PUBI.IO LAWS. E*VAtnKD Fkjb’v lt>, 1864. ■i» Aa' fa Tax ntul Limit thr. VurrvHct/. i)Ji(xrK)N 1. 1 ('-’o/jv/'fj** vA O'on/'eilerate of Amr'rttm Jo en.u^ Thitt the ho^dors of f*l’> Tr«x-»ury notes the dcuomi’natioa ifi'$5, uoi hnr'aff itflrtrrat, shull in* sUlowcvi uattl tho lit Jaj of April 1SH4, ca«t ol tlio Missiswipui, to « •» > .--j. f.r liluJI be sabicot to * u* of 83| per oent. on ev-1 ty or effects ot' aivy kiiul, not eunmerafed n erj dollar promise on th« ftioe th«r«of,^ ««id tax to atteoh to Haid ootett wherevtjr ciroaUtcd, and waid b« lundable and rxohnB^oable tor new IVoaKory notes, as {Itmiio provided, subject to the dedaotioQ of hatd inx Sko 12 That any ^'ta>e iioldi)>« 'I'^asury DOtu^ rt’i*"ived bt^tird th.- liiUiM her in fixed tor taring suid noics rjh.vll b the preceding ])ara^rai>li, 1>ot\veen tho times named thereiu, 10 j)er cent., in addition to tho tax on such profits a.s inwuxe, under tho act aforesaid. III. On the auionut of prutits exceeding 25 per cent., made durin}^ either of tlie yeare Itorn^l rill f\o, tirlt | V*' ' company, insurance, canal, navijrHtion, iui uJiLU, luy^blo «).i the jf Jiiuuary aod July i - i' o.iid tax. 'i'lm di.s- r r.> t^-,> tox sil.lii b?— V n-'fos iieictutofc i.'^Hiicd t •>! JiT Ho oil the ? U>0 ^,1 I a.s shi.i • i I ilhuiiiis’iiiHi ''y iHf -i .' i ; l*4Wi!i year. . ; . Skc ’i Tii*i tirv of tUo Tjo-vivvpy Is lu-rt'by . ‘V ni'nHtvr. ; ; ' ” > ‘ auiiturizcd u> i>aUO. the Und.i rt.t^uin.^d t'oi the 1 1‘utidiu^- provided lor in iho i»rcwJiUf; Kcctiju, i ‘ije..'.! d'jd nctii tho bonda c.iu U prc}.u,rod he may ip.-ur j bcuri^ig luic.. -i i • , • .vrufioat^s to Huswer the {.aroose. Such bouas j I'v- r.jco.vcd iu payj and certilicut.;8 be receivable wi> bout intor-1-I be .r.-cuif^u and iu inyuioat of uil G 'sorametit dues i»ayabb:', i;->i‘'-S'U''i.d i.-ridb (•; I'ne , •.-iU -uyrHf.: j.aya- ifi fhoyear except oxport and import dutica ^'1- yyurs aitt'r ih* r;it;tii.-auou ul a ticaty ut 6t,c. 3. That ali Tiv>isury notes of the dcuoiui-1 'Utu the i. rutt u ?>rafe>, ./•'irsnj^ the rate ot nutiwa ot ?lOv\ :ioi boariUfi ii;tort"t, which ^>h:tU j'&p‘Ciiif'd Of’ liivM ^.'co.. pa^abb' l-.r of not be (iFcseuted for Inudifig under the provisions j Jj^uuary ol cicb and ovc' i.d tlie l.«t soetio^ of this aci, hball, fvoiu ao'l aftci 1 NEC. H i hat t.iv? the Ireasury tbe 1st d^y ol April 1864. ea.stof the Missi.s.sippi j beri oji, ui: b .u **iiie the exi- rivi'T, aiid tlie isi day ol July 18l)4, west ot t i . (jovertjuio -c a: i ri';iiire it, to MUa,aipr.i, c^ase to be rvjccivable ia payment oi t p^v th dMDiKiid of uny puM'c whose debt public due.-;, and Kiid iiotcs, ii’ not ho prc-'Unfcd a- 1 iii-y bo coatructed Kltor tt..' T7.;j.ia!£t- ot tliis net, that time, fhail, iu addlrior. :o tb- tax of odj [ 'virum: to ivc-ive tho nmc in a «• rtiticure cl ii;- v*.nta ijipoocd in tho svetiuu ol thiB act, bt; j d-- oiidiii.''S, lo bt »j>.- iiid uy s^id Si or»'lary in bucb fuWjectcd to H tax ol 10 pci ot-at pcv laonth un | as be uiuy dn ia proper, y-ayable two years tii so prt^^^otd; whi> h fthall ittiHch f* suiu .'•tcs u'iui'ev :r c.. ’. ;.nd shall bi: d>_du!?ieil irtiTu :);e I’lco ol ->.4 ■ n >i , .vuciievor pieioniea t'll i.iayiuuut \j.' tor lait'iia-j^, and sniti utFtcs StiuH mit he cxtfhan^Ciible Ibr r;;e new i-^3Ue ol Troa ^■ify notes provided for ia tbi^ act Sfe,o. 4. Th.\f on all said Tccasury noie.-i uot r'liJiiu or us‘d in p.tyi.unf ol at ifc dnicc .i.aft placus preseij’:)fd in the 1st sotr;ion of tbio act, there shall be levied at paid dates ana places u lax of 8#i centa lor every dollar proini-«t’d oti tbe face of said notC!>; daid tax >?hall attach to jj^id notes wherever circulated, and shall bo collected by deducting the same at the treasury, its deposi tories and by '^ax coUector*>, and by all Govorn- mcut officers recciviug the same whenever pre sented for payment or for iundiac;, or in pa>nicnt ot Government dues, or tor posta>e, or in ex- Ct alt.?.r II iutiiica^io.i ■»! a »ri-aty ut peaoo with tbe bf! r!n_r irti reMt Lit tbe rate of six p -i* i«! I.: ’H>r amnuo, piyabio seinl anu'.i:*lly, aud ivft/iut, tsiiv/;.'! ’ the Se-Tftary ot‘ rch be t'Keuipi */ .T'bi’d > tliO 1 lO^uia :o:;s 1> b he 'frcu;-ury, ui.d ^,id cu t'r I'll tuiia'i iii m p.iucij h! intercsr Skc ir> 'i.'hc S- or'i..i-y of .'ho Treaf^Uiy i> .iu- thorizi'd to incr-ju-e ihe nucil.»er of dep»>sitorieH no us tt> meet the rcquircLannt-s of this act, aud with that view to employ nueh of the backs of the sev eral Siatfo as he may deopi expedient. Sec. 16. The Secretary of the Treasury shall iorthwith advertise this act ia aucb neWbpapers publii^hed in the several St.:t«s, and by such other moans as shall t^acure imiucdxate publicity; and the Secretary of War a»Hi t^e Secretary of the t>uch exccds. Sec. 5. The lollowini' twcempti(ns t'loiii I taxation lunler tlii:^ ftct blsall be allowed, i to-wit: ( 1. iVupuJ'ty of caclj head of a laniily to the value of $500; and tor each Uiin.^r child of the family to the further value of $100; ami lor eacli son actually enija^cd in the army oc navy, or who has died or been killed in the military or naval service, and who wn.s a member of the family when he j n entered the service, to the further value oft u |;500. II. I’ro|>ei ty of the widow of any ofiiocr, aoldier, sailor or marine, who may have died or )>een killed in tl^e military or naval service, >i where there is no widow, then of tl»e fumily, hein^ minor children, to the value of $1000. III. l’roj»urty of every olHcer, siddier, sailor or marine, actually en^a^ed in the militarv or Uiival service, or of giicli a.s have *-U#k «r.*LuM of ,t,l)(>0; provitled, that the abovo o.vemp- tiuiirt tiiali not applv to any portion, whose property, exclutfive of househohi furniture, •eiiaU l»e a;'ti«\sjied at a value exceeding )^100«>. IV^. Tiiat where pr««perty ha^been injured or destrnyed by the enemy, or the owner thereof has been temporarily deprived of the UBu or occupancy thereof, or of the meauB v>f cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity of the enemy, the jissessment on Kuch property may be reduced, in proportion to the damage sus tained \fy the owtujr, or tlie tax assessed thereoii may i)e reduced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evi dence submitted to him by the owner or as- 8et!rfor. Sec. 6. That the taxes on property laid for the year 1864, slt^ill Imj assessed as on the day of the jwisHage of this act, and l>e due aiid collected on the l-'t day t*f June IX. Of conspiracies, or attemp^is to liber ate priiotiera of war hold by the Coufoderate States. X. Of conapiracids, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of ]>ersons advising or inciting uibera to abandon the Confederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adliere to the enemy. XII. Of unlawfully burning, destroying or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy or injure any bridgw or railroad, or tele graphic line of communication, or property, \fith tbe iiiteiit i*f aiding the enemy. xm. Of f■i.ttonable designs to iiupaij' iho niilitarv power t>f the Government by destroyiiiij, or aiieniptiui; to dtjstroy, v'essels or arma, or MMiuitiou-, of war, or arsenals, u)Ui{'lrit*!j, W''rk-'iiopa. sliall i>e liable to ho placed in scryice in Ae lieJd t'of the war, as if lie were between tJie ages of 18jind 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pr«>- j r,> sell the marketable svirplus of ])rovioi. provisious, to be delivei-ed by such porso,, as aforesaid at equivalent rates. 3. Such person shall further bind hiniB^:i; •Irit’s, Woi k.'hopa, *>r otln*" ,>roporly ol tho Confederate Stales. 2. The President shall cauc^e proper oiH;-,-rs to investigate the cases of all j*ersons s !T?sted, or detain)d, in order tSat they !' .* discharged if improperly detaine t, •ey can be speedily tried in the due • i' law. Si'v. That during the suspension afore said, no t«ilitary or other oracer shall be ct»mj)elled, in answer to any writ of hal>eas corpus, to a|«^)ear in person, t>r to return the body of any person or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary i>f War, or the General oliicer coiu- mauding the Traus-Mississippi department; but upou the certificate, tinder oath, of the •tHi«.4Ar havtui^ cuar*;e of auv' one so detained, that Bucn person is detaineU by Inni as a prisoner for any of the causes hereinbefore b}>ecified, under the authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under ^.he writ t>f habeas corpvis shall imiued*ately cease and remain su8j.Hjnded so long as this act shall contiime iu force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days after tlie next meeting of Con- gre^, aud no ioiiger. Navy sh»il each Ci> it to be published in gene- flhange tor new notes, as hereinafter provided, and I ral order for tho in.ormatioi: ol the army and ^aid Treasury notes skall be fundable in bonds as 1 navy. proTidod in the 1st section of this act, until the! li ihe l--d section oi the ao or e bt day of January 1865, at the rate of 66} ecnts as.^cnsaicnt acd eollfction of tase.s. upprov. d .lay on the dollar, and it shall be the duty of the Sec | l3t is hereby repenicd rctary of the Treasury, at any time between tbe j IH. 'the SecreUvry ot the A»^a»uiy is 1st ot Arjril and the l#t of July, 1864, -west ot bcreby autVonzed rcnuircd, upon the apph- tbe Mi.'wiiS'-ippi river, and the 1st of Jaftuary 1865,! oatiou of the ,.oW»-r of any eid eerti c -P* ^ ac , , o,>oTt after jus practicable, allow- to subititutQ and exchansfo new Treasury notes ■ by tbe first secJiou of ib^ act lo provu e or ^ ’ Jrt of ')0 davs West of the for the same at the rate oi 66| cents on the dol- i tunduig anu lurtaer*! ot 1 rra-ury not«i», ap- j c - ^ ^ tovus on lar: That notes of the denomination of j proved March I'od IShb, ww reqriired to bo i Mississippi nver , SlOO gh'Jl not be entitled to the privilege of said rh»*realter deomed to be a bond, to irtsue to siich | incomes or j.rotats lor the year L cvjcU exchange: further, that, the right to' holder a bond therefor upon the terms provided | \,y this act, shall 'be assessed and collectea fund auy of said Treasury notes, aft;r the 1st day | by said -ct. > tv>rth\v\th; and the taxes on incomes or pro of Jai:nary 18C5, is hereby taken away; Amlirro. 1 , . 'r. . . a.-^sessed and vi(ied r'urih^r. That upon all such Treasury notes; ^ Acu to ^ay t ^collected according to the jirovisioii:? ol the which may remain cntstanding on the 1st day ol i »upiH/rt of Cr^erurnei . ^ j siisessment acts of 186^. January 1865, and which may not bo exchanL'od i Congress »t ttie Oonledeia e aiuch of the tax act of the *24th for no^ Treasury notes, as herein provided, a rax ! States ot America d> enact,^ lhat in audi-1 ^ 1863, ;is levies a tax on in of 100 per oent. is hereby imposed ! tb.n U. the taxes levied by tao act ‘-to lay : ,iorived fro:n i)roi>ertv or etfects on • ttKC 5. Thai aft^r the first day of April next. taxc*« lor the connnon delencu kiu. t'. t^irry on value of which a tax is levied is hejeb,. Ac 8oc.«.rj o. 1 .J‘i„a, ,V„„. ,i,„ „f ,,.i. aC. ... hire «r ..I l'..". a..d uvc-ry penH.... or b.xe.l a» u,„i.;r ship, jissociatioM or corporation, iialde ^lieie- to, taxes as tolluvvs, r>-\v:t. the txx imposed by this Act 1. I. TK»n tlie vault.* d property, ival, j>er-» • the Treasury tuay, after that time, i?»ue new Treasury notes, iu-sucb form as be may prescribe, payable two years alter the ratification of a treaty of peacc with the TJaited States, said no*? issues to be receivable in payment of all public duos, except export aod import duties, to be issued in TIIK. MILITARV iilLL. Si “.ion 1. That from and alter tlie passage of this act all whit« men, residents of the Cotifedurate Status, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military service of tho Confederate^ States for the war. Sec. 2. That all the peroons aforesaid, be tween the ages of IS and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the present war with the U. S., in the same regimento, bat talions and com|>anies, t) which they belong at the ])asaage 4‘ this act, wath the same or ganization aud officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the lawa and regulations for the gov ernment of the army: Provided, that com panies from one Slate, organized against their consent, expreased at the time, with regiments'or battalions from another State, siiall have the priv*»lego of being transferred to organizations of troops, iu the same arm of the service, from the States in which said companies were raised; and tlie 8T>ldiers from one State, in com})anies from another State, shall be allowed, it they desire it, a transfer organizations from tlieir own States, in the same arm of the service. vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards, agents, employees or labo%j ers in the Commissftrv and Quartermaster’s Departmenb^, in the Ordnatice Bureau, ami' of clerks and empl>yeea of navy agen^, as als» in tho execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be performel by persons who are within the ages of IS and 45 veal's, aud who by the reput of a Board of army surgeons sir.ill be reported as unable to perform active service in the field, but capable of }>erforming some of the above said duties, specifying whlcii, and when thes'e persons shall have been a-si^Med to those duties as far a.s, tlie Pfo- sident shall assign or detail to their pv.M-fonn ance such bodies of trooj»s. >r individuu!->, re|uired to’be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of sucli dutier': Provideil. that persons between the ages of 17 anl IS ^hall be jissigned to those dutie^: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in tiiir- act shall be so coi«irued as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, meciianic.s, or per sons of scientific skill, to tierform iu'iispen- sable duties in tlie departments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. t>. That an,v Quarterma ter or As sistant Quartermaster, Commit,sarv »r As- oisUint Cooimis.sarv, (other than those serv- int£. \viith bri;^ades or ••egiineiit.', in tlie tiebi,) or ottic,ei‘s m tlie v.)nlivance Uurutu, or Xavy Agents, or i^rovo.'.t ATarshal, or oliicer in tile couscrija service, who shall heieal’te.r em|*loy or retain in his eniploymem; any person in any of their said deparlments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th sectioo of this act, in viidation ol the provisions hereof, shall, un conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be casliiered; aud it shall be the duty of any department or district commatider, upon ] proof, by the *>ath of* any credible person, that any such officer has violated this ]uo vision, iinniediately to relieve such oflictJr from duty; and said commandei’s shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any couirnander as aforesaid failing to perform tlie duties enjoined by this section, shall uj>on t>eing dul}’^ convicted thereof, be discharged froui the ser.vjce. Sec. 10. Tiiat-all laws granting exem{)- tions from miliUirv service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and iierearter none chall Ik.-, exempted except the foUosviiig; 1. All who shall be i*eld ifntit for niilita ry service, under rules to he luvjcribed by the Secretary of War. 2. The Vice President of tue C.»nfederate States, the members and ofiicers of Congress and of the several State Legislatures, t:nd such other Confederate and State ulFicors as the President, or ihe Cxovernor of the re- S]>ective States, may certily to be necessary for the proper admini>tralion of the Coii- and grain now on hand, Und which he !iia> raise frt^ui year to year while his exeiuf-tiou xontiuues, to the Government or to the iauj ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Coui missiouere of the State under the impies- uietit act: Provided, that any jieisuii ex erupted as aforesaid, shall be entitled tu ,i credit, of 25 per c^ent. on auy amount >t rueai which h'j may deliver within three luuiiil.j from the ])assage of this act: Provided iher, that persons coining within the pi„vj hious of this exemption shall not be deprive«l »)f the iien dif .th.‘,re..f by rens-.u of Uavi(,u en iMirollcd r^iiice tUi- 1-t i:,y (tj I-'e!), 4. In addition to li‘ Ibregoinu' tions, tbt' Secretary of War, under tlu, ,jj ruction of tbe Pi e-ident. may v.veinut .n- ,j^ tail such other persons as he may !»* stvds fied ought to be e\’Mnpted on accuiiut „■ public'necessit^', and to insure tiie nrudug, tion of grain and otl\er provisi.dis t.-r tlic irmy and the families of soldieiv. 11^* also, i;r;int exemptions or details, on sueii terms aa he may prescribe, to such seers, farmers or jdauters as he may Ijt sjii- ihfied will be more usetul to the eouiitry iij the purtjuilo -d' agriculture thiin iu the I'uiii. tarj service: Provided, that such exempli,j,; shall cease whenever the fanner, }>!aiiter or over.-5eer shall fail diligently to oinj)lov iu good faitli, his own skdl, ca[)ita! ari«i laW exeliitivuly Lu vUc prodrtctit.u ol ;'ralu pj'ovisions, to be sohl to the CjoveriuiKMit uiiti the families of s»4diers at prices not e.\ct;t*(]. inir tiiose fixed at the^time for like uitidt', by the Commissionero of tlie State the impressment act, 5. Tl>e ]>resident, treasurer, ;in.litui aid superintendent of any railroad coinpttDv en gaged in trans])ortatiou for the GuvoMjiucut^ and sucii ofiicers aud ctnpl()yees thercoi' the president or superintendent shall owiiiv on oath to be indispensable to the etiiciciit operation of saia iailroai: Prt.vidid, tiut the number of j>erson s» exeinpled by tii'j act on any railroad ehull not exceed one per son for each mile of such road iu aclnai use for militaiy »ransp'rtation; a id s-.ii I exeiiij,:, shall be re[)orted I'.y name atid with the names of any who have ioit t;.? emplo5’ment of said company, or wLo luav cease ’.o be indispensable. t). That nothiug iierein -ontaiued sLu.; be cmslrued as repealing the act aiipru.ed April tiie 14th lS68, entitled an act Ui e\ empt coiili’iiv'toj-s tor carrying the laailo .>! the t^outcderate States, and the drivers u! po>? coachcs und hu;*ks, from inilitary nr vice: Pr iviiied, tl'.al ali the exe!ii[»tionj iCi’anted under this act shall *nly continue wikilst the per>-o;is exeaipted are actuaHv engaged in tiieir re'-jiective j.»ursuita or oc cnpationa. Sec. 11. Tliat the Presideut«lte, and he is hereby, authorized to grant details, uudei reueral rules und regulations to be i#4Ued !>reach accordin'^ to the rules of ids church, Sec. 3. That at the expiration of six niuuths j ,\„,i ;it the pjissage oi this act, shall be from tlie first day of April next, a bountv j peirularlv emp’ ’ ’ ’ ^ lu uv! i?3ueu ID ^ ' I 4- , ImiiuJs of the Confederate Stat exchanee for old notes at.ihc rate of 2 dollars of mixed, o. e kunl an«l descrip- j.^sued. sh:dl in no ctv^e exceed the uew for 3 of the old indacd, vvhutlier tiaid old j tioii, not hcrciiuxttcr »r taieu at ii ^ ^ j _i \ . .4 notes be surrendered for exchange by the holders I ditlerent rate, 5 per cent.: Provided, That: ? same, and such bonds, when thereof, or be received into the Treasury under j from this tax on the \alue of property em-; by vr lor minors or luuatiofc, stia hi the provisions oi this act; and the holders of the , ployed in agriculture shall be deducted the Irom tbe tax in all cases "'bere the i .V . 1. . . . of the tax in kind delivered therefrom, I same shall not excee«i $100J. ;w a-sseesed under the law imposing it, and iju Act Un^iispevid the, prioU^'jt of the HVtV delivered to the Government: Provided, j of Ilnhens C(n'pus hi ce'riuiii That no credit sh:ill he allowed beyond 5 Whereas, the Constitution of the C.'ufed- T»er cent. new notes or of tbe old notes, except those of tbe nation of 8100, after they are reduced to .'_s on the dollar by the tsx aforesaid, may . . the same into call certificates bearing in- tferi3. at the rate of 4 per cent, per .annuaa, and , ,^g,. . erate States of America j>rovides in Article payable two years after # ratification of a treaty j ' value of gold and silver wares , 1, Section E*araj^a[)h 3, that “the privi- ot peace with the United States, unless sooner i iewels iewelrv aud watches, lO , lege of the writ of habeas corpus siiall not converted into new notes , , ^ i>er -ent ’ * ' ' i^uspended unless when in c;ise of rebel Sec. 6. That to pay tho ezp^^nsea of the Gov-1 I^ttt huadrrd DiillioQs of dollars, the principaJ and ^ — . V J tercit whereof shall be free from taxation, and | tfie year lSt>0, eXCe]>t i!i ' lor ttie payraeat-of interest thcret?a tha entire net j slaves, cotton t -ijacci* receipts ol any export duty hereafter laid on the value of any ootton, tobacco, and naval stores, which shall be exported from the Confederate States, and the net proceed.^ of tbs import duties now laid, or so much thereof as may b« necessary to pay annually the interest, are hereby specially pledged: t'rovided, that the duties now laid on imports are hereby pledged and shall hereaf ter be paid in specie, or m sterling exchange, or in coupons of said bonds. Skc, 7. That tbe Se5retary of tho Treasury is hereby authorized, from time to time, as the wants of the Treasury may re4uirc it, to sell or hypothecate for Treasury aotes said bonds, or any part thereof, upon the host terms he can, so as to in-1 pol'ty in the neighbor/iooil where assessed, in nized iji said Article 1, is vested solely in iti ca^es where land, ;the Congress, v;hich is the exclusive juda •acci* iiave been pur- of the necessity »f each suspension; 'an dnv of January 1862, i whereas, in the opinion of tile Congress, tl ilir i, slaves, cotton | public safety requires the siLspension of said ^ lall be assessed i writ in the existing case of the invasion of •r the sauie by i these StateiJ by the armies of the United j States; and whereas, the President hits asked *’ 'larea or inter- ‘ for the suspension of the writ of habeas cor- vukaig company or' jvus, and iuformed Congress of conditions ot ■> .xnfion, ini[)orting, I ]>uWic danger whicn ronder tho suspension I inufacturinj.', tele-! of the writ a aieiiBure proper for tho public defence against invasion and insurrection n©w, therefore, The Congress of tho Confederate States of meet appropriations by Congress, and at the same Ut»e teduoe aud testtiot ibe amount of the cireu- tatio»in Treasury'notca. within reasonable and salt limits. Sso. 8. Tho bonds authorized by tbe C^h sec tion of this act may be either re;j;i5tcrod or cou- jfton bonds, as tbe par lien taking them may elcct; aud ibcy may be cxobaaged for each ociicr under BKcU regulations a« the Secretary of tbe TrcKiury may ^.resoribe. They shall be for 5100, and shall together with the ooupona thereto attached, be in such torm and of aucb authentication a.s tbe Seo- reury of the TrcMUry may preacribr, the interest shall be payable half yearly on the first of Jan’y «ud July in eaob year, tbe principnl shall be pay able not le«a tbaa SO years trom their date. Sr.o. 9. All call cyrtificatea shall bo fundable, and shall bo taxid ic all respects ad ia provided for tho Trt^aury notes mto which they are con vertible. if coaverted oefore the time fixed for ta*lu^ the Tr jfttury notes, such certiflijata'i shall iroai that^time b.'ar interest upon only 66f cents for c.very dollar prr.Toised upon their faoc, aud ■ball be rcleeinible in new Treasury notes at that rate; but after tbe passage of tbk act no call •ert.i& shall be issued until after tbe first day nf April, 1861. Sso. 10. That if any bjuik of deposit shall ^ive ite do-'iTiiti T> .'I? bouii .iutborized by tho first •ecuon ct*tbir» act, in oxobau^e for tUcir deposits aud apooiiyiU'.' me sHCie oa the bonds by some iijjliuoti':’ i mark or t*>kcn, to be agreed upon with the B%*ret3.'7 ,>i th:? Treasury, then the said de- jwitoT i:,.i eailtled to reoieve the amount of Mid bonua m Treasury notes, bearing no interest and oucKtLii iiDg at bu pip age ot tlm act: TVo- tbi r,atd ,ui& aro presented the privilc;t;c ..t I'i iuiug oaid notes at par sball ccaBe. a* hcreiii ..v. ■ .'•''■A Seo 11. ^!’ ; uO^cs uarotoiorc wsticd of t'j.j deaouitau. oi 5^5 sb:ll continue V) be rccc;vt*blo in uayment of public dues, as provided by U’>*. fatsdable at par under the provifionB ** this aot, the of July, 1884, •Ml, avd rmii[ ^ it October 1S64, weet of Uw Meterhut after that tim* they chased since the 1st in which ca-^e the and toi>aec ’ so pure, at the jTio*; act";*'i the owncr. See. 2. ( »i • esta held in an - associ.ation, can:i exporting, insura graph, express, raili wa 1. .m l dry-dock com panies, and al! other joint stick companies of every kind, whether incorporato^l or not, 5 ^r cent. j America do enact, That during tho present The value of pnipertv ft “d unier this i invasion of the Confederat« thf* uriv- , invasion of the Confederate States, the priv sectiiin shall be asseat^ed u[> tbe basis of ilege of the writ of habeas corpus 1)0, and the market value of such jiroperty in the Uiie same is hereby, suspended; but such sus _ _ 1 I 1 1 1 . ■ .• J J ^ v,,x^ io Iic;i l>UC t>UCN neighborh«K)d where asbcsscd, iu .such cur-j tension shall apply only t«» the cases of rctlcv ♦•.3 tnay be in ii-etiiere, tii tiltilloruB' an'csi'co w. j .a* purcluise and sale of su’h property, ut the; l*resident, Secretary ot War, or theGeK Officer commandiiu Geweral the ^’rans-Missigoippi gold and j Military Department, by the autliority and r bullion, . under the control of the President. It is time of assessment. Sec. 3. Upon the :*.’no'int of all _ silver coin, gold duit, gold or silver — _. -- wkether held by tho banks ‘>r otlier corpo- j hereby declared that the jmrpose ot Con ration^ or iudlvid'ials, 5 per cent.; and upon j y;ress in the passage td all moneys held abr)ad, or uf>on the amount of all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on bills foreign countries, a tax of 5 per cent.; such tax uy)on money a!>roai to be assessed and collected according to tlu; value thereof at the place where the tax is paid 11. Upon the atntxint of all solvent cre dits, and ot all bank bills and all other pa pers issued as currency, exclusive of non- interest bearing Confederate treasury notes, and not employed in a registered business, the income derived from which is taxed, 5 per cent. Sec. 4. Upon profits made in trade and business, as follows: I. On all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritous liquors, ftour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or bocf cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw iiidos, leather, horses, mules, boots, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, habj, wagons, harueei, coal, iron, steel or nails, at auy time be tween the 1st of January 1863, and tho 1st of January 1865, 10 per cent., in additmn to the tax on such profits as income unaer the “act to lay taxes for the common defence, and carry on the Government of the Con federate States,” approved April 24, 1863. II. On all profits made by buying and Belling money,gold,silver, foreign exchange, at^ks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations of anj kiiid) and any axorehsuidiaai ]Nrop«r- ^ passage this act is to provide iiiote cirectually for the public safety by suspending the writ of habejis corpus in the following cases and no other: I. (^f treason, or treasonable effort;4 or cnubinations to subvert the government of the Confederate States. il. Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov ernmont, or conspiracies to resist the lawful autliority of the Confederate States. III. Of combining to assist the enemy, of of communicating intelligence to the enemy or giving him aid and comfort. i V. Of conspiracies, preparations and at- tei^ts to incite aervil# insurrection. V. Of desertions or encouraging deser tion.-?, of harboring deserters, aud of attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That ia c-asj of palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer Uj>on any party who does not legally owe military service, his superior officer shall gnuit prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be dismissed from ofljce. VI. Of spies aud other emissaries of the enemy. VII. Of holding correspondence or inter- coui’so with the enemy, without necessity, and without the permission of the Confede rate States. VILL Of unlawful trading with the eno- uyr, and other offences against the laws of the Oonfederate States, eoactdd to proiaott kh«ir aiioQQM in kh« wu. of ^lOO in a six per cent. Government bond, * heroto- j which tlie Secretary of the Treasury is here- thc in-1 by'authorized to issue, shall be i>aid to eve ry non-coinmissioned otficer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his death previous to the period of such payment, then to the person or 2>er- sons who would be entitled to receive by law the arrearages of liis pay; but no one shall be' entitled to the bounty herein provided who shall at auy time, during the period of six months next after the said fii-st day of April, be alwent from his command without leave. Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved from the operation of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the army wh«ie no disability now exists; n »r shall those who have furnished substitutes be any longer exempted by reason thereof: Provided, that no person, hereti»tore exempt ed t>n accou.'it of religious opinions and who has paid the la.x levieil to relieve him from t>ervice, shall b-^ rcMuired to render military sei vioe under tiii:, *i -t. Sec. 5. Tiiat all white male residents of the Coutederate States, between .the ages of IT and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll tRemselves at such times aud places, and und-r eUch regulations, as the "President nia j.'resciibe, the time allowed not being less 30 days for those east, and 60 days fur I t »-e woit of the Mississippi river, and any itm/u wiio shall fail so to enroll him self, .riiout a reasonable excuse therefor to be juU^^ed of by the President, shall be placed in iiervice iu the field for,the war, in the same mamier as though they were be tweeu the ages of 18 and 45: J’rovided, that Miw — '..-wi Ji, fijirt shall constitute a reserve lor State delence and detail duty, and shall not be required to perform service out of Ihe State in which they reside. Sec. 6. That ali persons required by the 5th section of this act to enroll themselves, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so orgauized, to tender their services as voluuteers during tJio war to the President; and if such orgati- ’'-tations siiall furnish proper muster rolls, as uow organized, and deposit a co[>y thereof with tiU enrolling officer of their district, wliigh shall be equivalent u> enrollment, they may be accepted as minute uieu for service iu such State, but iu no eveut to be taken out of it. Those who do not so voiun-1 teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, ^e roqaired to assemble at coaveuient pla ces of rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions aud reg*i- ments, under regolatious to be prescribed by him^ aud shall have the right to elect their company and regimental officers; and all troops organized under this act for State defence, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops no'ir in the field. 8^ 7. That any ptrson who shall tail to attend at tl'^e place of rendezvous as required . ..1 _ -a ^ T., per federate or St ite (lovernnients, as the case | irom the War Departuioiit, either ol {'ersoi.s ma} be. j !)(.twecn 45 and 5o years »f age, or from the Lvery minister of reli:,Mon auiliorized to ;u.,ny iu the field, in all cases' where, in his > i:_. *1 1.. i-: :. I 1. I • i , jnugnient, juittcc. equity and necessity re quire buch details, and he may revoke bUcL orders of details w!ic!iever he thinks proper; Providevl, liiat tJie power iierehi granted to the Prcoidcnt t(i make details aud exeuip- t.ioiis ohail not be cousUued to autburiietbe exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, uuleiis the head or secretary of the department ma king such contract shall certify that the })fcr- soual services of such contractor are iudii- pensable to the execution of said contract: Provided further, that when any such eou tractor shall fail, diligently aud faithfully, to j/roceed with the execution of such con tract, his cxemj)tion or detail shall cea»e. Sec. 12. That in aj>pointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of pci’sous li.ible to militarj’ bcrvice, n^ member com posing the same ‘^hall be appointed from tiie c>>unry or enrolling district in which they are required to make such examiuatiou. yed in the discharge of his ministerial duties; superintendents and phy sicians of ;isylnms for the deaf and dumb and blind and of the iiioane; one editor for each newspaper l>eing jmblished at the time of this act, and such employees as said edi tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensalno to the publication of such newspaper; the public printer of the Confederate and State Governments, and such journeymen print ers as the said pnlilic j»rinter shall cei'tify, ou f>atli, to be indispensaMe t » j^erform the public printing; one skilled apothecary sn each apothecary store, wiio was d*iing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct'r 1S62, and has continued said business, without intermissiiui, since that period; ali pliysi- cians over the age of So years, who now ar:*. and for the last 7 years have been, in the actual ami regular ju'actice of their profes- si»n, but the term phy^•.iclan shall not in clude leiitist5; all presidenu and teachers of colleges, theological e.eminaries, acade- niies and schools, who have been regularly etu'-aged as such for two years next before the pTissage of this act: Provided, that the benefit of this exem[>tton shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com- pv>sed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses therein as such su perintendents'shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person ;is owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are fiow, and were on the 1st day of Jan y fast, 15 able bodied field-hands, between the i-.ges of 16 and 50, upon tue'loin5\^ing CoutiTrmna. 1. This exemptii>n shall only be granted in cases iu which there is no white male adult oa the farm or planta,tion not liable to mili^ary service, nor unless the person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st .day of Jau’y 1864, either the owner aud manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a boml, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such l^Jrm, and with such security, and in such penalty as the Seerelary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated l>y the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 pounds of bacon, or, at the election of the Govern ment, its equivaleut in pork, aud 100 lbs. of net beef (said beef to be delivered ou foot,) Post Office, Fayettevlile, W. C.,) October 3, 1868. ) Schedule of the ArrioiU and Departure of the Mail* at thu Ofice. llALEIGa vi% AVERASIiOilO’, Slo. Arrives ii*iily, cxoept Suniny, at 44 P. M. l);i>&ris exceoi Is-'urd’ty at 6 P. M. RAbFd'iH via .‘lUMMERVlLLB. Taesd^y asiJ Friday >*t 6 .A M. ■\rr,v in Wf l irsdiy au l Sund-ij at 0 P. M. W.VRS iVf vi* iTtJNTON. Arrivtii d^iily M 12 noon Departs iaily at P. •!. CARTHAGE. .\rriv^- »ue8l»y, Ttiurs4.»y and Saturiay at 7 P. M Djpin.s >IouJ^y, Wedoeodiy and Frid>»y .U 1 P. M cheraw, s. C. Arrivds Tui>dd«y, Tnutoia/ aud 8a*arday at G P. M U>paP'3 Sat»iia,y, Tuesdiky »aa i'Uuredny at 1 P. M FAIR BLUFf via LUSIBE&TOS. Ar.-.r.-s TaiiJ -y, T.'iurad-iy aud Saturday at 6 A. M Departs Siu lir, Tuacl»y lad Thursday at I P. M »i5» BLIZABETHTOWN. l>tfpirisjMiuliy, Wedn«:»day aai Friday at tt A. M. Arnves Tuij8.i-,y. Thurd'^y «»nd Suarday at 2 P. M. .lZ\BEFrtTOWN via T»JREBISTa. * EL foF each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork aud beef shall be paid for by the Government at th« prices fixed by the Commissioners of the State under the ttupressment act: Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall produce satis factory evidence that it has been impossible for him, by the exercise of proper diligence, to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War shall .\rriTd* \i mday at ft P. M. D,;parta sa'ne d*y (Monlay) at 6 P. M. MAttNOLIA via CrPRBdS CRBEK. Af?*iveB TueaJay »t 2 1*. M. I>,:p%ri3 w »ai* aay (Tudsday) at 2J P. M. SWltT ISLAND via MOI^TRO-SB, OOVI.MaTON »rJ PO\»fiLLrON. -Arrives Tu-'9d*y at ti P. M. Doparta W(idn»9day at 11 A. M. SWIpr l8L\Nf> via TROY. Arrives Tuesday at S P. M. Ddparta Wedne^ay II A. M. Ail n^aild iea?ia' 7^ V. >I , ar oloa^d the mg before a* 9 P. AH let-^rK ia be seat off from this iffiw, o>-beT than by navi, mint he oaid for as if Qteui oy .\ii drop lev:‘rs sauiild be pre-f*id f>y 2 o«>at siainpa. , Tjo offijs wtil be open oa ()uad»y from o s#i A M , %al from to 6J P. W. JA3 a ootm. P M "TttE^oYil B P ai tl K K, nappiv at ^ • t f Vi > THE IVORTU MCmL UPfi INSURil^CK OOMPiiVf, Now in the tenth year of Bucoessful operatioa, witb growing capital and firmer hold upon public 0\>i* fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per- sonB from 14 t» 60 years of &g«, for oae year, for aeveu years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits All elavea from 10 to 60 years of age are ixtsured for one year or for ive ye^^rs for two thirds their value. AU losses are punetually paid witkia 90 days aft^r satisfaotory proof is presented. For furtlier information tke pal>U^ is referred to iLgents of the Company ia all parts o'* ih* dtaie, aud to R. 3. BATTLE, Secretary, iialeigb* ». J. HALB, lies. PrciDj cbtUKs'.I! Oct. 17, it Jau y 10, II KATHa.V i. «1 900 Ihn Oct. r WESTERK I Bank Not Oold !ind Nortb Cai Lead wani Depart ireni titles will ple-vi POWDER for ) Inbiw^ci, icM- piautttwuu, mo oecrecary 01 war snail I jwi’il86» « ra»«u«»dlo. by the *aH>onty of the President, without Idirwt a oommatatioa of the to the 1 ^ ^ «tufioiiat to be o£ bj him, two-^hodAgrain I Bbuk far ^ t

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