PUBIiIO LAWS. EnJiCTKD Fkb'y lt>» li>^* -.onoN’l 7A^ km 5 ali Tre^..irr nofes ta . Je..o.nia»tiOa of n..t .-...^nn^' mNT.v.t. b« Isi »n-..f Api-'l M!.«.-»1PP«> to j 4U.J iUc ^iirxc. akJ t^n^l the perioitJ *nd at th« pl;.o.«f sf^ the hol.lers of all ^ensury aatox rffia// he >in(nr«‘ii to the Kim J in regio- I i«r«l bonds, pAvabio liU yei**^ -iftcr their date, hea'ini; inter«»st at the rsttt’ ot 4 per cent, per an- nam, p'^ytMe on the 1st ot January and July of each yoar. Sko. 2 Tlifl '^flnr-'tary t>f rhe Treasury is her«?bf auth iri*jJ to wue tlio bv>iidti required for the fuii'lni:' proyiJod for in the preocdinjr seotiun, anti u»;iii the btinds cuu bt; pruparcd he may i^sa the •hall be subjeot to a lax ol Siti p«r cent, on ev- nrj d'^'iliur proiuiicd on th« fiuw thereof, fsaid tar- to atraoh to said ooros wherev*»r circniAfed. and saiJ b«jfeatt* b-' fiiudabie and rxohans'eable ti»r neiF Trea-.ury aofes, m h«reiii nrovidcd, Mibject to the (leduotioQ of said tuk. n hoidinji j 25 per cent., nmdo (inring either of the years Doreh r«roive«i leJ >rc fac tin»"!^ bcr?^io tx.d Tor . i • ty or eftocta of anj kind, not eouinerated n the preceding parajjraph, lietween the timee named therein, 10 per cent.^ iu addition to the tAX on Huch )>rofit« as income, under the act aforesaid. III. On the amount of profits exceeding uiioV™w::.;:Vh»n; "Jw. .««• >'y “‘y '■“"t?'- i»‘“k;"g day ot J uia&’y i865, U» m. d *h-i r.iua - i- G per ceut biM'iia of the (.’oufedoraSe States, payublo 20 years att- r d;*fe, aud the :nt*3rest )*ayr.ble Ht^sui- annukt'v But all Tn-asury notes roi’oivrd by any Stale atter f.e tisae fixo.t f->r taxin_' tho sumr ^ *f*'re..>aid, phali l»c h-ld t«i havn hoen rccdivcd dijjiiriished by ffiq -itnoan^ of s.ii ? tnx * Thf •?;- iJ: .:i i. . , * *. -j at*(j e'ni ■• ffubj. ef, simil bo — l.j J! it rut i;._, V s b:vtn - Ii.'. r ■ u :. : . u|T7 M u«i Uui, sS. i vuHio -:i HI.; I •:• p'y;’. rn .1 (?ertj6i’at>'s U' answr the i.urpvise. Such bondd I ” ■' 'iiJi, -.i,. .jujf-;! d.> vie*'iv and o*’rfificH{rs hhail be rpueivable witiiout inter- i ••u(:l‘.e •J!k >, b’lt tpt :ii Piviijent vif aIJ (y n’crrituent dues payable j -:r m.; ('•oit'-tii,';-;, . St-.i' in tiie V'Mr^ I>3i, except export and import duficjj i >’ 'a; t oi •. tr “j tKo 1. liiHtdU Treusury notos of the lfcnoaji | v«itb Mif 1 niftd b-a.';” the r a.'irioa if a »f beunn>r interest, which shall j sn- t;iii‘'d 'Ci tLen *a *, ! no* t.'t prvri»ii reJ lor landing uadcr the ;>rovisiitii» , •^auuar^ of cuoh :irr-.^ * /ci v ye u-. D? t/n> lj(* sceituij of this uor, Mbaii, friMU an*i after ' bKi; 1-1 1 :?j!f .ri- tiuc il iry i>i ;’.i tiiu I'.t ut Af-ril 18W, oast o/the .Mississipui j b.-. uml h • i . borrl)^. uu-n 1. U. u p-.y- .t «. h i-rui ? ‘ I *. . r ippt nvr r. »ni the Isj Jay of Jufy 18ti4, west of t\o i - '! c-as.' b*' receivable iu payuiCnt ot ! ptii lie (iiieo. ami -ai l i(’not so pre»iont. j a' i rSar tin -, .shnli, iu u.}iiri.>n to iho Ux ol ;ioj A'lif- i;ifu>so'i in I’le , ^..-fion of ihi* acf. ho miL); o 1 to a f.ix jt l(» p^r ecut. per luonth u>1 Mt pr.scetid; wUieh t;»Xv> shall at.acli to * and shall b. d. }uo:c i ‘ ^ “* n.-u-K ;»Ue:)ever pi f'',.'n:e ! ' ’ ‘i .•'I . . I'!. ■?. or lu'f jod tftui n.>r»» I . f ,x. 1.. II t v| • I .r r e r»oi» i:'H)ie cf ’I’resi j ■ ■ 't )viu-.i f -r in rhis act ' tK' ' i'■‘i’ ‘ U .-11 Tr« a^ury notoj finr ' Ir.- t-in . i .r ..-f.i ifi ».;y,uout ol taxe8 At tftp datf> . in the 1st sf-o'.ion ot t'ii> act. (i t'v s. ..!| {„ !,-vL; J at trii.i diir. s ami pl-o u t;; o; -tnts f*»r rr. rv drill:,r pro?nifc»>.i on th'.? t'aco •{ su’.u iiot-'s; paid tAX Nhnll attaeh tj .saivl f.utcti w‘-rjr, r circuhted, at:d shul! be culleetoa Sy ■ ■ u! M:e G»>Vt' J. 'ii-iij.i i>'^‘ u e-.'(icr-.o'e(i ^ 'iZl 4, lU 1 \ (ahurv ‘-ivie uic . XI ir, (. p. .V -L t- }u' .. ratihc O' ;i> k ; • ft s'- ■ ;, :.b;. t 1 • •>: V, ■- e > '^tir. V .'fl ;:'h) ' i to in- : >, 10 eui . .■t he ' ^ 'tit - .t tie « ir. i*i» r ii^f .' t f* e I per. •' O.'lv'^ »- •j’ld wit! *' ■ f c .■%• dec:' fito ifj Tao Scr-^-!ar . exO'-'dieor ; - I Ti( ^^l;rv ■uucr•.>•'the same ut the irea.'aury; it» .ie|K)si I >ulffr^-.c nc' in n.v cr,-. ton-3 ar.J [,y c^lioutors, and by all Govern- ! I'-n! u--*. ^ in t?.e so.'-.M al and bv sue i otl or lucj.t reeciviD;ij the sarua whenever p'-** ; ii.^»n-as .il a'a k. .uro in;o)otl: u.; pul.HcV--- ar i tor paymeoi ftr for landina:, or in piyai-.-n' t-'S tJ-'ci .Ui v of War ami . r-'ta'v tl-.' of bove-nui'Tit diu'«. or i.,r .^s.n . . ..i V ‘ ^ conipan3% insurance, canal, navigation, im portiniir and exporting, telegraph, express', railroad, manufacturing, dry dock, or other joinf stack company of any doscription, whetfjer iiicorpor-.ited or not, 25 per cent on such exco^ip. rfjcc. i>. The following exemptio.nn from taxation u!u!or this act uhall be allowed, t>\vir; 1. l*ri»|)erfy of each head of a tainilj to tiio value of'^.^00; and for each minor child >1 tlie laiiJ.ily to t!ie further value ut" $100; aud for eucl* sun actually engaged in the , ai*!iiy or navv, or \vho has died or been '->j1 in-tlie ^iiiiitary »r naval service, And who vv;i>s a monii)or ot‘ the family wiien lie (. nterod the service, to the further value of jI. I’ropt'i ty ()1 the widow of any officer, sohLei:. saiior or marine, who may have or hcerj killod in the military’ or tiaval ;-i rvic:'.*, or v\'hT;re there is no widow, then of lht‘ f.iiiiily, Iteing minor children, to the vr.hjf tf >>10t)0. l*)ojH‘rty of every oliioer, sohlier, (>r niuriiiu, affnally engai^od in tlie ■V or Tiuvai scrvi';«% or of such as have j w;J^n ill Kllfdi aorYiftn t.% ri»n VMiue ( ot jjvKMM); j-rovHitru, that the above c*xoinp- ; I f l-.iii rioj a{:»!y to any person, whose j ( i''|H;ity, t*.\ch’i*ivc ('f household furniture, ‘ i-rii! !ti jisse- cmI at a value exceotlingij^lOOO. 1\ . iiiut where {»roperty hsis been injured i|t>lr->yt*'j by tlie enetny, or the owner ^ ha.-! i.oiMi toioporarily deprived of the UM‘ HT*u.j.);i’i*v thereof, or of the means , oi culiivatiii;^ the same, by reaM>n of the I>ic .^:.(ro or the proximity of the enemy, ho :lt•se^a^ue!^t on hucIj property may be . ivuuc.. j, in j.rojjortion to the damage aiis- ! tainod i>y tiie owner, or the tax as^e&sed in the eame ratio on satisfactory evi- the owner or sis- • n? ol i.. 11 sail'- ■’lili! IX Of couaptraciM, or attempte to liber ate prisoners of war h«ld by th^ Uonfwlerate States. > X. Ot conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid tlie enem^. XI. Of persons advising or indtii^ otiier# to abandon tho Oonf^erata caase, or to re sist the OoDtederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. Of .unlawfully barning, destroying or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele graphic line of communkiation, or property, with the intent of aiding the enemy. XIII. Of treasonable designs to impair the military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or aririfl, or mnuitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, or otlw .property of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper officers to investigate the cases of all persons 60 arrested, or detained, in order that they may be discharged if improperly detaHied, unless they can be speedily tried in the due course of law. Sec. 3. Tliat during the suspension afore said, no military or other officer shall be c«)mpelled, in answer to any writ of hal>eas body of any person or pei’sons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary of War, or the General officer com manding the Trans-Mississippi'department; btit upon the certificate, under oath, of the charge of any one so detained, tnac SUCn [nirsou I» lioiaincu o_y uim no a prisoner tor any of the causes hereinbefore hpecitied, under the authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings und6r the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease and remain suspended so long as this act shall ffontinae i n force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days atter the next meeting of Con gress, and no longer. L:a.sury, af any time bet'reen cta'y 9 kV' I* atf'j the l«t of July, 1?(>-1, vTc?=t o( e ,• river, and the Ibt ot January 18G'\ >o iu.-.-nU It., a-j(i exchu'ijfe nc^ Treasury noten t T t: .- ta.-ue at tlit^ rate ot Gl)» cents oa the dol- n-*tos of the denoncination of i'iUO 4U.-.11 not be entitled to the privilege of excha'ire; I*rosrh'J fhirthrr. that tbr> ri.rl,* .-,v tund a 1 hs y.'Tri'f.-’rv . iS:.d ;r 1 >n property laid I'^irthe year 1864, shall l*e at^K^8sed as orj “ e day «*t tJio pa.'^sage t>f this act, and be collected on the 1-t dav of June und acy of .-nid Ti 'asury noto«, after the latday | ^aii ast. ih hereby.taken away: And l ^u. ^*1, I ^ upon aU stioh Treasury notes . •' ^ -”1 liilon d 'a ‘ ■ ‘ ’a ontstandfBg on the lst'd;ij of - - ‘ nhic’i m^.y rrruii Janu'.ry 1,an-i t;liich may cot bo exchan;,'od I lor n- of l.'-il C -w. »i-j of'*’';'rv !•; t'l' , .... ~\, ; her:t*j. liM. v: iS:.d ;r : r».;j iirf-d. ^.»on tiiO ajipli-, nf tbo lichl.rr f>i auv «nU ev t iiUenur, i an _ ^ 'h' Qrht hr.}*ioa tt the act to pro/i.’c ior ?he ; next, or tia soon after as prac'ticable, allow- ;i„ vxrcnsiun of JK) day.! Wcet of the ■ Mitk-it>.*ip])i rivor The additional taxe« on i incomes or profits for the ye;ir 1SG3, levied y til is at:t, shrdl !>e assessed and collected J *orthwith; atid t)ie taxes on incomes or pn*- 'Iiixtis for ih*f. cOi.i- i *■ f. year 18GJ-, fhall l>e iVs^e.-jced and uUfn. :I,'fcuve -ji - -I'-jii./rt o/ Go-:»i .-‘rteuf. ■ *' ‘*^"^‘-’d according to the provision"* of the fcuc. 1. T!ic C-'iivrt.-sf ,.f t|n; (J and afaH«'i>Mjient acts of 1863. •. -re-i .larch 'ia.l w.s-, rer,u:n 1 o. dc.^med to L= a b to ^o tsiicli cl'lcr n b( f' I t’ ,r( fr.r n )n the rn.: tju-s A-!!-^‘oa r T! ;i! i;, ^ T. much of the tax act of the 24th ; tioM ti* the ta.*;ei lev.e.i b_v t.u^ ,.Ci • * > lav of ,\T)ril 1S03, as levies a tax on in- 1 t’a.x-s tor the C('nirno!Mh U' loe ai'-l carry *.M deri\ed from prt)perty or effects on . 12vary nous, aa herein provided, a tax is h.'reby imposed. a’U'-?‘ ^ ' day of Apri’ ut xt. ilo i Spcrerarv of j tl^e Governnietit of the .iito.|.*i-ut,- S:;>r -p '' H»U'*iint or value ot w'hich a tax is Uvied - ter.~:.y, r'orokejr ‘tC o I l > ^ ' Ipt Section of said tjs T;.-..cTy ir.^y, after that tiaie,'^ is«ue ne^ ! '>f tiiit, m:*, on liio •‘'ro ^ufpended for the year 1SG4, and Trocjpory tjui.*-., in eaofe forci as heiHay prencribe i taxati .n hcrcaftt^r men! i ’ “^‘Stiinated rent, hire or interest on pro- pajii* !. I- ,. aft»^r th? ratificatiou nf a trell^y I '-'’ery person, 'op;;, tla-.-- 'J'’ Tedit^ herein taxed ad valorem, , ^he United Staffs, ^id ne.v is^ui^ ' «r c Tporat’-'u, li:>.!,!» t'a^r- ' u^-.sessed or taxed as incomes under to be rec.ivaW, paymeat of ail tmblio dues ‘ ‘ " to i-o shall be liable to be pUo«d iu aerrice m the field for the war, as if be were between the ages of 18 aod 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the daties of pro vost aud hospital guards and clerks, ana of clerks, guards, a^Dto, emplojeee or labor ers in the Commissa^ and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the.,Prdnance Bureau, and of clerks and empl )yees of navy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act. and all similar duties, shall bo performed by persons who are within the ages of 18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as unable to perforin active service in the field, but capable ot performing some of the above said duties, specifying which, and when tliese ^rsona shall have been assi^ed to th(we duties as far as practicable, the Pre sident shall assign or detail to their perform ance such bodies of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under fhe 5th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties: Provided, that persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per corpus, to appear in jMji’Son, or to return the^ sons of scientific skill, ti perform indispen- hoHv nt «nv gablc dutjos in the departments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. Tliat any Quartermaster or As sistant Qnartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Cotnmissaiy, (other than tru>s0 serv ing with brigades or regiments in the field.) in 111 l-lio Orlnarkoo or Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer in the conscript service, who sUall hereafter «*mploy or retain in his emploj'uient Sny person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th sectiori of this act, in violation of the provisions hererof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-rnartial or military !bnrt, be cashierec^; and it shall be the duty of any department t»r ^district coinmandor, upon proof, by the orath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated this pro vision, immA'diately to relieve such officer from dnty^ and said commanders shall take« prompt iDieasures to have him tried for such offence; and any commander as •foresaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this se^jtion, shall lipon being duly convicted therorof, be discharged from the service. Stjc. 10. Tl)at all laws granting exemp tit/ns from military service be, and the same ave, hereby repealed, and hereafter none >jhall be exempted exoept tho following; 1. All who shall bo held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 2. The Tjce President of the Confederafe States, tho Thembers and officers of Congress and of the several State Legislatures, and SBch other 0mfederate and State officers as the Preeidont, or the Governor of the re- sjxictive Stiites. may certify to be necessary for the pro|»er administration of the Con- foderate or Strtte Governments, as the case may be. 3. Every iifinister of religion authorized to sxehf.Dgc lor old notes at t&« ^.te of the new £>r 3 of the old itsaes, doll ars o*‘ —, . —;a notes be surrendered for exehanga bj tbe holders thereof, or be received into the Trcwury under i3 T^rcvi^oas of this actj an'l the Loldera of .|he Lew r ote-* or of the old a.te^j, except thoee of tJ^.c ’“-‘•'^tion of $100, aJ'fer they are reduced to f ‘*i 0- nr*5 on tho dollar by the tax aforewid, may .•oilmen the eame into c-il! certificates bearing in i' c:t^at t'ic rate of -4 per cent, per annao), and f :i>ao J i f?o y.;nr3 after a ratification of a ■ii pt^»cc with tho United Sutcs c mvt^r^ed io*'o n«w notea. Sun 6 Tbit to priy th-! exp.:n3es of the Ocv- ty. taxes as follows, to-wit; i act of 1SG3. I. 1 [;ou the valui* ot nroporfv, real, per- 8. That the ta.t imj>osod br this act treaty unless sooner %alue ot tlie tax in jcind delivered tii(^r*'tVoi!). i on the saitie shall not exceed ilOOO iis .«>s5e3ged liFid^r tlio i;\\v im]„.ein'>-it anj i 1» 1 ^ j II •delivered t-.- th- 'n.>. ‘rM,„enV f lat no credit •• ^cme^. rcm:. " ' •>! ihe Constituti.-n of the Confed- Tiiat pt^r ct'ii the Confed a e 5»tat.js ot America provides in Article II. On the value of jrold aud siivor 'varcs f 1, Seefi. »e;re ot tlie writ ot habeas corpus shall not aud plate, jewel per cent ju'-v^lry and watcutt, io :rion y, Paragraph 3. that “the privi •t the writ of habeas • ” b^'. suspended unles-s when THE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That from and after the passao^e ot tliis act all white men, residents of tlie Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and ,50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate Sta^s for the war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages ot 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the present war with the U. S., infthe same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which thev belono' at the passage of this.act, with the same or ganization and officers, unless regularly transferred or discliarged, in acoo/^ance with the laws and regulations for the gov ernment of the army: Provided, that con>- paiiies from one State, organized against their consent, expressed, at the time, with cegiments or battaliorvi from another State,, shall have the privi.t^(ge of being transferred to organizations tro*)ps, iu the same arm ot the service,^ from the States in which said companies "jtrer® raised; aud the soldiers fiom one State, in tnimpanies from another State, shall Us allowed, it they desire it, a transfer to organisations from their own States, in the saiRi® arm of the service. Sei,;j. That at tho expiration of six months Irom the first day ot April next, a bounty of $100 in a six per cent. Government bond, which tho Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorized to issue, shall be paid to eve ry MMr^o.ntnmI,j«ioiip.l nfficor, musiciun and private who shall then be in service, or iu tfje ev^jnt ot his death previous to the perit>d of snch payment, then to the person or per-' Sons who would lj« entitled to receive by law the arrearages of his pay; bnt no one shall be entitled to the bounty herein provided who filiail at any time, during the period of iix ]Mrorisi»8, to be delivered by sneh persoi, as aferesAid at equivalent rates. 3. Snch person shall further bind Limseij to sell the marketable surplus of provision^ and grain now on hand, and which he uiay raise from year to year while his exemj,tiot continues, to the Government or to the fain ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Coja- missioners of the State under the imprefc ment act: Provided, that any person empted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a credit of 26 per cent, on any amount of mem which he may deliver within three montbs from the passage of this act: Provided ther, that persons coming within the provi sions of this exemption shall not be deprived of the benefit thereof by reason of havj,,., been enrolled since the 1st day of Fe'u. 4. In addition to the foregoing exein|.. tions, the Secretary of War, under the di rection of the President, may exempt or de tail such other persons as he may be satis- fied ought to be exempted on accoi:iu If public necessity, and to insure the pr .due tion of grain and other provisions for r\x^ army and the families of soldiers. He ma, also, grant exemptions or details, on si;-V terms as he may prescribe, to sudi seers, farmers or planters as he may he i-at. isfied will be more useful to the coiuitrv in the pursuits of agriculture than in the I'nili. tary service: Provided, that «uch ex( nipti,„j shall cease whenever the fanner, pluntvr nr over:ieer shall fail diligently to ein|ilov in good faith, his own skill, capital and labor exclusively in the production of and provisions, to be sold to the Govern?iieTit and the families of soldiers at prices riot exceed ing those fixed at the time for like articles by the Commissioners of the State nnder the impressment act. 5. The president, treasnrer, auditor a* d superintendent of any railroad cotn| anvon gaged in transportation for the Governinent and such officers and employees thereof the president or superintendent shall cmi^V on oath to be indispensable to the etiic’eir operation of said railroad: Pr..vide,j that the number of persons so exempted by thl act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual use for military transportation; and said excinpu shall be reported by name and di;i5crij)ti*,ri with the names of any who have lert the employment of said company, or who may cease to bo indispensable. 6. That nothing herein contained shali be construed as repealing the act approved April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying the mails «i tho Confederate States, and the drivers ot post coaches and backs, from niilitarj 3«r vice: Provided, that all the exemptions granted under this act shall only coariiiue whilst tho persons exempted are a(;tujilly engaged in their respective pursuits or «c- cupatioDB. Sec. 11. That the President be, and^he ia hereby, authorized to grant detaild, under ?general rules and regulations to be isdued rom the War Department, either of persons between 45 and 50 y^fs of age, or from the army in the field, in all cases where, in his - - • receipts o. any export djty hereafter laid /*n thf value of ary cotton, tobacco, and naval wiiioh srnli €Xf)orf*?c State-, and the net now I’ljJ. or so muca to pay a:jnual!y the ii-aatn )nz.,d, fro:xi time to ti-ne tliO Wur, my f’ ' ly-Bor*" f,- -{Jir- It, to .sell cr ,...te for Treasury notof, .aid f«>nc]i, or anv I - t ■ the n^st fertas he of f.he necessitv of snc!i and whereas tl'u i ieiident has a«ked susnyT-,,.oii of the writ of hal>eas cor- ■ ■ conditions of render tho suspension measure proper f >r the public »ind insurrection; laontiis next after the said first day of April bo absent from his command without leave! bee. 4. That no person shall be rolieyed from the operation of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the shall th^e who havo furnished, substitutes ; ^ any long^jr exempted by thereof: 1 rovKied, tQAt no person, hore,tofore exempt ed on ^coiuit ot religious opinions and who has i»aid the t,ax levied to relieve him from *t»rvice, shall be required to render military service under this act. preach aooorIingto the rules of his church, judgment, justice, equity and necessity re- and who, at the pass^e ot this act, shali be j quire such details, and he may revoke such regularly ^tTijJoyed in the discharge of his I orders of details whenever he thinks proper ministoriiil diaties; superintendents and phy- Provided, that the power herein granted to siciana of asylums for tho deaf and ^mb I the President to . make details and exeinp- and blittd and af the insane; one editor for each neiN^p apor being published at the time ot thitf act, and such etnployees as said edi tor thay c^.,rtify, on oath, to be indispensable to the pablication of such newspai>er; the pwblic pri-nter of tho Confederate and State Goremnaents, and such journeymen print- era as the sdid public printer shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to pertbnn tho public prfjitiu^ one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was dcJing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 18t>2, and has coatinued said business, without intermission, since that period; all physi cians over th(? age of 30 y%mrs, who now are, aud for tho last 7 years h»ive been, in the actual and regular practice? of their profes sion, but tho term phyf;iciaat shall not in clude dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theological seminaries, acade mies and schools, who hiiV9 be«m regularly 21 tir- • ! la; IIJ IQ aa^o I’ .'i -■:i b he can, so as to aat !;*■ fho circn- =-*-^nry nt-tr:> ^uhlu reav,n&b!o |*anW, and all other 1 i, t in ./ever,. Wn.i, '"'r’ •5 i»er cfint. ‘ i the Contederate States of Am»rie» ,i., e„.„.r, TUat J,prosmit I ..t the 0..iilc.inratu Slates, tlie priv- and '^r.e b^.cd.^ rirj^.ho per cent. property taxed under tiiis etcuoti 6!iail 1,0 a.sses;?ed 'u.oii the b .- '-. ,,r he .n.irk«t value of such propcr^v u/'tou n.-:;aoorhood v/h,.re a.s^uss.vl, in such cur ICJ/lcv’ 14« tutty ho in n\-.’-li u-ic f t •‘rn purci^H-c aM-1 prtle of r-u^h pr *p:MT7, ;vt r’lo time of “ ’ 3. \jp.):i •aicoiint . Silver coin, ^old ,i„ . /9»-a'.ih forSM(\acdRh«ll ! ether held hy th.‘ benefit of this exeiuj>tioit shall extend to thoso teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or'morou All ftuperin- tendents of public ht^spitals, ^tablisiied by law before the passage of this act, ^d such physicians and nuisee therein as sAch su- perintendonts shali certify, on oath, to be '>rizi-d by the 6th seo- . ti.-.y on rr>..:r ,^r jou '■ '* r>Hrta>, tb -rg ^ .y ■ .■ :i'if ;'.;J tor ; a^h O^r.i'f U!id,'r 'J ' ; s I’lo S.'J rctiry ol th 5 Tf.-a.4ury ^-aU h : nr^rl artuM >r of I J'.i! I -in •• re of Ihev/vaof habeas corpus be, and 1, ‘Tl“y ^'>vy to the cases of por- Y i>i lent, Sec.ofarj of Wat-rox'Tne G'^iera^f (v:ar.-r comaiuMdiu- tite Trans-Misi>issippi •• .* L^oj.*ari , by the a’lthocity atul iJii-tcr ili;i coiitrol oj tity President. It is ic'-'j >y dvj',*laied that tho j»ur))ose of Con- act is to provide puj)lic safety by jas corpus in the tr,:.);: : 1 tr, r'l for ;r jr' shVJ h-' •si ’ii'u;.. ol A ,ril lU -fcjl t'^pT-,j;5 - notos into ?rhr U ‘»ie7 -rp ' ^ bciorp tn0 uiq« ■^. .. ;w.iry noted, j;uc!) c.;rt,-fir,.f-... sha'I 0=17 «poa ,Hieir i’ C3, 1 nc>» Treasury note* a»- (/P.jf-J'v,.' of lasutu catil aft^r t»,f; fi„tday e pl-ive 'vhere 11' })o,’i the aruouiit aud t.f nil ‘-.isr pronuT ruab'c in ■4 b ■Ui 0 Ih r -c^ rr 1'ir on the boidq h r by BO»QC n, be agreed up ' - I.' »o; I'... ,j; 1 &D •lis.M-.' iLe s. t.:e f,.. .( prjn! &B I t.' .c - - , J Vat T ->rcvili.2 ? •’ (‘•rov ■'•A. iit yir. Pii.’or t’> 4He \i ^ ^ ^ Ootobor 186 do. a. - *'•0 intnrcjt >on^“, ^‘'•’-3 act^ Pro. »:i J b-'riro the P-r a'.'-il cejwe J ,, ., f :,.y a,_>*03 ii rctoforc ‘S .?'> v.,o..itn:ic •' due tuorc(.»f at i c'oni le t;iv is p>ii(J, * all solvent cre- oiils and all other pa pers !f'Poa ;vj cnrrency, ^^xchi iivo of non- uiteioat Ijcaring (J )iii‘«derHte troasiiry m>;e% aau riot eini>i,'yed i:i a rcj^ister-'d btiiincas, t-ie iucoino dijriv^d froju w’licij. is ta.\e.i, 5 per T'snt. Sec. 4. CTpon protitfi in :.r;i. lo and | bnsiiieos, as follow\^: I able efforts or irsations to subvurt the govornmout of »he (,'o! I federate Slates- t [. Ol coaopiracies to overthrow the ^ov r- i .i cMt, or conspiraciw to resist tho lawful ant! onry „f the O.nfederate States ill. 01 comlK.iiug t,. asaist tli« oieruy or ^ r'r ‘^'^d com-i'ort. ‘ .'"'^♦nspiracifl^, j)reparati.,T58 and at- in'Uirrection. t I'ortions or eucoura:'ing desor- Sec ^ That all 1 . . I engaged as such for two years next before ti,e C:utWora,o Stat^ of ' ‘'‘® I’rovidH, that the 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll tlKjmselves at such times and places, and under such reguUtions, as the 'President may prescribe, tkei time all«>wed not boint^ less than 30 days for those «aat, aud 60 days auV^rLn | ceriny, o.. oaw, u. «. Self, without a reasnnul 1 ®*iroll him- indisponsablo to tiie proper and efficient be indeed of f placed in service iu tho tier*rh ^ I exempt one person as the same inauinbr ah tk i ® war, in I owner or agricaltiwst on each farmorplan- twoen tho aees of IS aru/an** P I upon which tliere are now, and were Provided, th.a on the 1st day of Ja«-y Isst, 15 able-bodied constitute a reserve fWatiite' Si'S, aSd betw>jen the f^es of 16 and 50, detail duty, .and siiall not 1^ required Jo conditfons: periorm^rvice out of the State in svhich in ca^‘hrw3f‘Tt-grant^ they reside. j , m which t!tere is no white male ^ Sec. «. That all pcrwns roauirad l>v ,1.,. * :k.‘““ “‘8 farm or plantation not liable to 5th section of this act to earo?l themsJvps ^^'’•3^ service, nor onless the person claim- .» IQA ^®y of tions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor tor furnishing supplies of any kind to flie Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of the department ma king such contract shall certify that the per sonal services of such contractor are iudi«- ^nsable to the execution of said contract: Provided farther, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfullr, to proceed with the execution of such cou- tract, his exemption or detail shall ceat>e. Sec. 12. That in ap|Jcinting local boards of surgeons fbr tho examination of psrsone liable to military service, no member cmui- posing the same shall be appointed from tue county or enrolling district in which they aro required to m£^e such examination. Post Offioe« Favetteville, N. C., October 3, 1863. atiyg :rfia Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manager toi or mixed cloll's, ha ojiJ, iron, stool or-naiirf, at .aytijtiob'- tvr-.3-.a the 1st of Ja.Uuiry i8G3, a;1d tho Ol J ».nimry 1SC.">, ^ ^s. 3, w;;/OT.-5, harii-- reli « ^ fKiru.,.2. J,fa«vj.i party, and ti.o subordinate 10 , , P'- cont, in add MO-, .he “act to 1 *y Ui.-wf.rth^* eorni ont 'lefp ace, of t!ie . 'il Hi, 1S»}3 pro.ite tuiuio ijv buvino- otobor 186i, w.5»i oi I sLck^’3^! Voxehango-, *ft.r ikr>\ tho, or obligations ol »ny Isio-l, »nd aay tueichandi** a'>l c d ct-rv on the C-^overn-neut to'J»ralK Jl. On ***y nieichandjuie, proper- Siiidi t>3 dismissed from otlice. '/L )i »pies and other emi^isaries jf tho >Sf‘C'iiy. VII. Of holding corroiponlence or intor- co!irv.o \vith tho enetny, without nocessitv anI without the penniasion of the Confedi rate. . . passage there ^laya, if west of I plantution, but iu no c^e into voluntary orsHaizationa I shall more than one peritan be exempted for battalioiw w re^^m«ilu « 5 i companies, one farm or plantation, oriicors; said oriwuiz/xtion'^tl I pewon shall finit execute a bond existing law* and havtn^ ^ confonn to the payable to the Confederate^ States of Amer tender theriervi«.i IL organized, to ,ca in such form, and witVi such security, the war to thii Pr^ida^ In! jcretary of War n«)w organiztjd aiKi deposit a copy thereof I depot, or such other * railroad with the euroiliii^ oi^car of th«ir I k« . i . place which they e^ent to be taken i>ut of it. Those who do not so volun themselves as >re provided; aud inny, by the President, equired to aasouiblQ at oduveaiout pla- ot rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into compani^, bavttalioos and regi- monte, under regulntion^ to be prosoribfd by him; and sliaU have the right to ol^t their company and regiti^outal Sftcers; aSTd ijU troops organized un* or this act for S^e defence, shall be ontiU ed, while in actual service, to the same pf ,j allowance ^ troops now lu the field ance as VIU. Of aulwful trading with the eue- Sec. 7. That »qt pa, ' I ^ my, and other olfeuces against the laws of I attend at tho olaoe orri *hall fail to the, Co,.federate Sutes, e^cted to p^aote by the auSfonW tb lh,yr eacce« in th* w«. ^ h the euro’iliug oiScer of their district, be diiW^d ^T.rT ^ icli shall be equivalent to enrollment, withirfamonfl Jn ? vnaj, be .co.,t.d a. mia„te meo IbJ I of "of vera in pork, and 10 0 lbs. of net beef (said beef to be delivered oi i foot,) each able-boAed slave on said fa rm or p antation, within tho above said ages, 'whe ther said slaves in the field or ^t, w hich ^id bacon or pork and beef shall be i >aid or by mo Government at the prices m ^od by the Commissioners of tho State under t he impressment act: Provided, that when tk e person thiw exempted shall produce satia - SchttbtU of the Arrival tmd Dtpartwre of ihf Ham tK int* Offhe. RA.LEIOH via AVERASSORO', Ac. Arrivos daily, cxo«pt Saadaj, at 4^ P. M. parte dail/, «xoept S^iardsy at 6 P. M. RALSiaH via SU.\! VfERYlLLE. Departs Taeadaj and Friday at 6 A. M. Arriv«« Wedaeddaj and Sunday at 9 P. U. WARSAW Tia CLINTON. Ar^ves daily »t 12 nooa. Departs daily »t IJ P. M. OABTHAGE. Arrives Tuesday, Taursday aa4 Saturday at 7 P. .M Departs >fonday, Wedasjday aad Friday at 1 P. M. CBERIW, S. C. Ar'ives ‘Carsday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 P. V. Departs ^aadaj, Tuesday and Tburuday at 1 P. M. f AIR BLUFF v«a LU MBBRTON. At'rived 7u«sa'>-y, Tiiarsday aad S.iiurd-ty ai 6 A. M Departs Sunday, 2’>*ifad*y a...^ Taarad’ty at 1 P. M. ROBBiOS’8 SLia,\8St^r'^^^- Departs Moaday. Wedawday and Friday v Amr«8 Tueaday, Thurdv *ad SuurdAr ai i ? '*• £LlZABEfHr0WN via Ti$aKlllNT£[. Arrives Afoaday at 6 P. M. Departs sama day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAONOLtA via CTPRSdS CRJBJEK. Arrives Tuaaday at 2 P. M. Daparu «4ma day (Tuesday) at 2i P \f S?riFT ISLAND via MOMTBOSB, COVISOTON a.d P«WBLLTO*r Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wedsasday at U A. M tftriFT ISLVND via TROF. ArrivM Taefldaj at 6 P. M. DeparU Wadtwsday at 11 A. M. AU maiU leaviaj Jr- 7^ A. >I . %ra -jlo^ed t!ie .Tea ing before at 9 P. 11 leuerj to ba aim off fr..-n taia office, otaar (iiaa by must be pa-d for a^ *f ^at by mail- AU drop letters ^^jold twj pre-r^id by 2 oeat stamps. The office iHlI he on Soaiay ir^ 8* io 9J A M , aad from 4^ to 5^ p. ’ ® O’ODK, P M. XiftB OlJLIfi PfiLlfffeii* fiictory evidence that it has been impossible^ —^« for him, by the exercise of proper difiirencGk )’ Wfarmsh the amount of meat tbm contract- |‘ bdUwi™ ".i. «b», » ,.r.rr^ „ or, and adequate supply for the I Ooapaay la all p«rt« o * h« iuu, and to subsistence of those hnog on the said ferm I *• ^ Raleigi*. Secretary of War elill 1 .jaw f direct a oommutotba of tb» same, lo^ «ifceiiiaftio4liiidath«ioliagiai»wiii^iBlaek W«rmmUMl« al tkti« lUTCTiL urs msfjAAi^ci: coAPim, ^OW in tka tt^h year of saoeesaful oparation, with 4 J Flowing capital and trmer kold apou pubtio ooa- fidea^ eontinoas to insure tho lives of all healthy pei^ SOM flrom U 60 yean of age, toe oae year, for serva W Bft—ill lift meiiiibers shAiiog iath« srofita AU alaves from 10 to 60 yean of age are in&ured for •'f ^or tva yaars for two thirds their value. An losses are paaotuaUy paid witiua UO days after proof is presented. 1>';|\TPD El IT Pfi;^ for t.if S. au'’P:ic« For the V,>« ;5, a^vaoi« of 11 lilies 'iT V Bnccee*lipjr pah'i state the ni-rihe te eontirii(>.{ tftj Advpnisf>r.,fMt vertlsem^n*- Fr^ir. ;'.:i u will bt er.fore-i Ihe paper b*' tl>«n s pn'5 f'l” Suo!i of oi*r ol' per on s.t-ste reJrUti Cliff'S Att K WILL attend Ct-tfi'i er'.»Dd ti^. )*t •l>i)9e et-.trusi. d Oct. 17, iX>'>. tir Off t' Jan’.T 10. l>«r. aATtlA-f: A. KTEliM A. WflOiEsil.M . April 20. » ». w tVH. WO Coiamis^lQii V7j hyt. 1*1, 13 3 2,500 Persc-n» Ike bigbest at tke Merofa»iii \ ber at cur «M ntau Hov. 6 1S62 A KM I AM prers.r-^d Harne.=s for A give I'arivr erden> u> me m ti* seni oil' Id quirk ii Ooldstoa p. 0., $IOO l&»». I Oat. 1-';. sy«u«Tiji«, et *t Fe Vy IR. )8 14 Waia ^V«TEr.!J KA r«w £ Gold 1 tr'ii’ Itorth OArclu v» County cf Town )f r’lyi GreeBS' • ! CoDfea—r>te Coapcui of $ 0/ T •* cf ol OcL 12. iaU3. LSAD W.\NTE1> Depart r sal iitkee wiH ple>i“e ai WWDJEji for 1 . p C9-tf Off JTm] PBItf*ON8 wfta Tai w Vi h»T« 4*li«er ibe i-.rr.e doe Btt«l^r!‘*e for e»‘’ry 1- 0 April 186i 19 r“iiii at a diet^'c of 071 tor excess o' ♦•a i s 12 i20.«r) I%OTI€l ST WANTBD at fajft'evi'V toUable r't be-i'lii' article on k ui t «i w MUldcd so (1 ■ f ri> be paid. Ap''iT ii QO F*7etteTiMtf K§] The andcfairii^ Coafedei-*te Ce ^inted )i»Dafr-n and have ecterei i mining asd %[liu| in any desired qu: be suppliea oTt Kbu party is ouioaMe*i Appiieatioos nay I TiJle, SI. C., OT J*l fayettevi'Wp, J w WAJiTED, tor ‘pOtlTRV, Onicl j7 the 8\ci Seville these ^iTuclcs tion tO'tbe eu'Obcrl tvwtn’t Eay i