Isi SEMI-WEEK l-T ^‘>: \\u. FAYETTEVIIXE, \\ C.„ MAY 12, 1864. [NO. 1331] F’MNTRD MOVT.AV3 AND THUR'^nAVS r?)\! \!U> J. H.UK & ms. EriTORP AND rUOPRlETCmS. I r.iVRO 1,1^1 i%OTl€K. £BroUiDS Ofllee, i'ayettCTtilc, Majr 4,1SCI. IV coaoi mncfl wiih rcMot »pfoimcieB's of Oimr ^Jn ( ' ■ “ Prij^ for tii OaskKTis $>0 00, paii !n For th« Oi»f»i*v«p 55 00 per AncnTO. piiM In •^viDCC: *^* AD\^RRTISE^^^NT9 ins#rtH fof S2 poT n >iiar» of lii ea or Vm f«r iht first, one •JolUrfcr ench eaccM^liF^ i>uh!icfttii>a. AdTCTti^evs >ire rc |ue9»-ed to ■tat* the BvrxV*r of tn?ertioi>!i o**ired, ot ih^y ir?U Ve eonS,lrtipAi tl'.l fo^biJ. and cmvjfci acoord rig(y, AdTenisenfUt* ^•■‘nf’nue'l ehargci vs new »4- ••rtJBemen*. « PPB(ri.A.t, NOTU’E. Ffi'in an ^ t«r fhivdAlo, uo iiine t>f » m^w «ub«cHheP will b« eatpred whhotit pAytnenl in nor will the p*p‘r b« H«nt to auob sahncril-ora for « lon|(«r tim* it«n la Suob of ovir old mil'scribers as d«8lr‘ to the pi»- OB t’lis STHtcTi* win pleiiae notify n« wlu»n mriking rwUtanws- Jan’y J. l'^o8. Attorney at Law, Fayittrvili.k, N'. 0. WILL stt«nd «be Ccnofy anJ F»>perior Co'irta of Ct-tfjl eriaDd, TlnrD^tf, ^foor« atii Ocau- tiva. rrotsf-l hU^nton r'tom to the ool^ocfion of Aii eUio>« ectrusi.d to hi« n»nds. Oct. 17. 53 It JO». I TI. KV, Oroeft' ami xVtrrchant^ FAYKTTKVILLK, N. C. J*n’r 10, 1S63. 93-tf (.*lf. 4tD Co* Disc., Mii ia ob«dicac6 td iaa^ruatKse oxu bim. it t* bcreby crticre4 thM: I. Ml whitd ouie r«9id;au of (.'usib«rl«ni « uatj, b« ?iru^u (b> figvt of 17 «nd J8 46 MMk#0, ’ eiaie »ff to RM Rog'l N. 0. sliail •.ppiMf »i Fnj«ttV V Me Ob 10i.k istt, and tbosa b«loc{iog to &4tn i.ti >hc 20iL IBS., exCApstnx ttiuso irum 7l>t und Q t- n'siricte, who c.)*U ou ibi* 51t «f4t, A M ,^hr*t iftey r>»j thea et >oiia>'d hy Meii‘0 >J*’f j-ad ^nbixitt suviil olAiiua »» ih*»y t>fcTdtit£se'aip (•ion ot Datii!! Any ptriOD »f>o Ui*y liarc iVjleato e'i- ri-li bi)T>bei' wi!l |l«o>>d in ser»i«c la tise firld uul^‘-e h“ nWl profeut ca ftrpol'.^d day? “a 'mecaaM# ex^u'9 ihftrefurj to bo of bf Mi« ’ II. All f-e« f era’*!s of o>'(-r bc(wr?’.i tiic mtes of 18 »nd 6*3, wll boporoSleil by cSaer- of H joir Qi.rd »*-d i brougfii otf"r» Medical Et’g Bj*ri snd Lo|ki Ecroil oiGsor t’>r «z«m natioo and proper dhip.'.nti.'n. M«u!:t«fiiur^r4 fcu>t CoDip;»ai«'a of &ay kibd h»ninit efi:p’.ojcfB “froa n'^roes” wao’u U»ey to ron*ia mnnt 6 « in thitoOi » proper »;.-pUo*ua&e (or prior | iitty'ot fiuroiluifBt. * III A'i betwedu IB »ad ts, • le-czftotinatioa (*f wliOcn V ia ot'tifrr^d espMiiily. >ui w^ll tt-ou* «•••• Wjr ftckufu or oltvtr d te.-ui>>>a f% i«d lo *.p^o*r \^t Ertvollsanr.t iaa!« uow prr8aia» thDOMielvei on it in>4r 'ur liinl extcuifi&tioB It hi*y ii'«> be Hd*f4, in»l sctne b‘i*e be- a fon-r^ ta h»Tf .lii^r^Jy B.|{'«u}t«d or rtfas»d tn lo'i'pl/ iMih niiftt i3%«i* y rt>*rot>&b>e r«)Qir^u>cat OB Ikem—r; p>rl ttcot- H-1 *4, record ihcir OAUde for out of ib« »nn;, fcai r~v.'«;iTe • c^nibc^te t.> that Nomvnt^to t e p e'uiD'd tn be ei>-iapt, r.u* tk« «-atr/iry, utlil Kio c'.tm »o txviaptioB b.o-'n:i*« apa»r«>rjt. Ilr-rexKer re nruo4 wiJl be giten. > ni sili b -twees ifce •.'! ao'.Boriptiuo, B»t accrunWd for inibiiiofiin° by i- et will be nvre«t«4 wherever fuusv* hud uu coe ova *’9»1 biiBSolf iT.j irrd. Vr. C. RENCaSR, Lt * Kc.)f5 ee, 119 iTV'2'3 l'utsher>«sa «fu«»rr. $:^0 00 16 00 20 i 21 W> i KO 0!j i UST or CBAIWE^ rOH PiSSEXtiSaS. The rslirwii-g totes J'f will ba char^r'd oi* Oiir Sift mvr«— f>OWM. FroiD “ “ Eli*i!'«ih. ** *• “ Wtjjip Hh'l, •• • “ K«*M».’9 C »««, " “ •' aH poioi^ bt-k*w, Btrofeu CLASA, oa i^acit- From FdyclievtlU to • i^R- n.- ca. ** “ “ f»K. •• WiJjpSill'. “ "cTft, *' “ All b»i'ow. 5IP. Frori w,>ajir.*'cB to F«vet!«!>ino, “ KeVr’sO.)--. “ “ “ Wjjjie p,ii. '• “ “ E 'z»heiH. “ •* •* Pi-fsppo.i !T*1?, “ •' “ A’I »>o5l*tS 8EOON-D CLASS, o£ D£XiK. Piom WilaipgtGU to F^jVl'I “ •* “ Vic.**- — •• •• •‘ n ' i j\ii p3=r*- •«lvTf.. fgP-Stxwwd Jlis* or D'ck F"“5.Kkt*r‘J wns* «(•; j Oil low'T t>r pa« fijif pri^r. \r mv. Flr«t C!**".? Jigf'An ex’rii o*’ •rz«? will he r^R-Je f-r Wny P^*s«fji- fff-s (c !»*••' H rH» dnriui? vkjv, ViJ f.-.r c>••««- pyin^ R B*rtb wUb tb:'r bort-? ot j!»oe« o». »t the dis cf ihi Cfci'tftin. J * wnurH.fc,rO F 8t’n. D’t l!o., ^ R M •{'K^KLli. for 8i’rs K%Ll i»ui Sua., T. ft l.HFTERLt;H. Fcb’y 22, 0 tf Wd ress.-Kkotfiiily racommeDd NElliti MckAY 1. -i . fvr •-ei"rijon t5 » at-if. in tb» ti-x K.>ujj ol C u»i« *’ 8 .roo; C tO^itrlKud i,tid IltrRf^ll »*iicii. MANY CITIZENS. M y 2. 29 ' u>« fcie Q. M. &«re. 4fh Blet. X. ) e'^Y rr«:v LLs 1 I.. \S i To rarmcrs.of *ith I'oiig. Dist., if. U. I \T W )-*v9 uu*ii I’.e bi of M»j lii'14. t> ^-4y >cuv Wo are autborlacd to aanuniKre Col- ^o‘y tt r « TUO. J. as h t'MidiJate to rfcpre I i- nonrity of S’lbcb. a, ia the H •!»««* of C„-r»jT,rae 4t i'\ t^e :iAxt Lr.f isi:*ture M iv * 23 rf'!? iroii! crop*' r-»fry (rue *»ij; ;i\y .>r .v?' ■ I»ne n'jHc* » if t)« Htji. fio ■> p. >0 10 00 ihe fil> nd8 of .\Knij McNKiLL tiaung «’hi»nrrcJ Li80oa4(-ntforr«-*«eoti-n a; Ci-/uiiOJ iiu A cHn.ii(ii«« 10 ri prrsrat the ccuf>ty of R'’b"Hon i'» •h. B*-x Q-^RrrVt of thij St'its o( K.>rtU Oa?o- !;n* ii Hou&a cf Ala* 3 29 tb- Aijciiia will U TiU-fu »)f I*'C4 J M V-G'^'WAN. Cfpt J ]-'•> ■« Q M. tW CO n f^o 18 50 L*o I are auiho^'ized to huuouhch* 2* (K!' GITjPIf* l.&iT M, E J . a f ir re^^l»*>'u to 80 90 '• i.'ft frvm ti.ecjan*.i- a of RroJ'iacr.d is-p^ Ko^(wob j, lUj 2. 20 6'{d f .0 00 . *~Wpnre aman^ an^canre ^'o!. MU 4]M)Cil Wc^AK a.? a candidatr for cl ioi tj ihtt li oaav of Jouiuioud liora lioufcwi;; coii.ity. April 27 WESTCIl,V KA4L5I040 OFFICE,' Fayetteville, May f, ‘ ■ .Jk. 3 • •I c»!-; . ^y X*%M (!i.T>^h»T f-om ih-n d»a’ ^ .‘♦•d'»^H)n frcia fuce v^iiae JNO M KtVE, «0 5vl ^ Tff«> V fr>»rJy sibltf-Sio»ii«fu Ufirsiifsi 1 KK w^Tj'ei lov Oo.op'.u^ U f»irh l\ li-i ^ Fr^rn th» N»-w H»Te» R^^ister Mr the «ix.r»»’n*®8 for 18G4 at STC’O S15 v^SS; Ot i>|'r»^RS cJreadj »ppropmtei 104 OO'J 000 f’>T VAi^r Drpa-tnunt alon*! Tite race an tlin debt >>tw Hwnnjcl»te«l> ti'-c am jun'i of cliin-** yot tj Lc tidjasted, mjieit thit ti'C T u’ilia d-bt is nvt Kea (and pro* cx'jf i-U.-) ?3,000 000 U0>'». A simple pari“.»a wil^taabie Ub to tetter afprccl^ their Ojvi-r •iij-n' »ir-rii'?cr, 7'1 yesrs, 17i9 51,458 730 786 G ••?r psftnsee, 4 y^ars, l?«il la I8»i5, 2€92 0«6 94l « S.10. 0 •» 10 00 tiAis. Kis.'iEi. IWF. ril/’UH'? A\t> P‘S-E>«f'U TKAJNj*'»f thH: ie^TC- 7(»»e'fYil*e «i »l 8 o’jl-vii, A. M.. and ceturrk 0'C'i94*^, P. M in yc^rr. i) 233 291,151 Sj vfe fi-J, tht.*, 3C'r;'‘5ng tte jBgares aod ea- ^ aiui «r U*>>t.vy Arwl'^r?, ata-io-ia f.>rL C*3 I ioales cl’ the S«'crctary ol the Trvamry, the ex- ^ ^ t p^riditurt g of th^ G»c>'.fifrM'At during the prrt- Persons of tbe RtffT¥t hti'f- n'w f".vc&*-'na’!y o" i , . ’ • • . -/» i » i »i ' ' ' n>t iiantxuistratiry/^ tri/f tf ne^rr'^ aovble th'‘$8 f)' the p-rio.1 fio-nx the, ftiuuUihmeHt »/ thft G ve.ri-Tnc-iC fo tht ihav^uraiioJt of of pi'V'fif ” ' We !>'-lt!ve thin A Jwin’sirafion will go out ot ffirt*d of e»«t*rij;g too s«tr'»'*s;t di si’f.ll# poinr. x»jn (j n. IP- p!»r*treTJ» ap.'a proL-rr Ar*i>li M.* 9 fpp&*-'na’!y o" tiss.f cvi! tii't**, *l H J 1 To l!i»j VoSs»i*s of 4>»»SiL«!y. a jiriwe in ’o. A, Sth N C. ’i*» 1 %!ry, hao-vp he*-*! sclici'eM b» 9ca*s of L’a friends. «m’'une5» hi(n-«K :c Itie sotli«rs *a4 «*it» **rtH HstHCtl 00D'*t7 ■» 0&"'fir th“ >> 0* tfHhRrtF SI or ■*••* 'PMinft-1 »»xt. 21. JVoSirc to C-Jat 4'or5»ii«6i’r«. •f G. O'T %n i f.* »f V 'y Ifi, tS^ p”.^8 cf u^a n inr’-’ 3 It?’-? p»r ont ih'-R'tru cihic :>»t ir'T Xv •»uer uf the C:>«>rJ of If’t^c-.o’p, Pitpti'vll ? L'gh' Cj a li. I'EI.ANi'. 8'u.r.; ila? 7. 3i Ht i‘ S’*f T’!ur(^'»v in Aa • VNJU.XL U I'CPKCr 17 • 4 T til-,* -oiif^iwtion jf uiuiiy t.f oiv tiM*'r.d'i ' n's • ily. ,S eroartoo j | \ ;,nn...iac" rny .-u a .or r,-.'!.TMo iurn>ag na*\K r.-Tjf ( i-t I I ,,g5c** of Sh- rid' ?or t’.u; oooatv of Il»r".’rU. I'l FB-II'AY Kr irdeT BAniAlC *. STEfMAV. WM. U. BrytSAKO. A. STBI>.1IA\ Ai. O , WnOl.ESl:.K AXi) RETlIL 9^ALEilS A N n €o.u.nis8«iov tiERrK.4:vTs, Jto. 19, Ilrttj stf'fti, FA\E'n JiVH.LE, N. C. April 20. 25tf * » w>»v’i. I* o a. Q. uaHIBIi. WOKTH & CO., Commission ar.d Porwarding Marchants, IJ'Vjf^'r* utrteU WILMINGTON, N. 0. Ojt. 1«, 18n3 73-120 lVA.\TEf>. O S:Ari BrSfTELa WliEAT, /fe.OUU l.&OO •' C051M. Perscu.' tn»:njr tb>a •bo'te artiol*# to (“ell willre3ciTe Ike bigbeat Cfe*’b prioe by ct4llin§ oti Mr. M Thotn»«(»oa. at tke Mercfa»Et Miiia. F4yette»ilie, or «o the aob^cri- ber at kit old ntand un M»rk«t Square. ALEX. JOaSSON, Jr- Ho». 6. ise::. 7Rif Aunir HAa.ifK.^5*. I AM prerir*! tc trAanf*>'ture »U kinds of Harae?s for Arr-.y a;e fi^e gv-d baTiv-f* Jan. 22, 18«8 JSi) M. HI Tfe*rf’r \t»ti ■SB, Ag’l. a/tf I k9n my leather uod 'ab «vU do w»'l »o «M(ni thcif «rden> to me m tU y fh^U LMt prompt attentioB. »ad ikk dif.4MH'b. JOHH CA*1'FR. MBt off Id qoick Qoldstoa F- 0., Cliaibao) Co., !f. C-, 1 Ju»e 13, 1862. /■ .v4tf SiOO lb». iitflOi Arabic tor Male l>y J. R. LBB. Oat. la. Alter (his (late 1 vriil pay 15 t'oai* p«r pcund for or . tie h'gbes-t nii*rkoi pr’oe, 43!iT«^r*d la ^ r>. MUaPTT FeVj. 1«, 18 54 7 ' f'rom a»i a tier Ihin dale tne Steamer \. P MURT w>'i'» ?c*re »■ 8 o'jlo'S, ■!. ‘•I , 'r H*nd*j a'!>> Tbur*da»/. _ JJb. A ^V0R14. April6-17tf] Af tO. f Ui.-... To " X“sas:VIrTi. Wr.L c .^n tU C\QLE MOTEL for tS* re oeii-ion v.' Gueui t^e tir«t of jun. and I ct/pe to be r^ble -J ealertaia frooi t.-?raty-J5Te ro • haadred j>er8-3$ du .ng me »um«ier. In cobiieelion wii ■ thi« large Iljto!, I bufea nii.rWr of Kiw'k.% Curhageii. Buggies and Horses tUai f I N (J Troopn rcep^cimlly e«l! apoa tbeir folio my gueata cau ^et a; a QUC:uU>’a aotice. J. M. Hi.AIR. P»-oprietor Hotel, .A.-^Jie’^iUe. N. C. MaylS. 186J. Sl-ypl a»HE I ‘.e Wanted to Piirctiasef \1»'V«TEnN KAIL aOAl) STOCK; Bal k Novr.s; Gold !»»ii Forth CAfchoa freasury Notes (FMad^blo:) •• *■ fl %bd •• •* oH and uew: CoUBty of (^iEl'erl*n I iJ ’rds; T-?wb ')f F'iyf!'. U.TUls ti’>o Is; GreeBs’iV'o’ §1 »;‘‘l $'•* tifloatee: Confederate 7 ar.l 8 jnr »».at. Coapcns of 00^i vKK) 13'kb; •• of Town -ind OvKity Ivoaie;’ •• of cH Hon.*i C^utina Bfliids; T. 8. LOTTERLOa. Oct. 12. 18U3. 71it OaOU.MC'S. DJSPAIiTXSXT. \ C., M»y S. )8fii. / Lead W.VSTED.—l W> pufcb**-e Lead for rhij DepATts'SQi P^rsojjfl htriUif Uriie or •m-»ll qaaa- tiuM wiH plwe ar*p!y *t WiU gWa 1 «r P*3WDfifiL for 10 o-iunds • f i-S » U Tdoa D UOGO, C.?pt C S. cbarff'i ol «Jrdn%nc«. Ch. E. 0. ->tb CO?ilSi%>8[»4AL Ul^Tlvl}r,! t'Ai.tfataT, .N. A;ril i8l^. l’'t;4 / The •ktteatioa >‘«f «h« oouo'y £r.r-iiMng Oi&or>d ani ('t> tiiciadiv«r Offic-reof Militia Keg’meB t« i» o^ll-.d 11 il'e Circular Ni» 10 QiJicp, R’tic^icb, N- C . f qniri->g tbo im uadia-e aarolloaoa’ of «U vHite oi*n* peryrnii hoiweea tae a^r* o' • ■TcnleeA »ad 6fty, a . t 'reo if o-'tior beiweei*. tb^ tge”* *>f eig^'eei. I fif'.i', ia Aoc?r wiia CircUaT >n. 8. Bme^iio of )«'>>ipii3B. embrMiog General Or ia a Nob 2fi aad S3, j A »n!» lu!p-^0t->r Ocnarnl e GIB e A l r^rwns w;tcic the pi-.i9rnt--;i V*l.> M ea d I v ii:c ^Uuiia oiB^tra aa early ■« pranrisab*®, a*.d AMeialde at ihe Court Etan^:i of thv'* re peniT«. iiOU'-UM*, it the foliowi'g tluid for t=s«niiaviaii, Vi: ('bnrlctie. Meokleaburfl' O'^un^y, F6tb Ros’iaiei I 'Jib. iQih aad lltb May;8Hkk Kegimtat, 12ti-, iStb aid 14th M*y Co'oord. OabftrrcB eouaty, 8'^th RegiaiaBt, 19tb, 17th aQ'l 18t!i M.»y Halfchwy, Rttw^n onaaty, 76 h R^pime^t 19;b. 20.H, 2lSLSBd 234 Hi}; l^O-k Regise&l, 24 h. 26'a, 164.h aad ^7^^ o M^y. Ntiwtoa, Catawba CJBDiy, 30‘k, 31st Mar, let aad 2d of Jose « Moaroe, UbIcb ocnaty, 8!d R^g’nuett, « h, 7ta, aad 8t> of Jane; llUt-i R gimeit, 9t& and Whd cf June. IHdas. ttaiton omniy, 13‘b, H h tnd ISih of Ji?a». Li' cotrlou, Lineoia ccaa y, 16ib, 17t!i t>ad l^tk J>iae 8bH)>>y, Cievalartd eu..t:ty. 9i-t ttrgiranaf, 20 b, 21st a^d 2'J 1 Joae; 90%ti Ro^iixeai, 2^d, 24^ib aad 2>tb Jace. All RxeispticBf heretofore grsatad are hereby r®» k- >-d, and all troM who w^ab to tcike appliia*!oa fur Ex- ettipMoBor l>euil wiilpr«teat (be 8am^ tathe Lo««l Ei- roiuag ct&osr of their reKp'otWe ooaMiefl, who will aria U'l with the Board-(to %pp>ia«d in ^oordaao> with OirntiUr Ifc 8, B of 0 ,} la ffi'dag eaoh aad eeary •ppll- O'-s' riridvXiiRS'aftiea. i wrl'tea report from the Lo- Eitrnliitig Offici'r, aad from eaatk e;evih*W of Ise Board. wiU be reqiurel upon each o«>e, whi‘9% will b« p*«e B’«.d to'bedistr ct KaroUicg cSeer ap t* bin arriTal All thu>e 'toidiBs Cfrafic»t«>g of Exemptioa trnrn the Medioil ExaiDisiag Bi^rd of thie Drrict. ia the eoua tieit of UuioB Ueckl'f^barg. Llaoo'a. Qa«to&, 0«b«?ra^, «od Olevelasd. i.f>«d arx appear, pro*yed tha Exeaip- !ioa w\e gfaa:ed aiaoe Pebraary 20‘*i, 1S84. Fr>« pi-rocas of Ooiur «i.l a«««Bible ta« aftera'»cn of t^e InAt day ia eaeh of the absv* Oaatiej ftr Ea- roUracai Tile tkttfcti.tQ of‘'on^ma’sdlflf Offieen of M-.lttia is p«rtioa'>arly called te the nece»eity of haviag tba a?e md coeapatina of eaoh i9«a apoa the Bel's. AppUca- tioas for Exeotptioa cr Datai! ahotild be a^draae^ io Commitad'ag Offio«rs of .Mihtia, ia OcaaM'ii act pro- «'jed With Enrolhng Ofiicert, J fi. PRIOR, let f.* an»* E-* ^ffie*r Rib rf'icg'l D *t. ALEXANi/ER P ilALL. flu-gfwa, r E. 8 rENiiLlsToN A-*s’t “ W. H HOWERTON, M l»-, Med. Ex Buard, 8;h Gccg’l Die. will b« preaeat at the above tin:M aad f lae«>? [• w ] 2« 2» rajetteTilie Aneii&l and irsior;,) Nov 12. IRti. / .1^100 BOUXTV. ^lM*>nHt€d ttittetnen. Authority haviag baaa graated by the W*r De- pariacBt to r*»*« a Compaay of Mouated Kifl* »B“a i fir Banrioe ia ihie riniti^y, netioe is hereby ct*-b *hat . eorfTni?sianfa . wU! •«? f-ir recrjit, to the au«ber of 100 noa-coawrilPtt wiH rej grvn tan-ly C.,uiuii*t,i..B..i vfS:-.:t3 will be cc’*cd »or thie »cmo^. fiaoa recniii will bo r«^utrad (m,-!u-.l cost UiHrtbHl F.oliitirs are rt-q'-iet^^d to «^rrc'^r• To th« rif!fe»!s u:id Soi*Iiir» of U^riteu. sptclfnliy K>C to t;lv; lofnnid'.y j i tcrat ‘r'll Mi my ii iond* both at bom'^^ and n tJn .ru:y r>r } C^tUt^ud Ui.Tn Ttcm \iOJJ l>.\Y , WBDNIJuDA I aad 1 jj,,. gtii.,roa.'» Muppi>i't bvr^tnlfiro nwir'-d i,ii**ir j { i tail o’liy pi^iji>; thm'ti'.-j'd th»*y wguin iiikui-j I lll. ii C>OfMviH; r by r«-'lfctiux IG* 1 'vill, de hoiei^>- j ! tore. i*-rre tfi'-iii ^'•umpHy auid impai tittlly. t Vc.y r-i-p-cUuliy, JAs. «. G’'-*T'Y. { I Apr.l i;j. 24-te T j tht Vd("irs of Hoore ;iud Montgouery I'cuatlt-s. .A;\NOUllcr iQ**?!!' » C3v^*‘»te t*> reprt.-ai •. ». i • -f ?.cd iil''ntg0!ucry oouj:H«« in tl»e i s-'B*.e of N'lrih ;3r«>t>n. &fy priaoipKs a»'e Cot. ■•^rTfiT- ar^«rr tht, *ec*. and are weJl kr-owa H' i»il irliin ko .w me- 1 shall expUia theat** fully at o’ tiro*. J. A- B.\RU£rr. Oarib i#-*, Mi 7 5. 80 G pd Pa|;cttevi>Ie Matui’.l Iit^ttiauce Co. { i»: S{ ui >S.3 G>. «ii. ■ j-fr r....or ; at ttc Ofiir.e os tee Oo on Tc-rr^ isj h;* 19 h iuat. j t’. i\. M'lM.ILLAN. f*£o'y. ^ iTa ! ‘I nt, llu- M»y S. ■S3!i eT*or» R1 of P0U31SS QtJ'uLS, &C . «i»ii'.^>la f t VTc-li-'j »vai> »yO»»'n V‘H« J M /’p'nt N V* Ma?7. :JG4 Hi 13^id Tluc Cidai* Fall** iSitii- b^ii CJo rrn 1 o-» pv;'ar?ii >z v "G '-fr I. avii ^ b-iS.ind u Jobt ct OOt l*:s8 thatl s4 J') ),U-j0,003; but t^ki*'!? rp«>>t Mineai''>e •• a;tn^i (‘- ifH fir-„d8. lot us cd) i*. J-o.t’OO,000,000. I f'*»33 trrfc sml ihree ^nd a halt per ! iiitc.r^s! «•*) her debt; cats has been oou* f ;ri>M(*d St five an i ?!r—mostiy tlm Wlttr. There { is rTi'!.»al;!y t-i.ougit at «vca a higher rate, to ' i» tito it.p;op~r ty jt'^a’d it all a-? drawing eix per iu»er‘“Et. iSoj? Itt ue ee^ how we shall coiiiiiurc. with England: PfcV. Ia*ereat. Uaiir-1 Sfites S3 000 O'ln 000 f ISO OOO.WO Ei=-6*jft.d 8.912.619,772 - 137 07 ,903 ii t^o'idiers aad 1'iiiKeu.s of Bla4ea touu^i Orifi R .Miflrs fr-'Ti BiaJea caijoty, of the I’^tn H“g i L4>0M$! LOOMt LOii)lS!i: E flri^xribrre btT.a/ bvogil th« fcr (be CBnties of Oranfe, Cba bm'D, . Wjke. OrarTi:li», P rao^ end Cuxetl, to make, us'ani eiil! 0>*iebr*"'i • PAMILV HAKI> or EuWKH TOOMl.” are row ecg»;v>J a p^itti'ig tbora np f.T Tais to^To U a gr^a- loicniioa. iv ii ti.'.'iiiv ke’;* ;a oi i -!-. an-1 with p>-«*p.-r %'lea'i .a. w il fro^l 15 ta 30 vardn of r'o«h per day, afti’ .rding la tb» kit; i .a • qi»**i d the ol>»a tn'.T«a Aa iouaiat ot«k» b«4«r They w*>^vi» thi*k irtl*jn. v •>% d i«ir-*d F"PBi tie 8MD0 drawing >b, t'rar»y by eiafjgiust the tre^die Btrikge which c*n b* J.iae la ten piiou'e^. P■*•1 Cl'ih, D aMe Pl*ia, Vin'n. T«rwt3, S->ttiu;;t, H a^I et. 1 w«d or , n»y bo w jTi-n Ala* donbls wiJ*h aisd wamlrM b«>3i, *f 'b* «*.p rrprob^at. M pr*p%red for ih.sA puipw^a. A^y p-^^*i3 liafiwe huw to w».rp a'.*d #r%a iu iht ia t'*e o''Jii»*''»' l'»?'a3, o*a feucpesBfnliy loiBU at 03'^e Tt»y »or wuh a orHok, i»ad ^■•e Msiiy W'Kked by % bo^ cx *irl 1*> ye-»r* •-••d Tuey c*a b' WoTitf^d by haad, w>*t«r, f^r p'Tior. _>«ing !o the anh. i ri^-.e Unor, &o im i ad >*uivber of loams vrt’.l b:> put ap Or lers ho fiile-l «n the rdar ti»at they e?3e. Ttse pica of the*** looms bBf*''** w » f.r b-*i»d ^ow»r. w« f 100 We wiU "'U th’ now, if p^il ir yro*»!‘io5a *f^'V fl-a", ojra, b»«,v n, Krd. 1 , &1 ol.i priotaor ihrir eqtij»kl.>a! "a or j Oocfci^rats ■ GEO. W } CRGFDY, R. a.; limits. ChaptAt iir ! N C. 2S In !^nd oiiiBi'ait cf liladea oouaty, (o uni'e wata >b '?a !»ud ei«*t ut. J I* (jURRlR ^f Co K.. Idth N C- cl g’t to r^pre!»eBi iheot.ln tn« Hosse cf Oorawous o' I jf-jrn L?^i9l-n ire Lt ’urr;e is a prcR«'»g yauog •n-tn atj b;ea ia the serrioa *.bree years, two m «r'-iCh ae «>rrad a« a private B« iM (wica be«n 8«v’cr»ly wona l*)J, r^tderin^t him cafi'. fcr ao’.ive s^r- TiO'^. ^ot wiih ofaara-H>'riauo Sirtaaeu still holds ob, de- !srmiaAi to perform sis par!. CO’8 A, B and K. M »T 2. 29-4t 1 aiu a cauditlate to repre^eut lion'-s V oounty ia tue acct U>>uae of Coaisious A CT* i 1 ui%a nil April I8nl. eC >n>)«rvaiiYC .^nd KQ)i>por.e( of M H'lHea Tt Qo'ersttr. I am *cr *» Ocn^jiBtioa and nrasaici fjr I am oppo«.dio tat 'rtjr'ail S a»j«e'->B:sta. to toe CcB9c*lotjo*j aad T'tht l-iw*. to p'Q^o'i ot iiie babesa a>.-rDas. to tb». «•«, 10 m.litar> U!*nr|»ntio" cf powor. I fvlicii the jt rrj ccua:y solely fcr the sfcuse cf p^aar, wLioh I O iT I orJcB is gr^afer by $42 9 7;09f No», tben, let the reader, rs^im^te, if he oin, tl.c ir:*icbt.'«Jncs8 of the vur>oi?« S^atfs, o)uiitie8, Ekud towhs, au>l he \ti!l fi>.d a burden of csict .’ai*d i.'lol j in3«*birdcc(5S ?no/c shan double that of Ortoi i L\KG: J .to- V£W W(U*L aud COnOiJ * *BD ! .T C;. •T-il^o, eiighi y • O • the ol^^-T Vanil onr a'lsUty to p^y taxes ig ^ j rjnch Wc u-r •-.•:lbrra tlt(»bjR’’^njeDt ^ _ _■ Tl i .‘•>nsfij3 A:.iir»i''i caaip»-H;,-j& of iherceeipti , ft. Ol ti'? incojic. tii c i iiii. v'ff,* coun'rica tasoffi* j c.«2t to iil:r>traic the dfsprvportijn; * j Ircpwe T« So-s»iid $33.240 000 j Un'tfcd 6Ut{-8 . 11241.101 Yet ?*ith ti; her TrcaUh, the aecumalation ot mv i.'lan'alii'n, near in ’aU-"** f ’ • f Piii’y liat. a Yt *fW ^r-a White 5HLC3 CO^V sr~ reariing bat’ae C'>’ T I ''nrflbas’d ti/sia fr-'in l->r' K«fl’y. rlrq . &e*r Jca'.'jbe':’. a.'l I beU^^t? a* r.n ok«rk*'^. M'eral r»w*;d ■»;'l be tfcid 'cr ieadiiig lo »ee tecoTer-^ cf i.l'j said p'opv-ri’r H C .MeT,r.*y. rartbape. Mi»y 2 SO 'of ce:i'uri(3, P^i^Und U uaablo to pay her debt, and tbt* pavuicsr of the latere^t, even at a low rate, is 'a-A'vaj'C' rm'd% a ~ ^ bu ,?{n ^hich has driven one eighth of her AOifCyfe 'XO r A is. re #4a.tS, | j'upalati'>n to pauperianj. The exp‘~etafion that f WiaH «ob,rMo8nm.rv-ra‘.-t^O;Lil..iER I debt tcUl ever he pnu! i,, ther^/ore^ I li*'t. r Bjvftt-lf I nna rei .:; t the :'u!;iT«»t..5a cf n nest j ^ ' . . . nr - t ^ »>r.i,0u«.&3 Ja:»^x-rr.*t f;ot.; r,;,uvy Ha^ P--^ e can cnly provide fot waa f-r«»er-.y a Liea>e likOi it tonpar.r E, 2-1-i N {’ ' ti.«* ^ R. f’t; rewifspd 00 »ot lutf’ ‘f Ijss of >''y rsg-j'. b*rd i with tTio gfo^t’j ifXJreagfd ordingrj eX* For further part ■'"•ilar> i r.i.ri'i:tort^e, tv ill make our i'utcrc bS'iget. after O. O. WHfllZLEa. Pe-J? R;r^r. N ^ ’ - - - - ® ^ May a. "'ivil ;»i3i I the iiiar, read substaatisllj is follows: ARCUD r^itnp H'lmf?, AprM 27. JLRSiS MePRYDE. •29 ii-pa is e'(jred for f-Bpor'ect 1-aninera Toe ojtaaiivlee of I*’® Cr ai Lo-*fr* cf Mar..iB4 f‘T«* 6' Jor-B’s College are fe^recif i if inr'tt^ •- »»i» prrseai. tHABLKa r DEE'-^S F!r.*Lj:Al a-'T »t%ry. rd^ % 1W»4. 29 Anrll 2n. Siiirj;con i«eneivil\*i Oiii« e, Hal«.h*u, N. C., Ap il 27, ISbl PROPO E lu E-iaoitci, lu fci.e Ciiy of Ka'eivL, a Biacufsoury AHTlFf nr. The ctj ct of tl is eot^rp'-ifi in lo tmpply theve ;’«rfa’ ! «rtirl.*n ti» ali s-ldi n fr-^Ti!! ihie »ao bare been, ‘ or n-.«.y bo, so laanuttd the :iei>ice vt to r-q :ire LtUKI€ATli'VG Oli» Phi. i»aic«-aigQ *u i« u w i,rn>-»red to 1'i*n :>ii lo the 1 I ■* ^^ry “uneriT ar:is!'^ of LUiiHVO-ATISQ ' ! OIL. t*pteia!ly for Cotton and WooUn factortu Wc ol-im’lat »3i» Oil do^ a''t and ai.'.y be lua at IT. i^>.%r Bpoed With lees power than atj otaer Oil vxeept Mr W il Porter, fc*Bpi‘riot»idcs* of Ph®n^x Cottpn P.iet r-j ti'^ys 3f !•: • I Savt* *f*«a yoar tiubrioHi- • rp > 1 f ir 2 f-r 3 ir.on'he. trt-l Bad *t 11 ik® cupcrior tv lEj otiijr Oil ajw «n use f»r Ju'iT'uM.'Oir." rJ ha itrshsr. fli’p't of PWint’a t'rerk F^‘tory, saya; -I caa oocer/u)ly •HtS y-n*" L ibrioti'ng » 1 i« a H»prr.o7 ariicle. Ii I’oe^ not guia ia the leas), but keepti • be joa»n*l» clear and bright ” Mr'i^ F B-pkerli-t, tib’ef Kn#'’na‘*r of the C 3 Arot*- rn-ry of »h*s pU?e, w*!''''eqn*Mtc'> tc try i» think for !>s!it «n'»3h;ur'>—'••cb aelAni>''t^ Fictirics—»uJ tor hrjavy macujner/ wt»eE tte rat'ti.'". s e!-.w, y'>u>*Lubri3*liiig(ni *iU w>mpir« atxi io q'lal ty Spe ni ” ^ ^ 0'b»r f 'twn manuftalarofs bare IrUu it aad pro aoutced f»Torabiy ef it. HESKY E. COL*^OK. Ageat FajHtt^^ille Xeros uc t?.o. Al>r;: 1, 1S61 'f -- 1 Mr’A F B'( I I ial ard .Am" J I Hi'd 84>?: * l ' Otfiee Depot i%o. liS,. ) Fayjsttkvillk. Maroh 7,>4 j F*»y your 'JTithc*. PEB?0N8 who «>»»« i»o«. •i«-*!*iy pa'd *be'r Tithe TwX w U h»T« Miiit t.iie 20»Ii d»y of May 18U4, lo d'liter the 1;f>w r.ady ti> reo«’*3 tbe Uvaon doe under tbe t!*>ie !».» ni.x jv*nodfi of oujed bvj a for ev^ry 1- 0 ib« pare «(Uug>!itred eiu'w 24ta of April 186d is r«qjlTP.; ileli»erin^ tbr:r till e« •t a diel^re of e |tit Qi’-rs will promp.iy paid (or ezoe39 ha'll-ag J- Jd- WiLLlA ’viS, 12 i20;«f) A)j!*nt for rmfcbtrla'j i (j«unty. to fnmish a serviceable horse, tor which he wiil be ai 1 iwed 40 ceaia per Jler>, »ud ala pay il2 par month. Writtfn permttion will be requiretf froia pi^reaie or fuartliaus. where the applioaRt ia ai.dor the eoasjrip'. age. Each reorait maflt bring with hi.v a tl&nket or bed spre*Ml, and eo'»?» prepaied to remain , Ct'idlo9, biklt»rii and tsadcUe blankets farBl^h* ed by the Ooveranii'nt, or if the recruit e*>ne-» provided with them. i>e wid be o^d f>r them a fair valUAiion. Apply to Cait MAXTiliiW P. TAYLO^:, at the Ar- . r. X.- outut#0, , M^jor C. 6 A. Comd’ji^Post. I^OTICe TO I'ABtllittS. 8TRAW WANTKD. Wanted iipm-»diate’y for the Hospitals and Troops at »ayettevl!'.e, 20 0*J0 p-yu-ideof *I1P.ATSTUAW, auitabie f jr bed.Si-g F*,-P-i*T6 ha»i>ig aBurpms oi ti.i» aiticle on hia t »iil coof*r a bewfit on oar aiak at»d w Kindcd BO J-rrr by bri»g*"g it in. A fair price wili be paid. Apf'W to QUA RTSHM i^TKR, at the Arsenal Fayettevi*\ ^r«e»a’ »j>d Armory, April 4- 21if COXVlDKBiTB 8T1TES or AXKBICA, JbsetMBaa UirABTiiaaT, Dm. Cara f a\a, Wt!mipgtx>u, N. C , A^aroh Kith, 18*^3 c _ _T_ ^ 1- Kj^ypt Uo»l i^inv. The ondcrsignea wrre, »t tb«> November Term cf the Confederate Ccurt, liirtrint cf North Garuiina, ap- J>uiated Slaoag^ira of tae Bg>^t Oo-il Mine pror«rty, aad have enterEd into orpartcertsbjp for the purpodf ef BiiniBg «d “itlliug Coal, aud «.-licit ordarj for tita o-tnie in any desire*! qaaaiity. Ord^rR for aay aiucaat oiiB be anppliea on short o.jtioe. Tie Oo^^l fr-im thia pro perty la o«doat?te'ily the ia the OmftvlerHte 8?a‘*s. AppUeatioas may be ma'.t to 01-rt 8 Fayette- Vifle. H. C., or J«!aa Br^W’Je, CWariiOoa, n. C CH/RLlifl B. ilALLBTT. JAMiS &!\0\VNE- . fayettrri’W. Jan’y ?0, 1^3 “««f WAHTED, tor thd aosyitiil at Fort FU^iar. FtlTLIRV, Onickeufi. But«er and other d«iict.oiee for the iiok 8oidie>s a' v^ls Hospital, Persofk'« oaviog taeaa artiolea caa octaia the market price on applica tion t(Hhe subacrib?r ai hia old auut l or at Mr. J. W. lowera’i on H*/S'reat. &. I. H£I1)X, Qea^l Ag*t. ) I Notice is hereby glsTB to all persons kaviag clai-ue against the Engineer'^iaent, for sarviei^ of wav58 empliy«id as laborrra on the land dtfrmcc otar Wilntisgtua, N. C , that the tjuderelgnei) is aatboria^d aod prepared to p4y the aaae at hia at&oe, on the aa- O'tBd flstor of the bnLlding ntst above Maaras’ Drag dboro, Market 8tre«'t. Prr?oas ex>onting Powers of Attorney will ob- «Tve the following foru —t.i«ir signatnrea. ia all (^.^oa, t« t'C witnesaed hy two wUne^*s ard siguai in duoli ua.e, or they m*j be wUr»a«ei before a jMStioe cf tbe Peace «r Clerk of »ny Conri FOR^^ OP POWER OF ATTORNEY. I, of , do herrt/y appoint ——, of ——, n*y tran and lawful A^eut to s*.gB reoeipts for, aad reocIvt> pAjmeot of aU moneys due to me by ti^e flagl:>«er De' p.rt»eBt of tae Confsnlerate Statee of A»Bon«a, for the aervic'r", of n>y sla^M unployed aa laborers o:’ the Und* defeneos at , during the mon*k of , lt« Wiuai?B my hind aad eeal at , the —— day of , isa (Bijcaed n dnp^ioato.) • ^ tSeal] TSltncsina, :bc updersignsd, g'.vi»jg aasic, rpglm nt. rwtk. 1 io*'!tv uf aicaqtari'^^a. and ti e prec'^c'Li'ct of tae re aaiaiRg meoibcr. I ibiii to employ a nnr^iher of conipstfnt rr.eeta'jiOB f'lr the above n«m»d purp.iw > tl -I’c^ aro in-itcd to scm-ijanicv.a Uiateaiai^iy wnh th s fho?. hD’f'ARl. 1^AP.F.F:N, &ur|^u tiene ai Njrih f’*»o.ica. April ’*** Superior C'oiirtot La^ tor 1'gki- berland Couscty.' Notice i«* hereby gi»f a that Yiill be a Sf ri?** ’ft*rtn of ihi'-t Ooo".t held on the 7*h aficr tne 4th M'nday of text, b-*>ug tSe I'^tti of May 18*’4. to try »t.d dotrvesii*^ ;«;1 .»n« o? T >t tc tse Civi! Pf cket, and all*! oa th.; ft'at.? Dt '^rj Notice is fnrlhfr jtivnn, tbat ^y an or'!er p«i?eAi •» T»i'a ISf'S, tho day for *ryi*»g 8i.-ite c^s-« in said Pourt haa bean cU^n^fJ froci TUursfay to Mord^y. Partitt H&d witu»?9ae9 will guvera ^aeIft•*ei•^9 a'^'jard' JOHN W BAXER C. ft C. Maroh 14. 15 Back ol t'avvtu vil!e, I /, l!^6l. I The *mual 're"t!"i' of ’h’» Sr »c!;ho!d''r- of tb;« will tuk« T)lac« ai the •^'•'1 oi tii iinuk. on MwuJ«.y th^ luth day (*i aliy next at 11 o’ciotk 24-‘d] *y. G. tl.-vu * i'FOOT. Csi*’.i’r. I^TTO^ V\H i\o. KK the F YGTTRVILIK CL-TTO ; C IID M VNUF^^- I XL'*1'*C* 'OMP*-* VaTe-iow mniiur*ctu~:n.r' .\KD? y"per!*>r in any ran thtougU »hia b:iK;kad''.n id n pr^^. nt j i.r-? l«>r alc^ pricj theiMUjjlu piir oi Lt tiie quao- j , . ! .*.r.y p‘-*n*>T orleri!ii^ MX *>'’ rn^c t'.i’rf*, tb^y will Ijp j Fttiirely p:rfilf»:d aud delivered ui ilai.a»;Vja irer. of es Call upon or suldresfl A. .A. McK.~rr IAN. J V'»HT:r. AL^^X. iOlii SO^, Jr. Fay^'ttevilic, N. C., pril > S 2:iif Pr»>si>yV-'M'.atj aud i.olicis:i oi'J- Uos5.i Oil \V«ik«t Oru Oil 'Vo kp Hre r jw ia coT.ipl'^te we uso nothin.r 1 ct 'j r-i»in ii> ffin ro(i>mir»-ij(l it 1^ l!'- *' -''t “i i*»:n for R4lis 'nwt> youn* atid i>« h >!*■?’ it era •' lJ>nd-.. 7-* «s ir 4 t-nc*' to "'fi « M-L M.Kiy, E-q , Fayetteville Arr^lU 23-9ird t-'-n, «n l tin- Oil we ffin roci>mir.»-a(l it '-•i be l!i(- !''-'t “i l'**' I'n this C'.iuatry. fl i"* ** uvo i.ii5iiir,iT.U!-i i« f 8.500 000 2,40a 000 20 000 000 120 0 >0 00» 25,000.000 SO 00*'^«00 180 0 0 OOd T t a!, ■ $386 900 00# Th:*-, i* is io be b^rnA in aind, is to be Kaiaed I bj (fcxi-t.'tu. 'rbe Quverament eotild not mako i»-as>i it it v/ouM, if t*»c people were not filing j t«.> t)X Icr tlfi crdioarj expenses of j Ouvtrc'Mrni.' 'fin’s 1 .bt uf tiiree or foar tboui^Bad i ’.EilUop?* i?, u,.};cii«rer, po murh capital of tha 1 '••Tlntrj euiu!: aud d.!5'roy*d. Wors9 than that, it ribpa i’ke a eWt .and omet be paid roufcdiy for k"eopii!jr its harJs wti tho property of the people. Xi thor« iM t o fscap-.? Irom this sttfe of thicgn, ?»^hi't ?s the part ol tiudvf th? ctroom* ■>:hcc>s? L'of.ry sf'p 'inJ •'c-rif e th'tt ’xft.ji iht uvf nthii to ond >v iht> turdefiM r>f t*'e p>rJ>^ixi Olid fu‘^i>e ^>-hCi''t.*vyr.*. EvPiy njf-a-ur' thii te^'ds U» «sa>p rai.« our coant^men at tbe h, to pr-iiffect. tac wniggle should ba vl-scvuif aarc. d. men'vl’o tuw have con- tr.'sl of tho Go7CTnn^;cct, either lack tho abilitj no ile^ire oie’scre^ of co»j*Uia- !on t r th»>y have no wi'lt to ttrnsinats i'uc co^’Jifct. It would be difil* ''Cifc to ilcvis-T s pjlifv’ it'*-’* likely to induee tha Si u b tc j*od litc on!y l-.iue we.eao eee #f r 'ho c>l 1 o«tii:li'.*s a’^d rhp nistoration «.f th.? IJjio'i, ’s a c!»8Dg« «f the AdtriniBtration. 'I Hut «w. l«.i &cci»sip:i^hci in the I’residential ‘-•Uctii‘n iff XvYCTnb-^r. •r R4lis jo;; and we bo gl'd to tVc. ive oiacr^ fri»:i { .V: c. fjr w»«onk Co'jfed- | ,i.,v-raui^ut and the pubKo t,ar. - rail v. ^Ve ol i ? •« li b-‘!ik»a. Ktftr- reajiw)-bla Ui.-a»3. MOOltE, CASilVv ULL. *2 CO. .Fayetteville. m 23 if Murtjfwfijiir.g Coi? 1 p-ry w u fcl fl/ *■> tfaS-1/ TsnS C.*iu»n taru p«cy w U fclfly *•*> I*CA*8, April 30. 1861 1,'^LOUP. aad OaT8 wdi be'-*oh»o*jd for Com at the ’ Ru*iv of D McLaariu, by giriag hstn a few days lutic*. Flvtir i:0’jd. U^u No. I, blaik or wiiilc.. JfiFj’v 29. - if FaSs»a Cliriftti Rrantf. T'HK aiib'*riber will p**'y the highest -^aph prieee for I iiiiy tjawir! ? ot Palau. Chriau Bw’ia. residiin April iV Fajett8>Ule Arsepal a?d irnory.i. Ar-ii. H ( llTiVTIi;!) nni!mi.*r of Fifibfim ’;!, tki’Ijd in tvkin£ | iV ^JfcUl^Cti41 ♦lit! 4*f«w fcfOa»» 0» I lb*- KitcrtlioH ol KHrmerH rofidwi; rvhmc; ibf c*>»r*.^ '.r tll2 *^i¥t-r. a :d of OoaSC.-ipti* wln» b;ir« Ih*-ii f«ni il .trfii or acl;vti fifld i^ svic^rj d ait-lo d'Ui;kl i'.i 1 gul duty. i“ pirticaiarly call j»i to Ih. 3 ad>urlfv.'ui :Jt Api>’y hI ouc« to 2.^-8! Lt. Col. F. Ti. CHILDS, C.-»indx OflBu^r. Tr^ 7I"j f'htthra iit Ahihima.-—Th.^ Liaden ^AV%) .) ti'*rs'.'*n\R»i pay« lUdt. tsie htig cholera ia .’Mv pr»Vi*lout iu M irorco cosiaty, snd that thou* ?ands ttf sl'c h-'p^ (ii'nl rrccntly. Ihe moat iucce^r.rsil Knc;dj tried’brrf: hna been rtd ptp- ►-tM citi Of btat Up uud liiiied with t^e food tf J. A. -■rf;!* (V*i Jl Wt'.PTU. EAGLE FOIJNOIIT. $^*35 tteward. f> AN \W AT fr'at tU- eab'arlbar, a KRGRO W(*\T AN. Il hirM >ne ?fit J^ji’y l‘*34, fmai Mr .4. W. 3 net of ^,>vrti.e>ill« Hhe t» "TppO^ed to bn abuu' town a'"T’ .i.vd if iinii,n’8 1> i3>3 i!« Bf'sey, aad ia of rned’uTi neig «t dark cnTnT'l«.ziuu, awl a fnii eu;t -f ha>r. I w’ll the **>?’'« revacd to any cno who will dtdivsr her to use Tji- eUt*atyr»>a of oabred r>c.^ona shooU ‘je wiineaiwd ty three viinassca Tnera mn-t be »ei»rate dr»fUflnl« Pawer* of Attorney fur i;acit m.,RUi. Blank forms can-k* had apoa appli- oatlen at toia office. W. H. JAME3, Oapt. k Chief Eng. Jan’y 20,1864 IWOtf Q.' Kj the »4a»»fnciu.e ef OAR WHSBLS, bni on's/, to tl>6 fnil-Me of the ctpply ot Ir >n '.f proper n^tum, have not laf-ely K-Ffi^ to eapply arty lcin>ad f'>r _ t.if*(n; ft»5s d ffir.u’ty howe»er, wili bo o'*?ret»»ue in th** at ifea A?;cu»l, &? aonfine h*:r in j-»il. cours- of SIX weeks, at w'lion •if>-» nc eh*U n« at-le t! 1 MATIHEW P furai-h ah'els of tae f'>U'>wing ais's—24, 2ti. ‘ZS an! April ur. iiO inuue^.: *!*:■> CfiiU“d tires Ttse lr*n> we sUhU ufe J T~«~t a* i ♦ t*at «'ur whe*js S(tT TO ORA'.^K any mad- ia tte t:eafcd»^r*cy. -r '^> thos S^uar.t Piiiifc.ieif>‘.i%. «h j!>e topa -ition 13 ao WfUJtaawu by all R-iilroa*! oompatnc** Wo are pr* pai'cl to excoote Loom, I'ry Sj>e1, »nd 6T“*en S-iad Wtrk, asj p or » t-» D. ASfEaso.? i;. oo. Fayetteville, Marsh SO 186 i 1^— TAYLOR 29 tf .w nvjE. IFO I^in all ppi-soiw ictim tia V,i; forn Votr >»j mt‘. loth .if April t.* J. tS McK v** for ' j du aot intend u> pay tli-i .Jote u.iIcns compelled uy iaw j at 1 did not get \aiue receivtd. C1IABLE3 fsirur.fl. April 20 2G-ltl*i«i ££i:WARII. tTfE piy *he .iNjvo c."wa’--l for tife apprebenaion M r.r •.? I r/n;i.i!*fa* i)i In ji’J. c;f tLc pitH^- or parties who oi t acd r;u:i—ri a-,v>»y so y;-t‘d' '-i ; rrlt?grnph wUt, 14 vuiled ftoin Fuvoti-’fiibv tH.* ;.’2d ot 2ji inst. tOlTrifiSN fl£l£UlLkPH.t.'01IPXlkT. ^ p* i! Ii6 27(f i »T »T » •• • - - w S tx, he Wfiat t-> SACKS '■f g^>d 0-XY BaLX, tc* be exchao^i 1 >se 0^‘Wiii’-’-.ay t ,C(i:a ,^ppIy to -IAS O '.>0R I8*i4 3«> 4w To Kschlalsts. RlackMoUhf, fiiin-Carrlsgo tak ers asd pAttcm HaSnr-j. G')Ol-> MecL.mica ia aay of the aoove tr.wl can'Srd steady eapioymetit afd lib* tii! »:j apiiiy^.Oj; at the C. S. Xavai Oiduaace W-w«s. 'laurbittt;. >1. 0 H. A^•aT.^N H ^ M V V. Chief aog'r 0 S. Navy, in p'lur^, April 20 ^ Yoaus, «ratt^« Kov, . * S off «'-d for sal aid wll! sta v.l at my Stuh!« ia^•.^li^^ f r i hnTj, tiotii ix'.d »t f;jO the Sea'Mm. a-id Slo i.brt !’•anc*^ t.)’’ Tigi* Boy t*e o4:a-illtMl Biood iJay, ulivci I ■. ure 0^1 tbi; Sp B' iSclkool Boob«. Fob 8ILE a variety of CLA9i}lCAL WORKS;—(7*-- lardr.rS’8 Ff«ach OrAtaaaara. ti^raak and L«tin L;>x- ic;»Be, Web«t«r’a Aoademie Dtotioaartet, f*oiniaoa Bohooi ; Booka. Drawiiue eto., «to Aldiaas i **Q:410BOV Wil>Bta|jtal^ M. a 012.. WE nan firnb-h EJHOfiiiSE EU2NINS OILin qii»i- tyiii** of -5 cr 10 jrallcci at #*5 pt-r gill i.; uo ca«a ur kegs $15 to !f2i> auiitl'j^al. Siud atfS cr waco O'^nvenifBt. Tnie Is a? go-K* an Oil ae can be matle v^•^oa* the q^'ure wtS A C'^hol. whioi) it is itao--^-jIjvi qnw to cbiain. T’« wi'^k tu'n’ of »•«» or i tary K i*»’p s'nonl 1 be el gf.tiy !^»>g'heneJ by aol‘?er;cT Ofi a pxre?. With a Kmp thos arr&> g«3 our oil burn* wiiho'jt >)ro ‘k*^ and with ae inai^h bTllliinoy a* any ^s-nhera lieroi«‘ne. bEilllir s. COLTON, Ag’t f K Co. ▲pcU7. n-d i:xecut4>r’» JSale. Y yj.’-dsrof t:ae"jart5f Pleaa and Q'.art r S is I i> si«/Bj rf Out! (trlasjd Couniy, the Snt-acribt;?. ae t.x^^outor ofNoiii V/ilkii*9cn. dae’d, »»ie on VfpBday of Jons Court, 1864. th9 l^d beIor>tiag t3 said e«tate, oontaiaing 12'i aorea more or les^, lyirg oa t.*»e Eait s:da of Cap* F«ar Riter, adjoining tlie laatB vf McD aniel and o^hera. Terma at sate. ® TOBRKNCE, Ex*r. Airil 9. ■ • 30 18 KOTICE. Any person wuh ng to ezohiwge a boy 12 op ISyeara old for a girl about 17, a good oomfteld hand and !» very gond cook, they ean seo M. SIoKianon or Oeo r WU/Ti a.’ll 'r «*T. Jot 4 p« r cent, ^ont-derate i I’D'Ttls :tii »l» .•■r iHA.ket viluj) M •ilo^>Tc Farm, in tha i rrwti Bto.-id Ytfil*iy. TrHr.--,lran:H couiity. The Farm ■;u!jtai?>p 68«> icre«, *.r v. Licl; 'iJlO oro'-.'f-.'-a land and onder '.a*; m’--'* f-ucc»^a(ul cuitlvat.oa. Pr.viocing iper acre) aa U'-.r'p crops* of grHiii. ciuvtr it«d otiier b.iy grnfces as aay larni in VV«i.-‘tT0 I^. O. TLc pivmisof ar-* in Hie best poa- -sible csdH'r. Uaiidinir' nil ueyr v/ith ev*nry convpnier-ce of tl fiiut fsiabiloU'went. Th-i K'jrrn is beautifully lo* , caltid, erclo*nl with f;;5»c^ of loeiist poat* and eak and ''he.'uiut latiiua. Address Uaaa'a Kock. N. 0. I'. V7. rfOHNSTO/l. A pril-22 ifl* »ipd JIOTICE.^ BV crd'^r of tlie Court cf Fl‘»n« a:ul Quarter S«'s«iona of R«>Vfoq county, Fe'i’y T>tui 18t)4.1 Heobeo King, -Jh-’riff of .' ciiui.ty. will scU for e a.-h, at tiie Court iJou*^ i:» LuiGt>-rto»‘Oil thi; foarth .M'>nday in Vay next, t’le fo!10v?iu^ Tract.® of Ln.rid, cr a-» laucb tber»ot aa will anc»' aihl a . . «, , » • n ■■■ ‘ •• "‘*- YOU-'Cr OHaNCt’^ BJ’l wii« r'*'l I'y Oiu. j th** tax aii-'i c-)trts thycon foi* thf*ye»»* l»'62, via: One Bo;”, aad *>y John D. A.i’jV.O'.d 6:r Archic*. Yonnp j ^crea Jocatwi ou the E.iRabatu Tload, valued at Orange H''yV »J tai was, j,Jt l.y nf'''”'i * • j-., j Rub'^rts^.ni ta^ Vi Also h»'»»cter.lnjby Old So-Ar^li’e h-vr« « o* Jf, „t the ePTSt- uzi-v aci-s. 'ocated on Onfl l!ruid Var^aud-’utioiitof Jiioue i V VAlued a ti3.-,lL«:d bv I\ C. •n\ H Boy is clofn,'ly c>'tu**cioi tua. . >1 ■ r h Llood: !*uch a->. tk-lijw of Virari*i.a. liarcu.-. tviinL.ia^" Import,^ l)i'.v.»rf.. ULom-ie. Belior a^l iiiporwd Medu y. Tb** aliovu i. the fae Fidi;?reo of Yuuag This Horse han Wsea three pr^Jtuium?. JN’O. A. ttoI.T. SdH^.iry. April H fs- '^1 2.V4w April V.. &. KINO. bhflL 2j-ts Tf»«‘ €>’ tne ii'Mr- plifid at the i^tar Foundry in F ivettevil’e w-ith ' w>king Pwte, Kettles, Sjiilers. i'Io*s aud Plo* Points ol all the different patterns no's '.n use. ‘ asfags of ai'.y Uulieeei 8r or axdiMlga two «a^ oaas tot the awd i description made at Khort notice. Su^»r lyils made to j order at the Star Foundry in layette viU». 30^8. i iA-liajt ' lLA.3AKi:2- Wa5st*'i—Wood l.and. 'pnS nod T8?’i'u viil gtv/i a fr.Tprice f >r a 'cell wooded I, tnict of IjA.V!> of li(0 or 200 •»*?>?«. c-d tlio Railroad at *ny p«>iat ijetv^e* !i J^jnei^xjio’aad Fay«fttevllle. Wood, pitch pia«r txixtil or unl>o.xtd ti£.^UY E. COLTO>',AgentF. K. Co. FayettoTille. April 19. Ttsc Farmers’And Plaiiter*' Al« m«s *0 for ISaJL ▲ few groc* saarw ja« reoeive^ IO. B(SUi

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