PUBIiIO liAWS. Enaotko Fkb’y 16, 1864. An Aot to Fund, Tax ami h^mit th^ Currenci^. Skotton 1. 7^'’ ilon^^^-ss o/ th^ i/onf^devdtt Or Arnf^rirn ifo eimrt, That ’^hc hoMfrs of ■ M T^'dJwiirv alK>vr icnoniinntioii of* no; f'oa'-iii!’ in" allowed until the Iht -iaj of April IS(U, past of tho iMiasissippi, faiul til ! .1100, ijnd until (lie periods and at tho j«l'ai-'J, t'n* liuKlcrs ot all such I’rcasury uatc shall ba bubjeot. U* a •»* of 3«li per coot, on ev ery dullftr [ii AtniiiHtl on the iftoe thereof, 8aid tax to attach to :^d notes wbcrevor circulatcd, and said liotesto be fandable and exchangeable for new Treasury notes, as herein provided, subject to tho doduotion of naid tas. Sko 12 That any State holdin'i T»"oasary notes roceivoi tlio tiinc-^ hcr-’in fisod for taxing' said riotcrt shall bo hIIohcJ till t!;‘ first day oi Janiiuty 1805, t», iand fl$(' in ♦» per cent, hondM of lh.» 'o»i»odtrato Slai.^s, puvi*l>lo ^r,.J h tJs, pv.'ih!' ‘iti y,>ars :i(fcr tiieir Jaic, (..■ariu ,' iiKcrost ;U ilio*; of 1 por ceiit. per u'l- ..uqj, i jyaidc oii tho Isi ttl JuFiuary and July f.!' ’■'h.- «>f ih«' 'I'rtj-istiirv i-i li*'r(>l‘V s>- ; il' ;■ 1 i-: !'or »hf • 'i ' II* till- jnecrdiii.'j s.'oUi.Hi, ■111 U- [jit;'ll li Mi\y ts~u.' * ■ Suc'i b'>!ninj • i; ! i'l l I'ivabie without iriti-r- = ! ... a ! ti‘v‘r:)iueiit duos payable ,r I ''t. J, «• i-xpv>rt an l import dutiof*. > i l..i till i rc;)sury notes ol the dcnoaii- • ?1 .lor b^’iiruiLr i”tor*’'.:t, which shall ■r.'-I tp-i 1. r fiiiMlin'r un Ifrt!:o provisions Hi -r 'I o this act, ^hall, I’roni and after 1 lS(‘i4. oa.-Jtol tho .Vlissisrtippi :i_V *'f 'f'uly i • ;>i bo roceivabi > in payau nt ol ■ '* ’ ■ ■■ 1 liitioN, it h,it ao j>rc8i*!ifed ;if ' i'‘i, i udiiiri.m to tho tax of ■ ’u{ —^oa lu tht> 4tii si cti(>n ol this act, bo :nbl' 0t0'i 10 a tax i.f lU ppr ornt por ii yrt-h un til ■ p Cf’ V (1; v,'1ii -h tdXi'b fhall attach t> niiid ^ 't-’S whv:iovor firouhitc,!, yi: 1 .-hall be doductcO 'TuTii 1 I : ICO Ilf ^ala t! >if,s V, u-^cW'\ ptT*"ciited ioi P ;::,.nt^r for !au.;iti:r, atiii said notcn sliail ix*' be i‘Xo}iuiit.'t’Ui>ie f’)r t.!i> rn w i-iMuc ol 'rri>»- suM’’ ?)ofos }iroviJ"J for in thi# SiC f That (ui al! bai l Tna.^ury notes not I'uuiittl ur um u in pay men? ■ { taxes at tho dates aud ■ pre.'cribcd in tho l^t section of this aot, tncre shall be levied at said dates and places i :ai ot ;>3i oefor every dollar promised on ■:b ' face of said nott;>: t-aid tax shall attach to said notes wherevor circulated, and phall be colleetod by deduiJuLii: tbe aruue at the triasury, its dcposi- torio* and by tax ci llociors, anu i>y all t'lovern- ladn: oflaero rccoiviui; the trsmv' '■vhonevcr pre sented thr j i^yn'out or for fundi«>r, or in payment '■‘t b .'VyfD::'.:'nt or lor postai^e, or in ex- e].-i:..xc lor c w a.'hcroinafit-r provided, and said it >■ ury n. ?.;' «5^a!l be fuDdable in bonds as pntvideJ in tho 1st ^ -otion of Ibis act, until the 1-t o-'-y ol January 1' ''j5, ar the rate of U6 J cents m the dollar; and it sliall be the duty of the See- r';?^ry ot the Tr:“aiury, at any time between the ■/'t ot April and tuc l^t of July, I'ti-i, west of thv- Missis Ippi rivor, atii the 1st ol January iSGo, . ; r'abtiiiute i.ichan^c cc'.t 'i'Vcasury notes vOr t;ic '.maic m .he rate ot 6Gj ceut.s on the dol lar: I ThatnotJs oi tlic deuoniination of JlOO shall not be entitled to the privilege of said exohanpe; farther, that the ri;,'ht to ;and any ot aaid Treasury notes, after the 1st day ‘t January 1n=‘:, is hereby taken away; Ar^l ■tyro- »: / V fwih.r^ Ti at lipun all such Trea.'^ui notes W;.;oh may rmaia ouistnndiug on the 1st day ot Januiiy 1S65, and wiiich may not be erchanecd for nC(f Tr.Ta^ury notes, as herein provided, a tax ot 10» per cent, i.s hereby imposed. Skc. 5. That after the first day ot April next, '’•^t^ority llerctofore p:iven to the Secretary of the ircasury tj iasne Trorisury notCii shall be, and is hereby, revoked; the Soorotary of the Treasury ujay, alter that time, isi^ue new Treasury note.?, in such form as he may prescribe, .layaoie two years after the ratiSeation of a treaty of poftce with the TTnited States, .said new issues to De roc.jivable in paymcTit ol ail pubiio duos, except export and import duties, to l e issued ia exchaage Tor old notes at tl'.e rate ..I L’ doUars J th* new for d of the old >sue.^, \tht!thcr said old uot«« be surcoodercd fW oxchau^c by the l.olde s thareof, i'r be ro‘ei7ou ;ri o rhc Troasurv tinder the provisi..Es oi thi.-, a.*f; a/-d the holders tho ;:owr no^ort or of the old nu‘e>, .ixeept those of the ionominal-on of 5!00, al.or tliey arc reduced to * ccnt^i 03 the dohar by the tax afores:iid, may •oQvert tho same into oali ct-rtificatcs bearing in- tt;rr»t at tho rate ot 4 p>er cent, per annuiL, and payaoio two years af>er a ratification of a treatv ol pe-C3 with tho Unicod .'■"riitcs, unless sooneV convorted into now r.otos. JX. Of conspiracies, or atteinpta liber ate prisoners of war heJd by the Cortfederate States. X. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon tlie Copfelerat« cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. XII. Of unlawfully bnrtn'tig, dcatroying or injuring, or atteniptin;^ to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele graphic line of comrnuiiicutiod, or property, witl» the intent of aiding the euerrjy. XIIJ. Of tnHr)oiiHble dftsigua to impair the niilitary power of the GovernnKini by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels «tr artns. or inuttition^i of o«- prrfoutilss, f« ’indrit*!^, Wi»rlcjihf»p.s, oi- property «.*f the Oonloderate Shitos. See. 2. The IVesiileiit shall cause proper ,, 4 . ■ • • ‘ ' 111 111\ or iMiv^ , w 1 n> «'i .*)^^cers to iTivestigate Ilitt cases ol all persons U. wo ytai-? t« 10! t'le raMUcati,*u ol a tnary ol : j milifai y or naval scrvice, and so arrc.sted, or detained, in order that they ih'j: tho rato ol I , , • -i i ’ i... i i i.. i .shall bo a.'la’v vl uiid tho nain.' in roi^is i years aller d.ite, ax 1 iho iutt ro-t jiuyubio a’iOUiily Uut i!! Troa-inry ui>!o.s roceiv •! by any' hl.ite :it!er tho ti. i,> tiied ti r laxiti!' liut Haine as iiforowiid, shnll t > !u*!J to Lnvr boon vei^oivrd liiniiuiHhed by [Isl* hiiioiiui of t aid t 'X d'i ••ritnif»f! Ml 1‘pt;• •, :i ''iv and tl;.> .- n ,t ho -ubji . i. -*.dll .SKc I'! I’fitt.' iottv. i»i-r I •>( M'r i-.-.iiivt ^^.arin^' it»!» n -b.' ■ i>ffV ••0 >>it ib.- SI; -* [>►'. annia", Khali n.. v.j-jTiM bo r- Otjiv mtiit of pnblij diios ba! snnll be t! oonsidiMvd 1. ridfi oi rhi. , iiileii.mtf S.ta I'! pay mfd aid ty or etl’ects of any kind, not enumeratei n the preceding paragraph^ between the times named therein, 10 j>er cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as income, under the act aforesaid. III. On the amount of profits exceeding 25 per cent., made during either of the years 18(53 and 1864, by any bank or banking company, insurance, canal, navigati(tn, im- (') I porting and exporting, telegraph, exj)ress, railr(>ad, maiinfacturitig, lrv dock, or other joiJit stock company "f any ilescription, whether ino'U porutf*d or in>t, per cent on riiioli exi*er«.‘» Sko. 'I’lif, lollo^’ing e'ceiitptiotm from tilXAtioit il:it|.^r !liir Hi‘f nhall lu' ulHiwed, (o wit: 1. I‘iv'jM'ftV «»t fivoli head *d !i Uinulv f** '■be \jiliic* «.»l HiiJ lor t-arli iiiiiior child • )f the laiiiily 1o tiiii turther value of I and tor each s>n actually etigagod in the ' artiiv or tMtvy, or who has dieil or been pea.^e wiiii tho I'witr-d Siaio-:, t^ar iiitorest spcoitieu v>i. their aer, i iy:ib January of each and every ‘car. , 8ec. 14 'I'iiat the Soe;'« iry of Mit Treasury I ... ho, and ho is lioroby, autluirizcd, in o»r.e the osi-j l*roj>erty of the widow ot atiy officcr Seo-. 1 hr.: to tjat the exponsea oi the Gov- ornuienf not othorwi>,c provided tor, the Secretary ol the 1 roaAury i.i I'oteby authorized to i.->sae ♦> per dent, bond.s to an aiiioiint not excecdiD?’ five haadrod million^ of dollars, ihe princip!»l :\nd in terest wHercnl -’.aU be froo from taxation, and nr tr.e payment of interest thereon tho entiro net r.jceintf. ol any export diitv hereafter laid oi tfi? ' Inaval stores, wh.nh .hr; 1 be exported frr-ui t! e Confederate • -^ro., and the net pr ..coed; uf -iKi imt>ort dnttes,^.r ^0 much rherer.f as may be access inloTc~\t, a ,'Oijcies ol the Jovernn)' houl 'ef|Uiro it, tt> p i) th dcnmr-.ii of any pul OC' .:. ir v-■lo.'io debt any br eont-B'*‘od after *. • of this a;t, williug to rrC*-i"e tho in a e-rtificite of in dobtedno.^s, to be isMicd by said S'X'refary in .‘ uch farm n:; he may doeni pro[>oi, payabh* t.vo vcars after a r itifioatiun ot a tfiiU V of | o;- o v-itl. the United Stato.s, bearing in:.nst at iie i.^te fHix per cent, ^ter annum, jruaM.. Mctui annu illy, and irani-'fc!ablo only by spcoii.! •.;nd"l^^!llent, under rffi-itlatinns to b« xtrocoribati bv tho orctarv of the Trcasnry, and said ocrtifi; ate.> .-haTl ).*e exoiupt from tasaiioo in priucipal and interest. 8r.o. 15 Ti c Secretary of the Treasury is aii- tliorizcd to increase the number of depoaitories so as to meet the requirements of this act, and with that view to ciaploy such of the banks of the sev eral States as he may deem expedie-it. Sec. 16 The Secretary of the Treasury shall forthwith advartise this act in such newspapers published in the several States, and by such other maans as shall sccurc immediate publicity; and the Secretary of War and tho i^*cretary of the Navy shall oach cause it to be published in gene ral order for tho informatioii of the army and navy. Sec. 17. The 42d section of the act for tho assas^mcnt and collection of taxes, approved May 1st I >'63, i.i* hereby ropef.Iod Seci The Secretary of thi' Tr.-asury is hereby a.itlioriaed ind loqnired, iipon the appli cation of the holder ol any call certificate, which, hy the fint soction of the act to provide .for the funding nod further issue of Treasury notes, ap proved March 23d 186:{, wa.s required to be therraft'r deemed to be a bond, to issue to such holder a bond therefor upo.a rhc terms provided by said act. Aci! to Iny aihlltloiuil Tnxe^far tlu coin- man hftuce and support of Government. Sec. 1. Tlie Congress of the C'jnfuderare Statoij of Aniorl::a do enact. That in addi- tiofi lo tlie taxes levied by tiie act "to.lay taxes for tiie c.oninion del’ence and to carry on tlie (-roveniiiii'iir of the (M>nfcilerate St;itos,” approved ‘>ith of April 1^6;>, tiiere shall be levied, from the passage of this act, on the subjects ot taxation hereafter uientioncd, and collected from every ]«erson, copartner ship, association »r corjwration, liable tliere- to, taxes as fjiow?, t.vwit: I. Upon the value of property, real, per- fto'ial and iiiixe>l,ot c ery kind and desc-rip- tii-n, not hcreinaitcr (• *c’lj[ited i>r taxed at a dilTerent r;ite, r* j.or .-vi T.; Provided, That from thi.-^ tax on the vahie of property etn- pl».»yed in agriculture shall be deducted the value of tho tax in kind '’itilivered therefrom, as a-sessed under the la.v iinposinir it^ ;uid delivereil to the (to\ oi tiinetrt: Provided, liiat no *redit t^h:i!l be allov/ed b(*vond 5 p»r rent. II. On tiu* value ot gold :iiid silver wares and plate, jewels. jew*drv and watehe?. In who was ajiiembtM* of the family when he [ niav be »i.'-’larged if improperly detained, j entered the scM viee, to the further value uidcvi they l)e speedily tried in the due eour'e of iuv.', f o. Th during the suspension af»re- soldier, sailor or marine, who may’ have lsaio, no militiry or other officer shall be died or been killed in the militarv or naval service, 4»r where there is no widow, then '»! the f'amilv, i»eiiig minor children, to the value of $1000. If I. I*roperty td' every officer, soldier, ciunnidled, in rnswer to any writ of habeas corpus, to in j)erson, or to return the body of any person or persons detained by hir”, be the authority of the President, Se- crrs'jr**' t>f War, «»r the General otticer com- hailor or inaritie, acfually ('ugaged iti the! n.a:x* •. the Trans-Mississippi dej»ai fnient; ■e, or >arv hcr« by -ipocipMv the du.'ie»i now 1 ud or ‘ ■ p’cd^rd »nd shall li..rcaf pa!.] . : ,.p,,ci«, or in storlinic exehao coUj IU15 r.i ^3i,j bunds. ( That the Secretary of the Treasury is ithoriroH *: ^ , as the sell or . or aav cst ter'ps he can, so as to ■ Hnd at tho satiic - ' ; i r.:; -ici th > aHKiiint of the circu- F'.^^nrv notpf^ .nthia rochonaMe ■f aiiprijfri if ^ 1!' 1 / „ ■ and Tiu ■iuthorirod by the 6th AO«- OJ^’}c^ reiri.stercd or per cent. in. liie value ot jiropertv taxed under this section shall be asscased on the ba.>is of the market value f>t the satne, or similar pp)- I- perty in tho neiirhborhood where assessed, in d the year IS6o, exceid in c;u^cs where land, ^ slaves, Cotton or tobacco have been pur chased since, the 1st day of January 1S62, in which case tho said laud, slaves^ cottoii and tobacco so purchased, shall bo assessed at the price ae^ii i'Ir t.aid for the same bv oM’ntir. boo. 2. On the valno >! all sljures or inter ests iield in any tiank, b«nkin^ company or H8s>ciation. canal, nav.jration, importing exporting, insijr.-inoe. nianufactaring, tele graph, express, railroa-J, and dry-dock c»m patdes, and all other joint stock companies ‘•f every kind, whether incorporated or not 5 per cent. Ihe value of property taxed unrler this section shall be assessed noon the basis of the market^ value of such property in the neighborhood where assessed, m such ct^r- rency as mav be in general use rtiore, in tho I pnrch.tnc nn-i sale of sucii j>rojii;rt^, /vt titro cou- I 1- ■ ■ T' ‘ "n tr.-iy elect-' a.ssesstnent. 11 I'on tb •riu t;’.: y ; »b!*; net 'o y and ihil! ( -' ir the '^r; ▼crtible. Jf •:hc "'r. . from :»n Ji' evei V • hai: ho' , . . , : -f-.He fi 'st of Jaa'y 3 ' r; .he pri.'^cipa! .shall bo pay- yoar^ fron) t'ojir datj. ca .‘halt he fundable, i rejpects a.s is provided ■ into w’nioh they o-re con- 'I before Ke imn fixed for no‘>::, iuoh oortificatcs shall iaurost upon only 66i conta promisod upon their faoc, and mable ia now Treasury not«s at aftor the passage of thiB aot. no call • r-hall be ia«acd until afti^r the Trstday • . ’'prii, I8(J4. if anv b;'.ak of deposit shall (fire l.juif! autho'izod by the first oi thij a.;t, in csc’.iangc-for tbelr deposits h-1 same on the bonds by some »ife:iBCLi/c 102; L or t'lkcn, to be a^TCcd upon r.-irh rh.: g„,pU!y.r rtf >Tr.;a:iury, then the s;;id de^ positor Bur.a ho en.itl.?d to reoieva tuo amount of said bon(.>j in licaaury j)ot-Oe, beari”;; no ir^ TCflt 3Dd it ‘V ra.:,agc o' '-jL, act: Pro- e.'-.o Ku.-i uj ; ,irc. nrcflo- od bsfaro the privShgeof g . its (J asct- aod apotifyiim ih* ) U O' I ^/'k ll>r ^ beicin Drest'ribfcd Skc. it, Ttat nil «)f :.he nr,OK heretofore -friii coDtinuo • «. 1 • 11 - ' »AA VUU^iUU.^ » bo roociva^k) m p,! .;nt of f.ublic diiea a;. Fovided bT U-, .' .ndable u Jtl^ ^ th H a^i, untd the Arst of July 1864 at October 1SG4, west of they . , , , west of t but after to»t time Sec. 3. Upon tho amount of .all gold am - - ’ ' or bilver bullion 3 or other corpo cent.; and upon pon the amount rawti tfierefor on foreign countries, a tax o/ 5 p»r cent.; such tax upon money abroad to be assessed anoi cf)llected according to the value thereof at the place where the tax ia paid. IT. Upon t!ie amount ot all solvent ere ditB, anI of all bank bills and all other ]ja pers issued as currency, exclusive of non intei;p3t bearing Confederate treasary notes, and not employed in a registered business, the income derived from which is taxed “ per cent. Sec. 4. Upon profits made in tr-ide and business, as follows: 1. On all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritous liquors, flour,’ wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, h*>|^, beet or beef cattlo, slwiop, oats, hay, louder, raw hide-3, leather, hor8e.s, mules, boots, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, coal, iron, atcol or nails, at any time be- twot n tho 1st of January 1863, and the 1st *f January 186.5, 10 per cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as inoorae under t'le ‘act to lay taxBsforthe ootnm®n defence, and carry on tho Governmaiit of the Oon- federate States,” approved April l?4, 1863. profits made by buying and Belling money, gold, silver, foreign ettchange, fl^ks, notes, debts, credits, or oUlifationi ot ftoy kind) and aay merohaod[f.set ^rop«r- niilitary or naval scrvitte, or f>f such as have been dis.-ibled in Buch service, to the value of $1000; )*rovided, that the alx»ve exe^np c roiis lioi appiv lO any «rTi«»av! oroperty, exclurtivc td' household furniture, shall I )L* jissessed at a value exceeding$1000 IV. That where j»ro])erty has beeit injured or destroyed by the enemy, or the owner thereof has been temporarily dej>rived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of the means of cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the jiroximity of the enemy, the .'issessment on such proj)erty may be reduced, in j>roportion to the damage sus tained by the owner, or the tax assessed thereon may be reduced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evi dence subtnitted to him by the owner or as sessor. Skc. 6. Tljat the taxes on ]>roi>erty laid for the year 1S6-1, shall Ik; assessed as on the day ot the passage of this act, and l>e due and collected on the 1st d;iy ot June next, t>r ;is soon afler tis pracliealne, allow ing an extension of 90 days West of the Mississippi rivor The additional taxes on incomes or profits f>r the year 1S63, levied by this act, shall be assesse*! and collected forthwith; and the taxes on incomes or pro fits for the year 186-1, shall be assessed and collected according ti^ the ))rovisiong of the lax and sissessment acts of 1863. Sec. 7. So inuch (d‘ tho tax act of the 24th day of April 1S63, Jis levies a tax on in comes derived from property or effects on the amomtt or value of v,diich a tax is levied by this act, and also the 1st section of said act, are suspendotl for tho year TS64, and no estimated rent, hire or interest on pro- |>erty oi' credits herein taxeil ad valorem, shall be assessed or taxed as incomes under the tax act of 1S63. Sw. H. That the tax imj>osed by this act on lx>nds of tho Confederate States hereto fore issued, shall in no case exceed the in terest on the t^ame, and such bonds, when hohl by or for minors or lunatics, siiall l>e exempt from the tax in all cases where the intere'^t on the ;-,ame shall not exceed Au Acy to mtftjpend tfve j»rimletje o f the Writ of Corpui in certain ctwt'.v. Wherea.-i, the Constitution of the Confed erate States of America provides in Article 1, Section i*. Paragraph 3, that ‘‘tho privi lege ot tije writ of habeas corpus shall not be euspeinlud unless when in c:ise of rebel lion or invasion, tlie public safety may re quire if;’’ and whereas, the j>ower of sus- pemliug the i)rivilegc of said writ as recog nized in saiil Article 1, is vested solely in tho Congress, which is tho exclusive judge of tiie necessity of such suspension; and whereas, in the opinion of tho Congress, the public safety retjuires the suspension of said writ in the c.\isii/ig case of the invasion of these States by the armies of the United States; and whereas, the President has asked for the suspension of the writ of habeas cor pus, and informed Congress of conditions of public danger which render the 8nsi)ension of the writ a measure proper for the public defence against invasion and insurrection; now, therefore, Tlie Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That during the present invasion of the Confederate States, the priv ilege of the writ of habeas corpus be, and the same is hereby, suspendod; but such sus pension shall apply only to the cases of per sons arrested or detained by order of the sUwiral^jr Umcer commandmg Military Department under tho control of hereby declared that the purpose of Con grees in the passage of this act is to provide moro eifectually for the public safety by suspending tho writ of habeas corpus in *fie following cases and no other; I. Of treason, or treasonable eflfbrts combinations to subvert the government of tho Confederate States. U. Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov ernment, or conspiracies to resist the lawful authority of the Confederate States. III. Of combining to assist the enemy, or of conimunicatinw intelligence to the enemy or giving him aid and comfort. IV. Of cotispiracies, preparations and at tenyjts to incite servile insurrection. V. Of desertions or encouraging deser tions, of harboring deserters, and of attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That in case of palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer upon any party "who does not legally owe military service, his superior officer shall grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be diamissed from office. VI, Of spies and other emissaries of the enemy. VII. Ot holding correspondence or inter course with the enemy, without necessity and without the permission of the Oonfeda^ rate States. Vin. Of unlawAil trading with the ene my, and other offences against the laws of the Confederate States, enacted to promolt their sueoeM in the war. i but Uj)' fi llie certificate, under oath, of the ofliv'or luiving charge ot any one so detained, that ftucii persf»n is detnitied by iiiin as a I I*.. liol'ci ri ^>0t0f0 speciliei. under the authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease and remain suspended so long as this act shall continue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days after the next meeting of Con gress, and no longer. TIIE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That from and after the passage of this act all white mon, residents of the Confederate States, between tho ages of 17 aud 50, shall be in the military service of the Co!ifederate States for tho war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages ot TS and 45, now in service, shail retailed during the present war with tho L. S., iujflie same regiments, bat talions and Companies, to which tiicy belong at tho p;us:igo of this vitli the same or- ganizalio.T and ofiircrs, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws aud regulations for the gov ernment of the army: Provided, that com panies from one State, organized against their consent, exprcsscil at the time, wfth regiments or battalions from another State, shall have the privilege of being transferred to organizations of troops, in the same «rm of the service, from the States in which said companies were raised; titul the soldiers frotn one State, in companies fn»ni another State, shall bo allowed, if they tlosire it, a transfer to organisations frum their i>wn States, in the same arm of the service. Sec. 3. That at the exjdration of six months from the first day of April next, a bounty of $K'0 in a six j>«r cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorized to issue, shall be paid to eve ry non-commissioned officer, musiciati and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his death previous to the period of #iich payment, then to the person or per sons who would be entitled to receive by law the arrearages of his pay; but no one shall be entitled to tho bounty herein provided who shall at any time, during the period of six montfis next after the said first day of April, be absent from his command without leave. Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved from the ojKJration of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the army where no disability now exists; nor shall those who have furnished substitutes be any longer exempted by reason thereof: Provided, that no persoti, heretofore exempt ed on account of religious opinions and who has |>aid the tax levied to relieve him from service, shall bo required to render military service under this act. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and JS and 45 and 60 years, shall enroll shaJl be liable to be placed io service in the field for the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor ers in tlie Commissary and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and employees of navy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall bo |>crformed by persons who are within the ages of ,18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as unable to perforiti active serviee in the field, but capable of p^rtontiing some ot the abovo said duties, speeityiog wbieli, and when thej’e persons shall have been assitMjeii to those duties as fur as practicable, the I’r** sident shall assign or detail to tficir perform ance such l>odies of troops, (»r individuals, required to be enrolled under tiie 5tli sec tion of this act, as may be needel for the discharge of sueh duties: l^rovided, that persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so consirued fis to prevent tho President from detailing artisans, meclKinics, or per sons of scientific skill, to perform iiidispen- sable duties in the departments (*i* bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Qtiartevma^ter or As sistant Quarternuv^ter, Commissary or As sistant Commisstiry, (other than those serv ing with brigades or regiments in the fiehl.) or officers in 4he Ordnance Ijureati. or Navy Aj^ontn, or l*r>voet Marshal, or tdlleor in tlie conscript service, who shall hereaf'ter employ or retain in his emploj'inent an}' person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall be tho duty of any department or (^strict commander, upon proof, !>}’ the oath of any credible person, that any such ofiicer has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commanders shall take promj)t measures to have him tried for such offence; and any commander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, sliall upon being duly convicted thereof, be discharged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall l>e exempted except the following: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescril>ed by the Secretary of War. 2. The Vice President of the Confederate States, the members and officers of Congress and of the several State Legislatures, and such other Confederate and State officers as the President, or the Governor of the re spectivo States, may certify to be necessary for the proper administration of the Con federate or State (-fovernments, as the case may be. 3. Every minister of religion authorised to preach according to the rules of his church, and who, at the passage of this act, shall be regularly employed in the discharge of his ministerial duties; superintendents and phy sicians of a.sylu!nsfor the deaf and dumb and blind and of the insane; one editor for each newspaper lieing published at the time of this act, and such employees as said edi tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the publication of such newspaper; the public pri.iter of the Confederate and State Governments, and such journeymen print er* as the said public printer shall certi/y, on-oath, to bo indispensable to perform the public i>rinting; one skilled ajKJthecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the lOth day of Oct’r 1862, and has continued said business, without intermission, since that period; all physi cians over the age of 80 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the a«tnal and regulai- practice of their profes sion, but the term physician sluill not in clude dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theological seminaries, acade mics and schools, who have been regularly engaged as such for two years next before the passage of this act: Provided, tliat the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whoso schools are com provisions, to be delivered b^ snob as aforesaid at equivalent rates 3. Such person shall further bind himsejj to sell the marketable surplus of provieion and grain now on hand, and which he ma\ raise from year to year while hiM exeujvtio- coiitinnes, to the Qovernim-nt or to the fan ilics of soldiers, at prices fixed by the (Jon' missionersof the State imder the iinprel ment act: Provided, that any persoL eiiijited as aforesaid, shall be entitletl to credit of 25 per cent, on any amount of me;,"J which he may deliver withoi three niontU frotn the pji?sai£e iif this act: l*rovided }„!' ther, that persons coming witijiH the nr,.vi sions id'this exernptiotj shall not be doptu,.,i ot tiie buneli! tliere'd bv reason of ha>iii be.'f) enr.dled sin.-e the 1st day of Keh Vs,;'! d. in additi.-n to the forej^^olu^ ^x«rrii tioiis, the Seeretart of War, under the (h. roetion of the President, tuav exempt tail such other persons as he may l>e satU fiei] ought to be exempted ou accoiuit (/, public necessity, and to insure the produ* tion of grain and other provisions for tiie army and the families of soldiers. He way also, grant exemptions or detail.^, on such terms as he may prescribe, to such over seers, farmers or i)lanters as* he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country in the pursuits of agriculture than in the miii- tary service: Provided, that such exeraptioti shall ce&se whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to eniplov in good faith, his own skill, capital and lalwr exclusivxdy in the production of grain an«L provisions, to be sold to the Governiuent and the families of soldiers at priceb not exceed ing those fixed at the time for like articles by the Commissioners of the State under tho impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company en gaged in transportation for the Governtnent, and such officers and employees thereof aj the jiresident or superintendent shall certifv on oath to bo indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Pmvided, that the number of persons so exempted bv thjg act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual use for military transportation; and said exeinptb shall be reported by nama and description, with the names (d' any who have left the employment d’ said company, or who inav cease to be indisjjensable. 6. Tlnit nothing herein contained sliai: be construed as re)>ealing the aet approve^i A]>ril the 14th 1803, entitled an act to ex emj)t contracto.’’s for carr’ i’lg the inaiie ni the Confederate States, aiid the drivers w post coaches anu hacks, from miiitu.-v ser vice: Provided, that all the exenii iioni granted under this act shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or oc cupations. • Sec. II. That the President be, and Le it> hereby', authorized to grant details, under general rules and regulations to be issued fr«)m the War Department, either of persotw between 45 and 50 years of age, or Irora the army in the field, in all cases where, ia his judgment, justice, equity and necessity re quire such details, and he may revoke such orders of details whenever he thinks proper: Provided, that the power herein granted to the President to make details and exemp tions shall not be construed taauthorize tlie cxemptiou or detail of any contractor fur furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of' the department ma king such contract shall certify that the per sonal servicetj of such contractor are indis pensable to the execution of said contract: Wovided further, tliat when any snch con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfolly, to proceed w’ith the execution of snch o»n- tract, his exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military service^ no member com posing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they are reqtjired to m£^e such examination- emselves at such times and places, and j posed of 20 students or more. All superin unv or such iovulations, as the ‘President j tendents of public hospitals, established by ma} piescnbo, the time allowed not befhg j la\|r before the passage of this act, and such le.-^s than oO days lor those ejwt, and 60 days I physicians and nnrses therein as such su- foi those west ol the Ali^issippi river, and perintendents shall certify, on oath, to be ain person who 5.lall fail so to enroll him- indispensable to the proper and efficient self, wr bout a reasonable excuse therefor, management thereof, to be .‘(iJgeil o. I>y the President, shall be 4. There shall be ex f^irat^fr General persons mentioned in this section shall j field-hands, between the r^es of 16 and 50 the upon ‘lie following conditions: , by the authority and tl-t^,jaua suaii rnjt i«. | i, ai,all only be o-ranted the President. It is torm service out ot the State in which I in cases in which there is no white male n”, n • , . . I on the farm or plantation not liable to b ^ ° I military service, nor unless the person claim- ing the exemption was on the 1st day of ^ A#- • ■ J =? . . 'v 1864, either the owner and managrer J ’ J and withm 60 j or overseer of said plantation, but in no case dys, If west ot said river, torm themselves shall more than one person be exempted for into voluntary organizations ot companies, one farm or plantation, battalions or regiments, and elect their own 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, officers; said organi^tions to conform to the payable to the Confederate States of Amer- existing laws, and, having so organized, to ica, in such form, and with snch security, volunteers during and in such penalty as the Secretary of War the war to the President; and it such organ- j may prescribe, conditioned that he will de- izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as liver to the Government ai some railroad now organized and deposit a copy thereof depot, or such otller place or places as may with the enrolling officer of their district, be designated by the Secretary of W^r which sha l be equivalent to enrollment, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 pounds they may be accepted as minute men tor of bacon, or, at the election ofthe eCerii- inr ^ T» I f ^ equivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of taker out ot It. fhose who do not so volun- net beef (said beef to be delivered on foot) teerandorgan.ze,shallenroll heiuselves as for each able-bodied slave on said f; before provided; and may, by the President, plantation, within the above said a-e arm or asres, whe- be required to assemble at convenient pla- ther said slaves in the field or not Which ces ot rendezvous, and be torincd or organ- Laid bacon or pork and beef sha I L oa^d me^dTrStti^^^^^^^ regi- for by the Gorrnment at the prices Led and shfu Commissioners ofthe State under the by iiim, and shall have the right to elect impressment act: Provided, that when the 5 V ^ T ^tate factory evidence that it has been impossible ^ ? forhli,by the exercise of proper difiZce service, to the same pay and allowanr« oa f ft. uui^nce, Post OfBooj FaYetteTillej N. C., f OcTOBEB 3, 1863. I Sehfditle of (he Arrival and Departwe ofthe Mailt at thu Office. R.^LEIQH via AVERASBOEa’, &o. Arrives daily, except Suaday, at 4^ P. M. D^'parta daily, except Satardaj at 6 P. M. RALRIQH via SUMMERVILLE. Departs Taesday and Friday at 6 A M. Arrives Wednesday and Sunday at 9 P. M. WARSAW via CLINTON. Arrives daily at 12 noon. Depart.8 daily at 1^ P. M. CARTHAOE. Arrives Tuesday, Thars^sy and Saturday at 7 P. M. Departs MoQd»7, Wednesday and Friday at 1 P. M. CHERAW, S. C: Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 P. M. 0t;pari8 Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M. FAIR BLUFF via LUMBEKTON. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 A. M. Dflparfs Suai«y, Tueidiiy and Taursday at 1 P. M. ROBESOIf’8 via BLIZABEFHTOWN. Departs Mo»(l.«y, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A. M. Arrives Tuesday, Thurday and Saturday at 2 P. M. ELlZ.\BEPHTOWN via TBREBINT^. Arrives Monday at 6 P. M. Departs same day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAQNOLIA via CYPRESS GREEK. Arrives Tuesday at 2 P. M. Departs same day (Tuesday) at 2* P. M. SWIFT ISLAND via AtONl%OS£, COVINGTON and POWELLTON. Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. * SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. _ All mails teavini; before 7^ A. M , are olosed the even ing Uifore at 9 P. .VI All letters to be sent off flrom fhiH office, other than by mail, mast be paid for as if sent by mail All drop letters should be pre paid by 2 o;>nt stamps. Tiie offiae will be open on Sunday from to 91 A , and from 4J to 5^ P M. JAS O COOK, P M. TOE inXIG PRliVIER^ tua L'Ule 0>tlk« \ f\:rtirer rapplf at vaolMal* 'f S Jf pay and allowance as troops now in the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous as required by the authority of the President, mthout foffloi«nt ezooie, to b« judgtd tf hj him^ to furnish the amount of meat thus ^ntract- ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War shall dirmt a oommutatioa of the same, to the estttol Of tvo-thuda thittwtf in grain or othar THE iVORTH €%ROLliliA «DTOAL Lirs llX8IJRAi«CK COHPlNi', NOW in tJie tenth year of saooessful operation, witk grojring capital and firmer hold upon puhUo ooa- fidenoe, eontinnes to inmre the lives of all healthy per sons flrom 14 to 60 years of age, tor one year, for seven yaare, and for Uf»—all life aembers sharing lo the profits All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two thirds theu: value. losses art ponoiuaUy paid within 90 days aftsr satisfactory proof ia presented. For ftirther information the public i* referred to AgMita of the Company in all parts e * die State, and t« &. H. BATTI^, Seeratary, Raleigh. E. J. HALK Agaat at Jaa’y 1859. Jlif Blaok for «t tkic O i \o ■ ''.fNTFl> F.J IT Pr *■ 'VO.tii;. F, I. ■ vm- ■ V KT of • , ;i .... for ce '"le ha f a.qiiHt. (p;r foi -b UCf'POi qu. the-.'wi' Vi- ing J Adv>;rii: .»•■ o,..,, . Fr''.ni -iD ror will the p«i'f • • nt Ihsr ’•> ' Fi! 'ti of ot*r o!a per c'li !ki? ■ ■m. ' ■’ HV'pJ ^riL;. . .-n.i liefl r'roupi oiaL'.t. '.‘j:;! uM'-i I O ’ T. i -ii'‘ J i tirattr ntrt KAV Jmi 1( VilHv \ -ll-.'HA -il. A. J Apr;i B O W ^ WO i 11 Oct. f IJlH* 1. 2,500 Perfi. n? .'t the hig\ %* fhe ber at h'- . Nov. ; ’ tAM v.-'.rr-’c Harii «i ' T fit give go . ' orden ' i■i. ■ pent of- i.’ OoKs i’ > Oct. • FayettevM’. ,i w i. M Br..'k N - - Q„l» -n > North f!ftr ihu Coun'v f Cui Tov 0 Ol r vye Gr.'eu ir-:’’ 5 Ccuj'or- 01 1 “ o; To Oot 12. 1 ( Lead r. .’iM't.ii. Deji-iriii-.dit. 1 titles W! POWDE.'i f 1 iOpr 69-tf TUE 6U' 1 any ou»” rsrri 1W1LL p i of goot ' O' Cow?; ah " to me. Fa*ef**v I •■'O ■ '-P wnioh IB 4 P.: > a Bufiioii Til v-i' 'y esfl^ty to r > .J frieuc -i r f ■... i.-.« Dp and i ri IV lo u We hav. .:»• but * -0 this town t Mr. ! them. Feb’y 16 >urtl TajiAttCb.tR's Onri Books i r of Ibifi r;tnr. ; All prrsins ies tnttrpnst c»u lorn ihe amoubl i .ey \ oash by b' lur •'•ui* forward Oof: j'.'-i Share ^ yoOO e«c paid iu tueir sii'i liest nkiuient 12-lftipcn The Fan manae for IStHi. Jaa’y %l mm L

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