m ms pgWBJJF •m mm , -I. . nna oaint ooDtfrBous for ten i ODtiJi «hot down Bat If Orant will only oontiau* the THK B \TT1ES 1\ VIKfilM A. ’ . TJ*® ^ wa*. the musketry firing tHat tre« taotios of WednPiliy »n.l Thursday, they wUl soon be J n r. r>.T I 11- U ’'r/u J- » r-li.^ved from the in3on*cni*a««» We only fe-.- thv. he Froir the Kic r.. >r.d D v^h • 15th in?! wrre rut d^ wn hy «t .U»nrm!n«Mnn ' will «nw den,«t from ffc^t fiTorite KMUe, and ibink Th-^ oom'n^n I •• .f f' - ( '’• h now oner i»ln(r ^ P a in; in i arono I Ibe f r'^fi.rl who was forra.Tlj • Fede'al »r!ny ac C“ **it '' therti wi?h (I'^ani ' 'Ji>a ^ ■• onJsr bui r r.'J'i! ' •’ figiiro f>f UO OOO. all lu [Tfa'S‘ F-.'re (hi' ir • • witH Te low Tarrrn on ('’aV-’:h list of the w.in*-?.> J Carolinn: Li W T Wp ‘=-. (i; f.» •f h-' ci^a^ry w'lh Mie , »Til wa9 tnkeo from ' Vir-jinU T.i-' fom' p-i*.!'>rs at the rcuc't iof^TjiTy. Ti «! u-rt foiubt at The h>re ittvefl a ,t frnm M r h J »V T'fP. F: C 'T V\ J f'af Qr*nt exprepses tho dftterminatlon , wi'l now depart from ffc«:t faTorite rmqo, and ibink 1 freorof's »he ri^er while he has a m'*u left. j *wict: before he forc63 with woven and tiD Imos Collin.s. Q;—(*.li c’g,»S‘; ' a- ;3*, t'l' hltf regiment in O 1 i'"' iM; G (! mrb»:i, 1 9 ; J L’" R*r, A, lot U ': V? \ Ml’ '«.■ • ri»t(r'\ (;. a-d L* r f’ ^ don, wit’a f» ■ U-.; f’ ’-' ' " will h iTe (■'•h" -i"' -v'-'- : k- - 8 1. 0 »• Au VI' ' F; 1> 1 -j «,.• . K . V K V V G. 1.' C' v; Hr- O ' : a . in. '"li d arm, breskr.^^ (he '■ r,f ib« • urae .HMt\ the is. h. s-rcTT tfc- R T IV H V = - • 1“:? f ri fi .... p the ‘a' ■ . c yt frcm t e ■ f?ou fi ;u r ClJy .. ;i; wh.cb } • v=. ■ . I tn nc' * » r . h u’.H- died c a m-" ir •A’i r>f t 14 >. Toe Z(' no». tJ reorof'.*' Oijf jro’ps foiiKbt yeeterday with more t’lan u^nal brarery. and the en^my more stuhhornly than eT«r Th tk hi!* heen no f*DoraI enc"?’*n'8Dt !o-d*y. A hea»y ra'n haa been f j.iiug einoe 4 a. ci., and the roads »re deep m mtid The er«y”v ye.^!o’"day b'^yoii''’^t'd eoipe cf o’'^ rrouod- ed n.;ii in brea^.) .^jrki. To-Uay lie in yUil io our [ro! t. «'r iiylj f.'riift'd FroiTSTLTAuiA 0. n. May It.—Th“ro was only e’-g ; i ftrit'V lo'd-’v with ocoat‘ion«»l dis- c f Tj iUry. it sJiow^ no of falling ba: ' Pi. u 3 r-p.T'" bA» ho n'oaitlii^ no '•einforoe- tre: ts, (*'. u?li p i^^oners that h-.' i« o#j?omds wit^ ronp" fr'>n B*ltiiaoro !tcd other p1ai’»’S. U i“ ^ rer* ! bst ^'^•■'nfi'enftti, *ith troops frcan ?^e i'“'S ! W,»aiii’xton. wi*s wifi Gr»ut I’l tb** OfT U.'.':*'' J i!3 li « 1) »i^i"'H J” t*>e 0. Tbnr * losf.'.bon!20.')0prii>'>n':rTftpJ ISpi ’CM • I 'irt! 1 rv. i • liv 'fom V^irc'n >n 1 « tr g-*d»» C«i ir>t n‘, -a iujr W«'. T in J to .jt T . per!’f^ l»«t 1 RJ f G>«, I mc^. ». the Ir ed ., dcsp re: aiid tU r. TV' T '.e p k ., 1 r> energy r" Vr’.. tile ic’.” ren-r '. c u I. ' CHi. p'l n 1 r r >p s ,t.^ .•S' d T B .-ft ; O ir Bi^-’ t one . kroH:j f.-r ' f in 0 .Ti:.:' ’ ■• ■ yr. itz n' ‘Jjt ■ ' tl* \ ; Gen. ;.tu .n w t^.'-n fi'> V ;, p'lya q It— ; i!', ir.vSt 1 .■ -. Pcn*> i'' i M oue or n c' 7UU T'Q~- Oar i' . thrni:.':', :: ! D- 1000 D .’ii A Hi.n ! ■: • on a Vo' ;■ quent 7 t buru. .J a’i: of !a:V--;r - f,,vv : f ,; the hc8‘ I'H '3 ! ^ ! TTB ri8''T 'T It • co^r-c • ' f^r: - ; L- ' -T o’cb c ,, ! in - pu 1 w r .. T rc ';d t 1 ; I ■■ M: V t i (f f ^ . w It ^ ^ c:u;i'n - % ■ f^ ^ - Y. ■ B^’.-rn 1 - -1 • mon^i, ' VI ti ^ , capi-re 1 1: ’0 p- • -, • hftd twis«u « Iv ^ Iv ■• 8P5 \;;S' :i . ^ P We r^g-'t ta iOiu: r*. P'.'f-tr ■ r*:ii T* ::e ' n Tsri'S'-i*, .J: rro- !:> - r i> * •] rr>Ti»;,r* T".-' -• p Hje i' ♦. J 'i •; - i lijn. IS :^;i s {' I'n ^ x and ha i star rJ ■>■ ;i t - • r B;cTtD c l, "‘jr t*; -11--f- '• ' t ing a T I'iir.i.- n ' : • actual ioiai. U r-. # ^ m force re,. f r .-q -5^ ■ ; ■ tre»>eJ. c. s i C i 1 ’• t ' • proc^eii. i I tr! m ■ i Sadi! y •• n-pa;-'- .-f Cf I- ‘ in J iw- T. y,i-. caoi-T ' b ■ M ? e‘-ti ,%'e I€ I'l.- - : l.J ea -ll. F. ■ We co; V .-f - Wb.C’j ‘ -I j apb.f :a. 3 ■■ 'h' i. r .. i» r VI ,V c ' i ^ I? ■ !S1 k.t t 'J' .. 't.. -t • . *1 •• f! 'I , Gi .Its: ’ ',1 ' ■ ■''f ! ■ ■ k ! -■!. " ■••r..', l \ C'' ) ('•1' tr - . : 1,. , ■ 1 ^ «%r. N a t-r. i-v ^ w ■•' t* I t,n»i ::r;i h :n .'n ‘ • a • ' . r H .- - -r I ■ J ■ ; 7 " Tfc -.T'l r .0 r - ■ t- -«ft 1. - i.'« (> .■•■ : { I,"' ■ • ' h * . ■ T • '.t V d T J F. Pi. ‘^■u * ’ S E : ■ p . : " K - ■ ’ 4 1 i I .’-.r «r-; kuanu' c fi’l .JaTf i : «hif i?!(T fr-'i.pa [T,9r«'; .-er’ R g. !-er:t>'T. D II. .. Cl N •'•■'. • -ir 'n^. v n -to- ’’V- 'j* ■«• W;.i'r>-'I>1 h ui 1 6C0 ,.-;* n';rrf ra; fu«-i T‘ ucini >0 nn.i • 1 n ' HaniiieUi' *■'!« dnrir « in f* r 0 npe^ nr I'f t'"' g^.’nn'V’gT «r' ; 000 t —CU' I I a’.vJ la ti cea'i* t uir, ar* i»rt n.K^ '■i n. ' i’-c '-n le rt. ■ f f. It — : » :-i .D >nv r. q- a’.‘ T\. md 1: fi w G 1 f. e ■ fT ■' ■ T V U 16.- i- n J 7- O T II CHU'TSFF k. .S > r -fj » fl »t r>r- a . t ( • .-1 t ■ r u; d G'-> R b C'ti II i s ■J He Viiu >» ^ C *nd Mcl-Br :q of m»n on the artpy of Norlbern Virjjinia. en«'(Knoi3d in j trorohes. It mieht do vc*/ well >♦)r^^^n^t an ar njr that I eould b-^ Hoar.'!—>-ut aruiy of Norooru Virginin., 1 c^uuot be ecaraJ. ItiBtead of maroli n^ up to tbe i bres?twerk rg>in, ‘ ® »'«t a'*oouni rtpri^eutg him j c'?'*Difinj{ bid p'lfcUior.; and while he wi>l u'*t confess j (ji'f •*! by re 0^0*91 w, ih# KappBbann- ck, he may g.T down’ th* ri»e- an ! re-»ppe»r in ihi Ponicwlas- Dio-niasir.K such »peoulati*n. we recomtoeni to the I rend'r ibe i«u!nni^''y o^ the Norlh^rn j >u»'Daii ira'oh is ! i;d before this mrraing. Firat. r-o »hej n?»’p of »h. 10 S Thr con:.»in the r.ov. f th-'Vil ler- Dcss fi.'ht T'‘c .ic-.t^ua« rf fact f:-^OT th • fi»lJs enoos:'' trn'h i'- iho.n to le*Te no doiibf. an t « t -e of I hi* vnnVi’O arv»»y RCid the ut^er root 0? an er-l iro coi P'* T» f heli5v;t.t it to b -en the rte- i i -o ^ng^jEeoi nt. IV fitted that Or^ut ha.1 not ^’lok.n eTtirt- ly dow 1, fth.1 fuppoB’ntf L to b'lva Buff roij muoh as the G'vernui'-rr. Wiishif^touo «i:-r»it,ted th»* ^af oar..line blmuler of net,-'tins: oCioial d ckr^tiou of » Vam>'l ■« 'er'eS' ' L'-w Ht» fl lOg iii rout * ' Il'oHnv na '^r. j G. ai ' rur^i^n' hf 'ty Nor «Ji i !• itiii Hieu rolf w(i/ T-)h3i- 3:or^s**r* r»t'• rth in a ^i>*tt^n i*r t'.'j* n.'i !Oii .'ur.f* A^* dhh^c* li nc'.#in c *1 '■* -in »• » I 'l'-n e . f t-e U.ilt d 3*.-c3 to J.jin in a pu I'-' “i-.aV r ■ f. r tWp TTcory coiu ’'jd-s (he ?.• un'i'a treS- ie?B;y h--• hi''>erio : n i*:l 6'"- witb !h«' ed '.ri'".!n oT fcin p ■ ers, -.'od rh'^^’erked ■ ii j.-.toH.* of t^■^^ 0'>-rr»t?, is DOW cfP eta -vTUt i>o • • ofi * ' a.i 3 ‘ri.i, ATJ.I *.'i! h%»i* n • fitb ( fn- liiir..*. r. d'.p- li, with a Oi'n u&siir(...estJ in I .e «*»i jf ti i*a>t II.- n»D *«» • Ut * Uder- . J i> s o*» ;i x> '" 0 »1 f L ■' *'‘i' fl d in w'lb a (>■' I ‘ft. t H. (i ■»".» i. n'? d, ' •if K*?. ‘ Oa ’o B. ' ” '.V. r I'- -e n rd iii-. * r ■ -.OT risli- 1’ v-d’ r'ar, !-. tio 1- ^ vi>l ■ - i J! i'.rd ni ri til j M u- : I -n. f’v "> i '"e re-ei. 11 VM.h -Jfi t V; ! 7T Ti - d ■f’ '• ■ ■' *' » ,, V, r • ' .t ' *» ■'• •’ f W f: '“• t'" , 0- • I - k .n :in 1 -.t p uc. 1. ' ’'*'d i'i. mu- ^ ;i; i ::, n^xi^* r*- ,,r rp.-e— r* ■JtiP r j'- m r . k r r f n ■>■"■• ' ■ f' si s.' o . ' ■ i . : r: b ■■ :!■ "V c ■ ■ • >• n - !t / It r ■y ' I r I • 1 , ' f r ; r i.; Hp f a ,'» tI\ —• !3l I'.‘ T: ■ Kt l> l‘.*t ' r;l -^rv ■ p i, , i..» i r, »r i C? -'. t e r.f rc*'rj!e > t I eiaM c- 'ci’.l \ tf • ' if-;* e a ("NMn" ‘ 7 000 K;(- -•! ■ ■ I '• f r 1 >t-.^. 'v n- U13 ‘ ip I n c’tn-' • i v!‘l be ■• . i -T ■ p- xtT' e S.‘n;>' CllBfiRAL ASS£MBLT OF NORTH CABOLIIfA. In the Senate, on Wednesday, a vwiety of doc- UDieots aocompaoyin^ the Governor’s Message were read, viz: the Public Troasarer’s Report, exhibiting in detail the condition of the Public Treasury; the CoricsDondence between Got. Vance aud Freiidcnt DiTi8, on the subject of neg itiations for peacc, showing that both the ! Governor »nd the Prorident are*auxious to ter- uiinate the war by negotiation, and that wo fight only from neoesaity; aboa letter from Got. Taneo ti.» the Pre.sidont on thd suspension of the writ of Habeas Oorpup, giving his views against its sna- peu>ion. A outuber of ooinmittees were appoint- eJ on varioui subjects of the Message. Io the House of Oommons, on Wednesday, the 1. Capt. Hlom. Oom’d^-^Killed;—Prirato H Buaoe, | ^Igpga^c was referred te various eonimitteen. and i>Bt.,w.apii®j, J \Ouy. introduced by: Mr. McKay, M 'McI SniJth V7 L Skipner, Jno Tew Wonn'zed: i f 1 ^ o. \ /b »» I A MoArthnr, slifht!y Hud a prisoner; Porrt’B McD - eoacernini; exsmpiions ot Sate officers; Mr. rted lie, .loo R Hlue. rrivafort Jas Ai»im^. J •« E IJnj, i Avera, declaring the Ui-t safipending/taA^a# corpus look. Wounded: 5gt L J Spivey, privates Jai Blanks, seriously; M Brower, mortally; 8gt« 8 1) Waten. J 0 FkuIIt. Oorp F J Floyd, PrivAtea E Byrd. J Bjrd. D MoLelUn, J Odum, C Bullock, Wm Bunphrer, II Spivey. Wm Butler, M B xley, Tbos F.^rd, slightly M»«!ninp': W H II Baxley. A Herring. D H tm'nons. G. Capt Li^itt. ootEraJndJEg—KilUdj Pri»%te» Bl- »any. Norris, Phillip?", .'»ric't‘aud, i^^B'ntcn Wonnd od: Lt J Evans, Corp’l J> F 8u)rge; j^ivates N Be;iton, R Hineon. L Fowler. J Q Witiiams. J L Hirpon. J C (■iellftre, A Noble Hiightl>; W A Ward. W A N-'leaa. W W VVjlPon. W J Thompson. W V Merritt A K Kin- son, seriously, hfissinp: P/i»aie J L Pecd’r. J Hiim- phrey, Daul f^haw. D Ward. S R WiPiaajfl H. Oftnt MMiHsby. oom’Jg—-K ll-'d: FriT.itcB J C Cartrelt. D Scwes Wcunded: A White. J O bcnnon, .A Nobla, mortalH: (J>*pt S W ManK ’by. Jno Thv-rap-^ou, i»ariou3ly; Jno H t^orniiib, J O Barefoot, sli;g'hiiy. Mi?s irfr: (• L Fr'rnjduval K, f^ipt '-ti'fnbv co'n’Jij—l^.'le.l: Pri'ato W J T Wi'.if. rd 'Votin ia ■: rie'fi"'! U H D x n pri#*?" * ‘ttsn perion'l’; S V? \7ir:>i;r.l, hlt^btlv Nf>r«'og' /'apt W F Mi‘ST'*'y, «rjv.»f*. li ’A i k>Qi#, H R B^rd-n Kill d: 1 fli or tJt rulii'i v! u^to. VTnunK-^: 6 ofli •T-ri, 106 . n^MK' l u'fu. Misiiiig: ^ ofi\7>5ri>, i7ei;r ’t -d cier>. Ton'll M’O !unde.J wer'i a’’. s^nJ to Il ch 'lon t bc■p^'^l«. T*'e nv5«ir>ar we*, enptur 1 sn ii.o r il • p-:» 'fforc ini' O'\.rp' ISn H Tue r II'!h ''■''•f’V ^'Sf- '»>.'’etr 41 d •».( ir 1 ■. a ^«»Ty H. M KKTH AN. I’flet'el ItATJ'S OF F«K!«iiT, u-T u BT T”:: Fl* piM!T as ■ r T"« Bi€nmboat ^Vuvigatiug tihf 4 up #\ ill' lei c« FEORIAUT 1^04. ,J f’.f m ■'I i.n* 1 "OT .'.y ' b ..f . it a : aem I'E It f -I f f:tr h rn . --...i I -• ■. O - • V ..t li t\t Po'f ' ■ c I e ! ■« “ I h ■ r.T:4 -I W 1 y , i'*rk Fr.'i, a '•.•J I, ■n..a i R1CI K . R. ■' h f. 1 .1 .--i r'iv.np here. ; ■J H D J •! 0!' f- c-.irord I.> 1. f . S -. ur.' t.o *01 ni?h' -1 mnrert-' Te'y «lic ;f the 17tH K'-t,, in > f T T.e '. G ni Af tu ' '.'I • 'J: ft'; ■ly-n le- !>r H D TB« 10"n r r-.h ^ -.i- - Uei. 00 ■ n p ’ ^ITKOSK, .M S \f\FKTr M • r . t. L y cj ‘ ■ ■ ■-'•i. n I' i’t' n pr;-f:.u-lj r: 't ab; u’ IT ffi'' •' r.-a. S-: • % ..jt j5 d-.d . iBce.ii . *It r.R.« D■s:»w^.^t* .'•i y O O ■:l ‘ If''f't ni *'Uth Tt »• Av-.ii r-'...'ed a: .N» -'orr, Oil- ^ 'S ■ I F ' ' a 'i ^c ■ ■ d ia th- ,d riiu*-s .:d S»li works are «%> I H'l V FR K eascrt'ecr-GS IP —T;i:: ' li.-niDjj r ccir-. J iv ■' ■5 —■’* is m ■rni'^g‘-1 *n 1 .'*b ■'/ Ti.- -L.t r-t^t ; — c •' :-f u'li? r 'ei?* ’ r d .1. '--.r d hi » i!i lienr » j c’ ‘-d at 'bw C:;.’..fi-dv 5 ■ • --s ■. ? e !. > r 1 f rV ■. f g : hr i ! * • I ‘ i 'o J..B5 I: HRrcH!;:at’'OE 0*'! "'1 ra' 'ii.S ;a-t. ; j U' 1 -.1 ^ 11 I o ; r “ 1- . r f I -.u I f ic H Cl'”' u •! t’ r ‘ ^ ih» . '■■ = ■ ’ ■ : . 0 . n J n ■ r ^ m T' cr : u *t - ■ ( f -» r I ■ wu'. ■ ’ . "T af «• r. ^1. - .1 I I 'ifr'i. •!; Wou'd I I t'f. Vi t c f a M )0 •• c -t ti^ur t 1 l>r ray r O'lr w *1 ;u’>o ? 1.5JS ^4 •>e P t V ir .. U li'.'f 1} • iJv li our fcu fa. ri •• 'o ••por r- of any ' IT I uu t St'tjr.-* :■ H'K>') in »i'l>d W; -i; J ■ • ■ ■ *he '*“^1 c UTin-j- i js'. i:p ti> I t>at t O -1 L- • It IJ I.' !' • G n "uil 3>) 'J* 0 ' r.IP'-,’- a-.'J i. ■• ’hat irxt,/ *Ve b-. = L.'o ti.uiself ei‘tii:ia({\1 cf fhc 18'h insf. /-S. TT:.«B t\7TL« IX tlK ^ Al3fT 05 f ATHI t'.*.T. , u» 1 »• .• .'. V th U >1 L’3 S.turJa.T. Tt« r£U;,’.n n fifhi. a r 1 '.ni fu ni**jt-. K.*hiT’o-,d Eiujuirer w.i t t g p-.rtiou-jrc; Di !ig I* .* cn.-'^ !:t (he c’;-'iiy .j rel •c'i b; h. ! rcu^h t*^e .‘iac . .T cVV'-iiiter’ti (i;tere»a'!,> •I't 0.' ^ '• -r- r* I ' sj 1 f'l! up '1 th • li' fl n f '-a: •'« \ 'J- r 'i i.^.r : u») 'h-.' >k:nr • ew pr ? t* rs. b'fjr.* « ^ ■ c ',iM '■ rta f'foj !3i pel '.• c-;uv 0-ri 1. a-, w ih ad 'hs r..piitv D -rbi^. ••wu;;;’ i i . I ' 1 * ' ^ Pirrmv, dr 'T.' f.i^ ».'k wi‘ • r-;Sl •' u-'h'. r. and r-o'r-r-J t.i* » r:.- .[j r ii» T‘•' ♦ T .o. t . ■ ^ ^e ■ of G 1 .» Guri.i, T ' “j'. , D t ■’ I l-Mi'’-* .* '-^;a'io.^ L e l i j . t 7 -'^e -I JT r • a- 1 ;ur u:.-a l.’c Ru in. W»x and T U.'w, p.a.' hhd C Oil. I'o!«, r t a '■■j r I-*, dr,’, p- r b irr-’l I'! '0 P prr ; arrcl n.vach I’.bi.M ^ . fl'i'»• Ti.-rhale ■ ;o Y 'ri. I- r b*i’r T'.k 0 f/ I pr 00 'ba. ■ p i-' ; e* b 1. C. uu, p-r b*l» 0 '.' ■'■ c. per bu^brl *•- ‘ifj H. "i 'J-, .■'nrh l>: IO Il 'CEi 'cr -•mli 2 /"’O; Ivig“ e»ch ■ ff ••, . ■ r a? .T ''..r'ft*. • o;, ., O'. )y j.1 ?.l'i*.l »ioh -»nd P ir^, pof :rcl •1'* c-i f • I p'.- ton F If I r ‘ r 1 t:- i'l. -r- - n 1 .^0; .JrT’ $1. H r"“ d'-tn; or up Mny f.nd F> d*r, T.(T b»le 1 . ti. b^ r and n per >on D^'o. pit, P' r toil r.iipe, p^r eu3''' ??; dillf. J‘sr b'-rrel L"''»i*ier. loc-^e. per eido, 1 fiO; ds, bale L'iJ p;.-r : n Vf'.h*?. ' 40 !?allona per birtel P .wd .r, p--r k''g, «5 li 8. “ pper r-r bii^ O’l. ic bMf> . 31 z«llon». :c ■■ T* per b«j 1 50. ditto, !a bbis, '2 60 ^,kx bl l Ki. r, por r'l'ic p*r b’lrri*! ntr. r,^’ nrine, p W .g. n R -vd. ' T>, ^r>x>‘.". r IH, a ; , pipe and c*ak« t* )/‘r, in bf.r'o!*. O 1 TIT fo.-i, Jl’-5; T"r‘>=>1 . ?’0. ftr \ I t ..or fre h‘ in pr'’^.irticn. :r b P'r irallon 2S 0( 10 Ot 0' g fO 6 I,(■ 6 (> 15 ( 0 10 1 1 ? >y 10 liO 15 ot- o 7^=' 4 5f 2> 0‘ f. 1 f> 0.: f'• 6 (>(' 2R ro 5 t'ti I'f- O') •2[, ti» 8 («' 1 ((• :f) CO Fi f>(' 1 50 L'O (■II (X- ,;r bl I i5 (ni o rti r, 00 '40 CM* 3 CO Vh 6 00 ■i « w ’ f u »■ I r. a I- war.' •ks I'.' cf . h I cry I* ---n '> ; m . » ■' r . i r I'p -!■' t li i n ’ .= v„.. ;t ihe rork'*. i 3 'ac'ics citbfr i'itir p ft. 'T ;,.i i ,-■ n“ r •: t. T^efnt'W> t;P7 ’•'’c'n Uf 1 . t . k ‘2V00 i r^'. ri-: - r^-i.iy jr-ii a ebtr^ ti-f r- '^- N:r ur : e , ii .«u- L d r,. ‘T. ■ iHt- V a‘t vt u!’ t - Di..^ ^ pUK .! w.r 4 ar 8. ATu*' irs of P*-i. 7e n.ll be charg'd cn sMKV.ir. t I' r •• ■’ •nrii £>r>o; .■,«T N .;= - I i^eWD '' • S I 4fx' -r r. rjrr a i;\ w.-r.’ n. 1. nrit.g the i '! r ; f.jr - eer r iu y -;•»[. f! ('■ r Cr'ij t' a-' T’r ; ;-;ji ■n f. w ; n »: -T D.l 3 ' .Te ff N ^{ I n> '■ WH'd, f. ^e'w * oiora. T&.J o»t'nw>n WfT.- fccn:* r*ii i^'e groioi to rd J V- ; r,> n - r W ! ia T .UT*. ; j’« figut >1. DI PiTO.I HKH. IKK wa* the b fe; e» 7, .f. G'n Le»' t le^rs'ht t.j aa'at'ourt Hau'e, .May li r ^ ■>i' a ’b t»!' tTC ,’rrtT '.•> n ‘-rly f -i r»? ! i c T t*d by tcr’:!le *.f fir. V a? hu w Ul- 1.1 ‘dcru f Nc*:born , !» \t- g • d a •y fr n-« :h 15 '"J J ' ’ 1C' ■' I j f‘ T. 1^’^ ^ I 3!'! I the on' - ,;n 1 i.t b s >■- 1 1, y I m F l> V • w kocoii.r •uV >'X’ l:n'“«b.;9 m'ruincr, n • .; -n -je'’ Iv r'p’t-*el \l .b'n s and L-aLi!’» ^•ri de« at!^ ’.s. d r.:*! !-ft, c ; *nr ns- SQO }ri«iafr’ i:,d t i-ji'' f I’.i'-il L 7' ' in? a’>Bg W*.'!e ;i »: d iii> c * e d^ ^ u ; en> .. j h' n v'cg . -r ;ir r--h'. In t'■» if.c ’g '■ and R*'- Ti*i's V 'g ' ■* a’-r. !irl > *$ 1 •' SuJ e - tf-.'.i 132 p-sen* »s’•n i a', i-f c . R li Lk« ” wr.t’s BH’ry M' rn.fT. 1 r. r>-. i..«r rsr,^ ! fi j' -t; .f Y . b.'-1':- of -h' tr »■ ?al •» r — • iirsi-ir-^' oO'i*'”!*-*- ‘ ! 3 • r'i "”fr-‘, Rp»e«-1 of a .muc- ’o . ■ ■ THS FIO ,, . , 17 n ' r D '! . n' 1 f r:-cf of '"i n ,n, a b.rr' 1 n At- , Ffira f«yci-««-»;l;» £'. 'V.;. .;n. $.^.0 on “ •* KI 15„0tt *• ; e H ill. >0 tM.i “ ■* *• K.*;l"’a C 'T», 21 U'! “ “ “ All V J'nts below. 80 Ov> ^K9^^'ONtv oLmIlaa, oa x>ji«:rK From Frty?Ue'»’Me lo '^’'n3:n:on, J0(, {0 “ “ E -J, ‘ n, 10 00 “ “ H p ito'^ all. 1.' (Kt “ “ “ Keiiy’-* 'ove. IS fHJ •• •• *• A'J roin** bnl.ow •.‘0 00 IIP. Freai Wilniiagton to F". e’.ti'v lie. 580 (HI - Kellj s r !7e. 18 »l “ 'S^'h.-.' Hall, 16 5- “ “ *• R.ixabeth. 2t 00 “ Fla!!, 0,; “ “ .AM pi'in • *0 00 reOCND CLA8B, OR DICK 7r’;rn Wilning.cn o Ki- -. .» $20 00 “ “ “ K“’ly’ ♦'’oTo, :o f»^l “ " “ IT^li J E'ii: ^belh, 1 ! P'; “ “ •' All pC^'jl* aSo''e, 21 ; 'la3«^ cr D"k V . uiiij r’!.> Ci-. ■ o'T-' i 'k or P'l'' fM’l • !•’ .'.r - - ~“f t’la^g >()8^,An ef .. c* r TrSl r adf f-r ^ay P^^3cn- ' 'K ' B ■■■' '^.irlag '*y t’l.i". a;;l f.'>^ -I'-'on j l^Jnd^; ilr. Shepherd, to exempt from taxation eorp rati /*)S and soeietifs for the educntioi) ot f=i‘l icons’ orpluins, and relief of solJiers’ f»m'lit.s; an 1 a ttimhcr of other bilis c*l no g'^neral interest. Mr S H'bcr anncnncc-d in fcclirtr terms the d'jith of'KLs oHeavuf*, (>apt. N. N. Fkming, ot j S tli.shnry, recently kiiiod in" battle, lie off.jrcf* r-.s'^iiiitions of rpsp'^et, wlii'^h wvre responded tt. |> 7 Me srs. Shephe d Carr.-'r and Harris of C»- ! hurnts, and ati pv;(i by tbo B use. ()q 'i'Lur>u y.a number ol »fonr:n)ittees were ap prjintnl in ti c Soiiato, viz: ou bJockaiie raaninjr. M cesis B.iyden, Stuith of A , and Patton. 8oi- •iiora’ xto«..ru Touuji aud Woole> II:tVeas Oorpua, Mci>f.rB. W^arrcn and Hall. Tin only it(.m (1 itifcrrHt w «s the pahsage of a bill Sx ipp the jj' rtlirm of raciubcn Jor thifiseseion at 88U 111 tl.e {’omtncii."*, Mr Shejherd from thefitianct c. ininittce Tcport-’tJ aguifi t the pupcnsioo of8ul«> taX'?s Aisu a Uitl exempting from tazatiuu funds ' f rorp»tai!or>s Ac for beptficijiry purposes coo (»• cti d \^i h ? idicr-i fivin'iios, wiiich was fsrstd Aiy?, a bill to tn.ik'? holler? of ooupoud uf 8 per CO't 20 year tomlii prc.-c-ut *hcui lur payment *r • I i-y -5 p»v eeitt tss; order for Friday. Not'iing .Ise oi iriterest d no O'l Fr. iay. tJi** nr*»e paP'i^J fbi* House bfl! an-tor- z c, CT>'''**'ion of t'iX'" in Sli. .-ind c*-w i» j-«vr. a,pil Kr/e r.cf'"' u!J iiisa*.* at ^ .it«c...int. ,\fr, Fmn't ' M-cn ■ ti ' t le o ut ors c dth.j ro 0 •’ V CO;. a.:.»e > q’* at *a ' «.T -■ >o S.i iir ay !i. *: . (V ir-i- 11 ■ r -S'-' .1,' 1 fcak“» to O'-n. H'kr* 5 Q hsne i‘. C m ' ok. rtrir fS ■ rn »nt m-n, w-' i pi-d. 1 _p > 1.1'' r>iil fx r-.- i>er at f-0 w - m ».'•■' .'1' Bjt, ■ iT)tr» :?”o? ■ a m:1 ro etneni t-- liome G.i>.rd i^w. imd Mr f?'-pr..‘-.**rd a bill to mori e* p'.reni iiou .r dT»idWtijn D '^/h of ‘Jen. Daniel.—Brig. Geo Juniu. P l»>ti. i i? to >e ad led to the rvJl of North Caro- .ifu’s hcriKa who have perished for ^ar indepen- t?. tice. He wxs waundvd ia the tehble battle of Thurs iay tbe iJth, tnd died on the CDfiuing day. Gt‘D. l)aniel wa> au cffieer of unusual merit. He comuiaad***! witb adiuirable skill and traioed hlh> men with grca*^ can* aud f.rccision. He was a strict di cipiiiiati ia, but so tempered his authori ty as to hoid the affections of his troops. They were ureitly dernted to bim. He was an eieecdingly estimable gentlem'.D, ard deservedly respected hy all who knew him. 11' liJLs fiii'.eu IQ 3.“Si)c:at:on with mi.ny it,lier ncble .lid br.ate men—iri a holy and ju«t eau-e—and a i;r..t>lai eouutiy wiil ch'.rish his memory. lialt’ijh L'opJciieraU. Another —We ds"? I7 re>:ret to learn that Msj .Ja-. J. Ir^dcli, of tbisci‘3', Major ot theoiJiN. 0 ti»;_iment, is among the killed ia the rccen*^ bat Hhk war HEWS A.noth^f Ftfht at Pvt0rabMry —PhtbMBTr^ May 20.—The army under U. H. Hill att;.ckeo’ thg enemy this morning in their bicastworks, kui drove them from their eutire outer fo-tifl atiotm /SiipturiDg their gnna. The enemy endeatorcU to rctako them but were repulsed with heavy losi Our losr, considerable, especially in Wise’s, .My tin's and ClvQgnan’i brigades ’ C®1. Lamb, ot the 17th N. 0., s. riously w ,unti ed. Tha estimated less on oar side SuU kilLn ac^ wounded. The enemy ia now penned within Bgrfcad. Hundreds Neck. From Oen. Lee't Army—KjOBlfe.fu 19 —A dispatch from Gen. L#e, dated 8f!otuyf vauia c. H , Way 18, 7 p m , to the »«creUT? of War, says: “The enemy opened hi* batt»ri« *q portion of Ewell's line and attempted au assttit* but failed. He was easily repulMd. 8ubseiB"tt-’ iy ^e osnoonaded a portion of Hill’s Hiea >ntler Early. The casualties on our side are very fa,» " Buffer’a Force* Lzaving.—KlCHito.’»D, ii# —It is reported, this aiternoon, timt i>utlei’, m ops are leaving Chesterfield, embarkio/ o» ihtir uansport-J. 'From Gen. Breckinridge —Stawwto.n 18.—Gen. Breckinridge’s viotory »t Ntvr’ x j. ket, was even greater aud more complci# tLao at firat aniiOun'KeU. We captuied 6 piecesolarullLr* and nearly lUOU staiid of artuo. XLo lossoiiLe enemy vu killed, wounded and prisstnera in huav* Seigel ran 30 miles witlout stoppini., abtndoa- iog hospi'iais »nd dcstro^jing a j.oriiv,u yf train, tlis latgo cavalry lorce aloue prevented •IS from bunting the bridge in hi* rtar boluro tks rout, and captariog the whole. Fr»m The Tf aiiM-Jf„ 15—Tue newd from Alexandria up to daj'beiore ycdterd: J, ts tbat Bauki has becu there lourieen lajji cut off from all coti;mu:jication. It gj,, po?cd he will attempt to cut hia way tbrough by way af Markdvi le. Stetle ijaii retreated with the remnsnt cf fcii >»ruj to idtlle Hock, piinued by Price and \iar. oaamke. J'he Hnid on the. iSoufh Hulc y?nkcc r-*idors did tuit liifle daui.g-: t-:» ih- Suuth- -idc railroad—so iiltie, ifcat the r« ad isaJtea'ij in ruuniiig otder, and the oars p>a3£cd orrr ir jtgier- day. The damage doje to ttie DauvUie r-adwii r.?pHireo, aud the traics p»sEed over it ,'ioi.aij. We are pleaded to state cnKt (jotb roide .re c^w b.u^i'y guardea I'leir entire iei^gti: by ictait fr;i Jery aud cavaliy.—Fei r*L‘j,ry Exptt.n, IS a! Tanhr-e Generali at F>i«i'»hury —luluficatioa •vae rrCcivsd in our liuco yesterday, iLat Utu; Amo4 was kilh d ia the fight of jlotid^v, and »hat Gen Baldy Smith wtis conveyed to B.rau. a dui.drcda miaus a loot. Butler’s keauqau. c rt during the fight were 00 boarj t^e tWill stoaxer Greyhound, with bttaaa up to ths top ot the H)tUge.-=—Fefer*bury xJxjtrtu, l^fA. Fritonere.—i i cffcers aad 891 privates, cap tured by Leu's t.rmj .on the 5ib aiao arrived at Lynchburg on the 7 th. Among them were 1 Csl. 2 Mejors, 14 Captains and 27 L.euid., rcprcseat- iag iiO Keg'^ts from Maine, Wifoooiio, Pena 2*iew Tork, Miohigan, and Indiana. 1080 prisonerii arrived at Petersburg od ths I6ib, ooptured near that place on the loib. Oalj uue oficer, a Stirgeon, among them. An act of Public Dtvotiun.—Gen Pemberton yesterday ret?igned his coQimissioD as Li;;OteaaDt General iu tuo Provisional Army cf the (Joufed- erato Statts, and weut into aorive servioe id the field as Lieutenant Colonel of Araile y. Thii ^otioa ou the part of Gen. Pemberton exhibits a t't.!* in Spcttsylvaniu, V'a. His death will be tri/ly I higiily laudable spirit, aud goes ftr_ towards bua -Ih. L woa I'd r'l jne W 'l»r'' " - : j sI ■. S'. * ./ (Vii) T «■ ■ " '■■ nK- fhr' • I.. ’ '1 I c« . ir. > ■ I '1 a^Txc.* ‘1 ir i ' e .T- rr. tr: ' r c Gt I'-; t • ,1. .'I .^ 'r. \V ' I r.r -• ?- Tu s fi-y evr-.in^ '. >1 Cl 1 dr' t'> -// Jlv' T .'n . Ip > ioi P ii •li'5 i i -Xl '(> .Qt ?(iO I >f > - f t’’e n niu 1' H -In 1 ■' -'''n ' ;i ’ !■! ' ■ ' A r VC'S, ■ r V I 7 y ■l-.h.-.i-j : • . . 1 on the I ’ '>»' ■ n ‘ ; , iC', • I ». ?i S*-! : w 3 oil I :ie fi ■! 1 ba r I' ed “T!'V .-oV' r 'S E'l-^er ■ t ' 'M.J l'*i r« r ugfi:.g the Witer r.->' It ~ 15 tr-th ihi’ir bortB cr s,‘;o?9 on. at fh.; dis . fou m of tb* ?apt lin J. A worth, for 0 F St'ro B’t Co., T. S LU •'’’f P-L )H. for .S*'r N C. R '1. ORltCLL, for St’r» K«^e I Fun. M vr it) •‘’4 lr.*Ini l;iuu n..cd by his numerous friends Cm. 3/. UV liavfom.—Brig. Gen. M. W RaLeom was also wounded, we regret to say, dur;iitr the skiraii>jhir>g on Saturday evening, fite Wound is in the left arui, and a Tery painful oho, it having b?como necessary to take out some throe or four incucs of the bone. He was oon- vyt d to the eity, and he is now at the private rctidi tjce ot a friend, where everythioj; is being doiic for hiai.—/iich,nond Ex iminer, IGtA. 77ie IVoundrd —100 of our wounded in th« batt.-j of the 5 h arrived at Lynchbur;;, Va , on tbo 7th, ana :i50 lu. re on tae ?w.'i. They were piiueipully (i«“crf.'iar*, .Missisripj,ians tnJ North Cj.oltijir.ns. Tlie Lviivs of LyiiCuburg mot them •»t tbe depot witsi rclvt-harn'Uts, and dicssod their wouads. Tue wouiids were mt.»stly slight. Auioti*: ttio woutiiod who arrived in Aiohmond os tile 7ih were Capt B->st, Co. K, 4tith N. C., I slithlly (Voundtd ab ve the eye; L‘ Jeukins, Co. j 46 h N. C , ill the hoid; Coi. W. L. Saunders, j 46;h N. C , severely woaudcd. 'J w^*) not O' - t C'-'C -I ec ;i I . ' of O' Vrr.iri’i Ur'’ ’ I! hi S 0.' •! ' 0 if a » r r ^:r P 5 T.!J- - i. . r b I dr • T.tn air r--*r Ainoi 5 , ur V 1 I i 'iC'. Br 5 3en ihf *rif; ^ Er O n f?»; a ,n;ur at the ietitr; rrit* lag a ! kce pTi- ^ ia the fl'li' : / ’ At ? . ^ f cn: r d » = evf*7~' r’ - ■ - T the t' ' u nay s ■ . . - , , «c ‘ ‘-r :• re--cU-.-. r f«r fr' thf rl > ; OlT i t.;. » y i: fi*; t i-t f'. !y I fijh It, in fi tU. ’ all day, by r..hf ab .'«t 2 «bou^ • (IU , r OeD.n. ;;j 1 and ari About 8 •' great it-a-ur the ent r.y Batti-e Ti Ot'lNEA i'TAH dayy 1 -ltd r.i. d.s,, after a t. r.^portry r p" euc'cc'sfi'liy rehisic jeatedly as.-j.t'i‘cd ovr : lay. in iwo cvlu ..ns O. work, piling CLeay’/ rorke. the bwt'at . I J. T-(» 0 rt -V* r>f I b-.ra' If s 'f c r ;■ I' 1 d r r . (in Fj';''* ; f :,T3’ ■ i' ■ If 1- , c-’i' I ( la il F. ■■: vt I. .,15- ' " ■ i -f .fi- . r -'. i';’ - ■ -I tin '''-4 C, b X tr, w” r' i ^ ■ --vl r*M-. i G Ti L-' .•!> Jh' ■ia '1 p 'a-? 1 e r II 14 « 'h i ■ . j" -»t T« 'u 9 ‘ 7'> 0‘-)() r. . ,. . €1 n ■; 'I Ci' “v*: J'l:'-! T, ' f il • .Jo'u , i ■ f. ‘ r n’t '-■> r? or ion*! a?‘;l ’5 ''■>.■,110 • ' #' -nee; h'l* t*''vi b’“ cMi con''’ ■■■• thp . p inv -8 p'-V’n'.«-rord t • ■;’ ^ i i d i; oIfn rri i'o‘:- o- 'd'finj h.t i . 'il'.y m''•nioi -.nd ■' 1" nj sf''-nn-®'; fr If - .{f 10 Thn’idiv At ;h. V 0*''!",^ c 11^ - •t'b'kO' *:at th.* .--t. o f r,- » dr W- In 5* 1- li* r.-l , !* ri • 2') "in Mi- r Pirr■ t*q H. by, Pr- 1 by ■W'^o W.' » 5 a*, i (O’^FOK’llTE TU i^OTlrE. 'pME A' t ‘ 0 ‘•foie I, on t7 ('ill nj'-ii iH-' pri.nl q i-i' by 1 H- ■in. a>y’i rt;r*-t flii*-. “ r r ’’.a* --n e a-; •14 up >.. rh-i ft:». ti';3 t i •. n e, i.in it I ir^e ji Jtai cr o' priajR?-8. j ...... m r iJ i.n I ri;*or, moi! f-irviZ ant . ■ U 10 «t i 1 : -J r , if >d ir,p : jif t f-.rist.if i ■ >cn i4 1... to r-BHTia t^.. ;■* turv./, an i a , lo li .1 .z\ wl ■>. bril- i ti ei-r a i’iri o' *v= in t.'M ;d ; : t.\>-- c.oc' •) I : '-av, * iiv ur' •n u^i I,.- 18 -ird liJl .• •a ■ a; .M . k tT wn ) a ih» b! T .fr>r(li «n in^jxi !c!••'■I W-; Ho \,\ r,d i; i ; ‘ -'r »» 1 v?i ;.o; nd'*iv1i -I (];s (j •v.jramj.'it Mil r. u h ultc tii;a >u t*!-} pre ,.art thi^ I Vij ■ " ;r ; ’ .j- c no i’--^ f a‘ T,-e .a-d Q - ^n* >i’i. 's ;»i f.sil Qr.«i*. wi i g t ■ N rt.-., rn ".r.ii 4,nd • I y I 'T , , h'jy »bout »ij II u>. ier * ('• ■>') *h' riT >r w 1 c be h..e T’3 rj bul-b>?r,) of I I- of I ■ •. ,r f lIjTT .Te*'urns’ rl ■!vnr 4 t -ey aro'indif- Ht tr> ,t -t d c; irjt ci'aa fr.,rn .id (3 * »n' tj r.'4 • tbofr oharTjinif ••■a i lii^ br.>th-r ' n* iuHfat.ce A lArj;.i ■w in -lis h!.t»d3 is onaipused of tijc 'or t tin-rt y^; ,ri>, ;iad »L 'ir ter:n «>x- ; (,■• ’J-* a t; e ^ a'.^ w''h .tig a)il wou 1 im:; «.t ; a»', 200 of our 1 wl .r>b*bl MaO t'i«» j I ' I Wi-u >d d. T 1“ w.iuadj Jcn- j I ■'I (0 h3ir. ar.' verv sl'giil I n ;T oie-ir 0' ‘ e e einy, an • 'herrvil > ■ r, r t — Tl»n I! ri7 I: I “U''Q‘-.e, I "i ;i iii.; rn-ia ■ Uur VTf'-i'er pirtin ( ' iy w* ivr' pli T.'”» Turnpi'' *: »)*d (ti-i ws.*ri Ri-\r"n in 1 an I P-iier-’bu •') wril he I'll •n-. r.-^^»ir -d n ! t‘n» in 'u-’aK'g or’er. A r-'eonioi'i*rinr. y.*>!'erl.T -.1'r» th3 e'>»’^-.> ■jno f ul ■ i.t •> ,-p- I h■ ei'.r 'iy e.ot •'•j.'to ciat Ij e*li*' -!* w■• oh **>•» h V*? •a'.-.ly o^'3n'>5‘-J Tnvre -iT »•■> thuh^ h»iri wit!:dr»wa t > hin brae.'iHFork*! sr.d yrun'’o?itB. erai-j T »x ;-'r RoSrsr.n Ir ir.fl .^>frf>re'!t T)-v irio‘-i a! '-e fi' «i !; ' ♦ - ' a I pl-iseB for l-e ;,urn-.se of . '?,*i'?ii..ar t!*e is s f ■>.•1 prfiferfy and en^jr.' « r... qu-rp I t, V,.. od e.l tH ^ *i . , sp.j .jjo »■ ■.>■ o’ 18 '■’ ■ .-^l.^ to to** h '.diii 1 'Op r 0 nt 'St; n. al’ t ;riy r*''ur««» ti' ti e .31-t .'if A' .re,'. 1 >1. t:*: R'-.'in’? ’'n U.-. Mil V.i n, 1804, H*. F \v ^ -Hv. VI 4-. - .5. Liitj'l’ Rrid?** Th'jr 1-v , M .y 20, Rin I i'=T !!• P'ii’47 M V 2V, S’h P-it't-d '.? M» 28 AI';rl3-’!!«>. V 1 \t.r 30. I’t'OKp^i'i’s. T ipsl.y, VT 4. .3i. Whjti. W J ■ . ,y Ju>c 1. Si.ctrl.-.y;’*-_\Hjl.. T. tr 1.^, J,ju2 3, W H ■rtcr. : ; - l;n -Ti: r •f.f■ i V ftU-'p- j p r-;*;. ir. I - i 1 C'm oumm r T*w-y haw-* r-8'8t-.| «'y>rv I t la-MK ’nt. to f e^tig ; and h'.v' farmiUy notifi d the I S. cr-j-^r/ ot W*r th*i h'y will obfy ord r^ go bojf as , ,r y 9-r ' ie,i dl fi:i».!n But no >ag.^r Too «o»prn- , la. u: iseuiire'.j’ ri 1 pg t*>^1 Q-an' 8h3'ill -a»e it th'* . t ,,. >io -.nl ni 'Tiih-^iioa of g-.v ag the di-oa^rg.j to lac •, I . Ypt-r; ;s II. ffiii US3 t.neai—»ad he ii mi>,g •U'O, j th -m ' * o»-3 I T - .j '—ioa f'ccnrs will fHsge m;n o’lnmit tli n ta Svme : bfl pat ;u f i-- fgain and agait? Wa au6«r»r '. eT v"8 C.','C«rlrred as ly Jijiiails, they are no braver now . i :- : ih.ia w.iea ihiy ran aw-iy ai Bat th«y have -v.vw . r.c.e 1 „« cur-co k’‘® ‘ wouMea Colonel ia our tovada. Our loeBea ai« i tae raagio of military disoipltae. Waea or- piated at 2000 ‘oeBea ate cdtl- j d.^rcd to go intj tha firo. howaTBr Httl« thA« i.ir yUy 1.3. 7! . . / ( f. ura- ' O ■ 1‘. i lu go ino taa firo, however little they like it I Uxej oanaot rsaut tae a^—the/ wiU go and stud up Pr.Tn t' e PeterHh'i-.^ ^x rees the 19th. C.V-^U' ffej ; If C r,cfpe. J*KAl>Q id fi!«t P . g’f, N’ t; l\ ■» r.l*T’? p .ria, n ar Pc.. r-b' r:, .M>y 17 l»-}4. | hx_'- 8v!ot : «u tVi’I ft ».l a PhI o' ca-i'i- ■\l(i•^ > ' ifie 51 , N. J. R g'(, iui“n/ eng.^3.a^-nt .Tt;h ‘ .3 '■?>'? ny oa the 10 li iitnt a> a*" Drew'y’n Ca A tj ' 1* le.'!^ ) 1. —TV-' .n t A' j Ul' rKi. 1,''sri Cl 15^ p'lvvtes W QB.r) B U I , J S ,T, M ii F r.,, .r, T W 0 .1 M p d.ig^ ):■•; f W V i'i0.r:ojj, r. W re, e-r;;>HH’y, ii, 0 li L u ' ai’;; - K 1> : P T L Wrg' vFou id.' J .'jQ.-p C J E ;!- •, P.iT-.t-'.e T-i-'B B;i'. \ iU*. gf iv , U J ijtniih, B vi8 Rc-(J87, ^o-p] N I'arJT. Ptif?. 3 wij„j p.w^f-ii H>v«‘icL/. J Ezjt^ l T W M^^rri-t, if' AI Morritt, L W H.llingj.vorth. A Guv 0 C ipt St'4-iford Comd’?—Ki I'^d: J^cl P Atwo-’d L K it.'.l y. W ual d: L K L \^a'ao'; Priyj^g q a Ltoino, L R Jvap!-. 15 H K-^ii>ilr>y, J„v;-vh Hib:n«.->n L S>ifu:n?riM, 8-rrii w H G'vldy, E r Il’all Pr.Tr.iP3 John Jimea. J D MiHs, .TER gister L L ^•allt''.n, o('riiiiiy Mi*.i.nc; T F Dvl. W 3 Caiflon. L>. G ■,?>. Molii-,jfiTn com'i’g—Killci: Lt J P, MoOal- u-n. W.-'uoded: Pr'vat s .T H»ruer, j C Cou-'ly R Gnba.n, T «a..^p^^r.•'y. J A Little, R S MaR^o, elignt- t; R M P tt.*rs m. D f Oarrie. pe»erely. MiKstiag: Lt I D d lioy, Lt H .SicE -chvtrn, privates J T Oonaely, A L R z er B, Capt Pine oimi’g—Killcl: Privates N Snipes. C J Fl-.vd, a a.'iaiHiey, C B iit. Peter ' »>nb. Womided: • Japt W H Pope, seriouaiy; nrivates J Batler. H (j Pre- vatt, M Gregory, s’riously; Jag R Ashley, M BUlock, N Carter. M.^redith Bullocit, R Williana, R PiLman fl I?ey, L Ori rsley, slightly. Missing: W Hidard. F, Capt Normoat oomd’g—Killed: Privata Jesae BaK PeaiFriilar .1 e. B-.oH SwAtnp, S-!^ri»y, J-jnc 4, L'um''"':o'i. June 8. Burnt Sw»»op. Tu ?iay. Ju>n7. A!1 pofjon^ ia Diuriot will m-et the As- i Pe‘^cr3 in Lum''''r{ ,ti. -a 'Toa>4ay. Jnne 6. j 'i'k'' C7'l?e cr wiU be to rc*5!ro ail arrearares j '.f Tax*\ui all are m arrears a-e notifi-1 ta.af { n'-. neot be ma Is Pun't ) il ai endanoe required ) of kU • .T T rOT^B 1 . 1) 8 5!0^iiI;i0N, / 14. S8 i?J iMMnonTSLT, F.Te or S x ^ joi NBORO'^S' to oi* Wo.*d 8 railoa fron Town. S* nrr (’ >’• i t-e paid I Ou Sujd.ty the 8rh the iollo.ving named North i Carolimu'is arrived at ilichrn ^ad: Lt Gjo. Wil- ; lyx ii'iih 11 -;;’t, Lt. M. B. Blair 26tb, Lt S D ITa!n;>sou l.')r!i; (Jipt. W, F Avt-ry 33i; Lt^J G K tiohor 33 I; M ij. J C Webb, l.'apt. VV" R , Lar«.ins, and Lt J A Graham, 27th; Lt. 1C B. R -b rtstlth; C »pt. II. W. AbcTnarhy 81th. I Ri Inntd Arri'ient—illoHMaND, May 18.— i lii^t uig u a traia from D*Q,'iiie ran iato a flat ou t'le brid'^e aoross S-Uuafoa river. Tne e.)liij- i.'u ihrew eti^iae and oirs t.ff track. Six kided. j"i"! ’I"' ■ .. ■ r 'Ik* iiadie of JAUSS RIRKPATHiOR Is • ■■■'rv oi11 1) buo.nift.ji ,ij i je''vjieid .jf Cuiuoi'riauo :! ♦rtii- t to : to. -1 f)r H3 a H3pre$eatati'> oi ■ a-'Ht O.'uativ.a for the II^use ofOon'a >'i«. M\STV0TBR3. May Ifi, 1HH4. For fiSire, 4 STOUT able l>ai:ed Nr.«tiO MAN, till let Jan’y next Apply to Jt>HN Q M0PHIR8ON, Centre Pla^liroad 3 mi.«3 from FayettevUle. Apply ifiira:ii%tcly at May 18. C.pt M GOWAN 8 Quirterniiuitcr’e OfOej. 33-2t Slate fit r^orfii l,'?irc»li*8a, ANSON 0‘>U ’?TY —In EquiTT. O 'or^e Dtirv'u anl olh--v'a Jei;se i»ar;.n and oth*,rs 1 Peti’ion for TaIb of L k i'f. , iT appea-ing upon (hi ASilatrit of Ge^. Uu'ea, one o' the Pt'.!-jtifffi. tbat J«sse D'.irca. J ;natbaa Durei», Wiley Dur^a, Abram D ir^a, E'ii^bdth Wiraberly, ^u- Bann ih Lem uoo, Aleiia Jcr Wttnberiy, F?l x ^Tituber'y, Jo.'l WiTabrrly. Ttobsri Wi'nborl)’, Aadrew J V/imberiy, .and dtajy A. Wimberly. Difen^la'Jts in tf^o above ca=>e, rasida bey md the‘lituiia of this S ate: It ie ordtred laai pubU *a*ioa ba mad^ for 041J Ttefaadants, in the Jj’jy- eUevills Observer fjr h^x w*>ek«, notifyirg the*® to ap- pes.r at the next term of aa d Court, to he held on the 2d Monday in S-ptembor next, at tli^ Court Hottt>e in VVadoaboro’, and plea I, answer or demur to said peti tion. or jul^ruent pro oonfe^ao will be taken, and the aime beard ex pirte »3 to them. Wit»>e’3 at otfiee ia Wa.i-'aboro’, 18th May 1864. 34*6t J. &. a\aaaiva. c. & m e. For Land iii Kobe»oii. 1 ^ ACRE'^ ^^^VA'lt* LAND, eno la-la froci the JLUO'* Fayetteville ajd Lu nbirton Stage road, four miles from t*»e Southara Plank Riai »nl sixtepn Tiilea front Fayetteville. Tae charaoter of'this land is very superi'jr and it oa& be readily drained. About 100 acres ia Ihigh la&i. Ad Iresii J03EPH THOMPdONf Luiaberton. Ma^ 17. Mav 40. C'PPERia, l.i,d FOU SALS. BnnS, Mttahee, Dlaokia^, Tobai'an, Smoking Tobao«o, Ches’ and Draw Loe^s. Ink Ai d Jir^rs other things. J. C. POB. .MvM8 Enrolling OOice, llladen County, i BjruiuWn iS , .u>jf le, lao-i j is rbei’»Hoe !■> Ojaecai OrJen N'? 8, Chief Baruliing Olfioj 4 ia I'oag. 1) s*’.., it is h'jr-*by ordered that all »h!f« me.lo persom'o -tweeo the ages of 17 anJ 18 years i’l Btad-ia ootiniv. report ib*!msel res immediately la the Captains of the Hoao GaarS Company of their respeat- ive Districts for enraUm^al. Captain;) of tne Homo Guard wili set that all persona between the above are uurol'.^d. and report at t^i^ otfio? on Tassday 31it. inst, pnoared to go to Iftlming- 'on ta be orgaaiiji into norapanios Th?»e who do not repot t and '•nrall taemeclves as abov? w*Il be arrsstsd an t itssigna-i to the rejala* eervioe. Xha organtiaUon of persona between 45 and 60 p'^-!?p3'^*d u'ltil farther orlere. J. B. PU IHASAS, 34*It 2 1 En. OT. Bla.le?i caunty. $.19 ttSlVlttO. O AN.AWAY fvu n 'h'l sa'jaarioef ou tha 17th inst, my li negro boy. JOflS. 16 y«\rs old, about 6 'eet high, aui weig>i8 abou*. 100 lbs. I w»uld caution Steata Bj»t owners on the River against lettiug him go on board of any of their boats. Tae •above rsward will be paid for his apprehension and oonfinemant in any Jail so tbai I can get him. d. w. AfBR. fayatteTille, Maj 18. laiuiLg all tbat Lis frienda have claimed for hia ! as a man uf |>itrio:isui and honor. Wo have ao I doubt that Gen. Pemberton will rend«? valnabls aud eAeient serviue lo the oatiae in the prc»«ii( emergency —Richmond Wktg. Aorth^n ^'eica—The P«»tenjb»rg Express »f the 18th has iV'orthera papers of the IStk. Tiit New Y >rk ilcrald et that date loots up janket lossca ill Gtaai's army at 27,000. Among tht killed arc Major Geng. W'adswortb, 8edj{v.iek, Biig. Gcus 0.venri, Hiow', HayeS; Webb, Tailor anu ii^il- y; wounded, Gena. Stevenson, Utity, T.»r ot ;>n ! iiob'uson: capturcd, Geos. Seymour, St.ttl..r aud Neal. Another paper's army soircs- pvntleni «ijs: ‘'Our loflscB in the past ci^ht »J.ys’ lighting hare !-een rory heavy, but it is iiupo.>>si- ble to form any oorreet estima'e of the sauic fhe accounts T»ry from 18,000 to 26,UU0, bat owiug to the nature uf the ouatest, whieh i» mobtlj in the woods, thousands may be lying cead or wounded on the ground of which no record can at present be made.’' The yankee wounded st b'rcd 'liokaburg on the night ot Sunday, May 8th, amouiiited to 15,000, and yankee letter writers say chat the poor oreatureb wore actually lyiug auout tl^e streets so thickly that it wa- wi'h aifficulty men and horses could pass withoat iraiuplicg up n th^m. Too yaiik-je papers geoeraUy claim that Grant had th advaiitjgvi of t.'^ie fix'htiug up to that imc. Grant bioiselt on th^ Il.h inst. teiographeJ to the SiCfbtary of War a*, rollows: “We have now euacd khe sixth day of Tcry Heavy fighting T;io rcauit to this time is much in oui lavttr. Oui li.'ssvs -avc bcon heavy, as Hell as thtSv,' ol the eu-.-yiy 1 tbiuk tae loss ot the enetdy must be greater. We liave taxeu over O.UUd pri.M'uers in batde wliHo he bah taken trom iL3 but IWiv except 6traggieis. *'lyropoge tu fykt It Out riu thia line, i/'it takes uU summer.” Waseington, May 9,1804.—Information hw been reoeivcd to nigiit that the rebel ram in Albe- marie sound :>as been attacked and sunk by the United States steamer Sassacus. . From the North.—ttlOKM )ND, May 18.—It is reported this afternjon tbat later advioee trom the U 9. say that (jfold has aJranood in .Jiew York to 300. Liaoola has oallei lor 2j00,000 additional troops. From Burope.—T-at« arrivali from Ecg*snd, state that the Confederate loan had ricieo, ou ths news of Banks’ defeat and tbe attack by Earl Derby on the OoTcrnmeuI, in rdation to the Con- iedcratc ram*, which, it was suppjscd, wouli bs released Twit f tat steamtrs were* lauDcij* d at Nautes on the 23d, for the rvbela, and it ie affirucd that the Fraaeh Government wilt not prevent thtni o^.ing aru ed, notwithstnnding the rcmoo- s'raiict-s of Mr. Dayton. The {'urrenejf.—RiOHMOWD, Miy 19.—The 8cnn-e has passed • a bill atnendntory of the oar- aency act ot last session. It auihoriies the Sec’j ^nf the Treasury to iisua oao dollar ot new iwa® to every three of old faaded Oa the first ot January, or as soon thereafter as praotioablo, h« shall reduce the oir'jiriation to two hundred millions. Any State having old treasury noto^ may receive new issue iu exoheage for halt amouat, aud bonds tor the other bilf. QoUeri of treasury notes are entitled to oa exchange for new issue who may fund them at the same rate or exchange in four per cent, bouds, not uxabl* on the prinoipal or interest-. Holders of four per sent oertifioatea may eX’ ehange them for bonds as abiive, at the rate of three for two. The transfer by delivering of per oent oertifteates shall enable holden te (b« nmioo pa/oMQt of ^07«raAi»t 4ae». em—- MO’fl Thk^Battl; the anny to-r except that w and G‘ii. Lfe attackii with 1 the enemy, final defeat of .h uei ,kS CascaltiEk mentioned in entire lisid of Private lett that Ciipt. J of this place, v first day’s tigh tal at Ilichmoi cavalry, killed H. Ilurriiiijti.n F Kofif iim) i‘. Carver woutu] repo.'ted wi'Un fi. Sinedfri, .'■•Ji 5th, ('apt. Will thur. 51st. is wounded. Mr. Holde.n remarkable arti returned from Johnson’s l=lan ter is no polit had as little coi none whatever racter is a ^uari ments. II e states fa( uaine, and r,f tl stance of whrnt JJoldrn h nit was infor!u*'d, n papcTfS utitl vcrl that hi? article with his uppri at the Norih, in lion, and ? a'.tei as eviiience that tnrniiig to tho couriijiiuf:^ a pe feder-Jtcy. and the North. H cies of his aud yar;koe.-' m ihe g»ouud for a cal ments to enable tbe Slate for th( •eutimeut whic! them e.\isted iu lo Mr. Hoideu upon him, excej more indiderent the many triuuif not rejoicing wil victories, but knowledge of th Li»e, the soul of ing to Kichmoni of our gallaiit Mr. Uoiden gra dard that becau entrenthed ’ fore, “Gen. Lee tiraut IB follow things—sad / syllable of regre W hat £au tiie but that the candidate for Go cally changed wn the iUth ol aud the last mat But we have ( the article of a Among tlie mai oners La\« to auti roIiniitiiH ib liie f say ai\i.-iedl \ ; I of ut-ariy eleven ] aware, Jofai;.-i''n's jilaees wo eiitr«>re Kuiii^ry and uatiet eut ii up by verm vers, vrysipcluri a tered tlie pangs of of beautUul wiite d—(1 ^)tis ol b- wished d?ad ttut guarded by nc^r yaiikeu cowunlicj one but u prison luftliguity is. All tills MUK b( •ulferiuj^, aiul till cause .•>> liuly aiu l_V nii’aii a*! tiiv y But me oiurs ■ reeetvrd ui ilm h yona Liietoa.- oppot'luuit; to hi pert, rcli;^ioun an tbt-ir p»'i'aeii«.i p den. I'he fxpiut ifly to kvj. lip I thi ir ariuy, ttj.'y iiig atu.au^ as a prooi that tl the vv.li id lo ;ik1 BCoordiijj^iy Oeen the lullu*;uo« 4)1 dared to be “jusl tlie Lnion,” “S. •nd could not bu never seiil out .in they would all de ed daily in the j>a] that wu kneu; ail liee, they haii the caUw’iftti xkk- called iioid u li i nority wnon we feat«t and hjsses aud ^,ratid Union in the .''tiite, and uiinorlly. were ti bruig tile bt-*V».- Governor, tlmt' •nee to coiae ov “the glorious sta the graves of >iil this tiie cohitnu> •tal»*ui.“utn of (!e quoted; whieii U bands are ihe y« in the ..-H.uth. These are/**' Johnson's Islau'.i With lua in Uii ■> i ever tne^ luuy i a* a yankee—an him, they preac prisoners eupinr aud said that eoulti be traii.^j Would then h.kV« With iher^- fai Holden? Can a a UuUi who has ( bitter uiortiui at a friend iu yank that friend the I Southern pulriol uian that our eni bone of iheir boi him remember ti who are hungryj (i«u and Uoidenj aad aegroei jL

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