PI7BL1C LAWS. • JKnacd'Id Fk*’y 16, 1864. •hftll he Hutjeot to a tax of B'Sk per oent. on ery loHw oromiaod on the fkce tbcircot', said tax to att»cb to said notes wherov«v circulated, and said t.ot«»to be tundable and (’XchaH«iable for new Trwwtiry notes, as horiv.n provid“l rubjcct to the deduction of said Skc 12 Tha' an)’ (''••jasurv notes r‘ioeivu'i bet ire th. tliDe^ Qxi-ii lor taxing iiid notes shall be fill t>ie first dcy oi J:inuary 1805, to tund th" i'l tl ner An Jef to Fnwt, Tax and Limit the Cnrrencv- SEOrfON 1- Jh^ i'omTves* ot t\f iJonf^lera^ S!at '» Of Amrrie-t do fU'tct, That the holder* of ali Trt’a^ury nntes ahore the denomination of iii»T ht'tr'nij inter«8t, •^hall bo aIlow?d until the 1*1 day ot April 18t^, east of the Mississippi, to (u’l'i til a same, and until the periods and at the j _ . . pl^oos Ht«tod, the holders of all suoh Treisury | bc-nds oi tho Oon!cdi'rt:o St-itos, osiyabb-20 QOtcs shall Ihj allowed to fund the satai in rc?ia-j yoar» att-jr dit-;, ;md riic ^nt'.ract payabis s' tui- rnrrd ootids, payable ycar alter their date, j araiiullv But all Tri”i-^ary tiot'i? r'ifcivi'd by t»o, V ' iaforo^t at (he r»(c oi 4 pi'r cent, per an- j ‘*°.V State nlfcr the lirae fixed I’t.r tHXtn; the namo rui -.ayahl.' ,*a the 1st of January and July of* >'l''rr*-:aid, shu!) be iicl ^ ic >.c'’u rcoeivcd yojir. I dijciiiishei by tKo a'i;oun' ot’ .-aiJ '>*. a he dis- 2 '*'hc >»-*cr-t iry of fbe 'I’rivisurv is hereby '^I'jro^i'^rion *h.~ n:.f uSj-vf t> the fax IX. Of conspiracies, or atte!ii()t8 tu liber ate prisoners of war bold by tiie Omfederate States. X. Of couspiracies, or attenjptn or prepa rations t** aid the enemy. XL Of persuns advisinw ,>r incitinjj^ others to abandon the Conftiderate cause, or to re sist the 0»nfed«^rate States, or to adliei-e to the enerur. shall be liable to be placed in service in the tield for the war. as if w.M-e between the a;^es of 18 and 45. Sec. S. Tiiat hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital j^uards aiid clerks, and ot, cierk.'J. {guards, «!Lfents, employees or lal>or- ers ill the Cornniissarv and QuarlertnasterV Jiepartnients, in the Ordnance Bnrean, and of clerks and empi >yees of nav\* ajrc-nts, as also iti the ox.ecntiou of tho enrollsnent act. , . , r-“y- i s:. 1 V ■ 'ava»cs sh;iil be reooi\^able wirbout inter-I pubiie .jufs, but n'lali b-i lecmod iiud j ••^r ;n p; yni«''!t »if afl (rovernnient dues paynMi' i '‘on'*!d''rrd bonds of tbe (^»;ih'bTatr Stitoa, p:*ya I •I) the year iN'it, esc.-pf export and import datits. ' yt :irs nif-'r tb.' ratiiic.-ition of a treaty oi Skg 3. Thnt ail Treasury notes of the deno iii-1 P'i»'’o w'tb the I’nit^cd Siute.-', boariri'r the rate of >'ion i 6100. .iL't bi’arin'i interest, which shall i i'*t' rest .specified on tl.eir ^ncc, psyibb- 1st ol ' i*wt h« presentfd I'or funding under the provisions ! -January of ench and '•rvory your t the 1st, socr'io’i of this act, shall, frotu and after ' ^'EC. 14. 11 at tuc S'e’- i*tary the 1st d *y ol April 1S(U. easto^ tbe Mi-sissippi * =>»d he ?> her^'b riv'r, :iT)d (W 1st day ol July IStU, west ol t .o i rcueies ol 'he QoveriUii* tr or eifocts of any not enumerated n tlie preceding paragraph, between the times named therem, 10 per cent., in juldrtion, to the tax on each profits as income, under the act aforesaid. 111. On tlie amount '*f prt>tits exceedinfr 25 per cent., made during either of tlie years 1S63 and 1864, by any bank or bankini? conij'anj, insurance, canal, navijratiun, im porting and exporting, telegrapii, express, railroad, rnanufactnriu^. drv duek, *r other j\>int stock compauv o}’ any descrij>tion, whether incorp^^rated or not, 25 per cent on such exc»38s. Seo. 5. The following exemptions jVom tjtxation under thi-- act 'iliall l»e allowed, to-wit: I. Property of each liend of a Jauiilv to the value ok’ $5u"; and tor each of the family to the further value .-r |jf)0; and tor each son actually cmr.igc;,! in .hoj Sec. 2. The President sl#il cause [proper anuy or navv, or wiio has died »..r l>ce;i | oSicers to investigate the cases of all per^^ons killed in the military or naval service, and | so armsted, or detained, in onler that they i tion of tiiis act, as may he nee led f-r XIL Of nnlawfuUy burjung, destroyijjg or injuring, or attempting tv> burn, destroy :uid all similar duties, shall he perfornn*'! or injure anv bridire or railroad, or tele- bv peroons who are within the age= of ijure graphic line of communication, «>r pro[>erry, with the intent of aiding the enemy. XIII. Of treasonable designs to itnpair ^ tiie military power of the juvernrneiii by i Ijeld, but *upabl by pel and 45 years, and wlio bv tbr Bourd of army HurgcorH shall as unable ti> per! ropwrr, a !»e reDortC'd !ho Tiie lestroyinjx, ur allemptiii'^r to destroy', vessels j or arms, or innnitinis oi’ war, or arsenals, I fouudries, work^boi.-i. or oth*-" ,^roperty ol ’ly Oontederate Stales. *ve said dui.ie' of the Treasury iitlj:Hiz!'d, i'i c>>?e the fxi- ahuuiii r>’tiuire it, to who wad u inember ot' the family wlien he entered the service, to tiie furtliei' value ol^ II. Property of Llie widow of any uliicer, sobjier, sailor or marine, wln> may hav’e •Misii-.pippi, ctav'c t.o b-' rocfivable in paym -nt ot j tb den: I of any public creditor whoMe debt j died or iiecn killed iii the military ur naval dui s, an j :dd uotes, if not so presented nt j be eoTiir^cted af't'r n e p:i."vajre ol i.bia act, time. sbi'.U, in addifion lo the tax of { wdliii? to rcc-ne ^bc -.'mic ui a o rtificate ol in- to f>-.‘ is-u>. li tiy - iiifi S-orotary in hucb that ci-nrs iMip ised m tbe 4th section oi this act, b^ s:iVj‘ e'-d to a tax j{ lU per cent per nfonth uii- :ii s. p; seated; vrhieh faxes shall attach t> said • >ti-s whtiTi'Wr c:reii'at«‘J, >nnl shall bo Jeduofed m the t-.e?* ’t -i.«’i n'^itfs whenever nre.'-'oufed Hi itr lor iu>idiu;r. and s^ail notes slia!! ^ ‘ I; ! > (ur.v i:fc>a' I'f Tr> a | '‘■•irifia ioii-« ‘ii b-.* pi' ?()• ! r-'Vi b ii lor i;i ttii.'S act j f-"-' 1 r»- i tirv, ar o -i-t U i 4 I !\h' on 'il! sa'.'.J Treasurv ruitts net ! tayafinii i*i an*! nne\' •r II ■-i ii! i jv>n-!if i*{ raxrs at ‘be -J:'.' ' : I':' :Mary ot *‘,e TvcHi’iiry i- a’l- pr;-.ti I... the 1st -iccrion ol t> i^{ ' ’ ori/'.’d u inc'-e the 'luiubf *• .ii'aep.t.sitAries‘’o iorui HS be iiay dc^.n j.n>per, payable two years ahor a r«!iiie.ition ai a treaty ol poaco with the I'oitetl States, ht.'iinn;; intcrr-it at t/ie mre ;l six | T.vn. ..ir .....M.u., p,vai* s„mUn„na'ly, | ,„vice, tn till' V -V -I exucilli- 'V rtt service, or where there is no widow, then of the family, being ininor children, to the value of Ill, Projierty of every oflicer, soldier, tsailor or uimMF«^. qomiu]).v 4itir«umd in the military or naval service, or of such as iiave iilue of provided, that tiu’ mI hi dates au' U ! v 'il,‘ k>c ! • LJ' , ni I • , ,1 1 I i I , •, ! 1. : ■ . tKMis shall jiot ai»j>lv to unv person, wbose iiica-ix-* r«naU oe exempt , ’ ‘ • .. , ' i i-i .■ ^,1 r i property, exclusive ot htniseliold lurnitunj, ji'i > . • , » . • w shjiil l)v3 at a value execoiliii^ A IV . That where property h.is been injured ■If to the r-.juir !K, i *'.. ! this ,ct, and with iby the enemy, »r Ibe owner fuipiL-y of the banks of the stv- thereof tuis temporarily deprived of tbe ■nn. ’ t i.x i>r -'.Ai tor evi-ry u.)llar pvoo’ised ou ! ^bat vu the ine? «-! siiu noits; said tax .shai! attaeli tu said { t’ral v^'atos a.*, ii ' uay difui expedient. ! use or occupancy thereof, or of the means iiOi- -- wl.c-revtr eirc'alat. d, arid shall bo collccted I isKO lb Tin- ^ecri-f.irv ot the Treasury HOall j of cultivating the same, by reas»n of the by utductiuj: me same &t the trea.^ury, its deposi- torthwith advertise thi« ac^ in such newspapers j presence or the proximity of the enemy, tones and by tax collcotorB, and by all (jrovern- pubh>bed in the several Stiit**s, and by such other the assessment on stich property may he m-u ..ficers receiving the same whenever pre- u.«aDs as .shall seeure itu|uediate publicity; and reduced, in proportion. t,> the dama:re bus ?*«atca tor pajuicnt or lor funding, or in payment j ”>6 Socrotary ot W nr afHi tbe Sccrctar}’ of the . » - - ■ • of (.Toverniuent due^, or for postAge, or in ex Navy shall cueh cau=e it to bu published 'n ijene change ior new notes, as hereinafter provided, and I ral order for the informatioa of the army and s.'.id Treasury notes shall be fundable in bonds as I navy. provided in the 1st section of thi.s act, until the j j'EC 17 The 42d section of the act for the tained by the owner, or the tax assessed tliereon may he reduced in tiie same ratio i>y the district o^)llector, on satisfactory evi- denee submitted to him by tliv owner or as- Itt day of January 1865, at the rate of 66f cents j assessuieut and eoUt ction of taxes, approved May ' on the dollarj and it shall bu the duty of the J^ec i 1st is hereby repeab'd I Skc. t>. That the taxes on property laid retary of the Trea*ury, at any time between the i Sf,c 18. Th>» Secretary of the Treasury is i year 1864, shall i.Ki iissessed jis on 1st of April and the 1st of July, 1861, west ot. hereby autliorizi d nnd r. -jairod, upon the appli- j the day ot the pit^sage of this act, anl be tne Mississippi r.ver, and the 1st of January 1865,1-ation of the holder of auy call certificate, which, due and collected on the l>t day ol dune to s^atitute and exchange nevf Treasury notes | by the first section of the act to provide for the next, or as Soon.after as practicable, allow- or the saaie at the rate of 66f cente on tbe dol-1 fu^diu^ and farther issue of Treasury notes, ap- ini; an extension of ih» lavs West of the. iYnn TiT be I Misaisajppi river Tb# additional taxes on exchan-e^ /pnydcge of said i t^herealter deemed to bo a bond, to i.^sue to such incomes or profits for the year 1S63, levied excnange. t rftvid^a further, that the risht to bolder bond therefor a;>*3n me terras nrovided ! tl,:.. -,«f «i ,ii i . . “ i j ii « i 1.1T..1 any o( f ,id T-,-a..urj noto, ahor .he 1,1 day i by said act. ' I ‘-V. .f ’ '' ‘ Of Jaiiuary 1865, i= hereby taken away: AmiprL ! - I '*»> nicomes or pro- •iied furtiur, That upon all such Treasury notes i ^ W fidditwtyil Taxes far tke ctnn- j li^64, siiall he aa-:essed and which may remain outstanding on the 1st'day of! nnfl mj>/>ort of Gmyernmttxt. \ c*>lJected according to the provisions of the January 1865, and which may not be exchanged ' Sec. 1. The Ooiigresri of the Couf^derate i iu»sessmont acts ol 1863. tor ne,v Treasury notes, as hereip provided, a tax ' States of Atnerica io enact. That in addi-! ’“"‘-‘I' act of tiie 24:.!i of JOG per cent, is hereby imposed. .tion to the taxes levied by the act‘to lay | April 1863, tw levies a tax on in- OBO 5. That aflPT the first day of April next, taxes for tbe common defence and Uxu'urv on comes derived from property *r etfeet.s on * * auihenty heretofore ^nven to the Secretary of rhe GoveHimeut of the Confederate S^-ites ’’' Hniouiit or value of which a tax is levied »W-oved 24.1, o,-A,.ril there slu l lle , 'o’ »«- “'"I "■'* Sf.tion ..f „ai.l :V.rTrA;;4 ™,- «'■ ,l,e l »«. ,1«.| ,l,e your ImH. u„d Treasury notVs in.such form as he may pres^criL,!®”j^'^^.^ taxat'on hereafter mentioned, ‘“/e or interest on pro- the ratification oi a treaty ! * . C'^Hected fr.Ma every j)ergoa, cpartner- credits herein tj d States, said new issued association ..r corjMjration, liable there- * assessed .>r taxetl mcQt of all nublic d«p.3. 1 taxes Jis follows, t»-\vit; tlio tax act ot 1H63. payal^- two years after the •>f peace with the United to be receivable in j>aymcQt of all public dues, exocpl export and import dutio.% to be is-sned ic ' the value exchanire ibr old notes at the mtc of 2 dollars of I and mixed, of,. no eetimated perty or credits herein taxed ad valorem, as incomes under pr^)pfrrv’, recil, per- i '^^'at tlie tax imp'>sed by this act rv ki'nJand delerii,- bonds of the Confederate Stat^is hereto- tne provLsi- ,s of this act; and the holders of the ployed in agricnlture shall be deducted the *'I*"'’'*! ^ax in all eases wlierivthe ^V 8101 except those of the valae of thelax ia kind delivered therefrom on the same shall not exceed $lUOO. - - ’ -s on“L dollar bV the tlx rforS may ' "“I'"" li''' and \ An Act U, su^/mid theprimhge oftfie Writ rhe Bame into call^ertificates bearing b-1 ^ ‘ - Provided, ; _of Chrj^Jin ceHain case.. credit shall I r- allowed hevuad 5 j Whereas, the'c>‘nsUtutioivuf the Confed- , |erate States of America provides in Article id arid siiv r wares | 1, Secti**u Paragrapli 3vthat “the privi- -V cho rate of 4 par cent, per annum, and i , __ payable two years after a ratification of a treaty ^ i of peace with the United States, unless sooner 1 , '^aine ot ^ .i-i ana siiv r wares converted i^t-? now not^. . | v and wat».he., lu ; lege of the writ of hahea.. corpus shail not cr u !■ ■0 expenses of the Gov-1 I ‘| ho su^jiemled unless wlnjn in ca.se of rehel- ^ provided for, th^ The value of proj.erty taKod under | lion or invp^^ion, the puh.-c :=afetv mav re , ■ . V hereby authorized to issue 6 I secti-.n shall ho assessed on the l.-asis of nuiro if” and wherein the ouw.t of%ii . ? andiD-;?>srt> ui the ne.^d.borhood where assessed, in . nized in said Article 1. is vusted may be disciiarged if improperly detaine I, unless tliey can be speedily tried in tlui due course of law. Sec. 3. That during the susjiension afore-' said, no military or other otHcer shall be cmpelled, in answer to any writ of haHea.s corpus, to apjiear in person, or to return the boly of any person or persons {etained by him, by the autiiority of the President, Se cretary (d' War, or the Genei-al otUcer com- luundin^ the Trans Mississippi «]t;jKirtinent; but U{»ii me ceriioc;ni;, umid oin!i, oT tin; otHcer liaving charge of any one so letained, tiiat *iich person is detained ijy him as a prisoner for any of tiie causo.^ hereinbefore 8})eciiied, under the authority aforesaid; fur tiier j>roceedings umier the writ of ha»»eas corpus shall ijiimediarely cear*e an 1 remain suspended so long jis this act shall contiuiie in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in buce for ninety days after the ne.vt meeting of Con gress, and no lonijer. discharge of Huc-ii oiitii*-!: persons between the tiires o n active service m ‘ p>jrf »rmir:;r somi> ol ,sj)ecityini; whie!!. at'd wheJi the-;>t person^ shall have been a.'sig:;ed to those duties as far pructic:ibh*, t]ii*..Pre- si'leiit shall a.'sign or detail to their pcrjorni- ance such bodies of troops, or ijidiv'd’ijtl-^. retpiired to be enr.)lled under rh»; .5in sec- ' ' I’-r v!i«* Provided, that I 7 an'l 1 s >h-ti! Ue assigned to those diitit -: Provdei tnr- tlno-. that nothing contuined in thi^ I'Ct 'sh'iii be so cousirue 1 as to prevent ti' > I're-^i.ifMit from detailii'-iT :uiisans, m-ctianic". or p.*r- sons »f sc.ientilic skill, to pert’orin in>iii|ien- :=a!*le dutie.j in llu* tlcp.ii tuients o:’ liiiri^au-; li.>rciii mentioned. Sec. ii. riiat any (^uarrerniti-ter or A- sihtant tjn.irterinast(*r, {)o:nnii,-;.-^ar> or .Vs- tJotiiinirirtu,i-y, (otiitu- Lliaii tbose SorV- int; with b! i^;ades or r.-_;iine)i»-> iii the iieid,^ or o|li*ers in the >ilnaiict' [jnrean. or X ivv A;jeiitt;. or Provo.-,t .'Luvh.il. or oilicer in tiie conscript service, \vlio stiall hereafter provisions, to be delivered by such jxMsot, as aforesaid at equivalent iHites. 3. Such person shall further bind hini..;(.l: to h;ell the marketahle surplus fd' jjrovisji.p. and grain now on hand, and which he raise fnim year to year while his exe!n»tioi, Continues, to the Government or to tlu-Van ilies of soldiers, at prices lixed by the missioners of tlie State under the injprcts.- m ;nt act: Provided, that any jterson emoted as aforesaid, shall be entitltd t ~ credit of 25 per cent. «,)n any arnoniit otiiH-a' whicii he may deliver within tbrot* niotiti, fioni tbe jni'^sage of this act: Provided I'pr trier, that jior^ous coming within tin* pj.,,..; sioiis of thir^ exemption shall noi be lie' rivtij *l' tltc ’.ciiviit’ tht-re- i’ bv le-t'j'.n r f ; . bet'll ceirolh'd suice t i- ] i!:iv o'* i*’#-:). ] ,,;j' 4. iti :i.dditi'>;i to tlic tort'g'Cii'iiC' tion^. t!ie Secrt-r.M.-v of War. uii'i.,T ti e rection of ;-he Pie-id“n*. m iv evis tail fie^ a^ siicii other p'.'iv ouirht to bi> exeifioted lie ticee.'sir\. j.inl It. iii-; t;. • '.a\. tlct, liLjfJCC emptiy or re'ain in ms einplovment any j j>er.-itn in any of their Siiid ileparlments or ■ bnieaU', or in any ot tiie dwtier; meiiiioncd j in the .>th section of this act, iii violatio’i ot' [the provisions hereof, .«-hail, on conviction I tiiereof i>y a court-martial or military court. I be cashiered; and it shall be the ilnty of any TiiiTuTr TTJ pv TirT T ; department or district coLomander, upon . A11^ JllLllAlii iilLL. j prool', by the oa^li of any credible person, bection 1. liiat ironi and alter tiie passaire 1 that anv such oflicer tuis violated t)>is pro of tins act all v/hitt* men, residents of the , vision, irnrnediatelv to relieve suidi ofHcer Confederate Stateo, between the ages o} 1 ij f;-,,,,] fJnty; and said corn^nanders piiail take and .)U, shall be in tiie inilitary servi;e of j,ronipt measures to h;ive him tried tors!i-h the Conlederate States for the war. j r.tfence; and any co;nm*and«.‘r ;is aforesaid Sec. 2. lhat all the persons alorejiaid, i>e-| fj;j{j|,nr porform tiie duties- enjoined bv tueen the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, j iifction. shall upon oeing iuly convicted huall )e retained during the }>resent war ; be discharorei Iroin the service, with the U. in the tame regiments, bat- , Sec. K'. That nil law- .rrantin^ exe-ni.- taiuMisand com,.ui.es, to whirl, thev belong ! militarv scrvie-i.e, and the sa:ne I be eonsM ued a. rePcaiin^ tne act .nr rove,i .-ini'Atil^'^^nl tl!^‘! bereaffer none! April the I4lii iV:;;. ,-iititicd an acVto,-, Fr ii sttrr I fi r b , / ! j sh.all be exempted except tlie tbllowing: j eu, pt contract .;s for carrviuL- tn.,- transtened oi d.schaiged, in accordance! p All who shall be held unlit for tnilha-1 ri„.('..nf.iorav. Slates ana tb»* dnwr with the laws and regtdations b^r the gov- ■ ,-y service, under rules p. be pr^'scrib.Mi ' ' ernment ot the army: Provide*!, that corn- | Socretarv of War. ■1 'It UKty he- sati. >11 ,, piiPlic ticressjiy, j-n.t p, ri.c |ir.. j..,. lion of i;r;nn ami other provision-, f.j armv a’ld ; be families soid;,‘!’.-. Ijo > a!-o, t;'r":oir eY'-iojition or detai!-. ■i-rms a-: in- may p'escri!>c. to uvi-r. seer-. :'.;rme.‘s or ’/;ap.fers as iie niav i.i- islieii v. il! l>e more ii-eful t .- the coii'urv i;, the piir.sniJs >f airrlcnlture than iti the tary service: Pi’ovidcd, that such OKe;n;.f ,,t shali cca.e whenever the fai'mer, jilaraer ..i ovcrsc-er shall tail diiiir‘intly to i.-iui.lov n: good tk'th, hLs o vn skill? capital and Ub-.r exclusively in th- production vri-ii.j provisions, to b-e sold to the GuVc-i inueut an.' the ta'nilies ol st.'idierc :it price- iiol c.xceci- i;ig tiio.-»j ti.\ed at t’oe l;m,^ tb;- like ariicies by tiie Commissioners of tine Slate the imprcs.'ment act. ij. iitu )>r«;siie:!t, treysarer. auditor ajuj su]>erin:enIent of any r.ulroad eoni!>anv t' irageO in transportation for the Gi.vonMni’i; and .s.nch etiicers and etuployees tiiert f n~ the president or superintendent si.all certiiv on oath to \,a indispensaiile to ilie effiridit op-?r;ition of .-aid railroad: JVovided, tliar tiie iiU!a:>er ->f per.5o;is so ex'*r.')!>?ed bv tir^ act on any raibojid sliaH iMt exceed one pel son f'T each ndle of puch road in actual n^.. f..r niiitary t.-ansportation: and said cxesnpr.- 'Ii, the .;!>iployment of said cfnn]>anv. or wii.. tna, ce.ase lo be indi.^pensable. 6. Tnrl.^ siotlii?!:.: berein C'>!'t:iiii(;d • ..•».* v/.j. ACUJjPi .sluid be rc[>orted by name and do.Jcriptluii v.’irii the names of anv w!io havt^ jiijt tL I {) )st coaciic^ and 'ci ; tb-ovid -d. er panics from ..ne SUite organized again.^t , .j The Vice President -f the Confcitrate ! .^raMtcd uno tueir Consent, expressed at the liine, with j regiments or b:iLtalions from another State, j t},^ State Lo-isla:nros,''and shall have the privilege ot being transferred j „ther Confederate and S-.ite o.Oi.^ers as cuuationa to organizations ol troops, in the same arm | President, or ' ' ’ ’ h;»ek.s, from niiiiuirv sei ! i i : this ar^ id tiie exeri;jjfioiib Siiail only i'iiiriniitj wiii.st tile r.roons exempted are acrr.aiiv engaged in tfieir re-r)ect!ve pii’s:iili m oc of the service, from the States iii which, said I Se-. 11. liiTit the i‘retiideni i>e, jiiid lie spe‘tive States, may certily to Ijc iic'essarv | hei'eOv. authorized to rrant details, und^: le in-ane; tlOi/a 1 ^ eve- I blind and ry nun-cotiimissioned otncer, musician and i i i i- i j . • privH.c who 91,..II tlK-u l,e ii. se.vtco or !„ Ti tho event of his death previ«»us to the period ■ . c , . n ^.icn --■•'d shall he frte from taxation, and | the year 1.86", except in c;uses where hi r toiiacco have been }»ur- of the necessity of such .suspension; and ol ^5 D*l ', f irtil r,jl. ; “ ’}U' ihe ov,’!U!r. Sec. 2. On the value •' of interest thereon the entire net | slaves, c. -tton ..r tol v,’a;:,“;„7coT=:‘ iv': I ‘'-t •« w:iP0U .0 ciporicd Itom tho Oonlcdcruc 1 ' ocate:>, and t!ie ne? procccdd of th« import dnties ' ' cow Uid. or .) maoh thereof as m-ay be tieCor.-arv ' y’thc interest, are hcr**by specially • ‘'ff'/, that the dutioH now luid o» - r*>y pledged and ihal! bereaf . p-C!e. or in sterUns' exchao^e, or .»id bonds. i i? the Secretary of the Trrasury is inzed, from Hme to time, a« the l>r.,perU- ta.^d un.lcr t),i, J™:;;:'i ■■■“" •" Bate U ■it.. >lely in ind, |-ihe Congress, which is the exclusive jud>;e -- pur- ot tiie necessity of such .suspension; ^and January 1S62, ■ whereas, in the «»pinion of tho Congress, the ■Slaves, cotp.n-i public safety retiuires the suspension of said at the\Tr^'ft*T/''‘ii I f '» existing case of rhe inviwion of ti ..y actually paid tor the same by ' these States by tho armic*s d’ the Unite-i , . 1 States; and whereas, the President luts a.-»kc I all shares t)r inter- * for tho suKiiension of tbr. iiaving been herotot'ore discharged from the i»rmy wl^ero no disability now exists; nor shall those who iiave furnisiicd ^iibsiitute^ l>e any longer exempted by reason thereof: Provided, that no person, heret.dbre exempt ed on account of religious opinioris and who ha» paid tho tax levied to relieve iiim tVom service, shall be required to render military service under tiiis act. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Cmiteilerate State-^. between the a-'es of Ihe Congress of the Confederate States of j America do enact. That during the present invasion of the Confederate States, the priv f ■ .1 ' of the writ of habeas corpus be, and I 1 .1 , ^ property m the . t ne name is hereby, 6usi»en'Ui«4^ 1 )o( loot wnere as-^esse I, in such cur- j pension shall apply only t«.» the cases of per- pr«)perty, at tho i President, Secretary of War, or the General time of assessment, ■ ' . . bee. I the amount of all gold and | Military Department, , 1 vcr coiri, jrold dust,^oli silv^cr Kallion, f under tho control of tJio President. I'OlHcer commanding tho Trans-Mississippi 1 Military Department, by tho authority and ll'li ^ ilii ^.4 X 1/1/111! V./1 •- Mrfcetiier held by the banks or other corpo-1 hereby declared that the purpose of Con- ra Ions or individuals, 5 per cent.; and upon | gress iu the passage of this act is to provide ^ . ^|,cld abroad, or upon the atQount i: aiore ert'ectually for the public safety by o ab tiuls ot exchange, drawn therofVir on pauspeading tho writ of habeas corpus in the oreign countries, a tax of 5 |>er cent.; such following ctises and no other: tax upon money abroad to bo as^os.sed and I. Of treason, or trea.sonable dforts f>r tio^Tf auth.ri-i,d by the 6th sec- ,:^«"erai use there, in the i a.ns arrested .Ir detaine.l !,v order of tho tion .,,11 act may be either rca;iBtered or cou l*^‘'^clui.se and sale ol such . J pon b-md., a. tho parties takic^ them may elect: M . .y m^^ be-cxcimnged for cach other under such regulations a.s the Secretary of tho Tro»eurv ...diLnbtL'odrra'if'*‘“““'’“‘' far th. V “ re.spocts as b provided Ztitl arc faxia ' the ® from that eertificatca shall for every dolL interest upon only 66§ cents «hall be red»ir^aSr“ • ‘tat rate- Treasury at •ertiacSoa sh call its'd^no!:?. ‘[*”7 of deposit shall jrive »nd SDc-ifvin A’ for their deposits di«tiucti;eulrk L%T° the ScercU.ry ol th. ^ be agreed upon with positorshalUe cXjiT «id hands in Treasa^^'®T®-‘^® »nd ontdtanding at interest tho said bonds FHvilogooffandingtid noKr^'' *• heroin prescribed ® 8*0 11. Thttt 111 ’"•ued of horetofore ^ ho receivable in nan f continue provided by Uw. W fun ?“ki *« *‘'■0VuntilOi 4 8t (w collected according to the v^alue thereof at the place where the tax is paid. II. Upon the amount of all solvent cro- dit«, arul of all bank bills and all other pa pers iftsi^d as currency, exclusive of nuu- intorest oearing Confederate treasury uotes^ and not employed in a registered busiutiss, the income derived troin which ia, taxed, n per cent. Sec. 4. Upon profiti^ laade in trade and business, as follows: I. ()n all profits lyiade by buyinig and seli- ing spiritous li(|or>rs, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or «irup, salt, bacon, pork, bogs, bent or beef sittlo, sheep, oat», hay^ h>ddor, raw hid^is, leather, horses, mules* boots, shoes, cotton vrarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, coal, iron, steel or nails, at any time be- tween the Is* of Jtrruary 1863, and the 1st or Janaary l8f>5, lij per oent., in additisjn to tae tax ou such, profits as income under the “act to lay tares for the common defence, and cairy on thfj Government of the Con federate States/’ approved April 24, 1863. II. On all prrotits made by buying and cnubiuations to-subvert the government of the Confederate States. II. Of conspiracies to oeerthrow the gov ernment, or conspiracies to resist the lawful authority of the Confederate States. III. Of twmbining to assist the enemy, or of communicating intelligence to the enemy, or giving him aid and comfort. IV', Of conspiracies, preparations and at- incite servile insurrection. V. Ot desertions or encouraging deser tions, ot hnrboring deserters, aitd of attempts to avoid aiihtary service: Provided, That in C;we of palpable wrong and oppression by any sithordinate ofHcer upon any party who docs wot legally owe military service, his snpeinor officer shall grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be dismissed from office. VI. Of spies and other emissaries of the enerat. Vil. Of holding corrospondeace or inter course with the enemy, without necessity and without the permissioa of the Oonfede^ rate States. HGllinvtw.^n^«-‘ 1^1 e —■'"T V'lIL Of Unlawful trading with the ene- ’ Kold,8.1ver, foreign Mohanga, my, a„d othar offences aga&t the Iaw3 of the Confederate autee, ^ted to promoti 01 any iDnd, ^ any merohijmdiae, proper- • th^ aaooeM in th« wii. tor those west of the Mississippi river, aTid any jierson who shall tail so to enroll him self, witluuit a reasonable excuse tiiercfor, to be .judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in tho tield tor the war, in ne isairio they were be tween the ages ot 18 and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail diity,_aud siiall not bo rcijuired to perform service out of the State in which they reside. Sec. b. Phat all [lersons reipiired by the 5th section of this act to enroU them.seivres, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east ot the Missi»sip}>i, and within 6f> days, if west uf said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; said organizations to conform to tlie existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender their services as volunteers during the war to the Prc.sident; and if such organ izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with tho enrolling officer of tiieir district, which shall be ei^ui valent, to enrollment, they may be accepted as minute men for service iu such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as ^before provided; and may, by the President, bo required to assemble at convenient pla ces ot rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi- ments, under regulations to i>e prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect their company and regimental officers; and all troops organized under this act for State defence, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the place ot rendezvous as required by the authority of the President, without a snffideat to be judged of by him, be runsinied to uutiiorize the exetnption or uei;iii of any coniractor Jn. nployees ;is said ' ui- i lip-nitjhinL: biipj^litiS ul .iiiy kind to the Gov- >f such payment, then to the s.erson or per- i | onitneut,' -y re^^-^on of cortract, mile- sons who would be entitled to receive bv law ! ‘ r new,.pup-or: tiio , tue head or .~ec-relary oi the .lci>artnient ms the arrearages of his pav; but no onehhall be tlie Coiiu iorate and St ite j king siichcontract siiuil certify that the per entitled to the bounty herein provided who and sucn j.»urne:. men pnnt- j sonfi! services . f such conrructor are ii.di^ shall at anv time, during, the period of .ix j !.;ens:ible to the excciitiou of saul coritnict; montnsne.x'; after the said first dav of -Vorii u.di>pensa :,e to perf-rm .bej provided furm.-r, that wiien ;iny suchcon be a!>>ent from his command withoui leave'i aj'-tnecary -n tractor siiail fail, diligently and _ faithtulh. S«- 4 Tiiat no .it,.ill I. > .. 1' • i aj'o.hecary store, v.-bo war^ do;!!.; l.nsi- to proce^id witii tne o’.ocution of such c>n lyJTthtu r? r , h;i" continni‘d did Sen. 1^, 1 n;it in ajMioUitUig lucni Woiuiic inter tii.-ision, since that perioil; ail pbv:-1 of sui.reoii.' tor the exaniinatioii of perstib cians over tiie age of SO j’>iars, who no-.v .tre. i Ii;ible to military service, no nicnfner cuUi- and lor tiie last 7 years have bt‘.-n. in lijc j posing the same siiall lie aj>pointcd from the actual and regular practice ot their proles- c lunry or enrolling district in which tbev si(>n, biit the term jiby? ician shali not in clude dcntisis; all pre^idents ;uid teachers of collcijes, theoloirical ^ciuinar;es, acade mies and gclioijls, who have bec-ii regularly engaged ;cs such for two years next bei’ore the passage of this act: J'rovided. tiiat the licnetit of this exemptiini shall extend to tliose t.vvclier.-^ onlv wb 'se schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All superhi- tendents of puldic hospitals, established hy j law before tbe pasf-aije of this act, and such | physicians and nurses theicin as such su-1 perintentlents sliall certify, on oiitti, to be | indispensable to the projier and efficient management thereof. 4. Tiiere shall be e.xenipt one person as owner or agricuituri-t on eacli -farm or plan- Latiiui upon which there are nov.% and were *n the ibi- Oiiy oV J1-I u.ble bodie’l tield-hands. between the j.ges ot 16 and 5o, upon tho following conditions: j 1. This exe!n}>tiuii shall only be granted I in cases in which there is no white ma!.e I adult on the farm or plantation not lial>le to I military service, nor unless the pei'son claim-1 ing the exemption w.a^ on tbe !st day of Jan’y 1864, either tho owner and manager or ovenseer of said plantation, but in no ease shall more than one ocrson be exempted for one farm or j)lantation. 2. Such j>erson sli.vll first execute a bond, pay;y)le to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, and with such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War i tnay prescribe, conditioned lhat he will de liver to the Govornment at some railroad are rcjiiirid to make sucli examination. ?G3t Gdica, fayettevilie, Itf. C., I tJcroHKH I860. ) Sc'it‘i:.U of t!if Arrif'al tirid Dfpartnrf of tkf Mail* at ihu HALFIGII ri.i \VKr;^t!BOKO’, tc - isilj', ' xo- p( -I'uni j. -Ij i*. -M 1) .? .t'Uly. I'Sfi'pt S -.ini f H P. M. vi.v -iU .!CRVIL,L.E. O.'-i'irta T iictii/ 't. \r!*iv Wrd'i--»dty C3;i'>-i»y At *.* I’. M. W.»K- \ -'i ,-ir. I'l.lNTON, .;\r ’!»"3 uiiiy rtt 12 uo.-n. Uapnrm 1 ku> at P. >1. O.-tllTHAiiK \r'."v. . •■' j.’si.j, T '•.ra J iy -.u i at 7 P .'1 L> jj ii (Ipni tj, W' Jiias i .y 'v ;i Fri'J *y at 1 P. M. CilETiAW, S. Til i’.-.ur.-ij t.. .»iia Sa'urlay H F M b jur:s .•3.1Ui .y. Tt ana J'liursd^v nl 1 P. M FlIR ULUfF LUvlBEilTON. depot, or such other place or places as may 2 be designated by the Secretary of War, | within 12 months next ensuing, 100 pounds of oacon, or, at tho election of the Govern ment, its equiv.'Jent in pork, and 100 lbs. of net beef (said beef to lyj delivered on toot.) for each able-bodied slave on said faim or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef siiail be paid for by the Government at the prices fixed by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act: Provided, that' when the T S’ "— iiy. i 'mrjii'iy ^rj.i S^Juriiy at G A '1 u .• ‘'.y, i'-i >-i jy ».i 1 T lUTit J »t I P. M K .iziBsrwrowN. i)‘.p»rr.d >i >i.t ly. .> »ti: .ijiy ail Frj-liy ai ti A. -M. Arr)..:-i f'iUT‘i+> auJ S»tarii»y at 2 P. M. K.f Z\B£-JiFi) v:* i iUlEBINrH A.-rirrtd .»I q 1 ly ,i ^ V M. L* !p*ri5 tJiy at. > P M. .M,VJN >LI V V.-. oyPiiCSS OHEKK. Irris.'*} Tue;li.y at 2 P. i\l. f.» •"t.’i J -i.fr:» iiay (Tins,i*r) i^t 2^ p. r*I S^TiFr ISLAND Ti^ MONTP.J.SK, COVISQTON *vl PvJVVELL rO!^ -\r-iTPs Ta -='Jiy ar, 6 P. ,%I lJ?part9 VYo-la.^uJ-xy at tV A .M. SWIFT !;^LAN’0 via TllOV. ArrivcH I’aiidl i/ at (» P. M. O^ipi'tx Wc'ln.:"'i.'%y ."tt 11 A M. AH V »-> »» o iUj^ 'J 1*. i 111 l-'ttr-j £)(, gyj,, gfj froai •ii'd .jdic'. J -I !«a7 sui.i, 'au^;. pail i'i>r a? >f b/IS . S \ii d.'i'i i»f ..f^ .hi .J; i {T-isid by If d 1 O i>^. .itfij-j w!l 'J -.D-a a 1 4^ 10 .)i p Si. J.AS O v.OJK. 1» M :>e ['i from to !*J Tii95-i>axii5 pajTiKa, V » ■ .. :.c.rl7 S* TiftK ^oiiTfi i;\aoLi:v% MTiJAL Lli?iS €0»JP1XV, NO>V -a the tenth year of sucoeitsfjl opervion, w.'i* growing oapiial and firmar held upoa public con- fttlbace, coniiauos to insure tb*/live? of ail health j pw soaa frota i4 to 00 years of Ace, for one year, for seTfo iiupi aooiuoiib tuiiy. 1 Y w iiou luo ycftrs, aad for life—all life iztenibcrsBaftriag id the profits person thus exempteu shall produce satis- Ail BlaTeu from 10 to GO years «f aire are iaburei lot factory evidence that it has been impossible for hirti, by the exercise of proper diligence. to furnish the amount of ineat thus contract ed for, dnd leave an adequate supply for the subsistence ot those living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War shall direct a commutation of tUe same, to the extent of two-tlurde thereof iu grsia or other for one year »r for five yaarn for two tbir'ds their All laesea aru punoiually paid mthin 90 days afl*r sallsfiMtory proof is i>re?juied. For further laformation the pubii's referred to Ageats of tbe Compaay ia all partd c * h« Stace, aai to R. H. BATTLE, deoret'iry, Raleigh- fi. J. H.'VLU, ^geat at J**'j 1869. FaveMiflTifie. Nj ” Blauk >¥«urr»QUaa\« fi)r #■ \L i:e>w FI n Pri -.p *fT the » Uancp B^or I fio B f^^TADVER'; of t '■ tiiii'h for ! eee !ing pHUIio.it hat' square (ei^ for ca?h sucoew quet Ini to slate they will ,.,,n Ingly Advmisf „.n *ertitieu}(>m From au i« irill 1 •e t*n»ertJ the p.iper bv sea tbtO) I** for. Su‘h ol oisrijf per on thi.s.sysn remitui:.;*'!- «IVfJ A Wll>L a(t^ud Cu>»i>erliiu tiM. a elalmH eti'i-iistfJ Oci. 17, IS6'(. J jdt'acrr' nn KA Jaii'y to. Ho' NAlHiN i sTKKil I\. UHOLi:SAL April I'u B 6 w >ktr;!. WCJ Comiuiaiilon vvil Oct to. 2,500 UU.Sl ‘^Pert“'nM t.aTid the kigliori. Ovibii, at the M u.ch lui ber at b;« nli Nov. 6. ISU:. ~~ A IS 1AM I r p«rtfd Haruei*!^ for A givt gO>d bbi gait orders to ii*e ae ■«nt ofi in quick Qold>'on P 1. 4041 ttim. Oct. } o Payettflvilla, or FeVy li. \s>:i Wail ESTEKlS kj lk,i-ii No’f-; Ovid Aud 8i North Carol w County ,f 0 Towb of ^ y Qri-PUrti.oru Oocfeieraie Ccaj-»ue of 1 of' .,f Oot 1*2: Lead wANfEi Deps rtni^nt. tities If iii p\ja>te FOWDBR 1 .r 10 ««-tf Pnlii The Bubt-eribcr aaj qui>.utiM vif.B. IK 1W1LL pay the of good 00 W U Cowt; ftlao, BRl^ to me. FavBtt**®''!. _ which ia a )rr»M. a Bufi&oieut ^upplj QMity to resur. i« frieods oi it ■ Oli ap and briag to I We have no iiine but Mehiire. Ui'O this tov*n of Mr. Ikem. r«b’7 15 .\or TaBABnnaa’s Or Books for for of tLl^ Cc-'ip All pcrHoiiB d« miUrprue oaa foi the amcuct itey OMh by souit! t.u forward ('eriifica Shares ^>00 ei Ekid in Uieir tab eat moaicai 12-I»ipdl I'lie Far raaBa« for 1804 Jm’j 21