pttslio laws. Hnaotki) FtB’r 16, 1864. 1/1 A, fu t’uriil. Tux tn-f Lhni( the JJurren^if- Skction I. 1 kt' '')i^i;res$ o/ fk^ of Atnt'ric'i ifi That Hie hoJJcrs ot ail ’l'ro!i"ury -loteH huovc th*.* ifcn»uiiu**t*on ot 85, ni>t Kff -rffiv: shull be allowcii until the l>t h past the Mississippi, to Nime. vijJ until cho periods and at ths pLi;*?s st-tro-l. tiu’ hoi' ii • ill !5uoh Treasury ;•),? iiJ.'R- 'i t 't I'.Hiil t!io .‘iaiu-. in rojri'- torod li .n Is after their liato, bearia;^ itw-'rc.-^t :if the rUc- i 4 pm- I’ont. per a>4 auui, , v;» .ii‘ uu oho lit oJ .]u!iu:iry :uid July ot eacli y ir S •''•■iTct try of'' Treasnrv is li-rf*hv •ball bo aabjeot to ft tax of 33^ por ceut. on ev ery dollar promised on the f^oo thoroot, •^nid t?\x to attach to said notes wherever circulated, and tj or effects ot'aoj kind, not enuineratecl n th6 preceding paraijrapb, between the times named therein, 10 |>er cent., in addition to saidr.otesto belundable and f xchan^eabio for new f the lax on 8Uch proli's A3 incomo, under the Treasury notes, an horein provided, siibj*ci to afofesaid the deduction of said tax , fjj j.j,g amount of profits exceeding Seo 12 rhat any StaU- holdiOL.' ^ i . r:->tes rccoivo' ‘ tiHxiniJr tlay ol J; cent bote yjiirM ;xl'('7 dutc, und flm !ntercU payable . . ,'i'ifii’nlly. Hut rJI Trca.^nry iiofc.s rt^ccivcl by Ktoct couipilMy >i J'ny*rij>ti'*Hi any Sr ito •^iltor tlu.' tiruc^tiifoil ln»- (uxto^ tUo s nne ^ whotli(ir i!i«H>rpirated or jhm’ r«^tit on IS atrivsaid, sh'*.'! !>« ii.'ld tJ liHVir Ix't n received : HUch e\rcp^. diuiiniiheti by tht; atiiounr ut said t:vx. The dit,- o. imi*i ition n lii* iictot- ^Tibjoc( to thp ♦ ix rizeil w i"siio the b >Mds required I'ur th» ( *‘••1 so subjoct, sfiall bo— 'lOt b ; • ti c !>• l1( J r ■! nv. , i M V" t i.a cen ►iftb til ■ ;• 1U> f luniin!>: proviiiod for in the preceding 8i’ction, ^ud a- fii thc! bonds cm bi* prepared he iu:ty is>«\jc certilio it’'s to tlie I'urpose. Such bond^j and Certilioiif^-*) >h ill br rec'.’ivablf without iiitcir- e.'t in p.iviiii nt td all duvcrumrnt dues payabKi in tho\cur cxci'pt export and im;^^)rt duties t>KC i. I h ;iil 1 ro:fiurv notet> of the dcno:ni- natioij ' 5iOi> ant b> irio' i’it^TC'^t, which ;hall },r iufiiii''^ ntider rNe provisions mi of this u(*'.!));»! 1, from and after \i>rii l.St)4. oast .4 the Alicisi.-w'ippi ■: 1 . -lay .>( .Jui> I '.ll wi-.-t of t ,c , i^t' to bo rocoivable in payment of ;tt!.l >Hid utites, it so presented a^ ill, in ad iitiou to the tax of Ilf d in tlit 4t*i scetiotj «>f this act, be '1 til a tax (if 1,1 p>r eeot. jicr irionth uo I -Iii-h I- Xt s'sh-iH attach t-> «aid : ,, I ■ . r 0'rcu'5«t->rj, futd sijall be ile Im-tod ; *■■ ‘‘ '-'f "^:u i !i 'tos hcuevcr presi'u'eil •n tjr lundin_', and said iioU-s shall ii ■ i Sell-u. : rttuc 1 ■ tiic new is^uc oi Trea- •u> v a >1 ;a (Tuvtded for in thi-i act tsKO. 4. That on ail . aid Trca.sury note* not lundid ur u.'«i d in puym-'ut of taxes at the dates ui. 1 piac. s pr. 'jcnbed in the 1st &octiou of this aot, , ■ i*' I be ii^vied at said dates and places a txx t>! oJi cents for every dollar pronsised on the I'uL'o uf saiu notes; said tax shall attach to said not.-.- wImt-v r circulated, and shall be collected by d' Juc'ino: the same a: the treasury, its deposi tori.'s an . by "ax lit jtor3, and by all Govern uii'tit ; r.-^ recciviii:^ the samn whene ver pr>;- 6eii--^-. for i'avujc!;t or forluudin^, or ia paymetit ot .ve:::ment dues, or lor pjstaj;e. or in ex- chauiie l.;r irj*» cot'.« as hereinafter proviiied, and 'av! i»:-a,uf_v u-:tes shall be fundable in bonds a- p'‘o id. d ii, the section oi this act, unt41 .the I't d!‘> ■! J Sec 13. Tflat Treasury notes heretofore issued Sh>\ 5. Tiie folk'wintj exemptions from tiiXHtion under tliis »M*t ftlfall be alloweil. t(Hwit: • ,1. Property «d' each hen*! of u tunuiy t» bearin'^ intert'fit at th.; rate ot 87 oi> on the ?100 , j-j,g value of and ibr eafli tniti .r child per annum Hhall no longer be received in pay-j the tamiiy to the further value ,d‘ JIoO; mcnt of-ubnc dues, but snail he deetned and j each 8t>n actually enga-od in the c >tisiU. rtd bonds of the t oofedorate StalOH, p^iva , i T j• ^ i If .u .-4' . V . ■ ,*rtrnivor naw, or rho has-died or been ,ble two y jars after the ratihcation of a treaty of , , .|i • .-i -i-* i • j CKa,e with the United St.«ea, bearinjr the rnL of I *" nnl.tary or naval service, and Mitercst sp«'cified on their face, pnyable 1-*t of Janaary of cach and svfry \ear. Sec. 14. T lat the Secri'Uiry of the TreaHury b), and he i« l,'?rcbv, anilionzod, in i-Rse the fxi- who was a tiiembor of the family when he entered tiio st^rvice, to the furfher value of II. Property of the widow of ativ officer. .' luoies ot the‘jrovernnie ii should require it, to i >^oKlier, 8ailt»r or marine, who inav have p ly th deiwan-^ of any public erediti>r whose debt may be contmctcd after the pasMaf'c of this act, wiilin)i to rec?ive the same in a certificate of in- iebtedness, to be issued by said Secretary in such form as he may deem proper, payable two }Tars •ifrer a rarfdcatfon ora rrrafj yf pcrac^ rritti l‘ait^d States, bcarins; intere:Jt at the rate of six per cen». per anrrtim, payable semi-annually, auit tr iu'^ti rable only by bpeoial endorsement, under retfulatious to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and said certificates shall be exempt from taxi-.tion in principal and interest. Seo 15. The Secretary of^ the Treasury iB au thorized to increase the number of depositories so as to meet the requirements of this act, and vrith that view to employ such of the banks of the sev eral States as ho may deem expedient. Sec. 16 The Secretary of the Treasury shall lorthwith advert’se this act in puoh newspapers published in the several States, and by snch other oi^ans as shall secure immtMiiate publicity; and the Secretary of War ami the Secretary of {^e Navy shall each cause it to be published in "cne ral order for the infonnatioa of the army and navy. Sec 17 The 42] section of the act for the atiu y 1nH5. uf the fi t® 1 GoJ oents ussesiment aud oolltrction of taxe^, approved May th‘ d' lUr; aii-i I, shall be the datv of the Sec 1st l^6-S. is horebv ’■cpeaied retary ot tbe i r.-i>.ary, at any t;mr bet ween the 0* l''»U, west ol the .Mi-'-j-ippi river, and the Ist'oi .!.^.uary 1865. to sub titute and txehanaie ncv^ Treasury notes for th.- .same at the rate of 66f oent.^ on the dol- of ihe denomination of flOO shatl not be eutitled t« the privilege of said exchans?c: Frovnied further, that the riijht to fund any of said Treasury notes, after the 1st day of January 1865, is hereby taken away: Anfiprn- vidrd further, That upon all such Treasurv noU-s which may remain out-titiding on the 1st day of January 1^65, and which may not be exchantied tor ne^ Treasury nnte«, as herein provid d, a'tnx of 100 per cent, is hereby impj!=ed SBf 5. That'after the first day of Apnl next, all autharity herot'.'fbre given ti the Seorcrtary of the Treasury to i-sue Treai-ury nctos .«hall be, and is hf.ehy, revoked: l^ov'.h'd^ *! Sec 18 Tho Secretary of the Treasury is hereby xathorizcd nud rtqaired, upon the appli cation of the holder of any call oortiScate, which, by the first section of the act to provide for the funding and further issue of 'Preasury notes, ap proved March 2od ISO^J, wu.s required t^ be thereafter deemed to be a bt>nd, to issue to such holder a bond therefor uj>on the term.s provided by said act. , --ic ot the Tr.a^ury may, aMer that t’tne. J .sue Lw Treasury notes, in such f-'rm as he miij prescribe, payable two years after the ratifleatiou of a treaty .... peaoe with ilie LniUid States, ne'r issues to be receivable in payment of all pubHc dues except export and iujport duties, to he issued in exchange for old noies at the rate oi 'J d'lL’srs of An Act to lay additlomt} Taxes for the coin- nnru defence amf support of Ch't'timmerU. Sec. 1. The O.tngrests of the Ct'*nt'u'lerate Stat»‘g of America do enact. That in arid! lion ro the ta.xc's levied by the aet “lo lay tave.s for the cotmnon defunce and to carrv on the fiovennnenr oi’the ContelerateSfat'e5, approved 24tb of April 1S63, there shall be levied, trorn th^ passa^ of this act, on the subjects ol ta.xatioR hereat'ter rnentionei, and collected fri>tn every porsoQ, copartner ship, adsociatioji or ci^rporation, liable there to, t.ixea as fullowti, to-wit: I. Upon the value of property, real, jier- 6>TaJ aud njixed, oi C‘,er» kind and dePcrip- the new fur 3 of the o!d i--ues, whether ."aid old i tion. not hereinafter eienip^e^l or tnxed at h notes be surrendered foi exchange by the holde-s j dilfei-ent rate, "> per ren *• Provi'^^d That aeoomin.tioTi oVncil, srerSuc^J w ^ 'V'“5 •licrorrom, o^ot. 00 the Jolhr bv Ihi .lbi-«8aid, ,c.y i , '‘''1”' 'r^ convc;i the same into ciil certificate bearino ia- ' ^ ^ Y.'^^ t--nMient: Providad, tereht at the rate of 4 per cent, per annu-n "and ' allowed h*vond f. p.j.Me r.tilic.tioo , .11- Ou the v.nluo of iruld and silver wares and plate, jewold, jcwelrv and WKtche'^. 10 {>er cent. III. 1/ie value of properly t.a.'Ccd under this section hIihII be arisesued on tho basis'«»f the market valne of the same, or similar pro perty in the neitrliborhood where JtHHesaea, in the vear 186>, except in cases where latid. unlosi ao'juer of peace with the l-nitcd State; ooDverfcd into nc-w notes. Sec 6 Th.i^ to pay the exp. nsotf of the Gov- urpm. : ^ . .-herwise provided for, fht; Secretary r,;a#ury is hereby authorized to issne 6 per ^ -n^ h -n.ln to an amount not exceoMng five bund. ^ . .r, ..M ..f dollars, the principal and in- ' be f''ee from taxation, and le p._ 0 ,)t intercut therooti tha entire net ce'ors .r ..ny export duty^. f huM on r|,c i ^'V C'-fvf'uc' j, ;iC(d nav-il ■.‘ores i fr.'IQ Su - . I *tie T), f i.r-ivftd died or l*een killed in the military or naval service, or where there is no wid»»w, then of the family, beiui' mini*r children, to the value of $1000. III. Proptirty of every officer, Holdier, tiulloi' Or iiiui Iiie, acitmlfj militaiT or naval service, or of $uch as have been dit^.-ibled in such service, to the value of $1000; provided, that- the above exeinp- tioijb shall not apply to any persoji, whose profierty, exclusive of houBehold furniture, shall be assessed at a value e.xceedinf? $1000. iV. That where proj>erty baa been injured or destroyed by the enemy, or the owner thereof has been temporarily deprived of the uee or occupancy thereof, or of the means t>f cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity of tho enemy, the astjc^ment on such property may be reduced, in projK»rtion to the daniac^e sus tained by the owner, or the tax assessed ttiereon mny be reduced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evi dence eubinittod to him by the owner or a»- Ress«>r. Sko. 6. Tliat the taxes on property laid for the year 1864, shall Ihj a8se#sed as on the day ot the j-as^age of this act, and he live and collected on Ihe 1st day of June next, oV as soon after jw practicable, allow- injr an extensioti uf ^>0 days West of the Missispippi river The adiiitional taxes on incomes or prolifs f r the year ISBH, levied by this act, shal^ be assetv-:el ainl collected forthwith; atid the ta.xes on inc’>mes or pro fits for the year 1864, fhall l>e a-ss«;8sed and collected accordin^f t> the provisions »■!' the tax and asbesssmeut a^-ti of 186.‘i. Skc. 7. » much o*‘ the tax a-t -f the 24th day of April 186'i, a« levies a tux on in- couies derived I'rom proj:»ertv or effects on the amount or value of which a tix i^j levied by t.his act, and also t.he let section of safti act, are 8U8{)ended for the year 1564, and no e«jtimated rent, hire or interest on pro- l>errv or credits herein taxed a^l valorem, sh'all be lu^seased or taxed as incomes under the tax act of 18CT.. Sec. s. That the tax imposed by this act on Ixvnds of the Confederate States hereti>- fbre issueil, shall in n» case exceed the in terest on the same, Hnl such bonds, when held by or for uiinoi'w or lunatics, shall be yxempt from the tax in all case:^ where the interest tm tho tiame shall not exceeil $loOo. .In Act tosii>j>eru1 the priviU^e nf the Writ of Habeas Cor pm in certain cofse-s. Whereas, Uie Constitution of the Confed erate States of I provides in Article 1; Section 0, Paraj'taph H, that “the privi lege of the writ A'>fas corpus shall not be t Ur pendeJ unices wiien in case t>f rebel lion or invasion, the public safety njav re (juirtf it;” and whereas, the uo-.vcr of .sii-4- pending the privile;4e of saiii wi ir ;i.s recu:;- nized in said Article J, is vest«*.J aololv in the Conj^resis, which is the e.\c.iii'iv-* ju*ii^»-e of the neceftsitv of suiHi suspension'; aiid IX. Of cr»napiracies, or attempts to libdt- ata prisoners of war held by the Confederate States. X. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon the Oonliederate cause, or to re sist tlm Confedtfrtite. Stat«s, or ft* adhere to the enemy. XII. Of unhiwfiiily burninj^, destroying or injurinii^, or attemptiui^ to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele graphic line of communication, or proper^}’, with tho intont of aiding the enemy. Xlil, Of treasonable designs to impair the military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, *r other property of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. Tho President shall cause proper officers to investigate the cases of all persons so arrested, or detained, in ord^r that they may be'discharged if improperl}' detained, unless they can he speedily trlod in the due course of law. Sec. 3. Tliat tluring the suspension af«>re- said, no military or other officer shall be coni}>elled, in answer tt» any writ of habeas corpus, to ap|>ear in person, or to return the body of any person or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary of War, or the General officer coni- Tran* Misaiseippi depairtinent; but upon the certificate, under oath, of the itfficer having charge of any one so detained, that such person is detained by him as a j»risoner for any of the causes hereinbefore specified, under the authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings nnder the writ of habeas corpus shall imiaediately cease and remain suspended so long as this act shall continue in torc-e. , Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days after the next laeeting of Con gress, and no longer. shall be liable to be placed i^Mrvice in the. Held for the war, as if be were between the ages of 18 and 45.. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor ers i/i the Commissary and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and empl )yees of navy agents, as also in the execnti'^n of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by persons who are within the aires of IH and 4A years, and who by the report of a Dt>ard of army surgeotia shall be reported as unable to perform active service in the field, but capable of performing some of the above said duties, specifyi when thepe persons shall to ihij^e dutie.^ a«» far as pr aident shall assign or detail to their perform ance sutdi bfKiies of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under the 6th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such dntios: Provided, that persons between the nges of 17 and 18 shall be a-ssigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall l>e so construed to prevent the President from detailing artisuns, mechanics, or y>er- sons of scientific skill, to perform indispen sable duties in the departtnents or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As- siatsCnt Quartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Commissary, (other than those serv’- ing with brigades or regiments in'the field,-i or officers in tbe Ordnance Bureau, or Xavy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or ofJtcer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his emploj’uient any person in any of their eaid departments or bureaus, or in any of tho duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in vioIati/Tn of the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall i>e the dutv of any department t.r district commander, upon proof, by the oath t*f an\' credible person, that Hny such ofiicer has violated this prc»- vision, immediately to relieve such officer frc»m duty; and said commander^ shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any commander as afoi«esaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upoti being duly convicted thereof, be discharged from the service. Sec. 1(>. That all laws granting eietnp- tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the following: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed bv the Secretary of \^ar. 2. The Vice President of the Confederate States, the members and officers of Congress and of the several State Letrislatures, and 8ucl» other Confederate and State officers as the President, or the Governor of the re spective States, may certify to be necessary for the proper ikimiuistration of the Con federate or State Governments, as the case may be. H. Kvery uiiiiister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of Ids church, and who, at the }>assage of this act, shall be regularly employed in the discharge of his ministerial «luties; superintendents and phy sicians of asylums for the deaf and dumb and blind and of the insane; one editor for ^ch newspaper being published at the time of this act, and snch employees as said edi tor may certify, on oath^ to be indispensable provisions, to be deliv^red b^ auoh as aforeuiid at equivalent rates '* ». Such person shall further bind huase - to sell the marketable surplus of provision! and grain now on hand, and which he a.a\ raise from year to year while hi* exeoivtiy. continoes, to the (tovernment or totb«Va^' ilies of soldiers, at prices tixed by the (Jota missioners of the State under tlie itnr,rf- mciff act: Provided, that Ittiv pert4i .T empted as aforesaid, shall b;; entitled t, credit of 25 per cent, on any aiuoanuf ni^ which he may deliver withm thr*e monn> from the passage of this act; Provided fu!' ther, that persons'coining wifiin the proTi ivfcd TUE MILITARY BILL. Sectitm 1. That I'rom and after the p»v=»sage 1 uf this act all white men, residents of tho Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 60, shall be in tlys military service of the Confederate States for tlie war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of 18 and 4.% now in service, shall l>e retained daring the present war with tfie U. S., in the same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they belong at the passage of this act, with the same or ganization and officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gov- eminent of the army: Provided, that com- paiiieri from one State, organized against their consent, exproiseti at the time, with regiments or battalions from another State, shall have the )>rivilege of being transferred to organizations of iruoj»s, in the same arm of the service, fruui the States in which said companies were raised; atid the suhliers froift 9ne Stat-e, in companies from another State, sbaD be allowed, it they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, in the same arm of the service. Sec. 8. That at the expiration of six mouths from the tirst day of April next, a bountv of $lt»0 in a six per cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorized to issue, shall be paid to eve- ry'^non-commjssioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or iu the event of his death previous to the period of such payment, then to the person or per sons wlit> woftld l>e entitled to receive bv law 1 1- ■ • ♦ ^ J ■ ^ •' the arrearagesof his pay; but no one ehall be ! printer of the Contederate and State f king such contract shall certify that tbe per t;ons, the Secretary of War, under the di rection ot the Pre-idonT, rnav i.-xi-’upt ..r Je tail aach other persons .'is he niav !>#. fie.l ought to by exempted on acconrir public necessity, and to inbaro thA nrodivc. tion nf grain and other provisions Vor army and tho families of soldiers, fle loay also, grant exemptions or detail.«i, on 9u ‘ terms as he may prescribe, to snch orar seers, farmers or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the countrv in the pursuits of agriculture than in the inili tary service: Provided, that snch exempti.Mj shall cease whenever the.farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ in good faith, his own skill, capital and lab^r exclusively in the production of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Government and tJie families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time for like articles by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act. 5. Tbe president, treasurftr, auditor aud snperintendent of any railroad company ea gaged in transjiortation for the Govermneat. and such officers and employees thereof at the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, tlia: the number of persons so exempted hr thij act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actnal a»*) for military transportation; and said ex^mpu shall be reported by name and descrinti a, with the names of any who have leu th» employment of said company, or who raav cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing herein contained ihai’ bo construed as repealing tlie act apprare^ April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying the maili the Confederal** States, and the drivers of post coaches and hacks, from military wt vice: Provided, that all the exemprioo* granted under this act shall only coatinue whilst tho persons exempted are actually ent^ged in tbeir respectiv’e pursuits or oc cupations. Sec. 11. That the President be, and Le is hereby, authorized to grant details^ uuder general rules and regulations to be i.isaeJ from the War Department, either of p#rs/>De between 45 and M years of age, or from the army in the field, in all cases where, in bis judgnjent, justice, equity and necessity re quire such details, and he may revoke sucL orders of details whenever he thinks proper Provided, that the power herein granted to the President to make details and exemp tions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor fo; furnishing snppUes of any kind to the 6o» ernment, by reason of said contract, tinleai to the publication ot such newspaper; the [the head or secretary of the department ms entitled to the bounty herein provided who shall at any time, tluring the period of six m>nths next af\er the said fii-st day of April, be alwent from Jiis command without leave. Sec. 4. lhat tu> person shall be relieveti from the ope ratio Gt)vernment«, and such journeymen print ers as the anid public printer shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each a|.>oth6CHry store, who was doing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1S62, rom the operatio’' of this act bv reason of! i i • i • j i “ ■ • i •iviii.r it - r I 1 I h^^d has C'>ntinned »?aid business \vj,tbont aMtig cteen tier*to:ore discharirod troin tlu* • • .i ^ • i n i • .•mv ,1 Tf. fe"'‘ intermission, smco that period; all idivsi- 1111} wtieie no aisatulitv now exists; nor ^ \ ' ' nowi ,1. or 8 . iH-iuh 'he:.' m-iv iT,'. i. .V7 price actuaUy j»aii for the to p arc her^t,y Hr,,.cm4Iv i - peisr^.j / dutie.s n 'vT laid o-I v ilue of all share ^ ’-nfj ||*erotf |^“-'d in any bank, bankiHi; Co tf'r r; p.ii 1 • . . . . I HSKdciation, canal, navigation, i the ('onfed'rate ol rhv imp .rt duDes •f may oe nect'-'-irv Slaves, cotton ;r tobacco have been pur- cfiHsuil since the 1st day of January 1862, : whereas, in the o})inion of the Con^'ro^s, the in which oase the said land, slaves, cotton j public safety req'iifcs the susponsitTn of said and tobacco so purchased, shall be assessed . writ in tho e.xisting case of tho invasion of sti the price actually i»ail for the same by ‘ tl. heref. a:; warifj t ■■ h.;.>. pirt tirifi- la'i ^alc 11 if ; Ski . V tio'i ,1 t:n- poa b'ti-1 and fhcj n oueh r' i';i may i toguf li«- I i L hir flj^j ■ , 1 rr?,..i. tr ■ Tr •• . ; y . '■r Trr . .. i- -n it.-i ;! tl T Ury ,.! ,0 Treasury ii ' iJ time to time, tis the ‘iny rr.juiro i>, to sell or } jot'^.-i said bondjj, or anv rmg he can, so as to at. iJic I!'flint't th*j circu- *ithiii re;vionable and ■03 or inter- ompany or importing, exp>rting, insuiance, manufacturiiiif, tele graph, express, railroati, lUid dry-dock com panies, and all other joint st>ck companies of every kind, whother incorporated or aot, ,) m»r cent. The value of pr#]»erty taxed nnder this iiictioii shall b^i uuua these States by the armies of the Unit«d States; and whereas, the President has asked for the Bnsi>enfiion of the writ of hal>eag cor pus, and informed Congress of conditions of public daJiger which render the suspension of the writ a measure proper for the public defence against invasion and insurrection now, tfcerefore, The Congress of tho Confederate States of America di» enact. That during the present invasion »>f the Confederate States, the pri h: army wnere no aisaoiiity now exists; nor ahull tho;»> who have i’.unislicd substitutes be any iongor e «'npr^d by reason ^lereof: Provivlcd, that no peiti»»n, heretofore exempt ed on account »>f religious opinions and wiio has paid the tax levied to relieve him from iorvice, shall be required to render military ^rvice under this act. ! ^ f>ond- authorized by tt» 0th sec- ru^y bo rtitlier ro>---;.,terod or oou- ^ rtAy elcct; . ” forcaoh other under rhe Se-retary of the Treasury Th.;y aliall he for 810), and wha!}. • with tho 0 )up>ns thereto attach«'d, bo in sujfi 1 irm and ot such authcuiticatio:’ »s the Sec retary of rhe Tri .-isury may pf«oril.'; the interest »h;-ii be payable half yearly on *he first of .Jan’y and J ily in each; the priuoip d shall be pay able not lc83 than liO yearii from th,ir date. Seo. 9. All call oertiScatcs shall be fundable, and Hh>ll be taxod in all resp-^cts as in provided i'jT the Treasury notes into which they are con- verr.ible. If converted before the time fixed for taxing the Tre isury notes, such certificates shall from that tiiB€ bear interest, upon‘only 66§ centa every dollar promised upon tlieir face, and th&H be red-'oniahie in new Treasury notes at that rate; but after the passage of thi^i aot no call •ertificates shall be issued until after the first dav April, 1864. Sec. 10. That it .any hank of shall giro depositors the bond:j autliorized by the first 01 this act, in exehangc for tbeir deposits anu apccityia,. the same on the bonds by some .T n the said do- STa “ «■ •odoutstot>di,.i.„ i?“» ..uW, the said botd. r. T.l"' T prmiogeoffuodiug ‘ "* tho as bci'cir) pror bribed 8bo. II. ’t .Pt «n , . •sBuod of (hH .fen n>in.*j^ of “orotofore 'J he ll>icc'^^' ' provitlcd bw prOVlP'i.r.^ mf last, AI V 'enn'ini .'n p- V * >it f.r puhho dues" 'f* iioiifhl>orhH)d wnere a.ssossecl, in duch cur rency as may hi-- in general use there, in the piycbase ati i sale of such prupej;ty,* at the time of {ifcsexjsnient. Sec. 3. Upon the amount oJt all gold and silver col!), gold-tJust, gold wi* silver bullion, v/kcthor held by the banki? or other corpo rations or individuals, 5 j,)er cent.; and upon all moneys held abrt)ad, jr upon the atntjunt ot all bilLj of exchange., drawn therefor on foreign countries, a tax*^>f 5 per cent.; such tax upon nit>ney abroad to be assessed and collected according to the value thereof at the place where the tax is pald^ II. lJix>n the amount of all solvent cre dits, and of all bank bills and all othec pa pers iBsued ^ currency, exclusive of non- interest beiring Confedei'ate treainry notes, and not employed in a registered business, tho income derived from ^Fbich is taxed 5 per cent. ’ Sec. 4. Upon profits matle in trade and business, as follows: I. On all profits maIe by buyiug and sell ing epiritous liquors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or sirup, salt, bacon, o,>rk nop, beot or beof cultlo, •.heep, oats hay’ fodder, raw hides, leather, horses, maJes boots, shtKJS, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot^ ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness coal, iron, steel or nails, at any timer be- twe->n the l-3t of January 1863, and tho 1st of January 3 865, 10 per cent., in addfition tt) the tax on such profits as income oi idor the act to iay taxes for tho common defe noe and carry on the Govenument of tbe 'Oon- federate States," ap|)roved April 24, 4l 63. II*' On all profits made l>y buying anti 1864, west of! foreign exchai igo, tim« thev J O' obligati oaa y of any bad, and any merchandise, pro^ -es a* par ^h ,*l cease »1 eontiano dues, SH under the ■, int'.l the Srst of tiuiy, 18fi4 ’ St October ’ iufc after i^nsiou St ins arrested or detained by order of the Preiident, Secretary of War,'or tbe General Officer commanding tho Trans-Mississippi Military Department, by the authority and under the control of the President. It ir hereby declared that the purpose of Con gress in the passage of this act is to provide more effectually for the public safety by auspemling the writ of habeas corpns in the following oases and no other: I. Of treason, or treasonable ettbrts or combinations to subvert tho gov^ernnient of the Confederate States. U. Of conspiracies to overthrow tho gov ernment, or conspiracies to resist the lawful authority of the Confederate States. > IU. Of combining to assist the enemy,,., of coinmunicating intelligence to the enemy, or giving him aid and comfort. iV. Ot conspiracies, preparations and at- tenets to incite servile insnrrecCon. V. Ot desertions or encouraging desor tione, of harboring deserters, and of attempts tj avoid military service: Provided, That in case ot palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer upon any party who does not legally owe military service, his superior officer shall grant prompt relief to tlio oppre^ed party, and the subordinate shall be dismissed from office. VL Of spies and other emissaries of the one my. VII. Of holding correspondence or inter course with the enemy, without necessity, and without the permission of the Oonfed^ rate States. VIIL Of unlawful trading with the ene- uy, and )ther offences against the laws of the Ooutederate States, eiu^oUKi to promote tbttir RucoQM in th« war. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselvus at such times and places, and under sudi regulations, as the President may j>resc1-ibe, the time allowed not bein'' less than 30 darys for those east, and 60 days tor those west ot the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him self, with*out a reasonable excuse theralbr, to be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field tor the war, in maoner as- though they were be- tweeis the aged 01 10 aua. »«>. the persons mentioned in this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, ^and shall not bo required to perform service out of the State in which they reside. Sec. t>. That all persons required by tho 5th section of this act to enroll themselves may within 30 days af’ter the passage there ol, east of the Mississippi, and within 00 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companios, battalions or regiments, and elect their own ofiicers; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tendi'.r their services as volunteers dnruig the war to the President; and if such organ izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organizotl, and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their district which shall bo equivalent to enrollment they may be accepted as minute men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out ot it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President be required to asseiable at convenient pla ces- of rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi men^ under regulations to be prescribed bj him; and shall have the right to elect their company and regimental officers; and all troops organized under this act for State defence, shall be eutitled, while in actual servioe, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to cans over the age of 30 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the actual and regular praotice of -their profes sion, but the term phyt’ician shall not in clude dentists; all prosiilents and teachers of colleges, theological semiimries, acade mies and schools, who have been regularly engaged as snch for two years next before the passage of this act: I’rovided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whuso schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurees therein as such su perintendents shall certify, on oath, to be indisj>ensable to the proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon wiiich there are now, ^nd were lit day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-hands, batween the i.ges of id aud so, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases in which there is no white male adult on the farm or plantation not liable to military service, nor unless the person claim- i ing tho exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner aud manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States’of Amer ica, in such form, and with such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War tuay prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at some railroad depot, or such other place or placcs as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 nsonths next ensuing, 100 ponuds of bacon, or, at tho election ot the Govern ment, its equivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of net beef (said beef to be delivered oti foot,) for each able-bodied shivo on said farm or sonal eervicee of such contractor are imlie pensable to the execution of s^^id contrae’.r Provided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithiullv. to proceed with the execution of snch c-.-u tract, his exemption or detail shall cease Seo. 12. That in appointing local board* of surge^)nB for the-examination of persoDs liable to military service, uo member com posing the same shall be appointed irom the county or enrolling district in which thev are required to make such examination. plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for by the Government at the prices nxed by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act: Provided, that when the iwrsoa thus exempted shall produce satis factory evidence that it has been impossible for him, by the exercise of proper diligence, ta furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed tor, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence ot those living on the said farm Post Offlooj Fayetteville, S. C.,1 OcTOBsa 8, 1868. | o f tht Arrival and Departurt of th* MmI> at Office. UALEIOH via AVERA8D0R0’, Ac \rriTP8 daily, ezoept Sundaj^ at P. M. Di'parta daily, except Saturday at n. P. M. R.ALKiaU via SUMMERVILLE. l>8pari« I'aesday aod Friday at 6 A. M. AmvM.Weiuwday and Sunday at 'j P. M. WARSAW via CLINTON Arrivee daily at 12 aoon Departs daily at P. M. CARTHAGE. Arrives Tuesd.iy, Tbursday and Saturday at 7 P. ^ Departs Monday, Wedaeaday and Friday ai 1 P. M- CHERAW, S. 0. \rrires Turaday, Tburaday and Saturday at 6 P M DeparU Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M. F.UR BLUFF via LUMBERTON. .VrriTea Taosdiy, Thursday aad Saturday at 6 A. M Ddparte 8aad*y, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M ROBESOJi’S via ELIZABETHTOWN. Departs Monday, W^naaday and Friday at 6.A. .M Arrives Tuesday, Thurday aod Saturday at 2 P .VJ KL1Z \BEPHT0WN via TEREBINTH 1 Arrives Monday at 6 P. M. ! Depart.9 same day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAGNOLIA via CTPRE38 CREEK .\rrives Tuesday at 2 P. M. t>eparts same day (Tuesday) at ii P. M 8WIPT ISLAND via MONTROSE. COVINGTON *nJ POWBLLTON. Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday at i P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. Ail mails leaving hsfor.^ 7^ A .M , aro closed tbe ing before at P. M- Ail letters ta be sent oil froio this offioe, other ifaaa by oaail, miut. be paid for as if 9e*f^y mail All drop letters should be pre-paid b/ 2 o^at stamps. The office will be npen ou Sunday frow 81 to ^4 ^ M , aad from 4^ to P. M. JA9 0 COOK, P M T«E DIXIE E»RI.«~i:R7 ♦He Little K rapply at wholesal* I nr«T.^ » -iMIt oftwo>thmli th«r«of in min or okh«r THE ilfORTH €>%.ROEilIVA MUTUAL Uffi lNSURAi!i€fi COtfPlNf, NOW in the tenth year of suooestfftU operatioi^ growing capital and firmer hold upoo puhlio 000* fidenoe, eontinnes to insure the lives of Ul healthy p^‘ sons from 14 te 00 years of age, for one year, for years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profit* All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insared tof one year or for five years for two thirds their value AU lossee are punctually paid within 90 days satisfaetory proof is prasante-l. For ftirther information the publ*'^ is referreti ^ Agents of the Oompaay ia ail parts c ' h* St«t«, and a. a. BATTLE, Seoreury, Raleigii E. J. HAL£, i^eni at Jan’y 1M9. Fayetteville. N C ilfaiqk Wfor «t tint V > RINTED hlhWi KOI'I Pr- e fur ihp a a-lvanrp For the Weekly advancf! *®“AI>VER' tines for fing pubbcat half square feifj for >a3h BucceeQ quo'ited to statft they wiV hf. com inpiy. AdverUBci'ioni »er(i^em>nt=). Fi-oni .an i.te win l>e ent»reii th4> be aea than !e paid for. of otir ol per on this remittances. MVfJ Atl F 7 ILL attend Cumberlant Prompt at tie elalniB entru.sied Oct. 17, 185H. «E0. W A.NO IM Uardf?are ac HAY J'lly 18dl J Grocer am Jau’y 10, ISOii. D Q WOiTU. WO Commission i W1 (Jot. Itl, 180« 2,600 l*er(ion8 havioj the highest Cash ] at the .Merchant B her al his old s:an Nov. 6, 186-.i. ARj JAM prepared Harness for A' give g;od bargaini orders to me as th sent ufi in quick d Gold){ion P. 0-, lbs. ft Oo: 16 190 May 23. BOXES v: for sale on pa th lyetteviUe, or at FeVy 16, 1864 W Waiii ESTERN RA Bank Notes; Gold and Sih North Caroli County of Cn Town of Fayt QreensNoro’ ^ Confederate't Coupons of f of T( “ of oil OoL 12, 1868, Lead wanted Dep^ment. tHiee will please POWDER for 10 P« 69-tf Pal IHJ The subscriber n any quantity o7 #aveitfTill» (>i*t I WILL pay the 1 Of good COW HC] Cows; tiso, BKLVI te me. Fayetteville. Fel J 01 Wttloh IS a great ej a raffioieitt supply easity to resort to fVienda of the Ohs up aad bring to la We have no tiiue Of bnt Messrs. Ueo this town of V r 1 them. Feb’y 16 N«rtl TuAsnEBa’s Orri Books for fnrth of this Compai All persons 'ies mterpri»f can for# ^9 amonnt they 1 oaeh by s^me trosi forward Cenifleate Shares f600 eae paid in their subso beat moment. U-l»tp4J