"• SorlU Ktl 1 ' tliJiiw I ,,4 J ' - ’v.. ij, •• i A .J a,. V' ^ ■'* •*-- . • • ■'’» I 1 i • - ll . !»( 1 , aru X * * • » -»!h( »i ;nTJi N,.W V .1 " •'' t-'t iy- ■ '• ’.>ir TU^ * , i'- V .V >%-.V \ , -•!• r’utr },;u pm 40 ru tli^ ' ■ Mr cuiiMr..-v hn> tlu* rl.M- II, ail niQi. r*'afei that th»* ir>. tet'p |mcu with ihr lu the .North an.. leml iiewh i, with- 'f make a •iiujmar\ Tb. ariu^ lit iii iii^ fur th* 0 du(y ii brif:»d« »• ^eitl hack h) I '• the f.')caUvr Kivhtu.-ntj It u *’•' 1 authoriiy. } vt t'tu i.pH «er.- * to H chmoud Im- uJor.' lueuih t-e i'cuutiti!; j'^r-y u the 7th iu.-t., 60 licutt'QUDt au(J ser- hers wouuded. erate f*toaiuer Geor 4ittinf: lor »ta h rcceni voyagv she Bay ol Bist*ay, thf ivc ^ crU ; writve dwwn ihe Li.' 'i.'ut MouutaiD a»-d Ti-O Uiiasing ) New i'ork Uerkld itenieiit ia the jjolJ iiifrollalle—at one St"*! Tr loll 9ub«d' i «8y tht'^e rtpid i oiuint'iici, aod i! liint; campaign wv r hitn advauml rr-?uilutl«On lot lip* oTf vriihdrnwn, kinl 1—'O ro TO. —A convciiuoti ol* the pr--sent , i,ia b^Id tit t'’ieTaianj. nouiinti*. ^ aidi Oft (t.ii li ‘rt oiad* 1 t ran- t*, with tbfc vt;rDin* ct, i? reite published iQ th« provfi the trulk ol I iV BttlU been r^oti?ed fcfy; — Boford with ft (Xro- the surrender ot Mi») , allowing a removaJ of womeo »re sent t\> Cairo. Ved at Colambas 3000 veterans on Theae were Ladded fcWe the cotnmand- ;ood bis dcfcnoes entii'p day—rwuk d PaducaHtH^*^ lander at the Fort, m declined. I capture i dtrrj! itidiuf’ a H-t roelved At ihn-r he Fort, eoQipel- tieod& coiuiiieuced whitirij and blacks sly '"V rctuaiaed ..I vv to aora ;.u -3 >at by 3uld ol^ir a l»rg9 sell boudu I’or the (Dt for the most The New Orleans ih have oooupied h ), April ly.—The irtises thid moru- ied six per coot this city in lots *£ M iy CVV_y —On and AllLsoo left liCc, carrying ;>70 at jbiikecH Two ipaoir-d them, ac.d t*aro .jI i>ur t>iok I, w«i .nd'-ritand, — A’/l,j ■i.trr'i on forrt-.ijxiudeui itiUit, ihe S ankc^n Iluid dr.jVH ID our ir Ir'Ktp.i wfrre ra to their out ho sklrniisl.inji', ^ Oi the «ud iOrit- an, N ’ , Mareh of an bttaok on ult, n»>ar Blaok in which they loluding Lleat itherri und tb*n 1h probably a Ine filiould havt^ ifore thifi. f*^/i.rat€ I'Jth. lan in Alabauifi by bleeding Ad other ad- lixi a Ntrong teji, tiO. S20. MtJ pay ill Ooaf«J- 1U’« (5 76, t'Pl'a Mer Cteftk C*. 6tipd «, 1864. / |7 or U per OMU. io pr«a«Di ih«lr II taeir tioodd. •r oent B >o4i, 'f>r >l» imsKHr KB. F A vfUJisim ..tOr. VaNCK-S VI'slT TO FASTTTFVILLI' VTr uuii.«^rL’^i u# *‘Latr ihut Gov Vaucc h?»i ' FRIDAY, 22d iustaat, * to lu thli in «KVor>.laJi.'«; witi) liu* UivitutLin ot'flve of and ,^JTu^tg^rIlu■.J •» will bo in»de by Comimtt«ie^ lor hJU r»- o«ftk4t aiid'eiuortAliim'iit whiLit her« and fbr public m»uniD*Aiotl*)D »t T.h? plh^c*; uf •^peaklnif i i uV.Ih' ^If—»flV»rt to rt-pknl his ux an exidfH'S^* \l SL-^dMKUVILLt .VM» KGYK' i flj.T.1 ol’their cours>, ;utd nn.- s'j-jv hiittT in thoii de- Lkfe al>o\e Nvaa bi Ufm, art; aatiu.>i-iivti to nu fiuuciauiofm ol' ihr- u»’wsf>iip«‘rs nbich {vvt-y girniTHl- in^uxu.'f ihitt Uxt: Got-eruur will tp«kk, ia \,iih 1^) ]^yo fail.^d to puMi^h ihe .-ifn'och. It i.-. thort^fore. Ueohuia l*OLixa».—While tbc Injorgit*. l.^^ila tare «a.^ in be^sion S4>me wofks a^jo, and sundry re- solution.s offered hy Mr. Linton Stephens were be fore ir. maay of ihi- diAtingtushed mea of the State by r»*qae«i address^ the l.e$^islatqra—some favor insT, oih»rs oppo.^iU|(. ilie luw.'^ »‘iu*ow>d Ny tht* lar.l Ciifigrerxs. Dt I'oui'se. lhi» itiidi-rs of the 0>*!«:rvPr wi'iv iiiforrniHl of hU Lhe factd, though we have not thuUifht it luvt's^ary to puhlinh these ppe^vrhes, u. pro* «;M'ilin|i which we have no jfrt'al fancy at any tinu‘. and le.+s tium e\Tr in th«'.co stirring days ot aoiiwn. Among iho spt'akor? waa Hon. Aiei. H. Stephen*, k»nd the floldenites of Xorth .'arolixw—between whom and Mr. S. then^ is u wide aiiu tuipav^ Oo^dKfieaiONAi. lSuiCTia.N 7tt» Ursisicr. From tho Arrny we have th» faUowiiyj returns. Th« countifw votrto-day. 26tb N. O. Rkona£.sT, AprO 14, it^&L Mej.srs. Editors; The following is the result ofiui election held in the 26th Re^’t for th» candilate) lor Coni?re«s in the 7th Ootmresaiona) l>i9triet. viz: O-o. H, "Moore County Indei>endentj5,” gi»ve Fos ter 27. Ram.'*ev 10. Leaih I. Co. R. ••Chalham Guards.” from Chatham i-otmty, Foster tKl, Humsev ■4, Leach 16. Co. G, ••Chatham Boys,” from Chat ham conn^, Foster 36, Bamsey 1, Leach 4. Co. K, “Pedee W ild Cats," from AnMm county, Fo«t€r 27. Bamsiey 0, Leach 8. FosSter. Itam.'^ey. Leauh. t'-o. )urlta'J.iUs, Ai Snmtn«*rNllk- .>u THPU" UAl, aUf Inst. At K^^pt on HATl KOiY. the ‘iAd Id.h|. A|H-tl 14. 18(M, Tht* Oc'miiiitt'i'o hn»« arrangtni Thu: lhe Adilr»*ss of His KAi'olloncy, Gov, Vaniv. to the p«t)ple of CumborUnd bedeUvt-rfd c.n //.ly Sif*t m front of th» t”.f Hotel BuiUU'-j}. 'ITii'-t all that spacc ou Hay Siri*et, btlweea the hil'rsci' tion ol Andorson uad Donaldson, aiid and Muswell titreeis, be rps^n‘ci for the BcToQimo*liitiouofihi- aiulitiii’e. Tho toM u authorities w ill. prevent the ot all •»rriii;i:M and olfcer vehii-les witldn the spiu'c nuii\>-d al1;r 10 o’t’I'.-cj: .V. Vi. until the ri>eaking i> over. Gov, Va.sce u ox'i'eou'd to .Hrrive tui? e\>-nui(4 J.-(>ui o’clock. He will be met at the F«y’hfvil!e Hotel In >he >ommitl^'‘ of arraajjetnente aod Huch of the riilzi^n? a^ may cboo*e t^ utteud. aud >»clc\>med by ju addr.ns from Hon. Thoma.' f. Fuller To-oiorrow''^ arxangeuienta are of riiuri« lo tho (iovt-rnor's widhtr?* and (Nmvenieac*; but it Is liup«?u that he will be abli> iu the morninij U> accept th-' iii>ita- tSoo u» vifilt the ^Vrsenal aud Armory, look through the %hop-> «£c., and review the Batialion. Keturnixig he nill (probably alxmt 11 o’clock,) deliver his Adilre-*- i-n the State of the C ountrv. Tbb Coifi.Na Oamfaign.—Wo have not bwn able to divest onr minds of the idea that the yank'?c uiove- centf in Northern Virginia are a yankoe trick, de- iif3Cd to diven attention from the f^al point of present attack, and that »hat point is Northern Cteorpa. The first incident that led to such a belief ■nas, that Grant had relieved from duty in the Virginia army, and sent to the South and West nine General officers. f>ouit of them reijarded as aniou^ the be^t in that army. If .seemed ■itraa^e that if he intonded to make hi.-> great effurt m Virjrinia he .'b)uld di?- poss^'si him-ielfof any Cfoaeral of tnod and approved ekill. Ne.^t. wi> lind the* Northern pftper-* opocly iiscu-asing the movements and arrangements id Vir ginia, ('onstantly ref’rring to them a^ lutende>i to Tacibtate the movecien! of the t ampaigii Thi? they would •rar.-'ely have been allowed lo do if that wore .'i?dlly the fK.Jit ol thf'ir attack and o? onr d.trver. rtea from l>aliou ••^.vme^ a '•tatemf-nt that • the \an fepea Suv n.. niovecieut will b? m.id*- m v^nr fn/nt. bai that Giuti will tak*- Richrnond All inieuded 1 reach ol ihi i wrt’t*' he.i elap traj>. W e have b'‘iidfcs U) lali scipicion iu Georgia, p-Tiiifp' t.« in ln. e the j qu^te a? mucti a.lvertiS'n" a.i we de^'ire, an-i it seeks seadinj to Virginia -4 some of the loi^ o iher*-. Aa j the Observer, we -uppvw* b.v'anse it is well kno'-n nol impio[wr that wo s>honld stnU* the i-«a.^oo which (in addili(tn to our iirnial habit lus indieattHl above') ha?i controlled the Ob.-orver’s course in the matter, vi>;: Mr. .Stephens' .'ii>eech (or rather that part of it whirh meets with so much favor from tho M»ilden- it»^; is* an arirtimoiii against the i;on.-»titutionality ot th suspension >f the FfnUeds Cory^u,'. Now. lU'* ir^ Well knovk7i, we were opfK>^ed to the uspeni'iou of tlif writ. But the people .>j repiesentative-; iu C(m- gre.-K did not agree with us. It v,is ;-uspendod — i‘>nt>titotiuually oa.'i>eiJdcd, m we had uot jind have not a doubt—and there wa. an end of the matter t>o fa;' u% we wen' ri'iiceinod. I'hi.^ j>a]>er abides >»y and uphuldn lai; i.,vw. as ihe only nuiety ol' the pco- plv's rig-hte, Mr. Stephen.-?, a- afterwanl appeared, did not linok the .-^:ptnia!uri rou.'titntional, and mnde hi.^ spt'ech takiair that pn.'otion. as he had a pc rfi^ct right to do and to which we - havv uot the slightest objection. 'I'his i.- a free country. Diif, by the time Mr. Stepheua’s epeech was published and reached us the whole matter was plat'Od beyond dis- curK^pa. It had been l>efor*; tu«- 0*urt8, and in eve ry ritate in which the question waf; raised, (jeorgia and N. (’arolina included, the judgment was against Mr. Stephens. The law was derided cousititntional. This is a law-abiding papei*. and these deii.^ions end ed the matter with us, just a.-* we huppo&e would have been the case with Mr. Stephens if the Georgia decision had been rendered l>cfore he spoke. The pectxliar .States Righte men of tho day make it their special 'logma that tho decisions of the State Courts are final. It is unfortnnaie for the countiT that their practice ic nol made to confonn to the doc trine which they have do zealously preached. Among the allegations made by the Holdenites against the newapttper' which have failed to publi.nh the sp>ech is the very ungenerous and unjust inti mation that they ;ir«' “.'Ubjichzed.'' that th'*y refuse pla ro to the fjpetrh in return for the profit-; of jjov- ernment advertis.ng. 8o I.ir .ob the Observer is con- cem( d the charge i.% refuted by the simple laet that it ha.j no government adverti.^ln*;, an>l doe.-? not wish to have any It ij in uur opir.ion most n&de Irable matter Thi^ paper ha-j uhvav' boei>able to sustain itself, but Wert- ii oth- rwi^*. we should ;:tdl object lo the government pairooaf>e. bt‘e;»ii',e the Ot-erver ftlway* ha-i and always '!hall be tept oni nt H, 27 10 I E, 2^> 4 16 O. ‘36 1 4 K •>“ 0 113 lii 29 Tl>e in the -18th Itejj’t, Cooke's Brijiad*-, t-i ;U4 follow.^: Foster 44J. Bani!^\v S, I/each 13-t. Cami* 14ih N. i;. T., A-jhiI 14*. IdW. Gentlemen; JJ'he f«dlowing is tin- n*sult of the elee- •ion held to-day iu the 14th Beir’t lo fill th*; vacancy in the 7th Congressioual IH^iricts o '4;.'iooi'd by the deaih ofrf. H. Christian: Co, B. Davidson. Foster 17. l.*flch 7. •• C. Ausoft, •' .V2, •• 00. H. Stanly. l.'’i, - 10. I. IKividson. IS, 1!. 'I’otal lOl* lit) You will f*ee thm two Cooipauier. are from Latch'd own conniv. I thiuk we’ve dout* well, but will nrii- niise to do better fcir V ani e. •14ll» N.' ' T«rini-i« A ictiot- i'i.rtu I'npt VTOttlPS Montgomei^ county Oidj.afi V give* the vot > of that Conipauy; Fo>fCr 33, Leach 8 The whole Vote of the Kegiineiit is given cl^ewhe re. lo>ier. Ram«ev, Leach. 14th N. C. Troop- 102 tH> 36 26th 113 1.') 2'J 4Sth 10 i:vi 15th uO 00 14 46th 13 4 64 27th 6 00 15 44th 11 7 2'J .^2d 13 OO 23 35th, Co. D. 12 22 12 Raleigh Cam}n>, Ac. 1 0 .'il Fayetteville An-enal 7 ;) ‘J 32d Reg'f ” •)»> 00 45th "• •> 393 I'Q 411 cscaped prisoner from uue ol the Wenern y.tnke€, pn*0li3 lately stated that iri>,.p^ wcfv- eonstaatly oas«iug South. A o;ir.at-:h from 'rurui'-ll Hill -lys- “Gigantic eir«t-i hav.: been ma.ie within the la-^t thr^ Bionth- 1-.I pm the Army of the l’uml>«rland in good condiiiun, and ih- immense preparation> which have bcH-u mad- to ma-s supplies a^t Chattiini>og'a tis to have a larg*-r i in ’dauon ilian ax*/ North Carolina. >th er paper ui •tov. Vaft.x? nii^ht l.»e M par*.- m ai^ id- le aad wi-i.- Bi! >ilomon, but the great ' oiiservative party would ncTfr support him as J«>ng a-i Thomas Brajrg, M. A. Bled- aot-. and other* of thr « ommitte^ mentioned above, and the I onffderat^, Slat«' .lournal. Wilmingtim Juuri^al and Fayetteville « )b*erv»*r defended his claLnm. The^e Y>r»>-is- a base of operation# airainst Atlanta, indicate that a I ea and pu>Aic m«*n dfinonnwl th« » ous«rvailvp party h.-* ‘a trea^i.'usble organ'izalion, two years ago, for supjK)rt- ing Gtiv. Vanei-, nnd they will uji now, net with ih>>i*' who hav-‘ villifit-d and a})U-n.“d thetn."' liaLigh Progrttt, '2(^tk. It It said that by ci»n>tant it^^ralion men fk>me- limt.'H cf»me to belit've tu In.* tme thing.s which th**v know to be false. L-^t .such a result should happen to the Haleigh Progress, we think it proper to state ihut ih*- panigraph alxtve qaoted from us isiu** of ye-.:u*rday (which is but a repetition i>f what it h.is frequently -.aid,lately) i-», .so far a-> ndatrs to this pa- pt'r, utterly desiiiul** of irnth. This paper was an earneot advix-ute of (»ov. V'ance’s election two veaf-i ago. any man who knowb anything «>f our Slatt j/olitici? know.s. It'it had denoun ed Gov. Vance or his frieud.s, as the Progre.ss say-M, it is not lik-.ly that Gov. Vance would havt* pjussed by a noisier frieml. and selei:ted the Editors of the Observer as the pro per jH;r.iona to whom to addre?? his letter of accept ance of the nomination for Governor in 1862. Of the same character with the itatement just no- uccd ia the following, also in yesterday's Progress: "They [tlic ouservativeo] cannot act with the Con- f>‘d* raW!, the State Jour;*al. Wilmiaglon Journal and FhyLitevillc Observer and ba right. These papers all advo^.‘at‘ the “last uiiiu and the last dullnr*’ in a war that i.-i U, In- coutinuel till MaryUud, Keutucky and 3Iissouri are redeemed, though half th- women audVhildreu of the fall battle will be fought here .sooner than in Virginia ” Thefo art* the main rea^ns for onr belief. The capture- of Richmond is undoubtedly the first wish of the yanket-s; but a victory nnywhere is of the Qtioost lmportan«.-« to them at present. They are afraid of Ix-e and his noble veteran-i. and may 5»feU think that their • han es an- l>ett*-r against any oibfr than his. The Yaskcf. SnrAno.N.”—The Richmond Whig -4kes thr following ho{>efnl and we think lorrect ot the downwanl progre-ss of matters at the .North. Sine*- Uie Whig wrote, yankt^’ gn-‘ubac^'S have b^-n down still lower, so that a dollar was worth bul fifty-three cents in specie. Thus depreciation was 80 rapid and alarming, that another esf*edient wofi resorted t»j in the hope of arresting it, and it did partially, bat it will prove to bo only a temporary ■hift—always provided our armies hold their own. Oa thib everything dei>end3. Ttie Whig says;— Tho intelligenco of the last day or two has been of the most gratifying character. Gold has reached I higher premium in yanksedom than it has com- mauded since the war began,.in .spite of the bill au thorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to bell the fcroveminent goU, with the object of depreciating it^ ^ 'ilue, by flooding the market. Chase’s “greenbacks" I land die by starviurou and the ‘ la'-t man,” lit4-riilh% are worth less than sixty cents on the dollar. The I In th« struggle. t^ipease of carrying ou the war is nearly double what | -rt,e Observer ha.^ never advocated any thing of the sort. It has never known brit one paper and one man to advocate "the last man and the last dollar.' t would bo if his paper were at par, and the period when the Government vsill find itself without means lo prc>«e*'ute it further is thereby shortened nearly one-half. The pay the soldiers rereive—and they are for the nio9t part fighting for money—is worth bat little more th.'in half what it was when they ron- trtoled to serve. The incentive to remain in the str nee UI 'iimini.shed iu like proportion. Bnl the pres ent reducel Vftliit- of Cha'ic'^t noiea iMtriUiuji i.. what it mtut be before long. The lart'er the rtiscouut be comes, thu more rapidly the depreciation goes on. ■is with all descending bodie-. the velocity accele rates 83 th.- descent g»>es on. Vet awhile, those who manage the yaukee \ nrrenoy an- able to interpose 'hecks and partiolly to obatruct its downward ten iency; but Inis is beroming more and more difficult »nd bett*re long will bocome impossible. Then it •'ill C'.uie down wi^h a ru^h. and tne end tVill b» filial aud fatal sma.^h npl ■ Another gratifying pieee of mteliigen- *' i.'» that members ot the yauk**«- House of Representatives hav»> Hhown thems«*lves bold enongh to avow upon Five I»oLLAK Notkr.—It is snppO:«ed that all theso noK-5 will be required to pay this year's taie? to the. Confederate government, there not having b(>en near enough fundol ia 4 t>er cents for that pur- pA-ie. The whole amount of 5s issninl is S79,09>.ol5. It is snpposc-d that some lifteen or twenty millions of them have bet'n funded, k*t>t, dealroy«-d. or redeem- ei as mutilat'd notes, h-nvnng perhap.s S!.vty or si.xty- tive millions now in cir. uhition. The pn‘‘»«*nt ellort to gel rid of the 5s i^ v^r\ silly, since they .-an le nae,"! ’at their full value at »ny ttmi- Iv-ft.r*- the 1st nf July iu paving taves or funihni; in -t per . ent. bonil'. Gk.s. lloi .Mh-. The Iti. hmond pLipT- III .Monday whieh h:tvp uot Vf-t rea* hed tliis j.I.i.-.-, ilmui;h ih(K»- fTne-‘day have^ annonn 'e the arriv al thfwv of t^ n. Holmrand hi: Staff. Capt- John W. Hinsdale of the General’i £tau hi3 siven the Enquin r a *?rati- lyuig ac^'onnt of the rendition of the army ol T>nv >ii36i'’5ippi >ea Holmes wm relieved ut hi? own requ^t SciPENDsn—'i’he Shelby N. C. Kagle ha-3 be^jn 'iiudpoad(-d. the earollini^ ufflc«r of that I/irtrict hav ing conacribed two of its compositors. Fortunately, tho Eagle does not belong to Mr. Uolden’s new sooOtf- sion parly and the State will, therefore, be allo^^ to remain in the Confetlei.Ky. We sopposftthe mat ter will be made right and any wrong redressed. Nkw Books.—We have received from >1«I6XV- Branson t Farrar. I’ubUshers. Raleifsb, a Httl»book of lo2 pages, entitled “Myrtle Leaves, a Bovk p*j culiarly adapted io the time*, by Rev. A. W Man- gnm.' This i- tln^ 2d Edition. Also, from th** auihor, ‘*t)nr Own Pl-imary Hrad- er. By S..Lander. A. M.;” published by MeS'ts. Sterling. CamplnMl i Albright, (ireensborough. It i> nol possible, ol oonr.se, lo gel up books in very handsome style, but the conlents of these are better than ihoir outside appear&nee. When the war is over, we hope to .see the South producing all ius own school books. *1-AT6St MXih aN1> rei.EUHtPHU Nl;Ha /V/Ttiri J^fite Kxploit—Ojfficiai RicHWOJin, April ID.—Forrest’s oflieial dispal h. announcing the oaplure of Fort Fillow. ha.s been re ct“ived at the War I)epartment. out of 7(M) men eompoeiiig the garrison wei-e killeti. I’om-'t';^ los>*. 20 killed an«i CO wounded. t)ver 100 -itizens. who had fled to the* fort frf>m ronserijitioa. r-an into the river and werr* dmwnetl. yrt-m tht' Trans~Miss’tK!fiitjn.—I{ntkf surnmndti.1.—Mobile, April !♦.—Warren Adams, a courier from iIm* Trans-MissiSsippi, n^ports that on the 9th Gvn. Banks’s eourier to Gen. Fntfiklin was captured. Banks says; -fla.sten up; we are sur rounded h) rebt^l eAvalry’'! 'ITie R«-d River hn.s siidileidy fallen. Somi- fony iransp>rt3 and gnnbtMits w^n* c aught above Red River Itdi -.uid cannot go ilown befor*' the water ries. Fn,7Ti XoTlhcru Vtrgtfna.--iiK\\nK I'. II.. April 20.—The fcuemy h^ve h4Tii busy for sewral d!i\s with rt'views and incpeetions. Noimth in the nimor that lb«': t-nemy are fidling ba k to (V-ntrenlle. -All qui^-t in front.’ * frirnt LhiUari.—D\i.rt).\, April ID.—Thv enemy are qtiile active in front, and stirring times :u e lookeil for by all. Fruhi U'( .i.7er7 A’. C—(’onsiderable anxiety has l^-en fell h(‘re for some days, *roducei by the move ments of the disloyal men in tW adjoining couuty ol Madison. Col. Kirk, who holds, it Ls said, a Federal comtuission. has been receiving,so.->aiih rumor, luau) recruits during tv\o or thn-t- weeks la&i pa.'i. t.»ur forces at Marshall, 20 miles below here. ha\e b«'-n rej>eatodly fired upou. aud on oue t>cca-;iou the piek- ct« caplhred. The latest inielligeui.f reprcsentii Ivi'k as W.“.S pot cnated Marshall, falling back iu this «lireetiou. We learn that a raid was made on Burnsville Sunday night, and about 100 guns and a quantity of provi sions captured and carried away. As)iPlilU \t:irg, 14/A. The Dcpdrtur.: nf Ihf. Kuemy from Below.— Nearly or quite all of the enemy, who were maraud ing about the country l>etween Suffolk and the Black- water last Thursday, have returned to Fortress Mon roe. They stole and carried ofl’everything of value, and what they could not carry off was broken to pieces and otherwise destroyed. They entered Suf- tolk howling lilee demons, ojX'ned and searched pri vate dwellings, dewtroyed furniture and stole cloth ing. The workshops were broken open, and all the tools destroyed. AtSmithfield, they stole the valu able library' of Leop^)ld C. P. Cowpt-r, who long siuce deserted his country, anu is now Lieut. Governor of Virgaiia, under* Pierjwnt's bogus government. ■ Tlie fight in Wren's tield, referred to in our last, was continued for four hours, aud the yaukees finally sought the protection of their gunboats. Caplaiu Charles Spruill of North Carolina was taken pris oner. We killed f> or » of the enemy, and wounded 18 or 30. It is thought by gentle*neu from the lower country who came up last evening, that Burnside's exjM;- dition has not yet left Annapolis, and that these partie-; wi;re s*>nt out last week only a.s -feelers." to ascertain what Conftnierat*- foree mere w-.us in that sei tion.—Ptl. Krprest;, l^fh. Knrallldg NoUc«. iiNaoLLiso Orrioi, F*j«stteTtlle, A»>tU W thni ih villo to ^[eateui'141 lu ty|H‘ we learn that our lorce.s have eva- MuKlt i cii bj/ ihc i’a/fA't-eo.—Samad Armour of Forrest's eommand was lately at home in Tennesie^ on furloup^h. 'l'heyankee> visited his house and captured ' .,0. . ^ l.iai. A torv said he was a bushwh.ick^r, and he wa3 ] ^ '-I I * II Apri! J vhiMit /|irhith hsa been SO DMXiinea l> -ti He wa-s, ;.a} , uii- Uoujlott. u> Mtnod JTse tioae or«»nl«*aoB • itM i-ai, u ^on ol .y thnr Armour, living near lJ«» ihe i>i *hi» cvuoiy.i .»ii >,uUe b«tw«ea '.1.1^,a ,oIl.-ae, who has tive M,as m tlu- army. „t s?vci.f«»ea aai el|ihi**n and 4& *nd /‘..I'-.y.t I J iL -11 u , wiibin (•« liiuli-? «r CumtM^riaiwi onuaijr. will MWW- p..i.^ tL. I udmont liailroad >vill Ix: completed ibpr/»nroil and form themwW*. orgialMd . I rams will be running through Irom I>an-. CompanJi^B elect tUie Oompafcy Offioer*. Md pNM»t 1 . rernsborough, by the 1st of ) une. th®T Uudi«r H-IIb io roe at Uiis Att^ation is called to Paraftraph IV ot Ciroalar No 1A U KI K ii. ’4. 'bureau of OrnwripHou: “Tlie iuaUnt orgftDuaUMi In ilii !..»... on ih.- 21sl iii.-i., hv the h cv. Mr. Huake.' •*““?« defmed of lh« bigheit Mr S. . I'R.^MKFHT of Virtfirii4, »■- Mias SUE T . i Fersooa aa Jo BOi appearM r-von.l .l.i„-i,t.-r ot th-M, Esq., 01 Fayoueville. N C. ! appoiu-ed, mast be eoroUed and ^»chn...nd. Va , pu,>eis pirate cop>. { of lb*- ilottinai»dMi». In Ansofi V. on the l4lh inn., bv-Rev. Mr. Fu«n, 1 , ^ ^ ^ 9 I»r U m H, It ATil.r.. .StiivH^n S’st Re^t V. T., to : *' Kurolliiin officrt, Cttml>«r»aBdCo., ^ .Mias S iPHI \ .^ . uiily daughter f.>f ihj 1-itc .las. B. Lind ^ r.ny, pg~ Conftslerata pl6af>^ t-opy. u number of Fi.shormou, skilled In laklnt I If i^turgeoD and oih«r kinds of fii>b. la \:.M.re conniv. -►:! tlie. oJ .Viuv 186;’. of dipihtTia I Th“ aitentlon of Farmers festdent aloug the course of and puTidsim- t.}ji>«ti. Ul-UJKI'CA LOL'L-^A UANt'OCK, ! the Hiver. and of Conscripts who havabeen found ai^t PayetMVlHe Anenal aail hrmorf,\ AeatL 18, IB«i4. I ItlKU, ■:i the. .Viuv 186;'.. of diiilht-ria UI-UJKCCA LOL'L-sa UANt'OCK, , - . . .... duii);nter of.lohn L. tud l.vdin llHitcrK-k. .-h^ wubaU nt ' »or a.*tive firld w.nice and arc lo be detailed for ugtt 4 y..ait old. Hi t lnit).--i «u>. a i-vildler und iu Ui«* army i dtity. is particularly called to ihis advertiiMiment. ;ii ill'- lirie- t4'h-r dnuh. Ill Clinton. N. I’.. o:i Ih.- Irt inhi., lltile WlLId^M tlLHB \UU. intant wim .i W iiliain H. and Mjtv a . Mov»-. ugi-d -1 'la V'. lUuiii'rul, lovely. 11.- wa- but -riyoii. A fair liud to earlii. To l>l.i>-:^iui ill heaven. tiiriiii;. '^v.sUtu .-seutiucl and \\ ibulugUia Journal pleai*«j copy. In Ad4>ii County, reocaily, NLHF.MlAli T. LJLPjH, a^f d II jt-ars. He was good und nwfnl citl/en. ad mired and e.?t€-«iued Lv all ut.o i>Uu,’ the cLaraeter U- bore, a» wt-il o- Ids i,'tuial aud kiudly dlspo- f-ition. (-ijdi'arcd him lo LLi liiniilv autl Iriendo. fie held the otlici- of « unfiilrrut* Th\ t oiltvfnr at the time of his dt'ulli.—om Ou the lih iust.,ia Giveu lor»', .Mrs. AGNIis I.t )N0, wife of Jas. A. Long. Esq. At hii" residence m t beraw. on the 19th of Jan'y, I»r. AKCIHB^LD MALLOW , aged j I years. H«-was lK>rn in ( mtierland couuty. N. C. In l*itl.slx)ro'. March Slst, V1RGIN1.\ K., eldcsi child of I/ewis and Lucy Brower, aged 17 years 2 monihs ;uid 20 liavs. Apply at ouce to 24-jit Lt. Col. Iv L. CHILDS, Comd’g tMBcer. (tuartenuMter’fi Departaent, [ Ralkiub, April 19,1864. I Deimrimcnt has rt.-^ently received anether 9uppl> of‘'otton Curd.s for distribution upon the same terms aH before. The quota for each county will be double tho quantity tlrFi distril'Ui-Ni. make their arrangflmeoti I flcrordinglv. H. A DOWD, A. Q. M I •April 2(' 2^3t .Vivr Mi.vi.vo Uihkac, C. S. N. J Warrenton, N. C., I'^th April 1864.» iHiaerti Wanted. THOSK persons rkilled iu the buB'meea, can find profit able employmeut by applying to Capt. A. B. Fairfax, G. 3. N., bv letter Qt Warrenton, or to W. W. PEIRCE, 2o"2w [r, ■;.] Maj. & Ch’f Q. M . Raleigh, N. C. That paper the Raleigh Standard, and the man is Mr. Uolden. the Progress' candidate for Governor We think it right at la.st to correct these .state ments, for if the I’rocreps mak»s them n.o.>. ...», 4cai II will eome to believe them, just as we re,ally fear that by constant repetition of late it has convinced it-.elf that it was a Union paper in th*2 Spring of l'*t>l; whereas, the few who know anything about it'-i cour.e know that il was a Se ession p.aiH-r. engaged in fitter denunejation of the Ob.'^erver :vs untrue to ih- Sonth Vtecanse of oar opposition to se- cessi(m. Tur RAt-Kii'iii .'^1 a.ti>ari>.— Mr. Holden hasis.'-ned .tn-tiher f lectionc* ring cin nlar calleil the Raleigh ,‘^tandaisl. Vailed hi.s new.'paper. we -lay, because To CoF.BKsro.wDE.vT.s.-Y-Wc havc a very large nnm- ber of lady subscriber;' to the (>bserver, and the number is constantly increasing. When they order the Observer they will greatly oblige us by givfiip their address—Mrs. i^r Miss. Persons desiring their papers changed will sav** us a great deal of trouble and insure attention to their orders if they will mention the office from which the paper is to be changcd. Money has been received at this officc to send the Observer to H. Rogers and N. V. Fnrreeter. W’ill they please inform ns to what offices the papers should be sent'/ Important Decmon —.lodge Ualybarton, of tht- Con federate States Dihtrict ( ourt, deliveriHl, on ve&lcrdav, a long and able decision snstaiaing the eonstitntionalitv of the act suspending the writ of n*hea$ eoryut The case, for the petltiouer-'' w«^- argneil by Hon. H. 5. Foote. R. T. I>ani^ F L.JjyvvJ.^'and for tllo ;over.r- u f .1 Ad>li^ionnl frmn (ht> \ny(h—The (h>ld Pumr. — 'I'he New York Herald *if the l.Mh says; Then- were s%nie rather startling tlucluations in the prices of gold at. K.\change I’laee yesterday. At 10 minutet; t > 10 o’eloek iu the morning the gold dolliit start*.! at 1 nO.J in paper; thr-e minutes luter, 1 and tw-niy minutes laier it hud run up to 1 b'.* This was 12 minutes pa.u lo «.’«■].,i k; but 16 minutes after gold had ran dovvn to 1 82 I'hu.^ within an hour our pap-r money hail sutfen'd a depreciatiouxii ncirlv nine [>«-r cent, and n-cowre-ii six of it; and -at ILA clos^^ of the day tlu; price ran dowa to 1 71 j'.-i;' ; id mdt^ gol»t gambling run iuj I. Tiifn- n‘ -a for these f'.oieni lluctuatiuni^ They a:-.- in- ha7ard vi-niuit* of Uo.- l.\.:o !>a-ik'. La*, ‘.he > oUi- Oinnil) at large may er\ ci-'. to iue.^e gvid >_i*e eulaior^. a.- im* i'ro;-' **'> 1u.bje d.tl t,..’ b who wen; i>eJiing Uii‘rn ur.ii .'’oae«, ■■ I'lii.s inav o'. 6p.*rt to you. but it_:S dealli to a>." Whefi*- an; w« lo look lor n-iief? Congre--- nucnt help ii'. but t’on- grr»3 seems to Ir- past all ht-ptr. >N • look, there l4>fe, to Gen. Orunt and lu- gaiia.ut armie> for «. r»«- cno. With his success we ^nali h;*vo b«!tter time«; but should tlx* Washington Dm'ciory or the hocI- dents of war ent^ingle him so iu- to bring upon him mt!‘TbnuDe instend of su:ce'S. why then ic' 'mnt/ h>oh fi>T thf d'-Uig' . Th»‘ same j>apc‘r has the following items; Frarh:>‘ and th' •''tfri/f^f"rar>>.--'Vhf Fn-nch pa pers publish an urti'.le from the Optmon ynfi>>mtlr, of Paris, which Laeiude-» ofli« ial documents, nnd provi“s that the FreU' h Govt-rumeui is quietly i-on- uiving ;il the .-tl'orts of the. ix-bel agents l4j have irou- cliwl war v> 'iseU built in France for the rebel .-^er- vne+i. From r»'Citalion.s of the OpmcuH, it appears that firms at Nantes aud Bordeaux liave been lor Uionth.'i at work hmldiug war \es.sels, ostensibly for China, but reully for the rebels. Mr. Davnon last fall laid before the French Governmeut proofs of the real de^tinatioil of the ve.->^els; aud after much delay, the work was stop{H.d by government orders. But during the la.^ttwo moilths, as the Opinion dcvlarcs, that work har been resumed, and two of the vessels are now ready to t)e pa-'^d over to the rebel agenta. Lt. .Maiiry aud CajU. Bullock have been prominent m these negotialious. The.se vw?.sels are iron-clad, and the rebel authoritie.- havc ordered an entire Heel. hich'tho government of NaiHileou 111 seems 'vil- Ung to ha\"i; built at French ports, in spite of its re iU-'rated desire to maintain astnct neutrality. Th» Georgia.-^Thc. rebel privateer Georgia was in the river (iaroune, Frnn;)i‘. opposite Bordeaii.v for refitting. Rebd Success.—It was said that while a body of Union Troops, numberiug 200, were at breakfast near Alexandria, they were stirrounded and captur- d by 4en. Dick Taylor. Rebel Diaadt:r.—\\ is reported that a brilliant fight recently took place at Pensacola between the 30th and 14th cavalry, and the l6Ut Aj*',Yinilafed in t''.i(^"j'V»)‘)li‘tl^*^'i5coirutVr with sabn^ij. FOR THK OBeEKVER. Died at Chajtel ll'ill, on the 7th inot., Capt. Ger«. Bnr- gwyn Johnston. He was l»oni in Billsboro', Aujfust 17, 1840, the sou of Rev. Dr Sam'l I. Johnnton, well known for many years aa the Rector of St. Paul's, Edentou. and graduated at the L'nivt-rsiity Of North Caroliaa in 1869, beai-ing away the highest honors of his class. In Jnne 1860 he wan marri»*d to Miss Nannie Taylor, daoghtcr I'f Dr Charles E. Johnson of Haleigh, and iu the same luontii selected to be one of the Tutors in the Universi ty. Karly in 18*il he enlisted as a private in Captain Ahhe’s cempauy, thotigh he was hindered by his College duties from b»-ing with them at Bethel. Soon after he was ehos«?n let LieuU in a eompHny raised In Orange by Prof. (now Lieut. CoL) Martin, and Sfjon succeeded to the command of it. In June ls62 ho was made prisoner ueai' llanovi»r C-ourt llou.-^e, Va -Though he had eecat>«.d by swimming the river, he returned t«j the eneinv and gave hiinsell uj» that he mi^jht share and perhajw alle viate the captivity of hi- lueji. He was removed to San- dusk}-, >hio, imd the :-!«veriti(« of his imprisonment there laid th.' foundation of the di-^ase nnder the effe«^ts of which he i^radually wa>tre»l away. After his return he wa- ncvt-r tit for tlie tield—though he was in the action at Fredericksburg—and iu tlie summer of l8rt3 felt coni- p«-lled to i-' "ign his commi«^ion. lb- n-lurneil to Chdjn-1 Hill. Hiid after months of dt'cHning health sunk into th.; grave. Few vormg men ot hi-“ 140? gave better proniLse til a iiobh- .;.irct-r ol usefulii»--« und honor. His jKjwers of mind w>-r.- uuu!-ual. his «.-n>;rgy of charaei>-r very mftrkt“l. Mis taste> all H'hiilarly, his habits of itudy thorougii arid lii^ aituinjii'-nl.-i •-.'ii-.vi'^iv'e an.l acrurut*- His purpooo •Alii t^- .lfvite hirni^h t_. a life ..f literary labc>r, in which Ij,- irlea.i- (tnticijiufUi i.,j nim « reiusri^able su»v«5d Hi- xfiorui chara1rr j^erluq.^3 more admirable than .i - pu-.ve:.- t/t iiiiinL tl*- Wwf ;dvv.-»ys pure, upright and .1 •>'. u'} * aiLitihl.. .2.Tni«athiiin^ aud uneelSjh;. yet li-.i. • ■ ^ i-.iiv'..ti..ns ol duty, and resolute in the di»- . f It. a-,0 S.I Lf; gaiiiril the ontire conlideooe and Aai Tii ntic-.-t'oi. c: ih..- who »*r*i» be.'it qualilifMl toappre t.iutf n - * T!h. Tbe 1 a. iiiiy «a the Lniversity, ia the i««fiiuti >iii- [K».-.«»*d l"V tLem oa tlui oecasion ot his death jp-:tk 111 ' ill.- g:-t-at lu-=>'' th*;y had sutfered, and «>f him a- ' an a. tiifui-'hp.l 'i-U-ilar. » Chriiitian (ientlemaa, in ev«-rv ri Iati‘)D friilhlid nod true,” and of the disappoint- tiieni of • high h-.p«M of Lis fiinirc u.selulne6s and disticc tioti."' .'*[>!. .;.>hu>(ton wu-i u, ju»-a.L«i- (»1 the EpLs( opal Cliurrli Traiuel from a rhil.i iu iu«* >vay» of the Church, he he- eamu a Communicant a' tb- early age of thirt*-en, and throughout the residut- of hi.r d.ty-» li%ed as a Christini and a Churrhmau -^houl t iivi*. 2jt-ver was a whisp«*r oi reproai-h or t-.-n'iin- ulti r*-J agHiiwt him. Such was the • iiaily iH'auty 0’' his lil.' th.-u men rispected him Q Christian bT' liiau tiiey loved him a>i ji man. Hi r. li^lou- i-liai-ai-tf-i' evhibitrd the ptH-nliar Ohurchly typ nuir.nionr.’r.-tlU .*, .'.Him, faii hful. eiirnest, loving und stead- fii't. Ihe Ma-Jt^r whom h.- sx-rved did not'desert him in the hours of hi trial, wa-« with hiiii in all pains of dis ea«e and the .sorrow- of iis-‘olation, and bestowing upon him H'ls own pe ullar tcnijier, t-nableii him all aloi^^ and at tholft-t to -av an.) feel. ' Not mv will, but Thine be djfie!'* ' »•' M. H WANTED, IMJ engage &00 cords ‘-GOOD PINE ^OOD, ’ in ex change for Spun Yarn if preferred, to be delivered from £ to 10 cordti per we>k, at convenient points on tb* Wtwteni {tailroad. .Vpply immediately to^ GEO. BRANDT. Fayetteville, April 20. 26-itf Daily Carolinian tf inside. Wanted—Wood £and. The undersigned will give a fair price for a well wooded tract of LAND of 100 or 20® acres, on the Railroad *t any point l>etween Jonesboro’ and Fayetteville. Wood, pilch pin** bo-^ed or unboxed UFNRY E. COLTON, Agent F. K. Co Fayetii'ville, April 19. 26tt ' RKKirsBoiro’ FUTUAL INSUaAW'^E COMPANY. ’IIK undersigned will receive the money and give re^ i ceipts for thu recent assessment made on the inaured In thi» C.inipanv in Fayetteville and vicinity. JNO. M. ROSE. April 20. &4-2tpd IROU FOR HiALE. WE have for side about IU. Swedes Iron, part 7 to S inches wide. Also 2 setts of X J inch LutX'" Tire, and2'KX) lbs. King’s Moun.ain Ironsaitable lor hloeing ami strapping;. , ».EO. W. WILLIAMS A Co. .\pril naTHa.v A STEIjMAV. wm. H. BERNARD .'V. A. «T£D.^AilI St CO., UeOlj:SlLE RETAIL eUALGftS a. N D COinitil^^lOili inERCBAIVTS^ J^o. 19, Hay 9fr«rf, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. April 2o. _ ^tf Black WritiDC Ink. 4.1 A BOTTLES Johnsion’e celebrated Black Writing ’ Mf INK, foi sale by the single bottle or dozen. N. A. STKDMAN & CO., No. 19, Hay Street. April 10. 25-i3t the W,r\hat the Confederate States are entitled to it »f*thing of the kiud_. Not a syllable in reference re^yjgnition as an independent power, and the House has found itself unnble to KXp:-l them for so doing. Two years or more airo. Senator Bright, of Jndiitna exjK-lled from the Seimie by a vote not far from ananimous for simply writing an ordinary letter of •iitrodueiion for a person dt-Sinng lo make the a/*- ■;aamt.ince of President Davis. Now. a Pepresent- *uvfe, Mr. Ij^mg. of Ohio, is found, who doelares his onvicaoQ that th«‘independence of the Confederate I „ .. . . ^*aie» should U- n-cotniiz‘l; another. Mr. Wood, of | int»-rfere with his pros[>e-t of \oi(^- Sew York, avows his concuri-ence in the opinion and a third, .Mr. Harris, of Maryland, gcK-s iarthcr, denounce-! the war as infamou-i and infernal, and in '-•-ke3 th.3 cnr%' cf the Almighty npon it; and yet the vote necessary to hi? e.xpulsion cannot be obtained This l-'rtks like progress—the decadence of natiittial tiaiuiv and the return of rta.son. to the stirring and glorious news which has reached it since the date of its last issue finds a pla-e in the Standard,. We suppose Mr. Holden knows that veiy many of his snbscrilx'rs take no other pa[wr, and that by withholding the good tidings from them they will never know that our bi-a\e tn>c»ps have been blessed with great successes. Such knojvlwlge miuhi Anothkr Haekas Cobpls t'A«K.—“In the matter dSpi vey," Chief Ju=tiee Pears.>n ha.s refusel todis- • harp^ lhe applicant, t’ol. .Mallelt, Commandunl of OonBcripts, having made oath that "the ssid Spivey J detiined by me under orders of the 9e-retarj of ^s-r as a prisoner for an attempt to avoid militnry '^enic’*.’’ Twk Arxv all Ri)HT.—A letter from a friend in liie army says: “Our men are in fine spirits, and rea dy for any emergency. Our company numbers 168- Of thia Dumber not one vott 'tvHl be c««t for Mr. It is announced that early in May tire publication of the Standard will be resumed. fhe itatemcnt of the t’(mfederale th.al two sort of Standard.’ had l>een issnotl—one lor the army and another for the Suiti'--is'tlenieiL The ,’onfederate says that its information was from (.as it believed) credible prr"onj, and e.vpe-ls its informants lo veri fy it. to thf: Rc-jkrvks.—We are reiuostedt» call tho Rltention of per-ons between 17 und IS and 45 and 50, lo the notirf- of l.ieiit. ki-ni-her, Knrollhig OfKcer for thi-t county, requiring them lo n[>pear in thi*^ town on Saturday next the 2.3d ifist., to form themselvea into coni psvtiie^. Bv- r»-ferenco to the 0th section of the Mil'itary Law , on the 4th page of this pajK-r, lh» y will sec that by thus organizing they will constitnte a Reserve for State defence aud detail duty, not liable to be sent oaV uf the SUte; whereas if they neglect to do so, without a reason- j able excuse,they will be pUced in serrlce in the field for VhbWtf. int-nt ty P. II. Aylett, Es«j., who ansociated for the fiov rnment Judge Monroe, the venerable and di?Unguished Judije. for many yenr-j, of the IMslricf C.^urt f.f Kentucky. The argument of the c.-ise f»ccupi«.tl nearly two v\eek«, «nd the following points wi-re in'i->ied np.111 bv thr> conn- !*.-l f ir the petitioners l-*t. That the law wa.-- unifin^tiLutioiiiil 2d. That if con-titutional, the coni-1 eould nevi-i-theless ro behind the return In smy ei«e in which a partv wa« leiaineil by ftiitlioriry of the Presid-'-nt or .'SeerctHrv of War, and inquire inb> the fa.-l=i of'eaeli case to aae»-rtain whether these wen- surfieient grounds tVir fletention. The conrt. ill «n .ipini..n n markable for its learnin,, nnd ability, overrule.! nil the objection" 10 thi- :ift, and 'matid(*d the petitioners to the eu-t.)dy of the propf>r otlieers.—HiC'-mond If^qnirm-, Thr- Amnunt of Tithes j»iid in this l>istrirt. Capt. S. M. Fingi'r, the Post Ouartermaster foi'tlus District, has fumished us with the following staU nient showing the amonnl nf pn^dm e received up to the 1st ot April, being one-tenth of each kind enn inen»t«-d; Wheat 4.'),11D bushels, com 94.018 bushels oats 27,131 bnshels. rye 1,164 bushehs. ji.-as 3f>l bu.shels, wool r>,3G9 lbs., h.iy 1.26^,000 Ihs.. fV»dder 902.r>73 lbs., bacon 261,842 !bs. ('apt. Fiuger estimates that .^0,000 bushels corn and 300,000 lbs. liacon are yet to come iu, making altogether 144,918 bus. corn and .'‘)61,842 lbs. ba on In order to ascertain how miieh of each nrtiele wa.« raiseil in the District luring the past year, multiply lhe liyiires by ten. We may .safely say thal u final settlement will '^how nearly l,r»oO,tliJO bu.shels of corn and over '»,000,000 lbs. i»f bacon. In addition to this, each proilucer reserved IfJt) bushels of com or .'ift bushels of wheat, and 20 bushels of peas, on whi‘h ho was not required to pay the tenth. And further, many iK*rsons did not make quite 100 bushels corn or T)0 bushels wheat, ami therefore paid n> lith at iUl. Now, taking the.se fai-ts into consideration, have we not, been correct in saying that there is really no scarcity of food'?—Charlotte Ihmovrat Funding.—Riohmo.ni), April 20.—Funding re t®rn8 amount ia the aggregate to $2.^7,000,000. Twenty small depoeiiories yet lo hear from. The Only State from which complete retnms have been received is Ckorgia. Amoaat funded in that State Fi’oru (rc-n. Ji/hiistun'.'i Antii^.—Not before ifs advance into Kentucky or on the eve of the gloriou-^ fight and victory at Chickamauga. did this aruiy ex hibit a higher tone than it does now. There seems to be univer.-'al satisfaction with the commander and for thecorp commamlur- an exi-nuirdiuary degree of devotion and onthu.sia.siic attachment. It is scarcely con.'eivaijle that .such meji led by such chief.' cun ver be beaU.-u. The health of the army was never so goo.l. 1 ndeed. the hospitals fwre and in the towns iu tho South-west are nearly all emptied. Th»>re will be little difBculty in fi-t'ding Johnston’s and Polk’s army in this coiintiy. and of Htmdiog a surplu.s to your Virginia army, if the Government will infuse a ittle more vigor and activity into the tr«nsportation department. West Alabama and Ea.s* Mississippi .'I’oue can supply the whole ('onfederiwy with corn and nearly with pork. 1 ob«‘rve one great change in tho i»tMposition ot the army. There wa.s. at the beginning of the war, cpiite a larg»‘ infusion iu tiie rank :ind file of old men. or men of midille age. These app«*ar to have entirely disappx'ared from the ranks, whi h ajt^ now filled al most exclu.sively with young men, ani .such stalwart, hearly. well cotnlitioned. intelligent yonng men as never before composi'd a regular war eslablL^hment. Co7i fS'pimdjTricr Jin fmnnru'i Enquirt^r Th*’ Vttnktij Amxy of the J^Movtar.-—There »ran be no doubt that the army under tirant. c>n the Rap pahannock, ig much weaker nu»ierically than that whieh was ovvrwhelmed nnder Hooker u. year ago lU «'hanc*-llorsvnie. -\n officer who came down on tho Central train last night informs us that our scouts report that ihe statement of heavy reiaforcements lo Grant arc gn-atly exaggerated, and that lhe ene ray's army, with all"the reinforcements received up to this lime, does not exceed C0,0o0. It is stated, however, that tlrant is making prepantlions for an ailvance.—/ti.tpnlch, lOlh. MjTint Lo*sm.—The Juno, whi.-h ran tfce blockade i'rotn Charleston five wet-k-» ago wa-i lost in a. gale «>n h«-r second day out. Bul two i>ersons are known to \jr saved. She liad 220 b«le« of Government owttoa. Her chief officers were *Hpt. Philip Porcher, C. Sl N.; f'ir^t Lieut. Thomas Beuthull, C. S. X., and Llant. W A >ienbeimer. C. 8. 5. Tbo Hild Pigeon has been sunk ofl^ Tampa, by tioekader. ..«'A VwrfJfiV ILiii!: alAHK^'.—April -• 1 _ REVIEW O? THK MARKPT 4 6l» Pori' a fcO L»rd 8 00 to 4 1*0 lietf 1 bj to 1 7.5 cts- por lb . retail Bei'swax 8 .*0. Uuit«r 6 Oh to '> 00. v;)ot,on 1 7i> iO 2 l^i C jifee !•'> 00 to 20 00. -(JoitoB Vain —520 to #-"»' ot? per b»«Be» l>ri«d Frail 1 75 p’^t Sggs 2 60 per duacu Eriradi Logwoud to {•« fcr lb. Flour ^260. I laxiteei 8 bO «o M* 00 bu. Fodief 11 0C>. Ufc/ 10 IM> StiuokH iO on. ^raio —^tJorn JJfO 0). ^ tie«t 80 00 to 40 Ot). Ry* 26 00 w 'iO 00 t »»i# 10 00 Pom 80 OO fijdee—Greeu 2 60 ^ 8 50, dry 4 60 fa 6 00. Iwn—Swedes S 60 to 4 60 Leaiher—Upper 17 60 Jiw lb., Sul* $16 00 mj»U 60. Liquom—Corn Whiskey 70 0t .V{,ple »itd Peaeii 70 00. Mb:Vi>ea 26 00 to >0 00 6oda ^ 60 to $6 ■'fSJona m per hueli«i —ixiata tt '0 ih-U >*{*•“• oweot 15 w Jitb R.'Ce I 24 u) 1 W). e>ujc«l' »o I** Oo ?Ksily b«r 2 O ', in.; Twiloi a 0.) .df-iflte Turpij1tttii6 J! VX* wr fsyen-eviiie 'i-ri 8iic6*if>.!r», i ttOioryprloe.-»»o •!«* Mi*(e 26. Oota-U^ 1 ■>■> k» o tK» .iJr iM Id 4* {.'0 tK'i 1‘iiHheJ. Tallow a 00. Wort fd. Oort-MiUi tr B It I’ewavSToi? I^** There ft ill be Divine Service in St. John's Thureh this Morning HI II o’clock, and this Even ing at 7^ o'ckjck. In thc> Evening the Rite ol tlon- hrmation will be administered. Tbe Seeaad lumiArCouiafii) (the 48 h .Anun.nl As-^embly) of the PROTESTA.NT EPISCOPAL •CHI IlCHiu the iMoce.se cf North Carolina will moetin St. John’s ChureU, WlLLI UUiBOKO% on WED.NESDAY, Alay D^th. 1864. tVrlifitteles of lAy Delegates should be ts"jit to the Sorri*tary of "C-ouncil so as to re«»ch him be- tfore the iath .nay. W. TILLINGH AST. Sn.-’y. Favetteville, April 19. 2.'5-2w Ral Confederate and Charlotte l»emocr.it «-opy 2 w»*kfi and send bill t-o llits f>tfiee. WESTEllK KAJLROAD. OS SfttiirdiiV, 2-d inst., puR-^.-ngors gxiing trom Fay- rtUfvilleto flu.'pl to h.-art;..v. Vftnc»*-s Address, and returniii» sam.' ev.-ninj. will be c!i-trged onl« for ronnd rrip. . . L C- April lt. •, Sup't. It By I a Lady of If i WA.liTEO, .\|’».'riene'e in teitching, a siMt-‘*tlon in a tviite Vhf>ol or fjimily. .^ddreis H., t«),v l.VJ. Fayetteville, N- >• Aprtr2f -•'*'^^1**^ COI'TON CAftDS! CO'rTOW CfliBDS!! W'E 0 tfer lor sale No. 10 CA>TTON CARD.i. madufac tin ed-»»y the Fayetteville Cotton Curd Manutaotur ing t;o!d ^ny. Th-.-se Card-* nre warranted to be equal if n.jl imported Curds. * A. STEDM.\N A CO. 19 H»y St. Apiii '« ' r%OTl€E. Bv o: 1. r of Ihe (?ourt of Pleas and Quarter Seoeions of i;.tV-s^>n couiitj, Feb'y Term 1864,1 Reuben King, Shcrifi'of '.'ifd county, will «ell for cash, at the Court i; .use ii't LuuifKTton, on the fourth Mouday in Msy neirt, the fo’.'.-> iiig Tiiicts ol t-oid, or aa much thereof aa will nav the '.a'c anr co-its thoreon for the yeai 1862. viz: One hunav-“i a-ves lo atcd ou the ElizaU'th Road, valued at $9j. lift d »v K.ob3ft?ou Singlelery. tax *2 33. Also ■il the ^>itu-*timc. eiKhtv-five acres, located on Oua* W* ‘’‘••'i.’SSS'.Si*' ‘’ Aprill*.. ^ .n v Stallion, Young Orange Bof, Is offered for .sale, and will stand at my Stables InSali*- Imrv, until sold, at S30 the Season, and $40 the Inau ranee.' Orange Boy is a beautiful Blood Bay, black mane and tail, eight years old this Spring. YOU'^G ()RaNGE B JY was sired by Old Orange Bov and he by John D. Amis’ Old Sir Archie. Young Orintce Boy’s dam was got by Thomas Benoehan a Character, he by Old Sir Archie ‘ haractar wai oat of a Druid VI are and she out of Janus. Beeidei, Young Or*nge Bov is closely connected to many other ho|^ bl^: such an. Eclipse of Virginia, ^cus, ^“»bndge. Imnorted Drivers, Diomede, Beller andiiapOTted Mewey. The aliove is the true Pedigree of Young Orauge Boy. This Horse has taken threa premiums^^ Sftli?boTy. April 11 * Is. w.] 25-4W llalM, WagOM, Horses an4 Salt, AT AUCTION. ON Saturday oojrt, the 2Sd inet., will be sold at Aactloo, l»i Fine Mull'S; a ^oaS'^agous complete aud Gear; 50 Hacks lO.'i bushels mU, 2 years old; .'i 2^") bandies Cotton Yam. JOHN H. OOOK, AocCr. .\pril IS. Boii«c *|?K BnbH.'riber will, .>u .>~»>;j'day *he ^Sdinai., olfer for Rent a% Auction Oni‘ Boimv and ou lVi-s..>n .^tn-et, w-th a well of good water, add-^i ex- tpjisiv‘ Garden s]hiL The term of Renting iBuotil Ist^ Teruis make Wiiown ou the day of renting. DUNCAN McNEILL. Ajiril I'i 24 2^>d ^ It Ik wifli pleamire we en dorse the reooramendation for Ct»miDODer Robeson of Ltenu J. H. McLEAN, Co. G, ii4th Regi't, bv Many Citixeua, and pledge to him our hearty *iw>orl MANY SOLt)IERsi. April 12. a^tipd Powder aud Caps tor l«ead! WE will exchan^; Powder and Caps for Lead, in larps or small unautitieA or we will pay cash for the ine N. A. STEDMAN A CO. No. 19, Hav Street. AprlllS^ J3eoJ^_ WE are wIthout female corresp«mdents--a de^ilorable sltuatl.jn. We wish some of your many taic reader* would have compassion on as poor Rebels and s^nd iw weekly billets to relieve the monotony of camp, and cau-^e US to djspK-l from our minds all thoughts of to morrow. We prefer ujtolligeut, pretty and lively cor respondents who have not passed their twentieth §am- m^. We prefer mK’^h laliei!. lecause as a general thing wfen man and woman e.xchange friendly sentiment>, S v mtt cerUinly get U, loving as hard as a mule kick We smrak from experience. We are original mem'lxTsof the company, and all right on fjiK“tion. Tar-Heel is about 5 feet 10 mche" higli, autxirn hair, hazel eyes. Grecian no8c (not to ht> redish.) and one of the most delicate ever decoraU-d a rebel’s lip, wears a So. 8 Iwot when h« can get it, aud when he can't he goes baretootea. Old Sneak stands 6 feet iujiis shoes, a . Hesroes for Birc , jI^ISt»UOCD, nv—-■ and got good teeth, but ls»t as Heel, though is by time to bmiu« pany. Ladies, now is your in Addrend CO. -N.c. I jLicau