. i:tes nher U5u(J liimeeJi ‘pliiH of })roviaiang iTid which lio mav iile hiti exenivtioi. u*nt t»r to theVam fivoii by the Ooin- utlor tho impress t iiuy persou ©x- iu* to a IV Hui.Mint of rueai hill three month* Iff; }‘ro\ided fuj' " tfhiH the j,rov, ill livtt 'lepfi "-•‘SOU of hjuit,..- *f I'Vh latJ-T eXtitrij, !ir, i.nJtM- tJie ,li. iKtv 1'Xt‘fripr or Ue- ht* fiKiy satin ed oil Hocullht oj iisure tlit» prodac- .‘rt>visions for tie ol»li»?ri;. He may ' detaiU, on such ho, to such oTer- as' he mnj be sat- t«» the eoutUry jjj I than in tho mllj. It sm*!i exemption fanner, jklanter or itly to employ in capita! and lal»or tioti ,.f grain and • (J 'Vernment and priccb not exceed- e for like articles tlie .^tate under urer. auditor and road company en- ‘the Government, •loyees thereof as idcnt shall eortify 1« to the efficient 1: Prtjvidod, that exempted by thie >t oxcoed one per- road in actual use and said ^'^empts i and d®sor;ption, :1k* luive left the •any, or who mav contained shall the :u't ap]irovei Ir^d ail a»*t to ex- i’lir the inails »*1 .d tho drivers o! 'oni 'liiiiti; V ser- the exeni: I’oni all only cootinue 'ted aro actually e pursuits or oc- ient be, and he ia .nt details, under ou? tu be iswued , either i)f persons f or from th«« Mes where, iu his and necessity re- may revoke such he thinks proper: lierein granted to tails and exemp d to authori2e tlie uy contractor fur kind to the Qov- i contract, unless e department mu ^tify that the per- tractor are indis- of said contract: m any such con- and faithfully, iion of such c»»n- ail shall ceaee. ing local boards lation of persona 10 member com- pointed from the in which they examination. toTlUe, N. C.,) >BEa 3, 186:3. ) tr« of >he MmU at thit IOBmi', die. 4* V M. HOP. M. RVILLE. A M. At 9 P M. ITON Baturdky at 7 P. M. Fri'lay at 1 i'. M. Saturday ai 6 P. M. kuraday 1 P. M. aZRTON. Saturday at 6 A. M. larsdty !vi 1 p. \l. SCHTOWN, I Friday at 6 A. M. aturl«y at 2 P M. REBINTH. 1*. M ICKE£K \ P M COVINGTON and ROY kre oloa^d the eTen be seQf off from k>e pii l for aa tf Id be pre paid by . froia to A COOK. P M hHKK, opif at fpnoiMAjt '* r m m coapiNYi operaiion, witb upou public ooa- fall be^Uihy par 's year, for Mven ing la theproflta are in*ured for 8 ihnu- ?alue. ■ 90 days after ia referred to h« Stale, aod to tarj, Kaieigh. X, Ageat at THiyjjIl (DIB SEMI.WEE»C S-T VOL. XIII. KAYCTTKVIM K. N r. APRIL 28, [NO. 1327.] ' 'fNTFI> MO\l>AYf? THffRSOAYS* mo J, HALK A mm. K1 ITORs: ,\\I) PROPRIETORS Joi.T*'"-WppVly Ob'^BBVPH ?10 00, ni\i 5 F( ■ Uf (>n> f fi n!? |)e’‘ Hnniiri. pnid ir> T'Ttf A.1'VRRT^Sl•'^lF.NTS inf^ortod for f i pei s •np.ro f'f t‘i linos for Ihf fir'«t. and nn«* for oao’’ ce■■■I'ne rnMi'*H(ion. AdTertif>?*mrn»o not Ptcwedia? a ha f «q>iarp lino?) fo" fir-i •inl 60 cenf« i for ■»ucce*;dinjr publica'Hn Adrcrtisprs arc re- ' qui -ffl namber of ir.j'erfiom dc!>ived, or j •' wif bp ''oitti'Hied Mil *V>rh>'*. and >h(trir«d aecrtrd- ; ingiT. I AJYi'nitJp^ . >. -I.-.—.1 - I ! »erii«cruv>ij; . UST Ol* CHUtUes Fftli The '■»Uowif>g ratea of ‘-•ur St»*niuo.r8- — UO\Vl«. Fro'p *’•»ve(j.)*ii!p 10 Wilminctoa, •' Elia«.-e'h. •• Whifp lUll. “ K'»’K’h ive, ■' ‘ •' A’l ) oi’U^ SEC^)ND Cr.AHS, OR 1>E('K. Kr''t !•’ kvsM^Ti”f> (n Wiln'in■'•o’l, P;(8SG3I«KK8. '^ilJ t * cbartj'^ f>M *(» (Kt )6 00 ‘-'D 00 21 iK) no 00 MJBRIC'ATINQ OIL. un'Jpr-’j'Ti :•* -w }>r*’i K.ri*..i f ir ns»i t . 1 pii'Mic t wiT" -ujt'-ricr atiicle or LUMHiOil'iNH OIL, etpeeixUy for Oottm and Woolen F-MUorif* c!*iu! /I'ki I iiiH OilL.)l fu«i, ati'i rt'.f/ l-.j lU'; "t zr-nii'T ppei'd V'ith p-’v.'or ;»nj’ otfcfrOi! '-yrrrt M ' W' h IVrtcr, t^upenuteu iesi, oi PcoBa.z i y kCiMv, yv.- j of If: •'! -av' boon v jur ' t o 1 f-w 2 ir 3 ncu'h', p.rd it (.'i 5"> ?ui!rri(.f J / 'VC' • i:> *r >1 -T. u it''*'''r lilbrjr tiir;;;.’' r .1 , » K(r h^w, f'f Uloaat'sF : I { ;-> ■‘o-nfai’y • 4y yon:* I u r O ’•'n r.o- i.iti jM I' t'Of jtnm i-; bii* j>t jrtH K^I" ol»s.r it>d t.ri«rr*t ’’ iV' I F i»vi’k>-r It'?*, -'r. »'f Bt'(rijn*er of tbi’t' S IIARNETI’ A portion ul'the citizens dI Hairn^lt Couutv Lavinsjcon- veiied ut Lilliiiy;tt)ii on (lie Vilj ti meeting wa^Leld ill whicli nearly all the ili.-iti icts ‘h.MMiimty wererepra- i^utt*d. ;ry .t K ,0'. is ?!'■ continueil t'lftalf, oharsjpd ti!*w sd- gPBCl/0 NOTICE Fnm 'in ter this date, no name of a new suV*«criber irill Ke entore ’ wi.'hotit payrnont in aivftn-ve. nor will the pay-#'- 1>o •''ni io swnh stih^crihrrfi fur « ttine ttiap paid for. Piieh of oitr old H'll'scribers as ilepire 'c *"'>■0 the pa per otj fhi? syHtom will plp^ne notify uj when making reoiiHATicef- Jan’^ I, 1H58 —.■■II" ■■III I ■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ ■ .II HV?#. .TJfr#.. V, A.ttorney at I»aw. Fayettsvillc, N. C ’ i^ILo ‘v!!.*nd the ( cunty and Supe'ior Coiine of >f *’nBiberViDd. Hf;ro“ft Moore Bud Hohnson Coun- lies. t'roupi att^tlt•Jn fCiven 10 ihp ('olivetion of all olaL .fr enuubled to his huud». O.'. :7. 'l-bU. tAi if JOH. UTLEV, tit'ottr ftml CfMntnissioti .Tferr/i/iuf, F.WKTTKVTLLR. N C Jt.>. V 10. Igti3 93-tf Viru'N A. WM. a. hkhn^kj). A. HTS:iMIA^ A: C€>., WBOLKSlli: IND RETAIL 9EALEK8 A N U Cf>ti nAHTn, 19, Mlaff street., FAYKTTEViT.LK, N. 0. April 2:>tl‘ 11 o w •> a n«'aTH *. 0. WORTH & CO,, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, H^"iffer Sti'rrf, WIl.MTNGTON, N 0 Oct. 1!?' ’i I -Ti Bi sHe:r ^\■!IE\T. l.jfw CORN’ ifi(» HhoT*! f-.rtjclo« to »«*I1 wliirecpi'^ ' by c tiling ori .*■! Thoina3; ■ ■’ " F'^y3*'-'~i'iie, o” 'At '*'>* fih'ori- i.lO 1-0 Klinahe*'*!. ;> UO ‘ WMicb..)-, . 7 ISO ■ ‘ Kv'^v’" •' " f'O •• \H r.a r( ill •>() UP. brori ^^i!ia;ii':on 10 FayvtfwiLU-, 0(» 1-i f>0 “ V-'hMe -U..' 16 oO “ ■ •* “ Eiiz-xbf-'b, 20 (K) *' , “ “ Pr.'»>ncc‘ Htl! GO '* •* “ All p li-.fi! -ivi, :{0 00 SEQONU CLASS, OR DtCR . Ftoih v.'l?raingtc>n to Fsypf?!(• 00 “ •* •• Ke.lyH «> (tO “ Wb'itr aHli, ft 00 “ V‘ *' AP p- t." aSo-»e, 10 CK) . Stl^Seoond or 0*ck ions* ri«y on BUK.^irv.i oflL. low.’r or p»y full p-i'". or ■a'T'c %? i'lTf' i f'irni>.h KKRO^ENE P.UK.MNQ OIL in qvvi SfegrAn extra c'-iaipe r.il ‘ *^ja •“ f'-'r Wn« P-sejter- j Tf pers jjetfinjj in-’o Berthe liu.-inp ■-*> ijrcr, .'.•id fo\^-ccU‘ pylns’ a Bertb with ibei*- ho^ n or shoe*- oa, «•* th' di? i ^"laory of 'ii'S jrlitfo, »>'at- ivqurHtavA »i ’•*: ‘-! ihiriK f >r lu: PI .fi'iiDory—at' i ;n rifs—ao i fit’ 'jr ». in«.iiiin«rv CT.*5.'n ii;rt i.joti.ru w, _y.>iir 3. ibrio. iingOii will ciuif-Me «ux» in 4ui»l- ^ .ij ? • dpr. m ” j (>’’'r p-fi,'!', nir uuf-»c!nrorn Save (vied ;( and p*o- I p.' vnc*.' fivtr>»’ul7 i-i'i* i, U'«- .-.-t I|» III ■« gnaw pui I»l>- jlo’s. catb HENRY E. v OLTON. j Vrort ii* -vellrville Ker>s:ne Co ApHl 1. 18«4 20 tf P. Ilodjfcs wu9 0«ll‘(! t (‘!i:tir, oud 1>. McN. McKay was rc^ti(»st«*d to i«.’t t; r. .Mr. Hodjjea on tukinj^ the Chairhtiited that tUi> nbjcct of the nibetin^; was to take into t-onsideralion ihc propriet v of reconi- mendiii;'to the loyal voters of our couufv *firisu melboil i>1 -iefurinu co-operation aniung ia ‘ te election •I ^ represent us in thi n«si I ej^ishiture. *• front all indi;ii!i*/iis. and from facts developing ;very day, that in nlj probaUilil_\"%there A’or.ld he manv candidatea before tlip {■co|il( for Iheir suffrjiwes—that to cljjct front thi'ir uuruber g'ootl men and true, required ' united action and r.iiK;eni.rattHl **(T irt, he had no doubt in oration of tba (\pKin. J. A. VVnUrH. for C. F IVi t^o.. R. Vi OP.KELL, for S:’r-j Kni» anl Sun., T. S LUTTERLOH F*h’y 2,{, 1864. >-if %VE$>ITEK]V R/ilL ROAD. •■pHE FREIGHT AN1> PASSENORR TRAINH of thia I Rood leave FayetteTill* daily, (Siiadays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A M.. and ’•e'nrning ieave E^ypt at 1 o’olooK. P. M. Cailir •ltd Train MONDAY. WK!>HKSDAYand FRIDAY By order Jan. 22, 18(>^ JNO. M. ROSE. Tre.ie'r and Gen’l Trana. Ag't. 97tf 2,500 Perfi ns the hig'-. ( .» the V» ber at h’" t,i Eroiii and after (hi«* ilate the Steamer A. P. HURT tfiJl leavp at R o’clock, A. M., oii .vIor..iay and Tharsday. JOS. A WORTH. .\pril 6—17tf ] Af’t C F ^teaui Boat Co. A^HEVli.l.E, X, V, WILL op«a tha EAGLE HOTEL for the re ception of Gaeats the lirst of June, and 1 hope ,to he able to eutertaiii from Beveniy-fiTe to a I hitnd’’e'l p^rsoM during the Suinmer . In oo&aeotion with this large Hotel, 1 have a number I of fla«k.s, Carriages, Buggiea ted Saddle Horses that I ray jues?* crau gel at a aiinutf's notion. J M. BLAIR, * Pfoprie'or Ei»gle Hot«], .Aphefllle. N. C. Mayia, 18«8. 81->i>d WAHTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. i)JDLTRY, Cdicketis, Butter and oJh*-r J^!i,?aoiei ^or I I U.3 t-ick Koldi«rs at (his IIo-iptt*l. F’ rion« hifiog j Iarticles oan obr-tin tbe n’arket price ou ‘^pplioa i ti'.n » Jiib^oriber at his oH •I'lnd or it tlr J W I ^ on Hav Stri et K K HfclDE, Gfu l Ag !. •Vn,t. 2ii. 08-If i*>8 of it i-'r 10 v'Jilli ns at '6i6 p r gaUon; tin c nFi j or if-gJ $15 to $fi) ad liti 'iial S. na or w ;ea I Ctinvfiweni. ! Tt*ia i“ P.3 gr'>d :,n 01 au can be raade witl.cot lha j tu'\ HT(» with Air.nho! woioh :i i« iniposiible .I'ow to j obtain. Tne •vica ta •• ■>" the fn^iuftrr Keroeene laiup I a'j'jul I J«e .Hlighily leng b>.ni.‘d hy Boi.i»ing 00 a pi’^M. ; Witii a 1 nap tbua arrv.ig'i our od bnrud withput «moke ' t witt> H!) tnaoh bridian'jy ".8 an? Norii'ern Kercs 're. j HENRY E OOLTON, Ai;'! F K C». ! Arr.l7 ' ‘J\ i ; EAGLE FOUNDRY. ; ^O.slE .u3ninf ago we o^'iapleied nU our fixiurcu lor ! lo the m^ciufaaturtt oi OAR WilEELB, hut owrng lo j "3c ^tilure of the lupply of Irjn of proper naturs, we oavo iirti liit.'ly t'aen able t-> supply any demand for them; I - tfl difficulty however, will be o'^crootue in the o.iurse of *»ix weeks, at whicS time we sha’l he able to [ furni h wh»>el.i of ti i following £i»?»—24, 20 28 and i I >J0 !GC*^*>s; al*)j 0*tiit“d Tires ri« Iro?» W"* fltiall use ' ; f.-r itirin will bo t'oli Blist Chari;o.it Iron, and we war- i j .'^st (ur NOT TO t3R.A.t K. !»>«** to be tqual to j hd,. r vi- in til* Coaf. usr.oy, ir i» of Wbitticy & | > Sona ot Paii^iei Tf ia, wno«e :3 co well known t j t'-y all Kail'oa i o(.*njpini. « | ! V^r aro prrpart'd to tso-'ate oa, i*ry Saud. au'i | j iJr. eu .S»nl Wert, of %a/ ta^pe or liir. I D \NUER.80N Co. j Faycttefille, M*ro'i :i!!. Ibtil 19tf j ' ('O.VFKUKBiTR STATES UV AMEBICA, | | j ENOiNixa Dcpartme.'it, Dibt. Capb Fiab, y f I Wiimingcon, N. C , i^Iaroii 16th, 18ft3. J ; , . . , , . - Notice !>er«by givtu !•; a'l pttisoas fcaTiuc ol&iois : Diatriot C 'mislsi’ioaHrs for Gambcrlaad ootiaty again.-nt tbe Engini’er Department, for servioM of i notif5''d iL*t a lot of P«lt ha« been reseived by plavcB eropliyed aa laborers oa the land defence* near ! Connty (]ociTr‘iii»‘oner. wh^ch will be ready for d^- ' I'Tery f»-oM »n 1 ijt-r this \t.f Distriot Con»m!«eloa- erx win ("ir^e nrntsred u> pay for the Salt when taken awar i> p. ALDERMAN. \pril 2') .1=61 2G 2t his miutl tJiat if w • m>u1«1 derii*-. some in4.thod i»v whieh the people cuuld l): fairly re^ircsentL-d theru would be no Iloldenite candidati,- in our county with th(vfiiiat«:it hope of election, nor even a Vanee man wilJi tiie leaHV tifirturf of Ct'nfederaU f-rfju i-'ce After a very friendly intT«;han'fe jf t houghts, pland, n*»iiT(l i'on.*iuiumati(>n, the followinjj resolutions were paspe!: I*t, lliat we re.cijramend to Ihe loyal j>eople of our c«unt\’ to hold a Convention at Lillinjrton on tho FIRST MONDAY in MAV, to nominate Candidates to represent u,- in Uie next Ix'jpplature. 2d, That we re!omniend primary mettings to be held in the different districts of the county, on the 4th Satijb- DAV in Aprll, for the pnriwse of sending Deltt^ates to said Convention. 3d. That every genth-man in thia meeting baaemliled is rejue8te«l to give publicity to tlie above resolutions. 4th. That a copy of the proteedin^ of this meeting be sent to the Fayett«»ille Observer antf Carolinian with tlie request to publish the same. JAS. P. HODGES, ChWn. D. McN. McKav, Sec’y, 23-tlstM To lll^ Vot4Tii ol Harnett County. 11HE undeisignod, a private in Co. A, 6th N C. Cav- , airy, bavin; been Holioited ty some ef bis fri*!nd9, renpeotfully annoaoteB hlta^elf to the noldii?rs and citi- «'’P8 of H«.mett ooucty as a Oaodidate for the Offici of SHERIFF at the election on th-' first Thnrsdav >n Au* gurt nPTt. 8AMU?^L D PIPKIN. March 21. 17 24tpd To the Citizens and Soldiers or Harnett. At the Solicitation of many of my friends 1 respectfully aniiouuce niv-^'if a candidate flJr re-election to the otlice of .Sheriff for the county of Harnett. Profpundly grat»!ful to ray friend.'^ l»th at home and in the Army for tho very generous support heretofore rtKseived at their hand^^, 1 can only pledge that should they again mani- feet their confidence by re-electing mo I will, as hereto- foiv. serve thtm promptly and Impartially. Very rcfipcctfully, #AH. R. GRADY. April 13. 24-te County iSalt. ".".r'fi*’ Square, \LFX JOHNaON. Jr. Nov. 6, I:;-.' \K.nit' MAkl%EJ^Si. P»TT'>">’^ tn 2i:iuf'ic‘.urL‘ all k’c e^ 1AM pv'T-- r;Ml tr 2'i:iuf'ic‘-urL‘ all k*D 1* c^ Hariit-Hi tor Aru/y ubt. 1 tan aay leather and cau give go 'i A^'.wid will do wtll to tjcud their orders "■> r;e ;i.' ih v sha'I t. ivt» prompt attention, and !>ent ofi iu .^nick liisr.'-.io.'.. JtUIN CART^H Ooli^t "U r 0 . t'natb.*ru tJo., N. C., I .;ur,r i;i. KS*i2. i Oct. 1 tor «alc h\ •T. K LEE (i'.ff PurchaMN ROAD ST0 ;K; After tiiiix fate I will p»y ]f* Cents per pound for .rags, or h'fheat market pric^, delivered in Fiyettev’IV' ji . > ll;cKti-» !•; vfTTi(D.7y Fc'i’y I'v lHf'4 7 '■ lt» \\/-E3TL£!N KAL >T Br.nk NrV-c; Gel ^ ^.nd Si;ver; Norib Car'>ima Treasur. Notes (Fundable;! $1 anJ $2; ‘ “ Bonus, ol! new Ooun'y (f Cun'erland Hondo; Tovrn of i'Ayeii-viilc ^j; Gr.’eii / oro’ .?1 .is d Curtificaies, Confederate 7 an? R r“’‘ otnt. Binds;', C-CU|’ori'’ of ■fl-'i.OoO two loan; *• of Town aad County Bonds; “ i.f ol.l II’ rtD C iroliua Bends; T. S. LUTTERLOFI. Oot 12. I'^liS. 711/ ri'HE caiUrsigr.ea were, at the Noveir.her Term of the A Confc'derate Court, LiiiKrioi of North C.4r9iii.a, ap po;'it''.'\ iManajtsr^ of th-» Egypt Coal Mine property, *nd hare entered !:*•« cof.artnerBhip for the r”'‘pose oT tcicing and selling Coal, and BoUoit oraers f^ the .9aci! iu auy desired ^iiauiity. tjrderd for any arjauut cac t c ^uppUod on short noti'^e The Coal from tbts pro perty in undonbted'iy the best in the Confederate Statc.^ Appllcationa Li«y be made to Chaa. B. Mallett, Fayette- rti'^ N t' . O' .lames BravBe, CharleatoiL, 8. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BRt)WN«:. 1 ».y“tleTll!e, Jaa’y 20. 18C->. Sriif Light Artillery! Liglit Artillery! \l^.\NTED for my B’ttery, 20 or 25 m»n. The uraal *t biun*y an I o’otb:ng and rati ■*„8 gi»*n -^pp'y t^ Col Jol.n H. t?ook, F*ycllev)llf‘, or JA^ D. CUMMING, Capt. C?. C, Stp.rr’s Bat , Kinston, N. C Ap’il 4 20-"tpd Coopers W«^ted. Three spirit BVRRE^ GOOPKRS wanU.d, for which a liberal prire will b~ paid and f'eaiv work giv»n. hr MOORE. CA3HWELL &'C0. Ma-eli 31 _ _ Heading^ Wanted. * gPIRIT BARREL HEADING wanted by Mar'-h 31. MOORE, A8HWELL k CO. IP-gir-l OUD.MXCE DEPABTXENT, Ralsioh N. 0., May .S, ISfi^. LEAli Vi.ltM’fcD.—I wisij to rurot)H;jf) Lc:vl frir this Detiar.itut:. Per^ond havin/ urge or sm-mli .jjaa- titiee W) . pici'ie -^ppiy i>t one-. Win give 1 -juad e^ POWDER f x 10 of i>’.AD , THOM t» noaa, •cap! i; 89-tf In charge of Ordnance. FI^OUR OATS. Flour and 0AT8 win be exchanged for Corn at the Btore of D Mtil.aurin, by giving him a few days notice. Floar good, Oat^ No. 1, black cr white. Jan’j^29. 2 tf iStrayed or j$tolen, Ij^ROM tay reeidenoe on Little River, a FiLLY about two ytara old, sorrc; color, white hind feet. I will Wilmiugton. N C , th.'v> the ^indersign^d is authorized and prej**red to piy the U hiti tflice, on the BC- cond 3 >or of thr bnildii t n'Xi '\bove Mearrn’ l>nig Store, Mfvrket t?tr.;“>. gggrp •‘rfons exfHsuting Powerii of Attorney will ot>- ptrve tho foiloi»iuj: forti —ihtir e’gn.-turoa, in all cai». to he wi*n(;»‘'ed t>y two wimeases and signed in dapii cA'e. or ihi*y miy h* witnr-SKed before a Jiiatioe of liic P racj or Cl-rk of iny Co :rt FORM OF POWER OF ATft>RNE¥. I, of . •l'> tfr^by ippoiot , of , my true «n • larful .\gept to sign receipts for, and r«(»ive payffient of all money* -iue ti i*ie by 'he Engineer De- parinient of the IJunfrderat.- dt*te« of .\uierioa, for tho ^ervic»*.- of my sla'^t-fl cnipl.iy*»d laborera on tbe land defeoc«'S at , ■iu’ njr tb? mon*h of , 186 Witnesa my han i aud fcal at , the —^ day of 1 . 183 I !3 ^nj- 'cate ) [Beal.] Witnefses, The pignaiuies : f oolor-^d ^ieis-ina shouM be witneased !ij* three witnesses Thet i must be i»op\ aie uplicUc Powers of Attorney f^^ eaoh month Bhyk forma can be had apon appli- OjitioQ at thia offioe. W. H JAME3, CapL & Chief Eng. Jan’y 20, 18«4 180Otf Fajettevllle Inenal and Armory,) Not. 12, 1868. f $100 BOUi^TY. n^Vtnted, tO0 •.fiounteii MtUfemen. AUTHORItV having buen granted by tbe War De partment to raise a Company of Mounted Riflemen for aervice in ttjia vioini*y, nntioe ia hereby given that recruits to the number of 100 non-comer^U will be re ceived for mid ee^vice. Eaoh reorttit will be required to fumiati a servioeable hor-», for which he will be al lowed 40 centfl per diem, a' d his p-iy S12 per month. Written prmnuion will be required froiu parents or guardiaud, wiiere tbe Hpplic-mt is uuder tbe cousoript ag.'. Ea'jb reoruit maot br.ng with him a bUnket or bed spread, and come prepared to remun Cri()las, aad Jlee, haltnra and saddle blauksts furni^ja- ed by the Government, or if tho recruit C3m«o providsd with them, he wiil be paid for (hem a fair valnatioo. Apply to Capt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, »i tbe Ar- i'OR SAIjE. 1WILL .XL'll 01 cxchaiigt.- for 4 per cent. Confedt^ato Bontls lat ihair niaiket value) .Vfonclove Farm, in tho French BrtMul Valley. Tnui.sylvauja eounty. The Farm contains iiSM acres, ol whivh £h) of bottom land aud under the mo-«t snccedsl'ui cuUi\atiou. I’rixlucing (jjer acre) aa larg-* crojx« of grain, clo»‘r tiiiil oi’ior hay graasea a>« any ^in in rrrn^iern N. ' . "l Ue prenii-«i are in the beflt poij- .sible order. Huiiiliiig.? ulteiew vvitli every convenience of a lirst cla-»“ t!*!abi>hni»nl. The fariii is Ijeauiifully lo cated. eiiehi-"-*] witL fence of ltK;ii.t prsls aud oak aud cbesnut l;tth'-5. Ad.lit.ss Dunn's Roc!i. N. C. F. W. jOHNSTON. Ai;ril I'i 2C- 9lpd ~ ~ ~ I^xiCE." By order of the Court of Pleas and Quiu ter Sosaioiis of Robewa county. Feb’y Term lH*i4,1 Rcutjon King, Sheriff of said county, will sell for cusli. at tbe Court House in Lumberton, on the fourth Monday in May next, the following Tracts of I^itnd, or as much thereof a-s will pay the tax and cost^i thereon for the year 18fi2, viz: One hundred acres located on the p]lizabeth Road, valu'.Hl at $98. by Rob.Ttwn Siagletery, tax .^2 33. Also at the same tim!, ..uighty-live acres, located ’on Gum Swamp, valued at $2.55, listed bv F. C. Watson, tax $1 2S, ' R. KlSG.Shff. •\pril Iti. 2.5-ts g:TT $10 for her rec Arril 6 »100 REWARD. “•ALEX. D-‘RVo']H. ‘.Iff The sui.v^i any cu** ChiivU fScans. I , ,1,.;. ; i^boet prices for f;hri'-,ri Be^ns. J. A F»yet WORTH. 67-tf j WILL pt I of goo Cows, WA.lfTKD. .iif' iirst price, for !»ay quantity COVV ♦n.i l.EG L'U/'KS of'lIorBca >»ui W'I \P f. r laatiiiir Pipr.^; de'tvrrei ]j^|AN A w A V »— 8ea.*»l SOifl Major L. CHILDS, A. Comd’g PoBt. to me ravet*>*v I! 29 LEBE.HLF.8. li I7trl RAtiS!!-Tho infe- r .j i 'litj- of tlj p .jK;r ov w>‘ich t)bH'‘"viT h-.H been printed of late, and wflioh la ■* gi»:a« tf'- so 'j to uj. j« owing to tho want of a Bufiioii nt u^s^Iy of g' oa r»it?, hh - tbe t!on''eque”t nto- (“ssity Vr r 10 ‘.uitrier mi.erirtls We appeal fa the frienc-J 'f a>t »*H aoeensible poiota, to S'tve up and i:ri:i) to t'iwn ak> tuc ratrs they o .u pro.iure. We haiv r.u fJutetvc-6 to attend to iheir purch.tse. hut G--0 V/. VVilii'.i'i’B A Co., thw Agcnta iu thia town«c>f Mr. .Mnrphr. w'll pay 15 cents p&c lb for them. E J HALE A SON?. Feb’y 16 -\orlIi t arollna Volunteer Navy Oi., TajiAHCkt k’s Of rtcB. Wilaucgt .' n, II C., Maicii 6, 18C4 B00K3 1 r furt'.ii’r 3n!;srnption to the Capital Sf.^ck of tbiH S’cmp..:ay are cpan-’d at this OiBoe. All prrsins desTons of aiding m thi» all imporUtn: mttrprist cau forwaro loc their numea by mail stating the amoubt t-..ey wigh 'o tnbsorib;, and then eend the cash by soo:e t'usty p>raon, on receipt of wbioh I will forward Cori.Scue of ijtook. Shares !j^600 e’«oh. All old aubaorih^rB that have not Mid in tueir aabaoriptiooa will plea*e do so at the ear liest m'tinent 12-15*ip(i1 W. I) PMITH. Trww’r reoruary, 'my negro bov JOHN, sixn»en years old, about 4 f ?et 6 inches r.ifr'i- '>c5>>t complexion, and has a s-oarb»- r-veen his cSirx and tniut'i ' H> may prohabiy have i.i'.de t>«« w\v to Bcnn.-KhvUV*, 8 t^., whprehib parer ts t,r* I will pay cue uuadrjd dolla;-" reward for his^r- r‘'st and confinement in aoyjail ao that I get him. I) W. AYER o'tovill*' N Apr*I 4, 21 O.p'l School BookM. For sale, a vanet* of CLASSICAL WORKS;—01- Ip-'dirft’a Frenoh Grammar.', Qr^ek and L-^tia Lri* icons, Webster’s AoadomiaDlottouariea. Common School Uotika Drawing Materi-^ls. etc , etc Ald'ess 28-9tpd • OVilCHON,’’ WU'aington, N. C, W A I^TKI>, An OVERSEER, one wi»aO"t fvu'.iy, ani havinir some exnri:nje o i a far/a Apply «o ttse ‘^u-sTr^oer or t'M ij'jonatha . E^ans J P. P. JBFtlTSON. Martjh 29 >^’1^ ” r A VETTE V i LltE MUTUAL INSlRASfCE COMPAM. CapitAl In Premium Notes amouotB to $267,688 2b Caah on band and othvr aH?et«. 5,077 36 OfUce Depot iKo. t% ) Faybttbville. March 7, | wno n*vo ujt already pai-1 inmr Tilhe JL Tax w II have until tbe 20ih d^y of ^lay 1864, to drlivt-r tbe nr»r e 1 am now rea.ly to receive the Bacon due unlerthe litbe law. Six poan^s ef owred b-»con for e»ery 1 -0 Iba porn alangb'cred aiQoe the 24th of April 1863 is req lired Partiea deU'^«'rin.i their tithei at a diat'.D )fl of ovor aight miles will bs promptly paid ff>r cx308t> of V.aaiing J. M. WILLIAMS, 12 t20Ml Agent for Cum'^erUnd oounty. IWTICE TO EA Rin ERS. STRAW WANTED. WANTED immediat.elv for the UjspitalB and Troope at» Rjettf ville, 20 OOO pound.-r of WHEAT STRAW, Buitable fur beddiog. FA’-sKre having a aui plus of this artioi'on h ind will cf>n*'i-r a bcmfit .>n o ir eiok a&d wntrs icd 9 >’diers bji bringing it iu A fa’r priee wtl' be paii Apply to QU\R'J'EitlM VSTER, at the Arycaal Fayettuvi 'e 'rs-sna' ;*>id Armory, April 4. 21tf .Tlv Mtailion, Youii^ Boy, TS offered for pjiI**, an! will Ptand at ray Stablv> in Salip- 1 bury, until :^ld, at $3'> the hinl $40 the In^u ranee. Oran^^e Boy i;= a lieautifu! Blood Bay. black mane ajid tail, eight years old thia Spring. YOUNG t)K.ANGK B*tY was sired by t)ld Orange Boy. and he by John D. Amia’ Old .Sir Archie. Young (Grange B>y’« dam wa- got 4iy 'lh >.uaa Bennehan'a Character, he by Old Sir Archie '' !uTa t€r was out of a Druid Mare and fHo out tjf Jaau«. B 5. Youug Orange Boy is clo.'wly connoctetl to many horm'n of tlno blood; such as, Eclip:e of Virginia. Ba'nbridge. Import»d Drivers. Diim»de, Beller an ;r>rtoii M**(lley. The above is the trne Pi’digree of Y'>nnc Orange ISwy. l'bi« Horae has taken thre* pr'^miiimf. JNO. ' «»M.T. 8iili«b'try. April II [«. w.) 2.5 4w Banij of f'avcttcTille,) April 16, 1861. ) The * nuual Meeting i>t' tht« Stockholdere of thi# Bank will take place at tiie Hall of the Bank, ou Monday tbe IfjUi day of May uext at 11 o'clock 24-*in ■ . . I** r. The Farmers’ and Planters’ Al- for A f«w crooo mora jtist received. im'j 21 J. HALB * 809S. Total. S272,Tfc6 G1 X'hfc Company have pa»d all iovwa promptly, aud have never mode an a.°.^essment on their preminm notes. Tot»kl losses paid. 529,682 «5J OrfiOK&a: geo. McNELLL, Precidont. I)'. A. RAY, Vice Praaident. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y l)m«CTOM: W. N. TilUughaBt, 8. J. Hinadale, Wm. McLaurin. T. H. Latterlob, A. W. Steel, J. G. C*ok, Hon. J. Q. Sheph«nl, R. F. Brown, A. E. HaU, hit CoUina aud 0. 0. MoOnunmen, Traveling l^h* G«mpM7 iavh* »ppU«*tioM. U- Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, a. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedman. 0. B. MftUclt, Jamea Kyle, A. A. MoKethan, J. D. Williams, 8. W. TimnghMt. Wilm’gton. Kupcrior Uourt of IjRW lor Diim- bvrland County, '^OTICE id hwreby given ».h»i iherti will he a Spring Ter-, of !k' Court hold on tho 7th M‘>v.d^v after the,4t;i M'ndiy of M»roh rJCTt, bf’pg the 16th day of slay 18^4. t"> fy and determine all not’on^ of Tort on the Civil '>o"kc*, .an>l all cases the State Dookft Notice ifi farl :-t giv'o, tb-^t *y ao ordy pa?Pcd at Ftkll T*rtn 18‘‘8, the ftay f-r frying SiAte o-JSiP 'a ‘>ai;i Oourt hss btcn ca>*DopJ fro*n T&urj>Iay to Monday. Parties :ii.a wttnep^ce nil „*;vern t.ramaclves aooo’'dingly. JOHN W BAKER, C. 8 C. Ma-oh 14. 15-tC l.i»t your Taxablcs. fliHE unrterg'gned h'tving been appointed at March 1. T>rji .18(5*, o: the Court of Pleas au4 Qii%r!.er Sea- aions for Cumbfflaad county, i,i«t Takers for the Town ■*nd Crona Crotk Di-itriota hereiiy notify all persons to oome forward and li;>i th>;ir property during the laat 20 working days in April next, commencing ou Friday the 8th We oan he leand from 9 A. M. to 1 o’clock P. M., each day, at tbe office of B M. Orrell on Hay street. No liate «'ill be reoeivai «fter the expiration of the time whieh ia fixed by law R M. ORRELL, * List Taker for Town Distriot JOHN W. BAKER, Jr., Li«t Takir for Oc«a Greek Difltri«t. Itonk li. ?r .-i o.i- Army ani Navy Meaeeoger. One .*^ un.ired years ago, a brave people, small The Second Aniiu»l CoiihH1« (tbe 48th ■ Annual A.^-it'mblv) of the I’ROTK.STAXT EI'ISCOFAL [ CHURCHinthei)i»eese'fNortli(’ur)liHa will nif‘iit» St. i in !:ar=''-r« und weak in resources contended i ^ mbiiiation of lourgreat nations. Aufl- May 18tli, I8b4. v-ertiticattrs of Lay shouM be - • j; • j o i •*» t • a.-nttothe Se,Tet^rv of Coumil so a.s f. reafh him Ih-. Sweden, With their fore the’r>th May. ' VV . N. TILLING HAST, S.icy j p W'-nui ;iul well equipped armies, threatened P'ayetteville, .\{>ril lit. *.i5-2w : the •jxistcucc i»i’ Prua^ia At the cotnmoooemfint BiTa wiV- allies brought info the field -^oi luT f f men. Frederick, King of Prussia, with Wll,Ml.Naiol«, .N. April ( i,;, ilacoTcriaii al!io», could muster only 26(1,000, rf llici.l«kLolto. of Uia liuik I Ksrriwos for fortiSed In th*> battU* i>r Prague, lought on May 6th, 17.^7, he 1 ‘rtisjiflD'* numbered (>8,U00 men—the Austriuns 7.5,000. The Prussians were viotori- OU8. The Au-striaus lost 17,000 killed, wounded and priaouors, GO cannon and 30 standards— Prussian loss, 12,000. In the battle of Kolin, tbught on Juno 17ch, 17')7, the Prosaians had 32,000 men and the Audtrians 60,000 men. The Prussians utrc dcffatcd, with a loss of 11,000 men, 40 cannon and 22 standards. After this reyctrte, in consequence of losses by sickness, skirn^itihos and desertions, and from the necessity of holding uiany fortified posts, Frederick oould bring only M0,(»00 available men into the field against 400,000 of his onemies They were con fident ol crushinj; him. On the 30th of August^ I^nE 4 nuual Meeting of the^Uwkb will be held at their naukiug HouHe in thi»> placf >ti Thursday, May .'ith. at 10 o’clock, A. 2tl-tm] J. BL*'?R. Cu'^hii r. FayeltfiT’.Me .Irsenal and Armorj, i .Aprii. 18. 18^4. C W ANTED, a nutnb'.*r of Fi.“herinen, .«kilkl in taking Sturgeon and othwr kiuds of tii>h. The attention of Farmers resilient alon;' the CDurt^j of the Fiver, and of Couscripts who huve bi^ea lound unlit fk>r a^tivo ti^Ui Arc? Nf ^ drtafirrl for duty, is particularly called to thi)> iulverli>emen Apply at once to 2ft-8t Lt. Col. F.L.f HILDS.Comd’g Officer. Qnartermaster’s Department, i Kaleii;h. /»pril 18C4. f ^HIS IX*partmeut has recently receiv‘d another supply i. of‘^otton Cards fin- diHtribiition i^pou the s-amo t;nus a!> before. The quota for each county will be double the quantity j i. j , i. t ^ - first di.^ribut.'d. .\gentp will make their arrangements j the drawn battle of Jaegerndorf was fonght accordingly. H. .*. DOWD, A. y. M. : between the Prusdian forces, 22,000 strong, and ‘ the liu.s!iau8, 120,000 strong; Prussians loss 0,700, €OTTO!% CASg«S!i, I%o. Uf, The F.wirrrEViLLE cotton cMio .manufa TURINGCO.MPANYareuuvv niatiufactm'ingt’ARDS superior to auy njn through the blockade. a:id at present are selling for al-«« price the single pair or by the qiiaa- tity. Any perrfon ordering six or more pairs, they will lie (Hicurely packed and delivered in Wilmington free of ex pensc. Call ujnm or addivsH A. A. McKETHAN. J. A. WORTH. ^LEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Fayetteville. N. C.. April 18 24tf Presbyterian aud Carolinian copy. The wants or the people sup plied at the Star Ftiundry in Fayetteville with Tooking I’otrt, Kettle?, Ovens, Spiders, Plows and I’low Point4 ot all the different patterns now in use. Castings of any tlejseription made at short notice. Suj^ar Mills made to order at the Star Foundrj- in Fayetteville, N. t\, by April 11.-24-1ib ] M. A. BAKER. April 2C Wantet—ll'ood l^and. The undersigned will give a fair price for a well wooded tract of LAND of 100 or 2oO acres, on the Railroad at any^>oint between Joneisboro’ and Fayetteville. Wood, pitch pine bo.xed or unboxed HENRY E. COLTON. Ag*nt F. K. Co Fayetteville, April 1^. U,jtl ~WAJ%TIED, By a Lady of experience in teaching, a situatioir in a private school or family. .Address April 2C H.,box 159, Fayetteville. N. C. •i.Vfitpd Wanted to Purchase, S HO ATS or Hoirs fit to make potk aiiotJier year. Or I will exchange corn for them. .rON.ATI’AN EV'AN?. April 23 26-2t JS^TMVE. FJ:>B1D all persons from trading fora Note givn by _ me, 13th of April 1864. to J. H. McRae for a-s 1 do not intend to pay the Note unless compelled i>> law. as I did not get value rec?ived. CHARLE.^ STUBB'^. April 20 *2G-!nv>l iWotice to Tithe r WILL be ready as early as practicable to receive and I. receipt for all the Cotton* in the 4th Con^re.ssional IHstrict, estimated to be collectt-d as “Tax in Kind.” Ac cording to instructions from t^. M. Departnient all (Cot ton collected as tax is hereaft4.*r t>j be deli\ered at Oin Houses wijh pres.-?es attached, contiguous to Uail liouds and centra! to tax payers and there packed into bales. L. C. ROSE Ag't for 4ih t on. Di.it Fayetteville. April 2«. 26 2t To the Voter* of Moore t'ounly. UR^^IRE to givK my reiis»>ns for b-'ing a candidate.', also my opinion of public affairs. 1. Winter t>efore la«t I was slightly alliict-i witlj rlieti- aiatism, but it did not injure me much. Last Winter 1 wa.s again t^verely uiUictc*d. 2. 1 know no rtason why I cannot represent my county a.-« well as those who have represented it lor the last ten or tiftwn years. There is no great act done but what any man of g'>od conftion pense could have done, 1 have fought through many a hard battle to defend my country and now wisli to be remembered. H. I have Ix'eu solicitiM by many warm and sincere friends to become a candidatt;. 4. 1 would like to know if th» people ol Moore are de termined to vote agaiust soldiers who have done sO much for them. Last Fitll we otft-red you two good soldiers and they were both rejected. .\t tbe beginning of this cruel war we expected to be respected anti honored it we would go and defend our country. Now are we to be cast otf as unworthy to hold any place of truat. honor or profit. I cannot believe this. There arc too many true patriotic citizens in Moore for this ta be so. - Well, if you wo#ld have s .-oldier tu represtnit you, I have a great many friends in the army aud at home, and as many relations as any man in the county; then vot*? for me. I was for the old Union until Lincoln called for sevcnty- flve thousand men to light ag:iinst tho South, and I l>e- lievfd then as I now do that tlie Union of the old United 8tates is dissolved forever. I am tired of the war and want peace as much as any mau, but 1 want an honorable I>cace. I am opposed to an unconditional submis.siou or of N. C. actiflg iu auy other way except with her other fii(«tor 8tat«s. Aclioii otht.rwise wouhl be dangrrous and destructive. There Is iio such'thing as •.ulyugatiug th«! Iknith if we would all be true and do our duty and jmt our trust in God, who doeth all things well. I lielieve the I.rtird iu His own gt.>od time will ble.-s u? w ith peace and that sooner '.r later our ;t)verniiu ot will Iw recog- nizt'd by the world, and we w ill be a free and «n ind’p'n- deiit p*x)ple. [ HU in favor of the soldier's wages being rai.sed. tJur Congrfs-men get $lf. per day and a poor vjldier gets *11 per month, barely enough to pay for his dinner in Rich mond, the Capitol of the tlovenimi-nt, forwhicii i>e is viMj my t^^itjter trietras: i toon upon you as being the m^ans of saving our country ami all we hav« or ever w’ll havi* from the lowest and nn>;t degriuled euc- niy tlie world ever knew. You h -.ve fought fr)ra (’iiarks- ton to Gettysburg, and have poured out your bh-otl Ireely; cau you dest*crate ihti graves of your brother soldiers by submitting to an ignominious peace? No, never. I wis'h you to remember that I have fought and suff.’rcd with you and am well acquainted with a wjhlier's wajits. and if we ever expect to be respected we must bo unit»?d and stand up for each other. Unitctl vre stand, tiividi-d we fall. Then on the first Thursday iu next August vote, tirf?t for Gov. Vaoce the soldier’s friontl. second for your brother soldier, EL.^M J. HAllRINGTON. April 23 2C»3tpd VV"e respoctfiilly su^^est tlie name of Col, W. H. RICHARDSON of Moore countj’, as a suitable person to represent the people of Moore and Montgoinerv, in tin* next Senate of North Carolina. ‘ MANY CITIZENS. April 12. 2f.'9tp.l Russtan 6,;)00. As a consrquence, the Kussiana evacuated Pruspia, with the exception of one lortrc's^. On NoTcuiber .5th, 1757, the Prus sians won the victory of Rosbach over the French.* in this battle the Prmsiana numbered 20,000, tliG PrcDcb 70,000; Prussian loss only 500, the French .‘i,500 killed and wounded, 6,220 prisouer.s and 71 cannon. While Frederick was thus TT'akiny head against the French, the Aus- ♦riat;t, 00,000 strong, attacked the Prussians, 2:5,000 strong, under, the Duke ot Bevau, near Bret-’au, and defeated him, with a loes of 9,800 meu, ctmnon and five standarda. Frederick having finished with the French, collccted 30,00O men, tureed on the Austrians, and attacked their arniv f>f 90,f^00 men at Lissa, on tbe 5th of De- ■'embcr, 1757. He defeated thnm. Austria lost '.a this battle 7,400 killed and wounded, 21,300 prisoners, 117 cannon, and 57 standards. Prus sian kv-3, 5,00i. As a conscquence of this vic tory, Breslau fell into tlie handn of the King of Prus?ia, on November 19th, with 17,536 prison ers and 44 cannon. On the,24th of Dec’r, 1758, the battle of Zaran- dort was fought, between the Russian forces niun- bering 50.000, and tbe Prussians, 30,000 strong. The Prtissians again victorious; Prussian loss 10,- 000, R'tspisn lots 18,000 killed and wounded, 2,800 prisoacrs, 104 cunnon aud 32 standards. At Minden, on Augu.st 1st, 175>, the Prusians, 35,- OOO strong, attacked and completely routed the Frcnch force, numbering 70,000, and caused the evacuation of Westphalia by the French armies. In Au»u.st, 1760, the Austrians had an army of 100,000 men, and the Rusians one of 75,000 men, in the province of Silesia. . Frederick had 80,000 men in the same province, many of them in garrison. NotwithsUmding the disparity ol numbers he prevented the union of the two in vading armies, and, on the 15th of August, de feated the Au.striaas at Li^gnetz with a loss of 7,500 mcti, 82 cannon and 23 stands of colors. On November 30, of the same year, he attack ed the Austrians, who greatly outnumbered him, and besides held a strong position at Torgau, in flicting a loss of 17,000 men, 50 cannon, and 30 standards, his own loss being 10,500. In 1762, the Prutsians were victorious over superior num bers in the battles of Reichenback and Freyberg, and defeated the French, who greatly outnumber ed them at Wilhelmsthau. The war ended in this year. Tbe wearied and discomfited allies tave up the work of subjugation, and left the Prutsi^ians ia peace to rebuild their towns and villages and restore their wasted country to its former prosperity. The Prussian provinces suf fered every evil which war can inflict. But the vigilance, aoti'^ii.y nod boldness of King Frede rick, the discipline and bravery o£his troops, and the iortiiiitJe I'f his people, triumphed over eVery obstacle, f ' ui ponder well this lesson of a hundre I Vvars agj. ‘ « FayetteviUe Rosiii Oil Works. OUR Oil Works are now in comjilete operation, and as we use nothing but good rosin in producing the Oil we can reeonnnentl it to be the best of the kind made in this country. It is a fine LubrieAting and Tanner’s Oil, and we would be glad to receive orders from the Government and the public'generally. We will sell on reasonable terms. CA^IIWELL «t CO. April 16 V.S-tf Negro Men Tur sale. Two yean« and liKely Nepro Mon, for rhom Confed erate Bonds. 8.*. 7s «r 4‘», will l>e t&tcro. Refer ence to Wm. MoL McK’iy, Esq , Ftijetlevi'le. April 14 23-9tnd A Hood Cook Wanted. I WISH to purchase for my own use, a §tout, healthy woman—one that is quick and active, and above all, jterfectly cleanly about her cooking department SalifthuTy, April 14. fa. w.l JNO. A. HOLT. 23-4W Fiirtber iSupplies. The Soldier Boy's Songster; Songs of Love and L berty; Cotton Field Melodies; Bonnie Blue Fktg Song Book; for tk« Caap. J- HaLB & SONS. Ayr»»» We are authorized to aisKOunce EL VM J. MARUlNtJTOU, Co. A. oth v. c. Cavalry, a candidal*; to represent the cf>unty of M(H>re in the next Legislaturp of N. C. •April 23 2!’Stpd»Vu> I »BiihosiEire iBiyself a candidate to n- (‘lit the county (>f Uolieson iu the next Legfi’latiin*. .\n advocate of the ppiuciple.a of Suite sovereignty and civil liberty so al»ly aud recently enunciated by Vice I’reM- deut 'Stephens, I am in favor of securing au early aud honorable i)eace and oppoj^ d to any furtiu r heavy tax ation of the people. A meml»er of the C. S, Army. I shall, if elecU-d U> the Commons, forward aud detend the interests both of civilian and w^ldier. At an early future day I shall e.xpress my view.^ more at length to the votei'ji of this couutv. ' ARCH D ARNE McBRYDE: Camp Holme!-. April 13. 24-4tpd The undersigned wishee to inform the intelligent pul^ lie that he wants to bny five huildred or a thousand lbs. of good GOOD RAW UIDEIS, for which I will pay floor at $6 per barrel or corn M $1 per bufhel. and allow 15 cents per lb., for hides delivered at my Tannery or Mills in Moore oounty, on Btar Creek. S. M. CARTER. ▲prU 18 li *N .1 P. BiiNJAMlN. ‘ lie 'rou i^pper little mao; evidently of Hcbrt >v ''Xtr.%ctiuii, and of uodonbted talent. He is a i..oul-.iiniaii, and was Senator for that State in the ii»*tH» Strtfts (^.'nprct«.*i, and I believe he is aos.mti-cd a vrry cl'^ver lawyer aofl a brilliant orat'ir told tup that be had filled the oner- ou« p ist ol' .ary i>f W^ar during the firet iiivfitiiH Ot' fOu .scue.saion, aud I can easily believe that ho found it no sinecure. We con- vfir*iod for a loUfi time about the origin of seces sion, whieh he iudlguantly denied was brought about, at: the yankees a.sscrt, by the interested machiiintions of individnaln. He declared thatj for the last tea jcarw, the Southern statesmen had openly declared iu Congress what would take place; but tbe N'>rthi;rners never would believe they were in curiicbt, and had often replied by the taunt, '‘The South was so bound to, and de- pende3t on the Noith, that she couldn’t be kick ed out of the Union.” He said that the Southern armies had always boon immensely outuumbered in all the battles, and that until recently General Lee could never mtuitcr more than sixty thousand effective men. Mr. Jienjamin told me that his property had lately been confiscated in New Orleans, and that his t >0 sisters had been turned, neck and crop, into the etreets there, with only one trunk, which they bad been forced to carry themselves. Every one was afraid to give them shelter, except ao Englishwoman, who protected them until they couid get out of the city. T&lking of the just admiration which the English newspapers accorded to Stonewall Jaok- BJQ, hf *cxpre6ft€rd, however, hb astonishment tnat they should have praised so highly his strategetic skill in outmaaruvering Pope at Manas sas, and Hoeker at Chanctllorsville, totally ig noring that in both cfises t)ie movements were planned and ordered by Gen. Lee, for whom (Mr. Benjamin said) Jackson had the most “childlike reverence.” Mr Jienjamin complained of Mr. Russell of the Times for holding him up to fame as a “gambler”—a story which he undeistood Mr. Russell had learned from Mr. Charles Sumner at Washington. But even supposing that thia was really the cas^, Mr. Benjamin was of opinioa that vioh a revelation of his private life wmb iu extremely bad taste, after Mr. Russell had parta~ ken of his (Mr. Benjasain’s) hospitality »t Mont-*^ I gomery.—LeUer.

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