M- HII.K, April III rhul lianks is j-,.. I pursuinj; •t H.'ti Ki»er i-.l thnt w.* «*ap!urt^«j )i'.! ftlf-.v,' fi,,‘ i:i' >1?. u J i Cfired ot hf \ river onr- icT irun> uuii ■urnt patoh l-o-u (’an. i-ai'fuuil 7,U0C pri. )u'.-os ol artilletv 1 It 'ii"pati*ht“8 ci.t). h atul I oth ut (I rauii el >•. with Camp eijuj. i-:'rr_vin: the Fed- ‘’ane Hanks is at inlurceiijont^i. Tav- rstioid IJeinlorce- «‘rlt'an.'. and Baton Bv i*i '^'’troroiijed \ alley clear ot -»‘i iim-.m,, April .-patch was roooived cntay: J.id— 1 0 (Jen liani-, ('’oiuinandiu.' »T, leli^rapbs me 't , t.: this t'ffeci; i captnro -*t j^uii- hiie lyioi* n, ar Uie a s, .jtion artillery hu. ..r> uadi'r Ool from ;ho guns and I rensovod her >-tou! }''UQU' T/uns aud hadhei burned plain and pilot are nuii)'!„ r ol the crew Lieut (jeiural 'v. v-^--^)^L• o c^Uie through th- ‘^'0^t attaekod Grier ? Grierson and cap- ioncr> 1>AI N, April L*;j rcii _ i ot our cavalry and kil'td the Lieu hot'ler liearinjr ol k«“ a ix'h ou their [ill uf Juyhtrht thi.* tlif t-apfure of :!>> 'oil.;' . —Thf* tories. ied Hurn>ville. Van >f the c\ izet.B tied ti eli cyunty. Trotjpe dgc rheiu, and ol ^er tu take comtuaDd iouiethinkf Iruni him, ; D'lrh'.ut' i.' known, ‘ to -tju 1, a severe havi. L wevcr. seen indu V‘ u.' tu Ljuefl- ‘•!-(U^ro up” when J ejua: • existf in Kast Ten- i true to file South, duhi^'CteJ to every ► SMia'ion a»‘e daily hern tren ^00111.1 tu the l.iucoinitns. A 'U*rh the iiiountaiurt e, triv*.- .-u-*h a de- as would ‘lead one to U he>i. wirh all hi« furceJ loor'C upon It Ten DCs^ei’. And it ali thc8e outraget*, irid CQ'i.ura^e them, g a rii'i^ru regiment ioxvilie To fill up the neiiro men in jloitt- a.« fr-m South- initf ;i was made up, we atta ki‘d thr enemy ■nio:: la^t, capturing molt a mice," and they would. Mont escapcd. — /^y. ’« been kindly tur- Kehel, T?ith a letter tan-sar*, t.- an officer o:n which we make letter was written izeui .1- out Helena made compulsory an org-tnized forcc rnanat'cd would be ikinjr raid.s through h and ('ritteadttD and capfuring a uids A mao by I to sell tish about le i? very suceesB- i. Sincc i>obbins had it nearly all le back the other I met a raid of IJOO, ,lou;.'lu thcrij nine c C(i ! Hijt learn It he na w conjc irjt> eij^ht wai'orir load- 'iiii.i ’ iUiled With ijo.Ht .1! It, ha.'j pa.i8 hi PI " 1 at Vazoo. t!ie i;xp'.,iJ!ti>in up ig ijiad- a failure, or^ f ^ ii.'j.itsed of 7. iphis krt. ” W'irth -5 M".N . \pril 2(*. cer>,, o.iptured at pri»»rj to-day. otjiJay lys 2li0(( tapt -red by Gen. r Alt rn'us, Ga., ‘y- adMiiren, of mer- :d to Icjarn that upon Hrijj Tien. 10 raiik and com- le pro.-.'iution, as I'rcHident’fl own icing the promo- i ol the Confed- td Btatoii that the -/e 7», H'Aiy. HKja —OaLTON, rted that (Jrant taken oommand -K-iiabie infor- received to the been reinforced whole foroe to nta :(>Uimeaced^ Hnn i »A, 4 OHSKHV KR. FAV ETTE ViLl.^ THCRSnA^KVRXIXe, APRIL 28, IWM. ;OV VAXCKS AITOINTMENTS \V- ari- ttuthoriiMHl to state that (io\, Vance will At •ISMMEBfUifM ..n TC KSI>A Y of ( ourt wiTk. tMny Sd;) ■ At on S.Vn'KI>AV. .May Tth; and At on MONDAY 9th ..f May (lov. V,\.\ck';^ Skkki'h.—We un* Both snrpriotNl iiud mortitied to tinil that the I’etershurg Kxprt*^ aud l.yui, hburg llepublican have indul^tei m Imrsh remarks agaiu.-»t liov. Vnui-e t'ounde«l upon the briel AOil htuity teU'graphii' dispatch which went from 'hui place on the duy the iovtynor spoke. Weil may the.-f papers .•onclmie, taking .such a dLspat h a.s the .-^jH-H’ch. that Gov. Vani“ "has fallen far short ol his Wilketiboro' effort,” yes, a> far short us thirty lit>€s are to half that numbt'r of columns, (’ould not these pap«*rs wait until they conld find out what the sptH'ch really wa,*;, before they asi,-vail('d it? Is it just, or wise, to jump at such aii inip(*rfet. t ac count as thirty lines rouhl >rive of a tbre»- hours' speech, as a fnuRdation far an as.ault upon one of the bravest and truest of our public men and officers, and thus contribute what may b«‘ iu their power to weaken him and streiigtiien his op{X)oeut? If, a.s the Kxpres.s .'•ays, fiov. Vance “has diiK’harg^d his official duties I'aithfully, ably and patrioticiiUy. and if, aj- ii suys. it.s ■ contidence in bu» «levotion to the interests of the Oonfederaey is undinuuished," why not allow its readers’ contidence to remain alike iindiminished. by at the leas>t wuitirjr till it could ascertain whether the Governor had n^ally done or 'aid auylhinsr inconsistent with such devotion.' If these paper> were lloldenites in disgul.'C. a.- we very •veU know they are not. they could ' arceh have done moiv to help lloldeu tlian thus to no of! at half-ciK-k upon imperfect information, i'hc Uepub- !icaa profes.scs that "it can see very little ditlerouce ni^w between Vance ;ind Holden. It would have -een a very marked difference if it h;nl heart! the ^J>#e^h of 4ov. Vance. It would have seen that he has “lirokcn down * from no {K>?uion announi ed m S]H-ech at Wilke.^horo (not Waynesboro' a.s the Uepublican has it.i The K.xpress object.s to the tJovernor'e wish that l’resid>-nt l>avis should continue to hold out propo- a.uon." for p‘a.;e to iuncoln. and s;ays it “would like to know how the President can take any .such mea sures?" Well, It is eiisy to answer that very simple >lue«tion; The I’resident could take 8uch measures precisely a.' he had alrt'ady, three several times, ta ken them. If It would Ik' ••hutnilialion and degra^ lation” to take such measures now, was it le.s« so to take them then'.' It is all sheer nonsense—we say .1 with great respect for the usual good sense of the Kxproas—to assert that the Pre.sidenl may not three tunes or thrt^ hundred times propose negotiations •-■t the yaukee.s. And the only reason, we doubt not, why he ha.s not a fourth lime made the proposition •s that he did not believe the moment was propitiou.e. iu this he thought diflercutly from tiov. Vance, who December la.'t su^ff» sted to him 10 make such a .■arth ejTort, and the I’resident thought so much of •he gugffestiou as to take it into seriou.' consideru- '..‘in. lie had no idi'a that it would he -immeasura- degrading.* as tlie Kxpr*'e.s ,%ays. but only tliat t would be inetVectual and therefore ii.seless. and 'eared that it might appear to the yanknes a.J a» on- fe«Bion of weAkiu*^s -.md would therefore' b‘ hurtful. To this conclusion Gov. Vance juietly assented, as he knew that the I’rtsident had p-ace quite a»i much at heart as he or any one else, and it was hi-s duty and proviucf to »if-id*- th- qiu .-tionof propriety and of time. The object of »ov. Vance m hi^ apefch here, aud it was H vt ry proper object, v.-ry effectiially acrom- plished, wjiA to show that he was not opp«jsed to peace, as the HoldeniU-s pretend, and in favor of no thing but interminable war; bnt that he had four months ajro writu.-n to the President on the subject, Thia Wft-s the true cour.'c. Unlike Holden aud hi-s f.'llowers, he did not get up a clamor about it, the fffect of which would Ik* to encourajje the yaukeea a.nd depress our own p-oplc, but quietly appealt'dto the President aud our ('ongres.smen. and called upon Gov. Bro'*n. aud we suppose otiier Governors, to make similar appeals to the President. And but for the false preU.‘Uces of the Holdeiute-s, noue but the ' .nfid*yitial frieuds of the »ovenior would ever have h ,ird that he hal made this eflort t\1r uegotiaUou.'. The fa n is, that the propriety of repeating efforts to institut*- iiefrotialioiis is a matter about which patriot« may ditTer. We, who utterly repud;ate Holdenisui and its mode of op4-ration for peace, and Ui all iti« phases, thou^'ht with 4iov. Vauce that a tourth effort might be made, not only without degra dation, but with benefit *«i our cause at home, at the North, and in Kurojxfc The President, surveying all the ground, aud havinjr more inforuiation to guide kirn than we could j>ossibly have, having as >troiig a desire for peai c. and more at sLake than we, deter- oiinel that the time wa«s not arrived. VThen he shall th;iik that it has arrived, as it will at some time, he will be det«?rred from seizin"; if by no notion of im- meaaurable degradatif>n. The Governor’:* funlier pui jjuse was to show, as be did show that he and Gov. Brown agreed as to the mode of nesrotialiug for peace, viz; by and throufrh the constituted authoritie.s of the t'oiifederate gov- eramcDt, and that it i;i the baldest sort of a jiretence of the Iiold nit+*s that thiy agree with Gov. ISrown, for then mode is by separate State action, which they (ould only accomplish by lirst getting a Cori- ■ cnliou to t.ake North ('arolina out of the (Tonfede racy by n second sicession. In all this the Ilepub- iican will see that there is a very great difference ietwwn him and Holden. The K.xpress and Republican may rest a.s.sured •hat no nijn -ould have rtlorc earnestly and elo- ‘(Uently advocatetl th«- vigorous prosecution of the war as the true road to jK.-ufe, than did G(»v, Vance »Q hw sjM-cch here. They have done him great in- ustice, and to the same extent furthered the cause ! his competitor. Rktai-I.atiox.—The .Northern papers altound witii .nfiaiumatory articles about a report*'d ma.s.a'n'. by Forrest of the white and bla/ k garrison which sur rendered to him at Fort Pillow. l.ancoln, in a speech .1.1 Baltimore, expres.sed his belief in the story, said fie was investigating it, and if tbund true, ‘-the retri t-ution shall as sun-ly come.” said he, intimating that Some of the prisomTs now in hifl lutnds should be ex i"cutel in retaliation. We are happy to believe that *t is not true. Wi'tli all the provocatives of the in human war waged against us by the enemy, nothing Kould excu.w such au act, to ourselves or to the world. A. IJ. Witmore of the U.S. Navy writes to t^ie Memphis Argus a long account of the battle, in which he participated. lie says the garrison fought till bnt few were left alive,and they were received as prisoners; that Forrest shot one of his own men for refiiBiDg quarters; that Maj. Bradford, who was cap tured, was paroled, violated hia parole by escaping rfioa^ared^ ttod of coutae execo!t«dK 'I'hk Battus ok Pt.Y.MOfTu.—The press and peo ple of North Carolina have often complained that the press of Virginia was wanting in common fair- nesa to the North Carolina troops after the battles in that State, in which they always -did their duty gloriously, bnt never got credit for it till about the liroe the battle wa,s forgotten; whilst every noble deed of the Virginia and other troops was instantly heralded to the world. We have repeatedly said that the fault was not with the Virginia press so much with th«> North Carolina troops themselves, and tills is !*hown by the utter want of information in regard to the late glorious victory at Plymouth. Here has been more than a wt»€k ela|>sed since that victory, gained upon our own soil aud mainly by our own troops, a»d yet, e.tcepf the brief ofScial tele graphic dispaU. h, almast the only a’counts received- hav^ been from Virginians through Vitginia papers. Not a single letter appi^ars to have been written by any North I’aroJiuian, either for publicatn)n or that would be of interest if published. Not even any statement ot tlie casualties, to relieve the anxious suspense of the thousands of North Carolinians who had relatives or frie^>tLs iu the battle. Hy the time the public mind shall be attractcnl to some later event, to the exclusion of this at Plymouth, w* shall doubtless begin to hoar something from out” own st>I- diers about it, coupled, 110 doubt, with complaints that they have been overlooked. We don’t see how such complaints can be niudti again.-*! any but them selves. They could scarcely expect North Carolina FJditors iu distant parts t)f the Stat« to write out ac counts of the battle which they did not st*e, or to give lists ol casualties by guess. We appreciate modesty, but this silence u.Uout fYent» wbrcb ought to be known, is not modesty—it is a eriminal indifference to’tiie truth of history and to the feel ings of friends. Since the above w;is in type, the last mail brought us a letter from a member of Co. C.H.'»th Heg’t. which will t)C found in another column. ■ WnnofT Military Sr , >:.> ai,i .Mkasi rks \mli. Kail."—Such are th«' concluding words of :i R«‘jH>rt iail liefore theyankee Senate t>y the St-cretarj- of the Treiwury, Chas*-, projH^sing some romeilies for the fi nancial lisorder8 with which thev arc troubled. HL« i-emedies are, however, confessedly inadequate. He admits that uothing short of taxation to one-half the amount of the e.xpenditures and a relucticm of the e.xpenditures to the lowe.st point, will en ure financial success. Aud this t^ixation lie doiS not »‘commcnd. for th«- rea.sou, evidently, that he knows tliat his Congrt'ss dare not lay su> h taxes It is a notable fact that the comparatively poc>r Sonth not only chet'rfully pays such taxes, but actually dc- mandHl of their Hepres« utiilives that they should be levied, whiLst the rich and boiL-tfui North will not submit to anything approiirhing to suci) a burden. The reason is obvious; The South is defending hf r- .self; the North is ai.s;uling. With the South all is at stake, and it is economy iis well as patriotism to give half to save tin- remainder; yea it is wLse t) give dl our prop*'rty rather thau to lose all that makes property desirable. But. says Cliase, even if thv people of the North would submit to heavy taxation, witliout military succt*ss all measures wiH fail.” Such admissions indicate an extremity of difficulty tliat must soon brius the yaukt>e finances to the final r;ish. Mr. Slicrman of ,»hio. the leuiier of the Si-iiat-, r>‘- itei^t*d Uie seutiuK-nt of .\lr. •'husc, saving that ■ tht- true r^ rnedv for our evils, as ail know, was thr> sue-, cess of our armies. ' Thi> tnie r*-medy seems u difficult of obtainment. The patient is -getting no better fast," as Hoke and Forr*st, Smith and Tuylor ctui t*‘*"tify. .A great vi. lory by Lee uver Grant will pul the remedy a!tog tb i U yonl n^ach an«l the pa tient will di**. The .‘•aliie di.-+;u.ssiou brought out oth**r thing.- very encouraging to the South. "Mr. Fessenden of Maine Said, ‘'thfre wert' miuiy amongst us who cultivated a hostility to t*ur curn-ncy becaus+ they sympathis^'d with our eD» iny." And Mr. Chandler of the same State went further and declared his b*-li*-f that “in New York C4ty to-day, Jeff Davis would get a larger vote tliaa a loyal mail."’ Hurrah: Tilings are work- iiur. >nly let 'is be victorious in the gr^at battliN of this rttmpyaign, and all will b«- well. A Partial ViKw.—The Hillsboro’ Recorder, (an eartjeft fritnid to Gov. Vauce.) in declining to pub lish some bitter denunciation of Mr. Holden, exj>ress- es the opinion that surb denunciations, rather than Mr. Holden’s own opinions, have induce^! the North ern belief thi*t he is friendly to the Nortli and hos tile to the South, just as the yank(?es were led into the same be lief two year.s ago in relation to iov. Vance. Our venerable friend, it seems to us, takes but a partial view of the as«-. iov. t"ance had never uttered a word whi( h was used at the North to foster such a bejief us to hus position. On the ontrary, he was dunng,lhe whole eanvaes making it mauift-8t to the Northern people that he was with the South by fighting the North at the head of hm gallant regiment The Northern people were misled as to (iov. Vance by others. Hut with Mr. Holden the tvase is widely diflerent. Our friend does not find republi.shed in the Northern papers extracts from Southern papers or speeches or n>:olutions against .Mr. Uolden to show his pfjsitioii. It is Mr. Hoi- den's own wor«is thiit are repuljli.^htnl from his own newspaper, llie Raleigh Stanlard, to .“ihowlo.: — gal men e.xtracts either. But whole articles, that of “Davidson” for instance. ’I'bese are printed at the North in full, in pamphlet and on broiulsides, and cir ulated by the million as Black Republican eleitioiieeriiig documents. They have paralysed the Northern Peace Party, who have protested again.st such publications being permitted here. Our friend of the Recorder may not have known these facts. IJnf Mr. Holden dotx. He has known them for many months. .Most unfortunately for the cofintry now, for him.self heieufter, the knowledge had not the slightest efl'ect upon his eourse. To change it might hiive helped his country, but he could not then have been a canilidate for (ioveruor. 1’hk ;V(0 jfKR « c.vr. Pr.valtt.—Capt. .McGowan, Post Quartermaster at this place, luis re eived the following Circular frotii the Quartermaster General’s office, Richmond; Congress was asked to pa.HS a law making the pf-nalty in default of delivery of tax iu kind five times the Assessors’ valuation. It was supposed that the law was intended to embnu’e the crops of ’G3, but it has been decided that it dovn not, e.xcept BO far as relates to l>acon and tobacco, wliich are not “reatly for market” until after Jmiuary ’64; thus bacon and tobacco are enbject to the fivefold penal ty. Other crops of ’63 are subject to the 00 jW'r ct. penalty. The fivefold penalty applies to the crops of '64 and following.” This is all right, and will quiet the just complaints of the public a^nat the previous decision of the Department, which subjected grain and ail other tithes not delivered, to this 5(iO per cent, penalty. Our readers may recollect that we discussed the whole question on the 14th inst., contending forpre ciaely the decision now made, which is equivalent to a decision that the ;unended tu,x law passed on the 17th Feb’y last is not referred back to April 24,1B63, bttt ia in reaUtj a uew tax law, applicable to 18M o&iy «ttl 1863 also. ployi haim THE CAPTURE OF PLYMOUTH. (Correspondence of the Fayetteville Ol>server.] Hamilton, N. C., April 23 Messrs. E. J. Hale & Sons: I adopt thia mode of communicating wHh the friends aud relations of Co. C, 35th N. C. T., in order to let them know how we fared in the Plymouth expedition. We started, with 3 brigades of infantry, Hoke’s, Kemper’s and Ransom’s, 28 pieces,of artillery and one reg’t of cavalry, from our outpost at Foster’s Mills oc the 17th, and drove iu what we did not cap ture of the yankee pickets in front of Plymouth that evening. The 18th was spent ih recounoitering, and at night our brigade made a feint in front of town while Hoke’s charged and captured a tort on the left. Our iroti^clad also arrived and uassed the forts on the river .Monday night, (the 18tu,) running one of the yankee gunboats out of town and sinking the other. Tuesday was spent in preparing for the grand attack which came off Wedne.sday mofning. Our brigade was placed on the right, Hoke’s on the left of our lines. We lay in line of battle Tuesjlay night and commenced advancing at daybreak Wed nesday. We had to charge a fort through a large level field about 300 yards wide, exposed to the fire of two forts; but it \«s handsomely done without a waver. Our reg t charged the fort on the left of the yankee liuBS and'ci^tured it It mounted 3 guns aiid was defended by four companies of infantry. When that fort was taken the town was virtually ours. Our boys then charged through town and drove the yanks from in front of Hoke’s brigade, which came into town without opposition. The yan kees a.ssembled in their strongest fort and made a show of resistance, but our old ram (as they call her) soon convinced them that a white flag would answer a better purpose where their stars aud stripes were so proudly floating, and they accordingly made the sub.Htitution. AN e took about 2300 prisoners, 26 pieces of the J ery be.st artillery, (one 200-lb. Parrott gun and one 100-pounder,) 2500 stand of small arms and n 11 u I ■**—* —mitr t.# rimi. amnum oT qnanr riiniwr, rotntBT^Sftfy fliflT OTmiaii?^ Wi onr ,-•-■■■• stores. Our loss will hardly exceed .'>00 in killed aud wounded. Our reg t lost 9 killed on the field and 99 wounded. Our company lost only 4 wound ed—none dangerou.sIy. We have had a very hard time of it, but are very well paid for our trouble. Kvery^one got what he wanted an! more than he could carry, off. A MKMBER OF Co. C. P. .'J. We are now guarding the prisoners at Ham ilton. I do n«»t know whether we will go with them to Weldon or not. It is rumoi-ed to-day that little Washington is evacuated. Kemper's brigade was engaged with a fort up tin- river some distance t'rom the town during the siege, which surpt'ndered when the garri.son iearneil that the town had falleu. FROM THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE. Correspondence of the Fayetteville Observer. (^^Mp ;%8th N. Reg’t, Dalton, Ga., | April 12, Ihol. ) Messrs. FMitors; Since the battle of “Stoneside ’ near this place on the i.'ithFeb’y, nothing of interest has occurrt*d to tlisturb the quiet of our camps. 'I’he enemy has not shown any decisive indications of an other “on to Atlanta.” and he will probably not un dertake the job unlt'ss he can do so in large force. In con.sequeuco of the lull in the storm of war we have been pi-rmitti-d to enjoy the comforts of our cabins the greater part of this winter almost with out interruption. The army is in fine health and spirits aud full of hojK* for the lutur»‘. It is 1 believe generally iwkiiowledged. that em- ment for the mind or body is essential ti) the lappiness of man. Certainly from the various exp«*- dient.s lesorted to, to while away the idle hours, this principle is recogniz«'d tiy our soldiers in 1 amp, as a walk through the ^ amps uQi *f drill hours will am ply testify. Here you may find a ten pin alley made of hewed logs with canuon balls for bowling worn by frequent use as bright as silver; near by the shtuts of other parties'engaged m the time-honored games of "Towns ball. " “Bandy,” ,tc.. will 4 arry you bai k to your schw)l boy days. The scores of miniature 'windmills above, and the many arti les of comfort and lu.xury of camp inanmfacture that adorn the in side of the cabias, to .say nothing of a well thumbed book found here and there, prove that many have H)und in-door employment duriug the rainy days. Why i.s tht' mechanical skill of so uiany men not turned to more practical account? For instance, why is not there a travelling sho«‘ shop in every bri r.ide with materials for repairing our lacerated .soles. I dtubl^-iuicked the he‘ls ofl of my only pair of shoi's to-day and the soles iray come next.) The recent snow-storm was the occasion to us of much amusement and ofmany hard fought snow-ball battles, some of them on no contemptible scale. Many brigades went into these battles with “all the and circumstance of glorious war,” fighting in regular order, skinnishera thrown forward, colors ttying, field and staff officers mounted, Ac. Fighting at such close quarters many prisoners weR> captur ed by the victorious party, a Brigadier not unfre- quently being one of the number. The prisoners were paroled on the spot. You must not understand thouj^ that wo have much spare time on our hands,- for in good weather drills, from the squad to that of an army corps, is the order of the day. (Jen. Johnston has wrought a great change iu this army, aud the troops seem to have unlimited confi dence in his skill and judgment as a commander. The N. C. Reg’to, .^8th and 60th, are in Reynolds’ Brigade and Htevenson's Division of Hood’s Coq)s. The cottsolidation heretofore existing between the ,58th and 60th has bt*en dissolved—tne first named alone being larger than the average size of the re giments now in service. These regiments almost unanimously re-enlistel for the war sometime since, when'such ihinga were fashionable'. I have seen no notice of the fact in any of the N. C. papers. Our ('olonel (Palmer) has been detached from the Reg’t for some time past and is now in conunaud of the Mountain District of N. C. Our State needs not a braver nor a more vigilant and faithful sentinel to stand upon her western walls to keep back the spoiler from our homes. I cannot close this communication without paying a passing tribute to the memory of two noble men of this Reg’t who fell in the late battle at Stoneside:— Lt. L. A, Page of Co. II, aud James .Juglis, Sg’t .Major of the Reg't—both of Caldwell county. The first WU.S wounded in the leg by a inujWef: — ' • *— *'• riospital at At lanta, 9th of March; the last was mortally wounded I)y a cannon ball and died in a few hours therenfter. 'fhe writer knew them well, and with many others feels their loss like that of a brother. Bravi-, patri otic and.genertms. their country in their death has, lost tw* of it> truest defenders, aud their comrades two of their loved ami long-tried companions. SoLDIETt. CAPTURE OF A NOTED OUTLAW. FOR THK OBSKRVBR. Ashbboro’, April 25, 18G4. .Messrs. Editors: Believing it will, be pleasing to tlu- Home tiuards and others of thetiounties of Ran dolph, Moore and Montgomery, as well as the loyal citizens and soldiers everywhere, 1 have to state that the notorious Bill Owens has at last been cap tured, and is now confined in Randolph jail. 'I’he Sheriff of Randolph having in hia hands a capias against said Owens for burglary,.on Saturday even ing last received information of his whereabouts. On Sunday morning he summoned his posse, consisting of nearlv all the men iu Asheboro’ and others, and marched to a place some two miles southeast of Col. Jesse 1). Cox’s, where, upon breast tun the woods for some l*alf a mile, two camps were discovered, but appeaieJ to have been deserted ^dy a short time before, and ou continuing the search further, soiiie two hundred yards from one of the camps, the noto rious Owen.s was discovered iu a brush with his wife —no arms about him, and none of his associates to be seeu. lie has a dangerous wound, received, as he says, in that affray at Simmoas’s last February. He is now where, it is to be hoped, justice will reach him. Peter Garner, u detailed soldier from the ar my, was met with and summoned by the Sheriff, and was one of the Sherif!’s posse when Owens was ta ken, and Garner wtis the first man that “bearded the lion." There were no remains of any property or gq^ds about the deserteil camps, save part of^a news paper—the Raleigh Standard. ONE OF THE FOSSE. FROM THE ARMY OF NORTBEBX ViRGl.NlA Oontvpoudence of th^Fayetteville Observer. Ca.mp, Johnsto.n’s Brigade, .April ’>'1. . Kdilors: The glorious tidings of success con tinue To come, and our hope.s are bounding high. Tue triumph t»f Kirby Smith intheTrftna-Mi.ssissip^Depart- muat; tli** stiormiug anti oajitun* of Fort Pillow by the gallant Forrest; the vnetory of I’lyriuuith won by our owij iiuke; ail tf“ll of the bright future, alkare omens of the virtory which will perch ujwrn our b(-nners when the bat tle’s fought Ijctween the elianipions of yorthern despera- (loism and SoutluTn chivalry on the )anks of the Rapid Aun. Ihe thrubbiug excitement of the yiinkee heart—its gold market—the fever of the Wall street men, tell plainly liow little of that contidence which their papers boast is telt by the people of that mi.sguided section, i’he bold detiiiiut jf the ,\dininLstration iu the halls of t'on-' gress; the failure of the Rejmbliean faction to exiiel ilr. Long; shows how rijie are that p.eople-for that rt*«ogni- tion ot our iudependence which .Messrri. i.oiig and iinr- rirt liave i>vo{Mj»efl. The cry of the o{ipoi4ition press a- gaiii^it the corruption and misniHiia^>ement of the (ioveru- iiicnt, the plain truths t*ihl lJ»e people by the '1'inu‘R and other intluential papers, aiui the advice givei^that the salvation of the country depends upon a demand for I’eace, points with directness to the conclusion that ere long tliat hobby humbugi.sin which so often has created in a few mouths a complete ]H>litical revolution in that country , will turn its tide in the direction of that goal to which they are pointed as the only means of eseap«^from the ruin which must otherwis*- overwhelm, and as the ball rolls will gather strength till the {(owers that be tremble in their places, and tlee that wrath to come which any other than a Concession to tJieir claim for f’eace will as.suredly eutail. Added to all this, if we are true to our selves, and maintain that high reputation which an ad miring woVld has acclaimed our merit, for fortitude, for courage, for indomitable will, anl determination tj he tree; if we put tui th our energies, redouble our etforts, exhaust every means to add to their confuttiim by union among oursclvea, by combining with new faith, new zeal, new patriotisui—if we evince an immovable decinion tf» lose all, home, friends—life itself rather thau strike I u »t|f9 t«|rr t iwn troojis in the tiehl—-to carrv bopeiPsi. ness and dctipair, and dismay into the yankee ranks our tusk is soon eutled, our |M;ople free, our country re deemed, oui* uationaiity estjiblished, our career of pros perity begun, rt hen the battle is fuught between trant and Lee. and it cannot much longer be delayed, our troops with s»K':h cncourageiiu nt from home, suHtaim-d by ihe assurances of supjM>rt und tin- moral endorsement *f tlie whole country, revived by a new and vigorous purpose, and a relvindli'fl tire ol i»«trioii s^dor, will press on tie- foeiiieij iiHpin d siicli a conudence and strength as must coiiii.leI«-ly overthrow his h.pes, destrov’ his n.oial sustenance, anil o)>poKi. ;» barrier of de-'pair* forcv r to his ultimate e.xpectalions of triumph. (ii ant hurh l buck, dismay ed, ruined, terriiied. no ok ,stucl«- will any longer oj.jKJse the progit-ss of Lee, Hiid htv tl.^et carts-r will be taken iu tlin lirecti..n ot the i um Ix-rla^^d Valley, where a nioi.- extended desuiation than that of last .hily will overtake timt fair l«nd, and u loud* ' wail of agony picice the ail thau was caused by the bcreuming DuU hiueu a*- we Wended our way through their farms see king what we might devour. I'he North will be I'oiwed from the -let-p ot ii-norance-—th** spell ot their dream of eecurity will be broken—and facti will '■tare them in the tui i: in the sliajte ot jiotent arguments from the mouthi of l.s-'s citfinon. as he wipes out the ro- memlirancf of iJetty-burg in the bloi.«lv ocean whirh will overllovv the •itreets of Harrisburg, atid dye the waters ot the gentle Sut-'iiielittni.ah purple. A tasle of invasion Buch a- that regervt-d till July, tor their amusement, will doubthv^r have the etfe t to kill i)n» the war ipirit in tJi* ir mid't and teach them what the horrors attendant 01, u war of invasion have *i'enied to us. The copper- h*'uds will control the goveiument of the country; the inilitnry power which al'.me secures Lincoln's |K>sition In safety will have l>een overthrown, and it will only re- liiaiii tV.r the 1'oiunds.sioners lo discuss tlie terms of a treatv. Ttii" opinion ha« nootfieLal sanction «>f a higlier character than that which pertains to a [brigade com- maniler. yet it is tl«- common opinion of verv many sol dier-. who have tteen taught t>y the hard experience of war .to oh-erve aud think. They take it as a matter of Course that Jrant will be defeated—that Lc» will again aud with more success than ever invade tJie enemy’s soil —that jn-ace will Jie Wrung from the yankees on the Sus- qtifh.innah Thi- is the kind of negotiation that filea.'es them—th^ onlv kind of oIi\c tiralich Wortbv the South ern -*oldier Tell Hoke to give it ii. them ug.niu down there on the >ast. Well play our hund* h cordinjf to Hoyle, and if lie'll u'.si-.t U- we'l! -lO.in make n tiick ut I’eace—all four honiir^ iu our “hand- ” Hor>s.i. A Shaijbv Trk k.—Mr. lloldeu is out in a card in thirRaleigh Progress, beginumg us follows; “Mr I’ks.mnuion: Please do me the favor to publish the tdlowing extract from (ioy. Vance's FavettevLlle sfteeiL. toijether with tlie corre«ii>ondence between (iov. \ ance and myself, referred to by him. It will be .seei^ that the Governor liii..^ not correctly set forth the charac ter of my letter in reply to him." The trick hero is iu sjicakiug of an e.xtract from the North Caroliniati’s coudenscd sketch of Gov. Vauce’s sjx-ech as if it were, what it did not pretend to be, "(iov. Vauce’s Fayetteville speech.” The fact is that the Governor did “correctly set forth the character” of Mr. lioldeu’s letter by reading it and the whole correspondence, even to the printed slip Mr. Holden enclosed in his letter. I'he Carolinian of yesterday says: "Mr. Holden is out in a card in the rrogress, in which he co}>ies a portion of the speech of Gov. Vance reported iu the Carolinian, referring to the correspondence be tween himself and the latter gentleman on being invited to lueet him at Fayetteville and other points where he should speak. He says: '•ft will be seen that the Gov ernor does not t)rrectly set forth the character of my lettrr in reply lo him." The reporter did not profess to give the exact language of (iovernor Vance, having only taken notes of his speech. But Mr. lloldeu is iu error when he says (iov’r Vance did uot state corrcv*tlv the character of that correspoudenire. The Governor read the entir# corres{)oiidence, as publishetl by Mr. H. He took no iiwaii advantage of Ifts ojiponeiit. "In justice VO Gov'r Vance, will the Progress please copy tliisV" Pank i.v Wall Strket.—On the 19th in.?t, there occurred in New York, owing to a slight contraction by the bauks, a premonitory symptom of what will soon hapjien upoii a larger scale—a panic in money ami stocks. Stocks Ml from to 23^ per cent., a dozen brokers failed, one of them losing 3900,000; Wall street was so filled with people as lo bar the pa.ssing ot vehicles; ordinarily-.«> mmngti lift: .Aliens iiKe .^('liool boys, in searrh of moiiev va rious listiculfs occurred, to the high gratiti. ation of admiring spectators; stocks representing $15,000,000 were thrown upon the market to raise money. .Siuce the 1st inst. the banks have been depleted to the a mount of ;^41,>0(i.(k)o. prohibitory tariff aud high ta.\es arc Urged. These will come too late, it at all. Tiiii Yaskkks i.N .Mississippi.—"We have seen a letter from a laly iu Mississippi to her uncle in this place, givinic an account of the conduct of the van kces during their lute invasion. .She says:— “We have suffered bitterly. Mr. S- has been robbed of most of hia property by the miserable wretches. 'I'hey stole 3000 Iba. bacon, »00 lbs. lard, all other provisions, horse, saddle, gun, clothing, bedclothes, and plundered eveu my daughter’s trunk.?. They broke up fawning utensils, burnt up all the fences, broke my carriage to pieces, and jnst left everything in ruins. 'I'he town is a heap of ashe.s— all ttie stores, all public buildings, and six private dwellings were burned. I cannot describe, nor can y(iu imagine, the horrors of a yankee visitation. I jiray that you may never know what I have endured. 'I'o be obliged to sit silent while hundreds of impu- d“ul soldiers went through everything 1 had and took whatevi'r suited their faut y. One lady living near Meridian wiis stripped to the waist aud whipped with a leather strap until she revealed the place where she had hidden her money and jewelry—$3U,- 000 in specie—and they got it.” ■ ^ ^ J L.\TK.-T MAIL AND TEL^ORAPHIC NEWS. ! Knrolling Ofie«, it'i Cong. District !f. C. From Dalton.—Dalto.v, April 27.—Brownlow’s Tn conmim Yankee .WO strong, 'il.shed Spri.g 1 i *ace thisjnonuug, but beyond the capture of one robing Officers mid Officers citiien, efTected nothing. Thia wad nothiug more than a reconnoissance of the mute by which the eue my wjll atlv-ince. MABEIKD, By J. M. Stout, Estj., Mr. WM. PIKE to Miss MARIA TKAGUE, all of Chatham county. W« are aothtrized to annoanee Col. MURDOCH McRAE as a caadidate for re-election to the Honse of Commons from Robeson county. April -7 27-2m The Diplomatic Correspondknck.—In noticing this on Monday we intimated doubts of its genuine neas. These doubts have been confirmed. I’he cor- resnondence is officially oionounced bogxu by the I %Q[UQhtKaat.Bidbu&u^« April 28 riae Writing Paper. 7 I^INB imported. White Gomuteroiil Mote, and Fools* * I J: o»p Paper. Jost reoeived and for nde by N. A. STED.MAN & CO., No. 19, Hay street.. n Xortlu rn Vinjiitia.—Oranqk C. H., April -'losby surprised a picket of the enemy, con sisting ot 40 men, at liunter’s Mill, Fairfax county, on Friday last, capturing C men and 18 horses. The enemy pursued Moaby, recapturiug 4 horses, and taking pri.soner Lieut. Henter, and wounding Lieut. Nelson. A fight between Mosby and the yankees occurred at Leesburg, on .Monday week*in which the yankees lo.^t 3 killed and 7 wounded,—our loss I wounded. All the yjinkees have left the Valley. .Moa| of them an* coming to reinforce Meade. Averill has gone lo Southwestern Virginia on a raid*. Meade re'ei\uig leinforcements over the Alexandria railroad. /Vow tht Prntujtula.—The report in relation to the h'nding of the enemy in large force at Yorktown was again repeated yesterday, and seemed to be con firmed by scouts. Hut, on the 'other hand, a citizen who reached the city yesterday from the vicinity of Yorktown states that they were embarking. We learn from a reliable source that a barge load of yankees, who crossed the river above Yorktown, wrere captured by our forces on the other side of the river.—Rich. Dispatch, ‘lf\th. 'I'here is no loujrer any doubt that the enemy is about to make a serious demonstration on the Penin sula. Official infomiaiion was received yesterday that five large o ean steamers had anived at York town, and were landing troops there; and informa tion had been brought in by our scouts and tele graphed to Richmond, that the country below York- towu wM» «»r»-r with janKte camps. Ou the 14th inst. troops had been landed ut Yorktown. Their force was then inconsiderable and exactly as certained, four regiments. The force recently dis embarked is in addition- to this, and rumour counts it in lens of thousands.— Hirh. Examiner, 2Sth. h'rfiTn. tht IJlmkwatrr.—Passengers report that the enemy have burnt their camps, evacuated Suf- lolk, and retired behind their entrf*nchments imme diately aroiind Portsmouth. Their negro troops committed a most brutal outrage upon the person of a very estimable young lady residinifa short distnace from Suffolk a few days siuce. It is supposed that '^ ilmlngton. April 15, 1864. Coo- ounty Eo- . 'f the Home Guard, will cause to enrolU.d and oi-di-rcd to appear at the f illow- 1°^ nained times and places, ■■II white male pentons be tween the ftgea of 17 aad 50, for final enrollment and e«- amiufttion. New Hanover oounty, I2d Regiment, at WUmiofftoo, April 25th, 26th, 27th. ^ ^ New Hanover ooantj, 2ild Regijoent, at WOmliurtoiL April 28th, 29th. Tiuuiiu* u. ^Columbus county, 57th Rciglmant, at WhiteriUe, M*J Richmond countr, 61st itegimeat, «t Rookingbam Hay 6th, 7th. ' ’ Richmond eountv 60th Renment, at Laorlabarg, Mav Sth, loth. Rol)e9on oounty, .58th Regiment, at Lambttrtoo, May lltb« 12^°**^'^ co'iaty, 69th Regiment» at Lombertoa, May Bladen county. 66th Regiment, at Elixabethtowo, May 14th, 16th. oounty, 53d legiment, Fayetteville, May umberland county, 54th Regiment. Fayetterille, May "iOth. 21st. Harnett county, 52d ^■egiment. at Summerville. May 23d. 24th. Brunswick county, 56th Regiment, at Smithyille, May 30tb. II. Pei .sons between 17 and 18 and 46 and 60 will be enrolled on the same roll, and distinct firom those between 18 and 45. III. '*ilitia Officers and Vagistrates between the aget of 18 and 45 m thi counti-s of New Hanover, Branswielt, Columbus, Robeson, ichmond, Bladen and ^ umberland^ will uot be requir*-d to report. IV. In Harnett oounty. evrry v>h%i» rnah peraoQ be tween the ai;ea of 17 will b«* requir*^ to report. V. In compliance with ' ircular No. 12. onioript Office, ‘ ourKy Enrolliogijflicers and OJBcersof the Home Guard will cause to be eurtilltd in their respective ooon- * e-s •re' na eo>o^, between the ages of 18 Sind 50, and have tht^m to ippear before the edlcal Ei- amiui.ig Board and District Enrolling OfHcer. at the times aud placer above stated for enrolltrrent and ezami- A. L NDIS, Jr., ^ aptaln and EuroUiug OflScer, 4th Con. District N. C. Offlce Med. Ei»miDlng Board* ) H lUiixoTos, N. C.. >pril 15, 1864. J Notice is hereby given thot 'he Medical Examining Board will attend at the above named times and places for the examination of all Coiiiscripls and persona above specified. All piT4on« in the counties of ‘'olumbus. BoV«eson. Rlch- aj.d vvLu have received per- 1864, } I .noi.d. receive* iTiUiK eu tho \Mlndiawal ol iheir iroop.s from rfullolk ^ rr.aoeDt certificate? o! eK^mptioa since March I4lh* and other j.o.nt: ;r. that sc.-'tiv-n. , will :,ot U ..,,ahvHl to ix po.t. P^tcrOjunt K.rj,re??,2€th. .-^^'JUEL R PIXEY, Surgv>n P. * r, »?f Board, Fourth Congri'ssional District N.C The 1‘rcmotin't of ^f-u. Hoke.—President IMtis ii'inietiialely on heantg of the capture of Plvmo’tth,, sent to (len. iioke the»f..ilowing: ’ ST7!portant to Tax Pa^erM. Brig. Cfon Hoke In Ihe namo ''o’ *‘"ierai - j I'Ht timt; for li;tipg Tnxables In t'ne Town and Croae I thank vm f.^r vour suroess. ‘ Yon ar^ a Maior I ' Iiis^ricts. is n»p-.diy drawing te a close; all per- General tVom the '.ate of the raptaie of Phmouii. ! by the M day of ,Maj Jefferson 1)avis. 'I'he Dfprj/t/uent of Htiirico.—It is reported that Maj. (Jen. Robert Ransom, of North Carolina, has been appointed to take command of the Department of Henrico, Gen. Elzy having, at his own request, bet*n sent to the field.—Richmond Dispatch, 26th. Whitson killed by the Buffaloes. -hy a letter, we are informed of thi ‘ ’>/. James M. e death of this bravf* and meritorious officer. He was at home, in Currituck couuty, on furlough; his house was sur- rouuded by "Buffaloes" at night, and he attempted to make his eacai>e, when he was shot and struck by three balls, and killed. This was about the l4th or 15lh inst.—Raleiijh Confederate 2'lth. *■4 Soldier Acridtntally Killed.—Lieut, l.aue of the 56th N. T'. was arcidentally killed at the De pot at this plft^ e on Sunday last, by beiug caught Irf-tween the platform of the water tank aud the train of cars while iy motion, thus horribly crushing him, and rausing immediatedeaih —(rret^isboro’ Patriot, Railroad Ac^idt ut.- DE.vofOLia, April 27.—This morning a locomotive belonging lo the Selma and Demopolis road, with 3freight cars, loaded with corn, >»ecame nnmanageable and plunged down the river grade, throwing one car in the river and others off the trai'k, cauainjif a general break up. N'o lives lost. From Richmond.—Rich.mo.vd, April 27.—Mem bers of Congress are arriving slowly. It is believed that not moce than a bare quorum will be here on Monday. The President’s Message will be shori- The city is very quiet. No news or rumors. The weather is clear and warm, with indications of a storm. Who"Proclaimed iPur.”—The New York Times, an accredited leading Republican paper, and the especial organ in New York of the Administration, in its issue of the 6th of March 1864, writes this down as a fact that cannot be gainsayed;— ‘‘The Confederacy wanted peace, and sent Com missioners to Washington lo receive it. We would not receive them, and proclaimed war? They ac- aepteil war. The question who fired the first gun is nothing." The Tithes in (he 3/ District.—Goldsdoro’, .^pril 23. -Cot.. I). K. McRxe—Dear Sir:—I send you a statement, .showing the amount of tithes in tke 3d Congres.sioiial District, (including two coun ties of the 2d,) as shown by the Asse.«sor's estimate. Bear in mind that from Carteret county and Craven, we do not realize much, and have no estimates, and that a part of Onslow and Jones are declared “im- })racticable,’’ and are, therefore, turned over to the District collector, to be collected in their money value; and that the estimates for “impracticable Districts” are not included in the following amounts. Very respectfully, I. Sweet Potatoes. 25,33C Bushels; Irish Potatoes, 122 bushel.^; .Corn, 107,410 bushels; Wheat, 1 970 Itushels; Oats. 2694 bushels; Rye, 1,130 bushels; Rice, 23,647 pounds; Hay, 27,316 pounds; Fodder, onnds; Wool, cas, 960 bueh- ejs; Ground Peas, 319 busliels. rBiimaies tor nacon nor in or tnis arlitde, our Agents report 293,665 pounds, and 9,6'J6 pounds salt pork, making an aggregate of 303,271 puund.s olleoted iu the pouth of March alone. Raleigh Confederate, 2'lth. 2,387,552 pounds; X'otton, 35,573 po 4,207 i^ounds; Tobacco, 237 pounds; Pc next, r, ,11 tlod their property returned unlisted, and theXB- selveg ittbjectod-to the payment of double taxes. R. M. ORRElL. J. W. B.AKtR, Jr. ‘'pril2#. 27-2t Toni* p'iTiy will [Mv the G. 3 •fa.xes duj on July 1st.. 1864. on the stock cf said Co Therefore stockholdere need not give in thvir Stock V7. N. TILLDJQHAST, Agent. Ac. _ApHlJ? ^ 27-*w SaOO RRWARD. r: will pay ‘he atx)ve reward for the apprehenaioa and confinement in jail, of the party or parties who cut and cftiritd away 80 yards of our Telegraph wire, I4 miles from Fayetteville, about the 22d or 23d inst. 80CTHERN Express Teuobafb 'ompant. April 26 27tf Hatches! MATCHES:. April 6 FAYETTEVILLE MARKET.—April 28 RKVJEW OF THE XMKKET Bacflu 4 50 to W. Butter 8 00 10 10 00 Fl'ur I t&U lo $265 FoJde 12 60 t.. 15 00 Hay 12 50- d bucks 12 60 D"y Hiden 5 00 to 6 00 Nails 8 6u dy»4 00. No otht**-changes. Confederatr Tax Ii^'lLL att«*nd from this date, with the Assefsors. at the office of M. ampbL'lIjto rcccive th« Additl .nal Ttvi i»i piotitsmaie hv buying asd .filing during the y«er I Tl’h’ J.aw re4u’u’t3S the aVive tax to b»> ft?.eB?/-'l and col- i '.‘■f'.d * ''flx *i»v’r« arp *.0 * lUbke Immediate psymep^. I 'Ihe lollowing art e.xlracts from inftrucliunt? from the Treu«iry Department: • l!»t. The fou»- ppr cent. Rond>* and rfit.ilcnie- wili tie received in payment of tajt*»s during the year IW,4. ^hen otler*d in payment of taxes they must be duly ast:ignel. 2d. When the br>r»d or certificate is greHter iu amount thau the tax U) Up paid the difference will be returned In ottier or c-rtifwateo—itie lax payer payine any fractiou i^er one hundred dollars. » 4th. In cases w'hore the tax of several tax payers is lea^ than 0l»e hundred dollars. s«verxl may unite i.i pay ment of th®ir taxes witb one boud or ctrtificate; iu no other case. Bhall differeut tax-payers be allowel to use the i>ame bond or certiflcate. *t. W. n > KDIE. Colli.'ctor 22d Dist N. C, April 27 27-i2w M A.TCHES:;: MATCHES!!!; -S. A STEDM\N * CO.. No. 19, Hay .StiMt. - It Vlddlefft take ootlre. WE offer for ^ale a very “uperior Violin, with case— all in complete* order. ■ l«o, 2 barrels old 'ound >^alt. N. A. 8TED N A CO., 1^] _ So 19, Hay street. Lnnd to R^nt Khare%. f H VE some Vfeado^ Land and !Ugh Land to let for pait of the crop. pply to W. G. M T^TMfiWa. April 28 itpd Powder ai«d »p« lor l.cnd! IjP E will exchange Powder and Cap« for Lead, in Inrge Tf or small quantities, or we will pay cash for the same. N. A. STEDM.\N & CO. No. 19, Hay Street. April IS. 23«Oitr ivOT I rK " ' To Marbliilsts, Blacfcsiofths. OiiR>r rrl-*ge Mak* ets ttntf P»tteri» M;»k '■'i. Good ''echanirs in any oC 1, • tliid steady *‘mployra"Ut jn d lit) lui WHift.-. I>y Bi.jly ng nt the C. S. aval tJrduduce Works, hirlokte, H. .\SUTUN K M Y, •Chief WigV C S. ' avy, iu charge. _Aprll 20 _ [c, 6 ] 27-6t A Ciood HorMf WOULD be exchanged for counti^ produce; Is a first rate harness horse, works well in all kinds of gear, and would :*«it well for cavalry service, pofiHossing great power and action and is sure footed. Price seventy (70) bushelr* corn or its equivalent in money or othe produM. Apply to Dr. D. *. PBELL, Fayettevill**, C. «pril 27 27-Stpd Office ' on of ^DP'aiBelIl‘lltf) KaLKIGU. pril 20. 1864. | rliE rice of BEEF is hert'by ad> anci-d a*! follows, tI«: B;ef. good fresh, net p»T po.i id, $' 10 •* Salted, •* • •• 1 30 “ corn. ‘‘ “ 1 50 V BL \*.K ’O K, H. K BtJKG YN. ~ om. of ppraisement. TK) engage 500 cords “GOOD PINE WOOD," in •*- I change for Spun Yarn if preferred, to be delivered f^om S to 10 cord^ per week, at convenient points on th» Western Railroad. Apply immediateW to GEO. BRANDT Fayetteville, April 20. 2&-itf R WOTICB. APPLlCnTIOW will be made to ttie General Assembly of North Carolina at its ensniag meeting in May. for a Charter for the Fayetteville .Mijll Manufacturing Com- paay. April 27 27-3tpd s FayetteTille l>«!po8itory, > Apn’l 6, lhd4. > trWICBIBERff *t this Office for 6. 7 or H p?r cent. CottJTed«Tat« Bends are reques'e'^ ti> present tbeir C«ctiflowtea withoat farther delay, and tbeir Bonds Tkow who have laft Dapontea for i par oeat Bonda, are aoti%d tlUU tkeirCartttoatM are readf for deUvery. 21-UmV W. Q. BBOAHrQ^)Tt Dep*7> i ivoTice. EV, J. B. BARDWICK will preMh at Gray’s Cieek hurch on first Sunday in ^ay next. ISAAC H0LLING8W0BTH. April 21 “cotton CARDSl COTTON CARDS!! WE ofR*r for sale No 10 "OTTON C *RDJ. manafiw- tured by the Fayetteville Cotton '-ard Manafaotor* ing C mpH'iy. Tht-s*' Cards Hre warranted to be equal tf Qot sni>erior. to wiy imp.'»rt*»d Cards. N. A. 6! ED w A/x A CO. 19 Hay St. 4nHt 19 254 at Hiack Writiiif^. Inlr. BOTTLES •loho'ston’s celebrated Blaok Writ&ig INK, foi bale by the single tHjttle or dozen. N. A. STEDMAN * CO., No 19. Hay Street. Apriljl^ 400 Reward. AY from the subscriber, a NEGRO OM' N, hired the 1st Jan'y 1864. from Mr ^. W. :te€l of Fay- ett**ville. 'She is supposed to be about the town now. Sa'd woman's name i= I5et«ey, and is of medium height, duik compif'xion. aud a full suit of hair. I will give the ab*)ve rt*ward to any one who will deliver her to me at the Arsenal, or oonfi’ne her in Jail. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR. April 26 27-2t PPLI !%Ori€E. TIO'J will be made to the General Assembly reek vjanutartiuin^ ompany. 27-3tiii A of orth ' arolina. at its ensuing meeting in V'ay, for a ■ barter for the April 27 On l'on*igiin*rol, -I A TIEK' E» RI E: xU ^ bushels SALT; 1‘2 Boxes ’ OB ' • O; 1 Barrel E'Gl-T ' OPPERAS; 6 Gro. M ■ E ; 20doz Fi .OUra cUMBi. For sale by TflO, J, JOiINSOIf. rajettevUle. AprU 24 '