i.Biiop prĀ»P()SIT(C'N' I nĀ»noā€œ. lu fata coktm. , .1 ā€¢>7,1, nublishi'^ I would rally uround yoa ftU that ia bĀ«t nob es The K-ileigh Cousurvativo ut tin. H' P>^^V, | in year 8tĀ»(e. nnd yoar trianph would be bloodU?^ e followitiK oorresp.>iiaeuce between PresiJent ,. e^ntr^ry pol.oy Ā»>e adopted. I much fe.r you wUl _ v! wa-x aetit to the i V,. uĀ«Ā« of foroe to r^preM treMon. Ia ftk&cp. lu this COKTM. fraa.kl*ā€™ ā€¢ā– *} the follow in oorresp Davi, and (iov. Vanco. _ 3.egiĀ«lature with the Gov.nnorH 1 vte or NoĀ»tu rA*oi.iĀ«A ExsocTits DKr T. ^ Ā° ' Mt BbaĀ« ā€¢ Ā«b: 'r ('ā– Ā»rotum, 1 ;'iTbā€"ap ";iW" ā– Ā» 1'. ā€œā– Ā»>>' clndfd *hĀ« i-w ā€˜ wi'ti ih* mak>H(T "oĀ®'*. !. nf ih-* Fc ā€™. 'r-l H .tiur K uU T'ā€˜*TH?nUCā€œo^r-r7 liuic hJ ,r...ly r.ciCJ ilVt^nfclle '**Ā« northern ā„¢lni .. u. ? r aw promise'* hv Ā»" .hat if f-iir ..rmĀ« .rrj..Mct, i> r..ll l.uj I ā€¢ d. fftVi Vo th/ uĀ«Ā«of foroe to rt^presa treason. Ia either eĀ»**ut. ho we Ter, be assured that you will have ^ ittv oon'i** rtonourtenoe and aasistMoe in maia.ainint; | viĀ»h >ou -5Ā»o hoiinr. dicaUy and fair n^mĀ« of your , aud in yoar fff)rls to omĀ»h t'-eaaon, wh'sther in- i eij>irp!. Ā»t 1 Ā«t now to b?, or mire matured, aĀ« j 1 tĀ«?lie*e. {Ā» not firinly wā€˜Ā», it will in our futara innTt- | t ā€˜^'!y bfc.irc**. j \ UATt' Ā»bĀ« honor la l.e Vi;ry rf^p'ā€™v yours. i JLFFERSGN DAVId | Hi- ii* !eU->Uiiy Z B. V&iioh, Vlarernir of North! ('.-ToliDa. Raloifrb, H. C . j irĀ«at!y ā€˜0 Ā«-rn>Ā«thfn .nJ mtc-isi.y the ..uJ till rally *11 ao.ore o-i UkI .upfor. ā€žf :hfc Ā»orerr.Mon* -^n ' al'houRh our p^suioD ih Ā»cĀ«11 known. ^dem'-nJin* pnlĀ» he IM aione. yet it seem Mo use llial f-r the eakc cf hĀ«ZD*oity, witb lui hĀ»>iuĀ« on; wesk or Improper Biotivet* Jittritut.?! to un we uilffbt, with rripri^^y. couetandy ler.iler Lffi itiaiuui In doiuK "J W-* coi-piflU Mi-ā€™iy h fore r - )r!.i B discUiffltr of onr r'ev'oaĀ«ibU= y f n the pre.v olHu?>i:rr ofour'i-c. 9-dc rvin-.- 'h ' t . r oMt ,,jip *.hā€œ ā– ini'^'irpā€”'hn *h" QoTerumeni 18 . ,Ā»( !*.ā€¢ r !i nl ā€˜i:irpine-s knii would col pro'.r>og ibair bUlJ w. *ā–  i>iii monieiit- TLougā€™. c;ii.csa'';;n u g t reg?r - I'lis ā– *s >*r*e leM, tlie people fil. ul'I, au- 1 iciit ā€¢ur LMUbe n;ll bo ā€¢treng-hened tiicruby. 1 liavt lo* *e>* ā€˜bo uieihoii of these negoti i^iv/n-' or inei'UTim. Vue fifort to ob tain peace is the priooifā€™al in'vttt r All w me to beg your raraĀ»et coneid*rĀ»tioa of tn-a inggesiion Very reppeci/ully joura.^ ^ VAN E Excovtive OfĀ»ioĀ«. \ Re*-Ptcui, jKiU'trr h j D Ā»r ā€™ā– : i n^ceive.i 7 our l^-Mer ooniaic'.rg ā– }j.ā€™ijā€™.s'.i'' for the purr'H" of i- cubing in N jrt-*i ^ ttanti liy t!ā€ *s 1 o-' you to t>eB* read to me- {Ā»robĀ«f''> n->- ndic*'-d Ā»nbcrf exrn's-^ia^ an opiMcn merits of the rr^n.-^J Foi'.'r- I ā€™ if- *'ā€™*7'', In* ycur lĀ«*tter n icv.te fugneMiona as to the roetbod of aMnine neg-tiViou-. vil &8 to the terms which yon thouffht obould 1-? t.ffored to the enemy 1 feit persuad ed you wculd the difticultice -*9 s .ou h*. yc.jr atten'-ion w .8 C+ 'CJ t-c* n.'oĀ»'i'y of con^id^r rg the iubjtct in deta'.l nKa./o'.V I irfer ' wno h%TP t^'us 8->uzht to Hiab lhair mother because ehe loucMDgthoin.nner ofo-romirg he o 8 .c. untouoaeJ bv .be that yon wfre u,t by Vr bor ch 0. r. | ^ marks to h:m. rr lue h II a he nieaā€˜>ii''*s to be a i pted Ih' S !iroiĀ«i of dWcOU n ,.uā€” 'f '50 ictt r Ā«krc sub -f a'l'.l'- i.y -r lĀ»^r Ob. rtiTA.^ ā€¢ f t>v Hoi I r?m-r^ 1 10 Mv. iĀ» .nc^ th - y. u we e *7,r.- r.f ot 'o t-.e ā€¢ ur-*' > u Ih- HABRA* c-KlifUS -mof. VAHOB TO rMSIUBHT DATC0. ST*1B Ot rfoaTH \ StKCunva l>Ā»p T R-ileigl, Feb 9 h, 1SH4 / li.>) V.i.f cncy. Jarraasjn D*ti3: - M Y UiKtL Sib- ^lace reo iviajr your 1 ?ttcr of the 8fh uU , twhich il was Ā»'y inteaiion to h*Ā»e replied JĀ»*i- f ire tSi-'. rt p 'rtM reaohcd iwe from Riohmond, ^.liioh. if true, would T*Ā»nder n>y reply unneoeaearv. 1 lie^r. wi!>* ^eoj' regrr't. that a bill is certainly ex- |?>Tctl !>' the (Vair-s-i. miĀ«pen>iinR the writ of ! iLe,n t t>ir-"f haiit the PL.nfedrracy, and that f'r;iin Kill* H ā€¢vi 1 inMTi-diateā€™.y bo niftde In North Parv 1 n't t>f L-*i;rP!ā€˜. if Oon.;r*8s Ā»nd your Ezo^'llfncy bt? J,ufcn ihU fis tie ouiy nieans of repre^sinir iliKtUVo ioiJ in ibis Htm\ it-would he a nierj waste of tiUe for me t-' ā€¢'rĀ«?u^ Ih^ malt*tr. And yet I nhould not hold nv'K'U fullfie-'S of tb^ onsoqaencefl which I fear vill fjMi^w, dll 1 not add yet another word o' expoRtu Ibticn to thf* ni-tny I haĀ»e already spoken If the bill r* ferrcd t.'>, about which 1 can form no opinion until I eie it he 8rioily within the limite of the ConĀ»f.itn ion, 1 iniigine the p 'Ople of th'B State will puhmit ro itā€”so grfai ia their rrjt^rd for Uw If it is a-ijndgod. on the conirnry. h- in vioHii-n of tbat inatrume^t and r-. jluiiocTy 'r! its-'if. it w;V. be r?8iflte BaouU it bfco.'' e ic Uw flioD. I carnoB'ly adviee you to h- chary xT>>9jrj^ the powers with ā€˜r't iih i? did inT'ā€™^( you li 0 n' nt ; 1-7 a* l^ast for a whil'*. the tn >r>*l ff h t>-i p're^ o'*Ā«r the he-^dn of diss nienteJ Pie" hef -r-* -h'^ok'D^ Ā»11 woriĀ»i>ipperH of th* aotn'non lĀ»w ā€¢ )ā€™irho'ā€™* t''.f> TK'T d, I'v hurling frt^^n.ra in*o ā€œhpr fF If'fi d irjr^oD^ for opinion ake. I d > no* 8r*eā€™Ā»*i tnin ( ā– cf usly. cr bv way f f a flo in-b Nor do I believe ibat a-i an cnlā€™ub'en^d lawyer, and a chā€™*i-'tian (ā€¢tales man. you could fe*l any pleasure in the performanoe cf sue*) an uoj;raoi'>uĀ§ laak. I am on the contrary ojn vinced that yon beh**Te it to he the only way to secur** K-rth CaroVna in the p^rf-'riBance of her o^'ligaMOB* to lor Tonfederatee. Th^Ā» misfjrtaue of this belief is the sham''will liiiht upm those unwor.hy gone mar*s o c.iu. reason ai.d p'ltriotirttn of the people at the ballot, Arirt frnm in'u'^rarle ohjecM ni to the nui* Cl roil ā–  n j ^ Ā» 11. r ā€¢ * , -K. K I -till rrospti W aivorti ' * nundrvdĀ«t cf giod and true men now acting with, cT Ten ErcDJPC. ! *ni to wnioH 1 win preueD ly . . njĀ«-i cy jen J- p ^ ..rj hn ā–  pos3es9ā€™fg tbe conflience of the party called Con- I cannot *iee how tbe nore material ohstaples are to be Burmounted. We haTe made three distinct etT.rfs t(* oommunieaie with the authorities at Washington, and haTe been inTwiably uaauccessfal. ConiisiBsionere wsre sent before hcstiliiiej were begun, and the Wash- iigton goTernment refused to receive inem cr hear wh*t they had to psy A second lime 1 sent a r^ilitary cfii oer with a comtaunicaiion auJressed by hiraĀ«elf lo FresiJent Lincoln The letter was reccirei by Oen Scott, who did not pĀ»rBiii the ctfioer to ^ee Mr iiincolu, | bat prā€™'mi~i J ih^.t an ii'HĀ»i r w:u'd It- ā€¢ā– eni. lio , answer h-*t eĀ»cr been receivid Tue ttjir.l i.me a feĀ»Ā» ! eritletn^n wis toiit ^ -s'tion, i p0S3PS8't>g tee Ot>Dfl tence 01 the party str7ati8ts. are at work against ike dangeruua moTe- EDvuts fjr a OouT>ntion; and whilst ciTil law remains intact will wjrk zealously and with heart I expect uijself lo take the field as soon as the proprict.es of my p sition w:ll allow me. and shall exert every effort to rrstriin the reToluiioniry leniency of public opinion Sever, yet, sir. have thĀ» people of Nona Carolina re fused to listen I'l their pubiio msn if they show right at.l reiMon on theā€™r bide. I do not fear to trust ā€¢ 1 e is=ue n^w o thpse pote&t waapouB in the hands of' uch men as will wield (hem next Bummar. I d i\ \r (t)' trus bayonets and d^ogiocs I euA'avor months Ā»g 1. a geritlem'in wis soiit t sā€™tion, i ā€¢ XT. * ā€¢baracur sni repufvicn were suca a. t. ensure his ! Ā»oou aĀ»ier iny accession to tie Chief !kUg.Bt-a4y reception, if the enemy were not determined to rece^Te 1 Nortn Carolina to mUe you aw^re of both the ā– al. whateTer froui the gjvernment. Vice ; I'm! of disaflsction in tnis rftat* and the cause o: >'ei);.enā€˜! m.Ā»de a pa.rioiio tender of his . >' IĀ« add.ii.n to the miny letters t* you, I have I trie h-pe of beiaittH-ti promote the oauspi'W'ce Ā»-sited RiohĀ»ond, expressly to give you in :t ar.iV.Uhoapb lii'l- belief wĀ« en ervvBcd ā€˜ ^ rmai:n on this point Tne truth iĀ«, as I haTe oft-i n'fls. I cheerfully jltld.J to his sugcMtior. 8 i'l ^>*ā€¢^'ā€™ā€¢6. that ihf gr.ā€™at body of omr pĀ«ople haTc beei reoep no prt p^taā€™s whateTer iroiu the g^Tcrnment. President >'.ej)i.ens m.ide a pa-.rioiio tender serriocd in gf huisaui of bis suciXtis that the cxp*rimeat should be tried. The eneiry re fused to let bim pasa thr ough iheir lined or to hold ary oonferf>ocs wi.h tbcta H* wĀ»s sioppei befire he ctc ' reached F.irtress Monroe on Li^ way tc Wasbicg'ca To atteirpt again (in the f^ce of these repeated rej.Ā»c oft'Ā»n been by their g>Ternment, perhaps beoaus* of ttie retuotADOe wi'h wniob t&ey gave up me aid Union; anl 1 know you will parion me for siyiog tha; the con sciā€™un^^s of ttā€™eir being suspected baa been greatly sirengttened, by whiit seemed to be a studied exclusion tlons of all conference wit*i us) to send Pommi^sioaers t antiseoessi jnists from all the more important or Agents to pr-pone pe*ce. is to inTlte iaĀ«ult atid con i ā€œ^cis of thi g)Tirnm-ui, erea fr^in thas* promitiona tumely, and to stIjjoi o'.srselTe to ind gnity wi'hou* the iliffhtes' c' a-ce of be.rg li.stened to No true citiien. no imu wb : Hm of' cause at heart oan d^s^rf* htjJ ih? g ; i fĀ®?pl- N f-b t'arolin* would be tbĀ» la?t 10 appro? _ā€¢ of >uih an altemp*. t' aware of a'l toe fac"Ā». Ho f%r fr-ini rpm'^vir g ā€¢ā€¢sourc -s of disO' n'tn' " auch a cours-' TPruā€™d ro ā€¢ive. iiS i' wouid merit, the c-nirmnaiiou of thos" fuĀ» pairi- is who have given their bl:- ;d and tbeir trp^aare to n aā€™nta>n ih* freedom. f4U-Ā»!i:y ^Ā»nd independence wh'c*Ā» deftccndcd to them fr''m the immortal hero?s cf Kirg's M- untain aod other haul? fiĀ«ldĀ» of the reTohuion. If. tben, these proposals c%nn -t be made through envoys, because tbe anem; would not reoeiv* iber-, haw ib it possible to oomrruniCite our desire for p3*os, otherwise than by the puhio announcemects contained in almost every meestgo I ever sent to Cc>ngrt86? I cannot recall at this time one instance ia which I have I'iil d tn aanounce ihat our onl? desire was peace, and the only terms which f'rmĀ»d a xi*Ā« qua non. were precisely these that you ^cg:^ei' 'd, nara ly. ā€œa demĀ»nd only to he let alone ā€ liut suppcso it were pract c-i- ble to obtain a coufereace iht- ugh com Jtsflioners with the goTer'iinent of Pre^idsnt Lincoln, is it at this mo meat that we are to coniiier it d.-airible, or ev^n at all admi>stbLi? Have wĀ« not ju't been apprised by that d'.spat that wy oan only ā–  i-.eot hi-* gracijus par don by emaiitip> ting tU our sl-i^ef , rw aring; alkg- anoe sad ob''dien:Ā» t . him &n i hi-i pr icUnjati>n. nod beoooiing in point of f*ot tae slaves of our own u gr .es? Can there be in North Carolina one cuis-:a so fallen beneath the dignity of his ancestors as to accept, or to enter in*o conference on the bttsis of ther e terras? Tha' there are a few traitors in tbe 8tate wno rouId be wi 1 ing to betray their fellow citiz us to such a d'graded condition, in hope of being rewarded for treacaery by an escape from the common doom, may be true Bat I do not belieTe tbat the TiUst wretch would accept such terms for himself. I caacot conceiTe how the people of your 8tate, than which none has sent noblĀ»r or more gallant soldiers o the fieli of battle (on' of wh it i-> year bone*" to be.) can have been deoeiĀ»pd by anyt mg to whicft you reff r ia ā€œthe r cent action of tbe Fed r*l HoaĀ»e of R prfsontr-.ive^..ā€ I ^ av.-scea no ao ion of that House taĀ»t lot*s noi. indioĀ»?ā€œ -..y a ve-y dĀ»*cidĀ£d msiaruy, th* purr os- of be e-iemy to ffu'i" >11 >*rms to the ''Oā€™l'li, ex -pā€™ all ā€™u s. uitc-inji 10 ;*1 mhjugi lion or ,x r::.iiii'i a. Mui H it ware otherwis-. i.yw are we to !rĀ»(Ā«t wiā€™.a .he of R.epr-s?nta'-ivet? It is wit!i Liaocln alone tt.at wā€œi v> r cjuiJ cj;.fer, aad b.s own p'ir:i?aa3 a: ihe Nort' a?ow untnuivocally that his p rpose It- his inesiĀ»g ! a^-d prooUniv.: i a was to shut ut all hrvpe that hi woul 1 ever trea: ai h us oa any terrjs. If wo will bre.fc up our goT;'rnment, dis solTe the Confed-r'Acy, d^baad i ur aTmien, efuanoip .tc our slaTes, take an oatti of allefiincv;. biadi-g our BcWes to obedience to him and of disloyalty to ou.* owa States he f r." pcses n pardan ua ^nd not 10 p/ander us of anytbitig oi.tb tiian the property already stolen trou as, Ā»'td sucn ''.Utps is 8M1. reiu%in In order to reuiir hi propo.*Ā»ls so insuliing as io Ā«!*t ure ā€™hc;r t^ .ct.on hej3iLS tu ibera a i-r. i * 10 sappoit wi;a nu ..rmy one tenth of ire ā€˜^eviā€™ie 'j! ^ny Biate w.o will atĀ»eia;;i to S t up a g ā€¢v.vrr'a .it ."rrr tbĀ» -n: er niue-ā€™cnitie, tuus seskir g ty 'ow disc T.J ir.d uspi-: a /imeii. toe pe ā–  Tile of tao itsTerĀ». ii.at .0, iiid ā€¢ xc;it t em 10 civi war 1a funber .ac- of bia 1 Ā«. ow Ā»?e!l it w.juia bĀ« iroiosjible t# ft 1 jouā€™ l ejple, it they rosseysed fu 1 kn )wli dj:e cf ' 'Ā»c:s, lic-ns-nt fj;*i pro{iOf>aip Bhnnid now De tnaJi b" ns to ttc.-e wao control me goverumrst at I'n-jb n* >n Y jur own weliajownde voilon to I-jc fcr-.-ai cause n Ubcrly an^t ind*peudi!nco to Whicii We havt* all c.'inmii..rd vhatcver w* hitie ol ā€¢arthly poss'H-ii.iuH, wou d laiiuce you to inku thejitad In repchirig lae bare tb^ugat of sabmis8i.m lo th# *uā€˜ my let p ace 00 other terms ia uow iMpossi- bl*. 1.1 ob'am tne Sule terms to wtiic y. u or 1 cvuld listen, ihtH rtruggie u.uĀ« c.jui.uue uotil liie t^uetay is beaten out of bis vaia cot fl.tencā€! io our suijug.ii]ii Theu, and not ti;l then, will it be possible lo troat ot peac* Tiil then all tender of terms to the enemy will be received as projf that we are ready for luboiitf- don. and will encnurage bim in the atrucious warfare which he ia wtkging I fear muca tro.a the tenor of the news I receive from North Carolina, that an auempt will be made by Bome bad men to Inaugurate movem';ata whioa must bs eontidered as equivaknt to aid aud cjmtort to the ene my, and which all patriots should oombiue to pul down at aay cost. You muy couni on my a;d m evo.y tttjii scents cf ciTil warfstc, wnich will d^af J* ā–  1 s ^c.. ; i* ti,o J. .:iā€ž J of the-e trauvrs bĀ«8ufterc., onako ce .d iLm. w ih.t yoa wiU plĀ»v; ycarbrif II. , ..r ugu.ma.e p. .in -n t..,- r,f tho.e who will L.t huTvr I*.,: N r.b biato lo be bUckeni-i i,y a K-.a n. 7 ā€™ r'^^rdon me sugfccs.isg . mj V . . . re - . f .Ktiie ou tL: Bulj.c aiiBcfi ,L., ...... ^ ihe fcCUOli IJilCU iiO.. *0 over earned 4cĀ«te oonciUauou men whom ycu I eve to be , _ alty iS more than suspec.ed jqu wiā€™ ber- mitthmto Ā£,..!her tu&h btrecgih Ā»!. lo rĀ«ua .e morĀ« Tiolent meaeuits luan are now nesdeu? y, i , fluELOd ir*i Ibe promoters ut t unded * diBconteuls n,w prevaltiit m your duii wouiu lo put down v'Uioat the uĀ»e of p^^nioAl tores, it you woui^ ftbtfdoB a pdliey of conoUiatioo, aud aet tnem at aĀ®. in ihĀ« sriOT, which many ot 'hem had won with their b oo*. Was this suspicion Jjst? And was ttiere butfi cient etf irt made to disprovo that it existed, if ii rea ly did not exist in KichuioadT Disoussion, it is irud. hĀ»s bee i uoā€™imiifJ ani bi:ter, and unrelenting criticiiu; upon your adminisirĀ«ti ..n hiis been iniulgedin. but wcere an'ā€™ ween h-ive our people f*iled you in b*itU* rr withheld either their hlood or tfteir vast resourc.s? To wuiki exaotion haTe thĀ«y not submittci, waat draft up a their psiriotism have tbej yet dishonorea? Con scription ruthless ani unr-lenting has osly bien ex c;eded in tbe 8eTeri y of its execution by the impress- rneM of pr.'perty. frt-quentljr entrusted to man unprin cii'l-ii, dishonest, and filled to overft-iwiBg wiit> all the peity meanness of small miai-) dr>,esed in a little brief au.hority The flies of my offioe are pile) up with the UDATail- ing coraplairts of outraged oitix>ns, to wnom redress is im]xis8iol>) Yet they hĀ«ve t-ubmitted, and so far pprf *r!n i wiin honor, their duty to tneir country. ā€¢ hou^b the V .ice of iheir very natural muroiurs is set doĀ»ā€i to dis: y-illy I >1j not aoii you respā€™usible for a ! tut petty Ā»uu3yaucĀ«s, ā€¢ā– .le lusoienje of offi^;, uuder w^iic'i ā€¢ ur people lo>Ā« lieĀ»ri and panenou. Ā£vt:n if I did, I cau .0. forget in>t it is mf country ittut I am :rTiug, not the ruiera o( that country 1 oiiso ao hreat. 1 dedire only With sinsleneas of f arpose and sincerity of heart, 10 speax tause wurds Ā»f sooerness aad truth, wiich n.ay, with tbe bleesiug of Outl, best 8i^i'rTe the cause of my euffcring cjuuiry Those words 1 now believe to De me tkdvice herein g Ten, t:> refrain from exurciaing me extraordinary powers about to be given you by tne Coogress, at least uaiil me last hope of moral ibfliience being Bufficieat, IS extinct Though you express :d a fear in yuur last iel- iLT tha' my continued efforta to coacillate were injudi- cioua, 1 cauaoi yet sea jujt cause fur aDaudoaing it. Perhaps 1 am unduly 0 assed in my Judgment concsra- iag a pe pl3 whom 1 loTe, aad to wnom I owe so much. Tnouga I trust not. Oar succeaa depends not on me numbers e.:gigĀ«*d to support our oausĀ», but upon their 11*1 and aff;uuon. Hiuon I hivo eTery hope in persuai- not on- ia foreinf me aymt atoiea of an unwillicg Ttie oeg SI*, are of this diafe meets next .M^y. Two -nirds are v,;vjj;reJ by our Coaaiuuii lu tu o*ll a Cof.Tcaiion 1ms uUiab*r caanji be ontatned; a bĀ«re mj nty vote for submitting tue proposition, wul, m at) opinion, be impojsibie. Uaicr no circu-nstanc-s chu a Conveatiou bs assjmt)le.l la Nortb ā€¢ arolma dur ing taep-estai year, in my juJgmeHt, and daring n XI summer tie jĀ»pproa3hiag dta;e eleoiioas will af- f..r t oppjr uauy tor Ā« lull and comp*ete discussion of Ā» I ttt 'is:.utfs. me rcsuit of wnica I do not fear, if le't iQ (ur^eivcB If tuere be a peopie on earth given ā–  Ilie Bobar second taought amenable to reĀ»aon and r Ā«,*rdfuL of taeir piighted u :aor, I bilieve tuai 1 may cia m flat 11 is th. ptop e ot Norm tJaroana. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ' K liVANtJB. OB 'Kii.iL AodJi.VIiiijlf OF NOaI'U OaKOUINA. in S^nit-, on WaJucaJty, Mr. ^m>ta*s reaolutij-, to >tnpcui ti'o uoileoiicn of ttiXiS in certain ouutiea was t; bic.i, >Ā»ad anw^i;ar otf ;rei by Mr Lissuer dir .c.lag Ā« -uSy'Ji:iu.j tiiro'igo)U( 110 At ale in oĀ«se mnOuu(eJ>{ratd G /ā€™i nĀ»y $ ā€¢ xKJ 000 lata ihe rra.taury by Juiy 1st l .e liaLeat CorfUt ../omuiiti.ee rep.jns cĀ«me up, aau .Mr 111 I u^uiid tu i^vur uf fats minority roport ikU 1 of th-a >us{-enjiou Meeara Wi'^rreu auJ Browu loliuirel oa me otoer side, iae vote WM then taken ou auustitai ing tbe minority repoic (declaring an expro8si.>u ot npiuKiu inexpedient) and it was tc||ooted, ye.-s 1, uays .Vr Bjydtn spoite in favor of the ut*J jrity report, .vir Carioway agaiast it, an 1 Mr -opuiand off.>red a sab* atiiu.e leaving me whole buaiaeas to Gangreaa in tne Oomoiuiit!, oa Wedu..sday, Ml. dacpiierd in- >roduoe'l a tilt to extend limita of FayutteTiile; aUo, a bill 10 bmend ccarier of Florence iiuU t*y. K R. Co ; ^ad 4U0 ner appri>pri.ā€˜*iing ^OO.OvW to Ā«id tne road. Tne Babta* Corput r.pjrt was t>*aea up, and t]f. Wad- '^eii odere. Ā» auosLituie declaring the HuapsuBiou unwise Had a mag its repeal, wuioa Mr tilriaaom opposed as eTaaivc. Mr Beall spoke against the report and the enbstiinte, arguing that the euepession was neoeouĀ»rj and Denefijial Measni. Orissom and McKay foUjwed on the ottier eido and Mr. Beall r(;)oined I'na question oa dtiiking out eo as to subsaiute Mr. Waddell'a reso lutions reauited: Yeas 87, naysfitf. Mr. Peebles moTed 10 strike out Ā»tl alter 'ā€˜reeolTedā€ aid iusert resolutioas that while there was no neoesĀ«:ty lor the suspension so far as this State ia ooneern^d, the Legislature does not tict cĀ«>led ur cn to judge vf the neceaaity 0/ Ā»Uw equally tlccting all tuo Ui&>ca ttt jcoieu. Tae Com'Uitiee b resolutiuus were '^bu sviopiea, t>5 to 83, as follows: ItesolTed, Taat while the peopie of North Caroliaa ua>e ever ^ā€žea .lud still are lioxious to sirengthen the j .Ā»omiu;-vrHti*iĀ« of the Ounleder*ie goTernmant in every 1 L'if lojate way, and to pruiaote the uuoocsb ot the com- ā–  :*au tiiat i-y j 3.ja cause, in order that we may have a speedy aud " ' ijonoraoie ptā€™ace, they view witu deep concvru aud M.larm every infraction of the Coastitution by the Con- grtea of tue Confe leraie 8tatea, and this Gleaeral As- aeiubly doth, in'tbeir name, protest against auoh iufrao- tions as of pernioto js example and fatal tendeucy. ResolTcd, Taat tno aut of me late Congresa, entitled *-An aoi to Btiapend tUe priTilege of the writ of Meat aorpm in oeruiu TioUMs tbe faadMteatal t..ā€”- im of re'paVlMiiB ^i/rumtat Wlifek N'tfalna ā€¢ ā– MHBaasBsnsBSEnennBMBnHBHHH Uoa of the deptrtmenlB of power, olotVtec tbe Bxesutiva with judicial f-ā€™netions which Oongresa cannot consfi- tut^onaMy confer even on the judiciary it-^-slf, and seta a nuifbt tbe most emphatic and solemn g ā€™arautites of the (J >urtti'ution Resolved, Thiit Ā»hU General Assembly, representing Ihe people of Nirtb Carolina, d.i*b not consent to tbe B^c^ifi^^* of the vital prinoipl-?s of tree goveromcut ia wroĀ»rricdon 9.iliĀ»ly ā€¢> acou.ā€™s and perpiituws them, aud doth ieclsre ib>Ā»tn') ā€œCi*ndiiions of puhlic d*ne*r. ā€™ pj'fS nt or prospective, prohabl* or posvible. oa* rfnder the iibt*rii^8 of the fenple 5ficĀ«nipuibla wiih Ihe p-.jMic sĀ«e'T R >solvc>d, I'ha' the act of the same Cnngreas. entitled ā€œAn act to orenai** forces to setTe daring the war.ā€ dĀ«-taring alt wHi*e men ā€¢ā€¢esidcn'a of tbĀ» Confe^e'ate Stairs b'twei*n the ages of S'^vanteen and ftfty to ba in the military service, embraoing in itN provisions evwry K'ats ofli 'er in all the departmenta. Exeoul've, Lf^'sla- tive and Judiotikl, aaJ subJ*ctiDg all 'he imiuatrial pur snrtn of tht country to irtlitary aaperviaioD aud ā€¢ jat.rol, r:tiuoā€œs the dtat* govcrumenl^ to mere provisional ad- nlniat.'ietioiiS. i4>peDdeut oa Ā« graoe and fa^or of Con- grPBā€œi and thn Exi?outiĀ»f, ia destraotiv* of State *'ā–¼ā€¢- reā€™guty aud imports an assertion of the p>wer on the part of CongrĀ»B to convert the Confederate OTarnmeal iiuo a oo'isol'il'Me i military d^>spotism tte'olvi*i, That this Osueral AĀ«Ā»embā€™y doth there fore rr4 ieat our Spn.^tors and Representatives in Con- g e:'ii to "se their best end-avoā€™-s to procu>ā€˜e b repeal of the first mentioned aot, and such Modifications of the seovu 1 as shall aeoure Ihe rights and preserve Ihe in tegrity of tbe S ates of ihe ronf. dsi-aoy Rpsolved. Tba* a copy #f lhĀ»s.^ r*solutions btĀ» trans mitted tn each of our Senators an t Represaatatives in Congress The vote w*fi:ā€” TĀ«iĀ«ā€”Mp'srs .Allison AlbrUton, .Alfiiri), Anil*. Avrm. Biirn- hnfdl, Barringpr. Hrnl>urv. BoĀ«t. n.4i). ā– uriin, t.'nrpenier. t'.min. tā€™l) vlpv (ā€™m e. Dunn, riynl. Puy, Gentry, tilenn, (Jreene, Urlstoiii. n iiHitnn, llnrris (if' hHih.ni H irriĀ»i n. HĀ»*nry (>f IWnie. t>ei>ry of Hfndfrsim, Hp.'nlpn, Hi>UinĀ£s'M>rlh, lliiwitrl. Horion. Inurani. Jen kins. Jiiyner. Ijiws, l.ā€˜itheM. hting. Ia'Ip. .Msnn i>t Hyde. Mmn of PMsqm>iank. ^lc^.ā€™eIl. .Me ā– ā€¢rtirck, .MtKh\ . Mc.Npill, Mt-Rrtr. >iiĀ»Ā«en, r.ilterson. 1ā€˜eHrcp. PprVins. Riililick. R Her. I!iĀ»tiuinĀ«. Riis. Riigern, Kuss^ll of tr in^vt irt. !4brrĀ»uHi, 5miih ol Oiillford. VVsddell. Uā€™a!- Ipii, WrI-mt \\'Ā»lĀ»on. VVell.iorn, tViHidall. Toungut Iredell, Toung of Tai cĀ«-\ ā€”fia iNitssr B lU, Bri>Ā«n. R iniiKisK. Bnrii*. t'otib, t'iĀ«tner, l.'fcl. tiHViA. lJiikĀ«. .KhiiiM. (irflM. lĀ«UliAu>, H ttris of*-Rtmrnis, Il.nwe^. Met.cler^*Ā»n. lltxrgpA. Jti-tRins Riri*y Iā€™ee lta. tVrMin, K-\u di, Rhodes. Ku'tttr>ini>u. I!iveĀ«. R >biiisĀ«in. tihephrrd. Smith of VVnstiiiiglon. :*iauciII. VV'illlnintā€”33. In iti*^ S 'paio. on 1 nurĀ« :ay mr liak^at U.rpui Hi cussioow' ouniinu"d Mr Ccj-'l-t.d a .Ā» o*ting aia sub Bt\iute, Mc'^srs Hherpe aud Brown tb? ooiumitieeā€™s resoiuticns, an 1 Mr Outlaw air ktast them The reso lot ons (see them in House procee./ibgd above) werĀ« adocied a- foliow.-:ā€” YĀ«Ā»i ā€”.Aditnis of I)nTidĀ»in Ad.tm^ of Guiltur , .Arendell, Kagley, Iterrj, Hlount. Boydpn, Hrown. H.trri9 ol' Rulherford, J nes. ler. l.Ā«\icti. Muirill. .Nenl. f^Hon. Pairtck. !> mder^. Sharp*ā€™, alaanhlfr, Siiilih ot Msron. rtinitb of f*iaiily, Tsylor ol t'nilhaiii. VV.irrt-n. W.mley, VVr.eht ā€” ,\iT( ā€” .Aycovk. Cartoway.C..pelnnd, Uickson, KlliĀ». Fal-jin, (tall, llarf.s ul t'runklin. tlukp. Itulema.i, l^iu.ii.y. (latKw, i'ltrblunt, Piiwell Slui|>son. Sraā€™ib of .Anton, VVbtif >rd, ITiggtĀ»s, Tmngā€”Itf. At ih.' at.w nooa srsaioa tue reaoluiion tor exemption of dL.Ā«te otuoers was pa8^Ā«;d. vr^riuus aa...udmeLts to give up to ooukoription miiitia cfiioers, &o., having been re- jectej. In Ihe Commons, ou ThurĀ«dĀ»y, Mr Shepherd, from the cuiuujiiiee of Finance, reportea a resoluiion con- cerniug Ooafedvraie TreaĀ«ury Njtes ia tue State Trea sury, HUi a bill tj appropriAie money for the m.tiiHry pstĀ»bliBhmeot of tbe Kinteā€”(appropricitca ā™¦l,'jU5.fcuO ) .Mr McL'ormica irooi the j nut asit ct commiitee oa lui preiTmeuis, i e^>orted a oili to difcui'e tap oitis^un of N octa t'ar.uiui from Ā«2.kt impresam-'ntd and othei se^laieo cf property i'-ie resulutions ounceruit.g U iv V^^ace i SO Jitys wrre afctn up, *u 1 ihe question recurring ca tue aupna- ment offer.:d by .Ā«li. t'.uob, cxpreasiv* ot aoi ilenc* in the patriotism aui integrity of Presidetit Uatib, the amendment waa withdrawn and the resolutions as seui f sm tie ijĀ«a.t(.e wcro adopted Mr Snephcru s reao- iutiau* in rcft-rouoe to a b^iaia of Peace were t*kĀ«3n up. Tae^ Were: ā€” Roolved. 'I'hil :hĀ« ri-itrt-MTiiatlT ā€¢ nt itie peopip of .^orih l'Ā«ru. liMu. c nveneJ In il.Ā« (>i;^er.>l .A^x.utily u( ihe ^taie. graiefuHy avki uw.edging the ^.a>.infĀ» of .A ru.ghiv l>jd at the present and iii t!ie pn.t. a.-:d buuiuiy iiuploiinK Hi* help and dehircr&Dc* In Ihe days to come, nnxioua.y. >Ā«. pai.autly auU laiitifuiljr look fi>rward ill ihM happy sea in wueii tUere thill txj an end ol tiliMidilied aud c.irnaifp. wnen pt-ace. purchax-.d Ā»u it will ba with tbe uiuai pre Kious ot liuuian blood, and etlntiliibed oa the twuis of honor and ln)lepeBdrc.e. ahasi Uiseli ouce luore wiibiii our b it4er*. deĀ»o.vr(l. 'I'hat nt-K.iiiatiouĀ« lor peace b> Ibe leparaie act on of aiiy.aeof tha Conttdaraie :^ialei ot .Anirrlra wheiher in a Cob- vpulioii ut tbe people or . iherwiK, la without ao) tanctloo in our lorm ot (ii.vtruiiiaai. ai 4 U icclly ag iinst lb- provisiuiis ul o ir Coua.ituti ID. I* luii .>1 tbe lU'ist srriuu* utiscbiei, ap.irt tmm it* treasotiable letiiltfucy. lu proouong Uiviaions atiuing our^telves. in tiriu.;iiig teproacu aiid duU.Mior upi>u tbe uaine aivl charncer oi the ^UkU , and 111 !.uiuui'tii0Ā« (U lur.liĀ«r rlTuits vf conquest tbe spirit lud temp r >I oar u.iirlul aud uruial Im s Kts .l.ed, liiailbr liii>or> oi .\urtli t'arulina tbruUi|bout ttie pre^eiil Mar. the iĀ«adines. wlia Hiiich tier aa lior.tieii b tvr re- npuiiiWd I ā€¢ all the cnilaol ilie (.uu..ir>. her lai^s saciiaĀ«t;s in men and iiiouet- ibe fix- d detrriiiioition of her ptrupie never iĀ» >ttlnDil to riinquestand i>ubjugaliia, nor to a re louhuucIIou of the Uiiuni, ,Ā»bich ID suijiigaiion loli.ra:el wiih iuitierlie aud uniii uiy t..rbtar- anoe.j ail auc5t me s ncenty aud lb* etrDCSlues> ot our dev ti in tu the cause ot ludeiendruce. aud ibe esialilit ilog of our guvarniuea. oa the U1041 hoo.irAbie U.isis Kevi.ved. rhut the pĀ«..ple of .N.irth Carolina do not desire and will never ask lor uny peace which does not guvautee indcpeu dence to iho^ie of the Couiederaie Stales. wb.>sf destinies b tve been fairly united wi h the Couirderacy h> ihe voice ul tbeir peo ple. and the privileĀ«e ol a tree clivdce to ihusĀ« fvaicb have kĀ«ea tous de.-td d"U iful. Keso.Trd, Tnai we a,-^e upon the c- nsi.iuiioDal autburlUea ol the rouiitry, Pi oiuii uo fining opp rluuity of ā– >rit-ring peace lo tbe eueiuy.oii me terms >et lorih in im Ā«e rooiations. yei having lull c..and lice m tlie p.iiriotisiii and fldeUty ol tlie t'res.danl and of the .-Senate of Ihe oulederaie l>overnuieu(. Ā»aau dt- t>> lue.r judg ritini as ui the in.Mle and t.nir of .e d. .'iiig ntg>iiiMĀ»ias i.i tbe au- tliiiiiiie:! .'t the tā€™ui.ed .'laiet iie.ifvintf .i.at a ioiiiiiiou feel.u^ ol b'liior, inleiesi and sateiy will act iiiip.isa tUe happy results lor Ul and .ā€™Ur p->ilĀ»;my llesolvrd, 1 iiril a cojiy of f ese rrsĀ«,ui;oni be iraiismitied by His ticelleiicy, me i.overn.ir. tĀ»* me Iā€™rrs.deni of lu* Woaiederaie (Stiles and to our i!ei.aiors iu ('oBgrcu. .\tr Viti.iata & r**d iQt .'oiljwiug aa a Bubsuiuie:ā€” Resi-iTeJ, hy me Goueral Assembly of tae Stale if Nofih Caioiitit, r>.ai Wiiiht wo r.g^ra i^e preveui. Wai oeiweeu tae . untelerate atates aua toe Uuitcil Stuiea as a war of self aeleuce, a me part of the tJoafnieraie Statea, yei we do not hesitate to declare, mat, for me aake of humanity, it becomes our goTerunient, tarougu iia appropriate oousiiiuuoaal departmeais, lo :ise iis earaast efforts to put au en.i te mia unuatural and ua- chrisiiaa work of carnage; and to this end we earneaiiy reoommeiid taai. our govcrnmeni, after signal sujcesses of our arms, itnd oa oi&er oooĀ«aious, waea none can im- pu e Its aciio'is lo alarm, insieaU of Ā» sincere deaire Lr peaoc, shall mate lo the goveroineat of our enem^ jio oĀ£c:al olter lur peace, on me uaais ot ludepeuienue tad aiii JualKjr, witn me propoeitiou that me doutiifui b./rjĀ«.r diĀ«toa aualt aeti.le luu 4ueation for i.iiemaelTea, '>y eouireuiiouB to De elected lOr mat pu p^ae, after tut wtihdraWiki ot ail military force* ou both sues irom tueir liiur.s. Hssolvtd, Taat we belieTe this course, on me partol our givcrum-ut, ā€¢ ouiJ be tioiled i.y our pevipl- an. ail'd ery ni an asĀ»urince thit pf.ice will not be unneceaiariiy de layed. nor tbe r i>nIferiiiK>UKne:e't.>..ril> prolnniied Ke.Ā«oived, That wiiile ttie m egou'g is an expression of ihe sentl- iitenif of ihn tieneral \s4i-mb.y tcspccong tba iimnner in wh.oh peice should lie sougtil. we renew our pleilgas of toe resources an4 |mw-rs ol the >lale lo thi; p-oĀ«fi ui!..n ol the war. defensive on our p irt, uiui* ptf-ice 11 obiaiiieil. u,.ou Just and honor iRie terms, and noiil the iiiilep'.ā€™iidcm.e and nationality ot the Confedcrata StaU;* Is esiablistKxl. Un motion of Mr Person, a division of toe queatiou waĀ« I'rdured, aad ice qjestijii Waa lirst upou tae uiotiuu ti) atrke out .Mr 8icp.ad dā€™a rcdoiuiiona: ā€” THl CAMPAWN IH WORTHlRIf TIRGINIA Correapondenoe ef the Riohmond D'spatsh, !it d inst SroTTaTTLTaaia C. H., May 18 ā€”Tha oalm which has tt ^Killed: Lovet Brown ^onntlad: Capt 1 H Arm* Btrong. 8gt O O Hill, Gorp R R Splrht, Regimnnt. W L Wilkins, M ^'arr, W Reeoa, B Reeoa Car^iurd: 8roTTBTi.TaĀ»ia u. tt.. May lo ā€”me oatm wnion l j fJendervon. Site O C Hill. J P Ke*obaĀ«. J Q prevailed along the Hn#- aiĀ«oe the great baitle of the [ Capna, L J Cottle, A Etibanks. Ebi D. lā€˜i h waa broken at an early hour this inornlnc **' ā€œ dawn of day, before any of us bat tbe bravĀ» men who keep watcb in tba trenohsB hĀ»l left our bUrkctfi. the enemy opened a furious artillery ire 'ipno M*j O n. Gordon, of Bwellā€™a airpa. 0!ā€™courafl#?n L'lf?. form erly of Sen Ljaā€™a Btaff, a*sd now oimmitn liDg H**ā€™ artillery of B well's eorpa, was not si w in r'turnin* this early morning fĀ«a'utaion of the Pcderit? a-my For nearly two hours the oanmmie f^inllĀ®d t*'ai Ā»ā€¢ Geltysbarg Tha eacniy sysm^a to bava lOK^spd bis B F Hiirgins. T F Uewitt. C J uses J S Janes, W E Iif1*unĀ» MoCullen, R Merdona. R Odom, L Philiipf. T, P ok r, W VI Sut'on, A Sirapsnn. Wm Thomp^nn, W Wilder, J.io Wiggiud, BB Rpbertscii, A Reh, P R"g f'O. R Saniihn 1]ā€”K lied: C'^rps Wm Sikes, W D Watson Wi'uiidrtā€™; Vf f Toifg ā€™Ā»r>*nred: Lts Z H Lowdermil*, H Lyoi.*; dit'B U A Sikes, D J HavgroTP, i W Siinder. H B ETer.'lt, Cā€™Ā»*ā€˜ps T B J.R R Aldridge. J M Brady, T Rush. W B jiia, B CrnTaa, B ā€¢ Cv>ble, 1> Bl heaviest and best (-ins on thai p.iri of the lines wht'e'i , p j MoMiUan, J Ā«ol.eod, A C Pope. A B?rtng* be had aaaanlted Bvae^sffully on the 12tn. and aU sup j ^ ,p Toung posed tbat another death atruggie for the aiaslery was about to oaear The atiĀ»Ā«k was begua aa soon it wm ligbt enongb for tbe enemy to aeo how to train kia splendid guna upca oar position. Tbe fire was v^ry heavy, and wse 1ā€”Wounded: L' C H ^raige, 8?t W S Plyan. C'>rp-* J Nial. T H l^elvin B B D^miels, J Hollsman, K B J.ao", Asa W Waters, (with Regā€™t.) 8 Winfield CĀ»r> lured: Capt H Stone. Lt T B Barron, Sgt J W l>:Ā»y, W 8 Baru*it Corp B F Rassell, J T Bishop, W Brant(Ā»ii, Garri-8. J L Johnston, T J Lnine. T H LĀ»ntpr T W Millā€œ, T Moore A \ Taylor, Jno D Walton, K B Walton ToĀ»al, killed 8, wcundedai 74, captured 28"^; escapĀ».d Grard tp'^l 848 o irrie-^ into action May 6ā€™-h. 1S64 S. D THR03TON. f'oL 8d N C. Infy. kept up without inlarmission from near fear oā€™clcsk , ^ DĀ»niĀ»!s, J B Davis* W B Ferrell, until six, when tba i.^fantry were brought forward to j ^ ^ V Hodgin. A King, Sami Potter, A J carry the worka. The asianli by the latter. Ijowover, j g ^ Riohardson. B B Tingle, P F Thomason, waa Ā»ery feeble, ths enemy at no time coming nearer 1 j Y^rby than 75 yards from our entrenobments. At many , K_Wouaied: Capt K B Pouns, LU A J I'iastine, Geo places they kent at ihe raipeotful distance of 3 and | K B iwen, B Rivenbark, i A Ennie, T. 800 yard# The artillory llrs waa rer?wsd at seTt^n , j ^ M Upasg, F M Meeks. R H Piner. E J oā€™olook far half aa hour or more, and again at nine, Rā€žgae51.-, S Waller Captarod: Sgtg R L Player, J W anl fresh and earnest efforts were made lo br.ag tbe j (j^rp W W C Ā»wan, J B B'akc, M C Bowden. Infantry np lo their work aa on the 12th, but aM to no j Cbsdwiok, T J CowĀ»a. J M D*al, 0 W Foy, J R purpose. They would advance, but vould not fight as heretofore, beiag easily repulaed, in many intianopR by our sharpshooters and skirmishers alon*. No attsck Wie mad*" upon other parts of the lines A ^rw pri.^on cn were taken, who report that tb** aasanlticg e'lunin oonsiate ' o* 8 000 msn from the Spcond -cd >*ix h oorps, wbn. Ib rrspon'e to a o tll from Gea G. ant li;Ā»d vokin ā€¢cerad their servicfs in tae attack T'je rrisonars rc- rort, aā€™so, the arrival of a division yesterday under Of*n .Augur, compised of tiie ewp.'ping-j of tbĀ® h .sriiliĀ»ls. jAvl* liitd pr-jvo&i-^aarvl hois* a Thes*? rjre b l.er>'d to be the last reinfcrirm'ats that cĀ»n b* *cnt lo ā€¢ran-'., unlfss a portion of the forces op*r*tinit In N"" t'*" G?.'ā€™r ijia and aKamst RioHrooā€™^d frcm bi-liw are rĀ»'a'ljd Correspondence of the Richmond Di'palch, 24 h inĀ»t. NsAm K*oTraTi.Vasi( Ā« C H . M HO About three cā€™cloek on y*:>it8 Uty aft^ruO'Tu. (i*^n Ew-11 oiovĀ»d farwari wi'J* a suffi-iieat fircc in ordir io .'-el the enemyā€™s position on their cxtre'ae riebt, '*or I*ft Gen. Ā£ struck their columns near the u*in roa^ leading from Fredeā€™^ioksburr to Spotiaylvaaia C. 11 . 8 miles irom the for'r.er and 4 miles from the latter placs, %hout 4^ oā€™cl.iok in the aftern'von. From tcia lĀ»me un til Ā» oā€™clock at night, the battle rag'd and roared mfisr furiously The enemy hav'Pg rppuls^d our attack at tempts J in turn to press ua, wheu tney w re hurled back moBt Buccc.SHfolIy. At one time our line of skirmi^bere reached the enemyā€™s wseon tran. whioh was passing along tbe high road, bat were foroed to givs back with out doin;; them any ba^m eave shooting and capturing a few mules About f o clook the firhting ceased, aud our bova fell biok to tbair entret'ohed position During the eafagement we losl s:>me 2&0 men killed, wounded, andmisBiog Gsa Bwallā€™a horse was shot from uad;r him. riving him a hard fall, bnt he is all righl^galn, and 1^ to day in tbs saddle. [C^l Boyd of N. C was killed ] It is soDjeotarsd tha* the enemy musi have lost fully 5*0 in killed and woun Jed. At least tbair prisoncra. of whom we captured Ā®0 or eo estimate Oar loaaea ia Ihs sinoe the s^mpaiga begat: Ā»ill, I am told, foot up bVB 12 000 killed anJ wound ei, of whiok 8000 wā€™ll W *ble to rsiarn to daty io Fonrtttnth N C Tā€”Lee't Army A.ā€”W iiodpd: K H*rdiPloĀ»i M seing: Sg'ZTā€˜>beĀ»u'ln. P.- V?.;un If ; R M MciJtttcbiĀ»n TD Andrews C.ā€”Woundp.1: tā€™orol A B Morton, J H Alfori, 8 R Gnddy A A WaddiU Misaint;: A 1) Lilly Dā€”Wouudc": ā€” K S Mc*"Ā« ā€”K.lliĀ»iJ: J .M Wrrods Wonndei. W A 8ā€˜nrd'vant, {ā€™ CnnrĀ» J RoeĀ« W Co ly Fā€”W. isa Kā€™d: 8gt J M Wbitm;r-, Je'se Stepp 1ā€”K'i; d; L* C Cloi^^cllpr. Wounded: C A Hediick J JB W rfeni'i'. H S Mo-is Hā€”Kill'd: H Puss r Woundā€œd: Ca.pl E Loud-r, I Dry W E Dav!s J J H Clodfrltr, 0 Melton, G Bar riEger Fourth y C Tā€”Let's ilrnijr Aā€”Kll-d: N d B'awley Wounded: J W Hobbs. W N G Hand, Thes Onristie, J W Coan, J B Stinsoa Cā€”Wcuciifd: Cfrpl F A Shuford, M 8 Artbar Missing: Sgt W M Adams Dā€”Wā€™ urded: N Lw, Ā£ Groom, 8gĀ» Mies- iue: W Johuson. Fā€”Killed: Corel J B Farmer. Wonnded: B Flora. 0 ā€”Killed: J P Sdivea Wcnadcd: A Anthon, H A Wise Hā€”Wounded: L Lambert Iā€”Vi-Ā«iing: Private Foster. Kā€”Killed: Sgt O Holshouser. WAR NEW8 From Gen. Lfe\ Armg ā€”^'FATl.oiMVii.i.ii, May 25-ā€”There waa no cngageiueut lovday atjU ā–¼ery little skirĀ»iĀ»hiug. (iraui bus stioug turti- ficatioDb in our Iruiit and i? supp 'tied u> bo luoviav kis main body arosnd stiil uw re tu uur There have been heary fir* s Ut laj exlĀ«ading baĀ«k several mileĀ«t od the Itu * ol the t.euiral Kailromjj anti it is conjectured timt tiie enemy are burniDg tbe track and depota It. is aisu leportoc flj.1i lii, ā€¢neuiy w dcotruyin^ the track b-;iKecu .Uiliyi-i and (Jhestertie!d, oa Ftidcrittk>Ā«burg liailri.aa This saems to indicate that Gram iatauds stiaugia^ his base toward 4 the Peninaala Fium Nuiilt^rn ileurf.a.ā€”AxkAJfTA, May 'Ji ā€”V*'i tttward aLd eaĀ«tward to Coluoibus, the iioiue- ieĀ«B piropie ot >orthern tieurgia arc crowUiiig mi* thiĀ« oi^y t-> await the itisue uf tha iuipeudiag strtt,;gle botween oar army and the eu^ay. Xh* YaDkeea are reported to ba oioving down tj Dailu in foroei this moruing. Somt akiruiiahiog took, place on our extreme left. Several days mtj eUpat3 before a general engag'oeot takes piagg Atlanta, May ā€”Wheeler attasked tā€™agĀ»- ville '1 ueaday and deleated Wolloru s (Javalrj brigade, burning lt>0 and bringing off OU nagooa and 150 priaoners. The yauaees are runaiag cars to Cass Station. SooutĀ« report tbat cLres yankee corps have crofsed Etowan river on the road to Dallas, and aā€™.ill CfOhaing. McPherson ooeupicd Dallas lucsd^ty evening. Slight akir- mishiug t*>a( afternoon and Wednesday moro- ing with Polkā€™s corpi. Toe yaukoes le?y heary contributions as they march, and burn all milla factorius and good reaideuoea. Where owutn have left, they destroy everything. Fankee Raid.ā€” K.lNsros, May 27.ā€”A raid ing party of Col. Ktpkyā€™s >aukee cavalry moved on Ihursday, towards iht Wiimingtou aud W'ei- dĀ»n Haiiruad, irotu Siii phcrdaVtils, aud wcrs met at Smithā€™s Mills, Uaeiow couuly, by ths 2d Stale Troops Battalion Artiliery, and subs cavalry, undar Lieut. Cul. iiear.i of Foik'a re^msat. They were driven back m conluaion. All quiet now.ā€” Goldtln.roā€™ State Journal. Mr MoAJen'a aubsiuute was tnan adopted, as follows: yĀ«*sā€”Messrs. .Allison. Albrittnn, Alford, Arala, Avera, Dam- bardi. Marriiiger, Reall, Beam, Btabury, Best, Hond, Uryan, Burgln, Bariis. ā€˜.irter. Costner. Cowvies, Cr.i(^ Uuke. Dana. Kuy, Uentry, Ulenn. t:reene, tirisioiii, Hampton, Harris of Oiiarros, Harr la of Ciiathtm, llarriMin. Henderson. Haiiry ol Berue, Henry of Hender son. Henden, Howard, Horton, Ijigraia, JeDkins, JudRiut, Keeaer, l>i*a, i.Ā«aiiiers, Ijove, Ijyie. .Ms.ud of Hyde, .Mann of l*asqautanfc, .McAden, .Mct.'ormicK, McKay, .VIcNeiU, .McKae, Masen, Paltersiin, Iā€™earce. Pe.kms. KhiKle^, ttiddick Richards in. Robbins. Kucars, Kasiell of Brunswick, csherwuiid, sihober, riinliti of Suiifu^, iSuruill, Waddell, Wallen, Wakser, WaUiia, Wellborn, WotMluU, lounir ol Iredell, Toung of Tanaeyā€”71. Navsā€”.M*Ā»iĀ«ni. C.ibb, CrawfoBl, Davis. Oaakln*. CUIIam, Rodgn. Ivlrby, i^oweil, Reynoldj, Rivaa., Shepherdā€”11. In mo SĀ»aate, oa Prida^^, dir. Boyden presented a bill for securing tae n^ht of ibe k^em evrpne writ. The bill 8 ispeudiug State laxsB waa rejected. That appro- pnati 1^ ;|)76,tAK) lo Deaf ftnu Daint> Asylum was passed; aias, ibr^i apiirajriating Sl,000,00J for families of indi- geti .^oi'lierh. The llouat' resolutions relating to basis of piitco were Huopced. Uoaso bill requiring milldrs to irt>i.i. f>r I 10 iĀ» ,j p.tLified. lu t le Cjmiu ai, oa Friday, Mr. Person introdacau a rcrtoiafion eiprisstng oonfideuce in toe ability ana latGgriiy of me PreaiutrSt and thanks to our soldiers, wuich waa refeiTta ;o a Gom'mittee. Mr. 8hep- heiā€™d repm-od reuoiutioi.s aaifaofjiing the Qovernor to api'Oint two or more fin-.tnsial agsnta to managa the bl0!iit*de ruuuing boaiueas Bills authoriaing extra Heshions of the Supr-nue Court, and to prevent liqu>.r were p ā€¢A To the FreaiUdQ of Camberland County, Bv reqasat, i .sgain auuouuce myaeif ā– * candiaate lor the offioe of daeriff of Cumberiaad oouaty. Snoold 1 ne elected, I can only promiae as before to clidoharge Its dut.dB wtth wltM ainiM|f I aia/ poaaesa. Near laaovsr Junction, 'i4ay 23 ā€”\bou; dusk on S^tnrday sveniog a lin* of ba'tle. conslstinr 8oal''sā€™s * d LĀ«asā€™s N. C. and Davisā€™s Miss. brig%dĀ»B. mcvsl forward from ihe entreacbments in front of **p tiĀ«ylva- nia C H, and, aided by a brisk artillery fire from our ā€¢wn gans, aBiauttel and carried the enemyā€™s breast works tbsn hsld by a eingls line cf skirmiehsr* from tlie Sā€™xth army corps, capturing a few r-riB''nsra, buā€™ 1 )sinf rather heavily in killed and wounoed, inasmuch as the enemy were posted oebind strong cntrenflh menis and oar llns of advaacs lay tbrx'gh a taagltd and Tgrcwth This reoonaolseanoe, for susb it waa. revealed the fact that tbe enemyā€™s whole army was certainly in mo tion Gon Lse had supposed as mnch e>rlter in the dĀ«y, and daring tb* morning Bwellā€™a oorpa left lbs ^ront, moviof ia tbe ā€¢Mreatlon of CheeterflĀ»;.i fetation So aorn as this recontioissanor was maj* cverylhtng started rearwardsā€”a general ekedaJdlirg am tg am ra'atoes and wagons. Ju^t aft^r dark the wbcle ar my ā€˜-was iu moiioa.ā€ .^11 that night the team* w-rc ā– ā€˜ioving rearwards The troops, however, bad a ebon r.-apite of rrst, but wrre again on tbe msrch before dttj break .411 day to day the iroops have been pushing rap i lly forward through tbe heat and dust with a will aad spā€™rit tbat speak their own common H'kb Orrrespondeace of tbe Rā€™chmond Dispato'i, 25 b iast HaMOTsa Jcssrioa, May 'It.ā€”TĀ»Bterday ths arrav took position bthiad the NortI Aboa river, s*b* 25 oiiles due North frĀ«m Richmond Bf reference to the map the reader will ass that Grant, haviag move i lo the r5Ā«rbt of Spottsylvacia 0. H . across tbe Ny, the north ern brand of the Matiapony, might safely throw his ā€¢imy down the east bank of the latter ttrĀ»am on our right flank advanoing all tks timt apon tbe ars of a circle in ths direction of Riobmond Gen L*e was i.n ^cirn^ad of this movemen!, and suoo*e.lf.l iu ctiettttnp u mjmrntarily on tbs evenicg of the I9th, when Ewsli aarcbed out of tbe trenc' ss aud struck the enemy in flank and rear Ths F'd^ral atmv having heā€™*n tr*ns f rred to the e:at side of the he'tdwaters of the .Matia pony, which it was imp.>Ā»sih e to prevent, and havia* -lAmmsoced to move down and proba^'ly 85ro-Ā«s to tbr I'lith side of that river, do a'.ā€™ernaiive was lef- G-nā€™l L'e but to make a new dispoeiiion of his forces The iatervention of the river and the dense woods betwe a ihe Mat, tbe Ta, the Po and tbe Ny (from whioh is de rived th* name of the comu;''n stream which they form, lbs Mat-ta-po-ny,) afforded tirant a good screen, and enabled him to conduct the movement with comparative secrecy Booth of the Rappahanaook, Qen Lseā€™j proper po sition, as any one of common intelltgenoe can perceive, is behind the North Anna or tbe Pamunkey It ia stronger than the position at Spottsylvania C H , from which all of f rantā€™s army wag enable to dislodge him; it gives him a shorter line hy one half to defe-d. aad wo railroads over whioh to bring b;B supplies. Ia pro- p->rtioD. toe, as the lengm of his 'iwn line of com.uum canon is diminished that of his antagonist is increased, unless the latter change his base from the Rippahan- nook to York river. P. W. A. CARVALTIER IN N. C. TROOPS. 9d N. C Trooftā€”LeĀ»e Army. M^y 9th to 15'4. Field ani S>affā€”Wounde -: CjI 8 D rhruatun, r C James, Sgt Vlajor R C Moiiee. Uapturtrd: Lt C .d W M P*ral*v M*J W I Enneit. Aā€”Killed: J L Cole Wounded: Lt Uti.^ry Bryaat, Corp R U Sagg. Jno Alien, J *V jiay. H -yw >od Hcaia, titfbj Jones, Geo Shirley, J H B^si. and J R B >at. ap lureii: Lta Joa DĀ«rdvu aad C C Lisae. Sgia .H F Ratt iolph, W M Bryant and Olia Moore, Oorpa U R Prid 8Ā«eĀ»nd If C Tā€”Ltt't Army. Bā€”Wonnded: Wm Rowe Missā€™ng: Martin Tfaomell. Cā€”Wounded: W H Hopkins ?ad F M Morgan, seri ously. Miaaing: C B Joires 1>ā€”W:nn'*ed: S Keith Missing: 8 Pettiway. Bā€”M.asl"r: Lt J M Hobā€˜ton Killed: A SimaoBB Wounded: J F Thompson J Ward; O G Steele mortally ā€” ainc^ died Fā€”Woun^ed; Torpl Falsb'fs W W "oward Gā€”Wounded: A Hu?gina, H H Tosnd, W A Lane ^'ā€™ntid^d: tā€™l rtl PitlĀ«; J F Rawiss, mortally, dĀ«Ā«d M'Ā«si!17: C'rpl Wade. Kā€”Wocnded: N F Budd Miaaing: J D Oliver Firtt y C Tā€”I/u't Armji Fieldā€”Wjandt.d: Col H A Browa, dasgeront, la~Ā»; M%J L C Latiiam, abd men Misaiag: Lt Coi J ^ Howrll Aā€”Woun l*.t L*. J A Morgan. Miasing: Capt T L JobBSon B-K !lĀ»d: L' L J Curtis Cā€”Wcundfd: fā€™apt W H Thompsoa, Lt Cbarlsa. Miftfixg; Lt McMillan Dā€”Woun^c-J: Capt Williamson. Killed: Lt Howard. G-Mi*Btng: Cap: N J WhileharaL, Ltj J A Lalham, J M Hurget Hā€”W'ounded: Capt A Mitell Misaing: Lta J M Onithi>r, J B Coffi^ld Iā€”Miss'ng: Ca^t Fowler. D Beartateld, Lt Carver. Wi,nadā€œd: Lt PĀ»:tergon Kā€”Missing: Capt W H Day. Wounded: Dr C Branch, sine* 4?ad. T^irtuth y C Tā€”Lte'$ Army. A ā€” Toandcd: Color S?Ā» Wm P nningtea. J M Kelly Mifl'inr: Cjrpl W E Btsn, R McKicsey, L W Johnson Bā€”Wonnde': Peter Baff, D U NeaJ, M 8 Pegram Miaajnv: Sgt J D Sbearā€™a. Isaac R ggan Cā€”Woun led: Rraben Fmith Missing: R Hiokmae Dā€”W->un>led: W H Moore, Walter Bl wards. Mias Ing: R H B Thomas Eā€”Killed:. J W Wells Woande.l: B W Bistick t W (ā€™i*To lauglj, Adin Evans Misstag: J W Br*y F-K llsd: Sgt W T WhitĀ«>hC!rBt Wounied: Capt W M B M lore, Corpl R E Pit mao, T R Et>p!ss, Jas Jjbn s n. Il.'id Phillips, L w algteia. Missing: Jas Hatbway W 8 t'nap, W Corbet'. G ā€”K IIcJ: Corpl WPS **more. H ā€” K il.'i!: Sgt S .Mor.'isju Wounded: ā€” MoLoyd, J icks> T+vlor, G W Cole Mtfsing: W 0 Cox, M J raom^s I ā€”Missing: Wm Griffin Kā€”Kā€™lied: .ā€˜ā€™audv Johnson Wounded: 8 L Diokson, J O 4all. ā€” M^sengale, D W Miller Missing: Wm dample. Geo Dann, Wm Bailey. . V'Eisā€”Messrs. ,,7;': y. _ ^ H U*m, J H AlJnd.;e. T J Applewiitv Wilev BarrinKer. Benimry, l|pl. Ā» ^^ ^ xti^WK i m Ā«i.!ā€”k..._ b Ā» 'Ā» try. Uienii. Uri>..Ā«.>iii. llani|i ā€¢Ā». llarriMin. Ilcnr> ol U. rile, Howard, llorlun, Ingram, Jenki >.. K.e;uer, l.aws. .Mann of f.t3i(UoiaDk, Mc- .A.ien.''t* iifiiiicK. .McKa,. .^Ic.Neiii, .McKae .Sis..en, Falkrson, Peaire. Perk n:., ithmles. Rifldick, R.iiler. Itoabins.' Kngent, Rossell of Briiiiswirk, ShoHer, .-miil1i .iI (iinil ird. S,ifuill, VVaiien, VViWser, VVat'on, VVelilMiin, VVĀ«a) all. You. gotlrede l. Vo.iiig i.| V ancfcf ā€”it. Avaā€”.\les3rs. .Aiiil->, IK- I. Br.*.vii. U.^ai. Huinp.-is.t, Hti.gm, Burns, I o.>lĀ», Ā«;o-ā€˜iutt, ā€¢ laWI.ird. Uavis, Kuke. r'.i>. Georue, Uil- liaiii. Hari IS of C tU.irrUi, ii irris .il iia.Umi, H twus, Henderson, Hea^'-n, Henry of liemler'toii, Hudgas, Joyuer, Judkins. Kirliy, Ljelbin.i Ids, oxan, . .oiiif, l.ove, Liy le, ....eathers. i*ar..>n, Puwell, Reynolds, Relnii irdl, Kichardtuu, Uivaa, ftass, cinepberd, Sher wood. iStmclli, W.iddaliā€”42. tarlor, Jaa Pn^ Jno Ruff. B A Ruff J T Rsndoipu, kV L Ran lolph, W Skinner, W Sairley, J H 0 iā€™Ā»ylur, J W fayior, T I Faylur, J Waiawrigot Bā€”Wonnded: Onpt JoUu B cirown, Lt G W Ward, 'orp A Lanier, W Deal. C K Hua er B W L^nte', tl R WMoaurn, J PĀ»rker, L Htgisi. r, W i Rivoubark. N Waiifirid. Captured: ftgte A J J fen^on, A B F ederiok r J Whufleld, orp B G Lamer. J 0 Bsll, J T Bishop, F W Brinson W D Chambers, W Davia, W Hall, J W Haackey, H W Hunter, Bii Lamer, Lowir Lanier, H Q xfasnbarn, G B McGowan, N L MoLauohii i. W Page, W H Pioket, M Sumner, B Thigaea, P B W -riey Cā€”Woandech Bgts H B Bailer, Corpa P Bain. David Williford, W G Davis, Allen Arnett, Jr, D R West. iJaptnred: Gapt U W Horne, Liect C P Malictt, Sgts J r Mullins, DanI Robertson, If H Ameit, J C Bryant. G I Ualcutt, A M Fields, T W Guuon. W B Horae, ft Jobn- aon, A h Ledbetter, O MoPhatter, N MoCall, B R New- b11> a j Ray, C P Riley, W J Smith, W Taao.ktion, J Ml L W allaoe, Sion Williford, H J Williford, J A Fisher. Dā€”Killed: Sgt Jesse R Jernigan, Corp R W Best, (bounded: Corp D W Wood, Jaa Needham, J B Neel. W Wallaue, W X Stine, J F Branen, J Smita, W Baggios. Captured: Jno Gowan. Sgt Jno Caatine, iTey /nieu, Ja cob Beasley, Ribl Ohase, Z Caetine, J P Davia, Geo English, Chas Bnglish, Ā£ Frederick, P Frederick, Jaa Ganey. J H Harrell, Mattnew Hart, W Jolley, T N Man- atag. Noah MoCumber, Orem MoCumber, Luke Mo- Liawhora, Alfred MoLkwaotn, J T Rioaelte, W B Taei. ā€”WoUudea: Sgi U H MiUis, J J C^naly, L H.Ā»rti an K Hoooa, tiarbor, doru**, Captured: Capt J L Cantwell, LtalJ Picket, C MoOlam- my, G M Crapou, Sgts W A Montgomery, J D Sollara J B Smith, Corps TaoaPrevau, J P Prevatt. J A Whiteā€™ Geo W Brantly, M B/Ā«aor, B Braffork, A W Moore N Carter, A Charles, C Davis, A O Duanigaa, Jas Hioka PE\CE PROPOSITIONS IN OONGRE3S. In the Hccae of Representatives, on Monday last Mr. J. T. L-^aoh, of North Carolina, submitted tbe f>l lowing preaiable and reaolationB, whioh were read by the Clerk, creating quite a sensation on the floor, among the privileged seats and the galleries: "Wnereas, The unoonstitulional enaotment of lawt^ by the Congress of the T7ailed States upon eubjeets of vitsi importanoe to the narmony and independence of tae States, tbe happiness and prosperity of the people, the preservation Mid perpetuation of the Union, against 'tie demands of Juatioe. ths appeals and aJmonitions f her best and wisest statesmen, madĀ« it our painful duty ;o f*ll hack upon tbe rignts for whioh the colonies maiatained the war of tno R^ivolutian, and wbioh our .orefataera asserted and maintained to be clear and iaai.enable. ā€¢ā€¢Rfsolved, by the Cjogress of the Conffderate Slaves, Tuat tbā€œ deleg-vte.i trom each State, aotiaj in iiti f.ov.'rrign and independent oiiaraoter, for the pur pose rif sliiitig moral to our phyeioal force, arid plaoinc our^tives praperly before the civil i .i world, do DĀ»aat earneaiiy appeal to the President, by nnd with tfco ā– vdvict* an.d cotisent of the Sena'c, to appoint coaimis- Bl'-cers, whoā€˜o daty il shall b. to propoae an araisilc of ninety days to the proper autbor>t:Ā«R cf the Federal Government, preliminary to negotiation upon St*ir sovereignty and Independence; and the said conmis "loners anan report tĀ» -wg.t.ssg ta the Presideiit the *nawcr received from the Federal OoTernment npon the lUbJcct ā€¢ā€¢Resolveil, that should the praoe ma'&ing power of ā– ie.FĀ«*d;ir%l Goverumsnt Hcoede lo t a proposiiion for ftu aim S..100 ot ninciy dit^s. the Pre.^idvm be request ed lo coavfue tae Congre^s of the ConfederaU; 8iĀ»teĀ« lor the purpose of appointing oomā€™ni-sionflrs. by and with the conssot and advice of the Senate; and tiiat he oe also riqaest-.'d to notify the Exec^ttiTe of the several States of 'ne fact, and a>k their oo-op>traiion by ap poindag oomniiiiioners, either by the Legislatures or by t.'on entiea, to ej operate with the ocmmiasioners appointed by the President, and to negotiate with the commissioners appointed by the Federal Government upon suoh terms of f .*aoe as will be oonsistent with the honur, d'gaity and iadependcnoe of the Slates, and compatible with the safety of our soeial and politieal rigsie Resolved, That in maintaining the rights guaranteed to us by the blood and treasare o* oar tevoluiionary fathers, and dear at all times to freemen, we desire to be it*! alone. We ask no manā€™s property; we fight not for conquest, but for our rigits, the independence of the States, onr equality, our eivil anl religioaa hhertiea. ā€œResolved. That saoh terms of peaee as sgreed to by ihe oommissioners ought to be endorsed by the Presi dent and Senate, aad auSmitted to the people for their ralifioati-jn or rejectioa.ā€ .VIr. Fooie movĀ«*d taat the reaolaiioas b* referred to idgera aad Logan did not vote Most of ttie Hieka, J W8iiĀ«|r. iiiiroduetion inopportune, anddeolared that North ( arolin!a wanted peace only with indepecdsuoe. Mr Fdller, like hi.-* ooasiiiuetiis, was ā€˜ā€¢wiolly opposed to any idea of reoonjtruouoa or of affiliation with tho Norta on any other terais 'has reoo jarion and inde pendenoe.ā€ Mr. Leaoh said hia resolutions did uet eoa* temgjate ā– fr^KnuHuouoa on ssfiaraie Reliable Xcwt from the Iram-Miuittippi A friend was prcscat in Augutiui, Iriday after noon, at the i'iantersā€™ Hotel, where a pariy of gentlemen had the pleasure ot nearing a very intcrebtiug narrative oi events which have reecui- Ij transpired on the wc*Bt bank of the 31igsuaippi, irom three prominent citiiens of that pait ul tne Confederacy, one of wtiom was a general oficer wbo lett the field of operations on the bth Ilsi. The narrator said that Steeleā€™s army uumbere^ about 1Ā»,00U men, with a tine equipment ot ma terial ot war, all of which was captured by PnoĀ« His entire force (except 24UU minted troopij had been either killed, wounded or lakeu prisooen Bknksā€™s army numbered about ij2,UUU, ooij o,Uv)U of whom had made theii: eacape, tUe rcBidu* having been tliBpwaed of in the tauie maacar m the coumand ut Sieele. The lore^s ot Kub) Smith Lad only 16 t> pomad rifltiguua witliwtiiefe to light Banks's forcea, but he now-luu 71 pmoss of artidery, eight ot wtiiob are pounder i'aitots, torty seven l2 pounder ^iapoleona, and aizteen ^ pounders. Among the fttores were 16 wagoo* loaded with medicjues, ambulances, (ths lirtt tbat our army had ever seen) all ot the eaemy'i ordnance, eommissary and |4artermaster's itorea, and 20,0uU emali Ā»ru.is, aā€™juounuog to a eomplete outfit, which they had never hau t/etore. They now feel able to say to their breihren on this side of the Mississippi, that they weuld give ā€¢ good account of the remnant of the enemy left 10 their department, or in other words that they in tended to clean ttiem out, and establish Contuder- ate independence west ot tne Mississippi. Sa9annah Republican, 24ih. The fight on the J^rrth Anna.ā€”Of the tight at the telegraph Bridge, mentioned by (itn. Leeā€™s dispacuii in our laet, the iiichmond Du- patch of ttie 2dth says: We are inlormed tha( the bridge was detended by the Ā«i7th and ilid North Carolina regiments, aud that the fight wu of the most desperate enaraetor. Our men stood their ground m.iutu(iy, aud only retired afier nearly all were killed or wounded. About > hunured of those wounded in this figut were brought to tue city yesterday. Reportfd t apture 0/ u Blockade Runner.ā€” The steamer Greyliound has been captured by ibe blockading fleet off W ilu.ington. She had SUO bales of (iovernment ooitou ou board, ana amoug her pa:jscngers was Mr Jadward A. Pollard, uf ibu city, wlio was on his way tu i^urope tu superintend ttie publittaUon ot his History ot the War. Richmond Dapatck. Change in the Military Department of Rich- m*>n l. ā€” VV'e understand that Brig. Gen John H. Wiuder was yesterday relieved ol his oom* mand in this Department, and ordered to report to Cxeu. Beauregard) with headquarters at Golds- borough, N. C. It is understood that Gen. Winder will be assigned 10 the field.ā€”Exā€™r. Loue* in Leeā€™t Army.ā€”Gen. Lee haa received the reports of all hta Guuerals up to the Ifith. His eutire lossā€”killed, wounded, and missing, can be covered by a Ugure not excoediug 14,UUU. Grunt has lu^c live to.l>is one, and the inequality uriginallj existing has almott been overcome. Richmond Vitpatchf 'lAtk. Well Deserved Proinoti*nā€”At the instance ot the General oun:ia>aadiag the Trans-Mississippi Department, Major Gonorai Hichard Taylor nai bad cunlerred un him tbe rank and title ol Lieu tenant General.ā€”Richhwnd Death of Gen. Jcnkina.ā€”We are truly sorry to auuuunce ibe death ut Geu. Albert G. Jeukiai, who was severely wuunded lu tue late figbt near Dublin Deput. Hia Wuuud Was SUCH to re quire the removal ot au arm ai tbe shouider-joiot ā€”an operation trom woich he did not recover. The Wounded.ā€”A.ocotdiag to official estimates, the number of wounded now in this city is be- tweĀ«a SIX and seven tliousand ā€”Rich. ā€” - V Col. Avery.ā€” We r^oioe to hear that the rumor of the death of Ool. C. M. Avery ia not true- We sincerely trust that this faithful and gallant oftcer way be spared, if not to serve longer in tiis field, to his family and iriendsj for the State doth not oontaia ā€¢ better, nobler loa than he. Raleigh tJonfederaH. Wilmington Money Market.ā€”7 30 notes are current at $8U. Specie has declined, and the bro kers are now baying at the following rates: Gold $16 for onej Silver $15 for one. Bank Motes ā€” Virginia and South Carolina $2 for one; aod North Carolina $2 50 to $8 lor one. N. C. Trea sury Notes $1 25 for one.ā€” Hii. Journal 2bth. HldO ttIilĀ„ARO. OSf ia Faye iu\iiie ā€žu ..oc _o.a or A'iiti ot April, or . J ou me Faynttevilia aoa Aloeai rie Plaac Hiad, s 1:'AvJBAGE of .vIONjSY, 00 isting of lO'a, 20ā€™a aad I Ā» n.y. I wiu p*y t**Ā® AO may havs found it il 50 doUai: oill, Coafedar- aoove reward to aay pen they will leave it at the O uie. FayetteviUe, May 24. Slieetlagg, 6000 - Ā«r ofije or deliver it w ; R. SCARBROUOU 86-2t^ ^ id TĀ«ba0O9 i tv I OBi ThĀ» 81TCAT10 gtnj material cha ^rant t> ar nearer tu Hiehm ae usual. TLc indeed it u tuuK Johnstuu Las There is Ibe n from the Trans-] The peopie ar Thi HaBSaa vailed to a conai North OaroliDa, ewrpus by the lai ā€¢ statement by stances exiating In a speech in C this State edectc said that the Pre cret session.) ref disloyalty and tn from spies, incenc no special referei distinction was dr delegation, dividi the passage of th honor and seDsiti edtiaens, bad nevĀ« manner in which State, or of any guage or thought Message had nut in it but what w{ that the Prewiden ftom our own peo cirO.amstancea wh to the enemy. W'e are glad to| Tdk Vhrt Kr notions, the offspi the so-called pea( with appareut tĀ»ai treaty of peace tl tttates to a vote tias introduced th Congress laid upt ther and atipiilaii eommis^ioners to federate States tsuch propoBitio Confederate guvei the iJonstitutiun, The pt-ople the ms the Confederate g rights, such aa th with proper undei mong these is thi elare war and mak full of brains mas the people cannot Leaoh and Mr. H know this. But it pie to tell them tl treaty of peace, but it is an insult flatter, for did no' power iu the Coni gognee pretend ti they were about, which they had eo. the Confederate g foelery. ā™¦ioT. Ghaham Richmond papers Uvered by Gov. G on Tuesday last The Whig couipli ā€œMr. Graham, length on the hal ground that the a writ was not only tion, bat also eiic sucb a stringent disaffection iu om us that uo such concluded his ren Carolina Iruni im{ em cause. Tne cellent temper, ai elegauce of rhet which secored for ā€¢ of the Senators p In a brief skett given by the Exj course was for m Imprison disloyal right to do, ā€˜ā€˜and as any one in paĀ» Generals who, by had arrested inao ā€œMr. Graham s one supposed tha State had at any law, that opinio When Lincoln, b war, she .said tliet threw herseil, he* in the manner in coQtnbutiun to tb valor of her sol might challenge c Confederacy, li General of North tributed to the wi ments. the mustĀ«T ceiv(ā€˜d. Of this 1 the Held. When Wilderness with tl of the world, one- ians. Ue knew o dacetl by the dĀ«*ai wounded in the hi ā€œHe did not thi either necessary prepared to say t ent law shoald r limitation, lie on the necks of tl if a bill, properly habeas corpus, si know that ne she The vote wsvs 1 ^uire into the ex] sion I aod it was There are sevi jCongre?6ionai pt torial remark. "With ail our el make room for t CoMMCXK ATIC ā–¼ irginia we had' band, and the lu mast be patient, ttiem. Proceed and politica. 8j)t ring events ->f th RELIl Acknowledged i Received trum I Uf- Kyle, 5 pieeT

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