THE nrroirr o? pLntoora. Orre* l •no' of the Riehmotd Ss*rafB«r. ri.ry.rvTa, N C., April 24,1864 T l V’'u H routith pen and ink sktteh of oar m ‘Till-a'-t i«ui'Crrw ftt thi^ place. (> S inJ ijr- a>terionn- I7lli iosUot, our farcea fh, having fltevlteBMOt 4«ii0Mtt»UcB vkh him, wbll* b« w>«1d ) •tu«k trrm pMltioB «• til* left witk hft »ad S*a- | p9T>t Banaooi fVMktd tb« bridge »boat j dark. Ur«ir fiMrvftrd ki« skimiabfrt. wb» fonnd th^ ’ emtmr • •'nag posftioo oa tk« opp-wire «!)« mud i ^ri f' 4*etreyed. Fiodiog th«eD«my w«re ia tb« rill? 36M if C Troftft 3 Q Jom» (Already pnblished in Obserrer.) 66?A A” C T-~Col Paid F faUoi^ (A^re«dv In ) 8M H c T—£t Col J Ji Munhutm -■T's, I i«i fVout i3> Piymoufh, haying ^ picketa. I dia'odn^d Oar Bbftrpsbooiera ftdv»Do-d i i the cneuijr. cntunng ^ ,,eer-»»*•“ g»U»i't t-b..w of u.e J ftc if II sent out a romoaDV of , 24ib North C«rolinft rrg roenr, p)iing4»d into the CT«ek, 3 woro Dot ratWers. ir.'ro atubushea and iinu.ed5»tely a party of s'.cc^ I Lti: if wo wufu uu» utincrt, J .. ; r, firoci] with several c^P^y **;' „ . ■ .. J Kjinsoai 8 nnl ll'ikei ;) r JoreoF, c^nsistod of Runsom rv 'f ‘ ‘'■.'iro];?i;» Br’si comai.iaded by Qcrj. II isym i,; i (jol. Mercer, of the 21>t Gcorgria; ■ Virrr/n/a brigade, cooimindvd by Ool. J l>;»arf'ji’s r«'ciracr,t of cavalry, nod K- cn*c wero pat over ia it, rad onfprfd at h!1 b^iardi, (o d'>T« tbc eormy Tbo po^tooD^ werR hup^ipa Jo ih'' , front, me pI*o^ in tbe arfcU. which fcrri- d jTor ibVef or four c »inp»nl?8 t"»t f. llowr>?, Jepl«y^d »a sk'fmis i- fra *tsi ftirniy fl;d, R>Rbdcrin(; * ponUip’i cf tstrI 'mport«Qr.* to fk’om Thf'pon'oona »cr« fooc fcirf and *b* O'^rsHtinf of th? 24 b JI-nh (’ftrolina, Hni n«rk; ?6 b Narth n«.r .hn». U 1 Ro‘lc(?g'; 5b n N-'rth Cs'oliff^ f^ol F**8o- ; P6.b Nniib Oft’-oliDV ra Jratg. and {''f r)*nfe.!tiV h-ipurfp) fbeSihN rlb C-iri*- ! Mu*. CH. Wu’-caiHOD. j ririd^y ivei-tnd dc'ploye t HARNETT COUBTT ?ONVE»TIOW roB TBS OBAKBVXB I'he Oonvention to Domioate two oaodtcUt^’s for T—Jut i.0t « /Bwrciwv, i House of Commons met in the Court House (Tbift Regvmcnt boloRfca to UbQgjiaa’* Brigade but ts ! at LiUiDgton (as heretofore Advertised) o.o the ed to KAH8''m‘a Briga>ie. i 2d d»y ot May 1864. NeiU 8. Stewart was elceted Wouoded: Color Sir! PfMik ^ fv«s^de and R. B. Smith to-ac» an Secretary. ii'Fiii ro j’f ***"’ I Six of the nine Diatrict^i in'tho Ooaoty were re* JO! tat ijOOK. i3fia ;ri^r^>tu, Jr I J, i-ni* . 3~K He.;: G o W Gravoa Woond«i: JoMpii 0«rri*. pre''»«tited by rogular Delegates A. committee of >Vm dr#gory, Ddii>>»trey fl«rris, EmcK-rson W»lker. one from caoh district was appointed to prepare Jno A RfhpnJ/'j, Ja > W Kiajhy, R 'b’t resolatloQs for the action of the meetto^, whoTfi- ( Kdio(*t w J B»ktr WoQttdfd: R WL%vyer,AJ , tirfd, prepared and reported the following, which Xerr-, -j o , . seven Infterics i t’lieid arii'lcry, unf^cr Lieut C >1 i’rir;','h .ird .'I-jor Koid—Gen. floke, bs senior ’t;. it*-'’, Ct tum.i’’.dirj^ the *ntire force. ! . ; 'U‘h is on the Rou'h bunk of the Ronjioke, i mii-8 below \V\id..n; on its lelt j ”1*’1*"': * rnen.,> o-j.erpoe..., , I . J „ -.i, M’* rfgjt fli»k rM‘irg on »hfl H'ftTotfe apd he leJt on y crot'fc, fikirfcd i*n either sido with »« Conoby crcok * u. ii > 0 The cociny had thrown up j Tlp *riiUry. ocmmard^d hv 0^1 BTnnch. d d no* | V, , ' pavv 1' .'iificjtion in Ircn^, rxtendins: iroiu i "res'*, m the fln*!j«y c uld e'^'?y bf^r (he «rros»'hg ». t • "*”1 V' f t > ih'^'cf-k—a •Hst'iniJO of a mile—with ! sLeil fnT'ous’y at th« Ipss* r*v’s'. A^ui't ]'2 ! . .1aitmi in fr>nt. At phurt intervals alunj? ) 'ruops weie'aJJ in po.5i.on. «, d w r. ord.r- j . ] J » ^ I u ‘r ep n tSnr srms ftta rr8i for ih»* y^ir)- Avcro Hoiro r.nd hfl-l uuna jn ctnhrtksnre; ' The r, pbt s r^^ri.ct y 0 Am j •tnd clo!idl»» 8. wi’h fif! ful: moon t'lejdU g i»9 « n.iMr * I ear;g uno« the vl^fp'tuj T>?r in‘» ■ e f.Ptj J«y u. oo ft? was thn W ii!iam.s For-, ra'untin^ ' \.i:■ 'iie vjr s-i'-V'f at:d 3 ii-id guns iu batteries. Tli's 1'ofC «"ccuji-d a commaading elevation; was oi' ■ ’’ncr^ v s rotip^ ^iili a deep ditoh and iiupene- * •'; t -t. lie ?u’-:ouQdiDg it, pncloscd oa all .a;', i iu ci-o of ussault was protected with a V sud dia^brld^o, thuH oluTng the only I w. i-i'i * ■> ilu.'ti*rt losido of this line were thr tl •• tvrt.-, n. onnting two to four piego frun« in b r , rro, t*;.» ifr'i c tl'cir loft fl:»Tik and rear. fvr - I y uj HI t'o.o river wjuh one 200 Parrott | r ti ■. ill ^ j-iti'.n On their ri.:ht. flank, about j ty.jii v—.K in wtlTapc'' of'the main line was Fort | hHr* g’^oub'i ooT’fid ■with ibair bl-'iVst.', ia ifr^op" of f.r tirf.* far w»r ath rs !*i'air Wis ahjirp ;t*d jng rcnrr?’';^ 'lot «T. n to f the ct'Or-»iiig'» oar- T*)b>fi i5. J L o»»“ D—flF*P‘H‘rsoo Wcnn1^d: Ii-^u;s A S Oriigci^- and D W tr^HTer, W B D^bDcn, 8 A Hunt- Pin>tn»T C Svft, W Briokl^y, A L Wo'hI E—K:Heo: Lt D A PtHe^eon, Jno Wjund- e': L* 'hs K McKi^thno, Jaa T B«»rd, H.nry rao»dyt •In-' Kuiit^t. Peter MoMiU*n, B G ^^o’T^s, B J'skiaa, J nn yp» *« V F—W.iundef'; Li L T Tbfjratoii, PftTtif, J J F Skipper B ritrri», J WiNon, A J Bogpra L'sut L D larglry, Hn» J J TuBuag^ WotiBdiri: t*trt Tho't^'^ilua BL^el. R Prewtr, tl G 0''»? Harris QUford {I»rri«, 8 C Maore, O h -,orf W B H-'orf, H*iPrt» Ty^on. F—E . I'>t Sijt J A ricgj^i, J C K utis, W M I ti‘f.8 N'^wpo U rrj- r, M ses D y, C J Lin. viktger, £ J P-J E P-irnrp^r Hc»indi*d: Crrp J-a -1 M ‘liman W h H»rr'n^>r A 0 B at T V WilcT Chio*, W H Cbine. A E [iitikey, 0 Ifor^f H»tbe', I M x-.^nhP(>n*'r T H Murro Mitihi»«*, J W Mvo» 4 M J F fticr, J J 8 11, J 0 8i *es, £ 0 W tt# A let S Mfk 'I C R^oob*rt, J A DudmaD I..—Wciui»J«‘; ;>g! H lltrria, Ctrp» B lal^y aiid JC V M 8i” {.ron, B ■> j J^nBen, A B rir, W P rber WAB NBWa A Bottin in Jforthem Virginia —Ltn'a Arm§ again 9ucts*fult —04ANOK C H , May 5 —The * ■ » -•11 II ! thcoste, m ttf Taskees ttoobMitablj «aU ug, fgij upon th* slumb«riog TankMs and acattersd thea to the four windb We captured «u hundred I hoTMs and eqoipments, handr«>d« of arms, K*i tii^c; thi» fi li ofiistTa 11 renr of i' 'ir re^ Jtntn y* p'C'd j D t isirp, L C Tickie, Frstoia Faitst, J«fl X>l»r, ■•oaitib fro *.0 r .‘t fioTi *be bpATy | V tiofcr lii's wrre c.’o»"5’r>g upun >^rtn AIt ^ :'’t» liu' t*^^# slcimijbe's. fon.Tn‘i~r?cit by “the fg I B? Quitrtpr ta9»r'r I>urb»»n” ard t^«^ g A| t lr».>>ir«, ihc qiii k ti1^W7 \fC ti-v r*M * lib., ftr a: j w.-*.- rrhi-f iJrftd f»ni th»t f rfVyT'frt d, k- »b? *^n. my's b*avv g n», brwe» r. wen* Vp’-!! *rg f n>' !> I*!! tnd c»s*. lir tij? » i h grP4t «'•. Wbfn G H'ke imd K»nsoin B*fm-ated ii w>a ^d- - — oc»d «b»t aa socn aa tbe Inter tr*** in pcaiiion » e wruM \v J!. iujl!ur f. Fort VVillisini-DOS so Urge— | i:,l by ^ rocket, when Q^n Huk- I 'ua ui uutinkf two t;uca. (.)oe mile higher up . t»ia »rd K?a»per’rt bi'g dea would attack pn ibe lei lui'r;»e-r tjrt A *rrfii of like erDatrucUon. wounl { aod R^navui un tbe t gM wctiM n'tik'% d njjnatTn'ioi 1‘Xt I’arrrit «ni •aeT.-r-il otij^r ^tiaa of beav? ; li!~re, aii cotjmnliug tbe ri»er and any land attack. In .d Jiti n wat- T ar (ru^boatf to CJ operate wi:btt>e«e for The ereaiy ^ ring fK*T»Fed that otir iron dad the .,lr.^n>-r % c tntniTi leJ rj Capraln Cocke, wss nearly 0, I.: t 1 *»t iKht 1. tip t e riT-’r, b*d built Ibtae h ivj w. ?r hitterif 9 to prtTpal her p%>iace. b« d# , !i'ck*!‘nn *be n»^r with eaakea Tea*ela filed wiib h lid p.nJ irfepiii»t it wuh tcrpedoea. In faot. so 0"n» '«»re ifce »i»cray of i»i*jr abilitv to destroy ber n : ' :^y t^cpii us't m-n» the mesB'ge to Capt Oo^ke ih .t K J .'II ,1 «re«’l-. oh ijie ittem hy bringtog down h'** ‘ /? :r»'' Hs lb y w >re ai'»'‘oe of * tcovl' »nJ w»i»ttd N' •■>.> r h’lc;—1 ibey b*d cauaa 10 bo»al of 'b ir T' 6 1 strength, for e»fry applianee of ene’:D»eri"ic y. i *ni f»i,kfe ioJuf-*ry witli pick and sptd* bai X aus'td fra iweJre moatba' 1 bo” to make 1 mb A Sf-'an'ocl Tbe Uu4 fot8»B wer* ooro D sn : d k y Urijt U n We«ie U. aad O'nuta'ed f fl»e full r Cl e-'? pf in^'O'try. wiiH aeversl conip«nie* ot b^aT» ■o4 I aHt «ti 1 ly Aul cav«it7 o'>«pa^»••» Tie »>a»*' ini'* 0 ‘niiP%’>ilfd br f^pt, Flaaa*r—a K?n- 111 .'i a—"aid to bfl ffie*»r of r«r« iurepidit* aod mo-i* To rciuce Fort W*rreo, K "tnper’a brisade. D'qr ng'» '•^»»lry au’l two bitieripa U!»Hpr R'*id were J *if t > iHp ’’ff, -n Supd‘»y af-ernonn The ot ®r foro a n^rc‘-'d 10 the troot Hcke asd Rwai'tn being ►•uedj rrp>g«> 1 ;.i m^k nc reoonaoiseanoe;*, aol tbe eneniT, w'b » = » r.’_8 '^elllcg aitiv'Bg to R3ert»in tb* cm- CJi .^d r-'8 'i''o of i'tir inf miry About raoae' D-arirg and ‘'•••1. wrh tb*«r r fl' %rtill4*Ty. opened a briiik fire ucoti F rt Warrfn, at If00 ja^da, with marked effect, pcon cuM;rg down t’-ie ra^r'aoa flir at«ff. Tb* rna ' "v!3 tc' rp to tbe aaaia'aoo-' of tbe fort One iily m k *nd ^noiber 8*rioo»ly dainagrd 8 • y te- -‘ii :o a r/'ff'ca;/!!! diatinoe. 0«r ebar^aSoot ere po no-eJ ibi* canunneera in tbe (ori that ibeir fi iny w>i8 wi'd N» rteenitng it «idTia»M», tbe fort ■W'f* n I f-' rwed. thotigb it c^nld b&va bats carried w ’h ri.'! e 1 S3 ropa. D. -'rg ' :ght c m pita were dag io front of lb" t' * n I »’vly M Till ij Ta itn’’ g me »rtlH*ry, ua'^e^ ( I l’r* cK l » h Q ■.» a >-.n the enon?'* ! V jKr. w ioS iv-rv ▼ gir oo'y rcfp* n>1^'t to. Th»» ft", .u ;>:• (» n H k>» t-i..>rn’.in«d f i*r^y F"»rt wpjiipn i» '8 I I K tui «t’“ i-r gt'le*. nod m* bsti^rv onder (. rx-.lo-rMl Ktnsim wi'tt k;ia br'gf.t*, sitd fiir*.- 1h = j R ft Artillery, tu mik* li-'• 01 ■T'ilion »’inuli»n' «*Iy with h’a a’^a-k I- s • ki'--i ‘.h ••9. on l--r P'g’' m anJ f!.- "laU. -idr+ro J h nds>«fl7 »od r4pidl?. »“* rv.- in I ^ i-nejt y Tne tuemy bad now comffeneed , » . - ‘J «iuT4Do»tl ai a J»"g r»**f« n"ile orertfti or.f-n ir.d k .-a 1.1 160'J from tfce enemy’s "ki, ••tci bk '®ry . fjra of fire »8 if re«cbed ita p^'ai -I T « I d I ne in'na ry praS'inc f>»rw%rd at a b .j'l ct '.) ‘•atpirt (.’>■ •rii.l«^ry* Tbeen‘my ojo or attack, aa h? tbovgjt bfpt. After m»k ig a r?o noiaaance. Kaodoin st 1 o clock TVrdoraJiiy m^roic? diapatflbed Gen Hoka tbat h* waa in foti?i«n bm woold d*fer *11 im»*«>iu’nta nrtil ihe d*wn ct d y w*'cr be wcull ni'i Heroon* ra'e. bu» »oiH attack a* U i»'t‘D- d d to carry thefla't ty u»auU atki g r. m Q n. Hjk his 8tmul(»n«oa:> Oyj operation H« c»il*d « g iber f i- fifld offio>.r«, oomntucioated to them M« pirpo»e an>i p'anf, afd by b’a ctnfid nee. OvO’n Rtd r* aourn a aeemad to ivapir* tbem tbon Ufbty witb bia own a*l reliance. Aa a r»'a^, b* dete* mined lo ploce t i »r'il lery in ib* rear of fcia iof^mry, a«‘d lber*by caijie th» tttttpy lo overabooi our iioea. wiica jro'-ad accmpleic aao eea The moon bat ju't g n* down aad tb« g*av a reak- ’f the morain* wert t^ittilj viaible in tbe e'»t. wbtt ibe a in'*! r ck>*i w«at ur and tbe liu# of aki-n ith-rt* *w»>re otdcred lo advaaoe, wi icb ib»y did ha> da m^ly d i*i g in enrmy e«aily Tae in an ry now m Ti-d tOfwrii and the ar*il'e y ooc^ia'ing of Blouut’ii. Mar aball’a and Lee'a bat'erirs, UQ'Jer I'ol Br»t;ob. dtph-d forward a a full ithIIop into p'«iiion. anJ oTenrd im m di«telj upon tbe town ard fi^rtaat about l2l.K)yarll^ Tne rnei.-y tj ibi^i lim* had oxc'-nir-'t d a oiu»t ter >ifi? fl’’« from b*i" alt-ge at d fi Id guoa. J oat at I*-! ife G-o lloke ori-neu. ni:tl bia anilifiy M»v j/taMjxaly add Reid, a wj rap d aBii iT^mendous fire, and bi« iiifantry aest »p yll after y»-il aa if otaip log Rit.a)tB C4Vg^t tbe ‘^rui.d and ti^iag ia .^ia 4 ir • U'8 fr'm the bead and ng • of tb'b line in a rle-r atiO r;nginic v^ioe, gave the J, “Cbarve. bnya ard tbe place ia youra,” and »uota a onarg and ye I no on who ever saw or bea'd i c >n ever t' b IQ a de 8*riptioo; it was %8 tbe wi d*«t gist of tbe tornndoae i' pros'iatea the f't8t, or tbe mad «b it dvsHe^ through the praiil'; it waa a thniider bolt. The b%i; of Bboi. 8l»rU, c nia ir, rrape ard Mi>.ni« o«!« wer not only unherded but senn^d ughtar I. The inf^c ry and ariiPery fell tiick and fHSt, but immediairly ta« ■g P8 »ere ekg d ^ I.i lea cjinniea tbe two outer f rta, wUh8 runs. wer car*u»«*d our iDf'tntry B^al nrtb>ir rirkpei.*, no ' th. artillery wiihin IdO y^rrfg of t^e forts. otr*»a hk 1 iici bo-a tilowu oc ami canoouerra ah-1 'fowo, kud yet ib r.>maibtn n od to tfceir eut.s without •.b“'*.r. c i ti dtnt of ▼icto'-y ao j to a»eijjc’ tbe^r a>-nd. Tm* %ho'. ccmntanl. > fi ;• ta and ii.f»ntry und aTtjlifry, ae'Tr ed t*ntha-«ed with tbe,'ft«i> 'a'i n of e»ri)itc vicicr. '*^Vfral buodrei pria'nrta w rt cat iur d lo th»:»e for - • •- .V- . K. gan f*e 0i'nt»-at for the lowo, more than ij^lf % mtl^ i leofb. tb* enewy’a tiifan ry aiowly rptiring acd stub b.rtly reaiBting oar advance; For WilHamadealirg >u irat-e and 8t>beneil e»a«-; ib»ir fi M pi^cp^ *t ti e far it^rr extremiiiea of tbe broad, tti:»i|(bt airefta, rikirf them witb a D.urderoaB ftnj their inf»^ rt iu ih. Qooa.'S anl cellnrs and bebio*! c^tivering ga! ivf c*!arj|;c8 of n>; bm all of n^ rur ir,,.ri K — K J J K:;ioi ey. Jn/> Haoey. J 8 Morpn. Wtl»‘y j W S ;n. r.t W, (iiuutd: Lt- ut F J Aliiler, t orp »• B Coi- • O+'tf. Catkin fftiffnao, Wm K*ab«r, A Morgan. ■ ii J PJucL-nnir, P J .''Wink. Jno Rimer, J W ^peara I R c.i{'>'iiU>t'ii; Ki.led: 2 o&cere, 18 euliaied nter; j JVourde- ; n if8 e,8. 102 eoJieted mm; Total 127 I t rod r.ari auteKebl of oaauaUire iti *h» Brigade •D't I '^'o Aiiil.ry btiaobcd to ib« command under Lt Col Bratict>. * t’ff Men Off M*>n Riled wouad.'d Sib NC m 241 b NC. '."iih^ •* b vt j M 'Bt^i*y’rtJ9*i Art’y, y] Real’s • •• 0 Total, 5 18 11 19 4 0 2 69 lOi 84 •JO b4 in n w 17 8t»7 Total r? lui 2 U'^ 8 17 U 4;tj u 'beir forts and^ aroused, confident ana irreaiatiole They prftat 1 ol u*, "laeS f.ri •- li I'-’i' .ry H)il ,i a«f uaaeeded; ,teaJily. witboui bait or he^itarioti. tcaripg d wn «t.C' (itiT th» b%i*'riei wo*>H tiedees nd eeery oba'acl^ that tirey mei, cap'nriuK tn. ♦rd at fu'l g\l!op atd ip^n 'nrmy at e»er^ ate?- Soon tb^y wrre it arou'. ai d ru op .0 t^e en mr. .».rHta »nd atti^n 'Tifai try prt-eaed ihrouab the lowo-»cd wa*ed rneir ;>*r:*e u 1 'bey w^r- lo HO*) yard'* '•t F.irt fl'ga o»->r ta« frrijflca'ions in front lo 0?n?ra1 link..* of .-itr.! p'fs^irg elo^eiy up, •’■u* re roro'S. wto c uld tcarrtly l»ere»e tb »i, ao uiucb bn. >■ 6^" T/i« ac(i n c'miu»ncd atifni- fuu aorompli*«hed io ao «bort a tim». Cl * .• c iy cl ir #uh a fii'l i^30«, |» f rT WiHiam* n w rn'y r'm-innl; we bad os^'ure' ‘ ' Ip t «as tn g ificp'I t aof*; 1500 io 00 fi-'.ioc’’?. an i GjD- Rhc* oi ir-ti'p ^ ' a ‘ ' g '• r. xu'i 1‘ g %n i i*-“ rg ! Ii t l» rO' I a fU'uin H"* r .'t 'c 8-:rrenier Ots:’ ''re 'i ’ '• u pSur -.n ^ t. npp'»rrd .- ! el rt«*c'ia*-d, d wo con.BHTr^d i t. . - c k t a*'n ' g fu:cs. anJ w u >1 ' un'JD'i r'in aid f- J ■ lOa.UTi. ih.'iT fr-g-^-nt- . I' > ■ g . n.y a de>iiaua.r>^tii n »be a;-ura;0 '•j^.t Usn W.-3 M-J MofieUs’* Battalion ooi.*ia‘B of the following Rvii'rieb: Be«nch F.iLi Ar iliery, Lt Marlin *'obbH’|i; Wjlit'ii'Ci*n Light .^rtillifT. t'apt M« l»r. Comd’g; Brad la’a Bitiery. f^apt B adfor , UrniJ g; .Mintgomer} Tri'O B'.uea. Capi Li*e. Cjind’f Orly t»o B»iuriea of AI j Head’* ButaH»a were aa- ■tS[D»d to Vans'-m’B B’iAa''« during the rngag^ment o' be 18th and 20 b Mifshal'a B*ttery, apt Marghal, Conr.d g: Blout.t 8 B»tiery. Capi B outit, Comd’g M*r -feat’s B.oubt'a and L'e’a Ba'iertes only were a*ta«bec 0 our Bnrade on the morning of tbe ‘ Oih, oommaadec y Li. t id Brd.coh. Very r^" ei-ifa'ly, S H GEK. A A A 1*1 Gen kBrolllnj; tifflce. KajetieThle, May 4« 1861. IN Cvuctii irkiuc N I'fl n ceui »p|.’j'ti utvu'a ui iJuiei Ha Otf 4ih Coo Dt9>., .o-t in obedience to ina.jujticni ttom I ioi, it ia ber>;by ordtrvd that: 1. ^!1 white male realdouta of ('umberland 0 un'f, be'weta tbe ages of 17 and 18 and 46 and 60, ^elocg iiig to Aid Ueg t N C .'iilitia, aball appear at Fayetu on 19.b ii>8t , and tho»e bel.>ngin? '.o 54th Reel on •n»'20;h insi , exo^p ini; those tr31. 71st and Q. w fil' L>fs;riots wbo i^all appear on the Vlst inst , A M . mat (bey niHy Ibrn be extminfd by Metioal Ex’; B»trJ, ani eubojit eucn claims aa they bare to Exemp 1 u or D-i**l Aoy per>«o& wbo may bare 'ailed to en roll tiirurjelf will'be )d>ced in aereioe in tbe field un!e*t ;ie aVa^I { r^g^rt cn these ar point»d days *'a 'eaeuiiabit TCu-'?- t-erefor. 'u be jatged ot by the Pr»sideril " Ii. Ail frea ^'Ctooti^ of e irr 6- iw'p . ibe asroc cf 18 u ;> >. w ll I't euro’..i» 1 b» flj • r* of Home G i-trd a« li ~ , u'' I b. fore .Mediosl £( ^ B >«rd fcu i Looai Ear- ll '!«, .flijt-r, •»»ro nasDn ami jiroj-er di»poaiti.'>ii Mi»uiil..ciafer« »c.i C ti.p'^inie* of aay kind raTiog a. •li p) y... e -Iree n"grord ’ wco ii tuey d. aire t« retain uiii’t tne lu tbiaoffi -v. picper applicatioiui fi.r tbeo prio’' 111 AI bet we>*u I*' aad 43, a r^-Px%uiiunt*oa w a o-ni waa or !-rei eai.^oi«lty, m well ag those who by ■ui[uc8« Of cThi>r v"’od ret«r*n f\ii-i to appear at l»af llri’pnt mu' i '.w pre* t*icna«tl» r I’n t?it 20th (!j-t -jr ^ il xaoiiustit.n I'. mV; a be %J tfi, ihat son-e bav- baca f.raad tr lav.’ ntirrijr u gifcon u • r refused to ooa'.p'y wjtb wh*ii sa««-y 'ciiuin cnibeni—ri-porl tb;iu- I.. ti r cold ibt'T .-iLS- t .r I e’lig cut of iheftTm^. II.1 a ner.'tjni^ lo rff.'Ct N3int:)Cat> t»c p d to bi ex-mpt, bii’ tae c ntr*ry, nitil ^i^ .•Ifc u to .xooif ioo b.o >iufc. kiiparei t Hereafu-r n» fur-' a. t. t.o>* - i>l fti fea, 1 ti all b tween ibe agos q; d f«t inihiecrtlo by t'« Zlt' iJ wt'prt-rer found, and no one o*ii were aD^Qimr.aftly adopted; l*t. Resolved, Thai wa endor-'e il». adcninl»n’aitut of Go» V no? had deolare iti fjvcr -f bia re aleoUon 2i. Hesoivfd, Th»t wa wUl f opoort oo nan Mdatp fir a d>‘*t in the L«*rijlaare wbo ■will »iOi advocate e- lectiou 01 0.»v V(-nce uoor iV «tamp 81, P»*eolTrd Tt>a» we a’ c; f T>05.^‘^ lo Nor l« Oaro!i»a’8 tftkiofr bor .’Wll offti*- ju b«!r own baDd^and takiogA'i'* Jray-8ton« frnm th*^ f'i'nf'd«r»i p aro*' and letting tbe wbol« B*nj(;tur» fail. 4»b, Uea.'itei, That we are tc A«».»r or having ou? eii*r“0 to ad»>K'ate our catfc tte people on the atump and >no of our frl:nd8 from ttie array to n-pr**- •t’lt n« bMi^vivg tbai i» ia due to Oiir gaHant b'«>T«a wbo an u bly d. fendirg our tiheniee in tbe field tbatibey ab-onld ha»e a Rep'«»ren*aH»« in tbo ooxi Gen* tfal ABHMDblv. 6>b. R.*.sni»,-d. Tbat wa rc-c.i^rnoi-od tJie nau*e.i of Gen'l A D .MeL^^an atid Lieut Woi. M M N-.;lil be *o*e"l trr t>8 t’TO of i.^e Cominooorfi fr-iiti ’nmbarland aDdTIntTieU f’tr tb* «'Xt OeDrral Aaa*mbty fiiti Re^ol*e*i, That tn re«0H'0»'’ndtng tbt'se gfcisile tr.»n we reareetfully present tnep* lo tti® V'^tera of Com- f>er*nnd aad H trneit in tbe p^j.fideo*** that (.•n’Bher- lar;d wilt wi'lingl r waanrd to n? * wo Co'nm'jiers. wbll«t *e wil) j itn wiiS li^r in olnc'toff yoe 0.irafUrtii“r tn-l the H ibu' gi»lt»e her entifi* woir'’>l ef ona brarob ot th« . er’>'l'i>tur* *''!> be j'ub'ia»/-d in thf FiyeitCBillo nv>e«*rv*r ant^ W^eklr loi«llig*acrr OeB MeL-an wm waPed on by a uoioadttee, inforo ed of bia noiDioati&Ji. a> d ri^qtiu-ted to adirrae tbe Con •eotion lo reap.-’n*e to ibie he fame forward, accepted the uoi&;na(*oo and endori>e l tbe reoIuticina io a wa^m .nd able addre«8 8«*eral r*‘n*lan>'-A addraaae^ tbr •nee‘in* in reapoese to e,aUa mads for them, and Ibe zreitest harmony prevailed thr!'«jtb''nt. N. 8. STEW ART, Chmfc R. B. Bmitb. Sec’y. Col A*aiUt-'$ BtttaUon.—We were present ■’n yesterday afternoon at the Review of th«* Tro tps at ('amp [lolmes, by Lt. Qen. Holmrs, reparatory to their going iorirard to the front ru meet the enemy. VVe have ssarcely ever seen so fine a body of meo, taking them altogether, tnd their trofioiency io drill coonot be ezoelled; rc fleeting great credit upon their Commander and ■•thers who have bee*i over them. The review 1 eing over, the whole line was drawn op in olof^e order and wa^ addressed by Gen ‘Ilolmes. He tuld them that he eame to an- noooce to them that they wore needed in tbe field, •od must prepare to go at once. That he had juat returned from Richmond where he had en dearored to makearrani^ements for theic to go io a bodV, under the lead of their beloved Com mander, Col. Mailctt, under whom they had long .«erved; but that such ao arrangement was not oumpatible with the regulations of the service— new organizod troops not being admissible. They must, therefore, select the Companies to (Chich they wished to be attached and go to join them in meeting the enemy, who were about reaiy for the onslaught. Q!*h. ilolmes complimented the Battalion as being the best drilled one he had seen any where ard especially oomplimeuted them for the exalt ed reputation they bore for correct discipline asd ^igh moral virtue. It was a highlj iatoresting oecasioof and when fhe troops returned to their quirters, they made the echoes ring with buzzibs at the prospcot of meeting the enemy. CjI. Mallett seemed much 'movt‘4 at this parting review of his troops whose wcllaro'he has been ever assiduous to promote; iffliile the men seemed to hav» bat one regret and that was the parting with their loved com enemy’s iufantry and artillery all crossed at the i '^“V'TT—*: ^ lower fords last night, and spread this morning | them into a WMked hat.' ” from Obaooellorsville up to Parker's Store, a point I. ^ uMbt hut thu force, so roizghh about 20 mihi^s below her«. It is reported that by Stand Watie, was * of Thayer', they ate moving this laoraing ou* from (Jhancel- i swamps of Florida to fJn lorsviUe towards tb« Central Railway Some Inoian oountry, oar suocosses rm slighf cavalry skirmishing ha» been going on about 1 ^ a ^ 20 mileo below, near Parker's dtore, this morning Icdian allies, onoer c^a Watte tad Grant's force is variously estimated at between f ers,-who have never warred 10 tbe darken 100 and 180,000 men. ^ Sniggle, who have «crifte«J ,be{, 0»A»OB C. H., May 6—A oonnderable c^n-of Sonihero liberty, wiJi geuontoccarr^1 ^‘coDf^er... S.IZ* ^ hen near Parker's Sti»re, Spottsjlvawa co., on tl.{ B. X r - r , J ! fThaycr’s force wfs 8 regiments, lind aarohoii plank Twd, between a iwrt ot E^feli’s eorrs, ana ; 3hreviport at thetiaiBe timt the 6th corps yankec infantry, 1 Steele left' Little B^k~all expeoti»g to be ii regulars. The ^ htodrom^lj 411 0»o>-! ««» firtig. A^, -&inxon. ».««■!• >!"• , 1 M., 6 -NortUra p.p« .f the 3d .o.e r»,„. *“** ed by the flag of tmce boat We annei aiua ' ssnse tim* ■r r e p-i >n. 11 I - ' X ■ " ■ ■■ - tt' fcit.;,''>lf j J - J. ' 2'.‘ )>52'J P.CN^'iU;R, Lt ft B®. Offi tr, t'uc^brr)aua r> u» '7 d I li f,\ rsm,\>-lifd ibit ho ojuo’u^e*. "e nils i*f hia owa t%rg i p;.»Cic’i 1 ■ ' f:r twelve moB-c« bivng t&Trti r> ' v:Tid \y iuy r : g w 'u’y "fg'g'd on the rie’’t. 0 :i -i 1 ?igD'^0i>9 >i upon Fott Wf'acU tl .I...- sn.) i-^^' ry—line e^tiuy oiip^sio)? a i' .. r' ■ i'.Cd i'if.a 'y ucd jv^fa n , r . r.' i f. fi, th" e^'tay r ur i f at th'm hc.*d- j ,■ t til I'- hTt B (i di ca i«Qd bieh j , - Ti^n'eJ wur m u fr^m i'-ilinj; j», Du-| ■ • o • ** cS.-trg'-s, the in--c;il V’yl M-'ro-r • t -v' g ” ^ b,-i;i?.\ f^t! mjTt j ly wu*d.-d • I IT i t I.i-! 00 Hand FiTiH'.y, cir mfitii'y ,1 ! i :'tf I ff, thf a'liU'Tv l t"i wit'in . . »> ■.. :y ;t. *.D i C.-l. L’e r'n? la br'-a’^ o* G ti ■ ;;; ;d • 1 ? -Jr.'f cd-r of •>*.> 1 1*06, W'ioh Wl» >m • ’ C'1'’irii■ 1 wifb, amf 62 prfivoDera m^nut^ni 0 r • r (hir lo"r h j:»gh I g'>f, W9S roue*! grpatrr ' r*. •'• tl ..f rhe pn?n’T. T-'ua a ye-y important 11 tok •J * ,5 oi'ta^iel T>r jii !: d th>* g jwboafs rouM b? i) . _• otf f>y I he iron l-.d. otherwise jf wa^^ of littlo »»’ • n J i;pht, our »r-n!’.u.'jilion being exhaasted. I-e ftr ill ; y cd inf^n'ry w-re withdrawn, our loss b“j' )t ’g *. I’egTflin Gpb. RiDsnrn’a .Adju'ant- 0-' er» . »fi :-jca-.ipli5.‘cd offi^ir, was serioB'lj wouad- bt A‘‘ _i tao o’-!cc Tusaday m'jratng ottr iron cl^d, ?>« A!h( ■ vi'lc. Tfcutilitii? two Brooks rifi^ gooa, and c'imtc i-!pd oy t'apt t)oQk'‘, TMied *a. ily c*er the ob- a '-uo :cus from the high walvr; passed Cort W%rren ait'i 111 rli'iitiiig a ahoi, onr B»>*rpa*}oot.''r8 fo closely in7*ifiDg th« fori tha, the oowarJsy cdn-oaeers would But m'»n their f;una 8hp m Hoottifiel -Ml .e >in.-o w .i!rt a'lr»iicing the akimieber#; just tfor*. -Sp el S d S^teamiog just below Piymoath I fhn ilinmi, o^mmanded by Flnswr, and tbe leH, uad* r Freneh Tiey were side by aide of boats carried eight guna of very --0-- O H» , c -H^ri*, «nd were regnrdei equal to any in tht Wiii'TB I'f Ei^*i»‘rB t'aroliua The gslUnt Cooke kea'^ed j!rfot;y for ihe 8 wiir.6.-t 1, gate her the oootenta cf bia bf'W yun, ttiid. airikiag ber forward with his prow, ahe irum (*i'«(cly bij'^Q to a nk, and with Buch rapidity I at h- fore thp A brm-rle co'ill diseogaiie beraalf ahe wap wi-li i.igh oskTTicd down, water ruoniag in (M" F t’; 'Ilia iACatitning^some delay, the Miami Sed, bat c'l UU'il .-be wad B' »*-rely punished, brr ooromandar, t '■! ?tr nod iB.oy of ber cr»*w being killed, b'BldeaBb* v^H be^'ougiy dieahh d, acd ta aa»d ro be sunk at E l«n- » >1 iu »h'y of i « So’uihft'Id’a crew were emd to be b 11-ii. 7 M19 &ii d uur ir*ctoTy wiih ir I.OdB, tbe brat teiog the Meftimao'e la Uamptoa Ki. d- I)'•'t'a' .Mouday n’gbt Hoke'B and^ tLeidprr’s brigadea ai pi ii*u.tjr arma id ihe poaii'.oa ibey bad gained li or*? u'.iynixt rorniug'hree^ regiments of B-ntr-m a bed Ctl. Bi-anou’a „u\iery were ordered to Mj(ro;t and with two regiment* and 1 "J, W“s a|['>tB ? 80 >ETt5'*-a - y vU' ■*rpfio-it’i8 ^^a^ iL 'r ?*ni aiifiTo c^uld ':c: a >1: .. taeir guns ,* •’triT: '‘’•■retftrr ih- ir c:-’'- a i»fr h nl«J t nd hd untorditi t 1! t,i;rr tjJ^r of the pl-.n n.ade The rt-.nuU of in^a o.r-ai hrii! ai.f fiii(5f!»*i»» wa U*C capture of some ^,500 otEc*’?’*' ai d iepd rUt,- .'•t heavy >*nd i;/t-t »r;i ie y, tOii 50)*>.e ,clOUe'.uo of sma-t ara>6, H fir 7- U i^i»rrcl3 * 1 .ur. Ur* - ouaniiii^ of >ac'n aa'J ccef. w.tT cfirr roiEiiiiS'ary ai.! quarter- 8U(;plie4, iu.tneuse «nd i i-to e^ atd . p trocff pr».i!ioD o' P.y^outn. waich protcr;-« «h« who . R .at'oke VhII 'y and furi«?bf'8 a S^at* f.'r rur ir .n C'ld- •n dr;»c ou iro-" tie Alb'io arle i*d t Pa ; ica i-o.jri. tiic IdFfr fl-e* o' enc'Dy's gtn 0*11*, ^cd cpfu >i 1»^- :^nd Tjc'’! C nn ry fr-nrv W'.isai er« o n 'j.uri.u .isu **'-. •vpp'ifa. its re ulirt a-e u-’t'^ld If pr.ip^rly fv m» i.p. o li ro]|tic^l and xc!!iitiry a?peo', u -L uld ur tc t)p en. f.y f-ca; Ei :rr?' N r*n Carol n » *nd obUcri. the V '>i Tv®')f«- of H .iJt-niHir fr m ine ••(•iia G tl II Vr ff 0 r~rmnrdi-.l '..■■e •xp'‘i t ■'b *b or If £7 y^are 1 id, 10 .y wli r.'.ck w’tti t,» e at)!uft uC 1 f >13 ▼’X* 'asf, art vity, ard aa »;iid'irt.r>c^ that d farigie; banJisB troopa witH prf,»t eats arid an J hai th»‘ir un'icu"d. d ll»i»Bor.i’s obarg» Iiastio- be-ii ^u^pR?lc■* at any fine; his taui»'»ry geiiira oorapr-^hfodt'd the aitiinion. and he was master of >l; be d-lermined upon lil cDarre, know ing wliUt -oluok and da»h coil'd t>.co>nv '''h, an J fi?d 1’ W78 :h • orry p'cper point ot attack. With 2,2 jO muske-e an-'i 9 piroea f nr'illery oh'»-gfd the ero iriy’a worka, whi^h tbcy rrg*rdrd unmgailaMe. o'tr-i** ! thi-a wiibont a bait, o-4piurtpg 2,600 priaonera "Pd 2U P’eo?8 of artillery. H-e k>8B. which reach, d 6C0 in 80 minuiea, ahows how i-.a» g>unftTj waa tbe w rk Col Bearing, of the cavalry, ia worthy of aotice He not only tan Hed bie ois-'? c'>noin'»n'? wilh gren^ su'^aa. bntin tb^ oharg*! of artillery and inf*iitry at Fort War ren, on SuuUay night mn.i on Monday nirht. both ^n the right and l^fi with Rinsom and Hok-», and on Wed Ee?riay ra-rning in R inaom’a oharK*> bia BJTYioea wpr»- itt—’?a»ble. - » i. i My rcuRb outline is already too long I biv- cnly Btri'rcn to narrate proroloent faota. aad am p.eaen e from detailiPkg maay ins aooea of peraonil heroiaro by the lack of ap*oa. Yet all wbo panirlpved iny j iB ly feel proad that they 4«i ted in the capture or Plymouth. R. '6t!4 ■ ay F.'h l DliPur N. II, 'at.i. i;i.*i>FN i, M*y 2 Fay jour Tilhes. .v.^ '..I 1.1- pt'o lO'j'r T. bo T x !)a3v bfciw Ml toe 16 h aOa 20.n ct *i.i i;;c f a > ha«e :t crcdiud uQ i.'ieir esn , T >ii t' i.'-'ku.-' aiU be rvMurr./'d uBorfdktttd ‘•g a ygur reo-ipt.'* “ / il SIKES, 2 *t l>**poi .\zt No 11. 4-b D.*i. N, C Richmi'ND, May 6 —The foliowLrg was reeeiv- ed this morning*.-' Hsadq’bs Armt No»th*bn Va., May 5 To tho Ho0. Secretary of Wa*':—T’he enemy crt»«ed the Rapit^an at Kly’s and (iermanna Fords. Two oorpA of this army moved to oppose him — Ewell’s hy the uld turnpike, Hiir.i hj the {klank road They nrrived this morning in close prox imity to the enemy's line of march. A strong at tack was made on Kwell, who repulsed it, rapta*’' »ng m^ny privjoers and ^ pieces of artillery. The enncy suhseqiientlf concentrated nron Hill, who, with Heth’a and Wilcox’s Divisioos, succofwfully reaiated their repeated and deHpe’tite assaults A 'arge toree or cavairy ana anm.-iy, uu our rlgtii flank, was driven hack by Ro.ssor's brigade By the blessing of God, w« maintained our po sition a?ainst every effort until night, when the COD test closed. We have to mourn the loss of many brave offi ftera and men. .The gal1a«t Qen. J. M-Jones, killed; Brig Gen. Staff jrd, I fear, mortally wound ed, while leading his command with consptcaoua valor. R E LtE Hichmojjd, May fi.—Fighting between Lee and Grant was resumed this moriing. Several t4,l9grsm8 received represent news from the front as tfheerine. About 2000 prisonera were cap tured yesterday. Y Q. yL. Odlct\ llh oist. s. ( toV if Vlu« •! > i I. b / I'd Farm ra of chi 4.1i joag. Dist., £4. C. u.i -I * *o OV ■». I >1., t.> y*y }v“ T'a>s .ue fr li* ■r^.p^ > I Mj3 U ii bojirU Ijit -iifl w ;i p-> priaijnly. D o o« W..J b» «!>en wh^n th* Ag«ut« will bt -wv u t;C'i»e lUe Tiiaes of I'bl J .\1 Ml GO wan. 29 It t’apt auo l'i>i-i Q M I .sarrnit | \WAT froff ‘■•VI re I Jl^ fi’-ed in 'ai . -^7’ ! J? ..j!te»lil- Pti.-: H«;s»2«rd. roT> fOif ffnr? •• Ji'f'y 4. from Mr, A. W. B eel o .. ia 8iip;>osed Co ba about the town now i w.imao'a ir Be q -y, aud ie of medium ueig^a d 'lrlt oaai[ lesi^. ac'l a futt mit of hair. I will gtf tae abo*e reward '.o aur oa» wdi> will delirer her to mi >♦1 rhe Ar« B4l,'o>' cicfine her io j*il. n 1 -r p.. e-M .MATTtiEW P Apti' 2*^ TAYLOR 20 tf While at Camp Holmes, a company of the .Junior Reserves” arrived and were as.signed to ijuarterii They eecmcd to be cheerful and hap py in their new situation God bless the boys. fidUiyh Crm/edtrate Of A. From Pli^nioufh —It is said that the waters of Albemarle i^uund are in oor quiet possestiion Tbe fisheries are being worked with great results by the people. The amount of prtivisiona secur ed by the fall oi Plyncouth ia j»aid to be far kfreater than any one had (supposed, and the •'ountry open to U4 will furnish enough to feed a iarge army for many moutha to come. ffalefyK Ikm federate After the fall of Plymouth a great number of •it»*"ns hastened there to reclaijn the projierty stolen from them by the yankres. Benides a large looibrr of negroes, horsts and other article^ ideotiOed by their ownera, we harn that a eentle 'uan fuuud ihure hia family carri ge, which hao ■b en takeo fr ai him by Yanitee General Wresell •od kept and used by him for his own private leju-urc. AI out Plymouth, l-'ke in other dis tricts tiverrnn by the emmy, their officers have eaated and fuftened cn the gciods stoli n Iron our iti* -n^, and we ar«» glad to h .ar that a dav o( -ei k->nint; has com^^ t«» those who have sufferrd rom their piilairing. The garrisofl of Plymou h, t r months, has had nothing to do but n>ak« itids on neighboring pLntaioi>s, and the^r kill ioi^a have bc n limited to tl e number of necks 1»vrang of stolen chickens. Tbe yaakee acoountti of the battle of P'ymouth, — — *»td ^JL gentleman from North Carolina, ire aa grt'atly ex’igg''rated as uYi tjrCT orere-iwra 'f truth and pervt rsi >n of facts could make them The yankees have it that oar menftnade seven ■’nsuccessfijl charges, while the^truth is, our meo were un.succesnful in but one single charge io the whole buttle.—Richmond Examiner. rrLttred to ihe rifht to make Ai light tbe taemy opmed a he*vy .^opou qjr position, to which we rvplled a gune fro» thb cap nred fort up ’"'■'■onnoaiinae o'n “••‘king a iBure I borough ‘he 1-:., leturnV^"^ m-rnlng, did not attack o& tb- rvbt. About midda^KT!' ecm'8 brigvla wuh artilier» *« "•“* &««- RAVSOM’8 BBI0^.UB AT PLYMOUTH rOR TUB OHBEHVSR. HaanQnABTaaa Hanb'M a Baiaana. April 80. Vesers E J Hale & Sunn: B'low s a list of c«8U'!l- tiea in Brg Q^n M W Raasom’a Brigade in the re cent engage'^entn around io and Pl/mootb, K C., cn the '*8th and 20:h April 186. Very r^'speoifally, 8 H. GEE, A A. & In. G^n Field and Ptaff—W u^dat?; C«n‘ JnoC Prsrram, A AG. 24A N C r^Col. Wm J. Clarkt. (Already pub'irhed in O >aeraer») «5rA N C T-^Col. H M Rutlmfge. Co. A—K li*'d: Jos L E Ipey ant W W Deenby. Woua.*et; w B t'onnerand B Curt»a B-«-.KiUe-t: W B Grant Wounded; Newtnn Fox I)—Woandfd: C./rp F H Hensley and 0 L Goswell B—Wounded: II G Waetmore, T C Qiklloway, Q W 'iex. Tboe H«ys. ♦ Q—Wounded: Jorbua ReeiDB- • ' H—Killed: J !d Cailand. Wounded: J L Oentles, W Dumphrey. 1—Wnumded: 8«t W Warren, N Lather. K—K lied: O W Blaok Wounded: f'orp J M Juatloe, S F BdmaBd->, A W Ramsey. G P Blaek. fUfUatlPff* kitled 6, wouaded It; Teial 29. 1 aiu a cartUidnIe to r^^preneiit ttirhraou county in toe next House of CoiauiociB A Uui ■! loan 'iH April 18'U, all >uear»ai,i»e ande»f>porf n of Mr Holden T.r Governor, I am fot aCuOteution anit ioim di»i- metaurea for peace 1 am oppo«rd to Iht cr^i^iral S.‘Oa'BioDi8*a, lo tbe Couaoription and Titbe law>, to tb* sa p oeion ot loo habeas (ivrpiis, to tb«. war, to military uaurpatinn of powor. I aollci: tbe voli» uf my o-im»y solrly the cause of peace, which 1 r*‘|'re9«*at, AB''H D ARNE McBRYUB. C»'^p H^ime?, Apul 27. ?8 4 pd NOTICE. Ant peraon wiab toexohanga a boy 12 or 15yeara old for a girl at>out 7, a good oo'-nfi'ld band auo a very ^ood cook, they can aee M. M- Eianon or Geo Hol’i ea, Sr. or eioh»n^e twa srr.aU ones for the a«id girl May 8 29 8t J\*OTiCE. IWlLL diairiba’c Sait to citixi>ns In Fever.ty flrsi Di ti!C‘. oa W«dneaday and Ttiutaday the llth anl 1 Zih lOBt. All thore that do not apply then will not bt attended to NEILL R BLUE, Salt Com for 71 i Dist. May 4. 26 2 pi 1 i\OTl€iK. ^hairmxQ of the Committees of the different d’t* trioiB appointed by the County Court of Robeann ‘'cunty, for the diatribution of money and provisiena, among indigent soTtl'ers’ wires and familiea, are hereby notified to meet at tbe Court House tn Latal>erton, on the Eleventh day of May A. D 1864, and reoeire for diatribation the seoond dividend for 1864, now in my handa. A puaotual attendanoe ia earnest !▼ requested JOHN Walker, Commiaaioner for Eobeaon Oe. April SO. 2»-2l Cnpture of Detertert.—Oapt. C. D. William son and Privates J. C. Pugh and T. M. Furger* .4on, of Ool. Mallett’s Battalion, while driving rhe woods in search of des^rtora in Granville ooucty, abjut 20 miles from Raleigh, on the 28th alt, cauie on four desertern, well armed, and who had made many threats. Capt. W. and bis- two m^’o charjjed on them:-—one made his CBranp, I wo \verc captured and one killed. Capt WiU liamoon is the son of Baley Williamaon^ E't) , (it Moore Co. N. C , and deserves promotion tor his bravery and coolness —Haleigh Confed., 6/A. Nrw i'ownterfeitM —We were shown yesterday three bills which we were informed were oounter- icits just arrived here from Havana, via Nassau. They are a one hundred dollar interest-bearing note; a one hundred dollar and a twenty dollar roO'interest-bearing'note. The interest-bearing oote is dated Dec. 1, 1862. It is stamped on the back with a circu ar stamp ‘‘Issued at Montgom ery, Ala. 10 Jan. '63. T. Sandford Depositary." The non-interest bearing notes are of the old Hoyer & Ltidwig stamp, dated Septembei* 2d, 1861.— WilmingtOH Journal, bfh. Jndffe Rufin.—Chief 'Justine Ruffin is re covering from hb very dangerous illness Given tip ai a Bud Job.-—The New York Tri bune announcea the abandonment of the siege of Charleston. British aid to the Tankeet —A Parliamentary return shows that the number of riflee and mus kets exported from Liverpool to Federal porta in 1861. was 15,lii8, wfaUe in 18Q2 it amooatad to 19^0fta. ' Frutn Enatern Xorfh Carof%na.—^e are^not withwut rumors from Gen. Hoke’s army, but none of them epeak of an attack or anything like it—some of them indeed, would lead us to ex prct tbe contrary. It is said ob the oontrary that the'R^m Albemarle has been s«en in Neuse river below Newbern, and should this be true we can all corjectnre what is to happen. We would still couusr'l the pubi o, however, not to be tofi sanguine io their expectations of an attack, as ma ny obstacles may ioterpose to prevent it. Oold^oro’ Journal^ Qth. It is reported that the ‘^AlbeiArle Ram," in cruiaing about in the waters of the Sound, a lew d%ys flince, captured two transport vesseh^ laden with com for Fortress Monroe. Oae of the vessels it is said had fifteen thousand hush els on board —Haleiyh Confederate, 6(h. Kinston, May 4.—The news from this ^uar* ter is of vast importance. Before this reaches you, Newbern will dot/btIe5>s be in our posnsiession Major General Hoke, commanding brigades of infantry, is now in motion, moving agunat that city, on the south side of the Neose, whilst Brig. Geo. Dearing, oommanding tfavalry, is ad* vaccing on the Atkntie and N. C. Railroad, be tween the town, so aa to cut off the retreat of the enemy, should they attempt to escape by that route to Morehead City. Gen. —, who has been here for sevepsl days past, left last night, after turning over the c^mand nf tK* «:vp«4ittou Mowberu to Maj. Gen. Hoke. A dispatch received from Col. Whitford on yesterday says ihat the yankees have been engag cd for several days past in moviug off all their valuables by the way of the Atlantic Railroad, to Morehead Gity.—(Jor. C'on/ed^raiey Qth. ioTikef movemenfi on the I*eninsu^a.-—A Gun Boat blovan vp.—RicOMONP, May 6 —Informa lion at the War I^epartment reports 4 monitors and 5 gunboats. (2 iron dads) and 60 transports, in the Jame>) river, this morning, coming up. Richmond, May 6.—The fleet came up yes terday above City Point, and landed several regi oients. The enemy’s force is estimated at 90'j0 The enemy on tbe Penicsula reported advancing. It is reported that additional transports witti troops, came up the rivrr to-day. Oae yankce gnnhoat on the Jsmes, was blown up this afternoon. Frumthd Tram Sliuha>ppi.—MjssJPIAN, May 6.— Information from trans-MiSfisitippi confirrue (he former rumors of a battle between Price and Steele, io whicb the Cunfederau-s gained a com ^lete victory. Steeio is said to have lost his eu- -irfi wagon train. From 7e«r^«i,—Dalton, May 6—The ene my's advance is very slow, as thi*y are-«uttiiig r^ada, and buildioK causeways anil bridges. S^mptontB >/ a —Dalton, May 6.— Gen. Jvihnston bas ibsned an order grmriog par to all pvraons ur der arrest, except toosa fot plundering and pilfering. From the Snu»h IVu*.—DeMOPOLls, May 6 Adviois Irom Olive Branch state that after eight ^ap«iw.a« .ttv £oraaa rtipulaed au.u drove the eo^my acioea Thompson’s creek. The eneu.y numbered 15,0(.0, our torcis 800. Col John S. SooU, comm^irding a cavalry force of 000 m?D, engaged 6000 jankecs from Baton K ago and Port Hudson, under Gen. Andrews aiid alter aeveral hours fighting, repulsed them with heavy loss. Our loss five wounded The fight took place at Olive Branch Creek; tbe ene my are in full retreat towards.Baton Kouge, and Mij. Fred. Ogden, commanding Mayfield's ofcv- alry, pursuing. Demi’Polis, May 6.—Advices from Missiasippi ^tatc that the enemy, with 10,000 infantry. 2 batteries of artillery and 260 cavalry, all under Gen. MoArthur, were advancing towards Yaico 0«r/Wwn A/itett tohip the Yankees.—The Richmond Etiquirer of the 6th has been furnish ed wth the following extracts from letters received in that city;— “1st lNt>iAN B»ioai>«, Camp Longstr«t ) Choctaw Nation, March 80, U64 ' f that a heavy force of the enemy from Port Smith is on the march to clear out tbe Indian Nations; it probably oumbers ten regiments, or four or five thousand men So Stand Watie now eommands the 1st Indian Brig ade, IS in fine spirits, full of confidence, aud anX lous to meet the enemy. Look oat for stirring news from us." • * In another letter of later date this Writer says* “We have met the enemy and they are oure ’ that IS, what's left of them. Old Stand, with a portion of his brigade, attaekeil a force of the enemy, 1600 strong, thir^ ]nii|» tnm Boarr Depot, He fought them untij dark, and t^S. ed^veral mU^ iMving the Taokee* in fuU poe- f^on of ^ b^Ue field, and aoder the pleaiut delusion that Stand Watie wm whioDMl-^t ^ H?»* «* y the flag of truee boat mary of news: From Louitiana.—~A. telegram from thoinontl) of Red River, dated the 21tt», says BauJn’ji grmj had fallen back to Alrxvndria without fightiog. SteeW re^rtid at Camden, Ark , in a ^trallgly fortified position A correapondent of the York Tribune mentions a lUmor that Baob will be superseded hy Augur. (ViaaeM reported Rftignation —Chase has nm resiKued He has been induced to runia?a at l i.\ post for the present. Gold.—On the 2*1 gold was qao'ed at 177.^ 1 /b'-e»(7rt.-—Europoao advices are to the 22l i The Prussia- s, un tbe 18h, ass^iulted and c*p tnred the Danish works at Duppell—loss heavy oo both aides. The Danes retreated to the Is land of Alsen. The Conference in regard to the Danish aod German war was to meet on the 20th. Tbe English Government retains posiessioQ of the gunbiiat Alexandra, hut was ready to deliver her to the owners on application. The London Times attributes a rally of the Confederate loan, and a reaction in the Parig Bourse, to the action o^ the Yankee Home of Representatives on the Mexican question Thf. Ped river Expedition a Fail are —A la ter has been received in this city from Admiral Porter, whioh pronounces the recent expediticc up tho Red river a most disastrous failatc More than thirty pieces ot artillery, a large quantity of small arms, several hundreo wagoog, a first class gunboat, and '4000 pri!K>Der8 wert taken by tbe Confederates. In addition to all these captures, we are now told that the paj master’d safe, oontaioiog one million of greea- oacks, fell into the hands of the enemy. A wri ter at New Orleans, ao extract from whose lettet is published by the B'Stoo Courier, eetimatei the Federal loss at 7000 men, and adds, that General Banlu was forced to retreat«sixty miles Admiral Porter reports that of the gonboats left at Grand Ecore, two were sground above tbe bar, and were not likely to be gotten off thii season, unless the river should rise. Woth. (or. AT. ¥. Tinea, 30(Ji Fronwiiona.—Gen. W. H. F. Lee, so long in captivity, and iecec.tly exchanged, has been com inated to the rank ot M>j. General, and fakes oonunand of a division of Cavalry. Col. Jas Chesnut, late of the President's Staff, has beeo appointed Brigadier General, and assigned to the command of the South Carolina Reserves Richmond Sentinel. The Enterprise t'olton •‘'Kccorjr is now prepared to exchange for com or bacon tbe Fineit NooDib^ra of dpna Ytum, suitable for Spring and Summer Cloth. This Thread la of a Bup3rior quaUty, not sorpaaMd by any ii^tbe Ooo* federacy. GKO. BRANDr. i^yetteviUe, May 4 29itf Forljr able«b9ilied Recroits AB* wasted for Oom^y D, Teata Nona Oarolina B^talioa of flsavy ArtiUtiy, stalftonad at fort Cas well, M. O. Peraoas of the £aaana have asw aa oppoHtuiity ef- teed of rateriag Ue earvioe ta tteir ewa State, at a desirable point- The Q. M. 0»paHMfB* ^ tm»Uk traafrwiaUai Foreign Sv.ppHea.—We have reliable informa* tion of tbe sale arrival at a Confederate pore re* oaatly opened to blockade runners, of four vessels heavily laden with stores, clothing, arms, ammuni tion, etc., of immense value to the Government Among the provisions brought in are three mil lions pounds of bacon and five hundred bags of coffee.—Richmond Diquttch. Yankee Priaonera.—There jiow remain in tnt hands 12,268. Yankee prisoners, distributed u follows: At Danville 1,019, io the State of Georgia 9,806; and at the Libby in this city 1,943. RtcknMul Whig. }\nnajflvania Tro^^a.—The Pennsylvania troops in the Army of tlie Potomac have signified their purpose to return home at the expirauon of tLeir term ot service in May, notwichstandim; tbe order to oontinoe them in serviee antil 1 t July Losa hy Fire —MaoON, May 6.—A disastrous fire occurred at Maoun to day. Two large outt«'n warehouses, several other buildings, about 6000 bales of cotton, and a small asiouot of Gvivernmenc stores, were burned. Exchftngea.—~Th9 flag of truce boat at City Point on Thursday brought oO u&Qua aad 352 (tivates for exchange. Cro/^.'—Gold was freely- offered yeaterday, by the brokers, it twenty tor one.—Rirh'd S't> i t\ We respecotfaUy rtoommend NEILL M KaT ^ -rl oituD 10 a aeat In ta« HolS ’ of C mmons froai Cimberlaad aad R«rnet oouatles. BaANY CITIZENS. M%y 2. 29 We «re aothorlied to anaoiuice CoL THU. J .Vl) I8cY ifc« a oanaiaate to rr|>re- .44. ooaoty of R >bes n. ia ibe Huuse of CoBmona, m Ibe next tieicfBU*«e« Mav 4 , a 29 «ipd Ihe Crlrnds of XULb MellUUhiiTlu obiaiaeis &iacoba»-ai tor re rieoii* n, *oi>oai>oe «... « candidate to repreaeot tfca eoaaty of Rabesoo in be Bext General Aeeembly of tlfe State of North Caro- >na la the Bonae of Coramooa. Ma* S- 29 AiM Tke lri*iid« o( Lirut. JOHN licL. HARBINQTOM annouuca that gentleman aa a suitable person to be voted for fbr Sheriff of Hamett coaa^, at tbe evaoteuo to be beld oa the first Tburaday In August uext. ItANY VOTERS. April 8. i4*4tpd^ite Soldiers aiil Cliiseon of UMtm Cf aa f* 'pHB soldiers fro& Blades ooaaty, of tbe l^iailte^'t 1 N. 0 Troo^. respeetfUUy call upon their felbv aoldiers and eitiseos of Bladea eoauty, to aai»e witb them aad eleet Lt. J O CUBSIS »f Co K, 18^ H 0. B*g’t. to represent them ia the House at Coaunons of dke aext Legislatnre. Li Cnrrie is a proaisiag yonac man and has been in the service three years, two of wUoh he aerved aa a private He hae twice besa severely wounded, rendering him uait for aettee aae> viee. bat with eharaetwiatie finaneaa atili holtia oa, de termined te perforai his part. GO’S A, ^nd K. May«. 29-4- FAY Ths Obv^at i> nere of iater dat day night la^t. At 2 P..M. ot line was down be It has not since b via Lynchbarjr. we telegraphed t have bad no ans with which the o By mail, nothinff oonld have come: It will be se«*n t. progri;99iD‘^ snocii untpward e vent, a ing of Gen. Lt Bgs A piivate di?pti pap?r, of Qen L.i A. P Hill'i corps, therf va3 ‘‘heavj thie rcrciQ^ b> yesterday. Wilco check vesterdttv yankte corpB uaJ them {hi? mcrainf;. dav &f!rmi-'v>a. Ib^e Me add-s lor the Lt. John lieiichtr, Renchei of Piitsbo arm. not dangerous 83d Rcg’t, (^on of of Wilmi'gl.on.)ij mention that Mr. U Co. 3d Xleg't, of thi! der; and Capt. Docl Bicbmond.) was ais casualties lu^atd fro The Batti.e or 1 to apologise for the tereating account fonght battle. It fought mainly by otJ guiahed by a degrecT never surpassed and we copy to-day from fullest we have seen We have received cer of tlie S5th N. C mond papers give to Regiment, lie say published have show the yankec-ft out of Brigade, he adds, and our Reg't, the 3 key to the position; I son county) wa? the and in honor of hitu changed the yankft Comfort to F;rt .Jojj commairfer of that from that Reg't tonk oners captured at P! the rear. Our throe front of the fort and pletely surronndetl the fort and the dea Onr correspondent ville on the 1st. Hi Brigade had march- > ton, and that Plymoi^ tin's Brigade, A pB0P0.lhD VV.vj Senlinel, which we from the TreitMiry Dej shall lay a ta.\ of 25 of all real and pers property..^ according tbe proceeds to bs aj public debt. That t fiutds or government tbe property until pa the privilege of ppyii cent, a year, at his oj Tbe Sentinel argue rency by tbe late tax] the expected effeot of goods. This is true ai it bas hsd tbe good a advance of prices, main reason why pric is, that there ie so litt and-planters, etpccii debt, so abuudantly i little in want of stor deed, by tbe preseu(; nity of buying any s] within tbemtielved, am fore the) are not coui not inclined to rtum-.i reach them, their ti taxes. TUiSi was the the late Congress. O but the farmers only they were not obUj^ed pose ol raising luone] The Sentinel .“ays: “We muat, somehfl for money. »«d tb^Tei caute peopi-f to seek i were lije tjse. many public necepbi^ies wo nei'eSi'iti*!* of bia own hginea that he cannot ; or a bushel of meal t flad that he could - iM buahel.” • Whilft believing tl the aucceesful prosec and will be cheertulli Sentinel’s motive for one. No leRislation ns, whicb seeks to cc of My kind. If the' tax, by all means let I tempt to regulate Va yroducers- The Beutinel tKinl such a tax In tall no Ij cheap, and not 1 their property to l>e equfValeut. Doubtl tiderable extent, would probably prel year for the present; •aid to come to all t to postpone their vii We do not think l ly alive to the iuiprc by the late legialut * treasury note* hud k cause there were to( bttsiueas of tbe cot now reduted one-ha hury ia prohibited f) tyK>n the country, taaes aud Bales of I currency not being assasss its proper v