I'HE BATTLE OF OErTVSBUIia TWBNTV-SIXTII KS^’t N. 0. TroOI'S, I -Culpeper 0 /I ,30, I8r,:r ) Colonel IJ. K.. • I'ear Sir; Captain Voung Ljus shown uio » tor of youM, in which yovi request that aom^ •>»«> will furnish yon wkh the facts in rclati^ part taken by Pettigrew’s Brigade in of the 3il instant at Gottvsbtrg—ospeciaih th.‘ uotlon of the li6th in that bkxjdr tlraiou,. >\ o ha\ o been grossly niJSropregt'nto*^ a corre-^pomlouf 'ofthe Riehmona “Emjuirer, ^ as I ihmR oavi b« shown By facts whi» h no one in the light wiu tlo- ny, and which a newspaper roTr.'^ponJ«Qt ^rnule o9 could not po«i(ibly know In the first place, the eorrc'jfou.leut ;U:it .'a thut S’ettisrew’s l>irisioii was in sup|ort of l*ii-kett Thi;! w an entire mj>take, und every one know* it but th« writer. And here let me .state tltat the divi.“*ion dan .searcely be said to be composed of r«w rronps, ju«t from the ^oiuh. Archer’s ; FitiH’'* oki Briijad ), Duvis’ Mississippi Brif;ade, Hri>kenbn>ugh’» (formejly etminiandod by i»eh llo'h), sC‘»'‘oclv raw I’cftiprew's could 'u- V tv . ■ i' -''e lto by t''■ term raw Some if th' s t*pim’nr>i mieht !>• o 'nsi^er*’d a* iTiina- tod M:ilv >rn and nurucrous erher crj^age tH.mrb not ivitb tJie Army of \o’'thern Viti'i'v O' tbi5 briiradi' raw, the :ii >ro honor fi: it tur not csusirg thi‘ j;ap ,«pokor ~>i in a lati'r numb^'r ot the “E ijuirer *’ But to ri-'snnip. (hir d’vision W'-a m t o tr >nt \in>-, on tho lott .f I- . k , iTid a pr >11 ol the sam*' line T’• »T h ive inke^ us ^ r th*’ r PI rpj- ; - 1 ,h‘i ti,,’ o m T I, I'i-- . a , .-11.1 Cul'le c-i!S ru.-'*i'‘- fb i* ciiii bi p ai'k-ii on ais a^^t'rti■. Our brijiiidc lAai* on the nchf ui rto uiviniou, >ur roi;iuii.ni . ^'»'h) ua the nt^ht ct liie bri^aio—ooU't jutnt.y uiiuivdi- ‘itol} on the icf^ ui pK'kcti. Wfien v?c started We were on ihe diuuietcr ot a circle, and. a.s we advanced, PiJkct8"fbllowin^' the arc ol’ the oirt le. ■necessarilj rather contracted t^u; lines towi'rd the centre. U'e all moved off in as rcairniticeat style as I ever savt, the lines perfectly Kiruied On we went When we had iirossed about hall the interTening space, they . the enemy) opened upon us a tremendous shower ol' grape and canister; but 00 we dasheo. our brigade and Picketu’s men I could see nothing ot the rest of our di vision, as they were too far to the loft. ,My whole attention yas directed to onr own brigade and Pickett's Divihion, as we had been ordered t.. keep dressed to the right. When we had gotten within about two hundred yard^ of the oneuij H works we commenced tiring, but stil! advajicin^. The storm of lead which now met us i.s beyond description Grape and eani.-vt!r, intermingled with minies and buckshot The snii>k.' was denrx"', and at tiiflcs I could scarcely distinguiph my uwn men ifom Pickett’s; and to «ay that any one : mile otf could do so is utterly absurd On Wv pushed, and were now right upon tli.. ei'- ni) work?, when we-T*'c««v'd n I'unrdcri iis tir«- our left flank. I, looked to sec %Thcr.i it cHiti»’ f'rotn, and, lo! we were completely flanked upon our left, not only by infantry, but artilltr}. Here candor eompcls me to admit that on*’ of tbc nf Qnj. i^ivisioahad given wav, the cn- my had seized upon a galling fire into our left, which compelled th.' nrooj>s to give way in succe.ssion, to the riL'lit What could we do now!^ At the very moment 1 thought rietory ours, I ?aw it snatched from our hand?. With n-t support upon the Icfr. I asked myself what should wf> do. I had only about sixty men left in my regfment, and that ^mall number diminishing every moment, (the others had suffere.d as badly.) The order e&me from the right to fall back. We did so a* the same tiiue with Pickett The day was lost. You nm-t oU- .'■i.rve I do not attach at:y blame to Pickett I think he did ^:s duty; and if he did we eortainlv did our-; because I kn: w. w^ went rLt, far a** Ve did, aa-i I can safely assert, some distance be yond, owing to the shape of the enemy’fl worlcs. wh'.oh ran backward in our front, in the forat -if a curve, und which compelled us to go beyond where Pickett was, already at their works, iti order to reach ^hera ourselves. The color bearer of my regiment was shot down \rhile attempting t> plant the tiag on the wall I will here men tion a remark luade to me afterwards by (ien Petfiirrew. With tears in his ejes ho spokeA)f the lo'.-* in his Kns;adf, and then remarked, “Mr Qiible briirade hud .gained t^e enemy’s works, and woul'J hdr.- h. id rhi-m had n'*t ———% frigade, th*j brii;;ide,) on ‘he left, i;iven way. Oh! tiad they have known the eonsequtnces fhai buns; Ufon their action at that monirnt. -. 6 pn-- thar they 1: I t w •?d. k ■ ■ - h p I '-III • -T, ,t wh lie Diviston t - No 'I' et.> 1-,-ti.in. n‘\ >.ad s »‘noui-' t.» coai- trooj,^ caf) tTiin b ited, - it > w w- ■my I' m ,r p ' 'li f.ip »w * I .uv evtr fou:;ht troijp than ..urs—we were ensjt^ged for hours with five times our number, and routed them completelv but onr loPs was fearfti!—above nfty ver nrnt— amon^' 'hem our bear ( Hr' Major (Jen: eral wa^ wounded I’no fir,r .lay Captains aud bieutcuanfa wer« in comi^jaud o( regimentB on the 3d, still W( w'cre put in the front rank, the post ot V"!i\ >r, ft'id iK»» it) suT)port, ae the “Kn- . quirer” has it, when there were other troops com paratively fresh who might have taken onr place f>oes not thi.- show the confid(*neo of our (Joner- al in u^. Then iMk « ,.,.r a*-couQt the first ilay. v'r.?any tliaw o! jinv other troo,« IU.1 ll,* „„t I,;' .oundcJ or tho Pc-.i^-rew livoH ,h., »onU ha™ tol.J a talc th.at thosi. bhwh who are now tryinj^ to boar off hon ors so nobly won by others. Hut »]»«. we have not even enoivh left to refute the foul caluni- t ^ would basely cndea*/or to pluck from our brows the laurels placed there a 10 sacnti(;e of po many ot our noble com panion That We *till retain tlio eonlidrncc ol i>ur com mander i.s .shown by our bci -g pLtced ns rear gunrd,*th(- post of bonor^ while the other troops were nafely crossing the river, (Potomac.) It W&.S here in an attack made upon our lines that tke brave Pettigrew fell, wliile setting an exam- - k‘ of heroic conragfe and presence ot mind, to bose who had followftd him unfaltering, through " ni'iny dangers and hardships. In him the t^rigade sustained its heaviest loss. In hrm, our ^’HtP lost one of her brightest stars, and the 'oDfederaey one of her ablest defenderri. The above is a h sketeli r>{ factx. If they will be of any iwe t- you in your noble rndeavor to refute the .slunder on the Brigade, ou are at liberty to n.s« tbcni a>; yon see fit. In conclusion, all-^w me to subHcribc myself Very Repeetful’v, your ob’t rervant, * ' •loN'E.H ■ o the hiiuo'r. nf lh‘ Kvfji!‘Kfr: Tuurnbluv Pi,antation, ' ) Nf.au GAp.v.sncau, N, C , March 21 | Ucntlenm;—From personal knowledge, I feel aure that ^bo have in charge the conducting of your paluttble journut, tlie last persons ‘u the CohffHlemey who would willingly di privo tn« gallant and noble troops of the 'State ot North Carol ill a of one jot or fittlo of their haid WOll hoDOiN . HMpceially in vTew of tlit“ fact, well known tu yourselven, tliai the tiiibtiiiu popub»tioii of this State h?*vr t-> iivtr»oiue an e-i. iny f'- 'be rear, wb', led by on** or t\?o trultoroll.^ aief >■> '■ fioiiorin'.’'jo^irnuls, sy:»teni!itieit!!V Tiiiciupt in 'ic- bauch them from fbeir duty lo tllec)selv^^J and thi'ir eonntvy. This hard strn'/i.do, wUndi bus to be met by tbe i f no other Shit• u f!ie’>u federaey. h tloul>ly impoiUtu th.it tb«' honors which our hayo Jiiihly ‘Ud iuUy 'e- • juired, at rtueh iii> nHiil : uerifiet . 't Ih Mi.xl our be; t men, .should toit bi- tuki Ti ti'tou ibelii ‘>r dimlnishe «. Knoninjc, ;19 I did, tb.! eharacier of !llo^t of the ro‘;imeuts oonip^mg Pe,ttigrew’s"l.iiiade, the bravery, 0(.)0ln08.s aolt capacity of thaf o'Hict r h.iii* self, ami the entire eonliilcnec ot.his men in him, t(i;cther with wliat they had aet'ompiis^e^ on the battle of the 1st, I w.xs totally astou d d '.n r^sd incr the acooun* trtv. n by Nour eorr Jcit, ‘•X.” in your joiv n;>i, r.or '^ld I. fer one n.-o;; believe it. P. wa .»ot T'tisoDabie to supj*osK hat i trfjops that had mt • the enemy’? best 'roop®, (us ' ■wft5 the Nor+hwc'st'"”' ‘'ir*''n brigade ” vrhieh h> d. t’ll then, rlnimod never to have been beaten,) in the proportion of >/• f> and drlv''ii ti'cm back in a faw: tu face enoTuinter. at r.en^'raliy on y twoe*y to si\ry paoes. for hours, an-^ lira'iy routeil them, even at i loss o* TrJH 'ut o* ''.>0 •> 'heir -wn men. tha* these ioops, -‘r tbe.>sur'^i'-'i»rs j o)d disi'ip'iije KO *ar * s to r-.-'reat before tb^y 1 nv t th-j enou y, wa.«, too improbable f'?r ire r I swallow, lu I rder Vj satisfy mys'dt, 1 wr to ■ . obtain from Major J wLo'.u t'o' on, m>*nd ot the l>ri.'Tado ifid fallen, by r'-a-on ot the killing or 'VounKug of all bis superior offu'ers el the brigai-lo, dtiring the twr» days’*l*attl , m loi- reet. aeeouat ef the aflUir. Major, now liitH* Col doTts, i.s au otficcr uf^eat experiei.ec IJo has partieipaled in many W.ttle.-^, a4»d po'-fesh*'*; mere eooliie,^- under the hottest tir-- tnau an\ person witliio ni} knowledge Xotb.ing dislmbs him on such occ:usion-i. It wafi he who, a' the head of his eomj)any, in the 2titK regiment, then commanded by i-ov \ anee, oceupted ihegroutid all the night of tlu‘ battle of 3f:iht rn Hill, in si.xtv yards el the eiutmy’s l>attc»y, and ■/ >h'v if i/te tiiontin;; .\t the battle of Hawls .''lill. in North (’riioi’n:i, where the J'lth retriiient " ' hi ld - be *’ r J ‘ >r near two ''.'urs r'l’ iiii-' the wh'.de force 'l eonsistir...' o! P.].l'iH» infantry, i i’-.e pie--Ct> o^ urtilb-ry, u- d eLivalry, Ma{*r .1 tie-^ t'lok lis p''r'itioti on the ♦Oj' oi'a iail fin for 'ue ‘ r ob.' rv."iiiep ^nd hearing, ior he wa -.lar enou.h to lour the 'He mp’s orift r focha*^' , ind ke> ' it d|,u in.' en tire eng:tir'-ni.;»jt, e.d'.iiig ot>* his in bis deep, loud !')f.'d v- ■. \v!i, r.be w. nld In ,.r till' • iin .Jei’ urdi p. t ,• ei; irti , "Now bey-, stui I b . to gi\ e • 'n; b ’ .\n 1 :■* obi^inatelv did that regimeat 1-^1 tlo'ir fav.nabie p'.siti'Oi that they held K fiH ibe .'her t\, > ^t'trinicM-'. wliieli had gone do^rn ottio.miles itit-- fbe ein’iiiv s lim.'s to attack l*lyrn‘'mtb, rejoit-ed the litlth, v Hei- they nil r.'trr itpd to joiti our tc t ’e :>t T.'irVtOf. \ t ur eo'r' -iHiinIeu^ sj.e.ii.s ; f'le y . of Pettigrew u’ "raw trixP‘^ ti"iii tl:*- Si)utb This Is an cno!^ '•Ic'vi id the.sv troops had bm'.- ^Inee re‘eived th- bayitTsm of ) ’.• >d, »nd si n oiU' h lielil service; and b- re, mi ju 'ic to thereiri- tuent, of N' rth •'.nrolina tr p', allow me f i t. !i a tale of trn-diM'i.plIm and e.,;uag , ?'hi'-h h s never b(en -.^.’,11'.I, to my mmd, and that of uiiUtary men. bv any troops diint^f the war It has never yt't beep stat 'd and -is l>nt justice '»> that noble and terribly .'lawrbtirrd regiment that it should be reeor'Ied; ‘-oni. six months prior to the ^ttJe of Oettysburi^ ol, l{dtled’»r was or dered by (Jen. I’rench, vitb three retriment«. t» march throu;rh the eon itrj’, near oro* hundred milei, to aftji-.k the town >f Plymou’h, at tho miuth ol Boan.ike rlver. On sirtiving at Wil- liamston, on the Iueariok , •ud ^w •it\-* i:.'lit miles Iron) Pljiuoutl!, 'trid also t r rily-figh‘ mi!t from Washington, f»n the 'Par lliver, the 20th i i injcnf, eommandetl by •’'>!. llurgvyn, 1 2t>0 Mron::, was ordered to divid.'. Jiic-h ^i'to rt-mai?; a?id watt h tb.e cnemy’:i !.MMiboat-;n ca-v thf} e:.m. tbe Koanoke, and the othfr hal! to march to Wash- inut'jn, fwcDty-eigbt jnilcs di-tanr, np thi- Tpr river, to wtttch the arrival of any f’r • *bf‘ fD - my mi^ht send tip fo eut oft 0.,r un J^r Cul Rutledge, prf'.e-eding on to Plymouth i* happened that tbeyankees, utt.iertJeni-rI' lv-ter, had at this very tirij, rT-anirt^d a b. nvv !-’ree to Tuid .gains' the Wilmington and Wei.Jon Kail r Ttirb -r- ’ are! ilucky Mi unt. C .iuati l>iir^wv n_i, liiui diut ly on fii? ar’ivn! near W --i.i' ^’oi;; u..sCov* i i 'b!- . Deii.y'- 1 e: ■ :?i. ; ' ruL:.'P*..ri> ■ a' O.iei; M;llt ' V, Ku-ledl^. , Mjd .T- = , •■ « 1,- ’J -' Si. tf at W lii, I-J J' la, ■ ;l bis p fUC rc^ir.,„.ii; ! ni *>■ (.im * ni r throw up Work, t Jtdend the f -1, wlij dvtnfl,-* m;ireh a.s p " 'hr) prppar= ; bu - f'fiem'. had >r [ tin , ,\, my „ from U'a.'shin/ton tf» n ilham^toD, U ■ inim^di.at. h tiki-/ „p rt,g Uno of rr’treat by th. otlo^r road, wbieh, by t'-ioii for t’iD(-, hajipened to f>e miles the shorter. I ben wad ' Xhibifed the 'jratifyi:ig and hiichly mTo‘-.rr ^ Tl.is sroiH cinpic' byiy of five or hundnd in^o. wjtb- uf (■•'.v.i'ry o- nr-;-- 'y, !uar*diing in puralhd-rol- utna alon^' si|, id' more (bun tv.’iee as many thyn^ands, und =eparated only by a mile or two of w^^od-, knowing too that tfiey would liavoWo fight that trtrno'wlous o*Msyas sor: fclny should arrive at Rawls’ Mills, where tl'o two roatls met, and thfit too. fh- r.Aii'ki/iij of (f simjl.f ni'in, but r- ly; g o i their young eoilunanderaud flicir own c.uragc and di.scipline. And they did meot the yankec force, twelve thousand against twelve hundred, an«J bcftt-itoff in repeated cbar^e.s for two hour.s, till the other regiment*? came up, when, the object being gained, tliev all niovtdpfi'. I’ow, Messrs Hditora, such troops as these ar^ not Itkel^. to give way when in line of battle ai'ainst an enemy, before ever seeing them, as correspondent “X” would induce us to be lieve. liut I trust, a.s you have published the charg^ ol “X” you will not refu.se your columns to Major Jones. Vou will Had Major .lones’sac- eount conftrms that of ?apt. Voting, published by you on the ISth inst. Yours, very reapectJally, H. K. BifUdwVN b- "!! 1 n >ti 1 ,.;i 111 ■ . jr.b: . d r rr -at w b h .*:iu . C ivalry, be hud t i ot the two roads il i'OUll u.ti’.rlv IWth/ Cu'ttf w'oi/c ftr Out' Iln-Jtiilf \ writer in the I^ynehburg ilejiublican gives )i(> followiiig resulti^ ol the operaLioii.s of lirig (^p„. Wm. Iv doiiw’s brig.id.’ during it,^ last e»rnpai„ri of seven engagements: The fruits of thene engrigomonfH Jiave been 1,7U7 prisoners, i.otwe.'n :;Oi) and 1»M) of the ene my killed a-‘d wounded, J;‘)2 wagons 7 pieces of artillery, and nvout ‘JOno horses and mules. All Ibis has been done during an unusually severe wit.t,er; without comlortabJe clothing, almost shoe less, and with hnrH(>., worn t^own by eon.sta/if use and scarcity of fprage,. /■’M»»r/;„y-_|{i0HMOND, April U —Furidin^ returns to date, at the Treasury in Kit hmond wcceed S.i30,000,000. »«iona, MH MoKAY’S UE«OLUTK)NH ?oti r#iK OH«sav*B. Kl>T.>iU..Ku’, iV C , March l?Sth, IStj-P Me.ssrs L: .j IJale \ Sons:—Having lealue«i that my course in the liOgislature, in regard to Mr McKij’s resolutions, has b'en called in T^e.estion, particularly by some of my eunstitu- . iils o' Moore county, I eonoeive it to be my tl'itv, it! order ri» prevent misrepresentiition, to make » brief >>fiitc‘ment of (bi^ faeis and eircuin- iit.inees by whieli I wus governi tl in luy action upon saitl resolutions ’I be resohitions were oilerftd*in tli« House of ''oMituott.s by Mr. Mcf\ ly ol llaTnclt, f.*r(.|i rhat nruied bands o* noldiers had deitroyed properly it. the county of ).a tiett by burning bouses ui)d otherwise, which t> • ■ j^et to dosert- -r.s iroin llio'army, and had to destroy 411 »re ^oopcrty, il sf^id dcserten; ifl not come in and surrvndur tl:emsel;' i writo r- ii ihemory and jrive the substance cd the resolulionn «s recob leoted;) n.*d calling upvn the LcgislK’nrc to «- gfrucf the Ouvernor to call 9ut troops, Cvo , SiC The Mouse retu.scd to refer the resolutiofs to a 1) b>ct . unniictee, ;uid passed them by iv large m.ijority; and under the eircuinstances »nd rep- r sentations then made, I should have voted for tbe re.solutions, had I been a tnember ol the House When tire resolutions caKie before the Senate for action, they were referred to a select eoui- mit'ee, consisting of Messre Wrij»ht, liCHoh, Smith of Anson and myself, nnd »ftet a patient invostii'ution id' all the I’aetfl as far as could be H'cert iney. the connuittea found that the matter hii(i hi**>n Dartlculsrly »s to the burning of hou.st*S, and destruction ot property in Haruott county, and that Our exeel- Un*^ tiovernor had already taken the neces.sary s et'S to inteifero in the premises, without wait ing for any iiixfnirt4-/us from the Legiftlature, and iif'or reference to tbe laws now in torce ap plicable to such eases; See Revised Code page ‘>♦^7. Ohrtpter )‘Jd and Sections ‘51, Hi!, and ol, wTiieh rend thu.s “Kycrv du>tico within his county shtdl have power to restrain i rs, rioters, and disturb ers e.f the public peace, and to take thetn aud cause thenf to be imprinon f and punisheJ, and take (d them s-’curity for their good behavior. “It liny riot, assemblv, or rout of people against 'itir. be made, any two Justices of the Peace nnd the sheriti shall couu" with the poio-r of the >'0>* 'II) (if n>'ed bej and arrest them, v^:c ‘•Tl;f .I u.stict s uf the Peace liwrlUnj ui^hmt where tuch riot, rout or unlawful assembly shall be made, arv rhnn/f ii fo tlie pro visions of th(* preceding >ectioiis. “But iiU uuiji* /•Htr.'i shall «uppreSH such riotf, rou^s, nnd uulawlul assemblies, and they may, when neecssary, u.se the power of the county for that pur[fOse, and sluJI t»ke such offenlers and put tb* tu iti pri.-.on, to b«- dealt with according to law ■’ '1 be ('omriiittee unanimously came to the eon- ehisit.n Jli-it tbe existinL' laws are amply sufficient to !i’.eft the object of the resolution.^ offertHl by Mr McKay, and that (here wjw no necessity un der the circumstances to pass them; and w> in -tructed th’eir (’hairman Mr. Wright to report in puli^tanee, which was concurred in by the Senate. 'I’bc (\tuimittee had the gratiCeation to learo afterwards, that tfieir rcpoit met the entire ap- pro*‘Htion ot the (•J-ovin’Mur. It will be perceived that there were no objec tions to tbe res»^!utions cither by the Committee o^iu tbe Senate, further than that their passai^e wa.s deemed unnecessi»ry; as it was-useless “to add line upon line and precept upon precept.” It is to bo hoped that those.«who are do seu- hitive about tbe failure of Mr. MeKsy’s reflohi- tions will make *n exhibition of their patriotism and l ire tor law and gootJ" order, by n*s>'st!nij in the prompt nf ot the laws already upon the statutes Very Kespeetlully. C W U'(M)LKV !Mr. Wo^>lf»y liaviug requested m- fo give rec'ilb I'titiii »•) to the proceedings of the cew- mittee, mentioned above, I .state that according to my rfi'olbction he has iriven them correctly W>T M WKftJHT PCati • .\U;ti'S} /S M(*.\'it!HMKKV-0)LiNTV On Tuesday i tlie r>tb inst.^ of Aj.nl Court, a large number of the citizens of Montgomery ' Cou'^ty assembl'Ml in the Court House, an«l or- ua' 'r -d by appointing George Coj^gi i Kp(| (’bair- ! man, m'l Jtdin T McKinnon Secretary, j Til ('linirmaT u few pertinent remarks oi- I pla Le ■ th ubject of the rn'-^'inj:. when, on mo- I tioc, a '•o.y.-bi^N'o C- -* TV- Allen Mc- L?Ti'i)iri, I’ J ('•'•■.•'iraii iim .‘'nunder?, was apjt’ui'ed • > dratt rc ihitions ! jr 'he action of tfic t > * ;g. I'hc ■ utamitcee wr;* irew for a >h r» ^^liile wacn they returned and reported hf- u.b their eb'iirman l)r. Mcljennnii, the fol- r)solution:j, which were unauimously adopted. 1‘ .• ifo fally endort’ the course of our Qo^itrco' , /. B VAaoe. and heartUy conrmi- with him ia 'Tif TH “f. "^'y 'Hid ."lov^uentl/ cxpr^bsed in Hin Kie ’Vjjt/p-hi ro’ R»4,jivej. T‘iv* »i* wooM b' hi(^hly n’(»med for Kim to fJilre-,« tbe people of Momcotiery oonnty »t "oino C'trlv p.Tiod Tj-n*. will aof support any mdn for fttiy ''•r po»i'i.'n ’Pho 1'>C8 nnt ••’niferse tbft “WilVee- noro’K ‘.'eh” of ffis KTceil^ncy Kpt*o*Toi. That » OTy ef tbr.te r«*>olulions h(* sent toVn'f I Aiiw, 'ind a oipy to ir>.^ Fayettovi)l« (U.s»rver, fov |u.l.Uaa.tloa. 0F.‘> i;t>00tn, »;nmTni*B J)»'V T McKinnov, Seo’v. From Bertie County.—WiNusoR, N. 0., Apfil 9.— On the 7th inst., private .VettMson, ol Cap* i>uval’» company, f>2l regiment Georgia cavalry, with four men^ two sojdiers of same regiment, and two citizens of liertie county, had a skinnish with the enemy near Mr EliHlia Iloggard’s farm and (Hjiupletely routed them, killed and captured five, three white men ami two negroes. The three whites consisted of two escaped prisoners from l>anville Prison, and four ofl the cars at or neat the ('ompany Shopt-; tb.e otiier was a Hnl- faloe from Northampton county in this State. The enemy numbered from eighteen to twenty Vankoes, priHoner.H (escaped) and Buffaloes TIiq niiniher of negroes was said to .he from 5> to G*. AIut'dfTfT lielivetfiJ up.—Silas Moore, company A, Fifth North (Jarolina regiment, confined in Caatle Thunder, was delivered up to the authori ties of North Carolina on Monday, and taken away by the Deputy Sheritl of (’uniberland coun ty, to uu^wer the charge td murder, committed in that county a short time since.— /itch. Kscummcr. FROM THB NORTH. | WAR NKWS PKTER-sBuau, April U ; A Glryriou^ VLho,,/ i„ - \K„., The New York Herald ot the llth says that ae- i 14 „-Adv»e,'v from bevoe.l o»r 1 tive preparations for tlie opening yf the camp^gn [ coniinti the report [in !:i t (JUerveH of a (’ 1 was going on in tlie Army of the P«»toma5. The : ,-rate victory in the Trans >Hssissinni j),.,,. .r* ' WorhPa Washington corrwpondent says that 'pju, mounded are arriving P.aton R !!* * preparations for a grand movement on lliehmond | large numbers. " are going liirward with energy. Haldy Smith I ,p, i- , will command two army eorps and push up the 1 , f'ei sv, J |,, f,. Peninsula, whilst the army of the f’otomae keep gentleman lu Mobile: a less force furiously occupied. Hurnside will j ^ “Mobilf, April 1-1.- be hCwm of a vietorv iu fiver. 0 UO t; 00 80 THS OBSERVER. At. a »:'feting ol a respectable number ol the eiti?' tis i,f liindolph County, held in the Court House in A'^hboro’ on the ‘Jth day of April, PfGd , on moliuii 1 ,1. M. Worth, U. B. Bulla wait call ed to tlio cbtiir. 'Thy wual preliminary of ap- pointin^T a Secretary and Committees, ,tc. was dispensed with. The chairman briefly explained the cause of the meeting to be to extend the eourtCBicR of the people of Randolph County to our candidates for Governor. On motion of Dr. Worth, that the Chainnaa pf tliis meeting, on behalf ot the pe.ople of Randolph, be in.struoted to invite His Hxeellcnoy Z. IJ. Vance and, W. W. Holden, Ksi., candidates ior -Governor, to v|Bit our oo>iniy hu,.h »im« ,hey may deem ooDve- n ent, an.Mo addiv m the people; w.Mch raotUn was sub- laitte^tan Icarrifdl.y r\col»aiafion and it waasuggested tbat Tum Ihv of M.%v Court (3J day) wonld be a prop#r (ime for the purpose. of these prooeedlngs be sent to file raye.’tewlle )bserTf r and Qreansboro’ Patriot with ft request to puMish ’ Oa motion, t.bc meefing adjourned. B. B. B(JLL.\. f;ii»irinan IfOR THE OBSERVGR. H’l' toft’s HGth N C T, April lu. Messrs Kditors: I t.ake pleasure in most grate fully acknowledging through your columns the receipt ol 3:i prs socks from Mount Vornon So- nety, composed of the young ladits at and near mt \ crnon Springs, Chatham county, N C. It I.s a new enterprise—the Socicty just organized 1 am flattered by having the honor of re ceiving for my Ueg’t the first donation sent out by the Society—prenented to me by that ouble band of young ladies through their President, Miss Lizzie B. Mickle. All honor and sueo^ss tp t^ir noble efforts. We can’t esteem them too highly. We hope they will see many benefits resulting froi% their benevolent labors. J. R. Lamx, Col Comd'g 26th NOT. !$C'HEDUL.E of prices FOR NORTH C)LR0I.INA. WK, the undersigaed OoutniiHsioaera of Appriiiseiu«ul for tl:i dlaie of North ('arolina, do her«by declare tti« following to b« tbe uniform yriuea for properly im pressed for the use of the governineift for tbo next two montbs. eubjeot to all«ralii..a, should ciroumstaooeB, meanwhile, occur to make it Hdvieablr: Apptes, dfied, good, pe*led, per bus, -fi lbs $'» W “ •• •• uupptilot, “ “ ‘5 50 Aieti, “ with bnndlps. eitnh 12 oU “ " i^illioiit “ ‘ 12 00 Paoou, 8id«3. i^tr il> 2 26 •* •* hams. “ “ Hhouldcrs, per lb 2 tXJ “ jowles, “ 1 OU Beanp, “ white or corutield, pfr bun 00 lb8 Hi 00 Brandy, " apple, pjr gallon, 20 00 “ •* peaoli. '• 26 00 Beef, " IrcBb, I'O^ per U> 00 “ “ salted, “ ‘'5 *■ c^rued. •“ ^I0 Urown slutl. “ good, }>^r bu^, Iba 1 UU Candles. ‘i tallow, per lb 2 26 “ •* aJnoinntine, per lb '■'> 26 ('hains, trftoe, per pair 00 t’lofb, “ yrooloft.for PoldicrB'oIothcH, , 1 yard wi>b', 10 cz to y’d, MDI pro rnla as to greater or !e88 weight or width, per yard > OoUoD; “ r>iw, per lb 1 60 {Joficp, Kio, per lb i 60' ('em, “ unehelled, perbusof 70 lbs 6 00 ** ahelled, iMoke not included, per bus of dd lbs (*orn lecal, “ qatka uot included, per bus of 60 tbs i>rilli, “ cotton, ^ yd wide, 3 yds to lb, per y»rtf Flour, “ extra family, per b’l, 11.6 Ibri GO IK) - “ •• “ persackofHX^is 30 tX> *• “ (iupt-rfine, per bbf, 190 Ibe 65 00 •• •• •• f(-r sack, 9*1 Iba 25 0l “ •' fine, per bbl of lys lbs fO OO “ “ *• p«»r sack of‘.>8 lbs 26 00 Fod ler. ■ i-aieU, per lUU II b 00 •• !• uobaled, '• ‘‘ 'i 60 Ual “ wool, «*»ch j **0 Hay ” baled, p^r llW lbs 6 00 •• " :inbab d, “ “ 00 llidet), “ dry, p*^r lb • .. grein, “ _ ^ IIor-*Cf, “ aiti'.lery, letciass, per bead 700 00 i .. 2J “ “ ^iOO 00 •• txirs, “ Iron, “ pig, pfr toe of 2000 lbs 110 00 • • I uqeare or round per ton, «iOU v.KJ • • *• hoop, per ton of 200t> lbs tiOO • 0 «' ‘•Hilo: t>i*nd, ion of 2000 fbs tiOO i>0 • • l,i.il*rpl*te, tonof2000lb3 000 00 • “ ferTicrftMe railroad, per ton 22-10 Iba 400 00 • » • castings, per lb 15 wo^l d;^ stia, per yard e. oo camp, iron, per lb good, per lOOO feel cl»»ri. per lb »ole, “ uppe’-. ‘ harnexB, •* cane, per gallon Borghnm, “ Ut clMs ftr bend. •21 “ :;d filra jerkpg (,h*'af, unbaled, per 100 Ibn *' baled, “ “ f helled, pfr bus cotton, J yd wide, 7 11 to yaVd, |>er yard cotton, i yd wide. H 0* to yard, ptT yird per bus cow, (ler ' us ^f GO it's Irish, ‘ sweet, “ “ preled, pir bus 88 Ibe nnpecled •* ~ •• frOHb netl. pnr lb f^Il cood, per ounoe n«!W, f-er lb old, *• good, per buM of 6»> lb,i two bup, tisoaburg". each ootujn, I yd wide, 4^ ydn to lb. per yard or.tton, i yd wide, 8} yds to lb. per y*rd, :i ydfl lb, poi yard Co*"*, P»'r bua 50 Iba Liverpool, '• “ . Virginia, “ •' oast, per lb army, pei^wir flux, per lb HoldieTB*, w>», 1. per pair fst, per head t.rown, oommon, per lb tiarJ, per lb • soft, “ biiled. per 100 tb» gcod, per bus ot Si in« ' •• “ of 'dl lbs blaok, par lb green, “ cntton. 10 tz to yd, per yd Cztci 1 attempt the old route via Gtddsboro’. j the trans-Missi-sippi Deportment in confiruu'ii The capture of Shreveport, La., 'wa.** reported, j a glorious victory f^ur our (’ontoderaey.” the rebels Haid to have been tiefeafed anti fljjeing Mokile, April 15 - Ou the Mississippi to TexaH. Shreveport is .it present the capital ^ of Louisiana and Gen. Kirby Smith’s head|Uar- ters. Thrct? columns were .s;nt again.st it. One from Arkansas, under Gen. Steele, one by Red Kiver under (Jen. A.-J. Smith, and a third un nt different points, there ih a report of a great l.at tie between Kirby Smith and Hanks, near Sbrevp port. Hnnks defeated I4,00u. Rouge hospitaln full of the yankee wounded , 1. , . . . , /Iril/.iuilt Surrf’.x in iJn i » der Gen. Lanks. blnith s numbered 1U,OOI> land , j5 _Western advices annouoce that (’haV T> eT'l "n 1 c tl P 111’' c»Ptured Fort Pillow, with two The I londa i.s reported at the Canary Inlands, twelve hundred negroes and eight Louis I're.sbytcrians decided at a late hat the Rev. Dr. Mcl'heeters could JeabB, .•lettleH,^ Lumber, Lard, iiej'thpr. Moladsee. • Mules, Mailn. I>»‘rt. Osnni iirgH, Oikionh. Peas, PoUto'-s, Peaot>e8, 'rii>'I, Pork. ' Quinine, Rice, . Rye, SaokH, Shririing, Cotton strippH, 3ait, 15 60 00 2 26 C t *n 7 00 7 00 10 00 5 00 700 utl 500 0«> 400 00 75 00 4 t'O 4 50 I 00 1 00 1 :?o 8 00 lo 01* ti 00 6 00 8 60 5 00 1 60 2 00 6ti 25 20 •i 00 2 00 1 30 10 Steel, 3ioes, Shc.e thiwad, flocks. Sheep, Su^Ar. Scsp, Shoris, Ship Rtiiff,. Tea, Tent olotb* T>l>aooo, No 1 ii Tobaaoo, No 2, Tobacco f4Ugs Tallow, Vinegar, At Wbipkey, Wheat, clean, per Ih cider, per gallon manufaotnrtd, per gallon good “ first rate white, per bus of 1 1 15 (K) 30 00 20 00 4 00 16 00 10 00 1 50 25 00 2 00 • 40 25 1 50 I 00 I 76 6 00 8 00 1 30 3 00 2 50 1 76 1 26 1 60 2 60 1 25 25 00 Wheat straw. Wool, WagouR, CO Iba , 10 00 fa'r, per bus of tiO lbs 8 ft{). ordinary, per bus of 60 lbs 8 00 baled, per 100 lbs ^ t 60 unbaled, “ 1 00 washed,‘per lb 0 GO unwashed, “ R 00 wood axle, 4 horpe, new. eaeb 360 00 “ , " iron axle, 4 horse, new, caoh 375 00 “ wood axle, 2 “ “ “ 260 00 “ “ iron axle, 2 “ “ “ 275 00 Wheat bran, “ per bus of 17 lbs 70 Yarn, “ oottod, per bunch 5 lbs 10 00 ■IM mr LABOR. TiAHa, waoons ard hurscs. Baling long Ttirage. per lUO pmnil«, ua Hbelllnnand tiaeging corn, sucks I'urnUhcd by government, per bn*hel, SS Hire of 2 horae w.tgon amMriver, rations romisbed by owner, per day, oo iliv of 9 burse teams, wagoh and driver, rations farnlalied ky govemnent, per day, , t tS 00 HMor4 horse teamn, wagun and driver, ranoas famished trynwner, per aay, 93 50 Hire »{4 hone teams, wagua and driver, rations famished ky goverDmeBi,«?er day, ig 00 Hire «f 6 heiae taaras. vragiin and driver, rati.'>Dt fitrulatied ky owner, ner Aay, ->5 oO Hire uf hone teams, wag4n and driver, rations farnlihpd by eomanent, #sr oay, jg 00 Hire uf laborer, ralieas ftirnlh*d by owner, pr dny, 3 uu Hire of labarer, ntlon»ramt*iied by Gov’t, per^ay. IK Hire afbiborer, latioiM nvnUhed by owner, p^ moatli, 73 00 Hire of labomr, ratloas rarnlelied by G»v*t, p«f tiiunth 4£ UO • Hire ofhenes, par day, ^ 1 K»r the infttrmaUon «f all persons eonceratri, we pabtUh the fot- lawlng muracnoni, wUb the hope that they wiU be strictly obeyed. “No oAcA, or agent, skall imp.-ess the necessary sapplies whieb aay perwiB may have for the cossumptioa af himself, hit Munlly, Miployeea, davM, or le carry ua hi* ordinary meckanlcal, manu- factanac or agrteahml einploymen u.” (Slgoed) H. K. BUUGVTTN, K. V. BLACUTCiCK, Cm'b. Appralwrnant (iw aiRie or N. c. RaMfl^ AVU11,18M. The steamer La Cross wa.i burned to the wa ter’s edge on Kcd Itiver, 20 miJes this side of Alexandria, by rebel guerUlas. The ofHcers were captured, and the crew paroled The St meeting, that not be allowed to continue his miuisterijtl labors at I'ine street I'rcsbyterian Church in that city, on account ol disloyalty. Gold by speculators. The tiov’t Gold certificatefl at 108. LATKll.—KiciiMu.vi), April 14—TheShreve port expi'dition came to grief. The Baltimore Gaaette of the I2th says jhat yn the 1st in- stiint, ti battlr took plaec ^t Cane river, near Shreveport, liOuisiana, Lut the military authori ties vouch.safed no information concerning the battle or the result. The New Orleans corres pondent of the New York World intimates that the Kcderal troops were so - badly handled that the expedition will be abandoned. Dudley’s brigade of negroes was eutirely broken up in the engagement, which re.sulted in their capture, '’’he Haltimore Gazette .says there is no longer any doubt that the X‘^®hc Lafourche region is lince more abandoned to the Confederates. In the yankee House of Representatives on the 1st Mr. Colfax of Indiana offered a reso lution proposing the expulsion of Mr. Long of Ohio, for scDtiments delivered in a speech on the day previous, favoring the recognition the Southern Confederacy. The resolution failed to be voted ■'on tor the want of a two thirds vote The debates on the resolution were very personal and productive of excitement and confusion All the Sutlers of the army of the Potomac were ordered to leave by the lUth, in view of an eal-ly forward movement. A party of Confederates recently took posses sion of the light hou.'ie at Cape Look Out and blew it up. (lold had risen to LATKR—KicnM(iNi>, April 1.0.—Northern papers to the evening of the 13th have bcn re ceived. The resolution for the expulsion of Mr. Long of Ohir* wa# still pending. Ai» also another to ex pel Mr Harris of Md who declared in debate that “the south was not subjugated. God Almighty grant she never may be. I hope you never will subjugate the SoutUI” The Minne.-yta was .seriously damaged by a torpedo a few days ago. [See Richmond Kxami* tier’s account.] The Maple Leaf at Jacksonville, Klofida, had been sunk by another (fold was quoted at 17^1. The French’ marching on Matamoras, had en countered and shipped the Mexioaos. Foreign dateft are to the :11st ’ The only item of news is a statement that the Prussians attempt* ed to carry the I>anish fortifications at Duppell by storm, on the 2*Jth.‘ After four hours Cght- ing they were repulsed at all points. Peniufula S>‘ws.—There Was a report yester day that the yankee frigate Minnesota, lying off Newport New,-',, had been badly injured by the explosion of a torpedo. The fact.s are that an at tempt was made to blow up thjs yankee ws.spl by Captain Hunter David.son; but the results of the experiment are not exactly kn^wn. *Capt, Da- •vid.son fuanaged to approach the Minnesota with his .small steamer under cover of the night,’ ex Tiloded a torpedo under her quarter on the. star board si'lcj and immediately backed, making aU possible haste to get away from the enemy’s guns It was impossible for him tc know the effect of the expK«ion. Tiie charge of the torpedo wa^s sixty pounds of powder Capt. Davidson reports that on the |xplosion great confusion ensued on the Minnesota, ojders, oaths and execrt^ons tol lowing in rapid sutwession. The Minnesota id a first class 44 gun frigate, a crack ves.sel, and will Be remembered for her part in the Virginia Mer rimae exploit. We have also the report, in a shape which re quires allusion to it, that Gen. “Beast” Butler has been removed and Gen. Smith, one of Grant’s division commanders in the Southwest, has been assigned to his command.—Rich. Examiner. lntpre$tiiuj Currency tStzfi»(ics.—TJie whole amount of interest-bearing Treasury notes issued since the forma'fioa of the Confederate Govern nient, up to April first, IMG I, is $^122,640,000, of nt>n.interest bearing notes, up to the same date, 8972,3(5;j,.305, exclusive of the fifty cent notes Of the fif'tj' cent notes there were issued up to tl»» aotuA p«rA4i—firat of April —S.Sfl.'^,900 The amount funded since the formation of the Gov ernment, up to April first, 1804, in six, seven and eight per cent, bonds, was 827,000,U00. Richmond Examiner guns, with the destruction of two transports. A Swrens m Mixximippi.—Meridian, April 14.—Power’s cavalry !;ad a fight recently at Plow’s Store, h^ar Woodvi.le, whipping-the ene- my, and taki: ^ a nuurl'cr ol prisoners *nd one piece of hi.s artillery trom Gen. Vfhrcli r's Korr^s.—D.^LTOX, April I.i.—Gen. Wheeler attacked a small force of the enemy’s cavalry this morning, near Benton He killed several and ctipiured thirty-five, one Lieu, tenant—with horsea, pistols, carhineR, Ac. From Texas.—Houston, Texas, April 4 ^ J. (larailton, the* Lincoln Military Ooverour hag established his scat of government at Browoh ville, and appointed his officers &c. Jndge J B. McFarland ia made Judge of the Federal Court at Brownsville, and Corpus Christi, aad the work of confiscation has commenced. The bulk of the yankee force has been vrith. drawn from the coast, to Louisiana, leaving but four or five thousand men for garrison and tjj. greasive operations. A yankee force of 300 attacked Lavedo on the 19th ult., and were signally repulsed by Col Biernardo, with a force of less than 100., The cold weatlier has madtJ crops in Texa*' somewhat backward, and rendered the prospect less flattering than last year. The spirit of the people is good and all are prepared to resist the enemy in his advance aerainst the State, and to fight the war throturh to the end. Stfamer Lost.—We have information, of tin; loss of the Confederate steamer Helena. SLe foundered a( sea between Charleston and Nassau We have no particulars ofthe disastei. Richmond Examiver M‘efing of Methodist Bishops.—The BiBhops of the Methodist t^piscopal Church in the Coa- federatr States, will hold their annual meeting in 3Iontgomery on 4th May -next. Bishops An drew, Pierce, Paine and Earl^ are expected to be present. Bishops Soule and Kavanaugh are with in the enemy’s line.s, and though thoroughly loyal to the South, will be unable to attend. . At the same time and place, the Missionary Board and the Publishing Committee will hold their annual meeting. A delegate from each of the annual Canferenccs will meetj in joint session, with the Jiishops and Boards for advice and suggestion as to the interests of Southern Methodism. This Council is a temporary expedient in lieu of,the General Conference. Outrages of the Enemy.—We learn from a most reliable source, that a Yankee gunboat visited the farm of Mrs. Robert Wilson, on James River, last Tuesday, and committed such depre dations on the premises, as to completely deprive the owner of-the means of subsistence for some time to come\ They burnt the corn crib, with its contents, killed all the sheep, mules and horses, and carried off fifteen negroes, every one owned by Mrs. W , except a miller, whe fled on the approaoh of the enemy, and a woman, who was too sick to be removed ^ Fet*rthnrg Express Yankee 6Vue*^.—The Br^don (Miss.) Re publican learns from a reliable source that the jodies of over twenty negro children have been taken out of Chudky Creek since the Yankees left, who were thrown in by the inhamaa aooun- drels to get them out of the way. We have heard of other cruelties in the neighborhood of Merid- itn which we too horrible to pabUsh. Death oj John fJ. Rives—John C. Rivea, ot the firm of Blair A Kives, of Jackson’s and Vau Buren’fl Washington Globe, died at BladeDslur", Md., (^n the 10th inst. The Fifth A. (L Cavalry.—We had oceattion, a day or two sincc, to become acquainted with the condition of thin command. It musterii well on to a thousand fresh new horses, bestrole by ju-st as dashing a set of Cavaliers as high spirit ed ftecds are proud* of. They are all “nien iu flic saddle,” ready to go wherever ordered. Raleigh (hnff'Snale Shot' Jdaking in the Army.—The difficultpf of supplying the army with clothing, and especially with shoes, has been a subject of much concern from the period df its first campaign to the pren- ent time. One brigade in the army of Northern Virginia—Mahone’s—having experienced the in convenience of walking through the enemy and his territory barefoot about long enough, conclud ed, during the last winter, to render it^lf inde pendent ot the Government shoe shops and block ade runners, and get up a shoe shop of its ovd. The corps of shoe makers, principally self made workmen, and excellent ones in the bargain, rood numbered 28. They obtained supplies by «x- ploring the wood^ and fields about the camps and gathering up hides which had been thrown awiiy by army butehcrs^ and exchanging them for leather, tools and thread, at Oovernment rates In this way $7000 worth of materials was obtain ed, affd, during the winter, 2000 pairs of shoes were made, a large number of boets and shoes were ^ted, half soled and otherwise repaired, and the brigade put generally upon a good "war footing.” By the beginning of the coming cam- paign^ each soldier in the brigade will have an extra pair of shoes to swing to his blanket, and, so far a.s his feet are concerned, will be amply sup plied until next winter. The shoes are all of admirable make—unlike the majority of Govern meet shoes, turned out at the rate of half a doz en J!iairs per hand*a’day—and each pair will last for six months.—Richmmd Examiner. We are authorized to aoQoupce A. G. FO-*TER of Randolph, a ua&di 'ate to repreient the 7Ui Coa- gressianal Dit>ir(ct of Nortb Carolina in the CoDgreasof the ^^sfederat' in the p!aoe of 11 oo. 8. H. ChrTs tian, deoei^fied. March 14. 16-te IVe are aiilliorized to aH- nooitoe Oai*«. N. A. KAM8AT, of the tilsi N C Troops, now 9ta ioneJ near Pelerebarg, as a oao Jidate to repreaeut the 7th Coagrentional Distriot iu tbe next Congress of the Confederate Slates. Election on the 3c( Tauredaj in April. March 26. _ 19-tEipd We are authorize'd to aanouaoe Coi. S J. COBB aa a Caodi- date for the Office of SHERIFF of Ro beson County at the cleciion in August next. March 31. 20 19t*pd School Books. For sale, a varietv of CLASSICAL WORKS;—Ol lendorff’s French Orammars, Qreak and Latin Lex icons, Webster’s Aeademie Dictionaries, CommoaSohocl Books, Drawing Materials, etc., etc. Address 23-9tpd “OMICRON,” Wilmingtoa, N. C. PDBLic jreTi«r ^ Application wII\ be made, at the aazt Betvion of the Legislature of North Carolina, for tk« ineorpo- ration of the “Enterprise Cotton and Woolen Mills," now in progress of constmelion at Rockingham, Rieh- mond eooatj. April 7^ ^ 23-3t Xecre Men for talie. Two young aad likaly Negro Men, for whom Confed erate Bonds. 8s, 7s. 6s or 4«, wlU be taken. Refer- enoe to Wm. MoL. MeKay, Esq , FayeUeville April_14^ 28-9ted f^yctte¥ille Depository, April 6, 1864. f OUBSCRIBERP At this Offiee for 6, 7 or 0 per eeat. Kj Confederal# Bonds at« rc^nestad to present their Certificates without farther delay, and get ikeir Boad*. Those who have left Depoaites fOr 4 per ee»t Bonds, are notified that their Certifioat^ are ready for deliver/- 21-ilm] W, O. BROADFOQT, Dep’y. ii^*OT]Eir ' AAA IN Confederate Notes—$10, $20. aad ffiO, for whl4k I wUl pay in SAOonfeJ-' erate Notes or Goods as follows: SlO's 6 75, f20'« 13 60, ffiO’s 88 60. ' April 6 JOHN H. HALL, Beaver Creek Co. 21-6tipd A¥ON £. BA1.L, . ftrwahttigA €«BHii8lti MereluMli WILL give qmA daspateft to goods oenaigBed te kiai Pactiaalar attaation (ivea (a all prodnet seat hla» fsrsato. OoaslgMists af Naval Slsni. fsr sale ai ssiWliiL utfiiiiiHi m. n|niii to apeak in this »»t the tiieetiii" Ai'fangf‘(n»*nt '•eptiidi Hiiil »*nt arcoiniiioilatiC’D .■tj.i-il la JSC AT .SU Siiii'e tbe abo Houuci* that tlie iiiTitHtiori!>, At Soinntei'vil At HgyjA On -^j.ril 14. 18i;4. A (Jreat Vn VO i«,*o«‘ive wilh lories, but tlier Mississippi ar~ ed a great vict :ind are doubil admit^sions of t necn very eflec pellcd the retur they confidentl and the abaud' cannot be a «ra not be a!« much who left Shrevc Gon. Smith had join him before tioD was very s yaiitce (xeneral dist retion, and tary man might tician like Bank 'I'he effect in ter was to force Tbe papers are lianii-writiug on and his kingdom and hi3 mind ha numbered thy weighed ui the hiiKjdmn tu div Another blow t>nn;» things nigi ifratly expect, bumble tbe pridt senses, and indu The pa3t week eg, less imporTat any reverse. Thk Feku.no Xew3 say3 that mcreas«*d, and i! posed of men wli but much moie « revolution and that remedy for ^ posed to ward; ot war is actiumulat the present acce of the hopelessnJ South, or to resK The New Yort the Richmond Ex ing of the war toi and e.\teruiinatio and the Visigoth administration is forcible control o outrages are perj i;itizeart for opini or presa destroy* crush them; that acre of laud in th necessaries of lit whilst the supera lating extravagai recklessness; tha at work to corr winds up with a public aud privat ty, of the truth Vince himoclf by Washington. Sacii i» the pic which has never nust bp in a crii gives up the cauj that tbe North is A few more rihre will make such d( 'i'lmea well nigh ? turn next—the gi large and growin| I>apers in the deu Th* Estra Sj the-half .5heet dta the Ualeigh Coi the sauie time in ard of the same the Observer to aicordaace with i tied to re«:eive fr( whether of whole having thought c half sheet issue, tome motive for ( by the Confeders tended for the ar sent, and tbe wh —tbe whole sliee oSeBsive lo the! reasonable, "’e see how far it i^ i this town we do. shaet edition, yt It is reported with packagca of sabachbers, but parts of tbe Stati Calf sheets sent 1 es. along with )!f Ike. Habeas ( *^reme Court, hai the su.-tpeasi rtitntimiai. He tke consnpl offl Thus J udgva I Chnrt, cOTicur m Bi-fi.N’LtSYUSN •A, of the 2d N. 4 etteville Arsena tha war. This c joars. The othi N.

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