PITB1.IO LAWS. EvACTED FEB’r. 10, 1864. Acf t« FumI, Tax Limit Currency. Skction 1. 'ifu!' ’•('«•>/ the- Confederate Sfatfs of America d e-iaci, That the hotdors of a!l Treasury f'dtes above the tieQomioatioD of 9-fr uot bearing interottt, sliuU U« allovfod uutil the 1st d»y of Aprii 18f>4, east of the MiOTistippi, to fund the sansc, aud until the periods and at tho pl;.o«f? Stated, the holders of all such Treasury n •■‘lall be allowed to fund the same in rcgis- t r y ix. pavabio 20 tears alter their date, i i.reri^st »f the rate ot 4 per cent, per an- an u, oa the 1st of January and »Tuly of each year. Skc. 2 The S«oretary of tho Treiwury is hereby authorized to issue the bonds re^juired for the funding provided for in the precedias Pcctiou, and andl thi; bunds ■(•au be prc^parod lie ma^ issue CL;rtifi*at)W tu answer the purpose. Such boudd and certi£oatC(i shall be receivable without inter est in payment ol all Government dues payable in the year 1864, except export and import duties. cEC 3. That all Treasury notes of the denomi nation ot SlOO, aot bearing interest, which ehall not b-' presented for iunding under the provisions ot the Igt scotion of this acf, shall, ftom and after the l«t d'ly ot \jicil 18^4, cai^torthe Missipsippi hnd the 1,-t day uf July 1861, west of t ie Miisiijfcippi, cwiAc to bo receivable in payment of public dues, und said notes, if not so presented at that Hmc, shall, in addition to the tax of 33 J cents in:posed in the 4th sectioD ol this act, be .'‘nbjccted to a tax of 10 per cent, por month un til so prraeotcd; which tiott'g shall attaoh to said uotes wherever circulatcil, and Khali he deducted from the face of said notes, irhonever pr(wu>nt«d loi payment or for ftindine, and said notes shall not be exchangeable for the new issue of Trea sury notes provided for in this act. Seo. 4. That on all said Treasury notes not funded or used in ot faxes at the dates - -■ ’ .1.^ 1 shall be subject to a tax of 33J i.>cr ccai m ov-' tj ov oliectR of auy kiiijJ, n»t euuiuor£::.Loi n. ory dolUr promised en the flwo iliereof, 8R.d tax j the prec’^edifig jsarajxrapb, l>etwcon the times 1 _ .x__ I . j j ■ therein, 10 per cent., in adiStion t& the tax on such profitfi as inconie, iindor the ;ict aforesaiJ. • III. On the amount of prt>fita exceeding ‘25 per cent., made during eitiiw of the yeai'S to attseh to said notes wherever circulated, and said Rofces to be fundable and excbangetiblc for new Treasury notes, as h*rein provided, subject to the deduction of saia tax Skc 13. Tbi*t any ^fejte holding T»‘ca.sury nottiii roccived before thg timert herf'in fixed lor taxing said notes &halt be allowed till the firi*t day of Jannary 1865, to fund the same in per cent, bonds of the Confederate States, payable 20 years after dat«, and tho iuterMt payable seroi- annnally. But lall Treasury cotes reoeived by any 8tat« attr the time fix^ for tasios^ the same as atoreaaid, shall be held to have beeu receivci diminished by tho amount of said tax. Th^ dis crimination betveen the not»‘S subi*'ot U> tho t»x and tht>se uot so subject, siiaii be ^ Skc l.'J. 'I’htt Tr»'*'>ury niVcs hcr»*toioro i.-wucd boaring intrrest at the r:ito of !$7 oO on tho SIKU p«r aunum, ->hail no iout'er be re«'**iv’e«l in pay- uieut of public tlues, but (>tkail bo «ieeui« d aud oonsidcred bonds of the Confederate Jftates, paya ble two years after the ratification of a treaty of peA.Jc with the United States, bearing the rate of •interest specified on their taoe, pajablo 1st ot January of each aud every year. S£C. 14. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and ho is hereby, uat.horizrd, in «^ase the exi gencies of tho Gcvornraeat sbouW require it, to pay the dfcmand of any public creditor who.se debt may bo cuntraeted after the passage of tiiiw act. willing to receive the sa.ne in a certificate of in debtedness, t^j be istue'iTby said SccTOterj uj such turui as he may deem prviper, jpayable. tw>* years after a ratification of a treaty of peaox: with tho L'ujted States, bear ini' interest at the rate of six per wot. por annual. iMkVAble Heuii-«nniiaJiv. and transferable only by special eudorscnient, und«*r regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Trea'Ury, aud said cortificates shall Im t xemj t from taxation in, priuci)>ui and int4.‘re.'t Stc I:') The Scorouiry ol the Trtasuiy i: au- I' li fLt .U;. idCc ui la uotv;?; *aiu lax 3l;iiil .it'acli ti' «^iu notes wherev :r oiroulated, and sh*ll be collected by deducting the same at the treasury, its deposi tories and by tax eolleerors, and \>y all (jovcfl ment oficers receiving the sauie whenever pre sented for paymeDt or for I'uudiL^, or in payment of ?overniEeDt dues, or tor postage, or »n ox- *“*Dgre for new notes, ao l-.ereinafter provided, and said Treasury notes sbail be fundable in bonds !is provided in the 1st sec»iou of this act, until the l.-'t day of Januiry 186-*), at the rate of 66} cen« on the d^Ilar; and i* shall be the duty of the Seo- reury of the IrcMury, at toy time between the -^pril and the lif of Julj, 1«64, west of the M: ; rive^. md rbe 1st ot January IS65, * s'ifcstitu'i eivhanr? Treasury note? fh ■ ?cx r:itc : ' rh*f tjoter ■>?' *h> '^“aoraitlation of •? : “ sha.. i;oi cc -Lifit.cd to the priv'Ietre ('f.iaid ^s^i^au;.•8; iV-r r • . t.u; * tho rieht to tund aiv .1 s.iid Trcasarv n-jva*. ait'-r the 1st day vi Jnun.ary i; hereby uakea Am'J'y>r«- yhiwh c:.i" retnais 'a 1st day of •aauarj l'*'^;-, -.pa which may nr.? ciohaDiced ruf Lcx Tr.itT'iTy n ; :■?. ii« herein a tax o: l.-O per “cut is hcrelv lojpof'ed SjrT ? That afr- 0,. fir.-' day of April next, auT. rrv »- to '^eer^^'arv of of fVi.e thoriiod to inerea‘’e the number of depositories - t. nt-n rh' requirements of this a-^t, and with I'uiit view to employ such of the banks of the sev- oral States as ho may deein expedieat. Sec. 16. The Secretary of the Treasury shall forthwith advertise^ this act in such newspapers pubii-'hed iu the.several States, aud by such other u.vaus as :*hall secure immediate publicity; and the Secrw'^y *if VVai aini the Secretary of th« Navy shall each ouuse it to Ih published in gene ral ord^r for tlie informatioH of the crmy and navy. Sec 17 Tho »2d sdciion ot the act for the RS.«!cf»mcnt and coUoction cf taxe?j, approved >?ay 1st lSi>3. i? hereby repealed Sec. 18. The Secretary ol tiio Treasury is hereby authorized iind required, upon th*b appli- caticn of the bolder of any call certificate, which, by the finit section of the act to provide for the •^>1 eento on the dol- I funding and further issue of Treasury notes, ap proved March 23d lxti‘1. was required to be fhercatter deemed t> be a b.Hjd, to i.>fue to such ho'der a boivl therefor up^.^i the terms provided by -'li i art. --I ■> A'^ Jaij ,j ihtH'fiiiJ for fhc I'ina- •'w.' ifejen^-c aiui xupi^n't of (^i^aernT/unt. Sec. 1. The (Amgn'^^p "f the 0'>nl'eieraie iStcite." of Ainericw »io ena-t, Thar in aiidi- tioit to the taxes levied by the act “to lav ta.xes for the common iefence ami to icarrv un the Guvernmenr of the Confedficate treaty nitea cLuter, sai.. new ir“ies rec-MV3h:c in p^ji^ent of all pub'ic due«. cxcapt xp.,.rt aod duritfi. . :,e issned ii exchan i;e the tic shi}>, ac^ciati->;i or corporaliou, Ijabie there to. taxes a-^i toilowe. t‘>-\vit; 1. Tpon the yaltie of properly, real, per- 3i;e twi o.d uo:e> at the rau.- ot 2 dollars .f 1 i*nd uiixod, of uvary kind aud descri}*- w rur of tne oid ir-^u. whether said old I oot hereinafter excrai*t«^1 or taxed at n 1863 and 18t>4, by any bank or banking company, insnrance, canal, navigation, im porting and exporting, telegraph, express, railroad*, manutacturinjj, dry dock, or other joint 8tt)Ck company of auy description, whether incorp*»r:it*«j or not, 25 f»er cent on auch excess. Sko. 5. The following exemptions from taxation ntrder tJiis act shall he allowel* to-wit: 1. l^ropertv of each head «f a fatniiy tliC vahie of $500; and for each mifu>r child of the family to the further value of ^100; and tor each son actually engaged in the arn?5' or iiAvv, or who has died or been killed in the military or naval service, tiud who was a member of the family whfen he entered tlie service, to the further value of 1500. n. Projierty of the widow of any officer, soldier, sailor rfr marine, who may have died or been killed in the militory or naval service, or where thefe is no wi»b>w, then ot the fann'ly, being minor children, to the vahie of $k>>0. III. Pro[>erty of every ^)ttice>', soUiier, 8aiIor or marine, actually engaged in the iiiilit.ary-or naval service, or of ancJi a* have txiitil the v:ilue of |!l0»iu; provided, that tlie above exemp tions nhall not, apply to aov.pereon, whose property, e.xclnsive of houseiiold furniture, ! sliall be jisf?cssed at a value exceedi>ng$100f>. IV\ That where prt)perty has been injured or destroyed by tlie enemy, or the owner thereol' iiH> been temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy tbei'eof, or of the means of cultivating tliQ eaiue, by reason of the presence t>r the pro.ximity d” the enemy, the .H8i-'es:^nn*(it "II i^uch property may be reduced, in proportion Ic* tho damage sus tained by the owner, tr the tav assesb^d thereon may be reductid in the same ratio bv the district collector, on satisfactorvevi- • * dencc submitted to him bv the owner or as sessor. JSeo. 6. That the taxes on j>ro^»erty laid for the year 1864, shall l*e assesscvl as on the day of the [»assage of this act, and be due and collected on the 1st day of June ne.Xi, or as soon after as practicable, allow ing an extension of 90 days West of the Miwissippi river The additional taxes on incomes or profits for the,ycjir 1S63, levied by this act, shall be iissest^ed atid collected forthwith; atid the la.xes on incomcs or pro- ti’;^ tor tiio year 18t>4. sliall be assessed and collej'ted acfordin:; to the provisions of the tHx and asses^tucnt acts of iStlS. Sfx!. 7. S» much of the tax act of tlie 24th day of'April 1863, as levies a tax on in comes derived from property or elfects on the amount or value of which a tax is levied • \ this act, tmd also the 1st section of saiil ii • are suspended for the year l^(}4, aud estimated rt*nt. hire *>r interest on pro V .>r credit... her -'i taxed ad valorem, sh:; I He a.-s'-s-it' 1 -r i ..»'d if* incomes under the t&x ^ V*! IbOu, Skc. That tho tax i >o.>..-mi bv this ftc*t on lx>nds of the (^ontederaic States berofo- fore issued, bball in no caj^e excerd the in- IK. Of conspiracies, or attempts u> liber- B pri States. ate prisoners of .war held by the Confederate er they are reduced to I cents oti the . ar by the tas aforesaid, may ecnvert the same icto c«|! oertifieates bearintr in terest at the rate 4 per c-jnt p«r annum, and payable two yenry r.nc,-a ratification of a treat > ot peace wn.h the-T’nited izj1^#6 conve ted in; aoujt, 6 The; ■- • oy ' -j-.; sooner 'f the tjov- :• '!-cre'.trv - . a u • » - • r " ““ . ' , \ dod ia- ttrrtat ^ ..-icur ir.jv irr.ui aud -T tne piym.jat of iur..r,;;.*^ th.-e^n ? i« , t r=^ceipl3 ot .iov cx,-.rt dary !.^reaf>.r ia •! on fh'-' ^&i0.0 ‘ as Msesscd iitder the law iinjweing it, and delivered to the Government: Provided, That no cfcdit ehall be allowed beyond 5 per cent. LI. On the value ol gold and silver wares aud plate, jewels, jewelry and watches, 10 per cent. in. Tae ^aiu« of property tuxed under fhis .-^e.'tiou ,iiail be u=6e>t'ed ou the ba.'is of tfle liiarktit \'a,lQe th.* ut-, ^r simiiar pr*,.>- {-erty in the i.cigQi)orhood wi>cre:i5'«-cs.>ed, in tL,- year 186'-', except in ca.-,e.s wLf>re liii’id, f^-'ives, '!'tti?) f»r t^jba'jco 'lave been pur- An Act to mivptiul the privilege of ifu Writ of IJaf>ein Corpni in certain cufe^. Whereas the Consti^tnrion of the Gmfed- erate States of America provides in Article 1, SecU'on y. Paragraph 3, that “the privi lege ot the writ of habeas corpus shail not 1^ suspended unless when in case of rehel- li'iiror inva'^ioii, the public safetv mav re- v'inirc i:; and Wiiereas, the power of sus- f }>en i;ii^ t:;e privilege ot* said writ as rocot:- n;f:ed ;u said Article I, is ve^t^'d i?.,ilflv iii the- *->ugr^r.-^. whb'h is the oxcInj.i\e )ud;ie • ch iA^d 4ini'P t-^cen pur- Ot the ne v.-ri-ty ...f fiucli flUapen.sj.in; and wh- ' tob:-cco. and navai scores. | in which f-aso tb«. " H ' vrhereas, in the opinion of the Coneress, the when .shall be exp>oned from the Confederat- ' ^ State-^, and the net prooeed.4 of tha imnort duti^ I purdiased, shall be assessed now laid, or so much thereof may be nec^sart specially p edged: Hor^de'l, that the duties now laid on imports are hereby picdged and shall herwf- at the price actually paid for the same by the owner. Sec. 2. On the value of all shares or inter ests held in any bank, banking compauv oj» aSSOCLfttini* nanal ' : Of I canal, narigatbiT, iinportlnK, Tur:L ^ iierebj autliorii. .i, from pnbiic satftty requires the suspcnsiou of said writ in tho existing case of the invasion of these States by the armies of the "irnited States; and whereas, the President iias asked for th(i 8us}K3nsion of the writ of haboaa cor pus, and informed CongresK of conditions t»f public langer which render the suspension of tl o Tr ; . . ’ ' , ’ jnanutactunng, tele- of the writ a measure proper for tho public I fJU'Tu d?f‘ince against invasion and insiu-rection; present fafion .n T ‘ the eircu-1 tF o , i. * t uj-.m, lui. o;4sis or 1 liege 01 tne Vvnc oi luioeas corpus ue, aiif ^ate iimit within rf'Of^ottHbh '*n'f / „ *• ,i • prjiperty in the t tlie same is nercby, suspended; but such su.s ^ate iimit, 3rc. s. t J he tjonn? autho.izcd by thc'fkh sec nJ f “ay elect- and they may be exchanged for each otheJ aS s^eh regulations as the Secretary of the Treasurv may prescnbe. They shall be for SlOO and shaH f 2^! abif* Skc and sha for the verubh rencj rnav t,e fr, purchase and sale ol bucIi i»ropcrl v, at the tune ot assessment. Sec. 3. Upon the amount of all gold aud •liver Coin, gold dn.gt, gold or silver bullion, wkether held by the banks or other corpo rations or individuals, 5 per cent.; and upon ... . . u., 1 m . - nr'^o'-T-i'Ko. *k • ^ **i"Uevs held abnji^, or upon the amoiujt b-- pav -.i)!o halTv --':,, 'r7 *ho ^ exchar»ge, drawn therefor on J I.v in y.. -h-fVinciDHNhan k’ ^ ^oj’oign countries, a tax of 5 per cent.; sue in,.i '»"aabi«, ooav-.MU-d bcJu,* li... ,i , _ C3,3'tJi*TT from that time b-': for evcf shall be ^*Jry notes neJthoorho)d %riicro as.se.^sed, in snc4i cm-1 pension shall apply otdy to the cases of per- ‘oon.s arrested or detained by order of tlic ^ y aii: ^ '.r?r "1? ,L . , io jh-vt ^ernficat^s 2^11 Z '■'f April, 1861. first day •Sg(?. 10. Th-‘ ^ scowV^r ' i>y O'* •.nd ii ' ".r Mi, dcimta 5am? on th'i b'tnds by some -i" or tr>kv;M, u> bo a;-^rocd up^n with such tax upon money abriad .to be assessed and collected according lo the value thereof at the place vviiere the tj*x is paid'. II. Upon the uiuuant oi’ all solvent ore- dil«s, and of all bank bills and all other pa pers issued as currency, exclusive ol non interest bearing Confederate treasury notes, and not employed in a registered business, the income derived from whi^h is taxed, 5 ]>er cent. . Sec. 4. U]K>n profits made in trade and business, as follov?s: I. On all profits made by buying and soil ing spiritous liquons flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or H^rup, salt, bacon, j>ork, bogs, beef or beef cattle, -wiieep, oats, L*ay, President, Secretary ot W ar, or tne cieneiai Officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi Military Department, by the authority and under t)ie control of the President. It is hereby declared that the purpose of Con gress in the passage of this act is to provide more eficctually for the public safety by puspending the writ of habeas c«>rpii8 in the following cases and no other: L Of treason, or treasonable efforts or combinations to subvert the government of the Confederate States. II. Of conspiracies to overthrow the o^ov- ernmont, ur conspinicies to resist the lawful auth(»rity of the Confederate States HI. Of X. Of'conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of perspns advising or inciting others to abandon the Confederate cause, or t*o re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. XII. Of unlawfully burning, destroying or injuring, or attemj>ting to Imrn, destroy or injure any bridge or railrojwl, or tele graphic line of comuiuiiicatKn, or pr>iperty, with the intent of aiding the enemy. XIII. Of treasonable designs to impair the military power of tiie G(»vernmunt by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foumlries, w'orkshops, or other property of the Confe«lerate States. See. 2. The President shall cause proj>er officers to investigate the cases of ail persons so arrested, or detained, in onler tiiat they may be discharged if im})roperly detainoil, unie^ they can be speedily tried in the due courso of law. Sec. 3. Tliat during the suspension afore said, no military or other officer shall be compelled, in answer to any writ of iial>eas corpus, to apf)car in person, or to return the lK»dy of any person or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary 1*1 War, or the General officer com manding the iVans Mississippi lepartment; but upon the certificate, under oath, of the offic**.!- haviMfr ybarge of any one so dotHined, that such jjerson is detained by him as a prisoner tor any of tho causes hereinbefore specified, under the authority aforci^aid, t'ur- ther proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease and remain suspended so Iwng as tJiis act shall contiuue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days afterJlhe tiext meeting of (Con gress, and no longer. THE MILITARY P>ILL. Section 1. 'That iVonj and at'terthe pa.sc>a^e ot this act all whit** men, resident* of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be In the iuilitac\'%ervi(;e of the C/onfederate States tor the war. Sec. 2. That all the persons afon^said, be tween tlie ages of iS and 4f>, now in servife, shall bo r«tainel during the j»resent war with the U. S., in tho same regunent.-, bat talions and compani«s,to which flicy belong at the paasage of this act, with the same or- ganizati**n and officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance ■with the laws atid regulations for the g.iv- ernment of the army: Provided, that com panies ft«>iu »»ne State, organized against their consent, e.xpressed at the time, witii regiments i»r battalions from another State, shall have the privilege of being transferred to organizations of tn^yps, in the same arm of tlx; service, from the States in wliieh said companies were raisel; and the soldiers from one Statw, in companies from another State, shall be allowed, it they desire it, a tmnsfer to organizations from their own States, in tiic same arm of the' service. Sec. 3. Tliat at the expiratio'n ofsix montiis from the first day of April next^ a bouutv of $1(H) in a six per cent, (government bond, wfiich the Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorized to issue, shall be paid to eve ry non-conirnissioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his death jtrevious to the period »! such payment, then to the person or per- sofis who w’Quld be entitled to receive by law the arrearages of his j>ay: but no onesliall be entitled to the bounty herein provided \\*bo shall at any time, during tho period of six moutbs next after the said first day of Ayril, be absent from his command without leave. Sec. 4. Tijat no person sliall bo relieved from the oj>eratiou of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the armv where no «lisability u(*\v exists; nor snail lho.-,e who nave furnished substitute bo any longer c.\einpted by reason t|jere»d': Provided, that no person, heretofore exempt ed on acct'unt *>f religious opinions and who hiis [laid the tax levied to relieve him from service, shall be rec^uired to reinler military service under this act. Sec. 5. That all white maU^ residents of shall l>e liable to be placeddn »©rvice in the field f4ir the w'ar, as if be were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of ]>ro- vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor ers in tiie Commissary and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and empl>yees of navy agents, as also in the execution of tho enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be )>erformed by persons wdio are within tiio ages of 18 and 4,j years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as unable to |>erform active service in the tield. but capable of performing sjme of the abt>ve said dut-ies, specltyiiiir which, ami vvIkmi these j>ersons Biiall iiave been assigned to tho.^e dutie.s as far practicai>te, the J.^re- slient shall assign or detail to their perform ance such i)odIes ol troops, or indiv’iduals. required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion ol this act, as may be needed for tlie disciiarge ot such dutie.-^: Provided, that ]>ersons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in tii’s act shall be so construed as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or jier- Botis^ of scientific skill, to pert*>rm indispen sable luties in the departments m' bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. !♦. Tiiat any ^uarternnister or As sistant Quart(>rmaster, (Jommissary or As sistant Commis.=;arv, (other than tliose serv- Imm; with brigades or i'e>;iiiieiitH in' the tield,) or officers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Xavv Agents, or Pnivost Marshal, or otiicer' in the conscript service, who shall hereafter emplo^y or retain in iiis einployMnent any j)erson in any of their said departments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or inilitarv court, ‘ be ca^^hiered; aud it shall be the duty of any departntent or iisy*ict commander, upon proof, bv the oJitli of anv credible person, that any* such otiicer ha-; violat(‘d this pro vision. immediately to relieve such olTicep- from duty; anti said command»*rb shall take prompt tnea.'Ures to have him tried for such oft'enee; and any con»inander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted thereof, be disrharged from the service. Sec. It). Tliat all laws granting exemp tions froiu military service be, and the same are. hereby repealed, and hereafter none .•ijiall be exempted except the followltig: 1. .\1I who shall be held unfit f.»r milita ry service, under rules to l>e p/escribed bv the Secretiu-y of War. 2. The Vice President of the Confederate States, the membftrs and officers, of C(nigress ami of th(‘ several State Legislatures, and snch other Confederate and State officers as the Presilent, or the' Governor of the re spective States, may certify to be necessary for the }»r.»per administration of the Con federate or State Governments, as the case may l>e. 3. Every minister of religion anthoHzed to preach according to the rules of his chtirch, and who, at the pa.^sage ot this act, shall be regularly emf>lnyed in tiie discharge of ffis ministerial duties; superintendents aud phy sicians (»f asyliHus for the deaf and dutnb and blind and of .the insane; one editor for •nuis provisions, to bp -IHivoj-ed !>y sudi as aforeta^i(^af eq-*'viiiont nates. 3. Such person -hall furtlier bind to sell the jark‘!ri tJc >'Ur.piu-' -if and.grain n..w on iiand. und -.vhich Iu , raise from voar y.-r whih- !,is e.v,.,,,,,,,;'.' continues, to tlif Governiti>iU. or t*, ilip of Soldiers, at prices fixed ';'>vi(ic,j f„,. • jir-iv; ‘i.rivc.l :Ui; - . . ov tuf missioners of Mie State under tile rnent act: Providr.l. that unv per.,.!, J? empte] ns :lfore^.ai•d, .-,h:ill bo f,. . credit of 25 ).er cent. .n juv whicii he may deliver wit tin, three trom the ]>assage of this .ti-t; thcr. that persons e.tining wititin sions ol this exenipti,III .-h.'iil n. of tbe-benelit, thereof i.v ,,r . been enrolled since tiu- Isr «l;iv -,r K(.], _ 4. In additi..,, f.. rho torw .in- vx.-iu' tions. the Seen'tary of W;ii, uii.ler tin- ,|V rection of the i're-ideiit, may «*V(Mn],f ,,r il,.. tail such other persons as Ik* niav l»e s:ui. tied onglit to be exempted on .accoimr public necessity, and to insure the prcMiuc- tion ol grain and otlier provisions tor t!io army aud the families of soldiers. lie lauv also, grant exemptions or detail:*, ».n Rut-!' terms as he may prescril>e. to such over- .seers, farmers or planters a» he mav lie s; ‘ isfied will be more-usetul t« tlie countrv ii, the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili tary secvice: Provided, that sucii exeiiipii„n shall coiise wlienever the farmer, planter-r*i overseer shall fail diligently lo euipl.iy u good faith, his own bkill, capiUii and labui exchisively in the production of g.;ii„ provisions, t.> be sold to the (iovennneiit ainJ the tamiiies of soldiers at prices not exeect] ing those fixed at the time for like artlcrl,.., by the Commissioners of the State undci the impreesment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor ui.d superintendeijt of any railroal coinpaiiy en gaged in traiisportation for the Govenuknt. and such officers and employees tiiere.tf the president >r snperinlendent shall ct-riiiV on oath to be indisj>ensable t*> the cfiicicMt Operation of said railroad: Prr.vided, th;;* the number of persons so exempted by rh;. act on any railroad sliall not exceed t»ue per son for each mile of such road in actual ii>, for military tniiis{»ortation; and sjvid exeinj.rc shall be reported by name and desfVipti.,i!, with tiie names of uny vvlio ii.ue left tl;t employment ot said company, or vrh'i n; ,v cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing herein contained .-iiia!! be construed as rej>ealing the act apjwove*; April the 14tii 1SG3, entitled-an act toer empt contract*»r5 for carrying the mails o: the Coufedorat“ States, and the drivevj. p)St coaches and hacks, from militarv ser vice: Provided, that all the exeinpti.-ti; grantel under this act shall only continue w'hilst the portions exempted are actiialb engaged in their res])ective pursuits or or- cupations. Sec. 11. That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to grant details, uuder general rules and regulations to be issued from the War Department, either of pers-'iis between 45 and 50 years of age, or from tfic army in the field, in all cases whore, in his judgment, justice, equity and necessity re quire such details, and lie may revoke sncli orders ofedetails whenever he thinks ]»rojjcr: Provided, that the power herein granted t" the President to make details,^nd ejcinp tions shall not be construed to authorize the each newspaper being published at the time exemj)tion or detail of any contractor fl-r of this act, and such employees as said edi tor may certify,^on oath, to Ixj indispensable combining to assist the enemy or of communicating intelligence to the enemy or giving him aid and comfort." IV. Of cotispiracies, preparations and at incito servile insurrection. V. Oi desertions or encouraging fdoser- liona, of harboring deserters, and of attempte to avoid military servicS: Provided, That in ciVie ot palpable wrong aail oppression*bv OTIIT O t fl K/k»*.r ] I 4-.. ,^02 . _ the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 aitd 45 and 50 years,'shall enroll themselves at such times and jdaces, and under such rej^iiations, as the ^President may prescribe, the time allowed not being less than 30 days for those east, and 80 days tor those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the President, shall be’ placed in service iu the tield for the war, in the same manner as though they were be tween tho ages of iS and 45: ProvideH, that tl»A ikttrguna meutiojied in this section shall constitute a reserve tor State, aerence ana detail duty,-and shall not be required to perform service out of the State in which they reside. Sec. G. That all persons required by the 5th section ol this^nct to enroll themselves, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if w^st of said river, form themselves into voluntary orgupizations of companies, battalions or regiments, aud elect their own officers; said organizations to contorm to the existinjj laws; aud, having so organized, to tender their services as volunteers duriii"-1 the Wtir to the 1 resident; and it such organ- may prescril>e, conditioned that he will de- to the publicali-.m of such itewspaper; the public printer of the C^»nfederate and State Govorninent5, and such journeymen' print ers as the said public printer sliall certify, on oatii, to be indispensable to perform the public i>riating; one skilled apo^iecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct*r 1S02, and has continued said business, without intermission, sitice tliat period; all physi cians over the age of 30 years, who now are, and f^r tlu3 last 7 years have been, in the actual and regular practice of their j>rofes- sion, but the t^ri'in phyt.ician shall not in clude dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theological f.eminaries, acade mies and schools, who have been regularly engaged as such for two years next oefore tho passage of this act: Provided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before tne passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses therein as such su perintendents "shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the ]>roper and efficient man.agement thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as ownor or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there arc now', and were on the 1st day of Jan’y last, able-bodied field-hands, between the j^ges of 16 and 50, lllU following v/uiivilt.iv/iio, 1.. This gxeniption shall only be granted in cases in which there is no wdiite male aduk on the farm or plantation not liable to military service, nor unless the person (Claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shfvll niore than one person be exempted for one farm or })lantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Con federate States of Amer ica, in such form, and with- such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov eminent, by reason of said contract, uiile?; the head or secretary-of the department lua king such Contract shall certify that the por sonal services ^‘f such confi-actor are indi*- pensabie to ttie execution of said contract: IVovided further, lhat when any such con tractor shall fail, diHgently and faithfully, to proceed with tiie execution of such con- tract,^his exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That in appointing local board.* of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member com posing the same shall be appointed from tiic county or enrolling district in which they are required to make such examination. : - ■ re'-'cnV'. 1 ..at. - ‘A tho . pr.jvii), provii.-i e&.-vt the j/.ci;. a J ,otbre tua j t niary t^f3, au i tne 1st iiotvs nt par t’iail caaso ! per ce»t., in addi4;[on to tho tax on sucti profits as incotne under ^he “act to lay *^ax;e8 for the coramon defence, ooutinae and carry on tlie Govnmrn«nt nf tbo (Tim ■asurr uotos heretofore •,-n n{‘ S’’> E, ■ li J ^ 4jU\ shall be diamissed froin odice. V^I. Of spies and other emisaaries of the eaemj^. auy kind, aud any tuerchatidizej prop9r- 01 holding correspondence or inter- cotirse with the enemy, without necessity . and without tho permiasiotf of the Oonfede- rvio States. \ lU. Ot unlawful trading with the ene- ™.‘/i and other otfences against the laws of tu6. Oonfederate fetatep ■'’v?f»^’ed to promote their auccesi in lh« wa'* izatious shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their district, which shall be equivalent to enrollment, they may be accepted as minute men for service in such State,.but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll tlieinselves as before provided; aud may, by the President, be required to assemble at conveuient pla ces ot rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect their company and regimental officers; and all troops organized under this act for State defence, shall be entitled, while iu actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in j;he field. Sec, 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous as reqnired by the authority of the President, without a auffieient excuse, to ba jud^psd of bj liver to the Government at some railroad depot, or sucii other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 montlis next ensuing, 100 pounds of bacon, or, at the election of the Govern ment, its equivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of net beef (said b6ef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages,' whe ther said slaves in the field or uot, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for by the Government at tho prices fixed by the Commissioners of the State ander the impressment act: Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall produce satis factory evidence that it has been impossible for him, by tho exercise of proper diKgence, to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence ot those 'living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War §hall direct a commutation of the same, to the Qztaat of two-thirdi tliaraof in grm mt other Post OfficOi Fayettaville, N. C., f October .‘J, 1SG3. ) of ihf Arrival and Departure-of tne Ma.ils at tha Office. RALEIGH via AVER.^SBORO’, &o. ArptTe.g dnUy, excepi Sunday, at P. M. Departs daily, except Saturday at 6 P. 'M. RALJ5iaH via SU.M\tERVILLt. Departs Taes.day and Friday at C A. M. ArriTea Wednesday and Sunday at 9 P. .VI. WARSAW via CLINTON., Arrives daily at 12 noon Departs daily at P. M. 'CWRTRAGE Arrivps Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 P. M Depskrls Moo Jay, Wednesday and Friday at 1 P. M. CUEaiW, S. C. •Arrives Tuesday, Tiiur'day and Saturday at 6 P. M Departs Sunday, Tuesday and Tliursday at 1 P. M FAIR DLUFF via LUMBBRTON. Arrives Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. M Departs Su-rlay, Tuesday and Thur9»lay at 1 P. M. ROBESON 3 Ti» ELIZ.ABETHTOWN. Departs Monday. Wednesday anl Friday at 6 A. M Arrives Tuasday, Thurday and Satai^day at 2 P M ELIZABKFHTOWN via TEREBINTH \rHTC9 Monday at (> P. M. t>epar{9 same dav (Monday) at 6 P, MAGNOLIA via CYPRESS CREEK. .Vrrives Tuesday at 2 P. M. n»parta 9 xme day (Tuesday) at 2* P. M. SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE, COVINGTON and POWELLTON. Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M SWIFT I^L.AND via TROV Arrives Tuesday at i P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. All mails leaving bafor**7} % M , %re closed the *vou ing beTore *» 9 P VI .Sill letters to be sent olf from this office, other than by mtil, must be paid f»r as f sent by jnaii All drop leU^rs should be pre paid by 2 O'^at H'wmpa. Tne offise will be oppn on SnndaT from 8i to A M , aad from to 6J P. Vl. JAS. Q. COOK, P M. THE DIXIE PRinEB, LiUte supply t wboleml# THE IVORTH C^RdL.l]irA MOTDIL liFfi llVSUHii^Cfi COMPANY, Now in th« tenth year of sueoessfol operation, wiih growing capital and firmer hold apon public con- fidenoe, continues to instire the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 6# yean of age, for one year, for sevtn years, aiidforlife—lift members shMioi; in the profits All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or far five years for two thirds their value- All loBsea ar* punot uaUy paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. Foe further infermatioft the pubii^ Ig referred t« Agents of the Oompany ia all parts o * th« State, »od to R. H. BATTLE, Seoretary, Raleigh. ' ? 6. J. HALE, Aj(eat at Jan'f. 1869l^ f*j^tteTilIe, ■> ly ?RI?^T E t*ri a for the tilfwioe. f or jJi* w«e •fiJyiinoe. ISTADV or 16 lines f cf-oding pub half square ( for 8u qopsted to s tbny will be l»Kiy Advmis*n v«*rtlijmeni». • Front au will be ente th^ ]>aper' that! !• paid Suoh ofo per on this • remittAncet. mm WILL att« Cumber ties ?romp etaims entros Oct. 17, 1 ifm. Uhole AND Bardnare July 2, 186 4Jrocrr i P Jaa'y 10, 1! B u woaxi w CoumlMlfl 0(jl 16, l»6 2,600 fit 1,5 'Persons ha the highest Ca •t tJie Merehai ber at his old i Nov. 6, l^J 1AM prepw Baraess foi give good bar| order* to me a iient off in qoic CKildeton P. nm Oti 16 lyo boxfii for sak May 23. W Fayetteville, oi Fe>^’y Ifi 18 Wb EBTERN Bank N»t Child and North Cm Oouuty of Town of Qreenshoi Confedera Coupons I Oct. 12, 18i3 Lead want Depart me at llties will P[)WDBR for 69-tf Pal ■ubs«ribl any quacdt Fareu^viil*. IWILL pay of good COW C«w«; also, BR to m«. FayetteviUe. wmoh II a gr«a a tmffioient sup] eaalty to resort friends of the up and bring t W« have no tin l^t MMflfd. Ui this town of M them. Pab’y 16 XO TanAscaaa’s O Books for ft of this Com All persons miUrprite can f the amount the OMh by some b forward Certifta Stukrea $600 jMkid in their sa liaM moment. for %t

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