PUBItiO LAWS. JEitaoted Fjcb’t 16, 1864. An Act to Fund, Ta^ SiCTiON I IJyCovarMoJ asoTJuw X holders of StnHt of America do enact, ^ . • 1 V, the denomination of co, aJl Treasury notes above an j u^ii be allowed until thd shall be iubjeot to a tax of Wf 0®°* on ev- •ry dollar promised pn th« »oe thereof, KaJd t»x to attach to said notes wherever circulated, and said &oteflto be fandable and exchangeable for new Treasury note**. «» herein provided, subject to th% dcdaotio** said tax. g*c‘ 12 That any 8tate holding 'JVeasury notes fpccived before the times h^'r ^iu fixod tor ^ . taxing .^d uGiea tthall t>c allowed till tfe fir!*t tlie I J&uuary 18G5, to fund the t»aiae ia G p«r mMm each year. holders of all such Tr«a.snry cent lK»ud8 ot the tontcdemk-p^yaWe 20 P trihS aJ/o«^.*d to fund the in regi- 1 jears after d«t«, and the mterent payable somi- pnvable 20 year, after their date, j a:‘««aUy- ««t aU Treasury notes ruceivod by C^inTintcrL'Hr the rate of 4 per cent, per a«- j any State alter the time hxed fur taxins^ the same n navahle on tht* 1st of J'louary and July of | atores'aid, «hall be hoid Co have been reiieived , diminir^hcd by the smoout of said t'vx. Th«i dis- Th*'*of fho Tr/^i«iirv is hort'bv | anthoriz fun and oortifi-it-'« to ari'Wer the puruose. vSuoh boiidt? and cer'iiit’att'' ■‘bail be reo«.ivablp without inter est in pavrn**'!! ol all «»Tmn’nt dues payable in iheyMr IM, oxcopt export and import datiffi.;. 2lE*r :ill I’reHf^arv notc^ ot the rfeac^i- uatiuu or ?1‘''. ".'>t : r ten;st, r;liall not be preseiiietl lor Tu iairisr tmder rh« pro.i:^ioitr c>t'the 9ec>'on ot this act, shail, from aud after the l^': d^y >t A* »il l^tl4. Ca'tot'the 5iissi:.aippi riv.j, sinJ fh-' I. : ds ’ yi J y w-st ot . e Oi a,'L t tn- rt’Ct ivabit! in ptyiurnt «jl public aU' !», and ^ai.i notes, it'n t so (tn'scn^-c^l ; ^*ay bo wjnrjsicted’uftor tSe passdge vi ai? '.hat time, ahai', i>i addition to the tiis uf o'ii j wiliuie to receive the in a o«rtilicate ol iji- oentJii iuifXised in iho 4th s-iction of this uct, be | dcbtednesti, to be iatued by said Seor»;tary in saoh snbjeoted to a taa ot 10 por cent, p^r munth un ' b'>rm aa he luay dceu) prof»«r, payable two yf^ars o said ' flftor a ratification of a treaty ol pwiaae with tlfe oacb htiad of a tatnily to , - - and for each mluor child per «n ^uai, sr;';i no .oj*l; r he rec»‘i7tt in pay- ta the fiirUiar value of ilOO: men* of iitaHiti duta, but tifiaU Do HeeiHf?d and ^ t .. . “i „ i i ill J « li 1 i'J o ! JUKI I'.»r encii eon ttctuailv eniraffea in the , t.oni^s ot the Contoderatc Statfs, p^iva- , • i" I? 7 . I r.i^ fa: . •' ‘ . anuv or iiavv, or wuo has uied or been t»le tffu y.'-irs a.tec tiki? rutifieation or a treatv of., ,, . ■ ' - ' Kiiied i!i tiie luintarv or naval service, and or ettecta of kia^ not e&amMt^d d the precediuff perag^^h, befeweeiugkf^mai DHtued there^, 10 fij^oeat., auoHon to the tax on snch pro^ as inoomo, aimer the act aforesaid. ni. On the amooot of profttB ezoeedlog 26 per c«Dfr., iuale during either of the yc«rt lSti3 aiid 18tJ4, by &tiy haak or banking company, iutiurance, canal, oaviffatioa, im* porting and exporting, telegraph, express, railroad, inanufactnriug, dry dock, or -other joint btock cuiapauj of any deecription, whether incorporated or not, 25 per ueutou 8UcU UXCetiS. Sko. 5. The tollowijig exemptions from this act shall be allowed, til i.’ic i'uiird Sfiiieri, bc.’Mfin'i the rate oi sp oihi d th»-Jr faot;. pst^abi* lt >t sp. oih. d • th^^ir tao«. ph>aW- l-t .t j ^ MiGTuber of the fwuily wWu he Jwiuitry of ta-h ai.d ever v vt-if j tnteivJ the i-ervice, to the farther value of *'5E’ 14 I n*f. ifap Sccret«try oJ th.»? Tre«tiury | bfc, aiui lit is i.iioby, KUthuriZ'jd, in aiic the ox.i- !ce';Ot« jf fQo (jroverfiHie n bhuui*i n*q are it. tu pay th lii'fii-mil of «ny public crt'tiitor wu(>s«d«-bt til so pirscfltcd; whioh taxcjj sbaU attadvt ..otcs wherovor circulated, and shall be deducted from the face of said notes when«>ver pre.-^cnted tor pavnienr or t'.^r lundin*;, and said noiop .-^haU not be excban|:c:ib!e f^'r tlic new issue ol Trea sury notes provided for in this act Sec. 4. That oa all said. Treasury notes not t funded or used In payment of tase? at the datea I 15 Ttie and places prescribed in the 1st scction of this act, there shall be levied at said dates and places a tax of 8BJ cents for every dollar promised on the face of said notes; said tix shall attach to said notes wherever circulated, and shall bo collected by deducting the same at the treasury, its deposi tories and by tax collectors, and by all Govern- tncnt officers receiving' the samf! whenever pre sented for payment or for fundicir, or in payaitnt ot Government dues, or for p>staee, or in ex- «hanee for new notes, as hereinafter provided, and said Treasury notes shall be fundable in bonds a« provided in the 1st section of this act, until the Ut day of January 1865 at the rate of 66if oc^t^ Ok the dollar; and it shall be the duty of the Seo- • retry of the Treasury, at any time between the 1st a April and the 1st of July, I8H4, west ot the M'wissippi river, and the 1st of January 1S65, to subetitate and exchange nev? Treasury notes for the snme at the rate of cent' on tbc dol- - ibi#ienomi!>atioD ot shall’lot be entitlf^i to the privil, i»e oi sai ATan era* jj. j j* .» • ' . . was re^airv'd to be , - -- — i V/. .--.V. j t^rrcatt_T deemod to be a bond, to isnao to such exchange; provided further, that tho'right to j holder a botd thftpofor upon the terms provided tund any ot-&>id Treasury notes, after the l.^tday i by «aid act. of January lgi5, hereby taken away: And pro- vided further, ?nat upon such Treasury notes which may remafl outstanOTng oa the 1st day of January 1865, anc which may not be exohaneed tome. Treasury n,tea, as herein provided, a tax of 100 per cent, is lereby impos^ .n ‘iay of April aext. all authenty herewforc siren to the Secretary of Act to hiy widitional Taxe^ fi/r the fs>m- num d^'ence *ml mippoH of Government. Secj. 1. Tho Congress of the Confederate States of Ainoi-ica do enact, That in addi* tion t(» tile ta.x68 levied Ky the act "to lay laaes tor the common defence and to carry on the Treasury te issue Tr.V«n'^J«^T'' occit.;ary oi the Government of the Confederate States,” is hereby, revoked: Prot>ded thT Secivf- ’ \ April 1S63, there shall be the Treasury may, afrer *hat time issu^^^Lw ■ passage of this act, on the Treasury note.^, in such tom as he may prescribe taxation hereat'ler mentioned, I»yable two years after the ratification of a trea^v collected from every person, copartner- ot peace with the United States, said new issued • association or corporation, liable there to be receivable in payment of all nnhlio l-HXes as follows, to-wit: Cbf cents on tne dollar by tti? tus aJo.v.^aid, .irny convert the satse U'to call certificates beur'-ii: ’n terest at tho rate of 4 per cent, per annu i;, ana pajab.etwo years afler a ratifiuuon of a rea v Of peace with the United States, unless ?o >ocr converted into new notes. 8eo. 6 That to pay tho expenwes of the Gov'- ernme^ not otherwise provide! for, 4.' S. cretarv ot the Treafiury is hereby authorized to ifc:^«c- G pr cent. t).)ads to an 'iinount not excecdirx^ fiv. hundr.-d mii.ion terest whereot li. Property of the widow of any officer, 84ildLar. sailor or marine, who mav have died or l>efen killed in the military or naval *i;rvj(,>y. Of wiiere there is ao widow, then of tho family, l>eing minor ciuldren, te the value of |tlOK>. III. Property of every officer, soldier, sailor or marine, actually engaged in tlie military or naval service, or of suuii as have been dibMbled in such service, tt> the value ot $10(J0; provided, that the above exerap- tioiis shall not apply to any person, whose shall be assessed at a valne exceeding $1(HM). IV. That where property has been injured or destrt»yed by the enemy, or the owner thereof has l>een temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of the means of cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity of the eoeuiy, the aeseesment on sacb property may ^ reduced, in proportion to the damage sus tained l»y the owner, or the tax assessed tliereon may Ije reduced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evi dence submitted tu him by the ewuer or as sessor. S^Kc. 6. That the taxes ob ]M‘operty laid for the year 1864, shall be assessed as oa the day ot the passage of this act, ^and be due and collected ou the 1st day of Jat>e next, or as soon after as praetiaable, allow ing an extension uf 90 days West of the Misbissippi river Tlie additional taxes on ineiunes or profits for the year 1S62, Levied by this act, sltall bo assessed and collected fu'thwith; and the taxes on inc.»me8 or pro fits for the year 1S6-^, shall be assessed and collectetl according to the provisions ef the ta.x and assessment acts of 1S68. Sbc. 7. Sj much of the tax act of the 34tb day uf April 1S68, as levies a tax ou in comes derived from property or effects on the amount or value whieh a tax is levied by this act, and also the Ist section of said act, are suspended for the jear 1364, and no estimated rent, hire or mterest on pro perty or credits herein taxed ad valorea, shall be assessed or taxed as incomes a&der tlie tax act of 1863. Skc. s. That the tax imposed by this act ‘ tha rVinfederatii States hareto- shall in uo cnse exeeeU ihe In- satuo, and such btinds, when minors or lunatics, sliall be the tax in all casee where the same shall not exceed $1000. under thtt law imposi:u. i.. Ai-t to Kmpe^Jl^'^vllege ^ the WrU e ivcic o t e eminent: Prijvitl«(i, j qf flal/e i-'i O/rpiis in certain ctuoif. ity United ^^tate9, b«*arin» interest at the rate of six per cent, per anuum, payaVde seiui annually, and transferable only by special erdi>r-eiiioiit, under retiulations to be presoribod by iho Sern'tary of the Tre;sury, and said eejtificat*’^ shall l>e exempt cfttaUt ecretary of the Treasury is au- thori*el to increase the nunibt-r of depwtories ro as to meet the requirements of this act, and with that view to employ such of the banks of tho sev eral States as he may deem expedient Seo. 16. The Secretary of the Treasury .shall forthwith advertise this act in such newspapers published in the several Slates, and by auo*i other m?an>> as shall secure immediate publicity; and the Secrt'tary ot War and the iioretary of the Navy shall each cause it to be pubiisht-d ia gene ral order for tho informatiou ot the army and navy. Skc 17. The 42d section of the act for the asse-Nsroent and cullection of taxes, approved May 1st IStW, is hereby repCbied Sec 18. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authoriat-d ajid reqairod, upon the appli cation of the holier of anj’ call o«*rtifloate, which, by the first sectit^ti of the act to provide for the funding and turtSier issue of Treasury notes, ap- pr ved March ‘iod 1863, !I‘>t 'ii»:i;tr-. ti! - pri:j4*';'al be :rc" from r.ixin tor the payment M uiK r •( thf-n-on • ' « oti receipts if any export duty •ier. a^’tor Jai-’ ,.r> ;. value ot_ any corion,,.. and r.a,-al J ur -. State , and the nor r,r„e. fd -.f rh« iujM. rt dutus now laid, or ., ,n«.h rh..,,/' W annually the.mtere^t, are h.iby pledged; I-roiude; that the duties now kid o- impwts arc herf*by plod-.i and hereS’ ter be paid in fspocie. or in sterling eyehaoire or injjoupons of gaid bonds. .onange, or Sec. 7. That the Se**retarv (>♦ •t'- hereby .«,l,anr.d, .'J/; wants of the Treasury in- ■ hypothecate for Trens- r part thereof,^p3D t .ae beat terms be can, ao a.s to UrtL restrict the amount of the circu- authorleed by the 6th seo- taon of thw act may be either registered or oou- pon twnds, aa the parties taking them may elect and they may be exchanged for each other under BQoh regulations as the Ser'reiary of the Tif'asurv may prescribe. They shall be for 8100, and shall together with the coupons thereto attached, be ia •Qoh form and of such autheatioation as the Sec- wtary or the Treasury may prescribe; ihe interest ^ T 1 yearly on the first of Jan'y and July iTi each year; the principal shall bo pay able not less than 30 years from their date. ^ fundable, and shall be taxed in all respects as is provided for the Tr,*nsury notes itito which they Le con- vertible If converted before the time fixed for tMmg the TrcMury notes, such certificates shall from that tune bear interest upon only 66f cent* for e,«r, dollar p,om,«,l np™ thei? liL Zd JJl b, m De. Tr.asary D?tc3 at thit rate; bat al'cr the paflga^e of this ant nn ...n ^ A5ri\‘,1s.if “>» it. dL.hJ'!'i*‘ »f J'PMitiihall Hire i«tior^rr =^thor;ied b, the ^t distinctiirA . bonds by some q aark or token, to be agreed upon with ^ Secreury 01 the Treasury, thfn the Ld k J** entitled to r^»,cievo tbo-amoun' of J ^“djj Id Troaaiiry notes, bearing no intore.-*; ., ®*^**tanding the pp.ssag# ;i »his act: Pro • ea, the bon l» are prt-stntcd before tb pnvilege of fun.liu^, uot. h af par shall cy.-is" Dereia pre^^oriwd iaswd of “ Treasury n.>tc8 heretofore JMuedoftbsd imni .Mon of So ^jon iuue * 06 receivable in paymoul ..f i„«„ ^Wed b, U,. .aodab'e at Ja";/’,.” V^iOM of thw act, until the tirst ot July 2 M— 18^. west of ^ Mi«urippi river, but after that timT*' Ihat n.) credit shall bo allowed bevond 5 }»er C' lii. II. tin tiie value »>t '^uld and silverwares and j)]a’y, jcwt-iij. jekveiry and watche?, 10 p«ir cent. , '"nine of j.roperfy taxed under th’.> ouctiiiii shall 1m: ufi&c-sscd (.mi the basis »f I the market value* of tlie same, or similar prt»- n i 1..- i'criy ;n tjj^ ne'.'iiUirho^i wijere.issessml, in I. ..tvi I file year IStJu. except in cases where laud, : Sifi\ v-.v, cott»ti i.r toh:u‘(.*i havt* t>e^n [>nr- riiHsed sinct* fhe Iht day of Jannarv i8tJ2, j it which case liie n.iJd jarit, t;utton i and tujacc-> ^ j pnri-iui^od. Rii;;!i Im :is^e'.se!• at the price actually paid f-.i ilie huuic Jiy the owner. t»ec. 2. On the vulae of all shares or inter- estH held in any banJc, banking company or association, canal, navigatioii, importing, ex/A>rring, insurance, utanulV-turing, tele graph, express, railroad, and drv-dfx!k com I^nies, and all other joint Ktock companies 01 every kind, whether incorporated or not. 5 per cent. The value of property taxed under this SeoUon shall be assessed upon the basis of the inarket value of auch protjerty iti the neighborhood where assessed, in such cur rency as may be in general use there, in the purchj^e and sale of such property, at the tune ot assessment. See. 3. Upr^. u^auufikoi all gold and aiuei com, gold duai^goVd ur yrkothor h„},i tho banka or other corpo rations or individuals, 5 per tjent,; aTid u}x>n a^ nioneyfi held abroad, or u|X)n tho amount ot ail bills ot exchange, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a ta.\ of 5 per cent.; such t.'vx upon money ai>road to be assessed and collected according to the value thereof at where the tax is paid. II. Upon the amount of all solvent cre dits, and of dll bank bills and all other pa- I>ers issued um currency, exclusive of non interest bearing Cjnfederate treasury notes, and not employed in a registered business, the income derived from which is taxed, 5 per cent. Sec. 4. Upon profits made in tr^de and business, as follow.v. 1. On all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritous liqnore, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, bogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay fixl'ler, raw hides, leather, horses, mules boots, shoes, cotton yarns, woj1, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harmess, coAl, iron, steel or nails, at any time be tween the 1st of January 1863, and the 1st ot Januaiy 186S, 10 per cent.,'in addition to the tax ou snch profits as income under the “act to lay taxesforthe common defence and carry on the Government of the Con- lederate States,” approved April 24, 1863. IL On all protits made by buying and selling money, ^Id, silver, forein exohaaga, sUxsks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations of any kind, and any merchandSco, prop®*k- lie. Of ooQspiracies, or atteinpta to liber ate prisoners of war held by the Confederate States. X. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. *Of parsons advising or inciting others to abandon tlie Confederate oause, or to re sist-the Oonfederate States, or to adhere to the anemy. XU. Of anlawfully burning, destroy!Hg or injuring, or attempting to‘burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele graphic line of communication, or property, with the intent of aiding the eneixi}’. Xm. Of treasonable designs to impair the military pjwer of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, or other property of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. Tho President shall oause proper officers t>j iuvesKigate the cases of all persons so amassed, or detained, in order that they may be discharged if improperly detainj 1, unless they uan be speedily tried in the due course t»f law. Sec. 3. That during the suspension afoie- said, no niilitary or other officer shall be com}>elled. In aiiswer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear in |>erson, or to return the l>ody of any person or persons detained by him, by th6 authority of the R esident, Se cretary of War, or the General officer com manding tlie Trans-Mississippi department; but upon the certificate, undei* oath, of the officer having charge of any one so detained, tliat snch p>ersf)n is detained by him as-a prisoner for aiiy of the causes herein before '7'““*^—* th« Authurity aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under tfie writ ot liabeas corpus shall immediately cease and remain suspended ao long as this act shall continue in force. Se«. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety davs after the next meeting of Con gress, and no longer. THE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That irom and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and iiiil, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for tli6 war. Sec. 2. lliat all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of 18 and 45, now in serv'ice, shali be retained during the present war with the U. S., in the same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they beloag at the passage of this act, with the same or ganization and officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gov ernment of the army: Provided, that com- pauies from one State, organized against their consent, expressed at the time, with regiments or battalions from another State, shall have the privilege of being transferred to organizations of troops, in the same arm of the service, fnfln the States in which ^aid com^nies were raised; and the soldiers from one State, in companies from another State, shall be allowed, if they desire it, a transfur to organisations from their own States, in the same arm of the service. Sec. 8. Tliat at the e.xpiration of six montlis from the first day of April next, a bounty of $100 in a six per cent. Government bond, whieh the Secretary of the Treasury is here- »»tUo^ru*«»d to Luu«^ aball be f^id to eve- non-commissioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in servi«e, or in the event ot his death previous to the |>eri«.>d of such payment, then to the person or per sons who would be entitled U.» receive by law the arrearages of his [>ay; but no one shall be entitled to the bounty herein provided who shall at any time, during the period of six months next afler the said first day of April, be al)sent from his command without leave. Sec. 4 That no person shall l»e relieved from the operation of this act by reas-)n of haWng been heretofore discharged from the army where no d>sability now exists; nor shall those who have furnished substitutes be any longer exempted by reason thereof; Provided, that no person, horetofore exempt ed on account of religious opinions and w-lio has paid the tax levied to relievo him from they r/rpics Whereas, the Constitution of the C*>nfed- enUe States of America provides in Artiele I, bection 9, Paragraph 3, that “the privi lege of rlie writ of hal>eas corpus ehafl not he suepended nnless when in case of rebel lion or invasion, the public safety may re- (piire it;” and .whereas, the }K)wer of sus- peniling the privilt^ge of said writ as recog nized in iJaid .-Vi'ticle 1, is vested solely in tliv; r.-ngre.s,-, vrliich is the exclusive judge ot tlie ruves-iry of snch Hiispension; and wiic.'eas, in rlie opinl.,ti of the Congress, the public pH.vtv reipiires thesnapension of said i • , , wrir ir, tiio c.xis.riiig ca.*e of the invasion of be required to render military fheee Staf*5S bv the armies of the United StHtef; and wliereas, the President has asked That all white male residents of for the suspension of the writ of habeas oor-1 Confederate States, between the ages of puii, and itifornied Congress of conditions of years, shall enroll public danger whieh render the suspension j such times and places, and of tho writ a measure proper for tho public I regulations, as the ^President defence against invasion and insnrreotion* I prescribe, tho time allowed not being n.w, therefore, ’ j lo®» tiiau 30 days for those east, and 60 days The Ci.ngress of the Confederate States of I Mississippi river, and America do enact, Tliat during the present I person who shall fail so to enroll hirn- invasion of tlie Ci>nfederate States, the priv-1 without a reasonable excuse therefor, ilege of the writ of habeas corpus be, and J ^ judged of by tho President, shall be the same is hereby, suspendod; bnt such sus- j service in the field for^the war, in pension shall apply only to the oases of per- ( same manner as though they were be- sona arrested or detained by order of tbe I ^1*® ages ot' 18 and 45: Provided, that President, Secretary of War, or the General I persons mentioned in^ this section shall Officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi I ^°®titute a reserve for State defence and Military D()partment, by the authority and I duty,^aud shall not lie required to tie pafp^'o! fe# '*> greas in the passage of this act is to provide I Sec. 6. That all persons required by the i more oflectnally for the public Safety by I section ot this act to enroll themselves, suspending the writ of habeas oorpos in the I within 30 da^ after the passage there- following cases and ne other «wt uf the Mississippi, and within 6a I. Of treason, or tretuonable efforts if west of said river, form themselves combinations to subvert the government ofM“^ v^iuitary organiisations of companies the Confederate States. I battalions or regiments, and elect their owil II. Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov-1 officera; »aid organizations to conform to the eminent, or conspiracies to resi«t the lawful I existing laws; and, having so organized to authority of the Confederate States. J tender their services as vofuuteers during . (3f combining to assist the enemy, or I to the President; and if such orgari- of communicating intelligence to the enemy I ixationa shall furnish proper muster rolls, as or giving him aid and comfort *|now organized, and deposit a copy thei^eof TV. Of corispiracies, preparations and at* I enrolling officer of their district tet^ts to incite servile insurrection. | which shall be equivalent to enrollment* V. Of desertions or encouraging deaer-1 ^ accepted as minute men for tions, of harboring deserters, arid of attempts I State, but in no event to be sluUl b« liable to be plaoed in tervice in the fi^d fior tl»e war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sett. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards,-agents, employees or labor ers in the Commissary and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and emjj4 jyees of navy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by pei’sons who are within the ages of 18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be rojiorted as unable to perform active service in the field, bnt capable of performing some of the above said duties, specifying which, and when these persons shall have been assigned to duties as far as practicablci the Pre sident shall a-isigti or detail to their perform ance such boiijes of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under the 5th 'sec tion of this art, as ninr be needed for the discharge of such duties: Provided, that persons l>etweeu the aj^es of 17 and shall be assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so coiisiruad as to j>revent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to perf*>rm indispen sable duties in the departmetits or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Conimi.^sary, (other than those serv ing with brigades or rt^iments in the field,) or offi^*ers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy Agents, or Provost Mar>ihal, or officer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or reraln in liis employment A«y person in any of their said departments or bureans, or in any of tbe duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any dei)artment or district commander, upon pnMjf, by the .oath of any credible fxirson, that any such officer has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such ofSbUce; and any commander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted thereof, be discharged from tlie service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, aud hereafter none shall be exempted except the tijllowing: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 2. The Yice President of tlie Confederate States, the members aud officers of Congress and of die several State Legislatures, and such other Confederate and State officers as the President, or the Governor of the re spectjve States, may certify to be necessary for tbe j»roper administration of the Con federate or State Governments, as tbe case may be. 3. Every minister of religion autliorlzed to preach according to the rules of his churcli, and who, at the passage of this act, shall be regularly employed in the discharge of his ministerial duties; superintendents and phy sicians of lisylums for tiie ^eaf and dumb and blind and of the insane; one eiitor f«)r each newspaper being jmblished at the time uf this act, and snch employees as said edi tor may certify, on oath, fo be indispensable to the publication of such newspaper; the public printer of the Confederate and State Government«i, and snch journeymen print ers as tho said public printer shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable ti> perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each a}x>thecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on tho 10th day of Oct’r 1862, and has continued said business, without intermission, since that period; all physi cians over the age of 30 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the actual and regular }»ractice of their profes sion, but the term phytician shall not in- cludtj dentists; all presiilents and teachers of colleges, theological ?.eniinarie8, acade mies and schools, who have been regularly engaged as such for two yeare next before the pjissage of this act: Provided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or mo.-e. All superin tendents of public hos])itals, established by law b(^fore the passage of this act, and snch physicians and liurses therein as such su perintendents shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to tho proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exetnpt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and were on the 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-hands, between the r^es of 16 and 50, u|K>n the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall onl}’ be granted in cases in whic'h there is no white male adult on the farm or plantation not liable to miTuary 3emi;e, nui vh to avoid military service: Provided, That in I out of it. Those who do not so volun- case of palpable wrong and oppression by I or^nize, shall enroll tiiemselves ivs any suboniinate officer upon any parky who I before provided; and may, by tUe President, does not legally owe military service, his I ^ ^ convenient pla- superior officer shall grant prompt relief to I rendezvous, and be fonaed or organ- the oppr^od party, and the subordinate!^®^ companies, battalions and regi- sh^l be dismissed from office. I in«n^ under r^ulatioas to be prescribed , V1. Of spied aud other emissaries of the I right to elect companj'and regimental officers; and Vll. Uf liolding corr8spt»adonce or int«r- j “U troopa organized under this act for State ccmrse jvith fhe enemy, without necessi^ J drfence, shall be entitled, while in actual and Without the permission of the Oonfei«. I service, to the same pay and allowance as rate States. I troops now in the field. VIIL Of unla^al trading with th« ea*. I 8«c. T. That aay Mrson wl» shall fail to my, and ^er onneea agahut the laws I attaiMiatth«.pUo«of randezreoBasijoqiiired we OooKoderate States, «naotod to promotfei ^7authority tba Preaidant thoir aaoeeat in tha war. 1« anfllBient oxonai^ jaclgad of by Mi»| »noo9 njc pcioOii vylotiu-' ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864; cither tho owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, And with such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War may {)rescrlbe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government ac some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 pounds of bacon, or, at the election of the Cfovern- ment, its e^uivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of net beef (said beef to be delivered'^)n foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field omot, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for by the Government at the prices fixed by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act: Proyided, that when the person thus exempted shall produce satis factory evidence that it has been impossible tor him, by the exercise of proper diligence, to furnish the amonnt of meat thus coi)|;ract- ed for, and leave an adequate supply for tha subsistence of those liring on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War thall direct a oommatation of the same, to the «zleat ofliio-Uijbrdi tlMRnf in gcmin or otikvr provisions, to,be deli^^ed by suon perrtou as aforesaid at equivalent rates. S. SuG^j^erdon shall furtiicr iJ^nd himself to sell the^/narkefable surj^ns of provisioii^ and grain now "n hand, and which he lUii'. raise from year tuyear wliile tjit:- nxemptioL continues, to tlie Quvcrnment or to the funi illes of soldioi-s, at prices tied by the Coui missioners of tbe State under the impress ment act: Provided, that any person euipted US aforesaid, shall be *ntirled to a credit of 25 per oent. on any amount ji which he tiiay deliver within three luo'iths from the jMssage of this act: Provided fur ther, that persona couiing within the provj. sitrtis of this exeinpiion sh.ill not be donrivyij of the iienefit there >f by reasoa of ha\iii_j been enn/iled since the lay of Feb. 4. Irr addition to the foregi>ing exoiu;. tions, the Secretary of War, uiulcr the di rection of the Provident, may exempt «>i- de tail sucli other i»ersons as he may be eatis fied ought, to be osempLed on account ol' public necessity, and to insure the produo tion of grain and other provisions for iha army and the families of soldiers. He lunv. also, grai;^ exemptions or details, on siuth terms as he may prescribe, to such over seers, farmers or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more usefdl to the country in the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili tary service: Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ in good faith, his own skill, capital and labor exclusive'}’ in the production of grain and provisions, to be s.)ld to the Goveriinient aud the families of eoldiers at prices iK»t e.xceed- ing tht>se fixed at the time for like article? by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company eu gaged in transportation forthe Governtiieut, and such officers and employees thereof at the president or superintendent shall certifv on oath to l>e indispensable to the eSicioui operation of said railroad: PfDvided, tiiat the number of persons so exempted by tljjg act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of sucli road in actual use for military transportation; and said exempts shall be reported by name and descriptiou. witli the names of any who have left ihe employment of said company, or who mav cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing herein contained sliall be construed as repealing the act apprd ved April the 14th 1863, entitled an ac I to e.x ■ erupt contractors for carrying the mails oi the C^mfederate States, and the drivei-s ot post coaches and hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, that ail the e.veiuptions granted under this act shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or oc cuj>ation8. Sec. 11. That the President be, and he hereby, authorized tu grant details, under general rules and regulations to be issued from the War Department, either of persoui between 45 and 50 years of age, or from the army in the field, in all ctises where, in his judgment, justice, equity and necessity re- ijuire such details, and he may revoke such orders of details whenever he tliinks proper: Provided, that the power herein granted to the President to make details and e^emp- tiotis shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of the department ma king such contract shall certify that the per soual services of such ccmtractor are indis- i>ensable to the execution of said contract: ’rovided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to proceed w’ith the execution of such con tract, his exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member com posing the same shall be appointed from tbe county or enrolling district in which they are required to make such examination. Post Offlcej Fayetteville, W. C.,) October 3, 1^63. j SehedbU of the Arrival and Dfparturt of tk> Mailt at thU O^ee. RALEIGH Tift AVERA8B0R0’, Ao. Arrivef dsilj, except Fanday, at P. M. Departs dail^, except Saturday at 6 El. M R.\LeiGH via SUMMERVIL.LI: DejMuis Tosidiy aoi Friday at 6 A. M. .\rriTes Wedtieaday and Suiiday at 9 P. M WARSAW via CLIHTON. An^ivea daily at 12 noon. Drparta daily at IJ P. 51. OARTH.\QE. Arrives Tuesday, Tharsday and Saturday at 7 P. M. Departs Mondaj, Wednesday t*nd Friday at 1 P. .H. CHBRAW, S. 0. Arrives Ta^sday, Tbar^day and Satnrday at 6 P M. Departs Sunday, TaesJay and Thursday at 1 P. M FAIR fVLUFF via LU.MBERTON. Arrivps Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday at 6 A. M Departs 8unctu.y. Tucsdijr anJ Thur.^d'iy at 1 P. M ROBESON i? T.a ELIZ VBETHTOWN. Departs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A. M. Arrives Tuesday, Thurday and Saturday at 2 P. M. ELIZABETHTOWN via TRREBINTH ^civea Mandav at ^ P. M Departs eame day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAGNOLIA via CYPRESS GREEK Arrlvea Tuesday at 2 P M. D^rts same day (Tu^aiay) at 2i P M 3WIFT ISLAND »L* MONTROSB. OOVINSTON aad PeWELLTON Arrifea Tuesday at 6 P. U Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrivee Tuesday at G P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A, M. All mails lea^a.^ b.5f,r«7J \ M . are closed tie evea ^ '■’f to he sent off from this offioo. ot’aer tbas bj mail ma-t b^ paid tor as if sent by mail All drap letinrs should be pre-paid by i 0«nt St«mM. r r / The offioe will be op -n on Sunday 8X to 9* A M , aad from 4| to 6^ P M. _ . JAS G COOK. P M THE DlklG PRIlflER, the L’tfT. yc V- . ^pply af »^MewIr . * • 7. ■ "I V C4BOI.IWA *™ll UPE INSDRAi^CE COMPINT, jW OW in the tenth year of successful operation, with zv Paving capital and firmer hold upon pubUc oon- noen^ oo&tiaaes to inaure tha liyea of all healthy per sons fh>m 14 te 60 years #f age, for one year, for seven ye^ aad for Iife-aU4if« members Bharing m the profits All alavea froia 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for f ve years for two thirds their value. AU losses are ptiaoinally paid within 90 days aftar sat;:sfactory {uroof is present^. Fer furtner information tka publio la referred to Ageata of tho Company ia all parts c ‘ iho Stato, aad to &. H. BATTLX, Semtaiy, Raleigh.* fi. j. HALB, J^ont at »a»aawUe^JL.C VJ Va PRINTEl* MO KDWAK EDTTORl Price for the .Semi- advanco For the Weekly Obi advancc. I^ADVERTlSi of 16 line? for the ccedinif publication, half sijuar© (eij^ht 1; for eaah eucceedinfj quested to state the they will be coatini >*»f‘y- AdvertiBenif^nts o vertisemento. 31 Trooi an ..(orti. wiin>e entprp'l v>itl the paper be nt'f-' t than is pAiil for Such of our oi l »i per on tbia 3y^t>'m remittances. wvw. Atto Fat; WILL attend thi Cnmberlaud, ties. Prompt attei olalnM eptniste-l to Oct. 17. 1851*. am. vv. ANO I.MPO Hardware and HAY HI July 2, J 1 Vrocer untt FAYMI Jan*y 10, 18tJ3 B. a woaxB WOl Gommlaslon an WIL Oot. K». 18C3 J. UeiH^ral romniiss 45 .fa WII PROMPT aitcutio our handA Co T. J. JOHNSON, of Fayetteville Jan’y 8 2,500 “S" PersoQi* having the highest Cosh pi at the Mcrohant Mi ber at his old st^uid Nov. 5, 1862. AR.T1 1AA1 prepared U HarneBa for An give good bargain orders to me as thn oent off in quick dii Qeldston I*. O.. ( Ills. « Oct. 16. 1 QA BOXES VI Xy V for sale on May 23. |>a thi E^Otteville, or t>t Feb’y 16, 18H4 w Uaiil ESTERN KA Bank Notee; .Qold and Sil' North Caroli County of Ot Town of Fay (JrepHH^ioro (Jg^futierafc Coupons ol •• of of ol Lead wante! Department. tities will pkase POWDER for 10 S9-tf Pain ^UE Bubseribar ^ any quanuty f^yaiteTilla. 0 1W1LL pay tt of good CO W Cows; also, BRIi to me. FayetteviU*^ scoi^ oomfort of onr bi the connty and t Peas, Potatoeo, 1 to be paoked in the Army by Dr loh, r~^ident ol Blaok f)r OSm IDESlRtl to f Glovet and 1 htf ihankfully re Jaa*r u-

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