IP mm PUBLIC LAW® Exacted Feb’y 16, I shall he snbjc3t t» » tax of .‘i3^ per cf'it m cv- j ty or effects of aiijr kind,*not enumerated n ! -rv ’ «r f-ce tV-.‘T’o^ tu the preceding paragvaplii Ijetween the times I to aid u- tcs whorcv.iV ciryui.ind. and ‘ nAined therein, 10 per cent., in addition to Ar, 4^ftn T„77^ L'fni'rh' Curr^H.y ’h« hi . xcb-iB,-.Hblo t .r I tl,« tax on siich profha as iUQome, under the sicTro/l 7A- prov« -.l, -.ul.j .! to | 6’ta/rt ot 'foen n f. Timt rh - KolJ.-r.s of j i .n o! s.iui t;^x ^ ^ nniount of profits exceediog abo\'e the denouiin-ui.jn t f S'”’-! ' f"*-■ 3cy biu' h;.’T>-\aury diMnj; either of the yearu ••rna faxod for I ,o«;, . i _ onv bank or bankioir all Trpa'ui'y , - - not Waring iatcrost, shall bo allo’-cod i jiic fcia>e-, t .-r-ia tixod for j bank or banking . 1st Jaj of April 1864, east uf the M^si^^^ippj. to , ■. i'^voI »tll f, -e flrst. iusurauce, canal, navigation, im* fond the same, in:i until the jx-rio-L^ and at the "* ' ^ 0 t]ie -snnjc in > per pvt,ortini? toleirrauh exuress nkces stared, the holder, of all .uoh Troa>urv.l ^ ‘ Lte» shojl Hll .wed to fu-. i rh {„ n i 3---- -■ I -!>c in$oro - pav^blo scT.i- T :i; v I .iv.. , "• l?v . !' T, .vir> rc’eiv. d hy Jon>t Stock company of any description, i Lvr c:;..: ^ *' • ' T.' tuxing ihc siifit I ^^!lctIHM■ iiicorporated or not, 25 per cent on '■ If tr.> . [••it I i' -1 I ‘■X- ■di tercd boo ! bear! it 1,):.: uam. p-v.i.M-. . ■■ ■•• 1-I ■-'! nif , • Jui-. ., ! each year. K''. _; : ; I i ■■ f 5' i , , 4 V ' " authorized iu Usae tac b.'uat* r> (|'ii!e'J : *r tiic fuadiag provisl^d I'orin^tho prcA'aina: section, ftod until th« bonds can bo prepared h • rn-'y certifioatps to .iusw.-r the Durptoe. S.icn Vond-i and certificates shall be receivable \vi;lKuf iut-.r- est in payment'of all Governiurnt due* payable io the jear 1864, excopt esport and iiuj* ri. du'i'S Skc. 3. Th'.-‘ ail Trtiasury note® of t'ue lienonii nation of f 10). jot bearing ioter;'st, wliicli eball uut be proeoiited tor funding u.i'Icr Jlic proviM'ns ul the 1st scerioii of thi aor, bih i'!,-fro:ii un atff i* the 1st day o April 18(54. ea>f >! (iio Mi-!si>'ipf i rivpr, and rhe 1?: Jay of Jii y -v s' of t .■ Missi>sippi, opase :o b-‘ r.'Cv'iv -mo m p iyateiif ol public du: ■«. :iud .--;ii.i 11,1!. s. ii’ w U so pror I'.-d ;>r th»t tiuio, si.all, i;i addiiii'a tlic r»x 1 cents iuiposed the 4t!» seiti^n t :- i> c:, i'.. snbjectcd to a t. x of 10 per cent p ’r -oniwi u:> til so prrseot.d; v.)a>'h raxe? sL.tli at:, eh f • sirl DOtes wherevrT oirv-u'ate-!, and sV >U be u-. '.iuc;e I from tbc fnce ot‘ said ivotea ■svhriitTor prv'on ;'i tor payment or tor iunditijT, and s.ud d\'.u\ not bo exchan^t'ablo^t’or the new v* Tr- i sury notes provided lor in tVi' act Sec. 4. That on all said Tr> .nsii^y o*' funded or u=eu in pt^u o? t t x a af f i and, places prescribrd in the 1^; s act, there shalJ !>•’ levied at said dat> •= :;L i a tax of MS* cetjt? for - very d ‘I] :r ■; :•* ! the face of said tiut*-.'-; juiu t'ix sh U -5:'-ich t • r ;i I | notes wherever ciiculat -J, a^d .sh ill I = e 'lie.' J I by deducting the .^nie ut the tn !^>ary, it depi’si'- j tories ond by tax c i'I *cf ir'. by Oov'tm- I ment officers receH-ioir th > ?j:ne r pr.^ j sented for paywciit or for fuiidinir, or in ] a of Governajent '’u' 0- lor m change for new non-. •«-li. r i«»{’or: r'^ri'.c uaid Trea-ury ha*_s ’ ' lu'vl.r'ii'' in ’- • provided in the 1.-* s -eri ' t i-- «•'. i':' 1st day of Januarr ■ r •! ' on the d’dlar; and it 1 bo *! e dn y I retary of the Tre.i'Urv. lav t'- ^ - 1st of April and t}>e 1 u of ,Tnl the 3Iisg{5;ippi river, r.- : tf to substitute and esi*‘ i ne for the same at tbe r. t{ i'-- iar: Prr^-'/f/, Thi- ni\r ‘ ' 810^ shu’i no! ? r> cfir, . :1 -’u exchange-: l'rr,,.',h.i f'- -:hr^ ‘I fund any of s.*: ’ Tp -irj i.,.' . of January i '•>'■■. i- : %v '.'ilre^] eiifed furth^r^ i ';uf. ':f -n pii whieh may reni T! January ls35, a:i 1 •:• ' I- ;i, r. r for ne^ Trea‘'irv n ,!> ^ . j of 100 pr-r C‘'at*i.s 'M.r ,.y ir Seo. 5 That nib r tVo il- all^utherify bL'r>‘;'■ tKo Treasury to i-'ijc !>• '=" is hereby. rev'.Lod; the TreasTiry ijj-v, a: ;- t! Trjjasary nntc-s in payable two *ye v’ s a : ■ *■’ r o? pence vr.fb Tt;.> r.i \ ■ to be rec'ji i- r . • - excpp‘ -X ,c 4 : t r . ’ »r the new f.,.r > ot' vim ...S-.i i--' notes be sarr-.i'dere ’ ;,.r .'xc thereof, or be r. e. ived i; ? the provisions •> rhU b:*'; ar, or ot the frld ,.tt« x ; :'r ■' denomination o: wi -rr- .v '— ” 861 cents on the l-.liar by the • coavert the Bame intc c-i c-rtitiAVr- »f-.-nr;r terost at the rate of 4 per cav*- ann’^^l. aud payable two yoHrs affcr •» . ti )ii of a tr-’?v of peace with the TT'ni^ M-.^nr-r converted into new Sec. 6 Tha: to pny 'he xp'i>:c3 -d the ernment not othc’^-vii'c pr-'syi^ i for, • Se.'Tot n— of the JrcMury i- h*-■ ^>y au'^’on;. .j jq per cent, bonds to r.n nmon/ir not erce'-din hundrr-d irdllioDs c-f u.»!i :r,. 0. ■ pri*-'• ►i.-, 1 tercst whereof shaU b.- Si,e tVotn • t • for the payment of lot. n -t 'h. T.Lin r receipts of anv export duty 1 . value of any cotton,, t.-lne^.'. ru 5 • which shall be exported frMi e t' States^, and the net pn ce.^d- ot ‘h .: irur.., now laid, or go much th'reif‘ ;.s may ro n P*y ahnually the inU-rcst^ „ro ficr'bv icceivcd Tiie dis- ‘c t‘% a JhV.C P'T yieu- r.'. *'Ury yf 'hi' r.-.N' no lor.L-ei };1. Th,i i'-.ter-.'- f ’-Tiblie •o'-’d red hon 1>J uf ti bi-> t p’a* wj'h t‘i' I’nited beana witor't Hti'«.'ificd i'>) *'ce, p;i; January >{ eicb ai;d cverv year. ! ^vc be:; '■ «aid u;x '* vn ■ j *.*♦ •1 b,-— ...V heri'toforc issued 1 S7 JW -iu the 3100 be drem'’d **^^‘11 tor each s.>n actually oii|^a^ed in the - - I iiriViv yr rs at>?r tho retifi^auo?! o* a treaty of Conf'^iierate Sta t)\ :n;. p.) t’i lu-y b . \ : v^v y-n-^tirc-i ■> ; I •• i t irt!, IS b" niiv d “ill p.'-'.t*! vu-'-'ilr (>« yeirs .■tt-r : r-'.t :1j,-•.-•*•; rr.„ rj uf oc sce vith (lie l.'ni'ed Simev htarir •; bif .^rot ^he rate of six p- r c**n*. pe^ a;'nnin. pixy.»hU' ."'mi -jL>>nualiy, and iv^ns -kT te only by pvcTil eifl ir ei-K tii. anJer ^ . ioii-' u, b- pi I SCI K ni tn the Ss’i’ivtary of h ; 1 I ;;'Urv’, ii^ld '^r’id in • 'jfic:; t ■■•:■ t'xaii •'■• in pri>] *ij''i! an.} I-*) *'i •' e • •• y ef *■ • -’j.-i i-t ‘-c**- e :e n t ■ ■' ’ r i-r: Oj ;i:' of ti;-; ■ I' A' to (rr v •a-ih'' 'i'f ij .' St, ' - ur! h" ajay it- ;* •; Sko 1(5 Th.- SL‘erer>Tv cl -JiaH b.* e.T.'tnpt '0 .irca^ary is hu- ‘ i d ; ^■Wit.o’ie.'i -o ii' le?, j;rMi with b ': ^ s i>t ‘he li.'V i'» . T u.=iUT\ .shall /■I'rbwf'h avve.'ti-io 'bis c‘ iri -jcl: newspapers i ul'li t'.cd in tbr' ^evrrai Stnf-and by .•*nc : other pr.' I ’1 ii'- shail 5. -ure i'uuii^tiia'’ pabitoity; and 10 .it i ■' St cu r.i’-v ^ * H'ar nrwi tbe Secretary of the - ! X ■'’V '. 'i I' ■> be i -! in the irajy ;er.o and J:n-I i.-'lf ■EC 1‘ by ■•'.r Tr -.i .1/1-‘ :;rr t: :^‘■d- dr, • d .jvc’ ■t -1 b- t... t-. I. b; r th:- 1 r- su-v u }.■ 1.1 r=-f : ,ll.. M r- ^ vA r 4 tbe ■'! to f'-.y r lioTi >1 eucli exces?. Sf('. 5. The following exemptions from tux.iiiun iiatier this act siiall be t»llowed, lo-wit: I. Properry*of each head of'a family to the vnhie of ij;5(»0; and for each minor cluUI i.o joce.ivdt m pay-1 (},^j fjujjilv to the further value of $100; P‘'y^* I jiriiiv or naw, or who has died or been the TiU- of I military or naval service, and i ^ 1 t f i ’i^^inberof tho family v^ien he ' ent»^red the f^»irvice, to tlie further value of 14 'j’n-if ihe. Seerftary of th'? Ti ^ ^ury j . ■ • 1 m bv !••• horcbv. aufh irized in tMse t}j» 1 xi ! ^ roju-; .y ot the \vidow of any ofucer, of be G'c.’cr jMie .► .''btiuld n.j iire it, to |'’‘'Idier, 8»ib>r or marine, Wlio may have d-T " ’ i .1 -v pi! ii- er.-iitor whose ;iobf died or been killed in the military or naval of this act, service, or ^'h«re there is no widow, then «f • • U '.*' i-f i,i the family, being minor children, to the 'i6.*H.ry in siio-h value of III. Property of every officer, soldier, tiailor or marine, actually engaged in the iiulifHrv or naval is5rvice, or of such as have het^Ii itt dju«»lk. aarvi/>A, tA.tllCl V&lufi of^lUOO; provided, that the al>ove e.xemp- tii>iis shall not apply |r> any person, whose pu.petty, exclusive of houaeliold furniture, slmll be a!9SeKRed at a vahie exceeding $10UO. IV'. Thrttwiiere )>roperty has been injured or (It'^troyeM by the* enemy, or the ow/ier t!iere(»f haj» t>een temf)orariiy deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of the means of cultivating the p;ime, by reason of the presence or the j)roximity of the enemy, the H^sjt'tssiiient «»n such property may l>e reduced, in projHjrtion tu tho damage sus tained by tiie oM’iier, or the tax assessed therein mny be reduced in the same ratio t>y the district ci>llect)r, on satisfactory evi- rl«Mu*e subfviitted to him by the owner or as- fte^N'Sor. C. Tliat the taxes on property laid for the year 18^, shall be assessed as on the (i:iy ot the pa^f»age of tliis ac>^ and be due and collected on the 1st day of June ne.xr. or us soon after as practicable^ allow- iiiif an extension d' 90 daye West of tl»e Missi:i;ippi rivt*r The alditional taxes on inc*’!HOt5 t»r ]>rofits fur the year 1863, levied by this act, sb.ill be asse^ed and collected forthwith; and the taxes on incomes or pro fits tor the year 1864, sliall be assessed arid coilecttu.! according tt» the provisions of the tax. and aj^sessment acts of 1S63. ^ Sko. 7. So muc h of the tax act of the 24th day of Ajtril l.'jf>3, UvS levies a tax on in comes derived from property or effects t»n the amount or value uf wliich a tax is leVied by this act, and also the 1st section of said act, .‘ire PiisjK>nde*i for tho year 18t)4, and no estimated rent, hire or ifiterest on'pro- j>erty or credits herein taxed ad valorem, ^lall o«,;.4M»Bod «ir tftr»d no incomes unrior the tax act of 1803. S>x. 8. That the tax imposeti by this act on b >!k1.s «d' the Confederate States hereto fore issued, shall in jio »se exceed the in terest on the same, and such bonds, when held by or for minors or lunatics, shall !>e exempt from.th« tax in all ^es where the interest t)ii the same shall not exceed $1000. An AU k> mMp^nd ths priiixUye of tht Writ ‘-it JIahc(i» Corpim in certain oat4s. Whoreae, the CoiiEtitutioJi of the Oonfod- ftjafe States of America provides in Article ■r !7 T‘ of IX.- !2 ct for th‘ Hpp.H ed *Nl«.y ^i■ r, 1‘J i se''.*:'’!) i -li '••;i;ia oi ;i> ’ ■' y V 'io.-\[rd ' T'• S.'c .ifnr}- c* the Tr-nsnry i« * I’d ’id T f. npcr. t'fj appM } 1. 'der of any ciU e^rtifjeato, which, ' n of the iot provid. f-T tho ; .r f-r :i.‘ ..i' ;i:>t«.'S, ap ‘ '.*-1 I'-'l:. cri? rcqr. rel to bi' ■.;i d f;i be a bnu 1, tu i- u-‘ t-nch •’ r. f')!‘Oi’ * r. nus provided -1 ; A f io l,i[f tor the corrh- ih frrti'e nri'/ of 1. n •• Conirrc‘S- ( f the Confederate iS .•.ic- oi d'^> tMUiet. That in uddi- t’ in f!ie faxts U'vufd by thi* act *’to lav ; ■ \c*.' fT “})C coi’imoii defence and to carrv on tlic* (.J'>v;Tnrni,'Ut d‘tlu* CoiifV-deratk'St:ites." :;;.T -ovf.l 2!ri! of Ajuil i^»J3. there aiiall lu; b \I. tV 'III rii(> of this ac;t. on the t f.ixiujon nerfjitter mentioned, ■ H.'Ctfil fr •til every i>eri;oiK coiiartner- )ciatio:i or corponition. tiabl.^ tliore- i\t s a>^ t’ui.i'.v.'. to-wit: I • >!i Til. vnlue of pivp..*rrv. r^tl. per- -.!:1 m:.\,(l. .t cv..;y knil and descn'p- ■ bereifiafter ex.-inpred o; taxed at a e:!i rate, 5 piM- cent.; Provided, Tiiat t.iis tux oil t!ie v.'ilue ot projH>rfy crn- pioy* . hi jiirneul.ttiro sjial.1 bo dedncted tlie I 'H.n,-‘if lie tax in Kinu de)i’.orc*l tlier«fronf, ;U''( ' ;d iimier the law iTnpoiiintr it. -ind • i'i'iv ':-j to tho Governinent: I’mvided. IX. Of conspiracies, or attempts to liber* | shall be liable to be placed iu service in the ate prisoners of war lield by the Confederate field for the war, as if he w#re betweeti the States. - X. Of conspiracies, ot attempts or prepa rations t«Aaid the enemy. XL Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon the Confederate cauae, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the ^emy. XII. Of unlawfully burning, destroying or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele graphic line of communication, or property, 'with the -{ntent of aiding the enemy. XIII. Of treasonable designs to Impair the military power of the Government by destroying, or attcmjiting to destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, woukshops, or other property of the Confederate States.* Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper officers to inve-stigate the c.aBes of all per.-^oiis so arrested, or detained*, in order that thev may be discharged if improperly detaine i, unless thev can bo speedily tried in the due course of faw. Sec. 3. That during the suspension afore said, no military or other officer shall be compelled, in answer to any writ of iiabetis corpus, to ap(>ear in person, or to return the l>ody of any person (»r persons detained by him, by the authority of ^the President, Se cretary of War, or tlie General officer com manding the Trans Mississippi department; but upm.the certificate, under oath, of the officer imviiiir charge of any one so detained, that such j>er8on is detained oy him as a prisoner f«»r any of the causes hereinliefore ppecitaeti, under the anthority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease anl remain sus^endel so long as tFiis act shall contijiue in force. Sec. 4. Tliis act shall continue in t’orce for ninety days after the next meeting of Con gress, aud no longer, THE MILITAUV P>ILL. Section 1. That irom ^nd after the passage of this act all white men, residents of the 0>nfederate States, betweeti the ages of 17 and oO, shall be in the military service of the Confelerate States for tlie war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid? be tween the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the present war with tho U. S., in the same regiment.^, bat talions and C'tJupanifes, to which they belong at the passage of this act, with the same or ganization aud officers, unless fegularlv transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for tie gov ernment of the army: Provided, that com panies from one State, organized gainst their consent, expressed at the time, with regixnents or battalions from smother State, sliall have ttie privilege of being transferred to organizations of tnK)ps, iu ttiu satuc ar/ii of the service, from the Stares in which said companies were raise*!; and the soldiers from one State, in companies from another State, be ;il!o\Vt‘'(I liovon’d 5 j'" l- cc-li*. II On the Viilii^» l gold and Hii'i pia?.\ jc-vela, aud lA ”'ri ’ - I , j be sUi;pende3'unless when in ca^e of rebid- ^ ^ ;^ru[)crt\ tavou UTJii?r | >r invHfiiou, tiie public eafetv iiiav re- it;" an,I wi.wea., the- |.ow;r of'so*. I * !(.* ri MrivC^ ^ • • l»* Tiio • J - - — * ' • » • * • - - - • siivt r wares 1. Section y, Paragraph'3, that “the pnvi- 10 j lege (d‘ the writ of hal>«as corpus shall not 'itche;: '>r 1 (.ri w.'i r rt t;.'»> •T)t- dllftfp oxcoi.r Ml wfiere •i'’se.sseJ. in CvWt-'' wfiere land. UiVe pledged: trovU^ I, tl.ut tb.-»’ duU,'^ -1’’^ hid^!^ ' )'! :'t:v Iu fj • vo r 1S0* shU fS. cottofi .it t ii>;U‘i*o cii;i-..-il -.’’ICO tbf- !st l;iv ■n wloch Citse the s.tid Inrul. phiveiJ, cotton iTid t'ii)ju'‘:M t ■ piindia-H;d, t^hall In* asef.-^',.. a- tin- ^irifr.* .icfunlly naid for the by thu O ' i'‘‘* I al! fibare.'S or inter- imfwrts ar« hor^by j.lc ^2cd , nd s».i!! brrcnf , ba!ik, bankin^r company or ter be paid in specie, or i', exchar.c^e, or 1 ■•‘'^^"cirttioti. curial,. navigatJo.-t,' irniK.rtinir in coupons rf said bond-^. ' ‘‘ ‘ .. i •**’ Sec. 7. That th-; ,S'''^rf.triry f,( the Tn u.-^n-’ hereby auth.>ris,;d. Iro:.; tjmi‘ to tiaio, af* wants of (be Tr>.r-ur., hypothoear.. f„r T.-a, kv'.-, v ■ ,aid b.>nds part thereof, up ,n the f. st f« r us h^ ran so •, rr> . i i * meetappropriati v.. by»:or.2rc... and r^^^nesame time reduce and re..!rict the amount oftbe cirou- ^ f T I lationxu Irea-urv withi-, rea^,.,;.bln and : , " ’ I iioi_.-ho..rn-■ 1 wh^r. ar'..^>sse.i. ;i; sneb cu Seo. 8. The boii fj authorix;'d b? the H-h see- j be i;j ;^v;ner.ii ii l>urcba~« Hil l ^alc cd’sucFi time f)t asi-e8siii.Mk Sec. 3. Dpo:i {lie atnount of nil gold an.l e:lver euu,, g.^id dji^r, r.,ld silver bullion, wl. ‘ . .. r . ’ I cxp'irtin:.', insiirance. Jiiannfac|i:ring, tele- 'rtajdi. o'cpress, railrond. atjd dry lock c >'.1- t’ e i i'aiiies. aiiit-tiJ Uhbr joint st'X-k comp- ii . r ; -d ev,*rv kirid. wbctlior incfirporated or e-' tlot. safe litaiti?. Seo. 8. 'i tion of this -.iet may be -b • >• U'ldor i r i-d -ba ’^ ri -•I.'. •>'. t.> t. r-ay- tsi'd in I) ■ '« 'u: i>ibic, j fj,^. • ■■ ■ ia nrovi.il d ' ' •'' they are cdu- the tin 0 fixed for - ich certilicaifu shall ^ upon only I'A'jij rrrt, '• ible ibi! p:, M. : be ;s-tic‘l 0:1 I ■ ...J. ! rr-. r; of t i ; , , . citb.c-r rei'i'terod or cou pon bonds, a.s the pam'o- t •jtin'; them rlpr-t- and they miiy be exchar. such reji»l:itions a*- th? may prescribe. Th.?7 i together witK the c. - such f.irni and ‘ , i i. retary of tb j a . t’t ■ i •. shall be pav,' , *, .. and July in a • - able no' h * ■ ^ . , Skc. . and ttha t , , ,, for the 'i " . vertiblc . T tHxin/ from ib-- for evf;' ^hali U:* that rg*. oertifir;.. of Apr •; ' 'i ..at il'n it.s dcfK/-.. ■ - rhe i,,, sections. act, ir, »nd Bp(in;f; :.,J, th.:. dwt’nc’.ivc mark or the Secr«;&r7 ot thr. p«itor s]' -]l ijc ,.„1 , said bofid* itj X , and ouf3t?ind!- - thofiHi \- privile-^e of -b’ horeiQ --I ^£0 1 ! issued of to be roc-sv .• i. provide.! ^ provision - ( • ■ and .ij, *he Mi.sgtirtippi ‘‘ iiei liuld by the banks or other corj)o.- latic.r;.-, or ifidivitjnals, 5 percent.; and upon fihroad, or upon the amount all biljH oj exchange, drawn therefor on btn-.i;r!i (■ouiitr!(»s, a tnx'of 5 per cent.; such f:ix,iij);.ri nionoy abroiid »o ^>e as.sessei and IKK;ted a!(rr>r(iirit; t«» the vulue thereof at >la:e wiiero the tax i>- pjii*l. Lpon the amoiuit of all solvent ere- II. 'ti 'try r. fh ' p!-.^ Is arr , , ' -id nj: ' /' - ■ ! -1 V . e '■ the an'.oiiii wTiriiT Hf iii..-! • iM*> :icf‘ ^ w'd b- ':;;-e ; r rt.ni- -• ditn, :iik1 .if all b.-iidc bills and all other jia.- p*-rs ir-,u**d »w currency, exclusive of non- in'cntr.t lj(;;uing (Confederate treasury note,.j. . 'I J fH.t .-i/iplo’-**'; iii ft regi'iterci tiiisinoss, it,- d';iiv;d -tVoin whicli is taxeii, 5 p*.r ^ / fjf '...r 4. Cpon profits made in trade and • i- '!«!“>, as fo)loWf-: i. ^ hi all j>rolifs nnule by bn\ ing an'd sell- iiji' spiritous lifjiim-^i, floiy-, w!n:a^, corn, rice I suijar. midn-aes or'-sirup^ Ra-», bucon, pork^ ''-I ho-^, b -f or beef cattle, ^ue“.p,-oats, hay,’ i 1 ' i ' raw liide.', leat!u iior.-^^s, mules, ’.vo.)|, woolen, cbt- wagons, harness, mil;i,r pro- pfcndiDg the jirivilege of said writ as recog- In said Article 1, is vosted solely in the (JongVess, which is the exclusive jmige >een f»ur-j ot the nec.essity of Piich suspension; and dannarv lb62, wliereas, in the opinion of the Congress, the t> j public jjafety requires the siwj»ensiou (*f said writ in the existing case'of theduvasion of the&e States I*a- the armies of the United State?; and wherc:i^, the President has Asked for the susponsion of the writ of habeas cor pus, and informed Ciuigross of conditions of puolic danger whicfi render the suspension of tlie vi'it a measure proper for tho public defence against inva.sif>n and insurrection; now. tfier‘d >re, Ihe Co.-iirreos of the Confederate States of America do enact. That during the present I in^«i8i«u of tfiG Confederate States’, the priv- iipon the basis >t , ilege c>f the writ of iiabeas corpus di«, and , i-operty :d thy the same is hereby, suspended; bu*^j^uch sus- pensi.ui sliall apply only to the cases of per Sons arrested or (Jetained by onior of* the President, Seci^^tary? .>f War, or the General Officer commanding tho Trans-Missfssrppi Military Department, by the anthority aud under tiie contnd of tho President. It is liereby declared that -tlie purpose of Con gress in the jatssa^p of this act is to proyide more effectually for the public safety by suspending the writ if habeas corpus in the 'following cases and no other: I. Of treason, or treasonable efforts or combinations to subvert the government of the Confederate States. II. Of conspiracies to overthrow the gor ernment, or conspiracies to resist the lawful juithority of the Confedarato States. III. Of combining to assist the enemy, or of communicjiting intelligence to the enemy or ^ving him aid and comfort. • • preparations anJ at tempts to incitc servile insurrection. V. (Jf deserHons or An tiUTe. in tiie properrv, at the ■ i-i'i: ■1 ot -it ^bocs, Colton yur toll •‘J iiii.\( .l cIol;;s, h.> (.i.d, ii-oii, steel or i. . at any’ lime.be-- i .vcfi. ill * I t of JaiK’;a-v 18(53, and the’1st uf.Jaimaiy l8f5S. 10 per cent., in addition /iits as income undei >» r' •;cu >1 I to the lax oil such , ilie ‘*;irt to lay taxes ioi tlie c?*mmon defonce, ' carry on tlie i'o,.ruuient of ttiu Con- ^ l^deraie States,” ;ij)prove.l April 24, 1803. I (■, . i>rofilM niade i>y buying and V i. t l' .u ,exchange, - • ‘ tjj 'I " credits, or obligations ot any kind, and any merchandize, propir> JoserHons or encouraging deser tions, ot harl)oring deserters, and of attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That in case ot i^alpable wrong and oppression bv any suo»rdinate officer upon any party vrho does not legally owe military service his superior officer shall grant prompt relief (o tlie opj)rea3ed party, and the —*- nvor, bui. alter that time shall j^e dismissed from office.'" V'l. Of spies and other etaifisaries of the enemy. . . Vir. Of holding correspondence or inter course with tho enemy, without necessity, and withont tho permission of tho Confede rate States. VlII. Of unlawful tradiii.-i5 with the ene* offenoes a^ia^t the laws of the Confederate States, enaoted to promoto their SU0CQ8S in th« war. shall be allovfed, it they desire if, a tritnst'er to organizations from their own States, in the same arm of tlie service. Sec. 8. That at the ex}»iration ofsi.x months from tlie first day of April next, a bounty of |100 in a six per cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Tretisurv is here by authorized to issue, shall be paid to eve ry non-commissioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his death previous to the period ot such payment, then to the person or per sons who would lie entitled to receive bv law the arrearages r»f hi« pay; but no one shall bo entitle^i to the bounty herein providel who shall at any time, during, the period of six months next after die said first day i)f April, be absent from his command without leave. Sec.'4:. That no persor» shall be relieved from the operation of this act by reason of having been iierefofore disch.-it-ged f’nmi the army where no disability now exists: nor shall those who iiave furnished substitutes Im‘ any longer exeinptetl by reason thereof: Provided, that uo person, her*tdbre exempt ed oil account of religious opinions and who has paid the tax levied to relieve him tr.jin service), shall be re|uired to render military service under this act. Sec. 5. Xhftt all white male residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 5U years, shall enroll themselves at such times and places, and untier such regulations, as Jhe ‘President may prescribe, the time allowed not being le«>;^ than 30 days for those east, and f>0 davs for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall tail so to enroll him self, without a -reasoimble excuse therefor, to bo judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the War, in the-same manrmr as though thev were be tween tiie aget} of 18 and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall a. rcat^ve for State defence and duty, unO bIjhII not rotjuirwd to perform service out of the State in. which the^ reside. Sec. 6. That all persons required by tho 5th section of this act to enroll themselves may within 80 days aflter tho passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west'of said'river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; s^id organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender their services ae volunteers during the war to the President; and if Such organ izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, fnd aeposifc a copy^ thereof with the enrolling officer of their district, whicli shall be equivalent to enrollment, they may be accepted as ruiBiito men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, be required to assemble at convenient-pla- ces OI rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and reo-i- ments, under regulations to be prescribed by kim; and shall have the right to elect their company and regimental officers; and all troops organiised under this act for State defence, shall be entitled, while iu actual sorvioe, to the same pay and allowance as troops now iu the field. Sec. 7. That any person wh* shall foil to attend at the place of rendezvous as required by the authority of Ithe President, mthont t loffioie&t excuse, to h% judged of by him, ages of 18 and 4.5, Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clofks, at'id of clerks, guards,, ageuts, etiiployees or labor ers ia the Commissary and Qiiartermaster’s Departments, in the OrdnancQ Bureau, and of clerks and employees of navy agents,.as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shail be performed by. persons who are within the ages of 18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as unable to perform active service in the field,'but capable of performing some of the above said duties, specifying which, and when the^e persons shall have been assigned to those duties as far as practicable, the Pre sident shall assign or detail to their perform ance such biddies (rt‘ troops, or iiidiviluals, required t> i»e enrolled umler the 5th sec tion »f this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties: Provided, that persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall l^e assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this :«*t shall be so cousirued as to jirevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics,* or per sons of scientiiic skill, t* p»erform iiuiispen- sable duties 111 the deparrments or bureaus lierein uientioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As pietaiit Ciuiimissary, (other than those serv ing with brigades or regiments in the field.i orotticers in the Ordnance liiireau. or Navy Agent-i. or Provost .Marshal, or i>ffi»,*er in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in in'-* o»uployiiient any per.-ion in any »d‘ their said departments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th sectioii id* this act, in violation of the |>rnvi^ioiis liereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a o«>urt-martial or military court, be cjishiered; and it shall be the duty of any department »r district commander, ujx^n proof, by the >ath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated this pro-‘ vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said coinmandei*!j shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any comtnander as aforesaid failing to perforin the «luties enjoined by this section, shall upon being dnly convicted thereof, be discharged from the service. Sec lo. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the samt are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted e.xcept the following: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 2. The Vice Presilent of the Confederate States, the nieiubers and officers of Congress and (»f the several SUite Legislatures, aud such other Confederate and State officers jvs the President, or the Governor of flie ro 8}>ective States, may certify to be necessary for the pro{>er administration of tiie Con federate or State Govorntuents, as tlie case may be. 8. Kvory minister of religion autliorized to }>reach according to the rules of his church, and who, at the passage of this act, shall be regularly empUyed in the discharge of his ministerial duties; superintendents and phy sicians ,>f asylum’s for the deaf and dumb and blind and of the insane; one editor for eaclt newspaper being published at the time vf this act, and such employees as said edi tor may certify, on oath, to l>e indib|)en.sable tcfthe publication of such newspaper; the public printer of the Confederate and State Governmenh^, and such journeymen print ers as the said puTilij; [)rirUer shall certify’, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the lOth day of Oct'r 1S(>2, ami has continued Said business, without intermission, since that perjiMl: all }>liysi- cians over the ago of 30 years, wh(» now are, ani for tfie last 7 ye\rs have been, in the actual and regular practice of their jU’ofVs- sion, but the term phyf.i,cian shall not in- clui-ie dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theologicAl seuiin;yies, acade mies aiul schools, who have been regularly engaged as such for two yeare nef\t before the passage of this act: J‘rovided, that the benefit of this exemption shall ext&nd to those teachers only whose schooU are com posed of 20 students or uio.-e. All superin tendents of public iiospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, aud such phy'sicians and nurses -therein as such su perintendents "sliall certify, on oath, to be indispensable t> the proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one |>er8on as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan-1 tation upon* which there are now* and were | on the 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-hands, between tlie oges of 16 and 50. j upon the following conditions: j • HJIlB CACitijftVmr ^TT\TitTci | in cases in whicli there is no* white male ? adult on the farm or plauta.tion not liable to [ military service, nor unless the person clainv [ ing tho exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case flhall more than one person be exemp^ted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall Jirst execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, and yeith such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War inay^ prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government ac some railroad dej>ot, or sucli other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 montlis next ensuing, 1(X) pounds of bacon, or, at the election of the Govern ment, its equiyalent in pork, and 100'lbs. of net beef (said beef to l>e delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within tlie itbove .said ages, whe ther sa^d slaves in the field, or not, which said bacon or j>ork and beef shall be paid for by the Government at the prices fixed by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act: Provided^ that when the person thus.exempted shall produce satis factory evidence that it lias been impossible for him, by tho exercise of proper diligence, to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an acfequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War shall direct a^oommatation of the same) to the oztent (m two-thirdf tharoof in strain or other i provisions, to be delivered by .^ucb pors.ji, as aforesaid at e«|uivalent iat«'-?. 3. Such pei'sorr pliall fnrlhi*.-bind to s**l"l the tnarketable «urjdu of |>rovi;.,i;, and grain now on hand, and wiiioh he irui.. raise from vekr to'ytiar while bi^ exeni’»ti.i." continiie.'. to the Government or In th?- Ihju ilies of soldiers, at prices tixed by the (J.,n, missioners of the State under the iinjues..; ment act: Provided^ that any jiersnu ex enipted as aforesaid, shall be oiititied t-. a credit wf 25 j»er cent, on any amoinr, of meat which he may deliver withili tbree ino.iibs from the passage of this act: J^rovided i‘n> . ther, that persons coming Vv'itliiii the pn.vi sions d* ibis exemptioM rilmll not be d(‘;,ri-, ,.,i of the iietu-fir Thereof by ro:i«,.n of in.in r beeJ) enrolled si!ic* t!jc /lay of Feb. is(;4 4. In atlditioji to the loregoiutr ('xem . tions, the Sei-.retary of War. uadtM- tiie J! rection of the Pre ident, may exempt or «ie. tail siicii other j>ers.jns as he may be satis fied ought to, l*e exemptml on accimnt of public uecessity. and to iueijre tlie ]troduc- tion of grain and other firovi.sions tor Uie army and the families of soldiers, ile inav, also, grant exemptions or details, on such terms as he may prescribe, to such over seers. farmers or planters as lie may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country i:i the pursuits of agriculture than in tlie mili- t;i.r r^vTvice: Provided, that such exemption sj. li cea.?e wheiiev'er tlie farmer, planter or ov r^eer shall fail diligently to emph)y in go >d faith, lii-s own skill, capdtal and l.Tibor exclusively in the }>roduction of grain and |»rt>visioH>, to b(!^sotd to the (tovernnient and the families of soldiers at jirices not exceed ing those tixed at the time for like avti by the Commi.ssioners of the Stute uride: the impressment act. 5. The })resident, treasurer, auditor and superintendefit of any railroad coinpanv en gaged in transportation for the Government, and such officers a»id employ’ees thered' ^ the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to Ihj indispensable to tite efficient op'eiation of said railroad: Provided, tliikt the number (*f persons so exempted bv tfi:-^ act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road iu actual use for military transportation; ani saiiiexeinpfj shall be reported by name'and descriptii.n. with the names, of any who iiave left the employment of said company, or wiio niav ceasc to be indispensable. That nothing he?-ein coutaine 1 sbab l>e construed as repealing*the act approved April tho 14th 18(^3, entitled an act t.» t .% empt contractors for carrying the luailri A the Confederate States, and the drivers ol post coaches and hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, that all tiie exemptions granted under this act stiall only continue whilst the persons exempted -'re aetiiallv engaged in their resp‘ictive pureuits or oc cupations. Sec. 11., Tiiat the President be, and he i# horeb\'. authorized to grant details, under general rules and regulations i > be i»;&ued from the War Depart inentj eitiier of j>gsons between 45 and 50 years of age, or from the army in the field, in ail cases where, in iiis judgment, justice/equity and necessity re quire such details, and he may revoke «uoh orders of details whenever he thinks pjfkper: Provided, that the power liereiu granted to the President to make details and ejeinji- tions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any co?itractor fur furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov- ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of. the department nia king Btch contract shall certify that the per sonal services of such cont^actor are indis- ensable to the execution of said contract: rovided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and fiiithlully, to f)rtK*eed with the execution jf such con tract, his exemption or derail shall ce.-ise. 6ec. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the exatnination of persons liable to military service, no member com posing the same shail be appointed fn»rn the county or enrolling district in which tiiey are re«|uired to make such exaaiiiiatioii. Post Offlcej Fayetteville, N. C., ( OoroBER 18Go. \ SeheduU of the Arrival and D»pitrlure nf thf Vuilt at (hit Officf. Vi.-* AVER.\8BOK)’, &• Arrive* dailj, «i8ept Sund.»y, at 4^ P M. Ddp^ris dailj, except Satur-i»>- .-vt 6 P. M. HALKlGil vii SU.MSlERVILLIi. D-jparrs Tuesday aiid Fri-Jaj Rf H A. \T. • ArriTe* Wr^ii»*iav itr.d ^^unday at 9 P. H. WARS.AW CLINTON. Arrivea daily ai 12 noon- Depart.8 P. M. CART a AGE. -\rriTf9 Tuesday Tliarsd^y anl S'i*urday at 7 P M Departs Monilay, Wednesday and Fri.iay at 1 F. M CHEH.\W, 8. C- trri»i*e Tu-f«lay, ■T.'mrpday and Saturday at 6 P. M •>»^p».r' StuKl%y, fuesftay and Thursday at 1 P. M PMK 8LUKF »ia LU!tftt£HTON. riTv? ■ i! •i.i*y, Th:!r9d*y and Saturday at 6 A. M ■>’, iJ Tu-j>div asd Thurs.Ky at I P. M HOB %ia RLI2ABETHT0WN O p.ris 7»loadrty. w^4n?eday a^i FridjLy at 6 A M. \”rl?e9 Tiies-lay, TSiirday aad S»tnrday*fct ‘2 F. M ELIZABETHTOWN Tt» TRBt-JBINTH ArriTca Mood^ij ai i I* M Os;,arts 8atu3 day (Monday) «i. tl P M. MAGNOLIA via CYPRESS CREEK irrivea Tuea.tay at 2 P M. Departe name day (Tuesday) at 2A ? M 8WIPT ISLAND Tia M0NTR08B, OOVLNQTON ati powellton Arriree Tuesday at 8 P. M Departs Wednesday at il A. M SWIPT ISLAND via TROY. •Arrives Tuesday at i> P. i\l. Oep»rtfl Wadaesd-ty af 1! A. M. Ah mails Icwbtjwfur.* A \I , ar* oUaai ib« ereo JoiC bef>re a> 9 P i Ad la.t*rd to Se ocut off frsia th;s ofBoo, O'har Ojan b? rnwl. taus' be paid for a? if t«*ntby mail ^!1 drap tstl.«rj shonld be j>re paid ty 2 0‘^at etamps. TSo offiae will be an/n on Sunday'■from to 9* A M . aai fr»m 4J to 5^ P, M. " ' JA3 O COOK. P M. toe mxlE PRIHKR, ^ THE iirORTH C4ROLi:VA MPTIJiL LIFB flVSUHA.^CR €0.)fPi]«F, Now ia the tenth year of suooessful operation, with growing oapital and firmer hold up«n public coo- fidenoe, eoatiouea to iosura tha lives of ail healtHy par sons from 14 to 60 years age.'foi oae year, fur seven y«!kri, aad for Ufa—all life members shariag lu the proflta All slaves from. 10 to 60 yeard of a^ aro ia^'ired for year «r for fve y#ara for two thirds theiFV.alue. .Ul losses ara punctoaUy pai«l withiji 90 da/^ af»ar ^tisfaotory proof is presented. For Airther inforiaal,ioa tk« pubii'> i.» referred to A){«at« af (Jha Company ia all |M‘ts c ihe 8ta>e, aad ta R. H. BATTLE, dscrjtiry, Eaiaigli. B. j. Hale. Agent at Jika'y 1869, FayaUevilla, N. C ^^link Wiirraatffiaie for*^t thit Office voi printed s KDWA edito Price for the Sen advance. For the Weekly 0 advance. ‘ADVERT! of 16 lines for th ceeding publicaMo half square (ei^rht for eaah eucoeediii quested to state *h they will he contlt *ngiy. Adverti8ein»nt8 vcrtisementj. From an n.teri will be entere*! wl the paper be s>nf t than is paid for Such of our om=i per on this system remittanoee. •rvw. Att Fa- Will attend th CiHnberland, tias. Prompt atte claims entrusted to Oct. 17, 1869. iSEO. W. Wholesale AND IMP Hattlware aad HAT S' July 2, 1861. JO ChrtH'tr and FAYBJ Jan’y 10, 1863. B. a WOBTB. WOI Commisflion an I WIL Oct. 16, 186^i, ~lrlios. J. General Oommiss 45 J%o WIL PROMPT attentiui oar hands. Coi T. J. JOHNSON. J of Fayettevilie, Jan’y 8 2,500 r,r^' Persons having t the highest Cash pri at the Merchant Mil ber at his old stand Not. 6. 1862. ARIfll I AM prepared to Harness for Arn: give good bargains, •rdcrs to me as Mut o8 in quick disi Ooldston P. O., C IbM. ay Oct. 16. 1 VII X^V for ealn on May 28. r^etteviUe, or at Feb’y 16, 1864 WanU WESTERN RAII Bank Notes; Gold and dilrc North Carolini 1 County of Cun Town of Payet OreensHoro’ Confciicrate Coapous o', si “ of To' “ of old OoU 12, Lead wanted.- Department. P titles will please av POWDER foT 10 po 69-tf Palma The subHeriber wi any quantity of Fayatte»iO« 0H OIL AND TANNERS’ and I LAMP BL.‘\CK The, sooiatia comfort of our brav the county and tow Peas, Potatoes, Drii to be packed in boa the Army by Dr W« loh, Prenidant of th (i! loves ft I desire to ^ur« Gloves ani 10,( thaokfuUj reoei n.