding every proper leoeipt ior the same .U-6tpd ' K P MELVIN. CoEfederate States Beposltcry, ) PlTTSBoaouoa, NO, March i), 1864. ) , Notice ic hereby gi^eu. tUal tha aac.fiDu- i»osit»ry dul> fcppoln.c t by ttc Seorit*-; of the Treasury, is prsparcd to ii.. jirc all such uoa-lnteiest buaring Tre.^^ury i>totcs as holdcVa iaay deslre'lo fund, aLd to issue Certificates therufor, whica Certlfiuatee will :jtiila the bolders tu u iiae amount in Coufeierate 4 pi'r uent Registered Bonda, as soon ar said Bonds o»u be pi'tpared at ihe Treasury. This priv:Uge ex tends 0 the let of April proxim^ aft«'r wliich ali uoiei o^er Lae deaouinatiot. oi five doilars can bu f uidtfd on ly at 66f scnts to t*e dollar, except f 100 notes, wuioh, after that date, are uo longer receivable for piibliu itnes, »nd can only be funded at an additional reduction uf t«G pur cent per month. The Certifioates itnd Bonds are not taxable in 18S4, and are r>.*oeivable ir. payment of taxes of that year. 13-8tpd] J H. UADeHTON. D.uoaa^. NOTICE. Endor Iron Works, Chatbaia County, N. C. H.WINQ sj)d ih®. Eailcr Iroti Work>*, wc hereby cotl iy all persons having cUima igainst ti\e Endor Iron Company to present them immediately for settiomcnt. All claims presented after the 31at inst., wilt be paid in 4 pci o»-^t. bonds. DONALD McRae, Prea’t Etidor Iron Co. March 12 14-4t MONEY LOST. T> DAY. between the Store cf Rob’t Mitc^^ell, K and the Depot or ou the Train— A LARO£ AKOUNT OF MONET wrapped in brown paper Any iafonnation left with B W Uardie will be duly appreciated, and for the return of th€ Money a HANDSOME REWARD will be paid March 9. 13-2w Receiver’s ilfotice. i SHALL attend at Asaeborou^h, ou the '.^3d da f ot I March next, to rco'sivc the inferest duo on all o’Atm,’ returned to me as RpoervoT-. 1: not paid, cxec itions j will issue immediately. All peraons who have claims j iji thoir hcn'ls bclcugiug to ali-’u cncmieB are t' squired , to enrrdEdc-r the -*ai«c- to me that time JOHN MANNING, Jr , Rf xioiver. Pittdboroa-ih. Feb’y 17, 1864. 9td OMK I’AIK ^2^nc!»ea in diameter, i'hcy PIC 01 f tie Moore oounty grit a good quality i'cr giiading corn. Apply to T 8. Lut' crloh, Eiq , at S'riy-oltevill;^, N C., or r, n MEMORY, at W jUaville, C. Fc. ’y 11 7-9tpd 2J1L0UR find 0.\T9 willboczob jn?»cd for Cora a* the I J ■* . c ' t .■ .JAPva *bf North Carolina Volunteer Navy Co., Tbha URiR’a Ofucb. Wiimingt-n, N j., March 6,1864 BOt KS lor fnr:b- r uroKor’pi'-.-.i ;hi> !.p;t ii S’"C‘i or. uhie C.oai^any ur-t ./p(.u> *i tti:« Olhot* All jHTHoae tiuHirou:’ "i 'u iJtus I.II i/>i/>ortutit enterpjrUe caa lorTf ;usi incir Uiiturt. 1»- ui>* 1 d>(tti g ia5»4ravuvt t .ty«lj*u ?. .a >.“cr.h #»nd i‘r-at; ca«li by truBiy per^.cu, ou r oi ip; of forvrtir i ■ w f itio-iic o* .Stocs ani*res SiiiuO e *oh AU old su'oseribers that h^v«?not p4iid !U th.tET ati'os '5-ptioiid ’wi'.i pUrtkii- du 30 at tae i'»r - 1 ii'tj*. n#uUM.'sa* Boxen, AiC., lor the Ariii’-^. I WILL send a special ei4adoug«-r t.i the Arniv c£ Northern Virginia on tho first «J>*y 01 cv..ry meuth. All boxes, packages, &o.. will he fo. wurdc l fro.T. u*y oSice free of charge. EUWARU '.VAHi'vEN. Sur»e.:u G«‘n>rral N. t,. jfe(;4 yj 3iii » Land lor iSale at Auction. r/|A ACRES of LAND, situated in Harnett county, OUU t>n tha Railroad 22 miles from Fajuitcvilic, ad joining .‘Mien J Caaeroii, Esq., who will take pleasure in thowing the property. It will be sold at the Marks'* Hou e on Monday next the 21at inst / JOHN H. CC.OX, Auct’r. Mardi 14.’ 14-2t ^m'otice] At M;*roh Term, 1864, of the Court of Pieas and Quarter Sessions of uumberlaad Couuty, the last W ill and Testament of the late Chaney W. Aadrews was adn.ilted to probata aud the subscriber qualified as Executor of the aam» All persons indebted tc the estate of the testator uuat maice payment to the undei signed. Those havii;^ claimi againsi. the estate must present them iu due time or this aoiice wiU be plfided in bar of their recovery GEORGE L&UDER. Maroh 0, 18ti4 13 4tpi iSteam Will i'cr JSale. f^ llR iabhotibsr >jffv.-rs for sale his sHna-n Saw Mill X at F-.!r B'utf, sit-ua eu ce Lum‘.»er Kivcr, n ar tbe Wii'nii-^toB fend Mimouotfter Rail Koad. TUo iui!l h»3 i»o boiirr.» ‘fciry fes iong. two fcot ’Ix mohas diaia? ici. I will i tor, ten iiioli cyiindor, t^o feat utroke, irw gates with viroug-^t ircii pit?a»n3. Any p6ra*jnd vr»s ing ;o pur cha=& cfall end cxfta:in- for thoaidolves 'I’ru^y, yours, W. Raioi^’a, j ^n ? OIL AND \AI&^ BLACK. BANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL^^ 1. LAMP ^LAtJK in barrels. Fot sale hy . H. BLOaBOM k CO., The Cumberland Hospital As- _ gooiation, always anxious to promote thy comfort of our tir^ve soldiers, calle upon their friends in the county and town to send somethiag, either Bacon, Peas, Potatoes, Dried Fruit, or anything they can spare, tc be packed in boxes by the 1st of April, to be sent to the Army by Dr Warren’s Agent. Sand to Mrs Lntter- loh, Pre>iident of tho Ajisooiation Feb. 29 wlove« and Hocks Wanted. I DESIRE to.furch«8e for the solditrs 10,000 pairs of Gloves and 10,000 pairs of Socks. Donations will btv *ul.fuC of 29. ii .Vi L;vurlu, by p ^i-ring him a days v'M Oata No I /Ma.'k or white. 2-tf Phy»iciaft’« Cjtrd. Dr. D. a. tJAMPBELL ^la-% of Mariofi, S. C .) Has rpmo'^cd to Faytiitevillr. and taken an ollice ^ Bow street, where bo may his toni-t at ail ‘•*inc;i, wito aa ample st«ok of Medioinr?, to a->€.7ir Profe>Jt.io!uil c*lln. j inotan' flatlefaetory r5fer-;Doe furoiBbcKl, Ac. • , . ^ ^ • -» Jm’v 2, ISM i .I^OTf.cE 7V> the next of kin, and d ributeea of (he Esf 'ifes | of the. late N»‘lll fiuie, Jjaii'l Buie, Mary iinif \ and Flora Huic (^Ba. dcccasvdj bt'.in^ tfir Jir»t Cousins of thf Aoid ^4‘cf astd. All pcrao.n^ cl;»iaiirf . uio ue.zt. of k:-2 and ii - lribut.'^3 of 'hi, .aV S>5tM^3. ar:' r^'q'.tijed 1;» fur- Tiish prc-of of iiicir r^ ,Ir ic.unhir oa'’i' before the 2lBt LSdh t’.irir 1 s^vall ^rocced to make f^ciaH and C«iove« ior the «oldit‘r«, i HAVE b.^en -.iuaioiia-^d to oxoa-iT>?« 4—4 Saoot i .mi/.s for 100 pairs of g.*ol Viotd.erf S >• !:■« v-id 'o»fs. ' to b.^ preBe«ted t.' the SAlier.s M f» rat-3.0. i yards .f S^*. Hiugti f>r rC • .h;'"*, ' ' I Fayli«*i':l •, F.‘ ' ii. BMiTU. F«.;r Ttlnff M..mH fi l Uii:%VAKI». WK wili p.ay • i- abo»« row, rd for evid not to o^u Viol too pfi'pon orv-rsons ‘‘’at tire.f «jUf Ti;-:»on tin* D>- tilUr? ou SVvur-tny oiRti., 6 h iu« »ai C. C B RBSE A 00 .Bs»^ia;vllle, Marot 8 t*t^ ■ Western Railroad—Annuaf WeatiEg. PHE At r^nal .Meeting oi tne Stook5iOi»erc. of >hts i P'jHV will tsirr '»*ci">cU. ia t.He T*'.*'^ A 03.0 ^ *in 5 r - oh 1 I 'la Mtirch 10 %e ihAnkfnlly received. Jaa'y 11. KDWARD WARRBN, StirgeoB Qes. N. 0. $:{00 Rs:i% Aiii>. STOLEN frota the »ub=toribt?r on the aight of ibe 4ih innt. a lirgo BAY HOR.'^ii. 1 bck aua l..'.il. fine crder, five (5j years oil next sth-id-', aatved on his by trao?s, a craeis in the :iOof of toe leit hifd foot, 1 will pa? tho abov>- reward for ta . ,v>id horse and proof to oonvici tha t’.i-:f; or I '^tlt P*7 t^'> hu'j- dred dollars for th?t deliv iry of ihe hor&e to mo at Union Factory, North Caroltn’i, or for hins ^t aay r>l ica BO that I c*n get him. ■ Any iaform.ati!»i 'W.U bs Iha-tk- fully reooived JANfKS DI JKfl. Doion Factory, Feb’y 6, 1864, 6-9tpd Blanks for sale at this Office. TiirpeaitiiK' 4 LL parso- tUat .v. C ’PP^r iu:^ ^ a w X*. tlr-'B') fi tf O - . - 4X*X ' ! ! s Cross Creek Lodge Ko# 4,1* 0« 0» 1? • them in a* ot^e Vt -c^i 8 JAS OOOK. 12-lt T**'- Ou t'.-fc !ltiy r.V. r.'* n-*.niod. Mv rdr.y i!'? 21et March, at *ha \Isfk-.*(. Uo jf ) *cwi» of Fs-yettsvillo, 1 will 3oll at puhlio, inv.iicn, a’..(j jt *600 iu silver coins, be longing U s.,’ .} Eatates 8uci if tbe disiributccs as prefer to t»)C 4- .. their diEtr :^auve shares of this coin in ktud, (yiU a v-nd au-d bid off tb.o stMse, aud g>'tfle there- :pr loTj giv rccoipin for t'v. ..JBO'iiiti.’ '’f thf^ir J Qi’.ae^’s, a> . t,o mnr^ti towards tbiir dijtribuiivt* shares f>- *ht> Ertt:^ ^ AU 1 drscBs ficWiu^ claims acjaiast tl.^j and «u ■jtLo »»’ « still tndebwd, are earu«stly n quosted to ootne j forwp ffi and dctile ijp before th‘ d«y above natned, ^ ViVuT for iunkkini? Pi e; d«bv»rrd am *termiBSd to close opMhi- whole buslaeas at that Cows; also, BBlAi'. ROOT for ARCH’D MoLEAM, Adm’r. j to me. ! *^*yett«?iile, N. C.,M*tohl,18«C Fi»®4teviU®, Feb J 29. WAi^TED. T WILL i.av tho *i.>:*’>'8t Cnt^- pnoo for r.ny qnai-tity B laH> oTx M:uday 21t-t ia«t, at 11 iva H-iii JNO .M. iiO'^E, S«o y 13 tm liAtiJS! KA€«S!!--The icfe- ri.r qUi-.jify o; ih-.r j^«»pc.' j*! w.'ich tb® OS'S »^r liRd r-)-c pfi?^»-id /f ii.ie, itiid is a iTXd ev'? »o«e to u-j, is owirg to tfce want of -ifrwi. ^up^iy Oig'-vf* uniitlwcon-'jqueut n&c- .i-‘iiT 'o rns-i' to :ni'Tii.i m.^lrriiils We appeal io tho . ' ^ o'. OV.s*T»-i- at lul acc*;wibie pf'in.'s, tc navn to Uwu ail t*. ■ ra,« o-.u vro urc. t have ao >imc ourpfllvta to attend tc their purotiaoe. Ivit Mewffi. Gf'i W. WilliaiES k Co., th« Ag-nt« tn tki-^ of Mr Murphy, will pay 15 cta^e per In. for R J. HALK A SONS 6-ltf Fsb’v 16 TESTAIflKiHTS AIVD HYMiliN. CONFEDKRATfl States B»ble Society Teotaraents. L£B£RLB8. 11-11^ fovng’A irithnetieal Dictionary) I^MBRAf lNG a »vsto«i o( Arithaietic, 2e.v:y Rsckon 'j tr, Inurest Calcrd-ator, Buok Keeping, Forms, E. J. HAM S; 80N8. DM*r 1«. ('a.»ij* near MiLVOKi/, Va , Feb. 23,1«G4. At a meeting of the officers uud soldiern of tho 2d Kag’t N. 0. Oavalry, hold ‘.his day, in Camp noar Milford Statioti, Vii., for the purpose ol re newing their pledge to tight for the cause of freS- dom ami the South during the coatinutncc of the War, ou motion, Maj. C. M Andrews was called to tlie (Jhair, and Jit E .M Jordan requested to act as Secretary. A committee of hve, coatiisting of Oapts. Strange aud Rogers, Lieuts. Turner, Owen and Faucolt^ wero appointed to dr:dt Resolutions, who reported through their chairman the following, whicli wore unanimouily adopted: Whereas, The period has arrived, when the ne cessity of our country requires a unanimity of feeling and action on the part ot the sons of the tSouth, to enable her to roll back the tide of fa- n'iticism, brutality and oppression which is flow ing upon her from the North, therefore Resolved, That we, the oflEcers and soldiers of the 3d N. C. Cavalry, who three yearb ago p'ledg- A.1 ,.«mraci-rco to defend with our lives, if uoed bo, her sacred soil from pollution, which her dastard ly foes were then threatening to bring upon her, have now assembled to renew the vow we then made, aud to pledge afresh our lives in defence of her honor. As North Carolinians, we f«dl call ed upon to condemn the principles adopted and promulgated by W. W. Holden and his followers, aud would suggest to them the propriety of a oourse different from the one they are now pur suing. We are in the midst of alreadful and mighty conflict, and the soldier needs all the en couragement aud support which he has a right to expect from non-combatants at home:, instead of this, however, aid and comfort are extended to the enemy. The soldier who has been taught that the road to glory and peace ifi over the dead bodies of his foes alone, is now bidden to turn !k»ide, when victory seems perching upon our banner, by a cry of Pcoce which comes from the lips oi' craveus, who have mistaken the sign of the times, aud whose fear compels them to cry peace where there is no peace; and to seek it iu a way of all others tho most certain of failure, viz: by cringing to the enemy . Resolved, That we to-day pledge ourselves to fight to the end this War, against an-enemy whose sole purpose is to subjugate our fair laud, and to reduoe us and our loved ones to bondage more abject than that of the African slave. Resolved, That we can hope for no pciaoe ex cept through the indomitable perseverance and determination of our brave soldiers, and that wft, a portion of thorn, to-day pledge oursolvos to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who have so nobly given evidence of their determination to defeat if powiiblo the foul machinatioiks of Lin coin and bis hireliagrj; and, be it long 01 bhort, bo the war lor j^cb yot to oomo, tlut dO lony aa life and limb are spared Urt, we will stand un daunted beneath the flag of our beloved South, and bViiku fo thti! last man against Lineoln and his deapotiu host. iMajorO. M. ANDREWS, Oh'mu Lt. P.. M. Jordan, Sec’y. a Bureau for keeping a roll ot hoacr Tli’J reobrd embractvj the namt, rani^iwcdideiicc, date of onter- tl’.tj service; whether volunteer, substitute, or : ip?; littiO and pl:tcc ut those woutided, kill- rd, Ui« l, *^liHcharged, dropped, otohierod, or de- herted; aod a Mli;irt military sketch of every olhcor und pnv-ito Irom the State—ineludine all battlw i-i wiiich c.*ich has participated—and bis conduot ti every eti:.;A;r«T.nont Ten large volumes are hus devoted to th« ditfi-rent reglmeuts, battal ions, &o Anotlier is tc coniaiu biographical ^ketohce of ull Nv>rth CaroliDa Qeuetals; and last- Iv. there i-’’ & luKUi^iioiL 'Ss.rjip JJooi., ' lU Vruich -\re pTta^T7..d r.oioiuiioDb, iv , irotu or ijOnoeriiiQg c-'xiv oa ..he Suvtu oatoiiiia ^ttK)ps, edi torials aad persou..i roferenot’s to special patriutio men and #ouien hsv’O difepiayed uuasual px- ?rtiOTi.’’ and :iaoritiot.s lu feetiiiig aud eloihing des titute -loliliers anti their families, ko., &,e. It iS intended, further, that all these volames shall one Jay be printed, aud embellished with elegant en gravings of all prominent N. (Jarounians. War7»ing to Hoarders —A late yankeo papar oayB an expediti''n recently sent up the Chowan river, North Car (Hina, destroyed fifty thousand pounds t»f bacoii. Another reccnt raid up the s,.me river resulted in the destruction of three hundred thouoacd pounds, in addition to other supplies. The expedition of Smith aud Griereou iu Northorn Mississippi, though a tipiendid iaii- uro in its chief objeot, Wit «ixci:dod, iis tuo yi^- k‘»0B claim, with greater reeuh# than those up the * Chowan river.