mm ■’I' K’msflf i’i^'visi--tis •h he mu% '''Ulftioi; ■ " 'ho laui V : ;ii> C't.lll - e it'iproKs i \ ei.- . .Vtii.J f': a i' li; -I tiiea' ; ifd fur - ='“i‘!'ived - Vi t‘l!- ' ii e ,i:. . ‘ '-1 ‘iu ■» ’I''* ' i'l'-' inc t -r t;_ . ‘ l^';nav. • ■■ : '‘Urli i- . ■>\-i-t. ■nay ■U: ,rv in ■ ■'= tho in ;i- ‘ "« ■ -;i!'!er i.u ;U>l.'y in ir ‘ itn ] ■ ' ;inri ■ ^ - \v:ecd- :K0 Urticios • ■ ue imder *■ . - i.litor :ititi >;i ■ ■ anv o»'- 1h- 1 ' ‘rnmctit, VV'. ' M:- re. -t a- '■• all cortity { ‘ lu‘ rr-' ided, thar :--l -1 . .11.- pj.] a ! ;:■ actual U"i d fxeilljtte a:. ! i HTiptii.ij, -I -:t the m . ; ;V iiia) ■ *;4-' -1 ;..i: e!u ri';. S 1- 7 P .M F P. M. r- M r> 1 . . M M ■l: M 1' t S t; ■ .M ' t r F M ■II-- r- ail ; •» D if if r ' • '-y ■* 'i ^ Ij M I 4 r* ; r .>v. la liO ,5\ \ ili » i Il a. wiib It uj. . il!.:- eon- 1- 'ji ■ .J per I- Jl*' , ,'jr i»eTen ji.-ofita l»K^ jurel fot Ir-l^ '■ ^-vlue l.Oir* ‘ays af!«r 1 r r^rred to 1' .'i. and to lUicigh. - it ai rt t.!i Tiriyii, ««£]mi-wee: AYCTTEVll.LE. N. C., MAY 2, 1864 {NO. 1328.] 'MMNTKD 'JONMAYJ^ aN1> TUni'^U^YS KOM l!U> J. HALE k SOXS. FriToKS and PROPRIETOIIS p-\i 1 Pri'«> fa-'Tni-Wpelilv OnsiBv»« flO 00. a Uancp * Forihr r)KaKRVKi> ?6 00 per mtniuR. pitij in ft lvq»ioe. , l;j6f“Al>VERTISEMENTS inHerttxi for S- p*;r s* uaj'e of Miioh for the first, auU one ilnlUr for c»oh suc- oee iiiijf publication. AilTertii»emeuts not exceedinjt a hal' squaTe (eii;ht lines) $1 for tbe firs* and 50 cpor« for cft5h «uoce^ing publioalion. Adrertieerfl are re- ^u«t (ei to state th^ numb«r of iuMertions de«irel, (vr they will Kfi oontinned till f-’rhid. and charjfod accord- tnflv. Advertis»*n„.Dls nantinited i*uiek, ohitrfred n«i new ad- Tertirtemem ' ^ j 8BOOND CLlStJ, OR DBOlt. 8PE0L .L NOTICE. [ Frori 'VilmLngtoa to Fiyetipvi'.l.', From au ler thisdale, no name of a nvw sul>»crlt>cT j ** “ ** irill te entered without payment in ail^inoe, nor wilt ! ,, ,, Al!*T‘Oi!ir( abo^t' the paper be seat to HU'b subscribers foi •« lMiger tin.« j jp^fleoond Jlw# or Dck Paa8eaCM LIST OF €HiR;KS FOK PASSGXIifillS. The rollawiog r»t?s 'tf (’nh»H7e ’’ Hp i -w'»u . our Sit'^m.’rs: — i>owm. . Fr.>nt ■^'jyjtt riMe to Wiltniu^fon, OtJ Eliinb^fh, lo 00 •• While Hall, -.{U W “ 0-Te, -1 tX> “ .'^.1 ) be'i’W, 00 SECOND*OLAScJ, OB OKCX . F->'i- K .ypifoTi'te to '''’lu'in^’ioo, flO '^0 '• •' “ EIi*abe‘b, 5 00 W»«iehan, ' TAK) *■ ..II KpI'j’., i’cre, 'i 0' Ail p.'HlifH b»'’o%, 10 0\‘ UP. Ft tim Wt!min^*on to Fav‘tfev»lle, S30 00 Keliy’b 13 60 “ 'Vbit» F.\lt 16-60 " “ BMzHbe’li, 00 “ •• •* Proapeoi H»li, 'i-* 00 “ “ “ All |>oini« ab;»Tc*, * >10 00 Ibac 19 priid for. Sttoh ot oi»' oU .iubsoribers at* aesire to t iki- tha p^i per on this .sj steaj will please notify us wIk'h ntakini; remitiniio*'!'. Jau'j 1. 1S58. IfVW. vTJTrX,. .WrliVf 1’. Attorney at Law, 'i^'AYEri'SVILLE, X. WIi.L attend ibe County and Superior Coiirtd o{ Cuaiberland, KAruett, Moorr aii'l llobosju Coun- tiM. Pi’oiupt attention given o th.-' loHootiiin «>f nil I low-r leek tit T>»y fuU pri elalma eutniPied to hix hands. Oct. 17, l86Vt. 5d-if JO». UTJLEV, fii'orrr and i’ommianiBn Jtenhant, FAYKTTKVILLK, N Jau y 10, NATHINA brKKU v.n! wh h.hkrnaru. I\. A. HTVAm\^ A: I’O., UHOLI::SALi: l\D flErili. iKILKKS A N 1> C4>m111O.nKU'H4IfT .fo. 19, Hag street, KAVKTTKVn LK, N (V April l!u. -'•tt B a W iRTH. I* O W-vKTH H. a. iiAMir.i. WORTH & CO., ComiDissiou aud Forwardiog BSerch^ts, Street, WlhMlNGTON, N 0 Oct lU. 7?5 liffi WAilTE». 2CAi bushels wheat. ,OUU l.VKt “ OORN Per*»onH bavttit; the aboT*r articles to sell willreceiTe liie hight'i Outsit prioc iiy calling oa .'fr M Thomason, at tiie im Milis, P»iyeUeville» t»i' ->0 tbe «iibf:cri- ber at bi“ olii »:aul oi Market Square .\LEX JOHNSON, Jr. Nof. o. 18o. AK^IY HARIVE^. F AM pr« pured to raaruiaoture all kinds of Wagon X Hamebtt for Army use. 1 tan my leather 'in-l can fit* good baigaiu«. Agents will do well lo send their •rdera to nte as tb y shall liaTc prompt attention, and i«nt off in qnick disnatcl'. JOHN f^ARTER Qoldsion P O., Obalnam Co., S. C., I Jnne l!i, 18ti2. | ‘ llOO lt>«. 4«itin /'Irabie for sale hy .1 R. LEE ►>9if M Oct. }h. Alter this date I will pay 15 Cents per pound for raj^s, or tl>« Ui»;he8t market prio«’. deliverod iu vuv imiii* .i;^ tioc-&Dnii. 7 'f Fayottevjlle, or FeVy I'i. ISUi Wanted to PCircliase, W fiaiEKM KAIL ROADSTOOK; Bf.i'k No'e“: Owld »n>i North Car'tlina TicaMury Soiei (PundAMt: ) •* *• •• aud *• “ Bouds, old and u^w; Cotinty jf Cu-nV>erl'invl Boatis: Town of Fayetteville fronda; Qreeurii.uru' $1 and >2 Certiiicaiee, Ooofe leraie 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds;, of $15,000,000 loan; “ of Town and County Bonds; " of oid North Carolina Bonds; •T. S. LUTTERLOU. OoL 12; lB(j3. 71»f OKUXASCK DItPARTMEXT, i Ralbioh. N. C., May 8, IStii. / LEAJD wanted.—I wish to purchase Lead for t^le DcpKrtm^nt. Pernons havtufr large or 8mall quan tities ifi:i ploanti apply at ouof. WiU give I puuud of POWDER i >r 10 pou.ids ol t.E\D TH.'XS D HOQQ. Capt. C. S. tt^tf In chargo of — Pallua Cliri^ti Beams. The anbboriber will pay the Kigheat ca^h prices for mny quMni'-y ^f Pal*ra Cbri'fti Beans- jiio 00 « xyn 9 OO 10 00 'IS' on «>» Pira 'Au extra ch-irge wiil t-.e nnui,- ft>r V>';»y Pa. seu- ners geitiug isio berths i»uj in^ c**y tiaie, h^J for orcu pvirg a Berth with ibeir hoo‘- or Urol's on. it »h' di« crptio>> nf fh« (’ftptnin. J. A Wl>Rr«,f.>rO F dt'in IJ’t Co.. * R. M ORRELL. »'or-Si’r? ml 8uii , T. S LUrTRRLtMI F.b’y 23, 1S64. 9 tf %VE«TKttiirilAIL ROAI». riMiE FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS of thie A Roid leave Fayetteville daiiy, (Sundays excepted) ai 8 o’olock, A M. and rcfuuinn ‘cavvj Egypt at 1 o'clooa. P. M CattU aud Uorsf Trufi MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aaJ FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. RtitiE, Treaa’r ind GenM Trans. .*Lg’t. Jan. 22, lKtii 97tf From and alter tius date the Stuaoier A. P. IICRT will leave at 8 o’clock, A#M., on .Monday and Thursday. J(.i8 A WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Aj’t C. F tsifiani Uoat (’i>. A?^HEVIiri.K,ll. V. WILL open the E.AGLE HOTEL for ih« re ceptiou of Guesttt the first of June, and 1 ho^e ,to be ab!j (« eatertaia froui seventy-five to a hundred persons during the Suoimer. In oonnection with thia large Hotel, 1 have a number of Hacks, Carriages. Buggies and Saddle Horses that uy guesta c.:;u get at a minute’s notice. J. .M. BLAIR. Proprietor Eaglf* Hotel. .Asheville, N. C. May 13,18«3. 31-ypd WANT]^, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. 1>OULTI^, Chickeos, Butter and other delicacies for the sick Soldiers at this Hoepital. Persons having these articles can obuiin t!ie markrt an applija tiun to the subtjoriber at bis cl.l st -.ul or at Mr J W P''wrr»’s on llmv Street. R. K. HEIDfc, Geu’l Ag I. ^ug. 25. 58-tf Efi:ypt €3onl iflisie. T1HE undersignea were, at rhe November Term of the A Oouie-ierate Court, District of North Carolina, ap- poiaU>i Mao.»g«n> of th>- Egypt C^al Mine cro^iurty, and have entered into ctipartnership for the purpose of miniaf and selling Coal, and solicit orders fur the in any oeeired quantity. Orders for any amount can be suppliea on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty ia uudoabtediy the best in the Confederate States Applicatioce mi^ be male to Chas B. Malleti, Fayette ville. N or Jataes Browne, Chai^eston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMER BROWNE ^ ayotteville, Jan’y 20. 186S Wtiif LIgbt Artillcrj! Light Artillery! WANTED for my liutcry, 20 or 25 m^n. The uiu%l brvunty and o’otHiag and ratioES given Apply to Col John H. Cook, Fayeti^vilie. or JAtfi D. COM MING, Capt. C3. C. 8tk»T’s Bat , Kuicton, N. C AomI 4 20 -Mpd Coopers Wa.ited. VHREE SPIRIT B\RRBf* COOPERS waattd, for » which a libera! pri^e w'M b* t'aid and ••*!» ty work p'iTMi t.y Mf)ORE. M-?nWELL & CO. M-*rctj »1 19 ytpd W LUBRICATING OIL. fphli U '>icr3i,Ti» ct ; w pr Dure l t i t'n •'i" I nirili-i A very (»upern>r aruoie of’ATING OIL, eipeoialhg for and iYuoUiL Faelona Wc li^ini .'iiKt. tins Oil do-^ >. ot ga.t), iRiv> b^i lun at grtatvr f.peed with p. war sh«ii any»>t?)er •‘>1 •. loept .'iper'n. Mr VV 11 Porter, Superiut*»-i lent •>? Piiqiri'X CJctioi* F. it'ty jtrii oM:: -a -• ben» u^.sg ;'.iUi i^ubr^ #.* i-J O i ff^r 2 cr .‘i -.n'With^, a.if! i». t.i '■ .= •■ap, rior to jther Oii i ow in u-•for lii:vi>j i)ii;f. ” r J *11) K rn'.-:ivi, Sutj't of iilouatV F«.«;;orj-, un.vs: *I (WiR c'leeri.illy say your I.abnc.incj O.l • Puo.-r O' .art!!' e. Ii 'lOt j» ’ai ic fh*s If ■»F‘\ but keep') ihc joa‘i>‘vl- ol"»r »nd " Mr A F U' OkTdi'e, L ’>'-1 Knciucer of tr.c C S Ar.-io- na' aud i'jm .ry oi fJais c'aee, was requested try it a^^^i S1V-: ‘ I mini fjr lixlit m%ohitier>—“uc;i rsCo't- u F^cnrit'S—ft>jd for n>a?tiinory ^lon !>■« xno»i‘'’n is ^lt w.your Lu>)rio*.tingtiil ^viU coui{ ar« next in qual ity tj Sperm ” Other of>tt jd mauuTaoturers have iruJ it aud pro n'unja l faTorably of ii- We will furni«h this Oil byi’te barrel at J'iU par gel lou. cash HKNRV K 4-«ii.T£%w_ A;ient Faye(.ti,TiUe Keros'.ao Co. April 4. 1864 ‘-?0 ^ ' BlJR.liTllCJ ML. JE can furui^ti RIOROSE.NE BURNING OIL in q»Hi tities of 6 or 10 c; tUons at t26 p*r itallau; tin c^us or Kegj $15 to *d lit ':3a il. 8:ud 3i«nj or ki'|j;-> W-en 0 :tiveniont. T ils !s ks i(or>d an Oil ms can be made witaout the o»t»’u>'e Aloohut. R.ii^ti it i» iuipr8-iibte now to ot>'.iiD. Ttie wTok •'f the oriiuary K-Mrosene taiup shoul: I'O slig'itly leog h.:u«d by soldtrmg oa a piroe. With a l^nip I’lUi »rr:»i>g d uuroil burnH wiih'it ?moke »ul with a=? n:uob briil'ancy a-* anv N'-rtf'>rn Ksroscu®. HENRY E COLn>N, Afc’iF K Co. April? ?1 ff EAGLE FOUNUttY. ^0.\1E luontbs ago we completed all cur fixtures fi.r O tJie mauufaclure of CAR WHEELS, but owing to tae fiilare of the lupply of Iron •>f proper nature, we have n.'i lately been able to supply aaj demand for them; t'i;s difficulty however, will be overcome in the ocurse cf nix weeks, at which lims we shall he able id farniRh whrels cf »Lc following b;*)s—24, 26, 28 and "0 inches; aua Chilli Tires The Iron we shall use tfr them will be «’oH Blast t'harcoal Iron, and we war- tKn: fur wheels NOT TO CR.ACK. and to be equal lo auy niad; la *Lir CuufeJei -oy, f.r to ih'.so of Wbitaey & Soi.-sof Poiiiia: oia, whas-» fepu'ation isaia well known by ail R>ll,*oii cvcnp'tuif;-'. Wf arv* preparrtJ lo o.?e:ute tiooui. Dry Sand, au i uriou tfaul Wor, of .uy s.-kpe or *j»a. D ANDERSON a CO. Faytii-ville, M^rcb 8'*. 1861 19tf IHtVrKDKKTTK^ilrK^tTli' AMBEICA, Enoibkbe Dupaktmbht, Dist. Capi Fhak, WiimtngtoD, N. C , .^aroh 16th, lb68 NOIICE is hereby given to all perdo.18 having claimi agaiimt the Engin'er Departcseni, for services of slaves employed aa Kburers on tlio iMid dtfmcu near Wilmington, N C , that the undersigned is authorised acd prepared to p>y the ^ame at bis effioe, on the ae- cjnd fijor of the building next above Meare«‘ Drug Wtcr', Market Street. Persons rxeouting Powers of Attorney will ob )>erve the following form —their signatures, in all caiea. )t( be witues'€d by two wi;aeases and aigned in dnrli- cate, or they may be wiinessoJ before i. Jo8tie« of the Ptace or Cl»rk of raj Co.tri FORM OF POWaR OF ATfOHNLr. I, 'f . Jo h«*reby appoint , of , ay true anJ lavful Agci.: lo sign reoeipts for, aad r«oeive payment of all moneys due to me by the Bagineer De part i.ieu'. of Uie Confederate Stated of America, for the tervioc-itff my slaves employ.'d as laborer* on the laAd defences at , during ihe mouth of , 18C Witness a»y hand and seal at , the day of 18ti (Signed in dnplioate ) * [8^1 ] Witnesitts, HARNErr COUNTY. A poi iion of tb« cltizcos of Harnett County having con vened at Lillington ou -the ^>th iast., a meeting was held in which nearly all the districts in the county were repre e«t«d. J(UUA:> P. Hodges vrascallo4 to th« Chair, aud D. McN. McKay was requested to act as Searetary. Mr. Hod^s on takin*; the C^air stated that the object of the nseetinfj was to take into .eonsideratioa the propriety of recow- uiendm^ to the loyal voters of onr county some nietUad of socunug «x)-o|>eration among onrselvc!* in the elni'tjoii of Catididalss to r«“presoBt us in tka uuxt I.egislatare. He said, fri)in all indications, and fi oiu fnot.« i5eveloT)'>j;i every day, that ia all probability there would bi- iv candidate bt'fore the peoj>le for Iheir ealfrHj^e:*—tliat a clect fiNH tlieir nuniVier good nieu anil triit, nH^uir^^iJ unitel action and oonc?T!lrai'*ti etfort; liu li^il nu doiiljt iu his mind tliat if we • lii d>;vi*e some liietinid by wbieli the people could !»« I’au roi'ri»s«nlel there wuuld be no Holdenite caudiJi^te iu our county with the faintest hope oi* election, nor even a Vance man with the least tincture a/ Confedfrate yrrju4 ee After a very friendly inferchange of thoughts, plans, views and snggeetions by the meeting, to bring alwut this desired conaummatioB f-.UrtwiTxr nnaolutions ware AUCTiOW SAI^E^a M CRONLT, Aaotion«er. BY CAI’ALOGUE (*F inPOHTEU UOODK. I'/AKGUE'; STKAM I JIIPS PET AND LUl ¥ Wit! a,i jry i i im-p atbrr S^ips. county to hold a Convention at Lillinj MONDAY in MAY; to nominate Can ns in the next Legislature. peopl i^on on the FIRST oidatefi to repreaeut to be held 2d, That we recommend prunary mettingi in the different districts of the county, ou the 4tli Satux- DAT in April, for tlie purpose of sending Delegates to said Convention. 8d, That every gentleman in tliis meeting assembled is requested to give publicity to the above resolutions. 4th, That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be sent to the Fayetteville Observer and Carolinian with the request to publish the same. JAS. P. HOlKJErt, Chm’a. D. McN. McKav, Seo’y. 23-tlstM To the Voter* ol Harnett County. 1111E traders gn:l, a private iu Co. A, 6th N. C Cav- . airy, having been solicited by some of his frionda, respootfuUy announoe^ himeelf to the soldiers and citi- s;us of Harnett county as a Candidate for tbe Oflico of SHEKIFF at the election on the first Thursday in Au gust next. SAMUf’L D. PIPKIN. MaT3h 21. 17 24tpd } To tbe tittiens and Soldiers of Oarnett. At the solidtatioa of many of my friends larespectfilly auiiouiioe rayt^elf a candidate for re-election to the ofllcc of Sheriif for tbe county of Harnett. Profoundly grateful to my friend.t both at home aud ia the Army for the very jjenerons support heretofore received at their haitd.s, 1 can only pledge that should they again mani - fest their confidence by re-elccting me I will, as hereto fore, serve tl>«m promptly aud impartially. Very lespectfaliy, JAS. R. GRADY. April KJ. 24-te County Salt. The District Comniidinuera for Cutnberland county are notifled tbu a lot of Stlt has been re«'eived by the County Comn-.issioner. which will bo ready for dv livery from anl aft''r this date Diatriot Commissioa* et« will octne prepared to pav for the Salt when taken away ' P F. ALDERMAN. April 2.-4. 1864 26 2t rojR I WILL soil or exchange for 4 pir cent. Confederate Ikuids (at their market value) .Monclove Farm, in the French Broad Valley. Transylvania county. The Farm coutaim 080 acres, of which 210 of bottom land aud under the mo!t ncoe^'ui cultivation. Producing (per acre) as large crops of gi'ain, clover aud other hay grassea as any farm In %V«>t«ru N. C. Tha boo*-poo yible order. Bnildings all new with every eonvenience of a first class establishment. The Farm is \teantifull7 lo cated, enclotied with fence of locust poats and oak and chesnat lathes. Addrees Dunn’s Rock. N. C. F. W. JOHNSTON April 22 26- 9tpd iS Headings Wanted. 1P1R1T BARREL HEADkNG wanted by MOORE, ' ASUWELL ■» 0J. Mar^h »l 19-9ird^ ~FLOUR A:«rOATS. I.TLOUR and OATS will be exchanged for Cora a* the D Store of D .MoLaurin, by ginng him a few d»y» notice. Flour rood. Oats No. 1. black or white. Jan’v 29. “ 2 tf_^ l^trayed or i^ltolen, Ij^ROM my reaideuoe on Little River, a FILLY' about ' J.WO years old, eorrei color, whiru hind foot. 1 will give flO for her reciverj. The signatuies uf oo.ordd sercons ahould be witaesae-i by three witnesses There must be »e] >iatc -uphcate Powers of Attorney for esich month Blank forma t^n be had open ^ppli- 9«tiou at tliis of&oe. W. H. JAMES, CapU & Chief Eag. Jan’y 20,1864 180Otf ¥»jetteTllie Anenal and Irnory,) Not. 12, 1868. f $100 BOVNTY. nianted^ lOO mltounted RUtemen, Authority having b«eu granted by tbe War De partment to raise a Compaay of Mounted Riltmen for servioe ia this vicinity, netice is hereby pven that recruits to the number of 100 non-eotuer^tt will be re ceived for this service. Ea.:h re;>ruit will be required to furnish a serviceable horse, tor which he will be al lowed 40 cents per diem, and his p»vy #12 per month. WrtUm permt»fion will be reiuired from parents or guaraians, where the applioaut is nadcr the eocacnpt age. Bach recruit must bring with him a blanket or bed spread, and came prepared to remain Bridliie, saddles, halt‘rs and saddle blankota furnish ed by the Government, or if the reeruit oomes provided with them, he wiil be paid for them a fair valuation. Apply to Capt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the At- IVOTICE. BY' order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Robeson county, Feb'y Term 1864,1 Beul>en King, Sheriff of said county, will sell for cash, at tbe Court House iu Lumberton, on the fourth Monday in May next, the following Tractn of Land, or as mnch thereof as will pay the tax aui? costs thereon for the year 1862, viz: One hundred acres located ou the Elizabeth Road, valued at 198. listed by RobLTtson Singletery, tax $2 33. AltK) at the same time, eight»-fIvo acres, located on Gum Swamp, valued at $255, listed by F. C. Watson, tax $l S3. R. KING. Sbff. 25-ta ALEX. Anril 6 DSRROOH. 21 tf $100 REWARD.* 3. A 'Tin*. (>nt S WORTH. 67-tf WAIVTED. 1WILL pay the highest Cash prioo, for any quantity of good COW HORNS, and LEG BONES of Horsfis and Cowt; »l3o, BRIAR Rl.'OT for making Pipes; delivered to me. Favwttpv B Fpb’v 29 RAC^IS! HA^SV, LEBERLF.R. 11 17tpd -The infe rior quality of the p*per on wbiob the Observer has been printed of late, and wblch ia a gr«^at eyj- scre to us, is owing to tbe want of a auffioieut supply of g >od rags, and the consequent ueo eaaity to resur. to luferiur materials. We appeal to the fVienda cf it .- Observer at all accessible pointa, to save up and bring to town all the rags they can procure We have no time ourselves to attend to their purchase, but MeHiirs Geo W. Williams A Co., the Agents in this town of Mr. Murphy, will pay 16 oenls per lb. for them. » * S J. HALE & SONS. Fab’j 16. Xorth t'arolina Volunteer Navy Co^ TaaASuasa’s Orrioa, Wilmiagtnu, N. 0., Maroh 6,1864 BOOK^ for farther subscription to the Coital Stoo^ of thU Ccsapwny are opened at this Office * All pfrHtma dosiro’is of aiding in thi$ all important mUijrite oaa fotivard me their names by mail statiog the amcunt tt-ey wish to subscribe, and then send the oaah by som« trusty person, on reoeipt of which 1 will forward Certificate of Atook. Shares ^'>00 each. AU old subecribers that have not paid in Ibeir aubooriptiona will pleaae do ao at the ear fieat momeat 12-19tpd1 W. D SMITH, Twian’r 'liic Farn«r«’and Planters’Ai- maaae for I8tM. ▲ f«w groce more jtwt retMived. )m'j ii S. i. BAU 4 eOHB. Ran AW ay fromtb«> fubacribsr on the 21bI February, t^een his CTin find mout>j. H« £ns.y probably have made bis way to Bennettsville, S C., where bib parents are I will pay ons hundred dollars reward for hia ar rest Mid confinoment in any jaij ao that I get him. D. W. AYER ^ay etw>ville. N 0. .Arril 7. 21 9jpd School BQoks. For sale, a varleiv of CLASSICAL WORKS;—01- le-dorlT’s French Oraramars, Gre^k and L>tin Lex icons, Webster’s Academic Dictionaries. Common School Booka. Drawing Mat'^rials. tto , etc A ld'etu 8-9tpd “OMICRON,” Wilia!ng»ou. N. C. ' WAITED, An overseer, r;ne wlihont family, and bavin? soint* experience oi a farm nal dOtf] P. L. CHILDS, M^or C. S A. Coml’g Pest. trt M?j J^aaibaa Ev^oi March 29 Apply to tbe s'lHscriber or J P. robv;rtsoN. 19 Im Office Depot iVo. 13, ) Fayetteville. March 7, 1864. ) Pay your 'Tithes, pERSONS who uot tlready^ «fcuJl}i^&'iame”" l*aia l-jw ready to recr>ve the Bacon due under the tithe law. Six pounds of cured bacoa for every luO lbs pork slaugntered sine.* the 24th of April 1863 is required. Parties delivering their tithes at a distcnce of over eight miles will bn promptly paid for exocsH of hauling J. M. WILLIAMS, 12 i20.M] Agent for Qumberland county. NOTICE TO EARiHeIS. STRAW WANTED. WANTED immediatclv for tbe Hoapitala and Troops at Fayettcvilie, 20.000 oounds of WHP.AT STRAW, suitable for beddirg. Farniera having a aurpl^is of this artioln oa hand will ooufrr a benrlll on o ir eiok and wounded sa'd»«r8 by bringing it in A fair price will l>? paid -Apply to aUARTERM V8TER, at the Arsenal FayeticviUa Ardcna’ and Armory, April 4. 21if .\pril IG. $ltaliion, ITonngr Orang^eJBoy, TS offered for sale, and will jtatid at my Stables inSuIis- I bury, until sold, at $S0 thp Season, and $40 the Iiisu- j^nce. Orange Boy is a iKjautiful BloM Bay, blaek inane and tail, eight ycar.s old this Spring. Y’OUNG ORANGE BOY wa.s sired by Old Orange Boy, and he by John D. Amis’ Old Sir Archie. Young Orange Boy’s dam wa.'* got by Thomae Bennehan'a Character, he by Old Sir .Archie ■''haracter was out of a Druid Mare and she out of Janus. Besides, Y’oung Orange Boy is closuly connected to many other horses of fine blood: such as. Eclipse of Virginia, Barcus, Bainbridge, Imported Drivers, Diom‘de, Boiler aud import«d Medley. The above is the true Pedigree; of Young Oraage Boy. iliia Horse has taken threo premiums. JNO. A. noi.T. Salisbury. April 11 [a. w.] 25-4w Bank ot I’^yetteviile,) Aprib 16, lS(i4 ) The innual Meeting of the Stockhold'-rs of this En' ^ will take place at the Hall of the B«nk. on ■ the IGth dayof Muy iie.\t at 11 o'clock. 24-‘.d] W. (i. BliO Vl)FK>T,C".fc’. i-. HE FAYETTEVILLE COTTON CARD MANWA' PAYETTEVII.LE HVTIIiL INSIRAX€E €OMPAS¥. Capital in Premium Notea amounts to {267,088 2ti Caah on band and other asaeta, ■‘^,077 «5 Total, 12^706 61 Tbe Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium notea. Total loBsea paid, f.29,682 69 OrrioiBf: 3EO. McNEILL, ITreaident. D. A. RAY, Vice Preaident. C. A. McMILLAN, Seo’y. DtuoTOfta: W. N. TilUnghut, S. J. Hinadale, Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, 8. T. Hawley, NathaS A. St^man, C. B. MalleU, James Kyle, A. A. McKetkaa, J. D. Williams, B. W. TillingKaat. Wm. McLaorin, T. 8. Lntterlok, A. W. Steel, J. Q. Ceok, Hon. J. 0. Shepherd, E. F. Brawn, I wilm’*toB. A. E. Hall, J hn CoUina and C. C. MaCrummeo, TraS^eling Agenti JHITTli* CttMeai iavit* ^ppUoatiou. MtfaSfiMi. n- *«iuperior Court ot Ijavr lor Cum berland County, NOTICE is hereby gi?ca iu*t tn^jre will be a Spring Ter’n of fill: Court h«ld on the 7tb Monday after !ho 4th Monday of MaroK next, bfiing the I6th day^of iVlay 18*'4. to try aud determine all actions of Tort on tne Civil l^uckct. an 1 all oases nu the Stato Docket Notioe is furtiier givta, that ? y an order pat'sed at Fall Term 18>S, the day for trying State oaa^a in said Court has been chanfred from Tiitvaday to Monday. Parties aud witaessofl will govern thems.ilvea aocordingly. JOHN W. BAKER, C. 8 C. Maroh 14. 16-tO List your Taxabics. The undersigned having been appointed at Maroh Term 1864, of the Court of Pleaa and Quarter 8ea- aions for Cumberland oouaty, Liat Takers for the Town and CroBS Creek Districts, hereby notify all peraons tn oome forward and list their property during the laat 20 working days in April next, oomtnencing ou Friday the 8th We oan be found from 9 A. M. to 1 e’elnok P. M., esch day, at the office of B M. Onrell on Hay atreet. No liata will be received after the ezpirattour of the time which ia fixed by law. R M. OEBJKLL, Liat Taker for Town Distriat. JOHN W. BAKER, Jr.. Ult Talur for Qnm Croek Dtatiici. 14. rpi I TUBING COMPANY arc now niaiiufucturingC.'RDS superior to any run through tbe l.UK'kade.and at prepeut are selling for a lefts price UieBin^le pair or by tbe quan tity. Any person ordering six or more pairs, they will be securely packcd and delivered iu Wilmington (Vee of ex pense. Call upon or address A. A. McKETHAN. J. A. WORTH. ALSX. JOHNSON, Jr. Fayetteville, N. C., April 18 24tf Prcubyterian and Carolinian copy. The wants ot* the pieople «up- uUed at tlie Star Founiky in Fayetteville with Cooking rots. Kettles, Ovens, Spidera, PlawB and Plow Puiiits ot all ttie dilTerent patterns now iu iise. Castings of auy description made at short notice. Sugar Mills made tu order at the Star Foundry in Fayetteville, N. by April 11.—24-lm ] M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville Rosin Oil Works. OUR Oil Works are now in complete operation, and as we use nothing but good rosiu in producing the Oil we can recomiiietid it to be the bet>t of tbu kind made in this country. It is a fine Lubricating and Tanner’s Oil, and we would be glad to receive orders from tlie Goverumont and the public generally. We will sell on reasonable terms. MOORE, CASH WELL CO. April 15. 2.H-tf ON WEDNE I’AV iU> 1! th. 18tl4, oomj^rnclng a* 9 0 l-lcca. A. .M I «|l. Srll -t luj- Sf-->es RoCTliB, N“> 2 Granite Ro^, Wi „i.,^tjn N. i)., tbe Cargots of tbe ab ivo n«ij!e'd iJbip «, t-,igci'»*r wita othtr eonsignrccats. ilrij iu p«r. cf DRY G(X)D8. R V,*lf?8 wbif.' Fla inel 1 biiise blue ’o '*’•« sc«rbi do 2 h-.les Driuted rto 1 bale .Mair,f‘ut.a do 1 i-ai# fctuLo do 1 bals AMorted do 6 Oases Dt-Laines 3 capes Mtriau Sbirts S bales oo orud •1 Da Ira Mc.tou Ciaihs 2 oasee siik Uaiidt robicfs 4 cases Glovej, Braidit. 2 o%sea black Aipacoa 2 csaen '«ncy Bwted« 2 esFog fl&x 7 bread 2 e»s'^s vio** 2 oases Bone Bnttena 2 «ases fancy Wove ISblrH 2 casoR Black and Whitfa Musiia 2 oases Repatta Prints 1 0^ Buntiog. Ri*d, Whi'e ani Blua I case Long Shawls 1 ease Ready-Made Clothing 1 case Corsetta, Hoop Skirts, Hoaitry, Se 1 case Pilot Cl«th 1 bale Coasimrre I cafe Spool Cotton SHOES, &o 14 oases Ladies and Gents Sboaa 3 oases Army Bluohers 1 case CsTalry Boots 4 oasee Boy’s Sho«8 1 oaee Calf skins 4 cases Supr Chamois Skins 1 bale Shoo Thread STATIONARY. 5 oases Sutiouary Letter Papers, Pens, LfaJ Pe’;oil8, i > COTTON CARDS. *o 12 oases Cotton Cards, 500 i>air 1 '-ase Superior Ca''t*- Clo’birg, 4 i 84, ^ lo bales Stitcbing Twice OROCERIES 72 packages superior Green Tea, obeats, hal' r^;l•^t and aaddies 104 packages Black Tea, ohebts, half ohtMa aud cad dies. 22 barrels crushed Sarar 22 bag^ Jamaica Cutfee 50 boxes Adamaatinn (’andles 17 bags black Pcpti.'r 10 casks Chickory 5 barrels Starch 5 b'>zes Starch 2 casks Vinegar 50 barrels Mackerel 10 half Barrels Msckerel 85 kills do IA kitts Salmon 66 sacki* Liverpool G A Balt 10 T»bla 3alt, 102 dct t oares Spiots HARDWARE. to kegs Cut N'ails, asiiorted sia*s 54 drums Nails 4 tons Nail Rod Ircn 4 cases Cut’ery ' 1 case Hatoheta 1 case Rasps 1 case Pistol Cartridges I case Rifle wipers and girths 10 oases Qua Caps 1 cask Shoemaker’s Tools OILS, &c 132 tins Kerosene Oil, 6 gals eaoh 2 casks Whale Oil 1 sask Coal Tar DRUGS 10 cases Super Mass L^anrice 2 eases Liquorice Root 101 barrels EngUsb Copperas 64 krg Bi Garb Soda 80 drums Balsafx Copaiba 2§ barrel" Aluta 10 C4t«e8 Blue Mass 7 ca^ka Epsom Salts II barn Is Epsoni flr.iis 43 k«gt Epsom Salts 12 o.wkb Alcobcl 11 b^rrelH Botax 3 barrels Sidi Crytjta'a 1 ojfces Pure Ca« ?o%p, :J5t) U^s 8 eases Magnes'a 2 casks Gum>lcr 2 ca^ks Extract Lorwo'^d 2 casks Pota»h 1 case Gum Sliellao 2 kogsJSftltpe're 4 ca^es Tart. Acid 2 cases BiJ>.ing Powdt-.r 1 ovH.; Ms'^bia .\o«t ajd Mtd 1 c%89 Pu.'tipboras. LIQUORS, 8 'iHif P. oes Pol'S Martet Brandy. ^ a»MIM - 45 Rum 1’ Ale. 4 dcxea each 4S cases do 4 do 90 cases O.d Tnm I’ordial Gin 60 cases D ’oLn's fiiK’ Gin 146 catjs fine Holland Gin 162 oases supfcrl-ir Ccgnao Brsnd^ 20 oises Sootch Whiskey 40 demijobns pure HoUami Gin Wilmington, N..0 , AprH 25 Negro Men for sale. Two young and likely Ne^ro Men, for whom Confed erate Bonds, 8«. 7s. 6s or 4s, will be taken. Refer ence to Wu. MoL. McKay, Elsq , Fayetteville. - April 14. 28>9tpd A (wood Cook Wanted. IWISfi to purchase for my own usa, a stout, healthy woman—one that is quick and active, and above all, perfectly cleanly about her cooking department. J^O. A. HOLT. Salisbury, April 14. fa. w.l 23-4w Further Supplies. THKf Cotton BjaMB fw tte Guap. A|riin ' 27-ta BANK CAPE FEAR, ) Wilmington, N. II., April 21,186i, ) The *nnual Meeting of the Stockhulders ot this Bavnk will be held at their Banking House in this place i’>n Thursday, May 5th, at 10 o'clock, .A. 20-tm] J. 0. BURR, Cashier. Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, Aprii. 18, 1864. J W'NTED, a number of Fi.sherm^. !«killed in taking Sturgeon and other kiuds of 11^‘h. The attention of Farmers resident along the course of the River, and of Conscripts who have been found uufit for active field service aud are to be detailed for light duty, is particularly calbkl to this advbrti-sement • ' Apply at ouce to 25-8t Lt. Col. F. L. CHILDS, Comd’g Officer. Wanted—Wood Land. THE undersigned will give a fair price for a well wooded tract of LAND of 100 or 200 acres, on the Railroad at any point between Jonesboro’ and Fayetteville. Wood, pitch pine boxed or unboxed HENRY E. COLTON, Ag-nt P. K. Co Fayetteville, April 19. 25tf FEDERAL ENLISTMENT IN IRELAND Froai tbe Irish Tim^s, Msrch 1. On Saturday last 600 able-bodied young men left the North Wall for Now York. They had been collecfed from thiti city and the Buborban dis»rict« and were brought to theqaaysin ^oupe of four, ten, fifteen, or twenty. Wherever m the neighborhood of Dublin laborers’ work was pro ceeding, there the Federal a^eot appearad, pioked out the strongest men, talked them over, and generally sucoceded in buying their lives. The men are not f^ld in express words that they must enlist in the Federal armies, but they kpow very ^ well what they arc required to do, and what they mast do. They are ostensibly eogiiged to work on the construction of a railway for three months. The whereabouts of the rulway we have been unable to discover. Their passage, clothes and food are paid for and they are nominally allowed a dollar a day until the expiration of three months. Their acoonnts will be settled, and the cost of their pass^e, clothcs, and keep, is to be deduot- (id from tbe money due from the quarter’s ser ving When that settlement is made the men '‘ tuay enlist in the Federal armies if they please," it il prefer it, they may seek work. The Xorfheruers are a sharp people, and they take ,,c»od oara that the '‘three months men” musten list iu the Foderiil army to keep themHelves from prison. For on arriving at New York the “emigrants" are plae«d by thcniaclved either on some island * or in an inolatcd depot. While there they must buy food, water, boots, and clothing. They are charged ten dollars for what is worth two. Temp-' tations are offered to them of every kind. If they have no money, so mueh the better. An aooom- modatiog dealer in greenbacks attends every com pany, and cashes their notes in advance at an enormous per centage. On the expiration of the three months the emigrant has had some expe- rittuec in digging trenches, more in drill, but he is overwhelmed with debt. He has been exposed to the rapacity of a swarm ot harpies and to a legion of seducers. He is told he may find em ployment where ho pleases, when he has paid hia dibts. In this difficulty he is offered £165 in greenbacks, a buui which will clear off his liabili ties, and give him some capital to commence a new score, until that too is wasted,, and then he “is sent to the front.” ^ There never was devised a more iniquitous scheme ot deception, and, unhappily, never was a wicked device so successful. Misguided young men are hired and then plundered, and they are plundered to compel them to enlist. When they are once regularly enlisted, they have nothing before them but deaUi—death either in the sad den shock of battle, for they will be placed, as usual, in the van or on the fortorn hope; or death after lingering suffering when they have been abandoned wounded on the field; or death by-fe ver, which kills them off like flies in pestilential hospitals, whose very walls arc impregnated with disease. Out of every hundred men who leave their sweethearts, their families, and their work behind them, not fen will be alive at this time next year, and of these more than half will be maimed and crippled for the briisf term of their days. A more deadly war was never waged than that between the North and the South—deatily by wounda) deadly by hardships; deadly by disease; and in this war five Irishmen have b^en slain for one native American. It is such an emigration as this that dUittanti professors pronounce to be the hope of Ireland and the blessing of the people. The opinions of these theorists might be laughed at were they not in dicative of something which is very sad."' All those, who pronunce tliis emigration to be good are per sons well known for their connection with Gov ernment. It follows, then, that the Government . will never interfere to prevent that which their scribes are required to represent as a blessing. A ship is seized because there is a suspicion that it is intended for the use of the Confederates. Her owner is called upon to produce proof that she is designed for some non-belligerent State. Yet a ship is useless without men and stores and arms; but within bowshot of the Castle of Dublin, under the the very eyes of Her Majesty’s Gov’t, bodies of 600 men, whose walk and movenaent betray that they have undergone st>me preliminary drilling in this country,* are marched to the transport ship, bound for the great seaport of the Northern belli gerent. ' If the destination of a ship most bo known, why not tbe destination of regiments of 600 men? Why are not the captains of emigrant ships coin- pelled to give bonds to guarantee the peaceable character of the employment for which these arc desi'Knodl' Our Consuls in the American cities could readily ascertain how these emigrants were distributed, and the Federal Government, grateful as they should be for many favors, ought to engage to enlist in their armies uo emigrant from these countries until a year i^- ter hia arrival. There is employment now for every able bodied man in Ireland. Many of these men who departed on Saturday held sitiMtions, some ot them to our knowledge, under public boJies, at salaries ot from 15s. to 18s. a week. There is a good prospect of still better remunera tion now tliat so many sources of employment are bciaj- ^'radually opened. -But where will labor- ('rs b* fonad? Where peasants to till the soil? J Where icl(iicrs whom we may soon need? The jl bliiid apathy oi G overnment sees not the cruel deportation of the strength of the land, or, j>er- ceiTiiit: that the i55ght of “emigrants” occure when tLey are at the Aelnj, prtwlatm loudly that the depo|.'Ulation of a coa.’^^ry “ greatest of blessings. ^ Accountt Balanced—A Gc’™*** statistical writer remarks that the invention of seWing machine has en»l^led one woman to se»p n»ok as a hundred coukl sew by hand a century* ago; but, he continues, one woman now demands ** much clothing as^a hundred did a century ago— so that tEe situation id i^ot so much changed af ter all. J WANTED, BY^ a Lady of experience in teaching, a situation in a private school or family. Address - H., box 159, Fayetteville, N. C. April 20 25-6tpd ' BID all persons f^tfm facing for a Note given by McRae for $200, as I JYOTMCB, IFO 'BID all pen me, ISth of April 1864, to J. B do not intend to pay the Note unleaa compelled by law, as I did not get value received. CHABLB8 8TUBBI A|rii»» 2C-»tpd The Bishop of Carlisle is credited with a joke. It b said that a young clergyman, not far firom Penrith, being on the eve of marriage, and not wishing to trouble any of his brethren, wrote to the Bishop, inquiring, as Le had already pnblisk- ed the bans from his own pulpit, could hi marry himself? Hia lordship made no appeal to lawa ecclesiastioal, but at once capped the query with another, ^‘Could you bary yourself?" A hat and blanket faetory will aooa be I opani^ il Montgomeiy,

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