I- IUf iL xl u WM IV - • 0 . T.: : ■ n.-.l 'ij , " ji. i.l . v, r.. ^ ^ aj.ii '.OUs, lit t(..i:r ■ - r Ui: ,j,. ■' ' VT;’rt ' u n o>; „ I >ti) r fhroo ro- ' 'Ih,. ‘ ■;• iii*ho Huo^ ■ ■ ^Tidy.-at •1.11;; ,.r B-rnaiu', ''■-u.-K tiu arch after -h. lu f. il_\. \ oouid Hi. ; uartcrnjoi^tei \ 1.1-n upp!j-in„ and ..thrr article^, couvomcntlv ic i and the lUij- w , -I-ut thirij •iii nut learned *>k •^^faIr is r,;, bui'k > f .i 0 advancod, und ig iiiu: .iay Uioruii.u v.>f Suffolk' IB' . lUHK. tir, I. ialaur ^ in :fu, Ut n and died itj ►ir , -J huuiih. ’uui rL, -neuiy h^ujt )L-rj. a:;d n.any NV^:'ALl.N,>J,rui >thui>r Gvu Wheeier t hi- an;tuund IW i drtvic, vtf a bri-adv lllcj,' bovuud 'layl^ir , 1 the M*fh be crusstd lii' ’ime at: u 7 a fiu.T .w trai]^ re- iDji; lb., en-'iuv rou_h tfii woodsakir- ^ ** d battli in a (e!cr bar-a tbeai,*^ ' I' • ^ 1 buir iDe an pre->cd ou boib Sit; ki , I'tfieers'af blit ii. Wa> ot LO avail, ]j,—'■HlUpeding, iiy. t'. brave s luth- op, nor did their offi inclined to urge th»ir ana !’ viud wiifc '.-i-ip: . Leei's miii •n ped pTirsued short di'ance ut the rord.)n > >i;' whor idvuijti,gt cbi enemy 'fc lr* »-b wliil. bis had ♦It't-jrinioeu tuHuh d been ic','Oipi;she' 1 >nc- 'urii i th Wt gott las been ta^npeded, ar a.- nuure ser . tht:ir caui{.s -■■ adbtuffs, etc, netjy kiiied, t .'Ut three or a number ol ea have- been repaid >erd ol blanketo, sad- , thr wn away by reat anxiety for their ntry has been treed betfj pilfering and ver^ h:*racr-’r uiuce OUU ’■y entd »nd Gen Thom- lat cr. bead an ad- Ifu- ' ’ -i' derate. %ti.—\V f have some Lon^'street’c com- »w days since-, indi- bciweeu the two * Jiparcuient, but fce enemy cams as )n.sii£rable force— on t appearance hej r-trL-atud bar I he latest 4fij; r ■ ported their 1 on .£ . i'-an’s 8ta- biaiii roh.-i-roadg. •ecti = v.niber- I HJ ’ ■ trabJe health ave p cii.y of sup- le'.—J ’fc : rJt'B? au. ;h, and ei^ht men id cup iurcd on Fri- V‘T, th- : huoner Ih VI . .I'i*; Htores ir*c were irn- - ve.'-sel DOO . uk ve.*?- r liicB I p,. . : = h.’ar, feJi : that pr... to be > lu be has beeii stii'j’ . undfcr tbe iddj .^aj iij poioi- i. . . — It ap- OunBi iuer -d Pen- k-Vf. mary aol- ^ rat iip IroDu 94, 18 •> ,iy •uount to \ Tribune diaiia are. if pos- i.T year Ujan ever. rcHBiunai Conven- J 'cle^'atito the !*ti>rmH j)Ut forth • ij to Hdcce- ew b lcr‘ ijuc-nee 'ffTcrrs in , order autiuu ii \ urk wbu all. 4 1 OBSEKVKK. FAYETTEVII4L.E. TUCKSAAT RVKN1\«, MAB€H 17, 1M«4. I 0/ tkeir eowntty, tht good of the ttryiee. Mid the hoHor ot I their own eorpn, to Msist with the same indef»tigablA I diligence, the Oenenl him^lf 1b determined to perae- I vere in—in order to detect and panish »U men knd wo- I men so offending, with the utmost severity and example. I “The General ia oonTinoed the exertions of the offi cers •loae will not so immediately bring about this re- j formation m requisite, but he trusts he may have the greatest dependence on the «^sistanoe of the non-com- CHillVtiC: OF TEHHIS. , . From and after this date the pri^e of the 8eml-Weekly j know. V • . * L m ... *“®WB »re above these praotioes. The General has Obeerter will be **0, and of the Weekly Observer *6 | trouble the men with too many frequent, rer annum. For six months the obar^e will be for | RoU-calla, but he is sorry to find his intentions are frus- I Fathers in the memorable war whioh r^ulted in the In tie Semi-Weekly and $3 for the Weekly. FAISTIMCI AUD PRAYER. ProcUiiiatloi rmt The Senate and federate StatM that a day be recommended and observed aa in the langaa^e ''Reverently recogniaing the Providence of God in the affairs of man, and gratefully remembering the guid ance, support and deliverance granted to oar Patriot A Ohdngein BrituhF«tlmg.—The London carrriipond- . t of thft T : 1— J-I. An Inaidtnu—h. yankeo taken prisoner at Lake City, | It ia the North which is now Relieved to have We hoped to have been able to fcvoid this advance. But apart ^rom the enormously inoresded ptioas of every thing we buy, another very large increase in the ex penses of printing makes >he change neoesbary. March 17, 1864 'iov. Vakc# to tipa.AK in Fatettxtillb.—It is with great pleasure that we publiiib I'ae followin^etter from Gov. Vanoe, accepting the iuvitation so cordially ten dered to him during the sessiob of oar County Court la«t week:— STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, > Exkcctivi Dipaktmrbt, Raleigh March 14, 1864 / David McNiill, Esq , Cbm’n Cumberland Co. Court: Dear Sir:—I am honored by"^he reception of your in vitation to become the guest of Cumberland, and to ad- dr^s the people at some day to be fixed by myself I accept the invitation with unalloyed pleasure, and only regret tbat the state of my own health and that of my family will not permit me now to designate the''ay 1 will do so, howpvet, in the course of a week With my sincere thanks to yourself and thoee you represent. Believe me, sir, your very ob’t sv’t, Z B. VANCE. trated by their irregularity, and is therefore obliged to ! dependence of the Amerieaa Colonies, and now reposing order the most ft-equent Roll oal1>«, and that all men ab- i in Him our supreme confidence and hope in the present sent therefrom shall be deemed disobedient of orders. | strafrgle for Civil and ReUgious Freedom, and for the given again. — V - " - - - I himself, lie litiilrefused to fire on his young master, exhHnu.cu. and the 1 when a yankee ofiicer drew a pistol and shot him down. general exrectation now is that we shall v«*ry soon re | ceive the news of some overwhelming r*fvcreo on (he A supposed Spy, ia the person of one G. H. Hynds, part of the Northern army, snob as the capture of Wash- was arrested in Weldon, Friday, and placed in limbo, inatcn, the niaroh of the Sonthern arwy upf^n Balti- Uynds representod himself as a Captain atUched to more. Sc and even the snooeBBful ocoupaticn of Phil- I Morgan’s command It la alleged'that the accused pi- tried and punished before the Company on the spot. | right to live under a Government of our own choice, and adelphi* Is oonfidently predicted There Is .‘in air of j loted Gen Cook in bis raid, which terminated in the to * . » ij—1_ I 1 .L •assurance about the SaoeBsicniBts in London, aijJ tbeir I death of that General. Hynds wa«reeogni|ed by a Bur- English sympathisers and allies, thtfl I have pever wit- 1 geon attache i to General Morgan’s command, who states Women to attend all Roli-oalls in the rear of the Com- d«ep)y impressed with the oonvictlon that without Him pftnies, (except such as are in the service of officers,) I nothing 1b strong, nothing wise, and nothing enduring; Lobd Coeuwallis aid Gm. Bdtlik Preparatory 10 the seoond iavMion of Nortk Carolina by Lord Corn wallis, Major James Henry Craig, e«bsequently Gov ernor General of Canada, at the head of a soiall body of troops, assisted I y a naval armament, under the command ef Capt. Karclay, captured Wilmington on ihe 29th January 17M. Lord Cornwallis eatoring the State from South Carolina, orossed the Catawba on the 1st February at Cowan’s Ford, where Gen. Davidson fell, in a gallant but ineffectual attempt to resist the passage of the river. The memorable retreat ef Gen. Greene across the State into Virginia, and his almost tfflmediaie return to North Carolina, are /aaiiliiir events to all readers of revolutionary history. On the 26ih February Lord Cornwallis issued a proclamation which, after reeiting his “driving the rebel army out of this province,” invites “all faithtul and loyal subjects to im pair without loss of time, with their arms and ten days’ provisions, to the royal standard now erected at Hills boro,” and nnite with him in effectual measures to sup- presd “the remains of rebellion” ia the province. With Wilmington, our commercial emporium, and Hillsbo rough, the seat of governmont, in his possession, and no osganued body of forces to resist his onward pro gress, h« seems to have supposed that ten, iastead of Ur. Seward's nintty, days would suffice to crush out “A« Ttvmwt of rebtUion " Oo the 15th Maroh he achieved the fatal victory at Guilford Court House; from thence he passed by Fayetteville to Wilmington, where he arrived on the 7 th April, and on the lOtb, in a despaich to Sir Henry Clintoa, summed up the results of the campaign as follows: “I cannot help expressing my wishes that, ihe Chesapeake may become the seat of war, even (if necessary) at the expense of abandoning Kew York. Until Yirginia is in a manner subdued, cur hold ol the Ca'olinas must be difficult if not preoariou|^ The rivers in Virginia are advantageous to ao invading army; but North Carolina is of all the provisoes in America the most difficult to attack (unless material as sistance could be got from tbo Inhabitants, the contrary of which I have suSicienilj experienced,) cn aoocuat of its great extent, of the numberless rivers and creeks, and the total want of Interior navigation.” He remained in Wilntingtoa until about the close of the month, and on the 14th May crossed the Meherrin,^or the parpese of forming a junction with Gen. PhlllipsSkt Petersburg. A comparison of the course of events and the condi tion of affwirs in North Carolina, now and then, might afford much food for rdlection and substantial reasons for congratulation and en.our:>gement. Oar purpose at present, however, is simply to exhibit record evidence of the charsictcr of the warfare waged against us by the mother country in 1781, as coniraated with the humanity of our sister States, 80 years thereaf ter. To find a parallel for the latter, we must revert to the history of the middle ages. Xeaophou, whose famous re treat at the head of the Ten Thousand, 22 centuries ago, has been compared to that of Qen Greene from the Catawba to the Roanoke, by one of our own writers, familiar with ancient and modern history, instead of burning mills and mamifaoturies and the destrnction of agricultural implements, secured the peaoeful tillers of the soil, in the hostile regions through which he passed, from lAolestation Lord Cornwallis was the ablest of the British commanders who attempted our subjugation, during the American Revolution The fal lowing orders issued by Lim at the several datts pre fixed, shew (hat he was as humane and chivalrous as he was bra^e and able They are copied from the man uscript Order Book of Lord Ccruwaliis, in the posses sion of a friend of sure: “EnAVQCAKTBBB, Castba&d's Plastatiok, 2d Feb’y 1781. "OrcUrt.—Lord Cornwallis is highly displefcsed that agveral houses were set on fire during the maroh this day, a disgrace to the army, and that he will panish with the u'.most sevmty any person or persons who shall be found guilty of conxnitting so disgraceful an outrage. His Lordship requests the commanding offi oers of corps will endeavor to find oat the persons who set fire to the houses this day.” *‘Headquab.txss, SALiSBrnr, 5th Feb’y 1781 “It is with great oonoern that Lord Cornwallis ac quaints the army that he has lately reci>ived the most shocking eomplaints of the excetses vommitted by the troops. He calls in the most .^erions manner on tbe ofiicers commanding Brigades and Corps to put a stop to this lioentiouBness, whioh must inevitably bring dis grace ana ruin on His Stlujeaty’s service. He is con vinced that it is m their power to prevent it, and ha^ seen so many prcots ol their zzal for ibe serviue of their country that he cannot doubt of their utmost exertions to detect and punish ottendora. without .wKUk of the brave and deserving snidicro wiii b» ak»J u» T»ia, and it will not be even in the power of victory to give 8UCOCB8. , , “Great complaints having been made of negroes straggling from the line of march, plunderiag and using violence to the inhabitants, it Is Lord Cornwallis’ posi tive orders that no negro shall be suffered to carry arms on an^ pretence, and all officers and other persona who employ negroes are desired to acquaint them that the Provost Marshal has received orders to seize and pun Leh on the spot any negro following the army who may otTend against this regulation.” “HBAByuAKxaas, Dobbim’s Hocsb, \ 17th Feb’y 1781. / “Lord CornwaUia id very sorry to be again obliged to call the atieniion of the Ottioers of tiKfAncy 10 the repeated orders agaiDst plundering. He deatres that the orders given on the 28th Jan’y, 4th Fab’y, and the 16th Feb’y, may be read at the head of each Troop and Company cn each of the three first halting days, and he aseureri the ofUcers, that if their duty to their King and country, and their feelings for humanity, are not sufficient to enforce their obedience to them, he must, however reluctant, make use of such power as the mili tary laws have placed in his hands.” ' Bbioadk MoRMina Oanxas, 2d March 1781. *‘A foraging party, consisting of one Officer, two Ser geants, two Corporals, and twenty-four Privates, to assemble at the guns thia morning at eight o’clock, with tbe Battalion horsea- “Notwithstanding every order, every entreaty, that Lord Cornwallis has given to the army to preveiit the shameful practice of plundering and distressing the couftry, and those o/dera backed by every effort that can have been made by Brigadier General O’Hara, he is shocked to find this evil still prevails, and ashamed to observe that the frequent complaints he receives from Headquarters of the irregularity of the Guards, particu larly affects the credit of this oori«i. He therefor* calls upon the officers, noB-oommlsaioBed offioera, and thoec men who are 7*t poaafcsseck of the fealinga of humanity si^ and every one found absent to be Immediately whipped and drummed out of the brigade. “The Commandants are desired to proofed to the trial of those men offending yesterday, and to put the sen tence of the Coart Martial in execution immediately, in the preRence of all the officers. “N. B. The women to attend all piiniahments.” Tbe following extracts from Tarleton’s Campaigni) (p. 290) relates to the last official daty performed by Lord Cornwallis within our borders, and is in keeping with all that w^ know of his previous course Tarleton was always spoken of as “the cruel” and frequently “the Bloody Tarleton.” most unjustly, however, if the mildest of modern Northern Generals in the depflrtments of Virginia and Nonh ('arolina be selected as a standard for oomparison. More properly in point of value was destroyed by the raiders between W’ashiugton and R}cky Mount thau by Lord Cornwallis, in his throe months’ campaign, traversing the State in two different direc tions, and marching upwards of (k)0 miles “On the arrival of some country people, Earl Corn wallis directed Lieutenant Colonel Tarleton to dismount his dragoons and mounted infaittry, and to form them into a rank entire, for the convenient inspeoticn of the inhabitaots, ^cd to faciliiate t^e discovery of the vil lains who bad committed atrocious outrages the preced- i»e evening A sergnsnt and one private dragoon were pointed out and acoused o# rape and robbery. They were couducted tc Halifax, where they weie condemned to death by martial law. The immediate inflict ion of the jentence exhibited to tbe arm^ and manifested to the country the discipline and justice of the British General.” This example was rendered more imposing by the fact, that Col. Tarleton’s legion had advanced four miles beyond Halifax, when the miscreants were detected, and the legion required to return. The whole army was de layed an entire day, in order to carry oat the sentence of the Court Martial. Two orders of earlier date than those given above, and one of the 16th of February, are omitted to avoid occupying too great a space in our columns Tbb Dahlqrkn DocrMBNTS.—From the manner in which the yankee papers received aud published the “Order” of Gen. Dahlgren to bum Richmond aud kill President Davis and his Cabinet, we infer that even they for onoe blushed for the monstrous barbarity of their sys tem of. warfare—blushed all the more, doubtless, be cause of the failure of the diabolical purpose The Richmoni papers state that only one, and that a Phila delphia paper, made any remark upon the subject. As to the New York Herald, that paper, while it could dot sanction the Ordd*, endeavored tw break the force of the shocking exposure by saying:— “It is not believed here that tha;taVcised words, and J«ff, Davis and Cabinet killed ” were contained in the original order, but were interpolated by the enemy in order to intiame the passions of thdir own 83idt«rs, who are becoming lukewarm.” The disappointment of the yankee nation at the fail ure of tbe raid seems to be accounted for by the dis- V closure of the confident expectation they entertained of its resulting in the capture of Klchmond The follow ing was published iu the TribQne of the 4th:— The la'est dispatch from ivilpatrick to Gen. Pleas- onton, dated Spottsylvania C. H., Sunday morning 11 o’clock, states that he crossed the ttapidan at Ely's Ford at 4 o’clock A. M., Sunday, surprised the r«bel pickt:t« aaleep, aud captured a Captain, Lieutenant and fifteen men. The ooaoiuding words of hi* dispatch were: “Twaaty miles nearer Hiohmond, and &li right. Will double my bet of $5,000 that 1 enter Rictusond.” CAHmu&Txa FOB CoMoasss —We have already noted the nomination of Mr. Ashe in the 7th District the people of Anson. We do not know whether Mr. Ashe will be a candidate. Two casdidates are announce'^in to-day’s Observer—Alfred G. Foster, Esq of Davidsju, and Col. W. P. Taylor of Chatham. Others alsu ure spoken of ae candii-ates. Hen. Tnos. S. Ashb.—The Richmond Wnig bears the following testimony to the deservedly high sund oecupted by Mr. Ashe in the late Cougress:— -There being now a vacancy to be filled, we trust that we will not be accused of unwarrantaOie interler ence in tbe affairs of our sister Staie, when we express the hope that Mr. Ashe may be seiurned. No member of the late Congress enjoyed a more enviable character, or was held m nigher esteem thaa CoL Asne. His fine attainments prompted hia appointment ou one of tne moat importaut committeea of the - House, and his dili gent attenuon to the practical busiubsa of legislation gave him an influence which was highly Honorable to me Old NorUi titate.” in order that the people of tMs Confederaay may have I the opportunity at the same time of offering their ado I ration to the great Sovereign of the Universe, of peni { tently confessing tbeir sins and strengthening their vnr ’ and rarposes of amendment in humble reliance upop His Grac^us and Almighty power: “Tb« Cbngre?tf of the Confederaie States d%> revolve That it be recommended to the people of those Staten that Friday, the 8th day of April next, be set apwt and observed «f> a dny of Huniiliation, Faniitig and Prayer, that’* Almighty God wculd no preside over our public aoonoelo i»td aotboritiec, th»t He would so inspire cur armies and their leaders with wisdom, cour^^n nnd per- severanci*, und so manifest Himself in the greatn«^ps of His goodness and majesty of Ris power, that we may i tbiug)) be nafely and aucoessfully led through the ctibst'.^uin^ to which we are being subjected to th« .tltaiho ent of an honorable peaee, so that while we enjoy tho blessings of a free and happy Government, we may ascribe to Him the honor and the glory of our Independbuce and pros perity,” A reccmmendatioB so congenial to the fvcllngs »f the people will receive tkeir hearty c'>ncHrrenoe; and it it a gkat«t'ul duty to the Executive to unite with their Re presentatives in inviting them to meet in the Courts of the Most H'gh. Recent events awaken fresh gratitude to the Supreme Ruler of nations Our eneiuies have suffered repeated defeats, and a nefarious icbe(ne to burn and plunder our Capital, and to destroy our civil Government by putting to death the cbos^u Hervauts of the people, has been baffled aud set at naught. Our armies nave t>een atren^iheneti; cu finances promise rapid progress to a sati:ifactury coudition, and cur whole country is animated with a he[>eful spirit and a fixed deterniinatio#tc achieve independence In these circumstaaoes it becomes us, with thankful heaits, to >*ow ourselves before the throne of the l||oBt High, vnd wliile gratefully acknowledtriDgeo many mer cies, coBfess that our sins as a people have jnstly ex posed as to His oha!>tiseraent Let us recogatie the Buf ferings we have been called up ti to endure, as adoJais tered by a fatherly band for our imprr.vrmeni, and whL resolufo courage and patient euduranoe let us waia; on Him for our deliverance In furtherance of the^ie objects, now, ther«for«, I JarrBBsoii Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, do issue this my Proclamatiou, cailiog upon the people of the said States, in ccnfcmity i^ith desire expressed by their repre'^enfativ^s, e^t apart FRID.AY, tHe 8th day of April, aa a day of Humtliatlon, Fasting and Prayer, and I do hereby invite them on that day to repair to their several places of public wor ship and beseech Almighty God to “preside over our public counsels and so inspire our armies afad leaders with wisdom, courage, and perseverance; and ao to manifest Himself in the greatness of His goodness and ia the majesty of Hia power, that we may aecnre the blessings of an honorable peace and of free government; and that we, as a people, may ascribe all to.the honor and glory of Hia name." Given under my hand and tbe seal 6 the / I Confederate Statea of America, at the city of ( I Richmond, on this 12th day of March, in tbe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four JEFFERSON DAVIS. By the President: * J. P. BiNfAHii, Seoreury of State nested before since the war began, and If any depend enD» is *0 hj placed upon what I h^ve kerelot'u-f^ calUd my thermoujf>*..r there W'.uld seem to he souir-, real grounds for ihis confidenct* The ^'on^'deratc Cotton Loan, which a few weeks atfO hid sunk t" his •xrOii^iK^ed « wonderful recovtry, ard now staB-ip ai 55 to 60 Then mupi have k>epu 3oc ’ c .u-^.* f ir i oiher than thp r.rdintiry fluciUHiff'ni* f the money laar kpt. for f'e “took has reac^'*? * this l»ttcr fij-ur*' pt eudden junip. bm has been cr'^epir.j; up gr,*du'tl’y. u>iv by day, witn a uteadin^!>rt ti.e mart? rtma'kahlc* ss tl.er. has bei’n no »*ppuTe»t r a>4 ir fcr '■ o >«Btoraii»>D of c.a- fideuoe lu it Koir.ng the m )nf y.',d rn'n I wr’l not et temp* to pxr-lain or I'cc'.un* for ti-e projput st»»e »•! I only tell you wbpt ths.* ".tatp ih ” that tbe accused a native of Kentucky, aad was at one lime engaged in tbe mercantile businc'ss in that State. He will be taken before Gen Winder this morn ing f'r examination —Richmond Ehtamintr The Order of Errhau^e—Arrival and htparture oj I'ntonert —Tf'o S.ici i^*t a r ;>t'Ar. -;.d, ' » li »p pcaraaue. a Hir ujLCOange of pii-. u-r.*. is uow lu g s- ratiot, seenis to rxcit-> tae C!;rii/b sj i '!■.*'I' qnisilivr, I whu want to kuow how ib; thing b. whi:i- Uml. r j IB Still in auihoriiy in ih* Tj't' it-.'y ! at tiii'i ^■ariiouia» ty-1 .m oi L..i. ■ i- ■ - •i.iL ! Butler i» uui. ; ibi* q • i-iion i': i-' ■ r: .> j nient is thi* aff'ir r--}.e'f • ( ■ >:d •. ; j Confeiert*t^ fttcie •••. i j M 1 the tiu J steamer New \ ,-k oa (us' -ti.f. t*y viriiK of the t»grf«-ment tieiwe* u ihf -t- twij ..- u ! a v ■ wtj'' them in r*-turn for Coa.> v'‘Soste; vi'hv rj.- u-. Oity Point, a number of Ftdera'. prit;0M‘rs jr>.:a ijf Libby and Belle Is'c, pqnivalent 10 8fV0«-ti-i*l!i:; of ihe attut».rr tn>'«MiTverea . ny rnis mean'?, tp(? trnjrurt irtHtmn t of tho Federal Ooveromsi t, wiiich hav.’ been ibe Hub- , ject of such long and apparently iueifeotire oOrreepoiid- | ence, are quietly laid ou tbe shelf, and if tbe «-xch»Rg' continuea, the last batch of }auke ^ri->oi«>rd ‘teiiv-r;‘d to the Federal authorities will her»id tbe ulosii anucuiu- j pletion of the exchange. Lincoln wil) ^avi^ the ;■ whole of hia “Captive army,” and we will nava b.vjS oura. S.'^lle Isle and Johuaon’s Island,-the Litby and Fort McHenry will be oleared otit and made ready for the reoeption 01' new vihitors. On Saturday tu.,rni&g M^jor Muttord arrived at Ciby Point, per etearr-er N«w Y^ork? wih t>00 Cor, federate privates, and 55 Oonfojeraie ofhcpVs. Ow'ng to the freshet lu the riv r. the Schultx, to whvnh they have been tranfferrfd for Rrchmun . aid aoi es~ay tnc trip up, either on Saturday or yesterday, but will most like ly do so to-day li« rrtur’j far thit* number, 4Mi) yan kee j>rivates and 40 otlicers will be sent down to-day to take the New York for Fortre^is Monroe. JHc/tmimd Exaviintr. Htgulat Biehanyt of Pruontr* to 6e made her$afttr.— The friends of the Ouicn prisoaers ia the South will be gratified to learn that arranfrementa have been effected by which regular exchanges of prisoners* will ne made hereafter The Government has gracofuily recedea from its determination te force Gen Butler upon the onfederates as the ooly agent of exc^>»r'(re, and have delegated that authority to M»j. Mulforu, whose at>so- ciatiois )fftth Mr. Ould, the rebel oommssioner, have heretofore been pleasant as well as digrafied The first exchange under the new regulation tiaa airuady taken place.— Vuniet Paper , DIXD. * Of typhoid pneumonia, in Cbatbaui county, N C., on the 18th day of February, Mrs MARY A. ROWE, ■^ife of Rev W b Rowe, in the 66ih yeur of her age, ;;>virig a kind husband and six children to mourn her death. May they be comforts by the joyful assuraace Ffae sleeps iu Jesus. ard will be forever blest, biblical Recorder pleaae copy. Of typh.iid pueumonia, in Chatham county, N C., ai ^is father’s residence oa the 7th day of March, ALEX 'ND*?K. McL ROW^, in the 28tb year of hia age He 'n'lt r in ibe iBornitg of life, leaving us h'« bright I a pu:m: w ilk and a peaceful death. A dutiful soil, a w.^rni friend, and an bonrrable mrin, he pos aad practised those principle# that ennoble and adorn butnan lif« Rib'ict! P^c'rder ple-*9e crpy. I': ' c'u«ty. the 7th inst , of pn.'-umbuia, V( 'ilv\' M(>K£NZIE, in the 4*>th year yf her *gt« ;> > 'hf 1st March, vr r brief illness of five day«, H t.i . H! •**tice of her husband iu (laswell cortnty, 1 MiUV’ K'^OVyN, wi^ of ih* Hou Bedford Brovn, j ig li Vo'••‘atij I^ATRIOTIC CONCERTS. HARKir i^A€ARTH¥, THK REBEL MINSTREL and ARKANSAS COMB- author of the Bonnie Blue Flag, VoluBtaar,* Ac , give TWO of bis popuUr entortAinmenta at #’.f V*TTJ5f^JMJS UJiEilM, , On Thursday and F«iay nighta. March 17 * 18, 1864. I On which occasion, in connection with the above en- I iainmac.t, iflr. liEE iHALItORir j Will introduce the Bib series of his if*ar fllMStrationt, Or a half hour with the Confederate Qenerala. Exhibited Life Sue by the aid of a mammoth STBAEO* SCOPTICCiW. Or (wreat iHirror ol Lite. Admission single Tickets S5 Tickets adm ttlng one Gentleman and two Ladies $10. i®^Card Photographs of the different Qenerala for sale at the Bookstores, Hotel and at the door, oa the evening of the Concert Maroh 16 It A Wanted to Rent a Piano. nal and Armory Marc^h 15. 15 4t A 1-AYjCjTTiiiViLLE >lAhtCKT.—March 17. P.EVlfi^V OF THP'nIAHKET Ba£on 8 25 to 3 50. Pork 2 25 to 2 50 Lax.! ‘i 00 iieef 1 25 to 1 6 ) ots. per lb , retail iipciwftx 2 60 to 8 Ot* Butter & 00 C'lf-f-n 1 75 '0 2 TiJ Coffee 15 00 to IS 00 Goit«n Yarn—420 to $50 00 per banoh 1 Frail 1 t>0 to 1 2a p^r ib 2 00 per dosea. Extract Logwood to f&r kt>. Fleur $226 t?( $240 Flaxeeed 8 00 to 10 00 p^r bu, jrv-aer 11 00 Hay 10 00 Shucks 10 '>0 Grs.-n—Cura 22 au Wae*t 22 50 to $25. K>e 20. Oaid 10. Peas 25. Hide.?—^re^n 2 50 to ^ 50, dry 4 5# to 5 00 Irot—Swedes 4 00 to 5 00. Leuher—Upper 15 00 peMb., Bole $15 Or L’quors—Coru Wbieiiey 70 00 Appk .cd Peach Brandy 70 00 Moiaaaee 25 00 to XO 00 Soda $8 60 to $5 Nails 4 00 to 4 50 per lb Onions IS 00 per buahel. Potatoes—iriah $16 to $20 per bash; aweet $8 to $10. Rioc^ 00 to 1 25. Sugar 8 00 to 10 00. Soap—Family Bar $1 per Ib^ Voilc>t 2 00 Spiriia Turpentine 8 00 p«r galk 1. Fayetteville 4-4 Sheetings, Factor/prices to the State 1 25 Retail to others 1 40. Outs ders’pricea $4 50 Salt 35 00 to 40 00 per bnahel. Tallow 2 60. Wool $ti >rrf et»i£l by B L- Pi»ii»amToii FOR RE.ITT. The DWELLING HoUoE >»iid LOT known as the Hooper pUoP. near tbe Presbyterian Ctiuroh. Too Dwelling Hou«: and Lit cn Hay Mount, known as tht- Pe^r:o resiuauoe This is now being put in re pair. Also the Store ou Hay street, known as the Willkings Stor* Apply t' W G MATTHEWS. .Maroh 17. Itpd For i§ale, PIANO, fiae tone and finish. Addraaa boX No. -21, Fayetteville Post Poet Office .Mr 'ci ' 7 llpd i\OTfCE. . \ I.L p.Tt>oue holding luv Ijjot^s or (’hecks, or having ./i. 01 her demands agair.gi sTi.c, will picase present them V a or hi'fijrp tit 1st d&y of April next or they will u. ra’c^ -n the jirfsent Cci.fsderate issues. GEO W BULLARD. Bi. ^ P O , '5, 15S4 1^5t*2tpd Hcrciver’s jl'otire. Not tjeiii^ atie to reach Randolph and retura hare by ific 1 u ‘->1 Aprii. u-.-ioe is hereby given, that all p!T?oi « .ndeti.*'! t-. ni« as Heceiver on acooant of late- rtst or ciner suni*- du.- fcitnfcrly i aiicn eDcBiiea. moat maki ps»''i»ent t ' mtj ca or D^j'ore 80th Maroh inst, er 1 tfuad ifc’qcire ilwx to be male therwfier In the'naw ifsae ol Confeder'^to aotett, *..r in the old issue with the tai and disconnt add«>d on JOHN MANNING, Jr.. Keceiver Pittsboro’. March 14 16-tlA WAJlTio, AT TBK MAHiSSAS GAP B. M. IHOPI. Gb'EENaMORO, If. Q ^ FIRST Class MaOHIN|8TS, « SMITHS, 20 CARPENTERS Highest wages paid. March 15. 16-lm Oi'B GxiiBiiALS.—Mr. Lee Mallory, whese advertise ment appeara in thia papet, has preaented to us beauti- fal photographs of Gea. Lee, Gen. (Stonevall) Jackaon, Gen Mcrgan, and G^n Longstreet. They are pro nounced admirable likenesses. The great and good Lee is vastly changed from what hia appearauoo was three years i*gd, for now his hair and full beard are white. Many of our Generals are said to have undergone the same chango. Small Pox.—Aiuodk the evilaof iheyaBkea invaalon The Recognition Rumor* —The London Morning Post of the 29th alt. in ua city article continues to assert tlie lotantion of France to shortly reoognixe the Confederate States. It says: “The private advices from Paris, up on which we belinve ralianoe caa be placed, agaia al lude to the negotiatioBs now in progresa preparatory to a reeogaition of the Confederate Stataa of America bj the French Government, although aay official acknow ledgment of thia fact would at thia moment be tbought premature and undeairable.” A Double Campaign —The 14th New Hamahire regi ment, which was under orders tor the Gulf, it appears has received a later order to “report” in New Hampshire for the purpose of voting the Abolition State ticket. The eleotiOB will take pt*** •« —•*» of the South, is the very genaral diaaimi»«^>oB of Uiia'1 several regimeuui have already been ordered home to “Thi Voice or tbb Pbbss.”—Under this head the Raleigii Confederate saya that that voice, “both in this State and in others of the Confeaeracj, apeaka but one sectimeBt as to Mr. Holden’a oandidaoy; and that ia ad verse, to hia preteosions. Every where he is looked upon with disiruat and repugnance.” Even ihe “Conservative” Atlanta Register, which has been claimed as belonging to the Standard’s peaoe party, turns a very oold shoulder to Mr. Hoiden, in auoh lan guage as the following: “Holden, the editor of the North Carolina Standard, who ia but justly, aa we think, denounced aa a danger ous malcontent, if not absolutely untrue to the cause of the Confederaoy, baa issued another sheet of his paper, (the publication of which waa recently suspended ) in which he announced himself aa a candidate for Governor of North Carolina, itt the ensuing August election. * * ♦ There la a teat of loyalty which uur obaerva- tion ia this revolution haa led us to believe almoat ^n fallible, it ia not the seniimenta a man professes, but thoeo he onmte to profess, which ottcnest denote him truly In tbe card of Holden, announcing himaeif, there is not one word of sympathy for the cause of ultimate triumph of our arms, not one word of en couragement for the brave men who have drawn the sword, and thrown away the scabbard in defence of our rights * * * I’^e db not believe a man who had a spark of patriotism or sympathy for the t’onfederate cause in hia composition, owuld fratae a card for a^imi- lar purpose, even as brief aa Holden's, without giving some expression of it.” This Atlanta Register is the originator and organ of what the Holden party in this State call the Georgia Peace party, hoping to croate an impreasion that they have colaborers in Georgia. The Register very em phatically coatradiota this notion in closing the article from whioh we have quoted above, as follows: ‘■Such of our coteoiporariea persist in aacribiog te the doctrlnea of thia journal a parallelism with those ot the North Carolina Standard, are either actuated by a loathsome disease, which waa of rare occurrence South, of the PotOEcac until the yankeea came. Now it is all. over the conntry. Nowhere haa it .been ao prevaleot and bo fatal as at Knoxville and Naahville, ia Tenneasee. In the former place it ia atat;!d taat there have been at many as 2200 caaes at one time. As to liiaahville, the Dispatch of that place, of Feb’y 7tn, atataa that in Nov’r there were admitted into one hoapital 146 cases, in Deo 325, and In January 443. In all9I4, of whom 17(> were citiiens, 270 aoldiera, and 44)1 negroea. In the month of January 114 died, 107 were discnarged, and 5i0 re mained under treatment on the lat of February At Norfolk, V'a , there are 182 caaea of smail pox at the peat house. A DisTmoTiOR wiraocT a Dir^BBBHOB.—A Minister of the Methodist Church writes us that by the tax law of last year he ia required to pay $160 tax on hia in eofoe of $3000 aa a Minister, whilat a Preabyterian Miniater in the aame place paya but $80 tax on hia tal ary ef $3000. The oonatroction of the law which pro duces this aingaiar result ariaea, he aaya, from tne fact that, whilst the Presbyterian Church obligates itself to PV the Pastor $8000, and he could coliecfc that saUry by lair, the Methodist Minister has no persoB bound to lum. It ia a mere reoommeBdatioa by the Church that the Minister be paid $1006 Quarterage for clothing and $2000 for table expenses. Bat at the close of the year each haa received his $3000. The one is oh lied salary, the other income. The tax ob aalarica ia 1 per ceBt., $80; ob iBoomes 6 per oeat, $150. Our correapondent asks if we think this right? Cer tainly we do not. Congresp could have had no inten tion thus to disoriminate between the two MiaititorB, or olaaaea of Miniaiera; and we doubt if auch a oonatructiou has been put upon the law elsewhere thaa in the town In which this oaae occurred. take part in ft.—Hamthurg Patriot and Union. i'etteU »uf>f/oted to 6e Captured—Nbw loax, .March 8.—The Commercial says that advices received in thia city from Botnbay Jauuary 28th, state th%t it is feared that I' 0 other American ahips, the “Soatnern Rights” and “Naples,” nave faiien victims to tho pirate Ala t'Wna. ves-eltt bom lert Bombay about the mid dle 01 Jauu'try lur Mouimein. The l&iedt fuieigu vesbets confirm the e^fi;;>pe of the Georgia from Brest- i'lie U S eieniaei Kcaisage hau retuued 10 Br«st alter »a uubuccenbtui put suit Balttmore Ameriean Funding —Up to Saturday t’V&iiing last, at the Deposi tory lu Uiis pl%cc, $o43,bUU Wcro luuued iit l^ur pei cent bonus I'ne pdeo aave not y«.-t come la—>hc sUm already fondott being (^eutrikiiy lu s-.. au i>mouuia, divided between aooat iweive uuuared aiffereut persons This id a good sign, aud snows tniki the great mass »i our people ttre becoming stockuoiders in the Govern meet. It ia auman nature for every mai/ to feel solici tude for a corporation in Wi^ich he is peeauiarily in- tereatad, and of oourse those who holu Confederate bonds will feel a deep intereat in the success of our common catise. Sell iniecest promotes. p»Lr^otism. Ch*rlolt» Dtfnoerat The new Taz Law —M>n> persouj making ii»quir les a» to now aua wh;u will ta:atrrB rto-'ive uicau 10 their titues, wuica tho uew law e-ys saail be d*;duote' from the five per ccat tax linpoa^d 0^ property used lu :^nuuiture. Our uudei’St.aniiug of tue matter is init: Tue credit will be allowed ;or the time ol 1H64 Tae ikx 19 due cn the 1st June, and is 10 00 c^liec'ed “a« suea utter as practicable”—witu me farmer a'fiual set- tlemeat will not be had un il he delivers, >»11 iiis titiies lor 18t>4, then, if the time falls snort ot pj^ing his 5 per cent, tax he must pay ihe ba'»nce lu uot.ey or iu four per cent bonds If lae titiio more than >>i>9 the 6 per cent, tax he gets n > pay ior tiio overplus, becAuat that wonid be laakii-g the t'AX-iu-E-n.i vt^‘>vi. iuu of the old law ¥oid, wuereas the o.d i w ;u f(,»p*-t is still in force.—Charlotte Democrat We are authorized to announce a. G. FO'^TER of Randolph, a candidate to represent the 7th Con gressional Bistrict of North Carolina in th^ Congress of the Confederate States in the plaoe of Hon. 8 H. Chris tian, dece»sed. ^lOh H. 15jt^ VVe are authorized and re- _ qnested to announce WILLIAM P. TAY LOR, Esq., of Chatham, aa a Candidate for Gongreas in 7tb Congreasional District, lo supply the place of Hon Samuel H Christian, deceteed. March 14. £a. p.] 1,6-t.e young Misses aad Boys. Branches taught are Lat|n. French, English Branches and Muaio. For terms apply to Mra J. D. BCRKART. Maroh 15. FajetteTlUe Artepal and Armorj,l March lt>, 1864. / All persona having claims against tho Government for articles furniahed this Arsenal and Araaory, will please present them as soon aa poaaible. All claims prior to the lat April v^iU be paid in the old currency at ita face. 15 3w] . F. L. CHILDS, Lieut. Col. Comd’g. .u tbls Thb Soluibbb’ Gabdbhs.—We have received, iu ad dition to former aoknowledgmenta, aeeds from Mrs. B. H. Jones, and from Miss C. W. McLauohlin ot Rioh mund county. friend in Wilmington for oopies of the Herald aud Tfi- bune ot the 29th uit—a sure indication that a bTcokade runner has arrived. Their newtl bos been anticipatsd, but it is interesting to look throagh them. Soldieri Votintf—Ou tU*?. alr.-c’ place, a iays -'au North Caroilua eoldK re. Ttj. -j i- *r vote be tak[;a, as Beiwccu ■ » v ‘ 'i'» I Govcri;or. which waf done t)>' au vtii with tne tollowiug rcsuU: V’.tnoe skvi.- TWO—oie of this wins minotiiy so vo mark: ’ "I vote for llaldtn kot he II stop ftt «•'*»'■ •»> aou.* Roll of Honor —V oorr»spouvit!jt from Halifax iu- forms UB that Brig. Gen Julius Dani«l, oo a visit home aome time since, OkUjed a consid^able t»mount ot food to be Bold to the poor, at extraordjiiary low rate? Ho sold corn at $16 per barrel, aad peas at *3 pur busacl, li- h J he i I... - iiarty, Ji.iii, s >1.ipn WUL. .li>: 1 . I^OTICE. Act’g Ass’t Qasrteriiaster’s Office, 1 FATBTTBV1L1.K AasBNaL & Abmokt, March 15, t864 / iN acdordauce with oraera received from the Commis sarJ Gen’i and Quartermaster Gen’l, all oontractors and others having oiaims uasettled, contracted prior to me 17 th Feb’y 1864, will present them to the under signed for payment by the 20th inat. Payment can only be made in the old currcBcy or ita equivalent in the new. MATTHEW P TAYLOR, 16- It] • A. A. Q. M. & A. A. C. S. W'OTMCJE. Engineer’s Offlce* Marfb 14, 1864. PEHSOmS having clauns agianat the Engineer Depart ment, relating to the Defenses at Fayetteville, will please present them at oBce to the underaigBed. Powers of AttorBey of the form givea by Capt. Jamea ib thia paper may be used, but they mtul be in duplicate for each month daring whioh aervice waa rendered. S. A ASHE, 16 8tl 1st Lt. O. S. A., on Eng. Duty .. List your Taiabies. '■pHE unlersigaed having been appointed at Maroh 1 T« iu 1864, of tiae Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses EtoDS for Cumberland couaty. iiist Takers for the Town and CroBa Creex Districts, her by notify all persons to cjnie forward and list their property during the last 20 srork'tg 'lays ir. April nest, ccaiauuiciag oa Friday the oan he rounA frem 9 A >1. to 1 o’clcck P. i. , .> ait^e office of R Orrell on Hay street. :-io' lid 4 ill t..,- r.-cei»M after the expiration of tbt- tittin ii nt i i»y iaw H M ORRELL, List Taker for 'J'owc Dih riot. JOHN ^ Jr l.ist T.kK.'r f.'.r »>■■»-.« fVrtfk Presbyterian siiid Weekly IntelltgeuCier copy until 1st .May aud Charge c.iuntjr • ^ _ t'o«federate States Ueposltory .\ hAyKTTBViW.K, March i7, lh')4 | Hosuj S0.1P—A lady writes to aak the proportions of I General Dawvl has ley aud rosia, the process of making soap from them, and the particular kind of roain required. We cannot answer her qaeations, but sappose that experience will soon satisfy her. aa it satisfied the lady whose experi* ence we peBtioncd a few daya ago. The rosiu ia ol' coarae that left al»er distilling spiriia of turpentine Dbatbs of Soluibbs —In hospital at the Fayetteviile Araenal, 6th of March, George W. Au'ry, fir'er ia Co I>. 2d Batt jUon, in the IBtU year of bis ag3. ALthouga ae was not a professor of aay religious denoaiiuatiou yet stupidity that is pitiable, or a malioo that Is more than J he was a bright pattern of youthful piety Com. contemptible.” GAsros Cot’NTT.—A business letter from this moun tain legion gives ua the gratifying intelligence that— “Holden’a Convention seheme haa pretty effectually died out in thia county. It is cheering to note the change of sentioieBt Ib the people hereabouta, for tbe last eight or tea weeka, and eapecially since Holden’a announce ment for Governor. He haa always pretended to be the true friend of Gov’r Va«oe. but having shown the cloven foot, hia friends utter ouraee agaisdt him deep and loud. All auoh persona will vote for Gov. Vanoe, notwiihstand ng they were much attached to Holden, aij they believed him to be true to Gov. Vance. Sec the deoeptioa practiced upon the unauspeating people. It ia to be hoped that Holden and his isms will be com pletely crushed out of the *^tate and Confederacy be- tweeu thia aud at the next Auguat election." In Hospital at Wilmington, 7th Deo. of Typhoid Dys entery, Corp. Jas. McSavage, of Co. 1, 17th Reg’t, aged 29 years. At Point Lookout, of Chronic diarrhoea, Serg’tE. M. Crowaop, of Co. B 27th Reg’t N. C. T. Killed in aetion near Batchelor’s Creek, Feb 1, 1864 Wm. E. Pugh a private of Go. C. 51et Reg’t N. C T. MAKB1I9. In Fredericksburg, Va., at the residence of Mr Gor don, 6th of Maroh, by Rev. Richard Johnson, f^apt. THOMAS A BRANSON, 46th N C T to Mias ELIZA G., daughter of Mr. famea M Sthreshley of Stafford county, Va In Montgomery county, on the 8th inst., by Nf'ab Auman, Efq , Private B F CAGLE, Co. K. 83d Rsjt't N. C T., to Miss M. F. STAFFORD, all of Montgdmery county In Montgomery oounty, on the lOlh inat., by Noah The next meeting of the High Sohodl Kaitting Soci- I Aoman, Esq., Gt^’I JABIES M. A. STBIDER, Co. H, ffuo are y*t w*® *»—- -# •ly will be held at the reaidenoe rf Mr. R. W. Hanlie. 184 Keg’t M. 0. of MoPtf^Biary oounty, t® MIm aad aetealed bj the beet priesiplw of •oWiera, tA« ke« I lUi«kl4. |ItQOT QAHADT of Mowceeoviij. Bold from bis plantation food to ihe poor for $1,800 lew thaa the market price; aud ho told one of nis neighoora to ioqOire into the condition of a soldier’k fiuiily, aud if they r«eded ,:jy‘fhiDg, to g * to ais farm and j:ei it. Buoh conduct is tiob'.6 atJ reus A m>in ibuB wi^b a uuH" charity, will i»lw.»yii recdef bis oouciry aoble service upon tn^ baitl“-fiel'i. Auother carrc&pondeu*. ir.akciJ honorable mention of noble coudiici en th« pan of B V. ^ 1 Cutiniggim, 01 Grt^en« oounty, for their I'CBevo'ent can ind atleii-.on to mtiy HoMiers’ families. Tbs fo'tiii^r epeU’is nearly tiso-i^irds ot his time at^cuJing to thfcir vftnous n'ccisiti.58, aad both have been selling coru to thetn at $1 a bushel, bacon at 10 te 12J oenta P'^r pound, arid other ncoensitics in proportion Thp names of such soen should be inscribcu in ch-iracters of living light, while their good deeds art enshrined in the itratefu: hearts of the poor M*d needy Rileigh Confederate. Under Sentence of Z>eaA —Oa yrsterdfiy mjrning BenjBiuin E Bently, a private ot Coupauy H 65tb North Caroii la Infantry, was placed in Castle Thundet 10 await the execution of the sent ns-i of death, passed open him by court uia. tial, for deeertion Proper time has been accorded him to-oommunwNte with hia friends and mske his peace with God —Richmond Enquirer. FiUi.»g Up't* they Thin Out —270 Yatkee prisoners fr-tn viumberland G.»p, arrived here a day or two ago. ♦>0V more are daily expected from tbe Department of Tenueesee—Richmond Whig. Lincoln in MaiM —Statk Hocsb, AcqcstX, Mk Mareh 8 —Oar Legtslatnre to-day paaaed reaolationB in I favor ef Mr. Unooln’s reneminatioa. Every I^on lwnb«i»tMtklif«Bata»vata(iCor tkn moiationi N OfiCE ia i-ereby given, that the und.*rsif:ned Depos- ; itary, duiy appointed by the Secreta.y ot the Trea 8ury, ia prepared to reoeive-iJl such non-iniereet oear- iog Treasury Notes as holdets may deeire »o lund, and ta issue Certifica«a therefor, whioh Certificate's will en (itle tbe holderi; to t. like am»unt in t'onfederate 4 per cent" 'l»g;s*erpd Bonds, as sown as said Bouds can be nrerar-d at tbe Treasury. Thi* privilege exten le to the let of April proximo, after whie^ all notes over the de- nomin*uioc of five dollars can be funded only at B’i; ots to the doli-^r, except SlOO ndies. whi.'h, after taat date, are no longer receivable for puolio dues, and can only be tunJe i at^u additional reduction of ten per cent per The Gertifioatefi and Bonds are not taxable in 1864, and are receivable in peymeat of ****■ 15tAl] ‘ JOHN W. SANDFORD, Dep y. Phceni.\ Ijodge, jlo. 8, A. IT. Ml. /PALLID MBETING this (THU R S ® ^ Y) Evening, \j ITU,. B, S$iiperior Court ol I^aw lor Cum- berlaUM OoHiity, NOTTCR is herebv liven that there will be a Spring •ae 4th Monday af Maroh next, being the day of May 18’>4, to try and determine all actions of the Civil llooket, and all ewes on the State Docket Notice is farther given, that by an order pwaed at Fal Term 1803, the day lor trying State ewes in said Court has been changed from Thursday to Monday Par.’ »>“ BA^Et C.*3. 0 Mareh 14 PreabyKtia» Mid Weakiy Intellig«Boer copy untU Gewi ami Turpentine Still tor Sale.. ^I^HE subscrioer has a 25 barrel TURPENTINE STILL X at White Hall, Bladen oounty, whioh he wiahea to sell, where it stands. It ia all complete except the arm. Any person wishing to examine it will oall on H J. Carter, who resides at White Hall. As to terma, &o., address me at this P. 0 A. R. CROMARTIE. White’s Creek, N. C., March 9, 16 9tpd MOTICJE. TH£ aubaonber having qualified at Deeemb«r Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter SessioiM of Cumber land County, aa AdmlBiatratrix “de b«nia bob" ob the Estate of G W. I. Goldaton, hereby itives notice to all persona having olaima againat said Estate te preaeat them within the time preacrit.ed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. And all per- aoBa iadebted to aaid Ketate to make immediate pay ment. HARRIET GOLDSTON, Adm’x de bonis non. March 14._ 15-4tpd _ Treasury IlebartaMent, t:. S A., > . Richmond, Feb’y 20, 1864. J TREASUItY notice aa to fundisg under act of Feb ruary 17, 18t>4 Notice is hereoy given to all hold- era ot Treadury Notea not bearing interest, that they may exchange the same immediately, at the office of the Treasurer, Aaaistant Treaaurer, or of any Depoai- tary. for certificates which will entitle them to four per oent. Bonds; and l&at the aaid privilege will oontinue until the 1st of April ensuing, after whioh all notea over the denomination of five dollara can be funded on ly at 66§ centa to the dollar, except one hundred dollar notea, waich', after that date, are no looger receivable for public duea, and can o^y be funded at an addi- tioaal reduction of ten per eent. per month The oertificatea iasued, together with the Bonda for which they may be exchanged, are receivable for taxea of the year 1864 at the full amount expressed on the faoe without interest, ahd abb not scbjbot to tbb TAX IMPoaXD fOE THAT TKAB OH OTBKB BO»D» AMD CBJSDITa. The short time allowed should admonish all holdera promptly to present the ifoiea, and not risk the chance of exclusion by the pressure whioh will occur at the end of the month of March. • (Signed,) C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. Public attention la oallel to the above notioe. 12-ilA] W. G. BROADFl)0r, Depositary.^ MOW is” ioTiTtimjs, ladTks. Two youug genLlemeu wuo^c caarifcousrtt Are be/ond queation, whose intellectual powers are not surpaaa- eu, ~\fish to correspond with two young ladies wnose beauty, iu'.eUect and atniaoiiity is ujt equalled —— Jean Vaijeao has ligUi hair, bUck eyes, about 6/eet 4 inches in Height, fair complexion and wears a 6| boot; Monsieur Mitrius has light hair, haiel eyes, rather Blen der in form, about 6 feet 6 inches la height, fair com plexion and wears a 6 boot It ia not our wish to enter iato a oorrespoudeBce with those ItltU boy* about 30 or 21 years old who wears long uil coats aad ia too young to go into the aervice, but want truly a lady cor respondence and no fooling relative to matriiuony. ^ddreae separately, JE.AN VALJEAN, MONSIiUkt MAK1U3, 51st Heg’t N C. T., ». lingm«’« Brigade, Petersburg, Va. March ^ _ 15 Itpd tiKXEKAL NOTIt'K TO EVKKY MAI«J i'lEf LO*v-«Jl ilZfiNd tiuxi Geati«iuieb' From many ■ heavy peraoabions I aave made an attempt to please i i: ou w ii> werft frieuas by makiug publ-o remaras fa- j vo»* i' ta Couvetitiotj^ Genllerii ja, I can say to you .il I oi.oe took noiden’B paj-er ..nd ho spoke very well rieUu >-43 or u,t? r«i, iie t.ai wa» ii,the .ht lo tU.-nrb! p'-.oo, I w^s aooused of I**, i'libJio iiouea wiumg gooa j:*¥ori*t>**e to iiiH pl>*UB, bwtdO!*iiBay £ Have f.ione eiioa luiag; 1 iiiive never jiade any viouttioa of i (oe 1I'..lou, or given rai^nd for Violating the Con- fe'ji ri»ie .oudiuutua. But 1 as.y lo>k at our ceantry and U' ed our wisaes to favor Btii.QoverRaaent, and we cannot make t^eice. I have been fii»ttered and aooused of bfciug h Trattoi; bat 1 say bo, I deny being a Traitor. 1 an. it. iA7iiT of f'u t^rm-. short of ■*»* hoaora- blo Fe:.te so ais to g»ve justice to ali p^niea; *ad 1 will s»*v to yju ir»al we ougat to di juatico i.o taj Confed- erat« Suited ol AfiitJ-ic* 1 niKdttj' ibsfct I *»ttt lu favor of a move qf hoideus wcrk.i. 1 te.l the world 1 never received a le-t^r fr- o. aold^n, mu nave nevtr -eeuonaofhibCuoulare. nor do 1 wiihto^eeoneofth^m. To-day having heaid ihat soma men wer» urging on reaoluticns for Pubbo Meeti/ig", I say her-a-'ter I wiU never co to one, and therefore *h»w that body of Con- aervatives that I am a man who favors the Coaaututi^ of the Confederate fctatea I advise every one a gaard affainsi such violation; let all be on their gaard; it is time to fftvor love together,—giving reasons frr frieadahip that we may be joined ia oue unbroken front to the en emy. 1 hope that all will unite in one body andenake it knowi^that we are true to the South. If any oae doubts my loyalty to this Government let the people try me aud I will guarantee that 1 am in favor of jus tice—not willing to favor anything that would favor the yankee's Huccess. Let us all come out aa true men and ahowtbr tnemy that we will not aubmu to any thuac abort of hiiViug them all driven ofiF cur bo»J— lag all men to see lu-. I am trne and loyal tlemen do not let any ^ oc.mv, : ; i'' r you for I have no opinion of a Convem;oI. • - ^ tionaL) for we have learned tUs-t i- »•« u.-.- nEi ainoDai ^l neier knew it antU this day. i ‘ iv..e you to guar a againat them—favoring no Pu )^»c Meetings vationa I beg all to aay no moto that I am a Conserv- attve, as 1 am aet nor wish to be on^ ^ pUDLST. Its4 i