I’*'' titN HtlTtf Ueparluieiit >«rlli Carolina, i ADJtTANi'Okn*.*al’9 Orrit’s,* R&leiph, April H ) Imjirdnam^nis >“»y bd Ut^nerftlH ■1 ' j f ft ^ llli ' ,i I ^ i ■■ aj '1 A It ii.- j I ■I*! k f'j' h iSi uii*-ls iinJer urdeM ffoiu vVsrour.'brig^df". »“j of .letr^Ked p*r- tiep AinJ po«** **’♦'“ * ncopsfily arints; wliioh onljra ni •>•»>' ,'xeontod liy qnar^ernaiixters, oonrnnsen'ioB or tnndicHl piKveTOVM pdJ (heir subor(inftl«?». 'or tb“ir r**'nec!i’’e The Qu^riorniHM er Oein*r.%l. CcHiniit**tv Uen«?r'»I ind Sur^'puii OenVi *1 ni."ky Jeiigi'-at** i otlifjt'rn (411*3 pertorn who iiJty «• nit>ct nl to iii'iVo p. ■ssnienls (0 Hocuii uUt*' fii|.v!i •,•. • t poms fluil Irfpf fM • #No f rtl vr .ir h ■» . ini'^rt?3 su, jiliM wii'uh •my per«i)ri n»jj; \ii-v,- Mr :h? coum»ir"j>tion of liiaiM.lf, fiiH fHuiily. einp''7 *, slHftH .>r i.t o »n v HJ tiM oriliii'irr lu.’otianic';!, m»uaf>ic*"-i'‘g o'" |{»rVi tr nny itju r s-*m'‘n( o'' pr.ii'tTty -ib-*!! • kf* t!n*»*r r 'is Wj^-rn ’iirc; owu .T-*- 01 11*'’ j ri;t ‘j f>* i .*iJ, t * r mjiJ; of -.• i!> ii >' y ■ frlittoa"'. ULit t>i6'ii‘jr ihaf ujKin (tc *‘oi ot i^o pi i>'"i ortcr« ii (taf c«iiipni' it>ii for iho > •.•{■• i;v «■ M l>i’ iiisiJ ' wc-.’i.ii''}- itticiobo 8ci '$ Co5 .rSH »fo'fs H. ; I'.r ri »!ton of iniprrt-smjtils, w noli Uciio*- !iuJ .iw ssiJ prop- i'rty uuiil tbp cc!iipli’‘ion oi’ ! i‘ ’’or (h« s^lc vr aj propriAiion iLersvf. s.. lii r,* be v.o re moval or iracsfer of Jhes.^aie. •I. |{“rVrtr nny ar- ! HD o8>r. »J'trr«h!>eil *o G. Tti'i? the propeviy s';rU r>iu wia .u tbp po--s.sskn of tbo orrrr. liia b iileo or agp.iu, anJ ai bis -ick, uur- iug t> ? pc:;u( rcy rf ’be i tcopcdiugn ^cr •*’C neat of i.tie oompca* iUoi*, unless it hf agreed to, or uuls^fl hopi. i:rir'’ut necenf^l'y shsll rn scortftiu- ;tterv>i«e ?h vil be rfijfsr.Jtd as tjS«* oyiQer, ^oJ lae rror^*^ / sfcall })v- hpld for their socouut. Mid risk 7. Tl'f !'!'{iro39sng o('''.'er nt tbc •Htn of the iripres‘)nj‘'»f p*y to .h>’hiq >■. ut or aUoru-v in f'vc*. th? c'lnipcp'iatifyp ‘^ro^d >«p>n. if be jir'ic;:- ptbit; but i( te oaun t do 3. ’>« 3h»Ll eivc* » c- riifio^fe ftcoorjing to the .-rc n i i»ppticn of (he •V'l afofe^fiid; Wuiob eu»ll bp pai iipoi' j r.. tcU'ion t e liifburH iti£ ofD^rr^e*. »lf »•* ^ b ****** S COOFKtl, Adj’t & In i>. Oeu ■\D.t'X AND InsPKCTOB GkKL’s OFKIOR. 1 liicbmond, Doc 10 j 8 By order Uknibal OtbiHS, I ■. So. ». 1. Tho following E.trac's from General Orders frrm the Adjutant and Inspec'or Qpre'ftl’s ('ffloe, 0 S. Army, Richmond, Vft-, couferninR imprettsmeats, »«• publiehed fcr tho infcrmalitn of all ccacerned; Apjltakt ark Ijispkotor QiNiRtL’s Orriot. ^ Riob«D«nd, Af"! (]ntl8RAL UXDBB*. I No. 37. J 1. The foUowing Aols of o'«oerBiu^ “IfQ- pressments’’ %u,l the ius(ruclio..^• (he War Depart uient respecting it. «re-pubJi^heJ f'r th? informst:on and direction «if all onncernrJ; See. 1. Whenever the oiipenoie4 of •*!.» *ri..v in (»-9 ffel.1 are suoh as to make irapressmeatd of fov^ie tides of siibsii-truoe or Dtbei proi'-».t«y absolutely »J i a( nt. |.iir,:h»‘e the pr. j oeasary, then fJch i npn’^fnients nia*- b** niado liy tl«e j ty Ke wibb*;; to f-nroba^^c oaioer or otiicws whiw.* du-y it is m tiimi-h mch frr- age. arliclofl of subsi>,teu'o or rthi r property for viioh ;*rttjv lu ciHgiB where the iwuer .>f such property hdJ ihe "iropressing offioer cannot aicee upon the va'ue (hereof, it shall be the duty of 9U3h impressiuR officer, upjn an aflidaviJ in writing of the oiiruer of suub pr.'- perty. or bis agen* thU such property Wivs g’-o»u, raised or proJuocd by said owner, or is hold or h's bseu purchased by hiir, not for sale or spcciil^don, but for h'8 own u£>e or couciumptioQ, to cause the satnft to bo ascertained ap i determined by the jinlenifat of iwn loyal and diaiutjreated citiicns of (he city, county, or parish in which sucli ini’ireeamenta may bn made—one to be selected by ihe owner, oce by the i agreed to, or tinis^fl hopi. i:rtr'’ui necenf^i'y snaii rn- impresping oflScer: {»nd ir the event of their ^isaprec- j qu're tbn popsossicu vi iHe property to t>e chang* ! In ment, these twg shall choose an umpire of likf" qunlifi i ease of a -.tiaai;,*; of posa-t-sion, the Ccxiivdartiiv Siatoe cations, whoie decisions ehall be final Tho pcrs.ing -‘'•■'■i .-.i.-n. ..o *1,*. ^n.i ,\o, j oimil thus selected, af^er i»ktu;t an. .:ath (o ap}»rai89 the property impresssd foirly and impartially, (which o=vth, as well aa the afliJaTit provided for in this sect’oa. tbv iapreesing officer is hereby authorized ts admiuifltir aad certify,) thall proceed to Hsaess jui»t ccmpensaiinn for the property eo inipress».d, whether tbe absoimc ownership or tbe ttmporirj' usBibetcofoulyisicquircU. Sbo. 2 That ibe rffiaer or persons itnpreaaing pro perty as aforesaid, shall, at tJio tirne of said taking pay to the owner, his apent or attorney, the compensation fixed by sai> appraisers; «ud shall alsjo give to the owRcr, or person controlling said property, a e»rtifi- catp oyer his official signature, specifving the battalion, regiment, brigsde, diTision or corps to which he be longs, that said property is essential for the use of the army, could not be otherwise procured, and wal taken through absolute necessity; s«tting forth tbe time and place* when and where taken, the amr^nt of compens%- tion fixed by said appraisers, and the sum, it any, paid for same. Said certificate shaU be cTidence for the owners, as well of taking of ^aid property for the pub lic use as tbe right of the owner to the amount of com pensation fixed as aforesaid And in case said officer or person taking said property shall have failed to pay the owner or his agent said compensation aa hereinbe fore required, then said owner shall be entit'ed to the speedy payment of the same by the proper disbursing officer; whiclj, when 90 paid shall be in full satiBfaciion of all claim against tba government of tbe Confederate States S«o. 3^;Wh^never the impressment provided for in the first section of this not shall, for any reason, bs imprac ticable at the time of s{kid impre»Bment, then an 1 iu that case the value of the property impressed shall bo assessed as soou as possible by two loyal and disinter ested citizens of tbe city, county or p'.rish whcreia tK»> property was taken, choisen ae follow?: One by Ibe owner, ouc by the CoDimisgary. (Quartermaster OeneVal, or fcia Airent. who, in case of disagrcemeot, shall choose a third citiz 'n of like qualifications, as an umpire to decide ^le matters in dispute, who shall be sworn its afores^u, who shall hear Ihe proofs adduced by tbe p;^rties as to the value of said property and as sess a just compensaiiou therefor, aceording to the testimony S«c 4. That whenever the Secretary of War shall bo of the opinion that it is ncocssary to take private property for public us«. by reason of the impractica bility of procuring tbe same by purchase, so as to ac cumulate necessary supplies for the army, or tbe ?t>od of the service, ih any locality, be luay, by a general order, through the proper subordinate officers, author- i*e such property to be taken for the public use; tbe compensation due the owner for the same to be de termined and the value fixed as provided for iu the first and second sections of this act. Sic 6 That it shall be the duty of the President, as early as practicable after the raasage of this act, to ap point a commissioner in each State where property shall be taken for the public use, and request the Governor of such of ihe States in which the President sha!! ap point said commissioners, to appoint another onmmia- sionar, to act in conjunction with the commissions^r appointed by the President, who shall receive the compensation of eight dollars per day, and ten cents per mile as mileage, to h» paid bv th« ronf»a.«,fc ornwANimcat. flaia commissioners shall constitute a board, whose duty it shall bs to fix upon the prices to be paid by the government for all property imprese.'d, r taken for the public use as aforesaid, so as to afford Hteh ('ornpensation to the owners thert'of. Said com- « rs shall agree upon and publish a schedule of rr' >. p»ery two months, or oftener if they shall de^m It !■ '.per; and in the event they shall not be able to i!** matter confided to them in this act, they shall have power to appoint an umpire to decide the matuir in dispute, whose decision shall be the decision of the board; anfl said umpire shall rewve the same rate of c9mpensation for the time he shall serve, »1- lomtd to said cowmissioners respectively; ProvideJ, That Mid oommisaionera shall be resident^, of the Stat* for which they shall be appointed; and if the Governor of any State shall refuse or neglect to appoint said com- tniMioners within ten days &ft^r a request to do so by u President shall appoint both ?hrSr"^^^ Sec G. That all property impressed or taken for the public use as aforesaid, in the hands of any person other than the persons who have raised, grown or oro Own'Ll for the?r own use or consumption, and who shall make the affi- davit as hereinbefore required, shall be paid for ac cording to the schedule of prices fixed by the oommi-,. fo^r^h'’/'® K?' ’’®P«88ii)g or tailing for the public use euch property and .r .Ml diff,r „ I, ,b. ,u.m/,nb" JnS pressing or taking as aforesaid, may select eaeh^a*! and disinterested citizen of tbe quZ-ificaiiorw af?rJ U wh"!. or proper- t/. who shall, in c^so of ditjacrrfemonf rovedbi decisiL. if ap“ cwsrd to the commissioners of the Btate when property is impresFed, with his reasons for digipprovinir the same, and ?aid commissioners may hear suoh prooff rlAul .k Pf'^^ided, That the owner may Suri«iudic^';rh-^*?'^ imprr6si.-.g offioe.r, with Sd fyTbe^pir^a'iJ tu?ia?88, to be aGcer- in fi » appointed ag nrovided Stales shall nav a lust ® Confederate p. Jamftge thereby sustained ifhai k ® •mount of manner desoribed in thn • ‘^®*®’‘miDed in tbe officer return'n^, the 'hi, aa^ the in behalf of the ( >iV«7BniPn> authorized to act certifia^te _of tbe value of’th« inquiry the “»lly impressed ihall h« •. ■ Property, when origi- *ence of the value /.riwa facie ovi- OBO. 9. « • Sac. 10. » * * * Sac 11. That an, „. * . * * * ed offioer or pi-ivat. “*■ “on-oommlBsion- of this act, shall violate the provisions the corps to which he in military court of by the owner or other t,..r - 'complaint made olUcer, ke shftVi be convictioa, if an private; and if a non-o^ mi...=*.^ ’ “ ranks as % . ° of2c.r or private. '^'ot inconsistent with General Orders, ) No- 161. ( * * » » ■* * All cfiSccrs and-ttgants who have been or shall be em powered to make impressmenta shall conform in the provisions of this ord*»r, in rcap^ct to itnpreasnent!* hereafter to be made snd al^o in casos where the pro rerty may have beca heretofirn taken, and tbe price has net been fully .idjuoted. I In the event of the refusal of the price oflereil ly the owner, his bailee or other agent, the iropreesing of ficer shall proceed to nettle the compensation ii be fixed according to the first necticn of tbe act, March 26, 18*'3, if the property impressed belrugs to au owner who has grown, raised or produce*! the same, or who holds or has purchased the same for his own use or consumption; but if the property imprcsse l has itot b‘*en grovrn, ralaed or produced by the orner, nor betu purcb.ist'd for his own u?e or 00: suuipnon, i' f>h!»ll be the duty of the irapres8iD)i>: offioer to ctier the price fixed by Ihe commissi.-.nv-rs who miiv b.- app duied under the &th section of the act of Oougica-.t ot me M-irch, 18113. to Tcitu^a's impreasmfntj; sad if ibe owuer phall ot jacl to receive the said price ah aot h.?ipg a ju“t oonipen.-ia- tiou, it Mhall be the duty of ;he iojpr-p.-'ing I'ftioer to cause the value to be aacerniUie.l by the s»pT.oiDinieni of a board similar lo thiit designated in the fir-'t ae.jtion of fhe act aferesaid; (hat is, by the j'jJgn eot of two loyal au i digiatero^led cit:ic;\9 ■- f the couuty or p:trinh in which such impre.'finienis may be m fde, one to he selected by the owner an 1 ore t>y theinipr» ----iap otlicer. and in the event of their dia»rfr**enieu' thisf two shall choose au umpire of like .uahncatlon*t. Tu»» j-ersons thus aelcetel shali priiccoJ ro aTsesn ju«i con;pensaiicn for tbe properly so iriip eysef, whether the ab* lite ownership, o- the ter>r'or-ry ii-f- 'bfi»*rf r.n'v 'prcquir e.j; I’rov*!eJ, bowf'Vt r. 1' ilu* iuipresvUig otlicer iu anv of the CHse'^ iueu*i 'tit^‘1 shall l elie»»* ili.at the sppr iise mcnt is fair or juit. l;e abr.ll e^'lorse uj’ou ii bjs ap proval, and the property ia t' e otgeci iuspreased ‘tbaU theftupon be vested in the Confederate StaleR; hm if be does not approve (he appraiHr-njeut a.- afuresa;il. ncshali euviorse upoii the a}>]>raiaeiuent his otyeciion thereto, and deliver tbe same wit^i a r.ctipt for the property imrresseJ to the own r his baiie;;, aitent or a t.irn''?. and as soon as praciit-.^ble fi rward a eopy of tbe rcc- ip» a^d appratsemeot, and hi.^ endorsemeut thereon, to the Board of Appraiser-, appointed by th»-l'rv8ide''r and Governor of the State. w‘ii n'.aU revije (he name and make a final viluation, r »r :o five just o^m;"usulion fcr the prfjperty taken wuic;. v^luiiion shall be paid by the proper departmeui for the use of which the pro pcriy was taken on tne-■.?rfifiiife of the apprais rp, as provided in th“ acta if 'Jtiajrrcjs on this Huhjeci By order, (Signed) S COiHMlR. A Ij i and las J«n II Tbe utier • i.^regar I ■^ii >be p^rt of the impressin*' officers OS their agenlft ;n i; ly p .riB of the State to the requirements i>f :be lufi otd.r.f compels the adoption of Steps f''r ihoir -Ui .i*c«*roeut aii a protection »o the ciliiaas To tai.^ -u i a la ma le the duly of sU Militia and Ilorue Guard ofti th to ar.-est any ofli jer or agent who in making impres.Htaontt* falln to ooniply wuh them iu every partieular; an*i they wi‘1 »i«a arreni any person who atteujpiH in ra ice impregmr^f-ai.a with >ot proper authority. For ih,.. uurposc' ikey %re berely ordered to call 0 ;!, wa^i. ce^aT. tae whole force of their command.", auJ they will report the Persons arre.'tt’J upt*- nearest catup or tamed over to the statement of t' . - mriktrg the arr- a copy of said ch w By order of Gov. -V R April 22 torcc b? insuf&oieni * ffioe imfrsdiately '• be taken to the n' derate troops and ' c ■' with an attested . by .‘h(» oifij^r >Ciim7 forward an Grijcral. It •»nd .Arinorj,) I. 1?. 1HK4. f '■killi.d in takiii; he filial suffer such punisLi,,-.;'; «i»iluary Uw, as the court m.»y ,Hr- ! Ihe authority uf m , . „^he Secretary of IVxr herehv r. ^'^essAfore- cpenitiye mode aufl OporuMTf* IDoHa /a# »iAipri,Bo Ur>^ Of «bbictepee medical Faycltevilie Irso- WANTED, a tiumber of Ki.-h«iij'. „ P'turgeon and other kinds of ii-li. ♦v,"* Farmers rwilfnt nlon-' tli. cour-;*. nt —Comd’K Ortiv^er. Quartermaster’s Department.) TillI^A Department hu.« reccnn'v rereit'■ ^ • make incir iirTaiiireiii'-iiH H. A. DO>VI>, A. y. M. Navt MiNtNd ISt-RK.a. C. ,S. N. i Warrcnton, N. C., iHth April 18C4. f Ti’MiiierM lVaiitvl. f ).Sf, pi »kinci In thcl)nsin(''js, can find nrofit- iijlc eniployment by applying to t’apt. A. 15. Fairfax, •>. >.. by letter al Wmrcntoii. or to 2r>*2w [u. c.] accordinjrly. April ‘.iti W. Vr. PKIRCK. Maj. A ChT y. M . Riileigh, N. O. WAiVTED, TO engage ;>00 cords “GOOD i*INK WOOD,” in e.x- I change fur Spun V’urn if preferred, to ln> »lelivered from to 10 cord. per week, at convenient points on the western Railroad. Apply immediately to GKt). liRANDT. i'ayatteville, April 2o. 2.5-itf W?tntet—%Vood f..aiid. ^HE under-Higned will give a fair price for a well wooded A tract of LAND of 100 or atO acres, on the Ka.llroad at any point tjejween Jonesboro’ and Kiiyetteville. Wood, pitch pine lx)xed or unlx)xed HENRV E. Oor.TON, Agent P. K. Co Fayetteville, April 19. v^^f WAWTED, By a Lady of experience In teaching, a eituatioQ in a private school or famUy. April 2C Addresa t)ox 159, Fayetieville, N. C. 25-Ctpd CtiREEIVlSBOiUI’ KUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY give re- • .1 recent assesi^tnent tunde on the insiired 111 tbu Comii«iy in l-'ayetteville aiwl yirinitv. April 20 , i«Oi% FOR saTr W L have for sale about 2500 Ihs. Swedes Iron, imrt 7 TT tosiuehes wule. Al*,, 2 aetts of li X i ineh ipriUo. '■ "•ILUA.VtS^^C,,. 1 vieinit3-, •L\0. M. ROSE. 2,'.-2tiid La LIKE AT rilK NtiKTH. TIk! (M»arIe.yton (?Mirior eoDtains a letter, whicb l»as {jottco tliron^'li tho bloekatlo, givinj» a lc- soription of the present stylo ol’ Ulo ia tlie yankec iStatcH, and vouches for llio reliability of thn wri ter, 'l'h« le*tor ooiiies tlircof from Montreal, (latb'u the U.^)th nit. Wo lak»‘ tin- fol.Iowin*' ex- ! traet from it; I tf'xrrifilinn >/' tu y-w _ lort pre.^t’nt Nrw Vork -bi>l«ls hij^h rnrniv;il nrniou.'jly infl.'^tod curroucy ir'vi -i an ajijtairnt •rildin^ to fVi'rytluL^ Kvoiv in:ni lia.s nicio iitoncY (^rocnb:iek:») iu his j)nokctj th-tti ,'ver ' 0 h;vd hef’ore It cotuOH so easily--t'•'relVv' j fipojuls it lavi.shly. trade stimulated to I an r^travai^ant detrreo. Scyor bcrorc au-i flietv j ; iich a flitter and sln-\v, and b”stlc, and j.li :i«urc 1 ^‘*'l'k^n^^ in New Vork Mansions ontvieiu^ the I maixnififeticc of Kuropoan palaccs an^ Jrintiv' up on i'^iffh Aventio. fi.nOO showy oqujp^i^os stroaiu through the broal path\rr»ys of (’cntral Park evoiy afternoon. Tho j;reat thorousrhlarc, Broadway, a jam of omnibuses, carriages and wagous^the sidewalks arc a confused erttsh of pcdcHirians; the ,i?hop windows duzzlc with their .splendor. A doz» u theafros, a score of lo.sscr shows, and a ho.st of uudergro:ind ‘‘concert and pretty waiter t^irl” Haloons, are craaanied to suffocation. Grand balls follow each other nightly, v/here, as well as at the Italian Opera IIouso, the ladies blaze with dia- niond.s* and precious etonos, and arc gorgeous in pilks, and tullo, and lace, and moire anti(juc Oclmonico’s throe rcstaurunts, and a new palatial eating house, with gilded windows and doors 01;^ 11th street, callcd the “Maison l)->roe,” are filled with people at all houri, gorging tlioinselves with rieh fo"'d and getting uierry over expensive wines. Jf C»M • a tlUi'V (t tla«^ m ffiost public part of Jtroadway, where gieenbacks are shoveled around by the bushel. The country jieople swarm into town to j^t rid ol their luoney and join ia the frenzied Jance a-ound the altar of pleasure. The hotels turn away hundreds daily Sotnetiiue^ travelers ride from hotel to hotel hours in a despairing search fer accomiiiodatioii. Houses arc almost impossible to procure, and rents are enormous. The Sto^'k PiXchangc is the scene of the wild est cxcitement. Six se/wions of the Stock Board are held daily, and as. those are not enough to satisfy the passion fur gambling, two more have been coirmenccd for evenings, at the Filth Avenue Hotel. Fifty millions of dollars worth of stocks are .sold daily and nightly. Half ol those stocks are acknowledged bubbles. Fortunes are made in an hour. I have been told of a clcrk who ventured into the exchange with 5100, and cleared the week with one hundred thoix.sand, every cent of which, however, he lost in one week more. Vanderbilt and Ocorgo Law, tho stock kings, arc wealthier than the Astors It has Iwome unfashionable lo cavil at a tdiargo Ask any price and it will bt* given. A lady pays ?2,(KIU for a pieee of brocade to make a drc.ss; a uiaij nivi's 8lt>,U0U lor a span of carriage hor.-Jcs and thinks nothing of it; atiotlu r spends on a dinner [>arty; another pays S.’iO for a choice seat at the opera; another pays ^lO,U'Ji* a year rent for a three story house on Fifth Avenue (I know these fii;urcs will hardly look large to rfhe eyes of the Oonfederato readers, but it must be remembered that iroid is at a premium otonly til per cent, in New Vork city at present ) And thus every body is taking a part in the rviturnalia Kvcn the soldiers receive from 81UU to bounty for re-enlisting, and contril.Utc to the general Jidliticatioii. 'I’hia picture is not over- irawn I doubt if the world's history ever knew ol a similar era of popular delirium. Home ol the newspapers are alarmed, and cry out loud ly auain>it the outrageous extravagance of the liour The Abolition organ, the N. V. Times, entreats the people to go back to uitrtfucbed cx- |ki uses and private economy, or make up their niinds for tiaancial ruin. The fact is, almost every one regard.^ the Federal currency as even tually worthless, but “we have got into the scrape and it s tx) I’tt'' to h(?lp i^ now.” “The country iM bound to «:o the tlevil anyhow.” and “wo mi*;ht as well have a good time while the fun lasts.” New ^ ork i'- n>t alone the abode of madmen. Boston, Philadelphia, (?hicago, Cincinnati, and \\ ashington display the same leaturcs, though to a mor* moderate extent. But the disease, is a na tional one, and it will be discjvered prevailing aniong the land .«^pcculatora in the interior oi Michigan as well as araocg the merchants and stock gamblers of the “P^mpirc City.” Foremo«f of those who have thriven by the war are th Governmcut contractors. Thuusand.s have risen from «oraparative poverty togreataffluence through their dealings with the Washington authorftie.v So many of this class, vulgar and illiterate, but shrewd and unscrupulou.'i men, with their wives and fatnilies, have prospered, that a new order has been created in society—the ‘‘Shoddy Ari-- tocracy, po called. They spend money tvith un bounded extravaganco, and may readily be recog nized by^their impudent assumptions of “ton,” aiid a ridiculous display of jewelry. 1 met one ot these people in Montreal a few days ago, who asi^ured me that he had made half a million of dollars sincc the war commenced, and, added he with a chuckle, “everything I .sell to the Govern ment, I make one hundred per cent, on.” It would not require the wisdom of a prophet to foresee where tiiis will Ipad the Yankees to. It is me of the most hopeful signs of our ultimate triumph that our enemies arc wasting their strength —I—*«•>/!/» riotous living. JAeut. Gen. Longstreet.—Lieut. Gen. Long- street is an Alabamian; a thick set, determined lookingman,of ty years. lie was an infantry iiiajot in the old army, and now commands the fir^ corps d’armee lie is never far from Gen, Lee, who re- licst very much upon his judgment Uy the sol diers hf> is invariably spoken of as the “bts^t fighter in the whole artiiy.”- While sjieaking of entering upon the enemy’s xoil, he said to me that although it might be fair in just retaliation to ap ply the torch, yet that so doing would demoralire tho army and ruin its now excellent Ji.'^cipline. Pri vate property is, therefore, to be respected Geji. ;street is generally a particalarly taci turn man, but tJiis evening he and 1 had a lono' talJ: about Texas, where he had been quartered whtin in the old army. In the course ot his con versation he said that Meade was 'aa honorable man, but not so bold, perhaps, as Hooker. Emjlinh Letter. Another Yankee • •raft ^ Sunk by a Torpedo. A dispatch ha."? beon received at the War Offi oe stating that a yaukee cruiser was blown up on Saturday by a torpedo in St. John’s river Florida, in tho vicinity of the destruction of the Mwple Leaf, by a similar agency. Richmond Enquirer. \ts^r Oil.—A medical friend has furnished It.*? t.vith the following rccipe for making castor oil, taken from the British Oyclopit^dia. It ie an article exceedingly scarce and iu great demand. Th process of manufacture is so simple that anv oua may make the oil: ^ H teep the seeds (Palma Chriati) for a nijrht. in colO water, then boil for two hours, then dry thciu in the sun, and afterwards pound or bruise them. ^ The seeds thus bruised are then thrown intw water and boiled till the whole oil is extracted when it rises to the surface and ia akimmed off. ’ Haltij/h Oau/ederattS THE COMfNO (\AMI’\1UN. ! NORTHKRN NEW>« WaH NEWS A correspondent ol the New \ ork WovM, , 'fbe Pet*'rsburg Kxpress ha.s st'Oli u »Now ^ ork ^.'/ttvloiis itn 7'riin> Fnsfrr/i A^«»7/> writing from Luray, l*ag'-^ » j ixtb. The iollowing ure aU —'l be Jollowing d=-Date.li v. if; r. ceivei i.y furnishes the following: items ol interes^which we find among il& extracts: \ on Yhursuay aitoriioon.'—■ “The first days of spring find all Dixie in fine j Thn Uotd A’.,, /Ve/M»«f.—Fifty-three ti.ou^-ii.-^ ilocKV MoL'NT, A; f,l2l -—Tbolaml iPH feather. From the iiasoouf Kilpatrick and young | dollars of American gold sold Saturday at y.rice.s Dahl»ron nt;ar Uiehmond, frxjut Mr. Lincoln’s | rangingfroin SJ 7-> to SI T^i. The 11 etaid .say. shocking experiinciij in Florida, from Palmer’?) “'I'he pa-t week has been one of extnui^iHwu y d'.SHstrou.s repulse at Dalton, and .Sliciuian •mag- | excitement in tin:uu;inl circles Gold flq.-tujt. l •lifieMit fiz/iie, they gather glad auguries for thetr I hetween 171 and IS'J, at tun. ,s r.-ndering tlie sj. •- I arr. s in tho oouiino' campaigns. While wo n.re 1 eulntors aluinsf. wild, and a ]j:inie .'■eized t'lo stoek j just cut•'rin*'’!• >n a seti i H ol political distrao-' market and nuiirly broke down every fliiir-’iti Hie i tions tJivide*’ cOvMieil.-, joalons G.'tietal.-, vora } list, the decline ranging bet\t-,en G un-i ;I0 pe’; cioK^; spocuhtorK. and a wrangling pr.!^s, they j cent These circuuistance», u«ldeii to i he .;.xtr;i- to tho Ktru-'-le an nnitod pooplt*. barnioni- j ordinary visit of Secretary (.’base t.i this city, tin* ■ ■ rir'ck up>T> Hf'i (ioM'ruI Mokv* i'(‘imr.ander C .okp. h-^s l-r-v n >^m^,!e> prifc'OncrH arid 2'> ii-ce. -t »i) I'rdtiari'-■ • » * 1 ' * taKi*, HiMt onnV, ^ -5;im11 steamer, afu-.,re^ a::d snppHe« ;,H jjj,. | tiiiMtnd” I'he fol'ovrlni' brt*.*l'ili-'tc'-tch ?V>’n (J n’j |j ,j^ reached the V\'ar l)i*p?rfment i-i Ricim.orj.i ,iu t!.e i-aDie alterooon: ‘PLVMOtTH, April 2U arms. ejnipm.; iy supplio.-', in di.scipliue, ii Icadf.vship, and especially in conlidoncc an ! hij'h hopes. V eteran regimcpta have been re eiilistod with remarkable unanimity, men and hor.ses have boon prudently recruited, subordioato officers have been selected and distributed with a strict- eye to their ability, activity, and popularity, afid the reserve forcc oiganized and drilled will suf fice to maintain the fighting army at the required .standard of numbers and t flBciency; the artillery is powerful, and of the most approved patterns, and the cavalry, though less numerous, perhaps, than formerly, has been reciuited into high con dition and thorouir' ly reviewed. Lee is said to have two hundred and sixty pieccs of artillery in his immediate command, and the etjaipuicnt ol the rebel armories is etjual to the demands of the mnfvtt viiroruUM campaii;!!- ‘ It is a notion fast finding aceeptarico among Virginians, that the coming t-uuimer is to i.e do clsivc of the fate of their State; that if the next wii'ter ^hould find our arms no further advanced into the bowels of their land than they are now, our p' I'tical and militaiy powers will abandon Virgini I"- incorrigible, and transfer their atten tion i 'Otnc one le-^s willful of her sisters. R(fadiiig n our journals of the tnad carnival of prodigality and heartles'?tie.ss in which New Vork is plunged, they say the Babylonian catastrophe is at hand, and tjiey rcjoicc that they ean go forth, and meet it with strong arms aild exultirg hearts. “Meantime a loud cry again goes up for oflen- sive operations The army once more demands to be led into tbe green ]>aatnres and by the still waters of Maryland and Pennsylvania—nor ol thouc alone, but ol Kentucky and Ohio as well “The more thoughtful and earnest of the peo ple lament the partial decay of that religious sou- tiuient which, inspired I.y the p»>rsonal exainple of Stonewall Jackn'ou, and promjited by Kis disci pline a year ai«o. ran in an ei>idcuiic of enthusi- asms, through the ranks ‘A'hon L«^o led the army into Maryland, every man of entire divisions car ried a testament oi prayer l»ook a;, an esstutial part of his equipment and fiis daily exorcises The remarkable conversion, through the influonce of the dying Jackson, of the formerly pa-’sijnate and profane Kwell, who at one time coniplaiued that he had to do the swearing for tbe wliolo ar my, produced a powerful impression, especially among the Virginians ami .^Iarylanders—an im pression which Lee did his best*>» confirm, and which, though not so plain ac it has born, still abidea ” VOR TUK OB8KRVKR. I'L’BLl ; VkETING IN ALA.MXNUE CiLNlV At a large meetir.gof the citizens of ;\lam >nce county held in (JrahaiiT on tho Dith ol April, on motion Samuel White Ksq. was called to the cbair and J. G Dickey Ksj. was appointed Secretary, It V. MeAdcn, Ksq., introduced tbe following re.-»olutions which were unanimously adojded: W her^a?. The »imc ia ne'.r ■\i hand wht?n t^e peaplt of North CaroIiM will bo called up^n lo s.'lecl a O >»- ernor. Therefore he It resolved by iiie people of .\1a- miDce county, without distinotioo panif»a, that rccDjn z? ii* our prejent Govcracr 7. R Vanoc bi»ii s a staiesraan an 1 patriot, and that we will . he rfully support him fir our next (io»cruor, clieving him to be true boiS to Ihe State and f onfederate govornments Rpsolvtd, That a Oommittre of three.h» app.-^inted t0 reqiieel Oov. Vance to visit .Vlamanre n'ld ad th* people at his earliest convai'ience. Resolved, Ta»t tho proc«edings of this meotiog he forwa*’ded lo the 0^f«rver, ProsrreBS, I’a'ri.^t and Oon- federat? with a rc-iupst for publication Tbe followinj' com nittee was ftppo’nte 1 lo oorresrond wi'h tJov V’»; ce: U. ^ .Mc.\ leo, A. H Unyd &ni Dr. D ,V Moii icoiuery S.V.M. V.'fllTE CH’n. .’ O I'ii R.' i-;'4, S ■‘•'■'y- ^■ou TUE OBSERVER I UI- MEETING IN MOORE. •\ public meeting was held at Carthage on T 11 >y tho Hub iiisU, when, onflnotion of Alex. K W. I>. Harrington was called^ the Chair, ai i. U. C McLean reijuestcd to act as Sec’y. ‘ bjeot of the meeting having been explain' •Lihn Shaw offered the following rosolu- ch were unanimously adopted: . Th.it His Eioellenc]^ Ofv* Vanoe f lu- vii • .. Idr^S'j the ; eop!e of this county at such lime as maj p«n‘ hi;i Qgnvenienoc. Re*plvtrd. Thai the Chairman of this meeting Appoiri 4 ccmmiitee of three to eommuntoa'e the foregoing resolution to His Exoellenoy and ascertain the time when it will suit his convenienco to yioit our county, Under the pccond resolution the Chairman ap pointed the following committee: Dr. John Shaw, Jesse Hedgepeth and Harris Tysor, and on mo tion the Chairman and Secretary of the meeting were added to the committee. There being no further business the meeting ’irTTlrt T c' ,”^*^KlIiQTQN.Ch'n H. C. McLean, Sec y. ei tio;: i: IVOTi€E. Rev. j. U. HARDWICK will prtach at (JravV Ctc'ek f hatch on (irnt Sunday iu May next. ISAAC llOLLINtJSWORTH. April 21 2J-2t l¥aiiteil lo Piircliatifi*, SHO.\T>S or Ht to make pork smother year. I M,ill cxchiiui?e corn fof them. JONATHAN EVAN.S. Apiil 2:» ..-2t Or Til E .Soldier Hnv'.s Soiig!-t-r; Soii^.' of L>\ e and L Ihm'Iv; Cotton Ki-..l ilehxlieri; lV»iif:ie IJliTe Flag Song Bk)k; Ilynm? for the Camp. E. J. ll.VLE A’ SONS. April 22 The undersigned wishes to inform the intelligent pulv lic that he wants to buy live hundred or a thousand lbs. of {^ood GOOD RAW HIDES, for which I will pay flour at il> per liarrel or jorn at SI per bushel, and allow l.'i cents per lb., for hides delivered at tuy Tannery or Mills in Moore county, on Htar Creek. S. M. CARTER. April 18 2t»*4tpd Ip to ^un■ •t » X . eeted porteil in tli*‘ House ot llej^resentative'. nil-fou l j hebl, ii., -\ ril '' '! tun Hm? ed to make up ;i luosi extraordinary wrek •>{ itii- t*d. ’v.tit i iosj ’f Sti;u}i portaiit iiieid* tits, affectirtg oo)iitiierci:!l atui fifmi- j turod .> > guiis, v.agons and .i.UMt eial clastxes. It i.-; to be hoj)td thnt a few days ot j I bo I'ed^erals ttdinil a ooiv.rt quiet will allowed to succeed, atid that inoiic- j Gc-.". Sto ie. (yat'kc ) L. s m’irendered on l.ittj,. tary matters may be permitlod to re-.!tu!ic their fovmer p('si*i'.ns, 77i»’ t,'hn’/“>■ ih- rliy:n;f rriHi.'i h(ix nut ji*'t nrrictd, ni! iiiihl it Itfhoovex its to be u- lalni. as un i f,r, our neri'KH /'or the r^'asfi t!itt tlurr kiU'-' i: ntx merely f>>reshidinny y« nrt'uJ hJ.iphtsi’iii.—The I gniM-iat ^ ht - natigo exploded her boilers at the Brvxiklyn Navy Vard on Friday last. te;irinir thi‘ Loat ti> pieces, )ut of ;» j iii'n while a'vaiti- I’ov’ers. wiih 200 men, da.-hjd iuio ^^urt lIud«on ■’ 1 (Mptuced 1 gun end I'' privo^'cT.s ■rh 'I’he yao! wound'd admit a lo-s of liO. (jyr j,. f /h's- ha. ln'cn The Seeand Aniiiial CoQncil, (the 48(h Annual Assembly) of the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH in the Diocese of North Carolina will lueetin St. John’s Church, WILLIA.MSBORO% on WEDNESDAY, May 18th, 18G4. Certifii^ates of Lay I )e!egate6 should l>e srnt to the Secretary of Ctinucil so as to reach him be- foie the J5th May. VV. N. TILLINGHAST, Hecy. Fayetteville, April 19. 2,5-2w Hal. Ctmfederate and Charlotte Democrat coj>y 2 weeks and send bill to this Office. * COTTON CARDS! COTTON CARDS!! WE offer for gale No. 10 COTTON CARD.i, inanufac- iured by the Fayetteville Cotton Card .Manufactur ing Company. These Cards arte warranted to lie I'qiial if not superior, to &ny imported (Sards. N. A. STBPMAM & CO. 19 Hay St. ApfQlil. ' ^ aW3t ■ •f and causing a fearful I os'; of life, iijjurt't] by tho i!.\plti.sitjii, ’Jli !‘nd li day eveiiinjr. and Min e otlwrr- . Ut livu until tiioruin^. I itt'in I'ronpa ii n /t'oDi fh> i*>'j />//» /•'.— Caiiio, Ajiril 17, 11 P. .'1 •—'n‘0 ^tt'iiiK.r >’wan has arrived here tr'in New Oileari-; with !50 bales of cotton lor St. jjoui^ Her •iVicor.; report that the rebel f-irce under (i'^ \Vi*t A'intus drove o^r trcops hom the Bitr Black a week ago, and rook several hundred prisoners. From Fort Piduir.—C.VlKu, April 1).—The steamer tllendale, from .''lemphir, arrivt-d on the morning of the 1 .'»th. She passed Fort Pillow, and the river is .nil clear. Nothing remains of the fort but ruin-^. Cairo, April 17 —The main body of the re bels left Fort l‘illow on Friday morning, their rear guard in the afternoon, dostroyinir all the ammunition and everything else destructible. ME.Ml'ilLS, April 17.—'I’here i^ not t^nch said, but there is « general irritting of teeth among the officers here when the ma.s.';aere of the biavc rar- ris«n at Fort Pillow is alluded to Several ofh ^ cers have been heard to say that uide--i the gov- j ernment lake retributive «t rts, they will con.*iidcr it their duty to shoot every man of l''orn>sl’s (^oin- maii J they meet, and take no pri.«-t*n> r- Tlie soldier* threaten to sbo'*t I'wrre.st's jnet now in Irvin ptisou, if they ean ‘,'et a chance 'Ibis is the ireneral loeiir. * I’tl'' ) l/tL'r A’'/'// ■ 'l'!ii‘ Navy llegi: 1'I’ ii.iJ lX(tI is just is uod at Waslun, ♦on iu a panipblet of two htindreil and ei'fbty itino elusely printid pWiTu.':—largt r by i«*rty pagi R than tho Kcs;i'ier of Hl»o The record is htongbt. down to the iL’th n!t , at wbici. dali tlo r» w le ‘I’.’J ve.'-s-.'l,-' of f.Il ela-.tes in tho navy, io’.! «*( nbicb v^er ^ Kteaiuers and 71 iroa-eiads and rait;s Tlie ! tta! ntitiil« r of iiavaf ves.^.els lost, captured, de.sUoyed '*r sold since the beiri.ining of the war i*) 12 Of tbe.'^e. 11 le'i into th*' bands of th» Coulederate.«. na'm ly; thetUifton, Diana, Harriet Lane, InOianola, f.-aai .''mith. Morning Light. U-)ianei', Sai b' ln, Satel lit«', I ndorwriter and \ elocity. The irondads arc 7t.* oatrying o2.^ trims, :i..d ot N(>, IT4 timnage. The present naval forcc is divided into ^ s/juad- ron'^, namely: The North Atl^^ntic, under com mand of Actinir Hear Admiral Lee; the South Atlantic, under Hear Admiral Dahlgrcn; the Hast (iulf, under Aeting Rear Aimiral Bailey; the We.'t Gulf, under lioar Admiral Farragat; the Mi.svsissippi, under Hear Admiral Porter; the Spe cial West India, under Acting Rear Admiral Ijardner: the Paeitio, under Aeting Rear Admi ral Bell; the Fast India and Meditermnean, and the Potomac Flotilla. Seven v» s?eLs of the Navy, ditacbed from .squadrons, are a.ssigncd to special service 'I'lu re are 14 Rear Admirals ti of whom are on active list, namely: Admirals Farragut, Golds- l>orougb, Dupont, Daviy, Dablgren and Portf.T. The retired Admirals are Sfwar^, Shubrick. Smith, Storer, Gregory, Breese and Paulding The number of commanders is 31, uf whom li^ are on the active lis; Of GO Captain.s. 3»}are ac tive, I t retired, and 10 reserved The number of coinmander.i is 112 (72 on the active list;) Lieutenant Commanders 114, all on the active list; Lieutenants on the active list, 9(i; Midship men, 457. Thi> total number of seamen, landsmen and boys in the navy, at present, is estimated at 50,000. There were about :>,0o0 marines. Before the re bellion broke out there were onlyt8,000 sailors, marines and others, all told, in the service Of the personnel of the national fleet at present fully 8,0(M) are attached to tho Mississippi squadron There arc not more than 2,500 men now on for eign stations, of which the larger riumber arc on the Pacific. The entire manual force is employ ed in manning 200 ve wels ot war, nine tenths of which are steamnr.s. A lar^e proportion of these 200, however, are small craft. The Movtnwit on liichmovd.— The New Vork «— tli*i LuUuwlmr-Jsiuws yf the coming campaign: It took General Grant nearly six monflis to cap ture V'ick'sburg with an army of one hundred thou sand men, aided by a powerful fleet Vet Vicks burg was only defendctl by thirty thousand men, and was in no r«Kpe'‘f. ki) tlionoi^hly fortiliod Uichmond.And its approaches, upon the defence of which the Rebels can concentrate a force of two hundred thoussand soldier.s General Grant, it is understood, does not anticipate the reduction of the city by a sudden attack, but by a regular siege and close investment, which may possibly continue through the entire summer, but which is certain of ultimate success, 'fheiie operations will necessarily involve some hard fighting, but will also demand the highest generalship. (\jp*vri- of i'ort PHhnr ~G'n. Fo j.iifi k.—'ri-ic aruoxoiJ • fi'eial dispatch receiV'.'d ui the V> ar Dcp.irr’uent: i)K,M(»l-oi,Ks, April :t.—Tho f-l!owicg disp^rch has jn t b’cn rcc^r.ed r:»\i fle^i I'orrcst, d:e ] •lacL.'ion, 'j'ciii>0fsce, April ].'> L. Poik, Lir.rLtcf .nt (i'( nera! ‘ L. P>lk, LieTiteiiniit General:—1 attacked K. rt Pillow i»t' the m »rnif>" of tl-w l2tb i ia,tant with a rart ol I^ell's and MeCnPoch’s I'riga.Vri under Btig ^Ica J. R Ch»lmcr.-. -Vfterashort fi^'ht VO drove tbe enemy. 700 stroni.% into the fort urdcr cover of their umnW's, aa^l denjand- cd a surrender, which denied by Major j, W Bof'tb, conunanding U S forces 1 stcnr.Hd the for*, .and after a C'-.ntest of 10 ininntfo, car- turrd the entire garri.son, killi’.g .'iOi*, and taking 100 b >rsos and a large piuount ot (juarteri: > ;tor’«i .stores. The officers i" the fort were jdl kix) including Major B luth I .s;!!stained a loss of kilb'd arr>l (»0 wounded. Among the woutided i.*.. the irallant Lioiit. Col W. >J. Reid whilst leadiDij the Fiftl Mi.sRissippi. Over ItiO vjifirens who had fled to the fort from oonscriptien, ran i:,t > rVp river and were drowned 'Die I'enf,.!- era*, flu;' now floats over the fort N. H FiMiKEsT, Major tieiieral’' /'■I lli'nifi’ff L > m —,\ g-Mirleiiiaii B h . Icfr .VPirylatid a*;out fen dayj ai;o r. i;>'(i>\ vi.,ii. ed tho caniit i-l Gen. Hurtisidc at Anmp.h-. \vh r,' If e.iiiut ' l,2lt!l tcids, and l.MriieJ Ih. N>re, ~ ;.Tn,e7iit. d to about :Jll,t,l*IU mcb, iKHrlv lial! of vvh. ni >.’• i re » ••yroes 11«; transports i i?oiiv. V tlu iti to tin :r proposed ifestiiiatioii Iiav! lUf* ariivi.d, but w..Te expected evt-ry diy Mei.n«hil’, f!te or_:itii55:ifioii of tlie eijifilitiou was progre.-ieint' with ‘rrvat industry The yanktes. ki far as -ur informant hail ep ror!t'oitirs of ae.jiiain"In5' hiniiolt with tlieii }.ri vafe view-s litiiver,ally a^u;r* ed that the prfSciit wjh tiie last eampaign in Virginia 11 Ii rant .should ."Uller a delei't, “tbe game wa;; np Oui friei d-, ill Marylnnd ;ue Tiiore hopefnl ol I'ont'el- ef;»tt' victory tl.an I boy have ever h r-ii hi-'teie. and OonSideDtly exp.-et t > s.*e tlie i.'iill.'r o! .''■uui^^‘rn bayonet^, ov* r the border. U‘hin>nif J'ixpoit'- Aid from Fiirof.r — \'v'e Icarn^ from the Lon don Index, that the Sotithern 1‘riyoners' KeJief Fund. Ui '^er the eontr ! of a coniTiiitt'e of uier- ebiints, h ive collected in F.uropo, in the. last twelve hionths, nearly Si'>,000, which sum hai bf*;n expended in relieving (Confederate sobliers confined in yinkee rricoKs The managers of the fund are a.ssistcd tVicir efftrts by ladies in the Northern citior, who visit the sufierers, and give them such aid as the means at their disposal ad- lijit o*', Tk he tnken Down.—A Confederate picket ou the Uapidan lately called out to the yankee pick et opposite, to know who was in command of the “fine.st army on the planet” nov/ “Gen Grant,” was the answer. “Why did you bring him herei'” a-ked the Confederate. “Oh,” replied the Yankee, “you see, Gen Grant was getlio^ a little too popular to please Mr. I.iincoln, and po he sent him here to get Gen. Lee to take him down a little.”—Richmond Sentinel I will Famine at the Cape De Verdes—FearfjU Suite of the Inhabitant* —A few days ago we publish ed accounts of the sad condition of tho inhabitants of the Cape de Verdes, and the latest accounts re ceived in Liverpjol yesterday, verify but too sadly the expectations which were then predicted The islands were fast becoming depopulated, in con sequence ot the recent drought. As an instance, tbe condition of Brava and St. Thiaga was truly fearful and desperate. The population of tJie two islands amounts to about 70,000, and for this pjpa lation there were, when the .advices left Thiaga, only sixty bags of rice. Hut in the i.sland of Brava the case was even worse—there was no rice to bo had. The effects of the fearful drought had overwhelmed both man and beist, and those who were living were subsisting on the bark ot the bana tree, and the flesh of animal^, vhich, in this country, were considered as vermin. Al- though rain had fallen, the seed sown in tho earth were too much parched to sprout; and al though the pastures were becoming green, there were no oattle to feed on them—all had died for want of tood utii water.—Idvaytool But. € APE FEAR, \ WiL.MiNOTOv, N 0., April 21, 1864 ) itimal Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank be held at their Ktiuking House iu this place ou Tiinr.siay. .May 5Ui. at 10 o'clock. A. V. ■iti-tm] .1, 0. BUftR, Ca.'^hicr. jyOTtCE. T FOsUlI) all persons from trading' fora Note^civen hy I nn',j;^th of April 18ti4, to J. H. .McRae for S200. as I do !iot intend to pay the Not*' unless coiuiH lled by law, as I ilid not '^el value received. » CHARLES STUBBf?. April 20 • 2G-9ti»d It iM with pleaiiiire we ett- dorse the reconiiHeiidation for Cotuinoner fi'oni Rolioison of Lient. .1. H. McLEAN, Co. G, 24th Reg’t, bv .Manv (.'itizeiis, and pledge to hiniour hearty snjiport MANY SOLDIERS. •April I'i. 28-4tipd NaTIIAN V. STKDMAN. WM. H. BKRNJVRD. ?«. A. «iiTEU:tiAM & CO., WHOLESILK .tIVi) KETIIL iKlLKR.) A N 11 10.19 T9 ia«ilO.'% .nEK;HAIVTS .to. l!l, /May FAVKTTKVIIJJiJ, N. C. 2.>ir April 20. Blark Writiiis: Ink. A bottles Johnston’s celehtaled Black Writiiiij INK, foi sale by the single lK)ttle or dozen N. ."^TEItM.VN .4 (;>. No 19, Huy Stivfl. April 19. i^oric’E. Bv order of the Court of I’leas and Quarter ..f Rolx'son county, Keb'y Term 18GI, I Reiilicn kln^f, Sherirt of said county, will sell for cash, at Ihe Court Houst* in Luinlierton, on the fourth Monday in .May neil, the following Tracts of Laud, or as mncli thereof as will pay the ta.x anl coats thereon for the year lSfi2, viz; One hundred acres locattnl on the Eli/.ah«th Road, valued at $98. listed by Roh'rLsoii Singletery. tax $2 .3.'5. Also at the same time, eighty-tive ttcres, located on Gum Swamp. valur*d at $25.>, listed by F. C. Wat.sou. tax ’ R. KING.Shfl, April IG. 2o-ta .Ti'’' ^lallion, Ifoiiu^ Oraiif^e Boy, TS ofterel for .sale, and will stand at iny Stables in .Salis- I bury, until sold, at $;{o the .Season, and $40 the Insu ranee. Ornujje Boy is a lieaiitiful Blood Bay, blaek nmne and tail, eitfht ye»rH old this Sjiring. VOUNti OR4N(iI] HOY \va« sired by Old Orange Boy, and he by John D. ,4mis’ Old .Sir Archie. Vowug Orange Boy’s uam was g(>t by Thomas IJenu*han')‘ Gharact*;r. he by Old Sfr .\rchie '"haracter was out of a Druid Mare and she out of Janus. Besiden, Youag Oran^'* Boy is closely connected to many other horses of tine blood; such a.s, ^lipe of Virginia, Baren.", Bainbridge. Imported Drivers, Dioraede,Jieller and imported .Medley. The above is the true Pedigree of Y«mng Orange Boy. This Horse has taken three premiums. JNO. A. HOLT. SalialMUT^ April 11 w.] SMw I I FA MONUAI 0(1 tin Thnrsda^ oiir exi eileni iiV two metnbei toWli liinifs ti\ uuc where he w« of iliZfn-. fl| and lioaiiv welt in its niattfr a spondeil liriftlvl making no already spoken | Velcd mile- to the glorious here, of the rolil North Carolina ridina oHiccr. «ic| and its yankee of fhc Hotel, tna their respects, aj distinguishcil pleasant word lb Friday was a sasi*ended; crowl couiity, and ticigj Robeson, Uladel many other was pointed ont j the (;overnor. About lialt-pa^ upon the .'land pnate word' «y'1 supposed that some three thou.s vidcd witii lieiul standing withoull iiig hour.s 01 mtfl delighted wuh tl sell' a leliiti” ar; tened by an aliua inflicted upon helj enemy, and next to rescue our such a hateful p pact to the last, wa> a (lertod to t 'I'h* Si kk.'II.-- tbat It vvoitld srat thlni: lik' a I'ull r be shoi ii ol nun h u ii-unlni, prai lie did siii h tivU ju>*ii sin*'i‘ it 1- said Ih a canvas.i .n in- t lit the I'OlllSi* ot of the .Stale will b ernor’ri owij eloijU triotisin and eneO a soul iiboiuidiiii; lie i-oninieneed onveyed Ity the a of hi-: h llo\v- i1ize prov^ liiiii'i>-ir wor of ‘‘the powers th; he eatlie to Speak State o! our itunt bilitifS. This i^ now biiddinu leavf our fate w ill be de It is ejisy to servt und ev**n wlieii thi; was ready tf> ne.iii aud boys, chceied, euthusia-ni never The snfleriugs aud years have brough brave, pure. unselE sutfer, and even lo spirit, we have not are brave and tme ing and death. If there iS no room I'o . can endure sutferin quer. li'you fail, fail when seUishnes Everybody waat and mother, weepii owed mother, gazsii wife, anxious for tl gered husbaml, all for it, the soldier draws a trigger th we secure the uri he done by the ,Sta fcderaey, as she this would not b( to new and Jdooi gated to 111'* 0 right to dci'larc wa Confetlcracy, there: or negotiate for it. were ready and wii fjrst recall the righ vepted in the ConI mode by which this to desert her -o-Sti that be pea'-e, or bi Ui-lii9ion to supposi ineiit Would III- no 1 the Stat'* I lie other (’tditi-dt-ratf biisely (t-'-t !Ti*i1. 1 rest of tlif ronVtnie or Fraiu e. Slie w the ('oiib d' tai y ai! It wonbl bf impost territory with tioo| to War—it would it North I'arolina. be the war with Linec her hands a war identitii'd with Iwr bound to her by th in whi( h they had my duty, said the lo our soldiers, inf deserte’d her sister to fight against th before I'll issue su Hut if the .State posable case—thal would be I'oreed i ure re«iuiied by ta: u man who would gloriou.'ly m battli er than to im ei .-u To take th.- Stsi only thing tiiat a C be doue by the L«| tiate until it is oi thing short of tht completely as a ( •dniae thu Couted

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