N ru Frrva joif *.-1' ■» wi»'. p: : - a’' i ' f.,r :i n b' «r :ija ' n i ti V I frj I*-' - -I »’l T-^- ' . iin mcr ^ ti>'i »!r Ln a .'^ rnp'’ 'i : B\TTU:S T\ VIR'^INIA. iSi* 1“' ’■ t -r- ,-;|j -r '■ T(* ’ ;•;»*— .'H ♦*in i t r (I • I .ock jr ■■ -■ i-n Bod»4 j*onpylo« lb« rijcht, with hw Wt joining Johu- i'-i tr?! wi. .« n H, pfoxitnWy of h^ fop, »nJ poured Into h*m K d«»dly toI Icy. Wdfore he could rrooTPr fro™ his Burpri««, another yel another ft looment or varni for fvin'id We»r fitarfod i>ff IP wji-i con- towardd B*rn>ad» Haa- fpr^r-V' • rne thpro wh'Cih ttHTobtm b'i.til«, in which ho • cur me« hAir^ng r«p'i» «evl th« «?n*my mo.l hftni - VU ■« 1 1 ; n 4liA on hriirAiip. HUil * tii^C a«ih»»t Ta»wm.P0ii bmlboad RAID >> %.*» “I tha ni-iS', iLey W!.?''* bcuna t.i mt'ntji fin 1 of>*jpmy of fbf H 'Inoiube cl. O lepjion, all nn ' T (' li T'iMi. h'vl roaohoi NiUowty rt»er bridKe. 1.1 n- -rt r-tu-a ih ^y w. re prflp*rod fo>'bi-.i •. !'•; ly eui'x^'l, whjo’« 4 Honrfi. Rf ; P'.'. J • .-'r n.r ittery ilip C!J»»in .' 'DSlliiFSd ♦o i“>trrtV ■->(' >■ : ’/• . ■ ' ’o w •' >u^n • j f-T tfrrihly r.’ cr* »■’ to o'' • goi ' trou I? *' Ui !• 0 -1 l-'C'-. bc'> s: • ..i of .u 10 >}' i Grnnt. !vl-v. T-f* 11 • ’ 1 bf»»T* e It;- 8‘uw- • I r(»p vf.' 1 beh- T.- ■ Vi!' niR’! 8^r K'l- n’T- F ■ .1 P r •«* ’■• rd. ;•(:• i.jr: ' ! - r, ib' ” dend. w i^ih were ■llow'd •1 • . • ' * I ir. »o ■?r!r Jireojion 1 t. m ’i f nv."* T *■> 1 “R (>?ou>;hr n . V '.-iw (^n-' !■>"•» #»■> 4 »*‘'d .( ■• w .(ITi *- 4 -I- '-i ■ io b>*il >i‘ leBM' i,6‘ 0 toounf- >, veil 6 (i.of a-l^lc’V. DI = r •.'•’OflKO. '■ r««. TLi: KfLT> ' -r t«n ■’ J-i»-:iv\ C H , M »y 10.—■ ' 'Vil lprn^*'? h'iMp d D'lrin.t S . ao Hid? ■ iriiii nur I vitif 'j‘:>r P s' •‘■t ■I'o in ih' W.ld«i^!t3^ na Siiur- 1n.f:, u II L'?> ivH’ut >h> s'lmc Uraa sent f >r» >r:l rotn • I” r>p t 'a'cis t^'*; f''>eniy’t’ mo^eci'ntR and :a k • 'p ‘'•■tf'Cf'n ''fi.? H ^'’TioT.id Our uif^iQtry col- 1 il vi- i>'e p'lc-TPy 10 o’cV’ok SutJ*v ii'orninji', ••«•«•• » 1*»n.ft ■ H . (iiz L’eV c'.valr'» hi»iut h- T:r«'v oii-c!v Tfftvily eTiz»?}d «t thi» f.Koi? »U nri.ir-.ii-\ SruI retiui*e.1. in wh'Ch uii; f r.irii, a K'Hth .w, rerilHP'- ‘•n’oiy. iu rt * h'.? k-.^nn tb'-in -I hr^^y l-'s?, 'h" f n'a?y’(j kilU'd »nl w FI 'p) f,ntim\te'l i* t^n fo our on? ()u“i .h ?Tt 4*U n ■ I* ' tu- Imp' e! H f.. J Gc . t . W:- N. ■ X e.. rtr?- fj.- the ; ■ ba 5 ’ € It- fro-i^ e.i H di- • wliich Til Q c po’-j- j ’ ufic' •» r c&r:u M i • Ct I Te; -.. r Ric.'j'a. I! ‘ ■ >T r ba« *■. r, , S'Ca-’. p . sij I'-.l'- ' ■■' S r them ‘li r.-* roa 1 ' r.i' tb»- ■“-I ^ Tbi‘ i; c puhs' • ■ ‘- par V. 8Upp the ^ - at t; Sou ■ ■; 1i.e r flftf : r. I ,.J w2s3 r tru«»i' r ' 6“=n i . givfn p .1 ;f U-g' f r naaibi-i-j of I.- iJiiri ih'* i"'v, K tj -T w.w '•5f.\in au I 'H T.-rMN •' ^ne^Jv. T •ymiffQ i^. • ui • -J ’ 5 d>vii-'n ef 'b* St. o rp*. R Hun ■J- our ■» L$ II ' ■ i h ?r ■SVDQ HJ A J n. 6;.so F. He c IJ cf =• n t -i t i? :> d . ,1;? H’vl ■\ t ene")T I c o«. at ' :!r r. i'.vs Ir -ii ' ■'. 1 j * * -!, 1 5 ‘TlAST ” ■ ■ t'r--(n tt -n t •' .'Xj I !.n « -, r- -,r ■ ■ ' tf ca ‘h-* ' I -I j'l XMti ;>^ i c'nc •1 I. t ^ -f . D ! u -n f m: oG ; I e hrig^iio w»B orderei ft»rw»rd. aq'1 m«d. '>n« of «'a«r*ea of tha war. forcing ia« ■jr.ainy baok «t ull I'ointR. Later ia lb« eveaiait. iibf'ut 6 o’oU'ck, they araiu '■•»'« ^ d-’p-TAte ftsa^uU upon Jchrscm’rt whioh W3« in •»* ff*U*Di'v »nd ban.inj l/ *■*' j pul-fiv*. cnp tr.iopd rem .^ttru uf »tic fie'd. i to i n i in -I iruj** to »-»*: i lUf yankse «.l'. d an l wjurj ea baiaK pil^d up in .;t. %«■ | I nlimbers cJ*" >'re'>'' vt'teh To;* }.,F.my i-o j knowiRfc t); »f w-' ^'Jy b?i“\ii*’0’'k'>- o'’ »rr»Iu^ ^ I » «rt* trvr^h'v 111*. ts n’*C.’r! j ( I l;’i ltr;c~. QfV- PfZr^'U 'rnm *fVf 1/ I wo'Tn *'*d 5n f'r i^'C'b D'l'ii t' c f:T~- ct c >rfpv'u;4«"i’’.e Jnu*‘S, o' V% , w.« tiiie* tinifr t’-irt Ml vinr o n'u ns»A"ce^; Hi'? »-r(.r pt. Ifjff -'In Vs», Un ^^r t’ol Wi»:,>|, r, wss rt^teriBg rad rsniMy Sri»g whea O a. J, iu noibicp ^■♦iH.'ecI, r :?•* to thi^ f*v t i^nd c^lbd i > :>'> ni n i' ril Iv »»rour>i( ^:m. At t! * samo mniont V:t^f Kkriy, h'S A A (J . f'+p'^in Muore. bis A l> f’.. r.d;- to l>i« si.-te, ftiid «ujuUi! »t ti»} co »r.«ga at f-heir no: io IisvKt, wtrc ci-kicg i’ fftoiutl tfr. '‘>a totally (htir u**!i, ^ h'« thuj rti"n hfoomirj prominent marks fir tho ep'”ny’^ sh-.T'p9b'':»e’‘H wTtJ qaiokh plckp^ ctf ‘Spf K'irly fi»Il d ‘ud. and 0' pt Moors f?!i ser-rdy woundfJ The c.mli'Ot of tbe > liftde Oua be» u »nd. doubtu-ss, w.ll be CDUch •njniH'1v?r f.l up-a In fxteDU'-tj n i' nt»y bo mj'ti’nsd that '.M's brig d3 bfts ni'.'l-! «otn« ff’tndid fiprh»» dnr'rp tbe war, that 'bo enriny . d-»n-^(*d in firt'vTy force »rd very sudtii-ui/, and t.i»t ihiN afu^rflrarJn nfjrmed und foui?tit ino't o'ur*(r,.oii»ly. Whil-l wfrij ‘hu3 rr nr>‘ on Kw !i’ froQt. *>).' j-?i'iT>y in ‘itvirv Tc'W ndytno- I* > i! ih »,n i iVi c X. A w\r::i ^Ti J do > t'ru. ** .1 rBmo\ K‘ l vii' fr.>a\ a o’cl v'k uniil sni. t .wn. Tb.‘ rfr.n'* t.’at h. >'? y W..TC hi-ld i«) oho! k, t;ad r p.i'K. «>.i tbis n*'. of la liaij »8 w.’J »k« in iVoai of Kw. jl L>^r: g niR 'i L'toe’s pii V> fs in aurpn-^n^ tn- ,'•1 .-!«j o-.pluri -K i*bt/U*. p; ii TUB CAPTrBK Ewell. >n .h‘, tiR'itB on t;i3 -roat duii g t > s ‘'•'“d 'ibo t IUIK> priHonrrs, i jc-u iiog 30 or 40 o tu- aji'-'-j-'BPd 'flice’'s n-'xi.ie" a g>'l nu(iib«! of y»uiej wTUi’ii wno ffll '»• iuJs. G ’u J b’lsou, of E': I'a ■•. r.'H. .= oC J' 'J>iri g i.11: visi , gti, iii , "2 p: t>f! ‘f a-i-r.-ry ia> 'u li g U . 11,i J i>- \Vr \ aj !■nv liO'‘ pr sout:s frotn d. u •' \I ; J • et^’s b-ig ■’> iu, tat; enir-ig n; u! iu ih» c . 1/ ] r »r’ of .Aiiiig *r, the rosuU of Lbe fiibi d kv’s cu f -liif I’.’, w -i i» m 'd'. d.u id. d auaoess to uu, eo- r-.'Cially nljar E .TijU'H liQi's h i-.-i Ew'l-, jftu ia .i- w^'=a u;> to Uri ''i’ld acti a. coT'^rifd uimself *>ri ove* wi;b gt rj. Hj-iid bis gtiiftiii Mdj^r Gens Joacsju, Rc'dc.t and E*rly. • VVdilat t!ie ii fiintry wer- thus ^ng -g J ih.* carairy w*re n t idlo Ra«s r with bis cin^la origad-: fjujhi Wilsoa’s, foraocly KilpAinck'e, cA7iiIry aivi^iun »ii J*y T.*urtd4y. and fin'iily i^ucc p *e i in forciog i’. u giva b*»ck Ilis loss was about 20U as Wil! as 1 cnn •bo?r- tain. C0MM«NC«MRST or THE rioHT rsin\T. f)n Tnur-diy tiie eaf^rny ••■■go« t i iU3r» eiijbt- ly siround to urr*g it, and e .-ly ^ i Friday irorn.' g (V£S'CT>is.y) tier adv mc.'d iu bcavy fi>rce 0/i Bweii s •r,in‘, rri'H 8 X li'ips''f' attlo a'.id fou^M moB’. "ate'.y. Ewt«!l'B br*ys, and fipeci'i'iy Ea'ly's. retn ru b -rii g i-i'.' %dTic* of IOC nage of JJna'ter'p ,HiH, wvch- «*i utitil th^ p iw ire wiii.ca '>f »ne enciny’n yt*s. and • bea pjurea i>i^ them ?ap"\ a v ,lii>y of i %d» u an o.iuii'd tbtri to rt^ifl 3cd staggT, a^idl fin.tlly to gire btvck, not, how;»er, un I tw.. on fion w?re 't*^wn thick aroucd Oao aJyanc® up'n and r«- ,inr\oiwanc^ Ewe!i’, p^-iMon. which *’^n 8 fouglj r.riifitfd, Si'Ptned to eiti'j.'y them and tbi>y ur.ii »o fur*’ii«r a.->s*u\' !iuri*ig *u • d .y G^n. E. pimilv bp'.d hif graanJ, an i ?o ihcro w'.! no furtb 'r ti^' tirgon our !*>fi winj. S.raulfaneously wiib tb? kdr.-iooe uf^o Ewell's lit**'?, tbp en^'iy a'so mjili* a nioT*j igiinH our c ntr«. ei)ga^:irg 11-ih and Wi!c r, *'T sjine t me wiihoat any resu t, wm-n I'-e e'leroy, ^eoomn:? r^ry etroD? in '/om of t’-ei? div.si >ns. b gin to fore- tbt-m uaftl we bad drivnn the New Ha»np'fiire vnakfcs back and aOf'csH tt»c •uinplka anu on ov't -no railroad, * di«t*»n- of tw ui:ej o*" • “r»! Bf ih-s ' inj.i. i.i o T ^rl« yaii'er ^".tnn wa^ .filgbt*-o?J out of tta witt*. a' (? fi-'r nii'n do^W'*' >ti rp^'u li^^t t i fu"‘^^r T.t y r'iirt.»d v’ttjolit .U«i i \a«o? a 'U kii. It ■»«'i n--> ? i!i »t w rilifJ. i ■■ Mill . i« 1 u.i.nour y O' lb. e 111 ' ifc !ii' * G»r*' ,i J.. h. V.' T.' 'rv\’ hf> areo.? wtirc form^ii I H —our r'g^-t •0 H. t ffiir ;s I (•i i’« ihrt»w up forti- y i*» d ''lo’iday •b.*re ' • ^il dvy J haston’s Njrtb Sfoa'w-*!! ^Va ) B*\ea" r-^- f •‘ I’l?, ■'n 1 aHou* ri ;*ht eac- ,n t ■ ’ ov-r w /.ir w le a !r *iu ou' r'.'“3 il l I -.'I ?'t' n s»a'«iT ^y. I- ;; i > r -f t^r ckburc •»? a !.p-» bv e ■'"» Y rl v* th y h>'li ibei''wn and .'Jp »t- . i-.d f-'.> ie’f'er'-pB raal—the hi**-! ■ :ct, ni Oen. E%r!v' '’s oomminling bid I - .ni ‘ A, f. H.i C.>T •.■•». Tho er.on,y w'.a C'^ntin i’vUr ehifang fci.^ tro'p"? fsotn t> it»* y.e’er.l vj. rcn'iirin? atmilar moTos ou our !' . • tr.irp« a’-e cincb f.'it jasd, but in good spirits anl cn;-liJ;:af of .suocesi L.rs;f> q'tiriatiej of sTitll arm" and debris of a” sarie. [ we'-e l* t ty (3» eu^nij iu tho trcasbes on th? WilJer- 1 a --,» J fi*’ i ' Anlt;’-; ■'« ifls' n, Sunday, captured a battalion of ' T» H a line 'f s'li^p phooter''. T y G-u W-. V w,);-'h lii'-'l in our b ■'gpital yes- I t* rd>v ( II i■•■"r:^.•d al-o that the yank^-e 0*ur. VVnr- ! Tr:'. : r- ;; v»iek wc~' k lj: ! li i G;’ iira >ii (G a) b^a ^c;'n p”OTio'pd to " j ■. O ">n tbf 5 ■ 1, f..r his s'ullAnt’-y. i •ra'j hc ‘vy rin-’onaljr.^ on our left an l centre >3 n -r'v «. is ■ii'uinc until 2 P. M., wJt'nth' Prrss \ Z*'^' ! f: >r hi i»' g \tph piatlon. Ficld'H line of tk^'nu-h r: t ^>s.-a w truly «*ng'*5?d «*Up (He »netny, .1 ’ i him t -r-c '.-mpa Fiiz L'-'o had also I % M-.-in-' bn'k 2 dile-t on tbt* >pft Ta w a; ;■ i- (.xoeeviiuglj 0^pre->i.fd, and theroadj sri' de*’p >a T • ■'c'ur’t v:'!: ftrca* c'Siiaicy'.n 3ujJ-f. an I . j’. i ';•• b"i''T-'t'd cur ms2 at thur br^aoivrork-^, w'Jil ' ur n ”j, ihcir a5QT.uaiti:n havire been exaau^t,- ‘ J, r i»l u .0 the of t :eir muakcts to rcpuidc iLe ! . ^'*rTi,i r KWD .vcAR S?ott«tlt^:»ia C. H , M^y 11. fiu') ■n.v iiQ^ ail }e.-iie''i*y. About | ra;'’d;y ba’L .^i t..'» oipi-r une lu m‘Ut *HABP fifljfr • / ur t. ’J t p I . A . '.3 tJ . i ^ i’g a I).* 11, h L.Mia. Juit '%g I J.,' t . -1 the tho. gh . ;i ■ ^ gr*.iu'.at\nj!; •h.em. iIy,;-I i their a tacc- oa i .i- c; v C^m» ri 'i uly 1, ; r. j -z ta. i]g| J i s -;l ::v; 0 that wa^ w;-'-j c.n ■ ChurcU. only a I'l.- ,,• •ppearti tsa' a a i- i •■ cayalry. imrab‘'riat' 8iz;y r. w;re with ammuaition t.> Ucu 6 u r , i-> j»i. -n . n -enemj fell upon I'-exr. n- ii: k ’-urc.s. a ai.iia fight eafaUf.J ,'ur v n lim r _> ,’■ •.••aaMon i ) desircy tac a^iiuum':. n ir.cjo r o i i,i> I --TirS*’ ' mtotheCg.: w; u ..I, ii •harp for a white, but c. r'; .x- ; vliica W.9 k ri ur. f..» o-wor ;ir. l 0 n- i s au'v ^ ■ 1 n.* CrWi ■ 'c>-o5{, fa t -p t'. a' I I’a -a Mr., x ■■■ vM.y. It ‘ V.'K'p a • r w >. ..ijt v-.-J q-= 'ry : rv, I i ' " ; n 51 B : PCl'f HitDf' nisii« t."' ;; • p-.'-rpv o got p-jbscs'isa of ti e roa 1 ■: uii'a T 'i i fo L u'Si C. H , wiiij a lit-po - - . ?>. T w •■'•n.* ! T drj fo ther^ off w;ii h >i'i >t rr t • ',11 ;i«' t Io-" to U3 Ojr fr>;up-i ; :,' b-.. .Tue 3 .'r 4 tn!lci», and nu' of f b ' > .»'■», k"», ct;>turir g 1 pit-o? of arttii;- 1. -a t 159 ^ r-. m -ra f'• w-uLi It J • ' iir ■'iJ *. was Brig Gen. •T r V , wf - f.. r b»ti b*rii aiipu;a!-J. w .-a '0 ^ c ck >»nJ aie' ffk'l th? enemy rj*.le re- t upjn Fi- : . !( WiTtsion, t u'- wre U«nl- y ri^ M'p 1 ' I eVi-ry iii^- ^act* by our line of skir ra, FieiJ’s 5.ne-of-■■'atile i.-,’r»r fi '•ing it nco'S-ary 7 :bem F '! ’« loj-' rery trilj'ng. H v{ K c-ia anJ I b“ threw out iQ* ir ? i «aem;’i> force waj Asc.>U:::ls r.ju^- flfht W.»B g r counts ar K.mvo f Tar?rn, ,t t t ObSlLual y, LlllCl ■ ; tLcy lovk 1 pi- je •00 p. —«. Clay Wu 'iiq.iif . •igtit, rp-r ,DCr.J J, ;:i g • r»i. «: Ci' - ••• i .! )i s T r- g a M Sk-' 7. ( V.Ti c^’^r dK-k i'jo enemy raa-Je a nfost yigorous and ”ol a*--; .n t ii - n H-i.Ipc' line of ba'tle, driving D.n«. i^ani l)oi-*s' lines-of-batilo fram the?r breafli- «r, rk^ find 'rap'unrg « piec**P of our ariiJhry. John- “t'jn 9 Ii .riS = AroHDa, W*’ker'3 Stonewall Tirgirtia^ and 0.-,'ion 8 Gorrjia U*irad.>8. •'ow.’Ter, quick / c^tae to 'h .s« wiicc-*, driyin." the ener>iy baoiw. and recaptur- i -jj ? •! i. -» r'ln? ■ “ -I a, ' I to b?! Te'r h*ayy, cd'’-eciiily ii F: ir .If d K^d'-'i’ fr.'ut. Tho eT'tny are ccriainly »•: : ,,.5' af r^Tvs and d»Mpera'ion T ic ‘. at.k e >Iaj. G u r> wick is cenainly k»lle 1. O' :ii'T ' irrd of th’ l.aj ye ■•'ird ty there w*!> nj- iuip? u' ■ ■:■ i^y k r-ais 1 r.g H y.**. : v '-.q-n w.,.. w;and?J in the hf yc.iier- ^ -y. .y-.' . . Mif T V-' r E.'J c U. i g-,l L c !x iHB rsi M (ji - a i u u c : .'';r oi cS^-.n ^ -iqr. 'If .»j ur- p jj >n. 303 bndg“s o»er the lUp C.l, .1. !i 'J -n 1 ro i.» filled wi'h ya >!t-e wau-jd- J Hi) ci/ j as 15 tiOO Tfl: b*'li*y.‘d t> 09 fully itO.tMX) — Tut puiinc Ci.aj «eraioci ,.j .. reLeyed yobier-. ,/ froni hitu: u L e uy. Uft oliic.ai d. -rshlj ’*'J ■* .• -^Pi' ,u “Houorab.e t* iMtn road *'^*^cqucut tk;r .£,ij daj; irniy it tion c.f ; . J ‘ T>/ ; , .. >- y . ; era! /> , j part-BB:- J . i. The !»•(. ru. i >= o;ir . j obsii).a£..~(. ,{ . , worsij • i.tr r* • t Dol:a f.'»» w .J ■ • poeuic.’j, . J3 . I ••r “Tte !'■ I •• , ;,, , , was rs -4 VO OC ibv 1 yr.i ■ ■- 2 roai .-b ■ till. ^ V, .. .. ••fc '• havt ; . „ 8p jTTSTLyv.^iA r .uur U Ot:i» i/v y J vV :8£. ■; V n G-S.t (J uf 1 jC r- 1 r i >y •lt:d 1'. J. ■yl I Liu V ‘i tt-K !.T r v', :runi .jf ' . I Ihfir -H. our Mti} ; I ur Icf', ■ .-n I'f i. e c'l irc) a"* J K L^.E i ; snT OS TO* » >P' i i a T' c>.‘UU‘ •~iij ■•- 1 1 ''■^or ■Ri.'c yus'."*! .y - - 'iJ ■' • u mv’h * ‘ “• i». tr.m i'l . raa ?£; ti L'- wr^’. yai 'f.i '. •■^r B -"-a • « ■ ■, « ir - li.uJ;iR.. 'u*' !i.'il V xn - ]J alf ■0 It TT.'.S f'f Wen , kcrg ^ I ble, CP ..ta’j: and I «lcuv, r . _ . Joajut i..(}.,id y Wi.rc uih vpi i ■ »^d by I 8 t,\ .)•_■ ri wj tljt cm:- iu duii. g i-' ': ‘•■■J ^ iJjil- na 'iT ther.’., .x*. ^ w J i'O fo.lv- iur cfTui:*! d ap,tea t.o.a •on. dit-d D.cwry’:! lil** ‘•I'ht ciuiiiy U\\ b^tV 1 -! night fr;-ni thr.i- '>?-.i,:,n jMitvd'iy- 3 rivor, arp.r ,.ily :a -onr.t, kaet?- 'ii,e;ri.;3 _'j ; . 4, ,3.rci,n »-f: on J"ntca Tiyi-r, the ?icin.-y uf liriwl :.ad iJa’-ca gap, oa the SvUibeiaa K ..asmom, Ja ” Tiic n::i. i.c»;3 IroTa ibut qaart-r w--vS ihn f..llowi -.r oCc.al U...J I'cU iecci»ei by G,; »iral Jaicd at Cbafi»’a ]:.ui •‘T-vr rr; How’. as rt; ■ .. i their *ro?-ii y, ' ■■ t;; i .f .r n ,.5ii>r . 4'; 'OO. a i .r ..,» ry rj a!>cc*''-Tig’y Sgbting and r'lr-ai V t p n;'T!y, -al h-i^e 1 ,i-.e >*xjetlc-ot scrvioo. Oa.- ■ J I , »^-ry “ ?o;ig U a J ur Jcra coigratula'ing h!s troops >: —tv i ng t^i. IU that Petersburg was iu the ■■ V; f I s>* 7*.;k'»‘. ial b’ffg.nr the a to fl:;b* ba'd '''’■ > w aricJ. aro In good flgrU'ui: p »•'! - a'.i i ;u •)'Sati ^uoc Si r ■ ■ !•:.'• 17 iti a ri ’J iround our linen, capiurod a ,r ^ r ! « ,! ln»nc- w u->. hu I ro.'.apturei onup • , '-a • >'.r «r*y t.) th • rail'-.ial I t J ■ ly has ^eeu i»>» (r«n»Tal engage ; b'u ^ .-kirajis'jiu* and ou>^..«loual disob^rijeM t at til ofj o;i i.\\: fia!*'- E», .ytU a/ is pr. gr us; wnil, and t'le *rmy ia ia no a ; .(J. r tt 'utr-r.u^ for wmt ■ f .-Ui plie.s anorvfa />coot'^T f tu» fir'^t WBfcC's rianTiNo Ootroiri’ou.ieu'j. o; the Biohai./ud Didpatj^b. A*»tT or N'»aTu«a* Va , May T f wr > • yo.i on Tna!-«jay. tae cnimy begA.i t,» pr?HH I' i! ii'«i a' Elv'r, u 1 G. rinaaaa fofds on Tuas- ;nc. t o « V. .Utifsday niort nj;»» foroe of tn } . n-'r.iy d ciy*iry ,-*ui erv.i.ery, r.atiajr oro.'6»J »t th»s.t f..r . •. laoTf • hy tc-., r kiH to Caai.oullorsyilin ft-il Fr ’jr.- ^orr Church, a., lat. sit mjlni ' ~ V’ .^Ui'-rt: ' a-.'/ C6t wf)iifiae.t iiciry , . ..r- f p (:■■■- ’ J:i e »r. te enemy hr,Tii«sr laid dowu >•.* • ' I-C riT?r. Jheir wUaJ® f nvt w).-- y>r :/ ■'•■- .;i? i j ,y la cro^Hiog, and about nid ii. " • rt-! ’ ,.or>-« iheir irbnln toroe >. -iiRf” ■ c tn -my bivouacked »a and uoar And e >r)y oa luura iay worninir t. besr^n to b«ar «>p t!:«? turnpike and p!»nk lao f rc3 rh.^:U crossed at Kly’s. At Inn ,1 :-lg:-i . ; tk»t! were •d were back oiHser ;ryiu 'J.: o..- )n Ih • If tr>.' 1; ' • g-.nc tiA'j 1. an rtn - fja- t*)c f, roc trLic.'r crjsad at Oerizj.inna moyel i7 -'-s : ‘)i?r >} tf-np.y.-;, a-^ if laten.fing to joiu tha to.-co’?m-u * 43 u.o-r.:K on those r.i .ds. Ia order t j unJtTM-nid tbe 3' l-( n.;i expl'Ja, th''t ')r‘ng! C ii. H - i);c (j.rtjnt, ma of r>iiw iy rro.ni Alezandn* to K!q iuj V , u:..t *01 froji tao f rtuer p'aoo .-.hout 73 1* !i - Hi trioi !n'.» I u-r a‘j..ut 87 »niles. Oraoga C H *T:io a^oat (i m-Ies 3o:.tn of i.ne R*pi »an railroaj jii.-ge, sni is t ie b*9n of oar suppJiea and tho depot fjr oar wounded. The baitic-field is about 26 miles b low rr li-wt- 0' Or^nj^e C U , aioug the high-wavs of t-io f Ihi k and turup^ke roads wa^oa oounsot Orange C. H. wah F^-ueriCjiaburg. Taa euomy havmg pushedl tiou of the State:— t-p i.iit! pi>Lk -.ud tu.''upik;i roads, aiao moved acraes an! fc;-ised t.ie G»thirnu; «nd Brook ri.ads, whioh run ne .rl , parall’l with ttke pUnk an.i tnrnpike roada. and to tna souta of it:. Xueir oojc*oi in thus aoting io icforprctod bvM .cjo as tns^niag tbat tcey intended, to have to ca»c . back. , .’ •-■ 'L. 10 i.rv)')-:j:c iiyp/'ir.i'a iH, ihatxhfy soiz -ltbei? I s jp.id fl „-.ic t) pro^ io a^a ast a dvnk taj»i*nient. Tiii FiauTiSQ rui’asoaY ivbsi.so. ’ y V •air’g itiC ea-my won? moyiug ^ .1 (i '.-lu. . * i.vid lofjard^ t*>e plauk ro.'vj, - u rp£i, wbiaS wng runv'ag dowa tho turn- i r rooi ,(j • ht'a.l of tajir ooluzan as it wa.s -■ ' K ‘ Jlc-ayy 'iftimishing at ouoe ensued, f^'>ea,’'-jj ticding tft.jn>.3el]|M much preassd, turned .iiij a-.i itkyd us. Johnson’n diytsinn oocup;e.j le.t U'.! T.W ;i"d ;is T -r jio iii -ye r » i }1 up. P3- J t'." .-a my c ' t : •i'^ on 'et Wj* . Heih rtil")', i.‘i-.1 r, .uilj.ng ■ i-rn ii'i i hn»''y driring Dtniy before him. i.o.'ta'TBer.r's ri.«vR movumrnt. A ^iTJt !1 'i k, L.;u'. Gt a r. 1 L na tr f! plil'ne I a Di‘=i briiinat fi^!'k i’l ?e >t>n‘. w«n n^»aa^; g %? t^p b'r.d nf hi" • •ilu'tiii t ^ liip r'ph' of t'n' p’ank 1. ;a i: r j rti be c. r ki.^ n" iv- ^u . ^-;u! c-n.^u um»-'-a, wh-^n. b'- a gf • s *11: ' ts-i f. t ib» ou- tr.' ‘. s ni:-'t-‘>oi him ' I 1 ■ f r >anR.rc«^ he w-> fi'-.'d jpor: T : • rfs.jli w 19 :bft' L -ut O n L ■ w-ts w-'.ic le I f’a' ifaily bi;t n * d p •r,)up'_v, in t: p .pf ..^i.'Ij!t«r, ih'} bail eat.,.rinT » ■) p sf'ng up- wsr Is. T':"^ s'rn.» fir.? w- ch t. u- donrii’^d cnin'ry tem- p'ranly of > ap of hh »s1i* purp'u anl m .it e»l'ant f#i.• .. rj'ihpii the cju-iry, by d.-ath n H ig Gcne^il ^ C. wno w»i» m ** iTly ki!I -t. Gen Fh Id^ tPinp -'-anly tjok L^’u". Geu. L pw-tri-et’f* p;*c.«, i«o k’pt r* trp ,Tiov--n from whiob f/on."itrri!t wo*r jtV'liy ■!; PC' ’•! 'I'- t ipoi ■.»: rcnuit-’ T p eapnv "I’ff n cr-i.I'i*' ■ io ffirr and '^y 4 p «i. tia.i i p ait ’ . ^(■k y.oio two in 1-s—I e , tiur r'jSt r.ad c»-li'ip ’at Kwija;; irvind, -iuv n^ tcc or.crc - iiacit iti iu 1 w. rdj b»* rifp*" ou" viiti 1.5 •*! »n I'nft f.»a. A* ut 4 p m tb“ ’('.i»ip‘i' fl/Ki-Ui? ■•• ■a“'i Fi-jn > .rt> *j.ili' n'*>'.t hri«k (kiiTniw»nnir '"■•R tppt «•»' O'tr I I..UH (•»:• Will l)i> lu.iv 6:100. of wh'c >» much l,Vi?- r p.rci^rnay* t'. ^ usut. ;*re ».n’.c r- \ is"g njm'!‘T a-p a -> bji •’ii.^j'Hlv w un u- ’. •»‘d will » - m *''> i^'e to r O'- :o .in': T ,r* »i\> '■ a-’. I -t a.- u' 2j rriil-s of th p'»’-’ and i . »I.'B -t »•. d *• c* -I'l-- to war .d F.el» I't T . bk- p.ai around -^1 )r .Vill •, a; .1 ot w uc ui le.-.;, it a coii.tnua- • j n i’ i l^Tisc wi’.tf'n*-'-' — Gt-a L ?*'.d, a • '*'•/> • —a vj i' )S U'ifr y ansuii- •• I f .r'be use of artill.'t/. la'eel, tuti .g tbe I'ntirp s ;h--r Ir'.T-.' O ' been T r lOtf -i ei-’ia-- ; j . f artii- u-ry. Lifli i>i'h' a!'i w IS qui -t T'li.i nioruln about 4 a ) ii5.. I b'ft the frani Jus* b, f re d»y t;j."-e w !p’>ik fl r'K oa Fh .’.4 r jnt. .-p.l nb-u f e .yy ■,annova^'n>; r%8 *ic-rl in -.at; Uir?ctiju 'f f.line T^!p 1:0 *y of il,« yankpe f1"n«ral W .dsworth was I r«u'. t in fr ni of our ii:. a .t > the bcdy of aO n- erti with t ie'nn^als “H. ii 0,’’ f'Uppos.jd (0 be the yai%k«je GPiicri! 'arr I: is alfii -pp r p » that the dpad t'oJy of tm y.nk '« (} n•>•(»! w 10 wib captured t»^t y-»r at Chanc?;ior3»rii‘i, been found inniie of our I'nas . BKII.LIAHT PLAVK HOVBVC!!(TS. Mat 7, P .'I.—Y“s(erJ*y evening between £tmdowa p_nd dirit. Brig. G0.1. Gjrdaa’s Gt^orgia brigtde, of R D Jauna ca'd Nonh Oaroi na l»rig*d‘’. '.f .H ’itfi' >i»i«ion, ex out d .* *>ril- liaut flaak iDovemoct on our eztroiaa Icf;. *ai another on oureX rem i a pjint -b lut 4 milps ar>o»e Gera.juaa fuM. J ne ri.suu mj b > br iHy Ptated—ia tbe C^^>tu^e of s tna 400 men »a I ‘i Briga tier Qenc^ais, Seynjiur of Florida n i;oriP(y. *nd cornier of Ifew V^rk, firmerly a Canian in toe r^Hyan'h "^-.w York n>Ki»n:’ft; Tteee ofS-^rs w.’re hruU(f''i to t‘o Prov aJ, Ma'aaal Gen rai'B ofliie ■' esterd.'i? eveui- g. fip yanksa loaves fnui far, in k:!'* ! rail are b .Iieved uy agjoijudgo, on pxa."lleat d»'», aot to bj leas taaa 20 OliO. )ur l.i» toj w li r.;ic;: 7000. It is e-tima'ed tbat wp haTc ii our j.cs(jjs»5ou-nearly 200 > of the oM?my’» wounJe.l. I' is ru-nortd .ter - to-nignt, and belipyed, th^t Scdg- wis~ w:.8 killed la-?! nigat by Gord .a aul Jonasiou wb.n tti.'y px-outxi ti-j.r 11 >ak mjr-jai-int,. fbe yanii. e G • i^'rils wau w;t^ o*p.ured, report tho dei 'I of Brig. Gja. Hays, of ttie;r army V t 'srs b.ar i fighting .%% tpea done by Ml the troopi, but Kwjll aud ai3 ta a .ire tje U "roes of tua fi>!it. iciorp.cwi oyrt .uT as tnsaniHg t^at icey iate: '. j ad lacy coi. b?tu ia>leued by Qcne'ai Lae. to ^nnot «:->■! f.»>-^t;.;.dd. or!r,..v: :.r!7srlr-.wv ;l';-rt and thus to . * ^‘t’..: w: I "1'-"* u G.-i ;>'s ti.ak a id eaast-i bita to ftli THK NORTH C ^^aOLINIANS AT PBTEKSBGUQ. Tho Pficrabarg Exprtaa of Wednesday l»et has the foiljwing ftcoount oX t&c fiiat fight around Petersburg. The 6l«»t R“g’t is ooannnJedby Coi. Hector MoKeihan of »hi Town and th« men are altogether from this spo- •)r E p»*i-.'i 4 and fl Abont half past 11 o'clock on Moaday night, our citi- J3?iu were startlod by S: yt.-.*! lieav^ diuouarges of mus ketry in Chestetfipid c'>uaty, the sound prooeed’ng froni a point due north of Petersburg Anxiety was. on ttp-toe to ascertain the ciusn, but it was not asoer- talHPd until nearly 4 o’olouk, j-jist before the daw a of day. At t hat aour a s-iai d o?.«j ;a with a Yankee Who ^ bad come it:to cur lin^s and gjye ths partioal .r-^ On ttie oavmv’3 ex.n-ve ri^Ut. wairsh had be^a pufihfd aro'iaj. XIon.5vy afternoon, to BranderV Bridge, he i , -- ^ v ^a-'cd a heavy pioket «u*r,l, oi-is'sita' of a New ^ *'oa"C‘-ly excee ling two y^ars Ha'panirs r»^gl.n»a^. >i-ia3uatini? to 800 men, pltjkpd '■ 6. Tiiat parieljroeat sh-.a;d ooaatitute the txcepthn iroops iasy were soaiewaa' isjlatei from tae main i aot ta-3 rui’e :■» school g-kvarataeat. >.)dy of i.'ia yank--re forcjs, a fut. whioa o.ir {J jaerals 1 7 I'hai ca.i in i«o wiao exist without a/ifc»o». wera no. i; oiT to pi;ro.-.ve. T«tj oompanins of the 61st | Rates of tuiima s'iil romaia at tue old «taadard, r*y- C.'^-U ‘.LVn’S G r.rra't aa.- 0 k s !5 \f Ai.derp-'U. Or •>! t.iC'--'''n ■ Griliai... IJ"gI‘p I'l 'i'-’ or, ’•..dl/ Ui hf'.tenth Ut;) t, Cvoke s Briga de, up io 8i4 in^t. ’0 .-V — \V u (e‘ : Pri7at«*i J *" fc> S .a . 8 jjl'itiv; J H I'.*tc-. ii in », H'ifi »liy , U—K.liid: P*ivai '.V L W u-t >■ : J li L . i' d r.'c4; Corp' J D S '»r '. J M AnM.in. ihig t; pri-/r.t. W W M-.t md -c, f i.gS'ly, flic*; J K I)-, t.. w, ‘**0 . ft-T»pu.«-fi’: W H > ai'tu; J '^itien, »*aDii; tJ li 8itt**s. ii >::d; il fci Humtotr. h i.iJ; Ii M I oiaps n. Iiau i: J B .rJiun*ii, ar-u w.nd U ig' ; X't J A'»•••?«, rely, uv o ('—Killed: A ‘f Lf'tf. (; .Kv'.i’is Wi.nn 'ci}: L> W R H.» -iin, eli. ntly. b«*ad; tirl J B t. »»e, o ;or bp’i'-tr, Blig'ttlv, heitd; Coi ol J G Biuuioa, t' .D i; prjy*i«j W u D-unt ii, h i.ti t; .i W vi ainpiou i Ku-.t; J a lli»Dntv*, npcli; K il'i: a; ra; P G^ II ■jiiipTr'»M iiutrp; G W Kirjr, f 0 ; J McGr-w. '■rca-'.l; P P Sp-.!e 1 ! 'i.ta*;.'; •'» 8 a. th'g ; B 1’ n li, L) ii .H .'anc* i >;> !*—K 111-1: ',11 J \ B g- >pe. p ,r-‘tr .to* rl-.r,iy. V- la .J ■!: i'f’ti. es t 0 » -.uu-'i. rli.; t. VV 11 !)- CJvk, t«>'vtn»ly, ir.'!;:.; \V A N ^.!, Utj,; U rt» - re I”, a. in; r B M rii • iru.; 1' >.i,:.niy, niiid; J G B U’ I , a .iUir--. J .n 1, F >1 iii^x- . . . f»c ; li n B i^.il. suuiii-..-.; u a ■ ; ■ Tl t'h, s'.ig, . haui’; • K. g • hl'^ »•., ■, ; J .1 t >1 ..1 ; •» P • 'il'*. liu wa. L—K'. l' .l: I'nv.ti' Iv It e,. -V lund •;; Lt J A .rrifi. »i g-.i, ' -fi; - gv \V U H-irc, s br'*»';; C rpl i; doi'j3»‘, f rt(u-!.y, rho'ili'r; J ti l>-vy. t 5- b p’uai.' VV 11 Allen, ■al!':', u: uJ it C.'»ru, -ev r Iv. r> ••'■k; L^iti iij.’.l> y, a.igb', bau 1 a id -ow; L> •;!;u3 ^ -tt- Vi r, jiiiu br .k.?a; J li F -.i r. ?ev.-re y, G t'i/iu-1-, til, u‘. tir :■ ; V» il u ■Wir;^. ue»1) II .rrt>~, bt-.y iim; ,’•! ■ 1, (•u iilJ- r; « J h' t i actiirw; *V T Mcl>.w. dli.,ht, .au; B > M ir:; a, i-L,:!. . shki K—W 'u I ; d: Sw: 3 11 lil >11 i, ti'.irfa*, b%t? ?; G LiJ''i!» 3'- v,jfel7. tl.;? ; Oi- is J >* u tl.ru'".'. -, .• ver. ly. ^hjiii- (Icr; G I> S.’-.no->, did -; i r;vti tn ■ M li'jti'.r.i, b»d y, ihi^S; T II li»riies, «i gut. hetl; J .^.n Bl.jk. H'ighi, thi,-- ■, V> V- oivjic kill : Joiiit U..o rt, e' z -f. 8; i/UlJer; VV H Hrv»iri, t,i t; F M Jv>rd »u, i»rni; Jvaii M: bv)ii(C»! I, h^aJ; JobuMcKas,-, .riii; ’ A M jck, aa.iJ; L B !»erpLy. urni and bi» as*; A .vttt'.r.ews, elight, tut|ih; i Li KoDUtson MPVe.oi>. arm G—KiLod: i'riy*ie H All?n Wiju; deJ: -gt V*" 0 C Gap 01; fit^ft, heaj; r.rpis H ii G Ui.in, tli(at, f*J *; J A i.oi!5niirc, ibijcb; [•riv:,t.''3 *V' N Harrw, badly, h 'i*d; J K H .r.-M, *r n; xaMeuoodea Toluntet-r Win Out>. . fli'g it, ;iaa'l. »! —K i'eJ: J W flirri- W.andet: Lt I> S Tacrati- fi, n, (i>'.,ui.lc”, [ riys-tfS 0 VV (J Br.dsnaw, b\i.';v, tip: \ P Brvau, r' gat br ; Vf T Wi:soj. .‘i 'lid r; U :M G-irnot s'ye 'P, tnud; W tay, Nnouli-jr; 'V 1’ H o- Crt^, ^adty. ti.n ). l_VVuun'i^J; L' U r »'yat, arm; tg s G VV Ou'*rry, HOTo.el^, bovh ti'gs r!£^fi- piiio* arapu- '^ J; J iJ d gilt, f-i-t; o'jrpl P R ;k, h'lgftt, t;p% •; pn *>t?a >V Bla'it, su>uti»r; A Gir-jcii. »raB; H )l.\n I, stoulder; li P e A WaiJi , Wv; VV tivwcU. eri- riOUS. tfT J -.l'r K—Priyatc W R Br^;»irn (V- juied: Lt H II G.'.lliii. 'i' k ini h Ml'J *r; V» G Fi-‘’er, •. *rr ; Cuipl fi U itjug sigit, SiP-i J; J it VV ^.lub.e tup; pri T .1 H W Il;-i laJiOuj'w, hip; 'V H F h >cr, sao! cif; VS ii .Too li-:, w.-i.t; J Hi:;. ; iv liini-;p. b. *»(■.«; u 1> Le.iaard, far ; !>ki L" n*-r I, tr;; K J >1 oro, • i.-ow; b !• M ; re !j,>jiy. li .M.r'ia, “Tyui.'e.-, „ U i.Jl, « !giJ'; J r.u M I u, uo.!; C R-.Ma , ^^^ly, b..'k; 0 W Ina:.. f-t gat. ar.,; J j« »».uiii:?. ft* ■ ; J kd Li Ig, DC?*; ■' L'.'n' ve'"y t .-cs: i> H-.' ri.-k > i ••-, J L> Bi -e.avu, nlgit, u ,; J O Jvfd.j, »1 li ■ tly J i lit if' S V iii>vv E?.Tt>N, ( 1,1. *1 ].> .T H g t N C T. Co. B K 'i\ A'. C T . R> 7J.U Cvu i/y K :!e : 1 '• .N f ■ u n, L ti • .-i . . , Vti- t -j J i* B--*y.i, Juj il Pi"f ii, u .v_.VV .'ud-c: Lt J .1 M -w tri. .1 I K' .1-. c **• r - o r, C 'p P ,; i. P.iTa.ts J - J M B .l. a^.er, ..I .\ G e-.a, C VVacg^ui'r, D ■ Kju.'p, J r;. Kl';t 8, W '1 »y ew, VVi!i (i .ger., l>,y i P4ri;.>, 'avid Tcr-y. D“.»;u K.ct. VV i VVi ati„n. wi vs/e'j: Wiu Farr, s i^bt- ’y; '3p.j G' ’!~i n, A Gurley, ili iUrub;gger, \ iSi.iOt', J ’ :^' ir'i'‘i, A J r.iyi'jr. J p T . ior. Tiufu* Trexlct, H fcl •'>» t. L Lau,*, V^" Ltue I fervy, J ll Hantp 'c, ai.gh..y; J F arm aiaputa’t-u. Tut*:: § ki:;?.!, 3.1 wouniei. Co. K, 4^Ufi y. C r.. Ciitawba e.yunty. S led; C-rp VV H .'■■.uf >rd. Vv p ;• p ll-.ua. J u ll r-* 1_ J z, li Ll ,^5 iis.M. J M II n-ir il .1 b' Tr rt aao. '■ our : 0 -, t. .\ f B it, Sg d H \ Bjji anl L VV R'oih. ;cTB>ely la f»o*;; Sgi J i> K'we. UI >r ally; t^orp H '.I N s- 1 ^-y-r^iy; Pri- ^•lent'aVb Xberucnu'-. M A Hjjvy. H I, Jiutng-r'iner, siigtiily; A V\' B .St it "V >'.(, .1. J vV iKndy, Q VV !Jc-d- f-utv, t.ite.eiy; • ■» H H t:iijTTjli, VY L D i- tor. >l:g’ h; L) F F ■ f-. r. .V L h-wi 1, J L ii'!»e ', 8?Ti''i.slj; J il.i»i. O >l .l>.rr S B K; ’. -n. J W L 8-’;y,T. -’♦I t*- X r W L 8e • r. LSig-..*.-, L-tx Travrn- Hteia. L L Tar -ue ’U-g, A Eiird. i-* V G, oen. si gh'- iy; Wai VV-.s..*. s rere.y; J L fn.l^oa, Heu Wetr-r, fclgitly; L tt L VV.iii..inDr. (Jbas Parker, ppvrrei^; H H H bit'Sji;, tt A Sajycr, slightly. Tot il: 8 killed. «>5t WOUDU- j. WAR NEWS. L Frum Gen. Ltee and hi* Armg.—All mtil with the ('onfederatf* — TerrihU Hlamghter of the 1 Tankeen.—BattIiE Ficlb, near SpiJttaylvania C. I U , ^lay 16, via Milford 17 —Tho eosmy daring Saturday abandoned the Iront un our left, rcquir- I ing new dispositions of our forots This move I by Grant is evitiently lor the piirpos»' ot building I up and covering the railroad in or«Lor to us« it j for transpurting Hupplies. j Tt'e enemy thua lar, arc reported to aoknow- ; ledji'O a io(j3 of thirty ona Ueneral ojficert and i/orty-Jive thoutand men. They left a hospital ■ vrith- their wouuded, near Y?sliow Church, on j Sunday, uo'ntaiaing about TOU ui their men and a tew 07 ours. They loi’t a l“ige uuuibcr of ‘ftu- buricd dead ou ouc Iclt fioui wlicncc they retired ! 'rht.-y also kdt ou aur Iron., ye.stcvday, 13 e •i.s oii'* • -uid i!l t;uu 1 his i-iioAs they U f't th«ir j t;-(int lire hurricd'y. j No fjenora) cugage 111 cut to day, only slight , »!;iraiishiug, und Buita- ouQiiopudin^ iatc tbis eveii- itig i .Gc^i. \ P Iliil did uot comiuunti his corp.^, j but wa- on the tield, i^ndiug the aid cl hia pre- j acnee to Gt-n Eariy. A large quautity ot aruia j were lelt by the -neiny ou tlic b’ttla field which I have b;en appropriated by our men and taken off. Tiio eueuiy an lortilyiiig uu their lints which are uoiv contracted, as il tua>sing their troopa. It is reported that tlie enemy t^^e destroyed OathfriiiC Funi^ec. Our a!my ia slill in brii'ht spirits. (Jen. Lee ye.sterday ip^utd a oongratulatory order to the troops ro?ountiag oar uucjitiss iu various partk ot till! (\ififi d racy, a^d concluding ai lollow.'i: “T' e heruio vaijr of I hid army, with the olesd- iiig of Ahuighty Ijcd, has, thus lar, checked the a^vauee oi tac ;>riucipal aruij ui the eueuiV aud idtlicltd upou It huavy loss. ‘•1 iic ey‘.s and hc^rt.s ot your countrymeo are turn d t"> y >u vith 0 ufidtuce, and their prayers artetiii you in your gnllant ■:truggle Kacourt:gcd by the suece.-».s which' has been vouchHaied to us •iud .s.ui.ul itcd by liie great interests that depend urou iho iKsue, let every u^au resolve to endure all aud brave ail, until, by the assibt-ance of a just aod ui'-rciful the euemy bLali be dnveu back aud pcace sceu.cd to oui country ••(^jQiiuue to ♦ uiulate the valor ol your com- r.des vi'ho have laiien, and reuiciuoer that it de- pend.'i upon you whether they have died in vain. It is in your power und r Crod to dcieat the last grand etforl of the enetuy, secure the independ ence ol your native land, and earn the lasting love and gratitude of yotir couutrymeu acd the admiration of mankind.” (xreat Slawjkt r of Yanktet at -Spoffgy/oania . i/—pKTEai»BURG, May 16.—The enemy were repul.sed with a !■ S'^ of twenty thoufand at Spott>y Ivania Ii , on Tiiursday, by Mahone’s (^Virginia^ aud Laue’.s (^North Carolina) Brigades. /’Vorn /ii'v/im'jud—lilCU.MOM), May 17.— Tbe only event ot interest that hag transpired h*re since my former dispatch is, the reported ianui tT of a lorce ot the enemy’s infantry below Chatfia’s Uluft, 10 miles cast of iliehmond. All quiet at Ches'orfield to-day: nothing from Lee'i army. Fhjht!vj around Ptters' vr^.— Glorious *'on- fidf'ntt’ ,S'iicrfst—Pi,T£UsiJi;ai, May Iti.— Heavy hiing this m.>rniugat Die’vry’s Biuff, and bc v«ve:'n tiitr * atid D uiiap’s farm. Tbe tueuiy are near IJeifie!d on both sides of the railroad to Wold-n. LatEiI,—II:‘JU a. m. Many prisoners have been taken The operaticDS cf to-day near this i?:ty wore cntir ly succesrful The eaeuiy weie driv'oQ s.;veral luilcp, lo-jing many men, wagons std atubulinces. Our entire loss uot over thirty Gtn i)earing made a gallant chargc at Cheeter, | capturing a strong piisition and mauy »t, res. j ‘ •*'■ ’ ' (iea. BottUreg.ird drove bick the centre, leav- i _ LATENT MAIL AND TELEOR^PHIC NEW8 AntAi^tie New* from Lo^tinnna—■Mobum, May ig A utbentic new* received from Brookbayen on tlie lju •tales that Banks M«apad to New Orleans, with , bia troop*. ’ “ Alexandria surrendered to Taylor with 8,000 prison,, 2i> guns, 1200 multM ami iO boats—96 in nujoirij srd** the rast arc damaged but can b« repalrad. Baton Rouge has been eractiatedl. Th* Confej,,^j^ are iu posaesaion. Natchea is burninfij. Two *01^ are gone aud tha fira is still raging. Tha fire and hose daatroyad. . Frfion. Arkanta*.—The New Orleans Tras D«lt, Steele’a capture on authority of a n.amber »f Cojjf'JT who left Little Rook ou tlia 515th of ^firil. From Gen J hr.Mtnni /tr-^y Ueat 1 Ski'Tnt.i„. Atlanta, May 1 S.—^The yankee furce operating Gen. Johnston ie now well ascert>iitied to l>e or*r Iimi i Flank movenients in force on both win:;* are •ruhiir at the same time,—one by Lafayette, arrivlr.v at*Re ^ imd one by Spring Place and oid Fedtral rnad to Tpnneasee, arriving at Gartprsville. Uen. .Ii.hnst ,n h’ foreseen every attempt to flank him, ar.d hag en^‘,rae^' every opportunity to punish tlie enemy. lt»»i,etUr" casualties up to laat night; our* about Tai'Luej to 15,0U0 Yesterday afternoon sharp skirmishing w»s ffoini; , at 4 o’clock, three miles above Adairtvillu. Th» ya^kj^i were severely punished. fleavu Skirmishing ot I’et'Ti’bu--} —PfcTEiyBCiitf M*. 18.—Heavy Mkiiiuishing along our lines to-day. ' ^ Vanke-’ Acr.ounI* rfihe Vi B'lti'e* —Pr.rtRsurp.5 May 18 - Tlie aiiny corresp.nident ottbe N»-w York N'eVj of She 13-h says Graut w»> comp.-ikd to use his iLjrty tbouoand re.^t-rves ou the second il »y. and uoiv all ar» gone. He etit'mate« Grant’s losses at (ioM Us Itfcr^i’i UtlUi't C'-lkd Out.— MiLi.Einjuvii.tK.May h — Gov. Brown Las issu»da pn>clan-atiuu ca'lin;^ outcivj and militia oftieersi f this.'^tfitc, ti> report toG‘ P. U’ayi,» at Mlanta, itnmediately, to aid in iei»*Uiug ‘hi- cni m^. \Vf »rc a»ifb*^ri*t ft f«i *,i) p, V r-'-l .'P ; I. !.*» i(5i'+!ure !>'N 8''*r2t TO THE VOTERS OF ~ Yadkin, Surry, Alirfrhany, and \Vafau^a. w- rll I. au't:OT|-Pd PHEK •, . 28 -cr H'r.- r ■ ■f r‘»>ure *?f r 1 'KP hi'Sf- *ri(- ' -:i> ■e. He bas hifu ’ Ui:' 'p I it 1H61 .M' irui V ' r 2 'T r .. J., V I EK? ■yVH p,i I T-„ IJ'C. t y. The friendb of C'apt. W. j. LO!l(», 31f- y ; K. . . \ , upi., r: Ma/f'lr • iriiPl*. .'I'll, ly, 'a t e ’i-C‘ - n-ts ,h S-si An. u t M. n * w.iS ori^ I T;'.' !)i 1 -as^ « ,1 »,« . ■ hr w^rnr 'o tho L'f.-f-n i.moUn.a;- r;yj. ' ‘..1 tc h."«Aif up tf e Qo»C; uiv.;;t i: t , t; f- r.tfl' vhc B'rpried i '■fard t.-i Ucfftcfi »'• j-'v » V-- - •jti- ’ifpn a t-*r a-my t •M\>Y VOIF.K- OF ■ ' .-lO*..! r'l We are authorized to announe« y Cp' T ^ BJi'i'E'^ s # "■■ 11 r- r , rr» «bp K n^e of roin-ii 9 o' n e r: x' L tr s] r,T! n" ctnTnty o' * Hiiter is ; onser-at.ip '•'ajter the tirtetn'.net 7 SOM"d r Camp 18tb IV. C. Troops, | Nkab Libsktt Mills, Va., Feo’y 6,1H64. | Uf Ft uD_^pri'ipnp ^ to *h^ aul sril- diirp .* B‘»d-r oo’^o'T ‘iiut te is a t’sa.'idate f'f t-.? ‘»{S; ,ji cf Si» i ■'''ui y R'ld wci'.il"! '» pi • *1 r-n recf’tve iSeir «ii M.. j>i« I,r -« hi:3.’.( !r, ’■ to tJ "rir iu'l-s f 're ••^Scp wiiD ih.' ? t-.-itf fidedty .*iiJ i’nl w ,‘cb triiJi!'* ^ rh ir'ic‘ ^ H m ^ *>./! i>er. BKNJ F HIN.UDI. T^tlvi ^l C-pt C. A, Iftb N C T to We »re authorizril atJUOUB 'c C ; .S J. COUB •»“ a C~ui:* datp fc" *h? OSioe cf SHFR'FF nf I'.- .TV at tl a elrP" n Au? r ' o xt, :'i -?0 ISJtV W'c are aiiihi^rized to uiaiiuiiiice CifV 11 J ji.VHHi^'i, tj»>. A, iO !i Hv f. A"*! y."li-i c^r. li '1 r t ) 1 ijT-■'• I' Hi:;!il-'h cou’\t/ iu tho n.xt Le. i’ l»ttir? 0 N 0 , »u tti.e 11 •■a..' of Ormmjiis VV ' »rv- a u 1 Tii d U oa/ lai^t tiic Capt is cp.- of i'i« siron; rv .ii7i>s. iad la ia fr vor of u* g >- ti ttiug as w. ll as fljr -’iug for P.*aoe. T-i »• ze w-^i not an or giukl seiessjoatst, w^s opp-8 d to tho war in the becir n-Dg, an i is a .isaunc'j frleui uf Vaace. lia» bceu in tb*’;e- vico n^jirly ihres ytars. April 28. * 28 11fFd UE>%VAIID FAY.SOiK M.1UUL. \yOULD r.-flpectrul y aniiounoe to in*- pub'ic his oon- II et'jct ar.u ui3io"t wiliioguesa to g've ixutruction to asi f r--xy ss may feel it-o-iued to aiteca at bis Ac%den:r, up»r (!uriHt 1 nrpo, R w»n county, N. !. His m *( «..»4aauii,ia.u;u^ kiioalc i^e being princin.-.Uy hy wh.'rt oval and pr'ctical kcture.s, ihp DU^'iDer or pup'ln hf. t.el j -li.i S'U oapabit-! oi permanently boueflMinir would bo by no hruilrd; aai daring the prcs' nt dis- lr^ies;rjg noa»o!‘y of pnhools, aud urgent deman.i for the m 31 impassi-.'f.ed earnestness among teachere, his soul burns with tbo IiTcUps' soul to extend to pytry child wiii-iu hi- re t o bfl.n>;u jnflacnee of eduoatiou. He w-^uV,t Oru l!y t'c fcdowing, a« t;',e leading fca- iitrcs of ills pUu;— 1 Tfki t l- cf> Pi ii’s ou .and the ohief habit to bain- ojiaMi-j Ob.shikvcs 2 A h’ibii of obntrvdiim i-bpuld be fcrmei ia*th“ ftru- d-nt. Tnis wil! jcevjt!»bly insure i is future pr.;p,re js in lejirning Tho bueiaess of education is half 00m- flfied, wheucytT this :iat)it, ia form d 3 Thiii a tijorcttgh knowledg*.' of Orecian ac"! Poman Liieriture, dertyert from readirg tiie paces of tue an cient olai-aice, nboul! lorm tao gr'>vnd work, n t tb? gaudy piuntcle. of the eduoa ionr.l tnbric. 4. I'nai ail book ttudUm should titst be prot'cnted in cr.il and prac’ioal lec^-ur^s. All the lessons, Uoth in for'i ra Uu^iiagei. »ad in Engl'nh, in th - Hi* er Malbe- metics an.i the ^^utural cio:enGes, (not even cxoopting English Grammar aud Ort.^ogiaphy, j are fitst proaoun- oevl and explained by the toaoher, anJt repeatftd by the »upiJ, till tbe latter understands the import and correct intonation ami prouunciation of every word By this means kaowledge is om >& wore rapidly aoquircd—every- thjng being leant correctly, there is no*, hi ag tounlearn, aad as the pupil is compelle J to ozbibit his undftraiand- ing of tao subject. Rote and vague verbal description :an have no evil influence over his mind fi. The method of tiact)icg the Latin and Greek is that pursued ia the Italiia Univereitiwi Rnd the Uniycr- ; ity of Oiho at Ath'r:*!. By >vl.>pting I’ais courso, the pupil, without much metaphysical or grahimaitOHl (rain- iBg, is immediately introiiuoed to a prnotiPftl aoquaint- ancc with the lang^ag^’S. Tas Pohsh youtu learn La tin ihus, in every town of that couniry, in a penod t’fit? xlcet'l oti G‘>d. Itins m had turned iheir right flanks at HoOD. Thoyaukee Gen’l l}ickman is captursu. pETKHbBL RG, May 17.—The CDcmy have gone from our front to his entrench meats ac Bermuda Hundreds. 3'he turnpike road to Richmond is now open. Spear’s raiders are 8 mi2e« this side of e^arratts. (xeneral rejoiciog here over Lee’s victory. Fru/n fiVon/t'/.—Atlanta, xMay Iti.—Sincc tho repulse oi the enemy at Daiton, he has been moving around out left, closely followed by John- sum, who has held him in check in every effort against our lines. Un Friday the attempt a^'ainst lic.saea was resumed, and e^ntiaued through Saturday and'S'iuUay. Every attack was suec* ss- luJly repul-scd, with small loss on our side. litnA'fr ra d in Aligsi'igippt.—Meridian, May | 16. -The yankee raid reported at Piekcna Sla- j tinn nn tho Mimsbip-pi Ceatral We are aathsrizf d to aHitooose KL\M J. HARRINGTOS, Co. A. 5th *^. C. ( avalry, a candidate to represont tbe couiity of Moore ia the next l^egial&ture of N. C. April SS 26*3ipdttV' We »re authorized to anni^nce i>ri»a- Ait. it) A Me MILLAN.'jJo. A 5 a N 0 C*Tr.Ijr, « C"»fi>id-»t. fo rrf.rps'nt i.'iuixiy >n tbe ^itn.=^ i rrt'.iop f :>nr ttxi L gisU u p tp N. C he is for S I l lppeu-.*»ioe. and Z o B V'ano. f*i' M-»y 10, 1864 «. Ii four rail has road tion, oa tu.-reu back, aJter de.-troyia- bridge?. From fh^ .Sorth—G-rrat Slauyhter in Grant's At my.— J’-c]ne»({ous ling in Gold.—Mobile, May 17.—Iho operator at Holly Springs on the 16th, via Jackson, reports on the authority of Chicago Times, ot the I2th, that Grant’s lo!*s in the Virginia fi^ijts was 27,0(JU, including 10 General OlBctrs. The general purport ot the news admits Orat’t's defeat. Petehsburo, May 16.—New York papers of (he 11th have been received. Tho Herald ad mits a loss ol 27,0U0 in Grant’s army. (rold 210 in New York on Monday. [The last quotation was 178—a rise of 37 per cent.] A Yunkfe Hlockadr.r Captured.—TalIiAHAS- SEE, May 9.—Mr. I. 11. Harris, who has just ar rived at yuincy, from West Klurida, statua that tho blockaae steamer off Ap-ilachicola was cap- ture-i with a'l on board (about 150 men,) last night by an expedition cf launches. No loss on our bide. Further particulars not at hand. Blown Cp.—By this morning’s train from be low, we leaiu by pa33cu-.^uf8, tliac another of the enemy’s fine steamers was blown to atoms, on yes- tarday, by a torpedo, a short distance below Jacksoiivillp. She hal oo board 1 guus and was crowded with troop?, all of whioh, it is supposed, were lost.—Lake (Jity Columbimi, 4fA. Prisoners Marde.rtd by the Yankcef.—Mo bile, May 16.—The rumor that our men were brutally murdered near Van Duncan after being taken prisoners, se^ms to be confirmed. It is talked of in Nate' ez as a retaliatory measure for the Fori Pillow aifair. Conyres*.—Richmond, May 17.—The Senate to-day adopted resolutions favoring 3Jst inst. for adjournment. They have been chiefly occupied in the disoussion of resolutions requiring a two- thirds vote to resolve iato^ secret sessiou. The existing rule on tho subject was adhered to by a decided majority. Mflaalt WM abarp, aaidea and daoistve. I Vary, aad vHliiii di^k of (3i« TIurt Ocvtk'statijB. Wltha rui^ Ih, OMofcrtBBg got wUhia olM%| Mttokt. ^ l«£ short distance of miles from 8aii»- SlOO KF.WAKO. iWILL give tac aboee reward for lae tpprehension and ooniiapaient bt J e*t him, of a KEGRO BOT, who r.ir.way fr m iSe plantatic?. of Peter J. Nichcl»ofJ, diic’d, ia iii'Smond oounty, N C in Au gust iSts.'i. Said ho ft n»»ne is G'-nrj^c. ia abora 21 years of age. 5 feet 8 or 10 incht>3 hlyb, weighs ahont 160 lbs : when spoken to speaks quickly and shows hi*! front t«e>h, and has a small ecar on one side of iits chin; has s high forehead, »«»4 looks pretty independent, and it* black My addreaa is BosUck’s Mills, Richmond Co., N G. J4MSS M. BOBTl'K. Adm*r. XM«k SI. ^tate of Hortfci Caroliisa, EK^HMOND COUNTY. Cou!t of Pie-t# a?id Qiarter s*essions, April Tprm 18J4 EliS^bi'th V3K.iy, Arch’d Pa>t'>r»cn and wife Maiy, v^. J;uaer S Carver and wife Am*»lia. Petitivn fcr Divibion 0' blivee. IN this upon motion, il is ordered by the Court, that publication V.e made fjr si* 6doc“5*“ivj »?-''■?* *•' tbe Fayctt-yille Ot>«er»er, not’fying said J*n esS. Cof vcrandwifeAiReliajnon r^idontdefendanls. peTeo^J-i'J to be and appear at ihe ripxt Terra o' this Court, to h* held f»r the oonaty of Riohmood at ibe ^oort Hi.nse Rcickiog.^aui, ou tie Si lMontlar in July 1851, than*"^ there te pl;ad anpw^r or dciuur to the petition filed in this ca°e, otherwise the e«mi will bo hvari ex p^rt^ jndg^uent entered as to them. Witn?s3, L''tds H. Wahb, Clerk of oar Bail Court, »fie« ia 8.MfetBc(Mn, 81I itamiUr ot AprU 1B64 u & wra, a c. a W'e respectfully su^^est tire ^ name of CoL W. B. RICH ART>SOX of Moore county, as a suitable person to represent tho people •! Moore and Montgomery, in the next Senate of N.trth Carolina. MAX^’ CITIZE.NS, Aiirii ‘,.;ff»ifl,pil sTxr ATio A' ^ li A.wiii», I A L:o Daea B .t i'st .dinifiter, who baa bad ei?' t, yesrs I Xi. pxperte.ioe in Ipttching, de-ir»8 to iNicurp a pp ina- j lipr.i sitciti;n as Teacher of a good Priwata or Sr*)eci I School, as Principiil of an Ac\ijen;y, or an PecFtden' of I a F-ma e Collf-^ . Te“tiwo i.a.s of he higtiest ch*r*c ter fuiai-ijed on applioiuicn Addrtss, W B .McDI.UlMlD. M?u-01P. N C. May 10 31-*9tpd ■ WOTII'ET" That after ibis rc exp“ t to spii COTT'>N YARN and SIIE^TISQ on oenaiH da?s only, v;x: To ci'!«(*ne of Surry o.'"mv. -.n the 19th of May, the 18t’i of Jure aad tbe 19 u if Ja'v. To i.ho9c of Y*dk.o, t ip 21st of each of these trn.Eih-1. T,. taose ot Wi kea oa tie 25ih of t «oh. Tn thof- o* .'Vilegbauy. Afcise, Grs.ysoT>, &e., on the last I’ay of each To oommenoe Felnnf at 1 o’clock ei*cH day. W (1 exobftDP’e as n*ual for a ost any '•ind r.f prr-duoe, gf:>rr«.’^y the old -way Corn, wheat, bao-jn and os;"j|'il'y VTc do not fxpec*. ;o be ail? to snpply near al who «»a; apply; bu*. will endeaTor to let thosn have wno need wrr:'—girif.* ti-.e preT^r^noe ♦ • solliere* famil-es, wben they n-»td Tbrs' v.Vctp we owo v»ill gtill g»! ■bofwpeu thn fir i acd th I mu’dle of the ncnth. and they are r-'qu steJ to rre.seni Iteir o'aiin® tha* ediatf !y. R R GWYN, .-'.g«^ntE!kin Maof’j-Co ^ v.v... n n. ,\i*v 2 - uj»“o, ^itatc ©I iVorth Carolina, RI lf?MQNU COUNTY. C urt of Pleas and Qu>r',r Sa^siotis, Ai r.l T?^rni l8o4 Sariii Stewart vs Johu Stewart and ofeTS Petition for Dower. IN tbi? 008P, upon nic^ioa, it i» or-derrd by the Conn, tbit publ.oatton be m«.le for s>x suoo*’«»ive weeks'a the Fayetieville Observer, notifying Jo^n, Wit i*in»-jCl Coliu Slew-4rt, uou r^sidan* defeniiantii. pprsoa’illy '» be and appear at the cext Tsrra of tala Court to be held for the cjunty of Richn^on 1, at tha Court H ii*.p i“ Rookii!go«.m on the 3d 'loudly J-aly 1864, loeo »' d there f iP' answer or demur tc tne petition filed in this ca‘- •'•’TTiS'? the same will ne heani ex {are and j.H >^'11 eatered as to them Wiincia, L-)uis H Webb, Clr.rk car said Oouri, a^ in Rookinfham, 3d Moaday 9I April 1864. 7, H WEBB. 0 0 0 \r Priof i advsTie*- For fht »> »/?' -.rr- liCr -■■ of 12 susce dint- ^ state uu he con 11 A Iv .. Vl»rtj/..n; From will be I the pap*. thar is 5 Such per on ’ i reEn:ltr.r. WILL a VY Cuii;l:«.T; ti«. Prar p olfthns er; Oct. 17-1.'^ Grocer F Jan’y ’0, IJ jtATHAX A an \ WHOIESl COJi’il i^kril M, I* « ■m'-tfzr w Oct. lit, U 2,500 n Persons a v tke highest Cru at the Meroh i ber at his cl-i Nov. 5, 18b - A I AM. prepar Marwees fui five good bar M*d«rH to me ■eot off in qu'.jO CbldBtoo ^ 900 Cot. 16. Fayettovii].* c Fob’y 16, 18 W Wi BgTKRN Bank ((ot Gold and North Cw Count> Town of 1 Greeoti »oi Confeds T« Coupoi’s Oct. 12, 18i»i LBAI» WANT DepartP'-i tities will p'eaj POWDER 69-tf PERSONS Tax w 11 dfliver the » ' due un^cr 1 for avery 1 0 April 18}8 i ' at a diBtii.uc for exeeea o‘ l‘i V20M] war WANTKU ii at ^ay^-tc ■oitable for artiolA 01 hat] wounded so 1M paid. Afi FajettaviUd The undersi Confederal pointed Mact*. and have entei mining Uld '6 in any des' tw snppHe^i or party ia undoc Appiicatioi:^ i Tme,« C r»yette’’iii WIlNTED, POOLTRY, X tbe sick S' these articlea tioB to the sa> pMrera’B on B Aa»26.

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