iMir. \^\ .i,‘= i;, ‘ UU|.). ^ ■ "■ iKi.iiK 1 ■ 1, ’■ • f iiin\ j to tllf t'jljj,. ' V the Cuiri- lu iin}.rvss. y ]>e:-s..ri tu a • • 'lilt In oat. iiroe iii'Hitlui I i»Je«l t’nv ' • ‘he {>rovj. h^ITiv .,j ■ ■ li.-iviib ■’ i'' isni- t!ie Ji- X- m.j.t or ,iy. •‘ V ''P ■ of * e ^ 'iJnc. ns for Ui« 'ieinav, till .,>n giioh - -^noh over .;;iy l>e c'untry in •' ti t* inili ' -mptio,, 'intei or i: iab..i ftiid = Ht Hj;d ■ HX.:eod il'ticlt'b unu*-. ■■ H!ll = 'r^-rir'y e!> ~ ri.’uoiit, I au certit'v _ = -tSci-.T.‘ ■■-'d by thi? ci ulio per •t:nia! u-e * •> ' ■ K'"'* t):-' t i. ■ uSi t t A tWJ aii- . ’ A . I it ; h. • All •; • sfiRa ; pruV(id *•> vX .iiails -I ■irners ut the ; 1«U : d ti. oni iniiitiiry acr th. i-‘Xt*uipti=!i3 (111 ' ^-= 'atinutt tea .Vl- iic-uallv e }»u:^?uiU *r oc- ieiit ae. arid lie lit d 'taiis, uiider h ued . th- . his - rc Otlet eitliCi o. ItCs ■ hcl HI) i nec V Lil»i leVoKw nllch he !:ei i'.i ;::rantfd to tuiis and e:* emp- |d t * »v t!. >rize the ay i ■.t!;ic‘..r for k : ■ t- H «4‘%- I C‘ : tTu>'t, unless u dc|’Ui'Uii5_ut ma- rtir iti’a ■- m it- th : per- iadis- ’?j tract; ich yon- 7 fU ♦ fully, i'j? . ■"h t!.’n iii ^ ;; ’’j -ards ati' ■; J *Tni>Mi^ J !)■ ■ Iti.r c>m- [)■ ■]; ' t.hc D in ^ ] 'r] they b\!! f -.1. ■nwr—wi-"-.^ - MM All 8 v; ". c , 1 BKfl -- • lO.-.-.. n IV1' ; TO.. 5 U’j' . ■ r- i'ri : I I-. .M }atUi. P ’•» ur^d'i ; -t ■> . .‘t Id ■ ir>* '• A. >1 Ttlf Fr it’i* M ' I-’ ]• cV QH 'I / 10. r- 1 ev-'f. ■1! lT'm h a- if V r^id ^y ;. > , 3 'i A :*>= r i Vl % t ■ -1. up'sraiioa witb pon puu.; j cou- Kil h> ly por- far iflTCQ Bj? intiieproflta We m*urod fur til*;ir Value. 30 (lays *fter in reterred to • Mid t» »ry i, Aj; jI ftt •' t! »»*•• >6ite v -- ' S&iJ-traJ S K M I - W E K VOL. XIII ] KAYKTTKVHJ.E, C.. march 21, [NO. 1316.] ■Vvi! Jv' 12 PRINTED MONDAYS aND THORSDAYS KUtt tRI) J, H4LE & SONS. EriTORS AND PnOrHIRTOR«, Price for tie Sewi-Weekly Omsbrvbh. SA HO. in i»lv»nce. For the Weekly Obvkrvbh J4 00 per ^nmuB, paid in iMlrance. . • ba^ ADVERTISEMENTS inserte.'l for $2 per * iuwe of 16 lines for the firsj, and one dollur for each sue ceeJiug publication. Advei^iRements not exceedinfr a half square (eight lines) $l (or the first and 50 cents fo’’ «a:h ^uccaedinf; publicatica. AdTwtisors are re- j ^utjd'ed to state the mimbar of insortions i^.iired, or > |J>KOM th ih^v will he continued till forbid, and chari^ed accord- 1 r #150 p tii(;iy. ‘ P-TiFi' -ii Advertisenjpnts oonMnued ituidf, charged a.» new ■» !- *«rtisi»nrAnf.,. SPEOlAJu NOTK’E. | From an a Ur tbit date, no namt* a tifw >*ii!«criner j will be entered -without payment in .id»anot\ uor will - the paper be 8>:nt to sach subscribers for a lonecr time I ttian w paid for. . i Such of our old subscribers as desire to laV^ the pa j per on this system w'H pleH'ie ootrfy u when utalun? • reaiitiances. .Jauy 1, 1^'>8. WVW. •IffJff.ri*. I Attorney at Law, Fatettevillk, n o II’’ILL attend the County and SiJp*;rior t.\>uri~ -jf I »T Camberlaiui, Harnett, Moore and Robeson C'oun- tiee Prompt attentk>u givoa to the collection of all claiiiM entrusted to hii hands. . Oct. 17, 1669. OS' If I im W. WILLIAMS A CO., • Wholesale Dealem In €i*rocei*3'sJ A>U IMPORTKRS AND UEALKHS IN j Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes IroB, Mf. \er»dn Female Sefflin.’sry, TUE -2d Se^sioL’ will c'^oimeaco th'* 1;>»'’ o RIJARV and ooiitiiriuo 20 *rc*lrH Tui'i-m in English Bmeltps *• Musio liDii Paiutiusr. (rr-.oh,) •Suftfiol Roo”' expenses 3 0(> Boai^i £400 per fcstdon. If paid in pr iTifions at old pyices fSO. All of Tuition and one half of Board re- qtiired iu adTJ'.nce Eaoh : aril w-ll fnriiah her awa towels, oa.' pAir ^fie.jt*, one ^air pill iw ca?es, one ?onnte'*fi».ne f>r qnilt an:? a drivxiap ciif>. ReT WM HOOPER, , T.'C. HOOPER, ] P’-‘n'i'r4l3 I*.i.'"r~nce ” •» ” >!.•*•.Of'iinty 9T fiw f rONFKDXRATK 8TATKS OF AHEItICA, ' ENQiHVisa i)»{PAK.Tjii;T, J>rvr. «,'\pk t-UA*, VVi N ) CAPiJ rejAK VKiiATIOiV «. Cb l*;.h, 1803 j-l ■ rOLLii! 5»0 0 \ P Olaicia ; lO&LEVV YVVH Dl.VI D KKDS! ! 40 00 I >«?»in« the Krssi.'i*’?!' D.pHrtnient., for gervicfs of | ^* ' u u lo .*i’. pi i-.C' tj o fu( si'^rea eiupl^yd ifhvnrg oi> tSi.t lecnii defences psar XI t'-jr.r n ;i-iaT i-' u.-*.ke ; Ut. ctirre.-o^ ■ I Wihniiiif uu, - (; , :;i,i : .e i'; iv:uh>rjz*d j ih« !;■» i,ri , :n, t^.V , a"d pr.»pari»d t, r,-e (b.? 'i( his slScr, on the ue- | T'c.tvcd at pv !«fier th'ii tsiiie ; oond 11 .or,of 'S.- oz ti'ixt above M-.'iri.-s’ ^ .^II {'•non-.’who uave not o«'d"ct u the*'* L*l»Me«-i I ^^lore, '^iHrkei Str., i notititi lo cot- ^ ;or%^fd ai-.d ff-.c P r oj'« X xooctiuf’ F w n of Atioriiey w :! ob- 2-HtU i'-hf . h*; ■»] uj is o-rt f vi!.' ' ibe Comp^'a- servf !h* -iu be w. r*' of .Af:nl our pr»a’ {>r „orrd w })f> ; u;»uf roafh in Ccarjat ra'.-’ ;> )ii 5s,’ 'r f i>ii.l in i j.j.-itriu !'-e follcwinr rv r'•€' anaii: 150 11s. . 5» ric' i 10 btislieV4 'prn. or 40 Ibp 15'»c''n f »• Lt’1 . i • B :* '7M R;>()PER. 'r. (.. HOOPER j Feb’v S. « o 2ja .'Or® —!• 3ipu .tures in all cajes, atJ r.j f ft'o tt'.d s'^ .0 t in aui-ii- I cr b y ni.‘V brf wita ( >>i*-^.re u .lua-io-' of the i or Ct-'k o', ay Co u’j ! FOKM 1F PO'.VdR OF '.iroRN'EY. 1. 1 ■ b r r,y :>pr;»iat , ef , nv «r ’ a ti; «itju rcr'ci'>t8 for, I»d ^•^OPlV»- y ; '•! • t.'i iti’j hr »f c Ertine. r D»;. u'-r. u- f! ■ .if 'k-.-.iv* 1, for rho ! will taju oa luudj.l ui i ptr o.-. t. . v.-' 'V'l' l‘v' tn'4d'^_j» • o.e (»*-■ e I now dot liy o.-'hif oi lAt! Hr.-.rd.')f !> .e'tors . W N TILUWv/ti V p ycitjH c ! iJlvidPD-j t2i\t r .-n ti 0?' (h:* i'‘ 'f ..'V alv .’VoCiCi* iicjrf ol oi Ihi n‘*r’» my 18-^ ..nrf Mf'kj i t LIST OF ( U lRt^es vm PASSKXttKllS. ■vcic ■■ ihC'l .ad , i'i6 (ijc of I fioM 3)ERS N . I \ >CV» I ^ • •'■ .■ i:ii at f.r ‘ii, ~ - *!'■ F K»-. p‘.V -‘-- iVr.\ \i I Ilnadquartors Chief Enrolling OlBce, 1 I Founti (’ougre-siriual Uidtriot, J?». (J.>>l»roh lO, l864 / Apart ot *le appoiatmejits iiithcTlo made by t apt. 8w un, f3r the as'i-emblitiK of t&e followins Militia j H }c latnt-*, tro hereby o.Hanged and the Conimau.Ung i 1 Itic-^rs cf lUe Horae Qaard and Militia will udiry every while tti 'Uperton b-tweeu the age* of 18 >»nd 45, to ap- i 1 e^r at the followinij places and Ura»-e lor examiiiati'.a I >ad «>nroUrnent: i Xiiin'^us oour fy. 57th E«i;’t, at WhiieVille Miroh I 14 fi AJ-vroii l£tn iuciuciive. RoJ'vaiii o unsy. 68iii R-'g’t, &„ Lum’ fcfiun, Marca 231 M'lrah 26th ind-jsiTe. li' coimty (iO.h Reg’t, ai Liorikbiirg, April iy -i';'* - ’ t oic'tiu. c uniy, 61 at Reg't, *.1 Kookirigbui., t ' .^.1 i 5' li * : i. .! ■- . 55 i- llf-g't, at Er>z«b«(.iiiuKb. Apri- 7. > \ Si u I..* . cf.uft. ., t;!i Rc,i I, .*!. F.iyti Uviilo. Apr!’ 1 , lii'U Kog t, Apr.i L'tv, .52.1 Hag\, at Lilltrk^ici. Api-iJ is*.., j.juent FfiR THK 0B8EUVE3.. Messrs. EditorK: In your paper a short time since, ovor the «igtjature ol ‘•Soldier,” you pub lished a-piece pretendiug to b very honest and candid; but coDtainiug mady mireprPsct\tation8,. a8 sueii picoes generally do. Some discontented misanthrope, because the world, and especially the military world, don’t think proper to give him promotion, must be eternaljy growling at some one. F know the growler this time, and I know the officer to whom he levels biy poisonous darts—an officer, who, by his good conduct in the ftice ot the enemy and in oarap, has won the re aped cf all in the Retriinei>t (tscept growler,) and stands high in the cstivuatiou ot tvery Gen eral under whom it hus bfon his good Jortuno to be placed. ‘ ripJdier” says he h».“» t been home in t-ightaoii months :>'id tha+ a ui:ui who kix du'y ia ire- PHE .••] r ;te' •I•. lOlprJ; — 'ue, )C t •e a t Wl i , J- t . J HAY STREET, FAYKTTEVIllK, 3i. >jly2, 1861. , 3Ctf JOS. UTLIiri, Urocer and Commission ,ftere/tmti, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jau’y 10, 1863. 93-tf iti 50 2u 00 'Ji 00 W flu 00 rt 00 y o«j lit \M.» ^i- B a w>>aTii. D a. w«ktu v. a. i*«iiibl WORTH & CO., Commission and Forwarding Blerchauts, n\tter street, WILMINGTON, N C Oct 16, 18)8 73 12m TUOS. J. JOHNSON, Jr., & CO., General Commission & Forwarding Merchants, 1ft J%ortH IW'ater Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. Prompt at/etition given to all b«9in«ss entrusted w our hvnds. C'>D8i«;aatent9 solioited. T J. JOHNaON. Jr.. • A. GRABEO^SKY, of Say^tteville, H. C. of PsterVour*, Va. Jan’y 8 9o 3inpJ _ wX^TElV. O ^AA bushels wheat, ■ ^,OUlri.5oo“ CORN. -! Persoos having the above articles to sell will receive ‘ the highest Cash price by cailiog on Mr. M Thoiuason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, er on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. J0HNS0>1, Ir Not. 6, 1862. 75?f AR’TIi* HAbSeSS. AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagcn K.iira .'•■ »ut.' t;. Wilui:u^o!!, t'^0 th> *• •• •• Elizii^'etli, 16 00 “ Wtiie Mail. 20 00 •• K-H-'m Civ>.. I'l 00 *• *• All hflcw. 00 sEi'OXD CU-VSS, OR DECK. Fr j: F^vftirtvillc to VV'ilmin«;fwD. -I ’u *'0 ... Eiim'-ti.S, 6 0J ' ' ‘ Wpilphnll, ' 7 C**) •' ‘ •• K?ny’“ ■ . '* Ov) “ •• A'.' p'O’-.- ' -luw 10 (,') tP. Fr.ii:j iIduujt’--:. i-j f ' j •• K.fl!y-i; Tj'/.. I “ • -'''hit;* isfc'i “ •• “ E ?sib’fb. I’rvspec*. HhU I “ “ .A.U pjiu4i«.t -v.., ‘sh;coni» clas»,*ou i>kck. I F>'oni -vVi'aj’r^r-^'n 'o F ^vei'--n!*-','' i “ •• , •• K'.iyV ' '-'o, j “ “ “ II -,'v, j “ • • AU -..i.yur. i or Ur‘V Psos-■v .r t ■ vj^t’ .* ^ lo-wFr * •?V sr prici* ••'r 'ar .- K r>i C! * £*a^Ar, ■ jrr x c> -ye w ;i he • ‘-r W y ■ {T' Tf retti^sr ^n'o C-*rt'’» darin;; 'ir t! ro, .til f.-r j p^iaf. o. n*-!h W'th 'bi3’r or oKc-'^' m i* , crei'c'n ( f ?^c ‘’i-pt lin. ! -I. A WORTH, for F df.o U’ ' - : I K. M (iRRELL. for y ,i> -ir i s,„. , T. 8 LUTTEBWH. F«b r -.’S, 1801. » j WE^^TKli.V KAiB^ koAO. The FREIGHT AND P.ASSENGER TRAIN.-^ of this Road leave Fayetteville dafiy, (SunJ^ys ex-^epted) ! at 8 o’-lock, ,K M , and returninpr leaye Ezypt at 1 ! o’c'ock, P. M. 1 CattU and Hors- Tratn MONDAY. WEDNESDAVand I PKIDAY. j By orler JNO .M. Ru9E. i T^oas’r and Gen’l Trans. .A^’t, Jan. 22, 1863 97tt From anti alter thii» date the Steamer .\. P. HURT wiii leave at 8 o'clock. M., on Mon lay and Thursday. JOS. A. VORTK. April 6—17tfJ Af’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. ' ATHEVlI^BiE, ~ ! WILL open *50 E.\GLE HOTSL i^r the re- ce'piion of Ouest* the first of June. *nd I bope to be able to entertain from isventy-five to a hundred persons during the Suramer. In connection with this large Hotel, I have a nunib«=^i of Hack?*,- Carriagcj?, Buggies and Saddl-.- Horse? my guest# or-n pft it a minute’s notice. J. M. BLAIR. Proprietor Eagle Hotel, .Ashe»ill«, N. C. - May 13,1S63. , . 31-ypd Thf* Mgaai.uii'rt of^J i r-r^cn.-i s 'oul.* be wiinedf--'d ’ y t^roi- wii’ifssej T.ut-j; iuu't be separate Jiipii . we J’-nt-Ofs of AUornej’ ^•>r luOQill MI sdS« o.*” bp bal upon appii- e^tioij It t^jisc-tjiue '7 II J r.api. & t’iiief Euj-. Ju' 20, 1864 1 ?0>lf ‘ oU;: 1.M lit If ‘.I VI* ’■vi» 12. LK ' N- Fuii't 14 :jry i'- f-T ' ’ ii.'.t lire .11- >t c ua'i>E . A. J* f -ii. ft* d' X»v:i Earvi»i‘Ji Oific-r, F. ui-is iii.NU'i t i* « Elank ot 4'iari'i>^of!i, KATspfiVlLLK, N c , .March S. l8tJ4 j givi-ii J ^11 •>■•. - •■ lions hiviD, ii'W lijtia . i- i.fc' r Fayolteyllle ArscBJil and Armory, i Nov. l.HtJS. I SlOO BOlJi^TV. !>«> tfS ittfiCMe u, f30 Oo t lilHORlTi’ h>ivi(ig :/.«a ^r.nieJ by the War' De- il', .50 : ,Zi pt.rt.tic-; lo r-ki" a I'cmp.fKy of .U-ju'ilt d Riflemen i'jt s*r^ict' :u ilH vi.^n.ty, iii .hereby «ivet. »ha» reciui;* to tao n'tail>»»! o- i“( »)?i cot^cryttt vill be re- ' CP vid loT i!ii Hervi I'-i,’' ru.;!V‘it wiii be required tvj ftinxi.>cj * (i'.4i'ce.i;,.le nrr.^-e. ;,«• wDUh t^* nit be al ii* e 4 40 0v3M pel •* iis !: y ti.'~ per ru^ixito. ! Xi’ri^tjtn firrt-i.ntiifn »ri'i ce re4';iri*d ‘.••oa; partnts or ird-at j ; tilt, i« o'..^ loe cvB!»>-ript , aj^-. . i K n i rrcrvw uiubt ortopr »ii!i mm t i.i akit or b‘-«i . e( vii ■ ..• jjie, arril to r mtii? Jiri ji- eadaivs i. »ltPrH ut * biiii.kiH.i furniuLt- • '.-.I- G j.rr u;j,-ri, i>r tf iti- r«*t:ruii o-:iciS provided «u-> i... tu ae wi.) bi} iiaid'f)t now a au'v aluation. .^t•ply lu Cam M ATliiEW P TAYLOR, at iho Ar- '"■•'I F L. CU1LU3. } Major C. A Comd’t^Post j Kax«;lietlUe Ar&eiial »iid Aiilory, t H^'c^ Ilbo4. j ^^R fvli,.-*!*,!: r>^^'ul»i■^>ll3 cjucer;..^ la-. i»oUc ui.r. :i li- .iie 4,uIj isritd iyf itic iufgru^iiuu -ot' vvu.i» o; iia.>k. rh-Af tu- e^me niun bo i.. lui 2-.ih t ^ ■ .^rneual and Ar-aory. iririiPDt. «.;>J tn>*t VU-* d^poHii wiil be rwcf.v^ i v*.tr iLai ' /”'‘S «’e *'U d t? b'^ir^ ih- N' of Apr:!. :4ii dcpo-iii*' “..mai: ia^ iin- ' ^avoa dayc>. J. .v-r- .ftertL*- dfv s'. *ili b« audcl m i' ^ wtjo io&a iimc will i^seivu rauons ouly t.jr Liid ' wLioa they are pr^s^ut, aDlcin furnidiijd ii>8 ^ani * ocrt'.fioate i'ftm a r^spsctablt paysiciau. rcr 1 cu; ii.’ijJh tP df.p5‘M ,fB *i preri U5 by V ( ' *0 :nX tilc Cnyt 'fit k- r Anyc'je.' k drrmt; ; .T p.iy- t^'onieiierate Tai .'%otice. 'T'Hi, ••. = -'I'.r 'rj w.: • I'.f C'’t‘Cl'T f'l: hi^'ru cOUuty jI ‘ I oji*?!. ! !ax V*.• .T-^ ' t*'>-d'.Jt')r‘*nt l)l-itricfrt ol, rti." t 'lLbwrn^ 'nse‘> and pl60(« fcr the pu^pfifo of a^*- i sesjinj: 'he lax on Incr>njf. >Nrd rs-o.-iriug it-e sani? ,A.lfo the Tri^e of Po*"!!. via: * Ma‘. svillft, MoBday 7tb M»rol» 1884 While Oai, Tursday Hit) iisaver Dam, WeJnescS^y 9th • :'.eave8'f. Thur»dty lOtii, Colley, Prissy lltli Freach’s Creek. 12t^. Carver’s Or*«ek 14th. WHiite'a Creek 16;ii K'slly’s d Are 16th. • niadei.boro*. 17th. * Ei’i-ibeihiown. 19tk. All ar« r«4U'e^bd lo ^■»Te their 'isi# ma4« out and re-.Uy. Aad all who hsve f*f!e.i ly Aateh their TUrin|s Ua" or tJ list theii* ('attle and pay tb®ir T »ies are re'i- P il lb** this IS th** last (>ppr’Ttun»ly ’hit wiii b» g vea. ?..■ la all i*il'ire-i ih ; kw will b' Pi:tor('ed. J W RUfiS. I , GEO CROWVRrTE. I’* Ffb’y 2^ 10 Htp-j Bauk ot j%ortti t'aroliiia. All persona a v.'i.*.; i/i.i 'ecJ. fur •.« j uKyti i m itiia Wjl'ii Bfa I ^ui .I*:'!'. a’ - L«; ..y noiititd tl>at uu^o^r* t/9 Jr truou or bf>t>>ie iD^ 2ot'r d*y of >iiru(i, itiflji- t .biy w’l' b- .c *t)‘ 4 py e^t the C'u e-l>-r;i'c S -tr -e, o: in i; . prc^. ct curr if'y i.t (ar C DEWfcY ■ asb'er M^'O I 7. i2 tt At weetlugB of tlie Uoard of Uireit^rs of tbe ' Pr V !hp.l 15-uk ot I'ape F ■: «-..t irie I- ..a ' .\iavr.i i in;-' . I be toil w;a^ R.-.^luii ri) wcr= -.v;* p .? i: ites'jlM'i, Ist Tt:*;t t o J^.oai'e &»• rci-'iiv;'-:, » ^ Ii c'i fcs 0% aoc.’ iD! of ciher ^ .ariies m-we. ■'•tiier at the ! Priuoipal Uaok or rtoy~t»f the Braticht'^ t-in-f the 15th i day cf Jae prescKl rooDta i Resolved 2d Tbat ali sum? now due to ot'uer par t’es «»■ wk>'*'h P'>iy bee- 010 'Jne r«3 ^hv 20ia day of j ihia BP - ’!>•, eitb'‘r on Acopnnt of tijjp.-niti^s or f.i’iiieouoDS j • ■r dividends niuPt bo withdrawn froa* tiie Priocip vl j and the Branche.-^ where ifa>» same loay be payanli oc 'ir befo'-'* aald 20th day the preeent nionth, and I I unless 9 'WithdrswD, payment of alt such sam» in any ! othe>' ‘haa the now.existing ourrenoy at vs pre!»-nt j value as ezpritsed on its face, will be decline* by this I Bank, an 1 the several sums so dae and not wuhdrawn 1 atf a'oresai'i, will be plaoed in separate pack ‘acs.jia the | I said u-‘W existing currency, and held as tbe rropeny of the t'eve^l parCtes to whom the same may rdspeo- ;a«»t I'rey wrrc t-o sio^t to worii U Ft.] F I OtIlLDS Cel Coia l’i TAX NOTICE TO FAllMERa. ‘Okic* P. Q. M 4t0 Coko Dist N C., i Pajetn;Tjlle, Maroti :(* ‘ S64 / By ord,-r from Q M , of th^ '.->.16, Far- are required to tu.ul 12 miles iii‘ id of 8. to bfc paid the ezoees cf 8 oiilee si f» c?nte fe . >“ per mile, Farniers are hereby cofficd t^.at their ii:;kOoa aust ba sound as!‘ in goott condition when deliverai, or it -will bt; r»ct:ived as Halt Pork They are also requested to pay in tbsir Tithes in K.iud, or five times the value of tt .? e« itnt.1" w'H be oolleciel By orl.>r of Msjor Badh*m, Coiit. c-’iii*-; 4. M. Ncrih VJi.roiioa ' J. M NJoGOWAN, 14-2t] Capt. and P. /.f 4'h Wist. N C. tihrah 7 12 4t UamcKS for Army use. 1 tan my leather iiud can I WAWTKO, tor tbo Hospital at Fort Flslier give good bsrg&in". Agents will do well to send toeir I pt)ULTRV. Chicken?, Bauer and other dei»caciea for ■ 1 ttie sick boldiT3 »' this HospitaL Persons having V8io'>ble Laud In MariieU for Sale* t)Y v’.r'ti? of auth' ri»y vested in me by tha last Will . ) n j r. ;;*n) nt of lleolor M. McLoas, dec’d, 1 wiii ■ 1 Hi cr*dit of six months wit*' interr^it from B'llo, V for oa-ih ?.» the • porehaeer m>iv elecr. that valuable I PL.-V^T.VTION, on waich fh^ iesfator l!v.:i> previoua to i orders to me as th- y shall have prompt attention, and . «ent off in (jaick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. i Gtddstou P. 0-, Chatham Co„ N.^C., ) June 13, 1862. / ;i4tf ^OO lb)t. Ciiuin Arabic tor stale bv J. R. LEE. ',‘01. 16. 69tf , TOilACCO. Boxes Virginia tobaccu, -^^irioup nfa*iet>, lyo for sale on consigamcnt, by May 2.3. GEO. W. WlLLIA.Mfi x. CO. .31 If After thU date 1 wiil pay 15 CentA per poand for [rag^ or the higheat market price, deli-ver^d in FajetteTille, or at my m'lls oa KockfiBh. D MURPHY Feb’y 16, 1864 7 *' W bis dvaih. containing \bout cix hundred acri'-s Thin i Knd li^i on tbo Norlh nido of (Jape-F» ir Rivor, froni- i’'g on the same about one tnile .and a qaarlf r, i:;d riin- i iiintt baok a Isast three four.rjs cf a iviile. Thin land ■ is within a mile of Lilliagton, the County Site, ani i!> i very vaJuable. presenting advantagen rarely offervd in . tiis? cmnty. There is a very valuable MILL (’ITE on I ibe la. 1 Au7 peruon desiring to cx^tssine the premises «f.'ll apply (o' Hugh .McLean, Esq , or fi G n. A D Mo- ’ either of whom will •nk** pl'.-asure in snowing Mhew. EFFlE C McLEAN. Ex> i of i«. M- .V«LE.\N. I Dr.e’r‘.i2. 1868 96»f Wanted to Purchase, ESTERN HTAIL RUAt) STOCK; Bank Notes; Gold and Silver; North Carolina Tre>*eur» Notc.g (Fundable:; “ “ “ S'! and $Z: *' “ Bonita, old aud now; Counky of Cumbt-rlftna Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; GroousKoro’ ^1 aud $2 Ccnifio»i«-'*, Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. B^nds;, CoQpoDS of 8^5,000,000 loan; •• of Town'and County Bonds; ■ of old North Carolina Buads; T. S. LUTTE^LOU. Ooi. 12, 1863. *7 It. OBU.NAN€K BgPABTMKNT, \ Ralbiqh, N. 0., May 8, i86H. / I EAL) Vf ANTED.—I wish to purchat^e Lead for thi# Doparraicni Perifoas having largo or small quan- tiiies will plea-*? apply at onoe. Will give ! • pouud of POWDER f.,r 10 pon.ida of uEAD. TH08 D HOGG, Capt. C. S 69-?f In charge of Ordnaacc. Paliaa Chrisiti Beans. 'pHlJ sube^/iber s'^ill pay the highest o»«h price* for I any quaa»iV^ ^ Ps.'wa Cbristi Beans. J. A WORTH Vayttt«viIV>. Ovrt. R : r . OIL km Li»IP BL.\(JK. 'p,ANNSK.a’ and LOBIilC.ATlNG OIL. I T.^MP BLACK in barrels. For salo by '.->c n «T^0880M ft CO , the*e articles oan obtain Ue market price on applica tion to the «ub3crilx',r at b■.^ old gtai^ or at ilr J W. Powers’s on Hay Street. rt. E HEiDE. Gon’l Ag’*. .^ug, 25. 58-tf To Cottoii Plaiiterx. f li A\'f. been appojnted by the .Secretary of the Trea- i. sury, Chief .Agta. iir the puroh.asif of Coiton for the Cocrederats Goveriirrcnt within the State of Narth Caro- baft. an ? will pay ,''r (!*■ s ib*.j in 7 per cent Bond.** or Cash. Sub-Ageare visiting the difffrcut part« of the State, buyhii!; in my name, will have written Cfrfifioatos cf appoiiit^ont,. By order of the £?-oreury of the Treasury, all Ooitg* purohaeed by myself or lay agents, on and after the 18th day of March 1863, -will be paid for in-7 per cent. Bonds «r Cash, and -not 8 psr cent. Bon>ls .-w stated tn a fdrai»r adverdscmrnt. Up to ttiat time, however, the 8 per cent b'-nda will be furnished ’da stated. ... . , P.atrioiiT) citi*ens are now olfered an opportunity to ! ^7 information wh?r«> I • a>d the G’fwenimeat by seiiing to it their Cotton ra‘ser this MJ rr’v»te capitalists. LEWIS 8 WILLIAMS. C-iarloti-,, .M.4rch 24, .fc. ] 1-itf . Lo«t or stolen, tlROM my w»gcn cu ttte JOt'a or 20 ii t'eb’y 1864, be- twcer. t’r>x>Mil!3 P 0 aad Faj ettevtlle, by the Way of P»ee’d Toll House, a cotibn bag containing one cottnn fictary shirt; ip. the eh’rt tiyo ivory s*uds iiiBertcd with pearl collar button ^nlid geld large iiSi-,'»fiih i=qaa'- and o'mpass badly engraved cn :t. The shirt has Marseilles bcacm and collsr 7\ yurds of dark g'cy jeans; 2^ yards of single ,wovt» of the same color. I ■^ill pay a liberal re**».rd for the delivery of sai-l ar- j;et ibtm \ II A 81KES Cox's Mills P (>., Ilan ’-'lp!'. cou»’ty, N Mari'h 3. . 1?, 4tf>d .NOTICE TO TAX PA¥ERS OF RICH MOND COUNTY. I^ILL attend at t'ho following times and pinoes for ibe purpose ■ f colleotine 'h« lao me X-»x for 1S68, B-'S-'i. 8p*'''fic Tax for l«t)4. and ou G'^osf S-*I“8 for Qiiari'i'" rndioe 1st Jan’y 18--4; ■\t 8 >D Tu Ji.y 15!u of M'.rcii: »i Mineral l'P'’’r»Cri. T.’a^ob 1^: a* Roctinir •.&», 21»l an '2’id Xair •:—bnn« C* un Persons 'n Slack Jack, Wo'f i'u .iud B?iTer wiil raeet ai tee most (.I'l'.v •n»i«'r.t p'-.cp P’rfoDH fflihrpr 10 aitead »il! hav.i tc- etjtif»;it ;o ded'ifftion of ; r'oent aft.or l«»t April L W VicLAUdlN. for Die' , Ricftmon.i ocnusy. March 6 “ , 12 i22dM timc'e Uepol Ao. 14, ) b’ATETi’KViLLfi, M.irch 7, 1864. ) Puy yoHr 'FitheH. PER'-OSc? W’'o :i. ti *d Tithe 'fax w 11 h»v-! nndi tha 2t'ih d^y Mar. 186|, to O’ livVr the wa*te 1 am Uv^w t . aJy so rcceive the Bacon ?ue under itie tithe law. .H;x po’unJ?* of cured bacon f'.r erery 1'0 lb«> p.irl- s’anjrti'ered si.aae ••sc 24th of April 1863 is r».q irrd Pn.-!:rj de''' rii.* ;ti-'ir tithe at a dt‘^-n'?c of -ivcr eifi'm inuvs will b» promptlj pa.J fi>r excess of !>aii!ing *. M WILLIA.-'IS, 12 i^OVI] Agent fur rna.beiland coaa'y. ELIZABETHtOVVX, Feb’y i*i, l!i64. I rpHE nnd^rsigti-d fakes ibis luctood to thHUtt uia tel i low citizs'’B of *he county for to- if farm"r gev.ercu's f-upporf. a'.-* announ?es tiiir.Helf as a cindidate for re- flpciioL to tie otR:'"' of HtienS of Blrde'* tJounty, and vrill be thatikful to hu f liow-ciiiiaii'^ aT»d ths soldiers i.n tbe army for a renp\jal”bf*iheir pen'm;i9 rt. It ig for my fidlow ci*iiens lo juJcc 'fee mi*nn«i‘ its ■*hii;h I ..!*re d^schari^r-i *h» Hutifs ot »h? ‘ffi-.o 1 havf ‘■•DdeaT-'-r/^d to do s' with faitbif't'ai’** aod tidelity; puuot’jally settling rith tbe varioii i offio' rs of the cuniv e,t la-' ‘^lat-'-d tiin;'! T>re9ori': >i '»y law, ard at the r>res''nt ir.. m'^nt L'llJing ’'very ^r ^ v Vi'caipt fj' the sr-me • ll-6tjxl ~ - P P VEi.Vi'N*. Confederate States Depository, ) PiTTSBoaouOH, N C , March 9, 18ti4 ) Notice is ber*'by given, that tha undersigned, De positary duly appdatcd by-th« Secretnij of*^the Treasur;.', la prepared lo r- ali such non interest bearing Tro^ury Notea aa huidcrct may desire co fufid, and Ui iaene Certifioates therefor, which Certificates wiil entitle the boldora to a like amount in Confederate 4 par «}(>ot Registered Boniis, aa soon a^ said Bonds o&n be preparca at tbe Tressary This privilege ex tends the 1ft of April proximo, aft;r whicb all &ot«^ over the denominatioc. of fiv-j doljiirs can be funded on ly at 66i (^ta to !«»*»■ ikiter laat date, are no longer raoaivable for pnblic oaes, and can only b« fuaj«d at an additional reduction of tea per Ctint per month. . • The Ceriifloates and Bonds art not taxable in 1864, and are r^otdvable ir* paTmant of taxes o! that year. 18-«»pd] J. H. HAUGHTON, Depositary. WOTicR Endor Iron Works, ChaUiam County, n. C. H.WING 9v d 'hf En-lor Iron Work'*, iiereby voti- fv &1L v«^rdo/s aaving cl -ims ag.^ick.1 the Endor Iron i^umpauy to prus^nt them immedi.ateiy for seitlement. All o'4ims presented after the Slet inst., will bo paid in 4 par cent, bonds. IX^NALb MeR.AE, Pres’i Endor Iron Co. Manh 12 14-4t moSjbY Lost. To DAY. between the Store of Rob’t Mitobcll, Eoq. au J the Depot or on the Train— A LAROE AKOTJNT OF StONET wrapped in brown paper Any informatiuu lef:- with R W. Uard»« will be dnly arpreoiatcd, and for the return ot th« Mon^ a HANDdO.ME REWARD will be paid March 9. - 18-2w Land lor iSale at Auction. r/\A ACRES of LAND, situated in Harnett county, OUU nn the Railroad 22 oiilefl from Fayttteville, ad Joinitjg .^li«n J Cameron, Esq.. who will take pleasure in rbowiug the prope’*iy. It wiU Resold at the Market Hou e on Monday next the 21st met JOHN H COOK, Auc» r. .Maro’i 14. 14 2t At March Term, 18t»4, of the Conn of Pleas and lio'irter Sassions of Ouniberliad County, the last M ill and Testament of ihe late Cuanoey w. Andrews wiis adtuitted to'probata as4 tha subscriber qualified as Executor of rha same •■Ml persons indebted to the estate of the testator must a»a> o payu).-nt to the undc-rsigne'i. Tboso bavi.- claimfl ag-.drs* the estate ma« prescfit them in du*^ !i;ae or .North (aroltim Volunteer Navy Co.. I t'otton Varn for Wool. i'VOTlCE id hereby give*- ibat after thi*, c*,a*.e (etcico ; in c“-so3 where’ve lave bargained for Wool accord iu/ to ik« t.^rascf our ..dverti^e^out of thf,3Q»|,uflf j ~7:.”’" t ,-ois.u ,.v luu I sorrjnder tae satue to lA; >*1 mat time Keccs%*r-IS .*Votice. IJwill.ALL .r»t*nd ai ,\ah«borough, ou ttn . 31 d'»y ol . M 4'C i to r'^ceiTi.* tt-p iniar?** duo on all ct-iwi’ cturnad !o lae a* R..; :2;vi-r. 1* no' pa’d, oxaoa- win_ifli>iUU.iro!'w'*HI»ln» *j i rqtiireu 'R»H 9 !>lfri tfrtu'’!-' TB. Books tfri C. this nt't:ce »rill be r.h 9, 18114 ^lil dI“o le I in bar of tLcir recovery. GEORGE Lauder. 13 4tpd die ot Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of VYool unwashed, or I 3 rt.jf. wwiied and picked. This^ ciiau»;e is ma-Jc at ihe j iB'jt.arLce 01 the tiianerm'iSt^r at Ral'dgh, in order to !Bak» tbe terts'' 'f exchaT>go uaiform throughout the ' Stat.> - GEO. V*. WILLIAMS & CO Fayetteville. Jijce 29, 1863. 41tf Egypt Coal .Uiiie. JOHN M.\NNING, Jr , j Pitishorou'^h, Feb’y 17. 1864. '*(d ! ' '1^'OR "sS^LE.'~• 0NE PAIR MIL... STONES, 42 inahes in diameter. They arr of the Moore county^grit A pood quality Tfor g;iniinir com. Apply to T 3 Luttpfloh Esq , at II The aadereigned were, at the November Term of the j Confederate Court, District of North Carolin.a, ap- j pointed Managwrs of the Egypt ^al Mine property, j and have entera-i into coparisership for tue purpose of 1 nuniog and selling Coal, and solicit ord^ia for the ' is any desired qua-?ititv. Orders for any amount can i be-EUpr’icd on rborl rotice. The (.‘oal from tliis pr.-»- j perty is undrubtedty rhi»'t>c8t in *.he Cont^«:r.Ate Statt-r ville Pavett^villp; N C., or T K. .vlEMORY, at W-ji^vilie. N. 0. Fe^’y 11. -fltpd piicationH j?ay b« njvlc to Cbas. ,B. Mallctt, Fsyt ’ lo- le N O , or Jumne Bro-vrne, Chariest on. S. C. ' CH.IELES B MALLF.iV . FLOUR Ai\» OAT«. ! Flour and oats wii^ be **x«Qauged for Cnrn at the I Storn of f> i.auria, by givir*g nir.i a’t»w divs I uo*’w. Fifur OstR No. 1, bla;i. r;r wtnte Jati’v 2 tf Al' '•j'joufc mtrrtrrr^^ ' ' ca»*’i H »fr.e ini-i ■ i' »- * • • fr.Twa.!'! f''>r:ific='*o/>f SI ifL^ 6t»aifs S500 each ^1' old sub.ic'i*- paid in tb^ir •\ibseriptioi'« wiil ide =.,«e do h’l ■>. iisst ni'imeii* ' t‘ J2 IStpdl W. D RMiTH, Tr''tw>’r , lor the y\rm"\ I' WILL a-'nd a special iBPseeneor to tii»- .^rtnj of Northnrn Virptnia on the fSr't o'''v of evj'ry lOiith. I All boxes, pa«^H. Ac . will ^*e fa'ward'.’.l fj'y" i \l5ice free ot '•trs'-Ke. EDWARD vVAKttEN, I S'.ir*en»i Gen«'r4i • Rale’fh, 3 n’y 15, l*fb4 • 8"'e I : . , ,ir,i; . . (. ' r- (■■■ oj in wren-'-t. p'^oi -n** o'*P-.r. o-’l! »«d ■ 7 t 'in‘ Fair Rlijff, .M' rr b 6 l'’or >ia5e. , aznl iOe ^ . ik .il Rosul. r»*o jpi 1 t>ae two Iret (-I* in«j””4 '■f.> fret (■‘r-'+e, i“-o g’*tf-e wHh An* *>erM..un wiixiing .to l-ur- f&r it-.ciua-.dvts IJ aviTii tfiOt. IS ‘it! ^ p!tg»!t,f«l ftM- som." favorite of the officers. 1..“ “ • ' utn’ni ' pa-it and se-- T.h^rt kind of ou;■ hu'? bcon-t>f:rfcnr)i!ig to entitle Kim to c^•^a «if'id-r-ition (len Loe'.s order giving furf . 1..'} s .Hf.t*clios that of too most ' - t iior tor “gix^d r>,.t dut^f. OU the battle-field” . • 1' -iu.ll t.'T -.'ctif up ! -r fiirlnijfrh' Thy regi- .1 t ‘.(UT hf- i .1 b.'iad-—a brass band—the mem- i* r. . t \v; j,.h uc-ie excused ttoirt duty to ^toot" (•f! dr; vs panmb'. guard mounting.^, I'tc. Now “SultJier," thoueh he ■ ivd newr had a brass in* stntixent tu hi.> uucatb btjtare, m anaged to get his saored per.son in this bouorablo fraternity because oi hi.s “cafacity to hll the biryeat horn.” In this capacity he served his country for months, tbe officer:* ot the R^'gimi.nt employing a Profes- Hor to teach him t • make gi>od music. Finally the bund “played out,” and Irom its remains wa-s fornted an Ambu'ance Corps In this honor able body was to be ibund the name ot soldier. This Ambulance Corps reCeivet^reprimand after reprimand from the General Comd'g because it nfver wa.s known to btW a wounded man ofl-the battle-fiold; and finally the Ambulance Corps hav ing failed to gtTlorra -its duty is dismissed alter monthfi ot safety. Now coniv's the tug of war. “Sotdier” views with horror a plu> e iu the ranks-^ho was a Ma- gi.strate beh>re the war and he exerts himself for a discharge on his title of E.?quire. Surely he is actuated by patriotic motives alone,—^he knows ho can serve his country better as a magistrate, safely housed in his nafivo county, than with a mu.sket or carbine on his shoulder. *>Soldier'’ couldn’t get off in this manner and of Course he blames his Captain, but his feelings are saved, the Chief Bugler is captured and he can be seen daily sounding calls, t&ere being no need of a Bugler on the battle-field. “Soldier’s” wife visits him in V^irginia wd/*’,!'' officer, at wW- ty, permits him to stay at a private house for days. Yet with malignity the man. can write. From this statement, judge for yourself whether there ate likely to be in a company of 100 men more deserving favor than your correspondent. It is /generally the case when men oomplain at everybody, they themselves are in fault. From the previous course of “Soldier,” I have no doabt but that HE is iiifluenced by patriotic motives, but he assailed tbe offit^al character of a noble man, and I think this exposition neces sary. ' Veritas. A GailaiU Dtftd—Private Jos. Pfeasants.— Fruitful as this war has &cen of heroic acts, none have been more conspicuous for daring, or given its author a higher claim to the name and honors of a hero, than the following, which it affisrds us pleasure toM“ecord and bring to the notice of the public: On Tuesday morning, about sunrise^a body of yankop cavalry, about eight hundred strong, un* der command of Col. Dahlgren^ passed the resi dence of Mr James H. Bowles, in Goochland county Private James Pleasants, of Company F, 4th Virginia Cavalry, nephe^ of Mr. Bowles, was at his uatJle’s at the time and asleep in his room, and was not diacovercd, but was aroused in time to perceive, the yankees loading off his two horses, which they had stolen from the stable. He resolved at once to follow them with hia rifle though on foot, and re-eapture his horses^ if possi ble, or somp othey one. After proceeding some three miles he discovered a party oi the yankees, fifteen ot twenty, in his rear, but deeming them too strong to attack, he steppad out of the road atni allowed them to pass. Soon after, another party came on behind, and jumping out and con fronting them, fl*ised his rifle and ordered them to surrender. They complicdi and he started on Ills ^'Cturn with his pri.‘’on'’r8.' In the same man ner be i-apturcd aleven othfrs, and when near home, ui* L-ovt;Tcd two n ote at |bo wui’ r.r aifj Ijno 0! the yaiilces drawing his mvolvcr, littil at Pjtas.ui/j.-, why clo.sod with his adversary, and placitig liis ritic within a loot.ol his b;*si>.-;t, fired and kil.V'd him, and captured the o;lipr. This did net occur, however, before they liid on PIca'?au^8 three liiin'S within six or ^i-^bt. p-.ico-, ’and witcn he .alre;*'»y had eleven IS eSiarec Whij. JAMES LROW^J!- FayeKevilU. )ft-’y 20. Pliy*sitia«V €ard. Dr D. a. CAMPBELL (lat-c of Marion, i-. C .) iiwj removed’to FH^oitevii'P E-jid^.Wt^a stn oluce oa Bow sir'et, where be ta»v '..i fouod at all tim.-s. wi"i »a ninrl« st- ok of M'^»t-:if;e-. tq Pro^«ci ••‘‘1 calis. S>'iibfiiit.ory ri fer^t^-J fjnjiiJ’h®'^- .Un’r ^ o,««T:,r.' 'J’lie Cumberland Hos{»ilal As-{ REWARlfr. S'.ciation always anxious to promote ih^ ’ ^ rOLEN fro;a the iiu'>t‘Criber on the comiortof our brave 8oldia.'s, calls upon'^lbe r Xriendsin | iqc;i, % lar^e B\Y iI()RiiE, blask uiaa*^ lul tail. la int^ county a-rid toTU to send bom-*tfaiBg, eittjer B’ocn, ! tne r-rder, ti. j (o)y*:^r» oil next ^;'r-!’''. aa^vod cn Peas, Potatoes, D'i‘’d Fruit, or anytbiug thev o>'.n spare, , hjs aid’.* f-.y trac»«>. a crvi't in th" boot o '-0 be packed in b-’Xe's by the lef of .*pril, to be sent i ‘ f,-ot, l will p-,-.- Mie ah''r“, .**ockM a^irt «love«t.ior the Soitiicr*. IRAV’E b. en .t.un»'r!Z»d ^xoi«a*n- «—-4 t-b.'.'-- iPv?*fc.T liW pair?- of p'KiJ Wov-n yni to b" prr'Sf-'.^pd to'^'ce> a* ■‘t* rste o. ovco y’%r«ii‘'f Su't»*\?:s for f-"*'"' 'i-'it h.'lo*.' R'"- ^ Ppar-.''*'9 Fa’’*.' (fft.'"-K,.. w t n. E REWARI>. •M p^y • • ftbnto ro'^'i.rd far c'?'.d-nei, liO piifDTi or I' .revnn ibal dr# i jur I D:HiUrrv Of Satu. -y i^v^.t, 5 n i> wit c c B\RBt:e .« t:o Bate; I'viile, M>»rc‘! b , i-j •.•tv-'i cm |VU- Western Railroad—Abnual Sleeting. Auras' MeetiiifT ?» t*»e Stockhi'lderr* of ’bi!j \-oij lasi .1 iinnr PK.\5RL’RT0N 4 r, ■%V/%i^TEW • A B.AK a 11 t' itie Army by Dr N^arren's Ajtf'llt ! )i, Prori.ient of thf- Association Send to Mrs Ltift-r- Peb. 20 ^niove^ aud !!!^ockK VlTantcd. IDKSIAE 10 ^urubaas for the solditrs 10,000 p^irs of Gl ves and 10,000 pairs bf ycoks. Donations will be tbankfully received- flDWARD WAJ^REN, SorgMB Oen. N. 0. ■laa’j 11. W-Sm sad pr.;’>f to -iin' :r-‘ t^|J ,.p ^ p»y drrd i»‘ f^r ♦'>'> -ry of tK? bo’- ’® '.o '3 '’ Union ".■wiory, Kor-h Caroiia... ,.r for b' ajy ■ 8(1 th^* I caE trei. oifli. , Any iafori'atio’i wiU be t^.VJ’"* fully reoeiviid .T.SMRiJ DK'KS. Union F»y*»y, Fob’y 6, 1864. 6-Oi.nd Blanks for sale at this Office. To fkr n>'j f (tf kill and liistrifiuffrAoi th- nf'(hi‘ i'lf)' liilie, Daii’l M'lry Hate tiii'i h'hjrii fiuie de.c-eaxcii, h-tny thf jimt (Jausiiis of t!u‘ said dfccannd.. . All TiersoriK clniciiusr 'o be ine v^r" cf R:p r.n-! di‘- tribuf'.'.3*)•] «i»>* F.itJ»t-i8. af' r“q-'ir*d 'g fur nish o: ^beiV r la'lo^i’ttip o:i o'" hef>r? the 21st M%ron ino^^n^ a*, w 'eh ti-n? 1 aUall ;;roce-’'l to ma^r- tt Rittbi!': n f.r >b.e p-t.«)u»l ".’Ofas: fh''o rr->v»*rf t--. bi' " t ile\ All first comtm, vihfihn dtin'nt or alien*, sr'll r» e^J'ilt'!*'! t*- aa oq ia.1 «lan* i.i »h’‘ distrihutiob. On tae d..y shoi-.' naiTi' 1. M i l*y tbe 2lst Marrh, at the M’rki’f HoJ’!*' in iLt ‘o^rn i'f F-.vetttvyla, I will r;;ll »t pwblic Aii^ioi>. » J>.*>0(* V! ailver c(un«, be Innsir^ to «.dd o' tne ‘^is^*•l^nl“cs HS ! >'■« h'.ti I r?fi*r (.0 re'‘.i»^ H eir distr'bntiv'* shar^'*- of (hisco'n ic i.i . kiri’^ cftn titt n • and bid ^f t!i? fianjc. aad t>fit,le tbcre- »r>iin'i- I for by givins .oceinta fcr rf’c -pT>''n(« of 'iieir pu.-- 1.0 ?3 ’ i ciiasja, ats yc ni'cl' n^tards iheir :>«>t.^ibu*.iTC shares pf the K. ite, t^ll pe”S';a!' .Kol.iiag c'.r.iTjJtj iigiius'fi.'y. and xil 0 ar.c f ill 'ideoied, are oainesily r^qutwied to ooaie j T forwar i and tetile up before the Qi'-y aV>o»e iiaajed, as I X ■ ■ o— . am deiefiftinod to oiose up the ^hole buaikess at that j Cows; also, BRLA& ROOT for making Pir^deliverM time, ABOfl’D McLEAN, Adm’r. te m«. B ^ ■« FiijetteTiUe, N. C., MMoh 1,18M. i FajatteviUe, feb’j 29. «.K-i7 will pU-ee ti.i Jloaday 21 o’clccs;. '■* tic T‘ wn Hail. JNO M ttO'^S. Seo'y .Var. K iO • 1^ '*“ 11 o».« At »:>. Ht*r FiitJ’i *ry. hy Wrv-Oi 1 ■ T«r|*CMtiwe Wa»ted. All pe*-^' s (lir*t htiv.* ' pi>e.* S'iM'' 'or ?a,» Tfi ' R'l- ,tr.-. M. A lt\Ki:R. p\v''‘‘-"viile, Maieb 1 11 it Cro8» Creek Lodge No. 4, I* O* O* P* •^ntlER^ are 'uudre'« of Vo's of fh» B -'Ks b»inn?i"g I JO nr Librarv of *hi> L -t-je f'-attcr'-d »bo«t on f-ie p-,p?-f8 ‘rihifrg in tbis P'*'»‘>fl look over ,vnr I.X r»*7 ar'l ^ll y-:a find wi n fie 1 .W1 on them hand 1 thpra in onre G COOK 1 f 3 12 41 I ■' ’ wbo are ? lii 'ndeoiei, are oainesily r*qutw:ed to aonie j T WILL pav the bigh^t J’»"h- price, any quantity ' Vf good CO W HORNS. ind LEO BONES of Horses and — - Pipes; deliTer^^ LEBEBLBS. ll-17tpd pri.'ono'f^ u"iicr r, r > itiorn' I: r sh'j:. —\t 2 o’clock, Sunday while :* tr.iiii cutitainiiig 'Yankee y.ri.sotiers m t -a- y't" It* .’«t!orgi«, was standing at the pfation ;n tlii^i pla‘o, tiircc of them jumped •off with a view of e>c,ip=Tig The guards halted them, but tr.o'fr comuiand not being obeyed they fired, killing one of the iugitircs dcjid. The others made th*ir escape*.— Gre.‘’Hfif/vro' Patriot. Ri, e Hr.'jil.—Take >!;e f.ound ol’ rice, and boil it gentiv to a thick piste. «hiyh, -viruen ti ix|jd with . , thf’riuiiMtitv of ypa?t, wlil V)e sufficient RAt«'S!! The infe-1 p^n,).i«'of wheat or barley.mcal into a ri-.r quality o: {. per ot whiflh the ‘ Wheil risen, liake it iu the usual wav. J)i ii*h uf Mr» f’en HarrisoA.—The wido-w of the late Gen. William Henry Harrison died at North,Bend, Ohio, on the 2Gth of February- . {. per on. whioh the : Observer has b*‘en crinied of laie, a’^d | w^3s» i^a great eye-eore lo ua, ja owing lo'the w^nt of li “ufficient supply of g.^''od rag-*, and th*j o;*n'’cqu«D' ntio- rc^ity to r*3ct- to inferior maierf>*l8 We appeal 'o the frien'ds of the Observer at all accessible points, to save up ^T»d bring to tovn all tjio rags tb«y can pro. ure. '■^e have no iitae our®r:ivtsto attend to tbeif purobt^e, but Messrs. Geo. W. Williaois & Co., the Agents in (bis t.o»o of Mr Murpb^, wiil pay 16 ceat.a per lt>. for E J HALE at SONS. 16 6-Itf TeWtAIHEi'^TS A!¥» /^N FEDERATE Sta.te*' Bible Society TesiwaetM*. , ^ > A Collection «f S»W>a#.h School Hymns. ® r HAT.B* anK- Army I'vs' OjK e -An “•‘t-: vfaiS HiS been 68- i.«bli6t)ed for tile of Gvn JoHnstons army, a&d ietlets si'iit tbroug’ 'bjt ofJceJirj ai'jeli more certain to reach ih-'ir d‘Viicat\.jn ihnti if di.etf-vl to Dalton—thers- f->re lei all Ictie-c >e diicot^d, injie>Ml of, Dalton, Geo , ibu-: “Army of Ti n^; ” Mi^s Tnck'rr, of-We^theri^rd, deserv?;} to beiroff tho I aim She .has raa1e with her own fair htV’-ds a pair of cotton cirii^ andcerdei, spun, w'lve and made her own dresses can h»at thit?—^rxas Telegraph- . ^ ¥eoog^§ Aritbmetical DietioDary, Embracing a systom of ArUhmetio. Kea'iy Reckon er. laterest Calculator, Bcok Keeping, Forma, 4o. 1. i. BAXJI * SONS. D»i’r 1«. A Garden for the Soldiers. Seeds of all kir-ds will b^ gratefully re- / ocived at this Ote’'e and frw,*rded tn » p«t on th^ Oo»it. Mark tha d^'nors’ names on all pfiKelB, that Iff may know whom to thank. f